#( ed westwick tw )
angelstills · 2 years
content warning for Chalet Girl
starring Ed Westwick TW: sexual assault, rape
workplace sexual harassment, alcohol, recurring flashbacks to a car crash, discussion of parent death
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ilovetheaffection · 3 years
ric’s faces that I can remember: a list by grandma ( these do not include random M!A ones from the mid two thousand tens )
e.d we.stwick ( let me die pls id rather ) ro.bert patt.inson jo.seph mo.rgan co.lin o.donoghue aa.ron t.veit ( current face )
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derekryu · 6 years
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veronica lodge (riverdale): I want ships named after me, not horses.
london tipton (suite life of zack & cody): well, how much do you need? [maddie: $250. it’s a lot.] it is?
fallon carrington (dynasty): I’m evolving [monica: that’s mature.] it’s a pain in the ass.
chuck bass (gossip girl): my impulsive tendencies have no place in my life as a legitimate businessman.
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cleocazo · 7 years
anyway in case y’all needed any reminder on this fine day, ed westwick doesn’t deserve anything other than to choke on his own spit - which’ll hopefully happen any day now !! come send me ur shoutout requests or rp horror stories or smth and save me from the mood this r*pist stan tryna argue with me put me in, pls !! 
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nyxvuxoa · 4 years
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Ed Westwick in Wicked City (2015)
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strideofpride · 3 years
Based off Safran's response, I'm pretty sure this is what they used at the CW Upfronts in 2007. It was def not fan edited though. Like the edit simply SCREAMS 2007. But it’s clearly not official because they spelled Chace’s name wrong lmaooo.
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harvey-guillen · 3 years
pls do the main men of gossip girl
Ed Westwick
This is based solely on looks and not the horrible things I’ve heard about him
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
Chase Crawford
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
Penn Badgley
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
Matthew Settle (bonus)
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
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when will people get it though their heads that innocent till proven guilty doesn’t apply to rapists? when a rape victim tells their story you support and encourage them cause this isn’t just about this one specific case, it’s about people being frightened of speaking up against their rapists because of their power or popularity which will eventually lead to people calling them liars. stop going all around looking for the littlest details trying to debunk their stories and consider the fact that traumatized people tend to push the event that caused their trauma out of their minds, consider all of the fucking pressure they’re under bc people like you exist and they’re trying their best to prove them wrong instead of questioning the person accused, a rape victim remembering their story vaguely or missing a few details doesn’t mean they’re lying you dipshits, and an accused rapist is not innocent UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT.
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heckyeahdonniedarko · 7 years
To all the people who defend rapists and shame the victims all I got to say is ....
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ilovetheaffection · 3 years
stuff that haunts my nightmares: a list by grandma
when people I don’t know approach me for smut.
when people I literally have known 5 minutes figure out my real name and use it on me. Listen, how? Did you deep dive the web?
Old Steve from En.dgame ( I’m dying on this hill. )
When someone I used to write with told me words that Ric and Aria would say that they absolutely would never ever say.
Ric being E.d We.stwick when I originally made him. What a fucking yikes.
the tiktok audio about rachel and ross and emily and how he can’t see her anymore. tbh i didnt care when it first aired. i don’t care about it in your povs.
the rpc canceling people over fc’s.
that time on my.space when someone hated me for no reason, threatened to have all my accounts deleted, and told me to unalive myself multiple times.
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cleoselene · 7 years
anyone still supporting Ed Westwick at this point is an actual terrible person who cannot accept that their fave is a predator who belongs in prison
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elizabethwydevilles · 7 years
So if you've been following me for a while, you probably know I was a big Ed Westwick fan. Obviously no longer.
I 100% stand with Kristina Cohen and other victims.
Her instagram is a cesspool right now so if you want to leave her a supportive comment, go here: http://instagram.com/kristinamariecohen (I'm hoping that she isn't reading the comments though, but support never hurts.).
I struggled to decide what to do with my graphics, etc featuring him - It's been a while/years since I made anything new but they do occasionally get reblogs. Deleting felt dishonest, like I was trying to hide the fact that I was a fan, but I'm not comfortable with them continuing to be on my blog.
In the end, I've decided to delete everything featuring him. There's a huge amount of reblogs so it will take me a few days at least to sort through all the posts and I can't quite bring myself to look at anything right now, but I will be doing it over the next week.
To anyone accusing Kristina of lying, of doing it for 15 minutes of fame:
The amount of people who lie about being raped is very small, especially compared to the amount of rapes never reported because the victims are scared of reactions like yours.
