#( event; springtide bash. )
jemmaxlawson · 5 months
location: Animal Acres
"Olaf, get back here!" Jemma shouted, fully aware it'll attract unnecessary attention towards her. But what else could she do when the sneaky pup had taken advantage of the single second she'd let her guard down. Bringing him along was a bad idea, she knew it the second she'd put that leash on him. She knew exactly how overly excited the pup would get around so many people and other animals yet she'd seen it as the perfect opportunity to work on his obidience. But it turned out the joke was on her since she was the one to learn her lesson. "I'm sorry," she was almost out of breath by the time she caught up to the naughty pup. "Did he destroy anything of yours already?"
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rhysbradley · 5 months
LOCATION: Retro Nouveau Gallery, Springtide Bash
WITH: open starter (currently no cap)
"I know art is supposed to make you feel all sorts of euphoric shit but," Rhys paused to take a sip of his drink. "All this is makin' me feel is broke." he pointed his coffee cup towards the price on one of the paintings, which made his heart fall through to the floor. "Kinda makes me want to take some shrooms, paint somethin', and see how much I could sell it for as art." he mused for a moment.
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kianlawson · 5 months
Location: Animal Acres (3/4)
He stood back, watching his nephews with a fond smile as they fed the goats at Ocean Bounty Bazaar. The annual event always brought the community together in such a wonderful way. Peering over at the person beside him, Kian remarked, "I'm really glad they do this once a year. It's the best way to get families together, don't you think?" His eyes crinkled at the corners as his smile widened. "The kids love it. Hell, I think I love it just as much," he added with a chuckle, turning his attention back to his nephews who were giggling as the goats ate from their hands. 
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axelhughes · 5 months
Location: Food Truck Rodeo (3/4)
Peering around at the bustling food truck rodeo, Axel took in the sights and smells. The field was covered with food trucks and people enjoying the different cuisines. As he waited in line, his impatience grew with each passing minute. He tapped his foot, checking his watch again. "Are these things always this packed?" he asked the person in front of him.
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hazalyildizs · 5 months
Location: Wind Riders Skyfest (4/4) CAPPED
Hazal liked volunteering when she could find the time, today she was helping kids with the kite making for the springtide bash. The girl she was helping was adorable. While focusing, her tongue poked out adorably as she tried to keep the scissors steady. It took a few minutes of her turning her back to help another kid, when she felt the hem of her sundress being tugged. The young girl had lost her scissors and needed a replacement. She scanned the crowded crafting tables and spotted an extra pair of scissors nearby. Catching the eye of the stranger sitting there, she gave them a smile. "Excuse me, would you mind if I borrowed those scissors for a minute?"
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nikhilxkohli · 5 months
status: closed for @lincolnreid location: at the springtide bash
This was definitely one of the best times to be in Wilmington with the springtide bash happening because it provided a little more excitement in the air and things seemed to be going well. Nikhil had been mid-gulp of the lemonade he had in his hand when he heard the announcement. Given how new he was to town, he was a bit perplexed and glanced at the person nearest to him. "So if you're a local--you want to fill me in? What's going on?" Some of the last names mentioned sounded familiar but Nikhil was still pretty unsure of what was happening. He knew some of the history in regards to the death of the mayor all those years ago but everything else was just confusing to him. "Why are they bringing it up 30 years later? Just get the man arrested and call it a day you know?"
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irzaozer · 5 months
Location: Starlight Viewing Party (2/4)
After setting up his telescope, Irza looked around and watched the person next to him struggle with their telescope. At first, he let them be, but after witnessing them fiddling with the knobs and dials for the past five minutes—growing more and more frustrated by the second—he decided to help out. "Here, let me take a look." After leveling the telescope, he peered through the eyepiece and made a few adjustments before stepping back. "There we go. You should be able to see the stars now."
