#( qetsiyah and silas )
roisy · 6 months
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In shadows deep, where love betrayed,  Qetsiyah’s wrath, in spells arrayed.  Silas, trapped on desolate shore,  Immortal, yet his heart is sore. A cure bestowed, to end his plight,  But in his scorn, he shuns the light.  Two thousand years, the Bennett’s call,  The last of her kind, to rise or fall. In her hands, the world’s fate lies bare,  Savior or destroyer, the burden to bear.  The Bennett witch, her choice to make,  To save the world, or let it break.
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crazyk-imagine · 8 months
Finding their Mate
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A/N: There's a few characters I wasn't expecting to write for but it's hilarious and I couldn't think of any other villains with a heart other than the icons (Kai, Katherine, and Enzo). There were a few I debated on adding and then decided not to. I feel like there might be slight yandere vibes in here but I'm also like ... *crickets chirping*
If anyone wants a villain they like and want it written, be sure to send in a request and I'll see what magic I can work
He always thought Maggie was his girl, never gave any other woman a thought (before and after his time being locked up at Whitemore). Then he found Damon and the rag tag crew who are always in trouble, which is when he met you (after trying to kill Damon, of course). And after coming back from supernatural purgatory one time too many times, he stopped acting like a jackass and decided it was time to live his life. He felt something in his undead beating heart for the first time and had no idea what to do. Finding out you two are mates was even better than he could have thought, more so after you sacrificed yourself to stay with him during that fire to show him that you weren't going to leave him, whether he had his humanity on or not, really sold him
With him having no emotions, merging with his younger brother, and then getting them was terrifying but he'd never admit that out loud. Being told that the reason his heart beats faster around you are because of the feelings for you and is fated to you, he nearly pissed his pants. Then he approaches the Salvatore's for dating advice, and they nearly die because Kai is asking the two guys who have been nothing but mean and are actively trying to keep you two apart for help (the way his mind works is fascinating). When they couldn't offer too much help and nothing was working, he decided it was time to talk to you, confusing you when he had no real motive behind it. It worked though, you two would not be where you are without him chickening out/ manning up
With her being on the run for most of her life, she never planned on tying herself down somewhere, more specifically to anyone. Honestly, after her family took away her little girl, she didn't want to be tied down; she was afraid they'd be taken from her. But then you fell into her life, literally. She was almost taken to Klaus (for the billionth time and you fell in front of her). If she were to find herself truly in love, and not what she feels she had with Stefan, a clumsy person like yourself does not make it onto her roster but you've changed her life for the better. Even when she runs back to Mystic Falls to terrorize everyone, she makes sure your safety is her top priority first and foremost
He always thought Amara was his special someone but then his ex got in the way and messed all that up (big rip for him). Anyway, when he decided to play the role of Saint Stefan, he found himself fascinated by you. The littlest things you did drove him wild, and it took him a while before he realized why he felt this way. He was always told to believe that mates didn't exist, but people still liked to pretend as if they did. You proved him and everyone from his youth wrong because here you two are. Don't forget that he will try and kidnap you to ensure you don't get hurt when everyone tries to gang up on him and to make sure he can "help" you because you are his most favorite thing person
She always thought her true love was Silas and always would be, but then he decided she wasn't enough and only used her. The bitterness in her heart grew after that and ruined her thoughts on romance and love. Then she kidnaps Stefan and fries his brain while also finding you amongst his friend group. She knew she had to meet you. Her being in the same places as you, not a coincidence. She slowly found her way into your life and started off as a friend. Then she figured out why she was so invested in your life and slowly backed away until you decided to do something about it. There's no way in hell you're losing someone else in your life especially when you know she means more to you than any of your friends could ever know
The heretics
This was an interesting development for everyone, not just you. But in this case, you could choose whether you wanted a romantic relationship or more of a friendship with the group. Lily and Julain weren't so much involved in the fated bonds thing which annoyed the man from time to time. The Salvatore's mother was just happy her family found someone special (reminding her of her Julian). This whole bond made things harder at times, but they were all happy to have someone else to care for and you’re the one who stopped any arguments from happening and/ or things from getting worse. None of your friends were happy to hear about you deciding to leave with them but if it meant you could save their lives, you're going to take the chance whether they like it or not
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mar1n3tt3 · 8 months
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
Bonnie and Qetsiyah are the only two women among all of tvdu to get cheated on and are constantly villainized for reacting to what happened to them. Now, my only issue with Qet is how they reduced this powerful and prominent women to only caring about Silas. As for her reaction she got both Amara and Silas together. Nobody was missed from that period. A nice case of fuck around and find out. The Bennett witches never got to have emotions outside of serving everyone else or being these grand creators of something so I loved how they introduced Qet. Amara and Silas both got what was coming. What made Qetsiyah any different from Klaus or Silas? She’s just a woman lol. Bonnie got cheated on and no one wanted to tell her and IF she didn’t overhear the discussion she wouldn’t even have been told in the first place, yet plenty of fans have this argument that Bonnie should’ve been more understanding to Jeremy’s feelings or that because of the Gilbert device(another thing created by a Bennett witch mind you lol..) she deserved to be cheated on in the first place.
