#( i need to be stopped but this hc lives rent free in my head... )
fadinglights · 10 months
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she  should  have  known.  should  have  known  that  he  would  go  overboard.  yet  her  smile  cannot  be  any  brighter  and  her  eyes  have  grown  misty  from  the  words  so  fondly  written  on  the  album.  if  she  thinks  more  about  how  everyone  who  comes  across  a  copy  can  read  what  she  just  read  word  for  word,  she  might  just  never  step  out  of  her  apartment  again.  “i  was  right.”  she  announces  with  a  sigh  at  last,  still  a  little  dazed  from  the  amalgam  of  affection  and  joy  for  his  much  awaited  break.  “you  are  the  cheesiest  man  in  the  world.”  
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daddy-dins-girl · 9 months
Ok well I don't have an alignment chart for this one, but I can provide some headcanons!
And apologies, I didn't get ALL the boys in here, but I got a lot. Feel free to reblog with HC's of any of the boys I missed.
Hope this is somewhat what you had in mind!
PS: My ask box is always open.
Headcanons under the cut!
Joel Miller - Joel takes you to a bar. It’s a little divey, but not without its charm. There’s live music and all the furniture is made of rich mahogany that gleams even under the low lighting. Joel looks amazing, foregoing his usual flannel for a black button-down shirt that’s tucked into dark jeans and a brown leather belt. Once you’ve gotten your drinks from the bar he takes you to a round booth and slides in right next to you, slinging his arm over the back of the bench and over your shoulders so that there’s no question to anyone else in the establishment who exactly you came here with (and who you’re leaving with). The table he picked is close to the stage so that every time you want to talk to each other you need to lean in real close just to hear what the other is saying. You think he did that on purpose, and you think you like Joel. scorcher score:🌶️🌶️🌶️
Marcus Pike - Marcus has planned everything ahead of time. He has a reservation for a restaurant he knows you’d love, based on just the few short conversations you’d had previous to setting up this date. After your meal you take a romantic walk along the pier at his suggestion and you wonder why Marcus keeps checking his watch every few minutes until suddenly fireworks start bursting high in the sky above your heads and you realize he wanted to time your walk perfectly so that you wouldn’t miss the scheduled show. He’s literally so adorable you could melt. You pretend to be cold as you watch the colorful display in the sky so that he’ll maybe put his arm around you. He does, but not until after shrugging out of his suit jacket and laying it across your shoulders first. You have a second date on the books before the first one even ends. scorcher score:🌶️
Dave York - You’re certain it’s no coincidence that Dave picked a restaurant that happened to be inside of a fancy hotel. And to his credit, you’re at the concierge desk before dessert has even been served, pawing all over each other while he hands the clerk his AMEX card and reminds them you do not wish to be disturbed this evening.  scorcher score:🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Jack Daniels - Jack takes you to the rodeo. You’ve never been before so it’s actually really fun and exciting as he explains all the events to you and you look around in wonder at everything happening around you. Jack failed to mention, however, that he’s in the fucking rodeo. You don’t mind though because the whole bucking bronco thing? Kinda hot…  Later you make sure to tell him that, and to leave the hat on. scorcher score:🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Max Phillips - Max called it a “date” when he’d invited you. You (and literally everyone else including Webster’s Dictionary) would actually refer to what he’s brought you to as an orgy but… tomato/tomahto.  Max Phillips is an absolute menace, but you knew that already. scorcher score:🚨 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 🚨
Javi Gutierrez - He takes you to the movies, of course. You half expect him to have rented out the entire theater for just the two of you, but once the movie starts playing you watch in awe of how into it he gets, eyes lighting up like a kid at Christmas. And it's not just the movie, but the joy he seems to get from sharing the experience with the hundred or so people around you. It’s sweet. He’s sweet.  scorcher score: 🌶️
Frankie Morales - He picks you up from your place and drives for a good hour up the coast line until he stops finally for what he tells you is the absolute best taco truck you’ll ever experience (and turns out, he’s not wrong). After dinner and an ice cream cone from another nearby food truck he holds your shoes (and your hand) as you take a walk down the beach on warm sand while soft summer waves lap at your feet. You absolutely let him get to 3rd base in the cab of his truck before he drops you off. scorcher score:🌶️🌶️🌶️
Javier Peña - It’s not exactly a date, but you do get a text to your phone at 2am. “U up?” scorcher score:🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Maxwell Lord - Maxwell wants to show you off. He takes you to a swanky party that is crawling with Washington’s social elites. Politicians, Diplomats and business men and women make up a majority of the guest list and he’s eager to have you on his arm when he makes introductions. The party is a little stuffy, a little boring, so when the entertainment portion of the evening begins and everyone is distracted, you and Maxwell happily sneak off to the back of the coat check room for your own private party instead. Maxwell turns out to be a little spicier than you originally gave him credit for.  scorcher score:🌶️🌶️🌶️
Oberyn Martell - see “Max Phillips”. scorcher score:🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Marcus Moreno - Marcus takes you to a carnival that happens to be in town for the weekend. You shove cotton candy in each other’s faces like complete dorks in love, share your first kiss at the top of the ferris wheel, walk the fairgrounds eating snow cones, and before the night is over Marcus wins you a teddy bear with a red ribbon around its neck that is literally so huge you can barely get it through your front door later that night when he drops you off.  scorcher score:🌶️🌶️
Dieter Bravo - very similar to Javier Peña, except the text he sends is all in emojis... “🍆 💦 🍑 ❓🥺” scorcher score:🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Choose your first date! It's a tough one but... gun to my head, I think I'm going with Frankie.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 9 months
so here’s part 2 of my james potter hcs bc this shitbag lives in my head rent free :))
(part 1 for those interested)
his prescription isn’t really heavy and he can technically get around without his glasses, but he gets really bad headaches if he doesn’t wear them
tried muggle contacts for a bit but got an eye infection after a month, went back to glasses permanently
can get really, really mean in the blink of an eye if he sees or hears something he doesn’t appreciate—something as innocent as feeling jealous or something as bad as blatant bigotry, doesn’t really matter. fandom may say that he was sirius’ moral compass but ohhh boy
“imagine sirius black having to reel you in” - overheard in the hospital wing by a random hufflepuff after a group of wannabe death eaters got hexed so badly for terrorising some muggleborn students they had to stay there for two days
can argue himself out of any sticky situation by being passionate and arrogant (like only getting a month’s worth of detention for hexing said group of wannabe death eaters into a two-day stay at the hospital wing)
did not relentlessly pursue lily, actually. he didn’t ask her out until their fifth year and stopped entirely after the slur-incident
did form a relentless (at times one-sided) rivalry that often went way too far with severus snape though, i’ll give you that
he’s got hazel eyes with a bit of green thank you
his nose isn’t longer than harry’s (he’s got a ‘hidung pesek’, like my mum would say). his nosebridge can’t hold up european glasses and it’s a struggle
sirius looks physically like his father which means james does, shamefully, find orion black handsome in a purely aesthetic way. he’ll take this tidbit to the grave with him though as sirius would have an aneurysm if he found out that james thinks orion is a bit of a dilf
james has tackled peter multiple times. most notably, that one time it was over the last digestive in the biscuit tin that hope lupin sent remus
peter broke his nose and james cried because he felt so bad
he’s got a dab hand at healing spells and sirius is good at cleaning spells so it was fine in the end
also ugly crier james 2k23. that man can WEEP
gives the BEST hugs. you’ll feel so safe. he just presses your face against his chest and you’ve got to take it, because it’ll relax your entire body
“it’s like i’ve been reborn” - peter pettigrew after The James Hug following the orange marmalade incident of 1975
will never talk about the orange marmalade incident of 1975 because peter asked him nicely
great secret keeper!! should’ve been his own secret keeper, actually!!
