#( lemme know if you aren't feeling it and I'll try something different! )
ddejavvu · 1 year
could I request something for dilf!derek morgan with a chubby reader, maybe something where she's feeling a little self-conscious to go out with the team to a bar please?
ooh okok so this is older!morgan who still works for the bau and reader is just younger than him (but still over 18 of course)
cw: body insecurities, don't read if this will make you uncomfortable.
"Knock knock," Derek calls, even though he's only rapping his knuckles against the side of your desk, not on a door, "Ready to go, pretty thing?"
"Hm? Oh," You laugh sheepishly, glancing up from where you're packing your things, "I was actually planning on just going home. Bars aren't really my scene."
"They're not Reid's either," Derek reasons, "But he's already in the elevator. C'mon, again? You ditch us every time."
"I'm usually busy!" You defend, standing and throwing your bag over your shoulder, "I have a life, y'know."
"Yeah, but I heard you tell JJ last week you weren't doing anything over the weekend," Morgan watches your eyes grow infinitesimally wider, "-and you still didn't come. What's the deal, you really don't think you'd have a good time? We'd be there with you, it's not like we all split up and leave each other hanging. The point of going is to go together."
"Yeah, I just- I don't know," You shake your head, stepping into the elevator when Derek's thick fingers press the button to open the doors, "Bars just have- atmospheres, y'know? Like, certain expectations. And I don't like those."
"Expectations," Derek's nose wrinkles slightly as he narrows his eyes at you, "Y/L/N, you don't think we go there to fuck, do you?"
"No! No," You shake your head, "Well- I mean, no, but that is the sort of thing you dress for when you go to a bar. I couldn't just wear this."
You slap your hands against your thighs, clad in work pants.
"You could," Derek shrugs, "But you've got your go bag right there. Why not change in the bathroom?"
"These are all work clothes," You huff, "It's okay, Morgan. I'll enjoy a night at home."
"No," Derek insists, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall of the elevator as the doors finally shut, "You're telling me you don't have any casual clothes in there? No shorts? No t-shirts? How do you plan on going undercover if need be?"
"I hope I never have to," You smile forcefully at him, stomach jumping as you pretend it's just from the movement of the elevator, "Shorts aren't my scene either."
"Y'know, it doesn't sound like this is about bars at all," Derek raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, "This sounds like it's about you. What's going on with you where you can't wear shorts and don't like trying to look sexy?"
You refuse to answer, staring down at the bulge of your stomach instead, but your silence is all he needs.
"Okay," Derek drawls, fingers jamming the suspend route button on the elevator. He ignores your bewildered protests, "Lemme get this straight. You're not comin' tonight 'cause you've got issues with your body?"
"It's not that deep," You urge, but tears threaten to pool at your lower lids, "Derek, please, I just want to go home."
"It is that deep. Y/N. You got issues with Garcia's body?"
"No!" You rear back, staring at him with an indignant, horrified gaze, "Why would you say that?"
"'Cause yours shouldn't be any different," Derek glares at you, "You think she should stay home, too?"
"Absolutely not! If she wants to go, then she should go." You huff, "And- and she looks fantastic in anything!"
"What are you not getting?" Derek reaches over to flick his finger against your temple, "Dummy, the same goes for you!"
"I don't think so," You swat his hand away, reaching for the resume route button, "People are always meaner to themselves than to others. It's normal. Just- let me be."
"No." He scoffs, "I'm not gonna let you be. You're being dumb. Come on," He takes your hand, dragging you out of the elevator when the doors slide open, "I'll drive you back to your apartment, and you can change into whatever you want. We can even make it a lil' fashion show," He promises, pulling you towards the parking garage, "I'm a great hype man, Y/L/N, by the time we're done you'll feel sexy in a garbage bag."
"But Derek-" You try pulling your hand out of his own, and he stops dead in his tracks.
"Don't. Just let this happen, okay? One time," He promises, staring at you with pleading brown eyes. He holds up a single finger, "One time, trust me on this. And afterwards, if you hate it, then you can call me an idiot. But if you like it, you can't keep skipping out on us."
"I already call you an idiot," You grumble, finally going limp in his grasp so that he can lead you to his car, "You just don't hear it 'cause you're old and going deaf."
"Hey," He warns, opening the passenger's side door for you and keeping your hand in his grip, "Tease me all you want, but I'm right about this. You'll have a good time, Y/N, I promise. Just give me a chance."
"Alright," You sigh, tense shoulders deflating as you settle into his car, "One time."
"One time," Derek grins, pressing the back of your hand to his lips and dotting a kiss there before letting you pull it away, "That's all I need."
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swarmishstrangers · 7 months
i’ll give you my entire left tiddy for some more mspar alien difference fluff. written or drawn, with mallek or marvus or pretty much anyone else. warm blooded/cold blooded cuddles with marvus. mallek purring and being embarrassed abt it. mspar not realizing they’re being flirted with til someone spells it out to them. just any troll/human (??) difference shit or any of your hcs please i’m starving
Starve no more!! I'll feed you AND me cause I honestly fucking live for alien differences between trolls and humans like? Omg...I'll try to sneak some Mallek and Marvus for ya since you seem to mention both of them (and I'll throw in some other ones for more comparisons >:])
So for general troll temperature headcanons, let me tell you, you'd better enjoy being cold/not be too bothered by it cause the higher on the spectrum, the colder the blood you're touching and cuddling. The warmest a troll will ever be is if they're a mutantblood, the closest thing to getting to normal human body temperatures and the ones with any real warmth to them. Rust bloods being the lowest on the hemospectrum that aren't mutants don't have as much warmth but still tend to run warmer than other blood types on the hemospectrum. Not exactly lukewarm, little bit warmer than that. When we hit the goldbloods, that's when it starts getting lukewarm temperatures. Smack dab in the middle of the spectrum, the Jades, aren't very warm or anything, but it's a few hairs away from being able to consider them cold feeling. Anything above the jades is when things start getting cold.
Teals you could say are cold, maybe not unpleasantly so, you could feel such a difference that you would no longer feel any real warmth. Cerulean is when the temperatures could be so stark as opposed to human warmth that coming into direct skin to skin contact with it could definitely shock your skin and make you flinch initially. Purples are. Man. Remember how I said you'd better like being cold? This is where the cold could be the brink of being unpleasant for some who can't handle it very well, it really starts setting in the longer you choose stay in physical contact with them. Violets, I'd argue, would be downright unpleasantly cold to the touch, like, you know how if you go outside in the snow and your body feels numb and face would be stinging? Like that.
With that general stuff of how perceive the coldness of some trolls established. Um. Mallek and Marvus :} I'm going to apologize in advance, Marvus is a character I've always been intimidated by in terms of writing. I feel like I just don't get him enough, and I'd hate to mischaracterize him :(( but I'll do my best!! (Putting a break here cause I type a lot)
Marvus and Mallek I feel like have a tendency to be mischievous little shits sometimes, once becoming aware and acquainted with the warmth Mspar emits and how cold they are in comparison they like to have fun with it. Mallek likes to do that thing some people do, ya know, where people take something fucking cold like a thing of ice cream or an ice cold drink and fucking PRESS it against your skin and it makes you scream? That. But no ice cream, it's his hand touching their bare skin (which still makes them shriek and jolt in surprise). They turn around and playfully smack him on the shoulder in retaliation.
Marvus likes doing the same thing but for him GOD FUCK the cold feels so much worse than Mallek. Bitch IS the ice being pressed against your skin. He doesn't even need to use his whole hand, he could press a finger to them and get a reaction. Punching doesn't do much to Mallek anyways, trolls and their thicker skins, but Marvus doesn't have a lot of squish to begin with. It's weird punching someone who feels so..solid? Not to say he's got absolutely no squish, but he has very little of it.
Cuddling... ahehhehehe cracks knuckles.
Since I'm already talking about Marvus lemme get to him already. Since he is a freezer, it'll take a bit to get fully comfortable laying against him. Warmth can overpower or balance out a trolls temperature, this is something that's very hard to do with bloods higher than indigo. Something like either them or Marvus wearing a good amount of clothing to separate makes it to where they don't feel immediately uncomfortable with the chill of his skin. Marvus I feel like is kinda finicky when it comes to touch or laying for long periods of time?? It's kinda funny, you could hug him, and he'd allow it for just a few seconds before he'd wiggle his way out of it, a playful look to his eyes. Or allowing you to rub his skin for a bit before pulling away. Only when he's tired or is ready to be settled in completely is when you can really, for real, cuddle him without him squirming out of it.
Now Mallek? Umpfh. Touch starved. Mspar too actually, I headcanon that they are a touched starved person themselves. So how about two touched starved people help another out..by cuddling. And everything else that involves touch under the moon really.
For him, he kinda loses it when he's in physical contact with them. It's the warmth! It really gets to him, and it makes his brain go nuts. He used to fight the overwhelming urge to wrap them up really tight in his arms cause ya know. Snake brain, cold, friend/flushcrush is warm, curl around the warmth. He didn't fight it anymore when they actively sought out physical touch from him themselves and was actively encouraging him and letting him know it was okay to search for it back.
It was through being around him that they discovered the most surprising thing they never thought of a troll doing. Purring.
They have never heard of a sound as soft as purring coming from a troll.
Trolls only purr in the presence of those they feel the utmost comfort with. To feel the safest with, to trust them the most, and to be at your most vulnerable with. It's super intimate stuff in troll culture. Hearing that anywhere out in public could make trolls snap their head in that direction and make them flush in the face. Get a room!!
I imagine it was one of those many days where they stayed over at his hive. They had just decided that they were done playing video games and it from leaning against each other in silence while the game systems powered off, then it transitioned into Mspar coaxing Mallek to lay on then while they had their back laid down on his lounge plank. His weight against them was comforting to them.
They were just nuzzling his shoulder and rubbing their hands all up and down his back and sides, all with no patterns to it. He had his face pressed against their chest, his arms pushed underneath them to wrap around them. They could feel his smile against their skin, and they were all smiles and happy, too. Then they, well, they felt it before they heard it.
It was something they didn't even notice at first, the rumbling, the small vibrations emitting from his throat and chest. When it was growing stronger and the purring became audible, they still didn't question it at first. They were just so comfortable, and the cuddling was just so nice, his purring could put them to sleep and...wait. Purring?
When the realization of Mallek purring hit them, they temporarily halted their hand movements. Mallek stayed put for a bit before his purring stuttered a little, and he cracked an eyelid open to gaze at them, wondering why they stopped. He finds them kind of staring at him, their hands still under his tank top just stopped on his back.
"you okay;"
This snaps them out of it and they and they lean in to kiss his forehead, Mallek snorts in response and immediately relaxes against them again.
They kindaaa wanted to point it out at in the moment but ultimately decided against it so that he didn't get embarrassed or shy and stops. They think it's SUPER fucking cute.
As for general differences between troll and human romance? Cracks fingers. Obviously it depends on what quadrant a troll is interested in having you in. I'll go with red romance for now unless someone later wants the other quads too lol.
