#( when the /j starts to becomes /sr )
lazymonth · 4 months
Idk what’s happening to me or why this is happening to me but I’m take this ship seriously than I should
I’m literally thinking it was a funny joke at first but as long I’m thinking about it, I started to like this crack ship…
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alenablack · 11 months
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The contrasting parallels of Tom M. Riddle & Harry J. Potter
(Big thanks to @chaos-bear for helping me formulate and think this through!)
Let’s start with the basics;
Blood status: Both Tom and Harry are half-bloods according to pureblood society. Harry from his muggleborn mother, Lily Evans, and muggle grandparents. And Tom from his muggle father, Tom Sr.
Moving on we can touch on upbringing:
Both Tom and Harry are raised in the muggle world in unfavorable circumstances. For Tom he is trapped at an orphanage during the Second World War where he experiences bullying and isolation due to his magical nature. For Harry he is left in the care of his mother’s muggle sister and her family. Due to his magical nature he is treated with neglect and verbal abuse. Both of these circumstances create an inherent distrust in authority figures for both Tom and Harry. This also had an impact on their desire for a place or sense of belonging. This brings us to the next point: Hogwarts.
Both Tom and Harry experience Hogwarts as their first home, and the first place either of them call home. Throughout the books we see how both of them are drawn to and protective of hogwarts.For Harry we can clearly see his attachment through his narration. For Tom we mainly see this in three ways; his creation of Hogwarts artifacts as horcruxes as well as his desire to teach there immediately after graduation. Later his takeover of Hogwarts can be attributed to this desire for his first home as well as what it represents to the Wizarding world as a whole. This comparison is made by Tom Riddle himself. He notices similarities in their orphaned wizarding "blood," childhood, Parselmouth talents, and appearance. He makes Harry aware of the things they share, and this in turns shape how Harry views himself later throughout the story.
Finally in terms of basic parallels we can discuss the twin cores. While this could simply be because of the horcrux inside of Harry, I believe it is a further plot device meant to highlight the similarities between the two. Interestingly enough the nature of a phoenix is a constant state of life, death, and rebirth. Which is the cycle Harry and Tom repeat throughout their conflict with one another.
Next let’s move to more obscure parallels, or parallels that rely heavily on personal assumptions. Let’s discuss some similar personality traits between the two wizards. Both Harry and Tom experience moments of obsession; for Harry this can show through how he hyperfixates on death throughout his life or how he has an ability to obsess over the actions of others (I.E. Draco in HBP) and is very unable to be dissuaded from said obsession. For Tom there’s many ways in which his personality is considered obsessive; he too has an obsession with death, although his goal is to outwit it. His obsession with power, and later his obsession with pursuing Harry as an adversary. Furthermore Harry and Tom are both natural leaders; again with different styles and visions. Harry uses kindness and compassion to inspire loyalty, while Tom uses power and fear to motivate others into following him. Both boys have had the experience of being identified as separate and unusual by their classmates, as well as being acknowledged as leaders. Although popular may not be the best term, it is apparent that Tom Riddle and Harry Potter are idolized or reviled depending on the circumstance. Tom, who had become accustomed to power and authority, cultivated these traits even further in founding the Death Eaters. Harry may find it much simpler to embrace the "hero" character in the seventh book, having had so much experience with people looking to him for answers and expecting so much from him. I’ll circle back to this when discussing the polarity between these two. Next, I want to touch on their shared slytherin traits which dumbledore himself calls attention to:
"Listen to me, Harry. You happen to have many qualities Salazar Slytherin prized in his hand-picked students. His own very rare gift, Parseltongue, resourcefulness , determination ¦ a certain disregard for the rules' he added, his mustache quivering again. "Yet it is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
While Harry is very clearly a gryffindor he utilizes traits that Salazar prized. This causes an internal conflict within Harry, funnily enough in his pursuit to separate himself from his idea of voldemort he actually begins to display these qualities further.
While not a parallel in itself I do think it’s interesting how both Harry and Tom place special importance on familial objects (such as the gaunt ring or the invisibility cloak) especially since they share a common ancestor through the peverall line.
Changing gears I believe it is necessary to discuss, at least in part, how these two characters contrast. The fundamental difference between them is simply how they choose to deal with an issue at hand. While Harry and Tom have similar upbringings, they react extremely differently. Harry appreciates the qualities he lacked as a child, such as love, connection, trust, and joy. While Tom appears to be completely opposed to emotional attachments. Loyalty empowers Harry, whereas Tom feels owed it. Tom seeks credit for his uniqueness, whereas Harry avoids praise and criticism. Tom believes he is more powerful than death, whereas Harry believes death is his inevitable fate. Consider their leadership styles: Harry utilizes authority to teach and protect; his objective is to empower. While Tom utilizes his power to oppress and destroy, he lives on his own powers and those of his followers. Although there are clear differences such as, Harry serving as the protagonist and Tom serving as the story’s antagonist, I don’t believe it's central to their characters as to how they fundamentally differ in worldview.
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herejusttosufferalong · 3 months
Since we’re throwing out timelines, I’d like to present an alternate chaos theory:
We all remember this past fall A and Jack posting pics and vids together right? We all thought it was to hide her relationship with L, but what if we were wrong…?
When J and L broke up end of ‘22, L and N had even more blurred lines than before. It got to be too much and overly confusing with all the stuff going on with J and the show, so N and L decided to take some space. Thus resulting in L spiraling a bit. 
A started off dating Jack and that fizzled. She had become friends with the group and her and L had a brief little dalliance after her and Jack broke up which resulted in the NYE kiss. At the same time, N and L had reconnected for reshoots and started feeling some type of way. N was blind sided by the NYE kiss which resulted in their weird January vibes. 
Cut to February and they’re back to vibing on all fronts, but A is lurking in the background. N and L got together, but aren’t willing or ready for anyone to know yet, so knowing A is fame hungry they strike a deal to have her be the beard. She gets exposure and they have their perfect cover. What they didn’t expect is their chemistry and connection being so powerful even the specter of a girlfriend wouldn’t dissuade people from shipping them. Hence the need for the InStyle stunt. Even with that, it wasn’t enough to throw people off…and then Brazil happened. 
N and L were thinking it was time to give up the ghost of fake gf, but A wasn’t ready for that so got in touch with DM and set pap gate in action. Once that happened, there was no way to back out gracefully. They were committed to the bit, but L wouldn’t let her wreck things (think “I won’t let her ruin our night” bts pic he posted). A & L worked out a mutually beneficial deal of some trips and business connections to draw out the timeline and have people/the hate calm down post London. Conveniently N is booked and busy so it doesn’t seem that weird that she’s quiet publicly. But she is still riding for her man. 
