#like he might make fun of a literal child like going [nelson voice] ha-ha! when the kid falls down or smth but he’ll comfort them afterwards
gojooooo · 7 months
soooo i came across this video (and also this one, which is clearly sukuna with his kid) and since those two little guys live rent free in my brain i made the connection so now i can’t stop thinking about dads sukuita.
older yuuji has the most gentle face. he has all the wrinkles of someone who smiled a lot during their life. he gets a bit scruffy like a teddy bear, sukuna complains about his prickly stubble and refuses to kiss him until he shaves (yuuji goes aww :( and kuna kisses him anyway, you know how it goes)
older sukuna needs reading glasses and i’m willing to fight anyone over this. he just does ok? and he lets his hair grow out a bit until they spike out a little from under his ears but one thing that never changes is that he will keep slicking them back. he’s always groaning when he has to get up, he squints at the TV and he complains about back pain but then also keeps doing everything that requires strength without breaking a sweat. yuuji suspect he’s being a tiny bit dramatic at times.
so we all know the popular hc that yuuji would be a firefighter right? and we all know that newborn babies are dropped off at fire stations of all places. yeah you already know where this is going. one evening when yuuji’s shift should be over sukuna receives a call from megumi, who works there too. “yuuji asked me to inform you he’s going to be home late, but i think you should come here yourself” are his cryptic but caring words and when sukuna arrives he finds his husband sitting alone on the bench in the changing room, uniform pants still on and cradling a baby against the white shirt he usually wears under his uniform jacket. sukuna walks up to him and sits down at his side, silently assessing the situation. yuuji tells him about how a few of his coworkers picked the baby up in attempt to soothe her but she only stopped crying when she was in yuuji’s arms and how he just couldn’t let go of her when it was time to go home. he looks so full of love, but also nervous because he knows it’s not a decision he can take on his own. sukuna doesn’t leave his side, runs a soothing hand up and down yuuji’s back when he starts tearing up overwhelmed by his own emotions and he takes a peek at the baby. she looks cute. he honestly would say yes to anything that makes yuuji happy, he’s fine with everything that comes into his life because sharing it with yuuji is the only thing that matters. afterall it’s by letting yuuji take his hand and drag him into new, beautiful adventures that he fell in love with him more and more. he doesn’t fall in love easily so yuuji knows that he’s it for him – and sukuna makes sure to remind him when yuuji’s lips wobble while holding the baby against his chest. the problem isn’t the kid (sukuna will love her, yes he’ll complain about getting a total of two hours of sleep at first but he’ll be the most loving girl dad), the problem is that she deserves to be raised well and he’s not sure he’s fit for it. yuuji, oh he’s going to be the best dad, sukuna’s chest fills with warmth at the mere thought; but sukuna doesn’t think he knows how it’s done. and he voices all of it, because they know each other like the back of their hands at that point, they’ve seen each other most vulnerable parts and showered them with love and acceptance so he says it all out loud. yuuji tells him that he knows sukuna is fit for it because he’s seen the love he can give when he gives it to him every single day. he tells him that they will complete each other as parents just like they do as a couple because yuuji is sure he’ll let his emotions get in the way and he wants sukuna to be there just like he’ll be here to fill all of sukuna’s shortcomings. so sukuna takes a deep breath and looks at him, loses himself in those golden brown eyes he loves so much. those eyes he always turns to when he feels lost, those eyes that always soften when he does so – and he still to this day can’t wrap his head around how lucky he is for it. he knows it’s going to be alright if he’s doing it with him. “okay” he sighs around a smile and those eyes he loves so much shine impossibly brighter.
ending on a silly note because this post turned sickeningly sweet: i can’t decide if uncle gojo would be the bane of sukuna’s existence (and the reason why yuuji started saying “yas gurl” regularly) or if they’d be pure chaos whenever they’re together, joining the kids and arguably having as much fun as them if not more when they play catch or pretend to be pirates, running around the house while yuuji and geto stand there like (⌒_⌒;)
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fishylife · 3 years
Street Dance of China S4 Ep 3
(I’m having problems with Tumblr not saving my posts...)
- Oh no people are going to start getting eliminated! :o Well, I’m still really glad that we had two whole episodes of people just dancing and having fun and getting the opportunity to showcase who they are and how they dance.