big beatles fan and really cringy about it: he even considers getting a mop top for a bit.
thinks george harrison looks like sirius (but not as handsome) and therefore george is his favourite
same james
ALSO he would be so flattered that some parts of this fandom see him as ATJ’s john lennon i swear lmao
would kill for sirius and has considered killing for sirius on multiple occasions
harry’s ‘trouble usually finds me’ gene comes from him and he has been face to face with acromantulas on multiple occasions purely by accident
harry’s ‘there’s no need to call me sir, professor’ gene is a mix of lily’s sass and james’ smart-assery. part of the reason jily started dating is bc they could match each other’s quips so well
good at practical magic with several seemingly random interests in the theoretical background of certain types of magic. will go off on a tangent on the Braach’s Sixteen Laws of Weight when someone offhandedly mentions a featherlight charm
created the runic sequences of the Map that ground the spellwork woven into the object to ambient magic all by himself and was SO proud of himself that severus was valid in saying james strutted around like he owned the place
human embodiment of the following emoticon= >:3
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itzkawaiiduh · 4 months
*crawls into ur asks* any Will headcannons?
hello there my guy!! So sorry for the late response, I don't use tumblr that much and I had to refresh some of my headcanons for William. But here's a few I am fond of! Warning for some regarding angst, graphic descriptions of shapeshifting, and Monty mention.
-gay man
-he can bake really well!! sometimes he duplicates himself to help bake in the kitchen :)
-i have this hc where will remakes his days in his room because he doesn't have a roommate, like a sitcom! He clones himself and his clones do the voices. Think of it like a play. I intend to create more about this lmfao
-He can draw a little!! Most of the time he draws monty in the margins of his work, or even his journal. And it's always beat up because he throws it behind him at the speed of light (like his poor toothbrush)
-buddy also journals. you may call it a diary perchance
-he and berenice are frienemies!! inspired by a fic I read :D
-will and monty both reciprocate the action of leaning their heads on each other's shoulders.
-Will would have a hyperfixation, but because he didn't really have anyone to tell to, he writes it down or if Monty asks him 'whats up' that's will's signal to go off a long tangent about his thoughts
-he cracks his fingers whenever he's nervous-he has like a kajillion nicknames for monty and sometimes tells him to stop "mon-stressing." Montresor hates that.
-when will is in his "spectre form", he is 5'10" while montresor is 7'0. so you see this average man fight with a hot red demon guy who's like a whole few feet taller than him in the manor.
-Inspired by the original work, William doesn't really like mirrors or being fixated his appearance much-- he likes to keep it simple. He doesn't like being in vain.
-When Will transforms into someone, his body physically contorts and bones snap, extremities move until he looks like you. It's fucked up and perfect for the wax bit.
-When he's transforming into his spectre, his body melts and contorts until he becomes this spectre. If y'all seen The Mandela Catalogue and know of alternates, you know what I mean!! (I haven't seen it but I love the concept of alternates, I don't know the lore behind TMC nor have I seen it. I like to draw horror, not see it. I'm weird lol)
-Because Will doesn't have a roommate, he duplicates himself to play charades or even go fish with himself. Unfortunately it's hard because he is himself.
•Speaking of which, whenever Will has an off day, he clones himself and the clone gives him hugs. Unfortunately, the clone is blank so will can feel all the empty hugs-- it does nothing, but it replaces the feeling of closeness. he just wants to feel some form of physical love
•Additionally, Will is touch starved (this may just be confirmed) so he always looks at when ada and monty are together and that gnawing feeling of jealousy comes back.
-Will had considered disguising as Ada so he can get hugged by Montresor. Had he done it before, who knows?
*Cheers so loud* he LOVES sufjan stevens and glass animals!! (me too William) we need to get this man headphones and a mp3 player!! He just loves any indie music or something mellow and just speaks to him. 80s music is also cool.
I may update these or even add some! But yeah! Sorry it's so long guys he's been living in my head with NO rent. Let him live there for free and don't even charge him rent.
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fumifooms · 4 months
Do you know about the Marchil h-doujin, just called "Marchil Meshi"? (Dunno wether you're comfortable about adult content regarding the ship. If not, sorry and feel free to ignore).
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Imagine my surprise… When a few months ago, I was looking up places to buy doujins for dunmeshi online bc of that new-ish laimar (sfw) doujin and I find, many many nsfw ones bUT AMONGST THE HORDE… MARCHIL MESHI. I ate it up. It’s a lil iconic to me ngl, I quote it in my head sometimes. Marcille angrily gesturing always gets me cackling. It honestly has no business being this good, it was made pretty early on in the story so many years ago, and STILL! So in character, and honestly so funny, AND no weird business either. Like listen, I scour the internet, looking for any marchil content, any marchil content at all… And find a dry af desert, no life here, literally jackshit nothing. Only Pixiv has some afaik but the nsfw is def… Hm. 😔 (2 fics tagged chirumaru on there btw!! That aren’t mine lol) Thank you marchil meshi author if I had to pick 1 piece of marchil nsfw to exist I’d choose this one (honestly that’s already so close to reality lol) Thank u Asaki Takayuki I owe u my life. I like zines but I’ve never bought doujins before so it didn’t cross my mind, but dunmeshi is taking a lot of my first times in fandom engagement and I bought said laimar doujin just the other day hehe 
I do want to keep my blog generally sfw but yes I’m 100% cheering on nsfw marchil content from the shadows, glad that ao3’s finally getting some too. I hope that fic writer makes more… Tallman Chil is so so good but I hope they also do some more general premises, which the end notes on that one do make me hopeful 👀 I want more marchil writers in general. More marchil fanartists. Sfw nsfw idk I need to be fed 😭 (<- This post was drafted before that new marchil smut fic WOOHOO. So much new marchil content this week!!)
