#( i almost titled this sumimasen )
lgcjiho · 4 years
the sequel
---------- project origin / exploring tokyo
     after filming for all their shows and preparing for the tour, jiho had noticed that @lgcharu had become slightly quieter than he was before. the younger had always liked to annoy him—out of love, he knows, because he annoys him in return—but it had been turned down many a notch since then. honestly, he hadn’t noticed at first because he was busy worrying about a certain someone being on tour with them but after performing and practicing and travelling, he’s become a bit more concerned with his friend. 
     so on their free time, with permission from the manager that he was, unfortunately, staying with, he had dragged the younger out of the hotel and into the streets of japan. he had never been here before, so he definitely wanted to look around and explore. hopefully haru would be up for that, but his first plan of attack is to take the younger to the nearby convenience store for lunch and ice cream. 
     ice cream always made everything better. even if haru didn’t tell him what was wrong, hopefully the ice cream would help cheer him up a little bit. hopefully. 
     “i heard that the convenience stores in japan are even better than the ones in korea,” he starts as they walk to the nearest one, happily opening the door and stepping inside. “i want to try the onigiri here,” he comments, more to himself than to haru but aloud so the younger would be able to respond if he wanted to. 
     he claps his hands together once they’re standing in front of the packaged food section, his eyes bright as he glances over everything. “wow they even have sushi? i bet it’s good,” he comments, looking very pleased about the selection they had in front of them. he wanted to make sure they had both eaten before he really asks what’s wrong. “i exchanged more money than i think i’ll need, so this is my treat okay? choose whatever you want!”
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onceuponanaromantic · 3 years
the ghost by my side (so perfectly clear)
(Read on AO3)
I am entirely displeased by the ending of the Shadow of the Fox series and I love the series so much and there is a tragic lack of fic. Especially Tatsumeko fic. So enjoy my completely ending non compliant Tatsumeko reunited fic. Spoilers for Night of the Dragon and Soul of the Sword. Title from Still Here by Digital Daggers
“Yumeko-chan, what have you done now?”
             Yumeko grinned at the slightly disapproving look on the kami’s face and placed her finger against her lips as she tucked herself in the branches of the tree. “Whatever it is Kiyomi-sama is going to hear about it sooner or later.”
             This conversation was interrupted by a wild pig running out of the hall, several gardeners and servants running after it.
             “I’m reasonably sure that Kiyomi-sama already knows about it.” Yumeko said as she climbed further up into the branches of the tree, placing her back flat against the bark. The kodama just climbs up with her, making disapproving noises. At this moment, the Moon daimyo walked out of the hall, tears of laughter still streaming from her eyes.
             “Come out, Yumeko.” Kiyomi-sama called out, causing Yumeko to press herself back against the tree further, disguising herself with kitsune magic to blend into the tree. “Or I will tell Kage-san that Yumeko is sadly unavailable and that he should—”
             Yumeko climbed out of the tree so fast that it almost looked like she dropped. “Tatsumi is here?” She asked, head flicking about, fox ears against her head.
             “Got you.” Kiyomi-sama smiled at her daughter, even as she grasped the fabric of Yumeko’s robe tightly so she couldn’t run away. “I thought you would be so distracted by wild pigs that you wouldn’t need to know that Tatsumi-kun is arriving with the Shadow Clan delegation soon.”
             She nodded to herself, a sly smile on her lips even as Yumeko’s head flicked about excitedly and her tail lashed from side to side. “I suppose you won’t be able to see Tatsumi-kun if you’re busy helping the servants clean up the mess you made in the hall.”
             “Kiyomi-sama.” Yumeko whined, even as she bowed her head in apology. Kiyomi-sama just kept smiling, even as she patted her daughter’s fox ears, now pinned back against her head in discontent.
             “If you hurry, I’m sure Hana-san will take pity on you and allow you to perform your punishment later.” Kiyomi-sama waved as her daughter took off in the direction of the hall, tail waving in the air.
              “Tatsumi.” Masao-sama approached out of the shadows. “We are reaching the port soon. You may want to return to the deck.”
             Tatsumi nodded quickly and bowed deferentially to the likely-new daimyo as he lowered himself out of the crow’s nest, feeling a flash of nostalgia as he remembered the last time he was in a crow’s nest.
             Yumeko. Tatsumi looked over at the cliffs of the Moon Clan islands and the surrounding forests.
             Masao-sama had asked him to accompany the delegation to the Moon Islands, and his heart had leapt a little at the thought of seeing Yumeko again after the years of separation immediately after the Night of the Great Dragon.
             Despite no longer being a formal part of the Kage after having joined and having later been separated from Hakaimono, he still bore Kamigoroshi and had been called to return it. Kamigoroshi had been returned to the family vault, hidden and protected by priests. Despite it no longer being inhabited by Kamigoroshi, Masao-sama had declared the curse too great and had it sealed away now that Lady Hanshou was dead.
             It was strangely lonely not to have Kamigoroshi in his hand or Hakaimono in his head, but equally, it was freeing to be able to feel as he wished and not worry about being taken over by Hakaimono. And all because of one little fox.
             The boat rocked as it reached the shore and Tatsumi disembarked, along with the rest of the Shadow Clan delegation. The official reason for the delegation was the sorting out of treaty details after the collaboration during the Night of the Great Dragon as well as a show of appreciation on the part of the Tsuki for the Kage’s sacrifice of many of their strongest warriors in defence against Genno’s forces.
             “Kage-san.” The samurai at the gate was the same one from the last time he had arrived at the islands. He nodded quickly, feeling like it was fate. But then, Yumeko had always been blessed by Tamafuku during their time together.
             “Kiyomi-sama will see you in a moment.” Their guide, a young noble of one of the major families of the Tsuki, said. He flushed slightly. “In the meantime, let the servants lead to your rooms so you can refresh yourselves.”
             The servants looked… hassled and Tatsumi kept his face calm even as he sensed Yumeko’s involvement. What mischief have you got up to now, Yumeko?
             Tatsumi thanked the servant once he reached his room, even as he went to the washbasin to wash his face from the journey. He took a deep breath, only to overhear two servants chatting as they walked past.
             “I’ve never seen Yumeko-chan so eager to apologise for a prank or so willing to accept punishment!” One servant exclaimed.
           “I heard it’s because Kiyomi-sama told her something about the Shadow Clan delegation.” The other servant said, quietly. Tatsumi reached out through the shadows, listening closely.
           “One of the kodama told me Yumeko-chan is in love with one of the Shadow Clan delegation members.” The other servant continued, excitement in her voice. “And Kiyomi-sama told her she wasn’t allowed to see the Shadow Clan delegation until after she helped Hana-san clean the hall.”
           Oh Yumeko, I’ve missed you too.
           “What did they do with the pig anyway?” The first servant asked. “Last I heard, Genma-san and Shoto-san were still chasing after it.”
           “They roped in Yumeko-chan to get it back.” The other servant said. “She was more than willing to help, apparently.”
           Tatsumi smiled as he returned to the shadows to his room.
             “Tatsumi-kun?” A servant knocked on his door. Two young women entered. “Ran-chan and I are here to help you dress to see Kiyomi-sama.”
             He looked at the haori jacket in their hands and the shining grey pants. “Can I dress myself?”
           The servant girls looked embarrassed as they exchanged glances. “Hana-san said to help you.”
           “I’m not a noble.” Tatsumi pointed out.
           “Hai.” The other servant said. “But Hana-san said that Kiyomi-sama wanted a private audience with you after…”
           “Hana-san also said not to tell him that!” The first servant elbowed the other before bowing apologetically. “I apologise for the inconvenience, my lord, but we were given our orders.”
           Tatsumi acceded, disrobing quickly, mind moving quickly. If the Moon Clan daimyo wanted to see him privately, that was either something very good or very bad for him, but he could not refuse without it being an insult.
             “Kage-san, we’re done.” The servants had been efficient in their work and bowed again as they left the room.
              Yumeko knew she looked like a mess even as she frantically apologised to the unamused head-servant, Hana-san. She had gotten the scolding of her life and then sentenced to scrubbing the hall and the pavilions outside and helping the gardeners.
             Hana-san reminds of Denga-san, she thought, even as she scrubbed the floors as quickly as she could, trying to ensure that she wasn’t going to be caught up in chores for the entire time the Shadow Clan delegation was here. A pang of sorrow filled her heart at the reminder, wondering what Master Isao would think of her now.
             Denga-san would be sharing tales with Hana-san about me, she thought wryly, as she heard sounds from afar.
             “Yumeko-chan.” Yumeko began scrubbing faster as she heard Hana-san approach. “The Shadow Clan delegation has arrived, and the hall is still not ready.”
             “Sumimasen, Hana-san.” She bowed her head apologetically, even as she kept scrubbing.
             Hana-san sighed. “Kiyomi-sama said you can finish the rest of your punishment later. She wants you dressed to greet the Shadow Clan delegation.”
             “Arigatou!” Yumeko sprang to her feet, sponge still in hand. “I promise I will finish the rest later.”
           “Just. Try not to let any more wildlife in while the Shadow Clan is here.” Hana-san said with a sigh, waving Yumeko off.
             The Shadow Clan delegation being here means that Tatsumi is here! Yumeko sprinted to her chambers, heart in her mouth. She pictured Tatsumi as she last saw him, leaving with the rest of the Kage.
             “I don’t want you to leave.” Yumeko said, face buried in the collar of Tatsumi’s haori as he held her close. In the aftermath of the Night of the Dragon, as bearer of Kamigoroshi, the Kage wanted Tatsumi to return with them, despite him relinquishing ties after being possessed by Hakaimono.
           “It’s going to be okay, Yumeko.” Tatsumi said, rubbing Yumeko’s back. He was still new to comforting others but this seemed like the right move to make. “Genno couldn’t separate us. Seigetsu couldn’t separate us. I am your sword, remember?”
           “Baka. I don’t care about strength. I just want you with me.” Yumeko cried.
           Tatsumi pulled her away briefly to kiss her. “I will return.”
           They stayed like that until sunrise, where the Kage began to make preparations to return to their own territories.
             Taking Tatsumi with them.
             Yumeko quickly let herself be bathed as she reached her quarters. She still wasn’t used to the disrobing and dressing of nobles but a year later, she was more used than she had been after she first left the Silent Winds temple.
             She was dressed in an elaborate black kimono with silver butterflies and her hair pulled up and back by combs and hairpins until she was presentable as a member of the Moon Clan court.
             And then, she was ready.
             “Kiyomi-sama will see you now.” A servant led the assembled Shadow Clan delegation to a cleaned hall, where the Moon Clan daimyo was seated.
             The Moon Clan daimyo was as regal as Tatsumi remembered. The full court was assembled around them, as the daimyo herself stood and walked down towards the delegation, bowing her head.
             “The Moon Clan cannot express our gratitude for the help the Shadow Clan provided on the Night of the Great Dragon.” The daimyo said. “The sacrifices made on that night will be remembered.”
             Masao-san stepped forward. “The Shadow Clan looks forward to its dealings with the Moon Clan.”
             Kiyomi-sama inclined her head. “As a mark of our appreciation, any reasonable request made of the Moon Clan will be granted as far as possible. Please, you must be tired from the journey to the Tsuki Islands. Take your rest and enjoy a dinner with us. We can talk about treaties in the morning.”
             “The great Tsuki daimyo’s beauty is only exceeded by her generosity.” Masao-sama said. “We would be glad to partake dinner with our gracious hosts.”
             Tatsumi figured that there would be no danger and reached through the shadows to look for Yumeko. She couldn’t be far away. Even now, he sensed light kitsune magic along the ground.
             “Honourable guests, before we begin, I must introduce my long-lost daughter, though I’m sure you will already know of her better than others might. Yumeko, come forward.”
             Tatsumi’s breath caught as his fox girl stepped forward. The light glimmered off her dark kimono and her shining eyes. The silver butterflies lining the kimono seemed to dance as she bowed to the Shadow Clan delegation.
             “I am honoured that we should meet again.” Yumeko said, in a clear, steady voice. “As the Shadow Clan was responsible for reuniting my mother and I, they have my eternal gratitude.”
             She raised her head as the greetings ensued and their eyes caught.
             For a moment, it seemed as if it was just the two of them under the moonlight, like that last night that they spent together beneath the illusory sakura trees before the battle. All he could see was his kitsune, finally within his reach again.
              Yumeko looked into Tatsumi’s bright purple eyes as she vaguely remembered the correct greetings to the Shadow Clan delegation.
             The dinner itself was elaborate and delicious, as state dinners went but for once, Yumeko was distracted from her food. Tatsumi looked every inch the lovely noble in the delegation and he was more beautiful than she remembered.
             At long last, the dinner came to a close and Yumeko was given leave to ‘go admire the moonlight in the pavilion’. She smiled up at her mother gratefully and disappeared as quickly as a fox could to the pavilion.
             “Yumeko.” She turned, a smile already on her lips, and pulled Tatsumi into a kiss. He kissed her back, just as fiercely.
             For a moment, they gazed at each other’s eyes. Tatsumi’s hand came up to brush against her cheekbone as he brushed a stray strand from her face.
             “You’re real.” She said quietly. “You’re here.”
           His mouth quirks into a smile. “I heard you’ve been getting into mischief, before suddenly becoming very repentant and volunteering to help scrub the floors.”
           She pouted. “Your sense of humour has developed.”
           “It had the chance to now that I can feel things without worry.” He kept Yumeko in his embrace, even as his smile widened. “I hear there’s a member of the Shadow Clan delegation that you’re in love with.”
             She leaned against his chest, letting his warmth surround her. “I do care for a member of the Shadow Clan delegation dearly. He’s no noble but he is… he is my strength.”
           Tatsumi kissed her again, first fiercely and then gently.
             “Kamigoroshi is being sealed in a temple, guarded by priests and supernatural guardians.” He said, when they finally stopped for breath. “I am no longer its bearer. Masao-san decided that the curse should be kept away to fade into legend.”
             “Is Masao-san now the new daimyo of the Kage?” Yumeko asked curiously, tilting her head. “I heard Lady Hanshou didn’t have any living descendants.”
             “Probably.” He shrugged. “Lord Ieseda and some of the other lords are contesting but Masao-san has the best claim.”
             He finally released Yumeko reluctantly from his embrace before following Yumeko to a tree at the edge of a pond. In the reflection, he saw gold eyes and fox ears and a bushy tail twitching back and forth.
             Yumeko leaned against him, entwining her hand in his. Slowly, her breath evened out as he watched.
             They were finally together again.
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makomori · 4 years
Nishimura Yua has to take her nephew to his first rep practice with the Tohoku Tigers at Shiratorizawa Academy. Ushijima Wakatoshi is filling in for the assistant coach on said team.
She’s recovering from a nasty breakup and he’s reeling from a stunning finals loss against the Jackals.
Yua’s drawn to his composure and honesty.
Wakatoshi finds her warmth and tenacity intriguing.
It’s the start of a Brand New Story; can they heal from past hurts and endure new challenges in order to help each other trust and love again?
Length: 3.2k words
Yua convinces her nephew that a pepper session with a top V.League player isn't the scariest thing in the world. And Wakatoshi tries to understand the woman who's determination can't be ignored.
Worlds change when eyes meet | David Jones
Yua’s head whipped toward the man in question. No wonder he seemed familiar. He was taller and looked like he gained more muscle compared to the last time she saw him, but that was definitely Ushijima Wakatoshi on the other side of the gym.
But when she considered it, Ushijima-san being a part of the coaching staff made sense. He was one of Shiratorizawa’s most famous graduates and was likely to still have strong ties to the academy. She wouldn’t be surprised if Saitou-sensei coached him in high school.
Well, this turned out better than Yua expected. Without a second thought, she pulled on Rui’s hand, intent on marching over to introduce them— but stopped when his grip tightened, almost painfully, around her fingers. Surprised, she looked back at him. His eyes darted between her and Ushijima-san a few times before he worried his bottom lip with his teeth. When he tugged on her coat sleeve with his other hand, she finally understood.
She stood in front of him and took both his hands in hers. “Hey,” she called out. Her voice was soft. When Rui’s gaze settled back on her, she thumbed his chin gently and smiled.
Yua was used to interacting and meeting with different people every day because of her job. They were usually CEOs and other higher-ups in various companies; she was seldom intimidated by titles or merits. But a moment ago, she was in planning mode and completely forgot to consider Rui’s feelings. He was about to meet someone he admired, after all.
“Wanna meet him?”
“W-what?” Her nephew sputtered. “Meet U-ushijima-sensei? I don’t know…” She could feel his flight response rising fast, so she squeezed his hands, hoping to act as an anchor while she talked him through her plan.
Yua nodded. Rui was logical like her, so she was going to lay out all the pros and cons for him. “Think about it. He’s here early, which means he’s the either the coach or the assistant coach.” Rui opened his mouth to protest but fell silent when he realized the truth of her words. “You’ll have to talk to him sooner or later. Why not sooner?”
Rui looked over at Ushijima-sensei again. He desperately wanted to meet him, but he didn’t know what to say. It sounded a lot easier in his head. He didn’t want to come off as a clingy and annoying fan. “I-I don’t know,” he repeated. “I don’t wanna bother him.”
Yua squeezed his hands again. She understood where he was coming from. He was probably thinking that Ushijima-san would reject him somehow. Sure, it was always a possibility, but Yua wouldn’t let that happen. “Sweetheart, I understand how you feel. It is scary meeting someone you look up to, but I’m sure you won’t be bothering him. He’ll be expecting you to ask a lot of questions. He’s here to teach you, remember?”
Rui rocked back and forth on his feet. He knew everything Yua-chan said was true, but he was still nervous. What if Ushijima-sensei said he wasn’t good at volleyball? And that he should stop playing? The man on the other side of the gym played on one of the top teams in the V.League and was skilled at every aspect of the game; why would he take the time to work with someone like him?
Rui didn’t think he could handle that kind of rejection.
“Hey.” Yua’s steady voice snapped him out of his terrible thoughts again. “Ushijima-san’s at the top of the V.League now, but he was just like you at one point—a thirteen-year-old who loves volleyball.”
Rui perked slightly at her words. “Y-you think so?”
Yua nodded strongly. “He loved volleyball enough to make it his full-time job. And I know because Tak-kun was just like you, too. Now he’s playing for Waseda.” She looked back and pointed at the man Rui was so anxious to meet and avoid all at once. “But one day soon, he’s gonna be just like Ushijima-san; playing in the V.League and loving every second of it.”
Her nephew’s eyes widened as he realized that he shared something in common with his idol. Just like me, his face expressed.