We’ll see this wind down and A fade out of the picture once filming has resumed in the fall. N and L won’t come out publicly, but there will be signs…cue burning Elmo gif. 
srs tho, Jack has been a piece of the puzzle that never made sense to me
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
RFK jr. Are we really surprised by his politics?
It’s no secret that RFK jr. is a right wing crank. He’s an anti-vaxxer, racist, transphobic and antisemitic grifter, but those views don’t come out of nowhere. This is less about him and more about his family’s politics and how that may have influenced him. The Kennedys were never the bastions of progressivism that people think they were. Especially RFK’s father, RFK sr, who has been immortalized by many on the American left as someone who represented hope and idealism. In reality, he was the precursor to Bill Clinton, championing policies that would become part of neoliberalism and helped carry out one of the most violent anti communist terror campaigns in US history.
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RFK sr., black and Latino rights aside, was practically a “family values” republican. Behind The Bastards did a podcast about RFK jr. and compared his parents, Bobby and Ethel, to Quiverfull believers due to their obsession with raising an army with them having 11 kids by 1968. Ethel was a violent and abusive person to her children and staff who got worse after her husband’s assassination. Kennedy was also deeply homophobic, having gossiped about Bayard Rustin with J Edgar Hoover, meaning he probably wouldn’t have been very supportive of gay rights and his religious conservatism would have been a problem for the women’s movement too.
Then there’s the fact that Bobby worked for Joseph McCarthy during the Red Scare. He considered McCarthy a friend till his death and attended his funeral. Bobby was a very hardline anti communist and that led to some of the most corrupt actions of his brother’s presidency. First there was the wiretapping of Martin Luther King jr. based on the suspicion of him being a communist. J Edgar Hoover would use this to start a smear campaign against Dr. King which included blackmail and death threats. Then there was Operation Mongoose where Bobby’s top priority was killing Fidel Castro with the CIA using all sorts of methods to assassinate him. There was also the Kennedy administration’s support for mass killings to wipe out communist insurgents which continued for decades during the Cold War. Bobby was more hawkish than JFK on Vietnam and only moved left out of opportunism.
The Cuban Missile Crisis was really the fault of the US and John F Kennedy, not the Soviets. The missiles were placed in Cuba due to the US’s continued war on Cuba after the Bay of Pigs as well as the Eisenhower administration putting missiles in Turkey, believing the Soviets wouldn’t respond. The Kennedys were worried about appearing soft on Communism and ended up putting the world on the brink of nuclear war for their public image.
Then there’s Bobby’s 1968 campaign for president that’s often romanticized by the left. Contrary to the baby boomer myth, RFK was not part of the 60s New Left. The SDS types did not like him for his “convert” status and for interloping on Eugene McCarthy’s, no relation to Joe, campaign who had been recruited by the “Dump Johnson” movement against the Vietnam war. Ronald Reagan (at 24:55) described Kennedy as conservative and felt he was talking a lot like him when it came to economics. He has been considered to be a “New Democrat” by some historians, calling for less government with Reagan comparing him to Barry Goldwater. He also never supported an immediate withdrawal from Vietnam, making vague promises of peace similar to LBJ or Nixon while continuing the war.
RFK was killed not because he was running against Vietnam but because he had been a vocal Zionist since 1948. Unlike his Nazi sympathizer of a father, Bobby quickly grew to admire Israel in the 1948 war and remained a steadfast supporter for the next 20 years. His assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, an Arab refugee who was forced to leave his home as a child, was furious over Kennedy promoting himself as champion of the oppressed while supporting Israel.
I wrote this because a lot of leftists still romanticize the Kennedys, thinking they would have done better than what we got. In reality, history is far more grey and they were still part of that same political establishment actual revolutionary movements and leaders like Dr. King were fighting against. People like RFK jr are cranks but those politics don’t come from thin air and the Kennedy family was far from the paragons of progressivism that they and their supporters have promoted them as. People shouldn’t really be surprised at him being a right wing grifter when his father was just as slimy and opportunistic.
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userautumn · 8 days
I'm sure the previous anon has their own examples, but I do agree with them as someone who feels joy for bi Buck and has been soured by the behaviour of some shippers on both sides. I think that in protecting your peace of mind you are following some solid people who clearly care about the characters themselves and so there is joy in how they discuss shipping (bucktommy or buddie). But there is a growing/loud contingent of fandom on this platform and others (and I suspect primarily new fans) who have made Buck second to his own storyline and have fixated on just Tommy as if Buck is an accessory to this relationship, woobified Buck (in similar ways some buddie fans are often accused/do), and even fetishize the relationship of these two men. I don't know if they've really locked on to headcannons of who Tommy is as a character, but I'm not sure these individuals care about Buck in the end. He appears to be an afterthought.
I have to also add as I've seen others who have blocked a lot and are keeping their fandom bubble small and healthy away from these toxic people( as they should), say that they haven't seen such things (I saw a lot of that about the rampant racism regarding Eddie for instance). It is happening though, and in most cases it's not being overstated unfortunately.
[nods] Thank you for sharing /gen /srs
That makes a lot of sense. There were two polls that went around last week. One was trying to gauge the number of people who joined the fandom/started watching 9-1-1 and when, and the other was about fans who came from Supernatural. In both polls, the numbers were staggering (people who came from SPN and people who came during S7). All fandoms have their problems (as clearly indicated by our own fandom), and I know no one fandom is innately problematic, but as someone who was on the outskirts of the Supernatural fandom, I remember it being a very nasty place. Even when the SPN fans came en masse post Season 4, they were horrifically nasty and mean. Not all of them, but enough of them that they left a bad taste in my mouth.
So now fast forwarding to the present where it can reasonably be assumed that many of the new people are SPN veterans, I'm not surprised by the harassment, racism, abuse, and maliciousness that's cropped up in ALL corners of the fandom. I don't think a lot of people genuinely like any of the characters, regardless of who they ship. I don't think a lot of Eddie stans/Buddie monoshippers like Buck. I know a lot of BuckTommy monoshippers don't like Eddie (and possibly/likely Buck, since I'm fully expecting many of these people to kick up a fuss when Tommy becomes more of a canon character instead of fanon). It really sucks to see, as a fan of this show and these relationships and these characters. Everyone is allowed to engage in fandom however they want, but... I don't particularly like the way some people engage in fandom 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's reductive and shallow and that would be fine if those readings didn't make for such hostile interactions with other fans.
Yes, some genuinely awful behavior has come from people who have been here for years but not all of it. The resurgence of anti-Eddie/anti-Ryan racism is definitely due to the new people and/or old people who once again feel comfortable showing their asses. But problems can be attributed to everyone—yes, everyone. This place becoming shitty was a joint effort, in many ways for many reasons, and it's so unfortunate. I want the old fandom back. We weren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but j e s u s.