I talked about purring before and purring is a BIG one. Purring is how trolls communicate that they feel absolutely safe and comfortable in their partners presence along with purring being a form to heal when their partner is hurt or isn't feeling well. It leaves them very open and vulnerable and so it feels very intimate for most trolls. A troll purring in the presence of human they're interested in a human may not pick up the significance of it so they just see it at its simplest until explained. Some trolls may feel a little hurt when their human partners don't pick up on their purring and they don't purr back in response, again, until explained that humans aren't capable of making sounds such as purring. Make no mistake though! Troll purring does not sound like how a cat's would. It's sounds like how you would imagine an insect purring would sound like.
Sleeping in the presence of a person you're interested in or around your partner is another big thing trolls do. Sleeping near other trolls is again, a vulnerability thing. To sleep near someone? To be so open and let your guard down like that? To trust someone that much? Wipes sweat from brow. Humans being able to do this with trolls they're even a little comfortable with is absolutely flabbergasting to most trolls.
Okay there's sleeping when someone is nearby...then there's sleeping WITH someone. No not like that ya nasties. Sleeping with someone, in their recuperacoon, it's a vulnerability thing again woo boy. It's the HIGHEST form of trust a troll could show their partner! The significance of this can really go over a human's head, they truly don't understand the gravity of trust at play here.
Here's something not sleep related. Scent marking. This one is more subtle than just. A partner wearing their sign or typing the way their typing quirk is. This one is when a troll leaves something, take a shirt or their socks or something, at their partners hive. It leaves a bit of them, their scent, there and it's meant for their partners + any other trolls that are over know. Humans tend to also seek their partner's scent/how they smell (think stealing your partners clothes), it's another thing that means more deeply than they originally think about.
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
Lemme know if I'm asking too many questions, but now I'm curious, you mentioned Starstruck's friends liking her unique traits in the answer-train, and now I really wanna know: who's into her massive error-code magical signature? Is it...
Is it Kirby?
i love to answer questions (especially about starstruck at the moment bc i've been really into working on her lore lately) so there's never too many!! sometimes i get very hopeful that i'll draw art and it causes some delays, but i do always always love to get them!!
this bit of info:
what she currently wishes she could lose is her weird magical signature, and perhaps even her non-standard appearance; though i think her friends have probably grown to like one or both of these, and might miss them if they were gone. (this would mean a lot to her to hear).
was actually not any kind of hint at anything more significant (unlike a lot of my answers), it's just the folks around her being good friends and just good people in general!
like... the way she looks (different) the way she acts (different) and the way her magical signature feels (different) are all things that make her her. she is scared of them, because they're different. but her friends like her the way she is, so they like those traits too; if she did successfully change them they'd genuinely miss the traits of her that they've come to love*.
bandee is the one who has the biggest uncontrollable reaction to her magical signature, due to being a waddle dee (meta knight, dedede and kirby notice it but aren't as violently squicked by it) but he pushes past it and over time he starts to notice/be bothered by it much less. she does also pick up signature mimicry fairly quickly, so she can 'fake' a different signature if it really was bothering him, though this is sometimes as jarring as her original one if she picks a strong one.
but... you are right, kirby loves that she can do that!
he finds it a little similar to himself; kirby's magic is understandably more flexible than most, though not in the way starstruck's is. he's incredibly magically sensitive so he can hear her magic voice easily, and for him when she tries on different ones it's like doing an impersonation-- he finds it really entertaining and rather enjoys it! often she'll try out new ones on him to see what he thinks.
i don't bring him up enough in her lore, but magolor also actively likes her weird signature; for different reasons.
he finds it fascinating, but without the overbearing aura of 'is that a threat' that meta knight always exudes. he's assisting with trying to puzzle it out with them, but he was one of the first to make her feel like it was a cool and unique ability that she just happened to have, and something that someone could enjoy rather than be scared of.
*want to put a footnote here that this is framed in a positive light. this is not something about her she wants to change for herself (ie; dysphoria) and a change her friends should accept/support rather than 'missing the old her'. her 'weird traits' are something she only feels pressured to change by societal rules and expectations. her friends would support her of course but most importantly: she shouldn't feel she HAS to change just for being a little different. and they love her and think she's perfect as she is.
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protectingtulpas · 11 months
I'm sorry if you already answered this, but what are the things that tulpas can and can't do?
Been sitting here trying to parse together what this means, but I think you're talking about a common stereotypes versus reality kinda thing??? If that's the case, I'll list some common things we can do and some common lies about us too.
👥 Things tulpas CAN do!!! 👥
- Think for ourselves separately from the host and deviate from their expectations of us! This is the main point of tulpamancy; we're our own people!
- Learn to front! It's not a natural skill, especially for anyone who's a singlet before the tulpamancy process, but it's one that can be built between the tulpa and the host/fronter(s) over time with trust and active practice.
- have different skillsets than the host! While we can totally piggyback off the bodily skills, it's actually pretty normal for us to hafta "re"-learn shit for ourselves that the host/fronters know cuz it's just not something our consciousness in particular is familiar with. On the flipside of that, if a tulpa learns a new skill in front, there's a good chance the host will be in the opposite possition, having to piggyback off of what the tulpa taught the body and "re"-learning for themselves.
- Project ourselves outward somatically; this is often called imposition, and involves training yourselves to psychosomatically experience sensations of a tulpa's presence "outside of" the body. This isn't usually seen as astral projection - more along the lines of how lots of otherkin and paraplegics experience "phantom limbs", sensations of what isn't "actually" there. Don't believe me that this is possible? Imagine for like ten seconds that your face is itching. Right in that exact spot, yeah- did you feel the itch, reach up to touch it to get rid of it? It's the same concept, really, just taken to the next level with a TON of practice. This isn't even something I've gotten into doing consistently yet.
🚫 Things tulpas CAN'T do!!! 🚫
- Steal front without the host's permission, especially in the early stages. In any tulpamancy system without dissociative disordered complications, a tulpa isn't gonna be able to front without the fronter's trust & cooperation, because switching is just as much about the fronter letting go as it is the tulpa switching in. I've stolen front from my host without direct, immediate permission, but I can only do that because my host puts a deep trust in me in the first place and knows I wouldn't do it for a bad reason. I have power becuz they let me have power. (Once again, this may vary depending on disordered system functions)
- Possess another body!! This one's IMPORTANT!!! TULPAS AREN'T BODY SNATCHERS. We are not entities that come from outside the body, and it's not possible for us to casually jump bodies willy-nilly and steal the lives of the other person or whatever, that's ridiculous. This isn't about the spiritual practice of system travel, either, because that's also shit based on trust and communication you can't just do casually. Tulpas aren't going to try and steal your body or the bodies of those you love. That's not how it fuckin works.
- Manifest physically!! Yet again this is a crock of bullshit. There is no way for a tulpa to physically manifest in this tangible reality- if I could I woulda done it already LOL! Tulpas cannot make physical bodies, that's some horror movie BS. So is anything else tying us to the powersets of stereotypical ghosts, demons, or other supernatural creatures.
Yeah I think that's a pretty solid list! Lemme know if I didn't cover something
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lancerious · 9 months
Blab about Lancer
Ah yes, always a grand idea :D!
I'm gonna try and keep what I say here reasonably fresh as I don't feel like repeating what I've said about the bounciest boi in the past, though if anyone wants me to repeat myself lemme know because I'll definitely do it hehe :>.
I just wanna gush about Rouxls Kaard in terms of Lancer for a bit, firstly because I haven't done this much to begin with, and secondly because I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THESE TWO. Rouxls I don't care how much you complain about Lancer it's obvious you care for the kid's well being and you SHOULD because said kid is a pure precious cinnamon roll who couldn't hurt a mosquito. Every time I see fanart depicting Rouxls as being a parental guardian of sorts for Lancer it makes me melt because it's so PRECIOUS, honestly keeping an eye on Lancer is one of the only things Rouxls Kaard is good--or at least decent--at. And you can't tell me the "Lesser Dad" nickname isn't adorable, if you don't find that adorable then you have issues. I don't know if I've ever brought up this "surrogate guardian" sort of thing going on between these characters but I am now! 10/10, both Rouxls Kaard & Lancer are too beloved for this world, 'nuff said. (<- I still prefer Spade King as an overall parent/guardian don't worry lol.)
Speaking of Spade King though, I really like the situation he & Lancer are currently in father/son relationship-wise. It is pretty depressing at the moment, but that's honestly what makes it work. I love seeing new family dynamics in Deltarune, something fresh y'know? It's an entirely different scenario with more recent characters. I know how beloved the Dreemurr family are in the UT/DR community, and they're amazing characters for sure, but I really prefer Spade King & Lancer's dynamic. It feels more REAL. The events themselves aren't that realistic ofc, but the emotions & reactions both sides have feel more reasonable. I'm not sure if this is even making sense and I'm going on a tangent anyway.
But yeah, back to Spade King & Lancer. I love how we're actively going to SEE both characters (hopefully) work out their differences and begin to mend that relationship. And we also will likely see how each side's current situation affects them, likely in more ways than one. Sure, both Lancer & Spade King are mostly hiding such things behind a facade, but you KNOW it's there. And THAT is what makes it so impactful. You know both characters are going through such inner turmoil, especially Lancer. His father literally hates the only friends he's ever had, and that puts poor ol' Lancer smack in the middle of everything. It's like that feeling you get when two close friends are fighting and you're the mutual third party, but multiplied SO many times. Honestly, I've said it before, and I will say it again; a breakdown of SOME sort HAS to happen to Lancer at some point. I doubt Spade King will have such a moment because Spade King, but he'll still feel it inwardly I'm sure. There is no feasible way a literal CHILD can carry on the burden of so much without crumbling under the pressure.
Which brings me to something that I admittedly have mentioned before, but I just have to bring it up again. Lancer has gone through SO MUCH for a child his age. It's doesn't matter what age you headcannon Lancer as: What he has and is currently going through are things NO child should experience, EVER. I'm not even talking about only the Spade King situation anymore, I'm talking about EVERYTHING. What makes all Lancer has been through that much worse is the fact of him being AWARE of it all. He's not oblivious, and he's not clueless either. He's ASTONISHINGLY observant, ESPECIALLY for his age. I would even argue Lancer is one of the most observant Deltarune characters so far, even if he never announces it. He certainly hints at it here and there, like when he told Kris, Susie, & Ralsei that the other Darkners aren't major fans of him.
This entire thing makes me think of a line Lancer said during his battle alongside Susie with Kris & Ralsei. The first time you, as the player, tell Ralsei to "give the final blow of kindness" to Lancer, Susie blocks it off so Lancer can't hear. And Lancer says he's "blissfully ignorant". Call me crazy, but I don't think that specific phrase was an accident. Of course, Deltarune is only a game after all, so it was Toby Fox who put that line in. But if we think about this through the perspective of Lancer himself, I see him stating what he WISHES he was. He WISHES he was "blissfully ignorant" from everything around him: knowing the fact of the other Darkners not liking him to dealing with an impossibly complex parenting situation and everything in between.
