berenwrites · 8 months
Revelation - Stranger Things - Steddie - G
Rating: G | cw: none | tags: pre-steddie, bisexual steve harrington
Prompt: Love is being terrified but not letting that stop you from taking a leap (@unclewaynemunson)
A/N: Written for @steddielovemonth day 3. Missed day 2 because I was too busy, so I didn’t get it finished, but here it goes for day 3.
Also on AO3 | All my other Stranger Things Fic
Revelation :A Heart-stopping Reality
It was not a day for revelations. It was a day for relaxing in the sun with friends and letting the world go by. Steve was not prepared for anything else.
He had been sitting on a sun lounger watching Nancy dunking Jonathan in the pool while Eddie and Argyle sat on the side talking about something when it had hit him. All he’d been doing was comparing Eddie’s scars to his own in his head, thinking about how they matched in a couple of places. A perfectly innocent thought.
At least it had started that way.
He’d started wondering if Eddie’s scars were as sensitive as his own, what they would feel like under his fingers. What it would feel like to have Eddie touch his.
And now here he was sitting on his bathroom floor trying not to freak out.
“Steve, what’s wrong?”
Robin had to be standing in his bedroom. He’d managed to make it into the house without drawing much attention to himself, but she had been in the kitchen and, of course, she’d clocked him straight away. He’d made a dash for the stairs, but she’d clearly followed him.
“Steve, I don’t like it when you go quiet.”
She really did sound worried.
“You can come in,” he said, even as he mentally flailed.
Robin stepped into the bathroom, took one look at him, and immediately closed the door behind her again. Without a word she crossed the distance between them and sat down right next to him.
“Want to talk about it?” she asked.
It wasn’t demanding, just a question, and he felt something tight release a little in his chest. This was Robin, the person he told everything to. The person who told him everything too. The person he could embarrass by saying the word ‘boobies’, but who asked him to help her pick out her outfit, including underwear, for her first date with Vickie. The only reason Vickie wasn’t at his house today was because she had been dragged on vacation by her parents.
He took a deep breath. It was supposed to be calming, but it didn’t help that much.
“I think,” he started to say and stopped for a few moments. “I think,” he began again, “I might have a thing for Eddie.”
His heart hammered as he said it out loud and for the first time, he really appreciated how brave Robin had been in that bathroom in Starcourt mall. He knew Robin, she was his platonic soulmate, and admitting what he was thinking out loud was terrifying. They had only been work colleagues who had become begrudging friends when she came out to him. How she had had the courage, he couldn’t comprehend.
“Our Eddie?” Robin checked as if she didn’t quite believe what she had heard. “Hyperactive metal head, pariah turned hero of this town. That Eddie?”
He nodded.
“I wondered how his scars feel and what it would feel like if he touched mine and then it hit me that I’ve been thinking things like that a lot lately,” he admitted quietly, “and maybe I want to kiss him too.”
“And how does that make you feel?” Robin asked, reaching out and taking his hand.
“Terrified,” he said as his stomach flip-flopped yet again. “Have I been lying to myself my whole life?”
She squeezed his fingers gently.
“Thank you for telling me,” she said, leaning in close. “You know it’s okay to have a thing for girls and boys, right?”
Little rivulets of cold shock lanced through his chest.
“What?” was the best he could do.
“Remember I told you about Bowie, how he identified as bisexual?” Robin said.
“That time I had the really bad nightmare and you biked over?” he asked, because he vaguely remembered the conversation.
“Yeah,” she said with a nod. “That’s what bisexual means, liking boy and girls. Did I not explain it properly. God I am such a bad queer.”
“You probably did,” he interrupted her, before she could berate herself too much, “but I was running on about two hours sleep in three days. I probably missed it.”
He’d had a bit of a rough patch around Halloween the previous year. Too many memories and too many changes going on around him. It had brought all the nightmares back.
“And I just rambled at you,” Robin said, looking down.
“I love it when you ramble,” he assured her. “Helps get me out of my head. So, bisexual?”
“Yep,” she said, popping the ‘p’.
“But I’ve never…” he started to say. “At least I don’t think I have. Eddie is the first.”
“Bisexuals don’t have to like girls and boys equally,” Robin explained. “Maybe Eddie just pushes your buttons. I mean I’m not saying you have a type, but dark curly hair, big expressive eyes definitely do it for you. There’s Nancy for one, and you’ve only been even vaguely serious about one person since last summer and that was Melanie, who also had dark curls and big brown eyes. Or maybe it’s the whole you carried him out of hell thing that’s woken up that side of you. Just believe me when I say, there’s nothing wrong with what you are feeling.”
Steve took a shuddering breath. He had really needed to hear that.
“So, how do you feel now?” Robin asked after a few moments.
“Still terrified,” he admitted, but managed to give her a small smile, “but maybe a little better.”
“And what do you want to do now?” she asked. “Do you want to freak out a bit more up here? Do you want to go back down? I can kick them all out if you need space.”
He drew in another deep, stuttering breath as he considered her words.
“I think,” he said eventually, “I want to go down there and kiss him senseless until he doesn’t know what hit him.”
Robin blinked at him.
“Actually,” she said after a moment, “that is a very you reaction. Just maybe, ask first, yeah?”
“You think he’ll say yes?” he asked, stomach twisting yet again.
“Given the way he watches your ass, I think you might have a chance,” Robin replied. “I mean on an aesthetic level you do have a great ass, so there’s a small possibility it’s just hypnotising, but I’m more on the he wants a piece of that side of the fence.”
“You’re not joking?” Steve checked.
“About something this important, I would never,” Robin assured him in her most serious tone.
“Do you think he’s bisexual too?” Steve asked.
“Could be gay,” Robin pointed out.
“No, we’ve talked about girls,” he said, “and I don’t think he’d be that great an actor when he’s high.”
“Then could be,” Robin agreed, “but you do remember you have three other people down there, right?”
He did, so he nodded. That actually helped in a bizarre sort of way. Now he needed a plan to get Eddie alone, which gave him something else to think about. There was the gut-wrenching possibility that Eddie would reject him, after all he didn’t have the best track record with relationships even if Eddie did swing that way, but now he had a glimmer of hope. It was enough to cut a small path through the almost overwhelming fear.
It would hurt if Eddie did turn him down because he was all too aware his heart was already in this. It’s what made it quite so frightening. He hadn’t even realised he was falling, but he was self-aware enough to know he was way past a simple crush.
Maybe someone else would have taken the time to think it all through, but Steve wasn’t really a thinker, he was a doer. He knew only too well, if he wasn’t careful, he could think himself into a hole that was very difficult to climb out of, so he tended to act first, over-think later. He’d been terrified for a good percentage of his life since 1983. This was a different kind of fear, but he hadn’t let the first one stop him, so this one wasn’t going to either.
“Thanks, Robs,” he said, doing his best to give her the patented Harrington smile.
He could tell she saw straight through it, but she smiled back anyway.
“Go get ‘im, Tiger,” were her words of wisdom.
All my other Stranger Things Fic
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keithkog · 3 months
If Lance calls me being hyperactive and wanting to run ‘the zoomies’ one more time..
What even are ‘the zoomies’? Is this something he made up or something that actually exists?