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safiadecastilla · 5 months
LOCATION: Animal Acres, Springtide Bash
WITH: @shivanixrao
"See," Safia bent down to scratch the head of a goat. "Is this not one of the best reasons to have the day off work?" she looked up at her boss, a wide grin pinching her cheeks. Besides, she really couldn't see many people booking onto dance classes when the Springtide Bash was just about around every corner of Wilmington.
She rose to her feet again, brushing off the straw and dust from her legs. "Please tell me you're coming to the Mystery and Meals Night. Those actors always get wild and honestly, I get super into the performance they do." Safia was all about theatrics, which was perhaps why she found such ease slipping into her stripper alter ego in the evenings.
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shivanixrao · 5 months
location: at the beach for the starlight viewing party closed for @axelhughes
As she walked along the beach towards the starlight viewing party, she was glad to have Axel by her side. She loved all things astronomy and living in New York for most of her life meant that she hardly ever got to see the stars so clearly. But here in North Carolina it was so much easier to see the vast night sky and tonight was going to be even more special given how they'd use the telescopes to get an even closer look at them. "I'm so excited for tonight, but also--how was your day? Did you do anything fun earlier for the springtide bash?" Shivani had been in town for five years now and so she'd seen the event before and truly looked forward to it but this was Axel's first time so yes she was quite excited to hear how he felt about it. "I was at the food truck rodeo earlier and honestly think I ate too much food..." she chuckled softly before leaning her head gently against his shoulder.
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mahiragarcia · 5 months
Location: Retro Nouveau Gallery (2/4)
Mahira tilted her head as she studied the abstract painting, trying to decipher its meaning. The swirls of vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes seemed to dance across the canvas. What it all meant was lost to her. She turned to the person standing beside her, a curious smile playing on her lips. "What do you think this is supposed to represent?" she asked. She was here in support of her sister and since Sara mingled with the other guests, she was left alone. 
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samiraxiyer · 5 months
status: closed for @chloeanurak location: Retro Nouveau Gallery at springtide bash
Back when Samira was childless in San Francisco, she'd been very immersed in the art scene there but had lost touch once the responsibilities of her daughter had become her priority. But now that Maya was older and they were living in a brand new place, Samira was trying to return back to some of the old hobbies she loved once upon a time. She noted a familiar face staring at one of the paintings and made her way over there, taking a sip from her drink before she spoke up. "So--what's your opinion on this modern interpretation of Monet?" Did she sound slightly pretentious, maybe--but she'd just glanced at the little description in front of the painting.
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cptnhook · 5 months
idle time is the devil's plaything. those were his therapist's words and although he could make complete sense of them, there's no indisputable guide to keep his mind clear and his impulses under control. he opened a club, remained sober, and yet there's something about being in a beautiful town with no actual friends that drives him right back to the precarious position of overthinking and overanalyzing everything around him. then comes the temptation; the temptation to drink, the temptation to let loose and escape.
attending the 'springtide bash' was meant to do just that. The art displayed around the gallery was like a vacation; a place he could safely travel into the dreams of others. he could experience their desire, fear, love, and their heartbreak. or maybe those interpretations were just projections of his own feelings. perhaps the lone sailboat on a stretch of dark water meant the artist enjoyed being by himself and longed for the quiet. to him, it felt lonely, isolated, and pushed away.
maybe having a drink wouldn't be so bad...
his lapse in judgement was momentarily distracted by another's company. "are you a fan of art or are you just bored like me?"
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rhysbradley · 5 months
LOCATION: Wind Riders Skyfest, Springtide Bash
WITH: @samiraxiyer
Rhys had very little intention of avoiding Samira, especially now he knew that she was living in Wilmington, instead of her presence being some fleeting visit. If anything, he knew that avoiding her would likely make things more awkward. And for both of their sakes, they needed to know how to live amongst and around one another for their own sanity.
He had spotted Maya before Samira, who was stood a few feet away from the kids table, keeping a watchful eye on her daughter. With purpose, he strode towards Samira, pausing once he was stood beside her, clearing his throat gently. "It looks like Maya is settling in well." he commented, his eyes following her as she laughed and giggled along with the other children working on their kites.