Yua tried to hide her grin when she saw determination return to Rui’s eyes. Meeting his idol was probably the last thing he thought he was going to do today, but there was no way she was going to let him pass up the opportunity to train with a player like Ushijima. She was proud of him. Despite being a bit nervous, he still trusted her to guide him through an unfamiliar situation. She looked at him one more time, and he returned her gaze with less apprehension.
“Yua-chan, I-I still don’t know what to say to him.”
“How about I take care of the introductions?” She offered. He nodded furiously in response. “Then I’ll give you the cue to come in and say you’re a big fan, and that you’ve admired his skills since you were little. How’s that?” Rui nodded again, this time committing her advice to memory. She gave his arms a light shake and chuckled when he looked down at her. “I’ll be right beside you the whole time.”
Rui smiled; his notorious twin dimples making their appearance. “Let’s go.”
Wakatoshi felt at ease as soon as he stepped onto the Shiratorizawa campus, but he was truly at home when he walked into the gym. He told himself to set the net up first but couldn’t resist when he saw the Mikasa balls piled in the hammock. After all, he did tell sensei that he was going to warm up before practice started.
He started with a drill where he passed to himself fifty times and repeated the process two more times. Then, he alternated short and high passes to himself two hundred times. After that, he did passes against the wall about three hundred times. He usually did about six hundred reps, but he decided to go easy on himself since he hadn’t played in a month.
Once that was done, he decided to start a wall spikes drill; his favourite. By the time he was on his twentieth rep, he was breathing hard, but he didn’t feel heavy like he did on his jog the other morning. It was peaceful. Everything was familiar. The weightlessness of the ball just before his heavy swing sent it flying to the wall. The double THUD of the ball bouncing before it floated back to him. And the satisfaction of timing his next swing exactly right.
Wakatoshi knew there were a lot of things he couldn’t control. But training like this was a way for him to let go and not worry too much about the details. In hindsight, he really shouldn’t have stayed away for this long, but there was no point in—
Suddenly, a hand shot out in front of him from the right. It was accompanied by, “Sumimasen!”
Wakatoshi caught the ball easily as it bounced back to him. Strange. He wasn’t expecting anyone to show up for another hour. When he turned, all his mind could register was:
After a moment, he blinked at woman standing before him. Like most of the women he knew, she didn’t come close to challenging his height of six-foot-three, despite being taller than average. However, something was different about her. The top of her head barely reached his collarbones, but the energy he felt coming from her was powerful and almost irresistible.
Their eyes locked.
Her honey-brown gaze was warm and strong, as if they were constantly focused on accomplishing a goal. It reminded him of the intense, singular stare Hinata gave him when they met. Normally, Wakatoshi was the one who caused people to feel uneasy with his candor. Who was she? Unaware of the turmoil stirring within him, she smiled. It affirmed his first impression of her. She was indeed bright. Even white teeth and twin dimples only added to her appeal.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt, but are you one of the coaches?”
Her voice was smooth, low, and Wakatoshi decided that he enjoyed its cadence. He allowed his eyes to wander over her briefly. Early spring in Sendai was still brisk, hence her choice to don a long, soft gray overcoat. When his gaze drifted back up, he finally noticed the expansive collection of freckles on her square-shaped face. Half of her wavy black hair was pinned expertly in a bun at the top of her head, with the rest falling past her shoulders, softening her defined jaw. Arching brows framed her warm eyes. And full, expressive lips were curved into a kind smile.
Remembering that it was rude to stare, Wakatoshi cleared his throat and finally answered. “I am. The assistant coach is sick, so I’ll be helping Saitou-sensei with practice today.” There was that disarming smile again. He couldn’t help but lift the corners of his own mouth in response.
“My name is Yua. It’s nice to meet you.” She bowed to him in greeting. “And this is my nephew, Rui. He’s one of your students.” Pride was clear in Yua-san’s voice. She loved the boy deeply. She reached for the tall teen to her left, who shuffled over before looking up at him. Hesitation was evident on his face.
Despite the young man’s nervousness, Wakatoshi could tell that he was serious about volleyball. The fact he was here an hour before practice spoke volumes about his work ethic. Sensei also had a knack for scouting talented players; the dark red Chidoriyama tracksuit he wore was another promising sign of his skill.
Yua. He doubted he’d forget her name any time soon. He bowed in response. “I’m Wakatoshi.”
Her eyes twinkled with delight. “The Ushijima Wakatoshi? The Adlers’ Left Cannon?”
Wakatoshi felt his ears grow hot and he resisted fought the urge to rub the back of his neck; his habit when he was embarrassed. Despite all his success in the last several years, he still wasn’t used to being recognized. He often wondered how Romero-san managed to deal with the constant attention. He was always relaxed and attentive during interviews or whenever fans swarmed him.
“That’s right.”
“I knew you seemed familiar,” she said, while returning his perusal. He found himself wondering what assumptions she had just made about him. “Rui-kun recognized you right away.” The young man tensed at the sound of his name, but she remained steady at his side.
Wakatoshi surmised that he was nervous about meeting him; a reaction he was used to. But he wanted to change that. He wasn’t charismatic like Romero-san, but surely there was something he could do that would make Rui-kun feel at ease. Unsure about what to say, he continued to address Yua.
“Were you a student at Shiratorizawa?”
No. It would be difficult to forget someone with her presence.
Yua shook her head. “No, but my younger brother was. He dragged me to a couple of your games while he was in middle school.” She smiled again, remembering how excited Tak-kun got every time Ushijima-san went up for a spike. “He’s always complaining because he never got to play on the same team as you.”
“Does he still play?” Wakatoshi was always curious about the talent that came from the academy.
“Tak-kun’s a middle blocker at Waseda. He’s aiming for the V.League in a few years because he wants battle scary wing spikers like you.” Her smile held a challenge this time and his curiosity was piqued. He was never one to back down from a strong opponent.
“But Rui-kun here is a fan of yours.” Yua’s voice softened, and the young man finally mustered the courage to look at him. A gentle nudge from his aunt was all the encouragement he needed.
He stepped forward and bowed. “H-hello Ushijima-sensei, I’m Rui. I-I’ve thought you were a great player ever since I was little.”
It would take time for Wakatoshi to get used to hearing that. “Thank you, Rui-kun. It’s nice to meet you.” He was constantly learning and adapting his current skills, so Wakatoshi still considered himself a student. “What position do you play?”
Rui-kun looked back at Yua, and she smiled gently and gave him a reassuring nod. “W-wing spiker. Hayate-sensei said I’m an outside because I’m right-handed.”
Wakatoshi nodded in approval. He couldn’t wait to see his skills in real time. “Then you’re like Romero-san.”
The teen’s eyes lit up, and the tension in his body was replaced instantly by excitement. “Nicollas Romero? Really?? He’s so cool.” His words came out in a rushed breath, and Wakatoshi chuckled.
“I agree. I’ll be sure to tell him he’s got another big fan.” He was relieved that Rui-kun’s energy changed at something he said. He hadn’t interacted too much with younger fans other than signing autographs and occasionally posing for pictures, but he seemed to be doing all right for the moment.
Rui barely stopped himself from jumping up and down. “You will?? Can you tell Houshiumi-san that he’s amazing, too?? I’ve never seen anyone jump so high! Except for Ninja Shoyo!”
Yua’s smile became bigger as Rui-kun’s excitement grew. That was one of the things she loved about him. He was so passionate about his interests that you couldn’t help being swept up in his positive energy. He didn’t realize it now, but that passion would serve him well as player and eventual captain. He was the type of person teammates would naturally rally behind and support without question.
“I was cheering for you and the Adlers the whole time!”
Wakatoshi smiled. “I think I heard your cheering all the way in Tokyo.” Sometimes, he forgot that people from all over Japan and the world watched his games.
Rui-kun suddenly looked down and clasped his hands together. He looked like he was at odds about what he about to say next. So, his voice was quiet when he spoke. “Uhm, I’m sorry you didn’t win the championship this year. The game was still amazing to watch.”
Wakatoshi was moved by his kind words. As young as he was, Rui-kun understood what it was like to lose even though you put everything you have into it. “Thank you,” he murmured. “The loss was hard for all of us.”
“Were you upset?” Rui-kun’s light brown eyes were full of sympathy. He was genuinely upset that the Adlers has lost such an important game. “I’m always get upset when lose.”
Wakatoshi considered his next words very carefully. Somehow, he knew his answer would have a huge effect on this young man’s life as a player and as an individual. He was beginning to understand how Romero-san dealt with press and fans so well. Like the players he looked up to and aspired to be when he was younger, Wakatoshi’s current position in the V.League enabled him to inspire the next generation of players, which included Rui-kun.
“I was upset for a few weeks,” he started. That was an understatement. “But losing isn’t a bad thing. It hurts, yes, but you can always learn something from it.”
Rui-kun’s eyes had grown owlishly wide; he was hanging onto his every word. “Like what?”
Wakatoshi squatted down in front of the boy, who’s mouth gaped open at the action. “Everyone loses at some point,” he murmured. “Even me. But losing makes you want to work even harder so you can do your best to win next time. The good thing about volleyball is that you’re never alone. You can always lean on your team and coaches for support.” His eyes shifted up to Yua briefly, who was watching him just as intently as her nephew. “Family, too.” He heard her breath hitched quietly at his admission.
“I-I’ve never thought of it that way,” Rui swallowed. “Now that I think about it, me and my team are really close.”
Wakatoshi nodded and grinned. “Good. That bond will make it easier for you to work through challenges together.”
Rui-kun’s wide smile returned. It looked like dimples were a family trait. “We get into fights sometimes, but it’s still fun!”
Wakatoshi stood up. “That’s normal for every team. Fighting is a good way to communicate sometimes.” Teams fought, just like any family would. At the end of the day, a common goal had to be reached and the road wasn’t always going to be smooth.
But working towards that goal was half the fun.
“Uhm, Ushjima-sensei? I was gonna warm up with Yua-chan but I-I was hoping y-you could…” The shyness had returned to Rui-kun’s voice, but Wakatoshi knew exactly what he wanted to ask.
“Would you like to pepper with me? We still have time before the net has to be set up.” The expression on Rui-kun’s face was priceless. He didn’t think his smile could get any bigger. Not bad for his first time as a coach.
Yua-san waved her hand. “I can set everything up while you two practice.”
Wakatoshi frowned and shoot his head. “Yua-san, I couldn’t have you do that—”
But she shook her head. Black hair flowed back and forth over her shoulders and Wakatoshi was reduced to staring again. “It’s all right! I interrupted your drill and you’re taking the time to practice with Rui-kun, so setting up the net is the least I can do to thank you.”
Rui-kun interrupted before he could protest. “Will you really pepper with me??”
“Yes,” Wakatoshi chuckled.
“I’ll be right back!” He sprinted to the other side of the gym, presumably to shred his Chidoriyama tracksuit. Saitou-sensei would have his hands full with him.
“Thank you for training with him.” Wakatoshi turned to the woman who orchestrated this impromptu pepper session. “He was so nervous about meeting you.”
“I tend to get that reaction, although it’s not my intent to make anyone nervous.” He rubbed that back of his neck this time. “I’ve been told that I can be intimidating.”
Yua-san tilted her head and narrowed her eyes, giving him another brief study. Wakatoshi felt like he was being dissected. “Only at first glance. I’ve worked with much scarier clients.” He was relieved when she smiled again. “You’re sweet compared to them.”
His brows shot up. “Sweet?” No one had ever described him that way, especially not after meeting him for the first time.
Yua-san laughed at his reaction. It was a full and sweet sound. “Absolutely,” she said confidently. “You made Rui-kun feel comfortable and gave him good advice about dealing with failure. That’s sweet in my book.”
It was Wakatoshi’s turn to gape. For once in his life, he didn’t know how to respond.
“I’m ready, Ushijima-sensei!” The teen was in the middle of the gym and waving him down furiously.
“You’d better get going,” Yua-san teased. “Rui-kun has boundless energy once he gets excited about something.”
Wakatoshi somehow managed to gather his thoughts before responding. She wasn’t shying away from his bluntness like most people did. In fact, she met him head-on right from the start. He found that refreshing, but slightly unnerving. “Please stay until sensei arrives, Yua-san. I’m sure he’d like to meet you.”
The spark from earlier settled into her honey-brown eyes.
“As you wish, Ushijima-sensei.”
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grither55 · 4 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 16 - Bath, Dinner and Goodnights
Elle lay curled up in strong arms snoring quietly when water abruptly splashed onto her face swiftly jolting her awake.
She found herself still laying in the princess's naked arms while the woman now glared down at her with icy golden eyes that made her shiver so wonderfully.
"Wake up! I have been generous enough to hold you…but I am not sitting in this tub for five hours." Azula snorted with her cold eyes gazing down at Elle's reddened face while the small girl sat up yawning once more.
"How long was I asleep master?" Elle pondered innocently with the back of her head pushing into the woman's pillowy bust.
Azula had long since decided that she savored the way the girl called her master as if it was her name.
Not once, has her pet addressed her without a title.
She was well behaved…that she knew for certain.
"An hour and a half." The princess grunted in an aloof voice while staring down at her handmaid's adorable little face.
"A-an hour and a half? I-I must be snuggable after all!" The blonde-haired girl cried out with childish delight in her voice that had the regal woman rolling her eyes down at her.
"Is that your only concern? Being snuggable?" Azula questioned with another roll of her eyes while Elle still sat between her womanhood beaming so sweetly.
The girl was truly an innocent little thing…she didn't even pay any mind to the fact that her backside was pressing against her nether region.
"I am snuggable!" Elle cheered with a joyful laugh while pumping a fist above her head while Azula glanced down at her with a deadpan stare.
"That answers my question." The princess stated wryly as she gazed down at her companion all the while finding her pet's victorious demeanor amusing.
"Azula-sama finds me…snuggable. I…must record this as soon as I dry off." The blonde-haired girl muttered with a thoughtful countenance while holding a finger to her lip.
"Hm. For your sake…you had best keep such weak notions to your diary." Azula announced in a rigid voice while staring down at her carefree pet with an imposing gaze.
"O-of course I will! I would be upset if I had to compete with the other servants for a snuggle with Her Highness!" Elle exclaimed with a smile while Azula now glanced down at her with narrowing eyes.
"Just what do you think this palace is girl? This isn't a pet shelter! And your fellow peasant girls will never find themselves in the same bed as me." The princess snapped with a margin of ire in her hardened voice while the small girl peered up at her with confusion in her eyes.
"Isn't it princess? You're our matriarch and you give each girl here a roof over their heads. That sounds like a shelter if you ask me." The blonde-haired girl chimed while her princess glanced down at her with her brows furrowing curiously.
If there was one trait that she adored about Elle it was the fact that the girl always held her in the highest esteem.
"I am indeed the Fire Nation matriarch…though even if this is a 'pet shelter'. The other pets will stay where they belong…in the servant's quarters." Azula remarked while adjusting her bottom with Elle still laying against her breasts.
"I am so glad that I am your favorite pet. I love you so much Azula-sama…" Elle admitted sweetly while averting her eyes from the princess just when a palm landed in her hair.
"Mhm. You are a good girl Elle. I am…quite fond of you. There is no need to rush the proceedings…we have until you are sixteen to get to know each other better." The princess announced with her hand petting her submissive girl's head while the petite girl adorably leaned into her palm.
"Until I am sixteen!" The blonde-haired girl yelled out with a giggle while blushing under Azula's patting hand.
"That is correct. Now I have another job for you. As my personal servant…it falls upon you to not only wash my feet…but my entire body." Azula purred with a twinge of sadistic delight in her voice while glancing down at Elle's now reddening cheeks.
"Y-your e-entire body master?" Elle stuttered much to Azula's delight while staring up at the divine woman with a returning nervousness.
"Do you…have an issue with that?" The princess pondered lazily with her entitled gaze peering down at her pet's pink countenance.
"E-even Your Highness's…b-bottom…and your…" The blonde-haired girl trailed of meekly while gesturing between the amused woman's legs.
"Hm? Are you so innocent that you can't even speak about my womanhood?" Azula cooed with amusement lacing her voice while Elle gazed up at her as red as a tomato.
"Her Highness's no-no zone." Elle mumbled bashfully while Azula now glanced down at her in a rare break from her stoic nature.
"My what?" The princess snorted with her brows furrowing while making little effort to stifle her chortling.
It was a feat to be proud of to make her laugh about something that didn't involve the suffering of others.
Her little pet truly was a naive one.
"Your no-no zone, the no touch region." The blonde-haired girl explained while peering up at the princess laughing with her hand over her forehead.
All the while Azula's belly began to shake underneath her while she lay against the regal woman's breasts with an awkward blush adorning her cheeks.
"My…you certainly are an innocent little thing." Azula stated while shaking her head just when her laughter finally began to die down.
"S-sumimasen Azula-sama…" Elle muttered lamely while her shoulders began to slump fearing that she looked idiotic in the eyes of her brilliant master.
"Oh, would you quit with your sulking? I like you as you are…pure…mine." The princess cooed with her fingers once more trailing through her pet's soft hair.
"Y-yours Azula-sama." The blonde-haired girl agreed while hiding in the princess's perfect breasts once more.
"Though I must ask…where did you ever hear such ridiculous terminology?" Azula inquired with an entertained smirk while patting the girl's head with a possessive hand.
"F-from a few girl's in school." Elle admitted pitifully while Azula once more rolled her lovely eyes.
"Well that figures that such nonsense would be peasant babble. To answer your question. No. I will not make you wash my…'no-no zone'." The princess declared with yet another snort while the small girl blushed under her domineering gaze.
"A-as Her Highness commands!" The blonde-haired girl piped up while saluting her amused master just when a bottle of shampoo was deposited into her hands.
"Your job begins now. You will…wash all of me…save for my nether regions. Oh…and if you don't start now. I will punish you!" Azula spoke in a tyrannical voice smirking all the while when Elle sprang upward upon command.
"Y-yes! If Azula-sama says now! It means now!" Elle exclaimed while squirting shampoo onto her hands just when Azula turned in her seat to grace her with her divine back.
"That's right my pet. Now start with my hair!" The princess commanded with her eyes narrowing into a dominant stare while gazing over her shoulder at her submissive girl.
"It will be done princess." The blonde-haired girl chirped as she began to happily wash the older female's hair while humming cheerily all the while.
All while Azula sat in a regal manner with her hands upon her knees while she sighed in contentment with her loyal pet gleefully washing her hair.
It was gratifying having such a dutiful servant.
As the minutes passed by with Elle's happy hum being the only sound in her tub, she began to realize that she enjoyed chatting with her pet.
With that in mind she began to mull over what she should talk about with the girl.
