#( Ronnie and Jas )
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dhampiravidi · 1 year ago
[WAIST] - sender rests a hand against receiver's waist. (Ronnie to Jas~ xD)
He knew the moment his strike made contact that something was wrong.
Usually, Jas was like a snake when they sparred. She waited for an opening before she lashed out, and whether she was protecting her core or actively defending herself from him, she snapped back into her stance. But that particular time, Ronnie hit her and she just crumbled. There was absolutely no resistance on her part--she whimpered, her stance got weak, and it took her a long second before she could face him properly.
"What?" Immediate anger. That had been common on his part and hers when they started their "arrangement". That, and the frequent smart-ass comment that grew more frequent and less biting the longer they spent together. Her dark green irises were hard as she glared at him. "Again."
He rolled his eyes, then came at her again. For a minute, they were evenly matched. They usually were. And then she lashed out with her foot, trying to hook it around his side so she could pull him down. He stayed firm and used her momentum to throw her down. She landed on the same shoulder he'd hit not long before, and sobbed. Of course, her version of a sob was bared teeth, a clenched jaw, and a noise that came from deep inside...but he had seen her hurt before. They'd treated each other's bullet wounds, bruises, and cuts.
"Jas," he repeated, sitting by her side, "What the fuck is going on?" The two of them had a silent conversation. She was defensive, he wasn't taking her shit.
"I noticed. C'mon, sit up." Jas did, and Ronnie noticed that she put almost all her weight on one side. Not good. "Is 'arms up' too much to ask?" He kept his tone calm. Too gentle and she'd get mad that he was babying her. He helped her take the shirt (which was actually his, but she'd cinched it with a band to make it fight-ready) off. They had to just pull it around and down to get it off her injured arm, because she couldn't move like he needed her to. "Fuck."
Her entire shoulder was mottled with purple and brown bruises, almost like a perfectly good piece of fruit that had been left to rot. He barely touched the skin and she hissed in pain.
"How long?"
"Four days ago. Had to jump out a four-story."
Idiot, you could've died.
Ronnie ran his hand over his face, feeling all the healed gashes on his back tingle. That had been a recurring thought of his, back when he was in the SEALS with Nat, and then later when they were part of Orion. It disappeared sometime after Ronnie realized that his team was not coming back for him. Now it was echoing in his head, as he realized that Jas must've gotten beat up on the last mission she went on before they rendezvoused at their current location.
"You're an idiot, you know that?" He moved to her healthier side and picked her up, setting her on the bed. "Five seconds. Count 'em." She did, and on the third, he was pressing against the bruised skin, and she was screaming. He kept his eyes off of hers as he got to work--if he did otherwise, he wouldn't be able to help her. It looked to him like she'd just dislocated her shoulder, which was a lot better than breaking it. "You're bein' real quiet."
There was quiet for the next ten minutes, Jas's scream being the exception. Ronnie went and got her a bag of ice, plus a sling.
"...thank you," Jas muttered. He finally looked her in the eye.
"Yeah, no problem."
Not much later, the idiot went to the store by herself, when he was in the shower. He offered to help her wash off, and she nearly hissed at him. When he got out of the bathroom, she was gone. She was back less than 30 minutes later, but that wasn't reassuring.
She cooked. Neither of them cooked much, because cooking typically involves kitchen appliances, and it wasn't practical for the two to be hauling around or keep buying new appliances. If they ever quit...maybe things would be different.
"Fuck, that smells good..." It honestly did. Ronnie smelled the cinnamon from the other side of the apartment, along with some pepper, garlic, and some other spices he couldn't identify. He tried to go over and see what Jas was making, but--
"I can throw a knife with either hand." She could, so he went back to what he'd been doing, and minded his business until she told him to come get his food.
"Biryani with prawns. There's an Indian store a few blocks down." Her lips opened, then closed, debating words. "My mom used to make this." Hell.
They ate and got seconds. They cleaned up the kitchen, though there wasn't much to do. They both brushed their teeth, and once they flopped onto the bed to just be, he moved between her legs and told her to lift. He had her cumming on his tongue in all of two minutes, which she blamed on him being gone for so long.
"So what was--nnh--the plan if I, shit, Jas--was late?"
"You weren't gonna be late. Are you going to cum?"
"Fuck you," he groaned, grabbing her hips so he'd--
"Oh, eww, Ronnie, y'--" He loved when he pissed her off enough to rant (or moan) in Gaelige. It was kind of violently cute, just like her.
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creativepromptsforwriting · 2 years ago
Names with Cute Nicknames
Girls' Edition
Sometimes we just fall in love with a cute nickname for our characters. So here is a list of names that you can name your characters, even though you will only call them by their nickname.
Abigail - Abbie, Abby, Gale, Gail
Adaline/Adalina - Ada, Lynn, Lina
Adriana - Riana, Addie, Drea
Alexandra - Al, Alex, Alexa, Allie, Ally, Lex, Lexa, Lexie, Sandra, Sandie, Sandy
Amelia/Amelie - Millie, Lia, Mimi
Anastasia - Ana, Stassie, Stassy, Stacey
Antoinette - Ann, Annie, Toni, Netta
Ariella - Ariel, Ari, Ella
Aurelia/Aurora - Auri
Beatrix - Trixie, Bea
Berenike/Bernice - Berry, Bernie, Nikki, Neecy
Calista/Calliope - Callie
Cassandra- Cass, Cassie, Cassy, Sandra, Sandy, Sandie
Cassidy - Cass, Cassie, Cassy
Cordelia - Delia, Deli
Danica - Dani, Dannie, Niki, Nika
Dorothy - Dot, Dottie, Doro
Eleanor - Elle, Ellie, Lea, Nora
Esmerelda - Esme
Evangeline Evie, Evi, Eve, Lina
Evelyn - Evie, Evi, Eve, Lynn
Felicitas/Felicity - Feli, Fliss, Lis, Lissa
Francesca - Fran, Frannie, Frankie
Frederike - Fred, Freddie, Freddy, Rike, Kiki
Genevieve - Eve, Evie, Genna, Gina, Ginny, Viv
Jasmine - Jas, Jazzy, Mina, Minnie
Josephine - Josie, Joe, Phin
Leonora - Leo, Nora
Madeline - Maddie, Maddy, Lynn, Ada, Addie
Marigold - Mari, Goldie
Matilda - Tillie, Tilda, Mattie
Melissa - Liss, Lissa, Mel, Mellie, Missy
Natasha/Natascha - Nat, Nattie, Sasha, Tasha
Olivia - Livia, Liv, Livy, Ollie, Olive
Penelope - Penny, Poppy, Nelly, Polly
Philippa - Pippa
Rosalie/Rosalia - Rosie, Rose, Sally, Lia
Rosemary - Rosie, Rose, Mary
Veronica - Vero, Ronny, Nic, Nica
Wilhelmina - Minnie, Mina, Wil, Willa
Winifred - Winnie, Win, Freddie, Fred
More names!
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January 4 3052
Mired in the shadows of Mech Bay 1, a small cherry light glowed bright for a moment, before a breath of smoke exhaled forth. The figure holding the the cigarette glared at the empty space that once held a priceless Atlas II, as if trying to coax one last bit of wisdom from a ghost that wasn’t there.
She���d have had better luck asking the traitor Kell for a shiny new CO.
Rowan de la Rosa did not think of herself as a leader of anything more than a lance. She wasn’t a grand tactician, and her figting style of “jump on their mech and pummel them to death” was not the most condusive for leading a company. Never mind that the Neon Knights Mercenary Company barely numbered enough for a lance, get out of here with your reasonable counterpoints.
The ghost of Ronnie Blazko still hadn’t shown up, nor did Phelan Kell come through the airlock bearing gifts, but she did hear footseps echoing through the mech bay towards her. Each step coming toward her punctuated to Rowan just how empty the Union-class dropship was, until the new arrival stopped a respectful distance away. Or maybe they just didn’t appreciate the secondhand smoke.
Letting the silence drag on, Rowan continued her contemplation of the mech bay, not bothering to look up at her guest.
“What is it, Agata?”
“Ma’am, we’ve got new orders. We’re to rendezvous at Skandia for repairs and re-arming.”
Rowan turned to face her friend, looking down only slightly. Agata Rinsdóttir, veteran of almost as many campaigns as Rowan, and her new XO, stood at parade-perfect attention. Not a hair was out of place, and if there were a few more lines of stress on her face than before, well it was understandable. Everyone lost friends in the fighting on Satalice, but only Agata lost her home.
“Jesus Ag, you look like shit,” Rowan lied. “You know we’ll come back, right? Even if I gotta drag Babyface Steiner-Davion here by his cojones, we will come back. I promise you.”
Agata didn’t so much as twitch, but her expression darkened nontheless.
“Don’t, Row-Commander. Don’t promise me something out of your control. I don’t need your bullshit machismo right now.”
Rowan winced, and sighed. “Look, Ag, I’m sorry. I don’t- the only way I know how to comfort someone is to kick someone else’s ass for them, ja? I don’t mean to be an ass. And cut the formal shit. Consider that an order.”
Agata sighs. “I know, Rowan. You’re you, but you can be a bit much. Look, here’s the orders. Jumpship is already arranged for us, we just gotta dock. I already sent a copy of the orders on to Ignoble Steed, we’ll both be docking around the same time. Our ride’s an Invader, so it’ll just be us.”
Rowan frowns. “Bit weird not to fill the third collar.”
“Collar’s on the fritz, according to their captain. They took a couple of pot shots from some passing ASFs,” Agata shrugged, “but the drive was untouched and we’re pressed for time.”
“Thanks, XO. I’ll put the rest of my moping on hold. See you on the bridge.”
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taallasateenkaarenalla · 3 months ago
Muistaako kukaan muu nähneensä joskus randomisti telkkarista musiikkivideon Ellan ja Aleksin Ronnie James Biojäteastiasta? Oon ihan varma nähneeni vaa lapseni yksin kotona kouluaamuna olles semmosen telkkarista, mut en oo löytänyt siitä jälkeäkään sen koommin.
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neverwanttofallasleep · 1 year ago
I Never Want To Fall Asleep - Chapter 8 (Part 1)
Word count: 7,299
For pairings, warnings, and disclaimer - see Masterpost
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Sunday, December 25th, 2022
Frankenmuth, Michigan
Karen greets you and Josh at the door with warm hugs as you all exchange Merry Christmases. She doesn’t ask you where you’ve been, and she’s just as gracious as the minute you arrived. You’re relieved. 
As he walks under the threshold, Sammy gets a smack on the back of the head.
“You could’ve at least sent me a text message, Samuel! I was so worried when I didn’t see your car this morning!”
Sam winces. “Mom! I knew Josh would tell you. And I’m here now.”
She huffs. “Breakfast is almost ready. Take your coats off and go sit at the table.” You all go to comply, but she pulls Josh aside.
“Go and wake up your brother, baby.”
You feel your stomach turn. You know Jake is awake, he just texted you. He just hasn’t come out of his room yet.
Josh nods, removes his coat, and heads upstairs.
You take off your scarf and hang it over Sam’s coat by the door. You’re just left wearing Jake’s sweater over your clothes. You suddenly feel very exposed.
You follow Sammy into the dining room, where Kai and Ronnie are sitting at opposite sides of the table, showing each other TikToks. 
“‘Morning, family.” Sam greets them.
“Merry Christmas!” Ronnie jumps up and hugs you both. You’re definitely starting to feel more comfortable with her now, despite the circumstances.
“Happy Christmas, guys.” Kai smiles at you both.
“Happy Christmas, Kai.” You return. You move to take the empty seat by him, opposite from Ronnie, and you give him a kiss on the cheek. “I never got to tell you how fucking delicious that thing you made the other night was. You have to give me the recipe.”
He laughs. “My mom would be happy to hear that! I’ll text it to you.” You exchange numbers.
You hear creaking on the stairs, and sure enough, Josh makes his way into the dining room. Jake is a few steps behind him. When he sees you, he gives you a meek smile, and leans against the door frame, watching his family banter.
He looks like he’s in surprisingly better shape than he was last night, though the circles under his eyes are a dead giveaway. His long hair is pulled back into a low bun, a few pieces loose around his face. He’s wearing a black linen shirt, mostly unbuttoned, and almost matching trousers. His Atocha pendant is hanging around his neck. You’re a pair, both dressed in black. You may as well be going to a funeral. He’s definitely not dressed appropriately for the weather, but he never is.
Sam gets up to give his brother a hug, and whispers in his ear. About you, you’re sure. Sam rubs Jake’s arm as he goes back to his seat next to Ronnie. 
Josh comes over to give Kai a kiss, glancing at where you’re sat, and then goes back to sit down on Ronnie’s other side, opposite Kai. This leaves three free seats for Jake and his parents. The one at each end of the table, and the one next you. You curse internally. It’s almost like his siblings are orchestrating this.
They might be, for all you know. They’ve got no idea how hard you actually rejected Jake last night.
Karen and Kelly come bustling in with plates of food and pots of coffee. You remember Jake telling you that the Kiszkas always had a traditional Polish breakfast of apple pancakes on Christmas.
“Something Dad’s family always did. He makes them the best. It’s the only time Mom will let him near the kitchen, y’know, unless it’s to wash the dishes.” He’d told you.
Karen has supplemented the spread with some kind of fluffy scones and jam, fresh fruit and scrambled eggs. It all looks and smells delicious.
“Happy Christmas, my babies.” Karen coos. “Go on, dig in.” She gestures to the plates and cups and you all move to fill your plates at once. She looks to Jake. “Grab the milk and cream for me, will you, sweetheart?” He nods and heads into the kitchen, as his parents take their respective seats at the heads of the table.
Everyone begins to eat and chatter as Jake returns, placing the jugs on the table next his mother before making his way ‘round to sit by you. He pulls the chair out and silently raises his eyebrow as if to ask your permission. You give a small nod and he sits. It’s not like you have a choice.
Sam clears his throat to get the table’s attention.
“So,” He clasps his hands in front of himself, very much like Josh does. “What’s on the agenda for today, then, momma?”
“Well, honey, it’s up to you guys, really. But I was thinking we do presents after breakfast,” the Kiszka kids giggle excitedly at this, “and then I thought I might put Ronnie and you, Sammy, on dishes duty.” They nod. “Kai and Josh might be kind enough to get some more firewood from the shed, and Jake and Y/N can help me set the table and get lunch started? I think after breakfast, we probably won’t eat till late, maybe 2 or 3 o’clock. So you’ll all get some time to hang out in between, maybe we can watch White Christmas?” You remember Jake telling you that this was Karen’s tradition. She loves old movies and musicals, and she always watched White Christmas with her sisters growing up.
There’s a chorus of nods and hums of agreement around the room. You see Jake’s fist clench on his thigh, his knuckles whitening. You swallow. You’re sure Karen isn’t doing this with ill intention. If anything, you imagine she thinks she’s being kind, however misguided it might be.
“What about Dad?” Ronnie pipes up.
Karen smirks, and Kelly clears his throat. “I made the pancakes, Ron. And I’m on Santa duty. After all that, I reckon I’ll need a nap.”
You all giggle.
Karen shakes her head, laughing. “I’m sending your dad out to shovel the driveway. He’ll be plenty busy, don’t you worry.”
Ronnie looks satisfied with this.
