#( march 30 )
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pokimoko · 2 years ago
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One year ago today, The Goldfish (Moon Knight) gave me Problems (brainrot).
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throwbackgaylor · 11 months ago
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march 30, 2015 | nine years ago today
taylor followed an exclusive kaylor blog on tumblr, kaylor-love. they regularly and only posted content shipping kaylor, including fan art and edits, but predominantly fanfics that they made of the two. she still follows them to this day
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shisasan · 2 years ago
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March 30, 1928 The early diary of Anaïs Nin, 1903-1977
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happybirthday-unusannus · 11 months ago
Happy 4th Birthday to
“Ultimate YouTuber Boxing Showdown”
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lulublack90 · 11 months ago
Prompt 30 - Diamond
@jegulus-microfic March 30 Word count 992
Previous part First part
Peter cowered in the middle of the cell. James and Sirius stood in front of him, glaring down at the pitiful man. 
Evan had put a block on Peters's magic while he’d been unconscious so he couldn’t transform into his animagus form. 
Sirius twirled Peters's wand in his hand, looking eerily like Regulus. Peter didn’t stand a chance. 
They’d decided, in case anything went wrong, that it was best if only the two of them were seen by Peter. Remus was supposed to be with the werewolves. Regulus, the Rosier twins and Barty were supposed to support Voldemort. If Peter somehow wormed his way out of this, he could potentially ruin everything they had so far accomplished and put them all in danger.  
“James, please!” Peter begged from the ground. “I was scared. I didn’t know what I was doing.” James clenched his jaw. Peter was lying to him. He caught the back of Sirius’s robes to stop him from leaping on Peter. 
“You knew exactly what you were doing, Peter when you got me to reveal that Sirius was still alive. You took me out to lunch and wheedled it out of me, and then you went straight to your master and spilled your guts. How could you betray me? How could you betray Sirius?” He was spitting by the end of his tirade.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. The Dark Lord he—he threatened my life if I didn’t do as he said.” Peter was crying now. Fat tears dripped down his face and turned the stones beneath him black.
“And Sirius would die if Voldemort decides to send someone after him because of the information you fed him.” He had to stop as his voice began to feel thick. 
“We were your brothers, Peter! We would have done anything for you! We would have died for you. You could have come to us if you were scared. But you know what? I don’t think you were sacred. I don’t think he did threaten you. I think you went to him yourself. You always were a little rat.” Sirius pounced, his hands curling into claws as he attacked the screaming Peter. 
James dragged his friend off the quivering mess on the floor. 
“Sirius, calm down. We need to find out what he knows.” James whispered harshly into Sirius’s ear. Sirius growled and spat on the floor beside Peter. 
“Then, let’s hurry up and do it, James. I don’t know how much longer I can keep myself from turning into Padfoot and using my teeth.” Sirius gnashed his teeth together as though Padfoot was already trying to break through. James ran a calming hand down Sirius’s back, and his friend immediately unpuffed his chest and backed away from Peter a step. 
“Come on then, Peter. What else have you told Voldemort?” James’s voice was cold. He’d never been betrayed like this before. Even Regulus had never hidden his intention to join the Death Eaters, though, with Regulus, it was because his mother had given him no other choice. Peter had had many options, and he still chose Voldemort. 
“N-n-nothing. I haven’t told him anything else.” Peter whimpered. 
“Liar,” Sirius snarled. His eyes twitched as he stared at Peter. It took James a second to realise Sirius was performing legimency on Peter. 
After a few minutes, Sirius turned away and strode out of the cell. James conjured heavy manacles and chained Peter to the wall. He found Sirius curled up in Remus’s lap. He looked up when James walked in. His eyes were dull. The usual diamond gleam and sparkle that resided there had been ripped away by whatever he’d seen inside Peter’s head. 
“He told them everything.” He croaked. “Everything we’ve ever said about our assignments, everything from the meetings.” He let out a sob. “James, he was planning to help death eaters get into your parent’s house.” James felt the blood drain from his face and Regulus’s arms wrapping around him. 
“How—how far along was his plan?” He choked out, looking back at the door he’d just come through. 
“Not very. He hadn’t even mentioned it to Voldemort yet. I think they’re safe.” Sirius still looked panicked. They were his parents as much as James’s. 
“Anything else?” James asked, not sure if he wanted to hear anymore. 
“I was right. He joined them voluntarily.” James felt any loyalty he felt for Peter slip away. That man wasn’t his friend, and he couldn’t believe he’d ever trusted him. 
“What do you want to do?” Regulus asked, holding him close. James bit back the pain. He’d deal with it later. 
“We need to give him to Moody and make sure he knows he can’t make a deal with him.” 
It took some juggling, but they eventually managed to get Peter to one of the Order safe houses, and Moody appeared moments later, wand raised. 
“What are you doing here without permission?” He barked, still not lowering his wand. 
