#( hope this is good
bluewolfangel01 · 3 months
Do you think you could possibly write something about the obey me brothers finding out MC has a body pillow? Like how they react when they find out. They stop by to surprise MC only to see them cuddling up to said body pillow. If not I totally understand but I was thinking no harm in asking
I most certainly can! There's absolutely no harm in asking me, and thank you for the ask
-Mc with a body pillow-
The Brothers finding out edition
Its been a while since Mc left the Devildom
Although the brothers and them could still text and call thanks to the D.D.D, it wasn't the same as being face to face
Some days were a bit worse then others, especially for Mc
At least the brothers had each other to keep each other company, although its debatable to how much that actually helps, Mc was sadly alone at their place
Mc had gotten so used to the brothers' presence that their place felt a bit... quiet
It was so bad it got to the point they couldn't even sleep well
That was until they tried out sleeping with a body pillow
Thankfully it worked, and Mc was finally able to sleep
Life in the human world was a bit better after that for Mc
Meanwhile the brothers were feeling worse by the day and nothing seemed to help them get over the fact that their human was no longer in the same world as them
Each one was affected differently and it showed no matter how hard they try to hide it
Belphie was more lethargic then before and seemed to hold little interest for anything that wasn't sleeping, sometimes he'd even wake up thinking his pillow was Mc
Beel seemed a bit more hungrier and ate more, although he ate so much that it was hard to tell at first, he was also a bit less happy although he tried to hide it for his brothers sake, it was the worst when he found/realized he was craving Mc's cooking
Asmo was dejected, he never held the true wild party animal energy, he tended not to talk quite as much, and was missing having someone to help him with makeup or watch his at home fashion shows
Satan kept to himself more and would usually be found in his room or a library unless there was something urgent going on, sometimes he'd catch himself reading aloud like he would when him and Mc were together and they didn't feel like reading
Levi also holed himself in his room more, his spirit was a bit low since his player 2 wasn't around, and he wouldn't break into a full on rant about a video game, anime, or manga
Mammon spent more then he did typically on a variety of items, whether it was actually needed or a simple impulse purchase, he missed being able to mess with and being around his human
Lucifer was stricter and worked more than usual, but that was mainly because of his brothers and their behavior, other then that he would have a tad bit more demonus and become a bit disheartened
After seeing the brothers' behavior, Diavolo decided to lend the brothers an offer, to go to the human world for a day
They gladly accepted the offer and were on their way
They arrived at early morning, when it was still dark out, inside Mc's home, thanks to Barbatos of course
Lucifer stood still while trying to take in the place while the others freely moved about inspecting knickknacks, furniture, and decorations
While wandering about Belphie found the door that led into Mc's bedroom
It was dark and not much was able to be seen or distinguished from the darkness, but Belphie was able to slightly see the shape of the bed and a human sized lump under the covers
He quickly made his way over and layed next to/on the lump and he promptly feel asleep
Beel and Mammon found the room next, while keeping quite, Beel moved to lay behind Belphie and Mammon moved to lay on the otherside of the lump
One by one the rest of the brothers found the bedroom and was now laying on the bed
Except for Lucifer, who was unable to lay down as well even if he wanted to since there was barely any space left, so he stood by the door
The bed was very cramped and it was difficult for the 6 brothers to stay on and not crush the sleeping Mc
They started to shift to get comfy but then it turned into a silent-ish fight over space
They were somewhat loud and of course there was quite a bit of squirming
Although they each kept saying that the others would wake up Mc none of them stopped
That is until they heard the sound of a toilet flushing
That stopped them dead in their tracks
Another door was opened to reveal a very sleepy looking Mc who was rubbing their eyes
The brothers were silent and a bit wide eyed, meanwhile Mc was wondering what kind of crazy dream or hallucination were they having
On one hand they wanted to go hug and greet Mc, but on the other they were wondering who was in the bed instead
"W-whats going on?" Mc mumbled
Lucifer approached slowly, "We're sorry to disturb you so early Mc, however we were permitted to visit you for a day and they (motions to his brothers still in a daze on the bed) wanted to see you as soon as possible."
