#( interactions. ☼ )
moshebehar · 2 months
SETTING ― Latte Love, afternoon ! AVAILABILITY ― Open ! ( Capping at 4 ) !
It was peaceful. That had been Moshe’s initial impression of Blue Harbor when he’d finally taken the plunge that following Nilay halfway across the world had warranted. There was really no telling whether he'd make the decision to leave any time soon― he doubted his perpetual wanderlust would pull him away from Blue Harbor considering the fact that he seemed to find more and more reasons to stay with every passing day. It wasn’t as though he had a deep aversion to packing up and leaving if that was something that needed doing— it was more that his time in the United States had offered him a freedom he’d not yet allowed himself to experience in life and he was all too willing to take advantage of it as long as he possibly could. Freedom that had found him, at that present moment, shifting in a cafe chair outside of Latte Love, grading papers for the most recent assignment he'd given his first year students. 
“Ah, good try, mate,” Moshe found himself murmuring under his breath as he wrote a few detailed comments beneath the final paragraph of the paper in question. He admired the effort his students were willing to put into their work and hoped it was in part due to even the barest hint of respect they’d developed for him since he’d become their teacher. He found himself blinking owlishly at the sight of a phone number scribbled at the end of one of his student’s papers and shook his head firmly as an almost startled laugh erupted from him just loud enough to catch the attention of someone near him. He raised a hand and smiled sheepishly, “I’m sorry about that– I hope I didn’t startle you. Perhaps you can help me? What’s a fellow to do to turn a student down incredibly gently when they seem to have a crush on him? I’m really quite concerned I’ll accidentally reduce her to tears or something.”
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feuerwizard · 2 months
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starter for @featherstcnes || caleb & beau
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No matter how much he tries to feel at ease, Caleb will never shake the feeling of being out of place in this comfortable home on the streets of Rexxentrum. His cottage is a quaint and charming place, evoking memories both fond and painful of his childhood home. His friends have put in a great deal of effort to create a warm and inviting atmosphere within its walls. Colorful artwork from Jester adorns the walls, vibrant and playful. Yasha's thoughtful touch can be seen in the fresh array of flowers. The aroma of Caduceus' teas tucked away in his cabinet. Little notes from Essek, scattered about his office.
And upon his counter, a sending stone. Though it currently serves no purpose, with its other half resting idly in the possession of someone currently lounging in his kitchen. Caleb's culinary skills leave much to be desired, a fact he has quickly learned since moving out on his own. The proof of this in the lackluster stew he passes across the table to Beauregard, catching the way she looks at it. He has never claimed to be a good cook—a young Bren never learned how, and Caleb never needed to learn.
“We should discuss what we are going to do now, Beauregard.” Months have passed since Ikithon's trial, and both he and Beauregard are aware this would never end with Trent alone.
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shiwxn · 6 months
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ open starter ;
no apartamento de jihoon.
˚。 ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ━━ para de se mexer! ━━ shiwon resmungou, mas havia uma risada escapando por entre as palavras. tinha um pincel de tinta rosa neon na mão, algumas gotas já tinham pigado no chão, mas outras pesssoas já tinham feito desenhos no piso, então não estava muito preocupado. não que fosse um dos desenhistas mais habilidosos do mundo, mas shiwon sabia desenhar uma coisa ou outra. ━━ prometo que não vou desenhar um pênis na sua cara, nem nada do tipo. ━━ acrescentou, entre uma risada mais pronunciada. de fato, era só uma flor inocente.
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exandriaborn · 9 days
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@featherstcnes asked: "❛  you can always ask me for help if you need it.  ❜" // caring prompts;; open
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Dorian's gaze drifted to the darkening sky, the first stars twinkling like distant lanterns. The cool evening breeze carried the scent of blooming jasmine, a fragrance that reminded him of home and days of his youth. He sighed deeply, thoughts consumed by the recent encounter with his brother, Cyrus. It had been years since they last saw each other, and the weight of their shared history hung heavy in the air. He feared for his brother's safety now and while not unhappy to see him, it carried complicated feelings.
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But Orym's familiar presence beside him was a comforting anchor in the midst of troubled thoughts. The halfling's kind eyes and gentle demeanor radiated warmth and understanding. "Thank you, Orym," Dorian turned to face his friend, a grateful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I appreciate your support more than you know," the bard said, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's just… seeing Cyrus again, realizing the danger he's in now… it's a lot to process. I want to help him, but I don't know where to start. And I don’t want to put our new friends in danger either."
