#( ic; reni )
sandreeen · 4 months
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[Sore Snow Man ni Yarasetekudasai 2024.05.24] Wherein Marin Honda and Momoiro Clover Z's Ayaka Sasaki & Reni Takagi dance to Arashi's Monster. "You did Ohno-san's solo part very well. Your Ohno-san was superb!"
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fctedivided · 2 years
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Valentine's Day? No need to remind him, because his family's bakery was already preparing and prepping for that day.
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fxtelism-moved · 2 years
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Halloween Trick-or-Treat unprompted ask. - @multiverseofmisfits​ sent:
"Trick or treat!" Dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, Kanna greeted as she was holding a basket already filled with candies. While it still piqued her curiosity on why humans love to disguise themselves as other species in this specific occasion, she also thought that getting treats is fun.
“Oh hi there!” It instantly brought a smile on his face when seeing her being dressed from a fairy tale. During a holiday like this, Reni definitely had his hands full in his family’s bakery, but he had opportunities to greet trick-or-treaters. And fortunately he got one with Kanna.
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“You look so adorable in this outfit! So you get some cake bites, fresh from the oven!” The mage then placed a small big of the said treat in her basket. “Happy Halloween, Kanna!” 
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nothingxs · 11 days
FFXIV Write // Stable
She was up first.
A quick rise, a wipe of her eyes; a quick trip to the shower and restroom for all the things one does in the morning.
A tousle of her hair; not like it ever needed much.
A trip upstairs, a fetch of the pan, dodo eggs retrieved from a basket. Butter on the pan, eggs cracked into a bowl and scrambled. A pair of links of sausage retrieved from their hanging spot against a board on the wall and sliced open, and some sliced bacon fetched from the icebox.
The smell of bacon, eggs and sausage filling the room as another pan toasts slices of a crusty bread.
Early breakfast for her, a plate reserved on the side for Das, who she goes downstairs to bother and give pats and rubs to, to encourage to wake up. She heads back up, she scarfs breakfast down, and after another trip downstairs to plant a kiss on Das' cheek as she is on the way to stumble to the shower, it's off to routine daily business.
Daily business involves a lot of checking in with folk.
A linkpearl call out to Vex, check on how she's doing, halfway across the damn Star over in Thavnair. Different things than hunting this sun, it seems. She has a new idea for something to serve. She's already sent a courier with new spices. There's brief chatter about the latest changes to the bar and how some of the neighbors are.
A linkpearl call out to Reny, who politely answers as she is getting ready to continue writing a thesis statement on arcanima and its parallels with conjury, as well as many curious (and odd) applications. She has been at this for several moons, now. She still has new things to talk about. Celica will never not be impressed by this.
A quick visit to the local market; this sun is a good one to stock up on the goods Vex will need by the end of the sennight to prepare what will be on the menu for the Dusk and Dawn when it next opens, and all of it is made in bulk and left in the ice chests to be used next week. A package is already there with the promised spices.
Celica will look into how she gets things that fast to her some other sun. Not this one.
She gets to a lot of the preparation in the morning—vegetables are prepped and cut; marinades are put together according to a recipe Vex has separated. Bulk loads of poultry and red meat are cut to reasonable sizes and separated; utmost care placed in keeping them separate and everything as clean as she can. She prepares dozens of skewers for incoming orders, humming along to a tune as she does.
Later in the sun, she's making linkpearl calls and visits around Ul'dah. Some are to clarify some questions—the Ossuary LOVES to harangue her about things regarding that strange Terminal she has, and Celica had the good sense to be the person she put as the contact for it. She doesn't know enough about how it works, but she is affable and clever enough to distract and parry most of the prodding without ever giving too much of it away. Das would get irritated too fast and maybe put the license in jeopardy; Lia would give up the plot the moment she felt danger lurking over her shoulder.
Celica telling them about how cool the fights it enables and dropping hints and vagaries of what it can stop seems to satisfy them enough.
Her shoulder bothers her a bit throughout the sun. She spends time stretching it, holding a lamp post and pulling gently in one direction, doing light exercises and rotating it. Best to keep it limber. It's been a little since she shoved Imogen out of the way of a falling boulder, but the injury still nags her. Charlette likely wants to follow up on the damage. She has not been very good about returning to the CETEA at all (though she makes time to show up, here and there, to gatherings and outings). She promises quietly to herself she'll be better about it.
This sun, she's wound up in a familiar space right outside Ul'dah; close to the place where she made a little trade many Twelvemoons ago. She's not sure why she's wound up there.
