#( the boys // FRIDAY VERSE )
anewkindofme · 6 months
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Thank you @actualalligator for the text.
I got the idea for this chapter of "My Boy" in the shower. It's not going to come for awhile, but it's what I'm writing right now. So, in the future when Mark & Jackson aren't arguing and Addison is in Seattle...
Also, because I love Addek's friendship...
Addison: I need you to meet me in the ER. Room 9.
Derek blinks a couple of times to make sure he has the right name on the screen. He starts to type a response but knows whatever it is, has to be bad. Addison wouldn’t be here, asking for his help of all people’s otherwise. So, he pushes his salad away and heads down there.
He isn’t sure what he expected to find, but it certainly wasn’t Jackson sitting on the cot dressed in his favorite Barney pajamas with a washcloth pressed to his forehead. Nor Addison standing beside him, a forced smile clearly riddled with nerves on her face.
“Uncle Der’k,” Jackson whines. “Wan’ Daddy.”
Derek nods. “Okay, I’ll see if I can find him. Can you tell me what happened first?”
“Fell…got owie.”
Derek’s eyes flicker to his ex-wife. She takes a deep breath. “He was sitting on the counter while I got his toothbrush ready. I turned for 5 seconds and well…”
She walks over and gently takes Jackson’s hand off the cloth to reveal the wound. Derek keeps a poker face as he takes in the deep cut.  Addison rubs her hand up and down Jackson’s back, keeping her eyes on Derek.
“Mark is going to k-i-l-l me.”
No pressure tag: @cianmarstoo, @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad, @snowviolettwhite & @kingofdarkness00
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dnangelic · 5 months
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who wants a starter. give this a like
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havvkinsqueen · 1 year
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*/ @bluejaycarver left a note;
"Chriss, you look kind of cold. Do you want my jacket?"
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---☁︎。⋆。 The thing about Chrissy was that she was always cold. The teen always carried around sweaters, or jackets with her. Something that she could cover up in and get the cold off her skin. That is, except today. It was a fall day, the type where it was on the cusp of being chilly or being warm and it all hindered on whether the sun was behind a cloud. So, their fall date was less of Chrissy enjoying Jason's company and more of her rubbing her arms to try and heat herself up with the friction, and shivering ever so slightly. And as it would seem, it didn't matter if the damn sun was out or not, she was still chilly.
--- "But won't you be, uhm, chilly at all? The shade makes it a little brisk," she answered, giving him a glance. Chrissy didn't even bother arguing the cold accusation. It was fairly obvious at this point with the shivers. She could probably go for a warm beverage right about now, but didn't want to voice the suggestion in case Jason had a plan. The last thing she wanted to do was throw a stick in any plans that were happening.
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garycomehomev3 · 1 year
― ❀ 。゚ ⌒ ˖ @notfrsale / closed starter 。
her presence is much larger than the small girl she is ; she means for it to be. but she cannot be one for flare + theatrics when she cannot create a public uproar, especially when her family is looking for her + she doesn't want to be found. she is solemn, her eyes watching from her peripherals. they could truly be anywhere, + she doesn't have a penchant for being very fortunate when it comes to reunions with her family after having disappeared from under their noses. 〝 i CANNOT go back to where i was. i cannot. you have to help me hide. please. 〞
― ❀ ―
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“So, you like badboys, huh?”
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“Well baby I’m bad at everything~”
Winks... even though no one would be able to see beyond his shades.
Pico, why are you like this-
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seconddoubt · 2 years
the keys to the car is such a michael woman moment
Tonight when he hands you the keys to the car
And he says, "You can drive, some, but don't drive too far"
Tonight when she tells you you're her only one
Remember the morning brings on the sun
And they're watching you stumble and fall
Until you're lost down below like them all
Today when they give you their words of advice
And tell you you're free, friend, as long as it's nice
Today when their words of sweet wisdom come down
Remember their smiles are hiding their frowns
And they're watching you stumble and fall
Until you're lost down below like them all
If you say you're their friend, I'm afraid you will learn
They want only friends they can have on their terms
But the love that you show them will give you an edge
For authority is more than wearing a badge
And you'll be watching them stumble and fall
Until they're lost down below like them all
Until they're lost down below like them all
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godzexperiment · 1 year
the way nix would meet 99% of people is chaotic circumstances and that is an vibe
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aethon-recs · 1 month
This Week in Tomarrymort (15 – 22 August 2024)
Wow, a lot of amazing updates of ongoing fic this week! And even some double updates for a number of fics!! So much to read! 🎉
As before, these are all either ongoing Tomarrymort fics that I’m subscribed to or one shots that I found while browsing that were updated in the last week. My goal is to compile these lists on Fridays, so that everyone has lots of juicy fic to read going into the weekend 🤍 I find myself missing updates all the time, so I hope this will be a helpful compilation of updates of ongoing fic that you may have missed! Happy reading. 
Last week's Tomarrymort weekly: 7-15 August 2024
Tomarrymort One Shots and Completed Fic
One Shot | Dream of me by @jjaegerb0mb 
One Shot | A Snake Love Story by sparrowshellcat
One Shot | All Will be Equal by sparrowshellcat
Tomarrymort Ongoing Fics
Chapter 65 of draw me after you (let us run) by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
Chapter 4 of The Unintentional Consequences of Prison Reform by @badluck
Chapter 4 of the scar remains by @noctelier
Chapters 4 and 5 of Anytime, Anywhere, Always by @moontearpensfic
Chapters 111 and 112 of Liquida Tenebris (Remastered) by @dymis
Chapters 29 and 30 of Part One - The Solitude of Suffering by @iseliljathedreamer
Chapter 39 of you're a parasitic, psycho, filthy creature (finger-bangin' my heart) by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
Chapter 13 of Learning to love by @l-archiduchesse
Chapters 1 and 2 of How Not to Kidnap a Mafia Boss by @sri-verse
Chapters 3 and 4 of Saint Harry by @alenablack @chaos-bear
Chapter 6 of Do It Over by @thefangirlibrarian
Chapters 4 and 5 of His condition by @ciacconne
Chapter 18 of What In Me Is Dark, Illumine by @telelli-writes
Chapter 4 of For If I'm Going Down, I'll Take You With Me by @apocryphalzenith
Chapter 8 of Cocytus by @xenomorphology-ao3
Chapter 3 of These Fragments We've Shored by @rowena-rain
Chapter 19 of Time Stumbler by Wintumn
Chapter 10 of Catching up by lemonchase
Chapter 2 of perfect boys with their perfect lives by @duplicitywrites
Chapter 12 of Outrunning the Villain in You by @zenyteehee
Chapter 36 of With a resolute heart by Act_Naturally
Chapter 2 of midnight train by @girl-with-goats
Chapters 1 and 2 of Dreams Beyond Blood by @hikarimeroperiddle
Chapter 18 of Occultation by TimaeusKosmou
Chapter 1 of quid pro quo by marshall_1300
Chapters 1 and 2 of Thin Skin by @iseliljathedreamer
Chapters 1 through 3 of Fate's Coffin by @noxxytocin
Chapter 1 of a pound of flesh by @ictyn
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zepskies · 8 months
The Old-Fashioned Way
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x F. Reader
Summary: You and Dean are having trouble trying to start a family. What happens when you turn to a spell for a possible solution? [Soulmate AU]
AN: Happy Valentine's Day! ❣️ Welcome back to the Never Say Goodbye-verse, my first ever Soulmate AU! Feels appropriate to celebrate today with some soulmates lol.
Honestly, I have really missed these two. I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since I wrote this series! And I’ve been wanting to find a way to come back to it, so when I recently got this request, I couldn't resist:
The reader finds out she is pregnant and Dean’s reaction.
But of course, I couldn’t make it that simple… This story takes place five years after the Bonus Tracks (3-part sequel).
Word Count: 5,000
Tags/Warnings: Established relationship (marriage). Soulmates, angst, issues in pregnancy, hurt/comfort, fluff, implied smut.
❤️ Series Masterlist
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Today marked five years that Dean had been an officer of the Sioux Falls Police Department.
After twenty-eight odd years of committing felonies of varying degrees…mostly for the greater good, he still found it strange sometimes.
He’d been partnered with his father-in-law, Jack, and by now, Dean had finally lost his sense of “imposter syndrome.”
Jody bought him a pie to commemorate the occasion, and while a little embarrassed, he wasn’t mad about it. The precinct employees now shared the dessert on paper plates from their respective desks and cubicles.
Dean sat in the bullpen with Jack (who was on a call), Jody, and even Jessie Deluca, the boy he’d once arrested for stealing candy and groceries from a gas station.
Well, Jessie wasn’t such a kid anymore. He was now their 18-year-old intern.
“How’s the boysenberry?” Jody asked Dean. Her lips curved upward when he turned to her with a crumb-covered smile. 
“Real good,” he said.
She couldn’t help but laugh a little. “I can’t with this. Come ‘ere.”
She grabbed a napkin and leaned over to wipe at his mouth the way a mother would her errant child. Dean just rolled his eyes.
“Really?” he snipped.
“You look like my five-year-old son after a round of SpaghettiOs,” she said.
“Makes you wonder how his wife deals with him,” Jessie muttered under his breath while he entered expense reports into his computer. Never mind that he had a purple berry stain around the corner of his mouth.
Dean shot him a wry look, along with his crumpled napkin.
“I don’t wanna hear that from a punk like you,” he teased. “You haven’t had a girlfriend since…what, junior prom?”
Jessie fended off the stained napkin with a grimace. But he also smarted at the dig. His arms crossed defensively as he leaned back in his chair.
“As a matter a fact, I’ve got a date on Friday,” he sniffed. “And no, I’m not telling you her name.”
Dean and Jody shared an amused look.
“Aww, look at him, pretending he’s got a date,” Dean said. He fought a deeper grin when Jessie threw the disgusting napkin back at him.
“Fine! Her name’s Annie. You happy now?” Jessie said.
Dean shared another look with Jody.
“Aww, he’s actually got a date,” said Dean. He smirked at the kid next. “Lemme know if you need to borrow some cologne. Chicks dig that.”
“Ugh,” Jessie groaned. He leaned his elbows on his desk and pushed the palms of his hands into his eyes. He knew he’d be catching flack on this for the rest of the week.
Dean chuckled, but before he had a chance to tease their intern some more, his cell phone rang. It was you, and he felt his good mood continue as he answered.
“Hey, baby.”
“Hey, how’s the day going?” you asked.
“Good,” he replied. “We’re on lunch break. Jody got me a pie for my five-year mark at the PD.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet…literally. She knows you too well,” you laughed.
He nodded in agreement. “Yeah, she really does.”
“Tell her and everyone else I said hi.”
“Will do,” he said with a smile. “You just callin’ to check up on me?”
“Well, that, and…when are you getting home tonight?” you asked. The smooth, leading note of your voice had Dean’s lips curving into a smirk.
“Ah, well…” He pushed away from his desk and stepped away from the bullpen for a little privacy in the hall. “That depends. What’s going on?”
“Let’s just say…I have an idea,” you replied. It had Dean’s brows raising. You’d been having a lot of ideas for the past year, and he’d been more than ready and willing for most of them.
“Oh, yeah?” he intoned. While he leaned against the wall in the main hallway of the precinct, his arm crossed under his elbow as he continued holding the phone to his ear. “What’d you have in mind?”
“You’ll just have to find out,” you said.
It only took his brain about a moment and a half to compute.
“All right. In that case, I’ll try to be home promptly at six, barring there’s no shootouts at the 7-Eleven,” he quipped.
“Ugh, please, don’t even joke about that,” you said, your tone sobering.
Dean realized, without even having to read his soulmate’s thoughts, that you were reminded of the last time an explosive incident happened at the local gas station, just two weeks before their wedding day. He dimmed as well. 
“Yeah, ‘m sorry,” he said, swiping a hand over his mouth. “Uh…okay. I’ll see you tonight, sweetheart.”
“Okay, be careful,” you said. You always said it—in the morning, whenever he left for work, whenever you two managed to talk during the day. It was routine, but it also wasn’t. 
And you still wished him a good rest of his day before you hung up. Dean pocketed his phone and returned to the bullpen, where Jody was putting away the rest of the pie. He eyed her just to know exactly where she was setting it down in the kitchen, for future reference.