Then Azula smiled as she rubbed the underside of her chin while she nodded in approval of her brilliance before she turned to gaze over her shoulder to speak to her handmaid.
"So…." The princess began while the young girl peered up at her still smiling.
"What is on your mind master?" Elle pondered with a tone of adulation that Azula just adored.
"What other…vegetarian foods do you like besides pralines?" Azula asked with her hand curled under her chin while gazing down at the girl's brightened countenance.
"Um…let's see, I like white fudge!" The blonde-haired girl piped with a broad smile while the princess squinted down at her in disapproval.
"Besides candy. You can't eat candy all day. I will not allow it to be said that Princess Azula managed your health poorly." The princess stated in an almost maternal manner while staring down at her pet's now pouting face.
"But I like candy…" Elle whined before gulping under Azula's now narrowed glare that made her feel like she had misbehaved.
"My word is final and my authority is absolute! I suggest you remember that I make your decisions for you!" Azula barked with a domineering voice while reeling around to point a finger down at Elle's quivering face.
"Y-yes master. Please don't be mad at me…" The blonde-haired girl mumbled like a saddened puppy while the regal woman rolled her eyes before turning away once more.
"I am not angry. Now return to washing my hair. And answer my previous query." The princess grumbled with her arms folded over her bare breasts.
All the while scowling over her bizarre urge to assure Elle that she was not angry with her.
"I-I liked that curry…" Elle admitted shyly while obediently running her hands through long dark hair while the princess clicked her tongue in seeming approval.
"Hm? You liked fire vegetable curry? That is a good dish. I approve of it." Azula remarked while waving her hand in the air never considering that it was oppressive to dictate the girl's diet.
"I-I did. It was a lot like a curry I had back in my world. Thai curry." The blonde-haired girl explained with a smile while her master nodded in understanding.
"I see. I have decided to permit this dish in your diet. What else do you like?" The princess questioned with a stern countenance while she folded her hands over her naked belly.
"I like lots of fruits! Um…whatever fruits you have!" Elle answered jubilantly with her fingers once more at work rinsing her princess's hair.
"A vegetarian likes fruits…I wouldn't have guessed that. But very well. I shall permit you to eat that as well." Azula spoke with a spoiled demeanor about her while Elle continued rinsing her hair.
"I also like tofu...hmm you smell good Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl exclaimed while sniffing the princess's hair which earned her a questioning glance from Azula.
"Do be certain that you refrain from sniffing me in the eyes of others." The princess grunted with her strict eyes peering down at her pet happily sniffing her hair.
"Mhm. I make no promises. My princess has such a lovely fragrance…" Elle sighed before embracing the princess's naked back while burying her face in her mane of hair.
And she was likewise paying no mind to how her leg was now brushing up against Azula's well-formed backside.
"You are a peculiar girl. But I favor you all the same." Azula confessed with her palm brushing her wet hair from her eyes all the while enjoying how her pet nuzzled her nude back.
"Um…what else do I like? Ooh! I like onions! And…I like peppers! I also like noodles! And pie! I like pie! I like coconut! Lots of coconut…I love sweet potatoes! And hotcakes! I also love hotcakes! And, I really like cold cereal! Can I have cold cereal Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl rambled in a hyper manner while the princess's eyes glared ahead in mild annoyance.
"Ugh. You are a bouncy little tiger monkey. I can already see that you'll be testing my last nerves." The princess complained while glaring over her shoulder when her pet continued to tug on her back.
"May I please have cold cereal master? Please!" Elle whined while the older female began to growl with the azure flames flickering as proof of her ire.
"Yes! You can have cold cereal!" Azula snapped with the torches briefly bursting into small infernos while she listened to Elle cry out in joy.
"I love cold cereal! You're the best Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl squealed while tenderly hugging the princess's long back once more.
"I am well aware on both counts. Now wash my back pet." The princess ordered with her stern visage gazing ahead while small hands began to dutifully scrub the slope of her back.
"Her Highness says scrub! So, I scrub with joy." Elle chirped with enthusiasm while humming once more as she chewed on her lip while soaping up the woman's looming bare back.
"Good girl. We need to finish up with this bath…I am growing hungry." Azula complained with a scowl while glancing down at her belly when it rumbled thunderously.
To her delight, just as soon as her belly began to growl her faithful pet began to labor with increased urgency.
"Azula-sama's belly must be nourished! The cherries were not enough to appease Her Highness! You can count on me master! I'll be done in a flash!" The blonde-haired girl assured in a chipper tone while scrubbing diligently with the growling of her master's belly still resonating into her ears.
"Hm. Such a fine pet…" The princess muttered with her hand on her chin while she leaned back with her hands on the floor of the tub all the while sighing pleasantly.
"I-I am overjoyed that you think so Azula-sama." Elle confided with a blush adorning her cheeks while running the cloth down the slope of her master's back.
Azula just sat with her crimson lips now forming a pleased smile while she savored the sensation of her young admirer cleaning her body.
Eventually it was Elle's turn to bath and the princess was even feeling generous enough to assist her.
Time began to pass by until the two were long finished with the bath.
They were dressed and dried off, and Elle had been ordered to go fetch the princess's dinner.
The young girl strode in a hastened manner through the near endless halls of the palace before a voice yelled out to her.
"Girl! What are you doing scampering about like this is a playground?" General Bujing demanded in a voice so rigid that Elle froze up in her tracks.
Unlike her princess's cold demeanor, the older man's voice lacked the slightest hint of fondness that prevented her from cowering in terror.
"I-I am f-fetching dinner for my master. P-Princess Azula." Elle stuttered with her hands at her sides while shifting fearfully under the military man's scrutinizing stare.
"Is that right? I can't help but wonder if the princess is aware of your improper conduct. That is…if you are even speaking truthfully." The gray-haired man stated in a cold voice while stepping forward to loom over the small girl's now worried countenance.
"I-I speak truthfully. I-I am Her Highness's most favored servant…let go of me!" The blonde-haired girl yelped when the military man seized her wrist.
"Now I find that even more doubtful. I have never seen a servant behave in such an unacceptable manner." General Bujing sneered while the young girl continued to cry out.
"Y-you're hurting my hand!" Elle whimpered while Bujing gazed down at her with sadistic eyes even going so far as to tighten his grip.
Just before he got any further his hand was furiously slapped away.
General Bujing now gazed on in puzzlement to find himself staring at an uncharacteristically wrathful Mai.
The noblewoman stood tall with the small girl peering up at her with relieved amber eyes.
"Oneesan!" The blonde-haired girl cried out with a grateful smile while the gloomy woman held her under her arm.
"Touch her again and you'll regret it. The girl speaks the truth and last I checked…annoying though it may be. It isn't a crime to be happy." Mai retorted in an icy voice while Bujing now stared back at her with his eyes narrowing in anger.
He clear did not enjoy being back-talked.
"Lady Mai. I suggest you watch how you speak to a high general…especially over something as trivial as a misbehaving servant." The gray-haired man hissed with his hands now folded behind his back.
"Would you prefer to talk to Azula instead?" The markswoman answered while glaring at the now sweating man with the acrobat approaching angrily from down the hall.
"No…there is no need. Though I am certain that the princess would be interested to learn that her servant was behaving in such an erroneous manner." General Bujing argued with his glare never leaving the petite girl's side even when the acrobat stopped beside her.
"You leave her alone! She's our group servant, when Azula is not around she's under our direct supervision. And I can tell you that Azula will not be pleased to hear that her dinner is growing cold because of you. I'll be certain to relay it." Ty Lee remarked with her hand on her hip while standing beside Elle's small frame.
Needless to say, the elderly man was now staring back at them warily uncertain if the duo were telling the truth.
But the risk of angering Princess Azula was far too great.
"Then I suggest you watch her more closely! This unrefined girl could clearly use further training!" The gray-haired man exclaimed while turning away with the young girl's shoulders slumping in concern.
"And I suggest you mind your own business General Bujing." Mai spoke while staring sternly at the marching man's back with her words prompting him to pause in his step.
Bujing turned to gaze back at them angrily with the two noblewomen never backing down.
"The girl spoke the truth. She is indeed Azula's favorite servant. From now on you'll be seeing her cheerfully scurrying about the palace on a regular basis. I advise you to think twice before you harass her next time. Delay her and you delay Azula. And we all know how Azula gets about punctuality…don't we?" The markswoman explained while turning to walk away with her hand gently pulling her adopted sister behind her.
The acrobat followed them all the while casting the general a nasty glance with her arms folded over her pink blouse.
General Bujing made no further comment as he watched with sweat dripping down his now worried eyes when the two noblewomen led the strange servant girl away.
He never failed to notice how the two women tucked the girl under their wing in an absurdly protective manner.
As if the pitiful girl was their turtle duckling!
Does Princess Azula truly value such a whiny little girl?
Just a minute later after the three were out of earshot of Bujing the two peered down at their younger companion in concern.
"What an ass! Are you okay little sister?" Ty Lee asked while placing her hand on Elle's shoulder while the young girl smiled up at them.
"I am fine thanks to my oneesans!" Elle exclaimed while the acrobat grinned before mussing her hair.
And just like that the kindhearted acrobat was already resuming gushing over her.
"You really need to watch how you behave around here shorty. I suppose it is best that we escort you. Let's get Azula's dinner before Her Highness gets too bitchy." Mai stated in her usual deadpan voice while still pulling Elle under her arm.
"Good point Mai! Azula's been happier lately. Let's keep her that way." The brown-haired woman spoke while smiling warmly down at their young friend.
To think that this innocent girl won over Azula…
She wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.
That was when the small girl gazed at a small watch that she was carrying before gasping in horror as if she just had an arm cut off.
"Oh no! I am running behind schedule! I-I am going to be late for Her Highness's dinner! I-I am going to be tardy! Azula-sama despises the tardy!" The blonde-haired girl shouted in fright while both women sweatdropped down at her when she began to scurry ahead with Mai still holding onto her wrist.
They weren't sure if they should be impressed or frightened by how well Azula had trained the girl in mere days.
"It's okay Elle! We'll vouch for you. Besides! Azula likes you. She won't be mad." Ty Lee assured gently while speeding up after the rushing teenager.
"Y-you really think so?" Elle murmured while peering up at Mai still guiding her down the hall.
"Yes Elle, we know so." The markswoman replied in a faintly softened voice while sighing down when the girl began to chew on her lip.
"So, Elle…evidently you're feeling better?" The brown-haired woman conversed while the other woman glanced over with her brows furrowing.
"She got sick after all huh?" Mai muttered while Ty Lee nodded with a strangely worried gleam that also sparked her concern.
"I am. It would seem that the herbal medicine worked wonders. I'm back on my feet and serving Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl chirped while puffing out her chest in a childish show of pride that amused her big sisters.
"Is Azula running you ragged again?" Ty Lee pondered in a tone of disapproval that flew over the girl's chipper head.
"Oh no oneesan. Not at all." Elle insisted while shaking her head with Mai peering down at her in a questioning manner.
"Really? You look a bit worn out." The markswoman snorted while the acrobat sweatdropped as they continued down the palace halls.
"I've just done a few humble chores here and there. First, I began washing Azula-sama's feet at five forty, twenty minutes earlier than scheduled. After an hour and half Her Highness, herself congratulated me on my efforts!" Elle announced in a cheerful voice while both women gazed down at her with pity in their eyes.
"Elle…you spent an hour and a half just washing Azula's feet?" The brown-haired woman questioned with disbelief in her eyes.
Even when Azula had two or three handmaids' washing her feet they were done in under twenty minutes!
Azula was clearly making Elle work harder because she enjoyed Elle's eagerness to please.
"Mhm and after that I spent another hour and a half massaging her feet. Forty-five minutes for each foot! Azula-sama says that is the recommended length of time that it takes for the lotion to absorb into her skin." The blonde-haired girl responded with gusto while both noblewomen sweatdropped once more.
"It sounds like hippo cow shit." Mai sighed while holding a palm to her forehead.
She was just astounded by how easy this girl was to manipulate.
"Azula-sama also said she was tired and she needed a footrest. She was even kind enough to ask me if it was okay…so I agreed." Elle spoke with a joyful voice while both of her big sister's now glanced down at her just bewildered that she said yes.
And there was even a spark of anger in both noblewomen's eyes, most especially Mai's.
"Elle! You don't have to do everything Azula says. She shouldn't be using you as a footrest! You matter…to all of us." Ty Lee complained with a frown while gazing down at Elle's naïve face.
"It's alright oneesan. It really is. I made Azula-sama happy and that was all worth it. We even b-bathed together." The blonde-haired girl confessed while twiddling her thumbs with both women gazing on nervously.
"Azula…bathed with you?" The markswoman asked with the edge in her voice soaring over the innocent girl's head.
"Yep. I washed her entire body save for her…um bottom and her no touch zone." Elle boasted with her chest puffing out while the two women exchanged a brief comical glance.
"Her no touch zone?" Mai repeated with a trace of amusement in her eyes while Ty Lee also sweatdropped.
"Her no-no zone." The blonde-haired girl clarified while point to her own lower region while the two older girls blinked in comedic amusement.
"No-no zone little sister?" The brown-haired woman giggled while staring at the other noblewoman who was face palming once more.
"That is the most absurd way of describing-" The markswoman trailed off when the acrobat covered her mouth.
"That's what I heard a few girl's call it back in school. They also called it a kitty. Is that a more proper term?" Elle inquired while holding a finger to her lip while both women gazed away now turning red.
They both knew that if they told Elle that it was okay to call Azula's womanhood a 'kitty' that only great agony was certain to follow.
"Hm. Not really no. But don't worry! Me and Mai will educate you on the subject later." Ty Lee informed with a cheery smile while ignoring the other woman's display of discomfort.
"Ooh…I have a secret to tell you both. But you have to promise to not tell anyone." The blonde-haired girl began mysteriously with both women staring down at her curiously.
"We won't tell a soul…you can trust us. We're your big sisters after all." The brown-haired woman stated fondly while snaking an arm around the blushing girl's side.
"Yeah. Big sisters." Mai sighed while scratching her cheek while Elle tugged on her sleeve.
"Will you two please bend over…I am…rather…um…" Elle trailed off nervously as she turned red under their combined amused stares.
"Short?" The markswoman finished while the acrobat's warm laughter resonated into the air.
"Y-yes." The blonde-haired girl stammered with the acrobat already leaning over her shoulder grinning all the while.
"Aww! It's okay to be short. We like you small!" Ty Lee cooed while patting Elle's adorable head just as Mai stooped over on the girl's other side.
"So, what's the secret little sister?" Mai questioned in a calm but slightly inquisitive voice while Elle glanced about as if making certain that no one was listening.
Before she stood on her toes with her head in-between both of their ears.
"Azula-sama thinks that I am snuggable!" Elle exclaimed in as quiet a voice as she could muster while the two now leaned on her shoulder with their eyes widening in surprise.
Both noblewomen exchanged a quiet glance while inwardly knowing if they broadcasted such a rumor that Azula would not only have Elle thrown out…
But their lives would suddenly become…very miserable.
"Keep your voice down…" The markswoman urged quietly while standing up to her full height with her hand on the smaller girl's shoulder.
"Aww! That's so cute! We won't tell anyone. Our lips are sealed." The brown-haired woman stated with a grin while patting the younger girl's shoulder.
"Come on. Let's get that food. We can talk more afterward." Mai sighed while taking the lead with Elle still latched onto her sleeve.
All the while Elle followed in between them while the two continued to watch over her in a genuine big sisterly fashion.
And most adorable was the fact that the small girl's smile never once lessened after revealing that the princess deemed her 'snuggable'.
About twenty minutes later…
Azula sat holding a cup of wine gazing at her clock in mild annoyance to see that the girl was oddly late.
Her brows furrowed in aggravation until she glanced up when she heard a cart being pushed down the hall.
Then the doors opened while she peered on curiously to see her two subordinates following Elle in just before discreetly shutting the door.
"You are late…" The princess trailed off in a judgmental voice with her lips pursed in a scowl while the petite girl paled in fright already bowing rapidly at the hip.
"S-sumimasen Azula-sama! I-I-" The blonde-haired girl began in stammer while the regal woman eyed her only for Mai to place her hand on the girl's shoulder.
"It's not her fault Azula. Besides I should think after three hours of tending to your feet you should be able to let one-minute slide." Mai spoke in her usual voice while Azula peered at Elle with her brows rising in curiosity.
"I'll ignore your tone and ask. Why was she late?" Azula pondered while gazing at her pet still fretfully curtsying her repeatedly one bow after another.
It almost made up for the girl's unusual tardiness.
"General Bujing stopped her in the hallway. He began to harass her…and he even grabbed her wrist. I intervened. But I still thought you should know about it." The markswoman explained in a calm voice while the princess now gazed on with a spark of an inferno in her callous eyes.
"Really? General Bujing thinks it is his business to meddle in my affairs?" The princess asked with a noticeable frown while turning to watch her handmaid scamper over to her side.
"Don't be mad at her Azula. Elle didn't do anything wrong." Ty Lee pleaded while sighing as she observed Elle bow low on the floor.
"S-sumimasen Azula-sama! Sumimasen!" Elle cried out while bowing over and over with Azula now peering down at her with pleased golden eyes.
"I suggest you give her some sort of official seal as proof that she answers directly to you to prevent future disruptions to her work." Mai advised as she pulled out a seat on the furthest side of the table.
Azula's stern gaze briefly flickered up at Mai clearly considering her words before glancing back down at Elle kneeling before her boots.
"I will let it slide…just this once only because it was beyond your control. You perform the highest quality of work. Make certain that you continue to do so." The princess commented with her palms folded in her lap.
"Y-yes Azula-sama. A-as you say, always as you say. I-I am sorry. A-are you mad at me?" The blonde-haired girl stuttered in a sullen voice while the regal woman sighed as she shook her head.
"Azula! The poor girl's been working to please you all night. Just tell her that everything is okay." The brown-haired woman exclaimed after seating herself while frowning back at the controlling woman's hardened visage.
"Hm. I am not mad at you Elle. You are a good girl. My good girl. Now calm yourself…" Azula purred just as she bent over to pat Elle's head with the young girl now peering up at her with a revived smile.
"I am so relieved! Oh Azula-sama…" Elle trailed off before assaulting Azula in a sudden hug around her waist with the princess now staring down at her in slight annoyance.
"Elle! No hugs! Not right now! I…want to eat my dinner!" The princess complained with her belly growling in protest while her two-childhood friends snickered at her expense.
"I don't want to be a bad girl…I want to be the best girlfriend that I can be for you…" The blonde-haired girl murmured with her face pressed in the woman's rumbling belly while the princess awkwardly began patting her head.