These discussions about cheating and what should’ve been done would be so different if it was Elena or Caroline, Katherine blah blah blah :P
Edit: i lied lol, i do have something else im mad about. The lack thereof with Bonnie and Qetsiyah but Bonnie aint allowed family.
in the end all this Silas-Amara and Qetsiyah triangle did was center another Bennett witch in this never ending petrova mess.
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melmedardasworld · 1 year
While I found Ivy and Vincent cute in TO, of course, the writers had to kill her off, leaving Vincent alone again. I wished him and Eva were written differently as a couple.
Imagine if Eva and Vincent did survive as a married couple. What if they did have their baby? Instead of that horrible, Eva sacrificing kids (a way to permanently kill her off so that Rebekah could be the one in her body) and that ridiculous Hollow/Inadu storyline. Another storyline that again reduced the WOC as this evil monster who was murderous and crazy and powerful because... why again? Also, I'm not sure if I remember it well, but didn't the writers allude to Eva and Vicent's unborn child becoming a sacrificed to the Hollow/Inadu? Just... sick.
Anyway, the covens were already looking up to Vincent and wanted him to become the next Regent after Josephine died. He and Eva could've been a power couple/elders for the covens in NOLA if they wanted to, of course. Vincent, stepping down to protect his wife and unborn, would've been an interesting story, too.
They were individually lauded as powerful witches in their community and by the regent herself. Together, they'd have made a stand against the vampires in the city for their people.
Finally, why could we not just get one wholesome (power) couple navigating the supernatural world as a growing family? A ⚫️ couple at that, too.
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nerdie-faerie · 2 years
Qetsiyah created the original immortality spell -> Silas is the one that gets remembered as creating the spell
Ayana as a descendant of Qetsiyah, is left to protect the spell to ensure it doesn't get used again -> Esther steals the spell despite Ayana's warnings and becomes the one that gets remembered as creating the spell for vampirism
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azurecanary · 7 months
In another, more interesting world, Amara was the supervillain mastermind and the former love of Qetsiyah while Silas was simply a pawn for her plan for immortality while Bonnie is also Qetsiyah's doppelgänger, so that she would ultimately have the last laugh against the Immortals who scorned her
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roseannevip · 1 year
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laufire · 2 years
woe is me. I was looking up the date when a meme went viral and cross-referencing it with The Vampire Diaries' timeline. tragically, it led to the conclusion Qetsiyah COULDN'T have possibly been aware of it and thus didn't greet Silas like this on the Other Side:
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my heart is broken 💔😿
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ashleymariewt · 9 months
Round 2.6
I'm kind of disappointed this the fight we got, but I don't make the decisions
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klonnieshippersclub · 11 months
Bonnie, The Bennett’s, Black Witches and The Magical Negro Trope & Mammy Trope - TVD META
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Bonnie and the Bennett’s have very rich lore. It’s not glorified by the fandom unless it’s by Bonnie fans themselves. That’s the way it’s always been, no one paying any mind or deeper thought to Bonnie/and the Bennett’s outside of her fans. This isn't a new thing but I want to highlight this once again because I don’t think fans understand there is more than one negative trope rooted in Bonnie, the Bennett’s and black witches only.
