#( fr have to thank my sister for asking me to watch this
radianites · 2 months
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"phew, you almost got caught in that."
227 notes · View notes
daydreaming-nerd · 4 months
The Prophecy (Lucien Vanserra x Rhys! Sister)/(Azriel x Rhys! Sister) Part 3 (Azriel's Version)
Part One , Part 2
AN: "Majesty, Palo is exhausted. Because Majesty only Palo can take this (angst) and this (groveling) and give you...a masterpiece."
No fr guys I put my whole puss into this plz tell me if you liked it
check out my masterlist
Summary: The only thing worse than having Azriel not know about the bond is watching him and Elain carry on like she doesn’t have a mate as well. Lucien and you have been long time friends but things change after one fateful starfall celebration. It’s not wrong if both of your mates don’t want you right? 
Warnings: angst, fluff like so much fluff, no editing (I'm so tired omg)
Word count: 9,370
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We arrived in the house in silence, the only thing to fill the void was the crackling of the enchanted fire that always sprang to life whenever I walked through the door. My eyes were fixed on the floorboards, studying every grain of wood as I put together what had just happened. 
I had told Azriel about the bond, and I did it in anger. I had imagined telling him a million different ways over the past 400 years but never did imagine doing it out of spite. I was just so angry with Elain and her insufferable entitlement that had me seeing red. If anyone should act in such a manner, it should be me, I was a princess after all. 
I was furious with Elain there was no doubt about that, but the voice that kept echoing in my mind was Azriel’s. How he yelled at me. I had known him my whole life and I had never once been afraid of him, until today. 
As if he was tired of the silence, Lucien brushed his hand under my chin bringing my gaze to his, it wasn’t until then that I realized I was crying. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, brows furrowing at my tear stained cheeks. 
“Yeah,” I laughed him off, wiping the water from my face. 
“I’m sorry I interfered like that, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to speak to him or if you wanted me to kick his ass. But he seemed mad and I wouldn’t stand for him yelling at you.” Lucien apologized leaning against the back of the couch a good three feet away sensing I needed some space. 
“I suppose that I wasn’t sure what I wanted either,” I sigh leaning against the doorframe. “Thank you for stepping in. I think it was for the best.” 
“Of course, I’ll always be there for you,” Lucien nods before resuming his staredown with the floor, probably trying to make sense of everything just like I was. “Az seemed…concerned for you. I think the bond snapped for him.” 
“It did,” I say, running my hand over my chest, as if I could touch the faint glow of the bond that now sat in my chest. “It clicked the moment he saw us in the kitchen.”
“Are you happy it clicked?” he asked, once again asking all the questions I truly didn’t have an answer for, at least not yet. 
“I-I’m not sure.” I say honestly, knowing I didn’t need to hide my true feelings from Lu. “I’ve pictured him finding out a million ways, but over the last couple years I’ve kind of given up on the whole endeavor. I felt like I made it clear that I liked him, and he only met me with complaints about other women. First Mor and then Elain.” 
“Maybe he’s changed,” Lucien pointed out. 
“Even if he had it’s not because he loves me.” I murmured sadly. “You heard him in there. He only wants me because he feels entitled to me. He never once acted like he cared about me beyond being his best friend's little sister.” 
“I suppose you’re right, it’s hard to forgive 400 years of cruel behavior,” Lucien muttered, still staring at that little spot on the floor. 
I strode across the room and leaned against the couch with him. I wanted to say something, anything to break the silence. But it was as if all the air had been sucked from the room in one foul swoop. I had just let out a 400 year old secret and for the first time ever, our mates seemed to give a damn about us. I look to Lucien who is still processing everything and I recall how Elain was so upset to see her mate with another female.
“Elain…” I started, wanting to tread carefully. “She seemed pretty upset,” I said, only stating the obvious. 
Lucien chuckled, “Yeah, I think that’s the first time she’s ever called me her mate.” 
“And how do you feel about that?” I ask wanting to give him the same room to speak that he gave me. I knew if he didn’t feel like sharing he wouldn’t, Lucien was no pushover. 
“I feel strangely happy,” he says and for the first time since we got back his lip curls into a half smile. “I think that she might be willing to give me a chance.” 
My heart warms at the idea of Lucien finally getting to have a chance with his true mate, “I’m really happy for you Lu,” I smile, patting his hand that sat on the back of the couch. 
He snaps out of his trance, “that’s not to say that you’re not- you’re a wonderful woman y/n-” he rambles. 
“Hey, HEY!” I shout getting his attention. “I’m happy for you Lucien. You deserve this,” I laugh at his attempt to not hurt my feelings. 
“Thank you y/n,” he smiles, grabbing my hands and squeezing them. 
“What do we do now though,” I sigh looking at his family ring on my finger. 
His eyes flit to the ring as well as his thumb brushes over it, “We continue on as normal, we can push back the wedding. I’m not confident in what Elain wants from me at this point and you clearly are at odds with Azriel. If things don’t work out…” he trails off thinking about hsi next words. “If things don’t work out I would still be honored to have you as my wife. I still feel like we could make eachother happy.” he says earnestly. 
I look into his eyes of russet and gold and see that he truly means every word, “Okay,” I nod my voice barely above a whisper. 
“Okay,” he agrees, keeping his voice down as well. “Shall we head to bed?” he asks. 
“We shall,” I laugh, following him up the stairs. 
That night we didn’t make love, we cuddled as normal though, but somehow even that felt wrong, now that the bond I prayed over for so long hummed within my chest.
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 While the little High Lord in training was typically quite docile, he had just learned to crawl and had begun flapping his little wings, which meant trouble was becoming the new normal. Which is exactly what had happened today…
“Nyx no!” I shouted as he reached for a heavy book on one of the bookshelves, his tiny wings helping him to gain the extra inch or two of ground he needed. 
I grabbed him from underneath his shoulders and brought him into my arms, bouncing him on my hip as his eyes caught the shiny necklace I was wearing. His little hands grabbed at it and I figured it was better than a vase or another heavy book. 
“Just wait till he can actually fly,” Lucien chuckled, coming up behind me.
“That won’t be for quite a while thankfully,” I laugh, bouncing the babe up and down.
“Are you so sure about that? Cassian seems to already be giving him lessons.” he points out. 
“I don’t even want to think about a flying toddler,” I scoff and Lucien chuckles behind me. 
 He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and I could feel his lips curling into a smile.“You’re going to be a great mother one day” he admitted. 
“I’ve always wanted children,” I said and a beat of silence passed until I decided to be bold. “Lu, do you think we could ever have children?” I ask, afraid to turn around and possibly see a wary look on his face.
I felt Lucien’s chuckle reverberate behind me, “Of course, I’ve always been fond of children myself,” he laughed. 
I whipped around with Nyx to search his eyes for a hint of uncertainty, but he seemed happy about the idea, “Really?” I asked in disbelief. 
“Of course,” he assured me. 
“I want a million just like little Nyx here,” I smile looking at the babe in my arms. 
“Minus the wings of course,” Lucien laughs behind me and I pause. 
My entire life I had always pictured my children with wings. Small, delicate little things that I would ‘ooo’ and ‘ahhh’ over.  I remembered seeing the Illyrian children in Windhaven growing up, I was always so happy when mothers would let me hold their babies, their wings so adorably small. I looked forward to having winged children of my own, I always pictured them scaling Azriel when they were little like Nyx, and as they got older I would watch as Az taught them to fly.
“What is it my dear?” Lucien asked, breaking me out of my trance. 
“Oh it’s nothing, it’s just that when I pictured my children I always figured they would have wings,” I say, pressing a kiss to Nyx’s temple. 
As if summoned, Azriel walked in, Rhys and Feyre in tow, signaling that their meeting was over. His eyes flitted to me, no doubt having heard what I had said. Lucien’s hand tightened on my hip.
Feyre’s eyes sparkled at the sight of her son and Rhys eyes sparkled at the sight of Feyre taking their babe from my arms. I reluctantly gave Nyx back, already missing being able to pretend he was my own. 
“He was a little angel,” I report to Feyre.
“If by angel you mean hellion,” Lucien chuckles behind me. 
“I would expect nothing less from a child raised by this family,” Rhys laughed, wrapping one arm around Feyre and brushing a hand against his son’s cherub cheeks. 
A silence rolled over the room as we all watched the little family reunite. I couldn’t help but flit my eyes to Azriel, who looked at them with a grin and a longing in his eyes. His eyes find me and I don’t dare look away. 
“Can we talk?” Azriel asked timidly, taking a step away from the doorway he leaned against. Feyre and Rhys take out of the room, no doubt feeling the change in the atmosphere.  
I searched his eyes for a hint of aggression but all I found was remorse, “Yes we may,” I say quietly.
Lucien releases his grip on my hip as I follow Azriel into Rhysand’s study and close the door behind me with a resolute click signaling that I was locked in here with him. Az takes up residence by Rhys’ desk, leaning against it like some sort of tortured man. I couldn’t help but notice he was still in his fighting leathers, his wings tucked in tight and his knuckles perched over his lips, like he was contemplating what to say. Even now, when he was at his most vulnerable, he was so beautiful. 
“I’m sorry for the way I acted last night. I yelled at you and I shouldn’t have,” he says fidgeting a bit. “Its just… it’s just that I was so pissed when I found him with his hands all over you and you just seemed so happy.” 
He sighs running a hand through his hair staring at the ground, still unable to meet my eyes. 
“I think that’s what bothered me the most,” he continues. “You seemed…happy.”
“You were upset because I was happy?” I scoff furrowing my brows at him, the fucking gall of this male. 
“No, no! Gods y/n,” he corrects me, running his hands down his face clearly upset with himself. “I think I was upset because I wasn’t the one making you happy.” he finally says and I can hear the vulnerability in his voice. 
I’m completely taken back by his words, at the fact that he admitted that he wanted to be the one to make me happy like that. The way Lucien did. It didn’t make any sense, given the fact that he never showed me in the last 400 years. 
“That’s funny coming from a male who’s been complaining to me about the females he’s been in love with for the past 400 years.” I deadpan, crossing my arms. 
“Is that how long you’ve known? 400 years?” he asked me, voice rising a bit. 
I nod, “I knew the night you danced with me on solistance in the Hewn City all those years ago,” I confess. 
“Fuck y/n,” he groans running his hands down his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because you started panting after Mor and the second you gave up on her in walked Elain!” I shouted, it was the most obvious thing ever as to why I didn’t tell him. 
“You had to know that you were first,” he says, snapping his head up to meet mine, pleading in those hazel eyes. 
I gave him a blank stare not knowing what he was talking about. 
“Please tell me you know you were the first, before Mor, before Elain, I was practically on my knees for you,” he confessed. 
Once again I’m left speechless. Could it be true? That he had wanted me before I even knew about the bond? 
I shook my head, even if it was true he was speaking in past tense. I didn’t want him to be my mate because he felt like he had to be, I wanted him to love me, truly love me. I wanted him to choose me.
“I had no idea,” I admit feeling a bit of shame. “But that doesn’t matter anymore, it’s all in the past. I’m not mad at you Azriel.” 
“Thank the cauldron,” he breathes, crossing the room to cup my face.
I place my  hands on his wrists and pull them away from me, “Az I think that you should be with Elain,” I say, stepping back from him. 
“What? No.” he shakes his head and I take another step back.
“You clearly love her and she loves you, the cauldron made a mistake by making us mates, it's as simple as that,” I say trying to hide my tears.
I loved Az, a part of me always would, but I wouldn’t be his consolation prize just because the cauldron fucked up and made me his mate instead of Elain. I couldn’t live with that. 
“No don’t say that, please don’t say that,” Az pleads, his voice softening. 
“I’m sorry Azriel but I won’t be your consolation prize,” I say before grabbing the door handle and walking out into the living room where Lucien was. 
Azriel goes to say more until he hears the hitch in my breath. There, before me, Lucien is tucking a stray hair out of Elain’s face and placing a kiss on her knuckles. A sweet gesture, one I’ve probably read about a thousand times in my romance novels. Lucien’s eyes flit to mine, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen him so happy. 
“We’re going to give it a shot,” he smiles happily, putting an arm around Elain. 
“Really?” I ask looking to Elain who smiles brightly. 
“Yeah we are,” she says smiling up at Lucien. 
“Oh I’m so happy for you two,” I cheer before engulfing them both in a hug. 
“Congrats you guys,” Azriel mutters from behind me, seemingly abandoning whatever he was going to say to me in favor of praising his friends. 
Lucien chuckles at my excitement, “Don’t get too excited, we’re going to have to move my stuff out of your place today, I think it’s time I move back into the townhouse,” he smiled. 
“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!” I cheer, grabbing his hands to winnow us away. 
In reality I wasn’t excited about the idea of moving, and much less excited about the idea of my little townhouse being empty again. But I needed to get away from Azriel. 
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One week later:
After the all day affair of moving Lucien’s accumulated stuff out of my house and in the townhouse I was back to loving alone. Which at first wasn’t terrible. I was content to read my book and cook for myself when necessary. But after about a week I began to miss the food Lucien would make, or having someone to lie next to. It was a strange feeling, it felt like a breakup, but I wasn’t sad. I missed having another heartbeat in the house, not Lucien himself. 
After a week of getting my affairs in order my brother finally asked me for some help and I was thankful for the distraction. All week I had been in my own head about all that had happened, with Lu and Elain, with me and Az. I needed a break to think of something else. 
That’s how I found myself slipping on an old day court dress and getting ready to winnow to see Helion, an old friend of mine. I was leaving the house and locking the door when I ran smack into a large chest I screamed being taken off guard. 
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you,” a familiar voice apologized, I turn to find Azriel standing before me. 
“It’s okay, I should’ve been paying more attention,” I chuckle awkwardly. I hadn’t heard from the spymaster in a week, why would he come to talk to me now?    
Azriel’s eyes furrow from where they tower over me, “Why are you dressed for the Day Court?” he inquires. 
“Oh well,” I look down at the swaths of white fabric that cascaded down my body, suddenly feeling a bit exposed from off the shoulder dress. “Rhys wants me to go and schmooze Helion a little bit. Something about wanting to get him to agree to better trade deals.” I laugh remembering how my brother agonized over it the other day. 
“So he wants you to go and flirt with Helion?” Az cocks an eyebrow at me. 
“Well Helion and I go way back, and he’s always been…well keen on me.” I say honestly and I watch as Az bristles just a bit. I can’t even count the number of times the High Lord as tired to get Cassian and I in his bed
“I’ll give Rhys one thing he sure is ruthless,” Azriel chuckles trying to play off his nerves. 
“Is there something I can do for you?” I ask, still wondering why he’s here, at my doorstep. 
“Oh uh, no,” Azriel stutters. “Well actually I was walking by and I saw this and I thought of you.” he says pulling out a white rose. It looked like he had plucked it right off the bush down the street. “I thought you should have it.” he finished. 
I take the rose from his hand and notice that the thorns have all been cut off. I eye Truth Teller strapped at his side and the lingering thorn that was still stuck on its sharp blade. 
“That was very thoughtful of you Az thank you,” I tell him sweetly, taken back by his gesture. 
“You’re welcome,” he says, seemingly relaxing at my acceptance of his gift. 
I check my watch, “Well I really do have to go, Helion is waiting for me,” I wince moving past him on the stairs so I can get past the words my brother has on my place. 
“Yes of course,” Az says following me down the steps and out the wrought iron fence. “Do you need a ride?” 
“I’m okay, I can winnow,” I chuckle, closing the gate behind me. 
“Well I guess I’ll see you later then,” Azriel voices with a hint of a sigh. 
“Yeah I’m sure you will,” I reply before winnowing into Helion’s mansion. 
How could Az be so calm about all this? It was like he was trying to force himself to have feelings for me, figuring he better learn to love me now that he’s shackled to me for eternity. Part of me wondered if Rhys had given him a firm talking to and convinced him to attempt to like me.
“There she is,” Helion mused from the top of the stairs coming down the stairs dressed in his usual attire. Part of me hated that I found him attractive, in another life, if he wasn’t so promiscuous, I might’ve seen myself standing by his side. 
“Helion,” I smile, pulling him in for a hug. 
When we pull away his hands linger at my waist and his eyes look at the rose in my hand. “What’s this?” he asks plucking the rose from my hand. 
I think about the encounter with Azriel, how forced it all felt.
“It’s nothing,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders. 
Helion tosses the flower aside before throwing his arm over my shoulder and leading me inside, “So, your brother has sent you to convince me to agree to his new trade agreements.” he smirks.
“He’s done nothing of the sort, I came to visit an old friend of my own accord,” I tease, knowing Helion isn’t as daft as Rhys makes him out to be. 
“We’ll see about that new treaty after some wine, and tell your brother that next time he wants to use you against me as leverage he should just send you naked,” Helion chuckles. 
I erupt in laughter, slapping his arm as he leads us to a white couch with a bottle of wine sitting on the coffee table. 
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Three days later after successfully getting Helion to agree to a new trade treaty I found myself sitting in my living room with a glass of wine enjoying the fruits of my labors. As soon as I told Rhys about the High Lord of Day’s cooperation he sent me one of his finest bottles of wine as a thank you. Not that I required any thanks, I enjoyed spending time with Helion. 
My silence was interrupted by my door opening and closing. I just about jumped out of my skin, the only one who had the key to the place was Lucien and he had given it back a long time ago. My heart pounded as I stood from the couch in my nightgown and robe. I had turned in for the night and certainly wasn’t expecting visitors. I lift my romance novel over my head and step around he couch ready to swing when I see Azriel locking the door behind him quietly. 
“Azriel you scared the hell out of me,” I sigh, lowering the book. 
He turns from the door looking me up and down taking in my casual attire hungrily. “I’m sorry I guess I’m just used to walking right in, I wanted to give you these,” he says holding out a large bouquet of white roses, exactly like the kind he gave me the other day.”
“Thank you Az, they’re beautiful,” I say wearily, taking them from his scarred hands. “I’ll uh- I’ll just put them in water,” I tell him, padding into the kitchen to grab a vase and fill it. 
“I thought since you liked the other one I gave you that you might like those ones too,” he says walking into the kitchen and leaning in my doorway. 
I place the two dozen roses in a vase,“Well I appreciate them, it’s been a while since I’ve had fresh flowers in the house,” I divulge to him, remembering how Lucien used to bring them home all the time. He would always ask for Elain to make him a bouquet, his little way of speaking to her in a way that didn’t make her uncomfortable. The thought had me thinking of how Lucien and Elain were probably sitting at a nice dinner right now, had me questioning why the fuck Azriel was here. 