- This question just occurred to me, but where do people look when they watch dance performances? As I watched the Go Go Brothers, I was thinking to myself, “Where do I look? If I look at one of them, I might miss what the other Brother is doing!” Just my musings lol.
- I am super shallow but people tripping makes me laugh, so yes, Nelson accidentally tripping did make me chuckle. (+ Rochka’s reaction)
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- Yibo and Yixing discussing the SDOC theme song. It made me laugh because the lyrics are kind of hype but Yibo and Yixing aren’t exactly the most facially expressive people lol.
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- After every performance Henry’d be like “let’s collaborate!!!!!!” Han Geng finally stepped in being like aight Henry you gotta take it easy on the recruitment because we’ve literally only seen three performances. I’m still not really sure of the format of the show from now on, so I’m not sure if they form new teams afterwards.
- Yixing was so guilty about not giving Bouboo a vote.
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- Rochka’s shock @ Boubou not getting four votes.
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- He’s ashamed.
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- I think if a dancer gets less than 4 votes, then other dancers are allowed to challenge them for a spot to advance, but whoever loses is eliminated out of the tournament, so you have to be super confident to challenge. And if a dancer only gets 1 or 2 votes, they are eliminated.
- Yibo asked Rochka why he wouldn’t challenge Bouboo and Rochka said he’d never go against his teacher/big brother v.v They exchanged hearts but then Rochka pretended to throw the heart away and crush it lol.
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- While I was expecting a bit more from Bouboo, I don’t think his challenger JC Jun was better than him. JC Jun was kind of wobbly, and I think his dance didn’t match the music as well as Bouboo’s did.
- Yixing had his head down when he voted for Ibuki too, so I think he just gets nervous about voting.
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- Henry wanted to say that Ibuki was like lightning but he said the word for a flashing light/disco light and Han Geng wanted to give him shit for it.
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- Yixing said that he thought AC’s waacking almost felt like krump.Yixing said that if he was to collaborate with AC, AC should do the arm swing, and Yixing would do the waacking lol. I am all for seeing Yixing doing more dance styles! Not gonna lie, I think he’d look cute doing waacking.
- Ye Yin’s performance was really nice! The music was unique and the way he danced, with the tap dance and folk-like elements really suited it.
- Rochka said he wants to know Ye Yin more and said they also have the same smile.
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- Xiao Jie said he’d never battle Ye Yin but he got peer pressured by the captains into freestyling to Ye Yin’s self-produced song lol.
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- To show face, you know? The entire time he was like “but this doesn’t count, okay?!!!!” since he wasn’t actually challenging Ye Yin, and it was just for funsies.
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- The judges were a bit troubled by Xiaoming’s performance because at the end, he was supposed to fall but his fall wasn’t coordinated with the sound effect in the music. Xiaoming was like yeah, it’s pretty difficult but I’m hoping that my challenger wouldn’t be able to get it too and Yixing was laughing his goose laugh. But Xiaoming was eliminated with zero votes in the end.
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- Kelo and Uwa had a horror mental hospital-themed dance which was interesting. Kelo said it was based on a nightmare he had as a child.
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- Yang Kai wasn’t impressed though. He said he’d performed something similar with Liangliang before. He felt that Kelo and Uwa were performing but not really dancing. I can see where he’s coming from. Kelo and Uwa got three votes.
- Xiaohai ended up challenging them. He used the wheelchair too but like...somehow his expression just makes us unable to not laugh.
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- I think he did really well considering he’d only heard the music once. And he returned to the wheelchair at the end of the performance lmfao
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- Apparently when Xiaohai was looking up at the beginning, he was asking Li Yulong (who I assume is the person in charge of the music) for music cues but Li Yulong just laughed at him lol.
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- Yibo basically said that Kelo and Uwa’s performance felt a bit abrupt in the story telling side, and that there weren’t really highs and lows to their performance.
- Rochka was talking crap about Bouboo behind his back and Yibo tattled which resulted in Rochka getting whacked in the face.
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- Zyko taught Yibo and Rochka how to do his fancy leg moves.
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- Yixing talking krump with Auju. Auju was like you’re really good for someone who’s only been learning for a year, but then Yixing was like, I practise 6 hours a day and Auju was like ?!?!