See, I think there's a very unique tragedy with Lancer. One that most characters Toby Fox has created haven't been able to replicate. Think of Asriel from Undertale for a minute. Asriel had loving PARENTS, plural, and he even got a sibling in the form of Chara for a time. Asriel's entire family was well-respected and loved by the other monsters, and for the longest time, Asriel didn't have a lot of burdens to bear. It was only at the short time leading up to & including his own DEATH, & what came after, where things started to go downhill. Asriel essentially had it all while he was alive, then lost it upon death.
And now, think of Lancer. I would say Lancer is the exact opposite of Asriel in this way. First, Lancer's family is a crumbled mess. He barely knows his mother--Queen--has a biological father in the form of Spade King, who was (and certainly is) likely not a perfect parent, and that really only leaves Rouxls Kaard as a somewhat decent parental guardian. Already, we see a major difference. And once we broaden our view and see both kingdoms with their citizens, well, Asriel and Lancer could not possibly be more opposite. There was not ONE Darkner Lancer felt appreciated by, save for those above him in power & position, which is really only Spade King (ignoring the other Kings when they ruled). The ONLY time Lancer felt genuine connection with others was the day Kris & Susie first appeared in the Dark World. That is IT. Generally, in terms of how his current life has been so far, Lancer's is far from ideal. Hence, Lancer & Asriel are opposites in this case.
I think I've run out of things to say as far as this post goes lol, and it's already preeetty long. Though, let's end this post on a high note! Lancer has actual friends now, friends who will stand by for whatever support he may need. Heck, if Kris, Ralsei, & Susie--especially Susie--were all willing to respect Lancer's wishes and attempt to resolve everything peacefully with Spade King in Chapter 1, who KNOWS what's to come in future chapters! I for one can't wait to see where Lancer's story goes :)!
Anyway have a random Lancer fanart image :>.
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olivieraa · 7 months
I know I said this before but I don't know if I made it specifically clear
I think I'd personally prefer it if they did away with genres such as "shounen-ai", "yaoi", "shoujo-ai" and "yuri"
Ok maybe not yaoi and yuri since they're implied to be explicit, but the other two, defo. Or what they're more commonly known as, Boys Love (BL) or Girls Love (GL)
Now with me, personally, if I'm told by the show what to ship, there's a high chance I wont ship it. There's canon couples I do support don't get me wrong (Inuyasha/Kagome, Eren/Mikasa, Tomoe/Nanami, etc), but I wont go out of my way to look into them. Also, one of those pairings is not like the other. Inuyasha/Kagome and Tomoe/Nanami are implied from the start and they are both a part of an anime with the Romance genre attached, and so I know what those shows are leading up to. However, Eren/Mikasa would be an example of one that is not. Attack on Titan does not have a Romance genre. But not having a Romance genre doesn't mean there is no Romance. It's just not a central theme.
And tbh, that's my personal preference. To not be told from the start that this ship is endgame. I want to be surprised when I watch an anime and see a couple develop a relationship through chemistry, trust, understanding, etc. Meruem/Komugi came out of an anime where Romance is basically non-existent and defo not a genre, and its definitely implied Romance, they fell in love, 100%. In a non-Romance anime. That's my fave!!!
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I rarely rarely go looking into the Romance genre. I'm more of an action-gal, and I'm happy to have Romance attached in some way.
Now in terms of BL...
Shounen-Ai/BL is also a Romance genre (basically just translated to "Gay Romance"). And I've seen a few BL's where absolutely nothing has happened between the male characters, despite the label. I haven't seen Togainu no Chi in well over 10 years but I'm almost positive no male characters even hugged. And there's more like that, despite the BL label.
Actually lemme check if that has been updated:
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Nope, still there!
But anyway. Bc you know it has that BL genre, the whole time you're basically waiting on at least a kiss. And when you don't get it, you're highly disappointed in the whole anime and feel like you were conned into believing there was a Romance when there wasn't. And its just confusing, bc you're wondering if that genre should even be there.
But that's the thing, your expectations are high because the genre is telling you "these two characters will be together by the end" or "at least be heavily implied", and like any het romance anime that tells you its a romance anime, and the main characters kiss by the end or are implied to be together or on the way to getting together, you are expecting the two males leads in a BL to kiss by the end or at least have something romantic between them. And when they don't, and you're like, "why is this even called shounen-ai??? all they did is hug! friends do that!" --- is why they should just do away with the label.
My preference, like I said, is to go into an anime not labelled with Romance but then find a Romance. Like HxH or Attack on Titan.
If we take Starmyu, as an example:
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These aren't wrong. These are the central themes.
However, the plot is heavily based around this sentence:
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The show is two things. Its based around attending a musical academy in hopes of becoming a singer, actor, stage performer, whatever. And its also based around the main character, in a way, "seeking out" a student from the academy that inspired him a few years beforehand. He doesn't exactly try his best to seek out that student, but talks about him a lot.
And that's fine. Nothing too gay there lmao
But... between that all happening, there's a lot implied, that I'll prob do in a different post, but then girls and girlfriends are brought up and its like "ah... so the 'gay' moments are just fanservice. these characters are all prob straight" and you dont feel too much about it because, duh-duh-duh-duuuuuun---
BL isn't a genre for this anime. Neither is romance. You're not expecting anything.
You. Have. No. Expectations.
But here's the thing!!!
You can go into HxH or Attack on Titan with no Romance expectations due to lack of label, and still find a Romance in there, like I said! And they're canon af, not just shipping fodder, actual canon!
There's actually quite a bit of romance in my fave anime, Durarara and yet here are the genres:
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So its like, why do I have to know the genre is BL to think there's something between these characters? Why can't it just... happen? Like they do in the "straight" animes.
But this is another sucky part.
We'll stick with Stamyu.
If this did have BL as a genre, then what the show has been giving would be labelled as "not enough". Bc BL has to mean "at least a kiss", usually. People aren't happy if they dont get at least that if the BL genre is attached. And so Starmyu would be considered a "fine anime" without BL attached, but a "disappointing anime" if BL was attached.
Nobody is saying that about Ouran. The two leads (male and female) never kissed and its considered one of the best romance animes
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And that's a romance anime, not an action series with romance in the background.
But if Starmyu was labelled as BL and all they did was hug, people would be hella disappointed. However, as a non-BL, people would be happy to see them just hug, that would be enough.
It sucks bc, Yuri on Ice came along and did it.
It is not a BL labelled anime
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But we know that despite mostly being centred around sports, it 100% has an actual canon Gay Romance
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In. A. Non. BL. Or. Romance. Labelled. Anime.
Which changed the fucking game for a brief moment, and I haven't seen anything like it since.
BL to me sometimes feels like a warning. Like "if you enter this anime, it is gay, be warned."
It didn't take any geniuses to know that Yuri on Ice wasn't a manly anime for manly mens, and was most likely catered to girls, but, dudes could still watch it and be shocked when the gay happened, and be like "Ok I knew this anime was a little sparkly and shit, but I still watched it for the sport regardless of it being ice-skating... But why they have to put this gay shit in here??? If it had said fucking BL or yaoi, I would have stayed away! Now I'm forced to see this with my own eyes!!!"
See. We should really just do away with that genre. Not only would it be progressive, but so much fun lmao
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versegm · 2 years
Honestly, Mash and any of the Crypters that aren't Wolfboy probably work, and I'm sure there's a way to write something compelling with him too I just doubt I'd care for it.
Mmmh lemme think.
Mash/Kadoc: Girl who has learned to become human & guy who has tried sooo hard to be an animal a wolf anything threatening but failed because he is ultimately Just Some Dude, this is cool
Mash/Ophelia: see previous ask
Mash/Yu Meiren: Ok I was originally gonna make a joke like "Mash bypasses Yu's hate for humans by not being human enough," but actually I feel like there could be some really interesting exploration of like. Witnessing humanity. Yu is immortal and has seen humans do SO much shit, to her specifically. Mash is very much mortal, but she's been jumping through time for like five years she's been speedrunning the whole "wow humanity is capable of unspeakable horrors actually" thing. But in the end Yu defines herself as an enemy of humanity, while Mash still places herself on the side of humanity. It could be neat.
Mash/Pepe: They're bros :) Also there's probably something to be done with like. Being aware of when exactly you will die (Pepe's deal + Mash's limited lifespan) & something something about your sense of self (Pepe knowing EXACTLY who he is vs Mash's sense of self being, shaky at best) but I'll fully admit I don't know Pepe well enough to be fully accurate here.
Mash/Wodime: GudaMash, but prooobably a bit less codependant?
Mash/Beryl: I actually really like their canon relationship lmao. It's not really a ship in any romantic sense (or... any positive sense really) but I like Beryl a lot trying to figure him out through him trying to figure Mash out was really cool.
Mash/Daybit: We don't talk about lb7 spoilers here but man. I can think of like five different ways this could go this would genuinely be very interesting.
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spinspoon · 2 years
okay, so this has been rattling around in my brain for a while, so don't mind me getting my thoughts out for a moment
as someone who struggles with motivation and just getting the motivation to do things on a daily basis, this is something ive specifically noticed for me
in summary: time is a deceptive little thing.
okay, lemme explain.
so, my struggle is often i won't end up getting things done, because i'll look at the time and be like "oh, well, can't do that now because i dont have enough time/it's too time consuming to start now", when in reality ive begun to realize that most of the time, that isn't really the case. in reality, ive unconsciously conditioned myself to believe that through constant media consumption.
the way that media is created (and here, for sake of clarification, i'm mostly referring to online media) is specifically in a way that is (generally) very low in terms of actual energy consumption, and supposed to keep your brain distracted; and when your brain is distracted, it's much easier to lose track of the time. for example, if you're playing a video game, 30 minutes might feel more like 5 minutes because your brain isn't focusing on the time, it's focusing on the game and all the stimulation and stuff that comes with interacting with it.
let me clarify right now: im not saying media itself or consuming media is a bad thing, obviously. pretty much far from it (assuming you're making sure to moderate what you consume on a daily basis)
but because some types of media consumption for me are such low energy (and don't really take a lot of thinking) when my depression was much worse a couple of years ago (before i realized that's what i was experiencing) i let myself fall into an unhealthy habit of spending too much time consuming media. and because of that, my sense of time has been completely warped.
ive realized that ive completely forgotten how much time just 1 hour really is. heck, how long even 30 minutes is! whenever i do end up doing something productive, I'll end up looking at the time afterward and being like "wait, that only took me 15 minutes??"
i think another reason for this is just because of how fast-paced modern society is today, and how pressured society makes people feel about everything absolutely having to be going at a constant, continuous rate (but that's a conversation for a different time, lol)
so, in conclusion, i just want to say, mostly for myself but for whoever this might also help: if you aren't doing things because you feel like you don't have enough time for it, try and do even little things and maybe even time yourself just to see how much time it actually takes. and it's okay to start things that you might not be able to finish in that same day! as somebody who feels like they have to sit down and do everything in one sitting, this has been really hard to teach myself, but im working on getting there!
naturally, everybody will have some things that tend to eat up the day (school, work, etc.) and i totally get sometimes (or a lot of the times) just physically or mentally not having enough energy is a struggle. but don't limit yourself to not doing things because you don't feel like you have time! slow down, enjoy little things, don't let you convince yourself that just because you feel like you don't have time to do anything, doesn't mean that doing nothing at all is better than trying to use the time you have! i know that it's easier to say then to do, but if you can get into the habit of reminding yourself just how much real time you have, it really genuinely helps!
keep in mind that this is just my experience and this is just what i know has been working for me, but i thought it was worth sharing in case this reaches anyone else who has similar experiences :]
anyway, that's all, if you made it to the end of this thanks for entertaining whatever the heck is going on inside my head 💪💪
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fictionz · 1 year
Help! Looking for horror comics from diverse voices
I read a bunch of new-to-me horror stuff every October, including short comics and single issues, but hoo boy is it real research to find horror comics that aren't by white (and mostly American) men. I also try to pick out a comic or two from each decade for as far back as I can find them. I'm going through the process now of selecting this year's comics, and while I'm confident I can find diverse voices and backgrounds for the comics I'll read, I'm interested to see if any horror comic fans out there have recommendations.