A silence fills the room as Azriel sits admiring either me or the flowers, from where I’m standing it could be either or. I walk around the kitchen island to test the theory and sure enough his eyes follow me as I lean my back against the side closer to him.  A wave of embarrassment slips over me. Did Rhys ask him to bring more flowers again? Was I really that pathetic? 
“Az why are you doing this?” I ask, gesturing to the flowers behind me. 
Azriel straightens taking a tentative step towards me, “Because I want what Elain and Lucien have. I want you to give me a chance to be a good mate,” he says softly. 
I look to the wooden floors below me, my bare feet messing with a loose floorboard, “You don’t have to do this Azriel. If Rhys sent you I’ll just cover for you and say you came.” I say not daring to look at him. 
“I’m not here because of Rhys, I’m here because I want to see you,” he implored and I heard his feet shuffle closer. 
“I’m still not your consolation prize just because Lucien and Elain are doing well. I won’t do that to myself,” I say, continuing to mess with the loose floorboard. 
“You’re not my consolation prize y/n, you’re my mate.” Azriel states, his voice becoming more urgent causing me to tighten my arms around myself ever so slightly. 
His boots come into my line of sight and suddenly he’s titling my chin up to meet his pleading gaze. I’m suddenly all too aware of how underdressed I was. There was a time when I would’ve killed for this. But now? I won’t let myself be hurt again.
“Y/n please-” 
“Azriel I’m at peace,” I snap, cutting him off and looking down at our feet once again even though his hand still rested under my chin. “For the first time in 400 years I’m at peace. I have loved, and pined, and thrown myself at your feet for 400 years, and I am finally happy in my exile. So forgive me if I’m hesitant to give that up so quickly because you all of the sudden want a mate.” I bit out.
His shadows dance around my hands and I move my fingers out of their grasp, like their cold kiss was burning me.I wait for him to say something back, for him to breathe wrong, yell at me or leave but he doesn’t move. I let my eyes flit up to his, and I find him staring down at me, like he’s been waiting for me to look at him this whole time. 
“I’m not going to give up,” he states, if he was sad or upset by my previous words he doesn’t show it. 
I sigh, tossing my head back, “Az please,” I beg. 
“No I’m serious, I’m not giving up on you, on us,” he maintained steadfastly, his hands not leaving my cheek as he steps even closer to me and my back hits the cool granite behind me. 
“Azriel I think you should go,” I grit out, the second my body stiffens under his he steps back giving me my space. 
“Alright I’ll go,” he says, taking a step back.
I follow him to the door and hold it open as he steps out into the cool night air that has me wrapping my silk robe around me tighter, as if it was helping anything anyways. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he assures me before shooting off into the sky. 
“I really wish you wouldn’t!” I shout into the air after him before slamming the door and locking it. 
I take a deep breath once I’m seated on my couch again, trying to salvage any sort of peace I might still have. But that tranquility was disappearing in my hands the more I chased it. 
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The following day I head to Rhys’ house to talk over the new adjustments in the Day Court trade agreements. It was supposed to be easy enough, but as things got more and more complex it ended up being an all day thing. By the time I walked up the steps to my own townhouse I was exhausted and starving. I wasn’t looking forward to bread for dinner as I had no time to go to the market today. 
I kicked open the door and locked it behind me, the smell of fresh tomatoes and basil wafted through the air causing me to pause in my tracks. Was Lucien here? Had him and Elain gotten in a fight or something?
“Ah shit!” I heard a male cuss followed by the searing of liquid on a burner. 
I curiously walk around the corner of the kitchen where I’m greeted with the sight of Azriel, standing in my apron, reading my cookbook and stirring some sort of sauce. His shadows were helping him turn the pages of the book. I see the spilled sauce on the burner that was the cause of his profanity just moments ago. 
“There you are,” he smirked, his eyes flitting up to mine before reading the book again. 
“Az what are you doing here?” I ask, setting my bag down on the table. 
“Making you dinner,” he said, gesturing to the numerous used pans and utensils lying around my once clean kitchen. 
I walk over to inspect what he’s cooking. Fresh herb crusted chicken cooks in the pan next to him while he stirs a red sauce. In the sink is cooked pasta sitting next to freshly sauteed green beans. I inhale the smell of the food deeply and I can’t help but feel myself salivate a little, it smells delicious. 
“You always dog ear the recipes you want to try but you never make them for fear of not liking them,” he says nonchalantly as he prods at the chicken. 
I look down at the cookbook he’s reading, sure enough the recipe he’s making has a bent corner. I had been itching to try it but had never found the time. 
“If you end up not liking it there’s take out from Rita’s in the ice box,” he said using the spoon to point to the ice box in the corner of the room.
I look up to fully inspect him. This all feels like a ridiculous practical joke. If someone had told me that my spymaster would be cooking me dinner I would’ve laughed in their face. Upon further inspection I realize he’s shirtless, save for my apron he’s wearing. 
“Was the half nudity necessary?” I cock an eyebrow leaning against the counter. 
Azriel barked out a laugh, “It took me a while to find the apron, I had gotten tomato juice on my shirt when I started chopping them up for the sauce so I took it off and washed it,” he explained the corner of his mouth turning up in a smirk. “Plus I figured the whole shirtless bit might win me more brownie points with you.” 
I rolled my eyes at his cockiness, I didn’t dare let him know how right he was. 
He laughed at my reaction, “Why don’t you go sit down, dinner’s almost ready.” he said gesturing to the couch. 
I shrugged my shoulders and padded my way over to my favorite reading spot. The one he found me in yesterday. I plop down on the velvet sofa and there in front of me on the coffee table, my book has been left open to the place I bookmarked and a glass of wine sits for me. I raise an eyebrow but decide to just roll with it, I pick up the book and sip on the wine, becoming engrossed with the story.
A few minutes later I feel the cold begin to bite at my toes. I look around for a blanket and see that the nearest one is across the room. I curse at the idea of having to move, but before I can even set my book down one of Azriel’s shadows is scurrying across the room to retrieve the knitted blanket for me. The wisp of darkness arranges the blanket neatly over my legs, tucking me in like a mother would her child.  I can’t help but laugh at the care the little thing is putting into the job. 
Azriel’s shadows looking out for me was nothing new, the second the bond clicked for me they tended to stay near me. Picking up pens and silverware I dropped on the floor and always twirling around my hair and wrists. There were even times they would try to drag Az near me, like on starfall and solstice, nights I looked especially beautiful. But he would always curse and wave them off until they left him alone. 
The little shadow perched itself on my shoulder as if it too wanted to read my book. I could sense it was trying to anticipate any other small need I might have. 
“You know he might be insufferable but you guys are pretty great,” I laugh looking at the curious being. 
In response the shadow boops itself on my nose as if it was giving me a kiss. 
“Don’t tell them that or they’ll get a big head,” Azriel murmurs behind me where he’s leaning against the doorway between the living room and the kitchen, still shirtless and wearing that damned apron.
“In that case I’ll be sure to praise them more often, they’re little angels,” I smile as the tendril of darkness dances around my collar. 
Azriel lets out a small chuckle behind me, “Dinner is ready,” he tells me before disappearing into the kitchen once more. 
I follow him as the small shadow frantically pulls at my wrist towards the table, as if it’s eager for me to see what it helped its master cook. When I walk into the darkened kitchen and find that Az has set the table not only with our dinner but with candles and another bouquet. This time it’s an arrangement of jasmine, no doubt from the florist down the street. 
I sit down and inhale the heavenly scent of the white flowers and hum in delight. Azriel comes in with a bottle of wine and two glasses, pouring us each a bit. He sees me admiring the flowers and smiles. 
“Jasmine, like your perfume,” he says, putting down the bottle and taking his seat next to me. 
I smile and look down at the plate before me. It looks delicious, the pasta is fragrant with basil, the chicken is cooked to perfection and the green beans are vibrant and green. I lift my fork and dig into the past first. The moment it hits my tongue the flavor melts in my mouth, rich, bold and oh so savory. I let out a moan as my eyes flit to Azriel who is watching me expectantly wondering if I’m going to like it or not. 
“This is incredible,” I say, covering my mouth with my hand so he doesn’t see me chewing. 
“Thank the cauldron I thought I put too much red pepper in,” he breathes out, seemingly relaxing before digging into his own plate. 
“No it’s perfect, thank you really,” I say earnestly. 
“You’re welcome,” he smiled, taking a bite of chicken.
We sit and eat our meals in silence simply enjoying the good food. A little shadow flitted up in front of my face to gauge my reaction to the bite of chicken I was chewing. I couldn’t help but laugh as it shifted like it was cocking its head at me. 
“Yes it’s very good, you did a wonderful job,” I laugh at the little fella. 
My giggle brings Azriel’s attention to me once again and before I know it he’s waving his hand at the little tendril like he’s swatting a fly. 
“Hey go away let her eat for the love of god,” he chastises as the shadow slinks back behind him. 
“Don’t worry it wasn’t bothering me,” I laugh taking another bite of green beans. 
“Yeah well they haven’t been listening lately,” he says looking back at the little shadow that had slinked behind his shoulder like a reprimanded child. 
I shake my head at the two of them interacting and take another sip of wine. To be honest I wasn;t really sure what to say to Azriel. Despite his valiant efforts to win me I still wasn’t ready to abandon the peace I had grown so fond of. 
“You know it’s funny,” he tells me, playing with the food on his plate. “I feel like my shadows have always liked you. It was like they knew before I did,” he laughed nervously at his confession. 
“Maybe so,” I shrug, not wanting to broach the subject, the friendlier we could make this the better.
“I can remember times when they would drag me into any room that had you in it. Most of the time I control them, but when it comes to you? They control me.” he laughs while taking a sip of his wine. 
“Thank you again for dinner,” I say, forcibly changing the topic of conversation. “It’s been a while since I had a home cooked meal. I think the local restaurants have my to-go orders memorized now.” I laugh. 
“Lucein used to cook for you didn’t he?” Azriel asks, and I can feel his eyes burning into the side of my head as I play with the pasta on my plate. 
“Yeah he did, he was a surprisingly good cook too,” I say, recalling the traditional Autumn Court meals he would cook all the time. They were mostly for him, for when he was feeling nostalgic, but he always left some for me as well. 
Azriel sits for a moment as if debating whether or not to say something for a moment. “Did you love him?” he asks. 
My fork clatters to the plate at the abrupt question and I’ve never felt so put on the spot. It was never something I had thought about in regards to the autumn court male. Love seemed like an emotion  that would be reserved for Azriel and Azriel alone, until one day it wasn’t. I didn’t love Lucien, but I certainly stopped loving Az in that way, or at least I think I did.
“No I didn’t” I say honestly turning to meet the shadowsingers gaze. “Lucien and I… it was never like that. We both knew what we needed for each other, it started as just sex. But then he would stay the night, and then we started going to breakfast. His shirts started showing up in the laundry hamper, his books on the coffee table. Eventually I just gave him a key, it seemed like the logical thing to do. We didn’t even label our relationship until he asked me to marry him.” 
“I wasn’t sure,” Azriel said, going back to shyly staring down at the table. “I overheard your conversation that one day. When you asked him about the possibility of having children. You said that you always pictured your children having wings, was that true?” he inquired. 
I nod shallowly, unable to trust my own words in such a raw moment. 
If Az had any other questions he didn’t ask them or press me to talk about the two of us, it was as if he was happy with the answers I did give him. He was perfectly content to let me finish eating my meal in comfortable silence. When I was finished he cleared the table and didn’t let me lift a finger to help clean. Instead those pesky shadows cornered me into reading my book once more. 
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that he came in, dressed in his shirt once more to bid me goodnight. He insisted that I stay in my comfortable spot by the couch as he walked himself out locking the door behind him. As the comfortable silence, which I had grown so used to, ensued, I found myself silently wishing he had stayed just a little longer.
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The following weeks were spent with little visits from shadows and shadowsingers. Sometimes it would be Azriel showing up at my door with coffee or gifts. Other times, when Rhys had Azriel on missions he would find ways to leave things at my doorstep. The first time it was another bouquet of flowers and then chocolates. 
My favorite gift from Azriel had been the books. The first set he got me was the second and third book in my series. They appeared at my door the morning after he made me dinner with a note that read…
I noticed that you were almost done with your book last night so I went out to get you the second book. I noticed it was a short book so I got you the third in case you finished it in one day like you no doubt will. 
Of course he was right and I finished the second book by the end of the day. When I opened the third, and much longer book, to begin reading it a bookmark fell out and another note. 
I figured you might need a bookmark for this one.
He was right about that as well. 
The next book to be delivered was a classic romance with certain pages, and quotes underlined. His notes scribbled in the margins. Clearly he had taken the time to read the novel himself. When I saw the first annotation I expected his further notes to be corny or cheesy, but each one was well thought out. 
The most recent literally delivery was a small and short book about different types of flowers. Between each of the pages sat a live flower that corresponded with the page. It was possibly the most vibrant and beautiful bouquet I had ever seen and by far my favorite floral gift I had received. 
This week though things had been different. As the colder months were drifting in I started spending more time inside, reading by the fire. But not once had Azriel stopped by. Not a present, not a note to be found. When I subtly asked Rhys were the shadowsinger was he told me he was in the isle of Hybern. 
A week had come and gone without so much as a tendril of a shadow to be seen. I sat infront of my roaring fire with a book in hand trying to escape the bitter cold. Outside the first snowfall of the year had taken the form of a blizzard. I pitied the shopkeepers that would have to walk home in it. 
Around midnight I heard the scraping of metal against stone from outside my house. I jumped out of my skin and quickly looked at the clock noting the late hour. I set down my novel to wrap myself in a blanket and pad over to the front door. I could already hear the winds outside and feel the cold air seeping in through the cracks in the door. 
I open the door to investigate the strange sound and I nearly gasp when I find Azriel outside my house shoveling my walkway with a small shovel from my garden. One meant for digging out plants and trees, not snow. 
“Az what are you doing?” I ask, making the spymaster jump a bit. 
“I’m shoveling your walkway. I didn’t want you to slip tomorrow morning or hurt your back trying to shovel it yourself,” he said, digging into the snow again with the little metal shovel. 
“Oh Az you don’t have to do that,” I coo walking out into the cold pulling my blanket tighter. 
“I don’t have to but I want to,” he said shoveling more snow. “It wouldn’t take so long if I had a bigger shovel.” he grunts, frustrated.
“Well why didn’t you take Rhys’ shovel?” I laughed watching as the overgrown Illyrain tried to mangle the tiny thing. 
“Well I just got back from Hybern, I saw it had snowed and I came here first.” he explained and my heart swelled. He had come to my place first before he even went home. “I figured if I didn’t do it you would fall and break your head open.” 
“Azriel, really you don’t have to do this, I can handle it,” I plead with him feeling bad that he’s subjected himself to the weather. 
He stops his shoveling and turns to look at me, “y/n I want to do this. Don’t worry about it.” he says before looking me up in down seeing that I’m in nothing but a short nightgown and a blanket. “Now go inside before you catch a cold.” 
“Me? What about you?” I laugh looking around at the snow falling around us. 
“I’m Illyrian the snow doesn’t bother me,” he retorts and I can tell that he’s lying by the pink in his cheeks from the cold.
“Well I’m half Illyrian,” I counter, swinging back and forth on my heels. 
“Then I’m sure half of you is really cold,” he rebuttals. “Now go back inside and get warm before I carry you inside myself.” he smirks before shoveling up another heap of snow. 
I just shake my head and retreat to the warm fireplace awaiting me. 
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I waltz into the House of Wind  where the Solstice party is in full swing. Lords from neighboring courts are chatting and drinking all around and from the corner of the room I can hear Cassian’s booming laugher as he doubles over at something Helion has said. 
Like almost every solstice party I arrive fashionably late. I truly never mean to be the last to arrive, but it feels like the whole guest list decides to arrive early just to spite me. I make my way around the area where couples and children are dancing to a small quartet and head toward the bar. My dress billows behind me like liquid starlight. Just like every solstice party before this one, I will get by with copious amounts of wine. 
I lean against the bar and watch as Elain and Lucien laugh and giggle across the room. I smile as Elain pops a pastry into Lu’s mouth and I can’t help but feel a warmness in my chest at the two of them. Lucien was finally happy with his mate, and if there was ever someone who deserved such happiness it was him. 
My thoughts are interrupted by a shadowy friend making its presence known. Flying up by my face to say hello and then rushing behind me as if it was called. I turn to see Azriel dressed immaculately staring at me. His eyes flit up and down my body taking in every detail of me.
“You look…” He trails off, shaking his head, as if the words he was going to say wouldn’t be the right ones. “There are no words. Even the poets would get it wrong.”
I can’t help but blush at his choice of words, taking a step toward him as the shadows behind me are pushing me to do so. 
“You clean up pretty good yourself, spymaster,” I chuckle giving him a once over.
He blushes and then speaks again, “I mean it, you look beautiful tonight y/n.” 
I blush again and turn my head to avoid his gaze, like that shade of hazel might burn me from the inside out if I look too long.
“You must allow me to dance with you,” he says, taking both our drinks and placing them on the bar. “Not having you out on that dance floor would be a disservice to everyone here.”
I laugh taking his outstretched hand and allowing him to lead me to the dancefloor, “Alright Az you’ve convinced me, but only because I know you won’t step on my feet,” 
We fall into a comfortable motion, swaying back and forth to the slow tempoed song the quartet is playing. The couples around us filter around us, some lost in deep conversation, some embraced closely swaying to the song. I keep my eyes on them, knowing that Azriel’s gaze is on me. 
Memories of a solstice much like this one float through my mind. The way my feet ached before Azriel saved me, sweeping me up into a dance. The way the bond felt when it snapped into place for me. I had pulled on it so desperately hoping he might feel it too. I thought of all the years of agony that followed that night. Watching Az fall for Mor and later on Elain. Hearing my brother and Cassian talking about Azriel’s exploits in bedding local women. All of it tore me apart and it took over 200 years to rebuild the part of me that I had lost. I wondered if I would ever be whole like that again. 
I hear Elain and Lucien’s laughter once more, the sound breaking me from my thoughts as Azriel and I continue to sway to the music. 
“They make a great couple,” Azriel’s deep voice rumbles through me. 
I smile watching Lucine place a kiss to his mates lips, “They really do,” I say with a lightness to my voice. 
