#( reggie. / && answer. )
galentir · 9 months
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Alternative universe where Luke and Reggie share the best werewolf vampire solidarity 🤝
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daddiesdrarryy · 8 months
James: What are we?
Regulus: I’m literally pining you underneath me with my wand against your neck right now, Potter
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siriuslygay1981 · 1 year
Just thinking of Regulus who chopped his long hair off because he was tired of feeling feminine...of feeling dysphoric. He thinks James will be upset that regulus is 'trying to be a boy' or something but James just opens the bathroom drawer and pulls out the scissors with a small smile
"how short, love?"
And regulus has to swallow harshly against the lump in his throat, has to hunch over and sob for a minute as James rubs his back
James softly grabbing pieces of his hair and cutting it silently after regulus calms down
James tenderly brushing regulus' choppy hair back, scissors in one hand as regulus sits there quietly. James humming as he cuts his hair and asks regulus all types of questions
Why did you cut your hair?
Are you a boy then?
Do you have a new name?
Is there anything else you need ?
Do you need help telling the others? Are we even telling the others?
Just....sigh yea
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My friend put her cat in a shirt and why do I feel like Mary would do this with Pussy (will never shut up about that name)
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because she would. and she’d make a post abt it.
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aithusarosekiller · 1 month
Peter: James, fuck, marry, kill: Snape, Marls, Regulus Black
James: well kill Snape obviously! Then that leaves fuck and marry, so Re-..........oh
Sirius: ......🤨
James: um
Sirius: well? What is it, James?
James: 😰
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foursaints · 5 months
music taste of barty, evan, pandora and reg? like genres and artists and songs? that they like?
anon.... i was waiting for this. i actually very psychotically have a playlist of music that i think barty listens to. I have so much respect for the people that want barty to listen to Lana del rey & mcr or whatever. but THAT'S A GRIMY DUDE!
he's listening to terrible traphouse music & drill & fuckboy rap & industrial noise and the day that juicewrld died was probably his personal 9/11!!!
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Giorno: *eating tofu*
Narancia: So ive never seen you eat meat or anything like that. Are you vegetarian or something
Giorno: No but ive been convince everyone in the gang that im vegan
Narancia: why????
Giorno: ive been stealing Mistas and abbachios left overs from the fridge and so far they’ve yet to suspect me since almost none of the foods been vegan.
-coming From the other side of the safehouse-
Narancia: You are pure evil.
Giorno: I know. Anyway do you want split this pudding with me.
Narancia: thats Mistas isnt it
Giorno: Yup
Narancia: epic.
plot twist, Giorno hasn't even been hiding the fact he's not vegan/vegetarian, he just hasn't corrected them because He Thought It Would Be Funny
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bluesyjean · 1 year
TUA hot takes for 'Seven Bells':
The opening with Luther's time on the moon is the standout of the season for him. Love love love that they went deeper into what all those years were like for him. Luther got so much crap for talking about the moon too much, but it was legitimately traumatizing and I'm all for the reminder. Your moon trauma is valid, Luther. Also showcases some of his best acting, please let him be something other than an oaf way more often it's so much more interesting. (Also was extremely into his scene with Reggie at the end and the shock of what happens to Luther. It's Really Great and terrible and I love that they went there. Reggie is on fire this entire episode and I will talk about him more.)
You can be whatever about the Klaus/Ben implications, but it doesn't take away from the fact that Sparrow!Ben finally started getting a personality in these last episodes. I don't ship the siblings but I was happy they were sharing the screen again.
Reggie's response to Viktor saying "Jesus" when he looks out at the incoming apocalypse: "He's due any minute now" is one of my favorite things Reggie has ever said. Colm Feore is a treasure.
Speaking of: the scene with Five and Reggie talking at the edge of the world is So Good. I use this scene in my tumblr layout for a reason. I love this entire exchange; the fascinating dynamic unique to these two characters, how every line has layers of meaning. Reggie calling Five an 'arrogant son of a bitch'. Five's trademark razor smile. I could go on, it's my absolute favorite moment of the season and I could watch it one hundred more times and still find more things to say about them.
I will never get over Five eating cereal an entire box at a time. The little hints at his eating habits have always been consistently weird, what are you.
The way they shot Klaus' final moments in the White Buffalo suite and it fades to white instead of black. The visuals are stunning, it looks like a painting and it will be burned into my memory forever.
The end of s3 was really stellar. Started off strong with 'Footloose' and lost its way for a few episodes, but I was so into this evil hotel situation with the backdrop of the world ending. Once they got back to the core characters it reminded me of all that I love about the show.
