#( gossiper: rhett )
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Silver Screen magazine, April 1939

#clark gable#rhett butler#gone with the wind#1939#1930s#hollywood#old hollywood#vintage hollywood#classic hollywood#silver screen#magazine#silver screen magazine#movie magazine#gossip#gossip column#moustache#wardrobe#gwtw
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Stand By Me - Part 3
Summary: When a local ranch hand’s attention evolves into something more sinister, Rhett Abbott becomes an unlikely source of comfort and protection for you. Pairing: Rhett Abbott x F!Reader Word Count: 4.8K Rating: Mature, future chapters will be explicit and 18+ only. Stalking, anxiety, and Rhett being protective. Future chapters will include some violence. No spoilers for Outer Range. A/N: Welp, here we are a year later. 😬 Sorry it has taken me so long to update. I cannot thank my beta N, @mayhem24-7forever and @whatblogisthis216 enough for their help and support putting this together. Thank you @callsignhurricane for the absolutely gorgeous header.
Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed this story. Your interactions keep me writing and inspired.
Masterlist | Lewis Pullman Characters Masterlist
"I see you're in with the Abbotts now," your boss remarks, watching Rhett climb into his truck. "Got a phone call from Cecilia this morning about you not closing up by yourself anymore. That woman has a real way about her, all polite-like when she's handing you your ass."
“Mr. Anderson,” you start, rushing to explain but he waves you off.
“She was right, of course. I know you got that, er- fella who hangs around too much.”
“My stalker?” You question, your tone harsher than you intend. He looks down at you, surprised. There’s an apology on the tip of your tongue but you resist, meeting his brown eyes. Maybe it’s knowing you had Rhett and Cecilia on your side, or maybe some leftover frustration from the Sheriff. Either way, you don't back down from your statement.
“I suppose he could be,” Mr. Anderson agrees. “Anyhow, I’ve got Johnny set to close from now on. You go on and tell that to Cecilia now. One dressing down from that woman is enough.”
“I’ll let her know.”
He nods, patting your shoulder briefly before disappearing into the back office. You exhale and look back out to the empty street. It’s stupid to miss Rhett but a small part of you does. You’re safe in the store; there’s no need to have him here with you. He has a life of his own and a ranch to help run.
“Was that Rhett Abbott?”
You turn to face the owner of the voice, finding your coworker Sandra watching you excitedly. She’s got that glint in her eye, the one that means she’s not going to let this go easily. Wabang didn’t have a town gossip, but if they did, everyone knows she’d happily take the job. In high school, she was in everyone’s business, spreading rumors and ferreting out information. She never looked twice at you back then, you were too boring and quiet.
“It was. He just gave me a lift. Not a big deal,” you promise her.
“Uh, nope," she says, popping the p and stopping you with a hand on your arm. "We’re not going to breeze past the fact that you left your car here last night and now the manwhore of Wabang is dropping you off. Spill," she demands.
"We're not…," you start, an automatic denial falling from your lips before you can stop it. She gives you an incredulous look and you stammer out an answer. "It's not a big deal. We're, um, dating," you explain.
"Rhett Abbott doesn't 'date'," she tells you, eyes narrowed. "He has sex with whatever buckle bunny catches his eye.”
“He’s not like that,” you argue, defensive at the way she speaks about him. You know Rhett’s reputation, pretty much everyone does, but you saw a different side of him last night and this morning. You know there’s something more under that charming smile. He listened when no one else did and that means something to you.
“Honey, please,” she says dismissively. “That boy is nothing but trouble and trash. You best stay away from him."
“Don’t talk about him like that,” you tell her, voice warbling with emotion. “He’s not like everyone says.”
Sandra’s perfectly plucked brows disappear into her hairline. “Alright, alright,” she concedes, hands held up. “Just be careful. He might not stick around after he gets what he wants from you.”
“He’s stuck around the last two months just fine,” you fire back, only realizing after the words are out that you and Rhett never talked about a timeline.
“Really?” Sandra says, leaning in closer enough for you to catch the fruity scent of the gum she smacks noisily. “That certainty explains why he hasn’t been hanging around the Handsome Gambler lately. I just thought maybe he was getting serious about bull riding or Royal had him on a short leash after the last fight.” She leans back, looking contemplative. “Well, that was some exciting gossip for a Friday morning.”
“Please don’t spread this around,” you ask her, knowing full well she would. Although the idea of people talking about your personal life made your skin crawl, you knew if Rhett were here he’d say it was good. The more it spread, the more likely your stalker would learn of it and back off.
“Your secret is safe with me,” she promises you, crossing her fingers and winking.
Sandra spends the rest of your time together on her phone, chewing on the endless supply of gum she keeps next to the register. You’re normally not a self involved person but you’re fairly certain she’s texting about you and Rhett. During lunch, you send him a text of your own about your conversation with Sandra. He responds immediately with a thumbs up emoji which doesn’t help your anxiety. What if he was mad? What if he was with another girl at that time and you just screwed up this whole story?
You spend your shift distracted, overthinking what you told Sandra enough that you keep losing track of the inventory you’re working on. Eventually you give up and volunteer to work the till. An unexpectedly busy afternoon keeps your focus on the task at hand and you don’t even notice it’s 5 p.m. until you look up and find Rhett in line for your register, a shopping basket in hand.
He steps up to the counter and smiles. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you return, feeling unexpectedly shy. You stare at him long enough that he clears his throat and nudges the basket towards you.
“You gonna check me out?” he asks, his tone playful.
Beside you, Sandra scoffs. When you spare her a glance, you find her watching Rhett. His attention, though, is focused on you.
“What’s all this?” You question, taking out the deadbolt kit and some window locks.
“For your apartment. When I was there last night I saw they could use an update.”
“Rhett…” you trail off, embarrassed.
He seems to sense your emotions and leans forward, resting his elbows on the counter. “I think this is the part where you ask me, cash or card,” he whispers.
“Will that be cash or card?” You ask, thankful for how easily he dispels your discomfort.
After you’ve finished checking him out, you clock out and let him walk you to his truck with an arm around your shoulder. Once you reach your apartment he pulls out a tool bag from the bed of the truck and says he’ll install the new deadbolt while you get ready. A part of you wants to protest or offer to pay him for the supplies, while another is too embarrassed to draw attention to what he’s doing for you, so instead you say nothing and disappear into your room.
“Pretty sure they’re doing line dancing tonight,” Rhett calls out in between the sounds of the power drill. “You got some boots you can wear?”
“Uh…I think so," you half yell back, staring at the contents of your closet.
You have to get on your hands and knees and pull aside a few boxes to find a pair of brown boots. The last time you wore them was for high school graduation, back when your grandfather had been alive. You trace the delicate lines of embroidery around the calf, pale pink and periwinkle flowers connected by green vines. There hadn’t been a reason to wear them since, all you did was go to work and come home.
Tonight seems as good as any and you stand to finish getting dressed. The sundress and jean jacket are a little dated but they’re comfortable and look nice enough. Once you’ve managed to fix your hair and makeup, you return to the living room to find Rhett replacing the old window locks.
The creak in the floor draws his attention to you briefly before his eyes return to the window. A second later they’re back on you. He blinks and stands, clearing his throat.
“I think I’m ready," you announce.
“You, ah, look real nice,” he tells you, nodding. “I like the flowers.”
“Thanks. You look nice too,” you add, touching your neck self-consciously when he doesn’t immediately speak again but keeps watching you.
“Well…we should probably get going then.”
“Yeah,” you agree, watching Rhett gather up his tools. “Thanks again for installing that stuff.”
Rhett nods. “I’ll finish up with the other windows tomorrow.”
The drive to the bar is quiet. Rhett’s fingers drum on the steering wheel as you wait at the stoplight. You cycle through potential conversation openers but discard them all. Nothing feels right, and you realize that the sour pit in your stomach only grows the closer you get to the Handsome Gambler.
Would he be there tonight you wondered? Just the thought of seeing him is enough to make your breath come quickly and your hands tremble. You exhale and close your eyes, trying to get yourself together. Rhett is here.
When the engine cuts out you look up, eyes drawn to the neon glow of the Handsome Gambler’s sign. Rhett’s quick to meet you at the curb, offering his arm. You curl your hand around his bicep and he draws you close. At this time of night, the bar is busy, humming with energy and conversation. Rhett navigates the crowd with ease, exchanging brief hellos with a few people, finally stopping at an empty booth. You slide in and he follows.
“Want a beer?” He asks.
You’re not much of a drinker but you nod anyway. Rhett flags down a waitress and a few minutes later two cold beers are dropped off at your table. You fiddle with the label as Rhett takes a long swig and leans back, shoulders relaxing. When you sense him watching, you bring the bottle to your lips and take a drink. It’s cold and a little bitter on your tongue. Your distaste for it must show because Rhett cocks his head to the side with a faint smile on his lips.
“I can order you something else,” he offers. “Wine? Something fruity?”
“Maybe something fruity… honestly though this is okay. I don’t want it to go to waste.”
Rhett shakes his head and flags down the waitress again, ordering you a daiquiri. “It won’t go to waste,” he assures you, pulling the beer toward him.
You return his smile as he rests his arm along the back of the booth. His fingertips hover just above your shoulder, not quite touching your jacket. This close to him you can smell his cologne, faint and a little musky but nice. Everything about this is surprisingly nice, including the way his denim-clad leg presses against yours, warm and firm.
“He’s not here,” Rhett announces and you look up at him sharply. He’s still scanning the bar as he sips from his beer. For one silly moment, you forgot why you were even here, something that seemed impossible earlier.
“Should we go?” You ask Rhett.
You’d only come to make it clear to the man that you were with Rhett.
“What?” Rhett’s brow furrows as he glances at you. “Why? You wanna go?”
“No.” You shake your head just as the waitress arrives with your drink. “We came so he’d see…”
“There’s more than one way to make sure he knows,” Rhett tells you, pushing up the brim of his hat before leaning in close. You can feel his breath against your cheek. “Look to your right, past the pool tables. You see those men?” You nod, watching the rowdy group in the corner playing darts as you absently sip your drink.
“They all work at the Dustin ranch, including the one in the baseball cap who keeps looking at us.” At that moment, the man in question stands up for his turn and looks back, meeting your eyes. If he is surprised to find you looking, he doesn’t show it. He holds your gaze for a second before glancing at Rhett who smirks and waves. His expression doesn’t change but when he turns back you catch a brief flash of something.
“He’ll make sure Jimmy gets the message that you’re with me.”
“Your stalker," Rhett clarifies. "After I dropped you off this morning I paid a friend of mine a visit that’s friendly with the foreman of the Dustin ranch. That’s the man’s name. He hangs out with the guy in the baseball cap, Rick.”
“Oh.” You stare at the table, trying to process the information Rhett gave you.
When he says your name softly you realize several minutes have passed in silence. “Sorry, I….” you trail off and look back at the man with the baseball cap.
“Nothing to be sorry about,” Rhett says. “This is a lot.”
You nod, lips pressed together because you don’t trust yourself to speak.
“Line dancing looks fun,” he notes, taking a swig of beer. “Might be a nice distraction and you can put those fancy boots to good use.”
“They’re not fancy,” you defend.
“Hmmm, don’t look like nothing I’ve seen at the feed store,” he teases. “Come on.” He stands and offers his hand.
You let him pull you up and follow him to the dance floor as Vince Gill’s What The Cowgirls Do fades from the speakers and a soft, more subdued song plays. The crowd thins and you realize the remaining dancers are pairing up. Rhett doesn’t seem deterred by the change in music, grasping your right hand and wrapping his left arm loosely around your body. His palm rests firmly on your shoulder blade, pulling your body close to his. After a moment of hesitation, you settle your left arm on his bicep.
“It’s been a while since I’ve danced like this,” you admit, watching how easily the other couples move around the dance floor.
“Nothing to it. All you gotta do is follow, I’ll lead,” Rhett promises, surging forward and taking you with him.