Jessie peered up from his computer and asked if that was you on the phone.
“Yeah, she says hi,” Dean replied.
Jessie smirked. “‘Course she does. I’m her favorite.”
Dean shot him a look, knowing the kid liked you probably even more than he liked Dean. You’d become like a big sister to Jessie…but it didn’t stop Dean from occasionally being annoyed. 
“Shut up and eat your pie.”
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Dean arrived that night, more or less on time, to find that you’d cooked up a feast. It was laid out across the dining table: steak, scalloped potatoes, carrots and broccoli, and even freshly baked cornbread with butter. 
“Is it my birthday again?” he asked, despite it already being February. 
He ventured into the kitchen where you were getting two bottles of beer. You looked up at him with a smile when he came over and held you from behind. You enjoyed the warmth of his body pressed against your back, while his hands found your hips.
“I cook all the time, Dean,” you pointed out. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head in greeting.
“Hmm. Yeah, but now my spidey senses are tingling,” he said.
You set down the beer before turning in his embrace and twining your arms around his neck. Already he could feel your anticipation through the soul bond, but that was all you were letting him sense. You were keeping your walls up a bit, to stop him from hearing your thoughts. In this case, it felt like a tease.
You tilted your head, a smile playing across your lips. “Oh, yeah?”
Dean smirked down at you. “Oh, yeah.”
You laughed and let him greet you properly with a kiss. You returned it, affectionately caressing his cheek, but you stopped him before he could start pressing you harder into the counter. You held up a placating hand against his chest.
“Wait, wait, the food’s gonna get cold,” you said. And all too quickly, you’d extricated yourself from his arms and went to finish placing the silverware on the table. Dean begrudgingly followed suit by helping you with the glasses and plates.
Dinner was delicious. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a steak that good; you two had been scrounging and saving to get out of this apartment and buy a house, along with other things you and Dean had been planning for your future.
By the time the leftovers were put away and the dishes were put in the dishwasher, he started to sense that you were ready to come around with the real reason you’d called him at work today, let alone made such a nice and expensive meal. You went over to where he stood at the kitchen sink and rubbed his arm.
“Hey,” you greeted.
Dean tried to stifle his knowing smile. “Yeah?”
But when he looked over at you, he realized you seemed nervous, not flirtatious. You were serious, and now, he was concerned.
“What?” he asked.
You sighed, hesitating for a moment. Then you went over to a nearby drawer and got some rubber gloves you always kept at work and at home—the kind doctors wore.
You went for your large work bag that normally stored your laptop and files, and instead, you pulled out an old book. Dean’s brows raised of their own accord, considering the last time you accidentally trifled with a book like that.
“What the hell is that?” he asked, with some trepidation. You laid the book out on the kitchen counter.
“It’s a journal of some kind, written in Latin, dating back from the late 1500s. Can you believe that?” Your head raised from where you were examining the cover and spine, but Dean was incredulous.
“What’re you doing with that?” he asked. Your lips pursed, and he felt a tendril of your guilt.
Most likely, you’d taken it from the museum where you worked without permission. You were in charge of the growing library of ancient texts that were stored there, and most of them were too old and valuable for exhibition, even behind glass. He doubted you were even allowed to open this book, let alone “borrow” it from the museum.
You sighed and held up a placating hand. “Okay, Dean, just hear me out.”
You opened the book to a page you’d placed a strip of paper in for bookmarking purposes. You pointed at a page filled with scrawled words that Dean didn’t really understand. Sam was always better at reading Latin.
“That is a fertility spell,” you said.
The weight of that fell between you for a moment, rendering Dean speechless. It took a few seconds for his brain to register what you were saying, followed quickly by a sad, contemplative frown as he stared back at you. You were serious about this, even hopeful. 
“Sweetheart, we don’t need that,” he said, shaking his head. Your expression firmed, though it became touched with melancholy.
“It’s been a year, Dean,” you said. “We’ve been trying for a year, and I’m still not pregnant.”
He blew out a breath. “The doctor said—”
“We’ve done everything the doctor said,” you snapped. “Fertility treatments are either going to take too long or are too expensive, and they still carry risks.”
“And this isn’t a risk?” Dean shot back, gesturing at the book. “You don’t know if this will work, or what the hell it’ll really do to you.”
Your brows furrowed, but you didn’t back down. You held your hands to your hips.
“Uncle Bobby said it’s legit,” you said. Dean blinked in surprise. He shifted back on his heels and crossed his arms.
“You ran this by Bobby before me?” he said. You could feel the small lance of his upset, as well as see it across his face.
You bit the inside of your lip. “I just wanted to make sure!”
Dean took in a deep breath. He mentally counted to five.
“What exactly did he say?” he asked.
You paused at that. “…Well, he said it was a real spell.”
His brows rose. “And?”
“And…that magic is unpredictable and we should talk about it first. But that’s why we’re talking now!” you reasoned. 
Your husband’s gaze lifted heavenward as he threw up his hands in aggravation.
“Dean—” you tried, but it didn’t stop him from snatching up the book. Despite your protests, he took it with him into the master bedroom you shared and shoved the book into his nightstand. You had followed him this far, but you stopped short when he turned around to face you.
“I will check this out,” he said, and his tone boded no argument. “But for the record, I’m against this. Magic is unpredictable at best, and not for nothing, it always comes at a price. I’ll be damned if you’re gonna pay it again.”
You paused. Hearing the vehemence in his tone, feeling the force of emotion behind his words, and your own circling memories of being possessed by a magic-wielding goddess…it had you nodding in agreement, even as tears welled up in your eyes.
Dean faltered a little inside. Always the damn tears. He gathered you into his arms and held you close in comfort. He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“We’ll figure this out. I promise,” he said.
You tried to believe him.
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Late that night, however, you couldn’t help yourself.
Once you were sure Dean was asleep beside you, hearing his deep, even breaths, you made your move. Dressed in just an old college shirt and some pajama shorts, you slid out of bed and tiptoed over to his nightstand to get the book.
You took it into the kitchen and started assembling the ingredients Bobby had reluctantly helped you translate. (He didn’t know that you had taken a couple of items from his house for the spell.) 
You prepared them in a bowl. The resulting liquid looked brown and disgusting. You mixed it around, grimacing at the smell, and carefully poured it into a glass. The last thing the spell required was a few drops of your blood, and then you were supposed to drink it. 
God, this is terrible, you thought. Part of you couldn’t believe you were going through with this, but…you grabbed a kitchen knife in order to make a shallow cut on your palm. 
The steel was poised against your hand. You took a fortifying breath, but before you could cut into your skin, Dean grabbed your wrist with a strong grip, startling a gasp out of you.
“What the hell are you doing?!” he said, or more like shouted. He was irate, his voice bounding off the walls of the apartment.
You knew he had every right to be, and you didn’t have a good answer for him. Shock had stifled you into silence.
Dean let go of you and took the glass next. He peered in disgust at the concoction inside, but he quickly dumped it into the sink and ignored your protests. He threatened to burn the damn book next.
“Dean, stop! Please,” you said tearfully as you stilled his hands on the book. “If there’s some kind of price to the spell, I’ll pay it!”
“What’re you talking about! Are you crazy?” he asked, through furrowed brows. You squeezed his hands.
“Believe me, I love what we have. I love our life, my job, all of it,” you said. “But I want a family, and I want it with you.”
Dean started to soften at that, when you met his eyes. You paused, taking in a shaky breath.
“It should be simple, but it’s not," you said. "I just can’t understand why it’s so impossible. Why…why there’s something wrong with me.”
Dean’s anger broke down, bit by bit the more you spoke. He let go of the book and reached for you. He held you against his chest, rubbing your back as you quietly wept. You tried to stifle it, but that just made your body tremble even more. He did his best to steady you, rocking you back and forth. His eyes closed for a moment.
You both knew that the expensive fertility doctor hadn’t found anything wrong with either of you, even after a month of testing.
“In certain cases, it just takes longer for some couples,” she’d said. But clearly, you had just been blaming yourself. Dean couldn’t abide that.
“There’s nothing wrong with you,” he said firmly. “Believe me, I want that too. But I also want to make sure you’re safe.”
Emotion clogged in his throat when he thought about what might’ve happened if he hadn’t stopped you. And in turn, you sobered even more when you managed to pick up on his thoughts.
“If something would’ve happened, and I was too late to stop it,” he said, clearing his throat. “…I just can’t, okay?”
After a moment, you nodded. You allowed yourself to rest against his chest and try to calm the racing of your heart. All the while, you tried your best not to resent him for stopping you.
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The next day was a Saturday. You slept in because your body needed it, after the stress of last night. When you woke up, Dean wasn’t beside you. His keys and the Impala were gone, but he’d left you a text: he’d gone to your uncle Bobby’s place. 
And you saw that he’d taken the book as well. Predictable. 
You felt bad for how you tried to go behind your husband’s back, but if you were honest with yourself, you were still upset at him for stopping you, even if you understood why he did it. 
You sat on the edge of your bed. Not for the first time since you and Dean were separated by miles of roads and his family’s mission to find the thing that killed his mother, you found yourself praying. 
Please, God…or if there’s even anyone up there…please help me.
For a while, there was silence in the room. 
But even if your eyes were open, you wouldn’t have seen the being that was standing in front of you. He stared down at you with a tilted head, finding himself a bit too curious. Hesitantly, he reached his hand out and touched your forehead. 
You didn’t completely register the feeling that washed over you. It was like the tingling of a breeze across your skin. You took it for a chill in the room as you shivered a little. Then you opened your eyes, and resigned yourself to starting your day. 
Castiel left the room with but a thought and a flutter of wings. 
He knew he was only supposed to observe Michael’s vessel, not his soulmate. And yet, with one touch, he had sensed the rare genetic defect your doctor had missed.
Your mother had unknowingly suffered the condition as well. Your father never told you this, but she’d nearly lost you in the early stages of her pregnancy. It had been a miracle that you were born at all. 
Castiel fixed the problem. 
He knew what Uriel, or even Naomi would say. Perhaps they didn’t need to know, in this case. They were both far too busy for worldly trifles. Even so, Castiel knew he wasn’t authorized to heal you.
Still, it felt…right. And so, he did it. 
It confused him.
…Maybe it isn’t something to be closely examined, he thought.
With that agreement within himself, he resolved to leave that decision behind him, and continue watching from afar. Those were his orders, after all.
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Visiting Bobby Singer wasn’t as productive as Dean wanted it to be. The men had been arguing in Bobby’s living room for close to an hour.
Dean was upset with him for translating that goddamn spell for you, but the old man didn’t have a good answer. They both knew you were like a daughter to him.
“She came in hot, all damn stubborn and sass up to here,” Bobby said, holding a hand up to his forehead. “But you try sayin’ no when the waterworks starts.”
…Dean could concede that, but he rubbed his face in frustration. 
“What do I do here, Bobby?” he asked, holding up the spell book in question. Apparently, it was more like a journal; it was rumored to have belonged to a sixteenth-century witch named Rowena. “I don’t trust this thing. Deep in my gut, I know it.”
Bobby considered him for a moment. In fact, he gave Dean a long-suffering look that made him really see Bobby’s age. 
“Then trust your gut, son,” was all he said. 
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Dean returned home with a peace offering: some apple crumble pie. You were lying on the sofa watching mindless TV, still in your pajamas. Your mental walls were down, so Dean could both see and feel how miserable you were. 
He took out the pie from the small bag of groceries he carried and held it up so you could see.
“I come bearing sugar,” he said. He also set down a bottle of wine on the dining table. You were focused on the pie, however.
“Who’s that for, me or you?” you dryly remarked. 
“I got ice cream too,” he said, shaking the grocery bag. 
You smiled a little, but he could feel through the bond that you were still sour at him. He sighed and went over to you. He set down the bribery on the coffee table and settled a hand on your pajama-clad thigh. 
“Sweetheart, I am sorry.” 
Sighing, you turned off the TV and sat up against the other end of the couch. You eyed him with a frown.
“You’re not sorry about chucking the spell,” you accused. Or for stealing the book you’d eventually have to bring back to work, lest your boss notice something amiss in the inventory.
“No, I’m not,” said Dean. “It was dangerous. I felt it. And that gut feeling? That’s what’s saved me more times than I can damn count.” 