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 7 months
Hello there hope your doing well! I aint sure weather you write for this or not! But I was wondering if I could request some friendship headcanons with Lancelot and Percival?
Thank you!
(Feel free to delete my ask:)
Hello! I'm doing very well, I hope you are as well!
I definitely am okay with an ask like this, I love sharing my headcanons!! Also Lance and Percy's friendship def is very special to me, so thank you so much for asking about them!!
Tagging @alwaysamor in case you wanted to read thesseeee (since I know how you are about my nnt/4kota content 😌)
-Honestly, first of all, Percy is always asking Lance questions. Like, yes, Percy is very curious and inquisitive by nature and he questions lots of people, but whenever he has some random question that doesn't need to be answered by any specific person, he always asks Lance (as long as he can find him)
-Relating to that, Percy is the kind of person who will ask the most out of pocket questions and Lance will think he's crazy at first before genuinely starting to consider it, despite not actually wanting to. Like, they'd be walking through a field and Percy'd just be like, "How many blades of grass do you think we'd need to recreate my entire body weight?" And Lance would just give him a look and ignore the question, but then five minutes later, outta nowhere he's just like, "It has to be at least a thousand, right?" And Percy is very confused until he suddenly remembers his previous question
-ALSO relating to that, Percy is entirely convinced that Lance knows everything. As far as Percy is concerned, Lance quite literally knows all. He has all the answers to every single possible factual question that anyone could ask him. No matter how many times anyone tries to tell him differently, he insists that they're wrong
-These two are unintentionally chaotic together. Like, okay, both are pretty chaotic just in general, and most often Lance is on purpose, but when the two of them are together, they don't even really realize how absolutely unhinged they're being until someone points it out to them (i.e. when they tried to find the answer to the grass question)
-Percy is one of the very few people who knows how much Lance enjoys flora and general plant life (based on my own Lance hcs) and Lance never tells him to keep it a secret necessarily, but some intuitive part of him makes him do so and Lance was surprised but grateful when Percy explained such a thing one day
-Percy isn't exactly the best at reading the room or other people, but Lance's moods are a bit easier for him. Mostly because whenever he's pestering the poor guy for one reason or another, Lance always has some kind of sarcastic comment or a "jus' shut up already, would ya?" Or a sigh or huff or snort. There's always some kind of noise or reaction, and Percy's gotten used to that. So if Lance ever just stays quiet with zero reaction to Percy's antics, he immediately knows that something's off
-Whenever Lance is restless and under-stimulated (more Lance hcs), he specifically seeks Percy out because Percy's rambles and hyperactivity help him balance put
-On the other side of that, whenever Percy notices that Lance is overstimulated, he does his best to make sure everyone else leaves him alone (except for Tristan)
-Both are always very quick to defend each other. Percy thinks Lance is one of the most awesome people ever and doesn't ever hesitate to say so. Lance may call Percy an idiot and all kinds of other names but the moment anyone tries to genuinely underestimate Percy, he'll make sure they know how wrong they are one way or another
-Major younger sibling/older sibling energy between them
-No matter how cheery and full of energy Percy is, he's, ofc, not completely immune to upset. No matter what the reason, if he ever notices Percy's mood is down for any reason, he'll take him somewhere quiet and they'll just sit for awhile. Lance typically isn't very good at comforting most people, so this is usually the best he can do - sit calmly with someone and make sure they know he's there. For Percy, those times are always helpful, Lance being a peaceful presence beside him and making him feel safe (due to that older/younger dynamic between them)
-(if you don't ship Trislance, just ignore this one) Percy doesn't pay much attention to people's romantic interests or who likes who in that way, it's not something he typically thinks about, but one day Donny makes some kind of joke or comment about how Lance and the prince are totally crushing on each other and, after it was explained to him what that means, he suddenly made it his mission to be Lance's wingman and try and help him in his romantic advances towards Tristan, which Lance both loves and hates
-(if you don't ship Persians, just ignore this one) Lance, of course, being the extremely observant person he is, notices almost right away what's going on between Percy and Nasiens, and totally starts nudging them closer together. Percy doesn't understand much about love and romance and all that, but if Lance tells him, "Hey, Nasiens would love if someone gave him this flower and it would make him super happy" then Percy is immediately on it (he volunteers as tribute) or sometimes Lance will just offhandedly mention something or make some comment about something Nasiens does or likes or wishes or wants or he'll very purposely ask Nasiens a specific question while making sure Percy can hear and then he'll just sit back and watch as Percy uses the information to do things that'll make Nasiens happy without even really realizing why he's doing it
-Food. These two 100% bond over food
-They're both always trying to compete against each other but they will team up together without hesitation in order to beat anyone else at whatever it is they're competing about
I hope you enjoyed at least some of these!! A lot of them are also based on a lot of my headcanons for Percy and Lance just by themselves, tbh
Thank you again for the ask!! You're super awesome!! 💜💜💜
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bakawitch · 3 months
Name: Jin Cheng
Age: 12-14
Chosen Kwami: Hare
Hero Name: Jack Rabbit
Bio: He's a bit more of a humor-based character; think a mix of Lance from Voltron and Luz from The Owl House. Quick with one-liners, extremely dramatic, hyperactive, maybe a little flirty (though only in a playful friend way), and probably is either your best friend or someone that just annoys you. I also think he's into volleyball or soccer/football. He can be competitive in and out of sports. He's the kind of kid to compete over something that the other person has no idea they're even competing like how can brush their teeth the fastest, who can read quicker, or who gets better grades (big little brother energy). He's also one to often take bets or compete in challenges
Physical description and/or reference: Chinese descent. Spiky dark brown to almost black hair. brown eyes. scruffy look.
Finished the final submission, oc #6! This is Jin Cheng, the official holder of the hawk of evolution! (The hare was already taken, so we came up with a new kwami for him)
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So Jin is a bit of a special case because I decided to ignore my own rule of no ocs related to canon characters while we were talking about him because he actually just fit in seamlessly. He is Mireille's (Marinette's) younger cousin who will end up moving to France sometime during the plot. I gave him some football gear instead of regular pants because I felt like he'd be the type of kid who makes his favourite sport a part of his personality.
Anyway, I love Jin, and I'm probably only mildly going to traumatise him.
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alex-frostwalker · 5 months
Facts about Ori and Mame
The two are twin sisters, born at the same time despite their personality and appearance.
For starters, Ori's appearance is a young like a child while Mame is around her late teens.
Their Titles, Maestra of the Past and Maestra of the Future references the ghosts from Christmas Carol.
Ori means “My Light” while Mame means “Star of the Sea”.
Despite Ori’s small size, she can change her shape to the same appearance as her sister. Or she likes to call it Fighter Starter when she is in that form.
Mame’s appearance is similar to Balan’s Masked form, just without the Cheshire smile, it didn't match her appearance and finds it unnerving.
Mame has an unmasked form similar to Balan.
Mame is quite shy and is really good at hiding it. She has a lot of trouble in confronting Visitors and Habitants. Ori is there for a support and guide.
Ori sometimes gets her powers out of hand because of her hyperactive nature. So Mame has to remind her not to go overboard.
They are Balan’s Assistants/Maestras in Training.
Ori helps out the Visitor to understand the reasons/cause of their past that result them to be what they are now at the present.
