#( v; guardian angel )
pixlokita · 1 year
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@soniccrazygal he does a lil grabby while sleeping ✨💖
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thecopynin-kakashi · 5 days
Considering they aren't allowed to meet face to face, ( and shouldn't be meeting at all truth be told ) he's going to leave a book at the base of an old, familiar tree deep in the forest. Granted he dare not assume that the birthday man in question would dare venture this close to enemy territory on his glorious name day. Even so, he himself cannot let the day go by without acknowledging the fact that someone still thinks of said birthday shinobi as a friend --- the village higher ups be damned. Happy Birthday... There's no note upon the book but he hopes it ends up in the right hands all the same. With one final glance back at the tree, he runs off into the night hoping he wasn't seen by anyone from the village. His heart feels heavy but in the same breath, it's worth it if it means a certain someone is still free from chains and torture.
That very text would be found a few hours later.
Fingers brush away fallen leaves, the first of the turning of the season. Soon the chill would be back in the air and his visits to this sacred place would become more scarce.
Quietly saddened by the missed opportunity to hear a kind voice, Kakashi lingers in the last tendrils of Iruka's presence. He is grateful beyond words for such a small token on a day that felt as mundane as any other--yet the yearning for just a meager glimpse of the village he so dearly loves overtakes his caution.
To exchange words with a friend would have been asking far too much. It was better this way.
Thank you...
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 11 months
@writtenxbeginnings liked for a sam starter!
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"So-- Bobby called. Nothing on anything to get you back to your own timeline. I think Dean's finally starting to deal with it but it's just. It's a lot." Sam talks, a small bit of laughter slips from his mouth. Nervous laughter. He swallows, fidgeting with a shirt he was attempting to fold. "Something bad happens to us, doesn't it?"
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spikershoyo · 6 months
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artistaforever · 9 months
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shugcxrcuei-jin · 10 months
continuing from here: x @holified
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"Kikyo-sama, your reaction suggests a reluctance to the idea of my continued presence here," he expressed, a hint of concern in his voice. Swiftly, without a moment's hesitation, the young man tenderly grasped her hands, drawing her into a close embrace. The intimate connection between them became palpable in the shared warmth of the moment. " Truly, I earnestly wish for that. It's been occupying my thoughts significantly of late, and I've devoted considerable contemplation to the matter. "
As he held her, it was evident that he had given considerable thought to his current situation. The prospect of settling down and spending the rest of his days with the person he held dearest resonated deeply within him. The notion of embracing a quieter, more serene life together seemed not just appealing but almost like a natural progression—a befitting chapter for their retirement, where the tranquility of shared moments eclipsed the hustle and bustle of the outside world.
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@fablewoven x Angel
She thought she had the chance to just kick the guy to the curb the old-fashioned way, until the jackass had shown her that his arms had just turned into blades. After nearly losing her head and then a hit to her stomach, Emma had no choice but to use her powers to blast him out of her way and knocking him out, then quickly handcuffed him to the bench for his ankle, knowing the police would be there soon enough. And then she passed out before she could do something about her wound.
When she woke, it wasn't at a hospital. She jolted to sit, patting her abdomen - no wound there - and then her face - no mask - and finally looked at her side and saw a stranger. A woman. She stared emotionlessly for a moment before opening her mouth, closing it and then going: "sup." Had she been in a coma? No, she hadn't used that much energy. Passed out, then? Had this woman seen her knock out the guy? The light? Had she arrived there, thought she had been attacked but had managed to handcuff the guy, and brought her somewhere safe? Seeing as she had a gun and handcuffs she could have assumed she was a cop. Unless she was a bad guy too and this wasn't a rescue. "You are not one of the bad guys and about to try to re-enact Saw with me, are you?"
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talentforlying · 1 year
"if it makes you more comfortable, you could simply think of it as metaphor."
' yeah? what do the kids these days use collectin' all the pieces of your mate's broken halo to stand in for, em? that the new "spectacles, testicles, wallet n'watch," is it? '
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the answer's the easy part: he'll do it. sneak around the fringes of heaven, bribe and barter and borrow angels to hunt down what he can't steal himself. he'll pick the microscopic shards out of his palms where they lodged as he was mangling it, wrap the whole mess up in a bow.
but . . . fuck. FUCK. that fucking vault, and its wards. that empty, hollow ring when the halo snapped. that's the kind of divinity worth saving, to emmanuel? the pieces to memorialize? the cold fragments on the floor like shards of pottery scooped off battlefields from the hands of people who were never buried? maybe it's like holding onto your wisdom teeth, or gathering up a limb so they can try and re-attach it. maybe it's so far beyond human sentiment that he can never hope to understand. maybe he's afraid to ask, in case the answer is disappointing.
the palms of his hands grind into his eyes, stirring up spots like silt off a river floor. leave it to an angel to give him some semblance of faith, just so he can remember why he never bloody bothered in the first place.
