#( andythane. )
kitaylcr · 3 years
WITH: @andythane
It wasn’t the first night this week and it certainly wouldn’t be the last that Kit found himself stumbling out the doors of The Dive. He had spent the evening searching for Bowie’s attention, knowing that if anyone could put a stupid smile on his face, it would be them. But to no avail, Kit hadn’t found them. And so instead, what he had found was a private room with a couple of dancers and a little plastic bag to share between them. With a couple drinks in his system, this definitely seemed to have perked up Kit’s mood, and had invited the girls back after closing time for a little after party. Although this had the man scurrying out to pick up more of that sweet sweet powder they were all so fond of.
The moon was already high up in the sky, its perfect circular shape hazed out by blankets of clouds and the cold November air caused Kit to shove his hands into his pockets. On second thought - he was going to take a short cut home. It was sketchy, but then what part of Olympus wasn’t sketchy? It was a dark and long alleyway, one that Kit had no problem stumbling down as he hummed a song to keep himself company. 
He hadn’t noticed the men following behind him until he heard one of them cough, causing him to half glance backwards. In the corner of his eye, Kit caught only two men. But he shrugged it off, maybe they were taking a short cut home too. But then the sound of boots scuffing against the ground up ahead caused Kit to glance upwards, counting another three. Suddenly they stopped and Kit huffed a curse word as he knew something real sketchy was beginning to take form. He stopped a few feet away, giving a tentative look behind him to see the two men had closed in on him too. 
“Whatever this is, I ain’t interested.” Kit called out, raising his hands in surrender. “You’ll be interested to know that your fuckin’ drugs gave my kid an overdose, you piece of shit.” one of the masked men grunted. “Don’t know what you’re on about - I’m an accountant.” Kit shoved his hands in his pockets again and tried to force his way past the human barricade, his shoulder harshly barging into one of the men. Although Kit didn’t get chance to take another step as the masked man swung a heavy punch into Kit’s stomach, causing him to double over with a loud groan, his knees slamming into the ground as his hands barely fumbled from his pockets.
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wesleyevans · 3 years
What a difference it had been since last Thanksgiving. He had Ryan now where last year he was childless and still with his ex. With Ryan in the other room, bouncing on someone’s lap, he went to find Andy. “You got no idea how badly I wanted to bring somethin’ for us to smoke between dinner and dessert but y’know, we’re dadding now and all. It’s not appropriate to do right now, right?” He was asking for approval to do it more than anything. “I got one in my pocket, actually.”  
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chrmxiing · 3 years
           after the fight with his father things had been getting worse but the only thing that truly kept him on the right track was the fact that his babies were with him , ava could file as many court injunctions as she wanted but she wasn’t going to get his babies, they were his . as the door of the clubhouse open asher runs around , excited to be with the people in the clubhouse . while alexis stuck by his side , that was until she saw andy ; her next favorite person besides axel himself . the sirens in love with andy and passing him around kissing on him , he simply shakes his head and makes his way to where andy and his baby was ❝ ‘sup ❞ is all he says as he watches alexis lay her head on andys chest ❝ I just came today to let everyone see them . ❞ he wasn’t mad at andy , that night was just a lot and he and rowan were still the twins god parents ❝ i know rowans coming to their party but are you ? ❞
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(    closed    starter     :    @andythane​    )
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mcttrivas · 3 years
​Outside of Thane Auto Shop
It wasn’t a good look to be hanging out with the Vice President of the Primordials in public if he was just by himself. People might get the wrong idea which would’ve been correct given his affiliation but he didn’t need to draw attention to that. Not that people really paid attention to him to begin with, but that sometimes changed when he was with someone the whole town knew of. After hearing about a bunch of dead Rogues after a hostage situation, it was better to check in with Andy. “You got a second to talk?” He asked, finally finding the other man. “I just caught wind of something, wanted to tell you or I guess ask you how to handle it.” 
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aimesllyaa · 3 years
      he hadn’t decided when he was going to make himself known in olympus , the law abiding part of town had learned of his return but the LOYAL MC he had once known of didn’t and he couldn’t wait to make it known to them , the best way that he could . he shows up with a few deputies , slamming the door open . the smile on his face , from ear to ear as he runs his hand through the furniture ; dusting off his fingers the dirt that had been attached to them . ❝ andy thane ----- you are a sight for sore eyes man .  ❞ the bitterness in his voice is evident , the displeasure of even being here , the last time that he was here it was to find out what had happened to wyatt and how everything ended with his wifes life in the line . ❝ you see , i just got back a few days and i needed the lovely MC to know that i am back .   ❞ his hands knock down a few of the pictures that were on the wall , letting them fall on the floor ❝  uh uh , wouldn’t do that if i were you,  kid . ❞ he turns to one of the members , the smile truly never fades ; it gets bigger somehow . ❝  i am so happy to be home and hopefully we get see a lot of each other , don’t you think ? ❞ 
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(    closed      starter     :      @andythane​     )    
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richardswan · 3 years
starter for: @andythane​. location: the clubhouse.