She's not sure why she can spy a be-hatted Keeper woman there, who is suspiciously sitting exactly where she once sat and waited for someone else. "Spader."
"Where?" came the woman's reply.
A bell or two of catching up as the sun begins to sink in the sky. A quick farewell and a promise of a linkpearl call, soon, and in half a bell she is already back in the bottom floor of the Dusk and Dawn, where her heavy top is discarded for a lighter and tighter one, and she gets to doing all of the exercises and training she normally does. No better way to keep herself fit, after all.
A bell later and she's lying on the ground, staring at the wooden ceiling, breathing heavily and covered in sweat.
…It seems hard to believe, given how things were just a few years ago.
But life, right now? Even as busy as it is? It's… safe. It's stable.
Dare she say it, it's… comforting.
Maybe things can get better, after all.
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meganechan05 · 10 months
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Reclaiming Gokkan - Ice Stage
"I may want to be an idol. But the court will forever be my stage."
Not a real quote but I feel like it would fit lol
Reference photo:
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(This is actually from the album pamphlet from Takagi Reni's "Reni-chan WORLD" solo album. She gave each song an album cover and this one was just so cool that I couldn't resist 🥰)
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professionalowl · 6 months
Actually, while we're shaming people for their 452 unread books, here's a list of unread books of mine of which I own physical copies, attached to the year I obtained them, so that you can all shame me into reading more:
2024: Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence (James Bridle; just started)
2021: Islands of Abandonment: Life in the Post-Human Landscape (Cal Flyn)
2024: Extreme Fabulations: Science Fictions of Life (Steven Shaviro)
2021: The Unreal & The Real Vol. 1: Where on Earth (Ursula K. Le Guin)
2023: A Study in Scarlet (Arthur Conan Doyle)
2023: Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living (Dmitri Xygalatas)
2023: Vibrant Matter: A political ecology of things (Jane Bennett)
2023: The History of Magic: From Alchemy to Witchcraft, from the Ice Age to the Present (Chris Gosden)
2018: Ways of Seeing (John Berger)
2022: An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us (Ed Yong)
2020: Owls of the Eastern Ice: The Quest to Find and Save the World's Largest Owl (Jonathan C. Slaught)
2023: My Life in Sea Creatures (Sabrina Imbler)
2020: The Bird Way: A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent, and Think (Jennifer Ackerman)
2023: Birds and Us: A 12,000-Year History, from Cave Art to Conservation (Tim Birkhead)
2020: Rebirding: Restoring Britain's Wildlife (Benedict Macdonald)
2022: The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human (Siddhartha Mukherjee)
2022: An Anthropologist on Mars (Oliver Sacks)
2021: Sex, Botany & Empire: The Story of Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks (Patricia Fara)
2023: At The Mountains of Madness (H.P. Lovecraft)
2019: Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino; I have been trying to finish this forever and am so, so close)
2023: Brian Boru and the Battle of Clontarf (Sean Duffy)
2021: What is History, Now? How the past and present speak to each other (Helen Carr and Suzannah Lipscomb; essay collection, half-read)
2020: Winter King: The Dawn of Tudor England (Thomas Penn)
2022: Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation (Silvia Federici)
2020: Black Spartacus: The Epic Life of Touissant Louverture (Sudhir Hazareesingh; half-read)
2019: The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper (Hallie Rubenhold; 3/4 read)
2022: Lenin on the Train (Catherine Merridale)
2020: October: The Story of the Russian Revolution (China Miéville)
2019: The Villa, the Lake, the Meeting: Wannsee and the Final Solution (Mark Roseman)
2019: Heimat: A German Family Album (Nora Krug)
2018: Maus I: My Father Bleeds History (Art Spiegelman)
2020: Running in the Family (Michael Ondaatje)
2022: Wide Sargasso Sea (Jean Rhys; also never technically "finished" Jane Eyre, but I did my time, damn you)
2023: Time Shelter (Georgi Gospodinov)
2019: Our Man in Havana (Graham Greene; started, left unfinished)
2019: The Spy Who Came In From The Cold (John le Carré)
2021: Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race (Reni Eddo-Lodge; half-read)
2017: Rebel Without Applause (Lemn Sissay)
2022: The Metamorphosis, and Other Stories (Franz Kafka)
2011?: The Complete Cosmicomics (Italo Calvino; vaguely remember reading these when I was maybe 7 and liking them, but I have forgotten their content)
2022: Free: Coming of Age at the End of History (Lea Ypi)
2021: Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland (W.B. Yates)
Some of these are degree-related, some not; some harken back to bygone areas of interest and some persist yet; some were obtained willingly and some thrust upon me without fanfare. I think there are also some I've left at college, but I'm not sure I was actually intending to read any of them - I know one is an old copy of Structural Anthropology by Claude Levi-Strauss that Dad picked up for me secondhand, which I...don't intend to torment myself with. Reading about Tom Huffman's cognitive-structural theory of Great Zimbabwe almost finished me off and remains to date the only overdue essay I intend to never finish, mostly because the professor let me get away with abandoning it.