Oh while I’m here, I find this so funny/odd, but in japanese fandom ship names are simply the beginning of each name smushed together, like marchil or chilmar. The order of the names is that the first one is the "top"… Idk how jp fandoms live without switches but aight, but in m/f ships this means that typically the man is the first half of the ship name right. WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT marchil is so much more used than chilmar lmaoo. Even more stats: On Pixiv, the tag marchil had all the artworks, but the chilmar tag had all the fics. Ain’t that wack to think about. Anyways marchil or chilmar idc you go guys
Sighh thinking about them. They are so "I beg your pardon??!" "Then beg", "Fuck you!" "Fuck me yourself you coward"… Forget stamens and pistils, Chil is the cursed "You see, there are keys and there are locks…"
More under cut since I don’t get to talk about this often, screenshots and hcs for horny time
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^ said panel that lives rent free in my head and makes me giggle. I wish I’d just put the whole page here it’s my fave but nahh go find it yourself
Why are they like this. Like what is thatttt
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I need to stop collecting these I’m making myself feel insane (thank you fic writer for that last one I’d never noticed but omg)
Alright hc time what was I gonna talk about… Ah yes ah yes. I def think Chil is a pest, he’s horny and he wants sex and is flagrant about it, but also we know that he stayed faithful for 4 years without getting any, I feel like realistically the relationship sex wise would 100% be on Marcille’s pace. And this is the fun part, bc would Marcille be very eager? Would she want to do the romance book correct™️ route and that means no tapping until marriage, or he needs to court her all princely first? I hc that elves have a much lower libido than humans because of the whole long af lifespan thing, it’d be kinda funny if Marcille was like "Let’s take things slow… 🥺" aka first base achieved after two years of being together lol
But seee that’s the thing too bc Marcille is so afraid of loss she might rush through things as well, she very well could like, jump on him right after confessing. Is Chilchuck kind of a shithead or is he very gentlemanly and romantic, wanting to do it right and treat her well? They are such a blank canvas of sexual chemistry listen LISTENNN there are just so so many ways you can go with them they are so special. God the banter… They cannot stop bantering for a second I swear So many kinks they could fit… I like uhh praise kink for him and for her… Idk she just really loves him and the emotional adoration is what’s at the core of her enjoying it all so like, loving Chilchuck kink, which turns out those two really match together 🫶 He makes her sing and ummm um you see where this goes. They are so grossly in love and into each other
They are so domestic. I hate them
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
I need more pet zoo hcs bc that au lives rent free in my head
i love this au as well so i shall provide!!
even upon being turned back into demons and returning the devildom, the brothers still respond when called by their nicknames as animals
lucifer hates that he also responds to peter now but it's too late, the name's there to stay
in this au when solomon meets asmo he finds out about the animal ordeal, because he makes a joke along the lines of "whatever the duchess decrees", and asmo immediately bursts into tears because that WAS his name, once upon a time......
as animals, if provoked, they'd have a sort of demon form equivalent where they become more monstrous-looking (to the point of being vaguely eldritch if angry enough)
though the latter happens very very rarely, since there's not much in the human realm that could aggravate them that much
they do it do varying degrees of frequency - at first levi can't go a day without getting startled and suddenly growing an extra set of teeth
whereas lucifer does it exactly once throughout the entire ordeal: when diavolo and barbatos arrive and first attempt to send them to the devildom
mammon hangs out with ik pretty much 24/7, but he especially likes to chill with her while she does homework and stuff
he perches on the table attempting to help, but mostly just chews on her pens and mumbles "clever girl" in approval every few seconds
satan spends most of his time either people-watching from the windows (he has an unusual fascination with lawn mowers and the garbage trucks)
he has this habit of sleeping in the dead centre of the bed, and zhao is too scared of getting scratched to move him like ik does, so sometimes he ends up on the sofa because satan has now commandeered his room
for some reason belphie HATES the feather duster. when zhao gets it out to do some cleaning he spends the entire time trailing behind him and just glaring at it
mammon nicks little trinkets everywhere he goes and stows them all in ik's pillowcase (ik has to clear it out every now and then because it starts getting uncomfortable)
levi seems incredibly elusive, but in fact you can usually find him in one of two places: in his box, or wrapped around ik's wrist
when he's not watching the tv, he likes to just quietly observe what she's doing (so quietly that sometimes even ik forgets he's there)
asmo spends a not-insignificant amount of time sitting in the front window and waiting for passersby to notice him
sometimes it works and they stop to point and coo at the fluffy bunny, other times it doesn't and he has to slink to ik or zhao for sympathy
just flops down at their feet/across their laps looking like the absolute saddest little rabbit ever, waiting to be fussed over
he keeps himself very well-groomed, but he absolutely HAS to be brushed every evening or he'll throw a fit (running around the house and thumping his feet angrily until sufficient attention is paid)
lucifer mellows out unexpectedly quickly, and he actually defers to either human of the household without much protest
that's not to say he won't give you the most disparaging look a bird possibly could if you do something that he doesn't approve of though
there's a burglary on their street at some point and lucifer spends an entire fortnight hyper-vigilant about the house's security - he stays up late to keep guard and everything
he keeps going to sleep in the corner of the living room, to the point where they start putting blankets there. eventually it starts getting lovingly referred to as 'peter's nest'
(lucifer won't tell anyone this, but he secretly takes one of the blankets with him when it's time to go back to the devildom)
beel is such a big fur-ball but he never seems to quite understand just how large a dog he is
belphie likes to sneak into the hallway cupboard for some naptime, and beel always seems genuinely confused that he can't fit in with him
he always wakes up immediately after zhao because he's always giving him scraps from the fridge
there's an old lady down the road that just adores him, so ik takes him on walks past her house often and she'll ply with just endless amounts of ham
sometimes beel will attempt to share his food with belphie or his other brothers, but because he'll have had most of it in his mouth while carrying it over, they usually decline
though belphie will at least sniff at it and maybe nibble around the edges
belphie's constantly burrowing around in local hedges to find comfy sleeping spots and getting himself mucky, but then he gets so mad when they have to give him a bath
he'll put up with it because he doesn't want to get mud all over the comfy furniture, but the entire time he just looks livid
one time he crawled into the laundry machine while zhao was doing chores and he very nearly put him on spin cycle
satan likes to sit in front of the laundry machine and just watch it spin
sometimes lucifer sits with him, and this is how they bond in this form
one day ik trips and splits her knee on the way home from school, and somehow all seven of them get a premonition about it and swarm her as soon she opens the door
another time she's upset and getting shouted at while at school, and mammon senses this and dive-bombs through an open window to get at the offending teacher
in general they all develop a kind of sixth sense for each other. ik will be half-asleep in history and suddenly sit bolt-upright like "socks [levi] is stuck in the airing cupboard again"
i like to think it somehow carries through a little even when the brothers have settled into the devildom
diavolo is explaining his idea for the rad to them and suddenly, at the exact same time, all seven of them stiffen
he asks what's wrong and lucifer quickly dismisses it as a cold breeze, because no one wants to explain to him that they've all felt a sudden and extremely potent pang of loneliness that definitely wasn't theirs
so diavolo has to make the brothers cut ties for inter-realm safety when they're first brought to the devildom
and now that i think about it we'll have to do some tweaking in terms of the timeline - accelerate the events so that they can feasibly happen within ik's lifetime, since she'd be long gone if we were to follow the original course of events
in this case maybe the whole animal happens when she's younger (say like, ten to eleven), and then the exchange year starts when she's fifteen as per jtta
diavolo gets inspired to set up the exchange program a lot sooner, since ik and the brothers have already proven that humans and demons can form lasting bonds (also so that he can reunite them, because he feels so bad about having split them up)
also bringing in that other anon's idea where ik appears as a little sheep
the brothers, watching this ball of fluff appear in the council room: a sheep?
