#( ayyyyyyyyyy )
jwera · 4 months
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"We can even share notes if you´d like...."
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chdarling-tle · 1 year
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“What the fuck was that?”
Sirius stood frozen amidst the milling crowds as Lily Evans — one-time foe, part-time pretend girlfriend, and, apparently, full-time psycho bitch — strolled away, heedless of the inevitable shitshow she’d left in her wake.
“Well, I’m no expert,” said Peter from beside him, his voice glinting with sarcasm, “but it looked like Lily Evans just snogged your face off.”
“Yeah, thanks, Wormtail. I worked that bit out myself. Come on.”
Sirius pushed through the tangle of jutted elbows and bulky bags that clogged the corridor as their peers spilled out of classrooms, feeling rather like he was macheteing his way through the jungle in search of his game. For James had already vanished into the throng along with Florence, a fact that both annoyed and troubled Sirius.
It wasn’t like James not to wait for his friends.
“You might not want to look so ticked off about her snogging you,” advised Peter as he scurried to catch up with Sirius’s determined strides. “She is supposed to be your girlfriend, remember?”
This was prudent advice, but Sirius wasn’t sure he was capable of following it at the moment. Because he was ticked off. In the stumbling aftermath of Lily’s kiss, it had taken him a moment to work out precisely why he was quite so irritated, but the answer, when it arrived, was simple: It had been the look on James’s face, glimpsed from across the corridor as Sirius tugged himself back from Lily’s ambush. It had only lasted a moment, that worrying expression on his friend’s face — for James had turned quickly away then vanished into the crowd — but Sirius had seen it all the same, and now it lingered, needling at him, admonishing him.
James had looked…hurt.
Read on Ao3
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daredivaing · 6 months
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and to everyone I spam booped. I'm not sorry
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effervescentdragon · 5 months
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wehowl · 11 months
Elijah, what do you think of Amelia and Leah being besties? And your baby sis actually caring about someone other than herself?
ask questions! feat: @troubleah & amelia parker!
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“I think that I would need to know more about the magician before I can properly form an opinion on their friendship.” It’s the paranoid part of Elijah, perhaps, that cannot help but wonder if there is a reason Amelia has chosen to be friends with Leah. It’s not entirely unfounded - Mikaelsons often do not have friends but they do have suck ups. “But it is heartening to see Leah caring about another. Especially someone who also has a penchant for living. Leah seems happy to have the witch around.”
Which adds another layer of concern - Leah hasn’t had any people she cared about for so long, he’s worried about what Klaus might do the next time he gets in one of his moods. Elijah is not sure what it would do to Leah should Klaus take his anger out on Amelia - which did mean that the witch was under his protection (unless she did something worthy of the Mikaelson anger.)
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
Wait anon is right, you are compatible with a lot of the Haikyuu guys 🤨🤨🤨 The only ones I would say wouldn't really "suit" you per say are guys like Kageyama and Kenma but honestly, even they are good.
Be happy that you are an ENFP because you really struck gold here!!!
*happy ENFP noises*
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thanatoseyes · 1 year
Lies on the lips of babes you sought to bury.
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before i read the reckoning of roku, i was seeing people on tumblr saying “FUCK SOZIN” as a direct response to reading this book, and i thought, ok, yeah, fuck sozin, but it’s been fuck sozin since 2005. what could he possibly have done to warrant a “fuck sozin” in this book, told mostly from roku’s perspective, about his youth—before he was, you know, Fire Lord Sozin. are people exaggerating. are people overreacting to just a guy being an arrogant prince. what could he possibly have done in this book.
family, i have just finished this book. and i’m here to officially announce, standing on all ten toes, chest out, hair tossed, tears streaming down my face,
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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thinking about how the 3 sukiitai cover couples seem to follow a similar pattern… l i k e
dude confesses -> gets rejected -> ✨happy end!!!✨
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dude confesses -> gets rejected -> uni arc pending??
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dude confesses (?) -> gets rejected (?) -> ??? [we are here]
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izzakitty · 11 months
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feroluce · 2 years
Guess who just realized they had polls, everyone :3c
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toytulini · 2 years
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tuituipupu · 10 months
green, sparklccc, mrow <3
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thank you so much bestie eeeee 🥰💖 <33
the feeling is mew-tual (yes i will use every cat pun ever) 🐾
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
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yes. LIke. Yes. Id squash. Sí. 🫠
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diamondnokouzai · 10 months
i spend 90+% of my time reading. i spend 7% of my time posting and 3% of my time working
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
damn harry posting the deer as an evil plan to manifest for louis to fall is just another proof of his data-mining plan to take everything for louis 😔
you figured it out anon
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