There are also library books, mostly dissertation-oriented, from which you can tell that the cognitive archaeologists who live in my walls finally fucking Got me:
The Rise of Homo sapiens: The Evolution of Modern Thinking (Thomas Wynn & Fred Coolidge)
The Material Origin of Numbers: Insights from the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Karenleigh A. Overmann)
Archaeological Situations: Archaeological Theory from the Inside-Out (Gavin Lucas)
And, finally, some I've actually finished recently ("recently" being "within the past year"):
The Body Fantastic (Frank Gonzalo-Crussi, solid 6/10 essay collection about a selection of body parts, just finished earlier)
An Entertainment for Angels: Electricity in the Enlightenment (Patricia Fara, also a solid 6/10, fun read but nothing special)
Babel: An Arcane History (R.F. Kuang, 8/10, didactic (sometimes necessary) but effective; magic system was cool and a clever metaphor)
The Sign of Four (A.C. Doyle, 2/10 really racist and for what)
Dr. Space Junk vs. the Universe: Archaeology and the Future (Alice Gorman, 8/10, I love you Dr. Space Junk)
In Search of Us: Adventures in Anthropology (Lucy Moore, 8/10, I respect some of these people slightly more now)
The Dispossessed (Ursula K. Le Guin, 9/10 got my ass)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (A.C. Doyle, 7/10 themez 👍)
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taruchisguide · 8 months
A3! 7th Anniversary: Revival Token Choices
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A visual and text chart of all the cards available in this year's anniversary revival token pool. Earned tokens can be used up until February 14 13:59 JST. Thank you and shout out to An, who helped translate Chikage's SR, Tenma's R, and Reni's SSR titles for me!
Twitter Version Here
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🌸 Spring Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌸
Sakuya Sakuma: The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons (Act 12 Advancement Campaign), Packing Crimson Tomatoes (YABATAN VEGETABLE), Gentle Oni's Weapon (ONISAN KOCHIRA)
Masumi Usui: Sweet Ripe ☆ Spring Fruit (SUMMER VACATION Collection), Rumored Lady (La Vie En Rose), Promising Young Employee (SPRING SUIT COLLECTION)
Tsuzuru Minagi: Captive Fairy (Fairy in the Bottle), Huggy Bear (Welcome to the Bear Shop), Oriental Note (MY FAVORITE FRAGRANCE)
Itaru Chigasaki: Delinquent Upperclassman Behind the School (Nostalgic Gymnasium zwei), Puppet of Uro (ANTIQUE DOLL COLLECTION), Night's Farewell (All aboard!)