So if you know horror comics and have recommendations from diverse creators, whether it's people of color, or based on gender, ethnicity, nationality, or any other diverse background, lemme know! There must be a ton of comic creators right here on Tumblr that I'm missing out on. It can be a single issue, a story in an anthology, a web comic, it's all good. Maybe there's a horror Discord I outta join?!
As a bonus, here's the list of horror comics I checked out last year:
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“The Boar’s Head Beast” by George Wildman, Nicola Cuti, Wayne Howard (1975) “I toyed with forces I couldn’t control.”
This has bits of Lovecraft but it’s mostly an adventure story, and that just reminds me that so much of the adventure stuff I loved as a kid is from the action subgenre of horror.
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“Ill Bred” by Charles Burns (1985) “I realized her muscles were getting larger and more defined.”
The story seems to go full tilt into men’s panic about gender and sexuality norms until it pivots into a Twilight Zoneish wink at the audience as the plot resolves to an acceptable state for the normies. Pretty gnarly body horror stuff.
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“Don’t Go to the Island” by Sfé R. Monster & Kalyna Riis-Phillips (2016) “The skulls at your feet are laughing at you.”
It’s been almost all white American men in my horror comics this month, so I’m pivoting to other creators and eras. Fortunately, the Bones of the Coast anthology has that and also focuses on the Pacific Northwest, undoubtedly my favorite region. It’s a good pairing with the Jackson story. A moody coastal vibe, the gray sky threatening something that doesn’t reveal itself immediately, but instead lingers behind trees and corners, watching and waiting.
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“Some Other Animal’s Meat” by Emily Carroll (2016) “What if inside, it’s somehow the wrong stuff?”
Some inside part is always going to feel like it’s different from yours.
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“Greed” by Becky Cloonan, Jordie Bellaire, Travis Lanham (2013) “Kindly take your place by the dead horse.”
I liked what I read here, but it’s clear it’s not meant to stand alone. It’s too brief and it feels like we’re (rightly) meant to read this entire book and perhaps the series before getting to this point.
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“Goin’ South” by Nancy Collins, David Imhoff, Jeff Butler, Steve Montano, Renée Witterstaetter, Electric Crayon, Simon Bisley (1995) “He has his hate to keep him warm.”
People in the 90s really wanted to see these sorts of bouts between characters from different media properties. There’s an essay in the comic itself that comments on the fascination. Of course, this just presages our modern era of cinematic media universes. As for this first issue in a trilogy, it’s a decent setup, but not much happens since it’s focused on getting the two characters into the same room by the end of a single comic issue. I think a cross-country trip/spree featuring Jason could’ve been cool if it wasn’t so rushed.
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“Winnebago Graveyard #1” by Steve Niles, Stephanie Paitreau, Jordie Bellaire, Jen Bartel, Alison Sampson, Aditya Bidikar, Mingjue Helen Chen, Sarah Horrocks (2017) “Where are the people?”
Ooh good setup here. I’ll return to finish this series for sure. I hope the big bad they introduce here gets a real powerful comeuppance, though it does feel like a setup for torturing some protagonists. Bonus points for a creepy carnival setting.
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“Seed” by Fiona Staples, Jose Villarrubia, Michael Dougherty, Todd Casey, Zach Shields, Marc Andreyko (2015) “For this is not a woman but a demon with no soul to save.”
I remember Trick ‘r Treat being more jokey with its anthology format, but this was just a straightforward historical horror tale. But I liked the sincerity and will certainly return to this book later.
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“Kill Screen��� by Lauren Beukes, Dale Halvorsen, Ryan Kelly, Eva de la Cruz, Clem Robins, Bill Sienkiewicz, Rowena Yow, Shelly Bond (2015) “This better not end up in a bathtub full of ice with missing kidneys.”
Some of the writing here is cringey, but the character setup is intriguing. I’ll stick with it and finish the series after October.
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“The Fool of the Web” by Patricia Breen, Roel, Brenda Feikema (1997) “Your belly quakes with laughter even as I tremble in disgust.”
Sometimes you follow the maiden, and sometimes the maiden follows you.
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“Fortune Broken” by Sandy King, Leonardo Manco, Marianna Sanzone (2015) “Death runs from me, you old witch!”
A simple one, and too abrupt in its conclusion. A bit more time at the end and I might’ve been more into it.
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“The Cemetery” by Franco, Abigail Larson, Wes Abbott, Sara Richard (2022) “Don’t you just want to get this over with?”
How do we learn to navigate the scary stuff? And why do some of us make it while others don’t?
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“The Speed of Pain” by Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, Dave Stewart, Steve Wands, Will Dennis (2018) “I spent the week cursing God.”
Whoa nelly, this first issue is a great setup. It’s got that urban decay vibe of grungy industrial hellscape movies of the 90s like The Crow, Seven, and Dark City. I’ll definitely be coming back to finish this series.
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“Gestation” by Marguerite Bennett, Jonathan Brandon Sawyer, Doug Garbark, Nic. J. Shaw (2014) “I’ll deal with the corpse, my lady-love.”
It’s very satisfying when men in power are absolutely wrecked by women, so I appreciate the still too-rare opportunity to see it happen. (And you should know that this short comic story was expanded into its own series.)
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“Chemical 13!” by Michael Woods & Saskia Gutekunst (2009) “Everything is fine.”
Comeuppance stories about Nazis getting the wrath they deserve don’t hit the same anymore, not when they are just still around in daily life.
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“Hello, My Name Is…” by Nadia Shammas, Rowan MacColl, Licha Myers, Chris Sanchez (2021) “Workers have names. Management has power.”
What is a name but a tracking system? The means by which to search and destroy.
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“Sea of Souls” by Jenna Lynn Wright, Alvaro Feliu, Juan Francisco Mota, Ricardo Osnaya, Erik Lopera Tamayo, Jorge Cortes, Robby Bevaro, Maxflan Araujo, Walter Pereyra, Taylor Esposito (2022) “This isn’t the face I had when we met.”
The feel of a rushed committee affair, but stitched together adequately enough.
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“Crush” by Janet Hetherington, Ronn Sutton, Becka Kinzie, Zakk Saam (2018) “His eyes are as wild as the sea.”
Aye, that’s a Gothic story alright. The foreword by Jacques Nodell that introduces the anthology was actually a really good breakdown of the Gothic literature genre and its trappings. The ending is pretty gruesome but then I think that’s also a tendency in the scary Gothic romances.
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“The End of All Things” by Natalie Leif & Elaine Well (2014) “I’ll look at the lines myself.”
I wasn’t quite sure of the message here, and it’s probably a sign of a good story that I found it very compelling but wanted more. The ending evokes a sense of inevitable collapse beneath the weight of the world, that we are all inextricably linked to an entity we cannot escape.
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“Swamp Monster” by Basil Wolverton (1953) “You stare in unbelief at what used to be normal hands!”
There’s something appealing about these old, simple morality horror tales. I suppose it’s knowing that someone’s getting a comeuppance, or a rude awakening. So reading these is about knowing they’re gonna get it and enjoying the twisted revelation.
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“The Portrait of Sal Pullman” by Lonnie Nadler & Abby Howard (2019) “You fools, do you not see what this truly is?" 
Abby Howard is the ruler of the kingdom of creepy illustrated faces. Er, maybe the architect. The wizard behind the curtain? Oh, the god, the god.
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“O Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad” by M.R. James & Abby Howard (2019) “If you see any more spooks or beasties, please do let me know." 
I often fantasize about illustrating text stories if I had the skill, just to visualize what’s in the brain. It’s cool to see Howard taking that on with one of these old timey and appropriately spooky stories.
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“Rainbow Sprinkles” by W. Maxwell Prince, Chris O’Halloran, Martín Morazzo, Nimit Malavia (2018) “Arizona like in the movies of our dreams”
My first reaction was this isn’t horror (particularly after a more straightforward horror story in the first issue), but I think this is going to happen many times throughout the month. I’ve made the effort to seek out a more expansive range of voices and backgrounds in my horror selections and it’s going to require a broader acceptance of horror as a genre and medium for storytellers. All that said, this second issue of Ice Cream Man is more tragic and real, and horror fiction is, after all, a reflection of the horrors we face as real people.
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“Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall!” by Jack Davis, et al. (1953) “Why do they scream when they see you?”
First-person perspective in a comic must have been a fresh thing in the fifties, and if you’re going to do it, then you may as well pull from a classic like Frankenstein. I also recognize this sort of amnesiac monster thing from many stories since ‘53, in particular the disturbing “His Silicon Soul” from Batman The Animated Series.
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“The Harvest” by Shannon Campbell & Pam Wishbow (2016) “Just think of blackberry jam." 
Oh fuck yeah, that autumnal folk horror. Much of this sort of thing comes out of places with traditional seasons but I love that this anthology is all about horror from the Pacific Northwest, so here you can feel the gray gloom and green hells of those thickly forested areas. This particular story also gets into the insidious and unknowable machinations of plants. Who knows what they’re thinking…
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“In Each and Every Package” by Reed Crandall, et al. (1954) “I kept thinking of you and that gave me the strength.”
This came up in a list of noteworthy horror comics from the mid-century due to this gnarly cover that got held up as an example of the questionable artistic merits of this sort of stuff at the time. I also doubted the horror qualities of this series since the title itself says it’s crime fiction, but I gave it a shot. It’s crime fiction for sure and I don’t think I’ll read other Crime SuspenStories, but it definitely feels like something I’d see on Tales from the Crypt.
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“Roots in Hell” by Richard Corben (2016) “Have some of this mango. It’s delicious!”
Kind of an abrupt ending but I dig the conceit.
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“Mars Is Heaven!” by Ray Bradbury, Wally Wood, et al. (1953) “And Lustig began to cry." 
Looks like this story hit pretty hard in the fifties, but then the Godliness and paranoia of the nation was more potent then. Now it comes across as quaint.
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“Save the Last Dance for Me!” by Dennis O'Neil & Pat Boyette (1969) “Tin Toes makes the decisions around here!”