A combination of fear and bliss makes a home inside of Rick. Fear and bliss. Fear because the world was suddenly so different and bliss because, most of the time, change was a welcomed thing and not something to frown upon. And perhaps Rick needed change, something to liven up the already developed nature of his existence. Still, that feeling of fear persists, mixing with his newfound bliss, turning into a muddled mess. Somehow, he tolerates it, Reina being the one string of fate keeping all his emotions together. For a moment, he thinks to call his mother. He thinks to tell her about everything that happened, about everything that’s changed, but refrains. That alone leads to another daunting thing: the idea of being out in the open, the dam breaking. The prospect of everyone knowing, making what he had with Reina suddenly so fragile in a way that he couldn’t control, made his insides turn. And yet it doesn’t quite trump the excitement, either. Enter fear and bliss. 
All these thoughts come to a controlled halt as he parks his bike outside of the clubhouse. He was just coming back from Elizabeth’s soccer game which was a nice break from his personal inner turmoil the last couple days. When he heads inside and sees Andy, he smiles, a wave of relief washing over him. He was just the person he needed to see. “Did you know the soccer moms of Olympus aren’t exactly amused by the club? Or by me, for that matter?” He muses, his eyes narrowing jokingly. “Who would’ve thought..” He continues with a laugh and a roll of his eyes, circling toward the little bar located in the clubhouse. Rick grabs himself a water from the mini fridge before plopping down on chair near Andy in the common area towards the front. 
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alwaysames · 3 years
closed starter: @andythane
Before she could ever get her day started, a cup of coffee was necessary. Stassie couldn't even form sentences without a sip of coffee in her system in the mornings. Clicking away on her work phone, she nodded her head as she heard the barista announce an order being ready. Grabbing it, she brought the cup to her lips and tasted the foreign liquid, ripping it away from her lips and looking around to find the person. "Oh my god– is this yours? Holy shit. I'm sorry, let me get you a new one!" She offered, shaking her head at herself. 
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solitasantana · 3 years
closed starter: @andythane​ 
To say she was comfortable with the Thane family would be an understatement. She was more than comfortable. She was at the point when she knew when Andy ate her leftovers, even if he denied it. As she looked through the fridge and to no avail, her lo-mein was suddenly missing. Hearing rumbling through the house, she followed the sound and found him. “Andy, I know you ate my lo-mein,” her arms crossing over her chest. “And you ate my pasta last time. Now you owe me lo-mein and pasta. That was my breakfast after an all-nighter studying Special Topics in Cognition and Neuroscience.”
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breemorrow · 3 years
this was far from what she wanted to do , she left new york so that she didn’t have to deal with the drama and here she was , having a screaming match with her father over her junkie mother , once more . ❝  i don’t want to talk about her anymore , dad it’s been so long , just drop it ! ❞ she is about to turn around when she hears her father : you just didn’t get her . any respect or comprehension she had for her father goes out the window ❝ then why did she leave? If she loved us so much, why wasn’t she here? She wasn’t here! She was never fucking here! She left! I was nine! Nine and taking care of her and myself . I was in fourth grade dragging her ass, passed out, in from the yard so she wouldn’t freeze to death. Staying up all night , doing my homework late because I was so busy taking care of her. I was there when you would come home hurt or drunk. not amelia. me. and never you, you were too fucking busy with axel. She was a junkie and a drunk. she didn’t love me. She didn’t love you. she didn’t even love her own fucking son. She didn’t give a shit about anyone but herself. I’m glad she’s dead. At least now she can’t fuck us over anymore. ❞ eyes are on her and she pushes past her father , walking inside the clubhouse and searching for an empty. fingers run through strawberry locks . she feels the sink of the bed and turns to see the same familiar face ❝  so , i am not completely fine . ❞ she looks at andy , a tear slipping past her cheek ❝  this town makes people crazy , it makes me crazy but then again that’s maybe the morrow defect . ❞ she fakes a small smile as she looks at him 
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 (  closed     starter    :       @andythane​    )
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javialvarez · 4 years
@andythane and Javi Alvarez
Outside Little Dove Diner
After taking Seth’s eye, he was honestly waiting for more of a pushback from the Primordials. Not just a physical fight from Wyatt or whatever his name was, but some sore of scared straight situation where they’d threaten Javi. It hadn’t come yet but he was still on his toes. He knew that right when he stopped looking over his shoulder, that’s when something would happen. 
