cwilliams211-blog · 7 years
OYO Blog Post #4
It is crazy to think that this is the last week of my freshman year of college. I feel like just yesterday I was walking through the halls of my high school, dreaming of the day I graduated and got to go to college. I got to experience so much in my first year, there has been some things I am not proud and things that I would love to relive, and I would not change any of my experiences for anything. There were times where I did not think college was for me, and seriously rethought all my decisions, but after making it through the first year, I know that this is where I belong. Not that the year is over, I am moving back home to work my summer away. I will be working at the Rock House Grill & Tavern, where I worked last summer and over breaks. I am excited to finally be making money, because I did not have a job throughout the whole school year, and I am just about out of money at this point! I am happy to be moving back in with my parents, I love spending everyday with my family, especially my little brother. I am also happy to be back with all my friends, and have so many new experiences again this summer. I am excited to see what next year and the following years will bring.
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cwilliams211-blog · 7 years
This semester I learned a lot about composition from how to cite sources to how to get my thoughts down on a piece of paper. I started out the semester not caring about anything but myself, but stupid things before school and work, but since then things have changed. I still would write my essays the day they were do, but I would not be so distracted. I would give essays the time they deserve and by the end of the semester I was not just throwing quotes into my essay, I was actually paraphrasing.  I enjoyed the topics of our essay a lot more this semester than I had in EN 111, they were about things that I was more interested in and could actually talk about, which helped me improve on my writing skills. I think the blogs we had throughout the semester helped us to get involved in the course and gave everyone a voice. After finishing this class, I do not intend on taking any other composition course. I have never been strong at writing, and though I have improved, I would not say I am good. Writing for other people puts to much pressure on me and any time I write after this course I want it to be for me and only me. Though I was forced by the university to take this course to graduate, I believe that this has set me up to do better in the future. 
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cwilliams211-blog · 7 years
Blog Post #9
After ready “Why I Write”, I thought about why I might write. I mostly write because I am told I have to, but sometimes it is nice to write for me. When I write for class I have a very hard time, because though I may get to pick a topic I am interested in, I am not good at following a rubric. Sometimes I write for myself and when I do that I write about things that I wouldn’t want to share with anyone else. Writing for class is rarely personal, I like to keep things purely facts, and keep things to myself. But when I know that no one else is reading something I can be myself and not hold back. So I would say I am more of a private writer, because anything that shows emotion, is for my eyes only. Orwell says “all writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery.” I believe what he means by this people do not put everything into their writing. And if they do, they like to have hidden meanings behind everything, and there is a mystery. I would say I am a very lazy writer, when it comes to essays, blogs or any writing in general. I would also say that I am selfish. I keep things that can help develop my essay to myself, because I am selfish and do not want everyone else to know what I am thinking.
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cwilliams211-blog · 7 years
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My favorite thing in the whole world is being with my family. I have always been very close with my family, mostly just my mom’s side, but lately it been more of both. When I was eight my mom decided to move in with her boyfriend, who lived in Hancock, MI, while we were currently living in Marquette. It was a hard transition at first, but not too long after we moved in we found out my mom was pregnant. Everyone was so excited to have a baby in the house. I was the one that paid the most attention to her, and we ended up being really close. Up until my mom announced she was pregnant again at least. I was 16 when she had told us this and it was crazy to think my mom was having a baby as my sister was about to graduate. In June 2015 my mom had Emerson Joseph, and he was the most amazing gift ever. There is nothing I would not do for that kid. He has had many health problems, but always has a smile on his face and fights through them. Emerson has made most of my family so much closer, besides my little sister who is super jealous of him. I feel bad that she feels replaced or whatever, but she’s 10 now and at an awkward age. My whole family is so important to me, but my little siblings are the most important thing to me. Whenever I feel sad, or miss home I can always count on Facetiming my mom, and seeing my little brother to put me in a good mood.