Mc just looked at him for a second, sizing him up, and the next they moved a finger to poke him
When confirming that the whole scenario wasn't a dream they simply said "Oh."
Asmo was the first to awake from the daze and rushed at Mc, the others soon followed and mirrored his actions
Once each boy was greeted and Mc was a bit more awake Belphie spoke up
"If you were in the bathroom, then who's or what's in your bed?"
"O-oh yeah, that."
Mc moved away from the demon brothers towards the bed, turned on the bed side lamp, pushed back the covers, and took out what was underneath
They gathered it in their arms, turned around, and revealed a body pillow that had a modest cover
There were a few moments of silence in the room, the brothers not daring to make a move or sound
Mc would've sworned they could see the intimidating hidden eyes manga trope on the brothers
"G-guys? L-listen, it's not what you think! It was just a bit difficult to sleep without cuddling something person sized!"
They toss the pillow so that it lands closer to the farther side of bed
"I promise, it wasn't meant to replace you or anything! It was just a temporary solution! Please calm down"
Thankfully the brothers stood down, although the murdery glint in all their eyes still remained
Mc corralled them to the living room area and was able to start actually enjoying their demons' presence and company
The day was spent in Mc's home chatting away, watching movies, eating, cuddling, etc.
Throughout the day though Mc would have to play hide and seek with their body pillow since it somehow, mysteriously, kept vanishing
It was actually kind of impressive for how well they were able to hide such a decently sized item multiple times
When the day was over and the brothers had to leave, Mc made sure the pillow was in there sights in case it mysteriously disappeared again
It becomes an unspoken rule to never take that pillow into the Devildom, EVER
If the rule is broken, well, let's just say Cerburus is going to have a very short lived chew toy
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ayrastv · 26 days
i hope no ones done this before 🙏 little aiku drabble
divider from @ v6que
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contents : just some good ol angst, f!reader
if you knew oliver aiku well enough, you’d know he doesn’t stick around one woman. relationships, love, all that is just a big hassle for him. little did the playboy know, that the same goes for you. like two players against eachother in a field, who’s gonna win?
you and oliver met at the beach, you were crazy drunk and he took you home. oliver thought it would be a casual one night stand, yet fate had something else in mind for him. you both exchanged numbers and continued seeing eachother, oliver would usually drop his flings after he gets bored, which is usually after the first night itself.
you kept him entertained though, luring him closer and closer to the net and just when he thought he would score—
“whatsup sweetgirl?” oliver picks up your call, a smirk on his face. “you want me to come over?” he teases, but your deadpan tone caught him off guard. “no, aiku. we should stop seeing eachother.” he has a shocked expression, a sense of dread washing over him. “what, you bored already sweetheart?” he asks, covering up his pained voice with a neutral tone. “forget this number.” you sigh and hang up.
oliver is baffled, its the first time he’s been broken up with afterall—if you both even were a thing, it hurts, having a taste of his own medicine. he’s the one who was suppose to dump you, to leave you after that one-night stand, is this the gloriful feeling of heartbreak? his ego is deflated to nothingness, knowing he was probably the last thing on your mind.
love is painful.
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l3m0nflavoredst1mz · 5 months
hey hey! can i have a davetrap from dayshift at freddy's stimboard? whatever themes you want
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davetrap stimboard !
🧩 🧩 ⚙️
🧩 X 🟪
⚙️ 🟪 🟪
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captainn-hook · 4 months
The Hero’s Fall:
TW: descriptions of injury and allusions of death
They were running, running for their lives, running for the lives of their people and running for the sake of their kingdom.
Fire raged around them, clawing at the trees and screaming at them, threatening to engulf them in their hatred, yet even as the smoke built up inside their lungs and choked them from the inside, they continued to run.
Despite hell consuming their land and explosions rousing the flames around them, it was raining.