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juliangladiator · 2 months
starter for @blademasterdior.
where: somewhere in boreana, juno's reach
when: during neptunalia, after the gladiator event, but not like right after
note: gladiator bois
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The gladiator match had incensed the hundreds within Juno's Reach; a palpable passion that rivaled a thin line of merely being out for blood. A Lysaran always enjoyed a proper show and rumors soon began to swirl through the partying crowds about everything Julian had missed out on. Wherever Dior was to be found, there was often a dense crowd swarming him, fawning over a gladiator who'd been well known, and sometimes borderline infamous, for generations. He'd taught Julian the very essence of such shows; a sanguinary ritual that warranted the spilling of a blood, but a show all the same.
It was late in the evening and he'd found Dior, perhaps supplementing his pride, in the heart of one of the various celebrations that swirled throughout Boreana. Some quietly skirted around the gladiator, others bowed their heads as though in solemn shame, and others still venerated Dior on the pedestal he'd rightfully claimed after so many years of fighting. Julian wasn't interested in bringing up the clashing opinions the crowd on the isle currently had for Dior; dozens still cried he was their fan favorite and others seemed cross at a result that didn't result in a blood frenzy.
Julian mustered a smile, something that matched the often blazing energy of the other, "Dior! I've been looking all over for you since the tournament ended." He'd served his purpose with working the crowd prior to the tournament, but Julian truthfully hadn't stuck around to watch the blood spill, "You're supposed to be celebrating!" Julian's voice lowered as many filtered around them, appearances were crucial to gladiator's even long after the curtain was called on a match. "Had someone really tried to snatch Lady Ilithyia's wig?" Julian had been curious about that one; in the nearly six short years he'd served as a fighter in the gladiator ring, no one had tried such show.
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andrearicci · 8 months
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nome completo. andrea “seunghoon” ricci lee • parente olimpiano. apollo • idade. trinta e quatro anos • chalé. 7 • nível. III • tempo de estadia no acampamento. 20 anos • esporte. membro individual do arco e flecha • instrutor. combate corpo a corpo • altura. 181cm • cor dos olhos. castanho-claro • cor do cabelo. preto • porte físico. atlético • aparência. seria possível alguém ter uma aparência calorosa? iluminada? andrea é assim, parece que brilha o tempo todo e deixa o ambiente sempre quentinho, seus cabelos naturalmente pretos é contrário a característica física mais comum entre os filhos de apollo, mas isso não apaga, em nada, a visão iluminada de andrea, a pele é levemente bronzeada, mais pro dourado, dizem que é por pegar sol demais, mas também pode ser porque nasceu com esse aspecto praiano, os olhos castanhos quase beira o dourado de tão claros, ainda que sejam tão pequenos que desaparecem quando ele sorri. possui sardas na região dos ombros e seguindo até o peito, há pequenos sinais na região do nariz e das maçãs do rosto também, além de algumas pintinhas em várias partes do corpo. alto e com corpo bem atlético, ele gosta de manter o condicionamento físico, e isso parte pelo fato de querer ser um bom guerreiro para proteger seus irmãos e os demais semideuses, além de ser muito forte, mas isso é por causa da energia solar que corre em seu corpo.
traços de personalidade: 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐉 + caloroso, autoconfiante. - teimoso, introvertido.
(mais informações abaixo)
RECANALIZAÇÃO SOLAR - Absorve a energia solar durante todo o período que estiver em contato com a luz do sol, dessa forma, é capaz de recanalizar essa energia absorvida para uma variedade de propósitos relacionados. Tem a força aumentada, pois as células são alimentadas com energia solar e isso aumenta a sua capacidade física, consequentemente possui uma resistência limitada, enquanto tiver energia solar correndo pelo seu corpo, possui proteção necessária que faz com que seja capaz de suportar o impacto de um caminhão de dezoito rodas. É capaz de projetar calor, podendo aumentar o calor do local, sendo capaz também de projetar ou absorver calor do corpo das pessoas. E como arma, ele pode fazer rajadas de energia solar sair de suas mãos com cerca de 20 toneladas de força, mas apenas enquanto houver energia solar correndo pelo seu corpo, isso mostra que a limitação do poder é que não dá pra usar o aumento de força e a rajada de energia ao mesmo tempo, é preciso escolher o que fazer, pois a energia solar em seu corpo, dependendo do ambiente e do clima que está, pode não ser suficiente. E por último, ele se torna imune a calor e, consequentemente, ao fogo, pois o seu metabolismo é todo adaptado para suportar a energia solar que é absorvida por ele.
HABILIDADES - força sobre-humana e fator de cura acima do normal.
