eye-of-terror · 14 days
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Steel Ratkin by Gemi Ningen
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eye-of-terror · 15 days
absurd that games just run better on linux nowadays. windows bloat and background processes are so bad that needing an entire compatibility layer to run the game is negligible in comparison.
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eye-of-terror · 16 days
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eye-of-terror · 17 days
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eye-of-terror · 20 days
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"We're gonna be talking about the BOOBY! We'll be talking about the WOODCOCK! Do you think that's FUNNY, Butthead? Do you find it AMUSING that we'll be talking about the SWALLOW? Yes, we're also gonna be talking about the DICKCISSEL, the BUSHTIT, the COCK-OF-THE-ROCK, the SHAG... and we will DEFINITELY be spending a LOT of time talking about...GREAT TITS!!"
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eye-of-terror · 22 days
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data is such a bitch
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eye-of-terror · 22 days
they should add a brutalist megastructure biome to minecraft
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eye-of-terror · 22 days
that's about $32 he did the call for, only takes a tiny push sometimes doesn't it
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eye-of-terror · 23 days
Absolutely tongue fucking the parts of my subconscious which the ego refuses to acknowledge
Hardcore making out with my shadow aspect.
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eye-of-terror · 23 days
Hardcore making out with my shadow aspect.
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eye-of-terror · 23 days
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eye-of-terror · 24 days
What I am about to do has not been approved by the Vatican
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eye-of-terror · 24 days
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Posted with Artists Permission.  Please visit シオン @humine_No66   on twitter! 重機系女子! 昨日、TLにカッコイイ重機画像がまわってきたので影響されました! ジャンルはメカ娘でいいのだろうか… Heavy girls! Since yesterday, the TL has turned cool heavy equipment image was inspired! I wonder if the genre is Mecha Musume 重機系女子 皆さまのおかげでさらに伸びました… 改めまして、いいね・リツイートありがとうございます…! 背中側がどうなってるか見てみたいと要望をいただいたので描いてみました! 背中のデザインの都合を一切考えてなかったのでめっちゃ難しかった… Thanks to the heavy machinery of women we increased further. Revised, nice and thanks for the retweet. Back side is what you asked me and I’d like to see it drew! Did not think at all because of the design of the back makes was very difficult
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eye-of-terror · 28 days
ed zitron, a tech beat reporter, wrote an article about a recent paper that came out from goldman-sachs calling AI, in nicer terms, a grift. it is a really interesting article; hearing criticism from people who are not ignorant of the tech and have no reason to mince words is refreshing. it also brings up points and asks the right questions:
if AI is going to be a trillion dollar investment, what trillion dollar problem is it solving?
what does it mean when people say that AI will "get better"? what does that look like and how would it even be achieved? the article makes a point to debunk talking points about how all tech is misunderstood at first by pointing out that the tech it gets compared to the most, the internet and smartphones, were both created over the course of decades with roadmaps and clear goals. AI does not have this.
the american power grid straight up cannot handle the load required to run AI because it has not been meaningfully developed in decades. how are they going to overcome this hurdle (they aren't)?
people who are losing their jobs to this tech aren't being "replaced". they're just getting a taste of how little their managers care about their craft and how little they think of their consumer base. ai is not capable of replacing humans and there's no indication they ever will because...
all of these models use the same training data so now they're all giving the same wrong answers in the same voice. without massive and i mean EXPONENTIALLY MASSIVE troves of data to work with, they are pretty much as a standstill for any innovation they're imagining in their heads
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eye-of-terror · 1 month
apparently linus torvalds - the guy who made linux - called himself a woke communist this is the correct timeline
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eye-of-terror · 1 month
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eye-of-terror · 1 month
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