mielmoto · 1 month
me: I need to experience emotional catharsis. what shall I do.
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EXCELLENT suggestion, brain. we shall.
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iphyslitterator · 18 days
I am enamored of @mannafromtevan's Airport 1975 theory, and here's the number one reason why:
We have no information on how Athena feels about Tommy, and she's the only main character of whom that can be said. They've never really interacted in canon. Their potential dynamic is severely underexplored in fandom. I've been saying all along that integrating Tommy with the rest of the firefam, especially in ways unrelated to Buck, is necessary if they want him to be endgame and would be one of the surest signs they're considering it - pairing Tommy with Athena for the opening disaster would be huge.
Also, this isn't the only possibility, but I've been toying with the idea that Athena is the only one who actually is skeptical of Tommy. You know how Hen told Chim about Tatiana, "I'm your best friend, I get to hold a grudge about her til I die"? Athena was there for Hen's early days at the 118. Hen must have vented to her about the lack of support (at best) she was getting from her coworkers, including Tommy. And even after Gerrard left and Hen and Tommy became work friends, I can see Athena being the type to carry that grudge on Hen's behalf. I don't think she'd be actively trying to break up Buck and Tommy or anything, but she could be side-eyeing the guy, and since Bobby's totally on board with Tommy, she could see it as her job to remain suspicious - Bobby, after all, didn't know Tommy in the Gerrard days. If the show wanted to go this route, they could have Athena and Bobby touch on it briefly toward the beginning of 8x01.
Whether Athena has reservations about Tommy or just doesn't know him very well, crashing a plane together would be a chance for her to see that he's competent, tough, and loyal - as well as a bit unhinged, and with a caustic sense of humor that honestly kind of matches hers. And if they get the 118 on the line and she gets to witness the first I Love You?? *chef's kiss*
On the flip side, Tommy gets to like and respect Athena for all the same reasons. Plus if Athena has to make some sort of ethical decision about the "person from her past," I would loooove to see her talk to Tommy about it. I'm not saying Tommy should be central to the problem or solution - I'm picturing them sitting in the cockpit during a lull in the action, Athena taking the opportunity to discuss the issue with a neutral third party, maybe with Tommy offering a nugget of wisdom, in a scene that tells us something about both characters.
And IMAGINE the REUNIONS - think about it, Buck and Tommy's first Moment came when they watched Bathena reunite at the end of 7x03, so imagine a parallel at the end of 8x03!!! Tommy and Athena emerging from the plane, Bathena gaze at each other, time slows, maybe Over the Rainbow is playing idk, they run into each other's arms, AND THEN we cut to Bucktommy, but THIS time they're ALSO embracing and delivering their most scorching kiss since the hospital, ohhhh my god I'm chewing glass!!!!!
And then as enumerated by @a-mel0n, rappelling out of a helicopter into a jet was the hottest thing Buck's ever seen and he has to fuck him about it immediately amen.
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watchyourbuck · 1 year
Oh god okay here we go
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Why must I go into heavy detail you ask? Well, I am actually unable to shut up so here it is them 10 TOP “there’s no chance this is a straight friendship” MOMENTS
“You can have my back any day” aka the enemies to lovers speedrun. The immediate feeling we’re supposed to get from the screen is jealousy. Buck is jealous of the new recruit because he’s hot, a medic, a veteran, whatever. I’ll give it to you children, he WAS jealous. But then they go on call and they get into immediate danger bc 911 is a drama and then Eddie’s very keen on being Buck’s partner. Nothing queer til then right? WRONG. Eddie’s line is pretty normal but the way Buck reacts isn’t. I have had my fair share of “huh this person I didn’t like is actually cool” moments but nEVER have I once sucked in a breath, forgot how to blink, rushed in my words OR stared at said person like I’d like for them to be my lover. Three points to Gayfindor.
“Is your son REALLY the reason you don’t date?” This line and the dialogue that follows makes absolutely no sense from the non-queer glass. Alright he asks bc he wants to know why two girls practically launched themselves at him and he declined (such a kind offer lmao) but… why are you standing so close? Why do you bump shoulders with him as you walk? Most importantly, what the FUCK does Eddie’s smirk mean after “they’re not my type either… not anymore.” Idk about you guys but when I’m not on the market I’m actually not in it 😀 and I don’t go around looking at my best friend like I’d consider fucking her (I’m actually kinda yikes about that thought bc she’s like my sister). Bottom line is: if you’re willing to fuck your best friend, there’s attraction. That scenes oozes attraction and I’d be willing to white glove challenge a body language reader.
The Tsunami. YES okay, there are far many moments in between but I also need to make this a somewhat readable list so here we go. We’re gonna pretend for a hot second Buck wants to save his best friend’s son, and not the child that he considers his own bc I’m tired. Let’s skip to the far end of this (be GrAtEfuL I’m skipping the whole sacrifice that this episode entailed. Buck was willing to die, to never sit down again if it meant looking for Chris [& the utter fear he has to face Eddie]. It’s a lot). Now, I do not OWN a child (thank god) but if I did, I wouldn’t be particularly comfortable with a simple friend from work taking care of them. They could be my very best friend from work and I’d still feel a little icky -at least nervous- about it. Yet Eddie not only takes Christopher back A F T E R the tsunami (Chris could’ve died and Eddie is nothing short of apprehensive), but he says ‘there’s no one I trust with my son more than you’. Um. Not his wife. Not his family (CHRIS’ family), not Abuela, not Tia Pepa. Buck. Who he… just met? Surely it isn’t bc he’s uncle buck… I don’t believe even Maddie has said that to Buck, where he’s actually, yknow, UNCLE BUCK. Co-parenting is not something done between a parent and a friend, and I know this shit bc my mom raised me with a few of her friends and guys,,, she never said that to any of them. Also Chris is practically never seen with anyone else from the 188firefam alone.
