#( mason01 )
heyits-asher · 13 days
CLOSED STARTER for @masoncambridge
"You got five dollars? Because I wanna ride the carousel. See that-" Asher points to the ride doing its slow rotation around the center cylinder piece, beneath the yellow lights and its own personal circus-like music. The horse he originally pointed at rounds out of their line of sight, but he concludes, "I wanna ride that white one that's on it's back legs."
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"Please, sir, I'm poor, and I ain't ever ridden a horse so majestic before."
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paxton-brady · 9 days
CLOSED STARTER for @masoncambridge
“I always get destroyed in the bumper cars, so that’s a hard pass. But I’m down to try the pendulum, maybe?”
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Paxton looks up to watch the ride as it begins its slow twirl in tandem with a swing, each back-and-forth going higher and higher. He stops sipping his milkshake to crane his head back and look all the way up with a wince. “Actually… I take it back…”
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aeris-flores · 13 days
CLOSED STARTER for @masoncambridge at the summer bash
The flash sale has been bringing an influx of customers in, ranging from the straggling tourists to the locals that can finally take a deep breath of relief. The summer is over, and Aurora Bay is due to fall into a lull. Which is exactly why Aeris took advantage of a sale opportunity for this event. He leans toward Mason, his brows raised.
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"Why haven't you come down to Crescent Moon for a tat? Could totally see you rocking the 'hot girl summer' one we have on our flash sheets."
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fadingobjectrp · 2 years
Evan froze as soon as he felt his coach’s breath against his ear. It was dumb to deny how attracted he felt to him but he never expected him to make such a bold move, especially since he has always tried to hide his desire for him. 
“Ah– Mr. Delgado...,” He moaned as soon as Mason started groping his ass, his voice getting weak as he said his last name. “We shouldn’t–” he said, his head moving slowly from side to side to say no, but his body started to give in, leaning back, towards the other’s hand and body. His football tights getting tighter around his crotch, he tried to fight it but one of his wildest fantasies was happening in real life, that and having his body touched by a hand that doesn’t belong to him it’s exhilarating. 
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julianpistris · 4 years
Where: Lorenzo Vittori’s Funeral Party | The Vittori When: 1pm, Post Event
Julian hadn’t attended the ceremony, leaving the actual mourners to cry as Lorenzo’s casket went into the ground. There was just nothing that he found appealing or important about it... he’d seen his own brother’s funeral, the shameless display seeming to matter more for the living than the dead. When his own time came, he didn’t really give a shit what they’d do with his body. Donate it to science, throw it in a dumpster, it wasn’t like he was going to be needing it. Nonetheless, he decided to make an appearance at the Vittori for the so-called after party. The Lobby was decorated with rich black curtains, the hoard of attendees dressed in varying shades of onyx. He’d thrown on an old jacket to blend in- a Pistris showing solidarity with the fallen King, even if it meant being uncomfortable for an hour or two. Spotting a familiar face near the drinks, Julian made his way over to the man. “When I go, make sure there’s an open bar- this lemonade and water thing is a little... cheap.”
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agata-almeida · 4 years
Date: 26th of October, Saturday
Time: 8 PM
Location: camping grounds
Availability: @yoonmason​
You dropped something
If it weren’t for the Kensingtons’ compelling rebuttal to Agata’s statement of absence for the year’s Halloween fest, the lawyer-to-be would have been holed-up in her dorm, avoiding all social interaction to study instead. It wasn’t that Agata was trying to be an overall misanthropic person - after all, she had a network to broaden - however, the past event had proven her that the grounds of Astor had become a battle plain between the mysterious gang called Arsonists and the higher powers. No one was safe, especially her - an accused nonconformist. For the sake of her studies, since she longed to graduate, proceed to law school and become one of the most influential lawyers and female leaders in the industry, Agata wanted to hide. She was, however, convinced by her peers that she couldn’t let Halloween Fest go by without participating. It turned out that unwanted attention from the student body, and a heated interrogation by Arthur Astor wasn’t enough to defeat the need to live her best life in college.
As she neared the source of the heat during that chilly Autumn night, Agata clung to her baggy windbreaker. She was about to make a straight beeline to the roaring bonfire ahead when she felt the sole of her sneaker land on a solid item. She quickly lifted her foot and bent down to check. Upon closer inspection, she discovered that someone had lost their phone. “Oh!” She exclaimed and picked it up. She wiped it against the material of her jeans and monitored the area for the owner. The closest person to her was a male student who had his back turned to her. He didn’t seem to have lost anything in her point-of-view, but despite the uncertainty, Agata approached him from behind and tapped his shoulder to catch his attention. “Is this yours?” She asked with brows slightly raised in wonder. She held the phone out to him and waited for a response.
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miaxcostello · 5 years
Snapping her phone shut, Mia absentmindedly stirred the sauce in the pot before her, the girls mind a miles away from cooking. It amazed her that after five years of weekly visits at the prison, without the chance to even contemplate a simple touch, one small text was all it would take for Mason to rile her up. Had she not already considered him one of her closest friends, it would have also infuriated her a bit. Like most girls, Mia liked to think she could play it pretty cool. And she could, though it was clear she was out of practice after being off anything remotely romantic for the past three years. 
Hearing that anticipated knock on the door, she nearly dropped her cell in the pot in her hurry to get from the kitchen and to the entrance hall. Flying across the floor, she just barely managed to halt on the other side of the door. Taking a deep breath before she calmly turned the handle and let the door swing open to reveal the more than welcoming sight of Mason himself. “Okay, were it not for the fact that we’re friends, I’d have classified this as a serious booty call.” she teased, slowly backing up so he could come inside, her head tilting curiously while her lips pulled up into a warm smile. 
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morriganledoux-blog · 5 years
Date: July 24th location: Four Horsemen hideout @pestilcnts
Their manor served as a way to meet in secret, as a way for Morrigan to live freely and without her family calling her the devil’s whore. There���d been worse results in the past, but, frankly, who can blame them? Mass had turned into a display of death and decay back then, the church a vessel of darkness and hell on earth. She’d tainted her family history, but, luckily, Morrigan was part of a new, much better one. She loved her best friends more than words could ever really convey. Seeing them in pain or distress caused Morrigan to feel similarly, sympathize with them, a trait she once put off as weakness. 
“Pestilence,” Morrigan walked towards the sitting Mason, slowly, almost as if she was unsure how to make him happy just then. Kneeling in front of him as one devout nun would’ve to pray, she absentmindedly reached towards his cheek, laid her hand against it just to create a physical contact with him. Smiling softly, Morrigan remained in her position while feeling his heartbeat, the life pumping through his veins, the chaos resting in his bones for now, ready to be let out any second. “You are still loved, never alone. Sofia might’ve chosen her path, but you’ve always belonged with us, in here.” Both her hands traced over his shirt. “The dead predict a change in pace and we’ll be its orchestrators.”
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palexbloodxpride-blog · 10 years
pale-wary-mason liked your photo
evigan-hierx liked your photo
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"Please tell me you're staring for a reason? Or do I have something on my face?"
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miaxcostello · 5 years
Mia: you promised to text me the moment you got your but home.
Mia: Maseeee where is my text? Are you okay?
Mia: Also I made too much dinner and wanted to ask if you would help me eat it.
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fadingobjectrp · 6 years
Sebastian leaned against the door while a bunch of kids walked out of the classroom, knocking a couple of times to get the attention of his former teacher. “Mr. ... Mason?” He asked, trying to remember his last name and failing. “Can I talk to you for a second?”. 
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