roseannevip · 1 year
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), In Borenzo, 2022
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slytheringangstuff · 3 days
𝒯𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝒢𝒾𝓂𝑒
y/n: What if we reversed our initials?
Draco: Mraco Dalfoy.
Theo: Nheodore Tott.
Matteo: Ratteo Middle.
Lorenzo: Borenzoe Lerkshire.
Blaise: Zlaise Babini.
Pansy: Pansy Park- I don't like this game.
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laufire · 2 years
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I don't care for agreeing with Borenzo on anything but. so true worstie
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known-as-naya · 4 years
Top five favorite tvdu ships (canon and/or non canon, you're choice)
You and @hopeandthemikaelsons asked the same thing haha ! So here you go:
5- stelena.
I love those two so much, their chemistry was so good and Stefan loved her so damn much. It's a shame they weren't endgame.
Another ship that I LOVE, I love how they were so happy and healthy together. WHY DID JULIE PLAGUE HAVE TO RUIN THEM, Stefan killing Enzo came out of nowhere.
3- marbekah/klamille
I love those two equally. Marbekah was such a good slow burn and I'm glad they found each other and got their happy ending cause they deserved it, klamille weren't as lucky cause, of course, they had to kill cami. I'm still mad they did because she was so good to Klaus and they were so good together.
2- haylijah
My babies. My love for haylijah will never fade cause they were ICONIC. S5 ruined both their characters, and I'm so mad, but the thought of them dancing in the other side comforts me.
1- klebeklijah
I can't choose between klebekah, klelijah or relijah cause there's no two without three. I love them so freaking much and they had the best relationship in the whole tvdu, their love and worship for each other never cease to amaze me. They are and always be number 1 for me.
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musekicker · 2 years
The first thought of a oc that's name starts with K that comes to me is a old, kind of random one I never did a lot with but they do have a place in my heart.
Her name was Kiki Borenzo and she was a star wars oc that was a gungan.
Do I know gungans are a very unpopular in the star wars fandom? Yes. Do I care. No.
Kiki kind of has many changes as time goes on. She started as a mechanic type character for a ship of traveling entertainers. Then she became a jedi. In fact, I played her in a star wars table top role playing game as a jedi.
She was smart and agile, and loved animals. ( She will forever mourn the loss of the ship mascot in the role playing game, Pickles the tauntaun. )
These days if I ever brought her back, I feel like she be a mechanic again but be a little force sensitive at least.
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nawcelest · 3 years
Names Of Ships You Hate(Vampire Diaries Edition)
Credit: Me
Deadlena: This relationship needs to die
Stalelena: That relationship got Stale 
Steriline: Ain’t nothing happening in this relationship
Blahkai: This relationship makes me sick
Borenzo: Next please! I am so damn bored
Begermy: They did them dirty. Hand me some hand sanitizer
Fartwood: This relationship is stankin up the room. 
Kookoline: People really kooky thinking this relationship is Healthy
Hatedon: I hate them! nuff said
Jokedon: The writers played them as a joke. Boo!!!! get off the stage. 
Hissy: Always throwing a fit. News flash it ain’t happening, go eat a snicker.
Hoesie: Hope ain’t no trick and Josie ain’t no pimp. The only tricks Josie’s has is making people believe she is interesting.
Disclaimer: I was just bored and thought this would be some light hearted fun. I don’t hate all these ships, some I actually love. Others I have little to no opinion on and some I actually really do hate. I will let you guys figure out which is which. 
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mjsparkour · 7 years
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yelenaxxbelova · 8 years
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clicapp-pelagie · 4 years
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che estate sarebbe, nelle Pelagie, senza CliCapp™️? ognuno di voi vede le isole a modo suo, i vs. scatti lo dimostrano! Postate e votate per eleggere la più bella foto 2020 🤗 Potrebbe essere in copertina ready to join CliCapp™️Pelagie 2020? just tag here your best pics of #linosa and #lampedusa, and compete🎗with thousands to be on Capperi next edition! pic @borenzo just tag #lampedusa #linosa #clicapp #pelagie https://www.instagram.com/p/CFFxIPaCl3i/?igshid=1upavmauwwyc5
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fyeahlittlegilbert · 7 years
Borenzo is the best anti ship name ever.
Definitely creative!
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blueroleplays-blog · 8 years
Under the cut are my list of wanted plots/wanted fcs. Like or hmu if you feel like plotting/playing one.
 teen wolf:
 vampire diaries: 
 the originals
 more to come! 
 [ bolded are the ones I'd play, nothing bolded means I don't care. ] 
 katie cassidy fc x scott foley fc
 any female fc x scott speedman fc
 daniel sharman x kathryn prescott fc
 camilla mendes fc x lili reinhart fc 
 jack falahee fc x ashley benson fc
 caity lotz x any male fc 
 caity lotz x any female fc 
more to come
 pre-established relationship 
 best friends
 angsty as hell friend/relationship.
 always open to more, just a basis to start with.
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laufire · 5 years
Top 5 favourite characters: Caroline, Bonnie, Qetsiyah, Tyler, and Klaus (if we include TO Klaus raises to number 2, but here I’m talking exclusively about his run in TVD).
Other characters you like: Lily, Kai, Anna, Katherine, Silas, Vicky, Jeremy, Dorian, Liz, Oscar, Jesse, Carol, Uncle John, Isobel, Pearl, Grams... I loved so, so many dead people in this show xDD
Least favourite characters: Mattttttt. Ugh.