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pocketjeeble · 2 months
Okay, so I haven't posted for a while. That's because I haven't been playing ZZZ a lot. I have decided to play Honkai Star Rail now. And I have so many thoughts, so this is kind of a rant post. This is a long post, so yeah, but here's a TLDR if you want to read my thoughts:
It took a few days for me to adjust to the game, and at times, I got overwhelmed, but I'm enjoying it a lot now. The turn-based combat style isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I think the story is very interesting and I'm invested. I'm a Sampo fan. I have decided to become a Trailblazer main until I get Boothill and Welt. Peppy is so baby I love Peppy.
Please don't spoil anything for me guys, ty! Also does anyone know who did the voice for HooH? To me it sounds like Dan Green when he voices Yami Yugi.
So my thoughts so far are that it took a little bit to adjust to the turn based combat, but it really isn't as bad as I thought. I'm enjoying it a lot! Sometimes I make stupid decisions but when I'm used to an enemy I know how to defeat it quickly, so that's good.
I was also overwhelmed by the amount of side quests at first, because there was A LOT. But I got through them and it's all good now. It's probably gonna get worse later on though welp😭
Story wise, at first I found that there was too much information to take in and I got confused, but I just kept playing and now it doesn't feel like that. Yeah, there's always new information being thrown at me, but it doesn't feel as confusing as it did before. I think because I'm so used to Genshin Impact, when it comes to other Hoyoverse games, I have to unlearn all of the Genshin stuff to enjoy the other games. I had to do it with ZZZ, too. I kept calling 'Polychromes' 'Primogems' for a good bit😭😭. I am enjoying the story so far, and I'm really looking forward to playing and learning more. I just defeated Cocolia. She was CRAZY and idk if to say poor Cocolia or not. Maybe because she was under the stellaron's influence. Stellarons really do some wild things😭😭. Also, when Trailblazer unlocked the path of Preservation, I thought that cutscene was really badass. Trailblazer out here being the coolest Hoyo mc fr imo.
As for characters, I have to admit it. I am a Sampo fan. For days, he was the only thing on my mind/srs. I want to crush him to a pulp but also smooch him. Idk, maybe I need help. I like Serval she's so cool, and Gepard reminds me of Xavier from Love and Deepspace (long lost brothers fr/j). When I played as Welt in a trial, him casually summoning a black hole BLEW my mind, so now I really want him along with Boothill. I'm saving up for Boothill, and I refuse to pull for any event banner until he's back. Idc who's meta, I need the cunty cowboy man. Also, I want Gallagher, but I know nothing about him. (DON'T SPOIL). But for now, I'm gonna be a Trailblazer main. Whatever characters I get for free or on the Standard warp are who I'm gonna be using. I'll probably keep using Destruction trailblazer, but I'm also gonna build Harmony because I don't have any characters with Imaginary powers.
Some other thoughts as well. When I had just first started playing and I was using Kafka, and I got to the walkway thing that shows outside the space station, I was so hyped and terrified to see all that space and stars. It's like if you actually shot me up into space, I'd feel the same because space is so vast and intimidating but so awesome.
ALSO PEPPYYYYY. Every time I see Peppy I malfunction for a second and then I take pictures because Peppy is so CUUUUUTE. I want to cry every time I see Peppy.
That one quest where the guy was making androids to keep his past lover alive in a way was really sad, I actually needed a moment to process because holy shit dude. And when I was on my way to Herta's office I saw he had a new android after I told him to destroy the other one, that kinda fucked me up for a sec. Also the quest where this other guy had a crush on this lady and some time stuff happened to her, that was really sad too. But I gave him the true information, so now he's gonna go chase after her.
And that's all I have to say for now. If you read up until here, holy shit lmao hi. I'm very sleepy writing this, so I know it doesn't sound like the most comprehensive, and definitely not concise, post but I just wanna yap because whenever I get introduced to a new game I want to talk about it.
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
saw a post you made a while back answering an ask about YJA Bart's civvie life mirroring the comics, and i realized that comic Bart went straight into high school due to being 14 going on 15 when he came to the past, but YJA Bart was 12 going on 13, so he'd be in middle school for a little over a year first. so! an idea i thought i'd share: people mostly think he's Weird (derogatory) in middle school because that's where he goes through his biggest adjustment period. middle school is frustrating for him, but he manages. then high school happens and suddenly he's Mr Popularity bc 1) he's more used to being in school now, even if he still doesn't like it and high school is a different beast, 2) his West-Allen (and Meloni) related pretty genes have started to properly kick in (underrated Bart fact: he's supposed to be noticeably good-looking. like not just cute, but a Certified Pretty Boy. it gets brought up SO MUCH in his solo it's so funny) and he has a canon big growth spurt between 13 and 15, and 3) there's a ton of new ppl his age who have no established opinions of him the way others do. and like in the comics Bart hates the attention and keeps almost exclusively to his friends (one of my fave running gags is Bart being surrounded by people trying to get his attention and he just keeps doing what he's doing without engaging or even reacting barely at all)
omg anon…. this ask has given me the biggest smile ever because it just brings back so many memories of my first ever (drafted) fic ahhhhhhhh !!! especially because of the way it starts!! in middle school where he’s the certified weirdo!!! not that he minds it at all he’s more concerned with the whole concept of wtf even is school and how’s he supposed to be stuck in a classroom when he has more pressing issues like uh preventing an impending apocalypse?? lmfao but yes that first year/couple months is a huge adjustment period for him, at the very least in terms of school.
the thing is at least in my non-existent fic, i was really motivated to have carol and preston be the first civilians he befriended, which would be in middle school. But then I also want them (and others) to be his classmates throughout high school too! Cause u know, they’re the civilians we know that he interacts with and gets along. I don’t think the chances of that are too off because if they all live within the same district it would be reasonable to assume they’d attend the same high school? Like not the exact same class, but there r bound to be a few familiar faces. But that’s not rlly a problem for the concept that u outlined considering they’re his friends so the whole preconceived notion thing wouldn’t play much of a role in the first place (and if anything more accurately reflect the plot of how Carol befriends him and then at that point worries about popularity getting to him, like the impulse timeline was crazy fast (understandably ig)) . Also like yes, mirroring the comics he accidentally becomes quite popular lmfao but like u said it’s high school so it’s not without its totally dramatised plot issues (i could come up with way too many honestly they’re just so entertaining especially considering like how i mentioned he wants no part in it both intentionally as well as not lol) just like the impulse run!