Citron: Childhood Friend's Caretaker (SCHOOL UNIFORM COLLECTION), Accessorized with Flowering Dogwood (SUMMER YUKATA COLLECTION), Spirited Arrow (Thus Begins the Horseback Archery)
Chikage Utsuki: Tailor-made (Graceful tailor), One Hundred Gazes (Summer Hyakki Yagyo), Hit the Target! Perfect (Hat Trick)
🌻 Summer Troupe Revival Token Cards 🌻
Tenma Sumeragi: Determined Move-in Day (The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Spring-Summer Edition), Happy and Joyful Mariachi (To the Person I Want to See, but Can’t), Your Magnificent Self in the Endless Summer (Thinking of You Under the Light Crimson)
Yuki Rurikawa: Audacious×Rocker (69'n' Roll 4ever!), Stockings and Stilettos (FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION), Rose Quartz Palette (Beautiful eyes)
Muku Sakisaka: Makeup: Ice (Yummy☆Cosmetics), Aquamarine Dream (Beautiful eyes), Curiosity Guide (Jurassic Memoir)
Misumi Ikaruga: Prodigy Top Dancer (Welcome to BURLESQUE), Exhilarating Back Shot (Kiss Shot), The Floral Prince (fairy-tale kingdom)
Kazunari Miyoshi: The Cat's and My Secret (Sunday With a Cat), Wink When the Rain Pauses (In the Sky After the Rain), Dance of Prayer (Dancer of Rituals)
Kumon Hyodo: Jump In! Parkour (3,2,1, START!), Mischievous Fairy (Fairy in the Bottle), Underclassman's Assignment (Nostalgic Gymnasium)
🍁 Autumn Troupe Revival Token Cards 🍁
Banri Settsu: The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons (Act 11 Advancement Campaign), Gaze of the Taiko Player (World's No. 1 Ohina-sama), Delicious Assortment (BOUQUET CREPE)
Juza Hyodo: Novice Photographer (June Tuxedo), Elated Cigar Box (Hyakka Ryouran), A Single Breakthrough Skill (Majestic Magic Teacher)
Taichi Nanao: Smile☆Decoration (Toppings of Your Choice), My Ideal Way to Soak (Midsummer Paradise), Emperor Penguin's Invitation (WHITE WINTER COLLECTION)
Omi Fushimi: Grateful to This Once-In-a-Lifetime Experience (Farewell!), Kitsune Waiter (The Ayakashi Ryokan is Open), Run around the field. (Us Back Then)
Sakyo Furuichi: Seize Your Fate (EnDgame StuDy), Master of the Royal Palace (Beautiful Country), Magical☆Keemun (Magical Toys)
Azami Izumida: The Pleasure of Battle (SURVIVAL STRATEGY), Tub-Washed Laundry Method (WASH & DRY), Unique Sole (FAVORITE SHOES COLLECTION)
❄️ Winter Troupe Revival Token Cards ❄️
Tsumugi Tsukioka: Renewed Move-in Day (The MANKAI Dorm in Those Days: Autumn-Winter Edition), Blessed Ribbon Wands (June Promise), The Shirt's a Perfect Match (VELUDO WINTER COLLECTION)
Tasuku Takato: Astride a Noble Steed (Thus Begins the Horseback Archery), Focusing on a Single Point (Hat Trick), Hunter of Justice (Many Many Candy)
Hisoka Mikage: Admired by All the Students in School (Nostalgic Gymnasium), KING・OF・PUMPKIN (AUTUMN HALLOWEEN COLLECTION), Yappy Ventriloquist Pillow (Hyakka Ryouran)
Homare Arisugawa: Sense Ruler (Tarot of Fate), The ABC of a Man who Can (Night Walker), Bubbly and Jittery (NOSTALGIA)
Azuma Yukishiro: Empress Beauty (Heaven's Arcana), Tempting Chocolate (99% CACAO:HOLIC), Sexy×Rocker (69'n' Roll 4ever!)
Guy: Roses et chocolat (Moment of Bliss), The Ultimate Pair (Graceful tailor), Smart LIVE! (Our 2nd LIVE)
🎭 Other Revival Token Cards 🎭
Isuke Matsukawa: No SSR, No SR, The Prince of April 1st (April Fool's 2017)
Ken Sakoda: The Newcomer Host of April 1st (April Fool's 2018), No SR, No R
Yuzo Kashima: The Champion of April 1st (April Fool's 2019), No SR, No R
Tetsuro Iwai: April Fool's Carpenter (April Fool's 2020), No SR, No R
Kaya Mizuno: The Company President of April 1st (April Fool's 2021), No SR, No R
Madoka Ikaruga: Wizard of April First (April Fool's 2022), No SR, No R
Reni Kamikizaka: Us on April 1st (April Fool's 2023), No SR, No R
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mins-fins · 3 months
EPISODE 3 ❛  ars amatoria ❜ 
𖥻 ars amatoria.. is a latin phrase meaning "art of love", it's first known use can be traced back to 2 AD word count 1.2k
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For the past few minutes, Siwon's eye has done nothing but twitch.
The abrupt yelling has become mundane to him, but it is also two in the fucking morning, shouting should be banned after the clock strikes midnight. Ren seems to have no incentive to stop at all, because of course he doesn't.
"Why would you choose education of all majors!?"
Nicholas gives an incredulous look, why is he always the target of yelling? He's about to start shouting ten times louder. "Why are you yelling at me? Fen literally chose to study mathematics!"
"Well of course Huifen chose to study math because he's a fucking weirdo—"
"Thanks, you flatter me" Huifen cuts in, arms crossed over his chest.
Ren chooses to leave that comment without a response. "Why are you acting like we aren't going to be leaving this place after like— seven months?"
"Let me do something I want! You're such a mood killer!"
