#( ic. / && verses. )
livwritesstuff · 6 months
“Steve,” Eddie mutters, “Stop it, you’re staring.”
Steve is staring, eyes fixed on a family sitting in a cluster of seats two rows ahead of them on the commuter rail — a mom and dad with three kids, the oldest no older than ten, the youngest four or five. They’re not too much older than Steve and Eddie’s own kids (who are seven, five, and two), and by the looks of the princess dresses and mouse ears and branded souvenir bags they’re also on their way home from the afternoon Disney on Ice show at the TD Garden.
“That mom,” Steve says, addressing Eddie even though his gaze doesn’t shift away from the unsuspecting targets of his relentless judginess, “is upset because her kids are whining and misbehaving, but they asked for food and she said no, and they said they were bored and she ignored them.”
In Steve’s defense (not that Eddie would actually say any of this to him; he doesn’t need the egging on), his assessment isn’t exactly incorrect. All three of those kids are either colossally melting down or just on the verge of doing so, and both of their parents are mostly ignoring them.
“God, and they’re gonna grow up learning they can’t rely on their parents for help,” Steve continues, “I just...I just don’t get why we had to go through all those evals and interviews and home visits and shit before we were deemed suitable parents when any idiot straight couple can just have a kid with no regulation whatsoever.”
“Steve,” Eddie says through gritted teeth as he glances at their own daughters to make sure they aren’t eavesdropping (they’re not – Moe and Robbie are sitting by the window and playing with the toys they’d gotten to pick out during intermission, and Hazel is halfway to asleep in Steve’s lap), “My love — little pitchers.”
Steve only shrugs, but he does drop the subject for the rest of the train ride.
The universe must hate Eddie (or love Steve) because that family gets off at the same station as them. Hazel is completely sacked out by then, and Steve had taken her while Eddie manned the older two and they’re busy running ahead of him to the car so there’s literally nothing he can do when Steve detours away from them to follow a few yards behind the other family.
When he finally makes his way back over to them, it’s with a gleeful grin on his face.
“I knew it.” Steve says with a gleeful grin, “I knew they had to be shitty parents.”
Eddie eyebrows flew up, because – seriously, the fucking audacity on this guy.
“You know what I always say – you can either be a good parent or have a clean car, and that car was fucking spotless.”
“Steve Harrington.”
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swimmingferret · 4 months
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⚡ A commission by @panicawa of Empress Daenerys from my fic The Stormborn and the Stormbringer! ⚡
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||Between bloodlines||
~~Reserved A/O/B au thread with @within-the-resort ~~
Teru Mikami was well known for what he does. To being a criminal prosecutor during the day to insure all that crossed the line was taken down. Everyone knew not to mess with him and yet, this was only remaining quiet to it.
However during the night, he was a freelance assassin given missions to kill bad targets. Right now, he was on the roof of his next target, from the notes he gotten. Though, he was well known due to his skills but also being the strongest Alpha in the group.
Right now for his target, he was after the well known Patterson family. A heartless bloodline that seems to only see the rich for their own needs. He's heard other assassins tried to take them out but not all of them was successful. Some took out a few, others died in the job. However, Teru has gotten a lot more and was done taking down another a few weeks ago. Now he got another one.
"So....Jacob Patterson...tch, another one...this shouldn't take too long.." He said going to look for a way to find him but remains hidden while keeping quiet.
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orangetintedglasses · 1 month
@forgivenpunishment replied to your post “He's looking a bit distracted today... and a bit...”:
"Hey, I've been lookin' all over for you... you didn't say anything when you left. Wasn't sure if you were pullin' a fast one on me." Wolfwood puts a hand on Vash's shoulder and shakes him playfully. He doesn't figure that Vash will run away from him again, but the distant way he's been acting is odd, to say the least.
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The contact ripped through him like a shockwave, and it took every synapse in his brain to keep from crying out (in pain? In surprise? Something else?). Crap, r-right, he... should've said something, went back and said... but he hadn't been thinking...
The blond made himself perk up all the same, though, trying to ignore the way his stomach flipped and surged now that Wolfwood was close-- "s-sorry! Sorry-- n-no, just needed some air, and... kind of wandered off."
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
@mr-tony-stark liked for a starter (post here)! you get clint barton!
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Visitors aren't unwelcome at the Barton-Pizza Dog residence. In fact, he gets more than he has fingers to count. Typically, there are two reasons that people come to his apartment unannounced.
They were angry with him, or they needed a place to lie low.
A secret third option which was really just option one was they were angry and they were his exes. That last part was important information because he's got a list of exes that were his fault things ended and they were relatively on good terms. For the most part, save for Jessica.
Clint's not even aware the door is being pounded on until Lucky is jumping on his chest and pestering to get to the door. It was suppose to be a lazy day albeit being a Monday.
Ugh, Mondays.
No one should be popping by, not even Kate. The super secret fourth option for reasons why people came to the apartment, Kate Bishop, mini-him with less mistakes.
"That's quite enough, Luck." He utters, knowing that the dog is barking as he saunters to the doorway and much to his surprise. It's Tony Stark.
What could he be doing here? He's not Kate Bishop, he is not an ex. There doesn't seem to be an angry expression on his brow, and Tony has money enough to buy a private island to lay low on.
