#( int — leah. )
lovekindled · 1 year
what’s your problem ? for leah
entire posture shifts at the question, muscles tensing and lips pressing together thinly, some sort of pavlovian response acquired after hearing the same words over and over again during the last few months. there's too much to explain, not enough words to describe the sort of anguish she was going through. and it's certainly not what anyone wants to hear when they ask her that question. after a while, leah had begun to comprehend that it was a rhetorical question meant to expose the existence of a problem, rather than an honest attempt at helping her. “ aside from the fact that we're all most likely going to die, you mean? ” she deadpans, throwing an unimpressed look towards mikayla's direction over her shoulder. she wishes she could simply be left alone, the company from jeffrey's book enough to warm her during the increasingly cold weather. her fingers trace the pages slowly, an habit leah had unknowingly developed. “ what's your problem? why are you here when everyone else is inside? ” she was used to the solitude, had learned to seek it and embrace it over time, and the unexpected company made her feel uncomfortable.
⁽  ⠀  ♡  ⠀  ⁾ ⠀  morbid curiosity   ,   accepting.
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familiarache · 6 months
i think i have to restart chrome in order for it to let me but then i'll finally add the sta/rdew v/alley gang back on
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
Strictly Come Dancing
Leah Williamson x Reader
Summary: The final of Strictly Come Dancing
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"Dancing the Argentine Tango, Leah Williamson and her partner y/n l/n!"
There had always been something about the tango that drew you in. Maybe it was the way the dancers moved. Maybe it was the outfits or the sensuality or something of the like.
Either way, it had always been your favourite dance.
It had always been special.
But now, it was even more special.
It was the dance you and Leah were performing for your last dance on Strictly and you were determined to give it your all.
The music began. The lights rose.
You'd practised this until even your feet hurt, a rare feat for a professional dancer. You'd practised this until even Leah with her infinite stamina had to call it quits.
She looked good enough to eat in the suit she was wearing. One hand clamped around your own and the other curled around to lay on your shoulder blade.
You nudged her arm up a tad higher before you truly began.
You were chest to chest for most of the dance and you refused to let her look away from you even as you knew she could hear the crowd cheering when she pulled off an impressive dip that had you almost kissing.
You used all of the dancefloor as you kept your eyes on her.
You studied her face. The shape of her eyes. The arch of her brows. The slope of her nose. Her perfect, perfect lips.
She didn't look like she was struggling and you were glad for that.
You saw her draw in a big lungful of breath before she lifted you, spinning you around right as you passed the judges.
You smirked at her as she steadied you both, drawing your face closer to hers with a hand on her cheek as she leant over you.
The crowd erupted into cheers as the music stopped and regular lights returned.
You grinned as Leah righted you, hands on your waist as you greeted Tess.
"I mean," Tess said," It is the final and, wow, that was certainly a final level performance. Craig, what did you think?"
"Well," Craig said," Leah, I have to say, I...Loved it! When you think of a tango, you think intimacy, sensuality and I must say, you have done that tonight. My only critique? There should have been more! I wanted to watch you two forever!"
Motsi fanned herself. "You two..." She said, shaking her head," You two...I don't think I have ever seen such a consistent duo. Week in, week out, you put out some of the best dancing I've ever seen! This is how you win a final! Footwork! Eye contact! I felt like I was intruding on a personal moment and that's exactly how a tango should feel! I agree with Craig!" She slammed her hand onto the desk. "I wanted more!"
"I mean, there's not much new to say. You hit your footwork. You hit your lifts. You were so close you were practically kissing. The Argentine Tango is about chemistry and partnership, something you have shown you two have in droves. There's nothing to say but I hope you consider a dance career when you're finished with football, Leah!"
Leah laughed next to you.
"Everyone keeps taking what I want to say!" He complained," There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. It was the epitome of a tango. Everything was right. The costumes. The music. The partnership! There is nothing I can add that will change anyone's mind. That is the best tango we've seen on this show in years!"
At his declaration, the crowd cheered and you leaned into Leah's side.
"I mean," Tess said, noisily blowing out air," The judges are nothing but complimentary. This is a final. Leah, I have to know, how have you found your Strictly experience?"
"I mean," Leah said," Nothing short of amazing. And I've done some pretty amazing things in my career. But this is certainly one of the hardest. Obviously, I stepped out of my comfort zone agreeing to do this but I'm glad I did." She nudged you. "Plus this one would never let it go if I didn't."
Tess laughed. "We've had previous partners tell us she's a bit of a slave driver."
"She's certainly intense," Leah agreed, winking when you slapped her on the chest," Nah, but it's good. I wouldn't be nearly as comfortable as I am without her. She really pushes me to be my best every day so, yeah, I'm glad I've got her."
It felt all too soon that you were standing back on the dancefloor with the other couple that made it to the final two and Tess was reading out the results.
You stayed pressed into Leah's side, one hand resting on the one she had clamped around your hip. It was a familiar pressure and you leaned into her.
You don't know why you felt so worried. You had won this trophy four time all ready, all in a row.
"The votes have been counted and independently verified," Tess said solemnly," And the winner of this year's Strictly Come Dancing is..."
Leah squeezed you tight.
"Leah and y/n!"
You leapt into Leah's arms and she held you securely at the waist, spinning you around. You'd been trying to keep the PDA to a minimum but you'd just won and you decided that all kind of decorum was out of the window.
You crashed your lips against Leah's and she reciprocated immediately.
"Leah and y/n, you are our winners," Tess said," How does it feel?"
"Er..." Leah looked to still be in shock. "Yeah, I mean..." Her face split into a massive grin. "There's no better feeling really."
"Better than the Euro's final?"
Leah pretended to think. "Well, I got to do this one with my wife, so, yeah, maybe. I mean, I feel great! It's this one's fifth trophy in a row so I'm just glad I didn't mess up her streak."
"You wouldn't have, baby," You said, pressing a firm kiss to her cheek," I had faith in you."
Tess laughed. "Of course, winning the glitterball trophy isn't an unusual feat for you, y/n. Does it ever get old?"
"No," You said," It's made even sweeter that I've got my last glitterball trophy in a while with my wife."
Leah grinned wolfishly at you.
This announcement was a long time coming.
"Oh?" Tess asked," You don't think you'll win next year?"
"I think I'll be too busy taking care of the baby to compete."
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
Take a Chance with Me || thirteen
*contains written parts
remember to comment and reblog
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yn felt terrible. she didn't think that she had so many antifans. was this what SVT's ex-manager meant? was she truly ruining seventeen?
was this really what her antifans wanted her to think?
sure she felt terrible, but not int he way they wanted. she felt terrible because she couldn't show the world how much she loved seungcheol. and well... she had rights. she could date whoever she wanted and seungcheol could do the same. idols didn't belong to their fans.
they're so entitled.
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"so when can we announce our relationship? i want a date, noona."
"i can't tell you that yet, yn. as your manager, my priority is your image. how can you think about launching a relationship while you're garnering so much hate!"
"think of it this way. i'm being hated now, but when i launch the relationship, there will be a ton of support. we can count 14 definite supporters, excluding cheol."
"i cannot allow you to do this, yn."
she slams the table and looks her manager dead in the eye.
"i waited for this for 5 years, noona. i will not wait any longer."
"i'll negotiate with my superiors."
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"this sunday? that's like tomorrow!"
"i know cheol."
"how did you pressure them to that extent?"
"honestly i have no idea."
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(yes it's supposed to be a black square.)
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note to my taglist: please reblog and comment abt the chpt so i know that you're actually reading my stuff.
summary: 3 years after your breakup with seungcheol, you release an album to cope with your still-broken heart. you didn't expose his name but quickly, your fans and fans of svt begin to connect the dots to the past you wish you could relive. little did you know, the man you loved so desperately would begin to chase you back with the same desperation you so very much desired
inspired by: take a chance with me
pairing: idol!choi seungcheol × fem!idol!reader
genre: past relationship, fluff, angst, best friend!booseoksoon, smau, miscommunication, pining, 2nd chance
warnings: implied self harm/depression, hate comments, updates irregular but will finish because i cried when i thought abt this idea
started: 13.12.23
taglist: fill out the form in my pinned post to be added to the taglist (specify this smau in the pw section)
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
House of Claremont: Mutant Month: Marvel Graphic Novel #5: X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills (Comission Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy muties and welcome back to Mutant Month, my celebration of those mighty mutants of marvel. After a bit of a rough start with the X-Men's first animated appearance, i'm proudly taking a look at one of the X-Men stories ever,God Loves Man Kills.
This review also relaunches a feature on this blog that will likely exist as long as this blog does. It was supposed to be a full retrospective of Chris Claremont's 186 issue, 16 year run on Uncanny X-Men, also throwing in his 12 annual issues, various mini series, and other x-ongoing New Mutants. It was an ambitious idea brought about by me having collected almost EVERY issue of Claremont's run and various associated minis on comixology, with only a few stray issues and a few trades left to complete it. Thanks to that i'd seen what a deft, well crafted masterpiece this run is: while it has it's flaws, down periods, and various things that haven't aged well, it's a glorious nearly two decades long epic with lush character arcs, brilliant ideas, and tons of twists and status quo changes to keep things from getting too stale. While the run begins and ends at Xavier's School in between we have Thunderbird's tragic death, Jean becoming a living god before it consumes her and her apparent death, Scott leaving as a result and only returning on and off before leaving for good, one of their sworn enemies who'd done something truly unforgiable to a friend of theirs joining the team in desperation (More on that next week), Storm's slow change in personality and temproary (though still YEARS LONG ) power loss, the arrival of Rachel Summers from an alternate future, Rachel's departure coinciding with half the team being brutally decimated in the morlock massacre and Storm forced to rebuild the team from almost scratch, said new roster dying to save the world and being reborn in secret, and the ENTIRE TEAM scattered to the winds, leaving the book to focus on the individual members as wolverine slowly pulls them back together and Forge forges a new team to replace them, and finally the team merging with x-factor to create two new teams of x-men. And that was just what I could squeeze in reasonably A lot of great stories both noted forever and forgotten to the sands of time by all but those who read them in the 80s or read them all now are squeezed int his epic.
And that very reasoning.. is why I ultimatley coudln't do it. I tried streamlining the run and summarizing.. but at the end of the day i'm a man who likes to really analyze stuff. And make goofy jokes, but while I could do the latter as good as always it became clear the run was just too massive to quickly summarize it all and do it full justice, and doing it piece by piece in order would possibly take a decade. It's the double edged sword of relying on commissions and patreon reviews: it allows me extra money each month and comes in handy quite a bit, and allows me to meet nice respectful people who love my work enough to do it... but it also means I sometimes have to delay things I personally planned to do on my own time. And given my venture bros retrospective has already been a victim to this quite a bit, I decided an even LONGER project. There's also a simple fact: While I love this era of x-men and it's easily one of the best if not the best, no question... there are tons of OTHER great x-men and mutant stories out there and other retrospectives to do from peter David's masterful noir run of x-factor (and not to shabby government and corporate runs), to Leah Williams own great sadly short lived take recently, to the various epics currently spinning out of the krakoa era and into the fall of x from Hickman, to Gilleon to Ewing to Duggan to williams, and even OTHER x-books from the 80s and early 90's with Claremont's phenomenal new mutants, interesting excalibur, and Louise Simonsons deft work on X-Factor and later also New Mutants. There's just too much X for one lifetime of review work to spend most of it on one run.
So this is my compromise: instead of a long retrospective looking at it in order, i'll be taking ocasional looks at stories I like, and maybe the one or two I don't, here. Both on my own, with one of my faviorite parts of the run planned for next year if I can squeeze it in
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And on comission's like this. If ther'es a stretch of this massive run or another x run you want me to cover i'm down for it.
And I was paticuarlly down for this one for two reasons: the first is God Loves, Man Kills is not only one of my faviorite x-men stories.. but probably the best of Chris Claremont's run. And given he had PLENTY of good work before and after this, the run of issues I just teased above was also happening around this time, that is saying a lot.
The other is the person who comissioned it: Kevin is both the first person to comisson work for this blog and the one who does it the most and has become a good friend. But while he's many things: great with duck triva, obessed with a lesbain owl, the #1 molibby shipper, and a great guy to work with... he's not really an x-men fan. Spider-Man yes, it's how I was able to spend a glorious half a year reviewing spiderman and likely will again in the future, both with a video game review planned later this year and tons of other stuff for the future. But when it comes to the strangest heroes of all he usually just shurgs and this month was something he wasn't really involved in at first. Which is fine, I don't do this blog just for one person and he dosen't have to like everything I do.