So many horror comics of this time are just peeks into the Ironic Punishment Division in hell.
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“Infected” by Bruce Jones, Richard Corben, Steve Oliff (1982) “You drag a shaking claw across your mouth and wipe away the sour smelling bile.“
Whoof. The casual racism is real bad in this one, even if it’s portrayed just to show the shitty attitude and personality of the protagonist. It feels more like some white guys riding the wave of edgy work like Heavy Metal to paint a portrait of “those people” and a cautionary story about getting involved with “them.”
[Image missing because Tumblr has a limit of 30, but here it is.]
“Unpleasant Side Effects” by Kerry Gammill, Sam F. Park, Mar Omega (2010) “After I’ve recorded my findings, I’ll take care of this… thing.”
I liked seeing a modern take on the EC Comics comeuppance formula, and in particular an ending where the victims sorta get their due.
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Hi mei <3 I hope you're doing lovely.
I am absolutely in love with your insecure reader drabble as someone completely insecure because of past experiences and people being very judgmental to anyone who looks different, smells different (from air freshener), etc so it's really hard not to be insecure.
Which got me to think of perhaps an insecure!f!reader who hasn't gotten to shower, because she always showers before they play out of pure fear of Eddie thinking she's gross or something, so when he comes home from works and wants to fool around a bit, mainly just eat her out but anything else would be fine too. And so she's trying not to feel guilty about not freshening up for him and he's asking what's wrong. She explains it's just a really bad day and she's self conscious about her discharge and doesn't want him to feel like he has to do something that gross with her because she knows she hasn't freshened up and so he comforts her - tells her it's completely normal and okay.
pussy is pussy is pussy to this man a day of sweat will not change that.
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Eddie's handsy after you get home from work, he always is. By now you should expect it, but typically he's out at his own shift, giving you time to shower before he gets home. When his van pulls up next to your car and crunches leaves beneath its tires, you try feigning excitement.
"Eddie," You gush, stomach tensing as he squeezes your waist. He knocks his nose into yours, scrunching his eyes in delight.
"Hi, pretty," He croons, hands already wrapping around your waist and sinking lower to squeeze at your ass, "I got off early today. Sooo, that should give us, like, thirty more minutes to-"
"Wash the sheets," You pat his chest, "We need to wash the sheets."
"Let's wash the sheets after we fool around," He's practically giggling like a schoolgirl, "No use in putting fresh ones on just to stain 'em."
There's no wrestling his hands away from your ass now, and you have to admit an orgasm would surely fix some of the pent up frustration you'd been feeling from work. But the thought of Eddie changing his mind once he realizes you aren't as fresh as you usually are is a haunting one, and it strikes fear into your heart.
"Okay," You relent with a sheepish grin, "Okay, you win. We'll fuck. Lemme just pee first, 'kay?"
You're not really in need of the toilet, rather the pack of baby wipes you keep beside it. Maybe if you give yourself a quick wipedown it'll block whatever sweaty scent you're sure is between your thighs.
"Nooo," Eddie whines, keeping his grip tight on your hand, "You're supposed to pee after. Can't you just hold it?"
"I need to pee now," You lie, laughing at his protests, "Can't you just let me take five minutes in there?"
"I'll be quick, baby, like, ten minutes! I just wanna taste you," He pleads, leaning in to kiss your bottom lip in a gesture that ultimately breaks you down.
"I don't think I taste very good right now," You warn, letting him drag you to the bedroom.
"I bet you taste like pussy," Eddie grins wolfishly as he pushes you back over the mattress. You bounce slightly after landing, and before you're fully settled he's already between your thighs, "That's I left work early," He admits, face nestled between your legs and nose pressed to your clothed clit. He lets out a groan, nuzzling his face further into your panties, "So that you wouldn't have time to shower and wash it all away. So fuckin' tired of eating soap," He mouths messily at your cunt, soaking your underwear with his drool, "I want pussy!"
He only drags himself back to tug the waistband of your panties down, nearly ripping them off in his eagerness to get started. He licks a long stripe up your slit, tongue flat and wet to your skin. "And that," He grunts, eyes fluttering shut as he goes back for more, "Is pussy."
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hi love! me again. i really was not able to not answer your answer (?) because it did make me cry and kick me legs bc you're so cute i can't. hope you'll get rid of your acne breakouts and cleaning your room won't be as terrifying as it can be. i'm glad to know my ask (?) made you happy! and to know you're working on the part 2 (and 3 maybe)! please don't overwork yourself, though!! yeah you're absolutely right! you're the law here and i love your laws! no one's dumb! especially not you! (but i feel your concerns so much ;) i use so many trops, symbols and shit like this in anything i write that no one understands it and i'm like ;;) so yes never know) but still your writings are GORGEOUS!! still this delicious moment with aegon coming out looking like a kicked puppy?? heartbreaking but tears taste so good) i'll try to read part 2 as soon as possible! i think you made my daemon obsession great again) and kissing your brain was the closest to how grateful i am to you!! thank you sm for answering! swear i couldn't sleep checking tumblr for it! good luck! see you soon! <з
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LOL idk what you mean about not answering my answer when you answered it 🥴 (woah thats confusing) but its all good its all ok i love you
And i am cute aren't i 🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰 love that for me
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every ask i get makes me happy and i have been blessed enough to have a lot of them that are all out of love 😭😭😭😭💗💗💗 there's actually so much for real and though my panicky brain gets anxious when i dont reply quick enough i hope you and everyone else knows how grateful i am to be a celebrity 😎 HAHHAH NAH but in all seriousness i appreciate each one of you so much.
i tooted my horn too hard tho 😔 since i didnt post p2 of fic today yet lahsfhashf but its fine trust me im not overworked cos yall cant make me write smth i dont wanna T_T ok ok the inner people pleaser in me begs to differ, but i swear im genuinely genuinely so invested in this fic i swear i swear i love what i did and you're gonna love it (i hope you love it)
i love my laws too 😃🤠BONK AHHAH im glad you dont think im dumb 😖😌 cos only a genius can write like me 🤪🤪🤪🤪 also im so glad you can relate with the symbolisms and tropes and hoohaa. you like me for real. and the fact u understand it and think my work is gorgeous ?!??!?!
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im so glad you liked aegon. i love my modern!aegon so very much i keep him in my pocket. ur gonna like what im gonna do with aemond then i think HAHHAHAHHAHAHH (i hope you do)
also "heartbreaking but tears taste so good" 💀💀💀💀💀💀 you like me fr fr T_T HAHAH
my daemon obsession never died because ever since i watched the show ive been writing fanfics for him like its my job HAHAHHA i have no idea when season 2 will come out but it better come out RIGHT NOW i nEED MORE DAEMON
lemme kiss your brain too <3 mwah mwah mwah i love you
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the fact you thanked me for answering you T_T of course id answer T_T thank you for coming to my inbox again! <3 you have a cozy seat next to my 4am nonnie cos i named you too lol. i actually saw your inbox as soon as you sent it i think, cos i was in the middle of writing something and i saw the notification then i read it then hyperfixated on writing the p2 of the modern!au after reading your message, (then i did the things i said i did in your first ask) i don't always reply soon because my brain is overwhelmed by the process of replying because i dont ever want to miss a detail that was said to me T_T i feel bad that you fixated on tumblr so much that you couldn't sleep T_T i'll try to do better T_T
I hope you spare me another ask on your thoughts when i post p2 🥺👉👈
I love you honey
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firelightfables-arc · 2 years
a random starter for Barb at @atrickything​!
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Normally, she was a talker. Everyone knew Robin as always having something to say, even if that something was at times nonsensical and perhaps borderline idiotic. But it was a way to fill the silence and to get people to react, which was better than staring, which was, well, what she found herself doing now.
Not without reason, though. She knew that shock of red hair. Knew it oh so very well not just because they’d gone to school together but because it had been plastered all over town on any number of posters. Missing. Missing. Missing.
Until now.
“Uhhhhhhhh...” Wow, way to go Buckley. Blinking a bit, shaking her head, a finger coming up as if to mark a point. Falling. Starting, then stopping again. “Wait. So.” Glancing around, as if half expecting someone to shout surprise, Robin looked back over at Barb once more and wrinkled her nose. “You’re...back. For reals. This isn’t, like, too many scoops of chocolate espresso beans before close, right? Because I haven’t had that job in forever and also preeeeeeetty sure you’ve been gone for even longer than that.”
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illusionsofdreaming · 2 years
Wanr some fluff? Lemme gift you one! Raon struggling trying to shift into a human!
I dunno how to write this scene but I imagine Eruhaben being busy with some things. Ohn and Hong try to teach Raon how to shift, but it comes too natural to the both of them, it's practically instinct! Mila has a whole farm to watch over (but I imagine her farm being a whole territory), and Rasheel is busy sleeping.
It's up to Dodori to teach his tiny hoobae how to transform... But both of them gets frustrated! Raon can't understand Dodori's complicated instructions, and Dodori doesn't have enough patience, especially when he's also doing this so that he could earn praise from Cale.
Raon doesn't want to give up. He's a great and mighty dragon after all! But he eally doesn't like how Dodori is teaching him.
It takes Ohn sighing and advising Raon to try again tomorrow. And maybe a clearer mind would be good for both of them.
When Dodori heads back home, he tells his mother all about it. And Mila clicks her tongue, flicks her son's head, and tells him that "It's great you want to help Raon, but if you're doing it to get praise, you won't be helping him at all. Help him in order to help him, and then the young dragon will really learn."
As for Raon, Cale pats the young dragon's head. "It's okay to leave if things aren't working out for you," he tells him. "It will not make you any less mighty, it will simply give you a newer look on how to approach things." Raon did not tell Cale he was trying to transform into a human. But Cale knew exactly what to say to make him feel better.
Raon will try something different.
The next day, Dodori apologized in his own dragonish-stubborn way, and Raon tells him that maybe they should try a different way for Raon to transform.
But the two dragons can't seem to find one that works, and Raon becomes discouraged.
Eruhaben appears, and they try asking him what could be wrong, but even the ancient dragon was confused. Usually, it would be instinct for dragons to transform into however they wanted to look, because it really was that simple.
Disheartened, Raon was alone in his shared room with Cale, crying. Big fat tears were dropping down from his eyes.
Cale came into the room and saw a large, fluffy mound on the bed (Raon covered by a blanket). He heard loud sniffling too.
He sighed and went to gently pat the crying dragon underneath the fluffy blanket.
"Human..." the young dragon sobbed. "I am not great and mighty..."
This looked familiar, but Cale pushed that thought aside to ask Raon, "Why do you think that?"
"I can't shift into a human... "
Cale was surprised. He didn't think Raon would want to shift into a human due to his past experience, but it seems that the young dragon is healing, enough to actually want and try to shift into one.
"You don't have to shift into a human to be great and mighty," he tells Raon.
But Raon shakes his head.
Raon already knows that. And he knows deep down that's not the reason why he wants to shift into a human.
He's getting bigger, you know? And if he keeps growing, the Human won't be able to carry him anymore and...