“Do you think we’ll ever be like that?” He asks tentatively and my world comes crashing down. 
“Az,” I say and his face falls at the dismissal in my tone. 
“Why not y/n? Why can’t we have a shot like they can?” Azriel says starting to get upset.
As if on queue the song that the quartet is playing ends and I hear the musicians flipping through their sheet music to find the next song. I pull my hands out of Azriel’s and take a few steps back.
“I think it’s time for me to go,” I say calmly, trying not to let the damn of tears break. I swiftly move past him towards the door. 
“Y/n wait!” I hear him call out behind me but I’m already out the door, my tears falling down my face as I make my way back to that empty townhouse in the middle of the city. 
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The rain outside my house slams into the window violently. Spring has come early in Velaris and I wasn’t exactly upset about it. At least I wasn’t until this torrential downpour blew into town. I hadn’t seen rain like this in the Night Court for at least a hundred years now.
It’s been weeks since solstice and it seems that Azriel has finally taken the hint and left me alone. I hadn’t heard a peep from him since that dance. Not a flower, chocolate or shadow to be seen and while I should be happy about it I had never been sadder. After all the walls I put up trying to keep my peace it seemed that he had succeeded in breaking them down again. 
I sat by the fire staring down at the dancing flames, no book, not even a glass of wine or tea. Just me and my all consuming thoughts. Each one of them led back to hazel eyes and blue siphons. 
I jump at the sound of a fist pounding on my door. Pulling my sweater tighter to cover up my nightgown I walk over to investigate who would have the guts to stand out in this monsoon at this hour. When I open the door I find Azriel bracing his arms against the doorframe, out of breath like he ran here. His hair soaking wet and sticking to his brow as the rain pelted him. 
“Az?” I shout over the sound of rain. 
“I can’t go on like this any longer y/n, I won’t do it!” he shouts over the storm. 
“Az it’s pouring what are you-” 
“I love you y/n!” he shouts stopping me mid sentence. “From the moment I met you I knew. I wanted so badly to put my hands around your waist and kiss you. And if you’re wondering why that seems like such an adolescent dream it’s because that’s what we both were. I was 117 years old and  you were 115 and that’s all I wanted. I knew little of love, even less of lust. All I knew was that I wanted to kiss you,” he hollers over the sound of rain wiping the water from his eyes.
“I’ve made mistakes, and I’ve hurt you, but I swear to you I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, because I love you. And I don’t care that you don’t love me too, because I love you y/n. I choose to love you!” he finishes and I can’t tell if it's rain falling from his eyes or tears that match my own. 
I choose to love you.
I take a shaky breath and take in the sheer desperation on his face, “I love you too Azriel,” I laugh feeling another tear slip down my cheek. 
He doesn’t waste a moment, stepping through my threshold and cupping my cheek to place a searing kiss on my lips. I melt into him, feeling his clothes soaking my own as my nightgown clings to my skin. His hands are on my waist, scarred and cold from the elements but still so intoxicating. My arms wrap around him pulling him further into the entryway. I hear him slam the door shut with his boot drowning out the sound of rain leaving only the music of our ragged breaths as he kisses me deeper. 
He pulls away to press his forehead to mine, his wet hair and skin causing drops of water to cascade down my own face. 
“I love you so much,” he breathes cupping my cheek to press a chaste kiss to my lips. “My mate.”
I pull him in deeper at the utterance of those two little words. I had waited 400 years for this male to kiss me, and this kiss right here? Well it made everything all the more worth it. 
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Epilogue: 5 years later
I stand outside on the lawn of the townhouse. My arms clutching around the sweater I’m wearing as the fresh spring air blows over my skin. My hands drift lower to the small bump of my stomach. 
I was only a few months pregnant and barely starting to show. Elain had told me that it would be a girl claiming she had seen it in a vision. I couldn’t have been more excited for Azriel to be a girl dad. 
“You’re doing it son!” I hear my mate call from the sky where he teaches our son to fly. 
“Dad, I'm flying!” the onyx haired child shouted as he flapped his wings to pick up some speed.
At first I was apprehensive of him learning to fly so early, even though it had always been a dream of mine to watch my children learn to fly. But Azriel had assured me that the youngster was more than ready, and after a few weeks of lessons here he was taking to the air like a natural. 
I look around at the townhouse behind me. It had seen some significant changes since the night Azriel stood in the rain and told me he loved me. The front yard was littered with toy swords and shields, and the outside had a fresh coat of paint. The inside had a room addition, a room for our son, Kai, and now we're adding another room for our daughter. All paid for by Rhys of course who was more than happy to give his nephew and niece everything under the sun.
My thoughts are interrupted by Azriel slamming into the ground before me. I turn to see him walking over to me with a smile on his face. 
“Az shouldn’t you be up there with him?!” I fuss looking to where our son swoops and dives through the air. 
Azriel laughs and picks me up bridal style, pressing a kiss to my lips. 
“It didn’t feel right being up there without my girls,” he smiled nodding to my bump. 
Without warning he took off into the sky meeting Kai up there. We must’ve spent hours flying around the city, stopping by every uncle and aunt's house to show them Kai’s new skill. Everything was perfect, and for the first time in my whole life, I finally knew peace.
(Do you guys want a smutty bonus chapter of what they did after he confessed his love???)
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411 notes · View notes
surielstea · 5 months
Don’t you like me?
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Eris x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader has been secretly in love with Eris since she was little, so what happens when she’s to be married off to another in a weeks time and he’s yet to make a move?
Warnings: Smut | Minors DNI | 18+ only | p in v | heavy breeding kink | multi-orgasm | cream pie | dirty talk | use of pet names (bunny, baby) | outdated beliefs | typical autumn court views
A/N: HEAVY smut. Like this is fr the filthiest thing I’ve ever published so hope all you freaks enjoy…
5.9k words
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I walked into the dining hall dressed in a stunning gown made from a forest green material that was beyond soft. The bodice was snug and hugged me in all the right places, while the skirt cascaded down in a waterfall of silk, a high slit cutting through the side to show a flash of my leg. I looked like pure perfection.
"Eris," I call to the male who was standing by the window, peering down at the fields, watching over the land like some kind of higher power.
"Hm?" He utters but doesn't cast a glance my way, forming a gaping cavity in my chest.
"Do you like my dress?" I ask, he still doesn't look at me. His arms are crossed over his chest and I can see the tips of his fingers blazing like he's forcing himself to refrain from moving. "The shopkeeper said it looked pretty on me," I smile. "He said it was so perfect that he just had to give me a discount," I add and his ears perk up, head whipping to me. "He?" The protective male asks and a small smile forms on my lips. "At least he had the decency to look at me when I speak to him." I shrug and he bristles, eyes flicking up and down, taking in my dress, my bare leg peering through the slit, the golden earrings he got me for my birthday hanging from my lobes, hair pulled back and out of my face how I knew he liked.
"Are you doing this on purpose?" He takes a step closer and I clasp my hands behind my back, staring up at him innocently. "I'm not sure what you mean, General." I flutter my lashes and a muscle along his jaw feathers.
"Bunny," He grits out and I only continue to stare up at him with curious eyes, the kind I knew made him stumble over his words. "My lord?" I ask with a wondering tone. He swallows thickly and then stones his features. "Are you ready for the ball?" He asks and I hold back from rolling my eyes and instead nod. "Are you?" I ask and he only replies with a sigh, his arm hooking through mine. "Let's get this over with." He muttered, then winnowed us into a crowded ballroom.
I've been trying to get Eris' attention since we were young, but he's always cast me off as a younger sister type, I refused to accept that, so I pushed his buttons. I was the daughter of Beron's most trusted advisor, this ball was put together in order to find me a suitor, every one of these men is here for my hand, I was hoping Eris did something before we got here, hoping he'd say something, anything. But he didn't. So we stood in the center of the ballroom and stared ahead of us at Beron who sat on his throne, my father at his side.
The both of them gave me foxlike grins and I gulped down the anxiety lodged in my throat, hand tightening around Eris' as we approached the dais.
"My lord," I curtsy to the high lord while Eris bows. "Rise girl, today is your day." He hums in a grating voice I've grown to hate. I flick my eyes back up to the eldest Vanserra and do as he says, Eris as well. "I cannot thank you enough for putting on this event for me, I'm beyond grateful," I say to him in a light tone, a polite grin on my face. My father hasn't so much as spared me a glance so I don't look at him either.
"Yes well, you've been of age for some time now haven't you?" He shifts in his throne as if his legs could spread any wider. "I have, my lord." I bow my head. "I have no doubt you'll be able to find an eligible suitor tonight, you look absolutely ravishing." He grins and that expression has never made me more nauseous. Eris' hand tightens on mine and I realize he's still holding it. "I've handpicked all of the males attending tonight, do me a favor, and don't let that work go to waste." He instructs and I nod, his eyes then fall between Eris and I, where our hands are linked. Eris reacts before I can even notice, his hand slipping from mine. My breath hitched for a moment and I turned to look up at him with slightly creased brows. His expression remains stoic as he continues to stare ahead, not daring to meet my gaze.
"Go on," Beron waves us away. I curtsy once more before spinning on my heel, expecting Eris to follow after me but he stayed behind, joining his father's other side on the dais. It was hard to watch so I didn’t look any longer and direction my line of sight to the sea of men waiting for my attention.
I ball my hands into fists before shaking them out as I stare at all the males with beckoning eyes, wanting to be picked for the first dance.
Traditionally I'd dance with the high lord, but the older male didn't seem to have an interest in upholding said tradition, so it was my pick. How generous.
My eyes snag on a head of strawberry-blonde hair in the back. Langdon, a fair-skinned male with piercing green eyes and a gangly figure, I've known him since I was a girl— had a crush on him since his family came into nobility. He was kind, or rather, as kind as they got in the Autumn Court. He wasn't looking my way, this was my ball and he still wasn't looking my way. Why is it that I always wanted men who hold no interest in me?
I look behind me to spot Eris already staring, his fingers anxiously twisting the golden ring around his pinky finger. One of his tells, that one specifically informed me that he was nervous. Over what? I had no idea, but some buried part of me wanted to place my hands over his and tell him there was nothing to worry about.
I shove the feeling down and turn back to the crowd of males who seemed to now stand a whole yard closer.
I was only thankful Beron didn't choose for me, or worse, my father.
Fortunately, Langdon was looking at me now. Our gazes catch and I give the slightest dip of my head. The males who understood they hadn't been picked dispersed, leaving Langdon and I parallel to each other.
The music begins and I remain where I stand, waiting for the male to approach me instead. Once he gets to my side he offers his hand and I take it with little hesitation, the chorus of the song starts and our waltz begins.
I've been trained my entire life for this, my father has made sure I was educated on every custom and tradition of how Autumn Court females must behave, should I step a toe out of line he'd be there to reprimand me, whether that meant physically or mentally.
I knew every dance like the back of my hand, memorized how each dress was hemmed, could do each house chore with my eyes closed, and recite exactly where my place was to anyone who asked— it's been beaten into me so many times it'd be a parody to forget. I belong beside my husband, raising his children. That was it. That's all I've been told I'm any good for.
"I won't ask for your hand," Langdon hums mid-step and I look up to him with curious eyes. I'd be lying if a pang of hurt didn't run through my chest. "And why not?" I ask, my dress swirling around me as he twirls me around. "I won't tie you down, I refuse." He shakes his head and my heart aches. "So you'll let someone else then?" I suggest and he swallows, clearly not thinking of the others. "It's not like that," He sighs. "You wouldn't be happy with me." He explains with guilt simmering in his eyes. "So you'll subject me to being unhappy with another just because of your own selfishness?" I presume and his brows raise a fraction. "No," He shakes his head. "I'll subject you to make your own decision because you're in love with another," He claims and my breathing halts for a moment.
I go quiet, silently taking myself through the steps I've been doing since I was a child. "I'm not sure what you mean." I finally manage to get out. "Oh c’mon, it's obvious to every male here except him." The blonde scoffs and I refrain from rolling my eyes, he is preaching to the choir.
"Even if you're right," The music stops and so do we. I stare up at him with an unwavering amount of elegance. "I can't have him," I whisper and he squares his features. "I won't tie you down." He repeats, believing he's doing me a favor by pulling himself from the equation. "I understand." I nod, even if I don't want to, then I curtsy one last time towards the male and take another's hand.
I went through at least ten more tedious males after that and nearly twenty tiresome waltzes before I was allowed a break. I loved to dance, sure, but not like this. Not in a ballroom full of predators. I miss when it was just Eris and me when he'd meet me here at midnight and we'd sway, following no choreography but rather flowing to the music, improvising to whatever song played. I could still feel the way his warm arms wrapped around me, how he cradled me to his chest while we talked softly about anything and everything. That was the Eris I knew, that was the Eris I loved. Not this mask made for the public, the one his father forced him to be.
I was startled from my daze by a hand coming to my forearm. I jump slightly and turn to the figure at my side. "Apologies for disturbing you, my lady," A brunette male I wish I could recall the name of stood before me. He was the sixth male I danced with, we waltzed three times if I remember correctly.
"No worries," I shake my head with a polite smile. "I've spoken to your father," He swallows nervously and I glance to the dais where Beron and my father were but Eris no longer was.
"He's consented to my asking for your hand," The male explains and my head snaps back to him, brows slightly raised. The brunette wasn't unattractive by any means, in fact, he was quite handsome, but he's not who I want him to be— guilt forms in my stomach at the thought. Langdon had been right.
A hand comes down onto my shoulder before I can think of a reply, but I don't startle this time. Because I could recognize that scent of warm cinnamon and campfire embers from anywhere, along with the feel of his large, calloused hand, the touch was beyond familiarity.
"Sorry to interrupt," A baritone voice purrs and my eyes light up. "But I need to borrow her for a moment," His hand slides down my arm protectively and I have to hold back from scoffing, he had the nerve to ignore me all night but as soon as another male shows interest, he comes over to claim me.
"Of course my lord," The brunette bows his head respectfully. "Go on then," He shoos and I whirl around to face the heir as the other male skitters away. "Are you serious?" I cross my arms over my chest, staring up at the redhead who had a smirk plastered onto his features. "That's the first proposal I've gotten all night!" I say with a hush and his smirk only widens. "Oh I know, you have no idea how hard it is to fend them off." He grumbled like it was a weight on his shoulders. My eyes widen as I stare at him in shock. "Are you kidding— What's the point of this event if you're scaring off every interested suitor?" I crease my brows, hands dropping to my hips.
Eris' head whips to the dais where both of our fathers are intently watching us. "C'mon," The heir grabs me by my wrist. "We need somewhere private." He decides, pulling me through the length of the ballroom, my protests are halfhearted, not minding the idea of getting away from this place. He pulled us into a sectioned-off alcove that was secluded enough for him to winnow us elsewhere.
My feet landed on dark wooden tiles, stood in the master bedroom of Eris' apartment on the outskirts of Autumn that not even Beron knew about.
"Why are you fending them off?" I question, narrowing my eyes at him skeptically. He shrugs with a stoic expression, looking towards the unlit fireplace at our right. "The people my father picked," He starts. "None of them can be good." He explains and I grit my teeth. "He picked Langdon." I excuse and Eris nearly growls at the name. "Langdon is a prick and he doesn't deserve you," Eris states like it's a fact. "He's nice to me," I mutter softly. "The bare minimum isn't something you should settle for." His brows straighten and something evil churns in the pit of my stomach. "Well, it's not like I have many options." I square my features, glaring up at him and maintaining my ground.
He hasn’t done anything up until now and as soon as I show any fraction of interest in someone else he comes to swoop me away? It was unfair. He doesn't reply, his fists clench at his sides but they quickly loosen when he sees the line of tears in my waterline threatening to spill. "You think I want to marry any of these males? It's not my choice, it's never been my choice." My hands come up to his chest, gripping the cleanly pressed shirt. "You've always had a choice," His hands come to my wrists. I nearly laugh. "Are you serious? Who are you to tell me about choices? You have no idea what it's like to be a fucking doll Eris, I'm a broodmare who's only used for my body and when that's not good enough anymore, I'm nothing." My words come out in a rasp, my fingers clenching his shirt and wrinkling it.
"Don't stand there and tell me I have a choice when you've done nothing to stop me from getting sold off to the highest bidder." My tears are now falling but I don't care, I have too little energy to wipe them away— so he does, his warm hands I wish I didn't find comfort in come to my cheeks and his thumbs brush away the salty tears with the most delicacy I've ever seen him display. "If you won't do anything now I strongly doubt you'll do anything when I'm someone else's," I murmur and his eyes fall into something of terror.
"I'm sorry." He confesses and my heart sputters, I've only ever heard Eris Vanserra apologize for two things in his lifetime, and this was one of them. "You’re right. I should've done more." He confesses. "I tried," He mutters. "I offered to sleep with you— they'd mark you as impure and banish you from the forest house, you could've run away." He explains. "But that's not enough, I should've done more." His hands remain on my cheeks. "Don't you get it?" My hands splay flat on his abdomen. "I don't want more, I just wanted you," I confess and his breathing halts. I think I've truly done myself in, but there was no use holding it any longer. I'll be married off by the end of the week and probably won't see Eris again until our separate children are having playdates. None of this mattered.
"What?" He croaks out and I swallow. "I wanted you," I repeated and I swore his eyes flashed with relief. His hands remain on my face, fingertips slightly warming as he dissects his thoughts. "I thought I made it obvious," I say. "But you never did anyth—" My words are cut off as his lips crash into mine with a foreign passion.
His hands pull me closer and my breathing stops as I realize what's happening. He's kissing me. I move to kiss him back, hands snaking up from his chest and to his shoulders where I wrap around the back of his neck and pull him closer, his chest pressing into mine as he backs me up towards the wall until I'm flat against it.
He doesn't back away for a moment like he needs the heat of my lips or he'll freeze without it. His brows crease as he kisses me with intent, not wanting this moment to end in case it gets torn away from him.
"Eris," I pant out as I back away. "I thought you hated me," I admit and his eyes soften. "Hate you?" His hands hold tighter to my jaw. "No bunny, never." His head shakes and he pulls me in again, placing a soft yet lasting kiss on my lips. "Wait," I back away and he immediately halts. "What are you saying?" I try to piece everything together but it's no use.
"I want you." He confesses and my stomach does backflips. "Want me?" I rasp out in pure disbelief. "Need you." He corrects and my heart lurches into my throat, his lips reconnect with mine, and this time his tongue swipes along my bottom lip, hands coming to the bottoms of my thighs as he hoists me up and presses my back to the wall, legs coming back to wrap tightly around his hips as his tongue explores every undiscovered crook and crevice like he needed to memorize me before I disappeared.
