deathsdue · 2 days
fankid meme // neka.cc // not accepting
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Danica, the morning star, and the ginger sister to her ginger brother
Also known as, when edgy meets peppy and devious happens
She'd be the Trickster class with a preference for swords. active and agile, it was always hard to keep this girl contained
she could use some of her brother's fear because Dani seems to think nothing will ever beat her ever. she gets a thrill out of everything and is always quick to react. her mother is the only one that can keep up with her high energy but
Danica, or Dani, also has a flair for the dramatic and probably spent too much time around uncle owain or something
Like her brother, she enjoyed listening to the stories of her parents as a kid and got real hyped over re-enacting said stories. it's not that she believes everything verbatim but she does enjoy the grandeur
and where her father has a predilection for masks and her mother for flowers, dani loves hats. the bigger the better, and with a feather is always best
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realmsprotector · 5 days
♡ teehee :3c
Cynthia! You had another son!
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-Meet Alexandre ! Cynthia wanted a heroic name for him and Alexander was already taken, so they cheated.
-Once, as a kid, he asked his parents what weapons they used, both of course replied a lance! So he decided he'd be an axe wielder because there are too many lances in this household.
-He's a twink tho, so he has to train and practice a lot to be able to lift the axe he chose! Time to ask Aunty Lissa how she does it.
-The Geoffrey Genes were strong in that one too, but! He inherited Sumia's eyes! And his affinity with flower reading, not that he does it often, but when he's bored, it helps pass the time.
-What he didn't inherit from parents or grand parents, is his fear of anything with four legs. He will never be a cavalier, he will stay as a foot soldier, thank you very much. Ironically enough, pegasi ADORE him. They often chew on his hair while he's frozen in place.
-Hyperactive, he never stops. Never. Even Cynthia gets tired trying to follow, sometimes. But when he crashes? He crashes. Will always have a good 8 hours sleep and be back full force the day after!!
-Seriously, only horses and pegasi can stop him from running and jumping around non stop.
-He still doesn't know what he wants to do in life, but that's okay, he still has time! However he does like going on adventures and helping people, so, that's something to think about.
-He keeps a part of his hair longer (he prefers it short) for Cynthia to braid, he likes that little activity between mother and son, he even lets her put ribbons and stuff on said braid (but just the braid, leave the rest of his hair alone!) if she wants.
-Loves his parents dearly, would die for them!!!! (Please don't.)
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cutestrival · 6 months
Cynthia knocks on her door. "Heyyyy!! Do you wanna join the justice cabal? It'll be so cool and fun! You could finally be a hero instead of a supervillain!"
"The...?" But Selena's words fail her. Composing herself, thoughts spinning through her head, she only snorts,
"You've gotta be joking!" A pause. "Since YOU'RE asking me though, sure."
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ofdusk · 4 months
✧ ⁺ - @justicespeared asked:
[Spaghetti and Meatball ] "Huh? What the..." Cynthia looks down at the dish. "Who serves a dish with one lousy meatball!" She pokes at it with a fork distastefully. She's hungry! She doesn't want just one meatball. She turns to her companion. "Is your dish as lousy as mine?"
Though she was seldom one to complain, Corrin had been wondering the same. It takes a quick surveying of the other plates arranged on the serving table to realize that no, they are not the only ones in such a predicament.
"It would seem so..." Her brows pinch, fascinated. Never before has she seen such a modest serving. Though she is hardly too upset by it, the other seems to be. Corrin holds her plate out.
"Take mine, then! It's hardly much more, but it's better than one."
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dawnswhitestar · 4 months
[ Trip ]
"Woah, wait-!" It's like Cynthia's legs have become noodles and, somehow, she manages to kick Kamui's legs out from under him. Desperate, she tries to keep him upright, but ends up tumbling down with him. She lands heavily on top of him. She's going to die. This is how she dies.
"Sorry, I-" She scrambles to sit up. "This is embarrassing. I have no coordination and-" She practically throws her brooch at him. "Here, people are collecting these, right? So! Here!"
As he hit the ground with a thud, he was stunned for a moment, a surprised expression on his face. How was he supposed to react to something like this? They were having a good time dancing, and then a moment later he got hit in the legs and now he’s on the floor.