You stumble a little but he’s quick to adjust his pace for you, whispering words of encouragement. Maybe it's how Rhett guides you around the dance floor or some long buried muscle memory from high school but soon enough you’re moving in sync. Then he raises his arm to spin your body in a circle before quickly drawing you back into his arms. When he does it again a second time, a breathless laugh escapes you.
“Atta girl,” Rhett says, drawing you closer.
Your skin tingles and you feel warm all over when he speaks those two simple words. The world narrows to Rhett’s handsome face, his blue eyes dark pools in the dim light. Your chest constricts, only allowing you to pull in shallow breaths that leave you lightheaded. It’s only when someone else bumps into the two of you and the spells breaks that you realize a new, more upbeat song is playing.
Rhett’s lashes flutter and he releases you, his gaze falling away a moment later.
“Beer’s probably getting warm,” he says and you hum your agreement, letting him lead you back to your seat.
Before you can make it, two men you don’t recognize stop Rhett.
“Shit, that you Abbott?” The shorter one questions, swaying on his feet.
You watch Rhett for his reaction, only relaxing when he smiles. “Smitty.”
“Heard you’re riding tomorrow.”
“I am,” Rhett agrees.
“Damn,now we gotta go to see that,” he tells his friend before turning his attention to you. “Did you know your boyfriend's one of the best damn bull riders in these parts?" He asks.
You’re not sure what to say so you just nod.
“You guys gotta come get a drink with us,” Smitty says.
“Thanks, but my girl and I were about to head out,” Rhett says, capturing your hand in his. “Y'all have a good night.”
My girl.
Rhett uses that phrase so casually, like he’s done it 100 times before. For a moment, you let yourself imagine a world where it’s true, losing yourself in the fantasy long enough to miss the rest of their conversation. When Smitty and his friend stumble away, Rhett leads you back to the booth where your daiquiri has all but melted. If Rhett’s beer is warm, he doesn’t show it, finishing it off in one gulp.
“If you want to get a drink with your friends…,” you start hesitantly.
Rhett’s quick to cut you off with a shake of his head. “Not with those two dipshits. They’re fun for sure but… trouble too.”
You turn to face him. “Sounds like there’s a story there.”
He waves your comment away, grinning with one side of his mouth. “Maybe, but it aint suitable for girls with flowers on their boots.”
The rest of the evening passes surprisingly easy, so much so that before you know it, it’s nearly midnight and you’ve all but forgotten about Jimmy and the man in the hat. Rhett pays your bill with cash and walks you to his car, keeping a hand on your lower back.
Once you arrive at your apartment, Rhett turns off the truck and leans forward to look out the windshield.
“Want me to stay the night?” He asks, leaning back.
You do, but you’re aware of just how much he’s done for you already; staying over last night and pretending with you at the bar. You should decline and let him go home to sleep in a real bed but behind him you can see the dark windows of your apartment and the words catch in your throat.
“Never was an Eagle Scout,” he starts, pulling a black duffle bag from behind the seat, “but I came prepared.”
You stare at the bag, surprised, and when you look back at Rhett he gives you that half smile of his, brow arched. You find yourself nodding before you can think too hard about it.
“Alright,” Rhett says, opening his door, “come on.”
That night you sleep better than you have in weeks and when the morning comes, you quietly slip out of your bedroom. Rhett is already up, a mug of coffee in hand. He looks lost in thought, a deep crease between his brows but his expression clears when he sees you.
“Made coffee,” he says, raising his mug. “Hope that was alright.”
“Of course,” you’re quick to tell him.
“I won't be able to pick you up after work,” Rhett says, following you into the kitchen and leaning back against the counter. “Gotta be at the rodeo early but my Ma said she’d be there.”
“Okay.” You yawn as you doctor your coffee to make it sweet enough to drink.
“Looks like I kept you out too late,” he observes, watching you over the rim of his mug.
“No, it was…” you pause searching for the right word but come up short. “I appreciate it,” you finally settle on.
Rhett nods, looking away. “It’s nothing.”
When he sets his empty mug in the sink, you head back to your room and get ready for work. Once you’re dressed, you reach for the beat-up tennis shoes you always wear, stopping short when you see your boots from last night. You hesitate for only a second before slipping them on instead.
Rhett drops you off with a kiss on your cheek and a wave to Sandra, who watches the two of you from the front window display. The day passes uneventfully, without any sign of Jimmy. A little after 6 pm the Abbotts come to collect you. Cecilia is warm and open, asking about work while Royal drives, glancing at you occasionally in the rearview mirror. You’ve only met Rhett’s father in passing and always found him to be an intimidating man. Tonight he’s mostly silent, only chiming in when you tell Cecilia about an issue that happened today with Donald Everrtt’s lumber order.
“That man’s got more cows than sense,” Royal grumbles and you laugh when Cecilia chastises him.
Leaning back and gazing out the window, you think about your own parents. They weren’t so different from Rhett’s and you’d forgotten how nice something as simple as this could feel. Thinking of them hurts like it always does and you swallow around the lump in your throat, distracting yourself by listening to Cecilia and Royal talk about Rhett and the bull he’s meant to ride tonight.
When you arrive at the rodeo, it’s loud and chaotic. The announcer booms something about the bull riding beinging soon. It doesn’t escape your notice that Royal and Cecilia keep you between them as they guide you through the crowd of people to the metal bleachers where Rhett’s brother and his family are waiting. Their daughter, Amy, is quick to question you once you’re seated.
“Are you Uncle Rhett’s girlfriend?” she asks, leaning around Cecilia to see you.
You stare at her, unsure how to answer with so many people around. Rhett had shared the plan with his parents but you weren’t sure who else knew the truth. Your silence makes Amy’s little brows furrow, a look so reminiscent of her uncle that it almost makes you smile.
Thankfully Cecilia interjects before you have to figure out what to say. “Yes, Amy.”
Before Amy can ask you any more questions, her mother suggests they get some popcorn. Once they disappear, Perry takes a swig from the flask in his boot, and when he sees his mother looking, he makes a face.
“Come on Ma,” he grumbles, but Cecilia pins him with a silent, angry look and he eventually puts the flask away, sighing heavily.
There are several riders before Rhett and you watch each of them get thrown from their bull with increasing anxiety. You search for him among the crowd of riders at the far end of the fence. When you spot him, you’re surprised to find he’s watching you. He grins, tipping his hat. It’s such a simple gesture, but it fills you with a fluttering warmth that lasts long after he looks away to acknowledge his parents.
When it’s finally Rhett’s turn to ride, you rub your hands on your thighs anxiously. The buzzer goes off and you flinch as the gate is ripped open. The world narrows to Rhett, the bull, and the sound of your own breathing. The seconds tick past agonizingly slow until he’s thrown from the bull.
Dust flies and the bull stomps. You stand up, searching until you find him stock still in the dirt. You make a small, terrified sound and Royal touches your shoulder drawing your gaze.
“He’s okay. Just got the breath knocked from him,” he assures you.
You look at Cecilia who seems just as concerned but then a second later the bull is gone and Rhett stands. His gaze is focused on the scoreboard but you watch him. His expression is serious, lips pressed into a thin line as his chest heaves. Then suddenly he smiles, open joy written across his features and the crowd cheers. When you look up his name is first on the board.
Beside you, Royal yells and Perry sticks two fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly. Cecilia shouts his name and Amy jumps with excitement. You expect Rhett to come straight to his parents but he makes a beeline for you, climbing up the bleachers and past people with ease.
“Rhett,” you start, whatever you were going to say cut short by his lips on yours. The kiss is intense but brief. When he pulls away, he looks as surprised as you feel. You stare at one another before suddenly he’s pulled back by an older man who claps him on the shoulder. More people push forward to offer him congratulations.
“Let him hear you one more time,” the announcer encourages. “Ladies and gentlemen, your hometown hero, Rhett Abbott!”
You touch your lips, mind working hard to process what just happened. Rhett looks back, eyes glued to yours as he’s pulled back into the ring.
“Come on sweetheart,” Cecilia urges, patting your arm. “Let’s wait for him at the other end. Less people.”
You can’t see her eyes under the brim of your hat but you suddenly realize she and about a hundred other people just witnessed what Rhett did. You have no idea what his parents must think. There’s another feeling under the embarrassment and awkwardness that you don’t investigate too closely.
“Well that was something,” Royal says and you glance up at him sharply before you realize he’s talking about Rhett’s ride.
Cecilia smiles. “He’s gonna ride next weekend in the finals for sure.”
“I knew he’d make it,” Royal says proudly and you smile at both of them, nodding your agreement.
After a few minutes, Perry arrives alone. “It was getting late so I thought it best Amy went home,” he tells the three of you, hands on his hips. “She can celebrate with us tomorrow.”
“Hmmm and I suppose you’re gonna help your brother celebrate tonight?” Cecilia asks, judgment clear in her tone.
“Yeah. Handsome Gambler,” he confirms, clapping Rhett on the back as he arrives. “You’ll be drinking for free, that’s for sure.”
“Did you consider that your brother might not want to go?” Cecilia asks, looking at you pointedly.
“Oh, that’s alright. We can go,” you say, feeling even more awkward.
Perry grins and leans in. This close you can smell the alcohol on his breath. “Great, I’ll get us a booth.”
He disappears before Rhett even has a chance to speak. Cecilia sighs and Royal rubs her back. “Nothing wrong with having a little fun,” he reminds her.
“I know,” she concedes. “But be safe,” she adds, looking intently at Rhett.
“I will,” he promises her, nodding seriously.
Cecilia offers you a tight hug, promising to stop by the store later in the week. Once she and Royal are gone, you’re alone with Rhett. He rubs the back of his neck and clears his throat.
“I’m sorry.” He pauses, looking back at you. “For the kiss. I shoulda asked if you were okay with that. I was out of line.”
“It’s okay. It uh, was good. Lots of people saw. That’s the point right?”
He stares at you for a long moment, an unreadable expression on his face. “Yeah, that’s the point," he agrees, finally before his gaze flicks away. “But, we don’t have to go to the Gambler tonight. Perry’s just… Perry,” he finishes with a long suffering sigh.
You think about how excited he was before and what tonight means for him. He’d done so much for you lately, the least you could do was go with him to the bar. There was no way he’d drop you off and home and go alone. You had fun with him last night after all. Maybe tonight would be just as nice.
“We can go,” you tell him but he frowns, clearly unconvinced. It’s late and you’re tired but it isn’t hard to manage a genuine smile for him. “Afterall, I brought my dancing boots,” you add, pulling up your jeans to reveal them.
“Alright,” he agrees, his expression lightening.
The bar is more crowded than last night and Rhett keeps you close. Everyone wants to talk to him, including Maria. You can’t help but feel jealous at the way she lays a hand on Rhett’s arm and leans in close to speak to him. She’s even more beautiful than she was in high school when half the town knew he’d been in love with her.
Watching them together and seeing the easy way he smiled at her, you wonder if he still is. That makes your chest ache, which is silly. You and Rhett weren’t actually together. Nothing, from the dance last night to his kiss earlier, was real. It was an act because you caught the wrong kind of attention. Suddenly, you want to be anywhere but here. You take a step away but Rhett’s quick to face you, his hand shooting out to grasp your elbow.
You lean in to be heard over the din of the bar. “I need to use the restroom but Perry said he can come with me,” you lie, looking over your shoulder at his brother.
“I can come,” Rhett tells you, setting his beer down.
You wave him off. “Catch up with your friends.”
When you realize Rhett doesn’t turn around immediately you’re forced to actually ask Perry. He agrees and finishes off his beer, following after you a little unsteady. You take your time in the bathroom, splashing water on your face and staring at your reflection. It’s quiet here but your mind is buzzing. You close your eyes and sigh. You’re not sure how long you stay like that, lost in thought but eventually a toilet flushes and you stand straight. You were being selfish, Rhett deserved to celebrate tonight without worrying over you.
With a deep breath you head back into the bar, searching for Perry. When you left he was leaning against the wall, scrolling on his phone. Now he’s nowhere to be found. You only make it a few steps before someone’s hand closes around your wrist and tugs you back. You spin around, half expecting to find Rhett but it’s not him.
Green eyes meet yours.
“Hi baby,” Jimmy says, smiling.
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Can you do a cozy blurb with rhett abbott
-ˏˋ. actions / scenarios ˊˎ-
⋆ going to a carnival / fair
the fair | Rhett Abbott