[dramatic zoom in on the sheep's head. somehow, it has an ahoge]
the brothers: IK?!?!!?!?!?
i can imagine that ik would be sorta cold for a bit. she hasn't really forgiven them for leaving her alone. sure, it wasn't their choice, but still....
she does warm up again, though - it's hard not to with them all compensating for the long separating by being EXTRA doting
it's also returning the favour, since ik was doing most of the looking after back when they were animals
side note though i feel like we can't even comprehend how ridiculous and cute ik would be as a lamb
have you seen that one video of a sheep being held up and spun around and it has the MOST "head empty" look on its face possible
ik just permanently looks like this is the only thing going on upstairs
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also this video of lambs jumping on an older sheep. i like to imagine ik just absolutely trampling all over the others for fun (especially beel and diavolo, whose shoulders are broadest and easiest to traverse)
(she'd hold a bit of a grudge against the royals for some time though, given they were the ones who took the brothers away)
(diavolo is devastated by this because he loves small cute things and he wants to hold the little sheep so badly)
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gay-robot-boyfriends · 5 months
Sooooooo, I saw the post with the ask about Vile HCs and how you rambled on about it, seeing the ending mentioning you have a lot of VileX HCs.
So allow me to be the enabler to hearing about such HCs with this ship in question, VileX.
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(Random Vile art so the post doesn't feel as naked dsdhsha!) OMG, you mean I get to ramble about my beloved again? <3 This is going to be a long one! So I got both HCs and a bit of AU. GET READY!
Disclaimer: I understand that this irl relationship would not be healthy; however, it is all for fun and should be viewed as a sitcom. A lot of it is silliness and sexual tension (I won't go into detail here), but consent is very important to me, so it is definitely present here. I brainstormed a lot of this with my friend @raerrui.
So, no one at HQ knows how those two ended up together or why X would even consider someone like Vile, but no one questions it too much.
Vile likes X in the same way that he likes his favourite cannon. He cleans and names his cannons, is a weapons nerd, and does not want anyone else to touch them.
As a reploid created from for war, I don't believe the prospect of love is possible for him.
He doesn't get the romantic human mushy crap X is into and probably thinks a lot of it is stupid, but whatever makes his rookie happy. A happy rookie does not whine, nag, or cry, all of which Vile finds annoying.
So, in that sense, he treats X in the same way he would his weapons. When something is broken, you fix it. When someone messes with your weapons, you break their legs and reclaim what is rightfully yours.
It's just Vile's version of being protective and caring, but with more salt and rage. Vile considers X to be his token boyfriend and treats him accordingly.
Vile checks out X the first time he sees him in his first armour. They would go on "let's go blow shit up" dates in Vile's ride armour. X wants to try cute human things, to which Vile groans but agrees (like this). Also, I believe Vile would bring out the worst in X, but in the funniest way possible. He sometimes turns into an angry little blueberry because he is tired of Vile's bullshit.
X gets to see a side of Vile that others do not. Vile's room, complete with a built-in bar, has everything he needs to make killer drinks. He even purchased stupid little umbrellas because X thought they were cute. Basically, X gets to see Vile make something.
The AU bits that live rent free in my head:
It's not fleshed out or anything, but long story short, Sigma has Vile train X (a new recruit), and Vile is pissed about it. He doesn't want to train a rookie; he wants to go out there and blow stuff up, and until X is ready to go on the field, Vile is stuck at headquarters with him. That means he HAS to train him.
Along the way, Vile tries to tick off X because he's bored out of his mind and has nothing better to do, and he refuses to address him by name. Keeps calling him Rookie, it becomes X's nickname. X had had enough after a while.
"Stop calling me that my name is X! X!!" "You haven't earned that right yet, rookie. You can't even hit the targets without missing half of them. Everyone thinks you're so special." He moves closer to X, towering over him. "…But you're not. I don't care what your "title" says about you. You're nothing unless you can prove otherwise." X doesn't flinch. "You don't scare me." "Hah, that's the type of attitude that'll get you killed on the field. "I like it."
I love the idea of them having so much tension at the start. X kinda learns to deal with Vile being Vile.
When X reaches B-rank, he is able to go on missions but needs to be assisted. He wants to try it on his own, and Vile says, "Alright, suit yourself." So he sits back and watches X, but decides it's a good idea to fire his cannon at X to see if he can avoid it (also for self entertainment). "WHAT THE HELL VILE?" Vile is laughing loudly, "Remember your training, Rookie!" "R-right enemies can come from anywhere."
This entire AU leads to Zero joining the maverick hunters, and since Vile has been complaining so much, Sigma decides to have Zero train X instead. Vile gets annoyed. He's mostly annoyed with himself for being angry when he sees X and Zero smiling and talking to each other. X and Zero are just friends because I don't want to get into that kind of drama. It's too complex for my two brain cells. I just enjoy all of the different dynamics.
Everything eventually leads to this:
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gojooooo · 4 months
soooo i came across this video (and also this one, which is clearly sukuna with his kid) and since those two little guys live rent free in my brain i made the connection so now i can’t stop thinking about dads sukuita.
older yuuji has the most gentle face. he has all the wrinkles of someone who smiled a lot during their life. he gets a bit scruffy like a teddy bear, sukuna complains about his prickly stubble and refuses to kiss him until he shaves (yuuji goes aww :( and kuna kisses him anyway, you know how it goes)
older sukuna needs reading glasses and i’m willing to fight anyone over this. he just does ok? and he lets his hair grow out a bit until they spike out a little from under his ears but one thing that never changes is that he will keep slicking them back. he’s always groaning when he has to get up, he squints at the TV and he complains about back pain but then also keeps doing everything that requires strength without breaking a sweat. yuuji suspect he’s being a tiny bit dramatic at times.
so we all know the popular hc that yuuji would be a firefighter right? and we all know that newborn babies are dropped off at fire stations of all places. yeah you already know where this is going. one evening when yuuji’s shift should be over sukuna receives a call from megumi, who works there too. “yuuji asked me to inform you he’s going to be home late, but i think you should come here yourself” are his cryptic but caring words and when sukuna arrives he finds his husband sitting alone on the bench in the changing room, uniform pants still on and cradling a baby against the white shirt he usually wears under his uniform jacket. sukuna walks up to him and sits down at his side, silently assessing the situation. yuuji tells him about how a few of his coworkers picked the baby up in attempt to soothe her but she only stopped crying when she was in yuuji’s arms and how he just couldn’t let go of her when it was time to go home. he looks so full of love, but also nervous because he knows it’s not a decision he can take on his own. sukuna doesn’t leave his side, runs a soothing hand up and down yuuji’s back when he starts tearing up overwhelmed by his own emotions and he takes a peek at the baby. she looks cute. he honestly would say yes to anything that makes yuuji happy, he’s fine with everything that comes into his life because sharing it with yuuji is the only thing that matters. afterall it’s by letting yuuji take his hand and drag him into new, beautiful adventures that he fell in love with him more and more. he doesn’t fall in love easily so yuuji knows that he’s it for him – and sukuna makes sure to remind him when yuuji’s lips wobble while holding the baby against his chest. the problem isn’t the kid (sukuna will love her, yes he’ll complain about getting a total of two hours of sleep at first but he’ll be the most loving girl dad), the problem is that she deserves to be raised well and he’s not sure he’s fit for it. yuuji, oh he’s going to be the best dad, sukuna’s chest fills with warmth at the mere thought; but sukuna doesn’t think he knows how it’s done. and he voices all of it, because they know each other like the back of their hands at that point, they’ve seen each other most vulnerable parts and showered them with love and acceptance so he says it all out loud. yuuji tells him that he knows sukuna is fit for it because he’s seen the love he can give when he gives it to him every single day. he tells him that they will complete each other as parents just like they do as a couple because yuuji is sure he’ll let his emotions get in the way and he wants sukuna to be there just like he’ll be here to fill all of sukuna’s shortcomings. so sukuna takes a deep breath and looks at him, loses himself in those golden brown eyes he loves so much. those eyes he always turns to when he feels lost, those eyes that always soften when he does so – and he still to this day can’t wrap his head around how lucky he is for it. he knows it’s going to be alright if he’s doing it with him. “okay” he sighs around a smile and those eyes he loves so much shine impossibly brighter.
