#( movie verse tag tba. )
wendyfulmother · 6 months
Trauma Things Wendy went through in the Naruto canon verse
I have tagged the triggers in the captions: you have been warned.
Losing her Auntie Mikoto, Itachi (supposedly), Mr Uchiha (Fugaku) in a tragic accident (The massacre) and ending up growing further apart from Sasuke.
Michael getting kidnapped by a rouge shinobi.
The abuse she went through with her step aunt to protect her brothers and getting kidnapped by said aunt.
Losing her best friend/crush after he tries to save Kiba with Kankuro. He confesses to her as he dies.
The stuff that goes on in Crescent Moon Kingdom (one of the pre timeskip movies we're making canon in our timeline: which consists of watching a man nearly being hung, watching someone becoming petrified in stone and being destroyed, ultimately killing him, Kakashi's arm being petrified (thankfuly that was fixed by Sakura), and nearly breaking her arm.
Finding out Neji, Kiba, Naruto and Choji are in the hospital after their failed mission to bring back Sasuke, with Neji and Choji on the BRINK of death.
She nearly drowns during a mission (MISSION TBA).
Finding out that Itachi was not only ALIVE but HE was the one who killed everyone except Sasuke.
Having seen Gaara dead/being revived.
Watching Asuma die, which was the main catylist for finally getting her diagnosed with PTSD. (She had had it after her step aunt but it wasn't properly diagnosed until this point)
LITERALLY DYING DURING THE PAIN ASSAULT ON THE HIDDEN LEAF. (and the crisis of being brought back)
She literally saw Kisame commit unalive.
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spxcemuses · 2 years
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Jack Horner Tag Dump:
Regular/Standard AU/Verse: ( little jack's dead; i'm big jack horner. ); Jack Horner
These tags below will be added after the main one shown above. More tags will be added if needed.
Child AU: [ pathetic buttered baker's boy ]; child AU/ little jack Animal/cat AU: tag tba because possibly! Star boy/post-movie AU: [ look what you've done; i'm a motherfucking starboy ]; starhorner AU / Star Boy!Jack
Visage tag: [ you got it mister big man ]; Jack visage Aesthetics tag: [ can't bake a pie without losing a dozen men ]; Jack aesthetic Musings tag: [ no i in team but there's con in economy ]; Jack musings Headcanons tag: [ what took you so long idiot ]; Jack headcanons
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iwishihadfangs · 5 months
F/O LIST (NOT COMFY SHARING UNLESS I'M ALREADY FOLLOWING YOU) except for platonic and queer platonic f/os those are fine.
Arcee (Transformers Prime)
{🌕.r} We’re ride or die partner! I’m not leaving you behind!🔷
Karen the Computer Wife (The Spongebob Musical)
{🌕.r} You've brought the magic back into my life⚡💜
Sandy Cheeks (The Spongebob Musical)
{🌕.r} I'll be with you all the way!🌺🌻
Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus (Spider-Verse Movies)
tag tba
Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
tag tba
Pearl (Steven Universe)
tag tba
Panne (Fire Emblem Awakening)
tag tba
Optimus Prime (Transformers Prime)
{🌕.r} Be brave my lionheart🌠🌠🌠
Jakob (Fire Emblem Fates)
tag tba
Clark Kent/Superman & Lois Lane (My Adventures With Superman)
{🌕.r} We love you for who you are!✨✨✨
Scout (Team Fortress 2)
tag tba
Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
tag tba
Medic (Team Fortress 2)
tag tba
Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
tag tba
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slaughterlocked · 9 months
[ tag drop 2: ALTERNATE VERSES. descriptions under cut. ]
( i. you can never go back: future verse. )
As a college student, William is obsessed with thoughts of time travel. This doesn’t mean he expects to wake up years in the future, confronted by his future self & his victims. Struggling to stay ‘good’ when it seems natural to go ‘bad’, William is twenty one in this verse and trying very, very hard not to fuck things up as much as his future self has… but the fear of death and discovery of remnant might just ruin any good intent he has. MORE TBA.
( ii. seeing myself look back: past verse. )
William’s terrible, horrible, not good, very bad time in Cassidy’s hellscape ends prematurely when he finds himself years in the past, alive and healthy and with all his memories of the future. Plagued by this knowledge he shares with nobody, he works tirelessly to change everything — for better or for worse. MORE TBA.