ARCO ENERGIZADO E ALJAVA COM FLECHAS INFINITAS - Arco feito 100% da energia do sol, parece ser feito de ouro, possui apenas cabo, a corda se materializa quando uma flecha é colocada no mesmo, a flecha ganha o dobro de força e se torna flamejante independente do atributo. Aljava é leve e de tamanho médio, feito de prata azulada, contem flechas infinitas de raio, estas longas e mesmo depois de lançadas ainda brilham e conduzem luz solar.
FLECHAS ELEMENTAIS - são flechas de ouro imperial com funções diversas de acordo com os elementos minerais e naturais de água, terra, fogo e ar. Possui desde a função sonora, pontas explosivas, bomba de fumaça, gás lacrimogêneo, spray ácido, ventosa, cabo ou fio, cimento, bola, elétrica destruidora, líquida, foguete ou bumerangue, se modificam de acordo com a ponta escolhida, que é equipada na ponta de sua aljava.
Tudo começou com uma criança deixada em um cesto na porta de um convento em Sirmione, o nome registrado na ficha de adoção era SeungHoon, um nome apenas, sem sobrenome e sem uma história por trás disso, mas era o que estava escrito em um pedaço de papel sobre o corpo desse bebê. Essa criança cresceu até os cinco anos fugindo do convento para ir de bicicleta até o Lago da Garda, aproveitar o azul brilhante das águas que só eram daquele jeito por causa do degelo dos Alpes, visitando as grutas de Catulo, que eram as ruínas que sobrou de uma cidade romana do começo do milênio. Ainda criança, tinha um forte interesse em história e uma paixão descomunal por deuses e seres mitológicos, ainda que tivesse uma dificuldade enorme de aprender, não conseguia manter a atenção e não conseguia aprender a ler de forma alguma.
A família Ricci Lee é formada por um casal de diplomatas que trabalhavam sempre envolvidos com países que estavam em conflito, mas que decidiu se afastar disso quando escolheram ser pais e adotaram dez crianças, de diferentes nacionalidades, nenhum biológico, todos filhos de pais desaparecidos ou mortos, que mereciam uma segunda chance na vida. Entre eles está Andrea com os seus cinco anos de idade, o nome foi escolhido por uma freira (que não conseguia pronunciar o nome coreano) e acabou sendo mantido pela família adotiva, porque era o único nome que ele conhecia. A história de Andrea começou no norte da Itália e terminou no Brasil, especificamente no nordeste do país, onde passou a viver com a família enquanto o pai adotivo trabalhava na capital do país, em Brasília, sendo essa a única ponte mantida entre os Ricci Lee, Aracaju e Brasília. Ali ficou até os seus catorze anos. Sendo a única criança sem uma história, sendo ela resumida apenas a criança deixada dentro de um cesto na porta de um convento, acabou sendo a mais desapegada a família. Também era a que mais causava problemas, recebeu o diagnóstico de dislexia e TDA, também começou a fazer terapia quando começou a contar histórias pros pais de seres mitológicos andando entre os humanos, como a história de um centauro no praia do refúgio ou um pégasos caminhando no pier do lago paranoá.
Com baixas notas na escola e sequentes visitas dos pais na escola, começou a ter várias punições e vivia de castigo, mas se esforçou tanto que conseguiu o seu tão sonhado presente: uma viagem aos Estados Unidos, um pacote que levaria ele aos museus e o levaria a tão sonhada ida até a Disney. Ainda era menor de idade, então a viagem dele teve que ter um adulto e a escolha foi de seu pai, que parecia animado de conhecer um pouco mais sobre o seu filho, mas um acidente acabou interrompendo tudo.
Foi em um brinquedo no parque do resort ao lado, que caiu e resultou na morte de cinco pessoas, Andrea foi visto como um pequeno milagre por ser o único sobrevivente e, consequentemente, ficou sozinho no país com o corpo de seu pai em um necrotério, o garoto recebeu a visita de um assistente social que não demorou para se mostrar como um sátiro, que explicou tudo sobre ele ser um semideus, filho de Apolo e que tinha um lugar seguro para ele no país, um acampamento, que não só cuidaria dele como também lhe ensinaria a lidar com os monstros que seriam frequentes. Quando a sua mãe chegou, tudo já estava preparado e foi aí que Andrea começou a frequentar o acampamento e compreender melhor a sua verdadeira história, se tornar adulto acabou lhe ajudando a simplesmente não ter mais que explicar o porquê de morar no Brasil e continuar frequentando um acampamento em Nova Iorque, o garoto inventou roupa, medalhas e muitas coisas que pudessem se assemelhar a imagem que os pais conheciam de um lugar como aquele, mal sabendo eles que estava se tornando um jovem guerreiro.