ending on a silly note because this post turned sickeningly sweet: i can’t decide if uncle gojo would be the bane of sukuna’s existence (and the reason why yuuji started saying “yas gurl” regularly) or if they’d be pure chaos whenever they’re together, joining the kids and arguably having as much fun as them if not more when they play catch or pretend to be pirates, running around the house while yuuji and geto stand there like (⌒_⌒;)
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akatsukitrash · 1 month
For the ship bingo:
MadaMito (we both like it but y'know)
NaruNeji (me dropping a lit firecracker into a vat of oil)
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MadaMito lives rent free in my head. Like this mix of complicated feelings and the love that develops within it and they love each other! They really do! The love was there but there were too many forces against it. The way I write it, Mito pursues Madara first, and only sexually, because she's beyond upset abt Hashirama's repressed feelings and its subsequent obsession towards Madara + their marriage literally being held together by her alone because she doesn't want any rift between the Senju and Uzumaki and she's tired. She's one woman. So she wants to take the one thing the God of Shinobi can't have. It's entirely a power play to get back at her husband (it's not cheating btw, in my hc both the Senju and Uzumaki are allowed to take extra marital lovers as long as no children come out of it). And Madara indulges her because really, this is a powerful woman, this is a shinobi he's seen fight alongside of and keep up with Hashirama, with a temper that matches his own. So he's like why not. I'll let her peg me. But then they fall in love. And when Madara decides to leave, he's too prideful and controlling to ask her to come, and she's too obsessed with rules and duties to leave, and the next time they see each other, 3 years later, she's accompanying her husband to kill her lover. He never even knows she got pregnant with his child before he left (that's smth that will Matter in But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate). Anyway I need to stop rambling but they're so important to ME. They're selfish and use each other but they love each other but it's not enough. It was doomed from the start. Their affair also just wrecks the political ties between the Senju and Uzumaki lol the power of Bisexuality these two have...
NaruNeji :
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Sorry but as a Neji fan. What's the point. What does Naruto add to Neji's character arc aside from beating him up once to prove destiny doesnt exist then turning out to be the Child of Prophecy. There is no chemistry, they don't hang out, no thematic parallels, nothing. SasuNeji is right there, and has everything. NejiTen is cute. NejiLee...exists ig but at least they hang out idk I rlly dont like that one either. It's not even a NOTP I can hate on bc there is no substance. It's the poor man's SasuNeji.
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not-this-guy · 1 year
Once again, picking at your brain for your thoughts
What’re your reasons/ideas behind your top hc’s for Bro
i'm brain dead right now after a full shift so let me give you the long short list and a more general explanation of my general fascination with this guy
the basis of my takes and hcs on bro stem from approaching him and viewing him as a person who is flawed and wrong and misguided, but a person and not a generic one faced boogeyman. he is an abuser, he has a lack of boundaries and he has violent tendencies, but i don't look at it in a vacuum because unlike dave who's only ever seen what bro allowed him to see, we can look at him as a whole.
i picked him up a couple years ago in a group roleplay server, mainly as a "i don't trust anyone else to write him/haha wouldn't it be funny if" and since then he's been living rent free in my head - but he's out grown what canon gave us.
and the fundamentals of that are:
0 | SPITE, DISGUST AND FRUSTRATION: he is a fascinating character in his own right, but goddamn is he polarising and one prone to settle in the extremes of fandom perception to the point that people have to fucking tag him as a trigger warning nowadays, which makes people unwilling to interact and engage in more nuanced discussions of him out of avoidance of being harassed which is understandable. however this kind of left him as a character to the wolves, and now a lot of his more recent works and his entire tag in general in whatever site you use has been trashed by incestuous pedophiles - which makes people even less wiling to interact with the concepts brought up in his character. and honestly fuck that. i'm willing to endure dealing w their bullshit directly n i'm willing to call these people what they are (groomers sharing csa material for personal gratification and desensitisation) and i'm not giving them free reign of bro's tag anymore. these freaks should be rightfully shunned and mocked and judged where ever they go because they're too deep in self-denial to ever change.
I | EXTRAPOLATION: with alpha dirk's introduction we were left with a question, how could this kid end up like his beta session self? what could possibly drive the dirk we grow to like and see multiple facets of become this shell of a man? and boy do i love assuming and explaining shit away for people who are barely characters in their own right. free reign to do whatever i want baby.
II | BRAIN DAMAGE: the answer to that question is to chip away at the soul and to scramble a man's sense of reality. i haven't really been in the headspace for it but id love to one day fully explore the horrors of Bro and Lil Cal's codependency for those 30 some years. with that as a base (but not an excuse) i started to slowly piece him back together, and working with the 'undesirables' of mental illness. he is an unmedicafed paranoid schizophrenic with hoarding tendencies who was diagnosed with aspergers as a child... and then punished for it, being effectively abandoned by the system to fates whims and blamed for never having his needs met. his one solid connection at any point in time was lil cal. but instead of villanizing him for having these traits... i see him as someone who was trying to help, but was misguided by his closest confidant and blinded by his over controlling paranoid nature and compulsory need to one up people. everything bro did, he did to help dave... he just never stopped to think about if he was going about it the right way, because he saw dave as an extension of himself and thus of course thought his behaviour was appropriate, because he is acting as who he wished he had when he himself was a kid.
III | PROJECTING AND RELATABILITY: damn he just like me fr. aka on top of all of that, i've grown to attach some of my own traits onto him and vice versa as a means of coping with my own backstory and as a backwards way of acknowledging that my feelings are valid... by allowing bro strider of all people to also go through them and changing myself to have compassion for him.
there's more but look i forgot and m done eating my cold burger.
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queeenpersephone · 2 years
i've been lss to cruel summer for almost a month now and idk if u have an ironwidow idea for that song but maybe a drabble/hc please :cc
omg so i finally decided to do this because i'm doing some ironwidow writing today, and i figured i'd use this as a warm up! don't worry, anon, ironwidow + cruel summer has been living in my head rent free since you sent this to me
so the background: nat and tony have been casually sleeping together in secret after age of ultron. civil war happens, but instead of everything going bad, the avengers actually come out okay (an civil war au! concept i have actually not done lol). also bruce and thor are just gonna be there don't @ me. anyways tony and steve make it back from siberia to give a speech to the un about the conditions on the raft, and idk i just wanted to write something pure and happy i don't even care if it's ooc don't sue me haha
cruel summer | ironwidow | g
"Almost a decade ago, I stood before the press, in a room much like this one, and told the world I was Ironman," Tony says from the dais, feeling an unexpected, unusual strength from knowing that Steve is nodding along right behind him. "It was the biggest thing to ever happen to me. Then, four years ago, I became a part of something bigger."