Certified Pretty Boy huh that’s just as much as a trait to him as it is him having brown hair (which is always! suck it red hair truthers lmfao) but yes totally!! His genes have done him well and it’s obviously the reason why everyone is in love with him (looking at u Preston /j /srs)
basically, thank u for sharing your thoughts with us <3 cause it’s just so entertaining to think about all this!! I’m not even exaggerating i could come up with so many plots about his school experience i think there’s just so much room for potential and fun and it’s pretty amusing to think about. I would love to write a fic o. it specifically (side eye to that first fic lol) but unfortunately i’ve just got one brain and set of hands and can only really focus on one fic at a time 🫠 on the bright side i am planning on covering at least a little bit of his civvie life in the next chapter of AAIT (still in its really early stages so it’ll take a while, sorry) so if anyones interested in that, stay tuned lol
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dhr-ao3 · 9 months
Welcome to the Madhouse
Welcome to the Madhouse https://ift.tt/bZpdvJ7 by ArtGirl The war dragged on longer than anyone could have ever imagined. Eight years to be exact. However, when the Final Battle was won and the dust settled, Hermione Granger was nowhere to be found and after a search ensues, she is declared dead. While everyone seems eager to move on, recently pardoned Draco Malfoy is not so sure the Golden Girl is truly gone. Author's Note Before You Read: Please read all tags and trigger warnings as this story will contain some heavy and dark subjects. Please take care of your mental health. I will do my best to add tags as they become relevant and trigger warning at the start of each chapter if necessary. The rape/non-con tags do not refer to anything that happens between Draco and Hermione. I do not own the characters or anything from the Harry Potter universe. Words: 2117, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Theodore Nott, Nott Sr. (Harry Potter), Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Severus Snape Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Additional Tags: Post-War, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Imprisonment, Death Eater Draco Malfoy, Healer Draco Malfoy, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Happy Ending, Espionage, Mystery, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Protective Draco Malfoy, Possessive Draco Malfoy, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Torture, Torture, Past Torture, Smut, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Draco Malfoy Has a Large Cock, Hair-pulling, Oral Sex, Ron Weasley Bashing, Past Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Sexually Experienced Draco Malfoy, Healing, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Blood and Injury, Blood and Gore, Explicit Sexual Content, Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, POV Draco Malfoy via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/95xYGo2 December 26, 2023 at 02:24PM
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eeclare · 1 year
Bob’s Burgers Character Bedrooms pt. 2
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Starting off with our hot gurl Tammy :)
Tammy fell for the 2019/2020 Tik tok trend of the LED lights
She def made her dad build her some sort of canopy for her bed
And ofc he agreed because she is his little princess
She also fell into the vine decor trend so that’s there
She wants to become an influencer BAD
Like currently, that is her number one goal in life
Hence the ring light and the very bare and “aesthetically pleasing” walls
Let’s pretend that those records are Harry Styles vinyls
She really really thinks pink is her colour so most things in her room coordinate with that general colour scheme
She has her own “walk in” closet (walk in is in quotations because it’s prettttyyy tiny, she just wants people to think it’s a full walk in closet)
That’s why she doesn’t have a dresser
Our girly Tammy is not a clean lady
Like, she doesn’t have garbage all over her room but she just throws her clothes and everything on the floor
But she thinks it’s okay because her parents hire a house cleaner once a week
She has one of those cool vanities with the Hollywood lights
Because she BEGGED for one for her 12th birthday
she wants to become the internet’s next favourite beauty guru so she hopped right on the “healthy water trend”
So there’s a lil tumbler on her nightstand
She films grwm vlogs and films days in her life
I fully believe that she is one of those girls that cover themselves in perfume instead of deodorant because she’s convinced it makes her smell amazing
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Jocelyn :D
Her room’s kinda small but she and her mum decorated it rlly nicely to make up for it
Jocelyn says she made most of the design choices, but it was mostly her mum’s doing when it comes to the vanity and wall colour lol
She Fr loves her room tho so it doesn’t even matter
She isn’t as much of a makeup girl as Tammy is, but she dabbles in natural eyeshadow shades and she takes her skin care seriously
At her mum’s suggestion, naturally
Honestly, her mum gives her pretty good advice
Tammy convinced her to do the healthy water trend too
We love our healthy queens
Tammy doesn’t have a full length mirror anymore so whenever they’re hanging out at Jocelyn’s house they HAVE to take a billion OOTD selfies in her mirror
Jocelyn too fell into the vine decor rabbit hole, except she switched it up a bit with the pop of floral by her bed
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Jimmy Jr. has two rooms
This one is the bedroom he has when he’s with Jimmy Sr.
The thing is though, he really hates this room
His dad has always wanted him to be into sports, so his room is basketball themed
Jimmy Pesto knew his son would be tall as he grew up, so he always pushed him HARD to be a basketball player
But J-Ju HATES it
He’s just not into it
But he really does like baseball!
So Jimmy Sr. is at least a little bit happy with the choices his kid makes
The room though, it just isn’t him
The colours just don’t suit him (that’s what Zeke says) and the vibe is off
J-Ju still sleeps with his childhood stuffed animal
It’s piglet from Winnie the Pooh
He’s also kinda a messy kid
Clothes and garbage and Gatorade bottles EVERYWHERE
Jimmy Sr. doesnt really give a fuck though
Just kinda lets J-Ju clean as he pleases
Don’t worry guys, Jimmy Jr. still has bits and pieces of himself around the room
His fav. Comic book characters are on his walls, and he even convinced his dad to get him a figurine of his number one character!
The sloth snake is only really there because Zeke got it for him
Don’t get him wrong, he likes sloth snake, it just isn’t his favourite thing really
But it’s just one more thing he can use to bond with Zeke, so he’ll put the poster up if he has to
(but there is a reason he put it up in the room he spends the least amount of time in)
Because of their custody agreement, J-Ju and Andy and Ollie are only at Jimmy Sr.’s every two weeks
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J-Ju pt. 2!
This is his room at his mum’s house!
His mum moved into a house in suburbia and it has a very clean white kind of aesthetic
And she isn’t a neat freak or anything, but his mum does like to keep the house clean
So she’ll go in during the week that he’s with his dad and just organize things again
She doesn’t want to be one of those snoopy type mothers
But she did put a plant in Jimmy Jr.’s room so that she would have an excuse to go in there and “notice that his rooms a mess” so she can clean it
He does bring piglet with him from home to home, just don’t tell anyone that
J-Ju has read exactly three books and he displays them very proudly on his bookshelf
They’re the first Harry Potter book (he likes the movies better), The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, and the book Wonder (he cried when he finished reading it, he was just so emotional)
His mum also bought him figurines of his fav. Comic book characters
Except he didn’t even have to ask her for them, she just knows what he likes and wants lol
Even though she completely supports Jimmy’s passion for the art of dance, she secretly wishes he was more into sports like basketball (she is a big b-ball fan lmfao)
So she did frame a jersey and put it above his bed
Just in hopes that maybe it will inspire him
It doesn’t though, obviously
Peep the lil heart-shaped pillow Jimmy Jr. Is failing really hard at hiding
It’s from Tina, for Valentine’s Day
He keeps it because he really likes her, he’s just not sure if it’s in THAT way, you know?
