#( vax;replies)
tokintormin · 2 months
Siempre tuve el headcanon que Vax era incapaz de volar como Scootaloo de MLP 😔
Prácticamente sus alas no crecerían 😢
I see.. That's a really sweet headcanon. I think it really fits him;
mind if I take that idea too
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Honestly.... I should have expected it, given Caleb. Yes he is my beloved sad boy, but he is the one constantly encouraging Veth and Jester's bullshit! He was part of the original Chaos Crew! Seems Vax has had a similar thing happen with his character perception
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working-dreamer · 2 years
Of all the nights I go to see Les Miserables on tour of course it had to be the night where everyone is probably gonna die in Critical Role Campaign 3.
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championsofthegate · 8 months
Vax Open Starter (BG3 Verse)
Vax'ildan had to finally admit to himself: he had no idea where the fuck he was.
The landscape surrounding him was as unfamiliar as the illithid ship had been, although at least the trees were a welcome sight. And whether the ship had picked up just him or any other members of Vox Machina as well remained to be seen.
Footsteps began to approach, and he slipped behind a tree, dagger ready in case one of those illithid bastards had come looking for him. A wave of psychic energy rolled over him, sending his tadpole squirming in his brain, but not from an illithid.
From another tadpole.
"What the fuck are these things?" he said out loud, despite himself. "...shit."
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baldursarchive · 5 months
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[ inspection ] sender holds receiver's face while inspecting an injury they got (kiki for vax)
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"kiki.." he starts, suddenly so aware of how close she was to him. he does not like being fussed over, although he is aware how he is constantly fussing over others. especially his sister. and now. keyleth. dark brown eyes look back at hers, and he feels warm. there's a silence. unsure if it's uncomfortable, he is just simply in it. dragged them both into it. "... i am alright, truly there's no need for you to get worried. just a scratch and a scare...nothing else." he sounds nervous then, unable to get the idea of her out of his head. her touch, her eyes, her face. he doesn't know what to do with it all, he just stands there. half-heartedly hoping this moment would last longer. his hand hesitantly moves up, rests on hers. as to comfort, as to make his words more meaningful.
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aceofwhump · 2 years
I’m REALLY struggling to find good Vox Machina whump fics! I’m new to the fandom and I would LOVE to see some good physical whump fics instead of just angst. Do you have any in mind?
Huh. So it turns out I haven't really read any Vox Machina whump fics yet. Which is kinda crazy. I always get right on that but I haven't. I'm so sorry I can't be of any help here.
Followers! Who has fic recs!!!!!
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attor · 9 months
Are you vaccinated? I got covid 3x after getting vaxxed and it barely felt like anything, just a little sore throat.
ya ive been vaxxed 4 times at this point didnt get a chance to get the one that rolled out in september yet but theres also a pretty good chance i have an autoimmune disorder so. my insanely violent immune system is taking the reigns on this one
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oddthesungod · 2 years
No no no no no, you're going to cause me to fall into a new ship😭 I don't even know the name of this show, I just watch it sporadically over my boyfriend's shoulder sometimes. I don't know what DND is exactly, but I can feel a hyperfixation coming on centered around this show and your art, both of which are so damn captivating to look at. And I was already thinking 🤔 that elf guy is cute and the short king is vibes, now I have to learn names. Thank you, respectfully with tears. (Jokes aside, I hope you are doing well ☺️ and very much love and appreciate your art. Okays bye✌🏾)
ASJDHA, well I know if anything I'm real good at infecting ppl with rare ship bugs, so you're most welcome!
The name of the show is The Legend of Vox Machina!! You can watch it on Amazon Prime, season 2 just came out!!!!! I really really really REALLY cannot recommend it enough, it's asolutely amazing. It's based on a real play campaign that was streamed some years ago by the Critical Role gang, it's the campaign that started it all really, it's real fucking good. So after having watched hours of them playing those characters with only my imagination to picture how it all went (since, y'know it's D&D so it's just a bunch of nerds sitting around a table role playing lmfao) seeing it FULLY ANIMATED is just........... magical!
As for the characters I've drawn, the elf is Vax'ildan, he's a half-elf!! and the shortie is Scanlan Shorthalt, he's a gnome bard and I love them very much, they have a really fun dynamic and season 2 gave them a lot of mutual character development I'd been looking forward to! <33333
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
@summerhorse said: She didn't get banned, she deleted it herself. Wish she'd done it 3 years ago.
Sounds like what someone who got banned and wanted to save face would say to me. Why would she suddenly stop posting her bullshit on a favored social media site unless she faced consequences for it?
And she damn well should have deleted it 3 years ago. People like her fearmongering and spreading misinformation and refusing to take precautions to not spread it to others are a major reason the pandemic has been so damn difficult. I still worry about my elderly grandma or my cancer survivor mom having complications (both recovered great because they're smart and got vaccinated). While Gina was bleating nonsense about getting back to work, I was already working and worrying every day about someone who thinks like her sending their kid in infected and getting me or my other students sick, and this was before any of us had the protection of a vaccine. It's about fucking time she had some consequences and I hope she gets her head out of her ass about the vaccine and stops posting her misinformation and having her persecution complex fed by the idiots her lap her posts up.
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strawbrryrush · 1 year
closed starter for vex !! @lavendaers
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"if they keep bothering you, I have no problem making them regret it, whether that be with violence is up to you- and them." he told looking over at his sister.