The Kitchen Scene™️. I have gone on rants about this before but truth be told THIS is the scene that conveys the MOST canonically sexual tension between them. We can joke about it all y’all want but this scene is unhinged. I don’t think Oliver and Ryan were aware that they should’ve been friends in this scene. The way the conversation shifts from apologetic sad puppy eyes to “you’re throwing your punches at the wrong guy” to I CAN TAKE YOU (???) you can what? “Oh you think?” “Oh I know” HELLO? Pls don’t even get me started on how Buck approaches Eddie, the way he’s puffy-chested, his hand on his belt, eyeing him up and down, nearly biting his lip, cocky grin,,,,, explain to me in hetero. I’m waiting😐 guys c’mon exPLAIN IT TO ME IN HETERO. The way Eddie glances to the side bc where’s Chris? And h o w he sips his beer right after, smirking, tiLTING His head. I’m sorry this is not straight in any way. I’m sorry you’re gonna have to accept this.
Clipboard Buck. Alright u got me!!! This one’s a lil silly, but so is my life, so it’s fair game. Clipboard Buck is annoying as fuck, he’s so fucking annoying. The entire firefam picks up on this, no one wants to be around,,,, except Eddie. You could argue that it’s bc he likes him as a friend and he’s just indulging …. 👁️👄👁️ sure but he also hides from Interim Captain Han soooo anyway what’s fun about this is how willing Eddie is to comply with everything he says. He’s basically twirling his hair, kicking his feet, smiling & blushing and “check!” 🧍🏽‍♀️ buck is kinky (that is canon e.g the ring cutter) and he gets high on authority and Eddie does backflips to meet his kinks. Exhibit 5 complete.
The Lawsuit Arc acka the first divorce era😔✊🏼. This one makes me rage a little bit because I get really upset at Buck for acting recklessly. Like baby let yourself HEAL. Anyway,,,, onto what brings us here 🥷🏼. It’s canon that the entire team is mad at Buck, they don’t really wanna bump into him, can’t really speak to him,,, but Eddie? Eddie’s filled with wrath. I cannot stress enough the fact that he uses Chris as an excuse “do you even know how much he misses you? how could you! you’re not here”. The way he expresses himself, and we’re choosing to ignore the fact that he HIMSELF misses Buck,, that’s how you talk to someone who has a responsibility with the child, not the fun coworker that randomly shows up @ your house with pizza every once in a while. “I couldn’t even call you to bail me out of jail”. He’s so u p s e t that for the first time they know each other he can’t rely on Buck when he’s hurting and in danger. And pls for the love of Jesus Christ my lord & savior don’t tell me that it’s a 118 thing bc he calls Ronda Rousey to come pick him up 🎅🏻 that grocery store scene is.. interesting.
Eddie Underground. Alright we’re getting serious now guys,,, might as well put on your thinking caps on this one. We all know the story, this isn’t a latest ep recap soooo The wAY Buck’s the ONLY ONE who desperately calls Eddie’s name when he’s fallen underground, amidst the heavy rain and dirt. Listen to me: he starts digging with his hands. With his bare hands I tell you!!!! 😩 Bobby has to physically pull him back as he cries on his lap. Buck is a smart man, he wouldn’t do something that’s completely illogic, he knows he can’t dig him out but he’s so desperate. His voice breaks, he can’t breathe, he becomes impulsive, reckless, impatient. Do I need to remind y’all the reason he wasn’t the one getting strapped to go underground??? “You’re not going down there. So we can have two cut off ropes?” Everyone knows he’s willing to sacrifice his integrity for Eddie bc his life doesn’t make sense without him. “We’ll get him back for you”
The Shooting + “I’ve made u my son’s dad lol”. When Eddie gets shot the world freezes for Buck. He’s left standing there, staring as Eddie’s blood splatters on him. He has to be tackled down. Even then, he’s unable to move, to breathe. He just looks as he bleeds out, and theN he snaps back into reality, bracing himself to go under the truck (foregoing his own trauma - I’ve said this before) and preparing for the amount of strength it’s gonna take to pull him under it. He screams at him to hold on, and later when he manages to pull him inside the truck he tells him he needs him to hang on. He rips his uniform open, he cries and screams,,, then Eddie wakes up, and he asks BUCK if HES okay. Bc he saw blood :( also as @butraura pointed out, he can’t die if Buck’s dying bc what about Chris? He only lets himself drift off when he knows Buck’s okay. Then we got The Will Reveal™️ also so unhinged. “You knew I wouldn’t turn it down” right what is this guys??? That was a year ago. He added him to his will A yEaR aGo. Idk about y’all but I haven’t added my friends to my will😀 also Buck’s the one who tells Chris ??? (I’m being very brief on this subject). Also “Because, Evan” shut up🧎🏽‍♀️
& 10. The Lightning Strike + “She sees me”. I’m doing these together bc I haven’t watched this episodes yet but I’m an addict so I’ve spoiled myself to the brim. The way Eddie screams Buck’s name, the way he saves him, “do more” h e l l o ?? The absolute PAIN in Eddie’s eyes, “you died Buck” “3 minutes and 17 seconds”, “his humor hasn’t changed” & the fact that he listens to Buck on his super genius math theory. And then Buck goes and says “I feel like Natalia sees me” ok. I mean my feelings mean nothing but Eddie’s face ??? That’s a man that knows he’s waited too long.