Mame helps out the Visitor of what's the struggle that they are experiencing in the present which may or may not have a relation to their past.
They don't rhyme a lot like Balan and Lance. They cut the rhyming short if they struggle a bit. Ori struggles the most in rhyming, she sometimes cant find the right big words for their speech.
Ori attacks ahead on while Mame attacks from behind.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 4 months
Hey kiko!
First off, i saw the stardew valley stream right before going to office (twas my mom's birthday the day you streamed and an ungodly hour where I'm at) and i was in such a good mood🥹🤌🏽💖 gojo is adorable, I cannot.
Second, I was recently diagnosed with high functioning autism and adhd (not a surprise, figured i was ✨ neurospicy✨ since i figured what it meant) and I was wondering... Gojo is neurospicy for sure, it's canon. But the way you write him, it's even more so. So out of curiosity, how would Goinko react to finding out their kids might be neurodivergent? And would that lead to satoru getting his own diagnosis?
Thank you for your message and question!!! 😊
Gojo in Stardew is so fucking cute that it makes me wanna die. My Kiko playthrough is already in year 2 and they’re living their best life (though, I did discover SVE Lance, recently, and all I’m sayin is that if Satoru didn’t already have my heart, Lance would be the first contender that’s actually piqued my interest).
WELCOME TO THE NEUROSPICY (I love this and I’m stealing it) COMMUNITY. We don’t have t-shirts yet because we got distracted before we could finalize the design and then all of our inspiration left and now we just cringe in self-hatred whenever we think about another project that’s half-finished… 🙃
I will die on the hill that canon Gojo is one of the most autistic coded characters I’ve seen in my entire life. There’s literally no valid argument against him being a member of our wonderful neurospicy community.
As I’ve mentioned before, I am also very fucking autistic and adhd. I wasn’t diagnosed with adhd until a few years ago, and I didn’t find out about my autism until last year 🫠🫠 the journey to that discovery was a wild one… To give context for how extreme my adhd is, I’ve gotten distracted mid sentence for this reply a total of three times already and went on my own tangents of making random notes and literally forgetting about this for ten minutes while I started googling things and then I looked down at my phone and realized I’d completely forgotten that I was TYPING THIS REPLY 😭
How would Goinko react to finding out their kids might be neurodivergent? And would that lead to Satoru getting his diagnosis?
I’m assuming we’re talking about Physical Paradox Goinko because you sent this not long after I posted begging for questions about them and their kids!
For those who don’t know, neurodivergence (adhd, autism, ocd, etc.) tends to be hereditary, which essentially means that neurodivergent parents have a high chance of having neurodivergent kids.
I’ve specifically written Physical Paradox Gojo with the idea in mind that he’s got a variety of neurodivergencies (Rai’s fun facts about brains have helped a ton and I always love hearing them! Rai, this is me telling you I wanna know more fun facts when you have the time). I’ve talked before about how he’s absolutely got adhd, whether hyperactive or not remains to be seen in the story, but I’ve been nailing a few things down lately so I’m excited to explore that more…
I’m gonna answer these backwards because Gojo will get his diagnosis before they have kids. Because Rinko is studying cognitive and behavioral psychology, as of Summer Nights, she’s already noticed a few ticks and signs that Gojo has something. But she’s avoided saying anything for multiple reasons. (she’s still only a student, she doesn’t want to overstep in case he already knows and doesn’t want to talk about it, and she doesn’t want to offend him if he doesn’t know and doesn’t receive that kind of information well.) She literally had the thought in Summer Nights that it wasn’t like she could give him a diagnosis.
At some point in their relationship, she’s going to realize that he has no fucking clue and she’s going to say something. I haven’t decided if she does this before or after they start dating, but my main point is that by the time they’re talking kids, they’re gonna know they’ll have some neurospicy in them.
As for how they’ll react? They’ll love them no matter what and do everything they can to support them. They’ll struggle and have their bad days but they’ll figure things out and do their best to be there for them.
I imagine Eiji will be a lot like Satoru. I see him being loud and excitable as a young child and becoming more reserved and closed off as he gets older, which is how Satoru was.
I don’t know if I’ll explicitly include it anywhere in the series, but Satoru was loud and outgoing and friendly as a kid. As he got older, he struggled to connect with people because they couldn’t keep up with how chaotic he could be or they showed no interest in what he was passionate about. We’re sprinkling some rejection sensitivity that’s manifested as “fuck you, I don’t care about your shit, either then.” He keeps things surface level with most people because it’s not worth the time and energy just to be rejected or misunderstood. Obviously he’s different with Rinko, but that’s mainly because she’s shown that she can keep up with his ranting and there’s a part of his brain that desperately wants her to know he isn’t a shitty person and he doesn’t realize it’s because he’s pretty much already in love with her 😂😂😂 but really, Rinko can keep up with him and she meets his sarcasm with her own instead of brushing him off.
I hope you have a wonderful day or night!! 💕💕
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What are your thoughts on autistic Lance and adhd Keith? I’m neurotypical so I don’t have a lot of knowledge on these things, but I think I understand some reasons why u have those headcanons. I’d love to hear a more in depth explanation though!
Alrighty, so disclaimer: I am an English major. Not a doctor. I’m not diagnosing anybody, and I'm basing my thoughts on my own experiences, opinions, and this one dope venn diagram I found from a bio-psychology student (@tfw-adhd ). So take that as you will.
When you think of ADHD, most people think of two traits: impulsivity and hyperactivity. That’s of course not all there is to ADHD, but they’re pretty major parts! And most people in the fandom consider Lance to be the poster boy of ADHD. But when I asked you guys who the most impulsive character of VLD was, only one person said Lance. Every other person said Pidge or Keith.
And I have to agree.
In a lot of our fics, we associate the ‘fiery red paladin’ with Keith, in his split-second decisions and crazy things he pulls off mid-battle that always work out for him and terrify everyone else. When I asked you guys for your input, many of you said that while Keith and Lance are both impulsive, Lance is only really impulsive when he’s competing, or trying to prove a point — like when he and Keith drove their lions into the ground trying to race blindfolded. Keith, though, is impulsive a lot, and either doesn’t assess the risks when making a decision or has a tendency to take very big risks without question (like Naxzela, or when he left the team to chase after Lotor).
As for hyperactivity, each an every single one of you told me the same thing: Keith has allotted a certain amount of activity for himself for stress release, and if he fails to meet this quota he struggles to regulate his emotions. He trains regularly because he needs it to feel healthy and happy. Lance, on the other hand, is prone to more stim-like activity (like the GIF that goes around every couple of months where he’s lying on the ground and doing that bicycle thing with his legs).
So impulse and hyperactivity, the most well-known pillars of ADHD — so far we have Keith as the poster boy for both, and Lance for one.
The other most popular sign of ADHD, I would say, is disorganization. That’s definitely a mixed bag — organization is really subjective. But when I asked you guys which of the two had the most disorganised fighting style — something you do with very little preparation, when you have to make split-second decisions with the information that you have and the habits you’ve already formed — most of you said Keith. A fair argument was that Keith has such a disorganized or chaotic fighting style because he has a sword, and that’s inherently kind of messy, whereas Lance’s sniping/shooting requires a specific sort of particularity that requires him to be organized and steady.