Sam looks happy with this plan, too, until he remembers something. “What about the Christmas concert?” 
Karen beams, but Josh groans. “Aren’t we too old for that? Mom and Dad and Ron have seen us play arena shows, do we really need to bash out terrible Christmas songs in the garage? I need vocal rest.”
Everyone laughs.
“C’mon, love. I want to hear you sing.” Kai looks at Josh with the most adoring expression, it almost makes you feel a bit sick. Josh immediately blushes and takes Kai’s hand across the table.
“Well, okay. For you, anything.” 
Kai turns to Karen and gives her an over-exaggerated wink. She giggles.
“It’s not a Kiszka Christmas without some music.” She smiles broadly.
Sam nudges Ronnie. “Besides, one of us has yet to play an arena show. Reckon you can keep up, sis?”
She rolls her eyes. “I can sing Christmas carol circles around you idiots. You’d better watch out, or I’ll be the one in the jumpsuit come January.” She pokes Sam in the ribs with her pointer finger, and he winces. “Jake and I look enough like twins, no one’ll be able to tell the difference.”
Sammy chuckles and smacks her away. “Hear that, Josh? She’s coming for your gig.”
“Not unless she plans to sing ‘Jingle Bells’ in Las Vegas, she’s not.” Josh retorts, poking his tongue out at his sister. She flips him off.
Sam gestures to you and Kai. “You two are in for a real treat.”
You giggle. “Can’t wait.”
“Me neither.” Kai nods enthusiastically.
Jake has been quiet throughout breakfast. When you glance over at him, you see that Karen has her hand resting on his on the table, rubbing circles with her thumb.
She knows.
You feel a different kind of guilt bubbling up in you. You’ve hurt him, you know that. He’s hurt you, too. But you have all the power now. You know how you feel about him, and if he feels anything remotely close, sitting right next to you under the circumstances would have to be painful.
You have to resist the urge to reach under the table and place your hand on his thigh, like he’d often to for you if you were anxious or sad. Despite your treatment of him last night, you still want to comfort him. You hate being the reason he might be having a shitty time today.
When breakfast wraps up, you all begin to stack your plates and clear the table. Karen waves you all off. “We’ll do it after. Everyone in the living room in ten minutes for presents!”
Jake is the first to get up, quickly disappearing upstairs. When you can, you make an escape to the downstairs bathroom, pulling out your phone.
10.04am You: If I’m trying to enjoy it, you have to, too.
You don’t wait for a reply.
You leave the bathroom and wander to the kitchen, finding Karen refilling the coffee filter.
“Can I give you a hand?” You ask.
She looks up at you. “That would be great, honey. Can you grab the mugs from the table and bring them in here to rinse?”
You nod, and follow her instructions.
When you’re back in the kitchen, rinsing and stacking the mugs next to the sink, Karen breaks the silence.
“Are you alright, sweetheart? We missed you, the last few days.”
You decide to bite the bullet. “Yeah, I’m good. I’m so sorry I left so suddenly, I didn’t mean to take advantage of your hospitality like that. Jake and I just had a bit of a disagreement, and I felt like it would be better if I had my own place to stay for a few days.“
She hums. “I’m sorry to hear it. Jake’s been all out of sorts since you left. Sammy, being the gossip that he is, told me that he and Lily had ended things. I think I’m beginning to understand why.” She gives you a knowing look from the corner of her eye as she turns on the coffee pot.
Your cheeks bloom. What were you supposed to say to that? Anything that wouldn’t make you sound like a home wrecker.
“It’s complicated, I think. He’s my best friend.”
She nods. “I know, honey. And that’s usually the best foundation for a relationship.”
You feel tears pricking in your eyes. You’ve cried more in the past few days than you can ever remember crying in your life. “Are you upset with him?”
She looks up at you. “What for?”
“About Lily.”
“Of course not. Why would I be? I love her like a daughter, and she’ll always feel like family. But sometimes love just runs its course. They were just kids when they met, they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. Most people have many loves in their lifetime, some stronger than others. It’s rare, when it’s real. And you’ll know if it is. If you find it, you gotta hold onto it. Don’t let it go.”
You nod. “Thank you, Karen.”
She gives you a smile so warm it almost hurts. “You’re welcome, Y/N. And I’m glad my boys have been looking after you, while Jake couldn’t.”
You smile back. “Me too.” 
She takes the pot and heads out to the living room.
You follow her with the stack of clean cups and put them down on the coffee table. You turn to grab your purse from the hooks by the door, and head back in to take a seat on the ottoman, next to the Christmas tree. You’re hoping to avoid any further awkward seating arrangements.
You fish through your bag for your gifts, bundling them up under your seat to keep them out of sight. Just like Danny’s, none are wrapped, so you’ll have to give them out as is. You sigh.
Everyone filters in after a few more minutes, taking their seats around the living room. Kelly sits in the recliner, a Santa hat on his head. You giggle.
Jake returns, too, and heads straight for the record player. He puts on a Christmas album, and it’s very quiet, but after a few bars, you make it out to be Rosemary Clooney.
Karen grins from her perch on the arm of Kelly’s chair. “Thank you, baby.” She nods to Jake.
He gives her a warm smile, the most you’ve seen from him all morning.
You let out a deep breath. He’s trying.
Once he’s sitting down, on the couch next to Josh, you peek a glance at him. He looks just as gorgeous as ever. His eyes are lacking that signature sparkle, but he’s smiling, so that’s a start. You can’t help but look at his lips. The lips that were on yours last night, in such a frenzy that he’d left you a little swollen today. The memory is not as painful to relive as you were worried it might be. It’s actually kind of nice, and you find yourself wondering what would’ve happened if you hadn’t called it off.
You see him lick his lips absently, and you’re instantly transported to the night before, reliving the feeling of his tongue on you. You shiver.
You’re broken from your confusing daydream by Kelly. “Alright, then. Ho, ho, ho. Who wants to go first?”
Everyone laughs, and Josh puts his hand up. “Me, Santa! I want to go first.”
“Okay, then, Joshua. Give Santa your presents and I’ll hand them out for you.”
Josh gets up, and Ronnie cackles. Everyone looks at her. “Dad, if you’re gonna make us all get up to get our gifts, isn’t it easier if we just give them out ourselves?”
Kelly thinks it over for a second, then he nods. “Yeah. You’re all too old for this now. Give out your own presents.”
Karen laughs and shoves his shoulder. “Kelly.” She scolds.
Josh begins to hunt through the pile under the tree for his gifts, and hands them out one by one, starting with his parents.
Sam nudges your leg from his spot on the floor. “Be thankful it’s not Oliver Reed’s year to give out the presents. Those are much more exhausting.” He snickers.
“Oi, Samuel. Don’t you be talking any shit about ol’ Oliver. Be grateful that you get to have the privilege of his presence.” Jake puts on his terrible British accent, and in spite of yourself, you giggle.
Jake looks at you, surprised. Then, much to your own surprise, he smiles, and winks.
You feel yourself blushing, and you quickly look away, diverting your attention to Ronnie, who’s now opening her present from Josh.
“Wow! An Eiffel Tower keychain! Just what I’ve always wanted!” She sticks her tongue out at him.
“Shut up, Ronnie. Look underneath it.”
She pulls out a gorgeous French silk scarf, and gives him a genuine grin. “Thank you. It’s beautiful.”
“I am a man of many talents, and one of them is having impeccable taste.” He retorts, as she gets up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Josh gifts you a large piece of fabric, on it a reproduction of a black and white Italian lino-print, which you’d seen in a gallery together on one of your days off. You tell him it’s too much, but he waves you off. 
“I knew I had to get it for you when I saw it. Was gonna give it to you when we got back to New York. You’d better make something beautiful with it.” He tells you.
Your gift from Karen (and Kelly) is a framed postcard of the Frankenmuth Memorial Park Rose Garden, a beautiful image of a bed of pale pink and white flowers.
“So you can put it up at home and think of here.” She smiles at you. You feel like you might cry again.
More gifts are exchanged, and as if in silent synchronization, you and Jake get up at the same time to pour the coffees and pass them around. More than once he makes eye contact with you, and you find yourself feeling a little giddy under his gaze. This is not how you expected to feel today.
When it’s your turn, you retrieve your pile of presents from under the ottoman, and begin to hand them out to Jake’s family. You’re met with a chorus of ‘thank you’s and compliments on your talent. You blush, insisting that they’re just little things.
When you get to Sammy, you make him close his eyes and hold out his hands, like you did with Danny. He’s met with a red, knitted fisherman’s beanie, which you’re especially proud of. He gives you the biggest goofy grin and puts it on straight away, sitting up on his knees to give you a hug.
“I love it!” He exclaims, and you giggle. You didn’t expect any less enthusiasm from him.
Josh is next, and he gives you a soft smile as you hand him the narrow, white and gold scarf you made for him. He wraps it around his throat and tosses one end over his shoulder.
“How very Parisienne of you.” You giggle.
“I’m really embracing my inner European after the tour.” He smirks. “Thank you, Y/N. It’s gorgeous.”
You smile. “It suits you.”
You’ve saved Jake for last. Maybe out of fear, or maybe something else. You’re not sure now. You get up, and move to stand in front of him.
“Do I have to close my eyes, too?” He asks quietly.
His family begin to chatter around you, as if to disperse the tension. You’re relieved.
“Only if you want to.”
He does, and it’s different from when his brothers did it. It doesn’t feel silly. In fact, there’s something intimate about it.
You place the small gift into his outstretched hands. He opens his eyes, but instead of looking straight at the gift, he looks at you first. Your face warms, again.
When he does look down, he gives a smile so broad that it suddenly makes you feel embarrassed, like you shouldn’t have done this here. The gift itself isn’t extremely exciting, but seeing his reaction, it suddenly feels intensely personal.
He slides the black, fingerless gloves onto his hands, admiring them, before looking at you again.
“So I can play guitar in them?” He asks.
You nod shyly.
“They’re perfect.” He murmurs. “Thank you.” It’s so earnest.
You blush deeply, and quickly return to your seat. He takes the gloves off and places them neatly on the arm of the couch.
His family pretend to be oblivious to the interaction, which you’re immensely grateful for. Sammy can’t help himself, and gives you a sly look as you sit back down.
Sam’s next, and his gift to you is a beautiful robin’s egg blue mug, speckled with what looks like sand.
“Sam, this is gorgeous.”
He smirks. “It’s from me and Lennon. Her sister made it, you know how she’s got a pottery studio.”
You nod. “Thank you.”
The rest of his gifts to his family are all also handmade pottery, and you sense a theme.
“Did Lennon send you here with a suitcase full of breakable items?” Ronnie teases him. “She’s a brave girl. How much did you spend on bubble wrap?”
Sam puffs his chest. “Yes, she did. And I didn’t break a single one, thank you very much. Bubble wrap is very expensive.”
You all chuckle at him.
Jake gives out his presents last, and in the hustle and bustle, no one seems to notice that you don’t receive one. You’re not upset, you figure he either didn’t get you anything, or he decided not to give it to you after last night. Fair enough.
After everyone’s done with presents and you’ve all had your fill of coffee, you and Ronnie are left to wrapping paper pick-up duty, while the rest of the family starts on the chores Karen has assigned them.
You hold the trash bag while Ronnie picks up the paper and cards and dumps them in. You ask her to save the ribbons for you, so she lays them in a neat pile on the coffee table. You’re quiet for a few minutes as the others meander in and out of the room.
Once you’re alone, she speaks. So matter of factly, it takes you a second to catch up.
“Did it get too much?” She smirks, but she’s not making fun of you. She might as well have said ‘I told you so’, but you feel like you deserve that at this point.
“Yeah, I guess so. It’s complicated.”
“I bet. He’s been pining over you for the last three days. It’s been unbearable.”
You feel your face go red. “I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She smirks again, but this time you feel like you’re in on the joke. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Y/N. I don’t judge you, or him. I like you. And Jake is in love with you, I saw it on his face from the first moment he talked about you. I’m glad he and Lily have worked their shit out. First love rarely lasts forever, unless you’re our parents. Now you just gotta decide if you wanna be with him, too. ‘Cause he’ll do anything for you. He’s the best person, Y/N. Don’t hurt him.” She really is her mother’s daughter, but she has a bit of that Sammy spunk in her. Relentless, honest, protective. She’s a good sister.
“I know.” You say honestly. He is the best person.
She nods. “Good. Then I won’t say anything else about it.”
“Thanks, Ronnie.”
“It’s all good.” She smiles, not a smirk this time. A genuine, toothy smile. God, she looks like her brothers.
Preparations for lunch go by smoothly, and fast. You and Jake keep your interactions to a minimum while helping in the kitchen and setting the table, but when you do speak, or hand things to one another, you struggle to keep your chest from fluttering. You don’t know what could possibly feel so different from last night, but even being in his proximity today is enough to give you butterflies. It feels like a school girl crush, a single glance or brush of his hand is enough to make you swoon.
Once the food is in the oven, Karen dismisses you both and instructs you to put on the movie for her. The two of you sit on the couch while the others flit in and out, watching bits and singing along to the songs. You’re not sitting right next to each other, but you’re not on opposite ends, either. There’s maybe a foot of space between you, and you can feel the electricity radiating from his body to yours. It makes it near impossible to focus on the TV, but when you do, all you can see are magnificent costumes.
The only time you speak is during ‘Count Your Blessings’.
“This was always my favourite song, you know.” He says, without looking at you.
“Mine too. Why’s it yours?”
“It’s so romantic.” Is all he says. “You?”
“I think it’s hopeful.”
You risk a glance at him, and he’s staring straight at the screen, but you see the sparkle starting to return. You smile to yourself.
At lunch, you don’t sit together, and you breathe a sigh of relief. You’re sat next to Josh, Jake kind of diagonally across from you. Every time you chance a look at him, he’s staring at you. It feels so intense, like you might shatter under the weight of his gaze.
You decide you have to talk to him, today. You have to apologise. You need him to know why you pushed him away, and that it’s not for lack of feeling on your part. Things are just too messy right now, and you need time, if he’ll even give it to you.
Once you decide this, you start to feel a bit more relaxed. You’re two glasses of wine in, and you start to itch to have the conversation over with. You just want to clear the air. You want to be able to be friends again. You want things to go back to how they were, before.
After lunch, Sam rallies the Kiszkas for a quick concert rehearsal in the garage, and you and Kai help Karen with the clean up. Kelly really does go upstairs for a nap.
The three of you chatter about anything and everything, trading recipes, talking about old movies. You’re definitely feeling more comfortable now, the wine has loosened you up. And now you’ve got the awkward conversations with Karen and Ronnie out of the way, you’re actually having a great time.
You wipe down the dining table as Kai and Karen bring out the desserts.
“I don’t know how I’m gonna fit any more food in.” Kai whispers to you when Karen’s in the kitchen.
You giggle. “Me neither, but it looks so fucking good.” You swipe some whipped cream from the top of the trifle with your finger, and put it in your mouth.
Of course, the Kiszka kids find this the opportune moment to walk in, and you make direct eye contact with Jake as you remove your index finger from your mouth with a wet pop. He goes beet red, and quickly scurries into the kitchen.
Kai giggles. 
“That was hot.” Sam comments, totally oblivious.
You blush, too.