I rest my case. I’m missing a lot of scenes (like a lot omg Abby comes back, Buck under the Truck, Buck vomiting blood, the Taylor Arc) & y’all can argue in the comments about them, or add shit or try to dismantle mine, honestly the floor is yours idc wHat u do, just know you won’t convince me otherwise 🤸🏽these two are in love & that’s pretty much that on THAT. PERIOD.
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delta-pavonis · 2 years
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Delta Pavonis' Fic+Art Masterlist
Organization! It is the only way I can be a functional member of society with my level of ADHD. I also often find it fun. So here you go, look at all my crap awesome stuff! :D (last updated 9 June 2024)
Dream Songs series
An AU/Canon Divergence from 2021 meeting where Dream and Hob end up in a D/s relationship. They are posted below in the order that they occur in my Dreamling timeline.
New Moon || Rated E || 11.5k words || complete
Whispers to the Night || Rated E || 400 words || complete
Party Favor || Rated M || 550 words || complete
To Worship on a Marble Altar || Rated E || 2.3k words || complete
Eros in Pragma || Rated E || 4.4k words || complete NSFW Fanart by @fishfingersandscarves
Hypnopompia Turtur || Rated E || 3.5k || complete
Seether (is Neither) || Rated E || 10.8k || complete
Divination || Rated E || 11.7k words || complete Dream Suspended, art for Divination, by me!
Knight Rhythms Series
Drummer!Hob/Dancer!Dream fantasy AU series that absolutely no one asked for but is very near and dear to my heart. Which then got combined with a Knight!Hob/King!Dream AU I had going, and here we are. Below is chronological order within the series. Series is ongoing.
Good Knight || Rated G || 748 words || complete
Stay the Knight || Rated M || 2.7k || complete fanart by @mandolinearts
find in me your rhythm || Rated E || 9k || complete fanart by @ambarden here, here, here, here, and here fanart by @teejaystumbles fanart by @monobuu FUCKING COSPLAY by @aralezinspace
Sonata in D || Rated G || 454 words || complete
Fanfare || Rated E || 1k || complete
Metronome || Rated E || 975 words || complete
Tremolo || Rated G || 1228 words || complete
Crescendo || Rated T || 1.1k || complete
Sympathetic Vibrations || Rated E || 6.6k || complete inspired by fanart by @ambarden here
Quaternion || Rated E || 16.7k || complete fanart by @ambarden here and here
White Horse Mafia Series
Alpha Consigliere Hob/Omega Gun Moll Dream in an A/B/O Mafia AU fic that started as a kinkfill and then developed a life of its own. Order below is chronological in the series, order on AO3 (linked above) is order in which they were written.
Early and Late || Rated E || 3.3k || complete
Name Me, Tame Me || Rated E || 36.3k || complete
show me who I am (written with @dancinbutterfly) || Rated E || 11k || complete
Wood + Glass Series
Absolutely unhinged museum curator!Dream/medical doctor!Hob AU that just gets more unhinged as we go. I love them.
Placebo Effect || Rated E || 10k || complete
Special Exhibition || Rated E || 10k || complete
Parasomnia || Rated E || 10k || complete
Richmond 'Til We Die Series (Ted Lasso crossover)
Goalie!Dream/sports journalist!Hob in Ted Lasso universe. Why? WHY NOT?!?
Keeper || Rated E || 3.7k || complete
Runner || Rated E || 7.1k || complete
Slip Edition || Rated E || 5.5k || complete
Strategic Maneuvers Series
A Change in Tactics || Rated E || 5.1k words || complete
Military Offensive || Rated E || 4k || complete
Horse Girl Hob AU
My contributions to @amielot's ongoing masterpiece.
