fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
“hmm let me see oh i know have more sex.” devon said to her looking around and smirking back at savannah she would thank about her question to her then gives her an answer. “we are gonna drink and have sex with each other only if you are down.”
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savannah was a bit shocked by how straightforward devon was, but would gladly follow along with her plan. “i’m down. just let me know when and where and i’m all yours.” she answered, her smirk mirroring the blonde’s. once they were at her car, savannah unlocked the doors before opening devon’s and allowing her to slip inside first. “couldn’t imagine a better way to spend my weekend.”
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
“sometimes you need to hear it again and it does seem like you are not getting enough sex in your life.” devon said also a laughing looking at her she did wanna see where this is gonna take them. “very funny.” she said. “it will be more fun with your company.”
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“oh? any tips on what i should do about that then?” savannah asked as she led them out to the parking lot. she smirked at the devon and knew this would be an offer she couldn’t exactly pass up, mostly because she’d been interested in devon since she’d arrived at the school. “depends. are we only drinking?”
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
“you know sex that would help you out.” devon said with a smirk on her face she always loved to help out people when they are in need of something and yes the girl is cute. “you do have a good point.” she said laughing. “there with some company.” 
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“wouldn’t be the first time i’ve heard that one and i don’t doubt it. maybe i’m just not getting enough of it, huh?” savannah laughed, noticing the smirk on the blonde’s face. she wondered where she was heading with this exactly, but savannah hoped they’d eventually end up on the same page. “of course i do.” she teased. “oh, company? that’s fun.”
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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          ‘ well, I was hoping to be the main course before  dessert, ’ she assured, watching savannah peek inside the bag. ‘ besides, I thought you would need something after a long day maybe a little energy booster, ’  she adds, pulling herself up further on to the other’s desk. as words of endearment left sav’s lips, it was the feeling of being wanted that made her excited to be there. ‘ only in the mood for me, hmm ? and here I thought you were going to punish me for making that c on my test, ’ she disclosed, though she probably already knew. tea watched as savannah came to wrap her arms around her. it made her eager to see just how bad the other wanted her. but, the thought of what the other was capable of lingered as she spread her legs to bring savannah in closer.  ‘ well aren’t you the one to shower me with all sorts of praise, ’  she inched closer to her, as tea let lips hover over savannah’s.  allowing sav’s fingers to graze down her side, she looked at the other with a rather upset expression, ‘ you’re favorite girl has been bored out of her mind and needs your attention. ’
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savannah appreciated gift since it was something she definitely needed, especially when it came to finishing up grading assignments she’d put off for weeks. she hummed at teagan’s confession. of course she knew of the c on her test, which was one of the reasons savannah had asked her here in the first place though it wasn’t her main focus right now. “we’ll deal with that later.” she stated softly and moved between teagan’s legs once she’d parted them for her. “it’s well deserved, babygirl. for now, anyway.” one of savannah’s hands moved to teagan’s leg, moving it to wrap around her waist before leaning in to ghost her lips over the other’s, the look on teagan’s face was all savannah needed to give and give her what she wanted. she took her lips into her own and kissed her deeply, sighing into the kiss before her free hand  moved up to cup one of  teagan’s cheek, keeping her cloes. savannah deepened the kiss and slowly pushed her tongue past teagan’s, letting out a soft whimper against her lips at the sweet taste of her, one that she’d easily become addicted to. 
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
Alexandria sat at the bar taking another shot not knowing how many this was anymore. Feeling the presence of someone next to her barely looking over she put her hand up at the bartender, “Get them a shot” she said as her head motioning to the new person beside her.
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when savannah didn’t have any prior obligations, she liked to visit the bar close to campus just for a drink or two to help her unwind from her hectic day. she sighed softly as she approached the bar and hopped up onto one of the stools waiting for the bartender to service her though before she open her mouth to put in a drink order someone had offered to buy her a shot. “not used to getting free drinks so early into the night.” she teased, looking over at the younger woman. “thank you, but next one is on me.”
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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cora had just gotten off of a particularly exhausting shift, and to make it even worse, one of the other girls had stolen her sneakers. so, here she was, walking half a mile in her seven-inch heels, freezing cold. eventually, her feet started to hurt and she sat down on the curb just to feel some reprieve. she lit a cigarette, watching as a somewhat familiar car pulled up. ‘ hey, you heading back to campus? ’ she asked. 