Once upon a time, it seemed like such a beautiful thing. The memory of gliding through a gentle sheet of rain while her grace filled his vision, the ghost of her touch lingering in his hands, as if she were there, guiding him through the blinding darkness of the wet night, even as the heavens wept and the moon bled. Even as the night tinted with the malicious red of hatred and demise. Yet he knew she was elsewhere, caught up in her own battle.
And so he took the hand of her highness, his princess, the one he was sworn to as her protector and knight, and pressed on. Even when she panted and gasped for air that had long since fled in the wake of smoke, even when he heard her dress ripping and the mud under their boots splatter on her pristine skin, he pressed on.
They reached the end of the forest, the ashes of what once was littering the ground they trampled through, ruins of their fallen kingdom and the empty vessels of the dead scattered across the plain.
Then they heard it. Knight and princess halted their escape with the realisation that they could not flee the chant of death. As machines rose from waste and decay, their eyes illuminated, producing a laser that set its targets on her highness. Her knight spared no second, leaping at the metal beast with what was left of his strength, destroying it beyond repair in one slash of his goddess blessed blade.
He held his own as more and more metallic beasts surrounded them. Taking out his shield, he deflected blow after blow, watching his step, careful not to tread on his princess’s feet as she stood behind him, for even in the midst of battle, even as execution loomed over him, he minded his etiquette around her royal highness.
His muscles burned with fatigue and his arm twisted on impact as his shield gave in to the continued assault. Still, he persisted.
Gripping his sacred blade, he pressed off of one of his attackers and launched into the air, bringing his blade down on the creature and all others in the vicinity.
He fought and fought until his legs gave way and his lungs caved.
Yet he could not abandon his divine duty to serve his goddess, he could not forsake his princess to the hand of misery incarnate.
So he rose once more.
His fingers trembled at the loss of strength, trying desperately to hold onto the hilt of his sword as he claimed his place in front of his princess once more.
He was useless, if only to use his body to ensure her safety.
He took blast after blast, the overwhelming force of explosions and the heat of fire that licked his skin tortured his nerves and shattered his bones. One blasted the side of his face, leaving ringing in his ear and darkness in his vision. One took its hit to his abdomen, destroying his organs and spraying his blood. Another to his legs, another to his torso, another to his back, another, another, another, until one set its laser on his chest and fired.
He felt he would not be able to ever forget the pained scream of his name leaving her lips if there was a chance he were to survive after this. So he took comfort in knowing he wouldn’t. He felt a calm wash over him as peace was promised to him, as cold, dainty hands grasped at his body and pulled him close, desperate to piece him back together in the hopes that he will live in spite of his injuries, in spite of his missing organs and the gaping hole where his eye used to be, in spite of the grainy texture of his shattered spine against hands drenched in blood that had not come from its owner. In spite of it all, just so he could live to see another day, just so he could return home to his betrothed and his family and his simple life before destiny wrapped its unforgiving fingers around their souls and mercy distanced itself just as the goddess did.
But it was no use.
The princess wept. Sobs racking her body as she clutched her broken knight to her chest, listening to the pathetic attempts he made at drawing even the shallowest of breaths.
She looked down to him, his face drowned in his own blood and his hair soaked by the rain that had yet to let up.
And then he looked towards her, his eyes meeting hers, and for the first time, he smiled.
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gayundertaletrash · 9 months
Sorry I have been inactive. Anyways, I made it!!!
This is Sirius, I did the DTIYS challenge for them because I adore them.
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withouthats · 8 months
Anyone else wonder how terrifying it must have been to see an earthmover as one of the few remaining human soldiers like seriously
Your one of the few remaining human solders in (what you believe) to just be another war, sure alot of people have died and technology just keeps on advancing to the point where human soldiers just aren't needed anymore, but you love your country, you will protect your nation and your family from those who wish to harm them.
The sound of gunfire, rockets and landmines exploding ring out across the battlefield, your mere rifle sounding like a toy compared to the machines. When all of a sudden you hear a loud warcry screeching across the battlefield, you look up, this monster reaches to the heavens. You can only see six white eyes look down upon you, you see something coming down from the heavens something similar to that of a javelin but its glowing, it points down at the battlefield,
you prepare for death, and then in your final moments you realize,
theres a reason why human soldiers were no longer needed, they were just that insignificant.