Soft Hands || Rated E || 1k || complete
Deep Seat || Rated E || 3.6k || complete
Levade || Rated E || 1.7k || complete
Stand Alone Fic
All the World's a Stage || Rated E || 5.7k words || complete
Another Song || Rated E || 16.1k || in progress
Call to Glove || Rated T || 2.3k words || complete
Drowning || Rated E || 893 words || complete
high enough (you got me good) || Rated E || 11.8k words || complete Fanart by @lespicybrocoli Fanart by @cloudbunny Header/fanart by me
i had a dream (i got everything i wanted) || Ch 1: Rated T, Ch 2: Rated E || 9.7k words || complete
(i wanna be) anarchy || Rated E || 3.5k || complete
(I loved a certain person ardently and my love was not return’d, Yet out of that I have written these songs) || Rated E || 8.5k || complete
in memoriam || Rated E || 939 words || complete
i will take me away || Rated M || 559 words || complete
let me taste your silhouette || Rated E || 5k || complete
Making the Cut || Rated E || 4k || complete
Meet (noun) || Rated E || 1.5k || complete
no more yielding than a dream || Rated E || 5.2k || complete
Red Dress || Rated E || 966 words || complete
Rough Night || Rated E || 962 words || complete
Signs & Signals || Rated M || 2.1k || complete
Sold || Rated E || 9.2k || complete
Ten Forward || Rated E || 4k || complete (Star Trek AU)
Thigh High || Rated E || 1.2k || complete
Thoughts on the Roman Empire (and Other Pickup Lines) || Rated T || 1k || complete
Venus conjunct Saturn || Rated E || 2.1k || complete
Wake Up My Body || Rated T || 2k || complete
where I'm supposed to be (set in @valeriianz's Bolt in the Blue universe) || Rated E || 1.7k || complete
You create me against your lips || Rated E || 69k words || complete @teejaystumbles has done MANY pieces of fanart of this fic (I am so lucky 😭) and most of them are embedded directly into the fic!
you might be the answer to the sinner in me || Rated E || 16.6k || complete
Other Pieces of Art by Me Le Corbeau (based on Le Pigeon by Erté)
104 notes · View notes
anatomical-puppet · 3 years
Lance, Lorolei, or Eira?
I got a different ask for Lance and i don't have a ton of hcs about Lorelei so I'll do Eira for now because Favorite lol-
A: what I think realistically
Arthyr was absolutely his first crush. He didn't really know what it meant, though, because he didn't really have other friends, so he figured it was normal for your friend to give you butterflies and make your face feel hot every time they complimented you. Then he meets The Gang and realizes that Flint makes him feel the same way but Doppel, Glass, and Heartless don't, and he's like "oh fuck wait a minute"
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
I've mentioend this hc before but I still think it's very funny fjdskfd. Basically, since the kingdom he's from is so cold and everyone needs to be bundled up, it's sort of taboo to be showing skin besides, like, your face. So then Flint shows up with his entire titties out and Eira's even more flustered than usual because The Only Tits He's Seen Are His Own
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
I could go on for Hours about this, not gonna lie. One I've been thinkin about is that he started learning to swordfight because he'd get beaten up a lot- other kids would find out he was a witch and they were Not happy about it. That's also why he helped Arthyr; he knows how scary it is to get attacked and he wanted to help him, even without knowing he was a prince at first.
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
I am still firmly standing by the headcanon that Lance and Eira were childhood friends. I'm still working on a more detailed hc for how that happened, but I Love that hc and I will yell about it til the day i die
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sunsoothed · 3 years
jang hanseo character study kinda fic i promised. i'm not sure if this is a character study anymore. i have no idea what this became. anyway! i wanted to explore hanseo and give him a bit of a backstory, so here it is!
*deep breath* content warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, physical abuse, blood, injury, canonical character death (not hanseo), recreational drug use, underage drug use, implied drug abuse
word count: 1866
read on ao3
hope you like it!
When Jang Hanseo is seven, he is acquainted with elder brother. Regal; nine-years-old and already hunting.
He still hides behind their father with him when he pretends to be terrified of the sound of gunfire.
Hanseo says nothing. He never brings up how his brother had thrown the bloodied rabbit and his rifle to the servant attending him, never brings up how thoroughly he washed his hands to hide the evidence of his independence from his father.
Never brings up how his brother assessed him with just a look and nothing more.
The first words Jang Hanseo’s brother says to him are as follows:
“Don’t call me hyung.”
Jang Hanseo blinks, traces his eyes over the leather of his brother’s jacket, over the blood that drips from his gloves, over the rifle he holds in his hands. He smiles.
“Okay, hyung-nim!”
A scoff, but some appraisal. Jang Hanseo doesn’t understand the half-smile he receives that autumn afternoon, but he remembers it until he beats his brother with a hockey stick, striking his head trice ‘til he’s out and his back once just for good measure, just to see the blood coming up to his mouth for him to choke on.
The first time his brother hits him, Jang Hanseo is eight. The ice rink is dark, and his brother is more geared up than he is.
Jang Hanseo misses thrice, scores once. He is rewarded with a swipe of the hockey stick on the back of his calf, and he thinks it is a game.
For that, he is rewarded with his first broken bone and a seared memory of a hand heavy on his throat. A laugh without mercy.
When Jang Hanseo is thirteen, he is offered alcohol at a party his father is hosting.
He declined, having seen first-hand what alcohol does to you, what a rage it puts his father in as he breaks porcelain, the scar he left on his mother’s cheek that lasted till the day she died.
When Jang Hanseo is fourteen, his brother kills four people. Classmates, he tells him, when he comes home with red speckled on his face. They weren’t worthy of being my classmates.
Jang Hanseo celebrates his fifteenth birthday with the diagnosis of his brother being a psychopath and accidentally tearing open the letter of a one-way ticket to the United States.
Instead of cake, he consumes his own blood, and instead of a pat on the back, he has a dislocated shoulder.
When he wakes a day later hooked to an IV, his brother is gone. The phantom of his laugh lives on, searing long into Hanseo’s conscience.