His mum makes sure he always has a glass of water on his nightstand
“He has to keep hydrated”, she says
The only things she doesn’t clean up is his baseball equipment
She just isn’t sure where to put it all
The lion is from some soccer camp he did once as a kid
Its the first award type thing he’s ever won and he’s still pretty proud of it
Also hope you caught a glance of the cologne that J-Ju stole from his dad on the dresser
And ofc peep the LED light strips lmao
The death grip they had on teenagers
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Andy and Ollie’s turn
Ollie is on the left, Andy’s on the right
Ollie has a weird lol shrimp stuffed toy that he just LOVES and Andy has a sheepdog looking toy, mostly because he doesn’t want to be left out
This is their room in Jimmy Sr.’s house btw
When Jimmy Pesto moved into his apartment after his divorce, he let the twins pick out their own wallpaper
He regrets it every day
They also picked out the bunny bookcase
As if Jimmy Sr. Didn’t have enough problems
They both got some of those glow in the dark stars
They love them
They also have cat and dog themed beds
It just makes sense for their characters, okay?
I don’t have a headcannon for why
The sleep in the same bed btw (Andy’s)
No matter how much their dad complains, they will keep sleeping together forever
This room is kinda Baren
They like their room at their dad’s house but all the toys and stuff Jimmy has for them are from when they were toddlers
He always complains that their mum babies them and is making them soft and while that may be true, he kinda babies them even more
He just doesn’t really know what they like anymore
But they still love him and their bedroom
The boys are avid colour-ers
You can see the evidence on their floor
But the pictures aren’t there because Jimmy Sr. Put their art on his fridge Awwh
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And and Ollie pt. 2
Their room at their mum’s house!
She mostly decorated it
She knew better than to let them choose their own wallpaper
Their mum gives them more interactive toys
The dollhouse is one of their favs
Even if their dad says it’s “girly” whatever that means
Their bunk bed is very them
Just colourful and happy
They got to pick out their bed decor since it’s kinda like their own individual little spaces
They’re still very similar though
And they still sleep together, just so you know
But this time it’s in Ollie’s bed (the bottom bunk) because the twins (mostly Ollie) are afraid of heights
Their mum didn’t want to clutter their walls or anything, so she figured the flower painting was enough
Just a lil pop of colour
The flowers are again, for her own gain lmao
The boys have pillows that they sit on while they’re colouring
And their mum would but their artwork up on her fridge, really, she WOULD
It’s just that her fridge is already decked out in not only their art but also pics of them and J-Ju
She just cannot fit anything more
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Zeke :3
Zeke’s bedroom is a lil different
He lives in a trailer with his dad and stepmom, so because of limited space he has to share his room with his new baby brother
Zeke loves his little brother with his whole heart (he would die for him) but dang he just wants his own space
Every time he looks at his lil bro though, he changes his mind
He is just so gash darn cute
When he was decorating the baby’s side of the room with Cheryl, he made SURE to tape a Bulko poster next to his brother’s crib
Gotta have something there to inspire him
Zeke is convinced his baby brother is going to become the world greatest wrestler (well, second after himself, of course)
His room gets hot as all he’ll at night so naturally he has a fan in there
The only issue now is that he has to share the cool air in the coming summertime
His favourite show ever is Sloth Snake
And he was lucky enough to snag TWO posters so that J-Ju could have a matching one!
I am personally convinced that Zeke is a Jess-style reader from Gilmore girls
Like, personality-wise he is NOT Jess
But hell does he sure read like him
Just the most pretentious books/novels
Not that he’ll ever admit it to anyone
I absolutely HAD to give him a sports water bottle
It kinda reminds me of those green Gatorade ones that every athlete and their mother has
And YES CHERYL he KNOWS he has to move the weight off the floor when the baby starts crawling -_-
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Regular-Sized Rudy
This is Rudy’s room when he’s staying with his dad
He doesn’t keep a TON of stuff here, mostly just because he spends most of his time at his mums house
And plus, there’s not much he can do to alter his room since his dad’s just leasing the condo
He has his flounder plushie. He’s obsessed with that thing
Tissues next to his bed because he has allergies all of the time
His favourite comic book series makes posters and he HAD to have the fish guy
His dad kinda uses his room to put random stuff in
Like the bonsai trees
Rudy won’t say it to his face, but he does not care about those plants in the slightest
He also has never played baseball and neither has his dad? So where did that ball come from??
The car is vintage, it’s his dads old toy
He loves to bring it in for show and tell
Rudy also likes aliens and outer space
But it’s not one of his main interests at all so he keeps it on the downlow
He and his dad play competitive ping pong together
It’s one of the few sports that he can play as long as he has a puff of his inhaler between each set(?)
Needless to say, he does NOT miss this room when he’s with his mum, that’s for sure
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Regular-sized Rudy pt. 2
This is his room at his mum’s now house
This used to be where he and his mum AND dad lived before the divorce
Which is why it’s a little more personalized
He loves to read and his mum loves it when he reads so she keeps his bookshelf stocked
The fish guy figurine was bought for him by his dad, he just prefers to keep it in this room
His dad understands (at least, Rudy thinks he does)
I’m going to pretend that green toy is a borobu plush lol
Louise is mega jealous because it’s an official licensed one
But now he knows what to get her for her birthday, so..
His mum keeps medicated ointment and sunscreen on his bookcase for easy access
She is a teeny bit of a helicopter mommy
His flounder plush comes with him back and forth
He really likes music (obviously, he spends his free time playing in his school’s orchestra)
So when he was little his dad bought him his own radio
He listens to it every night before bed and every morning when he’s getting ready for school
Again, he likes outer space, so he absolutely had to have those glow in the dark wall stars
His mum has a humidifier in his room because it helps him breathe at night
Or at least that’s what she says, and who is he to disagree with her?
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Millie’s room is essentially a replica of Louise’s room, just with a few personalized touches here and there
She demanded a Kitty for her birthday so she got one
It’s name is Princess Sparkle Rainbow Muffin
Or at least, that’s what she tells Louise (his real name is Keith)
She doesn’t have Louise’s most current bed
Her parents had to draw the line somewhere, I guess
Her mum also wouldn’t let her get any of those LED light strips even though “Louise has them mom! I NEED THEM”
She read some article about the adhesive attracting bugs and noped the fuck out of that
So they compromised and she got string lights that she literally never turns on
Millie isn’t a huge fan of Kuchi Kopi
So she doesn’t sleep with him
But she still has one
Just cuz
The only other mentionable thing is her cactus
Idk, I wanted to give her some sort of carnivorous plant but they didn’t have any so I had to make do with what I had
Millie would totally have a Venus fly trap and she would keep that thing alive and FED
Lowkey I think that she got into the same comic series as the other boys I’ve made rooms for, so she has a poster of the crystal ball thing
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Robert Allen Cole Jr. (July 1, 1868 – August 2, 1911) was born in Athens, Georgia to Robert Allen Cole, Sr. and Isabella Thomas Weldon. The Coles were well known in the Athens community, which boasted a robust African American community at the time. He learned to play the drums, banjo, guitar, piano, and cello at a young age.
