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vocaloightmares · 2 months ago
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urbex boi
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stormvanari · 1 year ago
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OC-tober: Day 27 (Monster)
They are the last Super Wing standing.
Their colleagues tried to hold back the intruders, but they managed to overwhelm the Super Wings easily.
Not even Paul, one of the more experienced Super Wings, stood a chance against the stronger intruders.
After witnessing Kim crash onto a wall of World Spaceport from the impact of a cannon holstered on one of the intruder’s arms, a horrified Shelia tightened their fists.
“It’s nothing personal, kid.” Said a masked individual donning a hooded cape. Shelia suspects that they are the leader of the invasion. “We’re just here to put on a show.”
Full Story
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stormvanari · 1 month ago
Upon typing these on the tags, it got really long so I'm resorting to the reblog style. Also, I'm mostly going for Rakumo's canon/plane version, but I'll also imply his human counterpart in bold text too:
Because he and his mother live in a smaller hangar, the space of Inei's (his civilian name) bedroom is medium. As the hangar has two floors, it is located on the 2nd floor where you can either take the stairs or fly up (if you're his little cousin Teen Wing/Vicky who is always excited to visit him).
A notable item in Inei's bedroom is his desk sitting near the only window leading to his balcony, which I will get to describing soon. He always does artworks there, and it's cleaner than those out in the patio. So, the desk is where the concept art magic happens. Usually, there is one big paper slapped on the center, traditional art materials (ex: a small cup of dirty water from the paintbrushes he used), and a couple of spray cans standing around it (some, however, are on the floor lying horizontally). Plus, there's a wide, but small rectangular desk lamp that lights up the paper for Inei to clearly see what he's working on. Below the desk is a small trashcan with crumpled balls of paper splotched with paint and colored sketches of unidentified drawings overflowing from the top. His desk chair also has his respirator hanging on the left armrest.
Across Inei's desk is his wardrobe, which composes of his urbex and casual clothing, both for home and/or outside. There's also a secret drawer containing his Rakumo outfit: only he knows where it is and how to open it.
On the right of Inei's bedroom's entrance/door is his bed. Its sheets are wrinkled and, if you squint, it has small food stains and crumbs hiding on the creases. There's also a big pillow and next to its left side is a used cracker box filled with coloring pencils and pens. Plus, a small stack of sketchbooks, some with corners of paper peeking out from their closed forms. They're right next to a wall, so they won't fall down easily when Inei sleeps and tosses-and-turns in strange positions. The bed's pillow can be propped on a wall to rest his back on.
There's also a small drawer on the right of his bed: on the top are his signature headphones and his phone, whose case is decorated in blue and black. Additionally, a small lamp with a switch on the stand's base to turn on and off. Lastly, sitting below is his empty urbex backpack: it’s gear are inside the drawers.
Now, remember the balcony I mentioned? Here we are now: the area is used for messier and bigger artworks. Inei used to do them inside, but he kept staining the floor and it has become a nuisance to clean them up (some still remain there to this day) constantly. The balcony also allows him to take a breather when he needs it: you'd find him leaning on the rail quietly looking out the view. Sometimes, Inei would look at the plants he bought for his insect visitors (he'd observe their behavior).
Many of the artworks Inei makes hang on the walls of his bedroom and down at the first floor of the hangar. To Teen Wing, some of the drawings have questionable intentions.
But there’s a big patch on the wall saved for a row of shelves (which I don’t have an exact number yet). There’s a couple items on it, such as a fluffy tarantula plush Teen Wing bought for him. Also “The Cardinal Cabin” merchandise and a few books, many about biology and art of media he likes.
What does your OC's bedroom look like?
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vocaloightmares · 3 months ago
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revised post-TW!Rakumo, aka the newest Teen Trouper
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vocaloightmares · 24 days ago
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it was just gonna be the kids only, but haven't done much with the adults....
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vocaloightmares · 3 months ago
The combat ways of this idol trio:
Teen Wing
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Teen Wing loves “beating the shit out of” and taunting nasty on her enemies.
