#( x. | liam's shit. )
dorkynerd23 · 1 year
All Nuzi (N X Uzi) 💛💜 Moments In Episode 6.
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hibiscussoupbowl · 8 months
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gvnuzi · 1 month
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Goofy goobers
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lesbiradshaw · 7 months
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just watch as i crucify myself.
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sarcasticbambi · 1 year
Enchanted Chapter I
“Why did I agree to come again?”
Was the thought running through the heads of two people, neither knowing how the night would end for them.
“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in one of these events, miss…”
“MDC, Monsieur. You can refer to me as MDC”
“Right… MDC you say…”
“So, what brings you to the Wayne Gala this year? Oh,I hope you understand the curiosity, it is the first time you’re participating in the event after all.”
Just because you make it sound polite, it doesn’t mean you’re actually being polite you-
To say Marinette was done with the fake and pretentious high-class pigs was the understatement of the century. 
Just because you have enough money to be invited here doesn’t mean you’re all that. It just means that M. Wayne will have more money to donate to the associations that will actually use it for something productive.
But then again, she too was invited so it’s not like she can say much. However, she never covered her words with honey to insult someone.
“I’m here as M. Stone’s plus one” “Wasn’t M. Stone’s plus one his manager Ms. Rolling?”
“No! Haven’t you heard? This year he invited his  designer!” 
Here comes the gossip…
“You mean the very exclusive designer known for working with Clara Nightingale and being the only one capable of keeping up with his extravagant personality?”
“I hear they keep themselves anonymous and so never go to galas and such even though many high-profile personalities invite them everytime.”
“THAT designer?”
The way they all turned to look at her could only be described as a predator ready to launch on their prey.
The compliments were very appreciated, even if her confidence sometimes made her think otherwise. Honestly, if it were in any other situation she’d probably be a blushing and sputtering mess, but considering that it came from these old people with nothing to do but flaunt their money all day, well, lets just say that she felt no remorse in putting the mask of professionalism that often came with dealing with annoying press *cough*Alya*cough* as Ladybug. She just wasn’t sure if the red and gold mask was enough to cover the glare she was sure was on her face. It sure wasn’t enough to cover the deadly annoyed aura she emitted.
“Yes, I-”
“M! There you are! Dad and Penny are looking for you!”
“Oh, Luka! I’ll be right with you! I’m sorry ladies and gentlemen, it seems I’m needed somewhere else. Wouldn’t want to leave M. Stone waiting now would we?”
If Marinette saw the pale faces of the people remembering a certain disaster pertaining to the impatience of one Jagged Stone, neither her nor Luka mentioned anything. And so, the pair of best friends left the group of pretentious old people to their gossip and judging words covered with honey so thick it might as well give you cavities. “Is Uncle Jagged really calling for me?”
“No, but I had to intervene, you looked ready to murder those people with your glare alone!” Luka said with a chuckle. “Ugh! Stop laughing, it’s not funny! Why did I even agree to come again! This is exactly why I’ve rejected all of the invitations!!”
“Well, you know how dad can be…” another chuckle
“Don’t I?! He threatened to destroy one of the suits I made him! And not just any suit, but the one specifically  made to open the stage on his upcoming tour!”
“It can’t be that bad, I mean, you made them almost 100% Jagged proof so no accidents could happen right? Even if he tried I’m pretty sure it’d be very difficult to damage them beyond repair”
“Oh no, you don't understand. He threatened to have Fang “play” with the suit! I may have made them Jagged proof, but they’re hardly CROCODILE PROOF!!”
“... You don’t really believe he’d go that far,do you?”
“Oh dear Luka, I don’t need to believe, I know so. And you want to know how I know that? Because he actually had the audacity of sending a picture of the suit dangling in front of Fang and the little menace looking at it like the most delicious snack ever!!!”
“Yeah, oh.”
The silence that fell upon them was the comfortable kind, the one that wraps you like a warm blanket on a cold evening. Even though their relationship didn’t work, they didn’t let that get in the way of a very understanding friendship. Both parties know how to appreciate and lift each other up when needed, especially with the weight of the responsibilities held in their shoulders.