He left Athens when he was fifteen, moving in with his mother’s relatives from Florida. He had many roles in entertainment. Much of these included playing in clubs throughout the East Coast, often involving singing, playing instruments, and performing comedy.
He became a formidable act in writing music and performing in a show titled “Black America.” He was a stage manager and writer for a touring act called “The Creole Show,” which featured many of his composed songs. He left his touring group. His former managers blacklisted him, preventing much interest in him from any subsequent managers. He began to write and publish his songs under the pseudonym Will Handy.
Cole and some of the dissidents from his original touring group would go on to form one of his better-known works, “A Trip to Coontown.” Written by him and his partner Billy Johnson, “A Trip to Coontown” debuted on September 27, 1897, in South Amboy, New Jersey, and is considered the first Black musical comedy. Black Patti’s Troubadours, attempted to book shows in the same cities as Cole’s group. They would compete by booking in the same cities two weeks before to try to relieve interest in Cole’s show. He ended his partnership with Billy Johnson and started a new partnership with two brothers, also named Johnson.
His partnership with James Weldon and J. Rosamond Johnson would last until his retirement in 1911 after he collapsed on stage. Their partnership would lead to a contract with Jos. W. Stern and Sons for publication of their music. Johnson and Cole would become one of the most famous musical duos in America, and some of their hits included “Under the Bamboo Tree,” as well as a series of songs called “The Evolution of Ragtime.”#africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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witness-lessme · 1 year
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Text 3 is a reddit post and its top comments that I came across from r/Singapore, a community of Singaporean redditors (reddit users).
The subject of this post is IKEA Singapore's recent cutting of prices for some of its products, and the purpose of the post is to start a discussion on how r/Singapore users feel about this change.
Something I found interesting about this post was the way that the top commenter, heartofgold48, changes his linguistic style to fit in with the person who he responds to. The original post (top screenshot) simply provides the link and title to the news article about IKEA, written in standard English and a short joke in the caption from the poster ClaytonWest74 which reads "can IKEA run our government instead?". heartofgold48's initial comment, which was voted as the top comment, is another joke that plays off the humour of ClaytonWest74's joke. It reads "Even the IKEA cabinet is better than our expensive world class cabinet", a pun in jest of Singapore's government. This comment is also written in standard English.
However, user Personal-Shallot1014 responds to heartofgold48 with a comment that makes use of both Singlish, Textese, and some other feature of online language.
"Cannot say like that leh": Singlish grammar. Standard English would say: "You shouldn't say that". The use of "leh" is also a particle seen from Singlish speakers.
"cuz": derived from "'cause", derived from "because". This is a shortening of the word "because" that is commonly seen in texting and online language.
In response to Personal-Shallot1014's comment, heartofgold48 responds with a comment using the Singlish particles "hor" (Ya hor = meaning, "oh, yeah!") and "woh" (confirmation, agreement) that matches the Singlish used by Shallot. To me, this is an example of how Singaporeans engage in code-switching and incorporate elements of Singlish into our online language in order to connect and relate to other Singaporeans online.
"/s": The use of a slash at the end of a sentence followed by a letter or string of letters, when seen in the context of an online post such as this, is meant to be an indicator of the author's tone. The name for this type of labelling is literally called a 'tone indicator'.
In this instance, both Personal-Shallot1014 and heartofgold48 use /s, which refers to sarcasm, indicating that their comments are meant to be interpreted as sarcastic.
I believe that while tone indicators have existed for a long time, they have become particularly prevalent on the internet since 2020, when a majority of people were forced to stay indoors due to Covid-19 and began spending more of their time in online spaces. This is also around the time when Gen Z, on platforms such as TikTok, began discussing social matters such as ableism, accessibility and acceptance for neuro-divergent people (people on the autism spectrum, ADHD, etc.). Tone indicators became more common around that time as a means of accessibility for neuro-divergent people who may struggle with picking up nuances such as tone and intent through text-based communication. Some other common indicators include /neg (negative), /srs (serious), or /j (joking). Usage of tone indicators is not mandatory in most online spaces including Reddit, but Personal-Shallot1014 and heartofgold48's usage of /s suggests that they spend a fair amount of time online, enough that it would be a familiar concept to them.
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elaichoi · 1 year
the v v v first time i saw ur acct was when u had the yeonjun prive alliance layout ^3^ those reincarnation aus made me saur emo T^T
i luv that for u agghh<3 not that there's anything wrong w it,but i find it most satisfying when ppl get into kpop from kpop-genre songs rather than western-sounding kpop songs lol my first kpop artists were b2st (highlight) and t-ara hehe
mhm yea mayybbe! i know 100% why i don't post them and its cos i used to be consistent w posting on both kpop & personal socmed accts but mental health happens and i kinda stopped bc numbers make me want 2 cry lmfao
except im slightly less mentally ill since that time now and yk i actually genuinely do rlly want to start all my socmed accts up again but im putting it off bc im a bit of a perfectionist and so im lazy to be doing all dat... all of nothin :D don't call the orderly i'm fine ^_^ /lh
2019-21? ah probably not then i'm pretty sure i was in and out of the school roster (pls tell me if i am oversharing/trauma dumping/crossing any boundaries bc i genuinely do not know i no longer have any social skills T_T /gen /srs)
hm i'm not sure tbh i only followed the one 😭😭 i haven't been on wattpad in a long ass time and i remember i tried seeing what wattpad was like nowadays and was v disappointed w the ads and paid stuff (i think i don't remember). booooo 👎👎
omg wait that's so cool aaaaah!!! i changed my user a lot so i honestly could not tell u bc i have goldfish memory ;__; i do remember i had a user like taempons(_) i think it had an underscore idk don't remember but i changed it (kinda wish i saved it ngl) and oh one i do remember was peachyjihoons (my wannaone phase lmao) but yeah im pretty sure my most recent user was some based on some tumblr shit like svnshine or something idfk 💀💀
u are already a talented writer save some for the rest of us 👺 /j if u could also draw u would be too powerful 👁️👄👁️
omg THAT WAS MY FIRST LAYOUT TOO!! this account isn't that old tbh i still haven't gotten the feel of writing smuts as of yet that's why i havent been much active on it BUT WAIT REINCARNATION AU?!? from my main???