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savannah was out on a late night ice cream run when she passed someone who looked as if they were in desperate need of a ride. usually, she didn’t pick up strangers like this, but savannah couldn’t help but feel as though she’d seen this student before. she stopped and rolled down her window, her eyes narrowing as she tried to register her face. “going to pick up ice cream first, then heading back to campus. if you need a ride, hop in.” she offered and unlocked the door for the girl to climb into the car. 
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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when dani wanted someone the last thing she was about to do was sit back and wait for them to make a move. it was just how the female was wired. when she had her sight set on someone she went and did anything she had to do to get them. and that was the case when she’d spotted the young professor. the other being older than she was herself was the last thing to stop her. luckily working in the offices she actually saw the other a decent amount. an obscene amount of flirting often came out of her any time that she got to speak with the other. “hey there babe.” she smirked as she looked up from her desk. “what brings you down here?” 
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savannah wasn’t a very straightforward person, especially when it came to the women she was attracted to. she was terrible at flirting, but could strike up a conversation that almost never resulted in her getting anywhere far. it was always a blessing when her interests initiated things first, that way she didn’t have to embarrass herself with her awkward flirting skills. she needed to pick up some paperwork from the dean’s office and decided to stop by before heading home for the day. savannah smiled at dani sitting at the desk, looking beautiful as ever and happily greeted her back. “well, i’d say you, but then i would be lying.” she joked. “i’m here picking up some paperwork before i’m done for the day, but seeing you is definitely a bonus. is she in? or did she leave anything with you?”
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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            she held her breathe, as she let the shower head caress her innocence. it left nothing for the imagination, but for her to fantasize about a certain someone. from the first day in their class to their private tutoring session, she was now getting ready to head to their office. still, she didn’t know what to expect, as she was already hot and bother just thinking about it. wearing a skirt with nothing underneath, she knew that maybe she could give the other a little surprise herself. however, it was one less clothing article that they had to deal with if their meeting was something other than educational. she felt her heart beat quicken, as she left her apartment and walked to campus. it was nothing but a hope, skip and a red light away. maybe she should stop to get coffee or something or maybe even a snack … well damn she was a snack if that was a thing. however, the immediate side step into a little bakery shop and the swipe of card proved she had more faith in a cake then in herself.
            with her fingers laced in the strings of the bag, she made her way onto campus and toward the other’s office. never fearing the idea that she would be caught because it was simple … she was there getting assistance even though she wasn’t an english major. a grin played at her lips, as knuckles tapped at their door and soon opened after the first knock. eyes trailing over to savannah   professor reed who seemed pretty content. dropping the cake on her desk, she leaned against it with a vexing smile playing at her lips. ‘ don’t tell me lecture hall was that excruciating ?, ’ she quipped, as she leaned over, bringing to the cake closer to the other,  ‘ well, I brought you something … hopefully, you’re in the mood for something    sweet. ’
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savannah hardly heard the knock at the door and opened her eyes at the sound of teagan’s sweet voice, a smile spread across her lips at the sight of her. “it’s been a rough day.” she answered softly and sat up to get a better look at the younger woman. “a gift? as if you’re not sweet enough.” she teased and peaked inside of the bag at the small box. “so kind. thank you.” savannah carefully pushed it aside, making a note to dig into that later. she had a habit of forgetting to eat whenever she was too busy. “right now, i’m only in the mood for you.” standing up, savannah moved from behind her desk over to where teagan was standing, carefully wrapping her arms around her waist. “you look absolutely stunning, as always.” she whispered, her hands caressing down teagan’s sides. “how’s my favorite girl doing? it’s been a while, huh?”