At fifteen-and-a-half, his father sends Hanseo to his grandmother’s for the summer. His father is undergoing a trial, on the charges of bribery, abetting murder, and perjury. With one son shipped off to the States and another to Jeju Island, he has no pawns he will feel ill about sacrificing. It’s not that he loves them. It’s that letting your son die because the ransom money you can very well afford would require you to take some shares out, and that’s too tedious of a process to go through.
So Jang Hanseo boards the short flight, stares out of the window for the longest one hour and fifteen minutes of his life so far. He’s never met his grandmother.
He wonders if she’s like his father, knowing she’s raised him, or if she’s worse.
She’s leagues different from anyone in his family.
Halmeoni scans him up and down when the driver drops him off at her estate. At the front door itself, she says, “We have a lot of fixing-up to do.”
It leaves an impression, that’s for sure.
The best summer of his life, Hanseo learns how to uproot weeds and catch a chicken without screaming like his life was being threatened. His halmeoni owns a farm, some 150 acres of greenery and animal and mansion.
Halmeoni teaches him first how to eat well, how to fill his plate and not feel bad about it, how to overeat and regret it. Halmeoni teaches him second that he is the most important person to himself; never his father, and not his hyung-nim.
Halmeoni teaches him third that he has no one else in the world but himself.
This, Jang Hanseo remembers the most.
(But his brother’s —)
With his brother’s absence, an anxiety sets into Hanseo’s veins so intensely that upon looking up his symptoms, he sees words like psychosis and personality disorder and promptly closes his laptop shut.
Unbidden, but not unwelcome, he remembers the rages his father fell into. He remembers the embers of gold in those small wide glasses that abeoji owned, remembers the crates of bottles that they used to have moved into the house. He also recalls the putrid smoke that used to emerge from the study. The smell of something burnt and something that made him cough so hard it alerted his father of his presence.
It’s in the boys washroom that he smells the scent again. By the open window, out curls smoke.
Jang Hanseo catches the eye of the assailant. Oh Yeonwoo will get him into this mess and then out. He will be Hanseo’s first true friend.
Jang Hanseo tries it for the first time on the terrace of the school. One joint between the two of them and nothing but heaving coughs from him until he learns how to take air after smoke and allow its natural passage back up. The joint is over by then, and Hanseo feels nothing.
Yeonwoo bumps their shoulders together, carelessly tossing the filter over the railing of the terrace. “You’ll get the hang of it,” He assures. “I didn’t even make it after a couple of joints, so you’re doing better than me already.”
Hanseo lends him a half-smile. Better than him, he thinks. When have I ever been better than anyone?
“Hanseo-yah, what’re you thinking with that scowl, hm?” Yeonwoo bumps their shoulders together again. “You’re so scary when you space out.”
“I am?”
Yeonwoo nods again. Hanseo notes something hazy in his eyes, something completely unguarded in his demeanour. He blinks cautiously.
“Hanseo-yah,” Yeonwoo whines, “Stop staring at me.”
“I’m not,” He replies. “Are —” Are you okay? Hanseo was going to ask. Stupid. Yeonwoo has settled against his shoulder now, humming some tune. He stretches his legs out in front of him and sways his feet to the rhythm. He seems better than okay.
So this is what it does, Hanseo thinks. Lightness. He wants to be light.
And so, Jang Hanseo, age sixteen, falls into something whose magnitude he cannot guess. Addiction is only the half of it. The other half had started the day Yeonwoo showed him something called shotgunning, which had taken his first kiss and his first experience with intoxication whose harm had lasted longer than its euphoria.
When he lies beside Yeonwoo, all too hot and all too cold, unable to distinguish which fingers are his when they hold hands, he finds it. The lightness. When Yeonwoo turns and exhales into his neck, prickling sweat and prickling hair to stand on edge, Hanseo smiles.
And when Hanseo wakes up, the dread in his gut is deeper than it’s ever been.
(— his brother’s —)
So it seems that boys with no family and boys with brothers who know nothing but violence and boys with a terrible, terrible blankness to them can also, by some grace of humanity, fall in love. And so it seems, as Hanseo feels the telltale thumping of his heart and lightness in his abdomen, that Yeonwoo will keep having this effect on him.
Subtlety, Yeonwoo tells him, the afternoon they sit on the roof and stare at the sky and at the smoke. Subtlety will let you get away with everything.
Subtle touches, then. Hanseo’s fingers lingering a moment too long on Yeonwoo’s arm, Hanseo’s hand firm between his shoulder blades. Subtle words, and subtle smiles, and subtle smoke between their mouths as they chase lightness.
Subtle kisses, too, when Hanseo feels he can see his own eyes in Yeonwoo’s, when Hanseo still finds the thrill of sealing his lips with Yeonwoo’s to be a minefield of his own feelings. Subtle kisses that Yeonwoo always blackens — drags them down into teeth and tongue and desire. Hanseo doesn’t know, then, that this is what differentiates them. What puts him on a curved, unshapely parabola and Yeonwoo on a straight line.
Feral, Hanseo once thinks, his gaze only slightly unclouded, as Yeonwoo bites at his lips, his neck. Feral, in the way he never kisses to coax Hanseo’s mouth open; never to cherish feeling. Only to chase after something so much deeper.
At seventeen, Jang Hanseo implodes from heartbreak.