' tell me this is some personal quest for sodding closure, an' not you tryin' to go back. i'm asking nicely. '
@handgiven / AMERICAN GODS STARTERS ( always accepting )
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kyukicho · 1 year
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@mcwscollective asked: Technology was an interesting thing. Before, they’d relied on instincts and subtle hints from the universe to get their messages across. Now? All he had to do was use one of those phone things to send his message directly to the palm of the human he needed to communicate with. So when Mikey needed to keep his ass off the road for a little while to avoid an accident, Bachira wasted no time using a random cell phone to send a text — a number he’d never seen before popping up on the screen moments later with a few simple words beneath it in an effort to keep him from leaving: get back into bed, you need your rest.
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Invincible. He was the 'Invincible' Mikey. He didn't get sick and he certainly didn't get to the point he had to be laid up in bed. Even if the constant cough and red cheeks spoke otherwise. He wasn't about to let that stop him. Wasn't going to miss riding in this nice weather for a stupid cold that he obviously didn't have!
Babu parked right outside, he was just pulling his jacket on when the phone in his pocket chimed a message. Kenchin? No... that wasn't his tone. Fishing the phone out, Mikey read the strange message. Typing back. 'Who is this? Don't tell me what to do.'
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vixlenxe · 2 years
Now behold the Royalty/Nobility that give ZERO fucks:
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hellsgreatestshow · 2 months
Verse info;
This is an updated post covering all the verses I have. This will be updated as needed for new ships and aus I may add. Under cut for length.
V; rewrite the stars (main) - Generally this will be the main verse and default verse for more of my muses. This verse contains shared lore with @hellsgreatestgame. In this verse Lucifer has expanded hell to contain 9 Rings of hell with the addition of Purgatory which is a dedicated place to souls that can not cross into heaven. It is basically Hell's version of heaven. Hell born with good souls will end up here following death and when angels fall this is a place they can seek refuge that does not have the same struggles as the other rings. The other ring added is called Anguish, this ring is for those deemed irredeemable by the council Lucifer has set in place. Once there they are under domain of the sin of Anguish. This ring is ran by, Alastor. In this verse some muses are in a relationship and are happy which is Lucifer & Rose, Rachael & Alastor, Fizzarolli & Asmodeus and others to come later.
V; dreaming with your eyes wide open (alt. verse) - This verse is the alt. of my main. It is my default with duplicates and other versions that aren't my main verse. This verse all my muses are single.
V; friends on the other sides (human) - This is a complete alternate timeline in which all muses and characters are human. It involves magic, demons and more. It is set in New Orleans in the 1920s following the protagonists Maia & Alastor. A character index can be found here. This is a group verse and many characters are open for those who are interested.
V; tell the people mama told you so (human alt.) - This is a human alternate to the above verse where the Alastor can be a represented by various other versions and duplicates.
V; far beyond the halos and the castles in the sky (deadly sins alt.) - This verse will be for versions of the deadly sins were rings can be ran by other sins, be flipped or include major divergents for the main sins where the sins are not fallen angels.
V; everything's clear now that I'm here with you (ship exclusive) - RadioApple verse where Lucifer is deeply committed to Alastor. The two are working together at the hotel to raise their daughter.
V; dancing in the shadows (ship exclusive) - The reverse of the ship above where the muns write the opposite characters as above. Lucifer & Alastor are in a committed relationship and finding balance the best they can.
V; if you feel so angry just get up and start a RIOT (I.M.P.) - This is my main verse for I.M.P and shares lore with Moxxie & Blitzø. This tag will be mostly for Helluvaboss rps or whenever Millie is included.
V; what hell needs is the VEES to keep it all spinning around (the Vees) - This verse will most be used for Vox or Val when interacting with other members of the Vees. My canon does not have either of my boys romantically involved with Velvette unless we discuss first. They are all equals and need one another. This will also be the main verse for villain Vox.
V; I tell myself this is my custom hell (alt. Vees) - This is the main alt. for when the Vees recruit and add more members of the Vees. This verse tends to include the ship of Velvette & Verosika. This will also be the tag used for when Valentino is killed and/or replaced.
V; Imagination is the limit to the devil's clientele (House of Asmodeus) - This is a verse that follows Angel Dust in the wake of his newfound freedom from Valentino. He has been granted special permission to work for the Sin of Lust as a cabaret performer along side Fizzy. This verse can be used for other performers who work for Ozzie.
V; they wanted heaven from me i gave them hell (guardian angel) - A verse for any of my angels muses taking up the role as a guardian angel for a human. This does no imply romance between the angel and their human. However it does imply a deep relationship that transcends the various planes of existence. There are rules the angels are meant to follow.