Before we get into anything heavy let’s have some key-terms here: Let’s define a magical negro trope: where a black character appears in a plot solely to help a white character and then vanishes. Now what a mammy is: a black woman engaged to take care of white children or as a servant to a white family.
Everything in the series can be tied back to a Bennett witch. Let’s list a few things the immortality spell, immortals, the other side, the cure, supernatural hunters, creating rings to preserve life, the Gilbert device but only a Bennett witch can enchant it, prison worlds, the traveler's curse, vampires, hybrids etc…You name it without the Bennett’s creation there would be nothing. You would think because of this the Bennett’s would be respected in the narrative and by fans. Wrong. Some of these women aren’t even given actual names. Everyone can have a Bennett witch at their disposal but they won’t be respected either. Bennett blood is essential to certain spells. A loophole.
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Let’s talk about Ayana. The Mikaelson’s were only able to become vampires because Esther stole Ayana’s spell. It is forgotten that Esther/Mikael begged Ayana to perform the spell first. The Mikaelson’s as humans trusted Ayana. Rebekah was in shock that a necklace from Ayana burned her. While Ayana remained unnamed this time while the story was told. Rebekah was talking about Ayana. Ayana was known as a healer and given Esther’s praises they were close. The series doesn’t show us why Ayana should value the Mikaelson’s but we do understand why Esther, her husband and children valued her. That infamous necklace that Rebekah loved belonged to Ayana. We don’t know about Ayana’s life outside of being a healer. We don’t know her marital status, how many children she could’ve possibly had and anything tied to her after the plot has used her up. One would think with how close Ayana was to the Mikaelson’s, they’d have some respect or acknowledge Bonnie but that never happens.
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We see this in how Emily was enslaved to Katherine. Julie may have labeled Emily a handmaiden but we knew what that meant. Emily only had one request from Damon that he watch and protect the Bennett line which he never did. The black witches never ask much of anyone in the plot or ever given the chance too. Yet when a request is made no one ever meets said request for them. This form of slavery repeats again through Lucy. She claimed Katherine saved her life therefore she is indebted to her for however long she needs. Sheila has her hand in aiding the Gemini Coven, Beatrice helped with the Sirens.
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There are other witches that are black who serve a purpose to aid in many and leave such as: Gloria, The Martin’s, Bree, Aja and her coven just to name a few. Friends of the main characters or enemies but quickly there and dropped. Originally due to all witches appearing Black fans believed they were all Bennett’s. Julie has no answer for why all witches that is until they weren’t. Remember witches were servants of nature. The Mikaelson’s popularity, Gemini Coven and other witches. Fills the space that Black witches were once in. Notice a pattern here?
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Qetsiyah’s plot line should’ve centered on how she created immortality, the cure, and the other side. But Qetsiyah’s existence revolves around demanding and enforcing continuous revenge on Silas and Amara. Tying her into another repeated love triangle in the franchise. May I add that she and Bonnie are the only women to have been betrayed by a partner and criticized for their reactions. There’s nothing wrong when a man wants and craves power but Qetsiyah is considered the worst of them all. Here’s an amazing video that details Qetsiyah’s writing too. Please review.
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Lastly, The Bonnie of it all:
Bonnie’s a loyal, powerful and brave woman. She doesn’t let anything happen to her friends if she can stop it. She cares for them. That kind of loyalty can be beautiful but equally harmful when Bonnie has no regard to her own feelings. She continues to give for everyone and her friends rarely return the favor. Bonnie’s never thanked or rewarded for being there. The friendships stop being equal very early. Her traumas aren’t valuable in the plot. We don’t know what Bonnie’s home looked like. If Bonnie does grieve it isn’t shown on screen. Her family life is limited, while Liz and Alaric aren’t main characters. They have their own plotlines. It is revealed that Abby’s reasonings for abandoning her is for Elena’s benefit. Abby is killed in a coin toss and transitioned. Caroline gets to have a good friend moment while Bonnie isn’t have any feelings towards her mother for abandoning her after. Rudy isn’t seen in the plot longterm and when he appears in season 5 he’s killed in front of Bonnie. She grieves this in silence while grieving her own death that she didn’t make aware to her friends to avoid inconveniencing them. The plot makes it clear if the white counterparts aren’t happy then Bonnie will never either. Elena, Caroline got happier endings while Bonnie’s job was completed. Bonnie never once got to call out how her friends can disregard her, she feeds into them and they grow while sucking the life out of her. In the end, Bonnie went back to Africa. Never any reference to her life from there.