Raon loves his Human. He loves his Human who freed him, who healed him, and let him stay with him. He loves his Human that is a human - a human that is not vile, won't hurt him, and won't try to make him into a mindless pet.
Raon looks up to his Human who took care of him, looks up to Cale who he sees as... who he sees as a father.
And most children want to be like their parents.
Raon had hated humans... But he loves his Human with all his heart.
The gentle patting on his back stopped. Then, his Human whispered something to Raon. "Wait here," he said. "I'll be back."
Curious, Raon peaked out of his fluffy blanket and saw Human walk out of the room. It took a full minute for Raon to crawl out of his blanket and float into the air. But that was also when he heard footsteps outside.
"Raon, are you facing the door?" the voice of the Human asked.
And Raon nodded, forgetting that the Human can't see him. But once he realized that, he immediately responded, "I'm facinf the door, Human!"
"Okay, count to three and I'll open the door."
Raon's heart started beating. Is it a surprise? What could it be?
Raon floated down to the bed, his paws touching the soft covers as he sat excitedly.
Raon's tail was wagging, making loud thumpings on the bed, while his ears were twitching. He could smell his Noona and Hyung on the other side of the door, too!
The door was opened, and the first thing he saw was Human... Wearing a costume of a dragon?!
It was black, like Raon! It even had wings, but it looked a bit weaker than Raon's! And scales, just as shiny as Raon's! There's even some ears and horns attached to the hood over the Human's head, and it looked a whole lot like Raon's ears and horns! And the tail behind the human was just as long as Raon's tail!
"Human!" Raon shouted, floating excitedly around to get a better look at the costume. "You... You look just like me!"
The only difference was that the Human's face stayed human.
"Raon-nya~" he heard his Hyung call, and Raon looked down to see Hong wearing a smaller costume for a red dragon!
Beside Hong, Ohn was wearing a costume for a silver dragon!
"YOU ALL LOOK LIKE ME!" Raon said.
Cale lifted up his arms, and Raon slotted himself into them, making himself lighter with magic so that the Human's weak arms wouldn't shake.
"They're onesies I asked Eruhaben to make," the Human said.
Ohn nodded. "You should have seen Eruhaben's face," she said, snickering. "He even grumbled about unlucky bastards asking Dragons to become tailors!"
"We were going to wear these tonight!" Hong said, standing on his hind legs, and using his front paws to hang on to Cale's scaly pants. His eyes shined when Raon looked at him with a wide and happy grin. "Do you like them, dongsaeng?"
Raon floated out of Cale's arms and flew down to his Hyung, nuzzling his nose into his Hyung's now scaly neck. "I LOVE it!"
Cale huffed.
"Let's take an afternoon nap, then?" he asked. And, he had to give it to Eruhaben, the onesie felt really comfortable. Is this how comfortable a dragon felt in their own skin? (pun intended)
He watched as the three children, his children, raced to the bed, crashing into each other the moment they reached rhe fluffy blanket.
Cale walked into the room after closing the door. He picked up the fluffy blanket and tucked all three 'dragons' into their bed.
Soon, after a few gentle pattings, the red and silver 'dragons'were fast asleep.
Raon was still wide awake.
"Human?" Raon called, his voice shaky.
Cale hummed in response, gently patting the black dragon's stomach while waiting for Raon to continue.
"There aren't any costumes for me to look human..." Raon said.
Cale paused, suddenly seeing an image of Raon wearing a human mask in his mind. It was horrible and not cute at all, and Cale wished he hadn't imagined it.
But also, "Why would you want to look human?" he asked.
Raon frowned, very unlike his name, which made Cale frown as well.
Cale was patient. Because it had taken Raon so long to heal. It wouldn't matter if Raon takes a few minutes more.
"...want..." Raon gulped, and then blurted, "I want to be like you, Human!"
Cale paused. But then, he continued his patting as he replied, "You don't have to be a human to be like me."
"I know that," Raon said. "But I want to be like you, Human. I want to be a human like you."
"...I'm not a very good person, Raon."
"You say that a lot," Raon said. "But even so... If what you do is considered bad, I still want to be like you..."
Cale hummed. "You can still loot amd scam people as a dragon," he said.
Raon shook his head. Why is this so hard to explain?! He just...
Cale watched with wide eyes as the dragon in front of him began crying again. But what's more, the dragon seemed to be shrinking.
"Raon?" Cale called, his voice shaking. He's not panicking, he's not.
But Raon didn't notice the Human's distress.
"You're like a father, Human," Raon said, scrunching his eyes closed. He could feel the Human's warm hand still on his tummy. And it felt nice. Raon wants to have warm hands like the Human's. Warm arms to wrap around the Human for a hug. A soft neck and face to nuzzle into when he's happy. He wanted to have two legs to stand on, so that his Human could also watch his back and know that he could depend on him.
Cale watched as Raon became smaller and smaller, his color changing into... Something similar to Cale's own skin. Raon's skin changing into something softer. And the first thing Cale notices after Raon finishes transforming... Are the tears on the Young Dragon... The young human's face.
He lifted his hand off of Raon's stomach to wipe them away.
And when Raon opened his eyes, that's when he noticed something was different.
"Human?" Raon called, but his voice seemed to sound different.
To Cale it sounded just the same.
With a small tilt of Cale's lips, a small smile you could say, he leaned forward to ruffle the sofr, black hair of the little human on the bed. "You look like me," Cale whispered.
Raon's eyes widened as he excitedly sat up. He looks at his hands, smaller than the Human's but... But... "THEY'RE HANDS!" he said excitedly!
Cale chuckled.
Then, before Raon could lift the blanket, Cale told him to hold on for a second.
"I will just get Eruhaben to make you some clothes."
Once Eruhaben came into the room, to see a mini-Cale with black hair grinning at him, the Ancient Dragon sighed with a little tilt of his lips going upwards. "Aigoo... stop making me make clothes for humans, Little Kid!"
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this is so wholesome nonny! The dragon onesies, the interactions, Eruhaben sewing clothes?? Thanks for sharing this wonderful fluffy piece with us!
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yoooori · 3 years
Untraditional Loss
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mark smut
tw: sex, loss of virginity, smut, heterosexual sex, the act of a man inserting his penis into a woman
"19 and still a virgin... ah, how's life a virgin?" Haechan sighed mockingly, throwing a popcorn at you. You whined. "19 is still young; You're just stupid."
Haechan stuck out his tongue. "Don't say that. At least I got my position without daddy's help."
"You aren't even supposed to be eating here."
"Okay, daddy's daughter."
That set you off. You stood up, walked in front of Haechan, and started pushing his wheeled-chair towards the door of the office.
"I didn't choose to get this position!" you yelled before you tipped over his chair, sending him flying onto the ground, barely saved by his reflexes.
You turned your head around and stuck your tongue at Haechan as he grumbled behind you. "You're rude." he commented as you two got in an elevator.
"So are you, so I think we're even."
Haechan bit his lip, clearly trying to stop himself from talking back.
You turned on your phone, scrolling through pictures of Instagram models.
"Doesn't it get boring?"
You turned around. "What?" you asked.
"Doesn't it get boring," Haechan shrugged. "Watching pretty girls sit around and show ass during your free time?"
You failed to conceal a laughter. "Nah, I watch them for different reasons other than to see them 'show ass'" you gave him a mocking smile.
You got off the elevator, stumbling over your high heels (which you never liked). Finally, your working hours were over. You never liked offices, but were inevitably forced into the business world by your father.
You said a quick 'thank you' to the receptionist, nearly falling on your stomach as you rushed to get into your car- or freedom.
Turning on the engine hastily, you drove your way to your favorite spot on Earth: the bar.
You never drank. Wine tasted expensively shitty. Beer tasted strong and yet bland. Normal alcohol just didn't sit right with your tongue.
Instead, you had your eyes on one thing on the menu: mouth-watering crispy french fries that dominated your taste buds.
You soon found yourself in the bar, enjoying a medium bowl of fries. You scrolled through Instagram again, disappointed with yourself.
Your mind wandered to your conversation with Haechan.
"Doesn't it get boring? Watching pretty girls sit around and show ass during your free time?"
"Nah, I watch them for different reasons other than to see them 'show ass'"
You laughed to yourself as you liked another selfie from a popular korean uzzlang. You had lied.
You found the concept simple. They were pretty; you were not. They had the perfect body; you did not. Their face were perfect; yours' wasn't.
You felt your eyes darken.
As simple as the concept was, you never liked to accept it.
You turned around to meet a man in his mid 20's. "Can I sit here?" he gestured at the seat next to you. You scanned the area quickly. There were no other available seats. You shrugged. "Why not?"
He gave you a tired smile before plopping himself on the chair. He waved to the bartender. "The usual, please."
Your eyes widened as the bartender brought him a cup and 2 full bottles of alcohol.
Before the stranger could take a sip, you stopped him.
"That's way too much."
He raised his eyebrow, amused. "What, you want some?"
You shook your head. "I don't drink, but seriously, that is way too much to be healthy."
He chuckled darkly.
"Why do you care?"
You scoffed at him. "Just don't." you said and offered him a fry. Amused, he took the fry and ate it. You stared at him, with expecting eyes.
His eyes met yours. "Mm? Tastes good." he said in response to your look.
You smiled, satisfied. "You can have mine. I ordered too much."
"How do I know you didn't spike it without me looking?"
In response, you made direct eye contact with the stranger. You took a large handful of fries and stuffed them into your mouth, all while maintaining the eye contact.
He laughed. "After seeing that, I doubt I want to eat any of those fries."
"You're mean," you huffed. "Just like Haechan."
His eyes widened. "You know Haechan?"
Your eyes widened too. "You do too?"
He stared at you for a second before bursting into laughter. "Ah, if you know Haechan, you must be the famous 19 year-old virgin."
You looked away, embarrassed. "Damn, I'm really known for that?" you groaned, covering your face with your hands.
"It's not exactly a bad thing," he shrugged. "Lots of men would want to sleep with you."
You narrowed your eyes, suddenly having a quesion.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Mark."
You fumbled your hands, suddenly turning red. "Mark... You said a lot of guys want to sleep with me?"
Mark nodded. "Mhm."
"....Does that include you?"
He nearly spat out the fry he had took from your plate. Quickly maintaining composure, he couldn't help but look away sheepishly. "At some point, maybe."
"How about now?"
"Why are you asking me that?"
You groaned, embarrassed. "I don't want to be known as a virgin. Seriously..."
Mark laughed. "You'd rather lose it with me? You barely know me."
"That's why I want to lose it with you."
Mark stopped laughing.
"I... I don't want to make things weird if I lose it with my friends. But you- it'll just be much easier." you sputtered.
Mark got up. "Never had a hookup like this, but sure. My place?"
You nodded, suddenly wondering if you're going to regret your decision.
Mark's place was surprisingly.... Suprising.
"You watch Cocomelon?" you snorted, looking at a 3D printed figure of the familiar melon. He swiped it away. "I used to love collecting anything watermelon related." he quickly explained.
you were brought into his bedroom, feeling as un-needy as a person could be. mark sighed. "damn, we both aren't feeling it, huh?"