Quando terminou o ensino médio, fez o vestibular e conseguiu uma bolsa de atleta para a universidade de Nova Iorque, sendo essa a desculpa perfeita para simplesmente viver próximo do seu novo lar. Estava trabalhando em um museu quando recebeu o chamado de Dionísio, chegando no acampamento com uma mala e a sua pequena cacatua rosa. Agora Andrea não sabia quando poderia ver a sua família de novo, já fazia alguns anos que não tinha tanto contato com eles, ainda carregando o trauma do que realmente aconteceu naquele brinquedo, da figura daquele monstro e o que ele tinha feito com o corpo frágil de seu pai, sendo esse o motivo de ter se tornado mais próximo deles, e também mais protetor.
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lancelot-sharpkeen · 11 months
"Can I bite you. Please?"
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mecwmellc · 7 months
random little thing for @stlispenard
julia knew from the start that this wouldn't be an easy task, asking for everyone to come back together for a little reunion. throughout her documentation it was obvious that there was still some bad blood between the band, most notably her dad and eddie and whatever the fuck had been going on between him and daisy. but out of everyone she hadn't expected uncle graham to be the most firm.
her face fell at the first "no" and then he went on to explain that he was completely devoted to his own kids, he didn't want to stir the pot again. the six was over, that chapter of his life was finished. julia knew that he had always wanted kids, he had doted on her whenever she was in the studio waiting for her dad to finish up whatever he was doing and listening to him and karen recount their story was definitely one of the more awkward moments. still though, this was her uncle. surely she could think of something.
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vezosdaria · 8 days
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@crumbledstatues asked: ❛ how long has it been since you've slept? ❜ From Helaena
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The   dim   light   of   the   candle   flickered   in   the   corner   of   the   room,   casting   long   shadows   over   Aegon   hunched   figure.   He   sat   silently,   eyes   fixed   on   the   door   to   Jaehaera's   chambers,   his   mind   drifting   in   a   place   where   neither   waking   nor   dreaming   could   reach   him.   His   heart   felt   heavy,   as   if   the   grief   for   Jaehaerys   had   long   since   burned   through   him,   leaving   only   an   empty   shell   behind.   He   couldn't   cry   anymore—his   tears   had   dried   with   the   passing   days—but   sleep,   too,   refused   to   offer   any   relief.
The   quiet   rustle   of   fabric   caught   his   attention,   and   he   glanced   to   the   side.   Helaena   stood   before   him,   her   pale   eyes   reflecting   the   same   exhaustion   that   weighed   him   down.   They   had   both   lost   so   much,   too   much,   and   it   showed   in   the   dark   circles   under   her   eyes,   the   way   her   shoulders   slumped   under   the   invisible   weight   of   grief.
"How long has it been since you've slept?"
Aegon   shrugged,   looking   away.   He   didn’t   know.   He   wasn’t   sure   if   it   mattered   anymore.   His   gaze   returned   to   the   door,   still   and   silent   like   the   tomb   it   felt   like.   Helaena's   presence   was   a   comfort,   even   if   they   both   stood   on   opposite   sides   of   their   sorrow.   Neither   of   them   spoke   further,   but   he   felt   her   close,   just   as   broken,   just   as   sleepless.   After   a   moment   he   offers   his   own   question.   "What   about   you?"   A   short   pause   as   the   king   as   is   aware   that   her   mind   was   sometimes,   stranger   than   anything   else.
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𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬 ( 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩 )
i was not made to be subtle.
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☼ dossier. | lily.
☼ musings. | lily.
☼ visage. | lily.
☼ ask memes. | lily.
☼ interactions. | lily.
☼ character development. | lily.
☼ tasks. | lily.
☼ wardrobe. | lily.
☼ all posts. | lily.
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moshebehar · 3 months
― SETTING: chilled creamery stall, blue harbor pride ! ― AVAILABILITY: closed starter for nilay bailey ! ( @doctornilaybailey )
It was a good day; a simple observation with several meanings but Moshe was grateful for it all the same― their earplugs had made the noise and chaos of things more joyful than distressing and Nilay's presence at their side offered the same calm it always had― something they cherished, tucked close to their heart in the gentlest parts of them. Still, with all of the people around and the fact that they were at least seventy to eighty percent certain they'd been flirted with a truly baffling number of times ( which they'd tried to express in the face of Nilay clearly fighting her laughter until Moshe had grumbled something unintelligible and went about trying to find the ice cream stall ) - they were grateful to have a moment to breathe. They glanced at Nilay from the corner of their eye, fingers fiddling absently with a few of the newly gathered, rainbow rubber bracelets on their wrist, "Are you quite finished?" Moshe asked, the smile on their face softening the question entirely. "I think you might get more joy out of people flirting with me than I do, really. Or..." They trailed off, nose scrunching. "Honestly, I'm not even positive they were. Were they?"