Another thing Bonnie isn’t shown to be feminine. Her best friends go on dates, go to dances, dress up and receive compliments. Caroline or Elena has ever given Bonnie a compliment that aided in her beauty. We don’t know Bonnie’s ambitions or fears. But you are aware when Bonnie wants to save her best friend. Thoughts on Bonnie’s relationships and ships is for the next meta though.
White witches did follow the servitude of others. They were still given the privilege of agency that black witches were never going to have. Witches like Dahlia existed, and although she had one goal she had more personality than others.
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When you have people like the TVD writers that continue to push harmful stereotypes there’s always going to fans who listen and continue to perpetuate those stereotypes. The writers had no value for Black women nor do the fans. They don’t care about how black women or people of color are treated in fiction or the media simply because their favorites get to reap all the benefits. That tweet is just one tip of the iceberg, there’s plenty more from Bonnie’s relationships, and storylines.
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averseunhinged · 3 months
it's wip wednesday again and i've been working on slogging my way through finishing things, one agonizing paragraph at a time. however! i think i finally unpacked the last of my notebooks and found this. idk when i'll get back to it. i have a pretty solid amount of it written, know where it's going and how it ends, but there's a middle bit i'm still not sure how to do.
it's canon divergence from the prom episode on, with klaus and caroline and silas's twisty machinations.
“How are you putting Shane in my head? It's, like, an illusion, right? And I'm the only one who can see it. So, you must be getting it from somewhere, but is that really him, or are you what my brain thinks an evil college professor would look like?” Caroline frowned as she thought back over the past months. “I don't think I met him.”
“No,” Silas said. “You do tend to have your own separate storyline, for better or worse.”
She blinked and reared her head back. “Excuse me?”
“Never mind. The hybrid is very fond of you. You weren't a player in my game until now, but your mind has a fascinating complexity.”
Caroline bared her teeth in a cruel parody of her pageant smile. “Please tell me you're not flirting with me by reading my mind. There is so much wrong with that, I can’t even begin to get into it, and I already have one morally bankrupt megalomaniac to manage. I do not need a second constant disappointment.”
“You're mean,” Silas said pleasantly with a quiet laugh. “In all those legends, they only ever spoke of my love’s sweetness and beauty, but a handmaiden wasn’t a servant. They were friends, companions–close as sisters. Qetsiyah had loved me from childhood, but my darling girl didn't care. She was greedy and wanted me for herself. She wanted me, eternity, and the world as well. I only want her. Stop worrying I'm going to be like Damon.”
“Not super-thrilled about you hanging out in my head.” She crosed her arms over her bodice, the beading digging into her skin and the corset constricting her ribcage.
“Are you super-thrilled about anything to do with me?” he asked with a surprising dry humor. “You don't give a damn about the cure. You never did. Don't deny it.” He held up one hand to quiet her when she tried to protest. “I'm in your head. I know your little, secret shames. The only thing that matters to you about any of this is the number of unnecessary deaths. No, I don't mean your witches.”
Silas moved to her, step by slow, even step. She would not move back, wouldn't show that much weakness, even if he could pluck the fear of the closeness of his body right out of her mind.
“I said secret shames. You wear the witches where everyone can see, because you think you’re supposed to. It's the others you hide. You're glad the hybrids are dead. They hurt you, stole away the boy you thought you loved. Plotted without your knowledge, because they didn’t trust you to agree to your hybrid's permanent incapacitation, and made you confront the envious, jealous, hateful beast he can be long before you were ready. And the council of fanatical imbeciles? You may have known them all your life, but it didn't stop them from hurting you. Do you have any idea what they planned for you? Experiments, Caroline. Supposedly to advance modern medicine, but in truth, humans love having an excuse to hurt something.