All the while Mai was now gazing at the two with a questioning countenance before turning to the nervously smiling Ty Lee.
It was obvious that she missed something.
Elle…a thirteen-year-old…Azula's girlfriend?
"What…did I miss?" The markswoman questioned in a slightly uneasy voice while gazing at the acrobat's clearly reddening face.
"So well behaved. That's my girl. Now go bring me my dinner." Azula commanded with her palm in Elle's hair while the small girl beamed up at her with happy amber eyes.
"You haven't heard oneesan? Azula-sama is going to marry me when I turn sixteen!" Elle announced with a sunny smile while Mai now glanced at them with her eyes widening in disbelief.
And if one looked closely there was a sliver of accusation in her tawny eyes that the princess never failed to notice.
"Really little sister? No, I hadn't heard. Why don't you fill me in?" Mai pondered with her hands folding over the tabletop while Elle happily stood up with a blush on her young cheeks.
"We are going to date until she turns sixteen. And if all goes well…I will marry her…when she comes of age." The princess remarked while reaching out to pat the flushing girl's cheek.
"I-I am Princess Azula's girl now. And when I am old enough…she is going to take me as hers." The blonde-haired girl declared with her chest puffing out pridefully while the princess gazed at her with a charming smile while she stroked her cheek gently.
"You already…belong to me." Azula purred with her hand clutching at Elle's reddening face with a possessive aura about her.
"I…think they'll make a cute couple…" Ty Lee trailed off with a wary smile while Mai still eyed the two with a less than convinced gaze.
"O-oh Azula-sama…I am yours." Elle agreed while holding a hand to her swooning cheek with her princess's lips curving into a pleased smirk.
"Mhm. You are. Now…be a good girl…and set the table for us." The princess commanded with her belly growling once more before giving her pet one final pat on the cheek.
"Yes princess! Straight away!" The blonde-haired girl cheered before turning to set the table for all three noblewomen.
"You don't have to set the table alone! I'll help you Elle." The brown-haired woman offered before standing up as she made her way over to the girl's side with a cheerful smile.
"B-but oneesan it's my job as the group servant." Elle protested only for the acrobat to frown while gently pushing her aside with her hip.
"You aren't the group servant…I only said that to get that mean old man to back off. You're one of us now." Ty Lee explained just before poking Elle's nose with a grin while the small girl turned an adorable shade of red.
"Ty Lee, I hereby decree that Elle must set my plate. Set yours and Mai's if you wish, but she will set mine. Come Elle. Bring my plate and silverware." Azula commented lazily while clapping her hands with her words jarring the eager girl into action.
"Wakarimashita Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl chirped before scurrying past her sighing big sister while grasping her master's plate.
"If Azula makes you happy Elle…then I am happy for you. Though one can only hope that she finds more dignified tasks for you…other than…being a human footrest." The markswoman commented while watching the petite girl set down a plate before the princess.
The princess now silently glared over in her direction once more while Ty Lee continued to set the many platters upon the table.
"It was light play…nothing more. The girl even admitted that she likes my feet." The princess stated with a smug smirk while her words caused both of her friends to cringe in unison.
The two noblewomen once more gazed at the blushing girl all the while pondering why she would ever say that to a woman like Azula.
"But Azula…she's got such a cute face. How…could you ever step on her sweet face…someone this cute shouldn't be used for such a degrading task." Ty Lee scolded with a frown while pinching Elle's cheek as she strode past the blushing girl.
"Azula-sama says that the other handmaids don't wash her feet properly. So…I volunteered to do it every day for her." Elle piped with glee just before setting silverware before Azula who gazed at her with a wolfish grin on her lovely lips.
Even Ty Lee visibly blanched while peering at the young girl's innocent face before sighing loudly deciding not to comment on the matter any further.
"She likes assertive women Ty Lee. I am assertive. What more is there to understand? It was all in good fun. We even bathed together afterward…" Azula trailed off with a gratified smile while turning to Elle standing faithfully beside her.
"Well…that's great Azula. It looks like all of the platters are set up…and everyone has a plate!" The brown-haired woman commented with her hands on her hips smiling all the while.
"Sit Elle. Beside me…" The princess ordered while pointing her finger at a chair placed beside her throne.
"Yes Azula-sama. H-have I pleased you today?" The blonde-haired girl asked shyly before sitting down beside her princess with the older female eying her fondly.
"I confess that you have. You have been such a good girl." Azula cooed before reaching out to pat Elle's head with a controlling palm.
"I-I have? But…I-I was tardy." Elle stammered with a timid smile while she sank into her seat enjoying the soft domination that Azula exerted with ease.
"That's not your fault…and you can rest assured…that I will have a word with General Bujing." The princess stated with an edge to her voice while reaching across the table to raise the lid off the main course.
The two noblewomen blinked in amazement to find themselves gazing at a strictly vegetarian dish.
A simply delectable vegetable stir fry complete with a broth and white rice.
There was also a course of fire noodles, and many other food items that it seemed that Azula wanted Elle to try.
And finally, Azula's personal favorite treat, mochi.
"You didn't have to order the entire meal vegetarian Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl exclaimed with awe in her innocent eyes while peering about the table in excitement.
"Consider it a reward for being so faithful. I doubt Mai and Ty Lee will mind." Azula remarked while gazing at Mai's apathetic face and then Ty Lee's usual cheerful visage.
"It's totally super Azula! She deserves it." Ty Lee replied while nodding as she reached across the table to serve herself.
"I don't mind…and I hardly have a right to complain since I only ended up here by chance. I am just surprised…it isn't like Azula to consider anyone but herself." Mai answered while also reaching to scoop food onto her plate.
Elle was a nice girl, liked by all three of them in some manner.
Even Azula.
In a strange way she was quickly becoming the young girl of their group that they all wanted to protect.
"A-arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama…" Elle trailed off sweetly just as she leaned over to embrace the woman's toned bicep.
"You…are welcome. But there will be no hugging while I eat my meal. I don't need you pushing on my stomach while I am eating!" The princess exclaimed while gazing at the pouting girl slinking back into her own seat.
"Yes princess." The blonde-haired girl whined with a noticeable sigh while she began to scoop smaller portions than the older girls.
"So Azula…" Mai began with a slight smirk that had the woman in question gazing up at her already annoyed.
"What?" Azula answered while scooping food onto her plate with her eyes narrowing in a warning manner.
"No-no zone…" The markswoman stated with a victorious countenance that had the princess glaring at her with a twinge of redness on her cheeks.
All the while Ty Lee giggled despite her own blush while Elle continued to gaze around in a lovably puzzled manner.
"Shut up…Mai." The princess growled before peering at her timid pet with a sigh.
There is no way that she could let her possible future wife remain this…ignorant.
Even if it was adorable.
"So, you and Azula bathed together?" The brown-haired woman questioned with her giggles dying down while the young girl peered down at her plate still blushing.
"W-we did. It was a bit overwhelming at first…b-but after I pleaded for mercy, she w-went easy on me." Elle replied with a stammer while Azula smiled in a prideful manner.
"Mercy Azula? Why do I get the feeling that I don't want to hear this?" Mai inquired with a sigh while sitting back with a full plate.
"Oh, I simply forgot that she was kneeling on the floor…and I accidently brushed my ass against her little face. You should have seen her adorable face…quivering and begging me to show her leniency. But at heart I am a merciful woman…so I made certain that it didn't happen again." Azula announced casually over the dinner table with her words stunning her two-childhood friends into a blushing silence.
The two noblewomen gazed back at their unabashed leader before turning to their young companion's reddened face.
"A-Azula! Please wait until she's older before you start s-shoving your ass in her face!" Ty Lee cried out while Azula just smiled with a wine goblet in hand.
"It was an accident Ty Lee." The princess insisted with feigned innocence that had all but the young blonde rolling their eyes.
"I am sure it was. Well congratulations Elle. You had both Azula's feet and ass in your face all in one day." The markswoman declared in her usual tone while the small girl turned even redder upon hearing her words.
"I-I had a good day. I-I really did! Azula-sama held me in the tub. She let me nap with my face in her bosom." The blonde-haired girl chirped with the two women staring back in even further shock.
"Hm. So, I did." Azula agreed while stirring her meal with a pleased demeanor about her.
It was just stunning the two how Azula was already getting naked with Elle, even if they weren't having sex.
"I spoke too soon. You had her breasts in your face as well. Well…at least you got something out of it. Likely more pleasurable to have a woman's boobs in your face…than her feet." Mai commented factually while Ty Lee began to choke on her drink.
"M-Mai!" The brown-haired woman protested while her friend calmly began to eat her meal.
"I got the most precious thing of all! I got to snuggle with Azula-sama!" Elle shouted while puffing up her chest in a childish show of pride that had the three women sweatdropping.
All of that talk about Azula seemingly testing the waters with the girl sexually and the young girl only wanted to cuddle.
"Keep your voice down girl! You can't just shout that to the world!" The princess snapped with her icy eyes glaring about clearly worried about her reputation.
"So…tell us Elle. What makes for comfier pillows. Azula's thighs…or her breasts?" The markswoman teased with her words earning her a glare from the woman in question.
"Both! Her thighs are so well formed I could just sleep there all day! And her bosom is very warm and soft as well!" The blonde-haired girl explained with a pure hearted voice while the acrobat coughed on her drink.
"W-wow Azula. I didn't know you were that comfy." Ty Lee stated while eying her stoic friend now staring back at her icily.
"Azula-sama?" Elle pondered sweetly while Azula turned to her with surprisingly patient eyes.
"Yes?" Azula answered while swallowing a mouthful all the while surveying her lovely handmaid with possessive eyes.
"Are we officially adding lapnaps to our morning schedule?" The blonde-haired girl with a sunny smile while the princess now glared at her through the corner of her annoyed eye.
All the while she listened to the acrobat's oohs and awws, and Mai's snort of amusement.
"No. We are not. But we are adding a two-hour foot session every day. At one, on the dot. Be certain that you record it." The princess commanded while swallowing her food with her words causing the poor girl's shoulders to slump.
And both of her friend's amusement died down while they now gazed at Azula rather taken aback by how selfish she could be.
Even to a girl she professed to like.
"But…you said that I am your girl." Elle protested meekly while Azula still gazed at her with cold eyes.
"I did. And you are. You belong to me." Azula stated before opening her mouth to chew on another bite in a regal manner.
"E-even if we share separate beds…surely we will hug sometime…maybe an hour every morning…" The blonde-haired girl trailed off while the monarch sighed under her breath.
"This morning it was five hours. Not one." The princess reminded bitterly while the young girl turned red while sulking in her seat.
"Aww…if Azula's too much of an icebox I'll snuggle with you every day little sister." Ty Lee announced with a warm smile that had Azula staring at her from the corner of her eye in faint jealousy.
Just as she expected it would…
"Really! Lapnaps with my oneesan!" Elle cried out while Ty Lee smiled despite the girl's fondness for sleeping in a woman's lap.
"If you want…sure! But you don't have to kneel on the floor. We'll go snuggle in my bed." The brown-haired woman explained while turning to the princess's now irate face.
"Absolutely not. I forbid it. You are not permitted to put your face in another woman's lap. You will use my lap only. And only…when I give you permission." Azula declared in a voice of authority while gazing at Elle's now jubilant face.
"You speak as if Ty Lee was going to do something obscene to her." Mai scoffed while swallowing a sip of wine.
"So, we are keeping lapnaps! Every morning at eight on the dot!" The blonde-haired girl cheered while the regal woman eyed her once more.
"No. Not every day…only when I…" The princess sighed while observing the girl withdraw her silly little diary.
"Lapnap…with Azula-sama from eight…to nine." Elle commented with an adorable smile while the three women sweatdropped once more.
"What a clingy little tiger monkey you are." Azula snorted snidely before returning to her meal.
"I suppose so!" The blonde-haired girl cried out while taking a bite of her food smiling brightly as she did so.
"Tell me Elle…why are you vegetarian? I don't believe that I have asked yet." The princess pondered with a thoughtful countenance while peering at her young admirer's happy face.
"Oh, that's because I can't stand the thought of anything dying for me." Elle responded with her smile wavering just a bit while Azula rolled her golden eyes at her.
Her innocent answer caused Ty Lee to glance up from her plate before turning to Mai's sighing face.
It was as if the two silently agreed that they would have to watch out for her.
"Well coming from a little pacifist that doesn't surprise me. What would you do…if I were to order you to abandon your…diet?" Azula inquired with a contemplative smirk while turning to Elle's now worried expression.
"Azula, you can't just make changes to someone's personality. You either like them for who they are…or you don't. It's…that simple." The markswoman spoke while gazing at the princess with a pointed stare.
"She is how she is Azula. And I like her just the way she is." The brown-haired woman stated with a smile while gazing at the small girl looking so shy over all of the attention.
"I would just disregard the order. I absolutely will not eat meat. Not even for my princess." The blonde-haired girl declared in a proud manner with her words incurring three taken aback looks for her answer.
It had stunned even Azula that the girl had actually stated that there was an order she would ignore.
"Disobedience? Silly girl. I am in control of everything that goes onto your plate. With but one word you won't be able to find a vegetarian bite in the entire palace." The princess remarked with merciless delight lining her now cold voice.
The statement now had both noblewomen gazing at Azula in disapproval.
"I would just go on a hunger strike." Elle boasted with her chest puffing out while Azula's controlling smile widened in amusement.
"Azula!" Ty Lee scolded with a frown all the while shaking her head.
"A hunger strike? Is that a challenge to my authority?" Azula purred with her palms now folded on the table before her.
"No Azula-sama. It is just the truth. I would rather starve than eat meat." The blonde-haired girl insisted a resolute nod while the princess still eyed her with predatory eyes seeming to take it as a challenge.
"After ten days of hunger pains. I am quite certain that I could change your little mind…" The princess trailed off with a taunting smile while the other two women glanced at her warily.
"Azula! Why do you have to keep going from nice to mean with Elle?" Ty Lee protested with a concerned shake of her head.
"Oh no. Not only do I know that my princess would never do that to me. I also know that before I start to starve my oneesans will feed me." Elle declared with a jubilant smile that had Azula now staring at her two-childhood friends with imposing golden eyes.
What irked Azula the most was that all three of them knew that Elle had her beat in that regard.
"Yep! I would just steal you for a few weeks until Azula decides to stop being a meanie. You can be my snuggle servant…your only job will be snuggling with me for days on end!" The brown-haired woman announced with a cheerful grin that had their young companion gazing over at her with her eyes almost sparkling in excitement.
"No. You will not." Azula retorted with a frown while Mai gazed humorously at Elle's overjoyed face.
"I want to be your snuggle servant oneesan! It sounds fun." The blonde-haired girl chirped in a return to her chipper voice while staring at Ty Lee in rising admiration.
"Aww! Hear that Azula? She wants to be my snuggle servant." Ty Lee commented with a bright smile while leaning over to pat her little sister's hand.
"How touching Ty Lee…but she isn't for rent. Humor me Elle. Let's say I would never do that to you. I am curious…how would you survive if you were trapped on a deserted island?" The princess pondered with her fingers resting beneath her chin all the while surveying her handmaid in amusement.
"I really doubt that the girl is going to be trapped on any isolated islands anytime soon…unless you drop her off yourself." Mai stated while gazing at Azula with a monotone stare.
"Hm…I would look for berries!" Elle answered naively while Azula now gazed at her with her nose scrunching up comically.
"That's it? You would just hope that you find an adequate number of berries to survive day by day?" Azula scoffed in a deadpan voice while peering at her pet with a chiding stare.
Once more…the girl is just too naïve.
"I suppose so. I would never want any living creature to die just for my sake. I am just one girl. There are millions, upon millions of humans out there. There's nothing special about me that makes my life worth more than a rabbit or a butterfly soaring in the breeze. So, I just try to live as peacefully as I can…and hope for the best." The blonde-haired girl explained in a relaxed voice that took all three women aback.
Even Ty Lee.
There were just astonished by how little worth Elle placed on her own life.
It was also shockingly mature to hear this from a thirteen-year-old girl.
And yet…sad at the same time.
All three were now staring at Elle with varying arrays of emotion in their gazes with Azula's being complete bewilderment.
That was one of the most intriguing aspects about Elle that continued to draw her in.
The girl was an enigma to her.
She just didn't understand Elle…and it annoyed her to admit that.
"You just trot along and hope for the best?" The princess snorted with her wine glass in hand while staring at her little admirer with a twinge of frustration in her gaze.
"That's right. I am a simple soul Azula-sama. I don't need much…and I just want to be happy. I just go with the flow! I try not to worry about what may or may not come. What will flow will flow!" Elle responded with a carefree shrug while the three women gazed at her as if she had just spouted a third arm.
"What will flow will flow? You are a strange kid." The markswoman remarked with her tawny eyes agape in bafflement.
"Maybe so. But I am content. Whether I die old or young…that doesn't matter to me. As long as I was happy…that's all that matters. It's just the way it goes. No sense in worrying about what may come." The blonde-haired girl spoke before taking a bite of her meal with a content countenance.
Azula sat staring back at Elle with her brows furrowing in disbelief over what she was hearing.
And try as she might she couldn't help but feel a sliver of concern.
Her lips pursed into a scowl all the while glaring at the young girl's lighthearted face.
'Curse this peasant…for making me feel such weakness.' The princess thought bitterly all the while snorting in contempt.
"Hm. How lucky for you that I am here to make your decisions for you. It's clearly for your own good." Azula stated with her stern gaze suppressing the faintest slivers of concern that she felt for her young companion.
Up until now Ty Lee and Mai wouldn't have agreed to Azula saying such a thing.
But now they couldn't help but wonder if Azula was right.
"I do not protest your governance Azula-sama…in truth I find it to my liking. I just look at life differently than most people. I try not to carry a grudge…I am weightless! If all ended in an instant…I would have no regrets." Elle answered after swallowing her bite with a gentle smile that had even Azula staring at her agape in shock.
All three of the women exchanged a glance with the acrobat's being the most emotional of them all.
Those were strange words to hear from a thirteen-year-old girl.
Words that roused a sense of concern in all of them.
Even if they didn't show it.
"Elle…you are young. You shouldn't be talking about dying so casually. Please don't do that. It…worries me." Ty Lee spoke softly with a trace of sadness in her usually cheerful eyes while peering at the small girl's speedily fading smile.
"I-I am sorry oneesan. I…am not trying to worry you! I am happy here! That's all that I am trying to say. Please don't be sad." The blonde-haired girl cried out while staring at her big sister's frowning countenance.
"Just…please don't talk like that. We'd miss you if you left us." The brown-haired woman assured while wiping at her eye trying not to shed a tear.