You were still upset, you couldn’t deny…but you understood his point. When he beckoned you over, you were more willing to go to him. After you scooted closer, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Look, I’ll go to whatever doctors you want, try whatever treatments, however long it takes,” he said.
You sighed, but you eventually agreed with a teary nod. “Okay. Thank you.”
Even with that, Dean wasn’t convinced that he was getting through to you. He was picking up on a thread of hopelessness that you were trying to hide.
He’d just have to change that.
“But…” He earned your attention by squeezing your side. His lips formed a grin. “I still think we can do this the old-fashioned way.”
He slowly rubbed a hand up and down your back. With the other hand, he reached for your face, tracing your lower lip with his thumb. You smiled slightly at his teasing. Part of you wanted to heed the suggestion in his eyes, and the familiar warmth and promise in his touch. The other, more vulnerable part of you hesitated.
When you caught sight of something over his shoulder, you had to smile a little more.
“I see you got a bottle of Merlot,” you said. A notable upgrade from beer. You couldn’t remember the last time Dean had willingly bought some “bougie-ass” wine.
“A little pie, a little booze…” you noted.
Dean grinned. “I’m thinking we have a not-so-quiet night in.”
Your brows rose, and you hummed in surprise. “Is my husband trying to butter me up?”
“Nah,” he said, tilting your face back up to his. “Your husband’s trying to seduce you.”  
You giggled at that…at first. But it seemed he was serious.
You accepted his passionate kiss. Closing your eyes, you reached blindly for his shirt and held on while his lips moved ardently against yours. Through the bond, you felt his desire like it was your own.
In the five years you’d been married, and the years you were together even before, there were often moments where it was impossible to discern what was him and what was you. 
The beautiful thing about it was, that part didn’t matter too much. Especially not when you and Dean became a tangle of limbs, lips, and tongue on the couch. He ridded you of your threadbare pajamas, and you helped him halfway out of his shirt and jeans before he yanked the rest of it off himself.
And all while he drew lusty moans and sighs and pleasure from your body in the comfort of your living room, the ice cream slowly melted in its container on the coffee table—completely forgotten, along with the pie.
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That night, you lied awake in his arms for a while. Round one on the couch had migrated to rounds two and three in the bedroom, and you were almost too exhausted to sleep. 
It had been months since you and Dean had sex without thinking of calendars and timing, optimal positions and ovulation.
This felt right, you thought, as you stroked his arm that was wrapped around your waist. Even though your skin was sticking to his under the sheets and your frizzy hair was probably tickling his neck, he didn’t seem to mind.
Dean? you tried through the bond, seeing if he was awake. He felt like he was still in-between wakefulness and sleep. At your prodding though, he slipped back into the former. 
“Hmm?” he replied. You let out a sigh in the dark. 
“I’m sorry I kind of tried to take matters into my own hands, with the spell.”
He hmphed in response. “Kinda?”
Your lips twitched upwards. 
“This is a ‘together’ thing,” you said. “I made it all about me.”
Dean shook his head at that. He responded through the bond. No, you didn��t.
I did, you insisted. You were right to stop me. I didn’t care about the consequences…but that’s not fair to you. To either of us.
He took that in with a deep sigh of his own.
“It’s okay. We want the same thing,” he said. “And we’ll get there, baby. Don’t you worry.”
“What makes you so sure?” you asked.
“…I don’t know. I just am.”
You closed your eyes, and once again, you tried to believe him. You let his heartbeat and the sound of his steady breathing lull you to sleep. 
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Nine weeks later…
You were alone in the bathroom at seven in the morning. After almost a month late on your period, you were also staring at two positive lines on your last pregnancy test. 
Dean was already at work. This wasn’t something you wanted to tell him over the phone, however. 
How the hell am I supposed to keep this from him all day? you thought.
But then again, maybe this was a good thing. You had time to make sure.
So you called out of work for a personal day, and you immediately called your doctor on your way out to the closest pharmacy. You were going to need a few more tests. 
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When Dean eventually got home that evening, there were two pizzas waiting for him. The smell was already making his mouth water. He peeked under the hood of each box and rubbed his hands together. 
“Ooh, awesome.” Pepperoni, sausage, and double cheese. His favorite.
You appeared then from the kitchen with a strange smile on your face. 
“Hey!” you chirped, but you seemed a bit distracted as you pulled out a sheet pan of cookies from the oven. You nearly dropped them when the corner of the pan banged against the oven. 
Something was off with you. Dean knew it intuitively. He went over and tried to steady you with a hand on the small of your back. He could see that you were frazzled, but he realized, with a frown, that you had your walls up again. He couldn’t pick up on what you were thinking.
“You okay?” he asked. “What’s going on?”
“Uh…well, something,” you nodded and wiped your hands after you peeled the oven mitts off. “And I need to tell you about it before I bake everything in the house, including the expired bran muffins.”
Dean was growing more concerned by the moment. He knew for a fact he’d hidden that bran muffin mix deep in the pantry, so you wouldn’t force him to eat a “healthy dessert.”
“Okay, what?” he asked.
You paused, steeling yourself with a breath.
You then took his hand and led him to the bedroom, into the adjoining bathroom. Across the entire counter were no less than seven pregnancy tests. 
All positive.
Dean’s breath caught in his lungs. Slowly he turned back to you with his widened eyes.
“Surprise?” you smiled, a little nervously. 
Dean grasped the counter and had to sit down hard on the closed toilet seat. 
“Yeah, I did that too,” you said. You couldn’t help but giggle as you caressed his face. He grabbed your hip, both to bring you closer and for added stability. You two had been trying to make this happen for over a year, but the gravity of this being real was finally hitting him. 
He stared up at your face with a growing smile. “This is happening.” 
You nodded, smiling through your burgeoning tears. 
“Yeah. It is,” you replied. “Dean, you’re gonna be a dad.”
That realization had him nodding, swallowing hard and blinking past a sting in his eyes. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you in between his knees. You threaded your fingers through his hair, and his head came to rest against your stomach. He pressed a kiss there, over your shirt. 
After a moment to gather himself, he rocked back onto his feet. Then he enveloped you in a secure and warm embrace. He kissed the side of your head, and you felt his smile there.
“We did it, baby,” he said.  
“And that was the easy part,” you quipped, making him laugh. Yet the holy shit of it all hit him in a new wave—one you felt through the bond. You had to take a deep breath to steady yourself as well.
“Oh my God, this is happening,” he repeated.
You uttered a tearful laugh. “Uh, yeah, Dean.”
He was still smiling, but it started to dim a little. 
“We’re ready, right?” he asked.
You chuckled, wiping at your eyes. “We better be.”
Dean nodded and pulled back enough to see your face. You met his gaze. Maybe you’d just had more time than him to process it all, but you finally felt a sense of peace.
“Together, right?” he said.
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Together.”
Dean let out a deep breath. “Shit, I gotta tell Sam.”
Your smile brightened and you squeezed his arms.
“Let’s call him!" you said. "Hopefully Eileen’s there too.”
The two had moved in together a couple of years ago, after Eileen officially retired from hunting. But she often had long shifts at her job, just like Sam did at the law firm he started working for after he graduated from law school, near the top of his class.  
While you and Dean went into the bedroom to call Sam together, an angel watched from a distance, unseen by human eyes.
He found himself smiling.
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AN: Ahh I'm soft. 🥰 I hope you all enjoy this as much as I had fun diving back into Never Say Goodbye.
And I won't say that I'll never come back to it in the future...for obvious reasons. 😉
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Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester Series List
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Series + Dean Tag List (Part 1):
I did my best to get everyone who was tagged in the original run of the series first, then my normal Dean tag list.
@curlycarley @chubby-teddybear @jamerlynn @iprobablyshipit91 @globetrotter28 @deamus-liv @deans-spinster-witch @my-proof-is-you @vera0124 @deans-baby-momma @lacilou @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @theonlymaninthesky @spnexploration @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @imagineteller1
@icequeen1371 @tiredqueen73 @bitchwitch1981 @abbigaleelizabeth @ohgodthebogisback @where-the-river-bends @loveprof6 @shadowcrowsworld @thespnlover @this-is-me19 @stevenknightmarc @leigh70 @syrma-sensei @brain-has-left
@hobby27 @ashbatz @saranghaey @jori21 @lillyrob @adoringanakin @agirlwithdemonblood @mimaria420 @nephil-with-a-gun @writethrough @iamsapphine @definitelymentallyderanged @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer
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anewkindofme · 6 months
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Thank you @snowviolettwhite for the tag!
Here's another look at the "April passes her boards" fic...
“I don’t need to talk about it. It’s done, it’s over with. I need to move on.”
Owen frowns. “That’s not how emotions work, Princess.”
The nickname causes a chill to run up her spine. She shakes her head so fast that her ponytail nearly whacks her in the face.
“I have a lot of studying to do. Can we just get home?”
“You’re in no condition to study if you’re upset.” He lowers his voice. “Do you need to…”
“No!” Owen’s eyes widen at her sudden shift in tone. April flinches herself. She didn’t mean for it to come out so harsh, but maybe it’s the only way out of this. “You want to know what’s wrong right now? I told you what I needed and you’re not listening.”
“April Marie…” His voice shifts into drill sergeant mode.
“You know what? I’m going home. You can stay here.”
April heads out the door. She doesn’t have keys and she quickly realizes she left her jacket on the chair. Still, she faces the Seattle cold as she walks to the car.
No tags because it's nearly midnight. But if you see this and wanna participate, go for it!
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babybatss-blog · 4 months
A bad boy with bad moves
sirius black x f!reader, 900 words
cw: swearing, underage drinking, sexual suggestions.
summary: For the first time in his life, Sirius is flustered. Who knew that was possible!
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Sirius Black is awfully privy to getting his way. A privileged rich boy, bending the rules and the attention to his will with his signature dazzling smile and piercing grey eyes. And it’s always been this way for him. Despite familial issues and taunting self-doubt passed down through cold generations, Sirius knows exactly how to bend things to just how he wants them.
But today, on a dreary Friday in a dusty classroom, things have changed for the worse. Sirius has always known who you are, clinging to Lily’s side and standing up for her when James makes another ruckus attempt at garnering her attention, but for some reason you seem different today. Perhaps it’s the way you’ve done your hair or the especially tight top your wearing, but he can’t help but stare at your pink lips, pursed together in concentration to the teacher’s instructions.
“psst.” He nudges you hoping to get your attention. “psssssst.” He nudges again.
“What Sirius?” You say, a stern glare in your eyes for disrupting your focus. “You going to the Ravenclaw party tonight?” He asks, a pearly grin on display as he leans back precariously on his chair. “Yeah, I think so… Why?” You ask. Although you and Sirius are friends, you don’t really communicate out of the classroom apart from short waves or him stealing Remus away from your study sessions. “No reason.” Sirius nonchalantly replies. He hopes it will uphold your intrigue, as it has done with many lovesick girls in the past. But alas, you just shrug and return to your work. Dammit. Nonetheless, Sirius has no doubt that after a couple drinks you’ll be wrapped around his pinkie finger effortlessly.
That night, Sirius struts insouciantly into the party, after having a quick hype up from his mates. Sirius didn’t bother to tell him who his new conquest was, because he knew they would cause a scene if they found out. After scanning the party, he spots you. God, you look gorgeous. That little dress and heels, those thick lashes fluttering softly as you talk to some guy. Wait, some guy? Sirius’ jaw clenches, seeing the way you giggle at his jokes and push him playfully. That should be him next to you, making you laugh and having you all to himself. That should be him, taking that dress off of you and pushing up against his-
“Yo Padfoot, did you find that chick you were talking about earlier?” James prances up behind him, causing Sirius to jump slightly in fear. “Shit Prongs! Yeah, I did. I guess…” He says, looking down at his shuffling feet. James knows his friend all too well, recognising this rare sign of defeat in his friend and replies. “Hey, what’s up? Surely she hasn’t rejected you right?”
“No, it’s not that.”
“Well talk to her then dipshit!” James pushes his back, catapulting Sirius forward and leaving him alone in a crowd of drunk students. After taking a deep breath, Sirius struts over to you, who is now drinking a beer alone on the edge of the dance floor.