It wasn’t until there was another thud of Cynthia going down with him, that his mind finally caught up. “Pfft.. ahahahahaha!” He couldn’t help but laugh. Not at Cynthia, but at himself and the situation. He was used to clumsy antics, but this was a new one.
“Haha.. don’t worry about it.” After the laughter died down, he spoke to reassure the girl. Standing back up, he handed her a feather off his brooch in return. “How about we try again? Would be a shame to cut the dance short, don’t you think?”
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amitieos · 4 months
[Pomegranate ]
Cynthia stares down at the bowl of... red dots. What is she supposed to do with these? Eat them one at a time? A mouthful of them? Nah, no way, she's not dealing with this. She turns to her companion. "Hey, how about we swap? You can get my black feather brooch and my, uh... this, for your brooch and whatever you're eating?"
"Oh, do you not like them? I've already eaten one of the buns but you're more than welcome to take the other two," Elincia hands her plate of sweet buns, eagerly anticipating the ruby red pomegranate seeds. Perhaps she could find some way to sneak these out of the ballroom. "My pegasus simply adores pomegranate seeds! He'll be ever so grateful."
"I'd be thrilled to swap trinkets," Elincia giggles lightly, taking the proffered feather in hand, "we have the same accessory, yet somehow this one feels far more precious than my own. Thank you."
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firelles · 4 months
[ Fireflies ]
Céline is gorgeous. Cynthia can't help but admire her in her green gown, her long flowing hair, the jewels in her hair-
Wait. Those aren't jewels. Cynthia squints, and she notices the 'jewels' are moving. They're caught in her hair. Uh oh. Cynthia approaches her very, veeeery slowly.
"Hey, don't move, but you have a thousand fireflies in your hair," Cynthia tells her with a grimace.
She has been enjoying observing the occasional firefly flutter past green hues, lighting her path with their everlasting glow. Céline finds herself lost in the moment; she knows not how long she has been watching.
That is hardly to say she wants them within her long blonde hair. And so many? How could she possibly not notice? Perhaps she has been too distracted by the luscious life her eyes have been glued upon. Regardless, her expression begins to widen.
Cynthia says not to move and Céline believes as much to be true, but her body reacts first. "Are you certain..?! That cannot be..!" It is too late. She raises a hand to hover atop her head, finding herself twirling in place far too long. If she were not so distracted, the pink tint atop her cheeks would yield embarrassment.
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verseandrhyme · 4 months
[ Wish ] - Have you ever wanted to wish upon a star, but never been lucky enough to witness the real thing? That’s too bad, because these magical stars streaking across the sky probably still don’t count, but they are gorgeous - and more than pretty enough to watch with a special someone else.
"Woah," Cynthia sighs up at the sky. It's gorgeous, really. She's never seen anything like this. It's an endless shower of stars, streaking across the stars. It takes a moment before she realises she's not alone. "Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to ignore you. Uh, here! Take my brooch as an apology!" She thrusts a black feather at Mitama.
"Oh no, please!" Mitama holds her hands, but the other student is already shoving a feather her way. "Do not feel the need to apologize, it is not as though I claim any ownership over the sky or stars."
Mitama herself had not exactly noticed the other student either until she had spoken up, in truth.
"If you are going to gift me yours, it is only fair I do so in turn." She pulls out her own brooch and its trail of pearls and offers it for her to take. "Really, I insist."
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pridelessdaydreamer · 6 months
hm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, she seems nice-ish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?
meow meow meow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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justicespeared · 6 months
justicespeared — a private roleplay blog for Cynthia from Awakening. Golden Deer student. affiliated with The Officers Academy. wielded by Cyan (he/her/they idm)
note: i can't read overly formatted posts! i'll also increase font size to regular if asked c:
mobile links:
about || stats || headcanons || mun
(last updated: 05/09/2024)
Cynthia is set some time post canon. Her ending is her solo ending where she ended up traveling to be a hero, but no one takes her seriously. Hence, Garreg Mach.
I've set her second parent as Cordelia, making Severa/Selena her older sister. If a Cordelia and/or Sumia come along and dislike this, PLEASE say and I will remove the headcanon immediately.
I'm assuming all her canon supports are at A, unless otherwise stated.
Shipping can only take place in AUs as Cynthia is currently in a relationship with Gerome! Sorry about that.