"Y-you would?" Elle stammered with her rising smile causing all of them to gaze at her oddly.
"Of course, we would! Isn't that right Azula?" Ty Lee urged with a pleading look in her eyes while she turned to the princess's callous face all the while rolling her eyes over her concern.
"The girl's not dying Ty Lee. Cease the waterworks." The princess grumbled before turning to glare at the teenager's innocent visage.
"It's nice to have a new face around. I can see that we'll have to be keeping a close watch on you." Mai agreed while Elle turned to her smiling even wider than before.
"A-arigatou gozaimasu oneesan." The blonde-haired girl muttered before jumping up in a startled manner when the regal woman loudly snapped her fingers in her face.
"Eat your food tiger monkey! It's growing cold. Let it flow into your mouth! I don't need you starving on me." Azula barked with her imposing stare causing Elle to gulp meekly before saluting her much to her delight.
"Y-yes Azula-sama!" Elle exclaimed while the two noblewomen sweatdropped when she began picking at her food like a tiny bird.
"Good. It would be a shame to lose you. You give such a splendid foot massage." The princess remarked with her two-childhood friend's now staring at her in disapproval.
"Azula!" The brown-haired woman scolded while folding her arms over her bust all the while huffing angrily over how insensitive her friend was.
"I-I would be saddened if I lost you too Azula-sama. You bring such joy into the world. I-it wouldn't be the same without you…" The blonde-haired girl trailed off with her amber eyes peering at her master while the woman's lips curved into a refined smile.
"Yeah. I am just going to say that I disagree with you kid." The markswoman sighed with the princess swallowing a sip of wine clearly pleased by the girl's worshipful nature.
"Yeah! Azula…makes the world a pink place." Ty Lee stated while smiling at Elle with a warm countenance.
"I know I do. But you don't have to worry your little heart about ever being without me. It's too late for you to run away now. I am going to dictate your every action…right down to what you eat…for as long as you live." Azula announced in a glacial voice while narrowing her eyes at her pet's reddening little face.
The two noblewomen visibly shuddered after hearing that terrifying statement.
Anyone else would be in tears after hearing that.
But Elle…
"Please do! I find your rule quite soothing Azula-sama!" Elle cheered just before laughing happily while Azula now gazed at her with her lips adorning a pleased smirk.
"Y-you really should stop encouraging Azula to tell you what to do Elle." The brown-haired woman blurted out nervously while watched as the princess leaned over the side of her throne.
"Well…when you beg so sweetly how can I ever say no? Very well Elle. You no longer have a will of your own. That too…belongs to me now." The princess informed with a domineering smile that had the other women shivering.
"Yay! You're the best friend that I could ever ask for princess!" The blonde-haired girl yelled out with a grin while her big sister's gazed at her comically.
"Mhm. And you are the best pet I could ask for." Azula purred before reaching out to pat Elle's head with the young girl blushing beneath her palm.
"I can't still believe you enjoy Azula dictating your life. But…whatever." Mai snorted in a dismissive voice while concealing her inner concerns.
"O-oh Azula-sama. I-I am so glad that you think so." Elle stuttered while swooning with a dreamy look in her young eyes all while the woman petted her head.
"You are fortunate that it is so. You would clearly starve without me. There is no woman or man out there that can provide such a prime selection of foods as me. This is just even further proof that I am the optimal dating candidate." The princess boasted with an arrogant smile before removing her palm from her young admirer's blonde hair.
"Sure. Whatever you say Azula." Ty Lee coughed while shaking her head in amusement over her conceited friends' absurd idea of dating.
"What other princess can offer what I offer Ty Lee? If she exists simply give me her name and I will slaughter her before our young companion's own eyes! Never for her nation to ever rise above their shame and ruination!" Azula called out with a violent grin now adorning her crimson lips while the torches in the room suddenly burst into azure flames.
The two noblewomen gazed at her awkwardly in a tense silence while they sweatdropped over the princess's megalomania.
Then the sound of joyful clapping filled the air while they turned their gazes to the small girl chipperly stroking the regal woman's gargantuan ego.
"You go Azula-sama! I don't know who this princess is but she can't defeat my princess charming! Her Highness's victory is imminent!" The blonde-haired girl cheered with gusto while Azula glanced at her from the corner of her eye in clear approval.
"Elle…this princess doesn't exist. There is no victory for Azula to win." The markswoman informed in a deadpan manner while shook her head over the young girl's continued clapping.
She supposed that she could see why Azula liked Elle so much.
The girl's love for Azula was seemingly limitless.
"Hm. My little admirer speaks wisely." The princess spoke with a wolfish grin while only to grunt when a blonde blur leaped into her lap.
Azula now peered down at Elle now happily hanging onto her neck while peering up at her callous face with a sweet smile.
All the while Mai and Ty Lee snickered at her glaring face while making very little effort to stifle their laughter.
"My princess is the greatest there is. And that's all there is to it." Elle sighed with a blissful smile before snuggling into the irate woman's chest.
"Your enthusiasm pleases me Elle. Now go back to your own chair!" Azula snapped while glaring down at Elle's beaming face with narrowed golden eyes.
"B-but Azula-sama…I want to sit in your lap." The blonde-haired girl whined only to pout like a sulking puppy when the princess raised her into the air by the back of her shirt.
"Azula! Don't hold Elle like a rag doll!" Ty Lee protested while she sweatdropped all the while at the sight of Azula holding Elle above her throne while the small girl pouted adorably.
"Not while I am eating." The princess snorted while peering up at the petite blonde's pitiful attempt at puppy dog eyes.
"I-I just wanted to snuggle." Elle mumbled lamely before being dropped onto her backside in her chair.
It did not escape the notice of the others that Azula did not drop Elle carelessly, she had set the girl down with a margin of care for her fragile nature.
"Too bad. Now eat your food…and stay in your seat!" Azula bellowed out dominantly while staring at Elle with narrowing golden eyes when the girl moved to hop over again.
"Aww…that's so cute Azula." The brown-haired woman gushed while observing Elle sulking with a lovable pout on her cheeks.
"W- wakarimashita Azula-sama." The blonde-haired girl stammered while slumping in her seat with her hand now grasping at her utensils once more.
"Quit your pouting tiger monkey." The princess scoffed while rolling her elegant eyes over her pet's childish behavior.
"Y-yes master." Elle agreed without delay while Azula peered at her with her frown quickly transforming into a smile once more.
"Just do as I say Elle. Be a good girl and I will indulge your silly desires." Azula commented with a refined smirk while scooping up another mouthful.
"So, Elle…earlier I heard Azula state that she moved you into another chamber?" Ty Lee pondered in a strategic effort to change the subject.
"Mhm! I have a bigger room now!" The blonde-haired girl chimed while peering at her master eating in an ever-graceful manner.
"Azula moved you into a larger room?" Mai asked with curiosity in her voice all the while Elle rapidly nodded her head exuberantly.
"I did." The princess stated casually while gulping down her bite with her callous eyes all the while peering at her joyful pet.
"Azula-sama removed my cot and put in a really nice bed! I have a desk now with a chair! Now I can write poetry for Her highness at my desk!" Elle cried out with jubilance while Azula's lips curled into a pleased smile.
Not only were the two noblewomen rather taken aback by the princess's strange act of generosity.
They couldn't help but sweatdrop over how even now Elle only thought of how the new arrangement would benefit Azula.
They had no doubt that played a factor in Azula's bizarre habit of pampering Elle.
"I suppose you could. Perhaps you can also find a non-Azula related hobby." The markswoman commented while her leader eyed her in a spoiled sense of disapproval.
"And now I have a lounge chair! And a huge closet full of nice clothes! A-and even an art station! There is even a painting stand! Now I can paint Azula-sama from the comfort of a chair!" The blonde-haired girl squealed while her two big sisters shook their heads in a fond manner.
"Or not." Mai concluded dryly with a sigh while the acrobat smiled cheerfully.
"Aww, that was really nice of Azula." Ty Lee cooed while gazing between Elle's radiant little face and Azula's slight scowl.
"I am simply humoring her in order to continue to receive the highest quality of service." Azula spoke in an offhand manner while waving her hand before her face.
Neither Mai nor Ty Lee believed the princess's obvious lie.
"I-I'll have my first two Azula-sama paintings finished even faster now that I have an art station." Elle admitted bashfully while peering over at Azula with a blush on her cheeks.
The joyful announcement incurred several more oohs and awws from the acrobat and a slightly inquisitive glanced from her other big sister.
And Azula's red lips curled into a gratified smile as she drank a sip of her wine.
"When they are finished…I demand that you show me my paintings." The princess purred in a hubristic voice while resting her chin in the palm of her hand.
"Wakarimashita!" The blonde-haired girl agreed in a cheerful manner that earned her an approving glance from her master.
"You're going to hang them up…where we can see them…aren't you?" The markswoman inquired while the princess gazed ahead with her usual entitled smirk.
"Elle, tell your big sisters about my decorating plans." Azula commanded in a supremely haughty voice while Elle turned to face her sisters with an enthusiastic grin.
"Azula-sama told me that when she becomes Fire Lord, I must line the entire palace with artwork in Her Highness's royal likeness!" Elle announced in a lively voice while both noblewomen gazed at her in renewed pity before turning to the princess's pleased smile.
"T-the entire palace Azula? Do you have any idea how much work she must be putting into each painting? Elle just might work herself to death!" Ty Lee protested with disbelief in her sisterly voice that had Azula rolling her eyes.
"I never said that I would make her do it all in one day. Far and wide I will ensure that she is known as the painter of the flawless Fire Lord Azula. No doubt she will sell a great many prints." The princess remarked in a content voice before pushing her empty plate aside.
"It seems a waste of her talent to only paint your face a hundred times over." Mai sighed with a shake of her head while gazing at the sunny faced girl.
"We'll just have to agree to disagree. I can think of no finer subject." Azula replied with an arrogant smile while turning to nod over in her little admirer's direction.
"Azula-sama?" The blonde-haired girl began once more while the older female eyed her with a trace of noticeable fondness still smiling.
"What is going through that little mind of yours?" The princess pondered with a less sadistic smirk than her usual.
"W-will you make sure that old man doesn't try to twist my arm again?" Elle requested in a timid voice while Azula peered at her with her smiling now fading fast.
The two noblewomen winced in unison while exchanging a knowing glance with one another.
Though they had no pity for the old general, they knew that he was bound to regret impeding Azula's dinner.
"I will. Show me your wrist." Azula ordered with her lips pursed into a frown while Elle leaned over sliding down the sleeve of her shirt.
It was barely noticeable, but there was a faint, very faint mark on the girl's skin from where Bujing had seized her arm.
"He…bruised her." The brown-haired woman growled out in a protective voice while the markswoman also frowned in mutual disapproval.
"This will be corrected. You can be assured of that. First thing tomorrow morning…I will give you a seal to where on your arm. After that…I doubt very much that you'll ever be harassed again." The princess informed with her eyes forming a terrifying stare before releasing her handmaid's arm.
"A-arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama…" The blonde-haired girl murmured meekly while smiling up at the regal woman's stern countenance.
"You belong to me. Only I may berate you." Azula stated in a domineering voice that had young Elle blushing once more.
"How romantic." Mai scoffed in a monotone while shoving her plate aside.
"O-oh Azula-sama, you're the best there is. I-I just know you'll defeat this other princess." Elle gushed while swooning with a hand on her cheek with her two big sister's sweatdropping once more.
"That's right my little admirer. I'll crush her underfoot." The princess boasted with a visible swell of pride while gazing at the young girl with a violent grin.
"Can I ask you another question master?" The blonde-haired girl pondered with a shy smile while the regal woman still peered at her smiling in a graceful manner.
"Of course, I have boundless brilliance to share with your developing mind." Azula responded in a voice of ever rising arrogance that had Mai groaning in annoyance.
"H-how do I determine the value of the coin that you gave me?" Elle asked bashfully while peering at her feet clearly afraid that she would be viewed as an idiot.
"Finally paid her huh?" The markswoman questioned in her usual tone while the princess rolled her eyes in response.
"I was always going to pay her. Now…you wish for me to educate you on Fire Nation currency…is that correct?" The princess purred with her fingers brushing her bangs from her eyes all while staring over in the small girl's direction.
"T-that's so Azula-sama. I don't know how to spend it." The blonde-haired girl admitted with an adorable stutter all while finding herself captivated by the woman's natural charms.
"That simply will not do. Will it? Hm. I shall school your little mind on the subject during tomorrow mornings breakfast. How does that sound?" Azula remarked with her golden eyes peering over at Elle's innocent face with a hunger for dominance emanating from deep within.
"It sounds wonderful Azula-sama!" Elle cheered with warm laughter that had all three women gazing at her fondly when she reached out to grasp the woman's hand.
"Aww…she's so pink Azula." Ty Lee cooed with a giggle while Azula glanced at the girl holding her hand sighing all the while.
"Yes Ty Lee. Elle is…very pink." The princess stated while reclining in her throne with her pet leaning over to hug her bicep.
"Has there been any word on the Avatar?" Mai questioned in a bored voice while Azula's smile returned to that of her usual cold nature.
"I am glad you asked Mai. As of matter of fact there has. We will be leaving in two days on a mission." Azula announced with a callous smirk while the two noblewomen gazed back in surprise.
All while Elle now peered at Azula with her innocent eyes on the verge of panic.
"D-do I get to come Azula-sama?" The blonde-haired girl requested as she tugged on the regal woman's sleeve while the princess gazed down at her with a sophisticated smile.
"Of course, you're coming with me, silly girl. I can't leave you here to make your own decisions…now can I?" The princess declared with a suave curve of her lips while staring down at the now overjoyed girl with amused golden eyes.
The two noblewomen sweatdropped when their adopted sister's cheerful shout rang into the air.
"This is joyous news! I get to travel with Azula-sama!" Elle squealed in delight just before leaping over the arm of the throne and plopping right into the now grunting woman's lap.
The acrobat giggled once more while watching the princess attempt to intimidate their young companion into vacating her lap.
"Go back to your chair peasant. Or I will punish you." Azula spoke while pointing a finger in Elle's beaming face when the small girl began to hug her belly.
"But Azula-sama…I am your pet am I not?" The blonde-haired girl pondered with her face pressing into the princess's upper belly while the woman's brows furrowed in slight curiosity.
"Yes, you are my pet. But you still have your own chair." The princess growled just as she snapped her fingers in the petite girl's cheerful face.
"Azula…please…in the name of Agni stop turning Elle into a pet." Ty Lee sighed yet even still she smiled over Elle's adorable personality.
"But pets sit in their master's laps. So that means that this is my spot." Elle retorted with a sunny smile while Azula rolled her lovely eyes in returning amusement.
"Only if the master deems it so. I do not recall ever stating that you were a lappet." Azula snorted before lazily reclining with Elle propped up upon her belly.
"B-but Azula-sama! If I am your girlfriend and your pet…then that means I belong in your lap." The blonde-haired girl insisted while sighing happily with her head resting against the monarch's belly.
"Elle…girlfriend and pet are not usually one and the same…" Mai stated in deadpan yet even so it did not deter the chipper teenager.
"In our case they are one and the same. Very well Elle. I will permit this for thirty minutes. Then you must go to bed." The princess announced in a near maternal manner while gazing down at her pet with her face resting against her fist.
"O-only thirty minutes of snuggle time?" Elle protested comically while Azula's eyes now narrowed into a truly terrifying stare.
"Would you prefer no…snuggle time?" Azula asked in a tyrannical voice all the while delighting in how Elle's shoulders slumped in defeat.
"N-no Azula-sama…" The blonde-haired girl stuttered pitifully like a sullen puppy while the princess once more rolled her eyes.
"You are a whiny little tiger monkey…" The princess sighed before lowering her palm into the pouty girl's hair just as she began to pet her soft blonde tresses.
"I am Princess Azula's tiger monkey!" Elle cheered in a childishly prideful voice all the while blushing as she pushed her head into the princess's bosom.
The other two women sweatdropped while watching Azula peer down at Elle with an amused smirk about her sophisticated lips.
"Mhm. I suppose you are." Azula agreed lazily with her hand patting Elle's soft head in a possessive manner.
Over the next thirty minutes Elle continued to snuggle up in the princess's lap all the while slowly but surely beginning to yawn.
Such actions incurred glares from Azula and more oohs and awws from Ty Lee.
Until finally the allotted thirty minutes had expired and the yawning girl was forcibly evicted from her master's lap.
"Go to bed now Elle. I will see you…tomorrow morning at seven." The princess ordered with her palms resting in her lap while she back at the exhausted girl with stern golden eyes.
"Yes…Azula-sama…" The blonde-haired girl trailed off in mid-yawn yet even so bent over in a courteous bow that earned her a stare of approval from the seated woman.
"Such a reverent girl…" Azula trailed off before leaning forward to pat Elle's head while the small girl remained bent over at the waist with her hands at her sides.
Elle simply smiled warmly with the hand petting her head before releasing a few sleepy laughs all the while savoring the princess's attentions.
"I can't believe General Bujing called Elle's behavior improper and erroneous. What an ass." Ty Lee snorted with her arms folded under her breasts.
The statement caused the princess's eyes narrowing in a strange combination of anger and amusement.
"This one? Improper?" The princess scoffed with her controlling eyes peering down at her handmaid's timid little face.
"I-I'm not improper am I Azula-sama?" Elle mumbled with her eyes peering down at the princess's boots while the elegant woman sat with her legs crossed in a regal manner.
"No, most certainly not. I approve of you." Azula cooed in a curiously subdued voice while glancing down at Elle being compressed beneath her palm.
"Good. I want to be your good girl…always." The blonde-haired girl answered with a sweet smile just when her head was patted once more.
"Go to your chambers now servant…" The princess trailed off with her palm withdrawing while she surveyed her pet with a flicker of fondness in her callous eyes.
"Oyasumi nasai Azula-sama!" Elle exclaimed with a gentle voice while bowing once more all while Azula stared down at her clearly pleased by her obedience.
Both noblewomen found the scene to be strangely touching, even Mai herself.
Their new companion was a real sweetheart, of that they had no doubt.
"Oyasumi nasai…to you too Elle." Azula spoke with a stern nod only for Elle to leap into her lap once more while she sighed deciding to allow the hug.
"T-thank you Azula-sama…for the new chamber." The blonde-haired girl murmured graciously while the princess glanced down at her before patting her head.
"Consider it a reward for being a good girl. Now…run along now…before you pass out in my lap." The princess commanded before pushing the young girl out of her lap just as the blonde stood up with a faint blush on her cheeks.
"Yes princess!" Elle responded with cheer before curtsying Azula yet again before elegantly arising from her bow.