“I think I'm going to stay on the side for a bit. I'm pretty sure if I have to continue another one of these fake conversations, I'm going to say or do something I'll regret and maybe get Uncle Jagged in trouble.”
“It’s ok, after a couple months of following dad to these things I know how bad they can be. And by the way, you - more than anyone else really - should know that my dad doesn’t need you being honest with these people to get him in trouble. He gets himself in trouble all the time! Honestly, I can't say with 100% certainty that trouble isn’t somehow his middle name.” The snort that followed this comment was somehow covered well enough to look elegant, how he did it? She’s still trying to figure it out.
“Yeah, I’m well aware” a soft smile appears on Marinette’s face, memories of various chaotic fittings coming to mind when thinking of her honorary uncle. Sometimes she wonders how Jagged and Anarka managed to give birth to the most quiet (and shy, in Juleka’s case) kids she knows, considering their personalities! Kagami is the only exception to the rule since her quietness and composure comes from years of training and discipline.
“I have to go find dad, you know he needs someone to keep him in check and Penny is trying to get a night to herself. Are you sure you’ll be ok?”
“Yes, I'll be fine. Go find him and help Penny keep the few years that Jagged has yet to make her lose to stress” Marinette said with a giggle.
“Ok, but be safe. If you need anything just call and I’ll be right here.”
“I didn’t know I brought my mum with me.” She said with a roll of her eyes “Don’t worry, I’ll just stay on the side of the room, I’ll even text you if I decide to go and check if the gardens are as amazing as they claim.”
“Ok. I’ll see you in a bit then, you know dad wants to introduce you to his friend.”
“Oui, oui, now leave so I can people watch and judge if these macarons are good enough.”
After one last reluctant look at the petite girl he now considers a sister, Luka left to find his dad.
Marinette walks to the table holding the array of snacks and picks up a pink macaron, turning it side to side judging its appearance first and then taking a small bite. It’s not as good as the ones she bakes with her parents back home, but considering all she has eaten in the US in the past week, suffice to say that it was up to her standards. She would not mind having a second one.
Resting her back against the marble pillar at the corner of the room, she settles with people watching for the time being. Wandering bluebell eyes land on the group of kids on the other side of the room where they were playing with each other, before spotting the tall ginger gentleman in a crouch speaking with a little girl. At first she was suspicious, but judging by the little she can see of the interaction - the little girl giggling at something the man said - she relaxes a bit more, guessing it’s someone she knows or is acquainted with.
After people watching for a couple moments more, she gets bored and decides to indeed check the famous Martha Wayne Gardens, perhaps she’ll even get a strike of inspiration, who knows. Sending a message to Luka so he doesn’t worry,  she moves along to the exit, unaware of the little green eyes following her form.
Roy Harper was definitely not listening to Jason Todd ever again. No matter what.
“It’ll be fun!” he said.
“I’ll be there with you the whole time!” he said.
“Lian will have fun!” he said-
Ok, that last one is true. She is enjoying herself and playing with kids her age outside of school. But still, WHY DID I AGREE TO COME TO ONE OF THESE THINGS? The suits are uncomfortable, the people are annoying, Jason is off somewhere (probably at the bar avoiding the dangling pieces of meat that can’t seem to understand the word ‘no’) the list goes on and on!
Turning around, Roy leaves to go check on the kids. He knows he doesn’t need to worry, the Waynes would obviously only get the best of the best, security included, so he knows his daughter is in good hands. But he still prefers it when he has eyes on his little girl, no need for unnecessary troubles…
And Jason can make fun of how she has him wrapped around her pinky all he wants, later.
Not like you can say much right, Uncle Jay Jay?
Going up to the little kids group, Lian spots him immediately and runs up to him, mischief clear in the same green eyes he sees everyday in the mirror.
“Hey baby. Everything good?”
“Of course daddy, I’m a big girl now! You don't need to go around worrying about me!” she exclaimed, puffing her little chest up and making herself seem taller to get her point across.
“I know princess. I’m sorry for doubting your capability of not getting yourself in trouble or not creating chaos”
“*le gasp* Daddy!” The grin that appeared on his face betrayed the look in his eyes. He would do anything to protect his little girl, mischievous or not. He’d do anything for her, hunt the whole world down for whatever she asked and from whoever had it, if only to be able to keep that smile on her little face everyday.