"He has point" Haru echoes from his place on the couch, earning a look from his same aged 'friend'. "Don't look at me like that, stop being uptight about something irrelevant".
"That's all he knows how to do".
"I am right here" Ren reiterates, and the two muttering look back at him, feigned smiles on their faces.
"Oh? Have you been there the whole time?" Huifen inquires, arms crossed over his chest. The older deadpans at him, but the Huang simply whistles as he awaits his response.
"Renshu! It's been a while!"
Ren scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Is this unofficial team meeting over now?"
"This was a team meeting?" Yunseo abruptly asks, glancing around at his teammates. "I thought this was simply another one of Renie's tantrums—"
"I don't throw tantrums!"
Huifen hums, turning on his heel and walking towards the kitchen. "Sounds like a tantrum to me.."
"I want hot chocolate".
"At two in the morning?" Siwon groans, he can't even keep his eyes closed, he's afraid Nicholas is gonna start a fire if he looks away from him for even two seconds. "You're not making hot chocolate".
"Who are you? My mom?"
"I might as well be".
"Do we even have stuff for hot chocolate?" Minsu seems on board, because he follows closely behind the second eldest. Siwon blinks, but he doesn't decide to stop them, for once they're actually doing something harmless, he can scrutinize them for stupid shit they do later.
The second eldest rummages through the kitchen cupboards, frowning slightly. "We don't have marshmallows.."
Minsu almost lets out a complaining scream, but Huifen manages to elbow him hard enough that it gets stuck in his throat, the other almost doubling over in pain. The Huang gives his best artificial smile, ignoring the Kang's corresponding complaints.
Suddenly, it seems that Mr. Team Bait has an epiphany, because he turns to Siwon with a wide smile playing on his lips. "Siwon—"
Nicholas gasps. "What do you mean no!? You didn't even hear me out!"
"I don't have to, your thoughts are displayed on your face".
"But come on! We can't have hot chocolate without marshmallows!"
"We are not going out and buying marshmallows at two in the morning, there's also ice on the floor, so unless you want to give me a jacket I'm not going anywhere".
"You're so bossy".
"At least I'm doing my job right".
"I kinda want hot chocolate now.." Haru states from his place on the couch, offering his mere thumbs up in the air as an agreement. "Marshmallows are also a need".
"No one's buying marshmallows".
"You owe me a favor!" Nicholas points at the eldest, who scoffs at the words.
"I do not!"
"You actually do.." Huifen points out, immediately turning away the moment he sees Siwon's look of betrayal, he stifles his giggles at the leader's face.
"What the fuck? You weren't supposed to throw me under the bus.."
"Whoops, was I not supposed to say that?"
Siwon's look tells Huifen all he needs to know.
Yunseo blinks. "Um guys?"
"See? Now we have to go get marshmallows! You owe me!"
"You could use that favor for anything else! What happens when you get arrested and I won't cover for you?"
"Guys! Hello!?" Yunseo flails his arms around, getting just the slightest bit frustrated at the lack of attention at him.
"Yes Yunseo?"
"There's a spider in the kitchen" The youngest mutters mundanely, as if he was talking about something as regular as the weather. He points to the nightmarish creature with his index finger, and Minsu would've passed out if not for Huifen's support on his right side.
"See?" Nicholas begins his next word vomit by pulling the youngest away from the kitchen cabinets. "Now we have no excuse not to get marshmallows! Come on everyone!"
"Since when do you call the shots?"
"Since now! Let's go!" A few yelps are elicited from the other agents as Nicholas ushers them out of the door, into the cold night away from the dangerous spider in the kitchen.
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"Every time you slip and almost fall a part of me dies".
Minsu sends an incredulous look to his older friend, who hums and scarfs kicks yet another chunk of ice. "Are you blaming me for the ice on the ground?" He asks, turning up his nose and placing his hands on his hips.
"Should watch where your stepping".
Minsu is clearly very offended by those words, but he's afraid of slipping again if he tries to land a hit on Huifen's arm. He gives one glance at Nicholas, and immediately regrets it. "What the hell are you doing?"
At the question, Haru also turns to Nicholas, grimacing at the sight before him. "You said the marshmallows were for hot chocolate.."
"Then why are you eating them?" He asks, the judgment strong in his singular eyebrow raise. Nicholas looks at him like he just said a slur, which makes the hacker chuckle.
"Because I can, why aren't you eating marshmallows, Haru?"
Haru gives another judgmental glance through his specs, but then he rolls his eyes. "Because I'm not weird like you".