The crime fighter often lands hard hits on her opponents that knocks them off their feet. Because close combat is her favorite tactic, she overwhelms them until they give a "round of applause" (surrendering) of her performance. This is supported by her arm cannons: in the form of stars appearing in front of the weapons' glowing nozzles, the strongest damage is through big stars, while weaker damage is dealt with smaller stars. They can also form certain "constellations" to mimic weapons akin to a gatling gun or sniper rifle. However, the shapes they are not as complex as those summoned from Milly Dilly's parasol. The arm cannons also help Teen Wing move around by pointing the nozzles down to, by blasting, launch herself up in the air. She can do cartwheels, or strike poses on the air to her heart's content.
Like a traditional metroidvania (or seeing her missions like those in Netroid), Teen Wing starts off with "spells" only shown from Kid Wing documentaries and related material. However, as the story progresses, she begins uncovering more spells as she gathers information about her missing role model. Eventually, she picks up the final and most powerful spell crucial to defeating Milly Dilly.
Teen Wing also lands kicks too. She enjoys bouncing on walls for making critical hits. As a bonus, sparks fly from both kicking and punching. The greater the damage is, the more sparks appear.
Similar to his daughter, the legendary Lance also “beats the shit out of” his enemies, but in a graceful and unpredictable manner. He's also what Teen Wing would be like at full power.
As a self-proclaimed "world class" fencer, he makes (frighteningly) fast and elegant swipes by the blade. Except he can dual-wield two fencers, and other swords of his choosing, shapeshifted from his default hands. The sharp tips of both weapons can also cast spells via the same stars as Teen Wing and can be used as launchers to move around (and strike dramatic poses whenever he wants to) in the air. Basically, oversized magic wands.
His favorite spell is summoning a big star that fires multiple projectiles (similar to the Storm Missile of Metroid Dread and Judgment, a signature move for the Mythical Pokemon Arceus).
One difference between the idols, however, is that Lance prefers "perfect timing." Specifically, he searches for the right place to strike his foes, whether it's the classic heart or a mad slash across the eyes. Teen Wing doesn't care where, but Lance prefers to pinpoint weak spots.
Like Teen Wing, sparks fly whenever Lance lands hits on his opponents, and he likes jumping around. In a very theatric fashion.
Everything's a stage play for Lance in fact. Just don't interrupt his battle soliloquies and monologues. Pray you get a spat and not a slash on the face.
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Literally Spiderman: punching, kicking, grappling onto and yeeting people after lassoing them.
Except this plane's a puppeteer. However, before Rakumo pulls strings, he has to knock a foe unconscious (it's very rare for them to get killed by a furious spider ninja) and it's usually done through stealth. During battle, he can choose more than one "ragdoll" and use them against his opponents' strengths in favor of their weaknesses. Sometimes, the puppeteer can get messy with his movements like his younger cousin, especially when he's blinded by anger. In other words, Rakumo mix-and-matches his assets, which is limited up to 2.
Outside of puppeteering, Rakumo can use his "strings" (invisible, but can be inferred by his glowing hands and ragdolls' eyes when activated) to grapple onto platforms or enemies.
When "ragdolls" are out of his range, Rakumo also commits physical attacks. His arm blades (or wings as a plane) are his notable unit: they appear as shark fins when they're deactivated and extend via activation. The tip lights up via emotion, but it doesn't add onto the damage the puppeteer makes. Rakumo is also a kicker: roundhousing, scissor, and sweeping are known examples.
Teen Wing is the only trouper to go against Rakumo as calling for backup will add onto the ringleader's power. Unless certain circumstances say otherwise.
Sometimes, I wonder what a Supercharge!Rakumo would be like....
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Anyways: all in all, Rakumo is the fist, Lance is the sword, and Teen Wing is the gun.
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vocaloightmares · 5 months ago
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“Watch your sugar, kid.”