( iii. icing the bruises: regret verse. )
Suzie dies, then Evan. then Charlie, Jeremy, Fritz, Gabriel, Cassidy. And then it’s like William is awake for the first time in months. Realizing what he’s done and totally panicking, William runs, confessing nothing to nobody and trying to outrun his demons. He changes his name, abandons his loved ones, and very determinedly does NOT think about remnant. Not at all. Drawn back by rumours of the animatronics being “possessed” and fearing the worst, William faces his past, characteristically awfully. MORE TBA.
( iv. bleeding until the sun sets: thg verse. )
Generic THG verse. William is tribute, victim, killer, victor, adored, mentor, capitol turncoat. He does not side with the revolution. He won’t bite the hand that feeds. Takes place at any point in his journey: from being a tribute, being a mentor, or the revolution itself. MORE TBA.
( v. blocking fate’s path: pjo verse. )
What drives a halfblood to kill its own kind? After a quest gone wrong gets a loved one killed and turns Camp Half Blood into a place of hatred, William, son of Hephaestus, begins experimenting. The lifespans & bodies of halfbloods are powerful, and William is determined to find the perfect way to harness the powers of each and every damn god on Mount Olympus. This verse can take place before / during / after early Camp days, the quest, the post-quest return to Camp, or his adult life experimenting with halfbloods in his quest to gain leverage over the gods. MORE TBA.
( vi. residue of a stranger’s life: reincarnation verse. )
James Atton is a normal thirty-three year old who suffers from odd dreams and has a weird fascination with FazEnt. That’s all, right? Of course not ! The reincarnation & spitting image of William Afton, the memories of James’s past life are hidden very sloppily behind a wall in his mind he refuses to touch. But when he gets sucked into the mess of Security Breach, he finds himself getting closer and closer to his old memories — though really, REALLY doesn’t want to get them back when he remembers how things ended up...
( vii. there was love. nothing changed: book / game verse. )
My version of William is different from how I’d play his book & game verse. For now, these are classed as the ‘same’ verse in my head just because I treat them as if they’re the same guy, but when I begin fleshing out further, this may change. Also liable to change with the next movie / as I reread the books. MORE TBA.
( viii. a wound you can’t stop picking: survival verse. )
At twenty-three, William is springlocked. He survives. At forty-four, he's springlocked again - and survives this too. On his third lease of life, he takes on the identity of James Atton, new Head of FazEnt, and maintains his immortality through the help of Vanessa and the animatronics he's corrupted via their programming. But third time's not always the charm, and another springlock incident might just be the end of him...
( ix. something very far removed: horror verse. )
Generic horror verse. Default takes place before William’s springlock death in ‘94 unless otherwise specified. MORE TBA.
( x. a more selective conscience: superhero verse. )
Born with no superhuman abilities whatsoever, it isn’t long before William shakes off his old life in England and reinvents himself as a college student in America. Ruthlessly experimenting on himself in order to gain some kind of power, his wish is granted: the ability to grant life, if in a twisted manner. The only problem is, it takes death first. A terrible incident that takes the life of his youngest son leads William to attempt to discover exactly how his power works: and discovers remnant along the way.
( xi. a longing that kills: dark academic verse. )
Generic dark academia verse. Equipped with almost two decades of resentful ambition and a morbid longing for the picturesque, William is a young college student, with blood on his hands and an alibi on his tongue. MORE TBA.
( xii. faith moving mountains: orel verse. )
A respected politician, William's father moves the Afton family to Moralton, a strange town where all eyes turn suspiciously to the new kid on the block who smokes cigarettes at nighttime and mumbles his way through hymns. It's hard to survive in a town like this, and, exposed at every turn, William seeks comfort in Sinville and any surrounding areas he can turn to, dreaming of a life where God does not watch him wherever he goes.
( calliopish: t.ma verse. )
information here.
( xiv. the blood in your mouth: tlo.u verse. )
When the virus takes over and destroys the world as he knows it, William adapts like the cockroach he is. Surviving by the skin of his teeth, he jumps ship and finds himself managing a group of very desperate, very naive people. It's easy to convince them he's their savior, even when it's the furthest thing from the truth, and for the most part, he enjoys a relatively cushy life in the sanctuary. Open for any apocalypse/end-of-the-world scenario, though specific here to TLOU verses! MORE TBA.