“I don’t get in trouble! Trouble is the one to always find me! What do you want me to do, ignore it? You yourself said that it was rude to ignore people..”
Oh Lord. She knew exactly what she was doing, and there was absolutely nothing he could do, so with a resigned sigh he looked up at his daughter again and cleans the little bit of cream from the pastry she was eating earlier.
“Was the cream puff so good that even your cheeks wanted a bite?”
“Yes! You should try some yourself!” The little giggle she released hid the glance she threw at the masked lady on the other side of the room.
“Let's go then.”
Glancing around, the gardens were indeed quite beautiful. It’s a pity that Martha Wayne passed away, because even though it’s been years since the accident and someone else is in charge of it, it’s very obvious that the foundation of the garden is still the same as it was some twenty years ago.
With the care she is sure the gardens receive everyday, she can see why they’re called the best gardens in Gotham after the Gotham Botanical Gardens. But that is only because it’s Ivy who’s taking care of them - it doesn’t matter how good you may be at caring for plants, no one can beat Poison Ivy’s ability of bringing them to the best of their potential. 
It’s not long after moving around the gardens that Marinette hears her name being shouted from the entrance of it. 
guess it’s time to go back to that insanity. It was good while it lasted
Getting up from the bench she found around one of the several fountains, she fixed her dress and moved back inside.
Seeing Lian try and “sneak” another cream puff from him, Roy decides that that’s enough. 
“Come on little troublemaker, enough cream puffs. Your daddy won’t be able to endure another sugar high session.”
Ladies and gentlemen and non-binary people, this single statement brings forth the most challenging battle Roy has ever fought - and if you know about his… nightly past time, you know that he’s had several and very complicated battles, some even had him on the brink of death!
I introduce you, ‘The Pout’, by Lian Harper!
Obviously, Roy can never say no to his precious little girl. Who would be able to after seeing ‘The Pout’. At this point, not even Jason can say he’s managed to achieve such a feat!
“Princess, baby, light of my life, don’t do this to me. Please!”
“But daddy, just one more!” ‘The Pout’ intensifies…
“You said that last time too…”
“I promise! I’ll even get away from the table! We can go outside to the gardens!” 
If Roy wasn’t so desperate to get his daughter away from the pastry and snacks table, he would have been able to identify the glint that appeared in his daughter’s eyes whenever she was up to no good. But alas, he was too busy.
“Ok honey, one last one and that’s that! You promised!”
“Yes, yes. Now let’s go into the gardens! I saw a fairy move there and I DEFINITELY need to meet her!”
“… a fairy?” The look of confusion on his face spoke volumes.
“YES! She was wearing a gold and red dress! And her hair was so pretty too! It shone in the light! I’m pretty sure only fairies’ hair shines like that!”
Thinking it was another one of Lian’s fairytail settings where he’s required to play along and help her uncover mysteries or save someone (*cough*princess Lian*cough*), Roy just sets her down, holds her hands and guides her to the closest balcony. It’s too cold outside for them to actually walk around the garden, but it’ll be fine to stay on the balcony where they can oversee them. Should be enough for whatever adventure Lian’s mind conjured this time. 
“Daddy look! It’s the fairy!”
Looking out the balcony towards where Lian's small fingers pointed, Roy finally understood what she meant when she said she saw a fairy. 
There, standing in front of the fountain with a glass of what he can only assume to be the expensive champagne being handed around the party, stood the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid his eyes upon. Luscious strands of midnight hair fell down her back only to stop at the small curvature of her back. The strands were so dark it shone blue in the light of the full moon that for once was visible in the dark, gloomy and foggy sky of good old Gotham.
Her red dress fell down to the crisp grass he was sure Alfred kept at the exact same even height every single time. Whoever made the dress, knew for sure what they were doing, because it seemed to float even though he saw it drag through the grass  when she moved. Although there wasn't much he could make out from the distance he was observing her, he could still see the shine of the gold lining and details in the dress with the small movements she made. 
And wasn't that a blessing. Because when she moved, he was able to see a bit more of her features; the pale skin that seemed to glisten in the moonlight, and the blue orbs that shone as bright as the bluest of sapphires to have ever been found, looked in his direction, and he was sure that time stopped right then and there. 
