s0s0ur · 4 years
Growing boys and their internet history 😢
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        “Please- just don’t talk about my internet history.” 
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nezukoo · 4 years
@nothingamaziing​ said: Huh..I figured you would be older than you look. //smol and tall starter
                        short tall sentence starters / sorry for this being late!! 
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      her head tilted.  did she not look her age?  it made nezuko blink rapidly as she stared questionably at the other. just because she was a little shorter did not mean she was young! the clawed fingers were perched upon her hip as she was visibly pouting. what made her seem younger??  well, perhaps for starter how she was visibly throwing a temper tantrum .. and not even her full height. ‘ hmph, hmph.’ she snorted out - ‘ nezuko is older enough.’ 
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soratia · 5 years
✻ - our muses are both innocent but end up in a holding cell and the guy in the corner is definitely not innocent. (Which ever muse you feel)
awkward situations . not accepting
   how was she going to explain that she was about to spend a whole night inside that tiny cell to her parents and brothers? how was she going to explain that she was confused by someone else entirely? a, she can feel the tears running on her cheeks. well - at least she had some company, am I right? by the screaming before entering her cell, he was also caught wrongly. it seemed like the police officer on patrol had a very eye acuity, right?
   a, the company - her, him and… that. it was a human of course but… Tsubame didn’t really try to eye them that much to make that certain. her? angelic and cute as she was? completely innocent. the boy next to her? didn’t seem like the type of crime-rebel-person so - innocent on her ways. THAT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THEIR CELL? very much guilty! a, the tears are spilling again.
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      “ mister - ” female whispers, “ if I die first - will you tell my parents that I love them? ” she was terrified, to say the very least. “ and tell Busabusa and Zume that it’s all their fault and I’ll haunt them forevermore as their karma. ” not terrified enough to be lovable enough to her brothers though.
      “ aa - I’ll also listen to a wish of yours, of course! I can even pray for your parting soul if you go first!! ” she’s already putting her hands together and calling whoever entity would listen to her first.
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vvolves · 5 years
❛ I don’t know what you think you know, but you’re wrong. ❜
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“Brillant statement - what wealth of knowledge do you have to offer me then, brain boy?”
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howlins · 6 years
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   ❝  OH... !  ❞  SO DISTRACTED BY HER PHONE,  she’d neglected to notice her little spectral friend had laid her cold,  DEAD  hands on the boy’s shoulders. Judging by his reaction, he was starting to feel an unnatural  CHILL,  and maybe the weight of the dead woman’s hands. Could he see her, though... ?  ❝  Don’t mind her, she’s just a lil handsy. I wouldn’t go making any sudden movements, though... she likes to  BITE,  too.  ❞  Okay, maybe that last joke was a little mean...
@nothingamaziing ❤’d !
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atomdoublet · 6 years
Merry Christmas~!
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        She bows her head. He looks happy. It’s a good look on him, but it makes her cheeks burn, her innards twist and burst. It’s an impure feeling. How does he feel about her? Is it a mutual feeling? One moment it is, and the next it’s nothing more than anything else.
        She inhales. He can’t suspect anything. It’s cold outside. Of course the wind will chap her cheeks. “Merry Christmas, Naota.” Her voice is muffled, nose buried into her scarf. This wasn’t a good day to wear lip gloss. One gloved hand reaches out to brush his fingers. “Are you sure you want to hang out today? People will get the wrong idea.” After all, Christmas was for lovers. Anyone would be forgiven for assuming they were a couple.
        “I didn’t get you anything, by the way. Nothing fancy, anyway. I didn’t know if there would be a gift exchange.” Her free hand reached into her purse, then pulled out a flat plastic square. Within its clamshell design lay a CD. When he found the time to listen to it, he would find four short tracks. Each song was original, performed by her with piano accompaniment. After what he did for her birthday, she owed him this much at least.
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gokiburikko · 3 years
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@nothingamaziing​ said: Pinches cheek.
unprompted (always accepting)
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    “Naota, you dummy!” She bats his hand away—gently—but swats at it twice for emphasis. “Don’t make fun of my fears. One day you’ll pull my cheek and it won’t bounce back! I’ll have to walk around with one cheek sagging to my shoulder and it won’t be cute at all. How does it feel when I do it to you, huh?” Immediately, she launches into action, fingers like pincers zeroed in on his face.
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cauticnarytail · 6 years
( @nothingamaziing | Liked~ )
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“Hey, kid.” Her gaze is hard, atone to stone, but her body language is far more than relaxed. Did she always have that aggravated look on her face? Surely it got tiring after a while. 
“You know which drinks from this vending machine are best? Can’t say I’ve ever heard of any of these brands before.”