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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      “guess who,” aggie whispered beside savannah’s ear - a familiar mischievousness laced in her honeyed voice. her friend had been standing with her back towards the staff lounge’s door, likely making coffee or preparing her lunch. giving the redhead the chance to surprise her. a smile decorated aggie’s freckled face as she slid her arms around the other woman’s waist. she was needy; savannah was a regular visit of hers. ever since aggie had first introduced savannah to sex with women, there had been something terribly alluring about exploring their time together. “you know what’s so frustrating for me?” aggie teased onward, fingertips traveling their canvas. the tone of her voice lowered, “when i’m teaching in front of a class…and it’s been such a long, hard day for me…and all i can think about is-” she pressed a light kiss to the brunette’s neck, rasping, “how much i want to fuck you.” in aggie’s case, her choice of partner differed by the day, but today was savannah’s. “and then i can’t think. i just get so…” her hands skimmed lower, fingertips pushing into the edges - accentuating the v-shape of savannah’s pants. dangerously close to where they could be. “frustrated. and i just need you to let me take it out.” it was clear by now what her intentions were, but aggie wanted to ask permission, “please?”
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savannah could never get through her day without a proper caffeine fix. she needed it if she planned on giving her all into making sure her students had everything they needed to be successful. though half way through the day, her buzz had completely worn off and she started to feel sluggish so she headed down to the teacher’s lounge during her very short break to fix herself a strong cup of coffee. she hummed, singing a song that’d been stuck in her head all week as she poured a few teaspoons of sugar into the dark liquid. savannah paused at the feeling of hands moving to her waist and immediately melted against her touch. she’d know that voice anywhere. flashbacks of her last time with agatha flooded her mind and she let out the softest whimper as her lips pressed gentle kisses against her neck, her fingers continuing to work their way down her body. “aggie...” she whimpered, her eyes fluttering shut only to snap open seconds later when she realized where they were. “do you really think now is the time for this?” she asked, still leaning into the red head’s touch, almost as if she was daring her to stop. “i have a class in thirty minutes.”
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
devon gives her a smiles back but can’t help to look at how nice her body is when she looks up at her. “With three lectures back to back you are gonna need more then a lunch break.” she said. “I’m always good company.” she said also getting up. “Yeah to get drunk.”
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“oh? what did you have in mind?” savannah asked with a quirked brow. she really could’ve used a drink, but it was still so early into the day and she knew she had a bit of a hard time stopping after her first. “well, if you weren’t i wouldn’t here right now.” she teased as she led them out of her office and down the hall. “ah, there’s more you can get up to than that, yeah?”
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
as much as savannah loved her job, the most exciting part about it was once she’d made it to the end of her work day. she viewed as a bit of an accomplishment. teaching large lecture halls full of students wasn’t easy. half of them savannah could hardly remember the name of, her main focus was making sure they had everything they needed to succeed in her class. though she did reassured her students often that if they were ever in need of any help both during class and outside of it, that she was always willing to help set them up with a reliable tutor or offer her own support as much as she could.
this was the same plan she’d stuck to since arriving at sunshine and it was same plan that allowed her to cross paths with teagan oliver, hands down one of the savannah’s favorite students. recalling the first time she’d ever laid eyes on teagan would never grow old for savannah, mostly because she was sure that teagan was one of the most beautiful girl’s she’d ever seen. it was pure luck that she’d strolled into her office that day inquiring about her grades, in which savannah happily offered her own personal tutoring session that eventually turned into an arrangement she found rather difficult to cut loose. over a year later and here she was, her mind still drifting to teagan and the urge to feel the young woman melt beneath her touch. she’d requested that teagan meet her in her office once she’d wrapped up everything she needed to finish for the day and she glanced down at her watch noticing it was almost time for her arrival, so savannah neatly put away her things and leaned back in her chair, fluttering her eyes shut and sighing softly as she awaited for a knock at her door.  @dcngeroushrt​  
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
“i would love to go to lunch with you.” devon said with a smile. “go ahead and finish what you need too i will still be here you are not the only one.” she said with a smile. “let’s go check out that greek place then and see how the food is there.”
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“fabulous!” savannah’s smile mirrored the blonde’s that sat across from her and she stood up, smoothing her hand over her skirt before picking up her things. “oh, goodness, no. i’m saving that for the end of the day. i’ve had three lectures back to back a break is much needed.” she answered. “i’ll drive, i like to think i’m good company, sometimes.” she teased as she waited for the woman to follow suit. “any big plans coming up this weekend?”
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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team!(psy)cho = 코 [ ko pronunciation ] = nose!(boop) 💕
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fdskdfkfdsk · 5 years
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