So it meant a LOT to me when he asked if I could cover God Loves Man Kills. He was curious after I mentioned this theme month coming up and looked into some famous x-men stories, thought this one was interesting as it's both rightly hugely aclaimed and still has echoes to the state of the world today. And since he watches and reads what he commissions it also got him to read some classic x-men and hopefully more eventually. He also has another one coming at the end of the month and much like this one it's a story I was bound to cover eventually. But you'll find out about that one later. For now join me under the cut to dig into one of the greatest x-men stories of all, a tale of frightingly realistic prejudice, tyranically faith, and perseverance in the face of overwhelming hate and a doubt if your dream will ever come true.
Purity: God Loves Man Kills comes to us from the Marvel Graphic Novel series, another thing i've been wanting to talk about. Marvel Graphic Novel was the brainchild of Marvel's Editor at the Chief at the time Jim Shooter. I'm not a huge fan of Shooter as while he WAS EiC during one of marvel's biggest boom periods, he was also a giant prick who was not great at the actual writing part most of the time but insisted on giving himself books, was a homophobic shithead who refused to let gay characters into his book (it's why Claremont had to imply as hard as he could Mystique and Destiny were a couple), and being behind famous writing debacles like Hank Pym's mental breakdown, the hobglin's true identity and of course the previously reviewed avengers 200. Aka
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I'll be covering the followup to that next week, thank god. But for all the guys faults and serious lastingly damaging fuckups.. he still had his moments. For instance with X-Men itself he had Chris break up Kitty Pryde (14) and Colossus (19) which was both better for both characters in the longrun but the fallout of said breakup ended up being some of Chris' best work.
This is one of those moments: With Buisness picking up at the tale end of the 60's, Jim decided to capitalize on the "Album" format from European comics. So we go the marvel graphic novels, super sized stories following marvel's best characters, though usually not involving the main book's creative team for time purposes. We still got powerhouse names like David Michlinine, Chris Claremont, Frank Miller, JM Demattis, Larry Hama, Mary Jo Duffy, Ann Nocenti, Gerry Conway, Roger Stern, Doug Monech, Mark Gruenwald, Alan Davis, Jim Starlin, Bob McLeod, Walt Simonson, Jackson Guice, Mark Silvestri, John Byrne, Bill Sienkiewicz, Mark Evanier, Sergio Aragones, John Bucschema, Denny O'Neil, Bruce Jones, Mike Mingola, Paul Gulacey, and Ross Andru. And i'm sure I missed some. The books were a lot of things. They were a way for creators to work on characters they normally hadn't, to serve as an additional piece to big runs, or to launch less superhero oriented stuff and creator own books. Yes marvel actually did creator owned books at one point, something I never would've known without my good twitter friend Belle (Not caling it X, probably the only time something named x wasn't for me in any way shape or form), and was part of the reason for this line. It's also thanks to her getting me curious in this line again that I found out about oddities like an adaptation of willow by Power Man and Iron Fist's real mom Mary Jo Duffy, a full roger rabbit adaptation.. or a full SEQUEL to Roger Rabbit that I'm DEFINTELY looking at one of these days. It was mostly a marvel vehicle though.
Despite their isolated nature, most of these books are fully cannon to the main marvel universe and many of them had a lasting impact: New Mutants introduced the team to the marvel universe and took Donald Pierce out of the hellfire club, Spider-Man: Parallel Lives dealt with the revelation that Mary Jane had known peter was Spidey all along and showed her past with that new perspective in mind, Dardevil Love and War continued the vanessa fisk subplot from dardevil, the inhumans once shot introduced Black Bolt and Medusa's Son Ahurua, Dazzler: The Movie outed Allison Blaire as a mutant to the world, and the classic Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: triumph and torment finally ended the longstanding subplot about Doom saving his mother's soul from mephisto.
So that makes it a surprise that this story wasn't strictly considered canon till 21 years after the fact. Part of this is the standalone nature: while the book DOES have some important steps in Magneto and Kitty Pryde's character arcs, it's pretty much the ONLY comic chris wrote he didn't somehow later factor into his x-men run. That's not hyperbole either: X-Men and New Mutants regularly impacted each other, with Xavier's departure leading to Magneto becoming their teacher, Selene being introduced fighting the New mutants before becoming a thorn in the big kids side, and Betsy Braddock, the future Psylocke, ending up at the mansion and eventually on the roster thanks to a new mutants annual.
Beyond that , Chris loved bringing in characters from other books he worked on: Jean Grey roomed with Coleen Wing and Misty Knight from his book iron fist, Jessica Drew Spider-Woman guest starred in an x-men issue then later in one of her comics found Banshee's daughter Siryn. And not stopping there many characters chris created for other books became mainstays of uncanny x-men: Mystique started out as Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers) arch enemy, Arcade was a one off villian in an issue of Marvel Team Up and Wolverine's arch enemy sabertooth started out as an iron fist villian. Most notably, and something we'll talk about next week, after the disaster that was avengers 200, Chris was so pissed off he took carol and added her to x-men for some time via avengers annual #10.. and in the process also introduced Rogue. Chris used everything he had so the fact this story just.. happened with so much fanfare and two big character moments and never came up is odd.
The other problem is that Chris kept a very tight order of events and had a lot happening... and as a result WHEN this happened is nigh impossible to figure out. It's down to the roster; The roster in this book is Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Kitty Pryde. Cyke is the first issue as after Jean's death in the dark phoenix saga he was in and out of the team for a while: he left right after to find out if he even WANTED to go back, but this being the life of an x-man ended up stranded on Magneto's spooky elder god island he found and made into a headquarters, because I mean.. what else are you going to do with a spooky elder god island. After a fight with Mags in which he realized how far he nearly went and fled to parts unknown, the X-Men took the base for their own while the mansion was in the shop before Cyclops peaced out again to spend time with his dad who just got back, from outer space. To make matter's somehow even more complicated, the x-men were then kidnapped to space by the brood. Cyke would leave the issue after this adventure to go spend time with his dad and meet his long lost grandparents before he had to go back to space again and be a sexy mustache space pirate as earth had become too alien to him peter quill style.
And that issue is the other problem: the issue before that, after Xavier got his alien clone body.. he bumped Kitty Pryde, the x-men's cool teen who met the team during Dark Phoenix Saga and joined right after, down to the New Mutants. This is a problem as the only real window for this story to happen... is when she was busy convincing Xavier to repromote her.... and during that Window Logan implicitly left for his homeland of Canada before heading to japan to pick a fight with his girlfriend's abusive fiancé and even more abusive dad, who he of course murdered in a samurai duel.
So it' SEEMS impossible for this story to fit. And that's because it is. trust me I tried my best.. but going to x-men 168, aka
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Logan leaves for the candian rockies.. and has Kurt drive him to the airport... taking Kitty and her bestie and colosuss sister who was aged up when she was kidnapped by a demon man on Magneto's Spooky Elder God Island, with them.. while Kitty was still campaning to join the x-men. Not only that Xavier's space girlfriend Illandra and the new mutants themselves are absent from the story, just to make ti clear
So yeah this story is canon , but fits nowhere really in canon.. and in an interview in the extneded cut (which I turned to to try and find out if it added anything to explain why it dosen't fit, which no it didn't it's just got some added wraparounds in the present day at the time continuity), that was by design. Chris wanted to make this story one that could be read by anyone, one and done. If you wanted to read more x-men great. if not , you still got your money's worth and got everything these characters were about.
The story itself came from the times: It was the time of Ronald Regan and a new wave of conservatives trying to bring back "the good old days" and morals and all the usual smokescreens "for when things were a lot WHITER and STRAIGHTER and we didn't have to reckon with our actions. " This call for moral panic nicely dovetailed into the rise of Evangelical Preachers, using tv as a means of indoctrination and trying to paint anyone against them as not in god's will and anything they didn't like as "not TRULY of god". Naturally given Chris wrote a book about a disenfranchised, if fictoinal group that happened to have a christian (Nightcrawler) and jewish (Kitty Pryde) person in their ranks and an arch enemy who lived thorugh the holocaust, the story was perfect.
To chris this kind of purity of purpose coupled with narrowmindeness was dangerous as hell, and made for a good story speaking out against it.. one that continues to resonate on as narrow minded assholes who GENUINELY think their doing the right thing by hurting and suppressing people and who they are haven't exactly gone away, simply changed shape. Heck while this still is mostly a one off story, the themes of someone trying to legislate opression and make it sound resonable were already in the main book with days of future past (which shows a nightmare world where this DOES happen.. and also gets hyjacked by giant robots), and would continue to be a key theme of the x-men to this very day.
So now the stage is set, we can finally begin a battle.. not one of the usual claws, optic blasts and thunder bolts.. but of survivial. Of ideas. Of one group trying to do the right thing in the midst of a direct call for them to be trotted out and murdered. To be wiped away in the name of some "higher purpose". It's a battle of faith. Let's see how it plays out shall we?
Not the First, Far from the Last:
The opening to God Loves Man Kills.. is one of the most chilling scenes i've read in a comic. And it's chilling simply because it could happen anywhere: Two black children are running for their lives.. but sadly don't make it, as their soon cornered by the purifiers, three people in black tactical gear. And why are they hunting these innocent children? Why have they already killed their parents?
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It's an utterly haunting sequence. The fact the children are black isn't a remote coincidence, but to simply hammer home that this kind of shit happens. To draw parallels to the same sort of shit racist have done: killing innocent people.. then displaying the bodies as some sick trophy to show exactly WHY they just slaughtered innocents: they were not what these butchers considered a person and to them, they deserved to die. Thankfully before the Purifiers can get their intended show of stringing up the bodies, each with a sign saying "Mutie" on them, someone else comes along to take this horror show down so these children's bodies can at least have SOME dignity in death instead of being used as as sick prop
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I love the small touches i'm only noticing now as I review this: the true PAIN on Erik's face after seeing this, him gently going over the body. It also speaks to his history: he's seen countless children die around him in his childhood in a concentration camp.. and saw his own daughter Anya die tragically simply because Mags himself was a mutant. It says a lot about who he is and that behind the vengeance, behind the vow of "Never again" he swears right after.. is a man whose simply seen too many of his peopled die... and will not let this happen again. And god help those who did this.
We then meet our main antagonist, Reverened William Stryker. Like the above.. this intro is brilliant. Stryker, head of his evangelcial "Stryker Crusade" is reading the bible in his office, before preparing to review some files and having some dinner sent up to eat while he looks over them. Said files are also a really neat way to show off the current roster of x-men and what they can do, with some really great art added. Stryker already has plans for them, but first he has to be at the studio: he has a show to put on.
We cut to Stevie Hunter's dance studio. For those less familiar with her Stevie was a major supporting character during Claremont's run. When Kitty joined the school, Charles, wanting to make sure she had a well rounded life outside of academics and surviving the experince, enrolled her in dances classes hosted by Stevie, a former professional dancer whose career was cut short by injury. He'd later do the same for the new mutants, and it's a nice character thing: it shows as gruff and standofish as Charles can be.. he wants what's best for his charges and wants them to have some normalcy in a life where that will be hard to come by.
Starting here , and with Kitty, isn't a coincidence: as Chris said in the aforementioned interview, the younger characters provided a vital viewpoint: the future and what exactly to do with it when it looked so bleak.
It's also a great way to start as once again Claremont makes sure things are well and grounded as Kitty.. is beating the shit out of some asshole named Danny.. to the point she's sent him out the door. He only gets a hit in once Peter, aka Colossus, mother russia's finest and kitty's crush, shows up distracting her. Kitty's held back by her bestie and borderline love intrest Illanya. Seriously why haven't they been a thing. Questions for later. For now Stevie comes out wanting to know what the hell is going on, her exact words. Kitty admits to starting the violence portion of the evening.. but only because Danny was talking about all the GOOD the stryker crusade is doing and how swell it is they want to commit mutant genocide. Peter suggests they end it there.. which is code for "You've said enough little bigot, just try me". It's also notable that peter is so angry: one of his defining traits is how he's a gentle, kind young man and abhors violence. He fights because he has to and because it's the right thing to do, not because he wants. So to get him angry takes a lot. Danny backs off.. but whispers once peter's around it's on because he has the self preservation of a goat. We also coincidentally never see him again. Maybe Logan gave him a talking to and he wisely left town after voiding his bowels. Who knows.
Stevie isn't pleased with Kitty and we get that moment I was hinting at the one part of the comic that dosen't entirely work for me
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Now I GET what chris was going for and Kitty's point: that just because it's word's.. dosen't mean someone saying intolerent bullshit, ESPECAILLY since in this case the dipshit was advocating genocide, is something to just ignore or brush off. And it's MEANT to be a spur of the moment thing a teenager would say, hence it not ruining the scene.. but Chris STILL really shoudlnt' of had a privilaged white teenager say the n word to a grown black woman whose probably been through a LOT of this shit and has gotten used to having to ignore it. Even for the time the n-word should not have been used especialy in refrence to a fictional minority. The rest of the scene works.. but this REALLY dosen't and sticks out like a sore thumb in a work that otherwise holds up.