"Eris we can't," I whisper into his lips and he shakes his head. "I won't let them have you." He defends and my heart crumbles into two. "This is going to ruin me," I admit, tears still streaming from my eyes. "We'll figure it out." He promises and a lump forms in my throat. He backs away to look at my teary expression, brows creasing as he stares at my disgruntled gaze. "I'll be banished from this court," I murmur. As much as I hated the people here, this is my home. I didn't want to just up and leave. "Noble blood or not I'll be marked a whore, it's out of wedlock." I sighed and a soft smile graced his features as he began to pepper kisses along the side of my face, kissing my salty tears away. "I suppose we'll have to get married then." He hums and I place my hand on his jaw pushing him back. "I'll have Beron off his throne soon, the night court's Spymaster and I have already devised a plan. It'll work." He reassures, running his hand through my hair.
"I'll marry you right now, we can go out and find a priestess and I'll have you as my High Lady." He promised and my brows crease as he describes something too good to be true. "Or we can do all that in the morning," He whispers. "Because it's awfully hard to not need you while you're in this dress." He hums and I smile, my tears gone, all kissed away. "I won't let them have you." He repeats, stressing his words, and I believe him, so I nod.
His lips surge back onto mine and I push away the thoughts of the repercussions and let myself enjoy every moment of this.
His hands grip the underside of my thighs and he pushes me harder against the wall, pressing his chest to mine and kissing me with the purpose I craved. I tighten my hold around the back of his neck and wrap my legs around him, my dress in the way— I need him closer, so much closer.
"Eris, please," I whine and he nods, understanding what I want. He pushes off the wall and carries me to his bed, laying me down on my back, I arch up and his hands pull at the strings of my corset. So many layers, too many between us. I work at the buttons of his shirt, slowly revealing his toned, muscular chest.
The way he kissed me was hungry like he's been constraining himself for far too long. He gets my corset undone and I finally feel like I can breathe. Clothes are thrown into every corner of the room as he rips my skirts off and I move to the ties of his pants. Once we're clad in nothing but skin he mounts over me, his heavy, hard cock pressing against my abdomen. It was hot and quick and had everything I needed.
His hand cups over my heat, calloused fingers diving into my folds, adding friction I didn't know I needed. "Eris," I whine and he grunts at the way my name rolls off his tongue, the desperation in my voice making his cock leak pre-cum. "Fuck, you sound so perfect moaning my name." He sighs out, two of his long fingers finding my entrance, and before I can reply they plunge deep inside of me. I bite down on my bottom lip, tears prickling at the corners of my eyes due to the foreign stretch. His fingers were long, and thick, and felt so fucking good.
I yelped as his calloused thumb came down onto my clit, tracing tight circles around it. I hissed at the pain, how he stretched me out, preparing me for his cock. “I’m sorry bunny, I’ll make love to you next time I promise,” He whispers into the shell of my ear and I whimper, the intense feeling consuming me as he curls his fingers, flicking them against my sensitive walls. “Next time?” I ask my words barely a rasp. “That’s right,” He kisses my cheek, getting rid of a tear there. “But right now I need to fuck you, I’ve wanted this for so fuckin’ long I can’t hold back,” He grunts, his voice laced with pure lust. “You understand don’t you bunny?” He says, kissing down my jaw to my neck where he nipped at the sensitive skin, all I can do is nod, praying he doesn’t stop.
His fingers brush over a sensitive, spongy spot and I gasp, my back involuntarily arching at the feeling. “Right there, Eris, my god—” My breath hitched as he toyed with the area. My legs jolted and I was so close, I had never orgasmed off someone’s hand alone before yet here the heir was, finger fucking me right into my high.
“That’s it, baby, need you nice and wet for me,” He hums, sucking marks onto my neck. I whine and my cunt pulsated with an impending release. My nails dig into his large bicep, brows creasing as I teeter on that euphoric high. I clench tighter around his fingers and he does something wicked with his thumb against my clit, pushing me over into my orgasm. Waves of pleasure slam into me as I finally release and reach that climax, and when I do, it’s Eris’ name on my lips.
“That’s it, you did so well,” He praises, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I finally came down from my high and his fingers slowed, pulling them from my entrance, lathered in my slick. “Think you’re ready for me?” He asks, lathering his cock with my arousal left on his hand. Words fail me. I couldn’t even look at it without feeling overwhelmed, I was sure he’d split me in half.
“We can go slow,” He promised but gods I didn’t want slow, I wanted to make him feel good.
I shook my head and he arched his brow. “No?” He tilts his head. “I don’t w’na go slow, Eris,” I murmur and he leans closer, pressing a kiss to my jaw. “Oh yeah? Tell me what you want then bunny,” He prompts, nudging me with his nose to go on— but his cock was pressed against my heat and it was hot, so fucking hot I felt like I was on fire. “Want— wanna make you feel good,” I mumble and a foxlike grin spreads across his face. His forearm comes down beside my head, propping himself above me, his face mere inches from mine. “Do you now?” The male asks. “And how are you g’na make me feel good?” He questions and I swallow thickly. “Uhm,” I utter, suddenly very shy under his gaze. “Don’t be nervous, I’m not gonna judge I promise,” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.
“Well— it’s just, usually on wedding nights in the autumn court the male feels compulsive to, breed, the female,” I swallow thickly and I swear his amber eyes flash golden for a moment.
“Is that what you want bunny? Want me to breed you?” He says and I flush hot. “Never mind, forget it,” I bring my hands up to my face, covering my red cheeks. “Oh baby it’s too late,” He grabs my wrists in one of his hands, lifting them above my head and pinning them there commandingly. I whimper in reply. “Your safe word is firelight okay?” He says as he kisses down my neck and all I can do is nod. “Good, now turn around for me,” He lets go of my wrists and I do as he says, flipping over onto my stomach, hiking my knees up, and arching my back as much as I could, giving him perfect entrance. He grinned at my obedience, patience waning as he admired how good I was being for him.
The unlit hearth from earlier was now roaring with flames, even though I told Eris to do whatever he wanted with me he was still holding back, redirecting his power elsewhere.
“C’mon Eris, don’t be mean,” I whine as he leans over me, pressing a gentle kiss to my shoulder blade. “Poor bunny, so needy,” He whispers beside my ear and I grip the sheets in my fists at the demeaning tone of his voice. “Please,” I murmur. “Please what? Say it, baby,” His hands come to my hips, his thumbs kneading the plushness of my ass. “Breed me,” I utter, barely even a whisper but it was enough to make whatever was restraining his break, and he snapped.
His heavy cock slaps against my folds, dragging himself through them, lathering himself in my arousal for easier entrance though I’m certain I was wet enough already.
He aligns his fat tip with my core and without any further warning, he drives into me, pushing the head of his impressive cock deep inside of me. I nearly screamed at the sensation, biting at my lower lip hard enough to cause blood. “Eris,” I mewl, my nails clawing at the sheets. One of his hands reaches over me and intertwines with the back of my palm, his other hand finding purchase at my breast, gripping it harshly, his calloused, large hands kneading it pleasantly.
“Fuck, you’re so gods’ damned tight,” He curses, his forehead resting against the back of my shoulder as he continues to push himself inside of me, and fuck was he so big, I could feel my walls hugging him, could feel every ridge and vein along him as he molded into me. Tears prickle at the corners of my eyes at how good it hurt, he had me filled to the brim and there was still more of him.
I throw my head back in exasperation, a moan escaping from the base of my throat. “All of you, want more,” I confess and I feel him smile against the skin of my shoulder blade, before he angles his hips back, pulling out to his fat tip, laying one last kiss to my back then slamming in, hitting home. He groaned at the feeling, tears streamed down my face, falling onto the pillow beneath me as I grip his hand tighter, he reciprocates it but his thrusts don’t slow, no, he’s pounding into me and I loved every second of it.
“Eris— Ah,” My breath hitched. “I can’t, s’too much,” I hiss but he doesn’t stop, his hips drive deeper and I pulse around him. His base slammed into mine, tight balls smacking into my folds as he hammered me from behind. I gasp as his slit brushes over my cervix. Oxygen leaves me and I fist the sheets, screaming his name once I find my voice. “You feel that bunny? Feel me stretching you on my cock?” He hums beside my ear and I struggle to even think about anything but his cock.
He can’t help but continue to knock the area over and over again, it made him feral, and the way I squirmed beneath him had his cock twitching.
Gods he was so close to my womb, so close he could practically release directly into it. “I’m gonna fill you up so fuckin’ full, baby,” He grits out, his hold on my breast tightening. “Please,” I beg, needing him to release me inside. “I’m so close I can’t, I can’t take it—” I cry, tears free flowing as his thrusts grow faster, harder. “That’s too bad my sweet girl,” He purred. “Cause you’re g’na take me until you’re full of my cum, isn’t that right bunny?” He nips at the lobe of my ear and I nod with a pitiful whimper, feeling myself drip onto his cock, he was fucking me stupid.
The sound of his fat cock injecting into me over and over again mixed with the way his tight balls slapped against my folds left my pussy drooling on him. “You just love to milk my cock hm?” He said. “You take me so well, can’t wait to get you so full,” He grunts out and I grow hot, the knot in my stomach tightening.
“Eris I have to, I need to,” I pant out, sweat lining my forehead at how good he was slamming into me, pressing against my cervix every time and rubbing against that sweet, spongy spot. “Not yet,” He orders, and I whine in protest, brows furrowing as I fight off my orgasm and focus on pleasing him, squeezing around his cock, slowly beginning to lift away from him, then push myself back down onto him.
“Oh gods, yes, fuck yourself on my cock,” He groaned in pure ecstasy. I go faster, feeling his cock twitch as he watches the way my ass shakes, his cock disappearing inside my slit as I bounce on him. “Such a good bunny, just want me to come inside you so bad huh?” He taunts and I nod helplessly, mewls lifting from my lips as he grips my breast, my other bouncing due to my gyrations. “Ah, wait, baby,” His voice gets caught in his throat and I smile wildly at the sound. “You sure? About me cumming inside?” He grits out through closed teeth and I nod.
“Fuck yes, Eris. Give me your kids please,” I whimper and it makes him fucking feral. He somehow goes faster, reaching a primal state with an urge to breed, to make me mine in every way he can. “Your belly’s g’na get so round,” He mutters into the shell of my ear and I pant in reply, unable to form coherent words. “Fuck, can’t wait for your tits to start leaking,” He curses and a moan tears through the base of my throat. “I can’t— I’m gonna—” I can’t even finish my sentence before I’m convulsing around him and I reach my climax. He’s quick to follow, he kisses my cervix once more then shoots his release straight into my womb, panting heavily with a groan to match my whine, he paints my walls white and his seed was so fucking hot, like he just set me aflame from the inside out.
“Fuck,” He grunts out, forehead resting on my shoulder. It was a miracle I was still holding myself up, my arms were on the verge of buckling and if he wasn’t cradling my waist I probably would’ve crumbled the moment I found release.
Slowly, he slips out of me, his seed dripping down my thighs as he does so. A whimper slips past my quivering lips as his cock brushes through my folds one last time, then he slowly guides me down onto the bed, heavy breathing filling the room as the fire in the hearth dwindles.
“You did so fucking good for me baby,” He praises, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips that I return with all the energy I can muster, which wasn’t a whole lot. He smiles at this, brushing a strand of hair away from my tear-stained cheeks. “Awe, m’sorry I went so rough bunny, I promise I’ll make it up to you,” He reassured and I shook my head. “No, s’okay, felt good,” I sigh contentedly. “Yeah?” He tilts his head and I nod with a gentle smile. “My gods you’re perfect for me,” He bends down and presses his lips to mine, more passionate this time, conveying all his love in that action. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” He murmurs against my lips and I nod, not worrying about what awaits in that ballroom, too preoccupied with enjoying the moment with my soon-to-be husband.
After the sheets were changed and I was dressed in a silky nightgown I was finally able to lay my head on a pillow. It was a mystery how I didn’t fall asleep standing up. Eris slid beneath the covers beside me, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him with a small grin.
“Tonight turned out a lot better than I thought,” He joked and I giggled, looking up at him with tired eyes. I look down at his chest, tracing random shapes on his bicep as my smile slowly morphs into a frown. “Hey, what’s wrong baby?” His big hand comes to my jaw, rubbing along my cheek and tilting my head up to him. “Nothing,” I shake my head, burrowing into his warmth. “Talk to me,” He urges, waiting for my response. “Why didn’t you ever show interest before tonight?” I ask softly, glancing up at his eyes that were staring down at me with so much adoration it was almost overwhelming.
“This just feels so surreal, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. It feels wrong to have it,” I explain further and his gaze softens. “You deserve my love and so much more my sweet,” He presses a hard kiss to the crown of my head. “And I couldn’t show any interest 'cause I didn’t want my father taking you away from me,” He confesses and I swallow thickly, my hand intertwining with his. “He won’t take me,” I promise, even if I didn’t know for certain. “No, he won’t, I know that now,” He reassures, pecking my cheek lovingly and I blush.
“My pretty fiancée,” He grins boyishly and I mirror it, finally being with the male I’ve been in love with for decades, I had him in my arms and I wasn’t going to let him go no matter what force tried to take him from me. I’m his as he is mine, and that’s all I could ask for.
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402 notes · View notes
lovelyjj · 9 months
hey there! I was wondering if you could do one where reader is John B's sister and he knows that JJ and her have a thing for each other but he won't allow it. Then something happens where she needs comforted and JJ gets to her first and John B realizes that JJ does really love her..? or something idk 😍💕
John B’s Sister
jj maybank x reader
wc: 2.6k
*some bits of dialogue is from season 1: episode 1*
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The music was blasting. The party was in full swing at the boneyard. You were at the center dancing your heart out. JJ was watching you longingly. John B was right next to him overseeing JJ’s actions.
“Don’t even think about it,” John B warned.
“Think about what?” JJ questioned.
“Dancing with Y/N.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it mate,” JJ retorted.
“I’m gonna get another drink,” JJ shared.
When JJ went to the drink area he ran into you. You were getting yourself a drink and taking a break from dancing. You were all sweaty but JJ thought you looked ethereal.
“Here let me,” JJ filled your cup up with beer and handed it to you. Your fingers brushed against each other’s when he handed you the cup. You felt sparks shoot through you at the contact.
“Thanks,” you smiled.
“You look really pretty,” JJ commented.
“You think so?”
“Yeah I do,” JJ smiled.
“Thank you.”
“I’d ask you to dance but John B would have a cow,” JJ laughed.
“Aw screw him!” you voiced.
“Are we really gonna let John B become between us?” JJ spoke.
“He’s my brother JJ, and I love him. He’s just trying to look out for me. I don’t want to make him mad,” you stated.
“Well he probably doesn’t like the idea of me with you, given my reputation.”
“Probably not.”
“I’d do anything for you I hope you know that. Your worth all this chaos, so damn worth it.” JJ spoke sincerely.
“You’ll wait for me?” you asked.
“Of course i’ll wait for you, I’d wait a hundred years just to see you smile, let alone date you.”
“I promise one day we will be together.” You smiled sadly.
“Can’t wait,” JJ then kissed you on the cheek.
You both got swept up in the party and went different directions. JJ went to where John B was and he soon began to think that was a bad idea.
“I saw you talking to y/n. You know she’s off limits right.” John B began.
“Jesus dude, I know you think I’m trying to get in her pants but I really do love her. Of course i’m not gonna act on it. I know the rules and I wouldn’t do that to you,” JJ confessed.
John B clapped JJ on the back, “Good on ya mate, I appreciate it.”
“Yeah yeah yeah.”
The party eventually died down around 2am. It was dark and the keg was practically empty. You retired pretty late and crashed in your room. Unbeknownst to you JJ was also crashing at your place.
When you woke up the next morning you could feel the hangover. You made your way to the kitchen for an Advil and some water. You didn’t expect to see JJ sitting on the couch.
“Good morning,” JJ spoke.
“Morning, my head is pounding,” you acknowledged.
“I’m sorry wish I could help.” JJ responded.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Yeah but I could of told you to take it easy on the drinks.” JJ countered.
You laughed. You weren’t sure if you would’ve listened to him if he told you that, but he didn’t need to know that.
“It’s ok things happen.”
“Do you want to hang out with me?” JJ asked.
“Um yeah sure I have to go to the grocery store at one point but other than that Im free,” You explained.
“Alright let’s go.”
The grocery store wasn’t that busy and you were thankful it wasn’t.
“What do you need?” JJ questioned.
“Well, I need cereal, butter, fruit, bread, cheese, chicken, and beer.”
“That’s not too bad we should be in and out of here pretty quick,” JJ responded.
The two of you went up and down each and every aisle. You used teamwork to complete the list.
“Just think one day when we live together we will do our grocery shopping together for our apartment,” JJ said excitedly.
“Yeah that would be fun.”
JJ put his hands on your waist to scoot behind you and reach something on the top shelf. You felt dizzy from the proximity and the feeling of his hands on you.
JJ put the item in your cart and continued looking for more.
“Hey after this do you want to hit the beach?” you asked him.
“Yeah sounds good.”
Eventually you finished up at the store and got everything you needed. You went to the château to change and out the groceries away. Then you were off to the beach.
When you arrived you decided to lay out your towels and lay on the sand. It was nice to hang out just the two of you. John B was probably off with Sarah and therefore not supervising you and JJ.
“This is nice,” JJ voiced.
“Yeah it is,” you laid your head on his shoulder. JJ’s arm came up to wrap around your waist to pull you closer.
The two of you talked for hours on the beach enjoying each other’s company.
A few weeks later you were out on the boat. It was a nice day for boating. You and the pogues were out on the marsh exploring the sunken boat.
The salty air flowed through your hair as you sat in your bikini top and shorts. The smell of the ocean brought you a sense of peace, being out on the water was therapeutic.
Of course you were interested in the shipwreck but you loved being on the water. John B went to dive under using the scuba gear from Ward. Then the cops came while he was still down there.
Once they finally left we were all anxious about John B. Was he ok? He ran out of air that’s for sure. Thankfully John B emerged from the water and seemed to be alright.
“There his is!” JJ exclaimed.
“Oh, God! Jesus Christ!”
“Thank god,” you breathed.
“Don’t scare us like that!” Pope said.