“Hey.” Sirius says, looking you up and down. You copy his greeting, mirroring the casualness. “You look nice tonight” He winks, which only illicits and sweet huff from your mouth. “Thanks loser.” He laughs at this feigned insult, although slightly touched by how lightly you act around him. An awkward silence falls between the two of you, although you don’t seem to notice or care. “I um, was wondering if you wanted to…” He’s words are interpreted by Lilly Evans, who runs over to join the two of you. “Hey! Frank and Alice want to verse me in beer pong, do you want to be my team mate?” She asks you. You agree excitedly, although it doesn’t take you long to notice the unfinished sentence Sirius left you with. You tell Lily you will be there in a second, then turn back to the man who is fidgeting with his rings. “Sorry. What were you saying before Lily came over?” “Oh, fuck. Well I was just, sort of asking you if…” You tilt your head down expectedly, smiling and the now rattled man in front of you.
“Can you help me with my essay for Flitwick’s class? I’m really struggling, and I thought you could help me. It fine if not though, really.” Sirius quickly patches up his question, no longer confident in the face of a girl he once saw as merely a friend. “Oh, of course! Why don’t we go over it sometime this weekend in the library? I also found it hard, but chapter 6 in the textbook really explained it well and I think it has some great points of contention.” Sirius expected nothing less from you, such a kind, selfless soul. You give him a quick goodbye then walk off, causing Sirius to let go of a breath he didn’t realise he was holding.
“Well shit. You’ve really done it now Black. You’ve gone and fallen for the one girl who doesn’t like you back, and fucked up real well in the process” Sirius whispers this chastisement under his breath to himself. Never before has his bad boy persona dropped, but here he is, asking for study help like a scared little first year.
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the-very-rubiest · 1 year
So ya girl went out Friday night and the bar had the option to request songs. So naturally, someone put in Cha Cha Cha. That's how it's been at parties lately. Whenever the students get to choose the music, it's only a matter of time before someone puts on Cha Cha Cha.
Now here's the thing. I've been to a lot of parties since I moved abroad. I know the reactions crowd-favorite songs usually get. And I have never seen anything like this before. At that point, maybe about ten people were dancing. The literal second Cha Cha Cha started, the entire bar was on its feet. Everyone was going nuts. People's cameras were out to capture the party. People who have never spoken a word of Finnish in their lives were singing along to the verses. And this isn't Finland, mind you. This is a student city in the Netherlands. And THIS is the reaction.
Loreen may have won the trophy, but Käärijä has created a phenomenon. And BOY am I proud to be witnessing it in real time.
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“Y’know, like. Nya.”
Rosie stared at Pico for a second.
“... What?”
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lexithwrites · 14 days
More remus/james/regulus hcs please
Also maybe some nsfw along with fluff
they’re all obsessed with each other, for a start. James physically protects them both from people that make them uncomfortable, he stands up for them when they both get too shy. He stands his ground, he’s the protector. Regulus is snappy and sharp, he uses words to hurt and if ANYONE insults his boyfriends he’ll tear them down with just a couple words whilst squeezing their hands to assure his lovers he’s there. And Remus, Remus will glare. He’s got so many expressions, his eyes will burn with anger if someone touches James when he doesn’t want to be or invade regulus’ space. They’re fierce for each other, they’re passionate, it’s all encompassing. They never get jealous of each other, though, because they’re equals. Regulus steals their clothes, James steals shampoos and body wash and Remus steals mannerisms. They mimic each other and it’s so obvious because they spend so much time together. They rarely fuck, it’s usually always making love and none of them knew what that was like until they came together as a trio. Regulus hasn’t felt comforting, loving touch until he met them. James has never cried from feeling so good before he met them. Remus has never felt so loved and adored and wanted before he met them. They compliment each other perfectly. They all switch and are verses so everyone gets the love they want/need at any time. They never get made if one isn’t into it and the other two are, they give each other the privacy and then come together afterwards to cuddle, it’s okay to not all be together during sex, it doesn’t change anything. James buys the boys little gifts he finds on his morning walks or whenever he’s out shopping. Regulus leaves notes of encouragement on the mirrors for them. Remus is decorating and cleaning and organising their home space to feel cosy. They’re all givers, only receiving when the others insist. Regulus dances to Lana del Rey and Remus and James stare from the sofa. Remus hums to himself in that low, soft spoken tone and regulus touches the back of james’ neck to feel the goosebumps there. James cackles so loud it rattles their bones and makes their hearts thump in their chests with adoration for him. James is the loudest in bed, Regulus is the higher pitched and Remus is the soft, desperate, needy breaths. When remus’ anxiety spikes, regulus and James bring him hot tea, a nice book and a weighted blanket. When regulus’ mood drops below the norm they ask him what he needs, what they need to do to make it easy for him, if he needs comfort or solutions. When james’ adhd peaks they get his fidget toys, they touch his hair and his shoulders and his face to keep him grounded. They’re always touching some way. They drink in the pub every Friday and walk home giggling and kissing and singing. They’re just an equal, perfect triangle of adoration, emotions, sexual tension, calmness and beauty. I love them, clearly
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
[part five] to build a home - gojo satoru
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word count: 4.4k warnings: !!manga spoilers!! swearing, jjk-verse style fighting series summary: when (y/n) (y/l/n) catches wind that the notorious sorcerer killer, toji fushiguro, has children, she makes it her personal mission to find them. the catch being she couldn't tell a soul about them- the risk of the zen'in clan learning about them was too great. keeping the secret isn't the hard part, it's lying to her friends, shoko ieiri, geto suguru, and of course gojo satoru, that she struggles with. especially when satoru has suddenly become so keen on keeping an eye on her lately.
series masterlist
[part five] : "Quality Time"
With Satoru’s watchful eyes gone for the week, (y/n) was able to sneak off campus during most of her free time after classes were finished.
On Tuesday, she stopped by the Fushiguro household to get started on chores.  She spent the whole afternoon and evening cleaning and organizing.  And when the day was done, she happily made the kids a big dinner and dessert.  She won Megumi over just a little more with strawberry shortcakes.
On Wednesday, she picked them up from school, much to their surprise.  She took them on a shopping spree for some new clothes.  Tsumiki happily brought dresses, skirts, blouses, and shoes to her dressing room.  Megumi had a little more trouble picking out the things he liked, but after waiting forever for his sister to try everything on, he finally chose a few items for himself.  Again, (y/n) sent them to bed with full bellies.
On Thursday, she finally got a call from Tsumiki, who was only calling because she was hoping that (y/n) would come by again, just to hang out.  (y/n) happily agreed and told her she’d be there first thing that afternoon.  When the call ended, she held her phone to her chest and couldn’t contain her grin, happy to be wanted.  When she arrived, she suggested they go to the park.  Megumi blew off some steam from school on the swingset, while Tsumiki sat in the sandbox and made little castles.  (y/n) spent the afternoon listening to Tsumiki open up more, about her friends at school, what subjects she was good at and which ones she needed help in, and (y/n) was happy to hear all about it.  She could only hope that soon Megumi extended the same notion of friendship.
On Friday, Tsumiki asked if (y/n) would read to her before she left for the night.
“Mom used to,” She admitted in a small voice.  “It helped me sleep” 
Lingering in the doorway of her bedroom, (y/n’s) heartstrings were thoroughly tugged.  How could she possibly refuse?
“Of course,” She said softly, and stepped into her bedroom, glancing over the small bookshelf.  “What would you like to hear?” 
A small tug on the back of her shirt made her turn around.  You could imagine her surprise to see Megumi standing there, a book outstretched in his little hand.  (y/n) recognized it as the book he often read when he went to bed.  She’d never taken a second glance at the cover.
She took it from him, examining it closer, now.
“Charlotte’s Web, huh?” She mused, smiling down at him.
Megumi looked away, but she saw his pink cheeks anyways.
“I loved this book when I was your age,” (y/n) said.  “I haven’t read it in forever” 
With that, she wanders over to Tsumiki’s little desk, dragging the child-sized chair there with her to the side of the bed where the little girl was patiently but eagerly waiting.
Megumi hesitated at the bedroom door, unsure of whether or not he wanted to come inside and stay for the story, or go back to his own room.  His small hands play with the hem of his pajama shirt.  (y/n) didn’t pressure him to come in, instead she just flipped to the first page and began reading.
The boy never did come and sit in Tsumiki’s bed, but he did listen for a while, until he was too tired and retreated to his own bed for the night.  Soon after, Tsumiki fell asleep as well.  (y/n) marked the page they left off on, and tiptoed out of the room, turning off the lights and quietly wishing both the children a good night’s sleep.
As she leaves the house, she draws a curtain of protection, which she’d done every night for the last week, and makes her way home.
When she got back to Jujutsu Tech, it was far later than any of the previous times she’s snuck back on campus.  Almost eleven o’clock.  The long walk home was tiring enough, but she’d grown quite tired just from reading aloud back at the Fushiguro house.  So when she finally crossed over the threshold of the barrier, she was lazily stumbling, a bit tired.
Unbeknownst to her, Shoko Ieri was having a late-night smoke break on the roof of the dormitories.  The perfect place for viewing the front gates, and the familiar figure of her best friend dragging herself onto the property.
Curiously, the short haired woman pulled the cigarette from her lips.  She hadn’t even known (y/n) had left campus today, she thought that she had a tutoring session with one of the first years.  She’d been offering her tutoring services for a week or so now, supposedly looking for some extra cash.  For what, Shoko wasn’t sure.  But she wondered if it had anything to do with her sneaking back home in the middle of the night.
A smirk plays on her lips as her mind wanders with the possibilities.  Whatever it was she was doing, it must have been mighty interesting for her to sneak around to do it.  
A boy, perhaps? She wonders.  Or girl? 
The idea has her chuckling, as she replaces her cigarette between her lips and leans back against the roof’s tiles comfortably.  She could keep this to herself, for now, she presumes.  Just to see how exactly this plays out.
With Satoru having been gone all week, there wasn’t much drama to keep entertained with, anyways.
As she blows a cloud of smoke above her, watching it slowly disappear into the sky, Satoru crossing her mind raises an interesting thought.  What would he think of (y/n) sneaking around Tokyo past curfew to meet up with some mysterious stranger?
Shoko smiles to herself, shutting her eyes as she takes another, slower drag.
This was bound to be interesting. ___
On Saturday, (y/n) finally allows herself some extra time in the morning to sleep in.  The past five days she’d woken up first thing in the morning to train with her cursed technique, only to rush to her classes for the day, tutoring first thing after, and then off to tend to the Fushiguro kids for the rest of her night.  It had been a nonstop week, but she knew that was what she was signing up for when she told herself she would do right by Toji’s children.
Tutoring had helped her to get some money in her pocket, and she wasn’t so bad at it either.  But it took up any extra scrap of free time she might have had between school and the kids.  She was lucky that Yaga hadn’t extended any assignments her way in the last couple weeks, but that only meant the more time passed, the more likely he was to approach her with one.
And it wasn’t like she could refuse, it was her duty to protect non-curse users by exorcizing curses.  However… she had grown quite fond of taking care of Megumi and Tsumiki.  And if she wasn’t mistaken, they were starting to warm up to her, as well.  Tsumiki more so than her brother, but she was bound to crack Megumi soon enough.
When she finally got up and around, she was slow to shower and get herself dressed for the day.  She planned to go into Tokyo for the day, since Satoru was back tomorrow and she likely wouldn’t get another chance to for a bit.  She’d promised Megumi and Tsumiki that as long as they had all of their schoolwork done today, that she would treat them to something special.  
She hadn’t decided on what that would be yet, maybe ice cream, or a movie, or both.  Whatever they preferred, she would happily fulfill their wishes.
Her fondness for them might have been turning into quite the soft spot.
After deciding on her outfit for the day, a simple button down shirt and pair of jeans, she excitedly grabbed her purse and her phone, and hurried out of her room.
Just as she whipped open her door, she ran straight into someone.
With a squeak of surprise she jumped back, only to have two hands steady her by her shoulders before she could recoil too much.
Gojo Satoru grinned down at her, wide and toothy, always happy to have her so shocked to see him.
“Satoru!” She yelped, half surprised to see him home early, half scolding him for startling her.  “You’re home?”
“Miss me?” He asked.
His voice was soft and smooth, like fine silk.  It worked it’s way into her head and made her a little dizzy, even though he wasn’t a Cursed Speech user.
“Is that what you were hoping?” She teases, cocking her head to the side.