warnings: none!
Rhett is actually the one to first suggest a trip to the county fair. It’s half to do with the slight guilt he feels about not being able to take you out more — money’s tight sometimes, and he’s often just so exhausted from work. But, the other half of his desire to take you out comes from the nostalgia of those places.
He’s holding back a grin like a little kid, his fingers laced through yours as he leads the way across the green-grass field. Ahead of you are stretches of neon string lights and whirling fairground rides, sounds of cheering and laughing.
Maybe it’s the noise that he likes best. It’s always so quiet out at the ranch, silence for miles and miles. It makes you learn to listen, learn to jump and get tense at the slightest sound.
There’s no chance of that way out here. The sounds all blend together, a happy kind of hum that makes him feel just a little more peaceful.
All of that combined with you, who seems to live to get under his skin in the best way, and still somehow manages to make him feel more settled than anyone in the world ever has.
Crisp leaves under your feet, the chill of the Wyoming winter creeping in through the end of autumn catching at your knuckles. One of Rhett’s old Carhartt jackets sits around your shoulders, a proud proclamation to the entirety of Wabang of exactly who you’re here with.
He’s leading the way confidently, brunette curls tucked under one of his trucker caps, boots crunching across the grass and brush. Wabang County Fair hosts an array of vendors every year, a lot of them local.
Homemade hard ciders from the Marsh family farm. Chilli from the pastor and his wife. Fresh, buttered popcorn sold by the elementary school teacher who had expelled Rhett as a kid.
She greets him with wide, cautious eyes and a stern hello. He grins as you giggle into his side.
He tells you their stories with an arm around your shoulder and his lips brushing at your earlobe. The chill in the air has you cuddling closer, but you’re far from looking for an excuse to do that.
You’ve got one eye on the spinning ferris wheel, too, watching the little pods glowing like stars in the darkening sky. Each one filled with smiling families or budding couples, whispering friends.
You bet that Rhett knows their stories too, and you know that he likes being the one not on the receiving end of the gossip for once.
After a scenic tour of each of the booths on the ground, Rhett catches sight of that spark in your eye as you look up at the moving ride. Squeezing you closer to him, he presses a soft kiss to your cheek as he turns and heads for it, with you in tow.
He’s got every intention of behaving on that ferris wheel, too. Sitting on the bench opposite you and taking in the view. You can see for miles up there, right across the stretching mountain ranges to the north. Grass and greenery for miles, the last of it before the season gets real grey and cold.
The ground below looks even more technicolour from way up here, glowing below you, abuzz with excited patrons.
Rhett’s got every intention of being a perfect gentleman on this date. Hell, he’s even planning on walking you to your door later and bidding you goodbye with a kiss on the cheek.
It’s just that right as your carriage reaches the very peak of the wheel, the whole thing comes to an abrupt stop. He can see the cold nipping at your skin, the slight shiver that wracks your body — the air’s just a little bit colder up here.
“It’s warmer over here, you know.” He tells you with a tip of his chin, his knees spreading just an inch further apart as his back settles against the bench behind him.
#rhett Abbott x reader#Rhett Abbott#Rhett Abbott fic#outer range#Rhett Abbott x you#rhett abbott x y/n#spookweek
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Lose Control
Pairing- Rhett Abbott x reader
Warnings- angst, smut, little pinch of bdsm
Summary- this is just angst and filth, been working on this for @attapullman for a few weeks and I think it’s finally ready :)
The two of you had been snappy at each other all day, normally rodeo weekends were a fun getaway for you both; but when a certain ex girlfriend decided to show up and rush to Rhett in the crowd after his winning ride, wrapping her arms around his neck while cameras flashed it took every ounce of decorum you had to to make it down the bleachers and keep yourself from snatching the hair right out of Maria Olivares’ head.
You had a feeling she would do something like this the second you saw her in the hotel lobby Saturday morning, she all but jumped into his lap during breakfast when she walked past the two of you. Never once acknowledging your presence she gushed about how she’d heard about how well he’d been doing on the circuit and just *had* to come see Wabang’s favorite son ride in his biggest tournament yet.
You’d been in a piss poor mood ever since, Rhett had been polite; peeling her off of him and letting her run her mouth but excusing the two of you as quickly as possible. Her disappointed pout when he pulled back your chair nearly had you lunging across the table at her (at least in your head), but you just clenched your jaw and let him lead you to the elevator. He tried several times to assure you he didn’t know she’d be here, attempting to go down on you in the shower to bring up your mood but you wouldn’t let him. If you had known it would get him pissy as well you probably wouldn’t have done it (yes you would) but you couldn’t be bothered.
She knew full well the two of you were engaged, Wabang was a small town full of gossips and it took less than 10 hours for the whole town to be aware that “playboy” Rhett Abbott was locked down. It’d been nearly 3 months since then, and as you looked down at your ring warmth spread over you, memories of that night almost making you forget what you had been so upset over. Almost.
Truly you knew it wasn’t something he could control, and you weren’t mad at him at all but it just seemed like everywhere you looked lately there were traces of that failed relationship. Cece had loved Maria, and after everything that had gone down with Perry and Royal due to Trevor’s murder she truly struggled with any more change coming her way. So when they split up and less than 6 months later you come along, she wasn’t the warm mother in law figure Rhett had made her seem to be. She was cordial sure, but she only had Rhett left and her need for something to stay normal overruled her willingness to understand her son’s desperation to start a new life and family somewhere else. She’d given her blessing for him to have his grandma’s ring, begrudgingly; letting him know to get it back if things went south which caused a whole new argument between the two of them and resulting in them going no contact for a while.
You felt responsible all the time, like him loving you was a burden but he assured you that in reality you’d saved him. His life had been hell, verbally and sometimes physically taking the brunt of Royal’s unresolved anger and he was finally free to make his own choices, first of all marrying you.
Looking up at him now as he worked to button his shirt up, less than an hour before his first event, you softened considerably. Cautiously you walked over and smoothed your hands over his chest, leaning into him to press kisses to his cheeks and nose and then finally to his lips.
“I’m sorry baby, I know you can’t control what happened today and I’m not really mad at you, you know that right?”
He nods and runs his nose along your jaw, taking you in and allowing you both to relax into each others touch.
“I know sugar, and I know she gets under your skin but you don’t have a damn thing to worry about. I got no interest in rehashing the past with her, she just likes the attention; it really ain’t even about me. I’m yours baby, not going anywhere.”
You melt into him now, and the room seems to get 10 degrees hotter from the look he’s giving you. You know he’s always antsy before a ride, and he needs the release to get him through. You let your hands wander down to his belt buckle, popping the gaudy monstrosity open and unzipping his jeans.
You can already see the tension leave his shoulders as you sink to your knees, mouthing at the front of his boxers as he threads his fingers through your hair.
“My sweet girl, so good for me…look so pretty on your knees like that, don’t ever want anyone like this but you ya hear me bubs? No one could ever take care of me like you do.”
You preen under his praise, he knows all too well what it does to you when he talks like that. You pull him out and begin to swirl your tongue around the tip of him, hand gliding over the rest of his length as you suck at him like he’s the best lollipop you’ve ever tasted.
You can tell he’s getting impatient now, hand flexing in your hair and breath hitching in his throat.
“Fuck, please baby don’t tease me, I can’t take it I need ya”
Who are you to say no when he asks so sweetly? You pull off of him completely and he lets out the prettiest whine, you chuckle and look up at him with the most innocent doe eyed look you can conjure.
“Use me Rhett, fuck my mouth and then go win this tournament, you’re so perfect baby let me make you feel good”
He lets out a groan as you take him back into your mouth now, watching as he wraps your hair around his hand and begins to shallowly thrust into you. You stay like that and allow him to use you, listening to his broken moans and curses pour from his lips as he works to get himself off.
You moaned around him as he found his rhythm, snapping his hips forward to chase his release hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag on him. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes and you knew you were drooling but God he looked so damn pretty like this. Sweaty forehead, forearm flexing from pulling your hair, mouth open and eyes squeezed shut while he focused on getting himself off. You swallowed around him and felt him falter a little, knowing he was getting close.
“Shit shit shit fuck baby I’m close ya ready for me to cum down that pretty throat?”
You nod as he thrusts one-two more times and then he’s cumming hot and heavy in your mouth, you swallow as much of him down as you can but it begins to leak out of the sides of your lips and he thinks he could get hard all over again from how debauched you look.
You make quick work of getting cleaned up and both of you put back together, previous argument completely forgotten as you make your way hand in hand out of the hotel to drive to the arena.
He’s crushed every record tonight, maintained his spot at the top of the leaderboard with only one more ride to go. You watch him by the chutes as he talks to Archie, looks up to find you in the stands to wink at you with his gorgeous blue eyes. His smile is electric, you can’t help but let out a laugh out that bubbled up from your chest, heart swelling with happiness to see how in his element he is. You blow him a handful of kisses as he heads back toward the gate, and you know with complete confidence this is it; he’s going to win.
The win is secured by another perfect ride, and he jumps off scurrying to his feet, pumping his fist in the air as the announcer calls out his name and score. You are quick to jump from your spot to head to him, as you make your descent you glance at the Jumbotron wanting to see his face, only to be met with someone launching themselves into his arms…someone who is definitely not you. You screech to a halt, feeling like your knees might buckle as Maria is pulled back by Archie to disentangle herself from him, but it’s too late. She’s smacked a big red lip print on his cheek and the cameras have clearly caught all the angles, no doubt it will be in the papers tomorrow; Rhett and his old flame wrapped up in each other celebrating his win, no sign of his fiancée at all.