Kitty and Peter return home just in time for something on TV, greeted by
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and Nightcrawler, everyone's faviorite sexy demonic looking christian. I LOVE Logan and Kitty's talk here too
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I love everything about this. How casual logan is, how fatherly he comes off to her, and Kitty showing that Stevie's fears of her using her training unfairly were unfounded: Kitty was holding back and wouldn't use it on a civlian no matter how much he deserved to be ground into the pavement.
Turns out the show their all watching is the same one Stryker was preparing for: A debate with Xavier over mutant kind. And Xavier looses pretty badly as best summed up by this panel
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It perfectly sums up hate groups like Stryker's best weapon: couching horrifying, nightmarish notions.. and making them sound ALMOST resonable. it's something I saw a few years back when JK Rowling tried to defend her transphobia; her "apology' letter TRIED to sound resonable.. but underneath you could see all the transphobia couched in her arguments and all the hate clearly there. It's just to some, sadly.. the argument is more pursasive and that's where the danger is: not in us who can see it.. but that some of us may not or may be indorcianted otherwise.
Kitty is understandably even more pissed after all of this and decides to break some stuff, so we get a few pages in the danger room. It's a fun sequence. I"m mostly glossing over it as story wise it dosen't really have a lot of function, but it's a nice way to slip in some more typical superhero action without undermining the story: the context of the heroes needing to work out how aggravated and scared they are with a good distraction makes it work, it's only a few pages so it dosen't take up much of the comic, and it has a fun solution: the heroes are all given individual assignments.. but only accomplish them when they help each other out, a clever exercise. IT's one of the reasons I love the danger room: it's a neat way to show our heroes training, something most superhero comics don't have time for and a fun way to interject action sequences into issues that may otherwise not have them.
Back at the Studio Stryker's preparing for his first attack on the x-men... and conviently Xavier brought Cyclops, team leader and certified badass, and Storm, also team leader and certified badass about to get even more badass during this time period with her awsome mohawk and change in character, with them. Xavier's already on edge as he noticed Stryker has Psy Screens.. which means he KNOWS Xavier's a mutant.. but sadly can't warn the rest of th eteam as they get ambusehd and Scott and Ororo are seemingly gunned down. It's part of what makes Stryker such an effective antagonist: while he does indeed have an evil over the top super villian plan... most of his methods are mundane. Simply using guns , subterfuge and careful cordinated strikes. Basic military tactics and espionge. He has fancy sci fi stuff to block xavier's mind reading and what not, but he uses pretty mundane stuff. It underlines that this is at the end of the day just a normal guy who happens to have a POWERFUl cultish following.. and that despite the powers, despite the training the x-men are as vunerable as anyone to a military strike.
We cut back to the mansion where Nightcrawler gets a night caller telling him the professor, jean and scott died in a car crash. The next scene is effective; Kitty mourns, and is baffled that something mundane as a car crash could take out her surrogate big sister, a genius tactician and her mentor.. and also Scott and Xavier. Turns out though Illanya isn't just there to comfort kitty.. and ask kitty about her crush on her brother Peter.. but to point out a weird survelnce divise. Kitty's response is clever as hell and speaks to how despite her age she's every bit an x-man: she disables the thing, then plans to wait to ambush whoever set it up.
At the scene of the accident Logan confirms Kitty's suspcions: the scenes for the bodies found at the wreck are all wrong and the wreck itself has all the halmarks of a staged accident.. a nice way to use Logan's CIA past as he admits to have done a few of these himself. He was also smart enough to have Kurt do survielnce.. and find the purifiers watching them ready to attack. It's a nice little show of Wolverine as leader: it dosen't come up a TON in this run early on, but under Ororo he's second in line to lead the x-men , wether he thinks he can or not.
The x-men turn the tables and ambush the purifiers for a change, in this case some goon Wolverine easily yanks out of a car and Anne, Stryker's right hand who tries ramming Nightcrawler with her car.. which fails horribly since you know, he's a teleporter and she should know this and colosus totals the thing with Nightcrawler saving her life with one heck of a line
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Unfortuantley for our heroes not only does said attempted marytr escaped.. but she had some goons with her in powered armor who easily down colossus. Before they can get the rest of the x-men though.. they get some unexpected help.
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It's one hell of a scene. Before this set of our heroes can react though, we cut back to kitty and yana. The goons arrive and Illyana is understandably scared: at this point, outside of the time in a demon realm, she's mostly a normal teenager and hasn't yet trained in her powers. So when Kitty goes to investigate and the purifiers find her, it's utterly terrifying to see.. and worse to see Anne shoot an unarmed girl. Her point blank shot somehow.. stuns Yana?
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Thankfully not depriving us of one of the best new mutants... just kidding their all the best. It's hard to choose.
Kitty hides in the trunk, but turns out the Purifiers have sensors and spray some knockout gas in there.
Back with the X-men logan is using his usual charm and tact to interogate one of their suspects
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Left one's charm, right one's tact, middle one's grace. Magneto suggets an alternative.. and procedes to somehow use magnetics to make the guy tell them what he knows
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I love Magneto's line afterwrods too
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It's a brutal line and sums up magneto in one line. Truly perfect.
While nightcrawler worries sinking to their foes level makes them no better we cut to
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As you can imagine this scene confused the hell otu of Kev. It works thematically for me: Stryker is trying to brainwash xavier and is thus framing his students, his family, as murderous monsters. It's part of a brilliant and horrifying psychic ploy: their torturing Scott and Ororo, the only reason their still alive, right next to him so he feels their pain, but have doped Charles up so much he dosen't realize their not hurting him, letting his own inner guilt rationalize why they'd hurt him. Scott is especially a good pick for this: as I mentioned since Jean's death he's been questioning his place in the world and, after all the training Xavier's given him, if he can even LIVE a life outside the x-men. He's as much Xavier's son as his real son who he dosen't know about yet and thus his betrayal would sting the hardest while for Oroo he took her out of an innocent existence away from strife as a goddess to the harshness of the real world. His own fears of what he's done to his children, how he's weaponized them and the two he's lost.. .are the greatest weapon of all.
We then find out Stryker's back story.. and it is... utterly horrifying. Stryker was a decorated army guy who was driving home with his pregnant wife. She gave birth to their son and well...
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That shot of the knife.. is haunting. It's something I never really focused on in previous reads.. and i'm not sure i'll be able to forget now. Stryker was so convinced his baby was an abomination, so unwilling to accept his child for what they were instea dof what he thought they were.. he murdered an innocent baby then SNAPPED his wife's neck for no good reason. All because in his eyes they were just a monster and the one who created. It breaks down Stryker and shows what he REALLY is inside: while he tries to frame this a sa crusade, that the birth of his child was God showing Stryker his new purpose in life, hence his founding of the crusade. But at the end of the day: he's a bigot. He saw his child was diffrent and stabbed him to death and instead of dealing with kiling his wife and child, instead of acccepting he acted on his worst instincts and did something truly horrible.. he convinced himself that no, GOD told him to do this. God told him this was the right path. and he should kill more, hurt more, do more. It's the real, pure danger of crusades like this: the absolute conviction that the horrible things your doing are right. People who just side with bigotry for their own self intrest are bad.. but it's the people who TRULY belivie what their saying who are the most dangeorus. To use JK Rowling the reason she's so dangeorus to trans people is that she GENUINELY thinks she's helping women. That she THINKS she's resonable and can convince other people.. and that like stryker she has the money and resources and influence to do real harm. It's easy to stop a hypcorite, just show them as they are to their followers if their not brainwashed enough. it's harder to stop someone who GENUINELY belivies the hate they speak and cannot be talked down or beaten with logic. The only way to beat them is with public opinon and that's a harder task than it should be.
We get a truly chiling ending to the scene as Stryker coldly orders Anne to execuite kitty and Storm, a surrgoate big sister to the girl can only wail in horror.
Lucky for kitty, she managed to phase the escond the gas hit, but some still got her.. so she escapes her execution.. but is still being hunted by Anne. And whiel she TRIES to get help.. she instead finds a gang who fully plan to assault her. Her only salvation is that Anne shows up and the gang is too busy with her and Anne's too busy killing them all for being in the way for either to notice her escaping. Kitty BARELY calls the school for help in time and even then all she can do is hide in a subway.. and watch as a police officer takes a bullet for her, the purifiers glad to let him die and blame it on her. Thankfully like her fellow x-men, Uncle Erik is here to save the day...
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The x-men quickly clean up the rest of the Purifiers and Kitty's shocked to see Magneto on their side. He quickly proves his nobility though, saving the officer and giving the x-men a magic car door ride to go get the guy help
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While he's showing them the world, shining shimmering splendor, he explains whose after them to the officer.
We then cut back to xavier whose finally been convinced to kill Scott and Ororo.. and stryker's plan becomes frightingly clear.. now he's capable of killing his two faviorite children.. what would he do to any other mutant?
Meanwhile Kitty and Kurt confront the guy who indocrinated Xavier, Doctor ramsey. I guess doug has a racist uncle? Anyway Nighcrawler gets some poetic justice, using his frighting facade to scare the crap otu of the racist. What I love about this is while the art makes kurt look terrifying.. we know him well enough, even just in this tsory to know he's bluffing. We saw earlier he was horrified with Magneto and Wolverine fully willing to toruture a guy. But this guy dosen't know that. And he's still wiling to mildly choke the guy, not at all sympathetic after all he's done. Kurtmay be one of the most noble souls ever put to comics.. but this scene is a nice reminder: he kicks ass for the lord.
At Stryker's headquarters, his goons and anne plan to take Scott and Roro to be cremated and Illayana to be examined.. but by now you know the bit: magneot is awesome, yanks the elevator out. His constant saves COULD get tiresome.. but they work as a show of power and the gap that still exists between him and the x-men: sure we get to see them all be awesome.. but these moments remind us WHY he can take on the whole team by himself, WHY he was such a threat.. and why him joining them is such a big deal. He could probably handle all this himself.. but despite being on opposite sides, despite having opposite approaches... he respects them. Okay sure he shoved them into a nanny robot prison a while back, but after they nearly sank him in lava he got respect.
He then proves the point by reviving scott and ororo. Turns out subcocnoiusly Xavier rebelled and thus only put them in a deathlike coma. Scott.. is naturally a bit nettled to see his arch enemy in front of him after he just nearly died, which leads to one hell of a speech from Mags.
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Something that's really easy to forget, especaily after that.. is that Magneto started out.. as a pretty awful character. He was a bully, a dictator who wanted to conquer humanity because he could, cowed his subordinates into submission and kept Scarlet Witch in the brotherhood purely out of obliggation to him for saving her and pietro from an angry mob. And early on while Claremont had him as a BETTER villian, more intimidating and a larger threat, especially since two of the x-men were now weak to his powers, he was still a bit of an ass who decided the best way to get his revenge was to strap the x-men to chairs where they couldn't move and have a nanny robot feed them which gave me nightmares as a kid
It's only in his next apperance did Magneto shift from "Dr. Doom Clone" to "one of my faviorite characters in all of fiction. With I Magneto we not only found out his backstory as a survivor of asuchwitz but his next attempt to conquer the world, boosting his powers and giving the world an ultimatium: surrender or perish. And it's this version that's been the basis for the character ever since: a broken man defined by tragedy whose determined to conquer a world that hates and fears him so the tragedies of his past NEVER happen again. Never again.
It's this conversation that especially highlights that: Magneto asks WHY fight for people who hate and fear you, when he can change the world by force. It's a question superheroes in general struggle with and many mock superhero media for: how much should they do. Should they take the choice away from a humanity that's often misused their choices? And the answer is... no. While you can see WHY Max wants to do this, why he wants so badly to force a better world on everyone, to force a better future because he sees humanity as simply INCAPABLE of anything but hate and self destruction.. it's not the way. Humanity.. is fucked a lot of the time. True. But there's good in us and simply asking someone to fix all of the problems we, especially our goverments, should be working hard to fix isn't fair.
And as Cylclops points out it's just.. not sustanible. Even with Magneto's dream of the x-men joining him and following in his footsteps... what happens if someone decides to overthrow them? or take this world from them? And more importantly.. is it REALLY worth giving up all freedom and self control for a better tomorrow? It's why superheroes fight.. and it's why the X-MEN fight. The world their in is fucked up with tons of racists, multiple genocides and currently a giant hive of bigoted jackasses trying to wipe every last mutant out. But what makes the x-men so special.. is they fight on anyways. Against everything humanity does, against all their bigotry.. they fight for a better tomorrow. Even in the Krakoa era where they basically bribed their way to a homeland.. many of them still dont' abandon humanity, try to work with them and try and help. They may deserve a home after everything humanity's done.. but they don't deserve to be abandoned because of bad actors and hateful dipshits. It's why the x-men fight for a world that hates and fears them: because even if the dream's never been fully achived.. it's a dream worth fighting for. A better world. A dream that's always worth fighting for.