"Marshmallows are literally disgusting anyway".
Nicholas stares at his younger same aged teammate. Picking a fight, of course. "Oh so you hate joy magic and fun?"
"Yes actually I do".
Nicholas crinkles his nose, rolling his eyes. "Well it's not like you're known for being the vitamin of the team or anything".
"I think I'd die if I was".
"Well that's not very vitamin of you.." Yunseo chastises, lightly poking the older in the shoulder. Ren would yell at him for the touch, but he's the youngest, and he's also not Nicholas, so he gets a pass. The youngest snickers, clearly knowing that fact.
"Okay so what do we do if we get back and the spider is still there?"
"Burn down the dorm".
"Make hot chocolate outside".
"Just have Fenfen kill it".
The suggestions have Siwon sighing, rolling his eyes. The cold January air being the last thing on his mind considering his teammates are still up and awake at three in the morning, knowing them, they won't fall asleep until seven at best. Half of them aren't even wearing jackets, how are they still alive?
Siwon thinks they're all enigmas.
"If you all get hypothermia, I'm leaving you to die".
Huifen fakes a pout, pitching up his voice. "Aww, what do you mean Siwonie? You don't love us?"
"Maybe if you kill that spider I'll consider changing my mind".
Huifen offers a curt grin as a response, rushing past the eldest and towards the door. "The spider's probably going to kill you first!"
"Hush! You're ruining my vibes!"
If Ren gives a small smile at that, he pretends he didn't.
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[ drive-by kiss on the cheek, placing a flask of ice-cold pumpkin juice into his hand before winking and scurrying away ]
stay hydrated, mon cher. enjoy the sunshine
waiiiiit come back?!?!?! reni?!
[ gets up, chugs the juice, and gives chase!!! ]
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endijasella · 2 months
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Press "L" for a better view.
On Endi - Left
Hair: [Yomi] - Mikane
Ears: STOIC - Hellhound
Eyes ( Right ) : REVERIE - Izutsumi
Eyes ( Left ) : SU! - Anhedonia
Fangs: Cursery - Snaggletooth
Freckles : REVERIE - Rosamund
Tattoo's : [BL] - Zoya & Zoyo
Top: Aloe. - Aelia
Necklace: Avaway - LETTER
Jacket: Pseudo - Mode
Shorts: RENIE - Astrid
Ice Cream: MOMOCHUU - Mai Summer
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astralcook · 4 months
@fctedivided sent a meme:
“That’s so much icing. It’s like a tower of icing.” (Reni, he’s a baker in the Golden Hour)
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"I know, right? I made it extra thick so I can pile it on." Give Tomiko access to a kitchen and she either creates masterpieces or crimes against humanity- she firmly believed this was both.
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fctedivided · 2 years
Tags (3/?)
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fxtelism-moved · 2 years
“Let me try this one, I’ve heard it once at the market plaza.” The mage lightly coughed in preparation.
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“Why don’t oysters give to charity? Because they’re shellfish!”
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vexxwraith · 9 months
☽ Cold as ice ☾
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⋆ genetics, hair, mods ⋆
➣ Ebody - Reborn - available at mainstore
➣Lelutka - Raven head 3.1 - available at mainstore
➣Velour- Picasso babe Modelesque - available at mainstore
➣Voguel- Lilith skin - available at mainstore
➣Suicidal unborn - Carmilla eyes - available at Sabbath
➣Stealthic - Ballad - available at equal10
⋆ cosmetics ⋆
➣Jack spoon - icywhisper glitter eyeshadow - available at mainstore
➣Keikumu - noel eye contour - available at mainstore
➣Delicatta - joy gloss - available at mainstore
➣Veltica studio- Winterblessed kit - available at disturbed
⋆ outfit ⋆
➣Hime dream - Estelle dress - available at Access
➣Aloe- sophie legwarmers - available at mainstore
⋆ accessories ⋆
➣Renie - fuzzy earmuffs - available at mainstore
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missing-muses · 1 year
Things to know about Reno:
(May contain subjects that can be triggering.All possible trigger will be marked with * and will be in smaller font.)
The real Reno is 163cm (5'4") in real life, however I changed her height to 152cm (5') to make her smaller to fit with being a fairy
Even though Reno loves coffee,she can’t have it too often because it makes her very VERY hyper.