He chuckles, and releases her shoulders.
“Got sent home on good behavior,” He tells her.  “Now I have an extra day to spend with my favorite little hex” 
Her breath hitched in her throat at the nickname, not having heard it before.  Normally she would roll her eyes when he called her nicknames or affectionate pet names, but this time she didn’t react, unless you counted the rosy hue in her cheeks.
(He did)
“Ah, I can’t possibly train today,” (y/n) told him.  “I’ve been pushing it all week, and with all the tutoring I’ve been doing I just want a break from-” 
“That’s fine,” Satoru shrugged, pursing his lips.  “Where were you off to?” He asks, nodding to the purse and phone she held in her hands.  “I’ll join you, then” 
(y/n) looked down at the offending items, cursing them for giving her away.
“Oh, just, to go kill time in Tokyo” She said, shaking her head nonchalantly before looking up at him.
“Nothing in particular?” Satoru asked.
She chewed on her bottom lip, wishing that a decent excuse would present itself.
You’ve been troubling Satoru, (y/n) thinks back to the night Suguru had stopped her in the hall.  He’s been looking forward to some time with you away from here, you know.
She releases her bottom lip, shaking her head in answer.
Sorry, Tsumiki and Megumi.
“No, nothing in particular” She answers.
Satoru beams.
“Wonderful! Now we finally have time to catch up,” He says, stepping away from her door so she could follow at his side.  “Come on, let’s start with breakfast” 
Begrudgingly, she follows beside him out of the school.  Her heart sinks in her chest, knowing she was going to be letting the Fushiguro children down by not showing up today.  Maybe if she was lucky she could find a way to wiggle out and still sneak by their place tonight.  But from the animated way Gojo was telling her about his mission, and the way he’d smiled when she’d agreed to spend the day with him, it wouldn’t feel right to just ditch him either.
If only she had the cursed technique to multiply herself, to be two places at once.  Then she wouldn’t have to let anyone down with all of her lies and excuses.
As they wander off campus and make their way to town together, (y/n) feels guilty for even thinking of ditching Satoru.  He pressed her to hear about everything she’d been up to while he’d been away.  Even though besides her double life, she didn’t lead much of an interesting week.
“Come on, something interesting had to have happened,” Satoru whined.  “I just told you, like, twenty minutes worth of stuff” 
“You were exorcizing Special Grade curses,” (y/n) replies.  “That’s interesting.  Tutoring first years isn’t interesting.  It’s boring” 
“You like tutoring?” He asks.
(y/n) shrugs.  “It’s alright.  They’re nice, and I nee- I like the extra money” She catches herself, but it was too late.
“You need money?” He asks, already reaching for his pocket.
“No!” (y/n) says quickly, her hand snatching his wrist before he could grab his wallet.
For the second time now, she’s surprised she’s able to actually touch him.  He raises a brow at the defensive maneuver.  She quickly lets go of him, and goes back to walking along the path.
“So you need money but you don’t want my money?” He asks cheekily, following after her with his hands folded behind his back.  
(y/n) stares straight ahead, even as he bends forward enough to be at her line of sight.
“I don’t need money,” She tells him.  “I like having extra money.  There’s a difference” 
“Mhm,” He hums thoughtfully, not believing her bullshit.  “But if you needed money you know you could always-” 
“I know, Satoru,” (y/n) says, peeking at him from the corner of her eye, only to find him still staring at her.  “You’re the wealthiest person I know.  Of course I’d ask you first” 
He grins, and returns to his full height.
“So I saw Haibara Yu last week,” He mentions, not very casually.
(y/n) fights the impulse to whip her neck around to stare at him, instead biting her tongue and waiting for whatever he was going to follow that with.
“You know him well?” 
She raises a brow at him, a little confused by the sudden change in subject.
“I suppose?” She replies, unsurely.  “He's a kind man.  Very friendly” She added.
Satoru hums, eyes scanning the restaurants that line the streets, trying to find the right place for breakfast.
“Right.  Well.  Turns out he’s got a bit of a crush on you” He tells her.
(y/n’s) face grows hot, and she shakes her head in disbelief.
“And where did you hear that?” She asks.  She’s giggling nervously.
His mood sours a bit at her giggling.  Did the idea of the second-year having romantic feelings for her excite her? 
He keeps his expression neutral.
“Yu,” He replies, voice dry of emotion.  “Well, Nanami.  But Yu was there and didn’t exactly debate it, so, you know,” He stops walking, and (y/n) turns after taking a few steps ahead.  “Figured you’d want to know” 
Her expression is hard to read, with her brows slightly pinched together, and the smallest of smirks on her lips as she was trying to figure him out.
“I see,” She says, thoughtfully.  Her arms cross over her chest.  “So that’s why you told me? To ruin his fun?” 
Satoru frowns.  That wasn’t exactly the response he was aiming for.
“Well, thought I’d give you a heads up, that way you can let him down easy” He replies.
“Let him down easy?” She laughed to herself, and took a step towards him.  “Bold of you to assume I’ll be letting him down at all”
He grinds his teeth, and she can tell from the way his jaw moves back and forth.  He’s annoyed.
Finally, she begins to understand why he loves to get under her skin.  It was fun to get a rise out of someone who always kept themselves so well reserved.
He reaches out suddenly, his hand sliding around the dip in her back.  (y/n’s) eyes widen at the action, but she doesn’t say or do anything to protest.
“Here,” Satoru says, in a low voice, before pointing to the restaurant they were stopped in front of.  “This is where we’re having breakfast” 
She turns to where he’d pointed, nodding as she takes in the small diner that didn’t seem as busy as the other restaurants on a Saturday morning.
He keeps his hand on the small of her back as they head towards the doors.
“Actually,” A thought dawns on her then, and she steps back until his hand falls away from her.  “I just need to make a quick call, do you mind getting us a table?” 
He nods, but he looks confused.
“Thanks, I’ll be right back” She says, already pulling her phone out as she steps back outside to be out of earshot.
She’s quick to click on Tsumiki and Megumi’s shared contact in her phone, and hopes that they pick up.
On the second ring, Tsumiki’s voice rings through the receiver.
“Tsumiki, good morning,” (y/n) answers.  “How are you and Megumi doing this morning?” 
“We’re good,” She replies.  “We got all of our work done! I even answered all the questions on my math homework” 
Math was the subject Tsumiki struggled with most.  She often skipped questions on her homework sheets because she couldn’t figure them out.
It was like someone had a grip on (y/n’s) heart, and began squeezing mercilessly.
“That’s great, I’m so proud of you both,” (y/n) said, but the disappointment in her tone was clear.  “But, I’m really sorry, I don’t think I can come by today” 
It was silent for a few beats, before, “Oh…” 
“Something came up that I can’t take time away from,” She told the young girl honestly.  “I promise, if it wasn’t important, I would be there right now” 
“It’s okay, (y/n), I know you’re really busy, with the monsters and stuff” Tsumiki said as comfortingly as she could.
(y/n) shut her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose.  These kids were too kind for their own good.
“I’ll try to come by tomorrow, okay?” She tells her.  “You guys be safe today… go treat ourselves to some sweets, or something, I’ll bring by some extra money when I’m around” 
“You don’t have to, (y/n), there’s still brownies leftover from the last time you were here” Tsumiki says.
“You’re right, there’s plenty of sweets, huh?” (y/n) replies.  “I’m spoiling you too much,” 
Tsumiki giggles on the other end. “Well, tell Megumi I’m sorry, okay?” 
“Okay, I will” 
“I’ll call you later tonight, I want to hear all about your day, okay?” 
“Be safe.  I’ll see you later” 
“Bye (y/n)”
“Goodbye, Tsumiki” (y/n) says, before pulling her phone away, seeing the girl must have already placed the phone back on it’s hook.
She frowns, tucking her phone back into her pocket and quickly wiping her eyes.  She couldn’t go into the restaurant and have breakfast with Satoru with such a heavy sadness sitting on her shoulders.  She’d have to pull it together.
With a deep breath, she turned around and walked back inside, quickly finding Satoru alone at a window seat, wistfully looking outside.
“Sorry about that” 
He looked up to her as she sat across from him, picking up the menu on the table and skimming over it.
“Had to call Haibara to tell on me?” He asks.
Glancing up, she sees him with his elbows on the table, propping his head up in his hands as he gives her a teasing grin.
“I just might have” She replies, smirking back down at the menu. ___
Despite the clawing feeling of guilt in her chest, she enjoys her day with Satoru.  After treating her to breakfast, they wander around the shops a bit.  He’s relentlessly trying to spoil her, but she continuously turns him down.  Nonetheless, She continues to present her with jewelry, snacks, accessories, books- anything he finds that he thinks she would enjoy or would look pretty on her, he asks her if she wants it.
“Satoru,” (y/n) huffs as he places a pretty porcelain hairpiece in her hair, sliding the combed edge in carefully, so as not to scrape her scalp too rough.  “Could you give it up already?” 
“Of course not,” He says with that toothy grin of his.  He’d finally gotten the piece to stay put against the neat bun she’d put her hair into that morning, and he steps back, proud of his own work.  “Okay, just take one look at this and tell me you don’t want it.  It’s perfect” 
(y/n) rolls her eyes, but he’s already taken a small hand mirror from the clerk, and was holding it before her so she could see her reflection.  She gives him a look, but when she finally looks in the mirror, even he can see the way her demeanor changes.
Her playful expression fell, a bit taken aback by how beautiful the glass piece looked, how the colors complimented her eyes, and stood out just enough in her hair without being too flamboyant.
Just as quickly as she was admiring herself, her fingers reached for the porcelain comb, plucking it from her head and placing it back on the display.
“What a ridiculous waste of money,” She chuckles.  “I couldn’t possibly own something like that”
“What?” Satoru asked in disbelief.  “It was beautiful! Come on, I know you liked it” 
(y/n) glances back at him, just for a moment, before turning back and heading along to the next display.
“I have no occasions I could wear that for,” She says honestly.  “So I couldn’t justify buying it-” 
“I would buy it for you!” Satoru replied, slinking around to stand in front of her, stopping her from distracting herself with whatever the next thing was.  “And we could make our own occasion for you to wear it to” He adds with a charming smile.
(y/n) scoffs.
“Satoru, a piece like that is meant for a ball, or an elegant dinner, or something,” She deadpans.  “I don’t think I could squeeze that in between exorcizing curses, or class” She laughs at the thought of wearing a piece of jewelry so luxurious during one of Yaga’s lessons.
“We could go to dinner,” Satoru shrugs.  “I’d take you to dinner”
“Sure,” She chuckles, shaking her head as she walks around him.  “With what time?” 
“I have time right now,” Satoru shrugs, following beside her despite her trying to put some distance between them.  She hoped space would relax her racing heart.  “We could go tonight” 
“We’ve been out all day, and now you want to take me to dinner?” (y/n) muses, raising a brow at him.  “What’re you getting at?” 
“Do I have to be getting at anything?” He replies smoothly.  “Can’t I just take you to dinner because I want to?”
“Dinner implies that it’s a date” (y/n) says.
“So was breakfast a date too?” He asks cheekily.
“So dinner is a date?” Her response is even quicker.
Satoru just shrugs his shoulders, gazing down at her with that ever so charming grin.  She stares back at him inquisitively.
“You’re being silly,” She tells him.  “What is this anyways?” She asks.  He feigns ignorance, as if he doesn’t know what she’s referring to.  “All the shopping, you trying to buy me things, and take me places,” She clarifies.  “What’s that about?” 
“I can’t spend time with you?” 
“You weren’t like this before,” (y/n) comments truthfully.  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to keep me occupied” 
Satoru throws his head back in a laugh, which takes her by surprise.  She was sure that he’d bristle up like a cactus and call her ungrateful for the immense amount of kindness and spoiling he was showing her today.
“That pretty head of yours thinks too much,” He tells her, finally resuming their casual stroll through the antique shop.  “You think the world is out to get you, that everyone who wants to be around you just wants something from you” 
“That’s not entirely untrue” (y/n) quips.
People wouldn’t stick around if they didn’t need something, she thinks.  That wasn’t always a bad thing, but it was true.