Magneto makes a point though: While this debate is engaging... they have bigger issues to worry about. Anne warns Stryker.. but his ego once again flairs up. "They're a handful of children annie and i'm a servant of the world. What can they do to stop me?" As I said before fraudsters, grifters, conmen.. their dangerous sure.. but it's the people who TRULY belivie their doing the right thing while advocating to destroy an entire people that are the most dangerous.
Stryker begins his sermon advocating for genoicde, with many other evangelicals apparently getting antsy according to a handy newsmans exposition. Granted it's likely less because they disagree with him calling for genocide, they just want him to say the loud part quiet again.
It's during this sermon Stryker's plan activates. And if you've seen x-2, which largely adapts this storyline but changes Stryker from preacher to soldier, you've likely figured it out: use Xavier to commit full on genocide of the mutant race. It's stronger CLOSER to him, so Nightcrawler's able to help a boy close to it.. but it's very clear if they don't do something SOON their going to die and the rest of mutantkind after. Wolverine poitns out the issue: they CAN attack but it'll make them look bad. And just to prove rule of three can suck his dick, Magneto once again saves the day, swooping in to confront stryker.. and thus providing a diversion. And to make his point for once Magneto .. dosen't attack. He breaks the roof to get in and make a minty fresh entrance, but he repairs it as poitned out by a sentator. Stryker,, high on his own hype, has Charlie strike him down. We get a really nice moment as Magneto has a revelation about his foe: all this time charles.. was holding back. And he's now seen just how dangerous his old enemy would be if he wasn't. Some protestors try to mob magneto, but some police break it up before they can win a collective darwin award for beating up a guy who in his previous appearance LEVELED AN ENTIRE CITY and a nuclear sub.
While the X-Men try to figure out how the hell to get to Charles before he kills them all, Annie goes to the reverned.. only for her ears to be bleeding like the other mutatns. She too is one... and instead of saving her like she begs for...
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It's the final sign that there is no good left in Stryker, that even those loyal to him, even someone who tried their best.. must die simply because he says so. Not god. HIM. He killed a woman who did nothing but serve him faithlly and was wholeheartedly on his side.. and who he casts aside instead of even TRYING to save. After all if he would slaughter his own child.. why would Anne be saved? What makes this death all the more chilling.. is that after all Anne's done, her horrifying hate crime at the start, her attempted murder of kitty, and god knows what else we didn't see on panel... there's no catharsis. no joy in her death. There's no peace to be had. Just the senseless waste of her life doing nightmarisht hings in Striker's name, and the horrifying sight of her snapped neck. A life wasted in the name of a man who claims to speak for god.. but as our title tells us God Loves. Man kills.
We then pivot to one of the most awesome things Cyclops has ever done. So with so many people on the cusp of death, Wolverine feels they have no choice: they have to play it his way.. which means he teleports in and puts an end to the man who gave him a better life: to prevent charles from becoming everything he hates, Logan has to become everything he's tried to grow past. Thankfully.. Cyclops had a way around that.
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And just to underline it right after, when Wolverine points out how close it is... Cyke explains his logic: He knew.. and also knew if his timing was even the SLIGHTEST bit off Charles might sense one of them too early. As for why let Wolverine attack it was simple: Charles is usually a non combatant. He doesn't have the countless hours of training nor the field experince and thus Scott correctly figured a two pronged attack would catch him off guard. If one side failed the other would succeed.. and Scott was FULLY aware that if Wolverine had to do it, his mentor would be dead. So to recap Scott pulled off a massive amount of precision ricocheting, with a backup plan that could kill his surrogate dad, all betting that he could both hit it and with the knowledge that if this failed everyone would be dead... and pulled it off without a hitch and with the utmost confidence. Just.. remember this the next time you hear someone call cyclops boring. Unless it's the movie version.. or the 90s animated series.. or wolverine and the x-men.. okay maybe just the comics and evolution.
So the day's saved right? Well normally yes. The villains foiled, Stryker outright killed someone on live tv. But in another awesome moment.. Scott notes.. it's not over. Ther'es one last thing to do.
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It's the hard truth: in most other superhero stories, The X-Men already won.. but here if they back down now Stryker's message continues and he just picks it up, possibly even tries genocide again. Even if he gets arrested for Anne's murder i'ts not going to stop his message or him from preaching it. And I love how every x-man falls behind scott with not the slightest hint of hestation. Their walking right into an angry mob, no intention to use their powers, simply because walking away would let a bad man triumph and hurt other mutants. Because walking away is the easy thing.. but it's not the right thing and it damn well isn't what an x-man does.
So our heroes walk in.. and make their stand.
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It's one last moment in a trilogy of awesome for Scott: tearing the fuck out of Strykers rehtoric and getting down to the core of most prejudice; Stryker thinks their less than human, that they don't deserve to exist.. and like any human .. they do. Their here. Their real. And he can't accept it. He'd rather destroy them. And when Stryker tries to fall back on the fact Nightcrawler simply looks diffrent.. someone steps up.
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Now this moment's great on it's own, Kitty defying his trying to unperson kurt and standing bravely, pointing out what makes Kurt so awesome: he had every reason to turn in on himself after all the shit life's thrown at him: a mother who abandoned him, a step brother he was forced to kill in self defense, an angry mob nearly staking him before Charles saved his life... yet instead.. he's a jovial jokester. He loves, he lives, and he's a gentle soul. He's one who fears turning into his enmies, one who tries to take the righteous path. And like Stryker.. he believes in god. Nightcrawler is every bit as relgious.. the simple diffrence.. is that he dosent use his faith as a thin justification to slaughter everything he hates. To cast out what's diffrent. He uses it as faith should be used: to help others, to enrich his life, and to be kind.
What makes this moment for me beyond that though... is it pays off a long character arc for Kitty. When Kitty first met kurt.. it wasn't exactly a great relationship. She ran in fear the first time she saw him and even after finding out , no this is a good guy, she was still nervous around him for some time, gravitating more to the more human passing Roro and Peter. And yet over time.. the two became friends. They bonded.. and she felt ashamed, realizing Kurt.. is just a bit marshmellow. A kind soul who only wanted to be her friend. And this is the payoff for that: her going from a scared kid jumping to her assumptions about a man hwo just looks kinda spooky.. to being BEST FRIENDS with the guy and willing to take a bullet for him. Thankfully.. that blam we heard.. wasn't stryker's gun
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The ending of this story.. speaks to it's tone. While our heroes still beat stryker morally and with words, they still won the battle.. what ultimatley strikes him down.. is a regular police officer. A cop simply not wanting a child to die. A normal person doing the right thing. And a ray of hope that maybe just maybe our heroes words got through to some people.
Said ray... dosen't last long as Magneto makes a valid point back at the mansion... and for once.. Charles listens.
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It's a moment of weakness.. Charles accepting that maybe his dream isn't enough.. and it' smost fitting that the one to snap him out of it.. is the first person he brought that dream to. His son. And he makes the point I did earlier: this fight can't be won by brute force. This can't be won by FORCING people to accept them.. it has to be won through hard work. It may get worse (And it will), the tims may be tough.. but it's a dream worth fighting for. A better world not paved in blood... but in hope and hard work for a better tommorow. Is it idealistic? Perhaps. Unrealistic? entirely. But it's a noble ream: of a world of accpetince, kindness and love.. and one Scott and the others aren't willing to throw away. And as long as they aren't, charles realizes he can't either.
Naturally Max's response is to call them all fools.. but it's his last few words that really leave an impact
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It's a nice touch that Kitty, who magneto nearly killed last time they fought not realizing she was a child and whose near death drove him to realize how far he'd fallen, is the one to speak up. And it's telling for where Magneto's arc is going under claremont.. that he relents a little. He can't fight for a cause he dosen't belivie in.. but he WISHES he could. He's gone from hating the x-men.. to badly wanting to be one of them.. but knowing his heart just isn't in it. From just seconds ago calling them all fools.. to deep down hoping they win. Showing that even if he still thinks eventually they will fall and it'll be his turn.. that maybe just maybe.. he won't have to. That maybe there's a future where he can fight for a better tommorow instead of forcing it.
So we end with Xavier tearfully thanking his students, and Ororo congradulating Scott for what he ddid. he tells her it's what he woudl've done for any of them and at the end o fthe day... it's love that drives this. Love for each other.. and hope for a world ran by love and not hate. But we're not there yet. But maybe... maybe someday.
So if it wasn't obvious.. God Loves Man Kills is a masterpiece. And having to go over it painstakingly for this review.. I stand by waht I said. This is the best x-men story ever. A story that sums up everything the x-men stand for in a neat package, pits them up agains ta unique an dhorrifingly real threat, and says a LOT. All in 60 bneautifully drawn pages. I ddin't mention him much in this review but Brent Anderson's art in this comic is next level stuff. Gorgeous, evocative, and hitting all the right notes. IT's some of the best art in comics and fits well with one of the best stories in comics. If you haven't read this one, do so immediatly. Even if you don't normally read x-men... this is a heck of a good way to start. Thanks for reading.
Next Time: We see the start for one of the x-men's greatest as she... steals an avengers powers and punches iron man in the face. So a bit of a mixed bag all things considered.
34 notes · View notes
Hi! Do you have any headcanons about the townspeople's reactions when they first heard that the farmer joined the adventurer's guild?
Ooh this is interesting one! I had a lot of fun writing this headcanon. But I didn't expect the headcanon to be so huge! Well, I write about everyone in the valley, so it's fair enough, I guess... Thanks for your ask! Hope you enjoy the headcanon!
Digression: Given that Farmer just joined the Guild, I'm guessing they don't know Farmer that well yet, so this would be their very first reaction.
SDV and SVE townspeople's react to the news that Farmer has joined the Adventurer's Guild:
The mines are full of various gems. So if Farmer doesn't mind, they could bring some Emily to meditate on. She will make someone in return, of course! Maybe sew a warm and comfortable suit for long adventures?
Well, if swinging a sword is more interesting than being a farmer or fishing, then who is Willy to disturb the youth? Although, maybe with the help of an adventurer, an old fisherman will be able to catch rare fish in dangerous caves?
Are you going on long trips? Make sure you stock up on food. Leah can help them with simple snack making, just a few hazelnuts and berries are enough, there are plenty of them in the Valley.
Well, if the Farmer is happy to be an adventurer, then why not? Robin wishes them good luck and offers to go to her workshop on the way to the Guild to say hi. Maybe they look at some new buildings upgrades on the farm, or will become Sebby's friend?
Oh dear, it must be cold on top of the mountain and in the mines. Maybe Evelyn could make them a warm scarf or hat? It would be terrible if they caught a cold.
Who? Adventurer? George doesn't care who they are, as long as they don't block his TV show.
Fantastic, Andy thought. So instead of cultivating a huge area with fertile land that any farmer would dream of getting, they moonlight as a monster hunter in that Guild? Andy is pissed off. Like, If you want to be an adventurer - sure whatever, just sell the land so real farmers can use it.
Linus knows that everyone chooses their own path in life. But Farmer, in the early days of Linus's acquaintance, treated him politely and without prejudice. So Linus would be sad if another grave appeared in the cemetery near the railway. He will never forget Getra...
Wow, they got accepted into the Guild? This is awesome! Abigail would also like to become a member of the Adventurer's Guild too, but her parents will freak out.
Since the Farmer, as an adventurer, will descend into the mines, Demetrius recommends paying attention to various crystal formations and stones. If the Farmer wants, then let them bring him a couple of crystals for research, he will pay for their discovery.
Well then. It is unlikely that, apart from food, Caroline can advise something in her husband's store. But let them come in, at least just warm themselves near the fireplace, or pray at the altar of Yoba.
So they will be constantly covered in dirt and monster blood? Eew, stay away from Haley. She doesn't want them to stain her beautiful new dress.
Come on, young adventurer! In the Saloon, Gus always has delicious food, cold ale and warm beds. Don't forget to tell him if you have any allergies.
Oooh, Vincent is already starting to throw a bunch of questions at them. Have they already fought monsters? Will they show weapons? Do these monsters have long fangs? Jas is more restrained than her friend, but her eyes also sparkle with interest in listening to them.
Aren't they too frail for such adventures? Look, Alex doesn't care, but he believes that without any physical training they will not be able to hold out for a long time.
Susan heard how many brave warriors became crippled or died in battle with monsters. The cemetery next to her farm and Marlon who often goes there is proof of this. So please be careful sweetie, and don't forget to take time to rest.
And Elliott is just thinking of dedicating the next novel about a brave adventurer who fights a huge monster for the hand of hero beloved. Don't forget to tell him something interesting over a glass of ale! Maybe he can find inspiration in their stories.