He looks directly at the Chairman. "And the UN doesn't have the ability to break it. We'll listen to your proposal. We'll consider new protocols. But the world needs the Avengers."
One of the UN members stands up. "You are not above the law!"
Tony raises an eyebrow, gesturing to Bruce, who stands on his other side. With one press of a button, the conditions of the Raft are visible on the large screen behind him. "But you are?" Tony retorts, as pictures of their teammates and other imprisoned Inhumans are revealed. The room can't contain their gasps of surprise and horror.
The Chairman stands. "This - this is not the UN's doing."
Steve steps in. "Yes, it is. The UN chose Thaddeus Ross to lead this project. And this is what his solution is." He brings a strong hand down on Tony's shoulder. "These people you have vilified are our friends and teammates. We will not stand for this. The Raft needs to be shut down. Now."
The Chairman nods, glancing around the room to see others agreeing. "We will release your team, but you must-"
"Uh! No conditions," Tony interrupts.
Just then, the doors burst open, and Tony's heart starts to pound harder as Natasha Romanoff strides through them, confident and proud. Behind her is the rest of their team, watching her blind spots and holding back the security that apparently tried to stop them. He's shocked to see Thor as well, hammer in hand, an arm around Wanda to hold her up as she is still clearly feeling the effect of the draining collar. His expression is fixed and serious. "Your efforts to release them will not be necessary, Chairman," she says, low and almost smirking. "Now, if you could listen to Mr. Stark, I'm sure you'll find we're quite ready to negotiate."
Tony is uncharacteristically speechless. The last time he had seen this woman, he'd called her a triple imposter and ended their physical relationship, despite knowing deep down that her actions had been justified and after this summer, this beautiful, warm, happy summer, that all he wanted was to make things between them official. "No," he says, short and sweet, almost involuntarily.
Natasha's eyebrows hit her hairline. Steve sputters next to him. "No?" Bruce says quietly, clearly confused. Of their team, it is only Thor who studies him for a moment before smiling, realizing where his attention is focused. He's felt the same, when he sees Jane after a long separation.
Tony's eyes, of course, are fixed on Natasha.
"Tony-" She calls, warning.
"The Avengers have plenty of lawyers," Tony says, almost casually, as he makes his way down the dais. "I'll leave you all the cards of our legal department." He picks up his pace as he begins to stride up the middle aisle. "Propose what you want. For me," he adds, beginning to breathe harder. "I have my own proposal to make."
Two steps later, and he takes Natasha's waist in his hands at the same time he takes her lips with his.
She hums in surprise, but he doesn't give her time to push him away, pulling back to look her directly in the eyes.
"I'm sorry." He brings her hand to his lips. "For what it's worth, I love you." He kisses her thumb, then her palm, then her wrist. "Ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard?"
Natasha, to her credit, somehow keeps her expression somewhat neutral, even though she must be shocked at his very public, very loud confession. Tony has no luck, blinking back tears. He's not sad, not angry. Whatever he's feeling, it's just too much to keep it inside. "It's not cool anymore. I want rules. I want you. This summer with you was the best summer of my life, but now, if I can't have your heart, it just feels cruel."
He barely hears Steve behind him, wrapping up his speech with their ultimatums, but he does feel all the eyes in the room on them.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Natasha gives a shuddering breath. "You're a handful, you know," she says, still even and neutral. "Doing this here."
"I know," he says. "But you're here. You came back, and you brought the rest of our team with you. And I know you. I know you wanted to run." I know, he says silently. I know what it took you to take this chance, because it's the same chance I'm taking now. I know, he thinks, but you love me anyway.
"It's not," she says, abrupt but somehow warm, a tentative smile growing. "It's not the worst thing I've ever heard."
Tony grins, then, and it's blinding. "I'll take it."
He pulls her closer, kisses her again, but it's different this time. It's more. She tastes amazing, smells even better. He breathes her in, and he grins against her mouth when her hands thread through his hair. He feels flashes go off, but they don't phase him. He hears Thor cheer, feels Steve and Bruce come up behind them, can practically see Clint's grin. But it all feels dull, echoey, compared to Natasha in his arms. His world has exploded into color and light, and he realizes he's actually crying, which should be embarrassing, but it's not. Nothing is. Everything, for once, is right.
When she pulls away, he watches her hide her own wide smile in his chest. That's okay, he'll keep her secret. He'll keep them all, locked away in his own heart, where hers lives too now.
"Hope you enjoyed the show," he calls out. "Call our lawyers. Avengers, out!"
Steve slaps his back. "Hey, that's my job," he teases.
Tony mock-gasps. "Is this the trauma that finally allowed you to grow a sense of humor, Cap?"
They start to file out of the room as the UN descends into chaos behind them. "No," Bruce says, "it's the relief that we can finally talk about you and Nat clearly dating."
"We were so stealthy though!"
Clint laughs. "You definitely weren't."
He looks down at Natasha, who's smiling and shaking her head. "I thought you knew that we were dating this whole time," she teases.
"You mean my whole confession was for nothing?" Tony pouts, but he can't hide his joy.
She straightens his lapel. "Well," she says evenly, "I suppose it was nice to hear aloud. But Tony, you tell me everyday, in your own way."
"Well," he hums as he pulls her into his arms again. "Now I'll tell you twice a day. Once my way, and another time, the way I should've been doing this whole summer."
Natasha reaches up to kiss the corner of his mouth. "I'll take it."
The rest of the team files onto the Quinjet, leaving them alone in the hangar for a brief moment. He turns serious for a brief moment, nuzzling her hair. "Take me," he pleads, quiet and earnest.
"Always," she promises, just as solemn. Then, she smiles. "Now c'mon, we have work to do."
He mock-complains, but goes easily as she pulls him to onto the jet.
He'll follow her anywhere.
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vampcubus · 9 months
I need you to know that you have succeeded in haunting at least one (1) person with your writing bc I literally think about your stuff every day lmao. Especially your roommate Kyojuro hcs and Stare (and also your hcs about roughhousing w the kny characters) they live in my head rent free. You also awoke something in me for Shinjuro w your writing and I thank you for it 🙏
Also irrelevant but I saw you added Touchstarved in your mlist and I'm SO excited to see what you cook up, omg, especially for Leander that man makes me insane. I need to put a baby inside him <3.
Anyways I just wanted to share that you've at least managed to haunt me and it's great, much love I hope you have a great day!
AAA OMG STOP IT YOU’RE SO SWEET!! 😭 it makes me so happy that my work has resonated with you!! especially my kyojuro stuff because i love writing for that man sm. and i’m glad you’re enjoying my shinjuro thoughts! i’m hoping to get some actual fics for him written eventually cus i’m insane about him.