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waveworn · 7 years
@nothingamaziing wants to celebrate the holidays
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         “You know...you’re quite a hard boy to get ahold of. I know it’s well past Christmas, but I wanted to give you something.” They’d spoken since then, of course, but she hadn’t had the present on her. After their last encounter, she made it a point to carry it with her at all times with the hope that they’d find each other again. “So, um. Here. I know we’re not best friends or anything, but I thought you deserved something...that’s not weird, right?” 
           She handed him a small gift bag. In it, he would find a few packages of candy and a hand-knit pair of gloves. She wasn’t sure if he was the type to wear them, but he needed better protection from the cold. That, and he didn’t seem like the scarf type. “I don’t know if they’ll fit, but they’re stretchy. Er. I hope you enjoy.”
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s0s0ur · 4 years
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            He had gotten home only a week early before he planned. He wanted to surprise his baby brother. Who he hadn't seen in a while and he was sure it was mighty overdue. Plus someone in the family had to make sure Naota hadn't drowned in this backwater hick town.
What he wasn't expecting was seeing the massive tvheaded robot in his family home kitchen. With his lounge slung over his shoulder suddenly slipping off his shoulders and hitting the ground with an unceremonious thud. His head tilted and he spoke-
        "What the hell are you?" Was something his father had wasted money on? He knew that iron had moved into the small town promising jobs and new technology. But this was taking it a bit far. Did it even have a name?
He bet it had a name seeing how if naota was still around. He'd have a soft enough soul to name it. 
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nezukoo · 6 years
 @nothingamaziing has joined noelle at the arcade !! 
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                    ✂   ‘ - well, don’t be toooo upset if i beat ya!’ i taunt on her hand, noelle knew when her abilities for her claims would come in handy. the brunette smiled over at her competitor that seemed very irked by her very sight- and was obviously bothered by her being there at the small arcade.  but, she was going to put an end towards that real fast. ‘ - shall we play?’ her lips curled into a bright smile as they were going to face off in one of her favorite fighting games. 
 a grasp upon the joy stick - and her fingers placed right where they needed to be along the button counsel - noelle was ready as she picked her three favorite characters towards this tag team event. 
 time had started, people were cheering on both her and the guy who thought he was much better then she was - took on each other in this battle. at first, she lost one of her users and that made her stomach curl right up - but she wasn’t going to give up at such a pace. she was going to give this guy a hard time , that was for damn sure as she pressed the buttons a little harder - till she took out not one, but two and slowly worked at the third. 
 switching upon her two teammates - the hard hitter of the team did just what she needed them - and within minutes - THEY were out. the guy .. sat devastated when the final match was over, and noelle turned her head over towards his direction with a smile upon her lips. 
 ‘ YOU CHEATED.’ she heard him cry out, as he got up in a fume and left in a pout. 
 she had blinked, but then - laughed. ‘ .. i didn’t .. take him for such a bad sport.’ she leaned in towards where her friend should have been at, only to be surprised when she turned her sights upon someone else who was not her friend. 
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   ‘ OH - er, you’re not - .. oh. sorry. haha ..’
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unladylikc · 5 years
“If you didn’t just blink I would’ve sworn you were dead, I almost poked you with a stick."
【 👓 ;; Terrible habits and self sabotaging galore 】
Worried Starters / Still Accepting !!
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     “ …Do you normally make it a habit to poke girls half dead from exhaustion with sticks? Where did you get that, anyways? From someone else’s lawn? ”
        ↬ @nothingamaziing┆???┆
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alterspeed-blog · 7 years
@nothingamaziing sc
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You were finishing your 4th cup of Dead Eye coffee, once it was empty you tossed the cup at a nearby trash can not really caring if it landed inside or not. However, now you were beyond bored and it was getting rather dark as well. However, your eyes spotted someone in the distance that seemed like they were alone. Why, they would be a good distraction for you that’s for sure.
In a second, the great distance that was between you and the stranger was now closed. Your speed really did make traveling a lot easier that’s for sure. Though now you were behind the stranger wondering if you could scare them a bit. 
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Who the heck let a kid in here?
“Hey! Kiddo? What are you lost or something, you shouldn’t be in here” She was quick to call and wave, shuffling over to the boy. She really didn’t want some outlier messing this up for her. 
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atomdoublet · 6 years
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mouth to mouth
for @nothingamaziing , una and naota
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Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
I’d say Mihoshi was at least somewhat shletered by her family when she was a child. They are pretty rich & powerful, and with that almost always comes a certain disconnect with the rest of the world (or the galaxy, in this case). She likely never had to deal with serious issues many families on Seniwa and beyond have to deal with. I don’t think this sheltered upbringing has negatively impacted Mihoshi, though. After all her main goal in life seems to be to help others.
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