I love AUs! Timeskip stuff or whatever - come at me. Let's talk :3c
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raijintosworn · 5 months
CYAN'S MOST WANTED! (May edition)
Cynthia! @justicespeared
Oh deer oh deer, here we are again! With Cynthia as a Golden Deer, she can be used for any of the mission board tasks! But, here are the ones that interest me most (and her draft pile is bigger right now, so I'll focus more on Ryoma for this one!).
Non mission tasks!
We're the original Odd Couple!
So Cynthia may or may not have hidden so many petals from fortune telling and to save for her entrances that they've started rotting. No big deal. The bugs aren't a big deal either. Soooo she needs a place to crash! Please? She'll be the BEST roommate ever.
Going on a silly walk for my mental health
A great way to make new friends! pspspsps come outside with Cynthia
Ryoma @raijintosworn
As my newest addition, he has no threads. Too bad so sad </3 let's fix that by giving him new friends! I'm open to plots outside of the mission board too just hmu!
Cultural spirits
Kinda just want Ryoma to go to a festival and get a little silly with some spirits! Idk the title isn't strong but!! Get silly with Ryoma it'll be funny.
The price of living
Ryoma doesn't know why he's alive. The rumour of a cure saving lives will absolutely intrigue him, just to see if that's what saved him.
groans of increasing discomfort
He's gonna be pissed if he goes on the field trip to the roundtable meeting. Watch him make more and more annoyed comments under his breath like "I wouldn't have done that". Like he's still crown prince. You're not, Ryoma; you're some guy.
Non mission
Idk this is a cute prompt! That's all. Open to anyone, but especially family. Or enemies. :3c.
And who could forget dear rat boy?
Missing students? As faculty, he must look into this. Help him squish rats! (Plus he could always use more sword.)
Take him outside please I am begging
I didn't have a good title for this either LMAO. Expeditions are fun!! Ryoma needs friends!! Please for the love of all that's holy.
I'm open to other plots (outside of mission boards), just hmu! I ask that you either DM me on Discord (vehicroids), IM me on whoever you want (like please don't ask for Cynthia on my Ryoma blog and vice versa), or @ me in the server! I look forward to hearing from you c:
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deathsdue · 5 months
[ Cue the Music ] Cynthia slid up to him with a big grin on her face. "Sooooooo," she said, really drawing out the word. "It's a dance. We haven't danced yet." She felt a pang of giddiness in the pit of her stomach. She knew he didn't feel that way about her, and that was fine, but she could at least have this, right? "Just one dance? Please? I'll never ask again if you say yes!"
Gerome froze the second Cynthia slid up beside him. It had been a thought that this would happen, that she would ask, it was only inevitable given the setting.
Yet...if he danced with her, she would see how much of a fool he really was. He couldn't dance. All he had ever been good for was being a tool on the battlefield. At the same time, tonight was about being different. Being someone he wasn't. It was why he had allowed himself to be dressed like this.
So...this person he wanted to be...what would they say to Cynthia?
"...You could find a better dance partner than me."
Ah...not quite. This was harder than he thought.
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cutestrival · 5 months
[Coffee ] - More specifically, a mocha brewed with Almyran coffee beans and Dagdan chocolate and served with hot milk. A sweeter variation of the drink taking Fódlan by storm. 
"Hey! Hey, Selena!" Cynthia is clearly buzzing with untapped energy. On a good day, this is bad news. But she's holding a cup of coffee-chocolate-whatever, which is way worse. The sugar rush is about to hit. It's bad news for Selena. "Have you tried this stuff? It's so good. And you totally need a boost, cause you're always so frowny, so I got you a cup too!"
“Oh, Cynthia!” She looks down at the outstretched beverage. It swirls delightfully in her friend’s excited hand, and Selena catches a whiff of a pleasant chocolate smell. “Just what I needed. I’m starving.” Without even an ounce of gratitude in her voice, she takes the cup and downs a loud gulp. Immediately her body feels renewed. “Jeez this is good. Where did you get this?” Remembering her company, she quickly adds, “I mean, Jakob can make better. Not that you’d know him. Wait, while you’re here, do you want to exchange, um…?” Selena holds up her brooch decoration inquisitively.
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Angela Continues to Ramble || Accepting@justicespeared
you’re so rad oh my god
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