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cwilliams211-blog · 7 years
OYO BLog Post #2
This weekend I decided to delete social media from my life for a little while. I deleted Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. I decided that it was time to think more about myself and worry less about what others things of me and just stop worrying about others in general. I deleted all this on Saturday, and since then I have been pretty strong, besides downloading Snapchat twice, just to check it out. Today has been good, with being in class all day I have not caved. It has been easy for me to give up everything else besides Snapchat, because that’s a way that I communicate with others. Sometimes that’s even the only way I can get a hold of people, so that has been tough, but I keep remembering that this is what’s best for me right now. I think social media can be both good and bad. It is a way to keep in touch with everyone, whether you see them all the time, or only see each other on social media. But there are things that are had about it too. So many people use social media to make their lives seem so much better than they actually are. You might think someone lives the most perfect life when looking at their Instagram, but when you actually get to know them you realize that their life is nothing like that.  Another reason I think that Instagram is bad is because today kids are so worried about how many likes they get on a picture, and if they don’t get as many as someone else, they think they’re not as good. Social media has it’s pros and cons, like all things, but I think it will be good for me to stop worrying about the stress it can bring.
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cwilliams211-blog · 7 years
Blog Post #8
On pages 161 and 162, I feel bad for the people of Palestine. At first they mention how people are being charged for crimes they did not commit and how some of the people charged are as young as 12. The prosecutor also mentions how he has almost no say in what happens and he cannot even help these people. Then as you go on onto the next page so see a few guys talking about all the journalists that are in there. They do not even care what is happening to the people, they are only concerned about writing about it and telling the world what is happen, rather that helping these people when they have the chance. One man says “Americans care more about the rights of animals than about what happens to us!” Then on 242 you see many people wanting to question this women. She claims that she has been interviewed so many times, and she doesn’t want money, she just wants humanity for her people.
I think what is happening in these pages are very sad. These people are innocent and they get charged with things they did not do. They have people around them that could help, but these people refuse. I think that is so sad that these people believe that other humans do not care about them, and it makes me even more sad to know that there are people to help and they do not even both. I think Sacco included these to show that people around the world are not as great as they seem.
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cwilliams211-blog · 8 years
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This morning I woke up 4 a.m. to participate in the Rokerthon. Thinking about waking up this early the last couple days I thought it would be horrible, but once I got up and moving I was ready to go. We got up, got ready, and headed for the Superior Dome at 4:20. Standing in line for like 45 minutes was probably the worst part about the Rokerthon. Once we were registered, we got free snacks and coffee, which was much needed. When we finally all got on the turf, we did a practice game and then sat there for way to long. It was a mystery to me why we had to be there so early, when we were not actually playing and breaking the world record until 8:08. Once the game got started things were hectic, but once I realized if you stood in the front, by the stage, you were most likely to get on the Today Show.  I was told by one of my friends that she saw me, but I am yet to see. Waking up before 11 isn’t something I usually enjoy doing, but I think it was well worth it this morning, and I think it was a great experience.
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cwilliams211-blog · 8 years
We’re All in This Together
Yesterday, May 22, 2017, we saw ISIS attack once again. The article on CNN News claims this to be the deadliest London terror attack in the last 12 years. It is know that the attacker has been put into custody and Prime Minister Theresa May says that the man was British born and has been linked to violent extremism in the past. In the attack three people were killed, an officer was stabbed protecting Parliament, while an American citizen and a woman that was originally from Spain were also killed. There were also about 40 people injured in this attack, including people from Britain, France, South Korea and America.
I think the article I picked could have included some more information; they did not include the date of the attack, for example. This is a very touchy topic today in the world, with people being so scared of what ISIS is capable of doing to others. I believe even though this is a something people need to be informed about, I also believe that we are putting ISIS in out news and lives way too much. All they want is for others to be talking about them and scared of what they may do next, but by ignoring them, and taking anything associated with them out of the news will show ISIS that they do not have as big of an impact on our lives as they want to. All they want is to get the attention of others, and it seems to me that we are giving them exactly what they want.
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cwilliams211-blog · 8 years
Blog Post #5
What Rachel Corrie teaches us about activism is that if you believe in something and put your mind to it you can accomplish anything. She teaches us that whether other people agree with what she is dong or not, she is going to do what she needs to do to make herself happy. An example of Rachel showing activism is when she goes to Israel so find ways to help others that cannot help themselves, she takes time out of her day to do what she thinks is right.
There are a lot of things I am willing to fight for. For example, I believe very strongly in equal rights for women. The women’s march displayed many women that took time out of their day to stand up for something they believe in, and I thought that was wonderful. Though I did not participate in the march, if someone was to ask me about what I think I would back up the women’s march no problem. I believe that there are some cases that we should get involved in and fight for people that cannot do so themselves. Everyone deserves to have a voice and that should be shared with the world, whether the person that thinks that is the one sharing it or not. There are some cases where I do not think we should get involved. I personally do not think jumping in the middle of a war that has nothing to do with the US is our responsibility, but that is just my opinion.