And this certainly isn't her "15 minutes of fame"; it's "15 minutes" of her being dragged through the mud, being called a liar. Hardly glorious or something to seek for.
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neongrves · 7 years
people who choose to not believe the victim and stand with the rapist, and throw that "nothing has been proven" speech are disgusting pieces of shit and i hope they have an horrible death. thanks for coming to my TED talk. Goodnight
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navree · 7 years
for westwick with one of the accusers fans found photo evidence that he wasn't in the country at the time of the alleged incident, so I think sometimes people do lie
First of all, I take everything that deals with fans with a grain of a salt, because as we’ve seen with Johnny Depp and Melanie Martinez and Woody Allen and countless other people, fans will bend themselves over backwards to shit on the accusers just so they can keep stanning their faves. 
Second of all, three women have accused Westwick of rape. Violent rape. Three separate women, one of which has actually gone on record with her name, and even filed a police report. Why would three separate people, on three separate occasions, describe three separate incidents? There’s no reason for it, other than the one we’ve been seeing in recent months: that watching powerful men finally be held accountable for their actions has finally given women the courage to step forward and hope that their own attackers can face justice. 
Third of all, and I’m not sure if this was your intention, but to me this entire message reeks of ‘well if I think one woman is lying then I’m not gonna believe any women’. Nobody, man or woman, who has been abused in any way shape or form deserves to be disbelieved. 
Fourth of all, and most importantly, victims really don’t have any reasons to lie. In the cases of rape, out of 1000, 994 perpetrators will walk free. 310 are reported to the police, 57 lead to arrest, 11 get referred to prosecutors, 7 lead to felony conviction, and 6 lead to incarceration. Not even counting the cases where someone gets Brock Turnered and gets a much lighter sentence than they deserve. Victims, especially of the crimes Westwick has been accused of, get nothing from coming forward. They get to relive painful memories, they get to be doubted, they get to be abused online, they get to be ostracized by friends and family and members of the community that would rather side with the abuser. To me, those don’t seem like good incentives to lie about something like this. 
So you think some people lie, and you’re right, some people, and they should feel ashamed of themselves. But in the case of Ed Westwick, I don’t think these women are lying. And I don’t think he’s done anything to deserve the benefit of the doubt.
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devilbass · 7 years
everyone, after the second victim has come forward against Ed Westwick, I think I need to take a break from the gg fandom and sort things out. GG was a show I watched to find solace from my struggles and recently with Trump and and his nefarious administration, but with these allegations against Ed, he makes me feel sick and he disgusts me. For the time being, I'll be posting tvd, Supernatural and other fandoms only. atleast for a month or so while I sort things out. For the time being I only find negativity in the gg fandom and can't find solace in it. But what I'm feeling pales compared to the two women he's allegedly victimized. The one thing I do find solace in the gg fandom is the wonderful people I've met in this fandom. bless you. I will return to this fandom, I just need to sort things out with my place in it for the time being.
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awesome-bamon · 7 years
For those asking why didn’t the victim leave if she was no uncomfortable.
Stop acting like  a woman saying No to a man/turning him down/ or trying to leave the situation automatically solves the problem and takes a woman away from danger.  Countless cases of  a woman turning down a man’s advances just for him to physically assault/kill her because the man got angry at her for turning him down have happened.  Just google them and look them up.
Also there have been cases where a woman in an abusive relationship with a man who then tried to leave him, have been murdered because of the abuser not wanting her to get away  or losing control over her.
So, stop making it seem like just leaving the situation/ turning a man down is always the easiest solution for a woman placed in a uncomfortable hostile situation.
You just want to excuse your fave because you Stan for him and find him hot.  Hypocrites who are immediately saying that the victims are lying and “just want attention and money” or is just trying to “ruin his career.”   Yet get upset over your fave not getting the benefit of the  doubt, when you refuse to give it to the victims.
You repeat the same things that others have said in the defense of their fave.
“She’s lying.”
“Why did she wait so long”
“The story is made up.”
“She got paid to do it/wants money”
Now you’re in the same boats with Republicans who are currently defending pedophile/rapist Roy Moore and are repeating the EXACT same lines that they are using to currently defend him. Which proves how rape culture is when it comes to men in power/who are famous.
No different from the GOP who are trying to make it seem like a grown man molesting a 14 year old isn’t a big deal.
If men don’t want to be accused down the road of raping someone then they should never rape and instead of being angry at the victims coming forward or how they choose to come forward. Be angry at these who decide to rape/molest.
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