“Maybe sometimes,” Satoru agrees, and when he looks down at her, she gets a peek at his eyes from over his sunglasses.  It was like seeing the ocean for the first time.  “But I promise you sweetheart, I’m just trying to spend some quality time with my friends while I can” 
He stares at her a moment longer, before he’s off to show her something else again, this time a vintage bookshelf.  While he’s admiring the hand-carved wood that’s designed in pretty spirals, (y/n) feels her heart weakening just a little bit for him.
He’d been on so many assignments in the last six months, she realized.  Ever since the incident with the Star Plasma Vessel, the higher ups had been singling him out to take care of anything they didn’t feel like doing.  He was stretching himself too thin, she worried.  He was barely home for a few days to a week before being shipped off somewhere else in the world.  Despite the bragging he’d done around her and their friends, she could see now that it wasn’t what it was cracked up to be.
Being the strongest wasn’t just a title.  It was a weight that he had to carry.  
Satoru must’ve realized that (y/n) was lost in thought, not paying an ounce of attention to the bookshelf he was trying to convince her she needed.  He glances over to her, catching the look of concern on her features before she quickly returns to a blank expression.  He frowns for a second, wondering what was on her mind, but he doesn’t ask.
Instead he suggests they head somewhere else, to which she agrees, and happily follows him wherever he wishes to take her next. She realizes that this was his way of reaching out.  His own odd way of saying he needed more, because he couldn’t possibly admit such a vulnerable thing.  She should have known as soon as he started cornering her for more alone time, and again, Suguru’s words rang in the back of her mind.
He was looking forward to some time with you away from here, you know.
Now she understood what he’d meant.  Satoru was losing more and more time with the friends he’d once spent every single day with.  And soon, he’d probably be so busy with assignments from the higher ups that he’d barely be around at all.
The thought brings a frown to her face.  The idea of him being gone more than he was around filled her with an inexplicable… sadness.  
(y/n) glances over at him now, admiring the way the sun seemed to make his hair even brighter.  A soft smile adorns her lips.  Satoru catches this when he peeks down at her from behind his sunglasses, curious as to what she was staring for.  He pretends not to notice.
There’s still guilt eating inside of her for having let down Megumi and Tsumiki.  But for a passing moment, she almost forgets, as she’s filled with a warmth she couldn’t explain. 
He’s been a little less annoying lately, she thinks.  It’s been nice.
taglist: @whats-humanity-lol @malinq-ashida @mor-pheus @bekahtaylorgriggs @pookiea @megumimind @thealchemical @pearlstiare @niallerhere @96jnie @purpleguk @peqch-pie @yukinemaroop @makis-girl @sadtoru
xoxo - jordie
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Pairing - Eddie Munson X Gareth Emerson X Plus size Fem-reader 18+ content
Blurb- Friday nights are yours, Eddie & Gareth's smoke sessions, but after enduring the sexual tension of being the third-wheel to yours & Eddie's heavy petting something changes for virgin Gareth.
Warnings- SMUT - Over 18’s ONLY, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! M-F-M (P in V). Cream pie. Drug use Eddie, Gareth & Reader (Weed). Smoking. MMF threesome. Assplay. Squirting. Oral (M) Fingering. Loss of virginity (M). Daddy-kink. Consensual sharing of a partner (established relationship & best friend). Dom/Sub. Pet names. Choking. Possessiveness. Voyeurism. Pervy (if you squint). Reader has nipple piercings. Eddie has a PA piercing. No use of Y/N. Please let me know if I’ve missed any others.
Word count- 6.3k
Reader is referred to as "Bunnie" and is described as a plus-sized beauty (thick thighs, tummy & large breasts are all adored and worshiped here) and is referenced to have blue eyes. No description of hair colour.
*Please don't copy my work or repost on any other platforms without my permission. *Although I do appreciate likes, reblogs and comments if you've enjoyed my work!*
Authors note- This was a labour of love, its the first fic I started to write in the Bunnie-verse, but I couldn't seem to get it right and I'm somewhat of a perfectionist & terrible self critic so this fic has been in my drafts for well over 18 months. Finally I feel I did my idea justice. I hope anyway. Please enjoy and let me know, if you enjoy my ramblings again! Big thanks to my girl @bexreadstoomuch for proofreading (many many many times)!
Your heavy eyes blinked through the smoke haze which filled the inside of Eddie’s bedroom.  At the foot of the bed, Gareth sat crossed legged, rolling another joint, before licking a wet stripe across the paper’s edge, sealing the green inside, twisting the end and lighting the tip, in what felt like one smooth swift move. You both giggled at the dumb jokes Eddie was chackling behind, you sat nestled in your boyfriend's lap, passing the joint between the three of you. Nearing the roach, you could feel Eddie’s hands start to wander, as they always did after several joints. Not wanting to make Gareth feel like the third wheel for what felt like the billionth time when you hung out, you pushed Eddie’s hands back towards your waist into the familiar hug from before. 
Eddie, unhappy with your wriggling, squeezes you tight into his chest, almost too tight causing you to whine. “Eddieeeee, I can’t breathe…” you sign out, your face turning to the side. Which in hindsight only opened your neck up to be attacked in sloppy wet kisses by the floppy haired boy. “Sweetheart, you just make me so, so, well I think you can feel how you make me feel” he whined back into your neck as the kisses trailed down from behind your ear to the top of your collar bones. He was right, you could feel exactly how you made him feel, the firm reminder grinding into your lower back. Turning to face him you smiled, biting your lower lip between your teeth, muttering a small “hmmm” in agreement. “Such a tease” Eddie whispered only loud enough for you to hear. 
Gareth fiddled and bit the skin of his fingertips, anything but to draw his attention back to the two of you, close, Eddie’s hands caressing the curves of your hips up to your breasts. Where he ghosted over the fullness of your tits, in an attempt to see your nipples peak at the touch, which successfully they did.  Glancing over you to the bottom of the bed, you see the awkward boy fumbling with his hands, jealousy painted over his soft face. “Aaargghh come on guys, please don’t make me witness your stoned, horny foreplay again” he muttered, pulling himself off the bed and stumbling out of the room. 
Feeling guilty you turned to face the wolfish grin painted on Eddie’s face, “Come on Eddie '' you sighed “Gareth’s right, he’s seen the outline of your boner waaay too many times already. It’s not fair on him, and I don’t wanna make him regret coming over to hang out again. I just don't see why the girls don’t flood to him though, he deserves someone he can blossom with. He’s cute, caring, smart and I remember from the pool last summer, those shorts didn’t leave much to the imagination” you smirked “I mean if we ever break up, hey I’ll give him a ride anytime”. Eddie started howling just as Gareth’s stunned face came into view, as he walked back in the room after grabbing a beer, hearing the majority of your confession. 
“You know these trailers aren’t soundproof Bunnie, I thought you learnt that last time Wayne caught us, you know after the incident with the cuffs and the vibrator, the one whereee….” Eddie playfully teased. “EDDDDIIIEEE!” you whined cutting Eddie off before he could confess all your sins, “stop talking!” sealing it with a kiss, smiling. Gareth stood blindsided in the doorway, too stunned to speak, before butting in “You’d fuck me?! You? Bunnie, Eddie’s girl. The hottest chick I know would fuck me? I know I’m not swimming in pussy Bunnie, but don’t mock me. I can’t take it, and not with you guys banging like rabbits. You know I’m still a virgin, there’s me just beating off, into my hand off every day, that shit’s just cruel!” Gesturing to the growing lump between his legs. 
Eddie turned to smile at you, whispering in your ear “you know we could always try that fantasy we spoke about?” taking your earlobe between his teeth nibbling at the soft skin between his teeth, before kissing down your neck, causing shivers to run down your spine. “Go on baby, tell Gareth again, how much you’d like to ride on his virgin cock. How you want us to take it in turns fucking your pretty pussy, until you’re scream both our names for the whole trailer park to hear”.
Red eyed and brain still hazed from the weed, you half lidded smiled at the thoughts swimming in your head. The dirty thoughts of Gareth’s shy face pressed deep between your legs as Eddie guided him on how to please you, until your vision got blurry and tears streamed from your eyes in blinding white hot pleasure. 
Releasing you from his grasp Eddie watched from his place on the bed as you rose from his lap, feet gliding across the carpet over to Gareth. Grasping his shirt in your hands, your hands pressed into his chest. You leaned your forehead on his, your warm breath causing goosebumps to prick onto his skin and the baby hairs on the nape of his neck to erect. “Kiss me Gareth” you whispered into his mouth, before crashing your plump soft lips on his boyish chapped ones. A smile grew across your lips as you pulled back to stare into his glazed over eyes. 
Eddie groaned from the bed behind you. Looking over your shoulder you saw him, rubbing his hard, thick cock over the rising tent of his sweats. Biting your lip and sliding your dewy tongue across, slipping your silver tongue bar between your teeth you giggled back at Gareth. Still shocked Gareth stared blankly into your eyes, almost forgetting to blink entirely. 
“Cat got your tongue Gare-bear” you giggled, “Or was it Bunnie” Eddie interjected. The wolfish grin, ever present on his angular face. “Kiss her again Gare, she likes it when you’re rough. Go on, and slip her some tongue this time. I wanna see her squirm like she does for me”. 
Snapping out of his state of shocked hypnosis, growing in confidence at Eddie's encouragement, he placed his hands on your waist as he pulled you in. Placing a hand on your cheek, “Are you okay with this Bunnie?”, enticing a nod from you he smashed his lips back on yours once more. You feel his silken tongue skim across your plump bottom lip, probing for entry into your warm mouth. Inviting him in you suck on the tip of his tongue, eyes falling closed with delight as you feel him tangle it back with yours. Gareth’s kiss was tender and encasing, making the world outside of your field of vision drift away to nothing. 
Only the groans of Eddie bring you back to reality, as he approaches you from behind, smacking his big firm hand on your ass, rubbing the fat rounded curves. ”Sweetheart, you’re making me jealous all alone over there. Sprinkle some of that sugar on me, would you?” Feeling his curls tickle your shoulders you broke away from Gareth’s lips, to turn back to kiss Eddie’s inviting puffy lips instead. Eddie’s hands slid over your round hips, following your curves down your thick thighs. “God Bunnie, you’re so fucking sexy, you ass looks sinful in those jeans” pulling the tough fabric against your legs, feeling the denim snapping back to your skin causing you to jump. “Undo the front button Gare, let us see you in all your beautiful glory baby” Eddie said. 
Reaching for the front button of your jeans with shaky hands Gareth undid the offending jeans as Eddie pulled them down your legs, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses down the backs of your legs, until they pooled at your ankles on the floor. Standing between the two men in your black lace panties, one of Eddie’s old tattered Black Sabbath shirts now barely covered your voluptuous cheeks. “So, so fucking sexy, don’t you agree Gare” Eddie’s gruff voice growlled for you both to hear. Gareth hummed in agreement, still in disbelief of the situation he found himself in on a usual Friday evening hangout, with the unusual added twist of his best friend allowing him to share his girlfriend for the night. 
Turning back, leaning back into Eddie’s touch you found yourself rubbing your hands over Gareth’s chest following the lean lines of his little podge tummy, luring the familiar squirming Eddie had commented on before to his friend. “Lose the shirt too Bunnie, you know I can’t resist those perfect big tits you’re keeping from us, and I know Gareth’s had many a night thinking about them too. I’ve caught him staring enough times, drool practically dripping from his chin” Eddie teased, pulling the hem of the shirt up over your head lifting your arms to allow him to remove it. You complied with his actions. “You’re being so good for us Bunnie” Eddie cooed.   
Succumbing to Eddie’s words, you felt exposed and vulnerable between the fully clothed men boxing you in. Eddie pulled at the hem of your shirt, tugged the tatted item up and over your shoulders, allow him to fully remove the offending clothing. Your soft breasts falling out, jiggling with the movement, pert pierced nipples hard from the cool air you’d been exposed to. Silver bars catching Gareth’s eyes, his focus now solely on your tits, a vision he thought he’d never see outside his own head, silver bars through each, causing Gareth’s cock to grow ever harder. Eddie pulled you back onto the bed, placing himself at the headboard, inviting you to sit between his legs once more. Gareth followed, stumbling forward, kneeling at your feet. Eddie thrust your milky thighs apart, fully exposing your wet, ruined panties to Gareth. 