Everyone agrees that they’re far too full to fit in dessert right now, so Sammy declares it time to wake up Dad for the ‘Annual Kiszka Christmas Concert Extravaganza’. Josh teases him for not being very creative with names.
You don your scarf, and you all trudge through the snow to the garage, where someone (presumably Ronnie) has thoughtfully set up some extra folding chairs for the audience. You take a seat on the far left, Kelly and Karen on the couch, Kai on the other side.
Sammy takes his seat behind the tiny electric keyboard, Jake on his guitar stool the far right, acoustic in hand. Ronnie and Josh sit on two camping chairs in front of the drum kit.
As soon as Sam and Jake play the first notes, you immediately recognise the song, and you grin. When you look over to Jake, he’s grinning back at you. He’s taken his hair down, and he’s wearing his glasses. You’re not sure if he really needs them to play guitar (in fact, you know he doesn’t), and you can’t help but wonder if he’s worn them because you told him you liked them.
Josh and Ronnie begin to sing, a pitch perfect rendition of ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’. They giggle with each other as they sing, it adds to the atmosphere. Jake and Sam give the song a little bit of a bluesy flair, and it’s amazing.
When the songs ends, the four of you give as raucous of an applause as you can manage, whooping and hollering and cheering for the Kiszka family band.
“Encore! Encore!” Karen cries.
They all laugh.
“Maybe later, momma. When Daniel is here.” Sam bargains.
“Alright, alright.” She concedes. “Let’s go inside, then. It’s so cold!”
Everyone follows Karen and Kelly up to the house, but Jake hangs back. Now’s your chance. You lean against the garage door and wait for him to notice you. When he does, he smiles.
“Did ya like that?” He takes his glasses off and hangs them on his shirt pocket.
You grin. “Not your usual style, but I can appreciate it.”
He chuckles. “Gotta pay respect to my roots.”
You nod, and it’s quiet for a moment as he fiddles around with the guitars on the rack.
You take a deep breath. “Can we talk?”
He looks up at you, and nods. “Yeah, okay. What’s up?”
“I’m sorry about last night, Jake. I didn’t mean for things to go down that way.”
He sighs. “I thought we weren’t gonna talk about it today.”
“I think we have to. I’m having a hard time.”
“Why’s that?”
You shake your head. “I think I’m just confused.”
His brow furrows. “Last night, when you said you couldn’t. Did you mean you couldn’t at all? Or you just couldn’t then?”
“I don’t know.” You sigh.
He looks almost, relieved? He takes a deep breath. “I know what I want, Y/N. I want to be with you. If you don’t want that now, I’ll wait. But I don’t think I’m ever going to change my mind. I don’t know when it happened, but all of a sudden I can’t imagine my life without you in it. And not just as my friend.”
Your heart is pounding. “I do want this, Jake. I’m just scared. This is all happening so fast.”
“Please, don’t be. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. And I don’t think it’s happened fast at all. Five months ago, y’know, when I saw you at that fitting, I felt it. Like a magnetic pull. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew then that you were gonna be important to me.”
“You remember the fitting?”
He nods. “You were adjusting the button on my rose suit pants. You barely said a word to me. I couldn’t get the feeling of your hands on my waist outta my head for a week.”
You shake your head. “But, at the party. You said you didn’t remember.”
He chuckles. “I felt like I’d made a terrible first impression. I’d spent the whole of our first interaction attempting to pick my jaw up off the floor. That night, I was so nervous, I got drunk before I even saw you. I, uh, I was trying to be smooth.”
You can’t help but giggle, but you feel warm tears running down your face.
“Do you really love me?”
“I don’t remember ever feeling this strongly about anyone. I spend every minute of every day wanting to learn more about you, to know you inside and out. You’re the most interesting, passionate, and smart person I’ve ever met. And you took my breath away, when I first saw you. I’d never seen anyone as radiant as you.”
“You took my breath away, too.”
He looks surprised. “Really?”
You nod, your hands shaking. “Yeah. I felt the magnet, too. I thought it was just me.”
He breathes a heavy sigh of relief. “No. Not just you.”
He steps close to you. You’re both standing just inside the garage, out of view of the house. He reaches up to brush his fingertips down your cheek, catching your tears.
“That night in London, when I was drunk, and you helped me in my room. I almost told you everything. Things were complicated, and somehow I found the self-restraint not to. But God, I wanted to. So badly. You looked so beautiful.”
You nod. “The next night, when you kissed me. I never wanted you to stop.”
A small noise leaves his lips. It almost sounds like an elated laugh.
“I should’ve asked you, then. And last night. I didn’t, and I regret that.” He takes a deep breath. He looks nervous. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” You breathe, and he does.
It’s different from all the other kisses. It’s slow, but not hesitant. He wraps his arms around your middle to hold you to him firmly, his hands sliding under your sweater, his thumb rubbing your spine.
It’s so intense, it makes you shiver. It feels right, this time.
You press your tongue against his lip, and you feel his surprise, but he lets you in. Everything feels like it’s moving in slow motion, you’re tasting him, really savouring him, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt. This feels like a life-changing kiss. Things won’t be the same after this.
You knot both of your hands into the hair behind his ears, pushing it back off his face, while pulling him closer to you. Before you can get too heated, he breaks contact, leaving a final, soft kiss on your lips. He rests his forehead on yours, your eyes still closed. You sigh.
“I think I love you, too, Jake.”
He pulls back to look at you, his hands still gripping your waist, eyes flicking between yours.
“You don’t have to say it just because I did. We can take this slow. We haven’t even slept together yet.” He chuckles.
You shake your head. “No. I’m not saying it just because you did.”
He beams, and gives you another soft kiss before pulling you into him. You bury your face in his neck. He smells like home.
After a few moments, you pull away. “We should head back inside.”
“Yeah.” He smiles, sheepishly. “I don’t want to.”
You giggle. “Me neither, but I can’t disappoint your mother again.”
“Fair enough.” He nods. “Danny and his parents will be here soon. We’ve probably got a few more hours to get through.”
He takes your hand in his, and you realise he’s been wearing your gloves all this time.
You grin.
You step outside as he closes up the garage, and you follow him up to the house.
The rest of the afternoon goes by in a blur. The Wagners arrive at some point, without Josie, as she’d gone off to spend time with her partner’s family. You all eat dessert, and more drinks and gifts are shared. You’re dizzy with adrenaline.
When you’d arrived at the back door, Jake had dropped your hand, giving you a sly smirk, before opening the door for you and ushering you inside.
You’d received questioning looks from his siblings, but you just let it lie. Right now, this was just for the two of you. They’d know soon enough.
For the rest of the day, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of each other, even if you’d tried. Which you didn’t. You found yourself swooning over the simplest of things, him bringing his mom a cup of tea, or helping Ronnie do up the laces of her new sneakers. He even spent a minute straightening Sam’s collar, and you thought that was adorable. They were grown-ups, but they still cared for each other like siblings should.
At one point, he caught you coming out of the guest bathroom downstairs and pulled you into a corner just to plant a hard kiss on your mouth and walk away with a snicker. You were positively giddy. 
It’s dark now, early evening. Everyone is scattered around the dining and living rooms, nursing their drinks and laughing together. You’re perched on the arm of the sofa by Sammy and Josh as they play a very heated game of Mario Kart, Kai whispering pointers in Josh’s ear. This is what you remember of your family Christmases. You feel happy.
Jake appears from nowhere and taps you on the shoulder, tipping his head toward the front door. You raise your eyebrows and he just smirks, pulling you up from your seat and ushering you outside.
Your teeth start chattering the moment the cold air hits you. He pulls the door closed behind himself, leaving you both standing in just the dim porch light.
“What are you doing? It’s fucking freezing out here!” You rub your arms, hoping to cause some friction between your bare hands and the wool of Jake’s sweater.
He chuckles. “This’ll only take a sec. Close your eyes.”
You frown, but you comply.
“Hold out your hands.”
You feel something small and square drop into your palm, and you chance opening one eye to give him a quizzical look.
He laughs. “Okay, you can open.”
You look down, and see a small, silver box in your hands, tied with a yellow ribbon. You look up at him. “What is this?”
He rolls his eyes. “Just open it.”
You pull the ribbon and it falls undone into your fingers. You reach forward to shove it into his pocket, and he smirks.
You feel a little nervous, but with shaky hands, you pry open the lid of the box.
Inside, you see a small, gold pendant, on a matching delicate chain. You touch it gently, before sliding your fingers underneath it to lift it out.
It’s a bow and arrow. Like his suit. Exactly like it.
You gasp, and look up at him, your eyes already brimming with tears.
“Jake.” You breathe.
He smiles. “Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
You clutch the pendant between your fingers so as not to drop it and lunge for him, wrapping your arms around his torso and burying your face into his chest. Your heart is pounding in your ears.
You feel him chuckle as he reciprocates the embrace, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and kissing the top of your head.
“I’m glad you like it.”
You pull back to look at him. “I love it, Jake. It’s perfect. Thank you. You didn’t have to.”
You smiles warmly and takes the necklace from your hand, gesturing for you to turn around. “I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to.”
You lift your hair for him as he wraps the chain around your throat and clasps it for you, using the opportunity to brush his warm fingertips over the back of your neck. You shudder.
When you turn back around, you lift your hand to run your own fingers over the pendant. It feels like it was made for you.
He takes a step back to look at you, admiring the addition.
“I saw it in London, when I was out the day before the show, before I’d decided to wear the suit. It’s what made me do it, actually. I thought of you instantly.”
You sniffle. “When we were fighting?”
He nods. “Well, we were never really fighting, y’know. I was under the impression you’d accused me of having a crush on you, so I was, uh, avoiding you. I guess I lived up to that by buying you a necklace when I didn’t know if you’d ever want to speak to me again.” He steps forward again, putting his hands on your waist and resting his forehead against yours.
You giggle through your tears. “You thought I was mad at you for having a crush on me?”
He nods, his hair tickling your cheeks.
“How could I have thought that? You never said it.”
He smirks. “I thought that’s what you were saying to me, outside your hotel room in Manchester.” 
You think back to that night, everything suddenly clicking into place. “Oh, Jake. That’s not what I meant.”
“Well, yeah. I know that now.” He shrugs. “What did you mean?” He asks you slyly, although you’re sure he already knows the answer.
“I meant that I had feelings for you.”
He hums. “Thought so.”
He lifts his hands to cup your face, and plants the softest of kisses on your lips.
When he pulls back, you sigh, your eyes still closed.
“Thank you for waiting.”
You open your eyes, and he's looking at you questioningly. “Waiting for what?”
“Until you sorted things out with Lily. I know I reacted poorly last night, but I know you were trying to do the right thing. Not hurt anyone.”
He hums. “I’m sorry I didn’t do it sooner.”
You shake your head. “No, don’t be sorry for that. She deserved to get the chance to talk to you in person, before things got complicated. You did the right thing.”
He nods. “I know.”
“Are you okay?”
He nods. “I’m okay. I wasn’t surprised, or anything. And I would’ve done it, if she hadn’t. Maybe I’m still processing.”
You continue. You want to get this off your chest. “I’m a bit worried about that, if I’m honest. I know it’s over between you two, but I also know it’s fresh. You might be grieving that relationship for a while. I just want you to know that it’s okay. We’ve jumped into this really fast, already professing our love for each other. If you need to take a step back, or hit pause, while you sort things out, or if you need to be on your own for a while, I want you to have that chance.”
He looks at you confusedly. “Do you want to hit pause?”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying. But I’ve been single for a while, and I’ve also had a crush on you for a while,” you blush, “so it’s not the same for me. I just want you to know that I’ll wait for you, if that’s what you need.”
He grins. “I don’t wanna wait for you anymore. When we were young, my mom always told us; when we found love, real love, to never let it go. I don’t plan to.”
You giggle. “She said the same thing to me.”
“About me?”
“I think so.”
He pulls you into him again. “I’m not gonna let you go.”
When you make it back inside, most everyone pretends not to notice you’d slipped away, except Danny. As Jake brushes his hand over your back to head to the kitchen, Danny gives you a subtle look across the living room, and you nod. He grins.
You walk over to him and sling your arm around his waist, not saying anything. He just rests his chin on the top of your head and smiles.
He whispers into your hair. “You worked it out, I take it?”
You blush. “I’ll tell you one day.”
He chuckles.
You whisper to him. “What’s going on with you and Jules?”
He snickers, and without looking at you he says, “I’ll tell you one day.”
You smile.
As the evening comes to a close, the boys bring out their guitars one last time, and Josh and Jake sing a melancholy song you’ve never heard before. Danny stays close by your side as he strums one of Kelly’s old acoustics, and you and Jake make the most intense eye contact, you start to feel your head spin.
When all is said and done, Kelly announces that it’s time for him to go to bed, and everyone giggles and makes their rounds, kissing and hugging one another, and wishing everyone a final Merry Christmas.
The Wagners clear out, and Josh and Kai head to the basement for bed, but not before Josh gives you a drunk, sloppy kiss on the cheek and a tight squeeze. Kai gives you a big grin and ushers his other half down the stairs. Karen gives you a warm embrace and thanks you for coming, and she and Kelly head upstairs to retire, too. Sammy and Ronnie are still curled up on the couch, some old action movie playing softly on the TV.
As you stand in the entryway, Jake takes your hand and threads his fingers through yours.
“Do you want me to take you back to the motel?” He asks quietly.
You nod.
His face falls imperceptibly, but he takes your scarf from the hook and wraps it around your neck, pulling on his own coat, too.
You grab your bag, and head over to give Sammy a kiss on the top of his head, squeezing Ronnie’s shoulder.
“Merry Christmas, you guys. Thanks for having me.”
They both look up at you with sleepy smiles, and Sam’s eyes flick to Jake in the doorway before coming back to rest on you.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He mutters, a cheeky grin plastered on his face, and Ronnie smacks his arm. 
You blush. “Goodnight, Sammy.”
“‘Night, Y/N. Glad you came.”
You smile. “Me too.”
Chapter 8 (Part 2)
@ohgodthefeeling-gvf @profitofthedune @sinarainbows @klarxtr @jakesgrapejuice @gretavangroupie @mackalah @clairesjointshurt @writingcold @alwaysonthemend @jakekiszkasbuttsweat
happy early birthday @klarxtr! sorry i couldn't reply to your comment on this account - but consider this my gift to you xx
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zswagcentral · 1 month ago
A non-chronological list of rumored future Zendaya projects that I've heard floating around
Ronnie Spector Biopic: She was fully signed on to this, and pre-production had began I think. However, there have been no updates since Ronnie Spector's death in 2022. I've heard rumors that it's been shelved, but nothing official.
On one hand, I believe this would be a good vessel for a potential Oscar nom for Z. On the other hand, musician biopics are very hit or miss, and if they're not great , they're usually abysmal. She would need a REALLY strong creative team involved with this. Furthermore, there are so many biopics in the works for the next couple years (Bruce Springsteen, Janis Joplin, Dione Warwick, another Michael Jackson one, etc. etc.), it might actually be pretty difficult to stand out even with a good one.
Cleopatra: Denis Villanueve has all but confirmed he will be working on a Cleopatra film, and a different adapted sci-fi film after Dune. Apparently there was a leak that showed Zendaya was signed on to play Cleopatra... as well as the random AI trailer on YouTube that got a bunch of attention for some reason.