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vocaloightmares · 8 months ago
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a very sane family
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vocaloightmares · 1 year ago
Assistant Troupe Director of the show-stopping Teen Troupe! ✨ Deck my cous @/websofury
⛓ ttroupe.xom
22 Following | 59 Followers
Inei | Commissions Closed
Street Artist at day, Teen Trouper at night 🕷 Destroy the little shit that is @/vicktorious
18 Following | 59 Followers
Ex-Legendary Super Wing now turned Director of Teen Troupe 🌟 I’m right here @/vicktorious and @/websofury
⛓ ttroupe.xom
20 Following | 59 Followers
Write your OC(s) a Twitter bio
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vocaloightmares · 10 months ago
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the masked idol and lone ninja
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vocaloightmares · 6 months ago
this was gonna be in the next lore post, but since it's put on hold for the time being and following below are not too relevant to that post...
have them :)
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vocaloightmares · 5 months ago
Part 2 of the TW Lore--Season 1 and 2 (V1):
Wuh oh, revised/rewritten bits from Part 1:
• The Pavere Carnival was subject to violent backlash for inducing nightmares on both children and adults visiting the attraction. Karakumo, the original ringleader during this time, was the public’s punching bag and sought ways to alleviate the madness. She consulted with Milly Dilly about this and the two worked to avoid potential risks. It all went well until influencers rose in popularity across the world, causing a blow on the Pavere Carnival’s visitor rate. Such an event caused MD to take drastic measures in making her employees more scarier. However, several accidents involving the carnival’s attractions immediately closed the Pavere Carnival for good. Many of MD’s employees remain by her side by working outside of the attraction’s ruins but some, including Karakumo, left because they disagreed with their former boss’ actions.
The PC’s shutdown happened before Karakumo joined the Super Wings, but she was still training Rakumo because he actually wanted to work with her since the teen didn’t like Milly Dilly’s ways of running the carnival. Karakumo’s student heard about the shutdown on the news and Rakumo’s someone that enjoys anything weird.
• The conversation between Karakumo and Lance at Venice: the former (now) specifically told the latter to stop the PC’s current ways of scaring the world. Lance said he doesn’t know much about the Pavere Carnival’s inner workings but would look into it while he works for the Super Wings...and deal with Karakumo. But the mention of the delivery organization prompted the puppeteer to inquire about Lance’s workplace. He was hesitant to explain about the Super Wings to his adversary but, being the psyche analyst he is, a side of Lance is convincing him that Karakumo was being nice/genuine for once.
A few years later, Vicky was enthralled by a documentary about the disappearance of a Legendary Super Wing named Kid Wing on TV. One of the things she enjoyed is the LSW‘s fighting style and how it was applied to take down criminals, even the supernatural ones, across the world. Vicky enjoyed his arsenal of firework weapons and began mimicking Kid Wing’s fighting style. As a result, she became a self-taught fighter.
But what Vicky didn’t like was the LSW’s unexpected disappearance. It bewildered her: why would a powerful plane suddenly let the bad guys come out from their hiding spots? Who would take his place to stop them?
And thus, Vicky requested to her dad if the troupe and herself can become both crime fighters and troupers.
Which resulted in Lance spitting out his morning drink one day upon hearing the news: he was reluctant at first, but a sparkling touch of convincing and big fat puppy eyes made Lance surrender because how can a dashing father disappoint his rising star?
In fact, the international acclaim of his troupe, which is now named as Teen Troupe, can boost if they were to combat the elusive Pavere Carnies. So comes S1: monster of the week, domestic banter, idol showdowns, you name it.
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.....Until we meet the ringleader of the Pavere Carnival in Slovakia who kickstarts the actual story of Teen Wing. Rakumo’s personality will then be further revealed in S2:
Teen Wing finds old news about the Pavere Carnival and how its ruins still stand today. Surprisingly, no sign of nature reclaiming is present: only fading paint indicates the grounds’ abandoned status.
She finds the Pavere Carnival’s ruins at an unspecified country a bit far from civilization. Perhaps it was located here to evoke their creepy feeling when the carnival was still operating.
But, Teen Wing finds a visitor roaming around the carnival’s grounds: a jet who introduced himself as Inei. He was a longtime regular of the Pavere Carnival and continues to visit after its closure. Moreover, the jet wanted to find any secrets the attraction stowed from public.
Inei’s also a really damn awesome graffiti artist. He’s vandalizing walls and repainting eroding carnival art.
(Important note: When you want to go urban exploring, bring someone with you like friends who provide assistance and fun. It’s way safer than going alone even though you think a particular abandoned place doesn’t look dangerous to you.)