Azula never failed to take note of Elle's exceedingly courteous disposition, one of the girl's traits that she deeply favored.
Then she tilted her head curiously when her handmaid turned to scurry over to the smiling acrobat before hugging the woman around her waist.
"Aww! Goodnight to you too little sister!" The brown-haired woman gushed with a kind smile while patting the small girl's head.
"Oyasumi nasai…oneesan." The blonde-haired girl replied with a bashful smile while the woman mussed her hair.
"You go get your sleep now." Ty Lee stated softly before patting the girl's head once more while Elle stood up before adorably dashing over to Mai's seat.
The gloomy woman sighed when she turned to greet the girl approaching her with a twinge of fondness in her tawny eyes.
"You know…I am not really much for…" Mai trailed off in a deadpan voice just as Elle latched around her belly.
"Too bad. If I have to endure it so do you." Azula commented smugly while sipping her wine as she silently enjoyed watching Mai tense up.
"Oyasumi nasai oneesan!" Elle cried out cheerfully while Mai gazed down at her with softening eyes.
"Yeah. Same to you Elle." The markswoman spoke before gingerly patting the girl's grinning head.
And just like that the small blonde stood up almost turning to walk out of the room.
But she halted to peer back at the princess's stoic face all the while chewing her lip.
Then Elle speedily scurried back towards Azula's throne with the other two women smirking in entertainment.
The princess's wry expression was priceless while she watched the small girl scamper back over with aggravation finally beginning to show in her hardened eyes.
"Servant…you already said goodnight to me." The princess sighed only for the small girl to halt before her throne with her needy little eyes peering down at her boots.
"B-but Azula-sama…I love you so much that I wanted to do it all over again…" The blonde-haired girl whined while kicking at an imaginary pebble with her cheeks heating up under the princess's scrunched up stare.
The acrobat could be heard giggling in the background while the regal woman sat peering down at the young girl's bashful face.
"Really? How fortunate for me." Azula remarked dryly just when Elle embraced her around the neck with even more emotion than before.
"Azula…that is so cute! She's a total snugglebug." The brown-haired woman cooed only for the woman in question to glare at her from the corner of her eye with the small blonde latched around her neck.
"O-oyasumi n-nasai…" Elle stammered in a voice of endless affection with Azula glancing down at her while she patted her on the back.
"Goodnight to you too…once again. Now no more hugging!" The princess stated strictly before pushing the pouting blonde back to her feet.
"J-just one more?" The blonde-haired girl murmured with puppy dog eyes while the princess stared down at her with imposing golden eyes.
"We've hugged enough for one day. Now go to bed girl!" Azula barked with narrowed countenance now making Elle gulp under her glare much to her satisfaction.
"Y-yes Azula-sama…um…I hope you sleep well…" Elle trailed off with a shy smile while scratching her cheek nervously.
"You as well servant…now get going! Or I will punish you!" The princess exclaimed before pointing a domineering finger in the blushing girl's face.
"Wakarimashita!" The blonde-haired girl chirped before performing a final bow with her hands at her sides all the while peering up at her master's sighing face.
"Yes Elle… wakarimashita." Azula spoke with forced patience before watching Elle smile up at her and then turning to sprint away.
All three women observed Elle dashing to the doors and vanishing for the briefest of instances.
Only for two of three women to sweatdrop when the young girl peaked back in to peer at the princess's now exasperated face.
"Go." The princess snapped with her irate eyes staring at the naïve girl's smiling face all the while listening to the acrobat's hearty laughter.
"Oyasumi nasai minasan!" Elle yelled out while waving happily at all three with Ty Lee being the only one to cheerily wave back at her.
"You too baby sister! Maybe I'll pay you a snuggle visit one of these nights!" Ty Lee shouted with a joyful giggle while Azula glared at her from the corner of her eye.
"Go to sleep girl or I will put you to work all night long scrubbing the floors of the palace halls." Azula announced with a scarily callous stare now being aimed at the carefree young girl who was now making a hasty retreat.
"I love you Azula-sama!" The blonde-haired girl called out from down the hallway with the princess's lips now curving upwards ever so slightly over the adorable declaration.
"Is she actually gone now?" Mai asked while gazing at the open door with amused tawny eyes.
"It would seem so. Though I was beginning to wonder if that girl would ever finish saying goodnight." The princess snorted while reclining with her face now resting in the palm of her left hand.
"But she's so cute Azula!" The brown-haired woman squealed while gazing at the princess who simply rolled her eyes in response.
Though Azula did not say it aloud.
She did not disagree with her friend.
Elle was most certainly a lovely little thing.
Hers and hers alone.
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Alcohol Chronicles
Words: 1,780 Genre: Original, Romance A/n: Unfortunately, this doesn’t have a title yet, and I don’t know if I’ll continue the story, but here’s something like a chapter 1.  I entitled it Alcohol Chronicles because I wrote something long ago that involved alcohol, and this one involves that as well.  So yeah, hope you enjoy. :)
The first time I saw him, it was in an airplane going to Hong Kong.  He sat just across the aisle from me.  I liked looking at people, and imagining what kind of person they are, or what kind of life stories they hold.  And so I looked (stared) at him for a while (a long time).  He had a prominent bone structure- high cheekbones, and a sharp jawline. He wore glasses, and had small earrings on both his ears.  He liked to rest his chin on his knuckles while watching airplane movies or waiting for food.  He pursed his lips together into a pout when he was thinking of things to say, such as food to get in the airplane or how to operate the airplane TV.  For that whole airplane ride, I weaved back and forth from trying not to look, to giving in to the impulse of staring.  
Usually, it was easy to read people, but this one was sort of different.  I thought, maybe he was a cool guy, because he sort of had a bad boy vibe going on. His eyes were brown and heavy lidded- mysterious and piercing.  I say this because our eyes made contact when he caught me staring at him.  He bowed in greeting, and I bowed back with an embarrassed smile.  He returned the smile with a slightly mischievous smirk. A smirk? That confused me because when he tried talking to the flight attendants, he was shy and he moved quite awkwardly. When he conversed with his friends, his smile was like a boy’s- carefree and shy and innocent and (admittedly) adorable. When he laughed, his eyes would vanish and (happy) lines would form around them.  He looked like trouble, but he felt kind of…warm.
The second time we met was in Taiwan, around 6 months after Hong Kong.  Coincidentally, we were staying in the same cheap hostel.  I was already in the elevator, mentally reviewing my schedule for the next day when my thoughts were interrupted to him stopping the elevator door from closing.  Our eyes met again, and he gave another playful smirk.  Ahh, that smirk again.  He bowed in greeting to which I bowed back. I don’t think he recognized me, but I knew it was him right away.  He looked different that day.  He wore a well fitted daytime suit which made him look suave and sharp.  He stood tall with a kind of swag and confidence exuding from his lean body.  Then was also when I found out he was Japanese- as I listened to him talking on the phone.  
At that time, I had already finished studying Japanese, among other languages and one of the reasons I was in Taiwan was because I was studying Chinese.  When I saw him again later that day, he had a very confused look on his face and was scratching his head in frustration while trying to talk to someone in both Japanese and English.  I assumed he was lost and I assumed right so I decided to help him then, acting as a translator.  
“Sumimasen. Nihon-jin, desu ka?” he asked if I was Japanese.
“Iie,” I shook my head.  “I only know a little.”
“Ahh, I see. Thank you,” he bowed and I bowed back and said good-bye.
Later that night, the elevator broke down and I was struggling in climbing the stairs and carrying the remainder of my luggage to the room where I was staying.  Incidentally, he was climbing up his room at that time as well and seeing me in such an embarrassing state, he offered to help.
“What floor are you staying in?” he asked
“Ahh, the third.” I answered.
No words were said until we reached the third floor where I thanked him profusely.  To which he responded with,
“I guess we’re even now, huh?” and said goodbye with a wink.
I didn’t know how to respond, so I just stood there.  What a weird guy.
It wasn’t until our third encounter that we officially met. It was maybe around a year or two later, in an open party in Phuket, Thailand.  I was so tipsy (drunk) that night that I didn’t even recognize him until the morning after-dealing with a massive hangover and piecing together things that happened the night before.  His friend approached my friend and our groups kind of merged together. He introduced himself as Ken, and he shook my hand and gave a reserved smile.  A few moments later, we were stuck with disgusted faces watching our friends get wild on the dance floor.  And since we both weren’t particularly in the hip grinding, dirty-dancing, making-out mood, he invited me to step out, to which I eagerly agreed to.
Somehow, we ended up at the beach.  It was quiet; he was quiet and I was too busy concentrating on not falling over my steps to even think of words to say.  We walked to the beach side by side but no words were said. He walked with his hands in his pockets, and he tried his best to look towards the direction farthest away from me. The air around us was thick with anticipation of something (well, maybe anything) from one another, but we were both hesitant to speak, uncertain of what to say or how to act.  We would accidentally make eye contact and then glance away immediately-like clumsy teenagers.  It was laughable.  And so we sat by the beach-watching the waves crash on the shore, burying our bare feet on the sand.
“Uhm, do you mind?” he asked, fumbling over a pack of cigarettes.
I smiled and waved my hands and shook my head.  Mmm, he smoked.  I thought to myself.  
And it fell silent again.  This time, I was determined to break the thick air, and I tried to think of things to say.  Say something.  I watched him exhale smoke. Say something.  I looked away before he could catch me looking (yet again). Say anything.  But my mind was too intoxicated and no words appeared no matter how hard I thought.
“Hey, uhm…” he beat me into breaking the silence again. “Sorry,” he laughed.  “I’m kind of bad around new people and I maybe sort of drunk.” He awkwardly confessed. “So, sorry if you’re not…. I mean if it’s…., uh, maybe not enjoyable for you…being with me.” he tried to laugh off his nerves and took another hit on his cigarette.
“No, umm” I had to bite my lips to hide my smile; I didn’t even know what made me smile but there it was.  “It’s okay…..”  The alcohol was slowly taking over my sobriety, and I had to scramble my brain for something to say quickly.  “I like looking at you anyway.”
Just as the words escaped my mouth, we both shot each other surprised looks.  Ahhh, wrong words, shit.  The alcohol had started to betray me.  “No, wait, I mean…” I tried to explain but he was already laughing and waving his hands.
“It’s okay, don’t worry” he laughed.  And I couldn’t help laughing back.
Looks like my stupidity saved the day, I thought as the air around us lightened.  
We must have said more things, and we must have shared more laughs, and we must have exchanged more glances.  But I could only remember pieces of it- like us playing in the water, me trying to learn how to smoke and him laughing at my horrible attempts to do so; him giving me his coat because I was obviously cold, and us playing with each other’s hands.  I hoped I remembered more, but the alcohol robbed me of common sense and thinking and solid memories of that night.  I also kind of hoped it did the same to him.
“You know what, I love the sea” I said at one point of the night.
“Why’s that?”
“Mmm.  I don’t know.” I smiled. “It’s just, how can anyone not love the sea when it’s that beautiful?”
Fast forward to our fourth encounter: today, in Manila, Philippines, my hometown; about 6 months after Thailand.  Right now, I am looking at his smug and self-satisfied smile from across the table.  I tried my best to smile and look professional as my boss explained what was going to happen but I’m sure the confusion, and shock, and disbelief, and discomfort showed on my face.  How did this happen?
That morning, my boss told me about, in his words, a “known Japanese photographer” who was making a photobook on beautiful places in Asia.  He wanted to partner up with our publishing company and feature photographs of places around the country.  And since I was going to “write about some places anyway”, and because I “knew Japanese anyway”, as my boss had put it, he decided that this person should just tag along with me.  
And now, here I was with Mr. Kenzo Suzumiya, known Japanese photographer, smirk-er in the airplane going to Hong Kong, cheap hostel-mate in Taiwan, drinking buddy in Thailand, and now, co-worker and travel buddy in the Philippines.   This may be one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, to say the least.  Note to future self: stop staring at strangers, stop getting drunk with strangers-they may be your future client or in this case, co-worker.  As soon as the meeting was done, I said good-bye and rushed out of that room.  Ahhh, world, how can you let this happen?
“It’s been a while,” he smiled playfully, catching up to me.
“Ahhh, Mr. Suzumiya.” I sighed. “Yes, it’s been a while” I looked for possible excuses, familiar people to help me escape, but there was none. Please, don’t make me remember.  
“Eh?  You don’t have to be so formal, you know.  It’s Ken, remember?”
“Uhh, look, Ken.  I don’t really remember much from that night” I confessed.  “So, if I did something embarrassing, I am so sorry.”
“Is that so?  You don’t want to remember?  I can tell you…”
“No, please, don’t.” I cringed, almost visualizing what kind of stupidity and mess happened that night.  “Let’s… just forget that night ever happened, yeah?” I pleaded.
“Mmm, okay.” He agreed. “Then I look forward to working with you” he smiled and reached out his hand.  
“I’m looking forward it too,” I lied, shook his hands and smiled.  “Well, then, onto some work” I excused myself and walked away.  I felt him watch me walk away.  My knees wobbled in weakness.  If the ground opened, and ate me, I wouldn’t have minded.  
Here’s to the next month, and the (mis)adventure it awaits.
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Nanbaka 17 | ACCA 3 | ReLIFE 7 - 13 (FINAL) | D Gray Man Hallow 2 - 6
(Nanbaka 17)
I bet the fandom makes, “Something is breaking. It’s my heart,” jokes from now on. Or something similar to that. Fandom is corny like that.
I only just realised, but the green numbers that appear at the start of the OP are cell 13’s prisoner numbers. D’oh.
Couldn’t you just grab the shackles, Rock?
Chibi Hajime? Never seen that one before.
It just occurred to me that Qi may have done this.
There seems to be a patch of purple on Jyugo’s torso…for some reason.
Upa did it…?
Hey, that Bruce Lee quote came back…! There also seems to be a Bungou Stray Dogs vibe going on, not really being helped by the fact Yuto Uemura is Atsushi and Jyugo. Tsukumo is Yuri from Yuri on Ice, which is kinda funny.
I…accept your man candy! LOL.
Kiji and Uno are crazily on the same wavelength…
Oh wow, Uno just pulled out the Dazai stops.
“10 minutes later…”
CGI doors…what a pain in the butt.
The eye style on Uno makes me LOL too hard.
(ACCA 3)
Oh, so the OP’s red bird is an acca. Okay.
Potato gratin on toast. Never tried it, but I like potato gratin on cheese and cheese on potato gratin.
Bar Tattler. Perfect name for a place to spill secrets.
Wow. Formal dress isn’t that different to ACCA wear but it makes people look completely different.
There were huggggggggggggggge strawberries last time, remember?
Ooh. Things are getting interesting thanks to Mauve and the 5 General guys.
(ReLIFE ep 7)
Isn’t that Windows 7 Yoake has?
I never asked this, but what happens to failed subjects?
Hmph. They say in Japan that a guy and a girl sharing an umbrella is romantic.
ReLIFE really addresses the difference between personal involvement and work involvement.
Yoake really does remind me of Dazai sometimes.
LOL, Onoya, Yoake. Meanwhile, is that a pink computer? Don’t think I’ve ever seen a monitor that’s pink, although I have seen a pink brick phone and a pink laptop.
Arata’s senpai’s tale matches Yoake’s relationship with subject 001, now that I think of it.
I wanna know more about Amagase-san.
Love bubbles and sparkles, LOL. You are one strange character, Yoake.
You can easily tell Arata’s saying sumimasen , even if there are no subs.
Why did “I don’t have a car!” make me laugh so much?
I think there was an excess “and” in the subs somewhere when Yoake was reporting near the end of the ep.
(ep 8)
The animation on Oga’s hand was unnatural (as in, his second and third fingers were too far apart) when he waved.
“In the pink of health”? Never heard that one before.
“Appetite” is probably the wrong word for it, Amatsu-sensei.
He didn’t react by laughing at Tamarai’s, but I guess that would’ve been misinterpreted and/or impolite.
The final year of high school is all about going all out…
Is the pill in the eyecatch always blue? I saw it was orange last ep.
There appear to be English dictionaries on Inukai’s shelf.
You can see the bags under Tamarai’s eyes.
Revenge of the CGI balls, LOL.
You can see how much Asaji wants to help when he reaches out but then he takes it back. Huh.
Update: I was familiar up to about this part in the manga.
(ep 9)
Omurice. I like that word. Omurice. Omurice. Probably because “omelet rice” sounds weird…Omurice.
Do you think ReLIFE would benefit if its fandom had more memes? Because bees. The Bee Movie seems to be pretty popular as a meme subject these days.
Is this why people always want younger people to enjoy their youth? So they don’t have their dreams crushed later?
The three line eyebrows are distinctive, but they look a bit weird.
Oga, you innocent butt. Blinking ever so innocently at Kariu.
How ironic of you to say, “The last thing you need is a fall”, Oga.
Hishiron can’t be a soccer nerd. “Gooooal” doesn’t suit her.
Doesn’t Kaizaki have any better clothes than black and grey shirts?
Hishiron has her school bag.
Bullying is a Big Deal in Japan, where you’re not meant to pick on people at all. Western cultures wish for outgoing people, so for someone like me who sits more on the introvert side, life kinda sucks.
Seriously, An and Yoake, get together.
*facepalms* What a dork, Kaizaki. Hitting your head in you panic like that won’t get you anywhere.
That’s a weird way of putting that, Hishiron. “[G]et revenge with someone,” that is.
About the entire plotline: It’s easier to “regress” when it comes to writing stories but harder to “regress” when it comes to real life. It must be because of how used to living and growing up people feel.
(ep 10)
At the top of the staircase, Hishiron looked so confused (after she said that she’d watch the tournament).
“Of course I know.” – (Chorus: Of course Yoake knows.)
You’re too darned strong (regarding the door), Kaizaki.
I heard there was an English dub of ReLIFE. Hopefully they can sell the Hishiron voice well enough.
The first time, I was wondering what came after this.
(ep 11)
Why do people say stuff like “I’ll come with”? I’ve said it before, but never questioned it until now.
I actually think Onoya’ll be really grumpy when she wakes up.
I guess it’s the hairstyle, but I look at Yoake and I’m seeing Dazai…again.
I bet Arata will be sad once it ends, LOL.
Black companies – corrupt businesses filled with salesmen and women who can’t escape. That’s basically what I’ve picked up from Osomatsu-san, anyway.
Notice the pill is normally white/blue. This time it was black/blue.
There’s a very Western feeling to this. No wonder the West likes this more than Japan itself. It’s also quite the sociological study. It helps that this was one of the only two shows I watched in summer 2016 the first time around (the other being Boueibu s2) – I can see “One Wish They Never Wanted” reflected in this, and knowing me and the hard times I went through at the end of the year, it was most likely deliberate. After all, they do carry similar themes.