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- Zyko + Henry (with Henry’s infamous “getting down while playing violin” move)
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- Poppin’C introduced himself, saying he was from Italy and Switzerland, and Yibo and Yixing were thinking of all the things from Italy they knew. Yibo was like “...Valentino Rossi...” and Yixing was like “....pizza.....” These two spacey twinks istg.
- Anyway, Poppin’C’s performance was nice. Not only were his moves clean and impressive, but he also expressed the lyrics through his dance.
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- Rochka fanboying over Poppin’C’s dance :P At one point, the lyrics were about hearts, and Poppin’C did some moves where he made a heart and Rochka here is saying how cute it was.
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- Poppin’C said he missed his daughter and everybody’s like ?? a baby??? :3 :3 :3
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- Also, I saw Uwa in the audience, so I think that the eliminated contestants get to continue watching.
- Poppin’C said that before, he was more fierce, but now that he has a daughter, he’s a little smoother and sweeter :3 Also he was describing that the singer’s voice in the song made his skin feel like chicken and everybody was like ??? Luckily Yixing saved the day lol. In Chinese, goose bumps are called “chicken pimples” or something like that.
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- Bozi was next. In his introduction, Bozi said he was from Guangzhou, and maybe that’s why it sounded like so many people in the audience were pronouncing 波子 in Cantonese.
- Eleven said something very interesting about B-boys. He said that in their profession of dance, they don’t fear b-boys who can do tricks, but they fear b-boys who can listen to music. I think it’s a reference to the fact that b-boys are often doing their own thing and disregard the music, which makes sense. Sometimes b-boys are closer to gymnasts because they are so focused on the spins and other really athletic moves they do. But because their moves are so difficult, they sometimes don’t move to the music which is supposed to be the point of dancing.
- Bozi passed with 4 votes. And he did a bit of krump at the beginning, which Yixing admitted he fell for haha. Bozi said that Eleven helped him choreograph that part, so it’s Eleven who knows Yixing well >3
- The director asked Bozi who he thought his biggest b-boy rival on the show was. Of course, we all thought he was going to say Lil Kev, but he ended up saying Xiaoji and Xiaoji was like ?? me?? Bozi’s reasoning was that he’s more troubled by dancers with a different style from him because he doesn’t know how to beat them. From the small clips they showed, I think Xiaoji has a more animated style, whereas Bozi is more serious and reserved.
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- Acky-san cheering on MT Pop lol. (”Embarrassing dad at baseball game” mode activate)
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- MT Pop has really impressed me in the competition so far though. The way he moves is so cool and creative. I think he purposely goes for a kind of...monster vibe? Like he often has this creepy smile on his face lol. He’s not only dancing, but he’s using popping techniques to change how he moves entirely, including simple things like walking or how he turns his head. I think MT Pop is my favourite contestant.
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- He said the monster from Pan’s Labrynth inspired this dance. So I guess I was kind of right that he does draw inspiration from monsters and other creatures.
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- Low key mad at Han Geng for not giving MT Pop his vote lol. Geng-ge said he wanted to give someone a chance to challenge. Of all people, why MT Pop?? I don’t want him to goooo.
- Henry wanted to try doing the voiceover for the challenger and Han Geng indulged his overdramatic ass.
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- Baby Dolphin challenged. He had some cool moves at the beginning, but I think he fell apart a bit towards the end, based on the judges’ reactions (as we didn’t see the full performance). Plus, I think MT Pop’s approach to dancing is just too unique and interesting to eliminate at this point.
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- Kabamba had an interesting performance that had African and Latin influences, with big and energetic movements. Tianci challenged but he went with a general hip hop approach which did not suit the music at all. (I looked up Kabamba. Her name is Latrice Kabamba, but she also goes by 林珊娜 on her social media, which is why she’s sometimes called Nana on the show).
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- Acky-san was repeating everything that people were saying around him. Stuff like jiayou!! and other words of encouragement. Dianmen who was sitting next to him was just lol’ing.
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- Ma Xiaolong was performing to a song called 棋 and this word usually refers to any kind of board game. Ma Xiaolong’s first moves looked like he was putting pieces on a board and you just know that kind of stuff draws Yixing’s attention right away.
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- I think Kenken’s style of dance is the kind of dance that the general public would really enjoy. Whereas some kinds of dance don’t really appeal to people who aren’t into dance, I think Kenken’s kind of dance will attract both the dance-conscious people as well as those who aren’t. I definitely got that vibe from him in the dance that he choreographed, and also his individual performance.