“How’d it go down there?” JJ asked.
John B put up the ok sign.
“Did you find anything?” JJ questioned.
“Did I find anything?” John B breathed.
He brought up a black duffel bag.
“Yeah, there we go! That’s my boy!” JJ excitedly called out.
“Jeez dude!” Pope gasped.
“You okay?” Kie voiced her concern.
“Yeah, I ran out of air,” John B panted.
“You sacred the shit out me.” Kiara expressed.
“Yeah same here,” you stated.
“Yeah, the cops were up here, but, uh… took care of ‘em.” Pope went on.
“My Bad.” John B announced.
“You’re all good.” Pope replied.
“Yeah, you kinda missed the show, brother.” JJ stepped in to say.
“Hey guys? Guys, bogey, two o’clock.” Kiara announced.
“What?” JJ spoke.
“Do you recognize that boat?” Pope asked.
“I’ve never seen it,” Kiara responded.
“What are they doing here? The marsh is closed,” Kiara went on.
“I don’t know but let’s not stick around and find out.” JJ suggested.
“I think their coming right for us.” You voiced your opinion.
“JJ get the bowline.” John B ordered.
“Should we wait on ‘em?” Pope offered.
“No, we’re not.” Your brother spoke.
“Go get the stern. Go!” John B ordered.
“Are you joking? JJ, hurry up.” Kiara hissed.
“Guys, don’t wait for me. Go.” JJ said urgently.
Kiara requested, “Let’s go!”
“Pull out the stern.” Pope warned.
“I don’t like the look of this,” John B put out.
“I don’t either,” you spoke.
“Maybe they’re fishing,” Pope suggested.
“Go, go, go, go!” JJ ordered.
“Go into the marsh,” Pope said.
“Hey, guys, they’re following us.” Kiara shared.
“This can’t be good,” Pope voiced.
“Shit!” John B exclaimed.
“Oh no,” you shouted.
“Dude, you gotta go faster!” JJ put out.
“I’m going.”
As the boat with the two big men on it chased you and the pogues further into the marsh, you looked behind you realizing that they were getting closer.
“John B,” you cried.
“I know Y/N.”
Then to your surprise you herd gunshots.
“What the…” Pope began.
“Holy shit!” Kiara cursed.
“John B, get down,” JJ yelled.
They continue shooting at you guys.
“Oh my god we’re gonna die!” Pope shouted.
“Y/N! Get down” John B called.
You were starting to have a panic attack and you didn’t know what to do. You were trying to stay down but we’re having trouble catching your breath. You must of not been hidden enough because you felt a sharp pain in your gut near your hip.
You looked down and saw crimson blood painting the area. Now this is where you really started to panic. Everyone was cheering because Kiara threw out a net to stop the boat and it worked. They couldn’t move, they were stuck and they were no longer right behind you. They did however fired one last shot.
Your heart was pounding and you were shaking. You were full on panicking. Your chest felt tight and you could feel yourself getting dizzy.
Everyone was still cheering when you whispered, “I’ve been shot.”
“What did you say?” JJ questioned.
“I’m shot.”
“Holy fuck.” JJ roared.
“JJ,” you called for him reaching out you hand. Your breathing was ragged. The scene before you was starting to blur.
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” JJ blubbered. JJ was shocked he didn’t know what to do but he did know that his girl was in distress. He needed to be there for you.
He took your hand in his hand and cradled your head. “Breathe baby, I’m right here.”
John B who was watching the interaction intensely, took off his bandana and gave it to JJ. He was at a loss for words.
JJ took the bandana and placed it over the wound, and applied pressure. You let out a whimper.
“We got to stop the bleeding.” JJ said urgently.
“Pope take us to the hospital,” John B ordered as he let Pope get behind the wheel.
Pope did his best to smoothly get to shore.
JJ pulled you into his lap and put his hands over your hands to press the bandana on the wound.
“JJ i’m pan- panicking,” you mumbled.
“I know baby I know, I’ve gotchu.”
“Your gonna be ok. I know you are you have to be.” JJ went on.
JJ started stroking your hair with the one hand that wasn’t pressed to your side. He kissed the top of your head and whispered reassuring words.
John B started to call and ambulance for when you get to shore. “I need an ambulance for my sister, she’s been shot, if you can meet us at the dock.”
John B was watching how JJ was comforting you. He was being to gentle and caring. It looked like he was doing a good job at calming you down.
Eventually you got to shore and the ambulance was waiting. JJ and John B were on ether side of you helping you walk. You however seemed to hang off of them as you leaned on them for support.
“I can’t have all of you back here in the ambulance,” the EMT said.
“I want JJ with me,” you croaked out.
“We will meet you guys at the hospital,” Pope announced, him and kiara walking off to get to Kiara’s car.
John B and JJ hopped in the back of the ambulance as you got on the stretcher. The ride to the hospital was bumpy and your were screaming in pain.
JJ held you hand the whole ride to the hospital. You would squeeze his hand occasionally. John B watched how you stared at JJ like you needed him.
Once you finally arrived they rushed you into the hospital. the EMT spoke, “We got a female with a gunshot wound to the gut.”
“She needs to be in surgery right away,” one of the doctors called out.
As they wheeled you away, JJ and John B waited in the waiting room with their nerves at an all time high.
Pope and Kiara arrived and waited in the waiting room as well. John B was pacing back and forth. JJ sat in one of the chairs with his head lowered and his hat in his hands.
John B went to speak with JJ. “Do you think she’s gonna be ok?” he asked.
“Yeah she’s a fighter,” JJ replied whipping his eyes.
“You really love her don’t you?” John B asked.
“Yeah, I do,” JJ responded.
“I can see that now. I want to give you my blessing.”
“Yes. I can see that you both love one another more than anything.” John B shared.
“Thanks man I appreciate that,” JJ took hold of John B’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
JJ was on the edge of his seat he was worried for you. He didn’t know what he would do if something happened to you. You were the light of his whole life.
After what felt like a eternity, a doctor came out and calmly spoke, “The surgery went well she’s resting now. She needs to stay overnight for observation but she can take visitors but only one at a time.”
“Go ahead,” JJ nodded towards John B.
John B entered your hospital room to be met with your eyes closed. You woke up when you herd the sound of feet shuffling.
“Hi Bree Bree,” you spoke softly.
“Hey y/n/n, how you feeling.”
“Better,” you smiled.
“I’m glad.”
“Can you tell me when you fell in love with JJ?” John B questioned.
“How did you-“ you were shocked.
“Oh please, I can see it in your face when your around him and the “I want JJ with me.”
“Well it started out as a little schoolgirl crush and then I just fell for him and it consumed me.”
John B debated if he should tell you he gave the two of you the green light but figured JJ should do it. So instead he gave you a smile.
“I’m glad your ok y/n/n.”
“I’ll send JJ in.” John B finished the conversation.
“Bye Bree Bree.”
After a few moments JJ came strolling in. He was happy because he now could be with you. But of course he was worried about you and your recovery.
“My poor baby, how you feeling?” JJ cooed.
“I’m doing ok,” you responded.
“I’m so thankful you didn’t get shot in the heart or the head.” JJ breathed.
“Yeah I guess i’m lucky, it could of been a lot worse.”
“I have something to tell you, scooch over.” JJ got in bed beside you.
“What is it?”
“Your brother gave us his blessing!” JJ exclaimed.
“Are you serious?!” You looked at him in disbelief.
JJ nodded his head, and you squealed and wrapped your arms around his neck in a hug.
“Careful love,” JJ spoke cautious of your movements.
“I’m so happy,” you expressed.
JJ cupped your cheek with his ringed hand. He used his ringed thumb to stroke your cheek.
You were looking into his baby blue eyes when your gaze flickered to JJ’s lips.
JJ was looking at your lips when you finally closed the gap between you. The kiss was gentle and soft at first then grew more heated and frantic over time.
Your lips were locking together and you slid your hands into JJ’s hair. You pulled on the strands a little and he let out a groan causing you to melt. When the need for air became to strong you pulled away.
“Ya know I really do love you.” JJ explained nudging his nose with yours.
“Yes I do and I love you.
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aryxchse · 5 months
godly bonding day / platonic! hera x poseidon & percy jackson x daughter of hera! reader.
a / n : people should give more about hera and her other siblings other than z*us fr. and call me crazy or whatever but i've always thought hera married the wrong brother 🤞🏻
warnings : hera apologist right here, poseidon and hera being sweet siblings, zeus cheating, maybe swearing
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"alright mom, that's it," you said, holding both of your mother's hands. "we're having a selfcare day together."
hera sniffed, looking at you with teary eyes. zeus once again cheated on your mother, and the gossip spreads around olympus very quick. specially when your mother has little spies that follows zeus' every movement.
instead of taking revenge -simply because she was sick of it-, your mother called you to olympus for cheering her mood. and well, maybe you reminded her the revenge she took from zeus.
"selfcare day?" hera asked, tilting her head. the goddess and queen of heavens was so vulnerable in front of you. and it made you think like she was a normal mother, who was crying because of her husbands betrayal. "what is that?"
"i'll call percy and we'll take you to new places in the mortal world," you said, smiling at her. the goddess sat straight, considering the idea. "who knows? maybe he'll bring poseidon!"
hera smiled at the mention of her favorite brother. "oh i love poseidon! he's the dearest to me." you nodded at her comment, caressing her knuckles. "i know mom. today is your day, we can't let a man ruin your mood, not anymore."
hera wiped away her tears as she smiled. "oh my lovely daughter, you're so kind to me."
"of course mom," you smiled. "come on, let's go."
‎ 🦚
while you waited percy to call you to say the suprise were ready, you and hera visited multiple shops and places. hera appearently loved iced americano with chocolate chip cookies. and she loved the style old money, since she had to change her clothes to more comfortable ones.
now you guys headed to some old but vintage beach, were percy and poseidon were waiting.
hera took a sip from her third iced americano, smiling at the taste. "i sure want these in olympus," she said, stopping to take off her shoes. "their taste is amazing."
you did the same as you took a sip from your own coffee, taking the shoes inside of your bag. "i know right?" you said as the smell of the salt water started to fill your nose.
you both heard percy and poseidon talk pationetly about something, but they stopped and smiled the moment they saw you.
"hey baby," percy said, hugging your waist and kissing your cheek. you hugged him back with your free arm, smiling immediatly. "hi!"
"poseidon!" hera cheered next to you, running on the sand to hug her brother. poseidon laughed and picked hera up in his arms, turning around with her. "hera, my lovely sister!" he cheered back. "good to finally see you on the mortal world!"
"thanks to my daughter," hera answered, finally standing on her foot but still not letting poseidon go. "she helped me open my eyes."
you blowed a kiss to her as you stand next to percy, your arm still lazily hanged around his neck.
"well sister!" poseidon said, turning her around to walk around the beach. "let's have some dinner eh?"
‎ 🦚
who would've thought god of the sea made the best meal?
you all eated happily together, which was a weird sight. you and percy never thought your godly side of the family would bound this much. but well, maybe they needed a little courage.
you and percy insisted on washing the dishes, letting the divine siblings have their moment. they eventually agreed, leaving you both.
you washed the plates and handed them to percy to dry, while watching your parents laugh together from the window.
"i thought hera would never smile," percy grinned, drying some plate you gave him. you washed a fork, chuckling. "that's because she has the worst husband."
poseidon picked hera up and throw her on his shoulders, running around on the beach like two little kids. some thunders appeared but the siblings didn't cared, laughing like crazy. you and percy started laughing with them behind the window, getting happier each second.
"she really needed that." you said quietly, giving the last spoon to percy. you closed the water and percy finished drying up the spoon, putting back to it's place.
"believe me, he needed that too." percy said, stading behind you and hugging your waist. you gladly appreciated the love, hugging back his arms and resting your head against his cheek.
poseidon finally put down hera but the siblings hugged eachother, hera's laughter echoing through the beach. the lightning get really loud, but the siblings made a middle finger to the sky, clearly saying 'i don't give a fuck about you!' to their most annoying brother.
you smiled. "appearently gods need to have a bonding day too." percy nodded, kissing on top of your head.
"siblings are siblings everywhere after all." he whispered, and you chuckled.
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lilypadeater · 7 months
Rick Grimes x Fem!Reader
Summary- You're Judith's babysitter in Alexandria and your kind gesture backfires.
Content information: 18+, angsty Rick, age gap (20s and 40s), awkward as FUCK, there would be smut if I continued
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"Rick, I found the perfect candidate to take care of Judith while you're working." Deanna announced with her signature friendly smile.
Currently sitting in her make-shift office, Rick raised his brow because she had told him there were 'important matters' to discuss. "This' what you wanted to tell me? I already told'ya, m'not comfortable with anyone besides the people in my group takin' care of her. Carl and Carol are takin' turns."
Deanna sighed and reasoned, "I understand, I completely do. I would be hesitant to allow strangers to take care of my child, but we aren't strangers here. We are a community of good people. Carl's still a kid and he shouldn't have be a primary care taker for his little sister. Carol is a valuable asset to this community and I need her to do other jobs. This leaves only one option, and that's to find a babysitter for Judith."
"No, absolutely not. There ain't a single person here I would trust with that," Rick interrupted.
Deanna ignored his protest and continued, "You trust me though, don't you? Thats why when I thought about it, I decided that my daughter could take care of yours."
Rick eye brows furrowed in surprise at her suggestion. "Your daughter?" He repeated in confusion.
"Yes, she's my oldest. She doesn't have kids, but she's taken care of plenty of babies," Deanna explains.
Rick pondered it for a moment. He realized Deanna had a point about Carl and Carol, but having a stranger taking care of Judith made his stomach turn. However, it was better to have Deanna's own daughter taking care of Judith than some random civilian in Alexandria. He had only caught a glimpse of you during the welcome party, before you disappeared into a group of people. "Don't you have some more important job for your own daughter?" He inquired.
Deanna chuckled at his suspicion. "She used to go on runs, but I don't want her out there anymore. She'll make a great babysitter for you, until I find another job for her that doesn't involve going outside of the walls."
"I'll think about it" was all he said before getting up and heading towards the door. 'These next few weeks are gonna be long.' He mentally groaned.
The next day, Rick was met with a knock on the door while getting ready. He quickly slid on a plain white shirt and some black jeans before opening the door.
You greeted him in a friendly voice, "Hi, I'm Y/N Monroe, Deanna's daughter. I'm here to look after Judith."
Rick's eyes scanned over you, momentarily forgetting what you just said as he analyzed you. His eyes traced every detail on your face and clothing. He finally spoke, "Rick Grimes. Y'can come in." He moved from the door way and let you inside the house. You could feel his watchful eyes drilling a hole in the back of your head as you stepped inside. The silence was deafening.
You turned to Rick and asked curiously, "Where is she?"
"She's asleep right now. I'll show you 'round for now," he answered and began walking toward the kitchen. Rick opened some cabinets and explained where Judith's food and toys were. "Feel free to help yourself to anything, just make sure Judith is well taken care of," he added.
"Thank you, and don't worry, she's in good hands." You assured and patted his back. He stared down at you, trying to figure you out, before Judith's cries snapped him out of his thoughts.
You both made your way to Judith's crib and he scooped her up. He goes on to say, "She's fussy in the mornings 'cause she's hungry. She usually only cries if she's hungry, needs to be changed, or if she tired."
You can't help but giggle at his serious explanations for the obvious. "I know how a baby works, Rick. This isn't the first one I've ever taken care of," You playfully retort and reach out to hold Judith.
He feels some embarrassment from his explanation and hands her over to you cautiously. "Jus' making sure," He admits. Judith curiously studies you as you rock her in your arms. Your attention and drawn back to Rick when he states, "I better get ready for work. I'll let Carl and Carol know you'll be taking over, for today." He muttered the last part as he exited the room.
After Judith calmed down, you brought her to the kitchen and sat her down in her high chair. You brought a spoonful of applesauce to her mouth, which she happily scarfed down. Rick's suspicions of you were justified since he didn't know you, but it slightly irritated you. While feeding Judith and hearing her coos, an idea hit you. 'Maybe I could win him over with food.'
You cleaned Judith up quickly started breakfast for Rick and Carl. Putting on an apron you found laying around and tying your hair back, you got to work. Making do with what was in the pantry, you were able to make blueberry oat pancakes with honey syrup. The blueberry aroma filled the house. Just as you had finished up, Carl came out of his room.
He rushed down the stairs to see what the delicious smell was from, and possibly taste it. When he finally reached the kitchen, he awkwardly introduced himself and picked Judith up from her high chair, "Oh, uh, hello. I'm Carl." His father had told him about a babysitter for Judith, but he was still surprised to see that you were the reason for the yummy smell.
"Good mornin'. I'm Y/N, I'll be babysitting Judith. Would you like some blueberry oat pancakes?" You replied with a kind smile and he quickly nodded his head. He sat down at the table and you placed a plate of food down in front of him. Without any hesitation, he dug into the pancakes. You gave Judith some nibbles of pancake as well since she watched Carl with interest.
Rick walked down the stairs, fully dressed in his constable uniform. It consisted of black jeans, a blue button up, a tie, and a jacket. He looked just as scrumptious as the pancakes. Carl briefly looked away from the food to greet him, but immediately went back to it afterwards. You on the other hand, had a hard time taking your eyes off him.
"What did'ya make?" He asked curiously and walked towards you. The pleasant aroma of blueberries and honey had caught his attention, just as you planned.
"Blueberry oat pancakes with honey syrup. Would you like some?" You softly replied, getting shy at his close proximity. He was taking in the sight of you in the apron with your hair pulled back, you were stunning. His paranoid opinion of you from had clouded his brain, stopping him from noticing this earlier. But of course, he would never make any advances to you. You were much younger than him, and you were just doing your job. Right?
"I'd love some," He answered and watched as you prepared him a plate of the blueberry oat pancakes. You handed him the plate, accidentally brushing your soft and gentle hand over his rough and calloused ones. The touch sent a rush of heat through your body and his. He did a quick head nod to show his appreciation for the food walked towards the table.
Rick closely inspected the food when you turned your focus to the dishes. He cut a piece of pancake and observed it as if it were some kind of laboratory creation. Carl noticed his fathers behavior and insisted, “C’mon dad, it’s not like she poisoned it or something.”
Rick shot his son a look before hesitantly putting the forkful of pancake into his mouth. His eyebrows raised in surprise when he tasted the flavorful masterpiece. You turned away from the dishes to see his reaction to your cooking. “I hope you guys liked it, I know this little one did,” you asked as you moved towards the table and picked Judith up.