If Reno eats something particularly tasty, she has a very obvious habit of happily wiggling.She never notices that she does it until someone points it out to her
Reno always has a can of icing in her cabinet because sometimes a girl just needs some a little tiny spoonful of icing
Reno has a speech habit of saying “oh” and “yeah” a lot when she speaks….not for any particular reason,it’s just a habit that she can’t break
Reno was in several different group/bands before she began her solo career.
*Reno has and will probably always suffer with mental health issues,she’s been through a lot and it has taken a toll on her mentally.
*Reno has been diagnosed with many things,but her most consistent diagnosis have been PTSD,clinical depression,severe GAD,panic disorder,OSDD.
There will always be one person in particular that will always have a piece of her heart,even if she were to enter another relationship.She just can’t bring herself to refill the hole that they left.
One of Reno’s biggest insecurities is not being able to properly express her feelings towards those she cares about.She is constantly worried that because she not good at directly saying,they’ll feel under appreciated or not as loved.
Renie is still very much apart of who Reno is,however she only makes her presence know to those she feels safe around.It’s just easier and safer for Reno as a whole that way.
After a difficult time Reno moved out of the city and into the mountains in the countryside.It has allowed her to begin to heal from her troubles.
Reno has always been an animal lover and she has 6 pets and often cares for the wildlife that show up in her yard.
After returning to work,Reno has decided to keep her apartment in the city for when work runs late.
After some time away,Reno has returned to her career in music.Something she has always been quite passionate about.
When Reno gets too high her wings naturally come out since she isn’t thinking about keeping them hidden.
Reno absolutely loves tattoos. She appreciates them on herself and on others, she instantly think someone becomes more attractive if they have tattoos.
Reno loves to share her music with others and see their reactions and hear their input. Music is a passion of hers and she loves to share it.
* Reno used to have unhealthy coping mechanisms,and tho she hasn’t become fully sober,she has cut out the more detrimental vices she used to have.
* Reno’s worst coping mechanisms included drug usage,as well as alcohol abuse,and one nightstands.
Reno is still quite submissive,but this time around it’s not because she looks down on herself anymore,no!Its because of the feeling of safety and comfort it provides her.The safety,comfort,and love that Reno still craves despite growing more comfortable in herself.
Reno is newly discovering who she is as an individual.She is moving past who she was and trying to become a better person.She has often referred to herself as “an unfinished puzzle”, meaning she is a work in progress.Reno hasn’t found all of her pieces,but she working hard to find them and finish the puzzle of herself.
Because Reno chooses to live freely amongst humans,she has to constantly keep her wings hidden and will only have them out when she alone,with someone she trusts,or other fae creatures.
Keeping her wings hidden so often can be quite painful for Reno so she tries not to stay out in public longer than necessary.
One thing about Reno that has remained the same,she’s afraid of the people she cares for being upset or angry at her.It’s a bit of a contradiction of the person she wants to be,but it’s something that she just can’t seem to grow out of.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Verona, “Bacco Divino” è la mostra portata al Vinitaly dal Masaf
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Verona, “Bacco Divino” è la mostra portata al Vinitaly dal Masaf.   Il Ministero dell’Agricoltura, della Sovranità alimentare e delle Foreste, sarà presente alla 55^ edizione di Vinitaly, a Veronafiere, dal 2 al 5 aprile, con un programma ricco di eventi, convegni e momenti di approfondimento. Il Ministro Francesco Lollobrigida e i Sottosegretari Patrizio La Pietra e Luigi D’Eramo saranno presenti al Vinitaly presso “ITALIA - Spazio espositivo”, il nuovo padiglione del Ministero. Per l’evento “Bacco Divino”, per motivi di sicurezza legati ai quadri in esposizione, avranno accesso alla sala solo i fotografi e i cineoperatori. Tutti i giornalisti potranno seguire la presentazione dai monitor presenti sia all’esterno che all’interno di “ITALIA – Spazio Espositivo”.  