(ep 12)
I think there was a central institution uni applications go through in Japan. In my country, they have something similar.
I shipped Kariu and Oga so hard during these last two eps. It helps that I almost never take the shows with the ships.
Ow. That burnt so much, Arata.
Such a convenient hole in the wall.
Kamioka’s hair looks a little puffy.
You jerk, Arata. You didn’t think “the same thing”. You thought nothing of the sort!
Why is Arata a fish? Probably because Kaizaki means “ocean peak” (or something like it).
What’s up with that statue?
August 10th, 6:30 pm onwards.That’s when the fireworks festival is.
Arata’s got his own harem~! (Neener neener…and so on.)
(ep 13)
Why are only the girls in kimono?! (Update: Or is that yukata?)
You suave, suave player, Yoake.
The white figures really aren’t helping their case…
The blue and yellow sign tells you there’s a traffic obstruction due to the fireworks.
They’ve got some heavy focus on the earrings in a certain shot. It’s such good news for the ship.
Holding hands is a much bigger deal in Japan than it is in the West.
Of course Tama is such a target for mozzies. She’s so big in that region.
The fireworks look so lifelike in this anime!!! I said that for Showa Genroku too, though.
Like an ephermeal flower, a fireworks exists…or some other weird Yoda stuff like that.
Arata’s seems to be blue, while Chizuru’s seems to be green for the sake of colour coding.
Onoya’s fan says “festival” on it.
The pill background looks kinda like footsteps. It must’ve been deliberate they used such a pattern.
Off model at its worst (when the duo sat on the bench).
LOL, lookit Hishiron’s creepy face.
Nothing is better than a properly-pulled-off bookend.
Welp, that’s the end of that. Hopefully we can meet again sometime, for some other show.
(D Gray Man Hallow ep 2)
Every time I see this ep, I think of a song. It’s this one, to be precise about it. Never mind about the music video, the lyrics and title suit it too well.
Poor Tim.
Ooh, macaron cake!
I forgot who Phantom Thief G was the first time. Then I checked him up and I remembered.
Wrong “throw”, subbers.
This scene where Link is crying is…very odd. There’s a lot of logic that really should be obvious that gets bandied about here.
Really? Fanservice?
If he has Innocence, Timothy’s guilty (in a sense). How ironic.
How do people even evaluate the Akuma’s level on sight?
(ep 3)
“Soul mate” is probably overreacting a little too much.
What a weird butt Galmar is. I can understand his reasoning for what he thinks though.
(ep 4)
People can never seem to agree on how to spell Tyki’s name.
Renny? Seriously, I laugh too much. “Lenny” would’ve been a proper name, but that’s a guy’s name. Then again, this is anime we’re talking about...
Tim’s so cute with the ZZZs.
That burn, Allen. So deep.
“This is the order of the Pope.”
“Hunting Exorcists, huh?”
(ep 5)
Everyone spells Alma’s name as Alma Karma, but the book cover says Alma Carma (sic). Huh.
Sometimes I question the need for a science section in the middle of an Akuma vs Exorcist war.
What the freak, Earl? Don’t scare me like that!
Improper poses? That’s so threatening. (sarcastic)
Unnecessary fanservice, number 2…? (Specifically the “you perv” bit.)
(ep 6)
A-hey. Young!Kanda animated in such a way that it invokes humour…it looks like Yurio. Lots of things remind me of Yurio these days.
How do they know exactly how many seconds it’ll take until the Seconds regenerate?
It’s bunny!Hoshino!
Such gallows humour. That’s why the novelty wore off on this show.
I think the word they mean is youkai instead of sprite.
The jackets come off…kinda sorta.
Is it “dreamed” or “dreamt”?
Can people even hear using stethescopes? I’ve never tried it myself, but I want to know.
Sometimes you forget Allen’s there.
How’d blonde guy (Edgar) get that blood around him?
3 notes · View notes
grither55 · 4 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 5 - A Poem for the Princess
After Elle had finished eating Azula had dismissed her.
She had been sent back to her servants’ quarters where she spent the remainder of her time laying on her back working on her artbook.
The lovesick girl quirked her lips while humming thoughtfully as she continued to paint her princess’s divine face.
“Hm. It could be better…. couldn’t it?” The blonde-haired girl pondered while tilting her head adorably in deep thought.
Even when she was alone her primary thought was always Azula.
She spent so much time on it that she fell asleep with her book in full display upon her lap.
In the early morning Azula strode through the halls of the palace before coming to a stop before the girl’s servant quarters.
It was nearly a full hour before her servant was scheduled to get up.
But after waking up herself for some reason she felt like checking to see if the girl was already awake.
Could it be that she actually sought the company of a mere peasant?
For reasons that escaped her she opened the door quietly almost as if she was concerned with waking Elle up too early.
She chalked it up to being concerned about effecting the girl’s coming labors in the day ahead.
When the door opened Azula glanced inside the modest room only to sweatdrop when saw Elle sprawled out on her bed snoring.
The small blonde was laying upon her back with her legs stretched out and a blanket half covering her robed body while her master observed her in amusement.
‘I am not sure why I expected her to be up earlier than scheduled. Though…I will admit. She’s…cute.’ The princess thought as she began to close the door.
Only to pause when her golden eyes caught the glimpse of a large sketchbook lying face up on the girl’s belly.
With her curiosity piqued Azula began to silently stride into the room with her arms folded over her breasts.
And then very carefully as if still fearing waking her pet she lit a small flame in the palm of her hand.
With the room lightly illuminated by her blue fire she gazed down at the petite servant’s snoring quietly face.
What she saw in the opened pages of the artwork caused her eyes to widen in surprise.
Paint supplies were scattered about on the floor beside a small container.
And gazing up at her on full display was a painting of her by the lake!
The detail of the piece was simply astounding.
It was almost comparable to the paintings that lined the halls of the palace!
In the painting she was sitting with her legs folded beneath her while she gazed out over the waterside.
The title was in a puzzling foreign print with characters that she was unfamiliar with.
Azula-sama, lakeside.
It took a great deal to take her by surprise but this…
Her little servant had been painting her from the bushes!
And just like that the blue fire vanished while she stood over the slumbering teenager with her cruel eyes once more conveying a rare fondness.
‘She…really likes me.’ Azula thought with the hints of a blush upon her cheeks as she turned away from Elle while the girl began to roll over in her sleep.
Without further delay the powerful princess began to exit just as quietly as she came.
Her stoic eyes glanced back at the girl’s snoring face for a final time before silently closing the door behind her.
And with that Azula walked away with her palms folded behind her back.
Somewhere deep inside of her hardened heart.
She…was truly flattered by Elle’s innocent adulation.
She decided that she would keep the details of this little visit to herself.
And she also could not help but wonder…will her handmaid paint her again?
One hour later.
Azula was seated in her study as she listened to the sound of light footsteps approaching her chamber.
She turned expectantly to see Elle kneeling before her chair with her head bowed low at her feet.
“Ohayō gozaimasu Azula-sama!” Elle greeted happily while huddling onto the floor with her master staring down at her in approval.
“Is that a good morning?” Azula asked in an amused voice while setting her paperwork down.
“It is so princess. How may I please you this morning?” The blonde-haired girl answered while the woman turned to gaze down at her with her arms resting on the sides of her throne.
“Go fetch me a hot cup of coffee.” The princess commanded in a stern voice while peering down at the girl with imposing golden eyes.
“Yes master!” Elle exclaimed before rising from her bow while smiling warmly at Azula’s hardened face.
“You may get yourself a cup as well.” Azula informed curtly before turning away to focus on her paperwork.
The petite blonde’s face broke out into the widest smile that she could manage as she listened to the naïve girl cry out in gratitude.
“A-arigatou gozaimasu! Arigatou Azula-sama!” The blonde-haired girl cheered with an innocent grin adoring her lips while her master glanced at her over her shoulder.
“Keep your voice down! And keep this to yourself, and make certain that you close the door when you return.” The princess hissed with her eyes narrowing as she watched the younger girl bowed at the waist.
“Understood princess! Your secrets are safe with me. I won’t tell anyone. Not even under threat of torture.” Elle assured as she smiled warmly back at Azula who simply rolled her elegant eyes in response.
And with that the young girl left the study with purpose in her step as she departed for the palace kitchens.
“This peasant has me going soft.” Azula snarled under her breath before returning to her morning work.
But even so.
She recalled what she saw this morning…and despite her best efforts to be colder to the girl.
She was finding that she truly enjoyed their interactions as it stands.
If she raised a hand to the pure-hearted girl…then her little handmaid will no longer labor with such undying adoration in her eyes.
Perhaps…fear wasn’t the only reliable way.
It was not long before a cup was placed before Azula while she glanced at Elle through the corner of her eye when the girl seated herself beside her throne.
“Don’t you want to sit in a chair?” The princess questioned calmly while reaching for her cup.
“No. I would rather sit beside you Azula-sama. I don’t mind the floor. It’s closer to you.” The blonde-haired girl stated in a genuine voice while sipping her cup.
Azula made no comment to that as she observed the girl lean against the side of her throne.
It was a sight that she decided seemed almost fitting.
“You will receive more training today. This time though…ignore any order that contradicts my will.” Azula declared while regally drinking her hot beverage.
“Wakarimashita!” Elle chirped while beaming up at the looming throne when a hand lowered to pat her head.
She began to blush as she sunk back into the base of the large throne as her master petted her.
It was a truly strange thing but she didn’t mind it when the woman treated her like a precious pet.
“Good girl…” The princess found herself muttering as she ran her fingers through plush blonde tresses while reading the upcoming war plans.
“I-I am Princess Azula’s good girl.” The blonde-haired girl stuttered in a lovesick voice while closing her eyes in serenity.
For the first time in all her miserable life…she finally felt like she found a place where she belonged.
“I can see that.” Azula stated with smugness lacing her voice while clutching the girl’s head beneath her palm.
“Azula-sama?” Elle began in a hesitant voice while the older girl closed her eyes with her coffee mug in hand.
“What is it servant?” The princess pondered while making an honest effort to maintain their amicable relations. 
“U-um…w-well I…” The blonde-haired girl stammered lamely while she listened to the taller woman snort snidely above her.
“I am a busy woman. I may be…fond of you. Because of that…I am granting you privileges that no other servant will ever taste. I have even been so generous as to allow you to sit beside me. In order to retain these privileges…you’ll have to learn to be silent when I am working. So, spit it out already.” Azula announced while glaring down at her pet with imposing golden eyes.
“S-sumimasen master. B-but I wanted to give you a gift.” Elle admitted as she fiddled with her thumbs while Azula peered down at her with marginally widened eyes.
“…A gift for me?” The princess asked while turning in her throne to glance down at the shy girl with returning fondness in her gaze.
“T-that’s so. I-I wrote you a poem.” The blonde-haired girl confided to the princess’s surprise while fishing in her pocket for a small paper.
Just as held up the wrinkled paper between her nervous fingers while she averted her eyes from her master’s taken aback golden gaze.
Azula found herself bending over to peer down at the offering with her hardened eyes now staring down at the parchment with a flicker of moved emotion in her gaze.
Once again, her servant’s writing was in a compelling foreign print.
‘Another world….’ Azula thought with her regal brows furrowed in contemplation while she recalled the girl’s earlier words.
Before she returned her surprised gaze to her handmaid’s bashful face.
“I am not familiar with this manner of calligraphy. Is this the language that your people write in?” The princess questioned in a cold voice with her strict eyes gazing down at her servant’s abashed countenance.
“T-that’s so Azula-sama.” Elle answered in a soft voice as she avoided gazing into the older woman’s hypnotic golden eyes.
One thing that she noticed ever since she arrived in the Fire Nation was that all text seemed to be written in something similar to Chinese.
And yet somehow, they still spoke the same language.
“I command you to show me how to decipher this language.” The princess ordered in a voice of absolute authority with her domineering eyes gazing down at her pet’s lovely face.
Just as the young girl peered up at her with a small smile on her lips.
“Y-yes master! As you command.” The blonde-haired girl piped in a lovably loyal voice while the princess sat above her with a pleased smirk on her lips.
“In the meantime. You will read it for me.” Azula spoke in a tone of charismatic dominance as she sat back against her throne with her callous eyes masking her curiosity.
“O-okay. Just p-please don’t laugh at me…. I know it’s not the best.” Elle mumbled in a self-conscious voice while her innocent amber eyes peered down at the paper in her hands.
She just couldn’t help herself.
She truly has fallen for this beautiful princess.
“I will do as I please. Such is my right as your master.” The princess stated in an unfathomably harsh voice with her cold eyes gazing down harshly at her serving girl’s nodding face.
Before the teenager swallowed the lump that was in her throat as she anxiously held the poem in her shaky fingers.
“I-it is called my P-Princess.” The blonde-haired girl announced in a lovesick voice with an adorable shade of pink on her youthful cheeks while the princess fell silent over her shoulder.
And then she chewed on her lower lip after she found the will to continue reading.
“M-my p-princess is the most b-beautiful. For there is none other so r-regal. M-my p-princess your fire burns b-blue. T-there is nothing I want more than to s-serve you. M-my princess beside you I wish to s-stay. T-throughout each and every day. I-I feel that this is where I belong. B-beside m-my p-princess so strong.” Elle stuttered in an insecure voice while Azula now sat over her in a speechless silence.
It was all Azula could do to gaze down with a sliver of moved emotion in her ruthless eyes over the little poem that her devoted servant had written for her.
And then she found herself plucking the poem out from between her handmaid’s quivering fingers.
Before she set the poem beside her war documents.
While she turned to gaze back down at her embarrassed serving girl with astonished golden eyes.
She was truly taken aback by the girl’s seeming undying adoration for her.
Not only did her pet paint her by the lakeside.
She has even written her a poem.
“Servant.” The princess spoke in an authoritative voice while she peered down at her self-conscious pet.
“M-master?” The blonde-haired girl answered as she still sat nervously twirling her thumbs.
While the princess found herself unable to fight the fond smirk that crept onto her lips as soon as the tiny girl called her master with such a lovable stutter.
And then she sipped her coffee once more while she casually planted her palm down upon her servant girl’s lovely blonde head.
“That was well written.” Azula commented with her lovely lips curving upward in approval while petting the girl with a possessive hand.
“I-I am overjoyed that you think so…w-would it be inappropriate if I wrote you more?” Elle requested as she sat against the throne with her face as red as a tomato.
“Typically, it is considered improper for a servant to make advances on her master. As it is beneath a princess to accept gifts from a commoner.” The princess remarked aloofly while feeling the small girl sink glumly beneath her hand.
“S-sumimasen Azula-sama…if I have offended you.” The blonde-haired girl murmured in understanding as she clutched at her cup.
She understood that the princess was far above her…
It was just so difficult to resist expressing just how much she adored Princess Azula.
She could only scold herself all the while mulling over that she is fortunate to even have a place beside such a wonderful woman.
“That being said…it is just as inappropriate for a peasant to give her princess a flower. You’ve been breaching laws of common conduct ever since I met you. If I had any issues with it…I can assure you I would have corrected your behavior by now.” Azula announced as she took another drink of her beverage while patting Elle’s stunned head once again.
“I…am glad. Then I will continue to write you more…my princess.” Elle answered in a meaningful voice while a warm smile spread across her lips as she savored the head pat.
The princess peered down at her new companion with hardened golden eyes while silently wondering why this peasant of hers was so loyal.
“Tell me peasant…what is it that you like so much about me?” The princess inquired in a curious voice as she shifted in her seat to glance down at the small girl.
“Uh…” The blonde-haired girl trailed off lamely while gulping with the woman seated above her with a smug smirk on her lovely lips.
“Other than my divine beauty of course.” Azula stated with evident hubris in her voice while waving a hand before her.
“You won’t…make fun of me, will you?” Elle requested shyly while Azula peered down at her with her usual imposing stare.
“Kindness isn’t a trait that I am known for…and yet I have been merciful with you. When I ask you a question…you will answer it. Is that understood servant?” The princess spoke with her spare hand resting on her thigh as she gazed down at the nervous girl.
“Yes, Master Azula.” The blonde-haired girl agreed with a rising smile on her lips while the woman patted her head once more.
That was her princess’s way of letting her know that she won’t mock her.
“Good girl…now that pleases me.” Azula purred in a seductive voice while running her fingernails through her trembling pet’s soft hair.
Even she can’t deny that this girl made for a fine pet.
A lovely little handmaid that worshiped her with every fiber of her being. What’s not to love about that?
“Everything really…there’s…so much that I like about you. But…the of the traits that I admire most…is that you are so fearless.” Elle mumbled with pink twinging her cheeks while Azula glanced down at her in amusement.
“Of course, fear is for the weak.” The princess stated pridefully while puffing out her chest as she continued to toy with her servant’s hair.
“We’re polar opposites…and I think…that’s why I am so drawn to you.” The blonde-haired girl commented while peering up at the seated woman with stunningly peaceful amber eyes.
“Is that it? You admire my strength because you are weak?” Azula questioned curtly while glancing down at the younger girl with unyielding eyes.
“I…don’t fit in with the rest of the world. I’m…not like the rest…you see. But I feel like I belong right here…beside you. It…probably has a lot to do with my mindset.” Elle admitted quietly while staring up at the older girl’s stony countenance.
“Your mindset?” The princess found herself pondering while leaning back upon her throne placing one leg over the other.
Who would have ever thought that she would spend this much time talking with a peasant?
“Ever since I was little, I’ve found myself inevitably drawn to the darkness…I have the ability to empathize with the sort of people that…most people consider immoral…or bad.” The blonde-haired girl answered while sinking into her knees with the older girl glancing down at her with curiosity in her gaze.
“You can empathize with me? You do know that I am not a kind person…don’t you? This…is not how I usually treat people…” Azula remarked while waving her right hand before her yet finding herself intrigued by the girl’s personality all the same.
Perhaps…there is more to this simple peasant girl than she had initially thought.
“I can Azula-sama. It’s as I just told you. I am rather gifted at…understanding things from an angle most would never consider.” Elle spoke softly while peering up at surprised golden eyes.
“I must admit you’ve piqued my interests…tell me more servant.” The princess purred while leaning down over her handmaid’s tiny form.
This was yet another first for her.
No one has ever told her that they could emphasize with her.
“I’ve heard people muttering on the street…I’ve heard people talk about you. Your own citizens…in this very city talk about you.” The blonde-haired girl stated quietly while golden eyes narrowed with faint anger in her stare.