Before he is standing there dumbstruck for too long, he points a finger up to his face. "Sign, text me, or let me gets the aids in." No way is he trying to lip read after waking from a nap, it'd be like fifteen percent less accurate than he normally could lip read and that was only about thirty percent accuracy most of the time anyways.
Wait. Tony would totally blow up his phone before showing up unannounced-
"Oh! Right, so my phone got dropped off a building."
Clint's leaving the door wide open, turning away to go retrieve his hearing aids from the kitchen while he lets Tony deal with Lucky whose sniffing at his knee and checking out the hallway.
"What's up? No Avenger business, right? I told you I'm off duty."
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baek-art · 1 year
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🌻ฅ(•ㅅ•^ )
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pastor-kenneth · 1 month
"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18."
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kentstoji · 10 months
yandere rhaegar targaryen who grew up shrouded in a blanket of melancholy, akin to the trauma from the great fire of summerhall, a tragedy that marked his birth. his mind remained consistently immersed in fantasy clouds. an attempt to distance himself from the demons haunting house targaryen.
he developed an appreciation for songs and literature. and so, the prophecies were presented to him.
his imaginative mind created scenarios based on the words that led aegon iv to perdition. and when he met you — the only daughter of jon arryn that come of age without succumbing to illness — his obsession with completing the song of ice and fire intensified.
you, on the other hand, only harbored the ambition to take care of your father and ensure the stability of house arryn.
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nxtahxro · 7 months
continued from !!
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❝ yeah, and now you kinda gotta learn how to… be a wolf, again. being an alpha is different than what you're used to, man. ❞ stiles has no doubt about the goodness of scott's heart, he never has.
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theflashjaygarrick · 2 months
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I haven't yet finished JLI but I felt oddly compelled to make this (Also not everyone in JLI is here but this is what came to me in a vision)
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dramatisperscnae · 9 months
@thecreativeforge from here bc tumblr is dumb
Breathe. He had to breathe. Nothing had happened, they were fine, just breathe, Grayson. And try not to think about how Roy's hand had felt, there in the small of his back. How it might have felt if it had landed a few inches lower.
The hand on his shoulder made him jump, though he didn't pull away; instead his own hand came up to hold it there as he looked over at Roy, hoping the flush on his cheeks had faded a little even as he found some comfort in the fact that Roy's hadn't. At least Dick wasn't the only one suddenly feeling awkward right now.
He managed a wry grin at the teasing, giving Roy's hand a squeeze but still not letting go. "I'd…call it a tie. Would've been my win if that old brownstone had still been here." He was trying to tease back, but as Roy glanced over and blue eyes met green any further comments died on Dick's lips. His heart was still pounding, albeit a little softer than it had been a few seconds ago, though he wasn't afraid; behind the uncertainty in his eyes absolute trust was shining through.
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katsuki-nikiforov · 2 months
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mugunghwc · 2 months
Rei stood in front of the mirror, taking in her reflection. Her hair, intricately styled and adorned with delicate kanzashi hairpins, framed her flushed features. The shiromuku kimono she wore was heavy, or perhaps, it were her nerves that kept her feet glued to the ground. Its white silk glowing softly under the room’s warm lighting.
Naomi adjusted the folds of Rei's kimono, ensuring it draped perfectly, her hands moving with the expertise of someone who did this for a living, even on such a special day. Rei's smile was tinged with a hint of guilt, a reminder of her mother's absence. She had chosen not to involve her mother, fearing disapproval of the man she had decided to marry and start a family with.
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"I feel I look silly," Rei admitted at last, glancing at her reflection in the mirror. The layers of fabric did help conceal her belly, but the reality of being the centre of attention was finally dawning on her. It wasn't shame or guilt; it was simply the overwhelming thought of all eyes being on them. She reached up, her fingers gingerly touching the headdress, as if tempted to hide her features.
"If I wasn't pregnant, I'd definitely look forward to the sake exchange," she added, an airy laugh escaping her lips in an attempt to ease her nerves with humour. Naomi, ever mellow, pulled out her cellphone and motioned for the others to gather closer. "Let's capture this moment," she said with excitement rising in her voice. "Rei's last moments before becoming a married woman. Who would've thought?"
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hexiewrites · 10 months
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orangetintedglasses · 3 months
@forgivenpunishment // one taser might not do it, but what about...?
Holding off a wave of people was no small effort.
Keeping an army off the back of another person while throwing yourself in harm's way, regardless of your strength, was something noble. Something that deserved praise, recognition; the undertaker's efforts would not go unnoticed.
... unfortunately for him, though, it wasn't Vash that they wanted. It wasn't Vash that would be swarmed by fully-amped stun batons and tasers and more bodies trickling in, crowding the hall to prevent escape, or even basic movement that might've allowed him to get the upper hand as some old, croaking voice shrieked don't kill him! We need him alive, he's useless to us dead...!
That had been nearly an hour ago, now, though. Trivial. Shouts and crackles of electricity had been replaced by the din of machines; the hum of glaringly bright surgical lights; the slow, steady blip of a heart monitor keeping track of vitals as six men bustled around the surgical table that they'd strapped him to. They'd cut him out of his clothes to save time, as well; naked save for the various nodes and monitors they'd fastened to him, and a clean, white sheet over his hips that went down to mid-thigh.
Was that sparing his dignity, or theirs? It didn't really matter, did it. No, no, what mattered now was how the subject was feeling whenever he came to again--
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ask-a-whole-galacii · 5 months
For Tint: What's your fav animal/creature?
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