Oh, there's another adventurer in our Valley? If they come across any artifacts in their adventures, come to the museum. Gunther will find something to repay for the find.
Adventurer, you say? And how much do they earn? Enough to give Old Pam a mug of beer at the Saloon?
JojaMart always has tasty and cheap food to go for long hikes. Doesn't spoil, cooks quickly, very tasty and nutritious, we cares about our customers! So come to Joja, Morris will help you choose what you want, and don't forget the 20% discount coupon!
If they have an extra gold bar or a diamond lying around in their adventures, then bring it to Maru, she will need them for the next inventions!
Wow, Victor read so many books about different Guilds around the world! He hopes that the Farmer, as a full member, will tell about the famous warriors and magicians of the Guilds. Oh, they don't know them yet? Well, okay...
Hmm, given their connection to forest magic, Magnus isn't surprised they followed in the adventurer's footsteps. Guilds and mages have worked side by side for many years. At least he knows, looking into the future, that the Farmer will definitely not die until they brings the iridium bar to the wizard. Ok, that's a pretty cynical thought on his part...
Cool, and? Honestly, Sebastian thinks it's pretty cool, but don't expect reaction from him. He barely knows them.
O-oh, alright... It's their choice. Just please don't show Penny any parts of the killed monsters, she's too sensitive and doesn't want to ruin her appetite.
Jodi keeps an eye on her sons so that they, too, don't go down the dangerous path of adventurers. It's so scary there, and all these monsters! Not to mention the dubious diet and the inability to wash normally in constant trips.
Sweetie, are you sure that's how you want to earn your living? If they go to the Guild believing that they can get rich there, they better contact Olivia. She can help them earn a lot of money in the stock market.
Merciful Yoba, please, be careful. Harvey may be making money as a doctor, but he wouldn't want to see Farmer dying in a clinic. Patients who die right in the doctor's arms... This never goes away from memory.
Do they really think it's important for Shane to know who they've become? If they don't put a mug of beer in front of him in the Saloon, they can go to hell with their fucking Guild.
Lewis expected a new farmer to come to the valley, not a new adventurer. Oh well, they know better...
Pierre, in addition to seeds and fertilizers, also has delicious and fresh vegetables and fruits that will not spoil for a long time and will be a wonderful camping dinner! Everything is natural and of the best quality, not like Joja... Even Marlon buys here, so don't miss the opportunity!
Hey, that's actually very cool! Sam, as a child, once thought he would also go on adventures, but playing the guitar is more dear to him.
Yeeep! Don't scare Sophia like that anymore! They are covered with dust and something green. Is that the blood and slime of monsters?! Eeeeeeeew!!!
...Kent has known so many horrors in battle, and they want to fight monsters in a fit of altruism? Trust him, slimes and golems are not monsters. What he learned in this damned war... That's where the real horror is.
Well, your choice. If she has an extra glass of milk or cheese, then Marnie will generously share with them, adventurers probably often starve because of the inability to buy normal food. At least that's what she heard...
Another adventurer, another sword. For Clint, it's more work in the forge, and more dull thoughts.
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deanstead · 2 years
There Will Be Peace (4): Kids Are Horrible
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Chapter 4: Kids Are Horrible
Chapter Summary: With no further clues on Corson, Sam finds another case to keep the three of them occupied.
Word Count: 2.6K+
Warnings: mentions of suicide, bullying, implied sexism
A/N: Okay, I know I am the absolute worst but I didn't give up on this fic, I promise! Things have just been a little crazy and writer's block is the worst thing ever. Hope you guys will like this though!
Chapter 3 || Chapter 5
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You looked out the window at the greenery that was shooting past you as Dean drove the Impala into town.
In a bid to get three of you out of the bunker and out of the crushing feeling of impossibility of tracking Corson down, Sam had found a case. Dean had glanced at you but nodded.
You weren’t really in the position to argue to be really honest. You’d barely felt like you started to belong with Dean and Sam, barely felt like they’d accepted you, so even if you were reluctant to put down the research, you did.
Kids had been dropping like flies at a high school, which normally wouldn’t have set off the ‘supernatural alarm’. Except Sam had noticed this time - the police couldn’t find anything, most of the deaths had happened behind closed doors with no signs of forced entry.
Dean pulled up at the first diner, glancing into the mirror, back at you. “Let’s go.”
You nodded, climbing out of the Impala, pushing open the door of the diner and sliding into a booth seat. Dean was right behind you sliding in next to you as Sam took the seat opposite.
“Alright, look. Three kids from the same school, all dead in the past week. There’s something going on here.”
Dean nodded, waving at the waitress to bring you all coffee. “We let you drag our asses down here, we get it.”
You smiled. The word ‘we’ had a nice ring to it. It wasn’t the first time Dean or Sam had used it to describe you and them but it was mostly in the context of a hunt, while they were speaking to others, so you liked that Dean had grouped you with him while talking to Sam today.
Sam handed you the papers and you nodded. “They’re looking at this as suicides, aren’t they?”
Sam raised his eyebrow. “How did you guess?”
Dean smiled, flashing you a smile and winking. “She’s a freaking genius, that’s how. You’re not the only genius anymore, Sammy.” He lightly teased his younger brother.
You laughed. “It’s this thing they taught us in the academy.” You paused. Thinking about the academy still gave your heart a twist sometimes, it felt like a lifetime away, but you could still remember the shout of glee Leah had let out when you’d told her, the proud smiles of your parents.
You cleared your throat, realising you’d let the pause hang on too long. Sam just gave you a smile, Dean took a sip of his coffee, as if the pause hadn’t even happened.
“We had a whole class on trying to differentiate crimes made to look like suicides, and actual suicides. It drove me crazy. So three kids? Same cause of death?”
Sam shook his head. “First one, Charlie Moore, was found hanging from a tree, above the soccer field. Then Kate Morgan drowned in the toilet bowl.”
Dean made a face. “For real?”
You glanced at the clippings in front of you. “Seriously? They think the head cheerleader’s gonna drown herself in the toilet bowl? There are more graceful ways for her to die.”
“Third kid, Daniel Hill, apparently suffocated in his locker.” You commented, pushing the paper towards Dean.
“What the hell.” Dean exhaled.
“Alright, we’ll hit the school first.” Dean said, draining his cup of coffee.
You looked up at him. “All of us?”
Dean smiled. “Ready, Agent?”
You grinned back at him.
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You slowed as you reached the main doors of the high school.
“You okay?” Dean touched your elbow gently.
You smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I just... thought of Leah.”
Dean gave you a small smile and patted you on the back. You shook your head. “My head’s in the game, I got this.”
“I know.” Dean responded, squeezing your shoulder and allowing you to take the lead into the school and into the main office at the front of the school.
You pulled out your badge. “I’m Agent Day, these are my colleagues Agent Rogers and Fletcher.” You pointed to Dean and Sam. “We’re here to see Principal Jones.”
She nodded, her eyes glancing over your badges before she pointed to the seats to have you wait.
It was merely minutes before the principal was stepping out of his office, offering his hand to Dean first even though you’d stepped up. You mentally rolled your eyes. Typical. He shook Dean’s hand, then Sam’s, almost glazing over you before Sam cleared his throat. “This is Agent Day.”
Principal Jones paused, before he realised what he’d done. “Forgive me, Miss.”
“It’s Agent, thanks.” You snapped, catching the nasty thought in your head that it was no wonder crappy things were happening in this school.
Dean reached over and squeezed your hand, making you look up in a little surprise as you felt something almost like an electrical surge travel through your body at Dean’s touch. You’d grown close to the Winchesters, and although Sam was outwardly much warmer than Dean, you’d always felt more connected to Dean, even when he’d been less than friendly for the first few weeks.
Even so, Dean had never made such intimate physical contact with you. Not really. He’d ruffle your hair, put his hand on your head kind of affectionately, he’d even give you a hug but nothing that felt as intimate as him holding your hand.
There were only two chairs in the room but Dean and Sam took them as you stood behind them. It had its intended effect, coupled with how you’d snapped at him earlier. Jones avoided eye contact with you, but it was different now, it held a tinge of embarrassment.
“Why is the FBI investigating a case of high school suicide?” Principal Jones asked now, and you could even hear defensiveness now.
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Because it isn’t one suicide. These are kids.”
Jones cleared his throat. “Yes, of course.”
“We’ll need their files, and we’ll need to interview faculty and students.” You told him.
Jones looked at Dean, as if he was confirming what you’d asked for. Dean raised his eyebrows. “What she said.” He said, letting a tone of annoyance slip past his lips.
Jones showed you out of his office, directing you to the student counselor, who was supposed to know the kids better.
“What a dick.” Dean muttered under his breath as he left.
Sam rolled his eyes in agreement with Dean.
You smiled.
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The three of you had split up.
The school had arranged for student interviews, so you’d headed towards the girls' classrooms, while Sam headed for the boys. Dean had said he’d go speak to the counselor.
You sat across from a girl who had obvious highlight streaks in her hair and who just looked bored.
“Did you know Kate Morgan well?” You asked, looking up at her.
She shrugged. “Just that she’s a bitch.”
You raised your eyebrows. “A bitch?”
“You know the type, they strut around school like they own the whole damn building. I kept out of her way and these definitely helped.” She pointed to her highlights and her piercings.
“So she was a bully?” You asked.
The girl shrugged again. “I guess. She kept a lower profile after Sarah died. But that didn’t last for long either.”
You frowned. You remembered Sam saying the other two victims were boys. “Sarah?”
The girl pressed her lips together before she leaned closer. “Sarah Smith.” She pushed herself out from the seat and walked out.
You quickly pulled out your phone, sending Dean a text.
Sarah Smith.
You looked up just as another girl took the seat across from you. The last interview for today at least. She was quiet and didn’t have an air of confidence about her, so you smiled at her. “Hey, don't be nervous alright? We just have a few questions.”
She nodded and smiled back at you tentatively.
“So, did you know Kate Morgan?” You prompted gently.
She looked up at you, readjusting the glasses sitting on her nose. “Everyone did.” She answered quietly. “But she didn’t talk to me. Just Sarah.”
Your eyebrows shot up now, this was the second time you were hearing her name. “Sarah?”
“Sarah Smith. We were… friends.” She answered, her voice going even softer.
You fell quiet for a bit. “What happened to Sarah?”
The girl sitting in front of you looked up towards you quietly. “They just told us she died.”
She looked like she was hesitating so you leaned forward. “Do you know something?”
She shook her head. “Just that I don’t think Sarah killed herself.”
You sighed. “Has there been anything weird happening at school recently?”
You nodded, “Like things that can’t be explained, cold spots in the school?”
She frowned but shook her head. “No.”
“Okay, thank you.”
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Sam hadn’t had much luck with the other kids too, the other kids didn’t seem to want to talk much, at least not about the three victims, but Sam and you had both picked up on one thing.
“I think the three of them are bullies.” You said, leaning back in your chair and looking back at Sam and Dean. Dean’s eyebrows shot up but Sam nodded. “I got that vibe, but the boys didn’t say much.”
You looked up at Dean, now. “How was the counselor?”
“Guy’s freaking weird.” Dean made a face. “He gave me these but Sarah Smith? He fed me some cock-and-bull about the records getting lost or filed away, he could barely keep the story straight.”
You didn’t say anything, not even looking up until Dean waved at you. “Yoohoo, Y/N?”
You blinked. “Sorry. Two girls mentioned Sarah’s death and it’s just a theory but I think Sarah was being bullied.”
You looked up at Sam. “And if these kids are bullies...”
“You think we’re dealing with Sarah’s ghost?” Sam asked.
“And she’s going after her bullies.” Dean said.
You sighed, “I hate this case already.”
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Sam had stayed behind to do more research so you’d set off for Sarah's house with Dean.
Dean knocked, glancing at you, right before the door was opened. “Mrs Smith?”
The older woman nodded her head at Dean, a puzzled expression on her face.
“We’re from the Education Department. Can we come in?” You asked, and you saw her face change a little before she stepped back.
“Come on in.”
You followed her into her sitting room, your eyes lighting on the photos of her with a younger girl, which must have been Sarah. You really hated this part.
Dean reached over, discreetly patting your hand to tell you he’d lead it as the both of you sat down, which you were thankful for.
“Mrs Smith, we’re here about Sarah. Can you tell us more about her? How did she feel about school, maybe?” Dean asked.
Your eyes scanned the room, like you’d been trained to do at the academy, but better still, like how the Winchesters had taught you.
Sarah was obviously extremely loved as an only child and her mother had kept up all the photos of her around their living room. You listened as she tried to tell Dean about Sarah, about how Sarah had always been a girl that was full of life and was like a beam of sunshine, until the last three months. She told the both of you how she’d been told that Sarah had killed herself and how she hadn’t been able to bring herself to go to the school to get Sarah’s things yet.