“Awww sweetheart you’re soaking, what’s got you this worked up already. Was it thoughts of  your little Gare-bear taking care of you?” Eddie patronised in your ear, hot breath dancing over the skin. Open mouthed kisses landed on your neck, as Eddie’s nibble fingers wound into the hem of your panties. Running his nimble fingers through your folds, his fingers now covered in your slick. “Gonna take these off now Bunnie, s’that okay with you?” Eddie checked in for your welcomed consent. You nodded again. “Gonna need some words baby, if you want this to go further '' Eddie encouraged, chin tucked in, looking over his brows. “Yes”, you huffed out “please, please I want this”. 
Hooking his thumbs over the top of the lace, he slowly pulled your panties down over your plush round hips. The slick, soaked centre sticking to the centre as he pulled them down your smooth inked legs, before throwing them in Gareth’s face. “You alright there Gare” Eddie ridiculed, “You’re staring bud, what’s wrong never seen a pussy this pretty before, is that it? Better than any of porn mags is this, ain’t that right Bunnie? Bestest pussy I’ve ever tasted” he groaned “so sweet, so warm, so tight, so inviting”. 
Eddie ran his fingers through your glistening folds again, through the lines of your sweet cream. Fingertips grazing over your entrance, causing a light shudder to fall down your spine and a yielding moan to fall from your lips. Your head fell back again into Eddie’s shoulder as his fingers pushed back up to your swollen bud. Tracing small figures of eight over the hardened nub, tingles and deeper moans falling from your mouth once more. The echoing pressure building in your stomach, the coil tightening with every relentless pass. Swift fingers dipped into your entrance fucking you onto his thick appendages, whilst his thumb took over the tight circles on your clit. A long groan spilling from your lips. Eyes slammed shut you breathed through your gritted teeth, coaching you through the satisfaction of what you were craving. “Don’t stop baby, I’m close” you whined into Eddie’s neck. 
Eddie reached forward grabbing Gareth’s hands, bringing them to your throbbing core. “Touch her Gare, she’s so close, go on, feel her.” Gareth’s fingers almost trembled at the lightest touch on your slick folds. Eddie guided his fingers up to the swollen bud again, rolling the nib between both their fingertips. “That’s it Gare, just press right there” Eddis softly spoke. Gareth’s face shone with amazement as you writhed under their shared touch, breathy moans singing from your throat. All of a sudden you shuddered, shaking, climbing rapidly towards your high. A silent moan echoed as you hit the peak. Your face contorting, eyes squeezed tightly shut and pressed to O shape. 
“That’s it sweetheart” Eddie cooed in your ear “Gonna give us another?” You nodded, head still swimming under the water. Continuing the punishment on your clit, and pussy, another strangling moan reverberated out your pink lips. Eddie plunged his fingers in and out, the pace intoxicating you further down the rabbit hole into pure sinful pleasure, overstimulation is starting to set in. “Eyes open Bunnie, I want Gareth to see those baby blues when you come for us again”. Peeling your eyes open to meet Gareth wanting ones, staring back into your tearful ones. Tear drops threatening to overspill your lashes as you came with another cry. Intaking heavy breaths to try and keep yourself grounded.  
“Good girl, you’re doing so well for us baby” Eddie muttered into your ears through his own heavy breaths. The constant bulge in your lower back twitching pressed into your damp skin. Glancing down you could the same reaction from Gareth, a growing damp patch of pre-cum seeping through the fly of his jeans. Eddie smiled a merciless grin again and your eyes widened at the sight, your strong tongue gliding across your lip taking it between your teeth as you looked back up to his boyish face.
“I wanna taste you” you said in awe to Gareth. “You heard the lady, Gare. You don’t wanna leave our little Bunnie waiting any longer, do you? Eddie enlivened. Gareth began stripping himself of his clothes quicker than you thought humanly possible. Ripping the hem of his Judas Priest shirt over his fluffy curls, shaking his hair down like an excited puppy through the neckhole. Fiddling with the button and fly of jeans with sticky fingers, ripping them down his strong muscular thighs, sprinkled with sparse brunette hairs. Kicking them off to the side, throwing his trainers with them. Leaving him in his red checked cotton boxers, large protruding tent front and centre. 
You reached forward the palm over the clothed bulge, wiggling your fingertips tickling his balls, causing the boy to groan and gasp. “Always wanted to taste you Gare, you have such a pretty face. I’m glad I’m the one who's going to ruin you for every other girl after. I’m gonna blow your mind Gare, an’ your cock. Do you want that Gare? Your big fat cock stuffed in my pretty mouth” you purred, your fingers creeping over the elastic reaching down to grasp your fingers around his length. Gareth’s firm cock, didn’t feel as thick or long as Eddie’s but it definitely wasn’t small. You ran your fingers up and around his shift, feeling around 6 and halfish inches, with thick pulsing veins running up the sides. 
Gareth gasped as you held a firm hold on his cock, slowly moving your hand up and down the shaft to get him used to the sensation. Your nails brushed against the curls at the base, running your fingertips through the hairs before going down to cup his aching balls. The soft skin was warm in your palm. 
“Fuck” Gareth whispered out, head falling back to the ceiling,“your hands feel so soft Bunnie”. You giggled, looking up at the blissful blush painted across Gareth’s cheeks. 
“Take these off for me please, Gare-bear. Wanna see you in all your glory now”, you parroted Eddie’s words. Gareth slowly pulled down his well-worn cotton boxers, his cock springing out and to attention. Your eyes fixated to his leaking cock, drool gathering in your mouth at the taboo thoughts of two best friends fucking you. 
“Aww Bunnie, you're teasing him” Eddie cooed from the headboard, hand now palming himself over his jeans. “Why don’t you show him what a good girl you are, like when you suck Daddy’s cock”. 
Your pleading eyes met Gareth’s blown out pupils. “Can I use my mouth on you Gareth?” you sweetly asked. “Sure Bunnie, I erm, sure yeah, I’d love that” he mumbled, still unbelieving this was happening. “Just sit back, if there’s anything you don’t like, let me know, yeah” you softly spoke. Placing a tender kiss on his lips.Gareth nodded in agreement. 
Leaning down you kissed the tip of Gareth’s leaking cock, licking the pearls of pre-cum and swallowing them with a “hmmm”. 
“Does he taste good, Bunnie?” Eddie called from behind, now folded over your back, placing a line of kisses down your spine. Shivers rickersahed through your body. Eddie’s fingers danced over your hips and waist and you pushed Gareth cock into your warm, wet, wanting mouth. Tongue licking the underside from base to tip, flicking Gareth’s frenulum. A hiss through his teeth at the sensitivity. Grinning you swallowed him, taking his whole length in your mouth, head beginning to bob up and down. His mouth curls tickling your nose on every bob of your head. You could hear encouraging hisses and groans from above.
Eddie now face buried in your ass, lips left wet open mouthed kisses across your peachy fullness, firm hands pulling your cheeks apart to see your tight hole. “Fuck Bunnie, you gonna let me play your ass, while you play with Gareth. Daddy loves watching you squirm, Princess.”
“Mmmm yeah Daddy, please” you moaned in replied lips leaving Gareth’s cock moment, as a big glob of spit travelled down your ass welling in your tight hole, lighting your super sensitive hole on fire with desire. Eddie’s fingers circled your puckered asshole, teasing the pressure as his finger slipped into the first knuckle, A loud moan ripped through your throat “Fuccckk” you cursed, your body shuddering as your mouth wrapped again round Gareth’s dripping cock, head bobbing back into a steady rhythm. Eddie continued to massage your tight hole, slowly pushing his fingertip in and out, spitting down between your cheeks again occasionally, to keep it slick. Teasing nibbles landing on your ass cheeks, as Eddie’s firm hands massaged your voluptuous peachy behind and slipping below to tease your clit some more.   
Gareth was rapidly falling apart, soon to be losing control. His hands grasped your head, fingers tangled in your hair. “Fuck Bunnie, its to good. I don’t wanna cum just yet” he blurted out, worry slung across his face. 
Releasing his cock from your flushed lips, you smiled, pulling yourself back and sitting on your heels. “Good boy” you praised, “so sweet for me” your sweetly smiled. “Do you want me to give me Teddy some attention whilst you calm down a little, then you can fuck my pussy when you feel ready, hmmm? I just wanna take care of you, don’t feel pressured though. We can stop anytime”. Honey dripped from your words. 
How could you be this sweet to him, after all the times he’d heard you and Eddie fucking, it seemed slower, more sensual, all soft edges for him. You cared for him, you really cared he felt comfortable and safe. The decisions were his, but guided by you and Eddie. His best friend and his best friend’s insanely hot, sinfully curvaceous, loving girlfriend. 
Gareth nodded in agreement, your sweet smile reassuring his anxiety. Turning your head to Eddie, your sweetness illuminating his face, sacrilegious smile fixated on his gleaming back at you. “Show me the goods, Big boy” you purred, crawling up the bed towards Eddie’s lap. “Someone’s awakened the minx in you today, Bun” he teased, as your hands hastily pulled his blue plaid boxer shorts down his thigh, unleashing Eddie’s rock hard cock. Hitting his stomach with the wet slap, precum beading at the tip. “Offft” Eddie gasped “easy Princess, don’t damage the goods!” Eddie joked. Eddie’s big hands encasping your face pulling you in, chapped, bitten lips meeting your plump, fleshy ones. Eddie’s tongue lazily swept over your bottom lip, before pushing forward into your soft, wet mouth. Releasing you with a smack of his lips again, a saccharine smile stretched across his face. Dreamy pools of chocolate stared back into yours, losing yourself in the black irises. 
Gareth’s chokes shook you back to reality, “Fuck Ed’s, I didn’t know you’d got a piercing down there?” Gareth’s shocked questioning made you giggle. “Yeah, got it a few months back, when I was last up in Indy at the tattoo shop” Eddie laughed, “Thought fuck it, heard it good for the ladies and I know Bunnie here agrees” Eddie’s eyes flicked to your blushed face, “...and I mean why not adorn the trouser snake, it’s pretty metal right?” Eddie gestured to the circular ring through the end of his hard cock, the silver twinkling like a beacon in the dim light. Gareth was definitely straight that he knew, but he had to agree it did look great. 
Your small hands gripped Eddie’s shaft, fingers running up the length and back down, teasing touches before you kissed the tip, featherlight. Kitten licking his slit, tongue wrapping the ring before softly sucking on the bulbous head. Eddie groaned in pleasure, head thrown back into the headboard, if he wasn’t so high and distracted he would definitely be in pain from the impact. “Fuck that’s hot” is all you hear above Eddie’s moans. Gareth’s awestruck face watching the scene before him. Stroking his own cock, whilst he switched between gazing at your puffy wet pussy, slick covered plush thighs and head bobbing up and down the length of Eddie’s cock. 
Hollowing your cheeks you sucked harder on Eddie’s dick. Gathering your hair in a makeshift ponytail in his hands, lightly guiding you up and down on his length. “Shiiittt, Bunnie, your mouth feels so good princess” Eddie praised above you. “Always such a good slut for Daddy, that’s it, always take my dick so well.” Humming vibrations swelled in your throat as you took Eddie deeper in your throat. Your free hand drifting lower to cradle Eddie’s full balls in your hands, rolling them between your nimble fingers, gently squeezing the skin in your palm. 
Usually you could spend all night with Eddie’s firm cock weighing on your tongue, but right now you were so turned on, the thoughts of two sets of hands caressing your skin, two mouths lapping over on your erect nipples and two piercing cocks splitting you open, watching you crumble and come undone. You needed more. Releasing Eddie’s cock from your lips, you satback on your knees, pushing your hair over your shoulder as Eddie let go and replaced your mouth with his own guitar calloused, motor oil stained hands.
Glancing over your shoulder at Gareth with wide eyes you softly spoke, “Want you Gare-bear, want you inside me” seduction dripping from every word. “Want you to fuck me, want your cum”, your hands playing with your budding nipples, lightly squeezing the bars through each, pulled and pressing into your heavy breasts, teasing yourself. Turning yourself round you crawled back over Gareth, sitting firm in his lap. Leaning in hot breath on his neck, placing wet kisses up the column of his throat. “You want me to ride you pretty boy?” you questioned, wide doe eyes looking at him. 