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sparklypotionmaker · 27 days
@pokenursee liked for a starter
There was a man floating into the pokemon center with an injured Lunatone. Upon a quick look, one could easily access that the moon had the tip of its crest broken off, and the trainer had the other piece on him. He placed them both on the counter gently.
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"My friend had an unfortunate run-in with a Tyranitar. Needless to say, it was a close call. But you probably know about close calls after falling from heaven, right?"
Bethel, while worried for his friend, didn't seem phased by the incident. Lunatone didn't feel pain through it's body so it was just kinda sitting there while it's trainer winked at the pretty nurse.
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umbrella-show · 3 months
This is for @dollyrin I'm pretty sure you're currently taking a break with MM Mikey so I'll just leave this here.
Black painted the sky, the dark clouds slowly floating to and fro. No stars were out currently, only a bright full glowing moon that seemed to put an enchanting spotlight on the beauty of the city that was New York. New York was never dark, the bright neon collared billboards shining bright colors onto the buildings and sidewalks that were rather empty. Of course, there were still people up, mostly teens who refused to go to bed and adults who were coming home from work, and a small bit of traffic. It was New York after all, the city that never sleeps.
Frankie stood on her balcony, looking down at the buildings that seemed so small from her father’s penthouse. She wished she could go down there, awe at the city's bright lights. Like sirens calling her, beckoning and luring her to explore the unknown. She almost gave into the urge to sneak out and traverse the bright and colorful city. But because of her strict curfew implemented by her father, she couldn’t.
At least she went to a normal high school, Frankie thought. That was the most normal thing she did on a daily basis. She could tell her father wasn’t exactly pleased with sending her to a regular public school instead of homeschool, but even he knew that wouldn’t be the best for her mental and social development. She hated being lonely. But overall, she hated being a nuisance to her father. 
The sound of pitter patter of small footsteps caught Frankie’s attention, followed by the feeling of something tugging at the hem of her shirt. Looking down, she saw her 4 year old mutant puppy, Tobey, looking up at her with a curious expression. Frankie smiled down at him, breaking out of her thoughts to give all of her attention to him. He was like a son to her. An adopted  mutant puppy son, but a son no less. His little tail wagged when she pet his head, leaning into her hand and licking it affectionately.
“Night night.” Tobey spoke quietly, grabbing her hand and tugging it gently. Frankie had been trying to teach Tobey how to speak English instead of with barks and whines when he was mutated. She even occasionally puts on an educational show called ‘Bluey,’ He can say a few words and almost a full sentence, but he still needed a bit more practice.
Frankie chuckled, even Tobey knew when it was too early to be up. Her chest swelled with joy, knowing at least he was looking out for her. Frankie ruffed the fur on his hair with her free hand that wasn’t being grabbed by him. "I know, obey. I know. I’m just getting some fresh air.” Frankie smiled at him, watching clingy onto her.
Frankie sighed, leaning an elbow against the railing of the balcony, continuing to look out at the sky and city. She became stuck in her thoughts again, oblivious to the fact the longer she thought, the more her eyes began to turn blue. The tips of her hair slowly forming into still water that swayed gently in the breeze. She didn’t even notice, until Tobey began barking and tugging her wrist, pointing at something with his free hand.
Frankie snapped out of her train of thoughts, her hair turning back to its normal jet black color. She looked at where Tobey was pointing towards. He was pointing towards one of the skyscrapers in their view that was tall enough to see, even from the balcony of the penthouse. Frankie tilting her head in confusion, her eyes scanning the building Tobey was so excited about. She couldn’t see anything that caught her attention. 
“HI FRANKIEEE!” Frankie harshly flinched, quickly spinning around and activating her mutant powers and sending a wave towards the loud unknown voice. A loud yelp came from the person, being thrown against the wall and drenched. Frankie panted from the use of power, prepared to blast the stranger with water again. The unknown person quickly put their arms up in surrender.