Transfer student. Short, ebony hair, in that oh-so-timeless straight bob. He has a nice smile, even Hanseo can tell, and he has a charming walk. He’s also assigned a seat beside him. This, of all things, was the catalyst.
Yeonwoo didn’t want to kiss him anymore. Yeonwoo wanted to smoke with him, but Yeonwoo also bought a new companion along with him. Yeonwoo, it seemed, never wanted what Hanseo did. Yeonwoo, it seemed, never felt the way Hanseo did.
Hanseo knows that he knew, somewhere, beneath what his world had become, that this would not stand for long. Its foundations were, in the end, smoke.
But it does not surprise him, Hanseo thinks, seventeen and a quarter, something vile in his veins. It does not surprise him that he’s here.
His head hits, dully, the floor under him. He laughs. And he laughs some more, as the world turns from dust to sky to ocean. And he waits for the servants to find him in his father’s study.
They tell him that he’s lucky, later, in the hospital. Jang Hanseo thinks this is what death feels like, on the verge of eighteen. He states blinking at the ceiling. Hospital rooms are white on all six sides, and heaven is supposed to be white on all six sides as well. He wants to laugh, so he does.
And it hurts.
Hanseo stops laughing.
(— his brother’s laugh —)
Hanseo laughs. Ten years past, ten years perished, Hanseo laughs until his heart hurts. His brother’s heart is still beating. His blood is still warm, the three hits to his head and one to his back hadn’t kept him down. Hanseo laughs as the blood splatters on his face, sprinkled red on his chin and lips, a sprinkled red dancing in his eyes as he brings the hockey stick down, down, down.
For everything Hanseok has made him — less, more, just enough. For all these little things that had changed Hanseo more than broken bones could. For lost love. For things that weren’t, in the end, Hanseok’s fault.
Hanseo beats him till his heart stops fighting back and the blood pooled in his mouth flows quietly. Till Hanseo feels no fight left in him, and then some, till the exhaustion in him takes over.
Hanseo slumps over his brother’s dead body, and Hanseo laughs.
(But his brother’s laugh will always be louder.)
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Forever Is A Long, Long Time
Pairings: Romantic Logicality
Verse: An Unlikely Suspect (Among Us AU)
TWs: Makeout mention, implied sexual activities, they’re really soft honestly..
Summary: Patton and Logan have been dating for a couple years now, but with only a month til their next voyage on the Skeld, and Logan working overtime to be the best Captain the crew could ask for, they rarely get some alone time. Luckily, Patton has the perfect idea...
(Recommended music: I Wouldn’t Mind by He Is We)
One Month before the Skeld Departs: 
Patton excitedly made his way along the corridors of MIRA HQ to reach the cafeteria; he’d been stuck in the greenhouse all morning and early afternoon tending to the needs of the plants and their development cycles, but finally he could spend time with his boyfriend. Logan had been working so tirelessly, Patton couldn’t help but admire his passion and drive. 
After all, the Skeld’s next captain needed to be someone the crew could feel safest with after all. Not that Patton ever believed his boyfriend was incapable, if anything, he believed Logan was already more than qualified for the job. The crew echoed the sentiment as well. But Logan seemed determined to keep working himself into the ground at this rate.
Patton had decided to fix that.
In his backpack rested lunch for the two of them, made ahead of time to spare them the long wait in line, the cyan-clad crewmate merrily continuing his trek to the cafeteria until he could see that familiar silhouette approaching the intersection of the threeway corridor.
“Logan!”, Patton beamed cheerfully, his radiance only matched as Logan turned toward the voice of his beloved. Once they were within touching distance, Logan was more than welcome for the embrace Patton offered.
“Greetings Patton,”, he chuckled, clearly already exhausted, “I apologise for not dropping by sooner-”
“Don’t you go over-working that noggin of yours any more, Logan! You’ve been working hard, so I wanted to surprise you with a homemade lunch!”, he opened his backpack and pulled out the lunchbox he’d prepared when Logan stopped him gently. His hand softly caressed Patton’s, “That sounds wonderful Patton, but I would sooner enjoy it… well… with just the two of us?”, he gestured to the rather full canteen with a quick nod of his head.
Pat noted the red tint cradling Logan’s cheeks, standing out against the collar of his dark blue uniform. Equally flustered by the thought of spending some one on one time with his boyfriend, Patton agreed, “Of-! Of course!! Where um, would you like to-”
“We may do so in my cabin-”, Logan offered, making sure to clarify, “Simply for convenience! I mean, we have work we must be on call for-”
Oh my god, how could someone so tall and handsome look so adorably flustered in an instant? 
Patton giggled, “It’s fine, Logan, lead the way!”
The trip through the halls brimmed with mirth and starlight; Patton’s puns - while Logan maintained they were still awful - never ceased to wrench a fond sigh and a smile from his boyfriend. Once they were comfy in Logan’s cabin, Patton carefully opened up the lunch box to present an array of home cooked goodies; a tub of pasta each, and some mini berry tarts made specially with Crofters Jam. The latter made Logan’s eyes glisten in a way Patton hadn’t seen since their last trip to Earth.
“Starlight,”, Patton nearly melted at the love in Logan’s tone, “Where did you get this? We haven’t been authorised for any recent excursions back to Earth...”
Patton grinned cheekily, “I miiiight have specially asked Remy to get his buddies at the Earth station to beam over some~!”