DUDE I LOVE B2ST!!!! and t-ara!!!!!!!! i really got into kpop slowly because i fell for kdrama at first (found replay in one of the kdrama edit lmao) so like my music journey has been very, very kpop ish. i think the global influence in most of kpop songs started to become mroe prominent during 2018?
bro i get you like the fear of starting the stuff you love because you feel like you won't be able to give it all and starting it and feeling it like you're gonna disappoint yourself. i hadn't started anything since like 2017 until recently because i was scared i was gonna stumble, or it won't be good ( well mostly that) or i won't be able to finish that. me and my bff still has this one project we started around like 2018 lmao we both still haven't finished it or picked it up bc we developed the idea sm and got so close to it that we fear writing it now.
not OVERSHARINH I WANNA KNOW!!! NO but like FR wattpad went through the biggest glow down IVE EVer seen like. it's legit LEGIT inhabitable. like at first you take away the newsfeed?!? like how am i gonna pine over other accounts now?!? and then everything became paid and shit like wtf is that?!
omg i wonder if I ever saw you on my explore page or tags bro fr this is so interesting my ig handle has always been one tbh it's @celestialsoo ( my intense love affair with kyungsoo era) like since the dawn of the day.
YOU LIE!!!!! i wish i could fr draw tho i want to draw my muses :///
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darlingpwease · 1 year
... :// oh heaven forbid I express happiness without getting criticized >:(( /j /nsrs You bite, they pinch. I- I think you should stay with biting,,, I don't think that you need to add pinching into the mix <//333
Oh, reading, writing, games, the stuff I mentioned before,, oops lol. But that's fair,, u resting is very important~~ <33 ...I'm gonna pretend I didn't read that <333 /t /hj [OH– ik I probably say this a lot but still, be careful and try not to overwork urself too much :))] I'M JUST AS SHOCKED– I thought I was gonna guess wrong again,,, /gen
(yes, I'm gaining the salt and pepper look early too!! /j Thats true, still a pain in the ass lol,, dw,, I'm looking forward to sleeping now lol I feel like an ostrich would fit more,, I try to hide lmao I don't wanna hear that from you >:(( Worm? Frog? Yet you also call me sweet names too?? We're going to be going back and forth again at this point >:(( /ht
It means I will sleep a lot. And if I sleep a little, my day will be full of on and off naps.
I can't even refute that. Instead I kinda wanna applaud you for finding the post... Ah,, let me stop you right there!! I agreed with being a frog as long as I don't become a worm!! /100000% gen AND SRS I STILL REMEMBER SOME THINGS!! /vvv gen + srs
your imagination is flourishing, darling /t I agree!! I'm a sucker for those especially when the gold are the highlights or used in details, it always makes artwork and architecture (and many other things too) look more majestic than before. The way people use it too is just really cool. Do you not think they fall under earth/nature related things?? /t Dark browns and greens, some beige colors too. ...okay, uhhh lets pause for a sec... Thats,, fair,,, but I'm pretty sure I talked about that before?? There's barely any bellies in my head (if at all). And if I were taken I would be acting very differently when speaking to you Dove, I promise lol. Plus I'm not even looking for something like that rn, so there should be no worries about being the 'other crumb.' being rotten on the other hand– /t
Ah, both?? yes yes... that does make sense.... Oh, oh no, I'm illiterate now,, but weirdly for only this section? Oh oh no oh well oops oh goodness well time to move onto something else– ...are u sure you did the test right, Dove?? WHAT
-panna cotta
of course; you're already acting teasingly, even though they're constantly trying to tame criticize you, so what kind of mess will you be when we stop doing this??? <///3 /t /hj why not??? I thought about it and decided that pinching you is much more effective than biting; we should start combining<333 /t
😧😧😧wow. I can only relax when I cuddle with a toy,,, you're interesting, boo~ then I will repeat once again that it is a pity that you have not grown even taller due to lack of sleep<///3 how do I roll you back to factory settings??? what is this sudden increase in the level of eloquence??? do you want to become a sweeter talker than you already are???
I sympathize; not that I can understand, I'm destined to remain forever young & beautiful<33 /t /j /nsrs yes;; fucking work with expired deadlines</3 that's good!!! so I can continue to rest while you work😋😋😋 trust me, 50% of your success is your lack of a bunny face, lovely~ of course!!! I love frogs and worms; when I was little, I often caught frogs and lizards to play with them, and dug up worms so that I could just let them go, since the moment of hunting interested me much more than doing something with them<3333 I still remember how I collected worms on the street in front of school (especially those who were trapped in puddles or could not move because they were crushed by someone) and carried them to the ground~ or when I walked around them just so as not to crush; so you're just wormphobic & frogphobic, panettone :///// not very panna cotta-ish of you :///////// /ht /hj I mean, it's normal for STRANGERS who DON'T KNOW EACH OTHER WELL and DON'T HAVE A LOT OF MEMORIES, so yeah, we can go back and forth until I get to know each other better >:3333 /t /j
ah,,,, it's so cute,,,,, I've often let friends sleep on my thighs before; I'd like to see your pretty sleeping face when you're not teasing or saying mean things<33 /t
it was very easy since I remembered him; it's good to have a memory /ht /j /neu no, no, you definitely agreed to become my worm!!! on the contrary, you said that instead of a frog you want to be a worm, because then they won't make a potion out of you<333 /1000000% gen<3333 heheh >:3333 you're wrong~ /t /j
not very peacemaker-ish of you~ /t /pos yes!!! it's just so beautiful,,,, it gives a certain antiquity and nobility to things<3333
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[Janthina janthina / Liguus virgineus /Hinea brasiliana] ' fall under earth/nature related things' oh?
of course, there is no belly; instead, someone's glasses are there🤨🤨🤨 /j /t /nsrs If you start communicating with me differently one day, I will block you; NO non-single pies here, even panna cottas 3:<<< /hj /t /¾nsrs being a rotten crumb is a blessing, silly panna cotta<333 you may know a lot of crumbs, but do you know a lot of rotten crumbs? exactly~
It's okay, I can crawl out of the closet and we'll talk!!! I will be happy to explain to you what is hidden under the armor & why people are actually naked and you don't need to be shy about it. hey hey don't be sHY- /t /j of course, I made it up; now I will think about what sanctions to put forward for such an illiterate panna cotta~ yes!!! we urgently need to figure out what to do with you!!! everything always starts with rebellious and unfaithful panna cotta!!! 3:<<< /t /j
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lisxdumbr · 2 years
I just saw your reply to my last msg hold on this is my reply to that(AND its ok if u answer late, that's fine💖 i will still love u):
Forgetting to exist just feels like time is passing by and you're more or less out of touch with your body as if it's the realest lucid (dream) reality and your heart keeps getting emptier than ever even if it is empty anymore.. it's like. you are very tired of everything (even what u love. Literally everything), becoming more drained even by doing the bare minimum, and you can't burn yourself to do more (analogy that could help is how a dwarf star burns all its might until it's nothing and gets colder in the end. Then maybeee explode) To Summarize: silly sadness is not silly anymore and emptiness is emptier than ever! 🎉
(very sad. yes. but i am sillier than usual so. Let's focus on the silliness instead while acknowledging this sad thing.)