- Not even gonna question this. Perfection. Rochka catboy here we go.
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- Okay, I agree with Colin’s performance not making the cut. Based on his introduction, he was supposed to be a popping expert, but his dance didn’t showcase that. His dance was more of a contemporary dance piece, but while we’ve had performances similar to that, his choreography didn’t stand out in comparison. After his performance he had a bit of a cry. Yixing mentioned that it was hard to judge because of the emotional aspect. But admittedly, this emotional stuff is usually the reason why I don’t like competition shows. It was revealed that Colin had lost his grandfather. Now, I’m going to sound cold, but I don’t like it when sob stories are brought in, because it makes us feel bad when we don’t like a piece of art that comes from very pure intentions. Yixing’s reasoning for not giving a vote was that he felt that the emotions overshadowed the dance, which is a problem because this is a show about dance. Han Geng’s reasoning was that he felt that the skill level could have been better. Yibo was quite moved by the performance, and I think that’s why he gave his vote to Colin.
- We got a preview for this week’s hotpot show.
- Yixing and his emotional support giant cup
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- Lots of laughing (including Yixing laughing) which is good for the soul
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stacymolter · 6 years
Something incredible happened! Last weekend we spent an unbelievable day with the Incredibles 2 cast including Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson, Sarah Vowell, Writer-director Brad Bird, Sophia Bush, Samuel L. Jackson, Producer Nicole Grindle, the new Dash – Huck Milner, Catherine Keener, Bob Odenkirk, and producer John Walker. While the entire cast had nothing but incredible things to say about working on this, well, incredible film, it was getting to listen to Writer-director Brad Bird gush about his love of animation, just as a proud parent would do about their accomplished child, the secret behind the Incredibles 2 nod to Johnny Quest and The Outer Limits, and why he created this film for adults just as much as he did kids.
Behind the Incredibles 2 Nod to Johnny Quest, The Outer Limits
Q: Brad. In the film, when Jack-Jack is watching the TV, that’s clearly a cartoon that you guys created. But later in the film, you used footage from Outer Limits and Johnny Quest. What was the thought behind that?
Brad Bird: One of my personal rules in an animated film is that if they’re watching something on TV, it should be animated. So the soundtrack of the old movie is an actual soundtrack from an old movie that we found that was perfect, and we animated to it. Johnny Quest is an animated show, so it fit into the universe, and it’s the style of the film. It’s that kind of action adventure style from the early 60s. Outer Limits, we only used the beginning of it because it’s still abstract. It’s still lines and things. It’s not visual photographs. That part fit really well with the Screenslaver thing because they’re talking about taking control of your TV. I just remember when I was a kid, that scared the crap out of me. That the TV once a week was being controlled by who? Aliens? But I couldn’t leave the room. But I would just be hiding from the TV because it was being taken over. We control the vertical. We control the horizontal. And I’m like they control the horizontal.
I love Johnny Quest. A lot of people don’t remember that it wasn’t made for Saturday morning. It was made for prime time. It came on at night. Adults watched it and people died in it. It had everything an eight-year wants in entertainment. It has mummies. It has pterodactyls and guns. A kid from another country who can levitate things. A bodyguard who has a fling with a girl that might be dangerous, and lasers, and hydrofoils, and jetpacks, and reptiles, and robot spies, and I just about exploded when I saw the opening titles to it. So we just had to give Johnny Quest a shout out. Had to.
Q: Brad, I wanted to talk about how, when you see an animated movie or if you’re doing PR for an animated film, it’s okay, yeah, I’ll take the kids. But I feel like the first movie, and especially the second one, it’s just a great movie. Like you don’t need to take the kids. It’s just great for like grown-ups.
Brad Bird: Yeah. Kids are strangely treated like beards for animated films. I’m a single guy, but I want to see this. I found a kid. Can I come in now? Here is this kid. He was roaming the streets. I told him I would pay for his ticket. Will you let me in? And it’s like, no man.
It’s like for anyone that likes movies, and you don’t need to have a kid. People are constantly coming up to me. My kid really enjoyed it. I go, did you like it? They go oh yeah, sure. But Billy really liked it. And I’m like, I made it for you, and Billy can come. I’m not a kid, and I made it something that I would want to see.