Look, I am beyond hyped at the idea of Denis making Z the lead in his next movie. I think she's earned it; and I love that he has that level of faith in her. HOWEVER, for obvs reasons this is terrible casting (if you use your frustration at this potential casting to be anti-black anywhere in my mentions, you're getting blocked).
My hope is that maybe it's just unfounded rumors (I mean, nothing about the potential movie has been confirmed other than that Denis is making it. Remember how she was rumored to be the female lead in Megalopolis?), or perhaps he wants her to lead in a different project of his, or worse comes to worse, maybe she'll be cast as Arsinoe (Cleopatra's equally interesting, entirely underrated, half sister who was highly suspected to be biracial). Obvs the ideal is for Hollywood to cast ACTUAL Egyptian actors... but reality is, the lead actors will most likely be American and bankable with mass appeal.
9 to 5: Apparently Jennifer Anniston is looking to make a remake of the 80s comedy of the same name, starring Z, Ariana Grande and Sydney Sweeney.
On one hand, I think a big budget comedy would also be great for her. She has real comedy chops that she hasn't really gotten to show post-disney (most likely, she'd play Lily Tomlin's character). And while we're all sick of remakes, I think the OG film is far removed enough from the target audience of this remake, that it could actually work.
Downside, Hollywood comedies are usually hit or miss for me lately, and I think Jennifer Anniston's idea of comedy is really outdated compared to what is considered funny now (if you look at the script of the OG movie, there is ALOT that would need to be updated).
Also, there really isn't anything concrete about this project. Just a rumor that JA wants to make it. I don't believe any of the named actresses have shown any interest yet.
Anyway, lmk if I missed any. If there are any rumors/speculations you've heard with projects she might be tied to...
I understand her schedule will be absolutely packed this year with filming/promo for Euphoria, the drama, spiderman, the odyssey, Dune Messiah (jfc, when will they even get time to plan this wedding? lol), but once she's completely free of Euphoria/S*m L*vinson I'm genuinely excited to see what her filmography will look like beyond long-running shows and franchises 🙏
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omegaremix · 2 months ago
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Favorite Sampling / Crate-Digging / Classic Finds For The 2010’s.
Walt Barr “Free Spirit”
Azymuth “Jazz Carnival”
Reg Tilsley “Hold The Road”
Willie Bobo “Kojak Theme”
Bobby Lyle “Inner Space”
Marcio Montarroyos “Pedra Bonilla”
Rubba “Way Star”
Eddie Henderson “Involuntary Bliss”
Jaye P. Morgan “It’s Been So Long“
Eric Gale “Morning Glory”
Tribe “Koke Pt. I & II”
Urbie Green The Fox
Hysear Don Walker “Poo Jo”
Weldon Irvine “Morning Sunrise”
Unit Nine “Night Light”
Larry Bright “Solar Visions”
Sun Ra Nuits De La Fondation Maeght Vol. 1
Gary Davis & His Professor “Stay With Me”
L.A. Boppers “Saturday”
Pop Eye “Lazy Haze”
Phil Upchurch “Black Gold”
Ronnie Laws “Always There”
Sauver Mallia “Future Vision”
Sweet Mixture “House Of Fun And Love”
Tantor “Niederwohren”
Catalyst “New-Found Truths”
Brian Bennett & Alan Hawkshaw “Mermaid”
Clive Hicks “Deserted Factory”
Alan Parker & Alan Hawkshaw “The Difference”
Jack Wilkins “Red Clay”
James Clarke “In Suspension”
Negril self-titled
Blackbyrds, The “Mysterious Vibes”
Bill Loose “Almost Sixteen”
Robert Ashley “Purposeful Lady Slow Afternoon”
Steve Khan “The Blue Man”
Puccio Roelens “A Silness Song”
Robert Viger “Limpidite”
Ramsey Lewis “Skippin’”
Alan Hawkshaw “Cruising”
Keith Mansfield “Love De Luxe”
General Lee & The Space Army Band “We Did It Baby Pt. 1 & 2”
Tony Hymas “Final Inspecton”
Antonio Andolfo Feito Em Casa
James Clarke “Waiting Game”
Alan Hawkshaw “Blue Note”
Bob James “Angela”
Tom Scott “Appolonia (Foxtrata)”
Alan Parker & Mike Moran “Your Smile”
Ethel Beatty “Your Love”
Keith Droste “When You Come Around”
Ojeda Penn “Happiness Is Having You Here”
Walt Barr “Creepin’”
Brass Construction “Don’t Try To Change Me”
Sylvano Santorio “Waves”
William Onyeabor “Better Change Your Mind”
Puccio Roelens “Northern Lights”
Ramsey Lewis “Tambura”
Blackbyrds, The “Mysterious Vibes”
Champaign “I’m On Fire”
Starfire “Make The Most of It”
Dick Walter “The Fat Man”
Don Patterson “The Good Life”
Maynard Ferguson “Mister Mellow”
Death “David’s Dream”
Vic Juris “Leah”
Ramsey Lewis “Sun Goddess”
Stuff “Sun Song”
Nancy Wilson ”I’m In Love”
Undisputed Truth, The “Smiling Faces Sometimes”
Heatwave “Leaving For A Dream”
Eddie Henderson “Beyond Forever”
Keith Mansfield “Routine Procedure”
Players’ Association, The “Moon In Pisces”
Jaye P. Morgan “Can’t Hide Love”
Bill Loose “Slight Misgivings”
Bernice Chardiet / Martha Hayes “All By Myself“
Steve Khan “Darling Darling Baby (Sweet Tender Love)”
Gordon’s War “Got To Fan The Flame”
McNeal & Miles “Ja Ja”
Annette Peacock & Paul Bley “A Loss Of Consciousness”
Alan Hawkshaw “Mystique Voyage”
Big Barney “The Whole Damn Thing”
General Lee & The Space Army Band “Magic”
Gene Harris “Losalamitoslatinfunklovesong”
Tomorrow’s People “Open Soul”
Blackbyrds, The “Love Is Love”
Chick Carlton & Mesmeriah “One More Time With Feeling”
Cortex “Huit Octobre”
Flora Purim “Angels”
Francis Monkman “Getting Ready”
Frank Ricotti “Vibes”
Herbie Hancock “Butterfly”
James Mason “I Want Your Love”
Franco Micalizzi “Jessica’s Theme”
Manzel “Midnight Theme”
Sass “I Only Wanted To Love You”
Stars & Bars “Stars And Bars”
Sunburst “Mysterious Vibes”
Mass Production “Slow Bump”
Peter Brown “For Your Love”
Bobby Lyle “Night Breeze”
Brian Bennett “Morning”
Vic Juris “Horizon Drive”
Hailu Mergia & The Walias (ft. Mulatu Astatke) “Yemiasleks Fikir”
Bereket Mengistaab “Lebay”
LaMont Johnson Aces
Alan Hawkshaw “Warm Hearts”
Heatwave “Star Of The Story”
Pasteur Lappe “Mbale (Face To Face With The Truth)”
Joe Beck & David Sanborn “Texas Ann”
Jon Lucien “Sunny Day”
Players’ Association, The “Turn The Music Up!”
Richie Cole “New York Afternoon”
Rufus & Chaka Khan “Your Smile”
Shuggie Otis “Pling!”
Alice Coltraine “Galaxy In Turiya”
Stuff “And Here You Are”
Pharoah Sanders “Greeting to Saud (Brother McCoy Tyner)”
Edgar Vercy “La Mer”
Fa-5 self-titled
Iodi “Sonrie”
Joe Moks Boys And Girls
Blackbyrds, The “Lady”
Teddy Lasry “Riverhead”
Brothers Johnson “Tomorrow”
Håkon Graf & Sveinung Hovensjø & Jon Eberson & Jon Christensen “Alive Again”
Favorite Sampling / Crate-Digging / Classic Finds For The Oughts.
Donny Hathaway “Singing This Song To You”
Esther Phillips “That’s All Right With Me”
Gil Scott-Heron “We Almost Lost Detroit”
Isaac Hayes “Hung Up On My Baby”
Marvin Gaye “I Want You” (inst.)
David Axelrod “Warning Pts. 1 & 2”
Pharoah Sanders “Creator Has A Master Plan, The”
Lonnie Liston Smith “Expansions”
Kool & The Gang “Summer Madness”
Roy Ayers Virgin Ubiquity I & II
Rotary Connection “Memory Band”
Cal Tjader “Morning Mist”
Dave Grusin “Either Way”
RAMP “Daylight”
Gil Scott-Heron “A Very Precious Time”
Sun Ra “Yucatan” (Saturn ver.)
Edwin Birdsong “Cola Bottle Baby”
Kool & The Gang “Summer Madness” (live)
Neil Richardson “The Riviera Affair”
Roy Ayers Ubiquity “Show Us A Feeling”
Persuaders, The “We’re Just Trying To Make It”
Sun Ra “Enlightenment”
Les McCann River High River Low
Minnie Riperton“Lovin’ You”
Floaters, The “Float On”
Roy Ayers Ubiquity “Miles (Love’s Silent Dawn)”
Les McCann Layers
John Tropea A Short Trip To Space
Lonnie Liston Smith & The Cosmic Echoes Astral Traveling
Chick Corea“Crystal Silence”
Richard “Groove” Holmes “Onsaya Joy”
Gil Scott-Heron & Brian JacksonWinter In America
Delegation“Oh, Honey”
Heatwave “Always And Forever”
Olympic Runners “Don’t Let Up”
Kool & The Gang “Winter Sadness”
Ronnie Laws “Tidal Wave”
Parliament Funkadelic “One Of Those Funky Things”
Roy Ayers A Tear To A Smile
Galt McDermott Ripped Open By Metal Explosion
Idris Muhammad “Crab Apple”
Alan Parker & John CameronAfro Rock
Beginning Of The EndFunky Nassau
Otto Cesana “Hi”
Syd Dale “Cuban Presto”
Chambers Brothers, The “New Generation”
Chick Corea Friends
Edwin Birdsong “Rapper Dapper Snapper”
Jerry Butler “Got To See If I Can’t Get Momma (To Come Back Home)”
Karla Bonoff Restless Nights
Phil Upchurch self-titled
Roy Ayers (Ubiquity) “This Side Of Sunshine”
Billy Cobham “Heather”
Bill Conti “Reflections”
Andre Previn “Executive Party Dance”
Lonnie Liston Smith & The Cosmic Echoes Vision Of A New World
London West End Theatre Orchestra“Apollo 15 (Race Leader)”
4 notes · View notes
funnuraba · 2 months ago
I read looked through the Japanese translation of Summer Lightning! This was done by Morimura Tamaki, who also does the Jeeves translations.
Personal Pronouns:
Usually fictional characters use just one single personal pronoun to show what their personality is like. Here, most of the characters actually do it more like you're supposed to in real life, and switch it up depending on their relationship with the one they're talking to.
I'm just gonna link to TVTropes if you're not familiar with Japanese personal pronouns... I know, I know, but it's helpful to have examples of which fictional characters use which pronouns. If you already know the Blandings cast well, this won't teach you anything new about them, because the choices all make perfect sense.
-Hugo: Boku 僕, polite masculine. Uses the more assertive masculine ore 俺 when speaking to Ronnie, since they're two men and old friends. Also briefly slips into using ore with Sue, partway through his first brandy and soda
-Beach: Watakushi わたくし, extremely formal, part of his butler manners
-Millicent: Watashi わたし (ends sentences with -wa) (standard personal pronoun)
-Lord Emsworth: Washi わし (stereotypical old man pronoun. He ends sentences with -ja and generally uses old man speech, not as formal as one would expect from an earl)
-Lady Constance: Atakushi (!!) あたくし, uses -wa and -kashira (Atakushi is very rare in fiction! Basically a super formal and feminine "I".)
-Gally: Ore 俺. He very cutely switches to the friendly, non-threatening Boku immediately upon meeting Sue
-Sue: Atashi あたし. Standard, more casual and decidedly feminine than watashi. She uses watashi when undercover as Myra Schoonmaker (in fact, she uses it right away upon her encounter with Lady Constance at Ronnie's place in London: it's about upping her politeness level, not putting on an calculated fake personality)
-Ronnie: another Boku. Unlike Hugo, he doesn't switch to Ore when they're talking man-to-man.
-Baxter: Watashi in kanji, 私. I don't know exactly what this means compared to Millicent's hiragana watashi, but clearly whatever difference there is must be the difference between Baxter and Millicent. I'm sure part of it is giving him a businesslike tone, because see below:
-Pilbeam: Also uses watashi in kanji at first; he's on the job so it's the appropriate level of formality. When confronting Sue he switches to ore. He keeps using ore while Ronnie is trying to pull his head off, since this is not occurring in a professional capacity
-Sir Gregory: Ore in Galahad's memories, wagahai 吾輩 (!!!) in the present. He uses the same -ja style of speech as Lord Emsworth, but with much fancier pronouns for "I" and "you". Wagahai sounds very self-important, even considering the time period. (His "you" is onushi! Most of the other characters use pronouns you could hear in real life, but Sir Gregory's are not words people use anymore.)
Titles/styles of speech
-Lady: Lady in English
-Sir as in Gregory: Sir in English
-Miss Millicent: Millicent-jou
-The Honorable Galahad: Galahad-kakka
-Lord Emsworth calls his secretary Hugo "Carmody-kun" to show the employee relationship, whereas in English he's just Carmody
-Connie uses "ano ko" referring to Ronnie when she says he'll pick her up in London; cute
-Error: Connie and Galahad are referred to as otouto and ane. In Japanese you can't avoid referring to sibling birth order like you can in English, so the translation has taken the stance that she's older than Galahad. This is probably based on the family tree that I said some months ago was set up a little dodgily, because it seems to put the Threepwood siblings in birth order; in actuality, Constance is in her mid-40s and Galahad is nearly 60, but her age is only given in the previous book, Leave it to Psmith. (To be fair, Wodehouse himself often lost track of how old Connie is supposed to be, and this book mentions her having a "mutual nursery" with Lord Emsworth)
(Family tree as it appears in the Japanese Summer Lightning:
My Two Cents on the Threepwood family tree:
Is there some fun reason hyperlinks don't work on tumblr mobile anymore? I tried to put these into the text, but I just keep getting "OOPSY POOPSY! WE MADE A WIDDLE FUCKO BOINGO" type error messages)
-Galahad's "my dear" to Millicent: "Kawaiko-chan"
-Gally calls his older brother Clarence as in English; this is not altered to fit the way Japanese siblings address each other (a younger sibling would only call their older sibling "big brother/sister" or "name-big brother/sister". When addressing Clarence, he sometimes uses "Nii-san" to replace the English "you", and sometimes "aniki". Both mean an older brother, with aniki being less formal.
-...Lady Constance uses the respectful and formal Oniisama for Clarence, but she seems to avoid it wherever possible. When she does, it's usually while insulting him, and she really piles it on to the point to the point of sarcasm. Like Galahad, she addresses him as Clarence. (The occasions when she calls him "Lord Emsworth" when speaking to those outside the family are preserved; Gally does not do this, just calls him Clarence)
-Lady Constance switches from Carmody-san to Carmody-shi when she tells Millicent about Hugo and Sue: a more distant way of saying "Mr." that's used in newspapers and suchlike
-Hugo calling Lord Emsworth "the old boy": Oyaji-san.