You can tell he’s looking for you, scanning the crowd with a panic in those cerulean eyes but you can’t bring yourself to make your way over to him. Hot tears pour down your cheeks as you make your way through the back of the arena, phone buzzing in your pocket and you pull the device out to shut it off entirely.
You somehow make it back to the hotel, there was a few taxis in the lot so you numbly told the driver the address and climbed into bed fully dressed when you finally reached your room. It’s almost an hour before you hear the hotel key unlocking the door, sees his shadow slipping into the dark room searching for any sign of you.
“Y/n? Sweetheart talk to me, I’ve been worried fucking sick, couldn’t get you on the phone and no one knew where you’d gone.”
You sit upright to face him, eyes swollen and face damp, unsure if you can even respond to him at this point.
“I-I- d-didn’t think my presence was needed at this point, you’d gotten plenty of fanfare and I didn’t want to take away from your win with my sour attitude. It’s just better if I let it be, you know it just as well as I do.”
He shakes his head furiously, tossing his hat onto the desk across from him
“That’s fucking bullshit, you know how much I needed you with me tonight, you were just pissed about Maria. I get it baby I do, but what you would have seen if you’d stuck around was that we had security escort her out and she got kicked out of our hotel as well. Apparently she tried to tell security at the gate that she was my girlfriend so they’d let her on the floor, so that caused a shitstorm. Archie’s pissed as hell, all of us were worried sick when we couldn’t find you.”
You sniffle as you look around the room, trying to find something to look at other than him but he won’t let you. Takes two large strides toward you and pulls your face towards his, staring you down until you finally break.
“What do you want me to say Rhett? That I was humiliated once again by your piece of shit ex? Well I was! She knows exactly what to do to get under my skin, always has. She’s never gonna let us be is she? Let’s be honest, it would be so much easier for you if you just let me go and picked back up with her, your mother hates me and Maria very clearly wants you back so maybe the only thing holding you back here is me.” Your chest is heaving from the explosion, Rhett stumbles backwards with a jolt, almost as though you’d slapped him with your words.
It’s tense, the words you said hanging heavy in the air as you fidget on the bed; too afraid to look him in the eye.
“Look at me” he grounds out at you, and you snap your head up at the venom in his tone, eyes more black than blue, irises nearly non existent.
He doesn’t give you a chance to say anything else, hauls you up by your elbow and grips your chin.
“If I EVER hear you spew that shit at me again you won’t be able to sit for a goddamn week you hear me? You want to be a brat about this? Fine, but don’t you dare suggest that we should end this. You’re everything, *everything* to me.”
He forces you down onto the bed now, clawing at your clothes to rid you of them, kisses all teeth and tongue as you paw at him trying to rid him of his shirt. He catches both your hands up now, pushes them down above your head as he grinds into you, he’s stripped you down to nothing and he’s still fully clothed you whine high in your throat and he laughs darkly at you.
“Aht Aht, hands to yourself sweetness, you hurt me tonight; acted like a petulant child when you know good and damn well you’ve got me wrapped around your pretty little finger. I’m taking what I want from you tonight and you’re gonna take it, and maybe just maybe you’ll learn your lesson. Brats don’t get a say ‘round here and you know it. So do what you’re fucking told and put your hands on the headboard.”
You knew you’d fucked up when you said how you felt, knew it would hurt him but did it anyway, you and Rhett had been rough with each other in the past so it wasn’t a shock to see this play out and you felt a shiver go down your spine at the thought of what he had planned for you.
He pushes off of the bed now, heads over to your luggage and pulls a small bundle of rope from it. You’ve seen it many times before at home, but didn’t expect him to have packed it for this weekend. You begin to scoot back toward the headboard, wrists held out for him, better to try and get on his good side and maybe keep the neighbors from calling the front desk.
“Atta girl, you know the drill, unfortunately for you it’s not gonna be that easy.” He says as you blink up at him, and he snatches your wrists, begins winding the rope to bind them together, once he’s done that he taps your thighs, and oh you didn’t know what was coming but you definitely do now. Takes the rest of the rope and knots one ankle, then the other, linking them all before tying an intricate knot into the headboard. Ankles around your ears, hands above your head and for the first time tonight you have the good sense to be nervous.
“Not gonna hurt you baby, know you can take it but it gets to be too much you say the word and we’re done for the night ok?” He leans in to peck kisses to your lips and nose and you nod at him furiously, squirming awkwardly and grasping at the rope, desperately wishing you could touch him.
He’s situating himself between your open legs, and you hear the clinking of his belt below you. Thinking for a second that he’s going to give you his cock you’re suddenly aware of a sharp smack to your pussy, letting out a yelp. Belt buckle dangling from his wrist, he looks up at you with a quirked eyebrow and you know you need to keep quiet or it’ll only get worse. He swats at you again, then once more before sliding three fingers into your heat. You try to arch your back but you can’t from this position, bite down hard on your lip to keep from making any noise and you could swear you’ve drawn blood. He continues this little game, winding you up until you are right at the edge and then ripping the pleasure away from you. Tears pool at the corner of your eyes, and you blink furiously trying to make sure you can still look at him. You want to beg him, apologize over and over until he cuts you loose and fucks you properly.
Just as you reach your high for who knows how many times he takes it from you again and you let out a loud wail, sobbing out his name.
“You think you’ve had enough baby girl? Ready to tell me how sorry you are?”
“Yes, yes God yes Rhett I’m sorry please baby I’ll never say it again just want you only you please baby fuck me I need it” you’re babbling now, cheeks tear stained and chest heaving.
He hovers over you, wiping your tears , hands untying the restraints.
“I’m not even close to done with you baby girl, turn around and get on your hands and knees. What’s your color?”
“Green” you breathed out, you knew he’d stop if you asked but there was a part of you that wanted every bit of your punishment, it was a rare occasion for him to lose himself like this and you knew he needed it.
You heard the clink of his belt once again and you shivered at the anticipation of what was to come as he smoothed a calloused hand over your ass.
“What do you think sugar? 5 each? 10? How much do you think you can take?”
“I-I d-deserve whatever you give me sir, I deserve it I’ll do whatever you want I trust you.”
He ran his knuckles down your spine a few times, taking in your form as he looped the belt around and grasped it tightly in his right hand. He would never hurt you if you asked him to stop, but looking at you propped up on all fours, pussy glistening as you whimpered for him, he knew you could take it and he’d be damned if it didn’t turn him on beyond belief.
“Ok sugar, 5 each because you were so sweet; but I better not hear a peep out of you or you’ll get 10.”
“Y-yes sir, thank you sir.” You nodded your head and braced yourself, you knew he was losing his resolve but you’d be damned if you opened your mouth now, if you were just patient he’d fuck you soon enough and the thought made you dizzy.
He smoothed his hand over one cheek and then a resounding crack bounced off the walls of the hotel room, he made you count each one and by the time he’d gotten to 6 on the other cheek he was so painfully hard the thought he might pass out from the high. You sobbed out on the ninth hit and he couldn’t take it anymore, tossing the belt aside and pulling himself free of his jeans and briefs, yanking you towards him and slamming into you without warning. He didn’t let up, he wasn’t fucking with you earlier when he said only good girls got to cum; this was going to be hard and fast and you’d take what you were given.
Tears were pouring down your cheeks now, it felt so good and he had you teetering on the edge this whole time, you knew better than to hope he’d let you cum, you focused on your breathing trying to get ahold of yourself but he was brushing against that spot only he could reach and you could feel the build up coming, crying out on a hard thrust.
“P-p-lease…please Rhett can I cum? I’m so sorry baby please I’ll be good please please please” you sobbed and writhed beneath him, clenching down on him so hard his hips stuttered.
“Ok, ok baby you did so good f’ me…God..Fuck I love you cum for me sweet girl”
You let out a high pitched wail that was sure to get you both a noise complaint and gushed your release, shaking and nearly losing your balance as Rhett wrapped an arm around your torso and pulled you close, releasing into your tight pussy as he bit down on your shoulder.
You both collapse onto the mattress, a pile of worn out limbs and heaving chests and you felt a panic stir up in you again, you were so embarrassed with yourself for the way you’d handled things. He could tell you had gotten back in your head, rolling you onto your side to kiss your cheeks and nose, trying to reassure you everything was forgiven.
“I’m so sorry Rhett, baby forgive me. I love you so much, can’t bear the thought of you with someone else. I don’t know what got into me, I just couldn’t stand the thought of her touching you and I ran. I know it was wrong” you sobbed out, and he closed the distance slotting your lips together tongues dancing against each other as he pulls you close.
“Baby I better not ever hear you talk at me like that again goddamnit, ‘m not going anywhere. I chose you and you’re just gonna have to accept that I don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks ya hear? You’re it for me.” He meant every word, he couldn’t imagine life without you in it and the thought of you giving up nearly destroyed him. He’d do anything to make sure you never felt that way again, didn’t care if it took a lifetime to prove it he’d make sure you always knew you came first.
Later after a long shower where he took you apart until you were on wobbly legs the two of you cuddled up into your bed, surrounded by a ridiculous amount of room service while you watched a movie. No thoughts of Maria entered your mind for the rest of the weekend, Rhett was yours and he’d never let you second guess it again.
Tagging- @attapullman
If anyone wants to be added to the tag list for Rhett let me know!!
#rhett outer range#rhett abbott x reader#rhett abbott smut#rhett abbott#outer range fanfiction#outer range
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The Bookkeeper and The Cowboy || Pt 1