( xv. no more half measures: brbra verse. )
William's business-oriented mind gives him pause when he discovers remnant for the first time, and it's not long before, teaming up with a few... unscrupulous people... he becomes known across the country for his mysterious product that gives users enhanced strength, durability, and even, rumors claim, extend your lifespan. He spends his time torn between the Fazbear name, avoiding being caught (by police and dealers alike), immersed in his own experiments, and running a very successful empire on remnant. But good fortune only takes the Aftons so far, and William has bitten off way, WAY more than he can chew this time. MORE TBA.
( xvi. something so undoing: arcane verse. )
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neonleonxx · 2 years
I think tumblr ate my last blog because of the temp email I was using, so if you are recieving a second follow from me, I stg it wasn’t intentional. Also hello and welcome to this bad decision in the making. This blog is still a WIP and I will likely finish it up over the weekend TO DO Verse page ; Tot!Verse, Verse for main show, post!movie verse Figure out tags rules page, tba iconing everything really. PLEASE NOTE - I follow first and ask questions later. It is just the easiest way for me to keep a blog I am interested in, in mind.  If you are a ‘read my rules before following’ kind of blog, please be assured I ALWAYS READ THE RULES BEFORE INTERACTING. Thanks
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lawfulwittebaby · 3 years
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“I don’t think I like this movie. . .” A love triangle? Really? He got excited when finding out two people were in love with the same person and that person loved them but. . . God, he hates the drama.
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pxwertxchange · 5 years
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WHEEZE. “What does that mean?!”
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fairestfall · 5 years
Random Dark Crystal Verse Headcanons ;; 
- During the early days of Snow’s stay on Thra, she was revered by the gelfling and referred to as Lord Snow, the Councilor. She had a reputation of treating all the clans equitably, as well as the podlings, and many came to her for counsel or healing. She also performed dying vigils for various maudras, as they came to believe that, due to Snow’s connection with the flora and fauna, her blessing would hasten and secure their return to Thra. 
- Snow can speak podling as well as read and write the gelfling and Skeksis’ languages. 
- She had her own private room in the Skeksis castle full of books and whatever stray animals she decided to adopt. She also acted as a court musician of sorts. She danced and sang or orchestrated dinner plays. When she left, the castle grew particularly somber and silent. 
- She has soft spots for the Dousan and Grottan clans. As she has experienced death and returned from it, she knows that it is nothing to fear, and she admires those who embrace life while they still can. The Grottan are also closest to Thra’s heart, and she finds the caves beautiful, although she never did approve of the Skesis’ decision to drive the Arathim out of their home. 
- Out of all the Skeksis, I can actually see Snow being closest with the scientist. She shares his thirst for knowledge and innovation. He also was reasonable, before he had to deal with the emperor’s ever-increasing demands. She tried to aid him with his experiments and gave of herself and, when her sacrifices changed nothing, she felt that she had failed him the most. (You can also bet that she had to watch him lose his eye. It broke her heart and solidified her dislike for the emperor). 
- She resolved to join Rian and his resistance shortly after the battle in which skekVar and skekLach were killed. 
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derryskater · 5 years
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                “  YOU  killed  our  little brother,  bill  ----  AND  YOU  KILLED  ME.  “ 
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phantomtied · 5 years
❝ so , ya’ like jazz ? ❞
A mess discord rp quotes
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“Oh heck yeah!,its nice-always got a cool flow beats ,definitely gotta recommended it to just about anyone,humans,animals..” 
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“BEES hehheheh”
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spxcemuses · 2 years
Dug Tag Dump:
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Regular AU/Verse: ( unconditional love and loyalty. ); Dug
These tags below will be added after the main one shown above. More tags will be added if needed.
TAG FOR (maybe) human AU TBA. TAG FOR pre-movie AU (where dug is still w/muntz)
Visage tag: [ but it's a talking dog! ]; Dug visage Aesthetics tag: [ golden fur and a golden heart ]; Dug aesthetic Musings tag: [ i am a great tracker ]; Dug musings Headcanons tag: [ squirrel! ]; Dug headcanons
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liersymphcny · 5 years
⚔️ – There were few things Link could do to stay hidden from Ganon these days. He never knew to make a promise to his parents to not lose one of the last family heirloom’s would end up with danger lurking around every corner. Even so, he was determined to keep his promise to them & tried to protect the sword best he could. Trying to hide in the crowds of the city seemed to work out most often -- with the few downsides of not being able to know if someone is following him.