-Lady Constance calls people anata
-Millicent and Ronnie call their significant others kimi; Sue calls Ronnie and Hugo both anata; Hugo calls Sue kimi, Ronnie and Hugo call each other omae
-Ronnie calls Lancelot Threepwood 叔父さん, meaning Lancelot was younger than his own mother Julia; this isn't incorrect, but we have no idea of Lancelot's age from the English text (but note that Ronnie uses -san for his uncles instead of -sama like Millicent).
-Clarence and Gally to him are 伯父さん, meaning they're older than Julia, which we know for sure.
-Millicent to Ronnie is 従姉妹, female cousin with no statement about who's older
-Sue calls her mother and father Mama and Papa in Japanese, rather cutely. However, in English she uses Mother and Father.
-Ronnie calls Sue's father the casual Otou-san, then switches to the super formal, upper crusty Ochichi-ue--not immediately when he finds out Cotterleigh was in the Irish Guards, but sort of as he goes on talking. Actually, chichi-ue is how one would talk about one's own father--Ochichi-ue is kind of a level beyond, like "your esteemed father".
-Connie to Ronnie is 伯母さん, meaning she's older than Julia; a single, rather vague line in The Crime Wave at Blandings seems to confirm this.
-When Sue says "So that was Aunt Constance!" she uses Oba-sama, but later on uses -san instead
-Ronnie's "old thing" to Sue is "kawaiiko-chan"
-Baxter calls Lady Constance "あの方" when asking Ronnie to mention him to her: super formal "he/she/that person". However, with Ronnie he doesn't use the full formal speech that he does when speaking to her and Lord Emsworth, reflecting how he only calls Ronnie "Fish"--when employed by the family, he presumably used Mr Ronald when necessary. One thing to note in ~Baxtance News~, she calls him anata as she does for everyone else, and he is so incredibly formal that he doesn't use "you" for her at all. He addresses her by name or omits the subject of the sentence entirely. At the very end of the book he gets so upset that he starts using "anata-tachi" (plural you) as a catchall for the family, but his choice in personal pronouns for Connie specifically is "none". Just "Lady Constance".
-Ronnie switches to formal honorific language when asking Lord Emsworth for money to start a pig farm.
-Beach's "sir" to Ronnie: "Waka-sama", used for the young men of a wealthy household. In English, all of his lines contain the word "sir", consistent with servant etiquette, but Japanese doesn't have an exact equivalent, so some of the sirs are dropped instead of putting waka-sama in every line. "Mr Ronald" is of course Ronald-sama. Beach uses Kenjougo, the humblest form of honorific language, to show his status as a servant. (I presume Jeeves does this as well)
-Galahad calls Constance his aneki, a rather rare word that matches with aniki, a word for big brother or an older friend that's quite common in fiction. Aneki isn't.... rude, exactly, but it's not what you'd expect someone from such a family to call their older sister. It matches Galahad's personality, but not his position. (But remember, they're not actually supposed to be older sister and younger brother!)
-Lord Emsworth calls people omae; in one case he uses kimi for Baxter while Beach is accusing Baxter of hallucinations and they're trying to be conciliatory lest he murder them
-Sir Gregory calls people omae as a young man in Gally's memories, but uses onushi (!) for the other high-borns in the present day. For Pilbeam he uses kikun, which I genuinely had never heard of before!
- He calls Pilbeam "Pilbeam-kun" instead of "Pilbeam-san" due to his own high status and the professional relationship. Note that Lord Emsworth's "Carmody" and Sir Gregory's "Mr Pilbeam" both become "(Name)-kun" even though the English makes a distinction between how they're addressed
-Gally calls Sue anata at first, then switches to kimi upon learning her true identity
-"that young poop": noutarin, simpleton
-Baxter drops the honorific speech when talking to Beach, a mere servant, but maintains his use of watashi; in other words, no matter whom he's talking to, he doesn't have an "off mode" the way Hugo does where he uses a more casual first person pronoun (for the record, he uses kimi to address Beach)
-Pilbeam calls Ronnie anta, a bit less polite than the other options, which is understandable given that their conversations happen through a cabinet door. Ronnie began the confrontation with omae, but switches to using anta as well once Pilbeam does it
-For the entire Pilbeam-getting-drunk scene, he uses ore and calls Beach kimi
-In Gally's final conversation with Connie, the one he reports to Sue at the end of the book, he calls her (Connie) anta
Other notes
-Throughout, words like bally and blasted become kuso imaimashii ("annoying damn"), and kawaiko-chan ("sweetie, cute little one") does overtime as all sorts of little endearments that don't really exist in Japanese: pet, angel, dear.
-It's marketed as "English humor", and it definitely sounds very much like something that's been translated. The original sentence structure is preserved as closely as possible, and just about every use of "he" or "she" left in, where Japanese ordinarily would drop these words as soon as the subject has been established. "Also, when," I explained, "Wodehouse splits up a line of dialogue in this particular format, the line is split at the same point in Japanese."
-I would say one thing that's slightly lost is how smart Baxter sounds in English. He has a very elevated vocabulary and uses all kinds of complex sentence structure with flawless, formal grammar that makes it clear he's on a higher intellectual level than the other young men around him who presumably went to "better" schools. In Japanese, the equivalent of how he talks is using the standard honorific style that anyone can learn at least in theory, so he doesn't stand out quite so much.
'Yes, your lordship.'
'Oh?' said Lord Emsworth. 'Ah? Tea, eh? Tea? Yes. Tea.
Quite so. To be sure, tea. Capital.'
"Ocha kano?"
"Hai, otono-sama."
"Aa? Aah, ocha? Ocha ka? He? Ho, ocha ja. Mattaku sonotoori. Tashikani ocha ja no. Subarashii."
-Lord Emsworth's "Capital": Subarashii
-"Good God!": Nantaru koto!
-"My dear": "Nou kawaiiko ya" for Millicent, "Nou, Constance ya" for Constance--used when he's addressing them using only "my dear", basically saying "Hey, (name), if you don't mind....?"
-Clarence's "my dear fellow" to Galahad: also nou.
-"(God) bless my soul!": Also Nantaru koto ja!
-"The Empress is in excellent shape" "I didn't know she had a shape": translated quite literally, to my surprise!
-"The old pest": あの疫病神
-"A Pink 'Un. A Pelican.": extraordinary research here, this was correctly translated into "A member of the Pink 'Uns. A member of the Pelican Club." Most English readers today probably don't know what those lines are even referring to. I sure didn't.
-Some references unfamiliar to the Japanese audience are cited in the text, eg "He had heard the chimes at midnight" gets a parenthetical "from Henry IV pt 2, Act 3 Scene 2."
-The line about foxes gnawing at Connie's vitals is not given a citation; I wonder how many Japanese readers know the reference to that unusually determined Spartan boy?
-Wodehouse was perpetually misquoting Walter Pater, who said that the Mona Lisa was the head on which all the ends of the worlds are come. Wodehouse turned this into "on which all the sorrows of the world had fallen". His misquotation is correctly cited to Pater's The Renaissance.
-Lady Constance's gesture that is not quite "wringing the hands" : 両手を揉み合わせる.
-"Most wonderfully capable man I ever met": バクスターさんはあたくしが今までお会いした中で、一番最高に有能な方でいらっしゃるわ. (Basically the same, but the gender-neutral 方 instead of "man" makes him the most capable of anyone, man or woman! Capable and efficient become the same word, yuunou; The Efficient Baxter = Yuunou na Baxter.
I think Lord Emsworth's witty rejoinder, "Yes, capable of anything," is somewhat lost as そのとおり。有能じゃとも。: "Yes, he certainly was capable!"
-LORD EMSWORTH CALLS BAXTER "キチガイ"?!?!!? Since the 70s, this has been like, a slur level, censored-on-radio-broadcasts word for "crazy". It would have been accepted in the 1920s, but it gave me a shock seeing it here. (And Japanese doesn't have many words that actually get censored--most of their swear words can be used even in children's entertainment. That's why you see so many amateur translations putting "FUCK SHIT ASSHOLE!!" into comics that are printed for 10 year old children.
-"He pottered off pigwards": 彼はぶらりとブタ方向に歩き出した。The "burari to buta" creates the same alliteration.
-"A dull young man, I should have thought."
"Vap to a degree.":
"A dull man." (With sentence ending meaning "right? Wouldn't you say?")
"Quite dull." (With assertive sentence ending)
Not really the same level of slanginess in Millicent's responses, but "vap to a degree" is difficult to translate!
-"I dislike him extremely." : "Atakushi wa ano hito ga, daikirai da wa." (Autocorrect tried to make that "ano Hugo ga daikirai" lmao)
-"I talk pig to him": Boku wa kare to buta-talk wo yatteiru.
-"I don't get your drift." "I shall continue snowing," said Millicent coldly: 「君がそんなに冷たいわけがわからないなあ」
「わたし、雪みたいに冷たいんだわ」ミリセントはひややかに言った。: "I don't understand why you're being so chilly." "I mean to be as chilly as the snow," said Millicent coldly.
Full original joke is probably untranslatable, but the "coldly" joke remains
-Hugo's speech where he describes himself as a brother to Sue four separate times uses a different version of the word each time in Japanese--cute trick. 兄妹みたいな、兄貴みたい、兄妹愛、兄さんみたい。He specifically says an older brother in Japanese, btw.
-"He means to do right by our Nell": reference untranslatable; "He's going to do right by me."
-"If I look round" "You couldn't look any rounder if you tried" also works literally!
-"Precious angel lambkin": すてきなエンジェル, wonderful angel, with angel in English
-"Oh, my sainted aunt!" is given literally without explanation, but it doesn't really need one since the following line already explains to readers that it's a "familiar phrase"
-Comparison of Lady Constance to Apollyon straddling quite over the whole breadth of the way is not cited to Pilgrim's Progress; Apollyon is given as アポロン, which I believe is the Greek god Apollon? Possible error there
-Hugo spells out Mario's for Sue rather morbidly: M as in mange, A as in asthma, R as in rheumatism... In Japanese, Mario separates into MA RI O instead of M A R I O, so he uses Ma as in Malaria, Ri as in Rheumatism, and O as in otafukukaze: the mumps.
-"Sweet darling precious pet": kawaiirashikutte daiji na kawaiko-chan
-"By Gad, he meant to say! By George! Good Gosh!": Nante kotta! Kare wa omotta. Nante akireta! Konchikushou da!
-The Viking term Berserk and the Malay term Amok are both cited for readers
-Hugo calling Ronnie "old loofah" is translated literally: "Kono hechima tawashi yarou!", "you loofah jerk/bastard". A bit more like he's calling him out than the English, where his tone comes across like "aw, c'mon now!"
-"Poor little Sue": kawaisou na kawaii Sue, "poor cute/dear Sue" (for reference, kawaisou and kawaii are not the same word)
-"Little worm" for Pilbeam is translated literally: chibi no imomushi
-"My dear chap!": "Oi, omae!", "Hey, you!"
-"You poor fish" (Hugo to Sue): wakaranko da naa, you silly girl
-Slimy, slinking, marcelle-waved-by-product Pilbeam: ano zuruzuru kosokososhita, marcelle-wave atama fukusei seibutsu yarou no Pilbeam. Basically literal.
-"Young Parsloe": Parsloe no yarou, that jerk Parsloe. Same tone, but doesn't quite convey that Sir Gregory used to be one of the younger men on the London scene compared to Gally who's a bit older
-Funny moment: Gally says "Parsloe Parsloe kurikaesu no wa yamete". This is *not* his full surname Parsloe-Parsloe (which would be written asパースロー=パースロー), but simply the one Parsloe repeated.
-Galahad calling George Cyril Wellbeloved "Brotherhood" is left as is. I don't know if Japanese readers would understand this.
-"As hot as mustard and as wide as Leicester Square": all the key words here are written using their loan word version. Hotto, masutaado, Resutaa Sukuea, waido.
-"Tough nut": 食えた男
-"Parsloe, you sheep-faced, shambling exile from Hell, disgorge that pig immediately!": このヒツジ顔の地獄のヨタヨタ追放者めが」...「あのブタを早く差し出せ」. Basically literal
-Sir Gregory also uses k*chigai for "mad as a coot" and all synonyms
- Re Gally speculating that Sir Gregory's house will be struck by a thunderbolt: I wonder if Japanese readers would understand his reasoning, or if it seems like a non sequitur?
- When Sir Gregory says "Konchikushou" (dammit/damn him/etc) he uses the kanji! Rare to see it written like that, gives it a pretentious and old-fashioned tone (Lord Emsworth also says it like this)
- "That old fossil", "that old weasel": translated literally
- I think another Millicent-Hugo joke is lost: Hugo says she once told him there wasn't another man like him in the world, and she responds, "Well, I should hate to think that there was." Japanese: "I hate to think that there was such a time."
- Little typo: Gally, when fakelu saying that there's lots of good in young Parsloe, addresses Constance instead of Clarence as in the English text
- Constance in this convo telling her brothers about the invitation from Parsloe has been speaking a bit casually with her family members, and then in her last two sentences switches into honorific language to address Baxter ☺️☺️☺️
- Baxter's line about giving Beach the letter is more explicit in Japanese; he starts to say the word for "letter" before cutting himself off, instead of the English "I gave him a--"
- When the Empress is wondering if Millicent is the one bringing her an evening snack, we actually read her inner thoughts, which have a very distinguished and formal tone: さながら貴女のおやつの運搬人なのですか? Might you be the individual bringing my afternoon tea?
- Japanese uses the same word for mice and rats, nezumi. So when Wodehouse says, "Another rat--unless it was an exceptionally large mouse..." Morimura has to say, "A huge nezumi--unless it was an extra-large small nezumi..."
- It still kinda sounds like Hugo and Millicent are banging on the floor of the gamekeeper's cottage 😭
- "This is pure apple-sauce": also translated literally!
- "Old Pop Parsloe": Papa Parsloe (パパパースロー). The "old Parsloe" immediately following: Parsloe-jiisan
- "This chopping and changing, this eleventh hour alteration of plans, these sudden decisions to remain upstairs when they ought to be downstairs, were what made women as a sex so unsatisfactory.": .... definitely still sounds a lil gay in Japanese
- Connie "having a fit" over Hugo and Millicent's engagement is translated literally as her having a seizure 😭 Maybe they should call it off after all....
- Millicent and Hugo's "At-a-boy!" "At-a-baby!": "Nante suteki na hito!" "Nante suteki na baby!"
- Baxter speaking to his own immortal soul is given as a direct quote, in which he doesn't use his habitual keigo. A casual relationship, one presumes.
- Lady Constance's heeby-jeebies are given directly in katakana: hiibii-jiibiizu. Billy DeBeck's 1920 coinage is cited parenthetically.