I would like to argue that that’s the whole point. The bayards are a reflection of the paladins. They summoned these weapons because that is what they use best, that is what suits their fighting style best. Keith gets the sword because although he has some training, his thoughts are all over the place — he’s picking up on a hundred little details at once, thinking not only about the fight he’s currently having but about the fight that’s going to be next. The sword suits him best because it allowed for his natural disorder to be a huge advantage, rather than a hindrance. Whereas Lance consistently summons a long-distance weapon, and even a sniper rifle — a weapon that requires you to focus on one thing at a time, intensely, until the threat is eliminated and you can move on to the next thing. I have no doubts that Lance is constantly hitting targets and noticing new ones as fast as he can, but the whole point of a sniper is that you are lying in wait and hidden because you’re so focused on your one target that you can’t be in the open because you can’t defend yourself.
This level to detail translates outside of battle as well, for both of them. When I asked you guys who was more analytical, 33% (ish) more people said Lance than Keith. The general consensus was that they both have analytical skills, but Lance is better with small and fleeting details (especially when looking at common behaviour — think of the Rover incident, where he was the only one to recognise the dupe for what it was, or even how he was the first to see that Shiro wasn’t quite right). Keith is better at choosing certain goals and trying everything he can to get those goals — like with his quest to find out about his past; he had several different plans that lead to different outcomes (finding the energy in the desert to matching the symbols on his knife to pushing the Blades for answers), and used the information he got to think and overthink about what he was going to do next. While Lance tends to wait for as long as possible with his information until he can come up with the best possible solution (hence why he didn’t act immediately on his suspicions for Shiro and instead made separate note of all the different oddities), Keith tends to use his information immediately and then use the reactions he gets to piece together more answers (the knife incident at the space mall is a pretty good indicator of this specific process).
Okay. So far we’ve outlined a few specific behaviours for the paladins: Keith tends to be really impulsive, with chaotic decision-making skills and an ability to read the room very quickly and notice small, fleeting details. This is reflected in his bayard choice and the way he seeks out and analyses information. He doesn’t plan things out for the long term, and instead acts immediately on the information he has and forms conclusions that way. He has difficult assessing risk (or doesn’t take risk very seriously), is very focused on things he cares about, and when he’s understimulated or doesn’t make time for vigorous physical activity he becomes unregulated and emotional.
I would call that pretty textbook ADHD, although he certainly also has traits for ASD, and I wouldn’t write that off. But when I think of the more autistic of the two of them, I think of Lance, and I don’t think I’m alone in that.
Like ADHD, autism has some traits that are common in reputation: logic and routine. I went over analysis already with you guys, with the conclusion that Lance is better with small details. Not only is that a common finding among people with ASD, but I also think that Lance’s ability to read people and identify when their behaviour is off is a very autistic thing to do. I know that people think that people with ASD can’t read social cues or human behaviour, and in my experience, I find that it just doesn’t come naturally. I do often miss social cues that some people find inherent — like knowing when someone is bored/annoyed with me and when to stop talking — that lead to ostracization (something Lance also faces frequently and has anxiety about, as I’m sure you’re all familiar with in regards to the ‘7th wheel’ debacle). But it was because of this frequent problem that I learnt to categorize micro-expressions and really small changes in behaviour. I had to learn them, because I didn’t recognise them intrinsically. Like you guys pointed out, and like canon has made clear, Lance is very good at identifying these behaviours. He knows when people are acting differently, based on details that may be unnoticed to someone who doesn’t struggle to read social cues and as such doesn’t frequently analyse behaviour. Also, I think Lance may also use obnoxiousness as a defense mechanism — unlike Keith, who gets defensive about his struggles to appear ‘normal’, Lance tends to butt in and annoy people on purpose (like when he interrupted Allura when she was about to list the common traits of a blue paladin) so that he has more control of people’s perception of him. If he grew up struggling to understand why people found him weird or annoying, it would make sense that he would be annoying on purpose so at least he understands why people think of him the way they do.
Going off that — Lance frequently needs justification for things. He needs there to be a reason, he needs to explain things that may not be explainable. I didn’t pose this question to you guys, because I forgot, but I think Keith is more emotional and Lance is more logical, in only that Keith seems to allow himself to feel his emotions (he is the one to tell the other paladins that he is honoured to have served with them, he is the one to frequently and plainly express his anger or frustration, he is the one to outline to Shiro in no uncertain terms that he does not want to be leader because he doesn’t feel ready, etc. Keith is very in tune with his emotions and feelings, he just is also very uncomfortable with people and isn’t sure if he can trust them enough to express himself). Lance, on the other hand, frequently has to explain away his emotions. He feels strongly towards Keith and has a common urge to be near him or talking to him? It must be a rivalry, and he must do everything he can to keep this rivalry going so he can continue to justify his desires. He feels left out and abandoned? He must count himself as a seventh wheel and assign each paladin to a lion and a value in Voltron so that he has a reason to feel left out. He’s jealous of Lotor? He has to convince himself that Lotor is all, 100% evil, so that jealousy doesn’t come from nowhere. Lance does not allow himself to do anything without explanation. He has to have a reason for everything. Everything has to make sense. Everything has to be logical.
His struggle with his own emotional response to things mixed with his intense need to be loved and be social also leads to a lot of misunderstanding and mistakes within his relationships. When I asked you guys whether Keith or Lance is more likely to make a social blunder, most of you said that both of them are socially awkward but Lance puts himself in more social situations and so he makes more mistakes by volume. I’m of the same opinion. Lance wants to be social and understand people and fit in with people, he’s just not very…good at it.
One thing Lance is good at, though, is routine, and about half of you agreed with me on that. Both Keith and Lance have several rituals/routines that are important to them (as previously mentioned, Keith’s training schedule is important for him to help regulate his emotions and keep himself stimulated), but Lance has more routines, and seems more particular about them. The best example would be his skincare routine, which he mentions more than once and expressed agitation when the routine was disrupted. Also, in the few canon shots we have of him sleeping, he has a very specific set of mannerisms (music, eye mask, sleep mask, pajamas, slippers, robe, must sleep for a certain amount of time for said 'beauty sleep') and complains both in the show and in other canon materials (like the Voltron handbook or the comics) when this doesn’t go as planned. Whereas Keith literally sleeps in his boots and seems to be fine dropping wherever.
ASD and ADHD are very similar. They share more symptoms/behaviours than they oppose, so you can certainly choose whatever feels right for you. But I do find it strange that Lance is almost always the one with ADHD and Keith is almost always the one with ASD, when in both fanon and canon (Keith is the impulsive one with poor planning skills, reliant on physical activity for regulation, low sense of danger and high tendency towards risk, low motivation for tasks he doesn’t care about; Lance is the one with all the wacky plans, who reads behaviour exceptionally well but makes frequent social blunders, specific about several rituals and routines, takes people at their word), their characters show the exact opposite. I just think that somehow in the start of the fandom, we switched them around and just rolled with it. But I love subverting fanon expectations, and I am happy to die on the ASD Lance and ADHD Keith hill!
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bwoahtastic · 11 months
Maybe Kimi is the werewolf pack Alpha, and everyone outside the pack is afraid of him. But inside the pack it's actually Dan who runs the show and so there is a lot of puppy zoomies and goofing around.
Hulk helps out with the pack, and is usually a good middle ground between Dans high energy and Kimis intimidation factor.