Incredibles 2 opens in theaters this Friday, and with a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes, you won’t want to miss this film. Check out more behind the scenes conversations from the Incredibles 2 cast interviews below.
Incredibles 2 Cast Interviews
Q: I re-watched the first movie on Monday night just to refresh and recharge. When I saw the movie on Tuesday it was like not a second goes by between the two films. What was behind the decision to pick it up right away instead of having like an older Violet, an older Dash, an older Jack-Jack.
Brad Bird: I just thought it was kind of bold and weird. Because I think people take the time that passes very literally, and they think that linearly, the characters should have aged. But if they age, their superpowers don’t reflect the part of life that they’re in and their role in the family. So I worked on the first eight seasons of the Simpsons and the Simpsons haven’t aged a day and they’re still on the air. So it worked for them. And why not us?
Q: Nicole and John, there has obviously been a big leap in technology since the first movie. How did you really take advantage of those advancements and improvements to make Incredibles 2 really pop on the screen?
Nicole Grindle: Honestly, the technology has allowed us to make the film look more like what Brad intended it to look like the first time. The characters are much more finely nuanced and developed. We were able to build a lot more sets more quickly. We’ve populated the world with a lot more characters that have hair and clothing. That’s stuff that most of y’all don’t notice, but actually, that makes the world feel richer and more alive. Not to mention all the other visual effects stuff. We’ve also got a lot of artists who have had 14 years to get better at their craft. A lot of artists who were some of the kids when the first film came out, and it’s a dream come true for them to work on this film.
Q: Huck, when did you see the first movie for the first time and how did it come about that you were going to be a part of Incredibles 2?
Huck Milner: I saw the first movie when I was like five or something. My dad showed me it because he really loved the first one. I really loved it, too, and my favorite character was Dash probably.
When I got the audition, I was watching the movie over and over again and when my mom got sick of watching it, I used the audition as an excuse to watch it again.
Q: A lot of people I’m sure have noticed, and certainly it’s getting picked up a lot, is the role reversal with this movie between Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible. Violet really steps up. Holly, what was your first take when you first read the screenplay, however long ago that was and saw that role reversal?
Holly Hunter: It was a while before I truly realized what I was really going to get to do in the movie, and I was really thrilled. But it was like a retroactive thrill because over a period of months before I started gleefully singing during our recording sessions about how great my part was. I don’t think that this is a message movie in any way. I think it’s purely the luck of the draw that this happens to be dovetailing with me, too, and times up. It happens to be serendipitously reflected in this particular movie, but at the same time, it’s character revelation period. Everybody is having revelations including Jack-Jack. All the characters are revelations to the audience and to themselves.
Q: Craig, what’s your take on that, too?
Craig T. Nelson: We argued about it, and then I found out that I’m going to be helping save the family and Bob is going to learn how to be a dad and he’s going to learn about these kids. Then the process started when we were recording. It was just so much fun. The stuff I did with Violet and the two of us together and Jack-Jack and that whole discovery. And then Dash. Having to deal with Elastigirl out there doing what I want to do and being able to give her the encouragement and let her know that everything is okay. It was just a lot of fun. I’m so honored to be a part of it. To be doing this.
Q: Sophia, I know you’re not only a big fan of the first movie. You’re a big Pixar fan, too. So what blew you away in terms of working with the Pixar team, working with Brad, working with the other filmmakers?
Sophia Bush: One of the things that I think is so cool about the whole thing is the layering of all the technology that makes these films look to all of us the way they look in Brad’s head. It’s wild to see the early stages of animation and to watch some of the scenes and then see what they become in the final edit. It’s also totally nuts to go into the studio. I know that technically I’m talking to Holly, but she’s not there. It’s like me and Brad. And I’m just yelling into a void going am I doing this right?
Q: Catherine, working on the film and over the years or the extended period of time that you were voicing the character and then seeing the movie with the cast, with the crew, with the filmmakers on the big screen. What was that like for you to see the finished product for the first time?
Catherine Keener: It was very thrilling and fun. I just wanted to go back to a couple of things. First, I’m just getting to know all these people. Sarah and I have been friends for a long time. 15, 14 years, whatever. I’ve known Holly. I’ve known you. You guys. But I’m realizing that Brad kind of mined a lot of the inside of these people in the characters. And like Craig was talking about, I was just talking to him about his kids, and he’s a big mush dad, granddad, and you can see that. All of these people are awesome. I would see any movie where Holly is a badass regardless of gender. I’ve done press with this man. I know he’s done roles where he’s played maybe not so likeable a guy. Is that right? But he actually is very, very sweet and his character has that, too. So I just appreciate how insightful you are, even though you’re incredibly weird in a way. In the best way.