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In contrast, the boy had been out at night -- with nearly no other souls in sight. He heard footsteps behind him, but as it seemed to be a coincidence, he ignored it at first. That was until it seemed to appear frequently after the incident.
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“ Who’s there? ” The question was seemingly called out into the dark city, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his sword. // @etude-de-personnage. (Rachel.) // SC.
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iwishihadfangs · 8 months
(NEW) F/O List!!!🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘⭐🌠
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Romantic F/Os
Arcee (Transformers Prime)
*arcee tag tba*
Optimus Prime (Transformers Prime)
{🌕.romantic} I will protect my love (my home)🌟👑
Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros. Video Games)
*princess peach tag tba*
Sandy Cheeks (The SpongeBob Musical)
*sandy tag tba*
Karen The Computer Wife (The SpongeBob Musical)
{🌕.romantic} You've brought the magic back into my life⚡💜
Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus (Spider-Verse Movies)
*olivia octavius tag tba*
Yomiko Readman/The Paper (R.O.D./Read or Die 2003 Anime)
*yomiko tag tba*
Nancy Makuhari/Miss Deep (R.O.D./Read or Die 2003 Anime)
*nancy tag tba*
Jessie (Pokemon Anime)
{🌕.romantic} Prepare for trouble darling...💋❤️
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Platonic F/Os
Ratchet (Transformers Prime)
{🌙.platonic} Don't worry! I'm an emergency vehicle!🚑💕
Starscream (Transformers Prime)
{🌙.platonic} Aligned with one person; servant to no one⭐✈️
Knock Out (Transformers Prime)
*knock out tag tba*
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cursegranted-blog · 5 years
their silence is never anything less than companionable, these days.  it’s nice, ella thinks, to be granted these moments of peace with one another.  the rest of their lives are hardly peaceful ; too many duties to attend, too many matters to address, too many people to speak with.  a kingdom can hardly run itself, and as king, char bears more of that than ella can imagine.  should they not, then, revel in these little moments of peace?
and yet there’s a tense air to the room, just around the edges.  as much as ella wishes she could pretend otherwise, she knows it is because of her.  it seems only fair to address it, and she makes sure to keep her tone fair and even before she does.  ❛ you owe him nothing. ❜ were she a more cowardly person she would avert her gaze ; she is not.  she is his wife, and his queen.  ella will look at her husband when she speaks.  ❛ you don’t owe him your kindness, nor your care.  not after what he’s done.  not after all this time. ❜ // @crowngranted
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forbesheart · 5 years
@joneshead didn’t ask for this continued from here
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EYES WERE FILLED WITH NOTHING.     the lack of existence behind them must have seemed so haunting coming from her. not only was caroline’s current state a horror to anyone who passed, it would especially frighten anyone who’d been close to her. normally her skin glowed with positive energy, & her eyes were so oddly bright with life. it was true that even in death, she showed a shocking amount of living breathing beauty. & now with that gone, she seemed to be a different person entirely.
“ aw, jonesy. ” the nickname intentionally changed, as if her darkest side refused to taint the person she was underneath. for now her words held laughter but no remorse. while her switch was still flipped it appeared she preferred to bask in the glory of the chaos she ignited. “ you do care about something. ” teasing him now was cruel. past hurting his best friend, she was taunting his reaction as if it were uncalled for. as if she had every right to do what she had done.
“ how important is he, huh ? that’s the million dollar question. ----- just what are you willing to do to find him before he RIPS OUT SOMEBODIES THROAT ? ” lips were framed in the tightest grin as she offered him the information that though turned, archie hadn’t fed just yet. she didn’t care to stick around for that. though he could choose to refuse, with what she’d learned about him during her time before her switch flipped, he wouldn’t be able to resist long. & without the proper help, he would be forced to do something terrible ( just as she had ). all on his own. “ new vampires have such a killer appetite. ”
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true-heroes-blog1 · 5 years
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A list of don’t sentence starters @xchargebolt
Sero snapped his fingers and pointed them at Kaminari.
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“ A few reasons! First, I don’t know if it’d be against dorm rules. Second, I have no guarantee you don’t let out little static shocks while you sleep and I’d rather not get zapped while I sleep. And third, it sounds like the start of a romance movie where two best friends slowly fall in love with each other while doing more and more touchy feely platonic stuff that eventually transcends into romantic actions. ”
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“ Also, yeah, we’re best friends. Don’t care if you didn’t view me like that before there’s no going back now I’ve got the custom matching bracelets already ordered and on the way. ”
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