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cryptiique · 1 year
“ you are what’s important right now. “ //for vax
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the words weigh heavy, because vax knows how difficult scanlan finds them. playful, deceitful scanlan, who lies to everyone and himself. vax can only imagine the layers of feelings banging around in the gnome's head, and he almost wishes he could quiet them, but... damn, if it doesn't feel good to hear.
the rogue peers through the darkness of the room, broken only by the scattered remaining flames in the fireplace that cast shadows and shapes upon their faces. he doesn't want to pressure scanlan. doesn't want to box him in, tie him down, wrap so tightly around him in fear of suffocating him. ( what if he leaves again? )
a soft smile twitches against his lips — he hadn't realized he had been waiting to hear it. some kind of reassurance. something that sounds like a promise. he shifts closer to lean into scanlan's side, head bowing to nuzzle against the top of his head. he has no words, if only a whispered 'thank you.'
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folksonomy · 4 months
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[3 reply tweets by chaoticdutchies on Twitter] Vaccine mandates, masks, and lockdowns have been present throughout history. You made a CHOICE to not take a vaccine that you're privileged to have access to, that is designed to protect you, thus your exclusion from social activities is your choice too; you knew it would happen. Jewish people were hunted for their religion, their heritage; the ancestry they couldn't change. They never had a choice in any of it, never had time to prepare, were never warned of what they would face. They experienced genocide, discrimination, and oppression, relentlessly. And not because of a choice they made; because of who they WERE. Don't you dare compare this to Nazism and the suffering of the Jews. There isn't even a comparison.
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firepassed · 7 months
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it isn't fair. it's like some sort of cruel, horrible joke and worse, none of this makes any sense to her. she just got him back- her vax, her husband, the love of her life and now, she is watching him wither and fade before her very eyes and nothing keyleth has done has helped. the helplessness she feels, far worse than the helplessness that she felt watching him fade away from her for the first time and then pain is twice as heavy as her head fills with questions. keyleth, though, tries her best to hide it from him though she worries as he gets worse and worse, her act has not been enough. she is going to find something to make him feel better, though. she refuses to accept this...
he lies in their bed now, and keyleth stays by his side, resting a cloth to his forehead, fingers slipping from it to instead thumb at a cheek, using cure wounds once again as though it might do something as she forces a small smile though all she wants to do is weep. there’s something she’s thinking of. there’s something she’s missing. there’s something she’s done wrong or worse, this is some kind of cruel joke. whatever it is, she’s trying to contain herself and focus on him and not the fear that sits within her of seeing him die.
“ are you cold, love? ” she asks, her voice a whisper and her lips unpturned in a tense smile. her hand that is not holding the warm cloths shifts to hold onto his hand, a desperate cure wounds leaving her fingertips to seep into his. “ what do you need? what can i get you? ”
[ nononono! ] ( REVERSE )  –  for the keyleth to hold the @ravenant head / face while they’re injured, brush their thumb along their cheeks & refuse to accept that the receiver is dying.
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baldursarchive · 6 months
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❛ can’t sleep? ❜ (kiki for vax)
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her voice has managed to make it's way into his head. he doesn't jump, but his heart rate definitely picks up. he looks over his shoulder at keyleth, it's distracting. how pretty she is. it's only now that vax notices he hasn't said a single thing. "uh." he starts, great. he's doing great. "- just dealing with a worm in my head. kind of difficult to sleep with that." it's a bit frustrating, just when the party had found the arch druid halsin...it dawned on them the information that halsin can't help them. he doesn't want to seem pessimistic or sour, but it is unfair to be in this state, near the brink of death and just following clues around to be lead no where. and he doesn't want to sleep, he doesn't want to rest. flashes and promises of powers by a mysterious being in his head. he likes what he knows, and reality ias what he knows thank you very much. he's legs folded, curled in himself. and he opens up. looking up at her, offering a space next to him. "-how about you? how come you're awake..."
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coreofgold · 10 months
@circleofstarrs for Ellie
"This isn't my sister's flat. . ." Vax said once he opened the door. "Nice place you got, though."
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storiedhistories · 2 years
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@firepassed asked: If you would have asked Keyleth where she would be just a couple of months ago, she would have honestly probably would have answered something that was not too positive and quite the opposite from the truth yet….here she was. Home, Vax at her side. Things calm… A little stressful, as they are now, but also just… normal in comparison to their old usual activities. That didn’t mean her work didn’t overwhelm her, as it was now. She just had a good method of calming down. Her hand outstretched to the other half-elf, smile small on her face. “I need a break. Do you want to do some exploring with me?” ( year off soft thing )
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After everything that had happened in his life, Vax had never foreseen anything like this for himself. For one thing, he'd never anticipated that he and Vex would be so far apart, even if Keyleth was able to get them to Whitestone with a single spell. It was still…..something he was getting used to. And if he was honest with himself, he wasn't entirely certain how he felt about that.
But being here with Keyleth, learning about her people, seeing the world through Kiki's eyes….., it was incredible. It was so very different from how he and Vex had grown up, and he thought he understood Keyleth a bit more, now that they'd been spending so much time in Zephrah.
And he'd been doing his best to help out, though he was pretty sure he ended up getting in the way more than he actually helped. Still, everyone seemed pretty good-natured about it, letting him poke around as much as he pleased, even if his help wasn't necessarily needed.
Still, when Keyleth offered her hand out to him, he put down the bucket he was carrying, taking her hand instead, an answering smile slipping onto his own face.
"Always," he said in response to her question. He might not be as outdoorsy as Vex, but he certainly enjoyed a good exploration. "Where are we headed today, Kiki?" She knew the area around here better than he did, though he was getting better with the little footpaths each and every day they went out like this.
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