V; push your hand upon my neck and feel the pulse (succubus ray) - A special au for my own oc where she was born in hell as a succubus and works for Ozzie. She is a tiny little thing that does not usually do her job well. Every time she returns from earth she brings home a new earthly pet for her collection.
V; drink the poison lightly cause there are deeper and darker things than you (ship exclusive) - Static Dust ship with Angel Dust.
V; I was told that the sex is better than drugs (ship exclusive) - SINphony ship of Ozzie & Ray.
V; God knows your built for sin (ship exclusive) - Radio Blossom ship where Alastor is devoted to Rose.
V; with a record selection and a mirror's reflection (twin verse) - This is for an mirror or duplicate writing between my Alastor and other versions of himself.
V; the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky (eden) - This verse is for anything before the fall of Lucifer when angels and humans still could co-exist. Many angels roam the earth and can develop connections with Adam & Lilith. this will always be my tag for angel!Lucifer
V; did you fall for a shooting star? one without a permanent scar (ship exclusive) - Apple Lust ship for Lucifer & Ozzie.
V; I'll fix these broken things repair your broken wings (ship exclusive) - Apple Jester ship Lucifer and Fizzarolli.
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mystiika · 3 months
warren tag drop
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thecopynin-kakashi · 9 months
For @gildinbainas
The smell of smoke clung to the air just as heavily as the scent of blood. To those within a half-mile mile radius, the ground had shook the moment Kakashi's explosive tag had been triggered. Dust and smoke had enveloped the trees, giving the copy-nin valuable time to break some distance away.
The ROOT's tracking experts had always been rather well-trained and Kakashi had known these were the risks involved with keeping so close to the perimeters of the village. With the ferocity of this current team sniffing for him, it was likely safe to assume they were tasked solely with locating and defeating him. Danzo would no doubt love to have him apprehended, at his mercy, but the time in which Kakashi remained free increased the security risks to every dirty secret he was trying to harbor.
Two clones had already pulled a division within their ranks, leading them astray as Kakashi sank beneath the shelter of a thick grove. He was breathing heavily beneath his mask, and injuries aside, his endurance posed a risk as they sought to chip away at him. There was no desire to cut them down despite their loyalties to Danzo, and the explosive tag itself had been a means of cloaking an escape--though admittedly, a few of them being wounded in the blast would not entirely be a bad thing. Being outnumbered by special forces was certainly no walk in the park, especially when using non-lethal measures.
But the more they cornered down Kakashi, the more it would inevitably force his hand to spill their blood.
For now however, it was his blood the earth was tasting as it dripped steadily between his fingers.
Ten minutes...he should be safe enough to take that moment and recuperate to the best of his ability before putting himself back on the move. Eventually, they would double back and recheck the trail. Eventually, that would land them here.
A soft movement a short distance away drew alarm.
Fingers tightened around the hilt of his kunai, the weapon pulled towards his chest in an outward poise. The movement of his attack would be no more than a mere flick of his arm, yet it would contain all the force and accuracy it needed for a quick kill. A few steps more in his direction, and the target of this strike would be clearly visible through the brush. Perhaps he'd been found much sooner than expected, in which case he would need to go for the kill.
Another step. Another ripple of tension. He was ready to launch forward, the glimmer of his sharingan the only indicator of the viper lying in wait. His adversary emerged and Kakashi's arm tightened, managing only to draw in his attack when a familiar and gentle face broke through the cover. He redirected at the last moment and the blade hissed harmlessly passed, burying into a nearby trunk instead.
There's a rush of a breath as he blinks in surprise. "Iruka? Quick--get down. It isn't safe out here."
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griefhardt · 1 year
"I feel so overwhelmed right now. I don't know where to start."
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"Likely with Genji, if things have not changed too much!" the old soldier retorts, a burst of a good-natured laugh escaping him — [ He's still got it! ] — before he pushes up from his seat at the table and goes over to the coffee machine.
[ He doesn't move quite so well as he once did. Years and battles have not been kind to him with their passing. Out of the armor, his injuries are clear, displayed in the various scars littered across his skin and also in the lumbering, almost limping, nature to his walk when he isn't diligent. But! today has been a fairly good day and he manages well enough. ]
Still, he quietens his amusement [ at his own joke ] down to a chuckle and shakes his head as he gets one cup filled and then another, bringing both back over to the table.
[ He can only hope that she isn't the one who brewed the coffee… ]
Setting down the cups, he pulls out a chair for her and offers a reassuring smile.
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"Come now! Let us sit down and drink coffee and start from the beginning. Do you have all of the supplies that you need?"
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guiltcrept · 1 year
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shugcxrcuei-jin · 2 years
inseparableduo liked this post
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"W-what are you two doing? Why is the whole house torn apart? I leave the house to you two for a month and this is what I come back to?"
At this point, Takeshi isn't surprised. He expected something like this would happen... At this point, he just... He's just existing at this point.
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