- "Potty" is given as k*chigai, so something tells me that the Duke of Dunstable is going to be off the charts with the slurs
- The March Hare and Mad Hatter are not explained; I assume 'Alice' has plenty of cultural saturation in Japan
- Connie goes from formal to casual when asking what Lord Emsworth saw vs when he announces Baxter is climbing the building and she calls him an idiot (not just baka, but oo-bakamono: a colossal fool)
- Lord Emsworth's "my dear fellow" to Baxter while holding a rifle upon him: "Nou omae-san"
- "Don't point that damned thing at me!" No honorific speech from Baxter here either
- Baxter being called Lady Constance's idol: the kind of actual physical idol that is worshipped as a deity 😊😊😊😊😊
- I can't really catalogue every switch in personal pronouns or speech style in this scene; it's all over the place depending who's talking to whom in what tone
- Connie starts piling on the "oniisama" again, still clearly being sarcastic and condescending
- "Her name is Brown!": that one line is in formal speech; after that Baxter drops all the formalities 😭 He goes back to formal speech in his next paragraph, but his last two lines to Ronnie are fantastically rude in a tone that's usually translated as cussing: どこ見て歩いてやがる? デキの悪い大バカモンめ!
- Anyway, he'll be back next month
- Ronnie, being clueless, tries formal speech with his Aunt Constance, little knowing the jig is already up
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valejaloittelija · 2 years ago
mäki haluan jojo-käärijän ;__;
sain itteni tumppuun ekaa kertaa kuukausiin ja en oo nähny mun syötteessä yhtään dioo, kaikki on pilalla kun en pitänyt syötteestä huolta
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lunarcovehq · 7 months ago
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Camptown ladies sing this song doodah doodah Ah the Camptown race track's five miles long oh doo-dah day
Good morning campers! We hope you all had a great weekend. The event is now officially over and we will return to our regularly scheduled programming, but before we do...
This is the last plot drop for our Summer event. A recap of the discord party is below.
With this plot drop, the event is over. You can return to your regularly scheduled starters and threads. Feel free to have your characters react to any of the events that occurred above or below.
Given that we have so many fun event related starters, we're not going to reset the starter rule at this time, though we will be having regularly scheduled acceptance come Wednesday.
We will also be having a Council Meeting in the weeks to come, though we are planning to change up the format for how those meetings will work moving forward so please keep an eye out, leaders, for that.
Last by not least, we hope you have fun!
Amrita had the most points out of any character with 508.
As for the events leading up to the camping weekend that determine points, for the trust falls, you had the opportunity to win up to 57 points at the time (1 per each character in the RP at the time when the trust falls happened).
The only character not caught during the trust falls was Elena (who fell into a pile of tripped wolves trying to catch her).
For the Field Days (including Capture the Flag) the witches walked away with the most points, vampires were in second, CONs were in third, werewolves in forth and fae (who should have been in third or fourth) had the most points docked from them losing a total of 44 points from- Aiyla (1 point down per fae given that Aiyla’s throw could have been an accident in the midst of the heat of the game), Rangi (the other 43 points from choosing violence as not part of the game in retaliation to an activity) & Suresh (only Suresh lost points for being disqualified given that Team Cove did not win but he lost half of his points losing another 44).
Dilan also lost points at the Werewolf BBQ for pushing Aiyla twice.
Then we gave everyone points for the free days (same amount across the board) and points if you completed your pairing threads. You received points if you participated in the talent show and additional points correlating to the number of votes you received for your talent.
Amrita & Bri won the Talent Show with Efe coming in second
The campers teamed up into the following pairings:
Team Lunar Cove Fire Department: Efe & Julian - 892 points
Amrita & Tommy (Team Bite & Bark) - 870 points
Team The Final Boys: Altan & Todd - 849 points
Team Flower Power: Briar & Poppy - 845 points
Team Snap, Crackle, Pop: Kitty, Suresh & Gia - 840 points
Noel & Frankie (Team Sexy Back) - 799 points
Team Les Amis: Aiyla & Royce - 796 points
Team Sense & Sensibility: Ben & Bri - 792 points
Team Moon Prism Power: Aspen & Daphne - 739 points
Team Witch & Wolf: Nate & Cece - 725 points
Team True North: Jonah & Rohan - 711 points
Team Spring Spirits: Skye & Rae - 707 points
The Meena & JC Team: Meena & JC - 692 points
Team Twilight (aka Jakeward): Ronnie & Elif - 691 points
Team Flip & Sip: Elena & Wendy - 671 points
Team Midnight Rain: Nyra & Safiye - 685 points
Team Vigilantes Aaliyah & Dilan- 664 points
Team Big and Lil Spoon: Jake & Song - 650 points
Team Formaldehyde: Ralph & Rangi - 623 points
Team Neverland: Ken & Leyla - 622 points
Aysun & Scott (TBD team name as the players couldn't make the discord party) - 622 points
Team Hercules You Mean Hunkules & Meg: Nico & Jas - 619 points
Team Meddling Kids: Jo & Eren - 592 points
Team Moose: Kui & Remmy - 576 points
Team B Squared: Billie & Bexley - 567 points
The teams all attempted to compete for sleeping arrangements, searching for flags hidden all over the campsite and trying to steal flags from each other.
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Some highlights from the event include:
Rangi & Dilan getting into a fight to which Dilan pulled out a knife that was confiscated from Meena who handed it off to Aiyla
Aaliyah then had to pick Dilan up to prevent the fae from continuing to go at it
Team Moose (Kui & Remmy) failed to procure flag #5 and in turn, Moose slipped and fell into the riverbank when trying to find the flag. Remmy & Kui had to go in to save them.
Team Lil & Big Spoon (Song & Jake) were chased through the woods by a Mamma Deer when they tried to take the flag from the baby deer's mouth
Team Vigilantes (Dilan & Aaliyah) slipped and fell into mud, sliding all the way back to camp trying to procure their flag
Team Midnight Rain (Nyra & Safiye) tried to get the flag in the mud as well and also slipped and fell into the mud, sliding all the way back to camp
The Meena & JC Team tried to get a flag from a baby bird, only for the bird to peck at their hand.
The Spring Spirits (Rae & Skye) tried to get a flag out under a heavy rock. They were able to lift it a tad before it slammed down on the flag and they were unable to procure it.
Team B Squared (Bille & Bexley) got attacked by a bunny trying to take the flag it was laying on.
Team Witch & Wolf (Nate & Cece) went looking for a flag hidden in a wolf hiding spot, only Nate couldn't remember where the clothing hiding spot was.
Team Hercules You Mean Hunkules & Meg: went looking for the mud flag, only to come sliding back all muddy.
Team Lunar Cove Fire Department: Efe & Julian - 892 points
For stealing the flag hanging like an ornament from a nearby pine tree (found by Altan & Todd), drum roll please... now you get a chance to be a tree ornament! You have won a hanging tent with one rather thin blanket to share inside. You do not have to set up this tent yourself. Lucky for you, it is already installed. Though there is no ladder up to the tent and the door is precariously on it's side, so have fun climbing?
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Amrita & Tommy (Team Bite & Bark) - 870 points
They won a luxury tent! If you came to glamp, now is your chance. This tent may only be made up of two rooms, but it has a couch! A COUCH! And a bed! A real one. You're practically all set up to move into the woods if you so choose.
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Team The Final Boys: Altan & Todd - 849 points
For taking the flag from an annoyed raccoon who is hungry for food, you have won drum roll please... the jungle gym of any kid's dreams! This jungle gym comes equipped with multiple hammocks for you and your teammate. You can have one each and then have hammocks to put all of your belongings. There is also a colorful play mat/gymnastics mat beneath you and a lawn chair to lounge in.
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Team Flower Power: Briar & Poppy - 845 points
You didn't crawl in the mud to find your flag for nothing. You've won drum roll please... the pièce de résistance, the luxury camper of luxury campers! The RV of all RV's. You will spend the next two nights living it large with a swanky two decker RV. You each get your own bedrooms with king sized beds, egyptian cotton sheets, pillows, you name it. There are living rooms, kitchen space etc. Anything you think an RV may have? This one does. It also has a roof to lounge out on to watch the stars and it comes with its very own hot tub. You heard us right - a hot tub!
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Team Snap, Crackle, Pop: Kitty, Suresh & Gia - 840 points
For stealing the flag hidden in a cave in the small mountain range bordering the town that was at risk of caving in (that was found by Nico & Jas), you've won drum roll please... a camper! You get your very own RV to glamp in. The RV has beds for the both of you as well as a king bedroom in the back, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room space and is all fully equipped. You also have two lawn chairs and your very own personal fire pit.
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Noel & Frankie (Team Sexy Back) - 799 points
They won a luxury three room tent! When you walk in the tent you will find a stocked mini fridge and two lawn chairs to lounge around in with a blue tooth speaker for your phone. While both rooms come with air mattresses, blankets and pillows for a good night sleep.
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Team Les Amis: Aiyla & Royce - 796 points
For stealing the flag buried somewhere along the river bank (that was found by Ken & Leyla), you have won drum roll please... a glamping tent! This tent not only has a luxurious bed and pillows and blankets, you also have a full meal prepared, catered in to your taste buds as well as an electric tea kettle, research desk etc.
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Team Sense & Sensibility: Ben & Bri - 792 points
For stealing the flag located on a small mound on the other side of the river (found by Ken & Leyla), you have won drum roll please... the most pastel pink, glamorous tent with florals framing the entrance, blankets, pillows, poofs, you name it - it is definitely a tent you'd want to lounge in.
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Team Moon Prism Power: Aspen & Daphne - 739 points
For stealing the flag that Kui & Remmy found tucked away in a prickly bush, you have won drum roll please... a changing tent! These tents are all the rage with social media influencers who need to make a quick change in public. Though, the tent is vertical with not much room to stand. Have fun sharing it with two. But, you do get a picnic blanket to share too for the aesthetic of it.
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Team Witch & Wolf: Nate & Cece - 725 points
For finding the flag tucked away in a nook of a tree (werewolves may on occasion use this nook as a storage spot for their clothes), you have won drum roll please... a blanket fort! This blanket fort comes equipped with plush pillows, turkish rug, plenty of blankets and privacy while also have a good view of the sky given how your ceiling is made of blankets and scarfs tied together.
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Team True North: Jonah & Rohan - 711 points
For stealing the flag hanging from a low hanging branch a half a mile out from the campsite (found by Jo & Eren), you have won drum roll please... a hammock of some people's dreams and other people's nightmares (let's just hope you're not afraid of heights). You do not have to set up this hammock yourself! The net hammock is already set up, high up overhead amongst the trees, but the only way to get to it is to climb and once you are up there, the net is see-through, so try your best not too look down and maybe avoid bringing small objects that can fall through up there with you? You do get four pillows for you and your partner though so yay for that!
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Team Spring Spirits: Skye & Rae - 707 points
For finding the flag tucked under a heavy rock somewhere in the woods, you have won drum roll please... a two person tent! This tent comes equipped with a mosquito neck, a rain protectant cover, sleepings bags, pillows, a cooler and a cheese platter (don't worry, the cheese has been kept cool this whole time).
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The Meena & JC Team: Meena & JC - 692 points
For finding the flag for this location is in a tree with a bee's nest dangling above it, drum roll please... you have won a hammock! Just one hammock that you will have to set up yourself, but hey, hopefully you and your partner enjoy snuggling?
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Team Twilight (aka Jakeward): Ronnie & Elif - 691 points
For finding the flag hidden at the bottom of the river, you have won drum roll please... a giant, multiple room turtled shaped luxury tent! This tent has so many rooms, you won't know what to do with them all. One of the rooms even comes with a ball pit. There are bedrooms for the both of you, lounge rooms, a blow up couch, a mini fridge - it is safe to say, it is fully decked out.
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Team Flip & Sip: Elena & Wendy - 671 points
For finding the flag somewhere in the woods up in a tree, you have won Drum roll please... a luxury bubble! You heard me right, a luxury bubble. Brought to you by Bubbl. the restaurant, this bubble is completely indoors. It is essentially a cabin with a queen sized bed, luxury mattress, pillows, sheets, lights, chairs etc. It even comes with a telescope. It is perfect for star gazing! The only catch- while you can see everyone else, they can see you as well.
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Team Midnight Rain: Nyra & Safiye - 685 points
From stealing the flag from a bird who had claimed it as their own, you have won drum roll please... a glamorous two person tent! This tent has enough room for both you and your partner. It also comes equipped with twinkly lights, candles, so many fluffy pillows you won't know what to do with and blankets! The tent even has a rain protectant cover. What more could you ask for?
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Team Vigilantes Aaliyah & Dilan- 664 points
For stealing the flag located around the bottom of the small mountain range bordering the town (found by Billie & Bex), you have won drum roll please*... a party blow up bubble tent! This tent looks straight out of something from a Space movie and you will feel like you're in another world when you're in it! Enter the entrance hallways where you can leave your stuff before making your way to the main bedroom where there is a king sized bed with pillows and blankets and a surround sound system. Jam out to your favorite tunes and relax in comfort. Let's just hope you brought sleep masks, since unfortunately, when the team was setting up the tent for you, the buttons for the lights broke and are now permanent set on. As you sleep the entire tent will change colors from bright blues to neon purples to pinks etc. But, some people would love to sleep in a rave tent, wouldn't they?
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Team Big and Lil Spoon: Jake & Song - 650 points
For stealing the flag that is hanging from the flag poll in the center of the square (found by Billie & Bex) you have won drum roll please... Two sleeping bags! That is it. Just two sleeping bags. But, hey at least the outside is waterproof right? Or at least water repellent?
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Team Formaldehyde: Ralph & Rangi - 623 points
For acquiring the flag that was floating in a tiny raft long the river, you have won drum roll please... an air mattress with pillows and sheets! The only catch - someone when you were collecting your flag, moved your sleeping arrangement. It is not in the river too! Guess it's time to live out your very own Parent Trap, Meredith Blake moment, and go save it.
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Team Neverland: Ken & Leyla - 622 points
For stealing the flag in the rasberry bush (found by Billie & Bex), you have not only won a snack for later, drum roll please... you've won the hammock of kings! It is still only one hammock and you do have to share it with your partner, but it is preset up and comes with pillows and blankets. There are lights overhead that you can turn on and off. Stargaze in a set up that is straight out of the movie Tarzan.
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Aysun & Scott (TBD team name as the players couldn't make the discord party) - 622 points
They won a hanging tent that looks like its straight from animal crossing! Have fun in your own hanging bubble. It comes with blankets and pillows, multiple zippered windows and doors, though there is no ladder to get to it, so you'll have to figure out your way to get yourselves up in your tree tent and down.
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Team Hercules You Mean Hunkules & Meg: Nico & Jas - 619 points
For stealing the flag hanging from a low hanging branch of a small tree with poison ivy lays beneath it (found by Billie & Bex), you have won drum roll please... a canopy tent. Perfect for tailgating! Only you're not tailgating are you? Instead you're camping... out in the wilderness... for two nights straight. At least it comes equipped with two lawn chairs and a table! But no aloe or ointment so hopefully you didn't end up with poison ivy... (the RV depicted in the background of this image is not included in this sleeping arrangement. That is sleeping arrangement someone else can win, while your canopy tent will be set up in view of them where you can watch in jealously and, yes, you do still need to set up the canopy tent yourself.)
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Team Meddling Kids: Jo & Eren - 592 points
For finding the flag that had been nabbed by a baby deer whose mother wasn't too far behind, you have won drum roll please... one bivy sack! Don't know what a bivy sack is? Have no fear. A bivy sack is a one person sleeping bag esque tent. It will protect you from all of the elements. Though, you do have to share it with your partner, so you'll have to decide if you're going to squeeze in real close or if one person gets the bivy sack, while the other gets left out in the cold.