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feuerwizard · 23 days
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Open Starter for all mutuals || Silly drunk Caleb inspired by this video
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The potent effects of the many, many ales he had consumed throughout the evening were quite apparent in the deep, rosy flush that spread across Caleb's freckled cheeks, giving him a charmingly disheveled appearance. His ginger hair tousled and unkempt, evidence of a carefree state so unlike his usual brooding demeanor. With each slurred word, his thick accent became even more pronounced, a result of his lowered inhibitions. "You see," he explained passionately for what was likely the third or fourth tangent in the span of an hour, "it is all about the somatic components." His hand gestured wildly as he continued to ramble on, completely enthralled by his own thoughts and theories. "Magic is a lot like cats," Caleb trailed off, losing his line of thought very quickly, perhaps growing a bit distracted simply thinking of cats instead. "I’m… I’m not entirely sure where I was going with that, but it made perfect sense within my head."
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shiwxn · 4 months
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤopen starter .
plot drop pt II, quarto do hotel.
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˚。 ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ shiwon não era do tipo que achava horários inapropriados para qualquer coisa. toda sua vida parecia funcionar em horários inapropriados, de todo jeito. assim, não se importava com muse batendo na porta de seu quarto tarde da noite. estava sozinho agora. o vizinho com quem estivera dividindo inicialmente acabou indo ficar na casa de um parente, o que deixou o quarto do para o enfermeiro. depois de servir salgadinhos e avisar que muse podia se servir das cervejas ou refrigerantes que estavam no frigobar, pegou o maço de cigarros e o isqueiro e foi para a pequena varanda do quarto. não era fumante assíduo, mas estava fumando mais do que de costume desde o incêndio. ━━ acha que vamos voltar para casa logo ou o prédio vai ser condenado de vez?
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exandriaborn · 8 days
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@rubistella | cont from here.
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The blue tiefling’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in closer to Astarion, never very cognizant of personal space. "I wonder if my blood would be like a super fancy tiefling wine, with extra cinnamon and sugar."
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Jester's taste buds were never one for fine wines and their complexities, but the analogy was simple enough to grasp. "Maybe someday you'll get lucky! But not with me, of course. I need all my blood to stay inside me, you know, for living and stuff." With a smile, she lifted a finger and gently scratched beneath the chin of the crimson-colored weasel perched across her shoulders. "You’re not going to eat my weasel, are you?"
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juliangladiator · 2 months
starter for @vuldak-juneau.
where: the ports on juno's reach
when: during neptunalia, before she was emotionally bludgeoned in the event
note: we're meet cuteing
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The docks on the port were still littered with the remnants of former festivities; the sailing competition had set off the day before, but it seemed now that everyone had ran to witness a show of strength for the evening. A few parties stationed on extravagant boats were seen farther off in the bay, but they were far enough on the coast that they could be barely heard where he sat calmly on the port.
A pile of rocks sat next to him, some found on the nearby shore and some dusted in glitters and paint; Lysaran's were certainly known for their attention to details, everything one could witness on the Isle was intentional. Footsteps resounded behind him, once sharp and quick easily fettered to something more agile and purposeful. Julian skipped a rock on the water, shades of turquoise and blue leapt from the glinting coast as he held a second rock up in the air before his head finally turned to view who'd stumbled to the port.
"Skip a rock?" The golden retriever smile is at its brightest, obviously, before Julian follows with a pestering chide of persuasion, "Let's see who's been granted Neptune's favor."
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andrearicci · 3 months
this is an closed starter.
with @chasingmavis & @pips-plants
no chalé 21
Depois de conferir como estava a recuperação de suas queimaduras, recebeu a autorização para poder sair da enfermaria um pouco, não totalmente, sabia que isso era interferência de seu irmão que deveria estar cada vez mais preocupado com o mais velho dos filhos de Apolo que vivem no chalé 7. Sendo esse o momento que escolheu para sequestrar a sua irmã e irem juntos a procura da tal filha de Hécate que ajudaria na questão do fogo.
Não estava nem um pouco feliz com isso, era visível em seu olhar quando finalmente se colocou a frente da cama de Mavis, os braços cruzados na altura do tórax e um suspiro pesado de quem estava sendo, praticamente, arrastado até essa missão maluca. "Vamos logo com isso, nanica?! Antes que eu mude de ideia" Disse em um tom nada amigável quando se viu na frente do chalé, o último que queria estar naquele momento.
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