WC: 1.6k
Summary: A new bookstore is making its way into Wabang and has everyone gossiping. Some are excited, the kids are happy, some are grumpy and Rhett, well he’s just a little bit curious.
A/N: This was originally going to be one part. I have no self control, though, so it’ll probably 2 or 3
Wabang, Wyoming is a small town with people who knew each other, and parents and grandparents who likely knew each other. If you lived there you likely never thought of leaving. If you grew up in the dusty old town it likely never occurred to you to leave.
Everyone knew each other, every building was known and every person who ran it was known by name. Everyone knew that Maren at ‘Maren’s Marvelous Hair Salon’ was a gossip and that Joe who worked at the butcher's was vulgar but still kind and would likely give you an extra slice of your favorite place of meat. Everyone knew the teachers. Ms. Kay, who was secretly seeing Luke Tillerson, and was teaching second grade. Everyone adored her. She was kind, sweet, and gentle with her students. She waved and smiled at the parents of her students. Unlike the high school teacher Mr. Daughtery. The older man never smiled and was always found with a cup of coffee in his hand. When someone addressed him he only grunted and turned away. Some wondered why he hadn’t retired yet or found another job but most of the time, people just ignored him.
It was no wonder that Rhett Abbott didn’t notice that new building being put up right away. No one had bothered to mention it to him. His dad was working him to the bone and when Maren caught him running errands for his dad for the ranch she never mentioned it.
Rhett only became aware of the new building when he went into the tractor supply store to pick up feed for the animals on the ranch. Old man Waters (no one knew his first name anymore, he could have been the first one in the town for all anyone knows) mentioned a new bookstore that was in the works down the street. He didn’t say it in a grumble or in a way he detested a new business. No, he seemed rather…happy about it? Supposedly his granddaughter loved spending time over there after school even though it wasn’t completely finished. Every time he saw her she chatted nonstop about the new owner and the books and even how the building was coming along.
Rhett nodded and tipped his hat, making sure to say thank you because if there was one thing Cecilia Abbott did right it was to raise her sons with manners. After he stocked the bed of his truck full of feed for the animals and some other things for the ranch, Rhett sat in the truck for a minute longer than usual. He could see the budding store from here and he couldn’t deny that the curiosity got the better of him.
If he took a bit longer to get home than usual it definitely wasn’t to see the new bookstore. It was cream and green and on a hanging green wooden poster it read ‘Cover to Cover’. It was clever and left a small smile on his face for no one to see but himself.
When Rhett finally arrived home it was dark and his mom was just about to finish cooking dinner. Mashed potatoes and pork chops it looked like again. He knew better than to complain, it was Perry and his dad’s favorite meal.
As the plates were being served Rhett reached over to playfully mess with Amy’s hair which made the young girl giggle and her father grumble which only added to the satisfaction Rhett felt. He and Perry could argue from sun up to sun down, never agreeing on anything. Mostly on Rhett’s life choices but he couldn’t deny that Perry did one thing right at that was to make Amy. He adored his niece, her laugh, her adventurous spirit, and her no-nonsense attitude that developed before she could talk.
“Did you pick up the feed for the horse?” His dad grumbled in a question.
Rhett knew not to take it personally. It was just how his dad spoke. He was all hard edges and no soft-spoken words. Those were saved for his wife his his granddaughter. Sometimes, when he was younger, Rhett, wondered if Royal even saw him and Perry as sons and just as extra hands to help around the ranch.
“Yeah,” he said, just as gruffly after swallowing a dry pork chop. “It’s all in the bed of my truck.”
“It took you so long. Thought you might be visiting one of your little bunnies.” Perry smirked and Rhett bit his tongue.
“I was catching with Old Man Waters, while I was there,” Rhett said, despite not owing his brother a reply. His mom was still at the table and didn’t want the conversation to turn into something inappropriate.
“I wanna see a bunny,” Amy said innocently.
Rhett looked at Perry and raised an eyebrow. Once he saw his brother's cheeks turn pink he knew he won.
“It’s not those kind of bunnies, darling.” His mom said and pointedly looked at Rhett for the next bit, “I wouldn’t want you catching anything from those bunnies. Who knows where they’ve been.”
Clear to change the subject Royal jumped in, “What did you and Old Man Waters talk about?”
“Not much,” Rhett tried for nonchalance. He didn’t want his dad to see how much this particular subject interested him. “He said that someone is building a bookstore, it’s not fully done, but he said that his granddaughter loves it already.”
Royal hurmphed at the idea. He stabbed his food before saying in a grumpier tone than usual. “What happened to kids reading at school or their parents reading to them? If you ask me it sounds like some yuppie bullshit.”
“I think it’s nice that there’s a place for people to get books and hang out when they're not working.” His mom said placatingly.
“That’s until more people move to Wabang and new houses and apartments are built and we’ll even have a Starbucks.”
“I only said Old Man Waters said it, doesn’t mean it’s true. It could go under in a month.”
Nothing else was said for the rest of the meal. Everyone could tell that the tonal shift had changed and even young Amy didn’t look up from her plate.
When all the plates were in the sink Rhett offered to help his mom clean them. As if his dad and brother ever would, Cecelia shooed Jim off knowing that he would have to be awake before the sun came up to help his dad with the ranch.
He kissed his mom good night, skipped his after-dinner beer, and took the stairs two at a time. It was quiet except for the quiet noises coming from the bedrooms. His dad was talking nonsense, nothing unusual there, Perry was already snoring. From what? Rhett had no idea he wasn’t the one running around town and as far as he knew their dad had been taking it easy on Perry when it came to the Ranch.
When he passed by Amy’s room it was dead silent. Amy was never silent. Before he could think about it he gently tapped on her bedroom door and moments later Amy stood looking up at him.
“Hi. Uncle Rhett,” she smiled.
The end of his lip quirked and he asked. “How did you know it wasn't your dad or grandpa?”
She rolled her eyes and he realized fast then he liked that Mentions that Amy might like that his sweet little niece Amy was growing up.
“Grandpa pounds on the door like I can’t hear him. Dad just barges in. You and Grandma are the only ones who knock like normal people.”
Rhett nodded at that. It seemed about right the two of them had been doing it his whole life. Maybe for her birthday he’ll get her a lock and install it for her.
“You were quiet at dinner. I wanted to know what was up.”
The girl was quiet for a moment. Long enough for Rhett to start to worry. Amy was never quiet for too long around her uncle.
“I wanna see the bookstore.” She mumbles, nearly whispers. As though she’s afraid Royal will hear her from down the hall.
Rhett made an inquisitive noise, leaned on the doorframe, and crossed his arms. He waited for Amy to continue and after a moment she did.
“A few of my friends have been over to see it and all of grandma and grandpa’s books are boring. The school library’s books are falling apart.” She said this all in one gust of air. “I want to see what it’s all about but Grandpa knows everyone in town and they’ll tell him.”
“Your grandpa doesn’t know everything,” Rhett said with a smirk, thinking back to his childhood and teenage days when he managed to get with a lot more than his parents realized.
At her still-present frown that tugged on his heartstrings, Rhett said without thinking, “I’ll take you there. I drove past it on the way back home and maybe I could pick you up after school and bring you to the s bookstore.”
“Really?” Amy exclaimed and shy he’d herself so as not to wake anyone. She looked around to check that no one else moved around and then looked up at her uncle. “You would do that?
“If you get some sleep tonight and are good in school tomorrow, I’ll be right outside waiting for you.” He swore.
Of course, he wanted Amy to be happy and his father's disdain for any new business from outsiders was irksome. However, when he drove by the cream and green cozy-looking shop he couldn’t help but feel his curiosity peek. His niece wasn’t the only one who wanted to go, he wanted to go into the bookstore too.
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I know this is Rhett, but but but hear me out. Neighbor! Bob helping someone with their car. And one of queens of gossip stops by and flirts with him.
Linds! You are right on the head and it's taken me 24 hours of 😵💫 to have a coherent thought.
It's deffo headcanon that Bob on leave has Rhett vibes - the grown out hair, the ball caps. I wouldn't be surprised at a hidden little tattoo under those khakis.
So it wouldn't be completely left field for Bob to be in the driveway, middle of summer, nearing the end of a particularly long leave, fixing up his truck because the alternator has been screeching bad on his commute.
Hair grown out, too lazy for a haircut, ball cap pulled over to keep it out of his eyes while he's tucked under the truck's hood. San Diego is at a record high and he ditched his faded Naval Academy tshirt half an hour ago. And half an hour ago every female neighbor within a three house radius is glued to her window.
He couldn't be more oblivious, trying not to snap his fingers with all the metal in his truck. Fully aware he could have taken it to the mechanic, but they aren't open until Monday and he promised he'd take you to the beach tonight.
It's not until he hears a, "Yoohoo!" that he's aware there's an audience. Missus Jacobs, Connelly, and Branaugh are walking across the street dressed for the hot weather - if you count that little of fabric clothing. Robert is instantly scrambling to see if he can escape the situation, but it's too late.
For the next twenty minutes the women dote over him, making notes on his handiness. If he was hot before, he's positively boiling with embarrassment. Keeping his head ducked as he attempts to focus on the mechanics, but the women are constantly chucking him another question while ogling his sweaty chest. How could they not when there's thin trails of perspiration making their way down his pecs and straight toward his happy trail?