“It's certainly not the hunter boy I ate, because deep down inside, you know he got what was coming to him. Face it: it's your hybrid's brother and every last one of his line you mourn, because you might not be sweet, and you might not be kind, but you have a just heart. You know it was wrong. An entire line. Do you want a number? Do you want to know how many that boy and his sister murdered? No?”
Caroline tried to back away from him, his rapid-fire recitation chipping away at her bravery. He cupped his hands around her bare shoulders and held her in place in a gentle, but unyielding grip.
“Over seventeen thousand. That is the sort of atrocity a doppelganger is capable of, addled by a sire bond or not. Kol was prolific and his children followed suit. You wouldn't know the sort of vampires he created, but I have to admit, I think they were my favorites. He turned libertines. Actors and singers. Cyprians and courtesans. The makers of his favorite spirits. Particularly creative chefs. Like calls to like, of course, and when the time came, they sired more of their own. A line of hedonists who lived for a good time. For joy. For fun. All dead in the search for my prison. No wonder you contain so little sympathy for the Gilberts. You should have killed the girl when you had the chance."
She struggled against his hold in earnest. He gave her shoulders a fatherly pat and let her go, but her dress was heavy and awkward, and her heels weren't made for the uneven terrain of the woods.
"Whoops!" He steadied her when she tripped and nearly fell backwards, one hand around her upper arm, the other on her shoulder. "Sorry about the inappropriate apparel, but there's a time and place for everything."
"You couldn't have kidnapped me earlier, when I was wearing flats?" she complained.
"Afraid not. Like I said, it’s all about timing. I’ve had eons to plan. Don’t worry so much. Your disappearance has already been noticed.”
She didn’t want to admit how much of a relief it was to know she hadn’t been forgotten. Fury rising at her own pathetic, needy anxiety, she demanded, "Why are you being so nice to me? You've been terrorizing everyone for weeks! You made Klaus maul himself. I had to dig around in his back with pliers! And I know you were torturing him while you looked like me."
"Do you think you'd be happier if you were uglier, Caroline?" Silas asked conversationally, ignoring her question. "I know you wonder why people always want you, but they never, ever love you. You're clever, though. You've turned being underestimated into an art form."
Her mouth fell open in shock. "I have not! I'm not--it's not--"
"Manipulative? On purpose? I'm in your head," he reminded her. "You can be honest with me. It was so easy to get to him while I looked like you. Of course, that's not entirely your doing. The curse, killing his father, his mother pretending to love him, family no longer willing to endure his abuse. He's been turned around and tied in knots until he'd do nearly anything for a kind word from you. I cupped his face in your hands, and he nearly broke apart into pieces. So desperate for your gentle touch. Asleep and awake, he dreams of you. The fantasies that torment him the most aren't the ones of your body that make him take himself in hand." Silas leaned closer to her, nearly nose to nose. His borrowed brown eyes were dark and terrifying in their gentle, knowing sincerity. "He doesn't want to long for a life with you, of travel and family, home and love, but he does, Caroline. You can't fathom the atrocities he would commit in your name. The degradation he'd endure for your approval, for the blessing of the only god he knows."
"Let me go," she insisted, panicked and shrill. "Let me go!"
When he did, she pushed him back and bent over to unbuckle her shoes. It was a relief to drop them carelessly, even though her stockings would be ruined. She hadn't had any illusions about this being the perfect night she'd constructed for years, but it was destroyed beyond anything she could have planned for.
"I could help you with your hair," Silas offered. "You've barely noticed, but the pins are digging into your scalp."
She dropped her second shoe and stood up, clenching her hands into fists to stop their trembling. "Does that mean I'm not going to prom at all?"
"I can't be sure." He shrugged and admitted, "I don't think so, but I've been wrong before."