Like some kind of spell, he was entranced by the beauty that stood feet away from him surrounded by the most beautiful of greenery, making her fit for the word his daughter had used to describe her: a fairy. A Garden Fairy. He should tell Alfred that he did such a good job at keeping the garden in shape, that it was blessed by the presence of the most ethereal of fairies.
After a couple seconds of eye contact, her attention was given to something else - probably someone calling her, from the way she seemed to react. And so, after another glance his way, the Garden Fairy (as he’s decided to call her until he finds out her name) turns fully towards the building and starts walking inside, finally vanishing under the big balcony he was standing in.
“Awww, she left Daddy!” his daughter spoke for the first time since getting into the balcony with him. Or he’s assuming it was the first time, since he was completely  entranced by the Garden Fairy and would probably not have heard any comment from his daughter. Which, by her mischievous smirk, was a very accurate assumption.
“She was very pretty wasn’t she? I told you she was! Did you see her hair? I told you it was amazing! I also want hair like hers!!”
“Yes, yes she was. And you were very right, she does have pretty hair. Maybe we should get back inside to get away from the cold and maybe find this Garden Fairy of yours to get some hair tips?”
“That’s a great idea! Let’s go!”
Picking up the 6 years old, Roy turns around to head into the salon, when his daughter gets his attention again. And the look in her eyes? It spelled trouble.
“But Daddy, I never called her Garden Fairy!”
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Galladrabble "Haircut"
For @galladrabbles for @deathclassic's prompt "haircut"
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toastybugguy · 1 year
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raekensarcher · 11 months
All About Control Chapter Twenty One
Their shoulders knock together with such force that it has to be painful, for both Theo and her, and he swears he can smell blood leaking from a pulled stitch, but he nuzzles further into the odd hug as Anika’s laughter bubbles up between them. He decides he’ll deal with it later, with all the bullshit that’s going to bite him in the ass from this shit show, all of it will get dealt with; later.
Right now, all he cares about are the two people in his arms; his north star and their second star to the right.
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lzrsaugust · 3 months
my sister and I can’t be the only ones that see this
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Yes, I’ve got nothing better to do (lie, but this is what I want to do)
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bredforloyalty · 4 months
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alloutshirt · 1 year
can’t believe they have liam getting papped stunting in yet another country as he’s so freshly recovering from serious health issues when this is exactly what got him in the hospital a couple weeks ago
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lesbiradshaw · 2 years
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s6 thiam as tumblr text posts i’ve rbd at some point :]
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sarcasticbambi · 1 year
Enchanted Chapter II
Marinette has decided. 
Jagged Stone should never, ever be allowed in another of these Wayne Galas.
If he’s normally difficult to handle by himself, then he’s absolutely insufferable now that he has company that eggs him on!
Now I understand why Penny almost begged me to come…
Not only does she have to take care of Jagged on a daily basis as his manager and long standing friend, now she also has to reign in his childhood friend because lord knows what would happen if they were to be left unattended…  
Honestly, Marinette was expecting more from this Bruce Wayne guy. Jagged talked her ears off about how amazing of a friend he is and all his accomplishments and the work he does for charity and the community. Even Penny joined in saying how great he is.
But, so far, all she’s seen of this guy is him drinking his brains out along with Jagged and making themselves look like fools.
And none of his sons seem to be around to reign him in either. be it because he’s like Jagged and can’t be reigned in, or they just don’t care enough to do it. 
Hopefully they aren’t as bad as he is at these events…
Now that she’s done the whole “introduce to the childhood best friend” part of her duties as her honorary Uncle’s plus one, she’s going off and as far away from these “grown adults” as possible. 
Maybe I’ll be able to find the gentleman from the balcony - ahhh - what are you thinking, Marinette?! 
She had removed her mask while in the corner she found in the garden - wearing a mask all night long is tiring and restricting, even if she insists on using it to keep her identity secret until she feels comfortable sharing it with the world. 
She wasn’t expecting to turn around and make eye contact with the gentleman on the balcony. It was quite a distance from where she was, but after years of being Ladybug, all her senses have been greatly amplified - eyesight included - so it came as no surprise when she managed to make eye contact with him, if only for the fact that it allowed her to see his beautiful green eyes.