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Team Moose: Kui & Remmy - 576 points
Congrats! You chose the easy way out (choosing the flag sitting in the center of the clearing out in the open for anyone to take) and, in doing so, you have won, drum roll please nothing! That is right, your sleeping arrangement is mother nature at it's finest. You have no sleeping bag. You have no tent. You must sleep in the clearing in the grass and the dirt.
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Team B Squared: Billie & Bexley - 567 points
For finding the flag that an adorable bunny has made its new bed, you win drum roll please... a standard single person tent! There are no bells or whistles, though this tent does come with a rain cover in case and you both get a pillow and a thin blanket to sleep with even if the tent is only made for one person to sleep in.
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zahnaufzahn · 10 months ago
Ich hab jetzt glaub ich 3 Monate gebracht um zu schnallen, dass die url ja ronnie mit y ist und nicht ronnie mity....wer ist ronnie mity frag ich mich
hihi, das passiert häufiger. wenn ich meine URL jetzt zu ronnymitie änder, brauchts wieder 3monate
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in--noctem · 1 year ago
It had been months since he'd last seen her. In fact, Ronnie made a point, generally speaking, to stay away from wherever he had an inkling she might be- which was easier to do than he'd thought it might be. If assassins seemed to be getting picked off out near fucking Rio, he'd be sure to head the other way. It wasn't that he was terribly afraid of a run in with Artemis (he was actually quite impressed with her work). The issue was that he didn't want to have to kill her. And if he was second guessing wanting to kill her, then it would leave an opening for her to kill him. That didn't suit Ronnie very well.
But when he'd heard there was set to be a conference for organize crime at a hotel nearby? Well, he stuck around in the city for a couple weeks longer than he'd intended to just to see it out. Not only did he like the idea of taking out some of the competition, but he had a feeling a certain someone might just show her pretty face. Or, at the very least, she'd leave behind her share of bullets in dead bodies. So just this once- just this once- Ronnie went out of his way to meet Artemis again. Even if he knew it was risky. Of course, Ronnie wasn't just going to do it for Artemis. He found someone willing to shell out a hell of a lot of cash just to see some of those fuckers dead.
In the time that Ronnie had leading up to the conference, he made himself scarcely seen. He was a master at blending in, seeming unassuming, and that's what he did. More importantly, though, it gave him time to scout the area out. He had the place he was currently staying, yes, but he'd locked down a nice little hideout to duck into after the assassinations. It was an easy to overlook place. A perfectly secure spot to stash his weapons and gear while living otherwise normally out of his current motel room (under a different name and a different look, at that).
Everything was going exactly according to plan.
That was, until the night of the actual "conference".
He'd seen Artemis earlier in the day, milling about casually. He knew that if she had spotted him, he would have had something to worry about. But as it was, she seemed blissfully unaware of his presence. He had her right where he wanted her. He also knew, if she was as smart as he thought she was, which nearby building she was likely to start picking her victims off from. There were two decent locations to look into the conference hall from, but only one had a clear shot of the entire room (except a single corner near the back left- but it was such a small blind spot that, if nothing else, she'd be able to see a limb or something sticking out enough she could shoot at them, lure them back out by wounding them).
This wasn't the issue, though. His initial plan had been to take the opposite rooftop, help her pick off her targets, then disappear and collect the bounties he could. Except, they were being watched. In fact, Ronnie was pretty damn sure that, while the conference was definitely real, it had been staged by someone for a much bigger purpose than was obvious. If they wanted to try to find and kill Artemis, what better set up for it than this? Anyone who knew anything about her, after all, knew she was unlikely to turn down a chance like this one.
His suspicions were soon confirmed. First by a sharpshooter aiming for her from the 4th story window of another building (he took him out quietly, though his dead body lay limply half out the window and would likely be discovered soon). Then, again, as he raced up the stairwell to her location and was met with a gun to the face by a man silently waiting by the rooftop door (again, Ronnie took care of the fucker, but it was likely he'd caught her attention by doing so- the scramble and fight that ensued was quick, but certainly not silent).
Whoever was trying to kill her had been waiting for her to take out her targets first, it seemed. Then, she was next on the list.
He rushed out onto the roof and, before he could say anything, they were being shot at by what he assumed was yet another sniper a couple buildings away. "Get down!" He shouted to her. He wasn't sure how many others might be gunning for her, but if she could tuck herself behind the short lip her gun was currently perched on, then at least she'd be less likely to get shot at. And, sure enough, another shot went off from a different direction, the bullet narrowly missing her and embedding itself in the concrete just beneath her gun.
Ronnie rushed towards her, caught sight of one of the snipers moving in a window and shot the glass out, his bullet lodging itself in the man's skull. That was one down, and at least one more to go. "It's a fucking set up!"
He made it to her side, knowing damn well that he was risking her shooting him point blank but hoping like hell she wouldn't. Maybe she'd take pause long enough to let him explain the situation. After all, he had no doubts anymore that someone was out to kill Artemis Kelly.
ronnie x jasmine/artemis/the traitor
continued from here (moved to comply w/Beta editor):
It was like a work conference for organized crime. There were maybe fifteen people inside the hotel's largest event room, all dressed in some kind of business casual or formal wear. They represented different "families", each characterized by their members' ethnicity and the territory they claimed within the United States. But Jas knew that they all had one thing in common: they were going to die in the next ten minutes, courtesy of her. She just needed her plan to go smoothly.
Common sense said she couldn't just walk in, pull out a semi, and start shooting--there were innocent waiters scattered about the room, offering amuse-bouches, petits fours, and generous flutes of champagne. Thankfully, she knew that the waiters would be shooed away at some point because she'd managed to get a program for the event. Apparently, the hotel had requested some kind of itinerary, presumably so they could give their guests all the necessary amenities, blah, blah, blah. Jasmine doubted the hotel would turn down the kind of money that the crime lords could pool together. People always turned a blind eye whenever money was involved. The only unknown was how much they felt their services were worth.
She was waiting a building over, sniper equipment ready. Close combat was more efficient in her opinion, since it almost guaranteed executions. The only challenging part of that scenario was getting away, and half the time that was made easy because she already had to carve a path to her target in the first place. But when it came to taking out multiple targets at long range, there was always the possibility that the enemy's entourage could and would trace her shots back to where she was set up. Once they did that, Jas only had about five minutes, tops, before she was caught. One step at a time. She'd been in worse situations and gotten out alive.
Half a second after the last waiter left the room, Jas swept the room using her laser sight, found her first target, and started shooting. The first shot narrowly missed, because the asshole had to bend over for something. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice. So she lined up the shot again and pulled the trigger. While her first target was staggering, about to fall over, Jasmine looked for the next face she'd memorized and took out two more scumbags before anyone at the little event even tried to take cover. Sometimes it was hard not to take a certain pleasure in what she did. Yes, she was doing the world a service, but her job wasn't something she'd encourage kids to do. She had dedicated her life to making the world a better place, the only way she knew how. There wasn't any going back, and there certainly wasn't a happy ending in store for her...
Four left.
She played Chicken (more like Idiot) with one target, finding the woman's head to line up the shot, then shooting far away from her so she'd think she was safe. Three left. Jas could do this. She could go back to her hidey-hole without a scratch. Maybe, depending on how much energy she had to put on a decent disguise (her sniping outfit didn't exactly scream "casual, typical young woman in her 30s"), Jas could even get Starbucks, or something interesting from one of the small places near the apartment she was squatting. She'd have to beware of the many CCTV cams in the area, but that was a given. In the modern day, anyone could be found. Even though she had been caught couple times, and tortured, she refused to give up. So she just had to be careful. Luck wasn't a thing when your parents had been killed in front of you.
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vinidra · 10 months ago
czytam właśnie "życie" keitha richardsa i już niemalże na samym początku rozbawił mnie fragment z akcji z 1975 roku, kiedy m.in. on i ronnie wood byli w drodze na kolejny gig stonesów w stanach 😅
Je­cha­li­śmy więc sa­mo­cho­dem, a ja i Ron­nie oka­za­li­śmy się szcze­gól­nie bez­myśl­ni. Za­trzy­ma­li­śmy się pod przy­droż­ną knaj­pą 4-​Dice, usie­dli­śmy, zło­ży­li­śmy za­mó­wie­nie i razem z Ron­niem po­szli­śmy do kibla. Wie­cie, żeby się tro­chę roz­krę­cić. Na­ćpa­li­śmy się. Nie przy­pa­dły nam do gustu ani klien­te­la tej knaj­py, ani je­dze­nie, zo­sta­li­śmy więc w ki­bel­ku, śmia­li­śmy się i ro­bi­li­śmy swoje. Sie­dzie­li­śmy tam przez czter­dzie­ści minut. A w tam­tych oko­li­cach tak się nie robi. A już na pewno nie ro­bi­ło się tak w tam­tych cza­sach. Wła­śnie to po­gor­szy­ło sy­tu­ację. Per­so­nel za­dzwo­nił po gli­nia­rzy.
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oliverreedmasterass · 2 years ago
Can I request a fic of twins being young kids and playing Pirate with baby Sam
You've got it! I love the idea :)
Words: 3.5k
Warnings: N/A
While the week was typically spent trapped behind a school desk, running errands with their mom, and their tedious tutoring sessions, the weekends were wide open for Jake and Josh to get into whatever trouble they pleased. Being out in the more rural part of Michigan meant that they had plenty of space to explore and get lost in their minds, playing in the grassy fields and under the canopy of the tall birch and cedar trees. They had a routine set where, after finishing their cereal and getting dressed, they raced each other to the front door and spent their day outside playing pretend until the sun started to creep down over the horizon. The weekend prior Josh had been the mastermind behind their weekend adventure, where they were wood nymphs trying to protect the forest from evil gremlins. Jake wasn’t a big fan of the imaginary world that Josh had built, but he kept his mouth shut because he knew he would get to call the shots the next weekend. 
When that weekend came, Jake could hardly sleep the night before. Even though he was in his comfiest pajamas and tucked tightly under his constellation covers, his mind raced as he went through his plan again in his head. 
“We’re gonna be pirates,” he told Josh the following morning as they bound down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast. 
“I like it,” Josh nodded with a toothless grin. 
“We’ll hunt for treasure and fight the bad guys and fire cannons.”
“Do I get to pick my pirate name?” 
“As long as I get to pick mine.” 
They both stood on their toes to rest their elbows on the kitchen counter so they could watch their dad, still clad in his plaid robe, groggily making a pot of coffee. 
“You want your usual?” he asked his sons over his shoulder. 
“Yeah!” they both brightly chirped. With a grunt, Kelly grabbed two Scooby Doo-branded plastic bowls from the cupboard and carefully set them down in front of Jake and Josh. He grabbed an open box of Mini Wheats from the counter and filled each bowl to the brim with cereal. Jake and Josh both stared intently as Kelly poured a splash of milk in, monitoring to make sure he gave them the right amount. 
“There you go,” he said, handing them both spoons. While Jake and Josh hungrily tore into their breakfast, Sam came clomping into the room, dressed in his Elmo onesie pajamas, carrying a Bionicle in one hand and a Dr. Seuss book in his other hand. 
“Ronnie won’t read to me no more,” he whined out in his squeaky voice. Jake and Josh were too busy digging into their sugary meal to make much of Sam’s complaint. Sure, he was 5, but he really did whine a lot for a little kid. 
“Ronnie has a playdate to go to,” Kelly tried to explain to his youngest son. “She can read to you later.” 
“Can I go with her?” Sam’s face brightened. Kelly winced. 
“I’m afraid not, buddy. You weren’t included on the guest list.” 
Sam’s face contorted into a deep frown and he looked on the brink of tears when Kelly cut him off to do some damage control. 
“Why don’t you play with your brothers today?” 
“Dad!” Jake couldn’t hold himself back from protesting. Sam just got in the way. He was going to ruin Jake’s pirate game, which Jake wouldn’t accept. 
“C’mon,” Kelly gave Jake a pleading look. “Let the little guy join you. Just for today, okay? I promise.” 
“We can play pirates tomorrow,” Josh leaned into Jake’s side to whisper. 
“I want to play pirates today though,” Jake was now the one who looked on the brink of tears. Kelly accidentally let out a loud sigh and chugged down his cup of coffee. 
“Just play pirates with Sam,” he said. “I would keep an eye on him, but I’m practicing for a gig with the guys.” 
Jake knew that this was an argument he couldn't win so, with a locked jaw, he nodded. Josh patted him on the back, as if to tell him that everything was okay. 
“I get to be a pirate?” Sam sounded hopeful as he stood in between Jake and Josh, looking up at them in eager anticipation. Jake took a break from his cereal and patted on the top of Sam’s head with probably a little bit too much force. 
“You get to keep an eye on the booty.” 
“Oh boy!” Sam exclaimed, even though it was obvious he didn’t know what Jake was talking about. 
“Why does he get to keep an eye on the booty?” Josh asked Jake under his breath. 
“We’re gonna steal the booty from him,” Jake whispered back. “He’s the bad guy.” 
“Oh,” Josh breathed out. In unison the twins finished the rest of their breakfast and let their spoons clatter down on the counter. Kelly looked up from the newspaper he was scanning and pointed back upstairs. 
“All of you get changed and then the day is yours.” 
The three brothers sprinted upstairs and tore into their shared bedroom. While Josh helped unzip Sam’s pajamas and tug his Detroit Red Wings shirt over his head, Jake reached into the back of their closet and retrieved his Halloween costume from the year prior. He had given it a lot of thought during his restless sleep the night before that he couldn’t successfully play pirates with Josh unless he looked the part. Josh finished dressing Sam and watched as Jake pulled up his patched pants, black and white striped shirt, and black vest. 
“I don’t have a pirate costume,” Josh complained. 
“You can wear my eyepatch,” Jake tried to compromise. It was hard to see out of anyway. That seemed to be enough for Josh since he nodded with a goofy grin and got to work getting into a pair of jeans and white t-shirt. 
“I want to wear pirate clothes too,” Sam’s shrill voice rang out again. 
“You don’t have a pirate costume, Sammy,” Jake turned around to tell his brother. 
“Why not?” Sam crossed his arms. 
“I don’t know,” Jake responded as he carefully placed his pirate hat over his unkempt hair. “You can wear a bandana though.” 
It was Jake’s luck that Sam accepted that as enough for his pirate costume. He fetched a red bandana from underneath his bed and brought it over to Sam. Sam held the cloth in his hands and stared down at the paisley design. 
“What do I do with it?” he finally asked. Jake had been in the process of tugging on his fake pirate beard, so he tsked in aggravation and returned to Sam’s side. 
“You do this,” Jake explained as he took the bandana out of Sam’s hands and sloppily tied it around his head, pushing the fabric back so Sam looked more like a milkmaid than a first mate. Even though Josh looked equally as ridiculous with the eyepatch and a bucket hat on, he let out a small snort at the sight of Sam. It didn’t seem to bother Sam at all though, since he was already in character, running around his side of the room yelling out “Argh!” 
Jake finished getting into costume and cleared his throat. While it didn’t stop Sam, Josh joined Jake’s side. Jake cleared his throat louder a second time and Sam skidded to a stop and whirled around to face his older brother. 
“There’s booty out on the high seas, there is,” Jake growled out in his best pirate voice. “Argh, booty as far as the eye can see.” 
“I want the booty!” Sam shouted out as he danced from foot to foot in excitement. 
