reinathane · 3 years
OPEN / Everyone at the patch over party​ LOCATION: Primordial clubhouse
A party like this is just the icing on top of the whirlwind that’s been Reina’s life lately. In two days time she’d gone from shacking up in a shoebox with the man she’d been having an affair with who somehow became her boyfriend, to now moving all of her shit into another man’s home thanks to her rash decision making. She knows it’s fast and she knows she’s being manic, to say the least, but the temptation had been too strong for her to turn Otto down. Her fight with Caine had been the last straw, leading her to where she is now — sauntering into the patch over party on Otto’s arm with a rock the size of a quarter on her ring finger, something she’d demanded he get from the jewelry store the day before if they were really going to do this. She hasn’t told anyone about her sudden shift in men but Reina supposes tonight is as good a time as any for the general public to find out she’s suddenly decided to get married to the man sporting a new president’s patch on his chest. Her kids have been dumped with a babysitter despite her daughter’s ongoing health issues, which means Reina has no qualms demanding a gin and tonic from the prospect on bartending duty before she realizes she’s got eyes on her. “Yes, it’s a real diamond,” she says, flashing her ring proudly to the person next to her as if it isn’t actually kind of ugly, but that’s what she gets for getting it on such short notice. “You can stop staring.”
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andythane · 3 years
This is as relieving as it is stressful. With the patch over said and done, he feels like he can breathe a little bit easier now -- They’ve got an actual means of pushing back against the Rogues now, even if this fight has only just begun. Normally, he’d be celebrating just as much as anyone else. Had this been a year ago, he would be the one pouring shots down people’s throats and drunkenly shouting about how the Rogues could suck his dick. Tonight, however, was a much different story -- One that leaves him leaning against a wall outside of the clubhouse, Diet Coke in one hand and cigarette in the other, watching as the party goers become more and more chaotic. He’s more tense than he’d care to admit, the smell of booze and smoke filling the air, the former leaving him on the edge of his metaphorical seat. The only reason he hasn’t cracked open a beer or grabbed a bottle is the sheer willpower he’s managed to create, even if his grip on the soda can is close to crushing it entirely.  
His head tips back, hitting the cemented wall with a gentle thud, as his cigarette meets his lips once more. Andy doesn’t really want company -- Truthfully, he’s waiting for Rowan to circle around and find him (too afraid if he makes the move to find her he’ll end up at the bar), tell him she’s had enough for tonight, so they can leave. But, it’s hard to avoid conversation on a night like this, so he pushes the smoke past his lips and acknowledges the person who’s approached. “Enjoyin’ yourself?” He settles with (Or well, shouts), easy enough -- It’s stating the obvious, based on the loud cheers and deafening volume of the music around them. 
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catxmendoza · 3 years
open starter for the patchover party
Good weed and alcohol had a way of curing a lot of bullshit. Despite her general personality, Cat wasn’t a hard woman to please. A party had a way of turning her mood all the way around, and not just because she made a little money. It gave her permission to leave all the bullshit outside and forget, to smoke and drink it away even if it was just for a few hours. 
She had been smoking and dancing with a Siren, a pretty little thing whom Cat would be sure to call on later. Cat tucked the 8th of weed into the her back pocket while the Siren in question passed the folded bills with a smile. With a grin, she pressed a kiss to it and winked at her before turning on her heel to head to the bar- catching sight of someone looking at her. Her brow raised as she tucked the money in her bra and sighed. “What? You gonna snitch on me?” She asked teasingly, rolling her eyes at the prospect.
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wyattnadir · 3 years
open starter: patchover party
The outcome of the patch over had gone 50/50 for him. He’s happy to have Kali on his team, thinking about to a time when he’d nearly had to vote against having her killed. But he’s not thrilled about the change in leadership--a sentiment shared among most Primordials. But Otto’d had the numbers: hiss own crew and enough original members to take the gavel. He didn’t like it but no sense in letting it spoil a perfectly good party. Wyatt’s been on his best behavior most of the night, only a few beers deep and a line of coke he’d done when Izzy wasn’t looking and he’s feeling pretty good leaning against the bar waiting for a prospect to get him another drink. “Swear to god,” he says to the person beside him, “this guy doesn’t learn to pour faster he’s never gonna get out of that prospect cut.” He slaps the hand of his good arm against the countertop. “I’ll vote no every time, dude! Hurry the fuck up.” 