“WAIT! It’s just me!” Frankie’s defensive stance faltered at the sight of her friend, and secret crush, Mikey. Tobey quickly ran to him, pouncing onto him and hugging him tightly. Mikey giggled as Tobey licked his cheek and ran around him, happily barking. Mikey gave Tobey a hug, spinning around with him in his arms before making his way to Frankie.
“I came over cause I had a surprise for you!” Mikey joyfully spoke, gently placing Tobey down. Mikey guiltily scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry I scared you like that.” “It’s alright.” Frankie spoke, trying to ease herself from the shock she had felt when she had thought Mikey was someone who wanted to hurt her.
“A.. surprise?”
“Yeah! Come with me, it’s about to start!~”
A startled yelp left Frankie’s throat as Mikey suddenly grabbed her wrist, dragging her back to the balcony. Tobey followed the two barking up at Mikey as his tail wagged. Mikey looked at Tobey, using his free hand to ruffle the fur on Tobey’s head. “Don’t worry, buddy. We’ll be back in about an hour and a half! So, stay here, okay? I promise we’ll watch Bluey with you when me and Frankie come back.” Tobey let out a quiet whine from Mikey’s words, but quickly lit up at the promise of watching his favorite show with him. 
Mikey chuckled as he watched Tobey eagerly walk back into the building. Once Tobey left, Mikey looked back at Frankie, a wide smile stretched across his face. “Get on my back. I’ll carry you!” Frankie stared at him, confused while she reluctantly did what he asked. She wrapped her arms around his neck, his arms hooking under her legs as he made sure she was secure on his back. “Hold on tight!” He warned, before suddenly stepping onto the railing of the balcony and skillfully leaping onto rooftop to rooftop.
Frankie was startled by Mikey’s sudden action, causing her to panic slightly as she held onto him for dear life. However, her fear and shock soon melted away once she opened her eyes. The wind blew past her and Mikey as he ran and jumped onto every rooftop. She was so close to those bright lights she only saw from far away were now right in front of her. It was almost blinding, but she was too amazed to even care about how much her eyes were overstimulated from the neon lights.
As quick as it happened, it soon ended. Mikey suddenly stopped on top of one rooftop in particular. Frankie looked past his shoulder and saw a small picnic area, with a blanket, a candle, one large bowl filled with popcorn, and even fairy lights illuminating the area. Mikey gently put her down, standing in front of the picnic and fiddling with his hands in nervousness. “Sooo, what do you think?”
Frankie stared in awe, her chest swelling in happiness at what Mikey did for her. It looked like something straight out of a movie. “I-It’s beautiful.” She mumbled, making Mikey smile widely. He gently took her wrist, ushering her to sit down on the blanket. He took a seat himself next to her and grabbed the bowl of popcorn. He stuffed a handful of popcorn into his mouth, muffling his speech as he spoke. “It should start in a sec.” 
“What’s starting?” Frankie asked in confusion. Noise then came from below the rooftop and Mikey ushered Frankie to look to the right. Next to them was a showing of a movie outdoors. There were a few people watching from below, but the two were up high enough for no one to really notice. Frankie’s eyes widened in awe as Mikey chuckled nervously, blushing. “I hope you like it.” Mikey muttered quietly, flustered and waiting anxiously for a positive response. Frankie looked at him, smiling widely as her eyes shined with happiness and appreciation. She gave him a tight hug as a thank you. “I love it!”
Mikey’s face flushed red, burning almost painfully. “Y-Your welcome..” Mikey squeaked out,  his body stiff as he stared at the movie that just started. Frankie soon sat back up, watching the movie once it started. Mikey secretly grew disappointed once she stopped hugging him, chasing after her touch by laying his head on her shoulder. He prayed she was fine with it, and relaxed when he got her answer as she laid her head on his. 
The two watched the movie in peace, chuckling and talking as they enjoyed the rest of their night.