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amosdeleon · 4 months
closed starter for @kianlawson
where: the springtide bash
Amos had jumped into damage control mode as soon as the announcement could be heard through the speakers at the large town event. He'd immediately jumped to acting with Rhys, clearly knowing fully well that his friend needed whatever support that Amos could provide, even if he kept saying that he didn't necessarily need anyone. The news affected Kian in a way too, maybe not as closely, but Amos still decided to check on him right after. "You know, for two tall men, you were incredibly hard to find in this crowd." Amos teased his best friend, offering him a small smile as he patted his back. "That was...something, huh?"
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wilmingtoncrp · 5 months
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It’s that time again. The city of Wilmington is happy to announce the 18th Annual Springtide Bash! This event will take place from Saturday, May 11th, to Sunday, May 12th—celebrating the beauty and charm of our coastal town. Get ready for a weekend filled with exciting activities, delectable food, and unforgettable memories.
Saturday, May 11th:
Kick off the Springtide Bash with the grand reopening of the Retro Nouveau Gallery. Immerse yourself in the world of art while sipping on delightful cocktails at the Canvas & Cocktails soiree. Mingle with local artists and art enthusiasts as you explore the gallery's captivating exhibits.
Continue your day at the Ocean Bounty Bazaar, where local chefs will showcase their culinary prowess using the freshest seafood from the Atlantic. Indulge in a variety of dishes that highlight the flavors of the sea. 
Not a fan of seafood? We’ve got you covered. Head on over to the Food Truck Rodeo, where regional food trucks will offer an array of cuisines to cater to every palate.
In the afternoon, let your creativity soar at the Wind Riders Skyfest. Participate in a kite-making workshop and learn the art of crafting colorful kites. Then, put your skills to the test in the kite-flying contest. 
After sunset, gather at the beach for the Starlight Viewing Party. Join astronomers and gaze at the stars through high-powered telescopes and discover the wonders of the night sky.
Sunday, May 12th:
Begin your morning at Animal Acres, where you can interact with adorable farm animals and engage in agricultural activities perfect for the whole family. 
Then, unleash your inner artist at the Sculpting the Shore Contest, where participants will compete to create the most impressive sand castles along Wilmington's pristine beaches.
As the evening approach, prepare for an unforgettable experience at the Mystery and Meals Night. Immerse yourself in an interactive theater performance while savoring a delectable dinner. Let the talented actors guide you through a electrifying mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Throughout the weekend, don't miss the Jazz & Blues Weekend Harmony, featuring live performances by renowned jazz and blues musicians. Let the soulful melodies and smooth rhythms transport you to a world of musical bliss.
The 18th Annual Springtide Bash promises to be an unforgettable celebration of Wilmington's vibrant community and stunning coastal setting. Mark your calendars and join us for a weekend filled with art, music, food, and adventure. Get ready to create lasting memories in the heart of Wilmington!
Everyone is encouraged to participate! But as it can be a hassle, please feel free to continue your previous threads.
The event will run from May 11th at 12:00PM EST to May 19th at 12:00PM EST.
Do not create anymore event thread after May 19th, but you are more than welcomed to continue writing them.
You may tag the event under - event: springtide bash 01
Have fun!
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safiadecastilla · 5 months
LOCATION: Jazz and Blues Weekend Harmony; Springtide Bash
WITH: @amosdeleon
"Hey you." Safia moved forwards in the crowd to stand beside Amos, his tall frame towering over hers. Her hand reached to gently tug on the sleeve of his jacket, her eyes remaining forwards as she watched the band on stage. She always made sure she was off work during the Springtide Bash because it meant two whole days of pure unadulterated fun, in the town she called home, with the people she loved.
"Are you here with anyone?" she mused, trying to maintain appearing aloof. Finally, she dared to glance up at Amos, her eyes full of curiosity, although still mindful they were surrounded by others.
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