Maybe Kagami IS right and I do have a thing for green eyed men…
It’s such a pity that it was a short encounter, being interrupted by Luka calling her back inside to meet the famous Bruce Wayne.
Stealing one last glance his way, she placed her mask back on and turned around.
Now, after having complied with her duties as a plus one, she’s basically free to do whatever, and she’ll take advantage of that and try to find the mysterious green eyed, ginger gentleman. 
Maybe mingling with the socialites of Gotham would help in finding him
The thought made her shudder, but for some reason something told her that she needed to meet him. And if there’s anything the Kwamis Guardian training has taught her, it was to trust her instincts, and right now, they were SCREAMING at her to at least find out his name before the end of the party.
The reason? She did not know, but she also did not completely mind it.
So, with a new mission in mind, she left off to find him.
After dropping Lian off at the kids section, Roy moved to the bar hoping to find Jason.
And if he paid more attention to the people in the ballroom in search of the midnight haired Garden Fairy, no one needed to know.
“Who are you looking for?” Jason said, startling him out of his musings.
“Wow, are you ok dude? What got you so distracted that you got startled by that??”
He was so lost in his mind that he didn’t even notice he’d reached the bar and Jason had approached him. 
He’ll never let this go if he knows that I got distracted over a woman
“Sorry, I was just thinking about having to leave Lian alone” please buy this, please buy this. Roy knew it was a losing battle, but he could at least try, right?
“Yeah, yeah. dad of the year award and all that bullshit, congrats. I mean who’s the woman that got you distracted like that, you idiot.”
“It’s not-”
“And don’t give me that crap. I know you Roy, you can deceive yourself, but you definitely can’t lie to me. The only reason other people fall for it is because they’re either not trained like us, or they don’t know you. Now spill them beans bitch.”
“Fine.” and with a long sigh, Roy explained about how he found a Fairy out in the gardens and how he felt like he absolutely had to find her again.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA- I’M SORRY- HAHAHA- A FAIRY! A GARDEN FAIRY HAHAHA! you’ve definitely been playing too many fairytale fantasies with Lian!” Jason said between gasps of breath while trying not to die of laughter. 
Roy knew that this was coming, but it was just ridiculous. Come on, he’s a dedicated dad and “Garden Fairy” was definitely the most suitable of names for the beauty in the middle of the well cared for greenery!
“Haha, we got it, it’s hilarious! Are you going to help me find her or not?” Roy rolled his eyes when Jason was still gasping for breath and trying to stifle his laugh at the same time, which wasn’t exactly working.
“I’m sorry, haha, I will! Of course I will! Just thinking about the last time you got laid makes me want to cry for you, so of course I’ll help when you show interest in a woman for the first time in almost 6 years now. She could be the one you know!”
insert deadpan look “Are you for real now Jason? And I’m the one playing too many fantasies with Lian? What about you and your romances? Aren’t you sticking your nose too far into the books at the newest book store around the corner of that one safe house?”
“Hey! Those books need to be read. They’re masterpieces that you’d never even imagine yourself to be able to understand. The sentences are immaculate, the plot is well plotted, no holes in a single chapter. The reading is so smooth it’s like laying on a bed with brand new silk sheets, it’s-”
“Ok nerd, I got it! You like reading them and I’m an idiot who will never get it, now get your romantic brain to work and help me find her”
“Alright, alright. Bossy much?”
“I heard that.”
After all the bickering, both men turned and discretely glanced at the crowd while making short conversation, looking for Roy’s mysterious Garden Fairy.
It took a bit, but finally, his eyes found her form. For some reason, she was now wearing a red, black and gold mask that she wasn’t previously wearing in the garden, and that may have contributed to how long it took to find her.
She was talking with a family that owned some sort of textile company in Old Gotham, but her eyes were glancing around the room, seemingly looking for something. Or maybe someone.
He didn’t like alluding himself, because it could not be true, and the disappointment would be too much to handle. But she really seemed to be looking for someone, and each time she failed to do so, he could see her nose scrunching - even with the mask - and the disappointment was clear in her bluebell eyes.