You sat up a little straighter. “I could tell something was going on, but she’s a teenager. She stopped talking to me. I thought it was about a boy or you know, that she’d fought with a friend, but I didn’t think…” Her voice broke and you reached over to hold her hand.
“So you buried her?” Dean asked.
You glanced alarmingly at Dean as Mrs Smith frowned at the strange question. “No, we cremated her. What does that…”
You turned back to her and just gave her a small smile. “Thank you for seeing us, Mrs Smith.”
“They told me Sarah killed herself. Does this mean…”
You exchanged a look with Dean and shook your head. “No, I’m sorry. They just sent us out to follow up with the school.”
“Because of the other kids?” She asked, her voice holding a tinge of sadness.
“And Sarah. Because of all of them.” You told her.
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Sam turned towards the door as he heard it open. “Hey, anything?”
You gave him a totally insincere smile. “Cremated.”
Sam groaned.
“So what do you think? Is it Sarah?” You leaned over Sam, reading over his shoulder before you groaned. “The kids were right, Kate Morgan was a bitch.”
Dean couldn’t help the chuckle. “So let’s hit the school tonight.”
“And find what, Dean? What the hell are we supposed to burn?” Sam asked.
Dean sighed as he sat himself on the edge of his bed.
“Alright, let’s do it.” You said, turning to look at Dean. “We’ll find her locker, maybe there’s something there and we can hit the counselor’s office and look for her file too.”
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The three of you made your way into the high school like how you always did, the boys making sure you were in the middle. At first, it had seemed like they didn’t trust you, but you’d realized later that they were keeping you safe in their own way.
Sam opened the door, letting you and Dean slip in as he closed the door again.
You made your way through the school quietly, Sam headed for the counselor’s office while you headed straight for where you remembered the lockers were. You picked at the lock, opening the locker quickly. It swung open and your eyes fell on the journal immediately.
“Dean, light.”
Dean scooted closer towards you and you fingered through the pages, stopping at a later entry - about the bullying, about how they’d turned on her when they were supposed to be her friends. You turned your eyes up towards Dean, who was also scanning the page.
“Kids are horrible.” You whispered.
Dean looked at you.
“Kids are horrible.” You repeated. They were. You’d never experienced the extent of what Kate had, never had a group of kids tie you to a tree or stuff you into your locker for a whole period, but you knew how torturous high school could be.
“Yeah, Sam kind of…” Dean trailed off, shining the torch down the aisle.
You leafed through the diary faster, your eyes scanning the pages even more quickly now.
He took my friendship bracelet.
“Friendship bracelet.” You muttered. “They took it from her.”
“How the hell are we supposed to find a friendship bracelet?” Dean snapped.
“I don’t know. Let’s just… come on let’s go see if Sam found her file.” You said, moving forward.
You’d made it barely halfway across the hall when you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand. Dean turned to look at you, holding his gun out, a sudden force knocking you backwards, tumbling into the classroom behind you.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled, as you heard the door shut and the lock click into place.
Dean rushed against the door, peering in through the small window each classroom door had.
You recognized her from the photos in her living room.
You reached for your gun but she rushed at you, taking your head in her hands. You felt a weird sensation before your eyes rolled and you felt it wash over you as your body lost its energy and you crumpled onto the ground, Dean's muffled voice on the other side of the door the last thing you heard.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
Character taglists are open!
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zeeposting · 4 months
tired eepy rambler wamring very long and not good spelling I'm tired how do I add this in why isn't it working :( YAY I DID IT :D I'm so tired.
eaipugapbjnlkwe43uo3thfqww; keyboard= asmh
im tired
typing feels weird like my fingers feel heavier or something idk how to explain It
oh my golly gosh every time I blink like. not manually it feels sliike the lights fligkcerd like huh why do my eyes do that
im so tired yet hardly tired at the same time
my typing is so bad (sign of eepy) Im tearing up a bit I think (either sign of eepy or I got an eyelash in my eye) but also I don't really feel all that tired. but I am tireed
i wanna go home but I KNOW my parents are gonna be talking for SO LONG so I'll probably go home at 10 or something
i wish more of m friends were open to talk I want to annoy multiple of my friends like I wanna talk
im rambling but ioh well
irihhherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr pok uhhh what happening idk
maybe its home time? no I don't think so :(
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I just wanna hold my finger on one key I'm eepy
dude I forgot to write. LAC is postponed again, sorry gator you and the actual characters are going back to the "I always forget them" side of my brain oh my golly I coulda written more camp of keys!! except I have no idea where I'm going with that. uhh think think thinks what is this Pepsi ad??? anyways uhh.... what could hppen that would make sense.... maybe uhh... maybe wait is Ella going with them?? I don't think so. yeah no. okay so maybe storme says something and Clarissa basically goes back to depression mode?? but what would bring her back there. maybe Leah just starts getting all sad. and that makes clarissa sad. dude what if like I had an eepy story that I wrote more of every time I was eepy. like. no typing corrections, no thinking about it in the day, just every night when I think "oh I'm kinda eepy" I continue the story suighs I don't like having praces
bee Kay have it your way. you rule!
i want to write scroll and Quill lore but I don't at the same time. like I want to write it all out but also I have like no idea how that would work I have like half of it figured out what happened on that day I dunn!!! i love scroll and Quill sm like dude I justwant to hold them and talk to them and idk I just love those little gay freaks so much I love them and their lore and everyone involved in their story
when someone tells me they like one of my characters I have to draw thme nore tlike especially one o y friends like ryu ryu likes floe and that's why I'm gdaing globe so much more fonten because I want to make ryu happy like I just want to make my friends happy I don't really care about myself I just want them to be happy. i tell my friend that she can spam me jer worries int he private chat of this ma and her because I want her to feel btert, I don't really care I just want her to feel better.
m yypung is so bad because I'm so tired I guess but I don't really feel like fixing it. sorry I can translate in the morning but no ones gonna read this because who actuallycareas
i mean maybe ryu but like.why idk. maybe Milly. man idk
this is gonna turn into an acicnela vent or something but idrc I'm just tired ok??
tbh I don't feel like a good friend lately. idk o don't feel like elaborating but I do
in science we got to play jeopardy and the team names were so stupid
Jackie Likes Pencils, TikTok Rizz Party, Skibidy Stephen, The Billy Bus, Team Chicken Leg
(yes all of those are spelt properly I made sure of it. yes it was spelt skiidy ask inki.)
guess what team was me, inki, Ezra and ratthew comet? haha. team chicken leg. SOWA CREWMA!!!!!
man I'm tired. like eepy. super epy.
i love rue so much shes just a cute lotel pony and like she sjst so cute and I love her so much shes oh my gosh I miss Chico he's so cute and silly and goofy and funnyand I miss him.
i love my friends sm thank you
friend I wont name #1, bubblez, inki, Ezra, ryu, Milly, kit (asktrianglesblog rn), Abb, rabbit, friend I wont name #2, sapp, Ollie, zoe/fishy (I don't remember sorry) I love you all so so much
i want to cry a bit. so lets yap about something happier
should I make another character. yes
im thinking TANA melatonin for some reason. no not them stop it. dude I love TANA so much especially mug and battery and valentine they're so cool I cant wait for the actual thing to come out. or for it to come across my path idk if its actually gonna be a thing okay hmm what objects are around.
what abotu a gouwer. no that's basic plus I already have night. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why si this kids bday party football themed dude you don't like football at least uve never said anything about it at least around me???
what aib0ut uhh.. random object generator help
yk I don't have a lot of characters with names that end in uy! so. hmm jammy. like a jar of ja,. what jams are there I don't think iev ever had jam
plum han!! jammy!! !rhehe silly. any pronouns. just a silly guy.
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look at her shes so silly and so funny I love her already I don't want to give her lore she's just a silly farmer that makes jam and she gets soopu eepy like me when she doesn't have his jam beucae I said so. he's my eepy character. my ltiel eepy friend. I love him already just a silly farmer wait should he have a love interest? NO. aroace jammy. #aroacejammyforpresident2024
im rambling so much but I don't want to put on a keep on reading because do I care no. read to learn about jammy. lol what if someone read it as jimmy. Jimmy jammy. hheh,o orphan in black?? tv what are you talking about who is that.
oh no someone approaching AAA!! haha other side of the couch they are. why is my batter on re dnoo oh yeah hour 54 left
dude I knew I was gonna leave at 10 its 941 nd I'm still here.
jammy is so cute I love them so much. I should draw them more
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hegegehe happy jammy
i don't like that noise :( loud
dude in so tired I'm fighting the urge to say dude in every sentance
what is arm lasseration? dhters a guy and he's a police guy or something familyy friend and he just got a call thing on the walkie talkie II and uhh he said "ooh lovely!{" "what" "arm lasseratioin" what does that mean.
ohh its like a cut. it breaks the skin. okayyy!!!
im gonna draw sad jammy because I feel like it :(
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i love drawing on my d=touch screen computer its so fun
i fee like jammy should be my comfort character like I love them somuhc they're just my eepy gal
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jammy no your half filled with juice jammy you need more jam your gonna die!!1 of EEPYJNES!!
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aww look eeping jammy I love them so much I keep saying that but I love jammy they are a part of me I drew eepy jammy because I want to go jhome and sleep and think about scroll and Quill I don't think I'm gonna read tonight because I'm so tired and its interesting but dude I'm so tired I wanna go to sleep :(
i know I'm talking way too much but I don't care I'm eepy. there you get your keep on reading because I guess its too much
jammy I love you
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i just wanna hug jammy and go to sleep in a /p kinda way I love them so much
dude jammy is just so cute I love them they look so huggable
pleas draw jammy guys I love them.
dude I'm gonna look a this tomorrow and be so concerned
honk mimiii honk mimiii goodnight
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ashcal99 · 1 year
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Certain Things : Leah Clearwater VII
Chapter Seven
"Something about you, It's like an addiction, Hit me with your best shot honey, I've got no reason to doubt you, 'Cause certain things hurt, And you're my only virtue"
Summary: Conner Swan moves to Forks Washington in hopes to help his sister Bella through her breakup with Edward. In hopes to find happiness again. He finds much more.
Warnings: SMUT (18+ only), oral (f! and m! receiving), fingering, mentions of death, depression, loss, antidepressants, general angst, slow burn
Words: 4k
A/N: Comment if I missed any warning or anything plz thnx.
Previous Chapter
Series Masterlist
March 31st, 2006
The next week and half had flown by, Leah and Conner having fallen into a regular routine. Leah would visit the diner on days that he worked, sitting at the bar to talk to him during their slow times. Conner had made a habit of driving out to the Clearwater’s house whenever he had time off. Whether it was taking walks with her, watching movies on her couch while they curled up under a fluffy blanket, whatever they did, they did together. The feeling of being near each other was so comforting, Conner wasn’t sure how had lived before her. The thought of losing her had began to feel suffocating to him.
His nightmares had become less frequent as well, although he did still find himself plagued by them some nights. It probably helped to not be woken in the middle of the night by Bella as well. Her nightmares had stopped when Edward had returned. Or at least when they did happen, Edward would comfort her throughout them before they got out of hand. 
He could hear that Edward was there every night, his room being right next to his sisters. They weren’t exactly quiet when they talked and the walls of th house were thin. Charlie was of course completely oblivious to this fact. Conner had grown to ignore the presence of the immortal teen. Sure, he creeped him out, but he had stuck to himself for the most part, trying not to bother Conner. 
He had just finished showering after his shift, dressing quickly in whatever clean clothes he could find. He had made plans earlier in the day, like most, to meet up with Leah, deciding on going on a hike since the weather had warmed up that morning. It was only early afternoon, the man only working a short shift that morning, so the sun was still high in the sky. 
Time blurred around him, and before he knew it, he was standing at Leah’s front door knocking. After a few moments of waiting, the door swung open, revealing the woman. A smile grew on his face, the world fading around them. It never got old, seeing her face. She seemed to give him perpetual butterflies. “Ready?” He asked expectantly, offering his hand to her.
She took his outstretched hand, taking him up on his offer. “Ready.” She confirmed. The two turned, beginning the trek to the edge of the forest. Conner focused on the warmth of her hand, letting himself ease into the familiar comfort of her presence. They had found themselves touching more and more often, whether it was holding hands or Leah laying her head on his shoulder while they watched tv. Leah made sure never to push it too far, not wanting to scare him away, but Conner always found himself leaning into her embrace. 
They would carry small conversations on walks like these, never straying to too serious of topics. The two were focused on getting to know each other and relishing in their company. Reaching a small stream, Conner climbed up the last ridge, offering Leah is hand to help her up. They sat together on the edge of the stream, ridding themselves of their socks and shoes. Conner dipped his toes in the warm water, Leah following after. 
Leah stared ahead into the trees, looking deep in thought. Conner turned to her, taking in her beauty. “Penny for your thoughts?” He said, prompting conversation. 