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occulthours · 11 months
still on my stefonnie bullshit and i can’t stop thinking about how much they mirror each other.
stefans mom abandoned him and damon only to start a new family with the heretics as her children (stefan went on to date one of them). bonnies mom abandoned her only to adopt jamie (bonnie and jamie dated for a few episodes).
stefans dad was emotionally distant and had high expectations for him (re: being against vampires). bonnies dad was emotionally (and physically) distant and had high expectations her (re: expression arc)
stefan and elena broke up because elena had feelings for someone else. bonnie and jeremy broke up because jeremy had feelings for someone else. (both are victims of emotional cheating and ironically were done dirty by the gilbert siblings).
stefans ripper arc started due to his desire to protect damon and elena. bonnies expression arc started due to her desire to save jeremy. both ended up attacking their loved ones (namely elena), were isolated from the friend group, and were manipulated by the main villain of the season (in stefans case klaus, in bonnies case silas).
stefan spent the summer in between season 4 and season 5 drowning in a safe. bonnie spent the summer in between season 4 and season 5 dead. neithers absence were noticed until months later.
season 5’s storyline was literally started due to their ancestors (qetsiyah and silas) having a long and complicated history together that was so deep that affected the supernatural world as a whole.
they had the same morals, same general outtakes on life, were the two main people making sacrifices for the group, and got the two worst endings of the main tvd characters. you’d think they were written with the intention of being twin flames/soulmates of some sort with the sheer amount of parallels you can find between them. their friends to lovers arc would’ve been one of the best to come out of the TVDU if the racist ass writers weren’t insistent on excluding bonnie from things (from storylines to romantic/platonic dynamics) that she should’ve been apart of.
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mar1n3tt3 · 8 months
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
so theoretically what and how was yall expecting Qetsiyah to act after both Amara and Silas betrayed her? They intended to use HER MAGIC and still had an affair. She still deserved a storyline outside of Silas/Amara / doppelgänger s t e l e n a crumbs but lol. Team up with Amara? What is she offering Qetsiyah exactly?
It wouldn’t have been hard to write her a storyline for her outside of a love triangle but alas WOC can’t get that in tvd lol.
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melmedardasworld · 1 year
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Who Got Her Revenge
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Qetsiyah delivers her promised torment on Silas
The Other Side
A perpetual gloom hung heavy in the muggy air, casting a wan pall over the entire realm. The landscape, a mirror of the mortal world, is eerily desolate. Gnarled trees reach their skeletal limbs toward the foggy sky. Amidst this silent wasteland, a stone sculpture lies in the center of a clearing. The slab, covered in enchanted scripts in Aramaic, marked the focal point of distorted energy. A spectral hand reaches out, attempting to touch the humanoid bust, but the male's fingers pass through without effect.
A slither of frustration rose within Silas as he realized the full extent of powerlessness. "Beaten through the combined efforts of a teenage witch and my crazy ex." Lost in thought of his defeat, Silas suddenly keeled over when a searing pain tore through his stomach from the inside. His mouth dropped, but he suppressed the cry ripping from his burning throat. Silas's body shuddered from the aftermath of the sudden soul passing through for the nth time.
Silas muffled grunts turned into a wheezy chuckle. "You think this is going to break me, Qetsiyah?! I was desiccated for 2000 years. I can handle pain double that amount!"
"No need to keep track of time," The sultry voice brushed and whispered close by, "we have an abundance of it together." Silas whipped around. The shadows on his face twisted at the sight of the beautiful woman.
Recovered from the numbing pain, Silas narrowed his eyes and smirked, aiming to strike at Qetsiyah's deepest vulnerabilities. "You think this will break me? You've already given me what I wanted. You released my true love from her torment. Amara is at Peace. Nothing that you can do here will ever change that. You were merely a means to an end, and like the lovesick fool, you gave it to me."
Qetsiyah's eyes glinted with amusement as she observed Silas's futile attempts to hurt her. She had long forgotten those feelings. Qetsiyah didn't say anything but flashed Silas a soft and lovely smile.
Silas grinned like a madman." You love me. No matter what I've done or how much pain I've caused you, you'll never stop loving me. You know you do, Qetsiyah. This prison proves it."