Otps: Caroline/Klaus, Bonnie/Kai, Qetsiyah/Silas, Bonnie/Kai, Caroline/Katherine, Caroline/Tyler, Caroline/Stefan, Anna/Jeremy...
Notps: Caroline/Matt, Bonnie/Elena. I disliked others, but those are the ones that make me raaaaage.
Favourite friendships: I ended up loving Bonnie & Damon’s relationship.
Favourite family: Caroline & Liz!
Favourite episodes: Caroline’s off-switch episode, the series finale, Qetsiyah’s triumph, Elena’s off-switch episode, the last two episodes of s3, the one where Caroline confronts Elena about the sire bond, KC’s blood sharing, basically almsot the entirety of s6...
Favourite season/book/movie: s6, but followed really closely by s8.
Favourite quotes: there’s waaaaay too many. I’m going with Caroline’s “Yeah, it is [a competition]” and Klaus’ extra cynic speech about humanity~~, since they made me fall in love with them.
Best musical moment: Caroline singing in Liz’s funeral *sniffs*
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: the finale. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing :DD
When it really disappointed you: when Bonnie and Kai didn’t make out on my screen.
Saddest moment: I still get a lot of feels about Forwood’s breakup.
Most well done character death: Liz’s.
Favourite guest star: Kai. He’s da best.
Favourite cast member: idk them lol (Candice had some interesting interviews. The dudes were largely all assholes -minus Trevino and McQueen).
Character you wish was still alive: TYLER. My bby :(
One thing you hope really happens: cameos from the cast in Legacies lol. Caroline, in particular. I want to see her interact with the twins and with Hope.
Most shocking twist: sometimes I think back to the s3 finale and I can’t believe what I saw lol. Extremely IC and consistent, but still. STEFAN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I mean that literally. Like, what has to go on in someone’s brain to do what you did o.0
When did you start watching/reading?: very early in the beginning. I think there were maybe a few episodes out?
Best animal/creature: vampires make the law of the land, lbr.
Favourite location: MF is a beautiful town and everything interesting happens there. You couldn’t pay me to visit tho xD
Trope you wish they would stop using: how many times did Bonnie die again?
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: its honesty about humanity is one of my favourite things. But most of all, I do think it’s one show that really turned things upside down in terms of structure. The ending would’ve been unthinkable to anyone who’d just watched s1, IMO.
Funniest moments: the dark humour was on point. I especially loved off-switch Caroline and Kai’s brands.
Couple you would like to see: BONNIE AND KAI SHOULD’VE FORKED.
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: n/a.
Favourite outfit: so so many. But I’m going with the KC dress Because.
Favourite item: the KC check xDD
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope. I barely own merch of anything. I’d like to have some though.
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: vampire pls. Better chance of survival, and it’s a good deal lbr.
Most boring plotline: s7. Borenzo in particular. Like, why.
Most laughably bad moment: Ian S.’s eye acting. IT WAS WEIRD.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I love the s1/2 flashbacks with Katherine and the Salvabros.
Most layered character: at this point I’m divided between Caroline and Stefan and I’m clacking at the thought. Who would’ve thunk.
Most one dimensional character: Enzo. Who cares.
Scariest moment: off-switch Caroline was creepy af.
Grossest moment: these vampires don’t know how to eat and make everything a mess.
Best looking male: Jesse.
Best looking female: Bonnie.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): I would’ve crushed on Anna. Or Liv. Or Nora. And definitely Lily xD (MILFs >>>>)
Favourite cast moment: all I can think rn is when Chris Wood & some dudes from TO dance a Backstreet Boys song xD
Favourite transportation: vamp speed.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): all the woods scenes. One of my faves is when Caroline killed 12 people in front of Stefan & Klaus lol.
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: n/a.
Best promo: n/a.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: my problem is that I feel for Caroline almost immediately and I was lost xD. The show itself is more complicated, It might’ve been in late s1? In the Miss MF episode.
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known-as-naya · 4 years
Top 5 TVD characters
Thank you so much for sending this ❤️
I'm not gonna include the mikaelsons, so there we go:
5- Enzo st.jone
I freaking love him.
4- Lexi Branson
Underrated queen.
3- Kai Parker.
I have a love/hate relationship with Kai but definitely one of my favs.
2- Bonnie Bennett.
LOVE HER SO MUCH. and borenzo was one of the most iconic tvd ships.
1- Stefan Salvatore
Aka my baby. I loved him since day 1 and still do. Definitely the best character.
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delenagas-m · 8 years
borenzo is a cheaper version of DE, and JP puts her eggs on the bitter ending of Stefan for an another st*lena story.
yeah I agree. I totally agree, although I do think bonenzo is adorable (probs because it reminds me of DE). Yeppp I am just so scared for this ending tbh
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fyeahlittlegilbert · 8 years
We might never see Jeremy again. If the whole Borenzo never happened I would like to believe they found their way back, that's out and won't happen. I like to believe he found someone who loves him and he loves her that it is a also vamp hunter too.
Actually, I wouldn’t even mind if he doesn’t come back. This last season is really hard and after they killed him before so many times, I think they would kill him for good in this one. So he should stay away, find a girl who loves him entirely and be happy, like he promised Elena when he said goodbye to her. The fact, that he probably won’t see his sister ever again, is hard enough for him, just give him a little bit of happiness which he couldn’t get in Mystic Falls, where everybody treated him wrong.
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