He was begging every entity to have her eyes meet his, and it seemed his prayers paid off, because not even a second later, her eyes landed on his. He saw recognition flash through them and a bit of pink took over the part of her face he could see. He was happy to see that reaction on her, it meant that she wasn’t completely uninterested as he had feared she would. 
He started moving towards her and hoped he could convey in their conversation with their eyes, just how fascinated he was to have found her in those gardens earlier and that he would like to know more about her.
Marinette saw the ginger gentleman from the balcony move towards her, and from his eyes, she could tell he was just as interested in finding out more about her as she was about him.
So, turning away from the prospective business partners, she moved towards him, eventually standing only a couple feet from each other almost in the middle of the dance floor. 
Glancing at the people already waltzing, she turned towards the ginger gentleman, an invitation clear in her eyes.
He took a step closer, hand reaching out for hers, and in the smoothest voice she’d ever heard, he asked her for a dance.
She placed her gloved hand on his inviting one, and that was all he needed to pull her closer and start the waltz that would change their lives.
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pearlspouch · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - College/University, Liam Dunbar is a Mess, Liam Dunbar & Mason Hewitt Friendship, Liam is a Photographer, Theo Raeken is Charming, Strangers to Not-So-Strangers, Good Friend Mason Hewitt, Corey is an Angel Sent From Heaven, but he's barely there, Liam is So Done With Mason's Teasing, Coffee Shops and Coffee Drinks Are Main Characters, Liam Spreads An Agenda of Barring Black Coffee from Existence, Liam Adopts an Admiration For Granite Surfaces, basically Liam's Thoughts Should Be Printed On Multiple T-Shirts, Theo Is Always Saving Liam From Potential Disasters, Humor, Banter, Flirting/Flirtatious Banter, one is smooth at it and the other is not so smooth, Take A Wild Guess At Who's Who, Late Night Conversations ft. A Water Fountain As A Soundtrack, The Beauty Of Unspoken Understandings Between Two Strangers, Eventual Angst (I'm sorry), it was supposed to be purely fluffy I swear, The Sheer Self-Awareness Of Intimately Sharing Visceral Backstories, it's honestly not as deep as it sounds, these tags are a mess and I desperately need sleep, no beta we die like Liam's faith in black coffee-drinking humanity
Theo shrugged. "Dunno. You were on a coffee boost?"
"Yeah, actually, but not what you think. To many people's horror across the globe, and rightfully so, I drunk black coffee." Liam put a hand over his heart in mock disenchantment for his morals.
If it were even possible, Theo's eyebrows flew up higher than they did before. "Did you now?" He spoke with a teasing edge to his tone.
"I did. And it was fucking horrible."
Theo laughed. Like honest to God laughed. That was the most unguarded Liam had seen Theo look, and oh, a sight to behold it was. Liam ignored the increased patter of heart palpitations that was taking place in his body in favor of staring at the man next to him with only a singular thought running through his brain:
Liam is panicking over his final for his photography course, and meets an unfairly charming, enigma of a man that more or less makes things more complicated for him.
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grangerliam · 8 months
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HC: If you're friends with Liam, there's a chance you've seen, at least, one of these movies. If you're close friends with Liam, you've very likely saw majorly, or all, of these films plus some. These would be his top 9 movies, but they are not his only. There's a longer list, some of which involve sequels of the movies mentioned above. -- He also has a crush on Jane Levy because of Evil Dead and Don't Breathe. His first crush was on Jessica Biel as Erin in TCM. OOC Side note: I make my friends watch my favorite horror movies with me, so I know he do, too.
Evil Dead (2013) - A remake to the 1981 movie, and honestly, a damn good one. The main character is a heroin addict, and her friends, and brother take her out to a cabin to help her get clean. One of the friends end up reading from a book that unleashes an evil in the cabin. The main character tries to warn everyone because weird stuff happens and she knows somethings wrong. No one believes her because they just assume she's withdrawing. And it goes about as well as what anyone would expect from there. ---- A royal mention to Evil Dead Rise that came out last year. He also loved that one, and has watched it multiple times. He enjoys the originals simply for that fact alone, they're originals. But he prefers these two.