The more quite ones in the pack does enjoy having Kevin over more and more, so they can hang out with him and get a break from the hyperactive pack.
Oh plss!
Kimi is pack alpha, always patrolling and protecting hid pack and for sure he and Jenson have stand off's sometimes. But within the pack, it's mostly goofy Dan who runs it all, just vibing and annoying people and always making yhe best nest. He also is momma to some of the pups (adopted or not) and is the only one who can literally chew Kimi's ear without being huffed at
Pls quiet shy wolfie Lance always snuggling up in Kev's coat when Kev is there, just purring a little as its nice and quiet and safe! And Kev gives the best ear massages! Maybr Lance is momma to 1 lil pup too (lanky Estie?) And Estie always knows where momma is hiding when Kev is there!
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ethelledraw · 9 months
So here I am, writing my version of Red and Blue. How I imagine (really short) the events of the first and second games. As usual, the traditional "English isn't my mother tongue blah blah blah". I'm not a writer at all, this is the first time I've written anything resembling fan fiction. Enjoy
Blue moves in with his grandfather in the small town of Bourg Palette when he's 4, along with his sister Daisy, after the death of their parents. He meets Red, who is the same age as him. Blue is a hyperactive boy who demands a lot of adult attention; Red is the opposite, as he doesn't speak and is very reserved. They complement each other perfectly, and Blue is Red's first friend. They share a love of pokemons and pokemon battles. At the age of 6, Blue tells Red about his dream of going on an adventure with his Pokemon, and Red immediately decides that this is what he wants to do too, and that they should go together. Around age 9, Blue's attitude changes when he learns that Red wants to become a Pokemon Master like him. This is absurd, since only one of them can become a pokemon master.
From then on, their friendship was over for Blue, giving way to a rivalry. Red never stopped thinking of Blue as his friend. At the age of 10, Red had no idea what was at stake in becoming a pokémon master. All Red knew was that he loved pokemon battles and wanted to find ever-stronger opponents to fight.
He never thought a pokémon fight would end his friendship with Blue. When Red won for the umpteenth time against Blue, he didn't feel it was anything special. He was just happy to fight Blue, because he's always loved sharing his passion with his best friend. He hadn't expected to see Blue with the saddest expression he'd ever seen. Professor Oak arrived and made things worse. Blue decomposed, ran off without looking back, and Red heard Blue say something so softly that only he could hear it, "I hate you". Red was completely lost, wondering "Did I do that? Did I make Blue so sad?". Red was warmly congratulated on becoming the new master, and that's when Red realized that this wasn't just another fight with Blue. That he'd just stolen Blue's dream without even realizing it. Without thinking about Blue's feelings.
After that, it got worse, he became the most famous person in Kanto in a matter of days. All he wanted was to go on an adventure with his best friend and live quietly away from anyone's attention, and all he managed to do was lose the only friend he ever had and his tranquility.
It was unbearable, his ears ringing constantly, the noise never stopping, so he left, as far away as possible for him. He left a letter for his mother, he felt bad leaving it, but just the idea of seeing Blue again and having to face the fact that his best friend hated him haunted him, he wanted to be left alone. For a while or maybe forever. Maybe if he was gone, Blue would take over the title like nothing had happened.
Red has disappeared. Blue is deeply saddened by the disappearance of his best friend. He can't help but wonder if Red would never have left if he'd been nicer to him. Blue was so focused on himself that he never thought to ask Red if he was all right. Blue wondered why Red had left. He didn't even leave him a letter. Red's strong, they've always squabbled since they were kids but it's never bothered them before. He wonders if at some point he'd crossed the line without realizing it. The day he last saw Red is a fog in his mind. The second he saw his pokémon on the ground and realized he'd lost, everything became a blur.
After that, Blue took some time to recover. The fact that he'd lost his dream and his best friend at the age of 11 was pretty hard to take in. But when Lance offered him the chance to become an gym leader, he didn't hesitate. He had nothing else to lose after all.
Blue met Leaf at his grandfather's laboratory. Since neither he nor Red had completed the pokedex, he decided to entrust the task to this new trainer. She took the bulbasaur that he and Red hadn't chosen at the time, and it was rather nostalgic to see that this Pokemon hadn't changed since then, while Blue felt that his life had been completely turned upside down since then. She was the same age as him (13). He gave her all the advice he could and wished her luck. Blue hadn't felt like going on adventures to fill the pokedex for a long time.
One day at his gym, Blue (almost 14) met Gold, a kid of almost 12 who had already defeated every champion in Johto.
Gold bears no resemblance to Red, but when he fights, Blue almost feels as if he's reliving one of his fights with Red. He'd missed fighting a trainer with such talent. Blue lost, but he hadn't felt so alive in a long time. The kid was annoying, but he liked him. Which turns out to be a mistake, as Gold ends up dropping in on Blue a little too often to fight and chat, but Blue never finds it in his heart to say no to him. Then one day Gold tells him about a super-powerful guy he's fought against many times before winning at Mount Silver. Blue doesn't pay much attention, as there are a lot of crazies wandering around the mountain, although finding someone as strong as Gold is impressive.
Red doesn't know how long he's been on this mountain, he comes down from time to time to buy food with the money he's collected on his adventure. But he keeps social interaction to a minimum.
One morning, while training his Pokemon as usual, he came face to face with a kid, younger than him. They fought, of course. And Red won, of course. But the kid kept coming to fight and chat with him, despite Red's lack of words. Red learns that Gold isn't just a trainer, but a pokemon master. Red always tries to beat him quickly and wave him off, but as time goes by, Gold develops new strategies and beats more and more of Red's pokemon. Eventually, Red came to enjoy these fights. It's been a long time since he's fought another trainer. It even reminds him of Blue. When he fights Gold... He thinks of Blue and doesn't appreciate it. It's his talent for fighting that has ruined his friendship with Blue. If only he'd lost... If only he could find someone who could beat him. He could find Blue and tell him "I've lost, I'm no longer the master of Kanto".
After a few weeks, Gold returned as usual. They fight as usual, but Gold is gaining ground, the battle is extremely close, the pokemons of both boys one by one falling to the ground in the course of this fierce battle. They're both so focused on the fight that nothing exists anymore! Pikachu is knocked out, Red touches his belt to send another pokemon- but... he has none left. Gold's typhlosion stands trembling in the middle of the snow-covered field, Gold's last pokémon, and it's still standing. Red lost. Gold hadn't realized that Pikachu was Red's last Pokemon either, and when he did, he let out a huge cheer! At last he's won after months of trying. Red doesn't realize it right away. It's the first time he's lost in his life, he... doesn't know how he's supposed to feel. He should be sad, that's what he tells himself, normally when you lose you're sad. But at that moment, Red never felt so free. As if someone had taken a weight off his shoulders. He's no longer the perfect undefeated trainer.
It's time for him to go home.
Blue is at his gym as he should be (even if he usually prefers to wander than work, but anyway). He's waiting patiently for the dreamy, hopeful trainers to show up so Blue can ruin their day (we're having all the fun we can).
"Blue get ready, a challenge is coming" one of the trainers in her gym informs him.
Finally, some entertainment. Blue hears the challenger arrive as he prepares his Pokeballs. He turns to his opponent to quotes his usual gym leader speech.