Logan gasped, “Patton! You know full well-”
“I know, “all snacks and supplies must be given a month in advance to be checked over”, but I always follow protocol every other time I’m manning the loading bay! One little stowaway isn’t gonna get me in trouble. Besides, I wanted to make this really special before your debut as our new Captain!”
A tenseness found its way up Logan’s spine, going easily noticed by Patton. His smile softened into a gentle concern, “....You’re ready, Sunshine. I know it.” An easiness settled on Logan’s shoulders at the nickname, prompting Patton to continue, “It’s scary being in charge, I really, really don’t blame you for being anxious about it, but if anyone can keep us safe, it’s you, Logan.”
Gracefully, Patton softly picked up a blackcurrant tart, softly holding it for Logan to take a bite, earning a flush of rosy pink across the taller man’s cheeks.
“Heck, I trust you with my life, now and forever, Sunshine.”
Logan gave a small huff, but his smile was unwavering as he took a bite of the tart. The delicious homemade filling was nearly as sweet and filling as the love and support Patton offered so readily.
“Forever is a long, long time, Starlight. But I agree.”, he licked his lips, “Your baking never ceases to amaze me, it’s delicious.”
“Well then, I suppose I should try it-”
Without missing a beat, Logan softly set the treat aside and brought Patton in for a kiss. Soft and slow though that changed with a gentle licking of Patton’s lower lip. All of a sudden, the cyan crewmate could taste the berry flavour lingering on Logan’s tongue, letting himself be pulled into Logan’s lap. Their kisses always ended up this way; deep, romantic, full of longing, a scream of “I love you” in every second that melted away. 
Patton let out a small gasp as Logan broke their kiss to trail his lips down Patton’s neck, “Logaaaan… I thought you said-”
“Change of plan.”, he murmured against Patton’s neck, “Turns out I would rather die than be without you for too long.”
He joked, softly meeting Patton’s flushed gaze, “Besides, I am the Captain now, I believe I am allowed to bend the rules a little…”
Patton had no intention of arguing. It wasn’t how he’d planned their time together to go, but hey, the ring in his pocket would just have to wait a little while longer….
Part 1 of the An Unlikely Suspect pairing snippets!!
It’s so fluffy I almost forgot this canonically happens a month before the events of An Unlikely Suspect and OOF is that a punch to the gut. .... did I still add in a bunch of details that will make you all want to pry off my kneecaps with a spoon? Absolutely.
Here’s the original fic for those who haven’t read it yet! (do heed the tags! and there is a sequel in the works!)
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account   @cateye-glasses   @fandomsofrandom @patton-cake @does-this-look-logicality-to-you @justalittlecorrupted @irritating-lady-knight @katlikethesword
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averitatsuyabnha · 4 years
BNHA Y/N incorrect quotes cause im bored
Kirishima: Have you been yelled at by Y/N yet?
Bakugou: I’m not scared of Y/N.
Kirishima: So, no?
Y/N: In the name of the Father, son, and Holy ghost
Kaminari: Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
Y/N: Turn up your nose, strike that pose!
Y/N and Kaminari: Hey Macarena!
Bakugou: I’ve sent good vibes your way. They’re coming and there’s no way you can stop them.
Y/N:.....This is the most violent way I’ve been cheered up.
Y/N: What’s the fear of being murdered called?
Bakugou: ........ common sense.
Y/N: I wanna give you the world, but I only have, like, 200 yen.
Sero: Come here.
Y/N: *comes closer*
Sero: *hugs you*
Sero: I don’t have any cash on me yet I have the whole world in my arms right now.
Y/N: B R U H 
Sero: Bruh.
Todoroki: How do you want your coffee?
Tokoyami: As dark and bitter as my soul.
Y/N: One glass of milk coming right up!
Y/N: *t-posing in the dorms* Good morning, parental figure.
Aizawa: Good morning, problem child.
Y/N: *does something stupid*
Bakugou: Great. I needed another reason to be attracted to you.
Y/N: ...what?
Y/N: Okay. I have this box. We are going to put what makes us happy into this box.
Ochaco: Can I put Izuku in the box?
Y/N: No. 
Ilda: Can we put Midoriya in the box?
Y/N: ...No.
Todoroki: Can I-
Kaminari: It’s really muggy today.
Y/N: If I go outside and see all our mugs on the lawn, I will kill you.
Kaminari: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Bakugou: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak, like "look at this fucking flower, this flower is taller than I am, this flower is winning and I'm losing"
Y/N: Wow. You are not ready to hear about trees.
(i HAVE to add this one)
Canon Izuku: Alright, villain me. Time for you to be defeated once and for all-
Villain Deku: wait wait wait
Villain Deku: I’m baby
Canon Izuku: what does that even mean
Fandom: you can’t do that
Canon Izuku: WHAT
Fandom: he’s baby, you can’t just do that
Canon Izuku: but he’s a villain-
Fandom: well he’s baby so
Y/N:  So Denki just texted me
Y/N:  and he says, “so, don’t be worried but I did this stupid thing”
Y/N:  And I’m worried cause I already know that he’s a dumbass and has no self control
Y/N:  and he tells me, “so i got high and did this thing”
Y/N:  and I’m panicking even more
Y/N:  and he finally tells me,
Y/N:  “I bought a 900 dollar wheel of cheese from France. It should be arriving next week.”
