#( shipping psa )
rockinrpmemes · 1 year
Let me make it clear:
If We Ship Together? You can throw starters and asks at my muse(s) anytime. Bombard me in IMs with headcanons and aesthetics. You don't need to ask my permission. Oh, and by the by, my little chickadee? Have fun shaking me off your blog if we ship it hardcore, together.
See you in hell 💋💋💋 ...jk ilu
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izzyfishie · 1 year
i just need to get this off my chest, especially since this has been biting at me for days. i feel like some of y’all are gonna disagree with me but so be it. just please note: this isn’t really targeted at anything specific, just a general thing i’ve been seeing.
but like. why are we sending death threats and hatemail and general harassment over ships?
first of all, sending death threats and harassment in general is a no-no. even if the death threats aren’t targeted, it’s horrible to be saying this kind of stuff. saying things like:
“[insert ship here] SHIPPERS DIE!” or “[insert ship here] YOU’RE NOT WANTED ON THIS PLANET!”
imagine if those brackets were replaced with your ship. how would you feel?
now, you might be thinking like, “oh it’s just words-“
words hurt. even over the internet to strangers you don’t know. it’s pretty shitty to do that. even if you think you’re being “funny”, you’re not.
and second of all,
some people may have past trauma and therefore develop an attachment to that ship to comfort them. some people may just find their dynamic intriguing. some people may have completely separate reasons for shipping it!
even if the ships are deemed problematic, even if they aren’t deemed problematic, you still don’t have the right to judge others for their shipping opinions, much less harass them for it. as stated earlier, that’s pretty shitty.
i find it incredibly stupid how people think it’s okay to be so shitty to other people for such a minor thing like a ship on the internet. can we try to spread positivity and be nicer to each other, please?
anyways, that’s it for today. thanks for listening, and let’s try to be better to each other, okay?
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watchyourbuck · 6 months
No im not “grieving” Buddie, do you know how amazing it is to have queer/bisexual men representation in today’s media? Do you know how important it is for all of the community and the younger people watching this? This is a huge milestone and Buck’s sexuality is valid outside of any type of ship. Today we celebrate.
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elainiisms · 2 years
this scene was 10x more emotional and romantic than any scene between them and those boys
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roughroadhaley · 1 year
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she could’ve done it
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haomnyangz · 6 months
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cloud: weehee silly time tifa with a spray gun: DOWN BOY
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profic-robloxian · 1 month
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This account just followed me and I am SHOCKED. This is not okay. A minor should NOT be in a "sus and horny" Discord server, and DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT RUN ONE
Report this server if you can. This is dangerous and irresponsible. We cannot let a space like this exist in our community. WE CANNOT LET MINORS INTO NSFW SPACES.
*Do not send hateful messages to OOP. They're doing something horribly wrong, but please remember they are a minor.*
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atwocd · 4 months
i'm rewatching the boys to get ready for season 4 and "oh hughie. it's not power. it's punishment. you don't deserve none of it" "what and you do?" no because MY GOD the way both hughie and butcher think they're the fuckest fuck ups ever and hold each other in the HIGHEST REGARD????? like butcher thinks there's nothing redeemable about himself, that he ruins everyone's life, that he deserves to die for all the shit he did and while yes he makes fun of hughie for being weak or whatever he admires hughie's moral compass SO MUCH and he'd be lost without it AND the way hughie thinks he's useless, that he can't protect anyone he loves, that he will never manage to make anything of himself ever and yes, he has issues with butcher's way of doing things sometimes but he admires him for how strong he is and how he gets shit done LIKE!!!!!!! THEY LOVE AND ADMIRE EACH OTHER FOR THE EXACT REASONS THEY HATE THEMSELVES OH I'M GOING INSANE
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Yeah, this is seriously concerning. I think you guys should block and be aware of someone with this amount of Tumblr reach saying this shit.
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This b0gl33ch guy fully intends (and has done already, as you can see) to falsely slander queer abuse survivors (a particularly vulnerable demographic, especially to this type of accusation in the current climate) as pedophiles because of coping/vent fic. He's wished death on us multiple times and stood by it, only to deny it when pushed. Multiple times. Despite the evidence otherwise being right there. He's refusing to listen and moving the goalposts back and forth. When he himself has shared "underage NSFW art" for shits and gigs. Hey, bud, if it's harmful, you "joking" about it doesn't lessen that harm.
Again, he denies his behaviour, despite proof being right there.
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I also had someone tell me in private that one of the people collaborating on a project with him has sexually harassed others multiple times in the past, so I worry that he's so convinced the predators must be here that he's oblivious to the ones right next to him.
Every time we point out to him our being queer survivors is relevant to a conversation about a) art censorship and b) coping mechanisms, he just rants that we're saying that to escape being pedophiles. To the point where he's actively erased our identities. So I'm very concerned about how this pedojacketing behaviour is likely not going to stop, even with the demographic he's aiming it at in mind.
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Oh, and here:
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Same guy who's just SO concerned with the harmful effects of minors potentially seeing "problematic NSFW content" online, to the point he wants to censor survivors (and supported getting one blacklisted from an entire industry, btw. That survivor is now destitute and dying from a medical condition they cannot afford to treat). Apparently he was totally fine with NSFW Velma (from Scooby Doo) art, too, and she's canonically a minor.