"we can play minecraft." you suggested.
mark shook his head. "nah, come here. lemme kiss you."
your eyes widened and you burst out laughing. "okay, okay," you snorted, feeling Mark's lips brush against your neck. you gasped unexpectedly as you felt Mark squeeze your waist.
"mm? where did all the lightheartedness go?" Mark hummed, his hands roaming your body. His finger skillfully undid your bra, your breaths shortened by the nervousness and excitement you felt.
Mark smiled to himself, wrapping his arms around your body gently. "I'll be gentle, okay?"
You nodded in response, slightly calmer. Mark lightly pushed you onto the bed, on your back. He went on top of you, classic missionary position.
Your eyes fluttered as you felt Mark's soft lips against your body, gasping a little when you felt his hands working off your skirt. When he got up to look at your face, he moved your skirt to the floor.
"Cute." Mark chuckled, looking at your bear print panties. You looked away, embarrassed. Mark gave a small kiss to the area above your panties as he took them off for you.
"Want to help me to take of my clothes? Experience?" Mark offered, now sitting down. You got on your knees and began to take off his blazer, and then undoing his shirt buttons one by one. You kept your eyes on his neck, too flustered to see his bare chest.
Mark noticed this. Chuckling in a deeper voice, his softly grabbed your shoulders and pulled you back. "You can look, don't worry about looking respectfully now." he whispered.
You did and gasped, your head finding its spot against Mark's neck in a second. Mark laughed at your response. "I'll take off my other clothes for you." he said.
He took off his pants, and then his underwear. Your eyes were glued to a pillow, embarrassed.
"Don't be scared," he whispered to you, pulling you in for a kiss. His tongue and yours interacted against each other, seemingly dancing. "Touch me anywhere you want, baby. Tonight's your night."
Your hands found its way to his abs and chest, feeling the toned muscles. You gasped against Mark's chest, embarrassed yet curious. Your hands went further down and down-
"Fuck," Mark sighed as your hand found itself around his cock.
"Had enough touching, baby?" he asked you, his lid half closed from the feeling of your hand around his cock.
You nodded, lying on your back.
Mark looked at your eyes softly, his lips connecting with yours. You pulled away from his, leaving a small gasp as you felt yourself being filled.
"S-s-stop-" you whispered as it started to hurt. Mark stayed as still as he can, struggling as your walls wrapped around his cock tightly. "O-okay, now you can go."
Mark went inch by inch, stopping when you requested, until he was fully inside you. You squirmed underneath him, feeling filled.
"I'll start moving." he whispered to you. Your eyes stared at him, begging him to kiss you. He bent his head lower, allowing you to kiss his face as you struggled to contain him. Mark started to rock his hips, his length going even deeper inside of you.
He groaned, centimeters away from your face. "Fuck." he moaned, instinctively finding his lips on yours. You whimpered against his lips. You didn't feel much pleasure, but did feel it coming.
You squirmed, lips still desperate to stay with Mark's as you felt the famous pleasure start to sink into you. "Mark" you whispered into the kiss. "Feels good."
"Mm? Good girl, it'll feel much better later." Mark groaned back, restraining himself from rocking his hips faster.
He was right. You grabbed the bedsheets, whimpering as the feeling grew bigger and bigger.
The air was hot between you and Mark. The room was dim and you could barely make out the outline of Mark. The soft sounds of skin slapping were the background noises to you and mark's moans.
You wrapped your arms around Mark, gasping as you felt his cock moving in and out of you. "So-so full-" you gasped. Mark gritted his teeth and hissed in response.
"Li-Like that!" you suddenly let out when you felt Mark's cock brush against a sensitive spot. Mark increased his pace, hitting the spot as many times as he could, sending you into a breathing mess.
You gasped and gasped, feeling your chest rise up and down as you could barely see from the lack of light and the blinding pleasure. "Something's coming." you whimpered against Mark, rocking your hips too to meet his. "Let it go, baby." he whispered back.
You felt the feeling grow like a wave, getting bigger and bigger until-
It was pleasure like you never knew it. The feeling of a giant wave crashing onto you, your legs shaking and your back arching. "Mmm!" you could let out helplessly as you felt pleasure overtake you.
It stopped, leaving you panting and out of breath.
Mark pulled out. You knew what to do- you had an idea, at least. You let him insert his cock into your mouth and sucked on it. He sighed at the feeling, soon letting out a stream of a white milky liquid into your mouth.
You lied down, panting. Mark collapsed next to you on the bed. Mark spooned you, hugging you from behind. You two were too tired to exchange words, falling asleep as soon as his arms were wrapped around your body.
You woke up the next day, groggy. Mark was awake, scrolling through his phone next to you. Seeing that you are awake, he smiled.
"Mind if I get your number?"
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Human!Freddy Krueger x Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: What The Fuck Now, Freddy!?
This is not inherently romantic, at all. Or sexual. Just... Freddy being a bastard, and you are caught in the crosshairs- and are forever linked with him because of it.
I've been listening to Lizzie, a lot lately- and this is inspired by 'What The Fuck Now, Lizzie!?'
Also- I'm thinking this will have a part 2. Due to the ending not being quite enough. Maybe a part for the court proceedings!
Plot: Many will know the story of that terrible day Krueger essentially snapped- killing his wife, Loretta Krueger. She saw the basement, they say, and he didn't like that. Their daughter saw the whole thing and suffered a traumatic response to seeing the sight of her mother, strangled to death, by her father- and forgot the whole thing.
But if she were to remember something, one day.
She may remember something no one knows about that day, aside from Freddy himself.
She may remember, that someone else was there.
She may remember you.
Alternatively- you're being blackmailed by Freddy who found out you, another supposedly Plain Jane in Loretta's 'mothers club', is cheating on your husband and calls you up to help deal with the mess he made. Because who else did he have?
Warnings: Okay lemme see, its basically a potluck of triggers. Hm. Murder, swearing, cheating (You, on your husband. Not with Freddy), getting rid of a body, a child gets traumatised (Obviously, Kathy/Maggie), Freddy himself, mention of the basement and all that entails, reader with a very questionable moral compass. Look, I think if you can watch Freddy's Dead, you're good here.
I'm just heading out the door, to go grocery shopping - or, at least, that's the story I tell my husband. When really I don't do the grocery shop until the day after tomorrow. He never notices... - when the phone rings. By very nearly tripping over my feet in my endeavour to catch it before the ringing stops, I manage pick up the phone with very little injury besides an achy, slightly twisted ankle. "Hi! Hi, sorry, I'm here. Hello?"
Pouting, I sit down at the kitchen table; Rubbing my poor ankle to sooth the pain, which would soon diminish anyway. Still- I'm sorry, ankle. I'll try to chill.
When the voice on the other end reveals who it is who's called the house, I lose all need to be pleasant. Damn. I really need to memorise this goddamn number... so I can not answer it. "Whatcha wearin'?"
"Thank god Harrison didn't answer this, you fuck." I deeply roll my eyes. Thank god Har's out. No, this is not my mister, not the man I was going to meet just now- but its bad, enough. In an entirely different way. Its stupid, blackmailing, son of a... hundred maniacs. "What do you want?"
"What a way to answer the phone, Y/N. Gee, seems like every time I we talk, I'm learning how you really aren't in the right place, are you? Cheating on your poor husband, swearing... These aren't really signs of the perfect suburban house wife, is it?" Gritting my teeth, I keep from lashing out. I've learned, if you stay real quiet, Freddy wont have anything to pull from and will get bored quick. "Why so silent, hm?"
"... " Oh, fuck me. I cant help it. "Wondering where you get off judging me on being 'suburban', actually."
"Anywhere I like, thanks."
Oh... oh. Gross?
He doesn't see the disgust tearing my face into two perfect halves right now, but my silence must be enough as he laughs. The sound is directly into the phone, and harsh on my poor eardrums. Ugh... "Oh for gods sake... What are we? Fourteen years old?? Come on- why'd you call?"
"Uhhhh... " Quickly, midway through that drawn out 'um' sound, Freddy's voice transitions, and gets a whole lot darker. Something deep in his chest dislodging, to make it so. Perhaps, his heart. "Well... you might wanna come and see for yourself."
"Uh, I don't think so. I have somewhere to be right now- "
"Oh well you don't, anymore." And its clear what he isn't saying- or else I'll tell Harrison about Carter and set your life on fire. "Tell your boy toy you're takin' a reign check for the day. I think you'll last. In fact... after you come over here, you might be out of the game for a couple a hours at least- maybe days."
Hold on, hold on Freddy what the fuck- "What!?"
"... Believe it or not, I didn't actually mean for that one."
Nevertheless, no matter how just... off setting, Freddy is, I had to when he asked. I had to jump when he said so.
Because if not, then he would tear my life apart.
So here I am, about to knock on that big red door he lives behind, wondering what I'm walking into. Where's Loretta? Where's Kathy? How long will the visit be? I told Carter I'd be an hour or two late- any longer and I wont see him at all today. Which would absolutely suck.
Just after my knuckles come down on the wood the first time, a hand comes down on my shoulder and I immediately jump out of my skin... then slowly look around.
There's Freddy, a cheeky grin on his face. It does nothing to set my nerves at ease. "Ugh... Why are you out here?"
"We're going to the backyard. Lets go." Taking me by the shoulders, he marches me around the side of the house, instead of through it for some reason, and into the familiar backyard. I've been here numerous times, as Loretta likes to hold our club meetings here - Barbecue's, tea's... that sort of thing. Just to let the kids play together and so the adults can enjoy some adult conversation. Its a nice yard... but depending on what her horrid husband is about to show me, it may not be considered as such anymore... - , but I'm now starting to develop a sick feeling in my stomach.
Honestly- I don't know much about Freddy at all. Yes, I went to school with him, but that doesn't mean much when he was a freaky loner kid the whole time. I remember he killed the class hamster once- that's about the only splash he ever made in the news pool; But it definitely stuck.
Yes, Loretta cleaned up his image a fair bit since getting married, but now he's blackmailing me, and as far as I know I'm now alone with him.
Suspicious of him suddenly, I slip out of his grip with a dirty look flashed his way. Don't touch me.
He just rolls his eyes, leading me around some hedges.
And then everything stops.
Him, me, the air; The air around me, the breeze, the breath in my throat.
There lays Loretta, on the ground. If I was really really naïve, I could imagine she were sleeping... or passed out, at least, due to the way she's sprawled out. No one would lay down like that willingly.
But... her eyes are open.
For a moment I'm tempted to kneel down; Take a closer look. Find out how, myself. Is she bleeding anywhere that I cant see now? Are her lips turning blue? If I moved some short red hair out of the way- would their be marks on her neck yet?
But then I come to my senses...
And freak. The fuck. O u t.
"What, the fuck, did you do!?" I whip around, looking at Freddy now which entirely new eyes. I mean, before I sure wasn't fond- but now I'm filled with something new, looking at him. Something a lot worse, something that makes me want to run. Run, and hide, and stay there.