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scthcartcr · 3 years
“Not in the mood,” he says before Cece could even open her mouth. His finger presses to her lips before he pulls it away. “We’re drinkin’, not talkin’,” he adds, nodding his head at the bartender. When they come over and pour two shots for them, Seth slides one her way. The least she could do is humor him instead of wanting to talk about the fact that one, he’s here with Remi, and two, he’s lost his seat at the end of the table to Otto. Not that Seth trusts Otto, but he has to let it go… or something like that. At least for tonight. “To not havin’ as much responsibility?” he says, unsure of his cheers before slamming the shot back.
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izzyrojas · 3 years
Izzy had been enjoying the night. It was loud and vibrant and everyone enjoyed her dress— including Wyatt. She was embracing all the energy and trying to remind herself this was what a party sober looked like. She didn’t love watching other people snort lines and not being able to partake, knowing the buzz that would rush to her brain, but she’d said that she would be fine. So she would be fine. That didn’t mean that she wouldn’t cling to Wyatt’s side when things were a little— harder. Interrupting a conversation Wyatt was having with some Siren looking woman she didn’t know, Izzy places two hands on his chest from in front of him. “I need a distraction or I’m two seconds away from doing something like dumb,” she tells him. 
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marisolsteel · 3 years
@jeremiahthcne​ patchover party
It’s clear that Jer isn’t exactly happy about the way things shook out. And Marisol can’t blame him. She’s not exactly happy to see Otto’s ascent to power, claiming the head of the table and the crown that officially made him “king of the bikers.” But she’s very much out of her element here and as good as she is at playing the supportive girlfriend role, there’s not exactly a manual to how to comfort your boyfriend when your own father is the one who just overthrew the balance of his kingdom. Or maybe the court intrigue metaphor is just starting to get away from her. Not everything has to be an episode of Game of Thrones.
Marisol silently eases herself in beside him, quietly evading his notice as he watches something from his position. Without speaking, she manages to lift the fresh bottle of beer up to the lobe of his ear, pressing the cold glass against his skin, grinning at her effort to startle him to attention. “Sorry,” but her apology is just a playful laugh, in direct contrast to the serious expression that had occupied his face most of the night. “You seem like you could use a drink.”
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adrianhcndrix · 3 years
[txt: andy]
Adrian: Hey I hope this isn't weird or anything
Adrain: But I know shits supposed to get wild tonight so if you need someone to talk you off a ledge I'm posted up on my couch watching Legally Blonde and eating cupcakes
Adrian: So I've got my phone on me.
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chrmxiing · 3 years
the unison of the glasses both slam on the counter as he looks towards kali, the same usual smirk on his lips that he has whenever she’s around . at the start , he thought that maybe , somehow they would start something but later with time he just saw that what they had was a friendship , a sex friendship but a friendship nonetheless ❝ you still lost anyways . ❞ he teases her as he wipes the remainder of liquor from the side of his lips ❝ another round or are you going to quit already ? ❞
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(    closed   starter   :   @kaliharmon​   )
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angelway · 3 years
Status: closed @jeremiahthcne​
Location: Patchover Party
That’s the thing about indifference, it gives Angel the chance to stand back and watch all of the people who clearly give far too much of a fuck. It would be as awkward as a middle school dance if it weren’t for the fact a good seventy percent of the people here wouldn’t hesitate killing each other at a moment’s notice. Still, for her, it’s fun to watch. Free amusement at its finest. Whatever. I’m just here for the booze, she thinks to herself as she tilts her head back and downs the rest of her drink. Who the fuck cares what she thinks about the patchover? If joining forces stops them from getting their collective ass whooped, great. If it doesn’t? Oh well. 
Angel turns to get another straight tequila, her eyes falling on Jeremiah and doing a sort of double take. She doesn’t know him, but she figures she better start getting to, right? “Hey,” She calls out, moving closer towards him. “You’re the other Thane. There’s like a million of you motherfuckers,” She says jokingly, but it does feel like every other person she meets in this goddamn town is a Thane.