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stim-burrow · 3 months
7 stim board
With grey stims and silly and pettable
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Seven (BFDI/XFOHV) stimboard for Captaingeapea! 🌱
🐾 🐾 🐾
7️⃣ 7️⃣ 7️⃣
🖤 🖤 🖤
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https-hunter · 6 months
Prompt Game: Elsa - fire
Elsa roamed the Northuldra village, walking slowly as she fiddled with her hands.
Recently, she and Bruni the fire spirit had taken to experimenting with their powers, both separately and together.
Bruni opened his mouth to cast fire into the air. Elsa shot some ice into it, creating a blue, freezing flame.
The salamander and human looked at each other with contented smiles as they marveled at their creation.
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bluewolfangel01 · 3 months
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His new card came home so I decided to draw the precious boi ✨️
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telethrutime · 2 years
What if Shaun was a little older when the bombs dropped, say two or three?
Over the years at the institute, he gets snippets of his old life.
Once, it's the smell of Blamco mac n cheese a researcher had for lunch while working with him. It isn’t quite right though, it’s more watery than rich, and it’s staler than he remembered. Even so, he’s filled with the image of pulling on someone’s shirt, asking them for mac and cheese. He doesn’t get the words out quite right, muddling together as they leave his mouth. They laugh gently and pull a pot from a cabinet. He tried to focus on their voice, but as soon as the memory came it was gone again, and it was time for more testing.
Another time, he’s in the robotics division, watching a staff member tinker inside of a synth. It has a glitch in its code, making its pitch and accent off. He sees a posh floating robot that had too many eyes and all the time in the world to watch television with him when his parents were occupied.
As he ages, the memories grow harsher. One night he wakes up in a cold sweat, still shaking with the aftershocks of explosions he can no longer hear. Later, the loudspeakers spread throughout the institute malfunction. For an instant, he instead hears the sounds of people around him on all sides. They talk like they know they’re going to die but there’s a determination to prevent it. He’s held in his parent’s arms, words of comfort soothing him all the while. It was more than any of the others got.
Shaun stands in front of a mirror, tracing every feature of his face. In this moment he wishes more than anything to know which feature he got from which parent. He closes his eyes and pretends to know what they look like. For all the glances he’s gotten into his life before the institute, the faces of his parents were never among them.
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reamed · 5 months
hand reveal? 👀💞
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melanodis · 8 months
Do you have any Jeremike songs? :3 I'm not big on the ship but I love your thoughts heehee :]
this can fit michael by himself but I think it goes well with them together :3
floating room - see you around enumclaw - free drop billy forth wanderers - unfold cherry glazerr - ohio penelope scott - cigarette ahegao bring me the horizon - lost ferry - ghost muse - eternally missed circus p - dreaming with you breaking benjamin - i will not bow (mostly for fun because I think they'd listen to breaking benjamin lol)
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disgruntled-detectives · 11 months
I’m baking a bread today. I decided to do a challah dough, but instead of separating and braiding the dough, I rolled it out and added a mix and cinnamon, brown and white sugar and chopped pecans. Then I rolled it up and tucked the ends down and put it in a loaf pan. It’s rising now and when it’s done, I’ll score it, egg wash and sprinkle with leftover filling mix. Then bake!
I did forget to put butter on the dough but I’m praying that because the dough is eggy, it’ll keep it moist enough?
Hope it’s good!
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arminsbf · 7 months
SO. he’ll eat basically everything like he’s always up to try something new. he’s never gonna complain no matter what you give him, even if it’s bad he will eat anything!!
BUT… i think his favorite type of food is pasta !!! i think his fav is tortellini (because i like it) but really he likes most kinds… make him some penne with vodka sauce and he will eat that shit up!!!!!!!!
tries a pasta dish at any restaurant he goes to… and he has very strong opinions about what places are good and what places aren’t
but his most favorite will always be your homemade meals!! just knowing you made it makes it so much better even if you’re horrible at cooking he always prefers it!!
but srsly i think he’s so opinionated,,, like he gets so sassy about what the best brands/restaurants/dishes are 😭😭😭
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