EEE YOU’RE INTO TOUCHSTARVED TOO? i’ve been meaning to throw some writings out for it eventually. AND YES LEANDER MY BBG!! vere is my fav but honestly all the love interests are smokin’
thank you for sending me such a lovely ask, you really made my day!! i hope you have a great day too 🥰💕
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padfootastic · 2 years
hi : ) I am new to this fandom ( new as in new to start reaching out to the other fans not prongsfoot shipping-wise ). I have been a simp for them since like when I was 20? And believe me I am waaaaay older now xD and I am very happy to c other ppl love this ship because it certainly needs more attention. ❤ The potential between Sirius and James is so great that I dunno how to describe, like to me, they do absolutely anything ( and I mean that ) to have each other and not fall apart. Like, James is trying to woo lily and he keeps showing off in front of her but the moment Sirius tell him to - stop - he listens and obeys, no questions asked xD it is kinda funny in this sense tbh, like Sirius has him and his huge ego on the leash ( although he is not better than James in that matter anyway) . Tbh though, I think that James would do anything to have Sirius's attention on him, even if it means by him stop showing off and Sirius scolding him ( softly of course ) like, most ppl always HC that Sirius is a dramatic attention seeker but I think it more applies to James. Also, for some reason I always thought that James has a more darker side than Sirius. Everyone going all about the Black family madness but true as it may be, to me James has the same dark side ( maybe even more ) although it's not running in the family like Blacks. It is more like a deep bitter cesspool of savage feelings for him cause he is very sentimental when it comes to Sirius and down right obsessive and possessive. I get it that most of the fandom think other way but I guess I have a soft spot for a lovelorn James who cannot let Sirius walk away/move on/ even take single step further without him, despite the fact that he himself flirts with lily. Like, he has been spoiled and pampered all his life, so whatever he wants he should get and that's that ( in his opinion) .
ahhhh welcome to this side, anon!!! (the fandom, not the shipping :p) i’m always so giddy whenever a j/s fan sends an ask bc !!! more for our numbers!!!
i’m totally w you on the ‘james would do absolutely anything for sirius’ train. that scene literally lives rent free in my head bc it’s so fkn antithetical to what arrogant teenage boys are like i’m just,,,,, like. anyone who’s tried saying no to one would understand how difficult it is—they’re brimming w defensiveness and bravado and a need to be contrary no matter what. the fact that james just,,,listened? to sirius? just like that? it tells me A. it’s not the first time. the lack of hesitation shows he’s used to and not bitter about occasionally following sirius’ lead and B. there’s absolutely zero defensiveness or bitterness. he’s not showing off or acting like he’s mightier than he is. and that’s so precious. because it shows his level of comfort with sirius? how he’s willing to give up on all pretences and doesn’t even care. (i kinda hc james as someone who’s concerned with his image? not in a self absorbed sense but more of a golden child way where they like to be in good graces at all times)
also okay that’s so interesting bc i’ve never seen anything like that before. i’ve definitely seen a similar characterisation of sirius who’s possessive and wants james at all times (he hexed lily bald in it lmao) and he’s toeing the line of morality but to have it flipped onto james? 👀 definitely needs some cognitive restructuring on my part but i don’t hate it, hey. the bit about him being a pampered little fuck who expects everything he wants to be his is definitely the part that convinces me. you can have these little instances of like, james being an absolute asshole to people because they’re trying to get sirius’ attention (which, ofc, they won’t get bc they’re not james) or he deliberately sabotages others’ attempts at asking s out on a date. it’s a toxic, codependent, unhealthy dynamic bc u just know both of them will be as intensely passionate about the other and i absolutely adore it.
is there anything better than a ‘i’ll burn the world down for you’ relationship tho?
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BRUH no one is choosing the arch squad this hilarious
23 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
ok ok ok ok ok soooooo i cannot, i repeat, i cannot keep this inside anymore
rambheem have defeated scott and now have gone their separate ways fighting their separate battles but ofc they think about each other frequently.
what if what if now that bheem can write and read he starts letter writing. and the first letter he sends is to ram. (neither of them have realised their feelings for each other here yet). ram is overjoyed the moment he reads the letter and writes another back.
and slowly this becomes a routine of theirs (there can also be the OT3 ramxsitaxbheem 👀👀) and they start to fall in love. and because they are oblivious (yes i hc sita as a really clever and kind person who can do everything and anything except when it comes to love ) and they have some violent reactions to this.
so far i only have this but feel?free to add on!
just gonna tag a few ppl: @lil-stark @cobbledstone @raindrops-on--roses @rambheem-is-real @thewinchestergirl1208
29 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
we thought vegaspete would be the couple with communication issues and a whole lot of sex but oh what a surprise
29 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
JennySita Fic
I went a bit crazy today and I guess, here you go, the word vomit.
"Love is the aiiiiiiirr," Sita sang as she smirked at Bheem from her study table.
"Oh my god," Bheem groaned. "I already told you, I don't like him that much."
"Sure, Bheem," Sita said, still smirking.
Bheem groaned. It was a mistake to tell his best friend about his crush on the hot senior.
"Fuck you, Sita," Bheem said as he lifted himself off from the bed and walked out of her room.
Sita sighed in relief. If her best friend started moping, he didn't stop. It had happened with his ex-partners and it was probably going to happen with this guy, whose name he hadn't given.
She went back to studying. She had better things to do than look after her wreck of a best friend.
"Hey," Bheem popped his his head into the room.
"What now?" Sita asked without looking up.
"Jenny's here," Bheem said and Sita swore she could hear the smugness in his voice thatlittle-
"Tell her I'll be there in a minute," Sita said.
"'Kay," Bheem said and went back into the hall. Sita closed the door after him.
She placed a hand on her heart. She groaned as she felt it racing. She wondered how Jenny looked. Did she wear that baby blue shirt with that white jean skirt? Sita was going to die if she wore that, oh god. Spot dead, no blood, brain hemorrhage. She looked so cute in that.
Focus, Sita. Focus.
She looked at herself in the mirror. She..... looked like she was at home. And, she was! No need to feel like a greasy gremlin in her own house.
Well, it was rented but...still.
Her hair was not looking too bad for someone who had run their hands through it one too many times. She smoothed it out with her comb.
After she calmed down a bit, she went outside. Jenny and Bheem were talking with glasses of Slice in their hands. For Sita's sake, Jenny was not wearing anything too cute, just a shirt and jeans.
Jenny noticed her first. "Oh, Sita!" she exclaimed with a smile.
Sita was never going to live from the starting, was she?
Jenny hugged her and Sita was immediately engulfed by the scent of lavender. She hugged Jenny back, and maybe, just maybe, she was hugging for a bit too long. Being in Jenny's arms cured her of every anxiety that was there.
"Shall we go?" Jenny asked after they let go of each other.
Were Jenny's cheeks red or was she imagining it?
It was Jenny's perplexed expression that brought Sita back. "Oh. Um, where?"
Jenny tilted her head, quirking her eyebrow. "You said you'd come with me for ice cream and fast food today, remember?" she said.
Realisation dawned on her. "Oh. Right," Sita said. "I'll be back in a minute. I'm so sorry!"
See the full post
43 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
man i fucking love water
120 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
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awkwardchick87 · 2 years
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#awks talks - 210 posts
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#fanning myself - 18 posts
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#awks moots - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 59 characters
#reblogging this because this fic lives rent free in my head
My Top Posts in 2022:
I really liked the hcs you did with baji about his s/o who liked getting her boobies felt ahahaha could I please request the same thing but with chifuyu Mikey and any other characters you like please
These have been so fun to write.
a/n- Mikey, Chifuyu and Mitsuya love your boobs. Using the final timeline.
c/w - afab reader, smut, nipple play, biting, masturbation, cum on tits.