...Even if I was a little WTF about 'should we die or not let's take a vote' but I give it a pass. It's this family's nature to disagree, why would that change when they're wondering if they should save the world? (Sidebar: older!Five seriously screwed with Five's head. He's so stuck on himself telling him not to save the world/always being right that he can't move past it.) Allison should not have had to try this hard to get them on board.
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 9 months
For the prompts... Which social media platforms they use and which they hate. This could be for all of them... or as many as you want.
It's been a hot minute since I was on twitter but I've wanted to play with this idea for a bit and you provided the perfect opportunity! THANK YOU! Please forgive the laziness in formatting and choosing handles and also any weird inaccuracies about how the platform actually works. Enjoy! :D
“It happened again!” Alex mutters as he collapses face first onto the couch in the studio, arm extended above his head with his phone cradled in his hand.
The others look at one another and back at him.
“What happened again?” Julie asks.
Alex waves his phone at her without moving his face from the cushion and she gets up from where she’d been seated at the piano to grab it from him. She quickly enters his passcode and is met with a screen filled with Twitter notifications. She chokes down a small chuckle before opening up his app.
Luke and Reggie look over her shoulder to see what the big deal is. They both *have* Twitter but neither of them use it. Reggie prefers being able to entertain his followers on TikTok and Luke… well, Luke insists that nothing replaces that in-person connection with fans.
sunsetcurve4eva caught the boys (and Julie) at their show last night! SO GOOD! Always love seeing them play #sunsetcurve #julieandthephantoms *attached video*
Insertusernamehere replying to sunsetcurve4eva their drummer is incredible!
alexmercer replying to insertusernamehere he’s alright i guess
insertusernamehere replying to alexmercer lemme guess, you could do better?
strummingdrumming replying to alexmercer 🙄where’d you even come from? it takes nothing to acknowledge someone else’s talent
Reggie can’t stop the giggle that escapes as Julie scrolls through hundreds of people coming to Alex’s defense and Luke snorts at the next tweet he sees.
alexmercerislife replying to insertusernamehere strummingdrumming JFC do none of you even realize who that is?
“Oof,” Alex huffs out when Reggie jumps onto his back, laying out over his friend.
“Own your awesomeness, Alex!” Reggie exclaims, turning to rest his cheek between Alex’s shoulder blades and staring up at Julie and Luke who are both bearing huge grins of their own.
“Yeah, Alex,” Julie adds. 
“What awesomeness is Alex owning?” the four of them turn to look at where the new and unexpected voice had come from. “There’s a lot to choose from!” Willie smirks down at his boyfriend who promptly sits up, knocking Reggie off of him and onto the floor.
“Hey!” Reggie cries good humouredly as Alex reaches grabby hands out to Willie who complies immediately and allows himself to be wrapped into a hug as he stands between Alex’s legs.
“They’re all being mean to me,” Alex mumbles.
Willie laughs as he runs a hand through Alex’s hair, “I’m sure. What is it this time?”
Julie just hands Willie the phone and he lets out a guffaw as he reads through the same tweets that Julie and the boys had just worked through. He locks Alex’s phone and throws it onto the couch beside him before reaching down to gently grab Alex by the chin and force him to look up at Willie.
“When will you learn?” Willie asks earnestly before leaning down to drop a peck on Alex’s lips. “People love you! Let them.”
Reggie nods while Luke points at Willie in agreement, “what he said!”
“Fine,” Alex grumbles as he pulls Willie down into his lap. 
“We’ll bully you into loving yourself if we have to,” Julie says with a grin.
“Sounds homophobic,” Alex mutters into Willie’s shoulder.
Julie laughs as she rolls her eyes before quickly pausing as she realizes something, “wait, you said again. This has happened before?”
“So. many. times,” Alex cries as he collapses back into the couch. 
“I’m confused,” Reggie wonders as his brow creases in thought, “if these people love you, how do they not know you’re you?”
Julie lowers herself to sit beside Reggie on the floor where he’d made himself comfortable, “not every fan is a stan, Reg. You know that.”
“Thank goodness for that,” Luke chimes in. He loves their fans but there is a limit to how much being recognized and photographed that he can handle. 
“And maybe they’re new fans or this was their first time seeing or hearing us,” Julie adds with a shrug.
“I just love that it allows this to keep happening,” Willie grins, looking back toward Alex who had covered his face with his forearm. “When you say so many times…?”
“This is at least the third.”
Luke lets out another chuckle, “serves you right.”
Alex removes his arm from in front of his face to glare at Luke. 