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cwilliams211-blog · 8 years
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I think what makes a presentation good is when the presenter is prepared. Many times you see people go up for a presentation and you can tell they had never practiced, they seem nervous, they rush through things and they stutter on their words a lot more often than someone that has come prepared.
What makes a bad presentation is when people are not prepared as I said. Also, what makes a bad presentation is when people are playing with their hands or face. I was told while doing my last presentation in En111 that I played with my face too much and it was sometimes hard to understand what I was saying.
I am one of those people that are pretty awful at presenting. I sit in my room the day before a presentation with intentions to practice it, but reading a presentation off to yourself or one of your best friends is a whole lot different from doing it in front of many people you do not know that well. I have so much anxiety when it comes to public speaking; I am the person that rushes through the PowerPoint to get it done as soon as possible. I have anxiety as it is and throwing me on the spot in front of the class makes it so much worse for me. I am always scared that I am going to mess up, so I end up stumbling on my words because I am so nervous. Moral of the story, public speaking and I do not go good together.
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cwilliams211-blog · 8 years
Writing Process
I do and do not see myself at Anne Lamott. I see myself in her when she is talking about not ever being able to figure out how to start an essay, so matter what comes to my mind it always sounds stupid so I try to erase the thought from my head. Unlike Lamott though I don’t just put all my thoughts on a page just to get them out, I think that that could be helpful though and I could give it a try. The problem with that is people do see our first drafts in this class, and if I wanted it good enough to show anyone I would have to spend double the time I usually take to get an okay draft.
I am definitely a procrastinator, throughout high school and also last semester I waited until the night before an essay was due to even start it. I would sit down at my laptop at that night with not a single idea of how this essay was going to go and just started writing. I would write down what I thought was okay at first, and usually it wouldn’t make the word count so I would start adding in nonsense just to get it closer. Then I dread the next day when I have to bring it to class to show my peers.
I think I have a lot to change when writing an essay. I need to start working on it days before it is due first. Then after I get that done, I should start making outlines, because I have been told they are helpful.
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cwilliams211-blog · 8 years
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This advertisement is for Bed Bath & Beyond. This ad shows a woman doing multiple things at once, including cooking and cleaning. In the ad, it shows many things that can be found at Bed Bath & Beyond and their prices. This is stereotyping women and showing that they are meant to do all this stuff at once, all by themselves.
Though I do not think that the makers of this ad were trying to offend anyone, I think I can speak for many women that this is a little bit offense. Women are good for so much more than just cooking and cleaning. I do not believe that this woman should have to be doing all these things at once, when she could have a husband there to help her. I think this advertisement is going back in time, and not showing what women can do today. Back in the day we were only allowed to stay at home with the kids and do household chores, such as make sure that dinner is ready by the time their husband gets home. I think that today making ads that show a woman in the kitchen is very stereotypical and it does not help in the fact that we are trying to be looked at differently than we had been in the past. This reassures men that this is what a wife is good for and put it back in their minds that women should just stay home and take care of things there.
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cwilliams211-blog · 8 years
All About Me
My name is Chelsea Williams and I am a freshman at NMU. I am currently interested in radiography, and will be applying to the program this spring. I am from Hancock, Michigan, but was born here in Marquette and lived here for the first eight years of my life. Since I graduated from Hancock, we had the option to go to college at Finlandia University at little to no cost; also, I live just across the bridge from Michigan Tech. I decided though to come back to Marquette, because I wanted to leave my parents and have a lot more freedom, and come back to a place that I always loved. A fun fact about me is I have lived in the U.P. my whole life and have never skied or snowboarded.
Starting my first college composition class last semester, I was a little bit nervous. English classes had never been my strongest subject because writing essays never came easy to me. I am not very good at doing my assignments at reasonable times, I always turn them in on time, but usually when it comes to writing essays, I like to wait until the night before to start and finish a paper. I think the reason it takes me so long to start a paper is because I am not good a figuring out a topic, but once I have something started I can usually get through the rest of the essay quickly. My goal for this class is to become a stronger writer, and for not only this class, but also all my classed, I have the goal of not procrastinating so much.
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