Don't Breathe (2016) - A movie where neither side is really in the right, and a lot could've been avoided have the main characters not tried to break into a house that wasn't theirs. Nonetheless, a solid movie about three thieves that go up against a blind man who isn't as impaired al they thought. Just cause he can't see, don't his other senses aren't A1. And it's a fight to the death after that.
The Forsaken (2001) - Most people when asked what their favorite vampire movie is, they'd say 'The Lost Boys' or maybe 'Interview with a Vampire'. Liam's is the Forsaken. A underrated movie in his opinion, that takes a interesting spin on the lore of vampires. A film student who is hired to take a car across the country runs into a hitch hitcher who turns his life upside when they both pick up a blonde who seems like she's on drugs outside a dinner. But she was actually bitten by a vampire, and then proceeds to bite the film student when he tries to calm her down. All three are then on a race against time to kill "The Forsaken" which is the head vampire that holds the virus in their blood.
Halloween (1978) - Do I really need to say anything? It's a classic, and it's beloved by just about everyone. Jamie Lee Curtis as Lorie Strode. Arguably #1 Final Girl. Baby sitter, stalker man in a mask who's just trying to stab people. It's a classic.
Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) - Once again, another classic. A very original idea for a killer. Can't go wrong with this sleep traveling demon thing with knives for fingers and a burnt face.
Scream (1996) - Classic, classic, classic. The movie that refreshed the horror genre at its time. A masked killer who calls you and taunts you before he chases you and kills you. A solid story line that follows all 6 movies, without missing a beat. Killer is always human, and always someone you know. Great characters. Sidney Fucking Prescott. He also appreciates the other 5 movies as well.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - A remake of the 1974 film of it's same name. While Liam respects the OG, he finds that this one is a pretty solid remake, and enjoys it occasionally. Jessica Biel is everything in this movie as well, so you know. A group of friends are road tripping across Texas, picks up a hitch hiker, said hitch hiker unalives herself. The group of friends try to find the cops, but instead come into the family of cannibals that make their trip literal hell.
The Ruins (2008) - Four friends are on vacation in Mexico when they come across another man, who befriends them. This man is on the look for his brother as he went on a sight seeing adventure and never returned home. The five of them don't expect much, and the four friends agree to go with their new friend to a place called 'The Ruins'. When they get there, they are immediately trapped there by town people, who don't speak English. So it's a huge miscommunication trope, but they eventually find out that The Ruins are these poisonous cannibal like vines that once you touch them, you are infected. They try to figure out how to get the hell out of there, but everything's against them at that point.
Vacancy (2007) - If we were to ask Liam (or me), what was an underrated movie in our opinions, this one would be at the top of the list. First off, Luke Wilson is phenomenal in this, which you wouldn't think of him as a horror movie actor, but he's fantastic. A husband and wife are on their way home after a family visit. They take the back roads, but their car breaks down, and unable to get a mechanic in the middle of the night, they are forced to say at this hideaway motel until morning. Well, turns out said motel is a breeding ground for snuff films, and these two must work out their differences (they're going through a divorce and lost their child), in order to survive the night.
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maybeiwasjustjade · 2 years
what spring does to cherry trees (my love, your ghost still haunts me)
Snippet #4
“Don’t,” Liam chokes, his grief a tide threatening to swallow everything whole. He forces his eyes to close against the impending doom of tears. He refuses to have his last memories of Theo be ruined by crying.
The Sun. The Moon. The Truth. The sun, the moon, the truth. SunMoonTruth.
Theo’s heartbeat, 1…2…3…skip.
Liam’s arms tighten in their cocoon around Theo, as if his mere touch would be enough to anchor Theo to life. “Don’t you dare go where I can’t follow,” he growls, gold-bright eyes flashing and fangs poised over the pulse-point of Theo’s throat.
A threat, an order from a True Alpha’s First Beta to his last.; a desperate plea from one lover to another. Theo just laughs, impertinence writ over his exhausted face. His eyes flicker back for a moment, sapping the last of Theo’s energy, his laugh puttering off into sigh.
“Ah, you should know better by now, Little Wolf,” Theo grins. There’s blood lining his teeth. His heart is sluggish underneath the palm of Liam’s hand. “I never do as I’m told.”
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