When Blue's eyes widened.
"...Red ?"
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realmsprotector · 5 days
♡ teehee :3c
Cynthia! You had another son!
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-Meet Alexandre ! Cynthia wanted a heroic name for him and Alexander was already taken, so they cheated.
-Once, as a kid, he asked his parents what weapons they used, both of course replied a lance! So he decided he'd be an axe wielder because there are too many lances in this household.
-He's a twink tho, so he has to train and practice a lot to be able to lift the axe he chose! Time to ask Aunty Lissa how she does it.
-The Geoffrey Genes were strong in that one too, but! He inherited Sumia's eyes! And his affinity with flower reading, not that he does it often, but when he's bored, it helps pass the time.
-What he didn't inherit from parents or grand parents, is his fear of anything with four legs. He will never be a cavalier, he will stay as a foot soldier, thank you very much. Ironically enough, pegasi ADORE him. They often chew on his hair while he's frozen in place.
-Hyperactive, he never stops. Never. Even Cynthia gets tired trying to follow, sometimes. But when he crashes? He crashes. Will always have a good 8 hours sleep and be back full force the day after!!
-Seriously, only horses and pegasi can stop him from running and jumping around non stop.
-He still doesn't know what he wants to do in life, but that's okay, he still has time! However he does like going on adventures and helping people, so, that's something to think about.
-He keeps a part of his hair longer (he prefers it short) for Cynthia to braid, he likes that little activity between mother and son, he even lets her put ribbons and stuff on said braid (but just the braid, leave the rest of his hair alone!) if she wants.
-Loves his parents dearly, would die for them!!!! (Please don't.)
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vocaloightmares · 7 months
Part 1 of the TW Lore (V.1), "Pre-S1":
Note: This, and parts 2—, will be separated into two perspectives: Teen Troupe (TT) and Pavere Carnival (PC).
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On the dawn of his 300th mission to become a LSW, Lance was sent to Venice, Italy to capture his notorious enemy and then-ringleader of the Pavere Carnival, Karakumo. Although he is a bit conflicted about it since he has been tormented numerous times by her, the Carnival of Venice happening on the same day was a distraction for Lance at least.
So, as a masqueraded Kid Wing, Lance flew over to his destination to enjoy the festivities while reluctantly searching for his target. However, he began to notice something odd about how the festival's visitors acted around him. In fact, Lance had a bad feeling that Karakumo's presence was near, and it was confirmed when the carnival was staged in, according to Lance, a "clever and meticulous fashion."
After a pretty insulting confrontation courtesy of his target, Lance got into a dance fight with Karakumo. Throughout the scene, the future LSW observed his nemesis' movements were more graceful than previous battles. He was unsure if this was just part of the mood in the environment he was in, or if Karakumo was being nice for once.
A yank on the arm (unnecessarily) dragged Lance out from his thoughts and the applause from the unconscious carnival visitors began to fade in the background.
Once he was pulled into a secluded area of a palace, Karakumo not only commended the LSW's moves, but also offered to be his partner-in-crime. It felt like a slap on the face: Lance does not take kindly to his nemesis' past nuisances. But Karakumo explained her reason: she was looking for someone that can stop her boss from conjuring a "great nightmare," and Lance fits the criteria perfectly. Additionally, she wanted to leave her former workplace (Pavere Carnival) after disagreeing with her boss' new rules. He thought this was just an act to get away from him forever, but there was something in Karakumo's tone that convinced the LSW to team up with her. Moreover, he is unsure what this "great nightmare" his nemesis was referring too but wants to know more about the Pavere Carnival's inner workings.
Eventually, Lance decided to establish her position as a Super Wing due to his former nemesis' promising care around children (despite scaring them "for fun") during a cautious period of internship. As a result, the two SWs' relationship improved and got to know each other personally better. Then, Lance and Mari gave life to a hyperactive grape named Vicky.
Because both are working actively as SWs, Lance assigned Grand Albert (one of his colleagues and friends) to look after Vicky until Lance and Mari came back; this won't apply if either parent went on a mission, and Vicky was left under the care of the other. From there, their daughter would become friends with Ellie, who her grandfather would often take to work due to Ellie's undying curiosity of the world.
However, things began to go downhill: Karakumo promised to Lance she would introduce a special student of hers to him and Vicky in the latter's birthday. But on that day, Jimbo declared Mari as MIA because she has not reported to work for a few days without a reason.
A search party composing of Lance (who volunteered) and the other Super Wings flew across the world for signs of Mari. Meanwhile, Vicky was left wondering why her mom did not show up and who her “special student” is. Regardless, Ellie was there to comfort her devastated friend.
Once his luck ran out, Lance resigned his position as a Super Wing and he and Vicky “disappeared” from the face of Earth. But the ex-LSW kept his wife’s words and vows to search for more individuals that can combat the Pavere Carnival’s boss, thus leading to the creation of Teen Troupe, while taking care of Vicky.
Yet, he was struck by a dark period of his life: Lance abandoned his KW identity (which his daughter is unaware of during this time) and cut off contact with Mari's family members aside his and Vicky. The latter tried to cheer her dad up while doing her own part of the recruitment work for the troupe.
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The Pavere Carnival fascinated Inei, an artistic plane with an interest for the weird and ugly. Specifically, he was drawn to the attention of the carnival's ringleader, Karakumo, growing up. She was the personification of arachnophobia, one of the world's common fears that involved Inei's favorite insect: the spider.
He wanted to become a Pavere Carnie, but Akumu was strongly against the idea. She heard rumors about the carnival's manager's shady practices, and Mari provided evidence to her sister. But why she didn't leave the carnival bewildered and frustrated Akumu. Regardless, Inei didn't believe his mother and aunt's claims. He then signed up for the Pavere Carnival and was taken under the internship of Karakumo.
During their time together, she and Inei became mentor and mentee respectively, and the latter created an alternate identity for himself: Rakumo. He awed Karakumo's work and looked forward to work under her leadership.
Meanwhile, the true leader of the Pavere Carnival, Layla, was distraught and disappointed when she received news of Billy Willy's death.
Her cousin’s gadgets were frightening enough to cause city-wide destruction and yet? He was defeated by a mere plane! Perhaps Billy didn’t instill enough fear on his opponents, and it was something Layla wanted to fix and implement on herself and the Pavere Carnies. Moreover, she noticed her attraction hasn’t gotten enough attention due to the spread of influencers.
So, because her carnies weren’t being scary enough, Layla initiated a new set of rules that departed from the “fun” trait the Pavere Carnival once boasted.
However, this made Karakumo, Layla’s then-second in command, disagree and she began to work differently than before. This made the ringleader's boss irritated, and the two had conversations together regarding this during closing hours.
A couple of months later, an ecstatic Karakumo wanted to introduce Rakumo to her newly formed family on the day of her daughter's birthday. The young Pavere Carnie was surprised but curious about his mentor's family. Karakumo never mentioned having one since Rakumo met her in-plane, and she apologized for the lack of proper training in the past few months, so it is assumed she was engaged with someone.
Perhaps his mentor's family has a fascination with Earth's strange side like him too!