She looked to him, giving a fragile smile. “Just thinking about everything.” She started, glancing down to their intertwined hands. “Patrols have been really stressful lately, with the red head being so close.” She explained.
Conner didn’t buy it. He could tell there was something else going on, seeing the torment behind her eyes. “Yeah, but that’s not it, is it?” He asked. She looked into his eyes, coming to the conclusion that there was no point in keeping anything from the man anymore. He was already her whole world, so what was the use in not telling him everything? “I guess I’m just missing him. My dad I mean.” She clarified. 
He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, and she continued. “He would be alive if it wasn’t for me, you know?” She said softly. Conner’s stomach dropped.
He brought his hand to her chin, tilting her face up to his. “Leah, no one blames you for what happened.” He said, staring deep into her eyes. He hated seeing pain behind them, it made his chest ache just thinking about her being sad. 
She tore her eyes from his, tears welling up in hers. She leaned into his palm, savoring his touch. “But you can’t deny it. He would be here, heart still beating.” She said, a single tear streaming down her face. 
He frowned, staring at the small trail of wetness down her cheek. “I’m so sorry, Leah. You shouldn’t have to feel this pain.” He said solemnly, looking deep into her eyes. He slowly dropped his hands from her face, taking her palm back in his. He turned his gaze to the water, gathering up his courage. “You know, I understand your pain…” He paused, gulping, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. “How it feels to lose someone you love.” He continued, eyebrows pulling together. 
Leah turned her eyes to him, seeing the look of anguish on his face. “You don’t need to tell me if you’re not ready.” She assured him, her frown deepening. Sure, she wanted to know, but she didn’t want him to force himself to confess his pain for her benefit. 
He nodded his head slightly. “I know. I want to tell you.” He said, gnawing on his lower lip. He gulped again, trying to swallow the lump growing in his throat. “Umm… I’m not really sure where to start.” He said letting out a deep sigh.
He ran his fingers through his hair, looking down to his submerged feet. “It was the night of my twentieth birthday when it happened… Mia was her name. We had been dating for about a year and I was planning on proposing. I knew something was wrong when she was just thirty minutes late. She was never late to anything and I just felt something was off in my stomach.” He paused, taking in a shaky breath.
She looked to him, heart aching as he continued to speak. “I rushed to the hospital as soon as I got the call telling me she had been in an accident. She died in surgery later that night.” He said, his eyes brimming with tears. Leah wrapped her arms around him, pulling his face into the crook of her neck. Conner wrapped his arms around her waist, breathing in her calming scent. “I didn’t know she was pregnant until after she was already dead. She was only three months along.” He said, his words muffled into her neck.
Leah tightened her grip on the man, feeling the wetness of his tears on her shoulder. Her heart throbbed in her chest knowing had been through such a terrible thing. “I’m so sorry, Conner.” She said, running her fingers up his neck, grasping the back of his head. 
They sat like this for a while, just holding each other. Conner focussed on the feel of her fingers on his scalp, trying to soak in her touch. Eventually, he pulled himself together enough to remove his face from her neck, muttering an apology about her dampened shirt. It felt good, having confessed everything to her. There were no longer any secrets between the two, and he felt like he could finally breath freely. Like a weight had been lifted from his chest. 
It hurt her to know the pain he had endured, but she was happy that he had felt comfortable enough to tell her about it. Sure, they were both broken and tattered, but now they had each other to lean on. 
Eventually, they found their way back to the house. They decided to watch a movie, sitting on the couch together. They huddled under a soft blanket, Conner basking in her heat. She cuddled into his side, her head resting on his shoulder. His hand rested on her knee, over the blanket, his thumb rubbing lightly back and forth. He never thought he would be happy like this ever again. He thought his world had ended after Mia died, but there he was, whole again. 
May 10th, 2006
It had been about a month and half since Conner’s confession, and the two had grown even closer. They now spent every moment available together, and gotten much more at ease with touching each other. Their available time, however, was growing more and more slim by the day. With the ongoing threat of Victoria coming closer and closer, Leah had been pulled to patrol more often. But whenever she found the chance, she found herself being wrapped in her comforting embrace.
The two were currently standing in the kitchen of the Swan’s house, Conner cooking lunch. It happened to be the one time where they both had the day off and both Bella and Charlie were out of the house. He flipped the chicken in the skillet, watching as the oil sizzled from the heat of the burner. They hadn’t had much time to spend alone in the house together, Bella always being home on his days off and having Edward spend the nights, so they made sure to take advantage of the empty house. In fact, now that he thought about it, they hadn’t been alone together in at least two weeks. People always seemed to hover around the two, not giving them a moment to themselves.
“You know, this is perfect timing, seeing as I don’t have patrol tonight.” She said smiling to the man. He nodded, sending a grin back in return. He stopped momentarily, adding more seasoning to the meat in the pan. 
He turned back to the woman, smile still grazing his features. “I’m just surprised they gave me the day off. Since they usually give me the weekends.” He stated. He reached to turn off the stove, the chicken finishing cooking. Grabbing two plates, he plated the chicken, adding a scoop of mashed potatoes to each. 
Walking to the table, he placed one of the plates on the placemat in front of Leah, setting the other in front of himself. He sighed, stretching his spine across the back of the chair, feeling slight cracks as he did so. A soft sound of a moan leaving Leah’s lips, broke his attention from his stretching. 
He turned to her, eyebrow arched in question. She chewed the food slowly, savoring the flavor. “This is heavenly, Con.” She said, complimenting his cooking. 
He laughed lightly. “Thanks.” He said, sticking a fork full of the food into his own mouth. They ate in relative silence, as they shoved their faces full the chicken, and soon they were done with their meals. 
Leah sighed, leaning back in her seat. “Thanks for the meal, Conner. It was delicious.” She said, eyes turning to the man.
Conner stood, humming in response, grabbing the now dirty plates and taking them to the sink. “Anything for you, Leah.” He said, sending her a genuine smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling. He meant it too. Over the month or so since meeting her, he quickly found out that he would do anything for the woman. Anything to see her happy. To keep her safe.
He stood scrubbing the dishes, when he felt her arms sip around his waist, her head resting in between his shoulder blades. He dropped the sponge, turning the tap off, as he slowly turned in her grasp. He stared down at her, taking her face gently in his hands. 
She got lost in eyes, the blue pulling her in, and suddenly her mouth was too dry and heart was beating too much too quickly. Conner leaned forward until his forehead was touching hers, his chest raising quickly. Slowly, ever so slightly, he closed the gap between their lips. 
Electric shocks ran up and down his spine, feeling the tingle all the way down to his toes. The kiss was gentle, him just taking in the feel of her soft plump lips. Leah sighed into the kiss, allowing herself to fully embrace his touch. She had never been so happy in her entire life and it was all thanks to him. 
Their mouths moved in sync, lips molding together perfectly. Conner felt as if he was flying. She could feel him begin to smile against her lips, pulling her closer to his chest. She smiled back in response, and they pulled away, resting their foreheads together once again. His hands dropped to her waist, his strong fingers gripping her hips tightly. Her hands snaked up to his head, threading her fingers through his thick hair. He closed his eyes in response to the touch, and they just stood there for a while, just basking in the love surrounding them.
Conner had said he wanted to take things slow, but surely a month and half was slow enough right? If it wasn’t, he didn’t really care. He felt in his heart that it was right. That he deserved to be happy after everything that had happened to him, and if she was the one to bring him that happiness, then so be it. Far be it from him to mess with fate. 
Eventually, his legs grew tired from standing in one place, so he slowly pulled away, to look into her eyes. “How about a nap?” He suggested, tiredness suddenly hitting him like a ton of bricks. She nodded in response to his question, grabbing one of his hands from her waist and intertwining their fingers. 
He abandoned the unwashed dishes in the sink, promising himself he would handle them later. He took their intertwined fingers and led them up the stairs. He had just reached the door to his room when he realized she had never been inside it before, and he was suddenly nervous. He had hoped it wasn’t too messy as he wasn’t expecting her to see it that day. He took the doorknob, twisting it and letting the door swing open. He let out a quiet sigh of relief, seeing that the room was fairly clean “It isn’t too much… but its mine.” He muttered, letting Leah enter before him, before closing and locking the door behind them.
She silently took in the view of his room, letting out a bark of laughter as her eyes landed on the wall next to his dresser. “Power Rangers?” She asked, turning to him, brow raised in question. 
He blushed heavily, trying to sputter out an excuse. He had forgotten the thing was even there, but now he regretted not ripping it down immediately. She smirked, laying a reassuring hand on his chest. “It’s okay, I think it’s cute.” She teased. “Almost as cute as I think you are.”
He smirked, taking a seat on the edge of the mattress, tilting his face up to hers. “So you think I’m cute now do you?” He said, fingers gripping her waist, slotting her between his legs.
She smiled, placing a warm hand to his cheek. “Oh, I’ve always thought you were cute.” She said, leaning down to place a pec to his lips. 
Her lips on his gave him all the confidence he needed as he pulled her forward to straddle his waist, and suddenly all tiredness had gone from his body. He tilted his head to the left deepening the kiss. Their lips moved fervently, the room seeming to raise in temperature by at least ten degrees. She hesitantly brought her hips down to his, gently rocking them back and forth. A moan fell from his lips and he felt like he would die any second. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He said, chiding the woman. 
He was embarrassingly worked up already from the small amount of friction, a heavy blush coating his cheeks. He panted into her open mouth, gripping her hips and bringing her down further, causing her to gasp in delight. It was as if after one kiss, the flood gates had opened and now he couldn’t stop himself if he tried. 
She could feel his erection below her, the bulge growing bigger with every movement of her hips. The wonderful friction had her absolutely dripping with arousal. Suddenly, he grabbed her waist, lifting her from his lap and placing her at the head of the bed. He crawled up her body, lips attaching themselves to her neck. She moaned loudly at the graze of his teeth, the sound going straight to his cock. She ran her hands up the bottom of his shirt, raking her fingernails down his back. 
He pulled away momentarily, yanking the fabric over his head, throwing it across the room. “Too many clothes.” He muttered, reattaching his lips to hers. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he continuously rutted himself against her clothed heat. One hand wandered up her shirt, fingertips brushing her peaked nipple as he cupped her breast in his palm. She pulled the shirt over her head, giving him a full view of her chest. He lowered slightly, kissing, biting, sucking anywhere he could get his mouth on. 
Her legs dropped from his waist as she writhed underneath him, desperate for some kind of release. Conner noticed this, moving the hand that wasn’t holding himself up to the button of her shorts. He stopped, looking to her face for approval. She looked at him nodding her head vigorously. “Please.” She begged.
Only needing to hear her say it once, he quickly unbuttoned the shorts, yanking her panties down with them. He threw them to the side, trailing kissed up the insides of her thighs. She moaned in delight, urging him on further. He brought himself to her center, taking his finger and lightly swiping it up her folds, pulling it back to see it glistening with her juices. He brought his eyes up to hers, locking her gaze as he lifted the finger to his mouth and sucked, smirking as her mouth fell open at the sight of him. “You’re going to be the death of me.” She said pointedly, already gasping for air. 
He lowered his face back down, licking a strip up her pussy, lips landing on her clit. Leah gasped loudly, the feeling of his tongue already overwhelming her. He slowly entered his middle finger, her squeezing around him. He moaned at the feeling of her, sending the vibrations straight up her spine. He tongued her clit as he pumped his finger into her, slowly adding a second. He rutted his hips into the mattress, desperate for some type of friction on his throbbing erection. 
He had never been so turned on in his life and he didn’t know how long he would last, her pussy clenching around his fingers like that, especially considering how long it had been since he had been touched by someone other than himself. The thought of his cock buried deep inside her was killing him, and fingers began thrusting into her clenching heat at a faster pace. 
He curled his fingers up inside of her, earning gurgled groan from the woman. “Right there. Fuck. Please.” She begged. He continued to rub the soft spongy spot inside of her, feeling her beginning to tense bellow him. 
He continued the movements of his fingers and tongue, feeling a hand move down to his head, gripping his hair tightly as she began to buck her hips upward. The pulling of his hair had him moaning into her again, the feeling sending her over the edge. 
Leah called out his name as she spasmed around his fingers, cumming the hardest she had cum in her life. Conner continued trusting his fingers in and out of her clenching pussy, helping her ride out her high, as she continued calling out his name. He was so glad nobody was home, or else this would definitely prompt an awkward conversation. 
Pulling his fingers gently from her, he licked one final strip up her folds, causing a shiver to run up her spine. He climbed up her body, reveling in the glisten of sweat on her forehead and the far out expression on her face. She reached forward, grabbing his cheeks and planted a big kiss to his mouth, tasting herself on his lips. She pulled away, looking him deep into the eyes. “Your turn.” She said smirking softly.