So it was inevitable to stop in his tracks when he saw Andy outside of the diner. He told Alex to go in and get them a booth, figuring that he’d be fine if he could see him through the windows. “Hey there VP,” He figured he wouldn’t do shit to him in public anyways. “I heard about your wife, I’m sorry that fuckin’ happened, man,” He had to at least offer his condolences before egging the other man on.  “How’s the pres feeling? Heard his eye is toast.” 
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kitaylcr · 3 years
LOCATION: The Clubhouse WITH: @andythane​
Kit knew he couldn’t avoid Andy much longer, especially when he knew he was under the critical gaze of Otto. He had to put things right, or as right as his ego would allow him. Which in truth, wasn’t a lot, but he knew he had to start somewhere. Kit lingered outside the room where Church had just finished, and while he tried to make himself look busy, his eyes kept on drifting over to see if the attendees had dispersed yet. There was a window of opportunity and Kit almost bailed, but he squashed down his inner saboteur just as quickly as it had risen within him and he grabbed the bull by both horns.
He knocked on the doorframe of the open door, announcing his presence to Andy before fully stepping inside the room. “Just lettin’ you know I got a small group together to go check out the warehouse. Ain’t much but enough to cover our backs if shit hits the fan.” Kit waited, hoping that his Vice President would appreciate the open communication.
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wesleyevans · 3 years
Olympus Comm Center
At least he had Jace to make him smile during this whole hurricane whose name he was pretty sure he was butchering. And at least his best friend was here, “I’m surprised your big head fit through the door,” He teased, flashing Andy a smile. ​“Y’know, I’m having trouble keeping one kid entertained and not losing my mind, I don’t know how you’re doing it with four, man. And yours can like actually think and stuff. And don’t go saying it’s cause Jace is dumb, I know he can think but he doesn’t remember shit.” 
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blakecastillo · 3 years
closed starter for @andythane​ setting: like a week ago at Rowan’s party
Upon their arrival at the Thane’s, Blake was pleased to find out that they had opted for a more low key to celebrate Rowan’s birthday considering that Rowan had always been the more extroverted of the two.  However, Blake couldn’t say she blamed her considering everything that was going on around them as of late, though, the new patch over had provided them a bit more wiggle room.  Blake placed the cake that her and Wes (based solely off technicalities) made for Rowan’s birthday and slid it on the counter, though, she was fairly certain that Andy made her a cake as well.  But, she didn’t care because she needed something to fll her time.  Blake made her way into the backyard as Andy was messing with the grill and she can’t help but snicker at the ‘Kiss The Chef’ apron that he proudly adorned.  “God, you’re such a dork.”  She rolled her eyes with a chuckle as she bounced Jace in her arm.
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chrmxiing · 3 years
ever since he was a child , he understood the word loyalty . it meant something to him , it meant family , it meant the club and many more things , to him it was a trait to admire in someone , it was something that made someone truly , worthy . the chapel has changed, there is more seats at the table , he’s unsure of where he would take his place but nonetheless, he takes a seat turning on the joint between his fingers, the door slightly open and he sees andy . ❝ tired of being chummy to your  NEW FRIENDS ?   ❞ his tone is bitter , maybe even angry but he doesn’t show much of it . ❝ tell me that you don’t think this is a mistake ------ tell me that you think this is some sick joke because i think it is .  ❞
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(    closed    starter     :     @andythane​     )
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malcwilliams · 4 years
So he took the lame route, being an Ice Cube character but he was here more for the drinks and the socialization. He smiled as he saw Andy, making his way up to him. At least here it wasn’t weird to be friendly since they could forget about affiliations for the night. It was just an Olympus halloween party. Malcolm whistled at the other man, giving him an impressive phew through his mouth. “Oh wow, I’ve never really taken you as the Riddler type, man,” He made another up and down with his eyes, giving Andy a nod. “Honestly, I wasn’t even sure you were DC educated. What’s Rowan?”  
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sashaxramsey · 4 years
Starter for: @andythane​
Maybe Sasha was overreacting. Maybe she was seeing ghosts but after the gender reveal party, it was as if everyone knew who she was. Not everyone had been at the party but the gossip express definitely worked in the town. And that day it had gotten enough for her when she turned around and found a man right behind her, who got a look in his eye in the end of someone who recognized her. A sigh escaped her as she watched him. She didn’t know if he had been there by accident, or whatever, and Sasha knew that the last thing that she had to do was lash out at someone she didn’t know but she couldn’t stop herself. “Yes, I am the woman who married Wes Evans when I was stupidly drunk. Is there anything else I can give you?”
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