"Robert!" Your voice is like a splash of cool water as you make your way up his drive, fanning yourself. He makes a solid effort to focus on your face despite the low cut tank top sticking to your skin possibly being the hottest thing he's seen you in.
You smile apologetically to the women. "I hate to interrupt. I think my air conditioner broke. Would you mind taking a look?"
Before the women can even question your motives, he's slamming the hood of his truck down and slipping into the garage for his tool belt. Fully aware that your air conditioner is functioning after he checked it last week, but your plumbing is definitely in need of a little fixing.
Something him and his tool belt fix immediately as he folds you in half in front of the air conditioner and thanks you with long, hard strokes...
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OC HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE 2024 ; day eight - multiverse
My many faces of Gregg Sulkin
Gabriel Legume ; Descendants
Derek Wallis ; Riverdale
Darcy Hearst ; Gossip Girl
Wyatt Hayden ; Gilmore Girls
Red, White, and Royal Blue ; Rhett Sheppard
Cooper Sullivan ; Supernatural
Maximillian Sterling ; The Vampire Diaries
Graham Donovan ; Harry Potter
Taglist: @daughter-of-melpomene
#ohc2024#ocappreciation#fyeahdescendantsocs#fyeahriverdaleocs#fyeahgossipgirlocs#fyeahgilmoregirlsocs#fyeahrwrbocs#fyeahsupernaturalocs#fyeahtvdocs#fyeahvampirediariesocs#fyeahhpocs#fyeahharrypotterocs#gabriel legume#derek wallis#darcy hearst#wyatt hayden#rhett sheppard#cooper sullivan#maximillian sterling#graham donovan
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I totally agree with this!
But can I elaborate juuuusssttt a little bit? 🤏
Castin and Rhett would totally enjoy beefing on social media and their GIF wars? Gurl, it's on the next level! It's mindblowing! They can have a whole ass comment threads with nothing but GIFs! Bonus point? They can't even remember what they were fighting about. Probably something stupid like which of their girlfriend is hotter 😂
Isolde is the fucking Joker online. Deadass. Do not even start something with her because, by god, she will fucking drag you down to her level sdjkfnsdfs
Rhett likes to make people think he's cool and mysterious by posting dramatic and melancholic sceneries like a steaming coffee mug against the window while it's raining outside, lol. And yes, deep-ass quotes are a must! (Isolde loves humbling him in the comment sections djkfndskf)
Warren doesn't get the hype of social media 🤣 He's a bit of a boomer but don't you dare say that to his face! He would always reblog Anastasia's posts, react to TikTok videos she sends him and just to be a little shit, throw his own GIF in Castin and Rhett's comment threads.
Anastasia, hmm, I think she turns to the Internet to escape her stress or headaches and what better way than scroll through endless cute animal videos!? Cats and bunnies are her fave~
Celica likes watching lovebirds and other bird types' shenanigans. She's also DEVOURS dramas and gossips. Doom scrolling is a habit that Castin is trying to stop from her but it's a work in progress.
What do you think Awesome Addie? 👀
Oh, absolutely! I agree with every word put into this ask.
As far as Warren, you captured him perfectly! He really only goes on if he has a hot take, or if he's talking about/too Anastasia. He's just cute like that, ya' know?
For Anastasia, she is most definitely a random poster. She loves to keep up with her friends in Intacia!
And just like that, I have about 20+ more ideas for tweets ~
#random ranting#desmond asmr#warren the gladiator#cupcake (oc)#castin hammer#baroness (oc)#rhett#queen ascendant (oc)
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ptolemaea. | the verses. | preacher abbott lore.
→ c/w: murder, death, sex, cannibalism, blood, dark themes, heavy religious themes and preacher rhett abbott.
→ a/n: this is the lore for preacher abbott and is part of ‘ptolemaea. | the verses.’ i’d recommend reading the full series before this! my main masterlist can be read here! 💌
Preacher Rhett Abbott was born and raised in Wyoming, but when he was nine years old, he moved to Florida. He is the son of a Preacher and his wife.
His relationship with his father is good, and his father made him fall in love with America and the idea of becoming a Preacher.
His relationship with his mother was strained and never healthy. His mother only worsened his time in his town and made everyone turn against him with gossip.
He held a gun to his head at seventeen, into a mirror, in the hallway of his home. That’s when he knew he had to leave his town and see the world.
He always knew that there was something different about him. He believed that ever since his Preacher father could bless him, that he was born for something great.
At eighteen he left his town to trail over Florida. Rhett Abbott killed three people in Florida.
The first person he killed was a girl called, Bonnie. Within a year he was working in a Church in a quiet Florida town. He was to learn from the Preacher that was yet to retire, expecting to take over.
Bonnie was nineteen and so was Rhett at this time. She slipped in a Motel shower and hit her head.
She could have survived, he could have taken her to ER, but Rhett felt an enormous amount of power as he stood over her and watched the life drain from her eyes in minutes.
She’s still deemed as a missing persons case.
When Rhett was twenty two, he was officially the towns Preacher in the Florida town.
There was a girl who was lost and confused with their path in life. He took her under his wing to guide her.
She wasn’t special to Rhett, but he had a moral and religious obligation to cure her (and at her parents request).
Her name was Lana and he slit her throat on the Church alter. She was twenty one. This was when he first got a taste for blood.
“It would be better if she was gone, so I can find someone who’s really worth my time.” Is what he told himself.
She’s still deemed as a missing persons case.
By twenty five, Rhett moved to another quieter Florida town. On occasions he still went back to the town where he killed his first two, but a fresh start with some fresh blood for him to consume was better for him.
Ethel was twenty three and a mishap within the town. She wouldn’t listen to Rhett and he got tired.
“Enough!” Rhett boomed through the woods in the back of his pick up truck. He slit her throat with his hunting knife.
She’s still deemed as a missing persons case.
Rhett’s mother died when he was twenty six. He went home to find his father in ruins.
After his prior actions of three murders, he was stood over his Ma’s casket and thinking he was next. Or, he was scared that he’d end up like his father.
He moved to little lamb’s town Church within six months.
He knew you were his. He knew you were destined for something good. Something to make him whole. To make him into the man that he was born to be. Something great.
On the flip side, Rhett saw that you were unguided and unsure about what you were doing with your life, and how you believed in your faith.
He knew you were easily corruptible from how you worked at the Church with him.
He clocked it immediately when he heard you in the Church toilets, moaning his name.
Rhett always knew. He just loved scratching it out of you. Scratching you to the surface. Your were compliant and listened to him. You were his perfect Angel in the Garden of Eden. A true Daughter of Abbott.
He is a Preacher. He has killed three people. His own deprivation/murder of three girls has warped his perspective of love.
You will end up a victim, but you’re different from the three girls that he’s killed.
In Rhett’s eyes, he does have a friend in Jesus being the Devil. He’s never sinned either. He was only doing what he thought was right to save his victims. Is what he tells himself, to convince himself that he’s right.
He loves and cherishes little lamb so much. Up until now, his killing has had no real meaning. Little lamb would be the first he’s eaten.
He wants to eat them as quick as he can so they aren’t all alone and scared down in his basement. It turns his stomach to think about that.
Rhett keeps little lamb fresh in his basement downstairs so no one can find them, and because you’re still in the walls of the home you made up together. You’re safe there.
Even safer in Rhett’s stomach.
That to Rhett, is the safest place that he can keep his little lamb from ever being scared again.
Rhett could be imprisoned for his crimes. Therefore he must eat the flesh of his Daughter of Abbott, little lamb.
He must also eat little lamb to protect them from his crimes and to protect them from ever being taken away from him. To protect them from never feeling lonely ever again. To protect them from hurt. From pain.
Rhett knew from the beginning that little lamb was special and not like the others he’s been with. Rhett planed on saving little lamb from the beginning.
tagging those who may be interested/liked the post: @sunblchdfly @unmistakablyunknown @sugarcoated-lame @becks-things @lewmagoo @lovinglyeternal @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @attapullman @just-in-case-iloveyou @sorchathered @floydsglasses @withahappyrefrain @roosterbruiser
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I saw this on Twitter first & wanted to confirm it before sending it in, and it’s not gossip, but Travis Konecny had a massive fire at his home last night. I live near him and heard there was a fire around town but didn’t know it was his home. Travis, his wife Karly, their kids and dogs weren’t there and are perfectly safe, luckily, but the house is pretty damaged. They’re not even in New Jersey currently, either, but I wanted to share. Poor guy. ����😢
Here’s the link to the article: https://patch.com/new-jersey/haddon/fire-heavily-damages-haddonfield-home
i’d heard about this… so so sad for him, and what shame he’s not even in jersey to handle it. even worse for them, i bet they were probably going to be coming back soon to prep for the season and get rhett and beau ready for school / everything else. poor tk 💔 sending him positive thoughts and i hope their home is repaired soon 🤍
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I saw a recent Anon ask a question about if Rhett and Isolde had a daughter. I had a few aswell.
1. would the parents be overprotective?
2. what would her relationship wwith them be like?
3. would she have bodyguards aswell?
And for something that isnt really a question, I kind of thought she would be the kind of person who was super sweet and extroverted, yet looked just like her father. Thoughts?
Thank you very much!
Hello, Anon!
Rhett would! He and Castin would discuss, not gossip, about how rumbunctious their daughters are 😂
I think the same as the Prince - affectionate and healthy.
Yes, she will! And so would the Prince. Think the Kingsguard in Game of Thrones but for the Prince/Princess.
I like your headcanons on their personality, Anon! Personally, I would say the Princess has the same demeanour as the Prince.
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Hart, Day 1, Part 1