Conner’s erection twitched at the thought, throbbing in his jeans, but he stopped himself. “You don’t need to.” He breathed out. He didn’t want her to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with, and if he needed to, he could go take a cold shower. 
She looked to him smiling. “I know, I want to.” She assured him, rolling him over so that his back was pressed into the mattress. He scooted back, resting against his headboard, wanting to get a good view of her. She crawled up to his hips, slowly undoing the button of his jeans and drawing down the zipper. 
She stopped momentarily, palming him through the fabric, causing a moan to leave his lips. “I’m not going to last long, it’s been a really long time.” He warned her, receiving a nod from her in response. She curled her fingers under the waistline of his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers. He lifted his hips slightly, allowing room to slip them off of his hips. His cock sprang free, tip wet with precum. 
She wrapped her hand around his length, bringing her mouth down to lick the tip. A groan left his throat, urging her on, her taking him fully into her mouth. “Fuck, Leah.” He exclaimed, feeling the warmth of her mouth wrapped around him. She bobbed her head, taking what she couldn’t reach into her hand, pumping him slowly.
He clenched the sheets underneath him tightly, knuckles turning white. She continued bobbing her head, twirling her tongue around his tip. “Shit. That pretty little mouth working me so well. I’m not going to last much longer, baby.” He reiterated, cock beginning to twitch. She wouldn’t have taken him for being someone who was so vocal in bed, but it sure as hell turned her on. She reached down with her free hand, circling her clit with her fingers, already worked up again from hearing his words. She moaned around his length, feeling his stomach tighten at her movements. 
“Come here.” He instructed, hunching over to grab her ass, pulling her sideways on his lap, replacing her hand on her clit with his own. She groaned again, the feeling of his fingers rubbing her snapping the coil in her stomach as she came for a second time. The vibrations of her moans around him set Conner over the edge as well, his cock twitching as he came in her mouth. He groaned, a string of curses and her name leaving his mouth. 
Leah lifted her head from his lap, licking her lips seductively. Conner threw his head back, letting out one more loud groan at the sight. He grabbed her face, pulling her lips to his in a passionate kiss. He lead her up the bed, laying their bodies down comfortably on the mattress. Making sure the blanket was covering their bodies, he wrapped his arm around her waist. He pulled her closer, her naked body flush with his chest.
He kissed the back of her head once, mumbling, “I love you, Leah.”
She smiled, warmth filling her chest. “I love you, Conner.” She said.
Next Chapter
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05sugarmummies · 1 year
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
Kosse on Sweden using the One Love captain's armband in the world cup if Fifa would forbid it: "That risk is worth taking. We won't back down. We're women" ♀💪
And Magda on the said Saudi sponsorship
The national team on the One Love tie: "We don't back down"
DUISBURG. The men chose not to wear the "One Love" armband during the World Cup in Qatar after pressure from Fifa.
Something that will not happen during the women's WC this summer, says Kosovare Asllani.
- That risk is worth taking. We will not back down. We are women, says Asllani.
Captains of countries such as England, Wales, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands wanted to wear the "One Love" armband during their matches in the Men's World Cup in Qatar. But changed his mind at the last moment after threats of yellow cards, suspensions and other forms of punishment from Fifa.
When the women's World Cup in Australia and New Zealand now looms, there is no talk of the matter from Sweden's side.
Caroline Seger , like England team captain Leah Williamson, wants to wear the bandage.
- After all, we are a national team that goes too far and stands for good things. Everyone's equal value. So for us, there is no talk of the matter. Then that question has to be asked, but I have a hard time seeing that we wouldn't do it anyway, says Seger to Sportbladet.
What would you say if Fifa says it's banned?
- Then it becomes a question for the association and a bit where we stand on that question. It will be interesting to see where we stand then, should it go that far.
Kosovare Asllani , who also occasionally wears the captain's armband, agrees.
- I fully support it. One hundred percent. Everyone must stand for everyone getting the same rights in the world, says Asllani.
- I think that they (Fifa) might find it easier to manage men's national teams for some reason. But we ladies and women, we are pioneers. We want to change the world and move it forward.
She is not afraid of possible consequences.
- If it means that someone fines us, then they can do it. If we start a movement where everyone does the same thing, it won't look good if everyone goes around and fines everyone. But it is where we have come that we have to take a stand and dare to take a stand. To take the world forward. And of course I will support it, says Asllani.
Why do you think you women are pioneers?
- We have always had to fight more. We have always received poorer resources. We've always gotten the worse of everything really. If we were to continue to accept it, we would be standing still. We don't want to do that. We want to move forward and we know what we deserve, we value what we do. Because we know how much time we spend on our football.
A few weeks ago, it was also announced that the Saudi tourist agency "Visit Saudi" will sponsor this year's WC. Something that has attracted strong criticism from many quarters, including Magdalena Eriksson.
- Incredibly unfortunate and strange after everything that has been and the debate during the WC in Qatar. I don't understand how they think when you make such a decision, says the defender.
- Above all when the Australian and New Zealand federations have not been consulted. I hope there have grown strong enough voices now to recall. If not, I find it incredibly boring. Above all, considering that there are so many LGBTQ people who will play and feel uncomfortable.
Magdalena Eriksson admits that she feels a certain powerlessness.
- Does it matter if you take the fight? If it still leads nowhere? It's boring. Really boring. At the same time, you know that you can influence what you yourself can influence, to show what you stand for, concludes Eriksson.
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ledenews · 10 months
Leah O’Neill: A Wheeling Island Girl at Home in the Woods
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She knew he was out there, but it was anyone’s guess if the big buck would show his 10 points again this year. The family farm is close to 100 acres large, and the next homestead is unfenced and even bigger. But out of nowhere and in the pouring rain, Leah O’Neill saw something. She heard, maybe, a sharp snap, too, and then … there he was, the property’s king wearing his glorious crown.   She lifted her .243 Winchester rifle, and there the Goliath stood, in her scope’s crosshairs, and it was perhaps the single most improbable moment for a mother of three who grew up on Wheeling Island. Her 374-acre childhood neighborhood was covered with houses and businesses just like all the others in the Friendly City, but the only deer on the Island EVER are the plastic, illuminated ones at this time of year.   So, yes, that’s right, it IS fair to wonder what in the world this daughter of a grocery store owner (Neely's), manager of a Mexican restaurant (El Gran Patron), and former Wheeling Central Catholic cheerleader is doing sitting in a tree stand in the middle of nowhere in Marshall County. That is, of course, until O’Neill took a deep breath, closed her eyes, heard her husband Wyatt’s advice, and recalled her father Lance’s calmness, and then … BOOM!!! The big fella dropped, the harvest commenced, the children learned, and this former River Rat now has her trophy buck. Leah has learned a lot about hunting from her husband, Wyatt, the principal of both Cameron Middle and High Schools. So, how did a girl from Wheeling Island become the next great buck hunter of Marshall County? This question makes me laugh and warms my heart. I definitely don’t consider myself great, however, I’ve learned from great. I became the hunter that I am because I watched my father get it done, and I was intrigued from a young age. Once I married into a family where hunting was also their thing it sparked my interest even further. I got into my stand-alone at 5:30 a.m. two years running. It’s scary, exhilarating, fun and peaceful. I guess I could say it’s also a little lonely, to me at least, so when Tuesday rolled around this year I said I wanted Wyatt, my husband to go with me. He is obviously my good luck charm. He has been there all three times that I’ve had a successful hunt. Much like my dad, Wyatt has taught me the skills I have needed to succeed in these hunts. He is also who bought me my first gun. The buck I was fortunate enough to see this year, let’s just say, I will never forget it. It was pouring rain, and he appeared from nowhere. He may just be, for me, the buck of a lifetime. An old, unique 10-point. He’ll be on our wall forever. And I feel extremely blessed. Why did you believe it was a good idea to get your children involved with the sport? It was important that my children learned the sport for so many reasons, but I guess I’ll start with family tradition, the importance of getting outside, responsibility, gun safety, which is our precious Second Amendment. We tell them all the time we respect these animals, and we thank the good Lord for whatever he sends us. My boys are 12 and 9, and they started hunting about four years ago. So much prep work goes into it, and that alone is a success to me. Watching them put the pre-work into what it takes to be successful and safe in the woods means so much to me and my husband because of what they are learning.   And they get it done! They amaze me. Watching them learn, grow, and have a love and respect for the sport like I did makes everything worth it. It has come full circle. Even though Leah grew up on Wheeling Island, Her father, Lance, was a hunter for many years nad taught her the basic as a child. What are your favorite recipes for venison? I don’t necessarily have a favorite recipe, but many would be surprised by what a little onion and soy sauce can do for deer meat. This makes me smile to this day because, as a kid, my mom would cut ours into little steaks, and add your spices and butter. It’s the best! My dad makes deer jerky and bologna. I’ll learn his secrets soon, believe me. In your opinion, what are the three most important keys to learning how to be a good, responsible hunter? So, right off the bat, I have to say safety first, patience, and preparedness. Learning to be a good and responsible hunter you must be consistent, willing to accept failure, able to handle the elements as far as weather goes, and having the mindset to keep your cool, appreciate your surroundings, and take it all in. Leah and her husband, Wyatt, have two sons and a daughter and reside close to Grand Vue Park in Marshall County. What are your reasons for staying here in the Upper Ohio Valley after your education was complete? My reason is plain and simple … family and friends. I love this valley. I love West Virginia. Everyone that I love and cherish are all around me. Leah enjoys her time in the woods but this year her patience payed off. Read the full article
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wolint · 10 months
Psalm 145
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High declares Psalm 92:1 and our text is an incomparable Psalm of praise that the Jews have such high estimation for that they assert that, if one reads it with sincerity of heart repeatedly three times daily, one will enjoy the infallible blessings of the world to come.
How can one extol and magnify God’s majestic splendour?
This marvellous psalm is bursting with attributes of God and revelations of his character:
He is compassionate to all his creations.
He is gracious, generous, loving, all-powerful, righteous, watchful, protective, near to us, great and good, and ever faithful.
The passage also reveals some of God’s titles: Judge, King, and Lord.
Think of the Saviour: Jesus is the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, our Counsellor, our Good Shepherd. Prayerfully studying and meditating on the character traits and names of God is one of the most faith-building, encouraging things you can do for your spiritual life.
Praise will dispel your anxiety, boost your faith and help you trust God more.
Knowing the true character of God will renew and transform your mind with the truth, dissolve any doubt you may have, and breathe life into your soul.
The Lord is good to all—There is not a soul in the world that is not continually under God’s merciful love.
His tender mercies—His bowels of compassion are over all His works; He feels for His intelligent offspring, as the most affectionate mother does for the child of her bosom. And through this matchless mercy, these bowels of compassion, His son Jesus tasted death for every one of us.
David was praising and celebrating God for His goodness and generosity toward His creatures, especially His people. One remarkable feature is the way David used so many different words for “praise”: “extol”; “bless”; “praise”; “commend”; “declare”; “meditate”; “speak”; “pour forth”; “sing aloud”; and “give thanks, can you think of a better way to praise and celebrate the name of your Father, creator, and God?
Hallelujah! What we all shout in worship is the English word for Hālal, a Hebrew word for "to praise." It is to boast in, glorify, extol, and celebrate the Lord who is most "worthy of praise," and David seemed to have had a standard of boasting in his God and praising Him in everything and all circumstances.
Will you dare to praise God?
Praise His name! We don’t have to wait for victory before we praise the Lord as learnt from David and as directed by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, let praise and thanksgiving be your lifestyle.
Giving thanks and praise to God is required of all believers in acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty and gratitude for all the goods that come from his hands and then give Him the praise due for His grace and mercy.
Leah was so full of gratitude and praise to God that she named her son Judah! A confession of God’s goodness to her in Genesis 29:35.
How do you confess your gratitude and praise to God?
Consider how great God is, then consider how sinful and mortal we are. Then consider how great God’s love is for you. How can we help but praise him? He is powerful enough to sustain the universe and loving enough to redeem it.
Loudly declaring the attributes of God while thinking about how you’ve experienced different aspects of his character is a powerful act of worship. Praise His name!
Take a few moments to pray this psalm aloud. Ask God to reveal Himself to you in greater clarity than you’ve ever experienced before and PRAISE HIS NAME!
PRAYER: The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my victory. He is my God, and I will praise him; he is my father’s God, and I will exalt him for creating and loving me enough to be my God through Christ Jesus. Amen.
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sugarmummiez · 1 year
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sugarmummiees · 1 year
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blcssom · 2 years
@moonliht sent sprain for one muse to carry the other after spraining their ankle ft. leah richmond
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“shhh, i’m sure she didn’t mean to trip you, leah, let me just look at it.” yikes. “not great but.... i think it’s just a sprain. still, you can’t walk on it.” there’s a beat of silence before he extends an arm. “c’mon, i’ll carry you.” 
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