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reinathane · 3 years
CLOSED / @rothane​ LOCATION: Primordial clubhouse
Reina’s in her element at a party like this, parading around like she owns the place as if she actually has any right to. It’s easy for her to fall back into this role she’s been used to playing for half of her life, even if the circumstances now are wildly different than before. She’s done her rounds and said her hellos, but the second she sees her sister in law she makes a beeline toward the blonde, irritation evident in her features as she storms up to her. “You wanna explain to me what a fucking for sale sign is doing perched on your lawn?” Her tone is accusatory, and borderline explosive — as if she hadn’t just been smiling and making pleasantries with people not five minutes prior. “I ran over it with my car on the way here, by the way. I’ll get some landscapers to come fix the tire tracks.”
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andythane · 3 years
ROWAN THANE | @rothane​
They’ve been to patch over parties before -- The last he can recall was when he had to have been somewhere around 24, celebrating in some nameless town now that some other gang had joined Primordial. What he remembers is Rowan tucked under his arm, the two stumbling through the evening along with everyone else. It’s strange to think ten some odd years later, they’re at another, only this time he’s sitting at a stool, back to the bar as fingernails digging into his own thigh to will himself to focus on the sight of his wife floating around the room. The sensory overload of the party is much harder to handle when stone cold sober, Andy’s found. He’s far less interested in being here now that he’s done his due diligence, and while isn’t necessarily having a bad time -- It’s all just a bit overwhelming when he’s barely six months sober and surrounded by alcohol. He focuses his gaze on his wife as she moves around the clubhouse, wanting to keep his focus on something other than the liquor calling his name -- And to make sure she’s alright, knowing this is one of the first big ‘outings’ since the incident. 
The moment she’s within arms reach, he grabs her by the waist and pulls her to him, so that she’s standing between his legs. An arm settles at her hip, the other resting on the small of her back. “Good to see ya haven’t been dragged away to reset any bones.” Andy teases, knowing that Todd will surely be asking Mrs. Thane for help with a broken nose before the end of the night. “Yet, at least.” 
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bowieleblanc · 3 years
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Bowie @ the patchover party 
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wyattnadir · 3 years
@kaliharmon patchover
Part of him almost feels bad for Kali. He knows what it’s like to have ambitions that can never really go anywhere. And if there’s anyone who should be in a leadership role, it’s her. Wyatt flops down in a chair beside her, leaning all the way back and propping his legs up in the chair across from him. “Look on the bright side,” he says, leaning over to hand her another beer to drown her sorrows in, “at least we’re not having to vote on whether or not to kill you anymore.”
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scthcartcr · 3 years
Bringing Remi to the event was just about the only thing that kept him there this long. It was their first “public” outing — meaning that at least Blake knew about the situation which meant if anyone else knew it didn’t really matter. But the trick was that now that he was there with someone, even if it wasn’t official, meant he would have to keep his distance from the Sirens mostly in fear of Blake now. She may not like what’s happening but she would definitely be pissed if Seth was sneaking around on Remi. Grabbing two beers from the bar, he comes over to Remi holding it out to her. “At least they’re cold. Had one earlier that was fuckin’ warm as Hell,” he mentions before realizing he should’ve taken the cap off. Pulling it back he takes it off with his keys before handing it to her again. “You having fun yet? Or we duckin’ outta here early?” He’s hoping for the latter. 
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marisolsteel · 3 years
@scthcartcr​ patchover party
She’d seen Seth coming and going most of the night but hasn’t made an effort to talk to him just yet. She’s considered him a friend almost all her life--even if most of their friendship was them playfully sniping back and forth at each other---and yet she hadn’t spoken to him since the incident with Javier. Her loyalties had been so thoroughly tested recently, it’s hard to tell what’s salvageable and what isn’t. But as the night wears on she finds herself circling closer and closer to him until their interaction is unavoidable. “Hey,” she says lamely, “you okay?” It’s all she can think to ask, even though the answer is obvious among a bunch of newly minted Primordials and their new president.
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