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Mikey is a boob man. No one can convince me otherwise. He is touch starved and needs to have his hands on you all the time. He can't help it that your chest is so accessible. He definitely prefers when you are not wearing a bra. Draken can not count how many times he's accidently walked into the back of the mechanic area at the racetrack to find Mikey's head up your shirt with his hand down the front of his pants, only to turn around and shut the door, giving you both privacy.
"Please, just stay like this" Mikey mumbles from under your sweater, lips wrapped around a nipple.
You bring your hands up, pulling Mikey closer, hearing him groan. His fingers pop the button of his race pants, sliding his hand down to grab his cock. Cupping his cock through the fabric of his boxers, he could feel it dampening already. His hips bucked into his hand and he stroked himself through the fabric. Soft gasps and whimpers heard from under your sweater as he finally pushes his pants and boxers down, just enough to wrap his hand around his cock. His tongue never stopping while it flicks across your nipple and his other hand is massaging the other breast. You can feel how desperate he is, chasing his own release. His teeth graze your nipple, causing you to arch towards him and he buries his face deeper into you. His hand picks up speed, stroking faster. You know he's close when he whines, the grip on your tit getting stronger. Mikey finally cums, his breath leaving him in small gasps as his cum drips on to the floor. Hes peppering your chest with kisses and praises before pulling his head from under the sweater and grabbing a dirty rag to drop on the floor, using his boot to mop it across the mess. Mikey kisses you, "God I love you so much baby. You have no idea how much I love your tits."
All you can go is giggle in response.
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157 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
I LOVEEEE your headcanons holy shiiiit soooooooooooooooo could I ple request my 3 fave sexy men keisuke manjiro and chufuyu with a really dirty minded s/o who has a crude sense of humour BHAHHAHA sexxx
Thank you anon!! This is for you!
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a/n - Baji, Mikey and Fuyu with a crude, dirty s/o! *so me*
c/w - afab reader, smut, pet names, slight exhibitionism
NSFW under the cut!
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207 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Could I please get headcanons for chifuyu kisaki and mikey with a really attractive girlfriend who gets a lot of male attention
This is such a clever idea!! I am of course using the versions from the final timeline! c/w - afab reader, smut, oral (fem receiving) pet names (princess, baby, pretty girl) creampie.
Chifuyu, Kisaki and Mikey with a very attractive s/o
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269 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
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OMG I love him so much. I seriously would do anything for him! Look at his smile!!
Link to the original artist!
331 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
NSFW under the cut. Minors DNI.
Boyfriends Head Cannons. Tokyo Revengers – Shinichiro
You laughed when he told you he had been rejected 20 times. There was no way you believed it. But his face convinced you. You just couldn’t understand. He was such a sweet man. Getting you flowers, buying you clothes, taking you to dinner. You spent many nights hanging out in his shop, after hours. It wasn’t often that the shop was empty though. Ordering some takeout, you watched the sweat roll from his hairline to under his shirt. Subconsciously, you liked your lips, shin watching you from the corner of his eye, absently wiping down a wrench with a dirty rag.
Now you were bent over the bike he was working on. Between your thighs was already sticky, your juices already dripping on to the seat. Shin tried so hard to not send the both of you toppling over the bike. “Fuck girl, this pussy s’fucking amazing” Your cunt clenching, another orgasm building up fast. You couldn’t help but cry out as you felt his hand come down hard on your ass. Shin pulled you into his chest, rolling a nipple between his fingers. His cock still pistoning into your cunt. Drops of your slick falling on the floor every time Shins cock pulled out.
331 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
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punk-pandame · 2 years
idk if ya'll remember the naruto ghost hunters AU i started drawing stuff for last year (search the p.h.a.s.e. tag on my blog to see them) but it's been living in my head rent-free ever since and if i don't offload some notes and hc's my head's gonna pop asjdkghajks
their business is called P.H.A.S.E. Group- Paranormal Happenings and Spiritual Experiences Group. their logo is a ghost, and their colors are black and glow-in-the-dark green.
chouji is the owner and operator of the bus they tour with and live on, but he takes turns driving with shikamaru and sakura.
naruto is not allowed anywhere near the driver's seat of any vehicle, let alone the bus.
the bus has a name: 悠翔 / yuuto. the kanji they used mean "permanence" and "soar/fly"- it's basically a wish for the bus to have the reliability and constancy of a home, and the ability to get them quickly and safely where they need to go.
chouji let naruto graffiti the kanji on the side of the bus in green. the team often refers to the bus by name in conversation and it confuses others greatly asdkghkajsd
ino has a tattoo of the lisa frank unicorn on her thigh. those coloring books were how she made her first real connection to femininity as a young trans girl, and while she isn't into that style anymore, it's still important to her as a symbol of her beginnings. she didn't feel like she'd truly transitioned until she got it tbh.
shikamaru has the longest, lushest eyelashes ever. ino is constantly trying to put mascara on him just to see what happens but he won't let her.
sasuke and sakura often use the aisle between all the bunks as an impromptu workout space. they have both been stepped on before but that does not stop them.
ino prefers to wait until they stop somewhere and just use her planet fitness black card to work out. sakura has one, too, so they usually go together. sometimes sasuke and/or naruto come along as guests.
shikamaru has IBS but still insists on living off microwave burritos and pizza rolls. will eat healthier food if someone else makes it but will pretty much never go out of his way to eat anything that requires more prep than taking off the wrapper even if it hurts him.
ino actually spends a lot of time trying to get everyone to eat well. sakura may be a former nurse, but she's also a coffee for breakfast type of person. shikamaru at least drinks water, but he pairs it with a fat blunt and, like, a slice of bread if he eats anything at all. naruto will happily eat spicy ramen for breakfast and complain about his stomach hurting later. sasuke doesn't have anything at all and is probably dehydrated. she's going to kill everyone but chouji, who is an angel and can do no wrong in her eyes.
their wifi network is named "sasukes-belly-piercing" and the password is C0v3rItUpS1ut!. he hates it but it is funny so he doesn't fight it too hard. he's outvoted anyway.
naruto loves sitting places he's not supposed to. limited counter space? sitting on it. table? sitting on it. top edge of the couch? sitting on it. if there was any space above their fridge or cabinets he'd 100% climb up there to hang out.
sasuke, ino, and naruto do each other's nails every two weeks. sasuke always wears black, ino is usually black or purple, and naruto likes the fun colors like orange, blue, or green.
sakura can't sleep without a blanket. it could be 200 degrees outside and she'd still have to wrap herself up to go to bed.
sasuke is the absolute fucking worst about taking his meds. always wondering why he feels like shit, meanwhile he hasn't taken his wellbutrin in three days and refuses to take his sumatriptan even when he's actively having a migraine and has taken his zoloft at completely different times the last week.. his adherence isn't just bad, it's basically non-existent. sakura regularly debates smothering him in his sleep, but then again he'd have to actually sleep for her to do that so
chouji gives incredible massages. sakura and ino ask for them frequently, and will often also have a vent sesh. chouji's cool with it, he knows it's hard to manage everyone. he always listens and reassures them they're doing a great job.
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