“You have the booty, boy,” Jake told Sam. “You need to hide it from us because we’re going to take it from you.” 
“No!” Sam exclaimed. “I won’t let you!” 
“Well get in yer boat and set sail, sonny boy. We’ll give you a head start.” 
Sam took Jake’s cue and booked it out of the room, squealing out in glee. As his thrilled cries disappeared from earshot, Josh turned to Jake. 
“What’s your pirate name going to be?” 
Jake combed his hand through his fake beard as he pondered his options. 
“Captain Brown Beard,” he decided. 
“I wanna be Curly the Pirate,” Josh shared. “I’ll be your first mate.” 
“Ay,” Jake said. 
“I want a parrot too,” Josh added. “He’ll talk sometimes, but I’ll let you know when it’s the parrot talking and not me.” 
Jake nodded at Josh’s request and then motioned towards their open door. 
“The lad’s far enough ahead. Let’s get us some booty.” 
Jake led the charge, letting out the best pirate whoops and calls he could afford, which Josh echoed behind him. They made their way downstairs and, sticking to tradition, raced each other to the front door. Since Josh was technically blind in one eye from the eyepatch, he was at an unfair disadvantage. Jake won by a landslide, but that was mostly because Josh accidentally ran into a wall while they were trying to pass through the living room. Jake opened the front door with a grunt but waited for his twin to catch up, basking in the warm glow of the early sunlight. When Josh joined Jake’s side with an embarrassed grin plastered on his face, Jake craned his neck to shout outside, 
“Sammy boy! We’re coming for ya!” 
He was certain he heard Sam call out in shock at Jake’s announcement, followed by the sound of his tennis shoes crunching on fallen leaves as he tried to run away. 
“The booty’s not far,” Jake turned back around to share with Josh. 
“Roger roger,” Josh chirped back. “That was the parrot,” he added in a whisper. 
With Jake leading the way, they crept through the front door and down the front steps to their front lawn. Jake had his hands cupped together to form a makeshift telescope, which he used to scan their property. Sam was nowhere to be seen, but Jake assumed that meant he was hiding in the backyard. Sam always ran for the shed in any game of hide and seek. Jake reached into his pant pocket and pretended to retrieve a compass, which he held out to Josh to observe. 
“North is that way,” Jake said, pointing towards the backyard. “We have to go north.” 
“Ay ay, captain,” Josh saluted Jake. They started to make their way around the side of their house, Jake pretending to steer their impressive ship while Josh was in charge of keeping an eye on the sails. 
“What will you do with the booty, Captain?” Josh asked after Jake commanded that he weigh anchor and pick up the pace. 
“I’ll buy an even bigger boat, argh,” Jake announced with his arms wide. “So I can get more booty!” 
“Brawk, more booty,” Josh imitated a parrot. “I’m going to use the booty to make a movie,” he continued in his normal voice. This made Jake stop in his tracks, Josh nearly bumping into his back. 
“Josh,” Jake thought hard. “I don’t think movies existed when pirates were around.” 
“Oh,” Josh frowned. “Then I’ll buy an island, I don’t know.” 
They reached the backyard with the shed clear in view, and Jake grabbed a long stick from the ground to serve as his sword. He knew using a stick as a weapon was something his parents wouldn’t approve of, but he wasn’t going to actually use it as a weapon. It was just a prop. 
“My compass says to go that way,” Jake ordered, pointing his stick in the direction of the shed. “Booty ahead, matey!” 
“Yarr!” Josh agreed. They pretended that a strong gust of wind had propelled their boat forward and started to run for the shed. 
“Ahoy, Davy Jones’ Locker!” Jake exclaimed as he pulled the shed door open. “What treasures are here?” 
“No booty,” Sam’s small voice squeaked from the corner of the shed, behind their dad’s lawn mower. Jake and Josh shared an amused look before cornering Sam. 
“Yo ho ho, that was too easy,” Jake couldn’t help but muse. He lowered his stick back down to his side and pretended to swing from his ship down to Sam’s side. As he started to reach for the imaginary treasure that Sam had been given, he was shocked to find that Sam slammed his own stick down on Jake’s hand. 
“OW!” Jake hollered, clutching at his throbbing hand. “Whaddya do that for, Sam?” 
“You won’t take my booty!” Sam shouted with a newfound sense of confidence. “It’s mine!” Because he had caught Jake and Josh off guard enough, he managed to squeeze between them and rush out of the shed and back around to the front yard. 
“Captain?” Josh checked in with Jake, lifting his eyepatch to make total eye contact with Jake. “Is your hand okay?” 
“It will need stitches, but I’ll live,” Jake decided to stay in character, even though internally he wanted to swing his own stick at Sam in retaliation. “Fetch me the surgeon.” Josh hurried to a separate part of the shed and then came back with the eyepatch gone.
“I’m the surgeon, Toothless Pete,” he introduced himself, shaking Jake’s uninjured hand. “What’s the problem?” 
“The enemy got me,” Jake explained, showing his red hand to Josh. “He got me with his sword.” 
“That’s a deep cut,” Josh said as he pretended to examine Jake’s “wound”. “Let me work my magic.” Jake was pleasantly surprised to find that Josh dancing his fingers over Jake’s hand while mumbling gibberish did, for some reason, make his hand feel better. “Good as new,” Josh announced, letting Jake’s hand out from his grip. 
“Let’s get that bad guy,” Jake said, pointing his stick out the shed door. 
They hustled back out into the sunlight and snapped their heads around, trying to catch a glimpse of their younger brother. 
“He can’t be far,” Jake reasoned. 
“Use the compass,” Josh reminded Jake. They acted as if they were looking down at Jake’s trusted compass again, and Jake pointed back to the front yard, where there was a scattered collection of trees. If he had to guess, Sam was probably hiding behind one of them. They set sail once more, this time with Josh and his parrot singing sea shanties while Jake attempted to do tricks with his sword. By the time they approached the trees, the twins were in high spirits. That quickly disappeared though when it was obvious that Sam wasn’t there. 
“Where did he go?” Jake’s voice rose. “He has me booty!” 
“In the house?” Josh guessed. 
“We only play outside,” Jake countered. 
“Maybe that’s why he’s inside,” Josh suggested. Jake shook his head. 
“I’ll bet he’s on the other side of the house.” 
Since Jake was the captain, Josh couldn’t challenge his judgment. They crept to the other side of the house and, again, were left disappointed that Sam wasn’t there. 
“The rascal,” Jake muttered under his breath. 
“I was thinking about it,” Josh commented. “Should we tell on Sam to Dad? He did hit you with a stick.” 
“Maybe,” Jake realized. That would have been a good way to get Sam off of their hands. But, now that they were deep into their game of pirates, Jake was determined to keep Sam in the game so he could find him and rob him clean of his treasure. As Captain Brown Beard, it was his life’s mission. “We have to find the booty first,” he turned back to tell Josh. Josh gave Jake a salute. 
They circled around the house once more without catching even a glimpse of Sam. Jake knew for a fact that Sam wasn’t that good at hiding, which meant Josh had been right all along, that he was inside their house. Jake made a mental note to coach Sam that going inside was against the rules as they steered their ship through the front door. 
“Blimey,” Jake and Josh both whispered in awe. Sam, still wearing his bandana, was sitting on their leather living room couch, happily munching on a bowl of cheddar Goldfish. 
“The booty,” Jake turned to Josh to widen his eyes. They both gazed at Sam’s snack with a newfound hunger. Sure, they were still playing pretend and the Goldfish were a nice tangible thing to steal from Sam, but Jake also realized how hungry captaining an imaginary ship made him. 
“What’s the plan, Captain?” Josh asked in a hush. “Brawk, plan,” he added. 
“An ambush,” Jake conspired. “He won’t know what to do.” 
“On the count of three?” Josh checked in. 
“Ay,” Jake readied his stick. 
Jake felt a rush of exhilaration as he and Josh both tore in Sam’s direction, yelling out in their best pirate voices. Sam had been in the middle of shoving a hearty handful of Goldfish into his mouth when he jumped in shock from the sound of his brothers. 
“No!” he cried out as Josh rushed in front of him and pulled the bowl of Goldfish out of his hands. Jake ran in the opposite direction and snatched the bandana off the top of his head, just because. 
“The booty is ours, Curly!” Jake whooped in glee as they rushed out of the room. 
“My snack!” Sam wailed. “My bandana!” 
Jake and Josh both returned back outside and ducked underneath the porch so they could take inventory on their bounty. The bowl was nearly empty, but Jake hardly cared. In that moment he felt as if he was really a pirate, swinging in from a rope, slashing away at the bad guys and taking what was rightfully his. 
“There’s five Goldfish,” Josh realized as he sorted through the crackers. 
“Enough to buy a new boat!” Jake exclaimed, waving his hands up in celebration. 
“And my island!” Josh was back to pretending, joining Jake in his glee. They patted each other on the back and divided the bowl between them, happily munching away on Sam’s food. Jake had to admit that they were probably the best Goldfish he’d ever had. 
He was finishing crunching down on his last one when he heard heavy footsteps above them. Within seconds, Kelly was down by their side, gazing down at them in a mixture of disappointment and amusement. Behind him was a sniffling Sam, who was holding onto the back of Kelly’s shirt. 
“Did you take Sam’s snack?” Kelly asked Jake and Josh. They both exchanged a quick look. It was hard to deny that they had, considering they had Sam’s bowl between them and were both holding Goldfish up to their mouths. 
“He cheated and went inside!” Jake tried to divert the blame. 
“I didn’t know!” Sam raised his voice. Kelly took a pause to turn around and address his youngest. 
“It’s okay, Sammy,” he calmly told him. “You’re not in trouble.” 
Kelly returned back to Jake and Josh. 
“I’m disappointed in you both,” he said. Those words stung. Jake and Josh winced and tried to avoid looking their father in the eye. “You shouldn’t team up against your brother like that.” 
“I’m sorry,” Josh was the first to crack. 
“I am too,” Jake echoed. He did feel bad; he had never told Sam he couldn’t go inside. Plus, it was unfair that Jake and Josh had teamed up against him, two versus one. If Ronnie was with Sam, Jake wouldn’t have felt a sliver of remorse, but Sam was all on his own. He didn’t stand a chance against his older brothers. 
“Good,” Kelly was finally able to make eye contact with his sons. “Sam, do you feel better now?” 
“I want my booty back,” Sam’s eyes still glistened with tears. 
“We can get you some more booty inside, how about that?” Jake asked as he handed Sam his bandana back. Sam cautiously grabbed it from Jake and then held it up to Kelly to tie around his head. With a small grin, Kelly took the bandana from Sam and motioned for him to stand in front of him so Kelly could properly secure it around his head. 
“There you go,” Kelly softly told him. “You’re a pirate again.” 
That was apparently all that Sam needed to hear, since he called out in glee and ran back towards the house, hollering “Argh!” all over again. Jake, Josh, and Kelly all looked amongst each other and couldn’t help but let out a laugh. It felt like there was never a dull moment with their family.
Kelly trudged after Sam and Jake and Josh shortly followed behind him. 
“Was that a good game of pirates?” Josh asked Jake. Jake reflected on their day. 
“I’d say it was pretty good,” he replied with a large grin through his fake beard. Josh tugged on the fake hair, revealing Jake’s chin for a split second, and let out a hearty laugh. 
“Curly the Pirate and Captain Brown Beard got their booty today!”
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jamnickowa · 2 years ago
Kiedy wróciłam do domu...
… porozmawiałam przez telefon z pewną Osobą, która bardzo wiele dla mnie znaczy.
Później poszłam skosić trawnik.
Kiedy wręcz wpadłam na chwilę do Mamy pokoju zobaczyłam Jej twarz:
(i ten ton głosu) - Wiesz, co się stało?
(Ja, nadal nic nie wiedząc) - No, co takiego się stało?
Mama: - Tina Turner nie żyje.
Ja: …
Przeczytałam, że śp. Tina Turner odeszła w spokoju.
To bardzo ważne.
Pozostawiła nam spadek, wspaniały spadek.
Los nie oszczędzał tej Kobiety.
Gdy miała 11 lat odeszła od rodziny Jej matka. W 1976 roku uderzył Ją były mąż, Ona mu oddała. W samochodzie. Ile razy Ją bił? Rozwiedli się w 1978 roku. W 2018 roku Jej starszy syn, Craig, odebrał sobie życie. Miał 59 lat. Cztery lata później umarł Jej młodszy syn Ronnie.
W 2013 roku przeszła udar udar mózgu.
W 2017 roku przeszła przeszczep nerki.
Chorowała na raka jelita grubego.
Kiedy miała 69 lat odbyła trasę koncertową, którą świętowała Jej 50 lat pobytu na scenie. Była bardzo energetyczna i świetnie śpiewała!
Pomimo wszystkich traum była.
I moim zdaniem, była niczym nieszkodliwy, dobry narkotyk dla psychiki.
Tak, oczywiście, po śmierci najłatwiej docenić.
Czy mówimy i piszemy o -wszystkich- wyjątkowych Artystach, którzy żyją?
Czasami nuciłam sobie, ni stąd, ni zowąd
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money, I'll do what you want me to do
nie wiedzieć czemu.
Przecież nie słyszałam tego utworu od tak dawna.
Nie będę oryginalna. Z tym utworem Wam pozostawiam.
Trzymajcie się w czasach popularyzacji badziewia muzycznego.
I nie tylko muzycznego.
Do przeczytania!
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olgalenski · 2 years ago
Polizeiruf Magdeburg - Ronny
liebe das intro so sehr aaaaah
oh direkt pain
das konfetti will ich nich wegmachen
bin ganz froh dass maja schöne kurze Haare hat. das hilft sie nicht als Hannah aus Dark zu sehen xD
ufff unangenehm alles hier
warum saß sie da jetzt im auto rum vor diesem Haus?
ich lehne mich jetzt ganz weit aus dem fesnter und sage, dass der freund der mutter nix damit zu tun hat, weil das zu offensichtlich wäre
irgendwann komm ich damit klar dass er günther heißt aber nicht heute
ich dachte grad sie is aber entspannt dafür dass je and bei ihr eingebrochen is aber gut war wohl nur der sohn
hmmmm ungut
brasch geh doch an dein handy ran
aso sie hat ihr das geschickt direkt das natürlich klüger dann
es is n bisschen anstrengend dass einfach niemand mal was zusammenhängendes sagt hier
das schlimmste daran is, dass ich das maximal realistisch finde. und wenns nur daran liegt dass man nicht weiß wie man das alles sagen soll
aber aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjfhbhkkh REDET DOCH BITTE ALLE EINFACH MAL MITEINANDER HERRGOTT
klar kannst du einfach mitten im unterricht mit deinem sohn sprechen voll normal
niemals is er erst 16
wer is denn jetzt ute
ja ich stimme brasch zu der wars nich
das is n richtig gut unkenntlich gemachtes bild
macht ihm sein leben in zukunft bestimmt überhaupt nich schwer :)))))
ja ne freundin bestimmt
aber schön dass es das gleiche heim ist ...
ja cool :)
joa okay also gut ähm ... also iwie kann ich das auch ein bisschen verstehen so ja kp was ich jetzt fühlen soll ich lache einfach mal aber ufffffff
ER LEBT NOCH !!!!! halleluja
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