Reggie’s eyes widen as he realizes something and he pats his pockets, looking for his own phone. He comes up empty and scans the room before spotting it and crawling over to grab it. He types for a moment and grins as Alex’s phone chimes from beside him.
thereginaldpeters replying to insertusernamehere alexmercer yeah, own your awesomeness Alex
Prompt List
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misssprinkles · 1 year
Do you think that mareggie is a healthy or toxic couple?
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This is a.... hard question.
Like obviously IRL it would be toxic. Anything with Yandere type stuff is toxic. But like. They are cute. And he wouldnt hurt Mary atleast. It wouldnt be toxic towards her. Idk how to explain it. But like I ship it. I didnt ship it at first but eventually i kept seeing more and more art from arcadekitten and more and more of them together in games and it grew on me. Sometimes I feel like I shouldnt ship it, but like I cant help it. I would obviously not be okay with it if it were real, but like where its fictional its fine.
tldr; I dunno / It depends.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 8 months
I keep seeing skits of McGonagall trying to punish Sirius by taking away James.
My mind automatically adds Regulus rubbing his hands together and whispering, “Finally, he’s all mine.”
While Peter and Remus are staring at him curiously, wondering if he means his sibling bond with his brother or James.
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actuallykyogai · 15 days
9 and 12 for the jjk ask meme!
Of course!! :3
9. My favourite fight scene...there's a lot of options to choose from, but if I had to choose one, it'd be Reggie vs Megumi's fight in the gymnasium.
Although I'm not a huge fan of Megumi, it's probably my second favourite fight behind Takaba vs Kenjaku. However I did choose this one because Reggie's my favourite character besides Pinchan + Hazenoki, but I just enjoyed it overall. I like how it wasn't just two dudes throwing hands; strategies and general intelligence played a big part in the outcome of the fight. The stakes were high, there were times where I thought the fight would go either way. Ultimately, Megumi won, which despite not liking him much, I was fine with. I liked Reggie's conclusion and his last words, he served his purpose well.
(Also gotta give a shout out to the Sendai Colony deadlock, more specifically Ryu vs Yuuta ☆)
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12. Again, there's a lot to unpack here, I might not be able to state all my thoughts in a particularly logical or cohesive way. But it's all good!! For me, one thing I'd like to change is the lack of information regarding Yuji and his family. Considering that his mother and uncle are quite literally the main antagonists of the series as a whole, it feels like a waste to know so little about them.
Although I don't have any ideas pertaining to how Yuji would find out about his family (more specifically, Jin and Kaori | Kenjaku) I'd guess Choso would be the one to inform him. It wouldn't necessarily be what I would prefer (A Kenjaku and Yuji reunion would work more in my opinion) it'd relay some information that could possibly have been crucial to the plot and everything surrounding Sukuna's past as well.
A little additional opinion is that I think Kenjaku died too quickly. Another fight before what happened in Lake Gosho colony would have been nice. Hey, not even a fight, even a conversation with Yuji would suffice for me. I'd like to know more about Kaori's cursed technique and, like, anything about Jin and him being the reincarnation of Sukuna's twin.
The Itadori family + Sukuna and the Death Paintings are all very interesting characters and concepts to me ☆
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ooh could you give us some fem jegulus?
i love your art btw <33
hell yes i can
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“none of this ever happened”
“this-uhh, what??”
“yeah exactly. see you around”
oh to be disrespectfully snogged in a bathroom at a party <\3
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arcadekitten · 1 year
you know how you said when mary was first made, she and reginald weren't originally a ship (how could you /j lol). how long did it take you to make them a ship? and what made you want to make them a ship?
I would say it didn't take too long to decide at least one of them had romantic feelings (coughReginaldcough) but their status as a proper ship wasn't fully cemented until my late-teens I wanna say?
It is a little silly but when I was younger I didn't like myself very much! And back then Reginald was more of a violent character with a lot less nuance behind his actions--and I think that was connected to me not liking myself very much(in this relation to this character specifically, that's not the case for all violent characters). But as a I grew up and gained more self-esteem, so did Reginald (and Mary) grow and change as characters to where they are now. And not only am I lot happier with myself but a lot happier with them, too!
So again, it is a little silly, but their ship kind of came about from me learning to love myself! And I think it's also a bit why Mary and Reggie share some key parts of their identities(like their orientations). You can love someone who shares parts of you and as such you can love yourself too! ♡
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small-sinclair · 1 year
HI!! I saw u write for reg and I’ve never been more excited! An h write about reg comforting you as your having a breakdown?? It has been ROUGH lately
- :p
Hewo, :p . I’m sorry y’all been having a rough one and that this is a short one. I hope this makes you happy :3
Right Here
Reggie Morgan x fem!reader
not proofread
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Reg had the radio playing softly as he came towards your house. His pick-up bounced side to side as he wore a smile. Just coming up the drive to your house after a long day doing deliveries (and grinding a hitchhiker with James) made his arms ache for you. He just wanted to treat you right: dinner, slow dance, cuddles, kisses, spending the night, and breakfast together. Reggie just wants to be with his special gal, the tightest girl ever to cross him at the flower shop, your shop.