“We caught your spy. You’re welcome.” Sirius growled at him. 
“That wasn’t the plan, Black.” They were glaring at each other. 
“Yeah, well. He was planning on killing the Potters, among other things. He went to Voldemort and asked to join them. It’s time he was caught.” Moody didn’t argue. Effie and Monty Potter were loved by all, and even the grizzled Alastor Moody didn’t want to see anything bad happen to them. 
“Fine, I’ll get the rest of the information out of him and find somewhere to keep him.” He grabbed Peter’s shoulder and began shoving him further into the house. 
“No deals, Mad-Eye.” James’s tone was a warning. Moody scrutinised James from head to toe and snorted through his nose. 
“Fine, no deals.” 
James and Sirius went to the Potters house, needing to see they were safe and hug them. James had a quick conversation with Regulus, explaining what had happened between them and Moody, and then he was in Effie’s arms. 
Final part
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newyorkthegoldenage · 11 months ago
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George S. Kaufman (left) and Moss Hart, veteran co-authors of stage successes, with Hart's wife, Kitty Carlisle, at the Stork Club, March 30, 1948.
Photo: Robert Wands for the AP
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todaysdocument · 11 months ago
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Letter from George Washington to Representative James Madison Regarding Plans for His Arrival in New York City for the Inauguration
Record Group 59: General Records of the Department of StateSeries: Letters ReceivedFile Unit: January THRU June 1789
Mount Vernon Mach 30th 1789    67
My dear Sir,
I have been favored with your letter of the 19th by which it appears that a quoram of Congress was hardly to be expected before the beginning of the [next?] week.  As this delay must be very irksome to the attending members, & every days continuance of it (before the government is in [illegible] be more sensibly felt.  I am resolved, none shall proceed from me that can not be avoided (after notice of the election is announced)and therefore I take the liberty of requesting the favor of you to engage a lodging for me previous to my arrival.  Mr Lear who has already lived with me three years as a private secretary, will accompany, preceed me in the stage - and (7) Colo Humphreys, I presume, will be of my Party & Mr Lear.  On the subject of those lodgings, I will be frankly declare to you that I mean to go into none, but hired ones.  If these cannot be had, tolerably convenient (then I shall not be nice about them).  I would take Rooms in the most decent Tavern, till such time as house <s>shall</s> can be provided for the reception more permanent of the President.  I have already declined a very polite & pressing invitation from the Governor, to lodge at his house till a place <s>can</s> could be prepared for me; after which should any other offers of a similar nature be made  &  then could be no propensity in my acceptance of it.  But as you <s>know</s> are fully acquainted with my sentiments on this lead, I shall only add that as I mean to avoid private families on the one hand so on another I am not anxious to be placed, <u>early</u> in a situation for entertaining; for which reason private lodgings till I can feel the way a little would not only be more agreeable to my own wishes, but, more consistent, possibly with the principles of sound policy.  For as it is my intention to conform to the public desire & expectation, with respect to the <s>proper</s> style [illegible] for the President to live in, it might be then to know what those are before he enters upon it.  After all something may perhaps have been decided upon before this shall have reached you that may make the request negatory.  If otherwise I will only in one word say that my wish is to be placed in an independent situation <s>with a view to what</s> for the purpose I have next.
The Hon[ora]blee Jas. [James] Madison
30th Mar. 1789
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typelikeagirl · 2 years ago
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gracie-bird · 10 months ago
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On the eye of her departure for Monaco to wed her Prince Rainier, Grace Kelly was presented with a silver medal and citation by the US Treasury Department for her work on behalf of the US Savings Bonds program in New York on March 30, 1956. She is shown with the medal, which was formally presented by John R. Buckley, director of the Treasury's Savings Bonds division.
*Photo by Frank Jurkoski via eBay and restored by @gracie-bird
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minabaei · 2 years ago
The webton <재혼 황후 / The Remarried Empress / The Second Marriage> Season 3 will Return on March 30th, 2023!!
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queercryptid · 10 months ago
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thethirdman8 · 11 months ago
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Billy Shakespeare seems to really enjoy his very own rug.. Should have done this years ago.. Pain my asteraceae..🌻🐈 Hey, it's van Gogh's birthday today, must make a few posts.. The rug really tied the room together, ah Billy?
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throwbackgaylor · 11 months ago
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march 30, 2018 | six years ago today
the ‘delicate’ vertical video was released on spotify and taylor also posted it to instagram
during it, she teased ‘lover’ with her nail colors and wore the vs angel ring as well as the matching diamond eye ring she has with karlie kloss
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shisasan · 2 years ago
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March 30, 1928 The early diary of Anaïs Nin, 1903-1977
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musickickztoo · 11 months ago
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Dana Gillespie *March 30, 1949
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anniehathaways · 2 years ago
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annehathaway: Thank you for the lovely time talking #wecrashed @ wsjmag!
Writer: @ marisameltzer Photography: @ danmartensen
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