Rick straightened up a bit, savoring the taste in his mouth. "They're real good. Lori used to make 'em every sunday and they were awful, but god, I miss her..." He trailed off, realizing he had just brought up a piece of his past with a stranger. The atmosphere in the room shifted into a tense and awkward fog. Carl's eyes darted from his empty plate to Rick.
You weren't really sure what to say to the random burst of grief, so you simply responded with, "I'm sorry, if you ever need to talk about it, I'm here." Before Rick could reply, Carl quickly thanked you for the food and rushed out of the house. He didn't even bother taking his plate to the sink.
Rick muttered a "thank you" and stood up from his chair without finishing his food. You watched in disappointment as he walked out, the sound of the front door slamming echoing in the silent room. As if on queue, Judith began to cry.
Ik u probably hate me for that ending, but that’s what you guys get for not making requests 😊
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luvhughes43 · 8 months
i love life, thank you
a blake hughes au insta edit [au masterlist]
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liked by nhldrama, and 671 others
nhlwags insiders confirm that nico hischier and his teammates sister, blake hughes, have broken up. the couple hasn't posted each other in awhile, and theres been some ppl on twitter speculating if blake even liked nico in the first place.
tagged: blake.hughes, and nicohischier
view all comments
user01 theres no way this is fr
user02 "speculating if blake even liked nico" ... mind u this is the girl who was saving and liking edits of him before they got together AND who asked a fan to send her the vid of nico winking at her... she obvs likes him lmaooo
user03 ur talking about the guy who comments heart emojis under every pic and vid of blake he sees? bffr
user04 i hope they break up! he should be with me instead
user05 hes never gonna pick u girl!
user06 why's nico looking at me like that...
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes, trevorzegras, and 57 912 others
blake.hughes i love life, thank you
tagged: nicohischer
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nicohischier i love you!❤️
blake.hughes i love u more always🫂
nicohischier 👎
user05 oh she saw all of your guys comments!
user06 hottest nhl couple
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liked by blake.hughes, jackhughes and others
njdevils Cap'n Curlin'
tagged: nicohischier
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blake.hughes my mannn
liked by nicohischier
user08 blake showing her love... we won!
user09 blakes comment😭 theyre so cute fr
user10 hes so hot i feel sick...
user11 multi talented king
blake.hughes added to their story !
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blake.hughes added to their story !
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liked by blake.hughes, jesperbratt, john.marino97, and 28 013 others
nicohischer sweep the deck😈❤️
tagged: blake.hughes, and others
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jackhughes now what's with the last picture?
blake.hughes tired :(
blake.hughes taking pics of my man📸❤️
lhughes_06 insanely corny
blake.hughes oh my bad!
user19 we've gone over the devil emoji nico... its insane to use on posts about ur teammates sister!
user20 if theres one thing about nico its that he lovesss posting a pic of his teammates sister in bed!
user21 *his gf
user22 well yes... thats still jacks sister tho😭
user23 where tf is ur watch at?
user24 THEYRE SOOO💓💓
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
Okie dokey to give you some ideas...
May I request baji having a little sister whose a decade younger than him (like he was born in 1990 and she was born in 2003)? May I ask how would he (and by extention ryoko treat her?)
(Ofc if you don't like it or requests are closed rn please disregard it. Have a nice day :)))
I LOVE THIS!! Thank you so much for requesting!!
If Baji had younger sister, I feel like he'd try to be best brother. He genuinely would be so happy because he had to spend like 13 years as an only child and being only child is really lonely. So he definitely would be excited to have a sibling.
He'd definitely introduce her to his friends: Mikey, Kazutora, Draken, Mistuya and Pah-chin.
I like to think that he'd ask Mitsuya for advice since Mitsuya has little sisters and he'd gladly give Baji advice.
I feel like Baji often would give his sister piggyback rides very often and have her in his hands.
He'd be encouraging his sis when she'll be starting to take her first steps. He'd be like "Yes yes YES YES YOU'RE DOING WELL!"
When she's so little, he'll read bedtime stories to her and fell asleep with her.
He'd have a beef with a toddler if they take his sister's toy. Toddler is a kid too like his sis? So? So what? They took her toy!
He'd be so understanding and supportive to be honest.
He definitely would teach her things about fights and talk about Toman with her.
Watching movies together and for some reason his little sister ended up liking the goddamn horror movies which creeps him out.
Despite him being older, I feel like he'd play fight with her like a damn child her age.
He'd let her style his hair and probably would end up with the most ridiculous hairstyle.
For Ryoko, she'd be on the ninth sky from happiness to have another kid and she'd raise her with love and affection.
She loves her kids so much, they're her world and reason to live.
She'd give both of them equal affection and attention, tho the youngest would need more attention obviously, but Baji would help her because he loves spending time with his sister.
Lil sis: big brother, I'm going to be just like you!!
Baji: NO! No, no, no please mom is going to kill me.
Ryoko, just entering the room: Why would I kill you?
Lil sis: I want to be just like big brother!
Ryoko: Honey no-
Because let's be fr. Baji has...questionable habits. I'm pretty sure you'd also be worried if your kid just decided to be like her big brother who burns cars when he's hungry.
Lil sis, 14 yo: You're 27 years old, stop acting like a grumpy old man!
Baji: Fuck you.
Baji: Im giong wih my friands.
Lil sis: Okey but why this late?
Baji: Jutro touman.
Lil sis: Jutro? You know Bosnian?
Baji: Non
Lil sis: French too?
Baji: Whst are yu sei?
Lil sis: Sei? Italian?
Baji: Fuck you.
Lil sis: At least you can curse correctly!!
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b1ackbunny · 11 months
A Bada Lee smau-ish ff
pairing: bada lee x fem!dancer!oc (jia mei yu)
synopsis: bada lee wasn’t looking for love when it found her. jia mei yu couldn’t truly comprehend the feeling inside when she was with her, on and off the dancefloor. when these two dancers meet by chance, a bond is formed and uncharted territories are explored.
word count: ≈ 2.7k
warnings: definitely au-like… no mentions of swf or smf, uhhh idk any more, bad writing, friendly violence, a little inaccurate, unedited
previous: chapter 1
next: chapter 3
taglist (open): @badasgirlfriend
a/n: I feel like this started as looking like a filler but progressed gradually… anyways the way me and bada are fr married and have a cat, dog, & turtle 🤞🏽 she’s my woman fs!!! I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY <333 let me know if I should make a taglist
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Jia hummed as she made her way around the kitchen. It was the morning after exchanging numbers with Bada and sadly, they both didn't know what to text each other first.
Footsteps were heard trudging down the stairs and hall before the sleepy figure of Laura appeared in the kitchen walkway. She settled onto a chair by the kitchen table and loudly yawned. Jia glanced at her sister before continuing to make the two breakfast.
She peeked at her phone on the counter a couple of times—well, multiple—as she worked. No texts or messages from Bada had appeared yet. Jia slightly frowned before plating the breakfast. By this time, Laura had taken out two small boxes of coffee milk and moved to the dining table.
Jia brought the breakfasts over and set them in front of their seats. Laura thanked her before taking a bite. She watched as Jia glanced at her phone for another time and then sipped the coffee milk. Laura squinted at her sister and slightly leaned closer, drawing Jia’s attention to the girl.
“…Yes?” Jia asked with furrowed brows, starting her breakfast. “Why do you keep doing that?” Laura took a sip of her coffee milk before folding her hands. “Doing what?” The older sister questioned back as she continued eating her breakfast.
“Checking your phone every five seconds.” Laura immediately responded, signaling toward the device on the table. Jia’s eyes widened a little before returning to normal, flickering between her sister and her phone. “Oh, no big reason. Just waiting for a text.” Jia shrugged, looking down at her food and she continued eating.
Laura took a long sip of her milk before tsking. “I’m gonna call bullshit on this one. You don't even check your phone this much when waiting for work calls.” Jia rolled her eyes at her sister’s remark and scoffed.
“Just so you know you're completely wrong. I check my phone a decent amount of times for work calls.” Laura hummed in uncertainty and made a face before being shushed by Jia.
“But, fine… I’ll tell you. See, I'm not actually lying because I am waiting for a text.” Jia started, taking a moment to sip on the milk to try and conceal the budding smile that was ready to overtake her face.
Laura motioned her to continue, already pulling her legs onto her seat in anticipation. “I met this girl at YGX yesterday-” She was cut off by a scream from Laura who started clapping. A smile took over Jia’s features as she laughed and motioned for Laura to quiet down.
“Tell me more, I need to know more!” Jia ran her fingers through her hair, thinking back on the evening before. “She’s probably one of the most beautiful women—scratch that—beautiful human beings I’ve met in a long time. Her smile was so pretty, her laugh, when she danced…” Jia covered her flushed face silently screaming at herself to get a grip.
This caused more screams to be heard from the younger as she began to tease her sister. “How are you crushing this hard after just meeting her?” Jia removed one hand to wave off her sister before continuing on her rant.
“But at first I didn't get the chance to get her number, right? Hours later, guess who shows up at my practice room door?” Laura’s jaw dropped and she lightly tapped her table. “No way.” “That's what I was thinking. But then, she asked me for my number.” Laura shook her head in astonishment to which Jia nodded back with a laugh.
“She made me giggle. Giggle, Laura.” Jia stressed, slightly embarrassed after thinking about it. “How do you act like a dumbass and still pull? I don't even want to be like you, I need to be like you.” Laura confirmed with a nod causing Jia to deeply sigh and prop her hand against her forehead.
“I think I messed up my chances a bit though. I said I wanted to be friends.” Jia winced and closed her eyes, shaking her head. Should she have been more direct in her efforts? “Honestly, I think it's a good thing you said that. Get to know each other first, you know?” Laura truthfully examined the situation before nodding.
Jia raised her head and nodded in agreement. The two sisters finished up their breakfast before continuing their morning routines.
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Since Laura was spending the day filming at home, Jia didn’t need to prep Kija, their sphynx cat, for a day at home alone. Jia took this opportunity to get an early start to her day. It was currently 8 am and her first class began at 10 so she decided to go on a quick grocery trip beforehand.
Exiting the apartment, she locked the door before moving to the elevator. Once she left the complex, she walked to the nearest grocery store and initiated her journey through the aisles. Jia was about to call Laura when she saw the notifications that slid onto her screen.
No, it wasn't that Bada texted her, but it was that she followed her on instagram, twitter, and tiktok. A gasp left her mouth before she slowly covered her mouth. She made sure the aisle was clear before fist-pumping and hopping.
Regaining her composure, Jia cleared her throat before moving down the aisle, adding a couple of items in when necessary. After she paid at the register, she walked back outside and pulled her phone out of her pocket.
Jia stared down at her phone again before looking up, and biting down a smile. With a quick breath, she followed Bada back on the three apps. Almost instantly, Jia put her phone back in her pocket and walked home. 
Did she follow back too quickly? The thought loomed around the girl’s head, causing her to sigh before shifting her focus back to the trek home.
Once she reached the apartment, she placed the groceries in their respective areas, hugged Kija on the way to the door, and made sure to bring her car keys and dance bag.
Jia crossed the street and strolled over to her car. She placed the dance bag in the passenger seat before running over to the other side and hopping in the driver’s seat.
Today, she was spending most of the day at 1Million Dance Studio. She had 4 classes in total, three that she would teach and one that she would attend, which Jia knew meant it would be an easier day.
When she reached 1Million, Jia saw the digital clock read 9:15 a.m. This meant she had a little less than an hour to spare so she started scrolling through her tiktok for you page.
She liked and reposted a couple videos before deciding it would be best to head in early. Jia grabbed her possessions before leaving the car and walking toward the entrance.
It's been a little less than a month since she taught a class at 1Million, but when one of her favorites, Lia Kim, asked her to lead a class, she couldn't turn her down. One of the artists Jia’s most recently worked with was a new girl group called Kiss Of Life.
She loved the group’s vision and happily accepted when asked to choreograph a couple of dances for them. Today, she would teach her students the choreography of Sugarcoat by Natty.
Jia swung the bag over her shoulder once she reached the receptionist. She politely greeted her as she signed in before moving through the familiar hallways. Passing a few familiar faces, Jia entered the restroom.
She walked towards one of the sinks and washed her hands before reapplying her lipgloss. Jia examined her outfit in the mirror before putting her lipgloss in her bag.
The door to the bathroom opened but Jia didn't pay attention as she wiped around her lips. “Jia!” The mentioned girl pivoted toward the noise and a smile arose almost instantly.
“Oh my gosh! You guys almost gave me a heart attack!” Jia held a hand over her heart while she laughed. The two girls rolled their eyes with smiles as they made their way toward Jia.
They engulfed her in a group hug, squeezing her tightly. “It's so good to see you. I was stalking your Instagram and why have you basically only been dancing at YGX?” Redy jokingly quizzed the girl, pulling away from the hug and crossing her arms.
“My queen Leejung has kept me captive. But don't worry, you'll be seeing me more often.” Jia dramatically said before adjustng the bag on her arm. Debby patted her shoulder and shook her head.
“How come you didn't tell me you were having a class today? Also, why did I have to find out through Redy that you were coming to one of my classes?” Debby playfully squinted her eyes at the girl and mimicked Redy’s cross-armed position.
“I wanted to surprise you. You know I love you guys, you're like my 1Million babes.” Jia said with a pout, linking her arms around her two friend’s shoulders.
They laughed and set their heads on her shoulders. “I know I missed you and all, but please release me before I pee my pants. That's the reason we came here.” Redy spoke up, causing more laughs to erupt as the three unlinked, watching her run to a stall.
“I missed you guys. Please stop by one of my classes.” Jia said loud enough so Redy could also hear before waving goodbye as she exited the restroom.
Continuing her trek down the halls, stopping at times to greet familiar faces, she reached her dance class and saw that some students were already waiting outside. She looked down at the time, it reading 9:48, before looking back up and giving the students an impressed expression.
Jia entered and dropped her bag at the front of the room. She reviewed the dance until it was less than five minutes from the class’s start time, making sure to cut down the mistakes she might make while teaching.
Once she was done, Jia opened the door for the early students and greeted them as they arrived.
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Jia finished both her own class and Debby’s, so she decided to congratulate herself by taking her lunch break. It was a little after 2:00 and Jia exited the studio. She looked down at her phone and saw she accidentally left it on do not disturb for the duration of both classes and the 20-minute break in between.
She mentally winced as she saw the notifications roll in. Luckily, none of them seemed to be from her agency nor her work email. Jia reached her car and unlocked the door, climbing into the driver's seat before tossing her bag on the passenger seat.
The girl inserted the key into the ignition but didn't ignite it, silently scrolling through her notifications. Her eyes widened when she saw the multiple message notifications from a certain taller dancer.
Without another thought, she unlocked her phone and opened the messages. What she was met with warmed her heart.
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Meanwhile, during the moments leading up to that text back, things were a bit more chaotic on Bada’s side. Although she had a class she was teaching after texting Jia, the girl was slowly taking over her thoughts.
During the water breaks she found herself checking her phone a bunch. It honestly was a miracle she got through the full class without slipping up.
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Jia set her phone on the stand in her car. She looked into the mirror and fixed her hair a bit before she heard the ringing of her phone. She looked down at the incoming call and took a deep breath.
The girl waited a few moments before accepting the call. She leaned back in her seat and smiled when she saw Bada’s face pop up on screen. “Hey, you.” Bada teasingly said with a smile, propping her phone against her bag.
The girl on the other end could tell Bada was in a studio at Just Jerk by the wall behind her. “Hey, how have your classes been?” Jia asked as she ignited her engine. “They’ve been pretty fun! I taught some old and new choreo. What about you?”
Jia sighed with a smile, pulling out of her parking space and heading onto the road. “Mine are good so far, I taught a class and went to my friend’s class. I think you might know her.”
Jia’s eyebrows furrowed in slight thought before she turned a corner, glancing at the girl on the other end of the line. Bada wore a slightly confused expression before taking a sip of water. “I might, what's her name?”
As Jia approached a red light, she subconsciously leaned back in her seat and rested an arm on the center console. “Debby. She teaches at 1Million.” Bada’s eyes widened and she “ohed” in confirmation.
“Yeah, I know Debby! This makes a lot more sense why she- nevermind. Where are you going?” Bada changed the subject, not wanting to mention the series of replies from Redy and Debby to the girl.
Jia raised an eyebrow and glanced at Bada before brushing it off and answering the question. “Whenever I'm at 1Million, I usually go to this cafe not too far and get lunch.” The dancer explained, resting her head against the headrest and sighing at how long the red light was.
She noticed Bada move her face from the camera’s view and furrowed her eyebrows. “What's wrong?” “Nothing!” Bada quickly responded and after a couple of seconds, put her face back in the camera’s view.
On the other end, Jia shook her head with a smile before sitting up once the light turned green. “How long is your break?” Jia questioned, glancing at Bada as she lightly pressed the gas pedal.
“I don't have a class for the next 40 minutes,” Bada responded, causing Jia to hum before switching lanes. “That's good to hear,” Jia said with a smile that spread across the line onto Bada’s face.
“Are you sure I'm not bothering you while you're driving?” Bada randomly asked and Jia finally pulled into a parking spot by the cafe. “Of course not! Honestly, I like having you on the phone when I'm driving. You're like my virtual passenger princess.” Jia teasingly admits, looking anywhere but at her phone when she talked.
Risking a peek at Bada, she saw the girl hold a bashful grin, her cheeks reddened as she dipped from the frame. Once she returned, Jia leaned on the steering wheel and brought her face closer to her phone, deciding to spare the girl and not bring up her reaction.
“So Bada Lee, did you eat lunch yet?” The mentioned girl nodded, mimicking Jia’s movements and bringing her face closer to the camera. “Yes, I did Jia Mei Yu, a couple of hours ago.” Jia flippantly frowned before pushing off of the wheel and sighing.
“Well, I guess you'll just have to watch me eat.” The girl said with fake sadness and unbuckled her seatbelt. She pulled out her wallet and headphones from her dance bag and removed her phone from its stand.
Before exiting the car, she put on her headphones and connected it to her phone. Jia talked to Bada for almost the full duration of her time in the cafe, only directing her attention away from the girl when she talked to the employees.
Whenever Bada talked, Jia easily directed her concentration to her. She's a very active listener in general, but especially when it comes to Bada. She hung on each word Bada said, responding and commenting on some of her remarks.