Diretta streaming sul canale Facebook del Masaf. PROGRAMMA - DOMENICA 2 APRILE. Sarà la mostra “Bacco Divino”, con i quadri di Caravaggio e Guido Reni appartenenti alle Gallerie degli Uffizi, ad inaugurare il programma di eventi del Ministero dell’Agricoltura, della Sovranità alimentare e delle Foreste. L’appuntamento è alle 12.30, allo ITALIA - Spazio espositivo. È la prima volta che l'arte con la A maiuscola entra in una fiera, grazie anche al contributo di Generali che ha curato il trasporto dei quadri.Il Ministro dell’Agricoltura, Sovranità alimentare e delle Foreste Francesco Lollobrigida e il Ministro della cultura, Gennaro Sangiuliano, insieme al Direttore delle Gallerie degli Uffizi Eike Schmidt, sveleranno al pubblico i due capolavori: il rivoluzionario Bacco di Caravaggio, giovane di borgata travestito da dio greco, attorniato da simboli del tempo che passa e delle gioie effimere del mondo, e il classicista Bacco bambino di Guido Reni, che ci guarda ridente invitandoci a cogliere i piaceri dell’esistenza terrena. Seguirà il talk moderato da Bruno Vespa su “Cultura e Vino”. Punto Stampa al termine dell’evento.Nel pomeriggio alle 15.30 presso la Sala Respighi, si terrà la tavola rotonda “Vino fare sistema” con i presidenti della filiera agroalimentare, il sottosegretario Patrizio La Pietra e il presidente dell’Agenzia Ice Matteo Zoppas. Interverrà il Ministro degli Esteri Antonio Tajani. Punto Stampa a inizio evento.La giornata di domenica si chiuderà con due convegni alle 16.30. In Sala Respighi l’Inail parlerà di “Prevenzione e sicurezza nelle cantine” mentre presso la sala conferenze di ITALIA – Spazio espositivo, si terrà il convegno dell’AGEA “la nuova AGEA al servizio degli agricoltori”. - LUNEDI 3 APRILE. La giornata di lunedì 3 aprile si aprirà alle 10.00 all’Auditorium Verdi del Palaexpo con il talk “Il vino: salute, imprese e turismo”, con il Ministro del Mimit Adolfo Urso, del Mit Daniela Santanchè e della Salute Orazio Schillaci. Interviene il Sen. Luca De Carlo, Presidente Commissione Agricoltura del Senato. Punto stampa a inizio evento.Al termine del convegno, alle 12.00 saranno premiati i ragazzi vincitori del VII Concorso Enologico Istituti Agrari d’Italia 2023, organizzato da CREA Viticoltura ed Enologia e Re.N.Is.A. (Rete Nazionale Istituti Agrari), per le migliori produzioni vinicole realizzate dagli studenti e dalle scuole agrarie di tutta Italia. Interverrà il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri Giorgia Meloni.Nel pomeriggio, dalle 14.30, presso la Sala Rossini si terrà il convegno “il Vino e l’Europa”, con il presidente della Commissione Agricoltura della Camera, on. Mirco Carloni e gli eurodeputati on. Nicola Procaccini, on. Herbert Dorfmann, on. Paolo de Castro, on. Nicola Danti, on. Ignazio Corrao e on. Marco Zanni. Punto stampa a inizio evento.Tra gli altri eventi in programma, il sottosegretario Luigi D’Eramo coordinerà, MARTEDÌ 4 APRILE dalle 10.00, presso la Sala Rossini, l’appuntamento con gli assessori regionali “il Vino e il Territorio” e che vedrà la partecipazione del Ministro della Difesa Guido Crosetto e del coordinatore Commissione Politiche Agricole della Conferenza delle Regioni, Federico Caner. Nel pomeriggio alle 15.00 il CREA presenterà “DiVino: le aziende vitivinicole alla prova delle politiche di sviluppo rurale”. A seguire alle 16.00 sempre con il Crea “Vigneto 4.0: dalla Toscana arriva Prosit”, l’App che aiuta il viticoltore nella gestione sostenibile del vigneto, con il sottosegretario la Pietra. - MERCOLEDÌ 5 APRILE, ultimo giorno di Vinitaly, alle 11.00 presso la sala conferenze dello Spazio del Ministero il Comando Carabinieri per la Tutela Agroalimentare parleranno di “Controlli PAC, tutela agroalimentari”. A seguire alle 12.00 il Crea presenterà “Biodiversità viticola: i Custodi, i Vitigni, i Vini”.A far da cornice alla rassegna Vinitaly, presso “ITALIA - Spazio Espositivo”, saranno presentate le attività di promozione e controlli del Ministero, con l’ausilio dei dipartimenti, dell’Agenzia per le erogazioni in agricoltura (AGEA), dell’Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare (ISMEA), del Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura ed economia agraria (CREA), della Rete Nazionali degli Istituti agrari (Re.N.Is.A.) e dell’Ispettorato centrale della tutela della qualità e della repressione frodi dei prodotti agroalimentari (ICQRF) che terrà una mostra permanente sulle bottiglie di vino contraffatte sequestrate nelle varie operazioni di controllo.  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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