On the day Karakumo would be picking him up to go to the party, Rakumo was baffled at the broken promise. He tried calling her several times, but it did not go through her radio. Soon, his fears were confirmed when Layla announced their ringleader has disappeared and the Pavere Carnival will be closed today to sort the matter out.
Like Vicky, Rakumo was devastated at the loss of his mentor. Additionally, he was furious that Karakumo's family was careless enough to take her life. The young Pavere Carnie trained on his own vigorously while the whereabouts of Karakumo slowly fed onto his strength.
One day, Rakumo was called to his boss' office and Layla, having to notice his close relationship with Karakumo, offered to take over her position as the Pavere Carnival's ringleader for the time being. Due to his strong loyalty under Karakumo's wing, Rakumo immediately sworn himself to the role and swore vengeance against the person, or plane, that took his mentor away.
But an ongoing suspicion about his mother's claims being accurate conflicted with Rakumo's anger. In fact, the ringleader position was advantageous to uncover information about Karakumo's disappearance and find out if Layla had a role in his mentor's case.
Nevertheless, it was quite buried under Rakumo's daily ringleading and training to become the most feared of the Pavere Carnival, while searching for his mentor's captor...or killer (Rakumo didn't want to describe as that).
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emblematicemblazer · 3 months
Fire Emblem Engage Xenologue
Framme vs Nel
Framme and Nel act as guides in their relevant worlds and both are the female half of the sets of twins. Their role is similar but their personalities differ greatly:
Happy to see Alear vs Unhappy to see Alear
Framme is delighted when Alear awakens. She, and many of her predecessors, had waited over a 1000 years for Alear to awaken. Her excitement is demonstrated by cheers, squeals and general hyperactivity. When Alear arrives in the Xenologue universe they are greeted in a less hospitable manner than Nel. Nel even goes as far as saying that she would rather anyone else had answered their call. This is because Alear reminds her of the Divine Dragon she loved.
Playful vs Serious
Framme has a playful personality. She cheers and exudes positive energy. Sometimes she can be a bit of a scatterbrain, for example in the support conversation with Chloe she kept messing up her folk food order. Nel is calm, composed and professional. She generally interacts with others in a mellow and controlled fashion. 
Unprofessional vs Professional
Framme's forgetfulness, clumsiness and her struggle with academia, (See the support conversation with Diamant), might be considered unprofessional. Vander is often reminding her of her responsibilities. Nel acts in a professional manner, she tries to keep her emotions under control and take command of any situation. 
Defense vs Attack
Framme‘s upgrades into classes which focus on healing and defending such as Martial Master. Nel is an offensive unit that can attack as a dragon or with her lance. 
Open vs Closed
Framme wears her emotions on her sleeve. She gets upset when she thinks she has messed up, an example of this is when she disturbs the Divine Dragon's training with her cheering. She is fully open and honest about the situation Alear finds themselves in and the way she feels. Nel tends to keep her emotions under control until the point that she bursts. She keeps secrets about the situation in her universe and undertakes secret tasks without consulting others. 
Encourage vs Nag
Framme encourages Alear with her cheering and praise. When Alear first wakes up she provides comfort and understanding. Nel has a much more disciplinary approach to Alear. She scolds them harshly when they command the army without her permission. After she apologises she still speaks firmly to Alear and refuses to tolerate some of their behaviour, such as the waking up ritual. 
Insecurity vs Confidence
Framme is insecure in her abilities as a Steward. She beats herself up when she makes a mistake, examples are the support conversations with Vander, Alear and Chloe.  Nel is confident in her abilities, so much so that she is unafraid to take command. 
Kindness vs Kindness
Both the female twins are kind individuals. Framme helps Kagetsu write a letter to his parents and comforts Lady Anna. Nel takes on secret duties, such as killing the Corrupted royalty so Alear does not have to kill enemies with the same face as their allies, as well as being gentle with people; Rafal and Tiki describe her as gentle. 
Favourite items
 Framme's favourite items demonstrate an interest in training, (muscle balm and training weights) and fashion, (strong perfume and quality kerchief). Nel's favourite items demonstrate an interest in nature, (butterfly net and animal treats) and crafting/weaponry (fancy dagger and sharp chisel).  Framme‘s interests show that she is not delicate and finds her appearance important whereas Nel's interests show her abilities to be intricate and delicate with her hands and the importance she placed on her environment. 
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maudlxne · 3 months
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ @goofbcll liked for a STARTER ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Out of all the other PALADINS, HUNK was the one she understood the LEAST. Perhaps it was entirely her own fault in that regard. It's not that she DISMISSED him as much as his personality was an entire ODDITY to her. He didn't fit into the preconceived boxes she tended to place people in to better understand them.
For example, LANCE reminded her greatly of EZOR. Hyperactive, affectionate, yet far too hard on themselves. Noticing similarities in behavior made it easier for her to get a base read on a person. For ACXA wasn't entirely great with getting to understand people. Finding small talk to be PAINFUL and UNCOMFORTABLE she tended to avoid it when applicable.
HUNK didn't really match with anyone else she had known prior. Truthfully she had almost expected him to be a bit similar to ZETHRID but that expectation was quickly shattered leaving him a mystery to her. How could this man still be so KIND and GENTLE after all he had experienced? Was there anything he didn't like? did he even enjoy being a paladin?
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❝ HUNK, if I may be so bold, why DO you enjoy COOKING so much? ❞
Blue eyes turned to gaze at the man. For a soldier, it seemed like a waste of time and effort. For GALRAN soldiers most of their meals were condensed into high-protein and caloric-dense ration bars. To make things so complex for a meal you will consume seemed. . . strange.
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ask-the-fakers · 1 year
How do you feel about the other champions?
" I suppose that means the one's we aren't faking... Okay. Here you go."
Very mysterious and quiet, they don't really see anything remarkable about him other then the fact he defeated team rocket twice in two different regions. Xeroma especially doesn't like his personality in general.
Kinda annoying. They find him to be a bit egoistic and a bit talkative. He almost angered one them once.
Very inbetween. He treats Zaleria in particular like a young child which, while true, is only do to the fact that it's pretending to be Iris. And since those two seem to have a close friendship, they do get a bit annoyed with him. The others don't seem to mind him however.
He's not bad! He does ramble on a lot about rocks however, which in turn, can get a bit annoying. Since Xeroma is pretending to be Wallace, he interacts with him very well and so do they!
N (He counts, right?)
Similar to Red, just less mysterious and more friendly. They get along with him well and are generally very ok with him! However... Does he know there not the real deal?
Professor Kukui
Very educational and knows alot about Pokémon (who would've guess) and knows alot about a Pokemon's behavioural patterns. The fakers tend to use his knowledge for... Outdoor purposes.
Can be a bit loud and is dumb but they like him nonetheless. Mainly because he's quite oblivious. Of course he doesn't know they are fakers!
Very strict and kinda controlling. While they don't see her as a bad person, her strictness does throw them in a loop quite a bit. Xelerus has contemplated about killing her several times now. Maybe they will...
Nemona (Does she count too?)
Hyperactive and upbeat. Although the fakers don't appreciate her constant urges to battle people, they're completely fine with her. Except Aeromizin, maybe they just don't like extroverts.