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fevekko · 9 months
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fujinvamp · 5 days
I’ve had to deal with a devastating issue today; and I feel like us Proshippers need to have a conversation really quickly about something very important.
Drawings of real minors in sexual situations should not be created or posted. Ever.
I’ve made that mistake when I was 12, and it still affects me deeply to the point I call myself a CSEM victim because of my stupid and immature decisions. (Actually, if you knew me when I was Destroyalition, you might’ve seen my vent posts about how bad it affected me when I was younger.)
I understand if you’re a selfshipper and want to show your love to your f/o by drawing you guys in romantic situations, but drawings of real kids in those situations are risky. Sexual drawings of that nature are something we should be warning kids not to draw at all. I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain and grief and anxiety I felt after learning what I drew was harmful and illegal.
Please, be careful. Don’t let adults draw you in sexual situations. Don’t let yourself make a dumb and immature decision. Please stay safe and be careful.
So Minor Proshippers. Listen up. There’s an alternative that is safe to this called creating OC self inserts. Please use those instead to your hearts content. Make sure they don’t look like you though, and please heal.
I just feel like this needs to be specified to the MAXIMUM. I am dearly sorry to everyone who was as immature as I was, and made the same mistake. Take this as a warning, don’t learn the same way I did. Stay safe.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
i feel like people keep interchanging MAINS, EXCLUSIVES, and AFFILIATES and haphazardly using them without really recognizing what they mean, so here's a brief description of the differences.
MAINS are the primary group of roleplay blogs you interact with on a regular basis. you might choose to prioritize them in terms of replies or ask memes, or focus on their dynamics more often than you do others.
EXCLUSIVES are the only version of that character you will write with. as an example, if you add a canon superman or a princess jasmine to your exclusives, it means you will not write with or follow any duplicates of those characters.
** this can also include FACECLAIM EXCLUSIVES, where you won't follow duplicate faceclaims of your favorite blogs. weird example, but if you're writing with a blog using tom hanks as their faceclaim, you might say you're faceclaim exclusive with that blog and refuse to write with or follow any other blogs using tom hanks.
AFFILIATES are blogs with extensive ties to your blog's canon. their characters are weaved into your storyline to such a degree that you cannot separate them from one another. maybe they're your primary or single ship partner. maybe you created the characters together. maybe they're from the same piece of media and you want to establish their significant ties to your muse and their story. this is a step up from exclusives, and their url is often linked in your pinned or placed on your rules page.
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mammutblog · 1 year
lrb until now i���ve never been in a fandom where people come in my inbox and dms to tell me that a blog i interact with ships something they think is problematic like? that’s some secret service cop behavior my dude. also idk u? like you come in here and go “your friend is cooking beef and i’m vegetarian!” like that’s literally my friend bro? you don’t even know me or my friend? i literally cannot help u if u think that’s somehow activism bro, just unfollow me, u literally don’t have to follow me, be free and be happy
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sparrowssally · 9 months
*cracks knuckles* Yet another PSA about the Tennant and Sheen families…
Alright, here goes it. I don’t give a fuck if you ship Aziraphale and Crowley. I’m a huge shipper of them myself, so it’s all good! Love them, want the world for them, etc etc. HOWEVER, if you want to:
1. ship David and Michael romantically
2. want to use shipping David and Michael as an excuse to be blatantly misogynistic against their respective partners (Georgia and Anna)
3. want to allege that they are being “trapped” in their marriage by their partners “strategically” having kids
Then get the fuck off my blog. Seriously. There’s no place for you here.
You’re literally hoping that David Tennant, a man with five kids, will leave his wife of 12 years (whom he clearly loves) to end up in a hyper-sexual romantic relationship with Michael Sheen, who would also have to leave his partner as well, with whom he has two young children and who he seems very happy with. You’re literally wanting happy families to get broken apart so that your selfish ship can sail. It’s disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I get wanting to have queer representation, it’s greatly needed and there is always room for more of it. However, wanting to assign a queer identity to someone who hasn’t publicly acknowledged that they identify that way is NOT okay. I don’t care who they are, celebrity or not. If you want to see queer representation, then Aziraphale and Crowley are RIGHT THERE. Don’t wreck real people’s relationships with their partners—and their friendship with each other—just because you want your ship to sail. If for some reason David and/or Michael want to come out in the future on their own, then that’s for them to do when they feel comfortable, and speculating about their identities without them saying anything is just weird and gross.
AND ANOTHER THING! All y’all who write essay-long posts analyzing every single social media thing about Michael, David, Georgia, and Anna: y’all need to get a fucking life. Go outside. Touch grass. PLEASE stop treating these very real people like they’re puppets in your grand romance story. I guarantee you that their lives are probably not NEARLY as fascinating and scandal-filled as what you think they are. And believe it or not—because I know y’all LOVE to use this as “evidence”—people are allowed to not be all smiley and lovey-dovey in selfies and photos with their partners, and for many people, teasing their partners is part of their relationship! *gasp* I know right?? Shocking. It literally doesn’t mean anything that Georgia and David tease each other or that Michael and Anna tease each other, and that they all occasionally aren’t smiling in photos with each other. That’s normal person behavior and I’m begging y’all to understand that.
I know this post probably isn’t going to be seen by the weirdo people who need to see it the most, but whatever. I just really needed to get this off my chest.
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Woah where did all these sandstorm fans come from
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seagreenstardust · 4 months
No matter what happens in canon, bkdk are soulmates.
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