“Oh? Just where are these people?” Azula asked in a glacial voice while glaring down at her petite pet’s still smiling face.
“I…have heard it said that you don’t even care if your own people starve. People in the city…say that you and your father are monsters. Monsters that don’t even care if a child starves from cruel tax rates.” Elle responded while still peering back up at the princess’s thin scowl.
“They are not wrong…I am a monster. Though…I very much doubt that these detractors would ever have the courage to say as such to Father or myself.” The princess declared with her eyes gazing ahead with a callousness to their glint.
Perhaps…it was time to search for traitors in the Capital?
“Yes well…when you wander a cities’ streets for two weeks you tend to hear things. Things that you never would have heard if you were more than a wandering ghost. But I disagree with them.” The blonde-haired girl announced to the woman’s disbelief as she peered up into her master’s eyes.
“You do?” Azula pondered in a calmer voice while finding it baffling that she even cared what this peasant thought of her.
And yet…somehow, she did. She…didn’t want Elle to think less of her.
“I can’t speak for your father. But I don’t think you’re a monster at all! I think that you’re a person…neither good nor bad…a result of your circumstances.” Elle assured as she reached up to grasp at her shocked master’s hovering hand.
The princess sat with her hand being grasped by the smaller girl while letting the words sink in.
“An interesting deduction…but incorrect. Though I do enjoy your naïve little musings…” The princess trailed off with her lovely lips curving into a cold smirk.
“Arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama! I enjoy your company as well!” The blonde-haired girl cheered up at her master with an expression of warmth in her eyes.
“This isn’t a leisure hangout peasant! You’re my servant. I am your master. Never forget that.” Azula spoke in an unyielding voice while grasping at her pet’s hair with a sterner grip.
“How could I ever forget? I…am so happy to be yours princess. May…we talk for awhile longer?” Elle giggled out softly while Azula’s icy eyes peered down at her grasping at her head.
She blushed once more when the dominant woman compressed her beneath her stern grip as if stating once more that she was hers.
“I will permit it. If only because you’re a well-behaved pet.” The princess sighed while brushing her hair from her eyes.
“Your Highness, may I tell you more about myself?” The blonde-haired girl questioned while beaming up at the ruthless woman’s cold countenance.
“Why not? You must have some riveting peasant tales to tell.” Azula commented dryly while scanning her fingernails with haughtiness in her stare.
"Mhm, you know I once aspired to pursue a career in psychology…either that or become a professional artist. When I got older…I was going to go to college to further my education.” Elle confessed in a softer voice while she glanced up into Azula's taken aback eyes.
That…she did not expect her servant to say.
The girl's desire to become a professional artist did not surprise her.
But her handmaid's interest in psychology on the other hand. That was another matter.
“Is that so? What stopped you? Did you decide that you wanted to serve me even before we even met?” The princess remarked with a strangely at ease voice as she mulled over her servant’s words.
“No. It was all ruined…by one of the only two people that I fear.” The blonde-haired girl replied in a quieter voice while swallowing with evident discomfort in her voice.
"Just two people? Is the second individual me?" Azula questioned with a guarded voice while glaring down at the smaller girl once more.
"No, I do not fear you Azula-sama. Nor do I fear your father, Naoki or even Rieko. Four people with superhuman ability that could kill me with ease…from different worlds and yet I can speak to three of four without trembling. It's…ironic really." Elle explained while the princess quirked a brow over the two mysterious names…but mused that which is an entire world away is none of her concern.
And then without speaking she removed her hand from the girl's head and hovered it methodically in the air with a light flame that began to generate on her fingertips.
"I should burn you just for saying those words. Then peasant…we'll see how fearless you truly are…" Azula hissed as she trailed her fingers inches above the girl's hair with fire burning at her fingertips.
Yet even with her fire coated palm hovered above Elle's head she found herself surprised by the handmaid's lack of fear.
Any other servant would have been pleading not to be burned by now.
"The man that I fear most…is much more frightening than anyone else. He…possesses no superhuman ability to speak of. He's not an assassin…and he's not royalty. He's…a man of average height…he wears glasses. His…hair is blond…and his smile…" The blonde-haired girl trailed off while staring down at her feet with evident discomfort in her stare.
“How terrifying…and for a moment there I thought that you were onto something.” The princess snorted while rolling her elegant eyes down at her trembling servant.
Though it was clear that this man did something to her servant to leave such a long-lasting impression.
Even with her bending burning above Elle’s head she was shaking not out of fear of being burned.
But…out of fear of this man!
“I grew up with him. After my mother died…when I was little…and then soon after…Father. He became my legal guardian.” Elle explained while trembling ever so faintly even when the woman’s bending was extinguished.
“So, you were abused by an adoptive parent?” Azula questioned as she frowned while pondering why she even cared if the girl was abused.
She’s just a servant…and nothing more.
“H-he used to hold me over a cage of beasts…if I fell, they would have eaten me. But he would smile and taunt me all the same. A-and he would never stop until I cried.” The blonde-haired girl announced with a noticeably glummer voice with the princess gazing down in surprise.
Suffice to say Azula was not expecting abuse…that graphic.
Yet once again…she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of concern for her doting servant.
“Ugh. Quit your cowering peasant. This man is not present with you. I am.” The princess declared in a stony voice while frowning down at her shaking pet.
“B-but Azula-sama. He…tried to take my clothes off…” Elle whimpered while averting her frightened eyes from her master’s harsh gaze.
For reasons that Azula could not explain her eyes were shimmering with a margin of anger as she reclined in her throne with her lips pursed in a thin line.
Perhaps it was because she has taken an interest in the younger girl or maybe it was because she has already claimed the peasant as hers.
The girl was her property…and it did not please her to hear that this man tried to touch what was hers.
‘Even if the girl should prove to be of no interest to me romantically…she is still mine. Even if she is but a kitchen handmaid…this girl belongs to me.’ Azula thought with her golden eyes narrowing into an imposing death stare.
“Did…he…” The princess trailed off while finding herself strangely watching her tone of voice as she glanced down at the trembling girl.
“N-no. I tried to stab him. He…wouldn’t get off of me so I tried to put a knife in his neck.” The blonde-haired girl stuttered with a tear streaming down her cheek.
All the while the princess listened…finding herself strangely hesitant to speak.
Azula glanced down at the smaller girl with a thoughtful countenance finding herself rather surprised by the girl’s admission.
If she were being honest…Elle didn’t seem like the sort of person to have it in her to harm someone.
Perhaps…that is yet another peculiar thing about this girl that has drawn her interest?
“Sumimasen…p-princess. I’ll shut up now.” Elle muttered while Azula glanced down at her rolling her eyes.
“Servant…you don’t have the right to make your own decisions. You gave that up the moment you knelt before me.” The princess remarked casually while taking another drink of her coffee.
To her puzzlement, the small blonde glanced up at her briefly sniffling with a bit more cheer than before.
It was odd to Azula…to see someone so happy to be in her presence.
“T-that’s so. I defer to Azula-sama’s will.” The blonde-haired girl responded while peering up at the older girl with loyal amber eyes.
“Hm. In that we are in agreement. Now…I am being generous enough to listen to your…blubbering. The least you could do is refrain from it consuming my entire morning.” Azula announced while turning to peer down at her seated servant.
“As you say Azula-sama. My…attempt was poorly executed…he was mostly unharmed. I…locked him in my bedroom and got out. He…is the only person that I’ve ever tried to harm.” Elle spoke as she peered back down at her knees with a frown still adorning her lips.
“Well then, it’s a good thing that you aren’t my bodyguard.” The princess snorted snidely while staring down at the girl with cold golden eyes.
“We truly are opposites…you see. I don’t believe in violence. I suppose you could say that I am a pacifist. I…don’t ever want to harm another person…or any living creature. I try to believe…that one day people will get along with one another…instead of butchering each other.” The blonde-haired girl confided while chewing on her lip as she listened to the woman laugh derisively.
“A pacifist? You are even more naïve than I first thought you to be.” Azula sneered while still peering down at the blonde’s huddled form with grudgingly intrigued eyes.
“I know. But that’s just how I am. I…try to see the best in people. Even…the darkest sorts of people.” Elle answered while gazing over her shoulder at her princess’s looming throne.
“Is that it? You think that there is…good in me…but not this man?” The princess replied while holding her mug with her stony face never leaving the tiny girl’s face.
“Yes…he is a wretched man devoid of any redeeming qualities. He exists…solely to derive pleasure off of other’s fear.” The blonde-haired girl said while her master quirked a brow in amusement.
“Really? It sounds like me and him may have a good deal in common.” Azula commented while smirking as she watched her servant shiver in evident fear.
That will teach her to say that she doesn’t fear her.
“No…Your Highness…no you do not. He…is a perverse predator of the worst sort.” Elle stated as she clutched at her cup.
“Oh, there’s more than one kind?” The princess asked aloofly while gazing between her handmaid and her paperwork.
“Felix…likes them young. Very young. He…used to invite little kid’s out to the family house…just to make them cry. Usually…he would tell them that their parents have abandoned them. I…once saw him wipe the tears from a little boy’s face…and then…he tasted it.” The blonde-haired girl explained to the woman’s further surprise.
The man was perhaps more twisted than Azula first thought…
“Licking tears? That’s highly unhygienic. As if I would ever lick the faces of dirty peasants.” Azula scoffed with her nose wrinkling in a margin of repugnance.
“I…had acquired funds to pursue my dream. But…he stripped me of all access to my education when I started telling people what he was…doing to the little boy’s and girl’s.” Elle spoke while taking a nervous drink of her beverage.
“And what then?” The princess pondered in a stoic tone while finding herself somewhat taken aback by the girl’s experiences.
“I…ran away on that very night. And then somehow…I found myself in the Fire Nation.” The blonde-haired girl told her master while swallowing her drink.
“I see. I must say that was quite the intriguing little tale. More than I expected…anyhow.” Azula remarked while resting her face in the palm of her hand.
“That man…is my brother…my brother Felix.” Elle admitted in a trembling voice at long last with tears trailing down her cheeks while the princess’s golden eyes widened in surprise.
Even a person as frigid as Azula knew that it was disgusting for a brother to try to take his sister’s virginity.
Azula wasn’t certain why she even bothered to do so.
“Servant. I command you to look up at me.” The princess commanded while leaning over her throne to peer down at the cowering girl.
“I-if Her Highness says look up. I look up.” The blonde-haired girl stuttered while turning to peer up at her princess’s towering form.
For some inexplicable reason Azula found herself greatly pleased by Elle’s devoted response.
“That’s a good girl…now I want you to calm down.” Azula cooed in a soothingly charismatic voice as she shifted her bottom upon her throne while possessively grasping ahold of the girl’s chin.
“Yes princess…this girl obeys.” Elle mumbled as she sunk to her knees before her master’s seated form with her controlling hand forcing her to peer upward.
‘Playing the kind master with this girl does get a bit tedious …yet I cannot deny that I enjoy the girl’s worshipful behavior…I suppose I’ll just play along…’ The princess mused before shrugging as she grasped at her pet’s fragile face.
“No more waterworks. Is that understood servant?” Azula declared in a domineering voice while staring down at the bowing peasant.
“Wakarimashita…Azula-sama.” The blonde-haired girl agreed while falling forward with her face pressed into the older girl’s knee.
Then her heart began to speed up when she felt fingers dance through her hair.
“Good. You’re a needy little peasant…consider yourself fortunate that I have taking a liking to you.” The princess sighed while petting the smaller girl’s head as she savored the girl’s kitten like behavior.
“Azula-sama…may I make a request of you?” Elle pondered with her head inclined in a show of respect for her princess.
She didn’t even dare to look the woman in the eyes.
She knew that it was only proper to bow her head when asking anything of her master.
“Ordinarily…it is considered impetuous for a peasant to make a request of her princess.” Azula replied while finding her lips curving into a gratified smile as she enjoyed how Elle melted beneath her palm.
“Sumimasen…Your Highness.” The blonde-haired girl murmured while lowering her eyes to peer down at the woman’s elegant boots.
“But I am feeling charitable…so out with it.” The princess stated while waving a hand before her as she smirked down at her prostrated pet.
“W-would you…would you protect your loyal servant…if s-someone tries to take her shirt off?” Elle requested timidly while Azula glanced down at her with marginally widening eyes.
Though as always Azula was fast to recover instead gazing down at the younger girl with a domineering stare.
“If any other servant were to be so brazen as to ask for my protection…I would burn them in retaliation…” Azula trailed off in a contemplative voice while furrowing her brows down at Elle’s kneeling form.
The small blonde said nothing as she felt her breathe hitch when the divine woman grasped roughly at the back of her head.
Then she was forced to gaze upward once again while a twinge of redness shot down her cheeks as she shivered under Azula’s piercing gaze.
“But you belong to me…you are mine. Do you understand? If anyone should be so foolish as to touch what belongs to me…I would destroy them without hesitation.” The princess announced while glaring down at her quivering handmaid with a possessive countenance.
It was strange…but has decided that this handmaid is hers and hers alone.
She will serve only her.
She will give flowers to no one but herself.
She will write poems for only her princess.
And she will paint no one. No one but her master.
She is hers and hers alone.
“A-arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama.” The blonde-haired girl whispered happily while she began to peer up at her master with a rising smile.
“Just…keep up the good behavior…do not displease me.” Azula grumbled with her lips pursed into a scowl as she held onto her handmaid’s little head.
“I…would never. You know…I think I finally have my answer…I know what it is that I like most about you.” Elle spoke gently while still gazing up at Azula’s frowning face.
“Hm? Tell me.” The princess demanded while leaning forward as she loomed over her small handmaid.
Somehow…she was eager to hear just what it was that had this peasant so lovestruck by her presence alone.
“All of my life I have been afraid…afraid of my own brother. You…you are so bold…so mighty. You…y-you give me courage Azula-sama. Y-you inspire me.” The blonde-haired girl confessed in a heartfelt voice while staring up into taken aback golden eyes.
Even a woman as cruel as Azula…couldn’t deny that she felt a twinge of moved emotion somewhere deep down inside of her.
It was yet another first…of many from this bizarre girl known as Elle.
Someone…was inspired by her.
“I see…you find comfort in my superior strength. Well…you are a feeble little girl. I suppose that makes sense. If standing in my shadow makes you feel better…then so be it.” Azula answered as she set her empty coffee mug down upon her desk before turning to meet her servant’s smiling face.
“This is where I belong! With Azula-sama!” Elle cheered with a widening grin on her lips as she beamed up at her master’s reclining visage.
“On that we can also agree.” The princess purred while petting her handmaid’s hair with long fingers that conveyed who owned the girl.
“Oh…p-princess…” The blonde-haired girl murmured while flushing shyly as the strong palm patted her head dominantly.
That was when a loud growling sound reverberated through the air as both females suddenly found themselves peering at the princess’s stomach in response.
Elle knew her place by gaze alone when Azula’s eyes shifted down to her with her eyes already conveying her desire.
It was her place to satisfy Azula’s each and every desire.
“Servant! I am hungry!” Azula barked with sadistic delight in her voice as she watched the girl scramble to stand as fast as possible.
If she didn’t know any better her pet was already starting to stand before she even opened her mouth.
“Yes, Master Azula! How may I please you?” Elle exclaimed as she leaped to her feet before bowing at the waist while her master stared back at her in approval.
“Go fetch me a suitable breakfast. Bring it back here within…oh thirty minutes. If you are late…I will punish you.” The princess explained with a smirk adorning her refined lips.
“Yes! I will not be late! Her Highness’s belly must be nourished!” The blonde-haired girl cried out with a genuine cheer while the woman gazed at her with entertained eyes.
“Indeed, it must. It pleases me that you see things my way.” Azula stated sternly while leaning back upon her plush throne before staring on curiously when her pet reached into her robe pocket.
“Is…there any particular beverage that Her Highness desires?” Elle asked with an attentive demeanor as she withdrew a small pen and book much to her master’s satisfaction.
“Are you recording my likes and dislikes?” The princess questioned with smugness lacing her voice while her servant clutched at the book with an adorable bashfulness about her.
“I-it is so.” The blonde-haired girl mumbled with redness traveling down her heated face.
“What a splendid little pet you are.” Azula purred while nodding in approval as she watched her handmaid bow rapidly much to her pleasure.
“This girl is happy that you think so princess.” Elle replied shyly with her arm held out before her as she smiled softly.
“I would like orange juice…” The princess remarked lazily with her face in the palm of her hand.
“Orange juice. Understood.” The blonde-haired girl muttered while opening her eyes as she recorded the note while humming joyfully.
“…And if you can keep it to yourself…you may bring yourself back a plate as well.” Azula commanded while peering at her servant with a stony countenance.
“I-I get to have breakfast with you princess?” Elle inquired in an awestruck voice while Azula glanced back at her rolling her eyes in the manner she has come to savor.
“I just said as much. Did I not? Now get going. I am dreadfully hungry.” The princess spoke while adjusting herself in her seat as her belly growled once more.
“As you command Azula-sama! I will see the mission through no matter the cost!” The blonde-haired girl shouted while saluting the woman’s callous form before turning to rush out.
“Oh, and I almost forgot…I will tolerate this…behavior when we are in private. But at any other time…this will not be acceptable.” Azula called out with her hand resting in her lap as she gazed at the girl’s back.
“Yes princess, this servant understands.” Elle agreed while turning to bow once more with golden eyes lazily peering back at her.
“Good. And you keep your little…writings between us. My father would not approve.” The princess declared while reaching down to collect the poem with a cold gleam in her eyes.
“Between me and Her Highness only.” The blonde-haired girl repeated with her back bent as she nodded her head in understanding.
Then her ears picked up a third and final rumbling of the woman’s belly before she rapidly straightened already sensing the dominant woman’s demanding eyes upon her.
“The timer starts…now.” Azula informed while glancing at her clock before turning to her handmaid as she smugly observed the small girl speed out the door.
“I promise that I will not be late Azula-sama. I shall return to your side promptly.” Elle assured while turning to respectfully bow a final time.
Then she closed the door behind her while Azula sat with the poem curled up within her palm.
Now that she was alone, she unraveled the poem while she gazed down at the contents with unnaturally moved golden eyes.
While she found herself having great difficulty fighting the blush that arose onto her regal cheeks as she recalled her little servant’s heartfelt words. 
Then without further delay she slid the paper into her pocket while sinking back upon her backside as she sighed once more.
‘Father cannot hear of this…if he does…’ The princess thought as her lips curved into another frown.
She has no doubt that he would send the girl to the Boiling Rock.
Yet most puzzling of all…
Why did such a thought bother her?
Azula was not certain…
But it was how she felt all the same.
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