You were the brightest and smartest smile he ever laid eyes on.
He parked his truck, fixed his hat, and checked again to see if there was blood on his face. He’ll never tell you what he and his brother have to do to make their fertilizer, and he'll never tell you how his brother has him do the job. Granted, it's Reggie's idea, but he'll never let you know that. You're once of the nicest and finest ladies he's ever had the chance to love, to meet, to have. He thought he'll never have the chance to have someone to love him, but you? You just make his bloody and scared world feel safer.
When he came up on the veranda, he didn't see you near your flower bed like normal. It's actually a nice day; the radioman, Burny, says it's good enough to have a walk at night without sweating. Still, Reggie didn't like how you didn't great him when you entered your home, knocking on the screen floor before entering.
"Sweetheart?" He called as he enters. He takes off his hat and glances around. No one in the living room or kitchen. Were you in the bathroom? Still, he didn't like how your coffee pot was till full in the afternoon; you drink tea around this time. To come to think of it, it looks like the kitchen hasn't been touched since he's been here yesterday for afternoon tea. "Koala? Ya here?"
From the back of your home, he heard footsteps from your room, and he straightened himself a bit when you walked out. He offered a smile but it faded when he saw how red your eyes were and how lifeless your limps were. To him, you looked like a husk of a person, of a human.
"Oh," you hummed tiredly. "G'day, Reg." You look like you could collapse at any moment.
He met you in the hall in time to catch you, passing out from exhaustion. Reggie held you close as he gently lowered into his arms, resting your body against his chest. He rubbed your back as he rocked back and forth, fear taking over, as he looked down. "What's wrong?"
When your empty eyes met his, he understood.
Sadly, he smiled at you. "Breakdown, eh? Well, lovely," he kisses your forehead. "I reckon I cans help ya."
"Yeah?" You asked, leaning against his shoulder.
He nods as he lands a kiss over your forhead. "Yep. I c'n make ya somethin' small ta eat and hav'ya cuddled in m'arms for t'night."
"You don't have to," you said, your voice drawn and dead. "I just finished the," you smiled sadly and looked down at your hands, "the mental breakdown show."
"Nah," he said. A gentle hand lifted your chin and you leaned into his hand. "Lemme help ya. Ya need someone here now." He struggled for words for a moment, but said, "Everyone struggles now and then, lovely. It's good ta let tat stuff out. My aunt told me tat once... and I don't think ya should battle tis alone, love. I'm here now. Let me help, please?"
As much as your brain wanted him to go, you knew somewhere in your heart that you needed help, that you needed love, that you needed Reggie here to pick up the pieces of you around your home.
"Ya always know what to say," you said, laughing sadly. He leaned down and kissed ya gently. "Thank you, Reg."
He helps you stand and guides you back to your room. He led your hand and laid your down. He let go and got our room ready: putting up blankets over the windows to block out the light, your favorite drink made and on the bedside, and picked out some movie you liked. He kicked his boots off at the front door again before joining you in bad.
"See?" He hummed, pulling you to his side to have your head over his heart. "Reckon we c'n hav' pizza n' ice cream later? I c'n hold ya all day, my lovely."
You couldn't help but look up at him as the movie played. "Hold me tight and never let go?"
"Oh, darling," he smiled brightly at you. "Ya never need ta ask. I promise ya." Reggie takes your hand and kisses the palm. "Rest, little koala," he hummed, his voice so light and smooth. "I'll be here ta whole time. Ya never need ta worry."
You closed your eyes as you let the aftermath take over, and sleep came so easy with someone you love and adore. And, as promised, Reggie never lets you go even when the movie finished. He laid there with you in his arms, rubbing your back, loving you with every moment. "Don't fight yer monsters alone, y'n," he whispers as you dream. "Let me protect ya next time?" He snuggles next to you and plants a long kiss on your forehead. "I love ya, koala."
But you'll never hear him say it, never know how much he'll fight for you and love you. For now, rest, y/n. The monsters you face will never hurt you because Reggie would grind them to bits first.
He'll be proud to kill them.
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dom-i-nate · 9 months
Text: So there might be something I need to tell you. - Reggie
Text: if you need an organ my liver is shot
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