Q: Bob, what are your thoughts on the finished film?
Bob Odenkirk: It was super fun to see it. I loved it. I’ve been knocked out by the visuals in this film, and I’ve only seen the little moments from it in the course of recording this. So to see it in the big beautiful color on the giant screen, I knew it was going to be amazing. It’s beyond all expectations. I feel like somehow there’s new technology that you’re not telling us about, but because it’s got such richness and depth, that was a great treat.
But again, like everyone else, I didn’t read the whole script. There is never a whole script that you can read. So it’s the first time I get to see the whole story. I’m once again amazed at Brad Bird’s talent as a writer and director and orchestrator of story. There’s like five movies in this movie and they all work together to throw each other into relief and make each other better. It was a hell of an experience and everyone in my family, including nieces and nephew, young, my son and daughter, older, teenagers. Everyone related to, they enjoyed the whole story, and everyone related to different characters and themes because there are so many and they’re delivered on so well.
Q: Jack-Jack turned out to be one of my favorite characters, probably because of his partnership with the Raccoon. I just wanted to know, where did that come from? How did you guys decide to give Jack-Jack an animal villain?
Brad Bird: That was one of our key artists on the first film who helped to sign the characters, Teddy Newton. He had this idea back on the original film where he had a gang of raccoons that Jack-Jack kind of confronts. The raccoons come up and shove Jack-Jack in his original drawings. It went a lot darker believe it or not. They fought and went to the bottom of the pool and all this stuff. The idea always just killed me because raccoons look vaguely like robbers. Teddy did a drawing where he’s watching an old movie like is in the film and he sees a classic robber with a mask and then he looks out in the yard and something is stealing from him, a robber is stealing from his family. It doesn’t matter that it’s garbage. Jack-Jack doesn’t know that. He just knows that he’s being robbed and he must do something about it. I loved that. It was so visual and clear. It was such an off the wall idea that that was one of the things that I couldn’t wait to do if we got another Incredibles going.
Q: For Holly, Craig, or Sam, ever since the first movie came out, do you have kids come up to you, recognize your voice, associate you with this movie particularly?
Samuel L. Jackson: Kids don’t do that. Their parents do, and they try to make the kid know who you are. That’s Frozone, honey. He’s looking at you like, you don’t have a blue suit on. You’re not making ice stuff. So, nah. Where is my super suit, honey? Oh. What is this? And they have to give him a catchphrase. They don’t know who we are from Adam. Now as they got older, like the kids that are going to be now, the kids were four and saw the movie and now are 18. So they’ve been waiting. They’re knocking little kids over to get in line. My daughter is 35. She’s knocking big kids over to get in.
It’s been 14 years, I don’t remember what I said in the first one. I mean, okay. How about this? It’s show time. Lift my car up. Hold the kid.
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About Incredibles 2
In “Incredibles 2,” Helen (voice of Holly Hunter) is called on to lead a campaign to bring Supers back, while Bob (voice of Craig T. Nelson) navigates the day-to-day heroics of “normal” life at home with Violet (voice of Sarah Vowell), Dash (voice of Huck Milner) and baby Jack-Jack—whose super powers are about to be discovered. Their mission is derailed, however, when a new villain emerges with a brilliant and dangerous plot that threatens everything. But the Parrs don’t shy away from a challenge, especially with Frozone (voice of Samuel L. Jackson) by their side. That’s what makes this family so Incredible. Written and directed by Brad Bird (“Iron Giant,” “The Incredibles,” “Ratatouille”) and produced by John Walker (“The Incredibles,” “Tomorrowland”) and Nicole Grindle (“Sanjay’s Super Team” short, “Toy Story 3” associate producer), Disney•Pixar’s “Incredibles 2” busts into theaters on June 15, 2018.
Behind the Incredibles 2 Nod to Johnny Quest, The Outer Limits Something incredible happened! Last weekend we spent an unbelievable day with the Incredibles 2 cast including Holly Hunter, Craig T.
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