The Harts started their day fighting over the computer in Val's room (I assume the ensuite is his, the room next to it is Candy's, and Rhett and Goldie are at the front?)

Goldie: I don't want to go to school.
Rhett: I know. You've been off all week, though - maybe it's worth a try today before the weekend?

I don't know what gossip you can have on Skye, Rhett!

Goldie had to go to school before the croissants were ready, but the others had breakfast together.

Val wanted to make friends with Lola, who he met at the pool in Strangetown, so he called her.
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Against The World Around Us
Chapter 2
The rewrite

The sound of heels clicking against the freshly polished wooden floors alerted the maids and butlers of the approaching Queen and her dear friend The Baroness. Breaths were held as the pair passed each who stopped to greet the Queen with a bow each waiting to see the imperial act the way they were told imperials acted: cold and entitled but,all they received was a warm smile and a short greeting made in a soft voice that didn't intimidate them at all. Smiles of relief made it’s way on to the palace workers faces instead of dirty hostile looks she was once sure she would receive.
"See! You were nervous for no reason." Aurelia hummed looping her arm with the Baroness's.
"You can't blame me for being a little nervous.” Omorose huffs gluing a smile on as they passed by a few more.
Rolling her eyes Aurelia let out a laugh "look at you and look at them! Behaving like nervous School children!"
Omorose smiled grew with what her friend was saying realizing how funny the situation was.
“I’m considered an enemy in foreign land! I have a right to be nervous.” Omorose stated in a slight whine leaning into Aurelia's warmth.
"An enemy in foreign land... " Aurelia repeated her silly mood dropping and replaced with concern. "I hope you know you're safe here Rosie " Aurelia said squeezing Omorose's upper arm. Their Journey through the halls towards the Queen's drawing room that held a surprise halted as Aurelia assured her close friend.
Omorose didn't want to offend or worry Aurelia with her thoughts of concern that she forced herself to swallow when she decided to travel into Intacia. She counted the risks, she went over each scenario then she put on a brave face and never looked back.
“Thanks for the reassurance, Lia. It’s just the war is over and everyone is trying to pick up the pieces and I don’t know where it’s going to leave me in the end.” Omorose’s admitted “And I know that sounds selfish but being in my position right now is so stressful,”
“Marriage proposals, pleads to fund imperial campaigns, and people demanding to know which side you are on since a rise of resistance have surged so soon?” Aurelia listed already having some knowledge of what's going on through gossip.
A groan left Omorose’s lips at the mention of all the things she left in the imperial Capitol.
“Please!” She began to beg “let’s not go over those things! I’ve left those things in the coastal empire.”
“Alright …” Aurelia shrugged her shoulders “on a better note I … have a surprise for you in my drawing room!”
Curiosity peeking Omorose’s couldn’t help but to ask “A surprise?”
Nodding Aurelia practically dragged Omorose down the hall and stairs towards said room. Excitement radiating off of her, shining through her smile. Struggling to keep up in her delicate taller heels the Baroness made a few comments and requests for Aurelia to slow down especially as they descended the stairs but all her words fell on deaf ears leading to the Baroness tripping and nearly falling on her face. “Woah!” A voice said catching the Baroness by the waist “You have to be more careful, Beautiful.” They said in a more flirty tone. Before Omorose could show her appreciation to whoever stopped her from falling Aurelia pulled her arm.
“Aurelia can you please slow down!” Omorose’s pleaded turning to glance over her shoulder to see who saved her only to see king Rhett blocking her view
“Castin! It’s good you’re here” Rhett said as he pulled the other man into a hug.
“In your letter you said you needed me,” Castin stated mindlessly returning the hug “Brother.” He added solidifying why he was there despite giving his attention to the woman he saved from falling.
“Ah, I see you’ve met the Baroness,” Rhett playfully nudged Castin’s shoulder.
In disbelief Castin couldn’t help but ask “That’s the Baroness?”
His eyes started on her figure until she finally disappeared around a corner.
“That’s not what I pictured,”
Resisting an eyebrow Rhett gave Castin a questioning look “What? Didn’t expect her to be so pretty?”
A snort left Castin as he rolled his eyes. “So pretty?” Questioned Castin shaking his head not seeing that word correlate with the woman he briefly saw. ‘She’s gorgeous’ he thought allowing Rhett to lead him into the ‘war’ room.

“Ta dah! Aurelia cheered opening the door to reveal a beautifully decorated cake, a bottle of champagne and a banner that read “Yay! The two headed dragon has been slayed by the sea!” Omorose’s read before turning to a proudly grinning Aurelia with a look that said ‘Really?’
“Oh don’t look at me like that! Your parents were evil.” Aurelia stated as of Omorose’s was unaware. “And you deserve to celebrate being free of them.” She added ushering Omorose into the room.
Eyeing the white cream and fresh berry covered three layered cake The Baroness couldn’t help but to crave a slice of the Berry Chantilly cake
“My favorite! Aw Lia, you remembered!” Cheesing Omorose took a seat as Aurelia threw confetti she pulled out what seemed like no where, the colorful pieces fell and scattered over the floor, table and all over Omorose.
“This is so sweet! I love it Lia, thank you.” Omorose went on, dusting the confetti off her cleavage and the top of her lilac dress.
“Oh no need to thank me. Your whole time here is going to be a good time! I know the sudden responsibility and getting hounded has your head spinning. If I can I’m going to try to my best to keep you at ease here.”
2 weeks had passed since Aurelia made the promise of trying to keep her friend at ease but as problems progressed between the rising Intacia and the fallimg Empire Aurelia had to put her friendship aside and her duties as Queen to the forefront.
Rhett her husband sprung the idea to her four days before she got the courage to bring it up to the Baroness.
"yes." Aurelia stated firmly drinking the remainder of the wine she brought to break the ice.
“You know how I feel about marriage-”
“I do! And I feel that you need to grow up!”
Taken aback Omorose hands found their ways to her hips as she hissed out “Excuse me?”
Aurelia bit her bottom lip mentally cursing herself out for adding fuel to the fire but, she couldn’t take back her words and she wouldn’t even think about doing so.
“Omorose you never give the chance to anyone to give you the relationship you keep telling me you long for! And I think I know why-”
“Why?” The Baroness demanded moving her arms to cross them over her chest. Her body buzzing with so much emotion it nearly felt like a wild fire swept across her.
“You’re scared you’re going to end up like your parents!”
A noise left the Baroness’s lips as she fell onto the soft cushions of the sofa. She knew she couldn’t deny that fact but there was another reason.
“Despite that Aurelia everyone that has approached me has shown me their true intentions-”
“So let me and Rhett pick for you! You can met them and if you don’t like them we can arrange for you to meet other suitors.”
“Do you think this would work? Marrying me off to an Intacian while the Empire rebels against you and Rhett?”
Aurelia repeated the lines that Rhett told her when he was convincing her why Omorose was the perfect candidate for the arrangement.
“You’re apart of a very influential and powerful family! You getting married to an Intacian who is equally influential could bring our people together. Show them that we can be one kingdom.”
“I have my doubts but for you and the potential peace I’ll do it.”
Relieved Aurelia pulled her friend into a hug.
“Wonderful! I’ll let you finish your night routine now. I’m going to tell Rhett.”
By morning Rhett had made his way to his number one pairing choice. Walking into the Barracks Rhett greeted his soldiers until he found his Commander.
“Heeeyyy Rhett? Whatcha doing here?” Castin asked walking back to his room from the communal bathroom. A towel hanging loosely around his waist and a toothbrush in his mouth.
“I’ve come to ask you to do something that could help us bring Intacia and the Empire together.”
That sentence made Castin’s eyebrow raise.
“Maybe we should speak in your room-”
Quickly Castin blocked Rhett from his door not wanting to to see who was on the other side. Familiar with this behavior Rhett disappointingly asked “who is she this time,Castin.”
A nervous laugh passed through Castin as he looked down at Rhett’s shoes to avoid his eyes.
“More like them-”
“Them! Castin your supposed to be a leader and a role model to those you lead and you have multiple women in your room-”
“I’m not on the battlefield I need to release this lent up energy somehow-”
“I think this proposition would be good for you.” Rhett claims shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose.
“A proposition?”
“An arranged marriage-”
“No!” Castin cut Rhett off shutting down the proposal. If he was going to be one half of a marriage he was going to be the one to pick the other half of said marriage.
“An arranged marriage to the Imperial Baroness Omorose Fentress.” Rhett went on to say waiting for Castin to shut him down again.
“Aurelia’s friend? That woman I stopped from falling?” Questioned Castin suddenly interested.
Castin turned his eyes to the ceiling in thought. His toothbrush out of his mouth and his hands securing his towel.
He didn’t see much of her that day but he could tell she was a beauty. He weighed out the pros and cons of the marriage and couldn’t get passed the biggest con of them all.
“She’s an Imperial.”
“We are taking the Empire Castin it doesn’t matter.”
Doesn’t matter.” Castin scoffed.
“It doesn’t! Besides she’s nothing like the Imperials we’ve come across, trust me Brother.”
It went silent for a moment Castin still thinking it over before giving in.
“We’ll look at you getting me settled down like you.” He joked subtly agreeing to the arrangement.
“So you’ll do it?”
“Anything for you,Brother.”
“Good it’s settled then! I’ll make the arrangements for the engagement ceremony! You bring a gift to offer your bride.”
Just as Rhett finished his sentence Castin’s door opened and the stench of last night’s activities followed the three women who dressed scantily out of the room. Each giving Castin a kiss on the lips as a farewell. Stupidly grinning castin said “Goodbye ladies-”
“Castin!” Rhett scowled watching on in disappointment. The stupid grin fell from Castin’s face as he caught his ‘big brother’ figure peer down at him with a look that reminded him of his mother.
“Be sure to get checked out by the physician! Last thing you need to do is give the Baroness something incurable, and maybe try celibacy until you are wed.” Rhett suggested pushing Castin into his room before turn in on the heels of his feet to leave.
#black!reader#asmr boyfriend#desmond asmr#castinxbaroness#fanfic#against the world around us#asmr roleplay#asmr#black oc
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VeronaHills, Round Six: Beech
Sandy grew up by the seaside; a waterbaby from day dot. She lamented the lack of shores in Riverblossom Hills during her showers.
What did the village have instead? Pollen to cut people down in their prime? Gossip hanging on lips like grapes on the vine? Sandy wished she had buried her toes in the sand and refused the offer of Hamilton's mother. Daytona wasn't a council cronie for nothing, though. She made her pokey cottage basement sound like paradise.
Besides, would Hamilton ever say no to his dear mother?
The faucet squeaked shut, and Sandy left that question unanswered.
The children were adapting well. Virginia was already talking as if she were a freshman at Mission University ("My major? Undecided - I'd love to do a double though!"). Rocky made fast friends at the village school. Extroversion seemed hereditary, thank goodness. It seemed only Sandy missed sun and salt spray - but just when she felt the precipice of bitterness, Hamilton drew her into his arms and made an announcement.
"I'm stepping down," he said, "as Daytona's campaign manager."
Sandy openly wore her surprise. "Really?"
"She's got eyes on new blood for the election, and I want to make the most of being here, with you."
Champagne was popped and poured and Sandy wondered if she was dreaming. As she took a sip, she recalled her night with Rhett Hart, and silently thanked the morning after pill.
Throwing an affair in Hamilton's face would have been a surefire way to ruin this new, less-Daytona era.
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Junior tries to get a bunch together to go out to celebrate, but only Rhett and Sandy can make it. Which is fine. Rhett's probably his best friend after all this time, and Candy…Candy is who he always wants to see. But this isn't a date.