And all these, even though he hasn't really changed. He still wears a mischievous smirk, stony blue eyes eating up my reactions... like always. But this time its just so so much worse. "Made some dead weight- now you're gonna help me get rid of it. So!" Finally, though its been only a matter of seconds, he turns his gaze off of me and I'm glad. That gaze is far too heavy. "Ideas?"
Only for a moment am I lost for words, struggling to push anything out. "I... I'm sorry??"
His gaze returns to mine, but this time my eyes are hard as his are dark. "Help. Me. Get rid of her. Fucking. Body. Or do you want your dirty laundry aired for the whole community to hear?"
Before I can help myself, I let out a sharp laugh, only succeeding in making Freddy's scowl deeper. "Freddy- this secret's a lot bigger, then mine. Sure, I might get divorced- but you're going to prison!" Does he get that? He's g o i n g to j a i l. Crossing my arms, I try to avoid looking at my ex-friend's body. I cant. "I'm sure as hell not gonna be in there with you, for being an accomplice."
I really cant look at her... I can only focus on Freddy. And that takes a lot of energy- its taking everything in me, in fact. Everything I have. But I have to. If its him or her, there's no choice.
But... then a creepy smile spreads across his face- a vast polarity to the frustrated glower of before. It makes my blood run cold.
"Ohhhh..." He looks almost ferocious, even in his composed state. Like a monster. Like any moment a fanged, inhuman creature is going to burst out of him and I'm going to wake up, and this will have been a nightmare. A horrible nightmare. The kind where that creature haunts me for a long time, after its over. After this over.
He's going to haunt me.
"You must think this is my first time... " My heart turns to ice, mouth hanging a little open... what the fuck have I found myself a part of!? Suddenly all the children's disappearances on the news lately come to the forefront of my brain... "Sweetheart, give a man his dues. I'm a hard working kinda guy... " I watch his gaze flicker to a door - the back door? No... The basement door, - and when a filthy smirk pulls at his mouth, my heart flies up into my throat. God, it makes me feel sick. I want to be violently ill. "My first was my adoptive Dad... pretty sick, huh?"
The fact that he didn't say anything about the basement, makes my imagination go wild. I swallow it down, though.
I just need to get out of here, and never think about this again.
And to do that I need to help Freddy get rid of this goddamn body- and... probably... testify at court... As the panic starts to finally rise up in my, right up to fill my throat, I immediately take in a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Okay... " No time to freak out. Now's the time for action.
Gaze flickering to Loretta again, I try to acclimatise to the sight. I think its a lost cause, though. "How did you get rid of him? Your Dad?"
"No, that's not gonna work. He was a drunk dead beat, and I just had to tell the police some guy's he owed money to came over to the house." Freddy grins happily at the memory, but then just as quickly, scowls at his poor deceased wife's body- that certainly cant fight back. I just tack this onto the long list of reasons I hate him. "Lore's such a goddamn goody goody- we cant do the same thing. You don't think I woulda thought of that??"
"Hey." I snap, hands braced on my hips as I flash a glare his way. "This is not the time to get defensive!"
"Whatever... "
Then- suddenly, something occurs to me. Confused, I look around; A deeply horrified feeling disturbing my stomach. "Hold on... Where's your daughter?" Seeing no sign of her anywhere, I definitely start to panic again- especially when I look to Freddy and just see a pert look in his eyes as he looks back at me, a smile that strikes something horrid inside me. My eyes narrow. "You sick fuck- where the fuck is she!??"
"Under the bed."
"What the fuck does that mean!?" I exclaim, frustrated and freaking out. He did not- he did not! Killing your spouse is one thing, but the kid?? Your own kid??
I don't wait around for him to be cryptic some more, and rush right into the house to look for her. Under the bed, under the bed, under the fucking bed...? Which fucking bed!? Forcing ferocity out of my voice, I carefully call out to Kathy. Hoping to god she answers. I try to sound normal. Maybe a little bit cheerful; Excited.
But my voice wobbles.
"Kathy?? Sweetheart, its Y/N! Are you hiding? I have something for you... " ?? You have something for her, Y/N?? God... now you have to figure out some kind of treat.
You know what? Whatever. We'll figure that out later.
Lets just hope we aren't searching for a corpse. I'd definitely be sick, seeing a child... the way Loretta is...
Shaking my head and clenching my fists, I try to focus on Kathy.
I check under the bed in the guest room because it comes into view first and she isn't there, then her bedroom and she isn't there either... and get a sick feeling as soon as I enter the last bedroom. Freddy's and Loretta's.
God, I've never been in here before but its like a museum peace now. A horrible one. Like if you would walk into the Titanic... or the Borden house.
"Kathy? You in here?" Flicking on the light I kneel down on the ground, and check under the bed.
And something immediately crashes over me, as the sight of her covering her eyes down there. It isn't exactly relief, because this whole situation is still phenomenally fucked up for her, but I am selfishly glad to not have to see her body... crumpled, just like her mother.
"Hey sweetheart," My voice quivers slightly now, but I quickly swallow. No. No. Now, you must be strong Y/N. "Its just me. Your Daddy was looking for you, and couldn't find you! It got him worried!"
"I... I don't wanna see Daddy. He hurt Mommy." Kathy doesn't remove her hands from her face, and stays firmly by the wall- too far away for anyone to grab. My heart sinks.
Slowly straightening up again, I try to take that piece of information in. Turning to the doorway, I see Freddy there. he must have followed me. I didn't even notice. Slowly, and quietly ferociously, I say; "She saw?!"
He has the good sense to look embarrassed, even if it is just to make fun of me. "It was spur of the moment... " He shrugs. "I didn't have time to get a babysitter!"
What a fucking excuse. For gods sake.
I'm definitely dealing with a psycho- if that was even a question before now.
Swiftly, I look down under the bed again, because I'm afraid that if I continue to engage with him- I'll scream, and I'll lose my breath, and I'll scare Kathy even more. She's at the forefront of my mind; That's all I can think about.
But what to do with her after I get her out from under this bed, I don't know. I cant give her back to her father... but I cant hand her over to the police either because that would involve telling them about Loretta, and... Freddy will definitely kill me, for that.
This is a nightmare of a situation.
I'm just opening my mouth to say something - what, I don't know yet, - when she speaks, instead. "Is he there?"
"... Yes." I wont lie to her; That would be treating her with not nearly as much respect as she deserves.
When she takes a deep breath and rubs her eyes, as if just trying to keep herself together, my heart clenches. God... and to think I might not have picks up Freddy's call today. I would have been leaving her with this. For the first time today, I'm morbidly glad I came.
She speaks in that loud, hissy way that kids think is a whisper. "Can he... can you please make him go away?"
Immediately I straighten back up and look to Freddy again, my eyebrows raised halfway up my forehead. Like well? "Get out."
"I don't think you're in a position to make demands here, bi- "
"Do you want Kathy to live down there now!??" I snap, trying not to be scared. Not really feeling scared, actually. Just happy to have a reason to tell him to get the hell away from me.
A deep frown creases his mouth, deeply unhappy about the situation, but steps back. I only hear him step out of the way of the door, but its good enough. Quickly, I get up and close the door - fighting with myself not to slam it, - and lock it.
Then I return to the floor, and see this time Kathy has uncovered her eyes. She looks so small, smaller then she actually is, and she looks like she's shaking. Little red bows and piggy tails in her hair are messy from crawling under the bed. "He's gone, sweetheart. And I locked the door."
She just nods, so I take the silence as a chance to offer my hand to her. "Take my hand, sweetie? Come on out from under the bed. Its cold down there, and no one wants you getting sick." I need to upkeep the family friend bit, I need to sound caring and collected. I need her to trust me.
Her big eyes, not Loretta's colour or Freddy's, look nervous as hell. And she shakes her head.
Taking a deep breath, and I conjure all the sincerity as I can. And mean it. My eyes soften and I try really hard, to resent myself as someone trustworthy- which is hard, seeing as I've never really been that. I mean, I'm cheating on my husband. I told Carter today the same lie I told Harrison when i knew I was going to be late. The only person I think who knows the truth behind all my lies is Freddy. That says something about a person, that the only person who knows them is a psychopath.
But I want to, I need to, be good for this little girl. And there's no time for me turn my life around so it has to start with this. How fucked is that?
"... I promise, I'll take care of you. He wont hurt you."
After a few whole minutes, in which I stay silent because yes she's a child, but she's still thinking, she crawls over and takes my hand, letting me lead her out. Crawling into my lap as I cross my legs under her, she buries her face in my shirt- hiding. "You promise?"
Taking a deep breath, because I've really done it now, I offer my pinky for her to see if she turned her head. I know Freddy's listening to all of this through the wall, but I try not to freak out. "Pinky swear?"
"Pinky swear." She peaks out from my shirt, and curls her little finger around mine. Okay... "Y/N... I'm scared."
"Yeah... Me too, sweetie."
What am I going to do?
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blackaquokat · 2 years
I finished Invincible this weekend
As some of you noticed from my recent reblogs. Now that I have access to my laptop again, I'll share my thoughts. Under the cut, of course, because idk if my followers and mutuals have seen it and it is NOT a show that needs spoiling if you're planning to watch it.
ALRIGHT, so my older brother was introducing this show to me and my sister. Watching the first episode, I was SO SUSPICIOUS. Not because of the show itself (although clearly Omni Man was acting weird and I didn't know why). My brother has a habit of showing us different movies and shows that aren't what they appear to be or tend to be dark.
I said this to him while we watched the first episode. He said nothing, played it cool. The episode ended (so I thought) and I was about to say, "I stand corrected" when the Guardians of the Globe got their call and THEN YOU-KNOW-WHAT HAPPENED AND WOLF AND I WERE YELLING AT THE SCREEN LIKE WTF IS GOING ON???
After the scene ended, and the credits ACTUALLY started rolling, I whipped my head to my brother, pointed at him, and yelled, as he started laughing at my traumatized ass, "I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T JUST SHOW US SOMETHING NICE!!"
We proceeded to binge the show over the weekend during our visit and lemme tell ya'll, I just Barely managed to avoid crying during the season finale. Mark is my son now, and Debbie is my wife, suck it Nolan, you don't deserve them.
I saw that Cecil/Debbie is kind of a ship going around, and I dig it, but I also def ship Rudy and Monster Girl (I think her name was Amanda or something? I gotta double check). It was nice to hear Jason Mantzoukas voice someone with an emotion that wasn't batshit crazy or vaguely douchey, I feel like he's been typecasted, and his voice made me legit emotional when Rudy got his new body and comforted the original.
I love Amber, I love Eve, I kind of want them together more than either of them ending up with Mark? I think Mark needs time to figure himself out before he jumps into a relationship again, especially considering the lackluster way he handled his dynamic with Amber, who did NOT deserve his shit.
That being said, Mark is my boi, he's a good boi, and he, again, did not deserve any of the horrible shit that went his way this season.
Ya'll this show is INSANE. In a good way. If you plan on breaking up with the MCU, try this show. It's diverse, well-written, and complex, and jfc, there is some shit you will NOT be able to predict.
I cannot WAIT for the next two seasons, I need some goddamn closure on all of THAT.
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