They do not know who this guy is. Why do they keep bothering them like he's known them for a long time? Perhaps he knew the originals very well, but that won't be the case with them. (Also Zaleria almost lashed out at him once)
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autumnslance · 1 year
WoL Job Tiers
Saw this on Twitter, it's a Tiermaker chart of how good one's WoL actually is at the myriad jobs and classes available currently in FFXIV.
And since these are OCs with the power of God and Anime on their side, well we can do what we want...
Answers are In Character, as I have a couple Omni-Job characters, like the weirdo I am...
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The Hellsguard is very good at the martial jobs originating in Gridania, Archery and Lance. She's not an actual Dragoon, but she is an exceptional Bard. And a very good Warrior, channeling some suppressed rage into protective ability. Dancing is one she took to surprisingly well, seeing it as tied closely to her Bardic skills.
Dark is the OC who handles many of the Crafting and Gathering stories and is the best at those, while having varying competence at other martial skills. I've noted before she isn't capable of magic beyond a few rudimentary cantrips. Her large family and their fields and orchards are responsible for quite a few of her tradeskills--and her willingness to learn different ways to tussle with someone.
And while she can swing a giant sword or scythe quite well, she would never make a pact with a voidsent, and Dark Knight reliance on magic leaves it low on the list.
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Catgirl has a few things she is very good at, due to her growing up in the shadow of the Coliseum with the early emphasis on certain skills, like pugilism and dancing, though going so far as a Fist of Rhalgr or learning the Kriegstanz were unexpected. She's far more intelligent than many realize, given her hyperactivity and seemingly short attention span when seeing her in casual conversations. She can support her gemcraft hobby, and again it focuses mostly on her exposure in Ul'dah's upper middle class and the freedom to learn multiple things as desired.
She hasn't taken the time or interest in other skills. And for the Traders' sake, don't let that woman near a stove; Singing Willow has tried and given up. C'oretta's the kind that relies on take out and easy, ready-made foods, and the generous concern of her friends, lest she scald the pots trying to boil water.
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Iyna's simple; driven to excel at her chosen disciplines and with the Viera lifespan to manage it. Red Mage is high as it is cuz she can grasp the concept of combining her Black and White magics with sword work--though those magics were a bit of a surprise, after her time in the Empire. Reaper I debate her actually leveling, as she spent decades in Garlemald and was always looking for ways to buck authority. She knows how to forage for supplies, she lived in the East long enough to get some knowledge of the Samurai methods, and Geomancy and Astrology are linked so she has basic ideas. On arriving in Eorzea, she spent some time learning from the Marauder's Guild, but never progressed to Warrior nor Nymian Marine.
She's figuring out what hobbies even are, so other skills she hasn't bothered much with, though considers learning metalworks to better maintain her own tech and weapons, as Eorzea isn't quite as convenient in that regard as the Empire. Creative skills or the advanced academics of the Arcanist classes, however, is well beyond her capabilities or interests.
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Exceptional (Broken) Anime Protagonist Alert! Aeryn's always taken to combat skills with an exceptional and disturbing ease that sometimes makes her nervous; learning what she did in the First and Elpis made some of that make sense, she supposes.
She spent much of her youth studying any and all forms of magic, but with difficulty in execution until after the Calamity, giving her a base in fundamentals so when she did, she blossomed. Until then, however, she focused on her martial skills, and cross applies much of what she learns to each one of them. The ones she focuses on, though, tend to be natural inclination or a drive to succeed.
Dragoon she now thinks came so easily due to the connection to Avengret and how that affected Aeryn's Inner Dragon. Fishing is entirely Ardbert's fault; she'd barely touched a fishing pole before the First.
Everything else is dabbled in for familiarity, or hobby level and there just isn't the time or interest in mastering those skills.
Aeryn's a perfectionist and rather driven. And doesn't sleep quite as much as she should (until she crashes out for a bit, anyroad).
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(Look I may have leveled everything in this game--sometimes multiple times even--but that doesn't mean I know what the heck I'm doing beyond "proc lights up, push button." Also I have tiny hands, poor physical dexterity, and a wretched perception score. I know in theory how most of them should work, execution is a whole other matter.)
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deldeldel90 · 9 months
3, 5, and 6? (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
3: all time favorite pairing: Isolee (Isolde x leelathae) ofc!! <33 
5: favorite platonic pairing: Lance & Blaine as of the current!!! aahstsjshsh can't stop posting about them,, they are so perfect and they just make my Brain EXPLODE. rant incoming but 
Blaine and Lance just have That Something to them, that contrast, that shared past, that angst and that comfort and just—can you imagine having an ally in the constant competition for your father’s love (for your own safety), having a baby brother to protect and care for, and you've never. Can you imagine being ripped from your mother's arms, and the air of your kingdom is so much colder than the womb, and then suddenly—a year later, you're one, you're one and your father has only held you once, one is such a lonely number—you’re joined by this cooing ray of sunshine? You're warm for the first time in your life. He wears blue, you wear red. You feel so much bigger than him, so much older. He's so loud, so talkative, so hyperactive—at first, you don't understand it. You're a brother, but, more importantly, you're his brother. “Every king needs a knight,” your father whispered to you when you were seven and he was six. He was five, before. You agree, but you can't ever see Lance being the one protecting you—it’s too dangerous out there, you've seen the gladiator battles Father has you go to. In your mind, he's still six when you turn eight. He's still six when you turn sixteen and are deemed old enough to pose shirtless in those tabloid magazines. He is not an enemy, not when he's distracting you from piano lessons or sneaking you away for an extra cookie. Can you imagine? 
Can you imagine being born into a family without love? You don't get why Mom doesn't let you hug her, or why Dad has you stuck in a room with people too big, talking in those condescending voices as they point to letters. You want to run, and you do—you run, you fence. You're really good at fencing. You want the people you love to smile. You never know why they don't—you’re happy, your grin always hurts, so wide it dimples your cheeks. Mom smiled at you during dinner, once! Blaine’s smiled at you, in that half-sacronic tired way, more times you can count. (You're not good at counting.) You wear blue, he wears red. Brothers, you think, as you follow him into Academy, wearing your uniform looser than his. He's the student body president, you copy off the answers of last night’s homework from your buddy and Blaine sniffs, but, hey, he tells you about how Mr. Dovecote is particularly partial to students who bring him those fancy chocolates from the Gingerbread Man’s Catchin’ candy shop in the local town. You read this picture book, once—Andre said it was a graphic novel—about these two skeleton brothers with red and blue. You think they're just like him and you. You like hanging with your friends more than your studies, you don't like to read that boring Shakesphere stuff, you learned to do keg stands at sixteen years old. His nose wrinkles in disdain when you told him that, but he never told Dad about it. You admire him and tease him at the same time. He's your brother, you'll follow him into the end of the earth but that doesn't mean you won't laugh your ass off the second he trips on a pebble. You are second-born, raised by Blaine’s watchful eye and the people around you’s guiding hands, and you're raised to believe yourself capable. Your brother is wary around your father and that means you can't kick your feet under the table, you can't be a second late. Over the years, you learn why he's so scared. Sometimes, you don't know why he protected you for so long. But you know. You know, even with your dumb all-muscle brain. Can you imagine? 
6: favorite headcanon: oohhh I have so many headcanons 😭😭 okay but My Favorite would be that Isolde was definitely in a band. you can't tell me she wasn't, and she was DEFINITELY a guitar player. 
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