When Jia talked, Bada couldn't take her eyes off the screen. Any sounds from the other rooms near her landed on deaf ears. All her attention was focused on the girl who lit up her screen.
She didn't know how Jia was able to absorb all of her attention without even being physically present. She nodded along to the girl’s statements and laughed at her jokes, even if they weren't always that funny.
The two grew closer together, staying true to their words on becoming friends. Although, at the back of their minds, they both hoped for something more.
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
26 ASKS!! :DD THANK YALL!! 🎉🎂🎉
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@ardent-38 @lime-ether @piperjistic @elegysonnet @storylover2 @forestrests
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(Sorry I'm a bit late!)
:DD Thank you!! My favorite might be plain vanilla 😋💖
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I have definitely heard of it and seen it around. :0 And I got a good taste of it from SMG4s video on it XDD I've thought about watching it in the past. Though hearing about that widely accepted ship.. Ehhh,, I'm not so sure now.. <XD
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:DD THANK YOU!! :}}}
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
XDD It really has. The poor guy is so conflicted. This really seems like a romantic moment. But surly she's just excited about her new form and doesn't understand the typical boundaries friends have.
Surly someone as beautiful and desirable as Blue.. wouldn't be interested in a old cookie like him.
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They're still on my blog, I never deleted them or anything. You just gotta go to my #undertale tag and scroll down a bit-
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@minnesotamedic186 (Post in question)
AWW!! Its might be a bit out of character for Blue, but its still a cute scene!! :DD
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@keakruiser (Sorry for replying a bit late!)
:DDD THANK YOU!! I had some giant cookies and cream cupcakes! 😋😋
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Huh, suprising!
....now what does Urchin taste like.. 🍴🍪
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Ooooo interesting!! :DD Though I wonder if this would change Barnaby and Howdy at all <XDD
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GASP!! Nooo not my boy! He would never do a crime. XD
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XD I think I have a couple of OCs that belong there--
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(Post in question)
Oh! Thank you for the info! :DD
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@candyglumboy (Post in question)
That could be an interpretation of it yeah :00 but to be totally honest, I haven't thought it all through yet..
The intention behind that comic is its showing that Eddie used to be a human. And now he's.. well. He's Eddie.
The comic was trying to show that there was someone he used to know when he was human. His sister? His mother? Someone.. He knew someone. And now that he's in the neighborhood.. she's gone. What happened to her? Who was she? Why do I miss her so much?.. Why.. am I crying? Why am I shaking?
"..What was I talking about.?"
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I think the 3 of them are no strangers to bloody scenes, but that wouldn't make seeing their Octokids so hurt any easier.. <:(( Now I'm not much of a writer, and idk if this is the kind of response you were expecting.. but none the less you have inspired me! :}}
I can see them offering their services if needed, but mostly just staying out of Peso's way and letting him do his thing. when everything winds down and they're able to see each other.. it would be tough. :((
Kwazii would be in high spirits as always despite the injuries. He would proudly tell Calico Jack about how he was bravely able to fend off multiple sharks! He expected a lot of enthusiasm from his Grandad.. "..Y-Ye did great Kwazii, ye protected yer crew well. I'm real proud of ya for that.." Instead he got a more.. somber response.
With the time Kwazii has spent with the Octonauts, he's gotten a lot better at reading people. Its not hard to tell when someone is shaken. His ears are pinned back, his tail is puffed up and flicking back and fourth.. its clear that Jack isn't taking this sight well.
Kwazii would probably sit up straighter. "Hey,, Grandad I'm.. I'm alright, ye don't need to worry." He'd gently grab Jacks arm, getting his attention. "I'll be alright, this isn't a big deal! Really, I'm ok! It looks a lot worse than it actually is."
Jack might take a deep breath and nod "..I know. I know you'll be alright, lad.." His ears were still pinned back. Kwazii frowns. "..I'm alright now Grandad. This is small, trust me.." Jack would pause.. but then nod. Seeing Kwazii so beaten is hard for Jack to stomach. But Kwazii is one tough cookie.. Just like him. He knows that things will be ok. Kwazii will be ok.. They're both ok..
When Marsh came in to see Tweak, he almost lost his composure. He knows Tweak is tough. And she's gotten hurt a lot growin up, this ain't nothin she cant handle. But gosh, this hurts. That's his little girl. It hurts so much to see her like this. She's collapsed in medbay, and has her leg all bound up in a cast.
"Pa! Heh, uh- sorry about all this. You an I were supposed to go out swimmin after that mission. I guess uh.. it'll have to wait.. heh.."
A deep breath, "Now don't chu worry bout none of that," He sat down beside her bed and pat her on the shoulder. "You just put all yer energy into gettin better. Ok? We can always go see the reef another time." His droopy ears and shaky voice wasn't helping his tough façade..
Tweaks pauses for a moment. But then offers her hand to Marsh. He takes it, confused at first.
"..I'm sorry I scared you pa.. I'll be ok.."
...Unable to reply, Marsh just nods. He sighs and wipes his tears away. Gripping Tweaks hand tighter. He sniffles, and just nods..
Natquik's meeting with Barnacles went a little smoother than the others. He is no stranger to the sight of blood. And knowing that Barnacles is tough as nails, he wasn't too worried about him.. but still. Seeing Barnacles in such a state.. it wasn't easy.
When Natquik came in, he placed a gentle paw on the bears shoulder. "Barnacles, how do you feel? Are your wounds bad..?" Barnacles' voice was gravelly and slow. He had a nasty headache after that facial injury.. "..Oh.. I'll be alright.. its nothing I.. cant recover from.."
Natquik pulls up a stool and sits beside him. "You gave me a big scare, you know. You must not do that to me! No more dangerous missions for you!" He said wagging his finger.
Barnacles chuckled. "That wasn't meant to.. be a dangerous mission. Things just.. got out of hand." Natquik nods. "Yes yes, I can see.." His tone seemed off at the end there..
"..Are you alright, Professor?" It takes Natquik a second to respond.. Seeming to think over his words. "Don't worry for me, Barnacles. I am better now that I have seen you. And you will heal fine, yes? So all is ok." His hesitation wasn't reassuring.. But he knows how Natquik is. So doesn't push it further. "Yes, despite the scene we caused.. most of these injuries are minor. We'll be.. alright." Natquik puts on a smile that cant truly be read. "That is all that matters, my friend."
ALSO WAAHAGA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD I'm so glad to hear you like my stuff!! And you're interested even when you don't know thE CANON? BESTIE I AM HONORED!! 😭😭💖💖😭💖💖
And of course I would respond! :DD I LOVE receiving comments/interaction with my work. Its the #1 thing I hope my posts receive! Now I cant respond to every single one unfortunately, but I do read them all and respond to as many as I possibly can!! :D I'll take this moment to give a big thank you to all that leave me messages/comments/asks! They're my favorite thing!! 💖💖🥰💖
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Thank you! :D Also OOOO CREATRURES! :DDD
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I don't have a master post for those, no.. it would take a ton of effort for me to comb through my entire blog to compile it all so I haven't done it..
You can find all/most of that stuff under my #octonauts tag and my #deltarune tag. I hope this helps!
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I did have a blue blanket for a time.. though that blanket doesn't actually exist irl-
Also man, that would take me forever to make. Bibi and the other's quilts were really small and easy to work with. I cant imagine all the time it would take for me in this state to make a full human sized quilt-
Plus I would have to draw the quilt with me whenever I draw my sona. Which would suck because then it would take longer for me to draw myself <XDD
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XD Thank you!! :D I'm so glad you like them! :}}
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murdrdocs · 1 year
cause i am in horrible pain 🙏
TYSM IM SO GLAD THAT PPL R ENJOYING MY WORK !! i hope u feel better btw luvie :(((( <3333 and i hope this helps in any possible way FLUFF + GN!
ethan tries his best when you're on your period. he's inexperienced, but not stupid. he has a sister so he knows how debilitating a period can be for someone. which is why he's kicked into action as soon as you send him a text.
' on my period rn so we can only hang if ur willing to lay in bed and binge watch cartoons with me '
he's at your apartment a little later than you expected him to be. you're limping to the door, craving the left behind warmth of your heating pad, and pulling the door open to see exactly why ethan was running a little late.
he holds the classic 'thank you ☺' bags in his hands, and you can slightly see through the transparent plastic to notice that he has the goods. it's not until he walks in and sets the items down on the dining room table that you see just how prepared he is.
midol, tylenol, 3 different chocolate brands, salty snacks, pads of different sizes, tampons.
you're staring at the bag, then at ethan, a small smile on your face. "i appreciate it, e, but these are things i already have."
his face blanches, and then it reddens. "oh ... yeah. i knew that." he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "i ... um ... didn't ask for a receipt so i don't think i can return this."
the giggle you let out isn't condescending, even though it's one of amusement. the sound is soft, and followed by a wince as a cramp stings low in your belly. you double over, holding onto the wooden furniture and holding a hand near your womb, silently wishing that this ball sized, uncomfortable knot would just fucking go away.
"are you okay?" he sounds more worried than he should, but you don't mind. you nod, "yeah," and turn away from the dining room to head back to your bedroom. "just feeling like complete shit."
you can hear ethan follow behind you, his shoes thudding against the floor. "right," he pauses and you hear shuffling. when he starts to walk again, the sound of his feet is softer, likely from just socks on hardwood. "is there anything i can do?"
you're turning into your room and he's right behind you. thankfully, you fall against the bed and instantly pull your heating pad onto your stomach. "just cuddle with me and keep the trash can in sight in case i hurl."
ethan nods sternly, instantly following your orders by pulling your small trash can to rest beside your bed and slipping his jacket off before he climbs in beside you.
your figure gravitates to his side and you instantly snuggle in, a pleased sigh leaving your mouth and your eyelids quickly getting heavier.
"were you watching 'bluey' before i got here?" you almost forgot about your computer which sits open to the australian kid show.
ethan doesn't even have time to tease you about it because you're falling asleep, and he's hitting play to watch it for himself.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
never feel ashamed that you're feeling. — miles 1610 with an emotional!adopted!younger sister!reader
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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summary: some people just love to rile you up and make you tear up, and those people never know what you're going through. but your big brother, miles, does—and he wants you to know that there's no shame in crying, no shame in feeling bad about it even if it didn't sound as bad to other people. genre: platonically angsty, fluffy, and comforting !! pairing: miles 1610 and an emotional!adopted!younger sister!reader word count: 840 request: miles with an adopted!sister who is very sensitive.(12 yo) so like, someone was making fun of reader and then miles saw a readers eye starting to tear up. what will he do?🤷🏻‍♀️ thanks you 💋😘 (you're the reason why i watched atsv) author's note: i need a kuya miles in my buhay i swear (ALSO I'M SO HONORED TO KNOW ANON WATCHED ATSV ALL BC OF ME, WHAT ... i'm cryin rn fr and in the mood to rewatch itsv since it released on netflix for us again FINALLY) i hope ya like this anon 🫂
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miles snuck into his room after swinging throughout the city as spider man, making sure the city would be safe for yet another day, that his family would stay safe for another day. his dad was still on patrol and his mom was taking the night shift at the hospital tonight, he would be the only one home—along with his darling little sister... who was sobbing her eyes out and crying aloud into the night over what some kids at school teased her heavily for.
miles heard her sobbing as he quickly changed out of his spider suit and into his home clothes, pretending he had just come home. he followed the sounds of your crying as he searched for you in the hallway. he called out your name all concerned, hoping you weren't hurt or anything, but all he got in response were bawls and broken, choked up sounds of 'get away, miles' and 'you can't help me'. miles stood by your doorway, his eyebrows crinkling upwards in worry over what happened to you. he stepped inside your room and sat beside your curled up, crying figure on the other side of the bed. "sis, wh... what happened? are... oh, what's wrong?" he asked you, worry pricking at his voice.
he handed you a handkerchief from his jacket pocket, which you took and dabbed away at your ceaselessly falling tears, as miles held you close, wrapping his arms around you, hoping you'd know that he's listening to you, he's gonna help you, any way he can, if you'd just... open up to him, be honest. "the kids... at school..." you began, sobbing into the handkerchief now as miles nodded, listening to every word you spoke and were to speak. "they... they kept teasing me, they... pointed out that... i look nothing like dad, that mom's not even... not even my mom, that... i'm no morales..." you whispered, your voice cracking as you wept even more, feeling the insecurity claw at you as miles looked at you in shock.
he knew a lot of kids were jerks, not all of them meant what they said, not a lot of them even knew they were being hurtful with their words—but to know that these kids at school kept reminding you that their family merely adopted you hurt him, too. this was a particularly painful topic for you to dwell on, because all your life, all you can remember was being rejected by people you hoped would love you—getting your heart stomped and trampled on every time you hoped you'd find a family whose love for you was unconditional and would last a lifetime and beyond that. of course, the morales family was just that kind of family you dreamed of; but with how often your heart had been hurt, had been pierced, torn apart, and neglected... you always had that fear that you would never truly be accepted, that you'd never truly have a family to call your own that'd also claim you as their own.
though miles doesn't care, he doesn't care that you might not look like him, nor were you carried by his mother and introduced to him and the rest of his family since you were born, but instead, he saw you still as his one and only beloved little sister that he'd give up the whole world—whole universe—for. he loves you dearly, even though neither of you share a drop of blood; he's here for you, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second—he refuses to let you think you don't belong here, when in the very first place, your place in the family was carved long, long ago when rio and jeff took you in and made you one of theirs. "hey, now... please don't cry, sis..." he pleaded with you as he pulled you close to him, sitting you up and wiping the tears away from your eyes, sadly smiling at you, hoping his smile would be contagious enough to get you to smile, too. "it doesn't matter, though, if you and i share DNA or not—what matters is that you're here now, you're a part of this family now, and you always will be. it doesn't matter what anyone else says, in here, in your heart, you're with us—always, and forever." he mutters to you with a smile as he embraces you, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your shoulders, patting you lovingly as you sobbed.
you wailed even harder at miles' endlessly loving reassurance, him being the big brother you never asked for, but got anyway—because even though neither of you share a drop of blood, a parent, or any history together prior to your adoption; he's here for you, always, and will always listen to your problems, hold you close, and be your ally for any and everything you do and undertake. he's your number one fan, supporter, and superhero—he's your big brother, and he always will be.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless
109 notes · View notes
marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Guardian (Part 1)
Sakumo Hatake x Sarutobi!Reader
Jiraiya x Sarutobi!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Synopsis: Your brother gave you an assignment, "Go ask Sakumo Hatake if he needs help with his newborn." It was a simple task, but it snowballed into so much more.
TW: Mention of death and suicide
The reader is the same age as the Sannins - 26 at the beginning
Sakumo is 38 at the beginning
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A/n: There will be multiple parts to this. I've never seen this concept before but it may be my favorite.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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Your fist hovered over the wooden door, unsure why you had suddenly grown hesitant. Your brother told you to see if Sakumo Hatake needed help with his newborn considering his wife died during childbirth. It was an assignment, nothing more. But something within you made you feel funny. You, of course, knew what was making you feel so funny, but you had to push it down.
The door swung open, making you jump in your spot, "Sakumo! Hello. Um…" Your mouth grew dry as he looked down at you expectantly. The area under his eyes was dark and heavy; you could tell he hadn't been getting any sleep. Raising a newborn was hard, but it must have been impossible when doing it alone. He nodded at you, encouraging you to continue. "I-"
A shrill cry hit your ears, and your eyes traveled inside the dark house. Sakumo sighed, "Do you or Lord Third need something? If not, I need to go soothe Kakashi-"
"No! No. That's why I'm here. Hiruzen asked me to check and see if you needed a hand." 
Sakumo grew silent at that, eyebrows creasing as he tried to figure out what to say. Kakashi's cries rose in volume, and your maternal instincts made you ansty, "May I?" Your question flew out before you could stop it, he needed help, and you knew he wouldn't ask for it.
He stepped to the side and allowed you inside his home. You moved toward the source of the crying before finally ending up in the nursery. Your lip curled into a sweet smile, eyes crinkling as you cooed down at the white-haired baby. 
"Hi there, Kakashi."
Sakumo stood frozen in the doorway as he watched your hands cradle the baby before bringing him out of the crib and into your arms, "Do you have milk? I can try rocking him to sleep" Sakumo nodded before silently leaving you two to grab the formula. You began to bounce Kakashi, coos and sweet words leaving your lips as you slowly calmed the babies screeching until all that came out were little whimpers. 
Sakumo returned a few minutes later with the formula and found you already in the rocking chair. You shot him a smile before extending out your hand for the food, "Thank you." Your whisper was soothing even to him, "Why don't you lay down? I can watch him through the night."
He liked that idea. He hadn't gotten much sleep in the past few weeks. Without another word, the older man headed to his bedroom, leaving you alone with Kakashi.
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3 Years Later
Over time, you had grown closer to the Hatake family and began dating Sakumo. Your brother was initially displeased with the predicament but accepted it once he saw how happy you were. As Hiruzen looked down at the adoption paper, he realized you loved this family more than anything else.
"Are you sure you want to adopt Kakashi?" 
You nodded at your brother before repositioning the child on your hip. Sakumo stood beside you, bouncing on his toes as he waited for Lord Third's approval. Hiruzen pursed his lips as he took in the three of you. "Are you two going to get married?" Your eyes widened at the question. Marriage was never brought up; it didn't seem like Sakumo wanted that. You didn't blame him, either. He had lost his wife three years prior, so even just dating you felt wrong. "I won't sign these papers until you promise to marry her someday-"
"My sister deserves a family, and a family includes marriage, not just kids." 
"Hiruzen, that is not true, and you know it-"
Sakumo cut off your angry words by grabbing your free hand, "I'll marry her. Don't worry about that part of it. Please, though, for right now, sign the papers. She already is his mother, but I want that to be legally true as well."
Your mouth and eyes were wide open in shock as you looked at Sakumo beside you. Was he being serious? 
"Very well," Hiruzen called out before plucking his pen from the desk. "I expect you two to be married within the year" Sakumo smiled at that before letting go of your hand to move towards your brother. "Thank you, Lord Third. For everything"
Hiruzen sent a glare up at the man. He really didn't intend for you to fall in love with the older man; all he wanted was for you to help. His eyes drifted over to you and Kakashi. A smile proudly adorned your lips as you held the three-year-old close to you. While Hiruzen didn't like how this turned out, he couldn't deny that your happiness made him feel better. Hiruzen sighed and handed the papers to Sakumo before leaning back. 