"Y'all are gonna get malnutrition, going straight to dessert like that." "Shut up, it's a celebration."

"They want to dramatize it, which should be great." "Of course it's great! Why wouldn't it be?" "Because JJ Simbrams wants to do the treatment and he wouldn't know a story if it bit him on the nose." "That's dumb. Obviously you should do the treatment." "Different skill set from novels." "So? You're smart - you could learn to do it."

They go next door to try out the new coffee shop. "It's kind of - I dunno." "Bland? Middle class? Does it even have a mic?" "If they have coffee that's all that's promised unto us."

Not just coffee - a dessert cart! And the atmosphere is very relaxed.

It's not exactly people from all walks of life, but it's a reasonable variety anyhow.

Rhett, as usual, has all the hot gossip about everybody. And who is that at the other table?

"Arden! I thought you had band." "Let out hours ago." "Well, come join us. If you're not too embarrassed to hang around your folks."

"Naw, as folks go, you and Mom are pretty cool." "Especially Mom." "Well. I wasn't going to say it."

"Okay, dancing to the Muzak is -" "Who cares as long as there's dancing?"

"Hi, Candy. How are you doing?" "Wonderfully. How about you?" "Can't complain." "Since when? I heard your little sister beat up that blonde skank. Tell her good for her from me." "I will."
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That's for me to know, and for you to figure out - pt. 7
Panic Imagine -- Dodge Mason x OC (Reese Silvers) -- pt. 7
A girl from a wealthy family wants to get out of Carp just as much as everyone else. With the new guy in town, she seems to be a bit more distracted than she had hoped. And those who once were her friends just may be the ones who will throw her into the deep end. Will Panic be what she hopes or will she fall into the depths of deceit and lies?
The light from the sun shot through the window and into my eyes as I woke up. I went to roll over, but I felt something beside me and that's when all the memories from the consequences of tequila came rolling in. I tried to lift the covers off slowly and get out of bed without waking him up, but no such luck.
"I'm assuming you want me to go now?" I heard him say with a gruffly voice.
"I'm not going to make you jump out the window at this very moment if that's what you're wondering." I said as I walked into my bathroom.
"That's good to know." He said as he sat up and leaned against the headboard.
"So." He said as I brushed my teeth. Once I finished I walked back out and walked to the drawers.
"Are your parents gonna be mad that you didn't come home?" I asked as I looked for fresh clothes.
"No, my mom usually trusts me." He said.
"Except for the fact that you just moved here and you don't know someone well enough to spend the night yet." I said.
"But here we are." He said.
"Here we are." I repeated.
"Hey can I ask you something?" He asked as I layed the clothes at the end of the bed.
"Sure." I answered.
"What's the deal with you and your mom?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"It's just i've heard the way you grumble about her sometimes and Nat has mentioned th-"
"Nat talks about my relationship with my mother?" I cut him off.
"Wow that girl seriously has a mouth on her." I said.
"She's just mentioned that you two aren't very close." He added.
"We aren't." I said.
"You seemed fine last night." He said.
"Yeah, fine. That's just it. We're never more than just fine. We get along most of the time but that's it." I said as I slipped on my pair of jeans.
"Is it because she sent you to boarding school?" He asked and I laughed.
"You know you ask a lot of questions that aren't any of your business. And for the record I never went to boarding school. Ray doesn't know what he's talking about." I said as I turned around to put on my bra.
"So there was no boarding school?" He asked.
"No. There was no boarding school Dodge. I don't have some crazy secretive past that is waiting to be spilt. This is just what Carp is, a pot of gossip that never misses a stir." I said as I slipped my shoes on.
"Now, I've got a few errands to run and I can take you to pick up your car if you're ready." I said and he got out of bed and we made our way downstairs.
"Reese?" My dad called as I opened the front door, my heart stopped.
"Dad." I saw his eyes move to Dodge.
"George Silvers." He said as he reached his hand out to shake.
"Dodge Mason." He answered.
"Jessica Mason's son?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah she's my mom." Dodge said.
"She's a real great lady, serves up a mean cup of joe." He said.
"Dad we've gotta go okay. I love you." I said.
"Love you too honey, oh and Dodge. It was nice to meet you." He said with a smile.
"You too Mr. Silvers." He said as we left.
"You know your dad seems nice." He said as we got in the car.
"He is." I answered.
Once we reached the parking lot where Dodge's car was parked he got out and so did I.
"So I guess I'll be seeing you later?" I asked.
"I'm sure you will." He said as he walked to his car, my phone started ringing.
"Rhett?" I asked.
"Reese? Can you please come pick me up?" He asked, his tone sounding off.
"Where are you?" I asked, getting back into my car before speeding off.
"Ray's." He answered.
Once I reached Ray's I pulled in and I noticed Ray, Tyler, Ruby Ann, Sarah, and Luke. But no Rhett.
"Where is he?" I asked, Ray clenched his jaw and Tyler's eyes darted from mine but Luke rose from his chair and made his way towards me.
"You're brother really should know when he needs to stop." Luke said as the screen door on the house slammed and Rhett walked out.
"Shit." I said as I walked over, Rhett's pupils were saucers.
"You're using again?" I asked.
"Reese it isn't what it looks like." He said, tears brimming his eyes.
"Really? Cause it looks like you've fallen off the wagon Rhett. After everything mom and dad did to help you, you throw it away for what? For them?" I said.
"Hey, your brother makes his own choices Reese." Luke said.
"Shut the hell up Luke. I really wasn't speaking to you." I snapped.
"Get him out of here." He said with an angered face.
"Gladly." I snarled as I unlocked the car door and he walked to his side of the door.
"You better get out of here before daddy realises you've wasted his precious money on drugs and alcohol. Then again he's got plenty to waste. Especially on his liar of a daughter." Luke shouted back, and my heart dropped as I filled with rage. I turned and walked towards Luke then drew my hand back before slamming it against his face.
"Don't you ever speak about my family again." I snarled before walking back to my car and pulling off and heading home.
"Reese. I'm sorry." Rhett said as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Please don't tell mom." He cried.
"She's gonna send you to rehab Rhett." I said.
"Reese please you can't tell her." He begged.
"I covered for you the first time and it cost me Rhett. I can't do it again. If you get caught I cannot help you out of it again." I said.
"I know. I'm trying I promise. I'm trying to get better." He said.
"Then you need to start talking to me. Telling me the truth and quit lying to me. I just want what's best for you, you're my brother I don't want to see you sink into this hole." I said.
"Mom and Dad are both at work. I'm gonna drop you off and you're going to eat something and then shower and take a nap. By the time they get home you should be better enough." I said.
"I really am sorry Reese." He said.
"I know."
"The Graybill House are you serious?" I asked.
"Yeah, we all found out at the party. The party you two disappeared from before it ended." Nat said, pointing in our direction.
"I just asked Dodge to drive me home, I had drank to much and I didn't want to be there anymore." I said.
"Right." She said.
"You know that place is haunted." She added.
"No it's not." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Why what happened there?" Dodge asked.
"A long time ago this old guy hung himself from the bell tower of the house. His ghost curses all lovers and apparently if you enter the house and hear the bell ring your loved one dies." Heather said.
"Yeah, and it's all a load of crap." I said.
"Maybe. Or maybe it's not." Nat said.
"I gotta get going." Dodge said as he got up to leave, I noticed he left his wallet sitting on the table. I snatched it up.
"Dodge you forg-" I said but he had already left the restaurant quite fast.
"-got your wallet." I finished.
"I'll take it to him later." I said, then checked the time. I had no where else to be but I didn't want to be here.
"I think I'm gonna get going but I'll see you guys when I see you?" I asked.
"Yep." Heather said and Nat smiled.
I made my way to Dodge's house and pulled up and made it to the front door as I knocked. Dayna answered.
"Reese right?" She asked after opening the door.
"Yeah, Dayna right?" I asked in return.
"Yep." She said.
"Hey is Dodge home? He left his wallet in Dot's I was gonna return it." I said.
"He isn't, but he's at the Folly Ranch if you wanna bring it to him there." She said.
"Thanks Dayna." I said before making my way back to the car and programming Folly Ranch into Waze.
Once I got there I couldn't help but notice the crazy amount of rodeo stuff and the stands full of people to watch. I walked up and peered through the red bars as I saw Dodge on the back of a Horse. Then a few seconds later he wasn't and I wasn't quite sure what just happened until he saw me and made his way over.
"Reese?" He asked.
"Hey, uh this is weird but your sister Dayna told me where you were. You forgot your wallet at Dots." I said.
"How do you know my sister?" He asked.
"I met her last week while I was handing out flyers, she seems really sweet." I said.
"Yeah she is." He said.
"You know she used to compete. Win really. She was the best barrel racer in the state, could've been in the country" He said.
"Hard to picture now, huh?" He asked as we walked towards my car.
"Yeah." I answered.
"So it's just you, Dayna, and your mom?" I asked.
"Yeah." He answered.
"What happened to your dad?" I asked.
"My dad was a rodeo champion. He was one of the best in the circuit actually. Mom would always say that for dad, the rodeo was like going to church. Well, they split up when Dayna and I were in grade school, and you know he'd be around for a few weeks or months at a time and then gone. And well we wouldn't really know where he'd went until soon he'd pop back up at the house with a new trophy." He said.
"My mom you know, she uh knew about the other women, but the trophies were with us so that meant that his heart was with us." He said.
"Family you know." He added.
"What about yours? Picture perfect can't be all that it is." He said.
"My brother, Rhett. He's been through a lot with our parents and everything. Last year he started hanging with these friends a lot and he got addicted to the drugs and the lying and the rush of it all that he got himself caught up in something bad and he got me roped into it and there were so many people involved at one point that I had to cover for him. I had to lie to my parents about what happened lie to my mom and tell her we weren't there and it all became this whole thing that is going to eventually come toppling down and there's nothing I can do to fix it." I said.
"Is that what Ray is always talking about?" He asked.
"Yeah, but I never went to boarding school. My mom only ever threatened it." I answered.
"So what's the deal with you and Ray?" He asked.
"Him and I are just mixed up in so much shit it's hard to wash each other away. No matter what I do, I always end up back with him needing something or in his atmosphere and I can't help but blame myself for it." I said.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"Don't be. I've made my choices, living with them is the hard part." I said.
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