Oh no... it is a sad day for the free pulls... But perhaps the luck went to mika... You know.. I BELIEVE IN U (and your dias) LIS!! Yuta mirage you better come home to lis as well or else.
GOODLUCK ON MIKA CARD!! Go get the silly and prettiest idol ever 🧸💚 2day is his bday may he be kind to u <33 ngl his singing voice still stuns me so dang much like WOahh... I must see them personally and would kill (slash j... Ohh are we slashing people?? Why not? Again, this is a joke,, your sunflower is just feelin goofy.. ) to get a ticket if only enstars exists irl... I know u would do the same.
Okie that's all for now!! Keep being the silly cospro producer lis <3 All the love!! 🎀😉💌 I'm happy u chilled for the holidays that's so cool, i hope u enjoyed the stuff u brought for yourself <3
— 🌻.
I promised I'd reply to this soon, I am sorry it was,, sooner than the others at least? but yeah it still took me a couple of days ★
Ohh I get the feeling but ough :(( I'm so sorry you're going over that. Yes I know how depression feels, very much,, I've been severely depressed since I was a child and recently I got diagnosed with a cortisol addiction ! It's all over my blood plaguing it so,, yeah, the feeling won't go away in a whiiiile.
Emptiness is something very hard to overcome I'm, wahhh I want to give you a hug and put you in my pocket. Maybe it's my protective 6th sense idk, I'm not called ate/nee-san by my friends over nothing. If you ever need to talk, my asks and my dms are open ! it'll be a silly secret
I'M VERY GRATEFUL FOR YOUR WISHES TYSM. I hope that Yuta comes home soon, YESSS THE BIRTHDAY MANIFESTATION WORKED I got my Mika !!!! I will ramble forward in your next ask that I need to reply to too /sweats. Who wouldn't kill slash half jay slash srs to be in a Valkyrie concert, of course I know the feeling. My Mimika was my first favorite character alongside Yuta when I started getting into enstars. I was OBSESSED, to the point I made tons of Mika fanart ! I'm thinking I should redraw some.
YOU KEEP BEING AMAZING TOO !! Hang on there ! I know mental health is always something we struggle with but I don't know what I'd do without your silly messages in my askbox every now and then. I will proceed with your other ask, this time separated (I keep experimenting with the way I reply to you idk)
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Everything You Need to Know About Lionel Richie's Residence
Lionel Richie is a huge admirer of today's music singers and would be a fantastic judge on the forthcoming American Idol. While he has been off the program for a few years, his admiration for today's music artists is evident. Consequently, he'll join Katy Perry and Luke Bryan on the judging panel.
Lionel Richie is an American singer-songwriter born on June 20, 1949, in Tuskegee, Alabama. His sweet love ballads from the 1970s and 1980s are his most well-known works. Richie is a skilled artist whose music covers numerous genres.
Richie is atop the Billboard Artist 100 list, and his new live CD Hello From Vegas debuted at the top. It is Richie's sixth solo album to reach the Billboard 200 chart's Top 10. Adele, Future, and Frank Ocean are among the most recent solo artists to hit the Top 100. But Lionel Richie isn't satisfied with his achievements.
Richie's record has several duets with country singers such as Kenny Rogers. During the program, he and Rogers sang "Lady." Richie's songs were preceded by filmed vignettes of the performer discussing the music he'd be singing. Another video featured country performers performing in the studio with Richie.
Lionel Richie, a superstar composer, and producer, is among the most well-known names in the music business. He began his career with the Commodores and has since become a solo musician and a judge on American Idol. He is still writing songs and has a net worth of more than $200 million. In addition to his enormous riches, he owns one of Beverly Hills' most extraordinary properties.
Richie started singing in R&B ensembles as a student and went on to become the Commodores' lead vocalist. Richie was quickly signed to a contract with Motown Records after the trio released one album for Atlantic Records. His songs were successful, including "Brick House" and "Easy." He also composed music for Kenny Rogers.
Lionel Richie is a singer, record producer, and television judge. Lionel Brockman Richie, Sr. is his father. Since 2004, he has been on the American Idol judging panel. Richie had a lengthy career in the music industry. He has starred in various music videos and received prizes and distinctions due to his achievement. Berklee College of Music earned him an Honorary Doctorate of Music in May 2017. In addition, he received the Kennedy Center Honors in December, with LL Cool J and Gloria Estefan. In 2017, he was also revealed as a judge on the reboot of American Idol. He has since featured in other episodes.
Richie's most notable hit was his 1984 track "Hello," a sweet love tune. It was Richie's first top 10 hit, and he went on to have a successful career in music. That year, he had three more top 10 hits. Later, he produced Diana Ross's song "Missing You."
An excellent piece about Lionel Richie's house was published in Architectural Digest. The house had 28 rooms when it was first completed in 1929. Richie has spent millions of dollars personalizing the inside, which has undergone multiple modifications. It has a zen rose garden, expansive terraces, and a spa.
Richie grew up in Tuskegee, Alabama, and attended Tuskegee University. His mother was a teacher, while his maternal grandmother taught music. He also has an uncle who was a Duke Ellington arranger. His uncle also handed him his first saxophone. He had pondered becoming an Episcopal priest before beginning his profession. However, he was drawn to the young ladies who sang at prom and abandoned his plans to become a priest.
Richie has been on American Idol five times and has won several accolades. He is glad for the chance to influence the next generation of artists. Furthermore, being a performer, musician, and producer, he brings a distinct viewpoint to the program. As a consequence, he adores today's pop stars.
Michael Jackson's pal, Lionel Richie, suspected something was wrong with the King of Pop. He blamed Jackson's strange conduct on the bright lights of stardom. Richie even went so far as to attempt to reason with the King of Pop. Michael Jackson, on the other hand, died in 2009 from an accidental overdose of prescription drugs.
Richie was horrified and grieved by Jackson's death. As a consequence, he struggled to accept his idol's demise. He was, however, just 65 years old at the time.
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opal-owl-flight · 2 years
I'd like to apologize on behalf of these weird anons overlord AU Meta. Abuse is never supposed to be taken lightly. Hopefully there will be someone to rescue you from your hell...
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(I really wish this au ends on a happier note. Sadly, its been written since the beginning to be a bad end au for the Four.
Hes so fucking horrible augh)
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