So, Vicky and Inei introduced each other and the latter infodumps about the Pavere Carnival while the two jets walk around the ruins. At night, they fight as Teen Wing and Rakumo respectively and the two continue this routine until they take a really bad turn at World Spaceport.
The Super Wings fell victim to the ringleader’s puppetry and Teen Wing had to sneak around them, knowing the planes moved a foot like live mannequins every time she doesn’t turn back at the SWs. She had to find the power source in the ginormous World Spaceport to turn on the lights as fast as she can, but a big fight erupts between her and Rakumo revealing himself.
It was difficult for Teen Wing to avoid landing hard hits on the SW. Eventually, she managed to shatter Rakumo’s mask, revealing the same face back at the Pavere Carnival’s ruins: Inei.
Silent tension happened and TW’s anger was beginning to bubble up until, in a state of panic, Inei slashed the crimefighter across the face, partially damaging TW’s eyesight. Luckily, with the puppeteer fleeing the scene, the Super Wings woke up from their mannequin state and the lights turned back on. Noticing TW bleeding on the ground, the SW brought her to the medical wing quickly and patch her up.
From there, they would learn that TW is the alter ego of Vicky, a renewed Teen Trouper, but kept it a secret as the crimefighter's request. When Vicky woke up from her unconsciousness, she gave her organization's contact to the SWs to call. As a result, a distraught Lance burst into World Spaceport. He was about to fight the SWs with a glowing fencing sword buzzing with intense electricity, but Jerome, Sunny, and Sara convinced him otherwise altogether.
"Also. We're big fans of your troupe."
"Not right now, Sunny!"
Calm, Lance witnessed the SW making special glasses that can transform into Vicky’s signature Teen Wing mask. Vicky was happy about the advanced technology but is still reeling from Rakumo’s revelation.
Eventually, the crimefighter requested to have a break from work.
Luckily, one of the SWs recognized her costume being strikingly similar to a lost Legendary Super Wing. Vicky, and Lance following behind, was introduced to the Hall of Fame and learned more about Kid Wing than what the documentaries on television told her. There was also a plane whose name is unfamiliar to Vicky: Karakumo.
She wasn't a LSW, but often partnered up with Kid Wing, which hardened the frown on Lance's face.
Afterwards, he brought his daughter back to their home hangar and put her to bed. He kept a watchful eye on the assistant director, becoming even more protective than before that was extremely annoying to Vicky the next day.
But then again, she really needed physical comfort.
Meanwhile, fearing in the inside, Rakumo reported back to his boss about his failure in World Spaceport. But he was able to get vital intel about the Super Wings' connection to Teen Troupe. From there, the Pavere Carnival's operations will rack up.
At the end of the season, we would then get a name of the Pavere Carnival's big boss: Milly Dilly.
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stormvanari · 1 year ago
• TW, Rakumo, Loopy, Sonore, and Silvia major in Visual & Permorming Arts. Specifically:
-TW takes Drama
-Rakumo takes Fine/Studio Arts
-Loopy takes Dance
-Sonore takes Music Theory & Composition
-Silvia takes Music Performance
• Ripley majors in History
• Berylis majors in Physical Education & Coaching
• Ilya majors in Mental Health Counseling
• Darian majors in Mechanical Engineering
• Yurei majors in Law (wants to be a defense attorney)
• Jasmine and Cherry major in Community, Family, and Personal Services. Specifically:
-Jasmine takes Textile & Apparel
-Cherry takes Culinary Arts
• Dynoraptor and Razor major in Criminal Justice
• Giulia majors in International Business Management
• Emilio majors in Physiology (he wants to become a surgeon)
• H majors in Zoology (she loves birds, so ornithology specifically)
In a university AU, or if your OCs are already in college, what do they major in? If they’ve graduated, what degree(s) do they have?
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stormvanari · 1 year ago
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OC-tober: Day 9 (Future)
post-TW sees Rakumo joining and becoming a Teen Trouper
and his little shit of a cousin bullies him even more
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vocaloightmares · 1 year ago
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rakumo, but he gets SW instagram’ed 📸
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stormvanari · 1 year ago
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OC-tober: Day 20 (Inventory)
long-lost cousins go to the nearest convenience store before facing and/or throwing TTroupers and KCarnies at each other
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