Nodding Gareth placed his trembling hands over the podgy skin of your waist and hips, finger tips pushing into the squishy flesh, massaging the fat there adoringly. “Yeah Bunnie, please, please ride me, it’s all I’ve thought about every time we’ve smoked. Always wanted this, wanted you, but I thought I’d never get this, Eddie knows that. Always been jealous of you two” Gareth hushed out, glancing over to Eddie behind now behind you kissing your upper back and neck, his rough hands running up and down your spine. “It’s true Bun, should have seen his face after I told him we made it official, felt like I’d kicked a puppy”. 
Rolling your head back to meet Eddie’s shoulder, Gareth’s hands wandered up to grasp your breasts, replacing yours mirroring your previous movements. “You want me to fuck you raw or I can get you a condom, we have some, Eddie can you grab one, I mean its your first time so it’s not like your not clean, I’m on the pill so ya know that’s not a issue…” you began to ramble, serious undertones checking consent before taking the plunge. “Yes, god yes” Gareth abruptly interrupted, “Jesus yes, I wanna fuck you so bad, please I wanna know what it really feels like, no barriers Bunnie please!”  
Gareth’s impatience filled you confidence, adjusting your legs, your doughy thighs straddled Gareth’s hairy muscular ones, tense from years of drumming. Hovering your awaiting sopping pussy over his pearling cock, you rubbed his pink mushroom head through your soaked folds, rutting against your overly over-stimulated, sensitive clit.  Causing all the air in the lungs to escape you, a deep breath you didn’t realise you were holding. “You ready, handsome?”  you whispered in his ear, lips tickling the shell of his ear, before looking into his eyes to check consent. Gareth’s hands held your hips as he nodded, his own breath stuck in his throat, stuttering a simple “yes, please”.  
Lowering yourself down until Gareth’s mushroom tip pushed past your slick folds, you moaned at the intrusion. “Congrats Gare, you’re no longer a virgin” you giggled, sinking further down to hilt. “How’s it feel, buddy? Like warm apple pie? Like kisses from ya momma?” Eddie joked from behind you, cock in hand lazily stroking himself. “Fuck off Eddie” Gareth breathed out laughing. Reaching back you playfully shoved Eddie, shaking your head  and rolling your eyes. After giving Gareth a minute to adjust to the wet warmth of your cunt, you began to move. Grinding down against his slender hips, building that sweet friction you desired to climb the hill of pleasure. “Fuck” Gareth sighed out, lolling his head back. “Jesus, this feels good”. “Mmm yeah, you feel good Gare, stretching my tight pussy out” you moaned out, placing your lips on Gareth grounding yourself as you rocked back and forth chasing your high.
Eddie’s deft hands found their way up your waist, rub and up over your tits, rolling your pert nipples between his fingers, you squeaked in pain and pleasure. Pulling and massaging the supple fullness of your supple breasts. Feeling the knot in your stomach begin to tighten again you started slowly bouncing on Gareth cock, letting him almost slip out before smashing your hips back down, the drag of his cock rubbing against your spongy spot, erupting gasps and moans falling from you lips as Gareth kissed your neck. Sinking deeper in the drowning pleasure of two mens attention entirely on you. “Good girlll…such a fucking good girl for us Bunnie” Eddie growled, extending the sound of the first L. Feeling needy you whined tilting your head back onto Eddie’s shoulder again, chasing his kiss. 
Locking lips with Eddie, his cock now nudging your lower back and he helped guide you bouncing on his best friend cock. Gareth’s face was scrunched in concentration. Endless moans and gasps harmonising with yours, hands glued to the fat of soft your hips, grabbing the flesh and holding it tight. You knew you’d probably have bruises from his fingertips, but it was worth every purple mark he’d leave you as a reminder. 
The knot in your stomach felt impossibly tight now. “Need to cum Ed’s, please” you whined. “Oooohh Sweetheart, so soon, you’re such a good girl letting us know. Go on, cum for us princess. Reward Gareth for making you feel so good with your cum, cream on over his big, thick cock for me” Eddie cooed. More harmonic whimpers and moans fell from your open lips, “I’m gonna cum… oh mmm… I’m cumming” you sweetly moaned. Eddie rewarded your permission by kissing your cheek as you fell forward, your body quaking in Eddie’s hands gripping firmly over Gareth’s shoulders to keep you upright. 
Your nails leaving crescent moon imprints in his skin, as your orgasm washed over you. Your pussy cramped, milking Gareth’s cock as you chanted his name as you came. “Good fucking girl, look at you. All messy for us'”, Eddie praised as he kissed your shoulder, one, two, three times on a descending trail. Gareth immediately came after you, white spurts white washing your quivering, gummy walls. “Fuckkkkk Bunnie.” Gareth panted, trying to catch his breath gathering his thoughts, as he came back to earth. “That was amazing, God you’re so hot, I can’t believe we did this. Woah, shit, uh huh, yeah? Gareth John Emmerson, virgin no more. Certified sexually active male!” Thanks Bunnie, that's the hardest I’ve ever came. Does it always feel that good? Like, shit, wow” Gareth grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. You replied “You’re welcome Gare '' giggling, “Lost ya V-card now, finally. You stud! It was good yeah, you made me cum, so you’ve better than the guy I lost my virginity too. But you'll have to excuse me, I gotta take care of my Teddy now", a saccharine smile painted on your face and you turned your head to face your floppy haired sex demon of a boyfriend.    
Feeling your combined spends dripping from your stuffed, spasming hole, you lifted yourself up off Gareth’s softening cock, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose before turning your attention towards Eddie. “Ooh Bunnie, are you still feeling lovey-dovey and fuzzy, or do you need your Daddy to show you who you really belong too?” Eddie’s hushed tones made chills run down your spine. Placing a messy kiss on your lips, all teeth and tongue. His hands grasp at the soft meat of your thighs, “Get over here now” pulling you into his lap. 
Harsh kisses engulf your mouth as his hands come to hold the side of your head, fingers slayed to temples, thumbs tucked under your jaw. “My sweet girl” Eddie growls, pushing you back onto the worn threadbare sheets, under his weight. The instant your skin touched the butterscotch cream cotton, Eddie was on you, wet kisses and stripes of spit now adorning your neck and chest. Leaning back on his heel, head forward, his hair curtaining the devilish smirk prancing across his brow. 
He plunged himself in you, leaving you no time to adjust, fucking into your sopping, creaming heat. Hands pinning you by the throat, to the mattress, your eyes spun back into your eye. Wrapping your legs around his slim waist, you pushed against his perfectly tight ass, driving him even further inside your spasming, saturated cunt. 
The possessiveness of Eddie shook you, but you’ve never felt so exposed and turned on. Gareth’s eyes wide, softening cock now rapidly refilling with blood, blush creeping deep pink, up his neck and cheeks.  Eddie fucked his best friend’s spend further inside you, the wet squelching sounds echoing throughout the room, as Eddie’s heavy balls slapped against your dribbling ass cheeks and sticky thighs. “Fuck Bunnie, you feel fucking amazing sweetheart. You like it when Daddy fucks Garebear’s cum inside you? Yeah, yeah I bet you do, I’m good to my princess, letting her play with her fuck toys. But don’t forget you’re mine!” Eddie growled through gritted teeth whilst pounding into your aching pussy. “My little sweet fuck toy. Daddy’s…little…cum…slut”, Punctuating each word with a harsh thrust. 
Eddie fucked you at a relentless pace, he’d never been this rough before, it almost scared you, but definitely thrilled you most. Your pussy was throbbing at an alarming rate, the usual pattern of your orgasm being overtaken by an unignorable pressure in your pelvis. Every stroke of Eddie’s cock against your gummy walls, ascending you higher to your rapture, until it became too much to handle. “Eeeedddddiiiieeee, Mmm, Eddiie” you whimpered between harsh deep breaths. “Can’t hold it any more, I need to cum. Need to cum for you baby, please I need to cum” you pleaded. “Yeah cum for me princess, cum all over Daddy’s cock, my sweet girl.” 
Releasing a silent scream, your eyes clamped shut. You suddenly felt a flooding wetness pouring between your thighs. Your own spend expelling from your creamy cunt, and dripping down your tighter hole below. “Ffffffuuuuuccccckkkkk Bunnie” Eddie gasped. “You’re fucking perfect, squirting all over Daddy’s cock. Sweetheart, I fucking love you Princess. I fucking love these perfect, big tits, I fucking love this fat ass and I fucking love this tight pussy” Eddie grappled and grabbed the fat of your waist as he sat back on his heels, watching his throbbing soaked cock, pumping in and out of you your wetness. Your spend still gushing down his cum gutter hips while each thrust forward. Your creamy spend matting the tight brunette curls at the base of his aching cock. Tilting his head back in pure bliss himself as your pussy massaged his cock. “That's it princess, keep squeezing my cock. Milk my cock. You want my cum, Sweetheart? You want Daddy’s cum too? Where do you want me to cum, my sweet girl?” Eddie questioned. “Inside Daddy, fill me full of your cum too, please. Please I want your cum Daddy, please, please, please. Need it please” you babbled, between soft whimpers and moans of ecstacy. 
Eddie pounded into you a few more harsh thrusts, snatching all the breath from your lungs, until a throaty growl ripped from his own chest. One fuck into your pulsating soaked sex, he erupted inside you, coating your aching centre with his scent. Followed by three shallow jolts, fucking his spend deeper inside, a shiver rolling down his spine at the force he came with. 
“Christ, Bunnie” Eddie huffed, head hanging down, catching his breath as his heart rate began to steady. “Fuck you trying to kill me here, since when could you squirt!? I’m a mess baby, you’ve made such a mess, my dirty, sweet girl” Eddie leant down over your heaving boneless form, placing a soft kiss to your lips, you giggled breaking the spell of haziness. 
“Fuckkkk.”  Another voice spoke.
Remembering the last hour of your life, both you and Eddie suddenly remembered the third in the room. The man you’d just taken the virginity of. In front and with the permission of your boyfriend. The man who’s now softening dick was slipping out of you. The crash back to reality dawning on your slightly stoned, post-orgasmic, purple hazed brains. The complications which could occur following this impulsive, drug-fueled decision. 
“That… That, was hottest shit I’ve ever seen. How’d you do that man? How’d you make her do that? Bunnie, Bunnie how?” You could see Gareth’s mind untangling, the bewilderment evident on his face. The complete confusion baked into Gareth's face, made you and Eddie break into cackling laughter. Eddie rolling over and falling off the bed in a fit of convulsing giggling, kicking his legs at his friends expense, His sweaty mane, stuck to his pretty features. 
After regaining his composure Eddie replied, “Just the prize of being a pure, unadulterated sex god, like me I guess Gare. You'll get there buddy, it just takes some practice, right Bunnie?” He chortled. 
“Sure thing Eds, if you say so” you grinned back, hiding your face in your hands. Gareth's face is still frozen in a picture of awestruck shock. Standing off the bed, you addressed your lovers, “Look boys, I’m gonna grab a shower. How about you put your dicks away and roll me another blunt, I deserve to be doted on hand and foot after that performance, I also require a dr pepper and candy, please” your pleading eyes looking at Eddie & Gareth, before heading off to the bathroom of the clammy trailer. 
“Welcome to the world of women Gare, this is the price we pay. You’re gonna be a slave to the pussy now, buddy.” Eddie joked, slapping Gareth on the back and he jumped up and followed you to the bathroom. “Gareth’s got it honey, I’ll help scrub your back sweetness”, Eddie threw a wink at Gareth before shutting the bathroom door and sliding the lock. 
Gareth groaned looking down at his softening cock, realising he’d come a second time over his stomach, too frozen by the scene in front of him to register his own excitement spill again. Ropes of dripping white down his abs and in his treasure trail of curls. “Slave to the pussy? Shit, he’s got that right!” Gareth muttered to himself, cleaning his pearled stomach with an abandoned shirt. Reaching for the papers, grinder, Eddie’s weed and tobacco. “Slave to the god, damn, pussy! And it's not even mine! Whipped for another man’s girlfriend. I’m so fucked.” 
“Edddddiiiiieeee, stop! Stooooop! No more! You’re insatiable!” Gareth could hear your giggles from inside the shower, Eddie’s wet kisses and lips circling, sucking and licking over your peaked nipples under the water stream. Groaning, he fell back onto the bed, closing his eyes to dull the ache that shot straight to his stiffening dick again.   
“I’m so very FUCKED” he thought to himself. 
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