"I did love you once, and then you broke my heart," Qetsiyah answered calmly, her smile unwavering. She had long since accepted the twisted nature of her feelings for Silas, and his taunts could no longer shake her resolve. Qetsiyah had heard all his cruel words before, his repetitive egocentric claims and immortalized love for Amara.
Qetsiyah raised her hand in a dismissive gesture. A tingle crept up Silas's spine, and he whipped around when countless apparitions surrounded them. He stiffened, anticipating the agony that was to come. Qetsiyah's narrowed eyes sharpened beautifully at the edges and gleamed as she manipulated the very nature of the Anchor, her creation, the Other Side, her domain, and the Spirits waiting to pass with childish ease.
"Since you're so confident in your convictions, let's put it to the test, shall we?" In an easy, fluid motion, Qetsiyah waved her hand. She dismissed the invisible barrier she had placed, allowing a torrent of freshly departed supernatural souls to appear and pass through Silas all at once.
The moment the partition vanished, Silas braced himself for the imminent onslaught. But nothing could have prepared him for the excruciating torment that followed. Once the first soul passed through, it felt like a white-hot blade slicing through his core. Silas gasped, his body tensing as the pain intensified. The sensation was akin to being flayed alive, each nerve ending set ablaze by a relentless fire that seemed to consume him from the inside out.
The second one tore through him like a barbed whip, ripping at his spirit with a ferocity that left him breathless. Silas gritted his teeth, his eyes wide with shock and horror at the relentless brutality of the assault.
As more and more souls surged through him, the pain only grew, each soul carving its own unique path of destruction through his being. Every ounce of suffering the departed had experienced was channeled directly into Silas, amplified a hundredfold. His immortal essence was stretched and torn, twisted and shredded, as the relentless tide of agony threatened to overwhelm him completely.
Silas's screams grew louder, more desperate, until they were nothing more than ragged, anguished sobs. His body trembled, convulsed, and writhed in torment, every muscle and tendon straining against the onslaught. His vision blurred through the haze of pain, his surroundings twisting and warping in a nightmarish kaleidoscope of color and shadow.
The air around him seemed to vibrate with the intensity of his pain as if the Other Side was recoiling from the brutality of his torment. But he was immortal. Silas possessed an infinite physical and spiritual life span, immune to death.
Finally, as the last of the supernatural souls passed through him, Silas's body went limp, his spirit battered and raw. The once-proud Immortal lay broken, now a tormented shell of his former self. In the aftermath of the indescribable pain, he struggled to draw breath, his mind reeling from the intensity of the experience.
"...your reality now, Silas. You will endure this pain for all eternity, and you can do nothing to escape it." Qetsiyah muted voice gradually trickled through his ringing ears. Silas's eyes flickered with pain and hatred as he looked upon Qetsiyah. Her captivating presence taunted him, a cruel reminder that love had led him to this infinite torment. Her raven hair cascaded down her back, framing the delicate contours of her face. Her eyes, a deep, enchanting brown, shimmered with triumph. Even her lips, curved in a sinister smile, held a cruel kind of beauty.
As Silas lay there, his spirit bruised and battered, he knew his torture had just begun. He would be subjected to this pain and suffering, a never-ending dance of retribution. But even in his weakened state, Silas clung to a flicker of defiance, a stubborn refusal to be defeated. "Give me your best shot."
Qetsiyah's lips curved. "Don't worry. I will."
They were bound together in this realm of perpetual gloom, locked in an eternal dance of suffering and retribution. The realization that the nightmare had just begun began to sink in, but deep within Silas's soul, a flicker of defiance still burned, refusing to be extinguished.
The spectral energy in the clearing swelled as a timeless woman of beauty that echoed her ancient lineage drifted into the scene. She emanated an aura of calm, counteracting the chaotic air of the Other Side. Her dark gaze was steady as she took in the sight of Silas, writhing in the aftermath of his torment. Her eyes, however, held a more profound layer of caution as they moved onto Qetsiyah.
"Taking pleasure in the suffering of others?" The woman's voice held a trace of disappointment, but her gaze remained unwavering.
Qetsiyah, unperturbed, turned to face her descendant. "Ayana, here to nag and judge me again? Know that none of it has any sway here."
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