"Within the year."
Sakumo gripped the paper and nodded quickly, "Within the year. You have my word."
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The rain pounded down hard against your umbrella as you hurried back home with Kakashi. "Mama, do you think Daddy will be better?" Your blood ran cold at the question. Sakumo had done something against the Ninja code, causing many to turn their backs on him. It broke him, broke him harder than you could heal him. Kakashi's fingers dug into your hand at your silence, silently wincing at how the diamond ring bit into his flesh. His dad had been acting funny. Even though he was four, he knew something was wrong.
"I don't know, baby. I hope so," your voice trailed off as your eyes caught sight of the front door of your house. Sakumo was supposed to be going somewhere; you didn't expect him to return so soon. Your heart raced as you got closer. You tried to be around him whenever possible. It was the only way to keep him safe from himself. "Kakashi baby, sit here, okay? Mama is gonna go in quick." 
The four-year-old nodded before sitting in the chair on the porch, happily content with watching the rain. Your breath was shaky as you moved into the house, panic rising in your throat as you saw him on the floor. "Oh… no" Your lip trembled as you approached. Maybe he was just sleeping or relaxing.
Wishful thinking.
"Oh Gods," you cried out quietly, hand clasping over your mouth as you took in Sakumo's lifeless form. Your hand shook violently against your lips, pain seeping through you as you thought through what you needed to do. Who do you go to? Kakashi couldn't see this, but you couldn't just leave him. A name flashed through your head, causing you to inhale sharply. He was the only one who could help you.
You knelt to Sakumo, hand lightly brushing through his hair. His skin was cold against your hand, making you feel lightheaded. "I'm so sorry, Saku," you whispered before kissing his temple. Your tears fell onto his face, cascading down his features before landing on the floor below. Realizing that Kakashi would grow antsy and come in, you stood up and walked towards the door. 
Kakashi jumped in the seat as you emerged from the house again, "Is daddy in there?"
Your heart lurched at the question, but you ignored it and picked him up, "We are going to an old friend of mine. Okay?" 
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The roof extending over his front door did nothing to shield you and Kakashi from the rain. The young boy shivered against you, and you scolded yourself for forgetting the umbrella back at the house. You took a deep breath as you brought your fist up to pound at the door urgently. Retracting your fist, you pulled Kakashi deeper into you, hoping to warm him up. Your hair was sopping wet, and your makeup was ruined. You knew the man behind the door would be concerned. So you prepared for it.
But you weren't prepared for this.
The door swung open, and your eyes widened. The woman before you was scantily clothed, and you fought the urge to cover Kakashi's eyes. "Can I help you?"
"Uh… Is Jiraiya here?" 
She pursed her red lips at that before eyeing the child on your hip. "He's busy."
You breathed a sigh of relief, happy he was at least here. "I need to talk to him. Can you please-"
"Jiraiya! Who the hell is this kid!?"
Your eyebrows furrowed at her sudden shift in demeanor, but looking down at Kakashi made you realize what she was getting at. "Oh. No, no, this isn't-"
"What the hell are you yelling about-"
Jiraiya stumbled out into the hall before freezing at the sight of you and Kakashi. "Y/n" His voice sent you into a spiral as you took him in. He was wearing nothing but boxers, and he was out of breath. You eyed the pair before giving a sheepish smile. "Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt but-"
"It's okay…" he breathed as he heard the thickness in your voice. He knew you like the back of his hand, and he knew that something serious had happened.
"What do you need, baby?"
"Baby?! Who the hell is she?!"
"Akira, I think you need to go home-"
"Excuse me!? I'm your girlfriend. She needs to go home." 
"I need you," you called out between their arguing, not immensely enjoying being the cause of such discourse. Jiraiya nodded before heading back into the bedroom to get dressed. His girlfriend, Akira, as you learned seconds ago, stormed after him. Ranting and raving about how he was cheating on her. He ignored her, causing her to fly out and storm back towards you. "You think you can just come here and take him from me!?" 
"No. I'm-" You cut yourself off. Your next word was going to be 'engaged,' it was something you would say to the men at the bar, and it had become second nature when approaching the subject of dating. But it wasn't true anymore. Were you still engaged? Even if he was dead? You let your gaze fall to the floor. "I'm not interested in dating."
You hoped the words would calm her, but they only seemed to anger her. "So you're going to take him from me and leave him?! You're a real bitch-"
"Akira, that's enough. She's engaged."
Akira shut her mouth at that as she let her eyes travel to your left hand dangling by your side. You grew uncomfortable with her staring and adjusted Kakashi on your right hip. Jiraiya brushed past Akira before grabbing your left hand, "Come on. Take me to where you need me." 
You nodded before pulling him with you toward your home. Akira still screamed at him, crying out how she'd never see him again if he kept going, but he didn't listen. His only concern right now was you. You, however, couldn't help but feel bad for causing a fight. "So sorry for that-"
"She doesn't matter right now; what's going on?"
His words were sharp with a warning. You came before everyone else; no one could replace your importance to him. You eyed Kakashi, who looked up at the big man with wide eyes, he had never seen anyone so tall before, and while he was shy, he couldn't help his curiosity. "Mama, who's this?"
"An old friend of mine, Kakashi. His name is Jiraiya."
"He's tall."
You smiled softly at his awe-struck face, but it quickly fell once you realized you'd have to explain what happened in a few moments. Jiraiya didn't like that you weren't verbally telling him what was going on, but your actions and demeanor had him connecting the dots. 
The house came into view, and you picked up the pace, anxiety filling your chest as you once more set Kakashi on the chair. "We will be right back, okay? Stay here. Do not come in."
"Mama, I miss Daddy." 
Your wince went unnoticed by Jiraiya as he entered the house. "I know, baby, I know. Just please stay here and do not come in" Kakashi bit his lip but nodded. Pressing a kiss to his temple, you started towards the door.
Jiraiya knelt beside Sakumo, fingers pressed into his neck as if checking for a faint pulse. "I don't know what to do" Your words were soft as you moved to him. Jiraiya looked up at you sadly as if apologizing for not finding a pulse; it made you sick. "We need to get your brother-"
"What about Kakashi? He needs to know. How do I… How do I even tell him what happened?"
Jiraiya didn't say anything. For he didn't know how to tell a child that their father was so sad he couldn't keep living. He couldn't bear it. Turning on your heel, you headed back to Kakashi. You wouldn't tell him everything, just enough for his little brain to understand.
The cool air hit your face as you exited the house, lips trembling as you prepared for the most brutal talk of your life. "Can I come in now, mommy?" You shook your head before kneeling in front of him. How the hell were you going to do this?
"Daddy's not okay, is he, mommy?"
You shook your head at him, tears brimming along your lash line as you fought the urge to throw up. "Daddy is not okay," your confirmation caused his brown eyes to well up with tears as you ran a hand through his wet hair. "Can I say goodbye?" You winced at the question before shaking your head no at him. A cry flew from his lips, and you drug him into your embrace, "I'm sorry, baby. Just know he loved you more than anything. Okay?" This would be his first time experiencing death, and you would have to help him through it. You had to be strong for him. 
There was no time to mourn.
Kakashi sobbed into your shoulder harder as you rocked him back and forth, cooing and promising him that you were there. Jiraiya stood by the door, watching you comfort the child. He knew you would push the emotions down until you exploded. You would put Kakashi first. Rightfully so, of course, but as he watched you both comfort and fight off your own pain, he realized you needed him around.
Akira would not like this.
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prettyinpikk · 6 months
What Cha' Gonna Do For Me
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Part 2 of Ain't nobody. Part 1 here
Chaka Khan inspired fem!black reader x Sevika
I decided to make this a series with many different parts and a lot of tea to come 👀. I'm trying to feed y'all fr 🤭 but I hope you enjoy.♡
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You enter for your next shift at the Last Drop going to the back to get ready quickly because you were already a bit late cause of your son Camron, not wanting to let you leave, having to put him to sleep while your sister watches him.
Going to the dressing room you put on your green matching set and touched up your hair and as you're walking out, you see the one and only Sevika herself kickin it with her poker friends with a cup of her favorite whiskey and a half lit blunt resting in-between her thick lips. From what you could see, she was in her element admiring her from where you stand. Your band mate had to remind you what you were really there for by calling your name to move your butt to the stage.
“Right, sorry I'm late. Baby boy wouldn't let me go.” Laughing it off as the band all dismissed it, knowing it's hard taking care of a kid by yourself.
“Alright, let's get this show started.”
At the sound of your voice being illuminated by the mic, Sevika looks up to the stage to see you getting into the song. At this point, she forgot about the card game she so easily could win. Instead, she's invested in the graceful voice that has taken up her senses. She couldn't stop staring at the gorgeous Black woman who danced and sang on the stage in front of her.
As you sang you take notice to Sevika’s staring so you take the advantage of the song changing and move to dance in the opened bar space, moving to dance towards her while singing, you realize damn near the whole bar was looking at you like you lost your last mind turing back to the stage you continue your show ending a bit early to let the band play for the rest of the night you walked over to her table and as you make you way over there everyone gave their attention to you, the group applauded for you as you thanked them shyly.
“Aww thank you. There's no need for that, really.” Smiling sweetly at them, you turn your full attention to her. “I was wondering if it was okay if I sat with you?”
Sevika takes this opportunity to really have a conversation with you without being interrupted, and she can finally ask you about that kid you’d mention. She then tells her poker friends to leave you two. “Have a sit doll face.”
“Doll face, that's new. I bet you call all the pretty ladies that, huh ya flirt.” Sending her a smirk of knowing.
“Well seeing that you are one of those pretty ladies, it seems so.”
Humming back a reply, you sit in a small silence, sensing that she wants to ask you something. “You look like you want to ask me something, so ask it.”
Sevika shifts in her seat before exhaling the smoke from her mouth. “So about that kid, how old are they?”
“Hmm straight into okay. Um, well, my boy Camron is 3, and he's turning 4 next month. How about you, got any kids?”
At this, Sevika barks out a laugh and shakes her head. “Hell no, you wouldn't catch me walking around with no brat.”
“Why they got to be a brat? What's wrong with kids away, I think they're cute.” You say with certainty, folding your arms over your chest, leaning forward on the table.
“Yeah well you just keep thinking that. They're just little pests that grow up to play loud music in the middle of the night while you try to sleep. That's what they are.”
“That sounds very specific. Are you beefin’ with a child, Sevika?” Laughing at her very serious and aggravated face.
“Beefin’ please, I despise the little maggot she's always over the place and has these mental breakdowns and expects me to fix them.” She huffed out already over it.
“Oooh let me guess, it's Jinx that you're talking about. Yeah, she's wild, but she's a sweet girl from the times I've talked to her.”
“Tch you don't know half of it.”
“Aw don't be too hard on her Vika. We used to be the same way when we were small she just trying to figure it out is all. Now give me them cards so I could kick yo ass in some spades. Oh, and don't act like I didn't see you staring at me while I was singing.” You say in a cocky tone with a smile on your face.
“Oh really now, don't go crying home when you lose love, and I was admiring the performer like everyone else.”
“Please lady I saw you looking into my soul, plus I had to go through all 7 of my uncles and my 3 of my aunties to get at least one win so I know you can't be that good because I can definitely hold my own in a game of spades.”
“Well that's not going to matter when I win. You want to put something on it?”
“HAHAAA hell no, that's my grocery money girl, you must be crazy.”
“Well it was worth a shot. So what does your kid dad do?” She asked, watching you shuffle the card deck.
You paused shuffling for a second, not expecting to go over those memories of Camron's dad again. “Don't know probably off somewhere with the broad he fucked.”
“Oh… I didn't mean to…-”
“No you're good, you were just curious and plus it was a while ago. Now back to this game don't get soft on me now.”
“Mhm you wish.”
“First one to win 5 rounds buys another one to drink.”
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lunabug2004 · 3 months
I am deceased after MLMU(TH) Ep.3
KongthapAtom has killed me. They are too cute. That's all for this episode review, thank you.
Okay but fr, this episode was tooo adorable, I enjoyed it so much I think it might be my favorite so far!
Atom is actually the cutiest patootiest to ever exist and that's a fact. Sorry, not sorry 🤷‍♀️
Also can we talk about Fourth's characters always being fatherless... it's kinda funny but also my poor babies!
Atom and Mudmee being besties & helping one another is my fav thing ever! Normally I don't care much for the straight side couples in shows but ya'll I am rooting for Mudmee so hard! Get your man!
Anyways, back to KongthapAtom: Kongthap is already so gone for Atom and I love to see it! Him realizing that 'cute' was the word he wanted to describe Atom as was... 🥹🥹🥹 so cute!!! And then just Atom being whipped... 😩. Like I said, I am deceased bcs of the adorableness of these two!
Two more things I want to mention: first is the Sodium-Radium-Potassium callback... my MSP/TinnGun heart screamed lemme tell youuuu! MSP is my favorite Thai BL and one of my comfort shows so all the callbacks are both breaking and healing my heart all at once! But this one especially... you can ask my sister I gasped so hard I coughed 😂
The second is Fourth's acting in the "we're just classmates" part. I will forever praise his acting, esp his facial work. He's just so good! You could see all the sadness and frustration while also just wanting to get the heck outta there. He broke my heart but he does it so well I can never be mad...
That's my mini-review of ep 3! I really hope that the haters have stopped watching at this point so my feed doesn't get filled with complaints like it did last episode. I am really, really enjoying this show and I am so impatient during the weeks waiting for these episodes it should probably be studied tbh. I hope y'all enjoy hearing my thoughts cuz I like making these episode posts! <3
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, homophobia (as a joke), and one poop mention
Desc: the boys are trying to find out how cat boys defecate
Mikey: it doesn't matter
Mikey: if Kazutora was a real cat boy he would shit in a litter box
Mikey: that's all i'm saying🤷‍♂️
Baji: don't say that then tf??
Mitsuya: usually i don't ask but this seemed unprovoked
Mitsuya: what are you guys talking about
Mitsuya: i'm gonna regret asking this tbh
Kazutora: i shit in the toilet just fine thank you
Kazutora: and i never claimed to be a cat boy😭. i'm just a boy that loves cats
Mikey: you said, and i quote "yeah i think i'm a catboy"
Mikey: fucking slut
Draken: then leave him alone? like what's the issue
Mikey: oh here comes sensible Ken-chin to save the day with his common sense that will most likely save hours of arguing🙄
Draken: 😐
Kazutora: ok fine maybe i said that but i didn't mean it like that. i meant i was a boy who also happened to like cats. Mikey you aren't listening to me
Kazutora: also why am i a slut???
Chifuyu: i mean
Kazutora: bro??
Chifuyu: no i'm joking lol
Baji: he's not
Mikey: it's your waist
Mikey: and your piercings
Mikey: you're a literal whore
Draken: Mikey
Draken: shut the fuck up
Baji: go fuck his sister to spite him
Draken: dude
Draken: can you ever be normal
Baji: nah
Kazutora: nothing's wrong with my waist?
Baji: you wear crop tops sometimes
Mikey: and your twink like, feminine like, small torso tempts those around you
Baji: don't get me started on those nipple piercing bruh, had me creaming all over the place
Mikey: chill😕
Mitsuya: of course
Mitsuya: of course this is an argument you guys are having
Chifuyu: yeah guys leave him alone
Baji: are you typing with both hands? 🤨
Chifuyu: yes????
Chifuyu: 😭
Smiley: these damned homosexuals bruh
Smiley: sorry thought i was dming Angry
Angry: homosexuals are fine!
Angry: Smiley's homophobic, not me
Angry: please keep that in mind
Angry: i was going to reply with something along the lines "well i like gay people because they slay"
Kazutora: idk man i just feel like i'm being attacked for no reason
Mikey: stop being slutty then!
Baji: only be slutty in our apartment bro
Baji: problem solved 👍
Mikey: wait
Mikey: bro chill i was joking
Mikey: dress anyway you like fr
Draken: don't listen to them Kazutora, they're all delusional
Kazutora: ok...
Kazutora: i am a boy that likes cats and that is all
Hakkai: sorry to interrupt
Hakkai: but does that mean that Inupi's a dog boy
Koko: puppy boy in particular
Angry: bro came out of nowhere
Mikey: lol
Mikey: came out
Mikey: get it
Mikey: cause he's gay
Angry: i believe it's bi
Kazutora: i don't think it's gay to think Inupi's hot
Mikey: why not
Kazutora: he's pretty like a girl
Mikey: he has a dick and balls
Kazutora: ok fine 🙁
Smiley: koko and inupi
Smiley: they're the gays i hate the most tbh
Draken: dude can u stop 🤨
Smiley: no
Smiley: watch me tell Emma you're half gay
Draken: she knows mf😐
Smiley: i wanna call you guys a homophobic slur so bad rn
Kazutora: dude you can't do that
Kazutora: it'll hurt Baji's feelings
Baji: nah i'll just beat his ass
Kazutora: lol cause you're gay
Baji: ...
Baji: yeah?
Kazutora: what?
Baji: yeah? cause i like dudes?
Kazutora: ...
Kazutora: 😯
Baji: ain't no way bruh
Mikey: Tora you fucking idiot man
Draken: L
Kazutora: what'd i do???
Baji: did u think me being attracted to men was a joke
Kazutora: yes...
Kazutora: it's not??
Chifuyu: 😟
Baji: so all the times i physically grabbed your ass...that didn't ring a bell?
Mikey: or the times he stared deeply into your eyes and told you he loved you
Kazutora: i thought you were being sus with the homies
Baji: c'mon man
Baji: bro this isn't even funny
Baji: i thought we had smth fr
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Mikey: Kazutora rn lol
Chifuyu: 💀
Draken: lmao
Smiley: Draken chuckled ☺
Smiley: he found the joke funny🤣🤣🤣🤣
Draken: let's go outside
Smiley: nah bruh you gon beat my ass
Kazutora: Baji let's talk bruh
Angry: he emphasized the 'bruh' which means he doesn't have romantic feelings for you
Angry: sorry Baji
Baji: fuck off megamind pubes head ass
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Mikey: Baji rn
Baji: i'm gonna shove a cactus in every crevice of you body
Mikey: bro's mad
Baji: ayt
*Baji has gone offline*
Mikey: bro thinks i'm scared
Draken: why r you trying to find a place to hide
Mikey: i'm just looking for my phone
Draken: ...alr
Draken: ...
Mitsuya: what
Draken: Baji
Draken: where'd you get a cactus that big that fast?????
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