Y/N: *on the phone* hey, babe. Can you come over?
Bakugou: No, I’m grounded.
Y/N: What the hell are you grounded?
Bakugou: My mom said “son of a bitch” and I yelled HELL YEAH I AM
Y/N: *wearing Ilda’s glasses* How do I look?
Ilda: I have no idea.
Y/N: Aizawa just took the wheels from our heelyz. I feel like Lucifer dtripped of his wings.
Sero: I have to walk down the halls like a common wench and I am livid.
Bakugou: Whatever you're thinking right now, stop
Y/N: What?
Bakugou: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid to piss me off so cut it out-
Y/N: I love you
Y/N: Also cereal qualifies as a soup
Bakugou: I fucking knew it
Tokoyami: I can't believe all these people dressed in black. All-black was my thing, and now everyone's doing it to be 'cool'. They're all posers
Y/N: Tokoyami, I cannot stress this enough. We are at Nighteye’s funeral
Y/N: I know this is random, but Dom or Sub?
Midoriya Izuku: I guess Domino's. I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category.
Kaminari: Because people are often buried in their best clothes, the zombie apocalypse would be a very formal affair.
Bakugou: If I die, I’m gonna be buried in battle armour. Good luck, bitch.
Y/N: If.
Y/N: Oh look, we’re under the mistletoe. You know what that means.
Todoroki: Y/N, that isn’t mistletoe.
Todoroki, waking up in the middle of the night: Oh my god, they were flirting with me.
Shouto: *singing* I’m just like you
Zuko: *echoing* I’m just like you
Shouto: you’re just like me
Zuko: *echoing* you’re just like me
Shouto & Zuko: *holding hands* it’s something anyone can see
*Kirishima playing with Y/N’s hair*
Y/N: Stop it Kirishima, you're ruining my reputation.
Kirishima: Then get off my lap.
Y/N: no
Bakugou: Your existence is confusing.
Y/N: How so?
Bakugou: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Y/N: I will now torture you.
Dabi: [raises an eyebrow, smirking] Kinky.
Y/N: [smiles] I think you are sweet and beautiful.
Dabi: [tensing up] Wait…
Y/N: [moving toward him] You deserve to be cared for.
Dabi: [backing away] No.
Y/n: [leaning forward, trapping him against a wall] Your feelings and needs are valid and deserve to be heard.
Dabi: [holding up his hands] I need a safeword!
Y/N: Bakugou has no survival skills, his need to win has replaced them.
Kirishima: That can’t be true!
Y/N: Watch this.
Y/N: Hey Bakubabe, race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Bakugou: [yeets self out the window]
Ashido: *Sighs*
Y/N: You bored?
Ashido: Yeah.
Y/N: Wanna start drama for no reason?
Ashido: Thought you'd never ask
Midoriya: I... I think I have a crush on Todoroki.
Y/N: Congratulations, you’re officially the last to know.
Bakugou: I HATE YOU, DEKU!!
Midoriya: Yeah? WELL I HATE YOU TOO!!
[An hour later]
Bakugou, crying to Y/N: H-He wasn’t supposed to say it back!!
Shigaraki: Goodnight.
Spinner: Goodnight.
Mr Compress: Sleep tight.
Toga: Don’t let the bed bugs bite.
Magne: Tonight.
Twice: Imma fight.
Toga: Til we see the sunlight.
Magne: Tik tok.
Twice: On the clock.
Toga: But the party don’t stop-
Bakugou: I only feel one emotion and it is anger.
Y/N: Last night you drunk texted everyone of us a thousand heart emojis.
Bakugou: Out of anger.
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #12- Gay Rights: the Movie
Finally finished with our franchise obligations! Let’s get back to the main story.
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Those are some ominous ellipses. Almost like something bad is going to happen!
Let’s take a look at Cover A for this issue.
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When this was released to the general public, alongside the synopsis that stated the Lost Lighters were going to run into a group of Decepticons, a lot of people thought we’d be seeing them meet the Scavengers. This isn’t the case, and that’s not Fulcrum. It’s some other K-Con, one that has purple in his color scheme.
Our story opens up with a narrative framing device:
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Welcome to “Before & After”, one of the more ambitious issues of MTMTE in terms of storytelling. Roberts really likes bouncing between scenes and POVs, and he’s really indulging that here.
Rodimus and crew have loaded up on one of the Lost Light’s scouting ships to check in on a planet called Temptoria. Whirl’s leading all the guys in the front in a war cry that wouldn’t be out of place in Hollywood’s version of the Vietnam war, while Brawn demonstrates how to not properly handle a gun. Rodimus tries to explain what exactly they’ll be doing, but no one’s listening, feeding off of the chaotic energy. The back seat isn’t quite as rowdy.
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Oh, Ambulon’s here? That’s got to be awkward. And Perceptor’s looking mighty cross about having to pick up a gun again. Isn’t he supposed to be retired from being a science sniper?
Rodimus finally gets everyone to settle down long enough to explain the situation, though not without a little jargon mixup.
Basically, Ultra Magnus went down to Temptoria while the “Shadowplay” story was being told, and found out that the organic populace had been enslaved by a group of Decepticons, and, more importantly, the sovereign agreement that the planet had with Cybertron’s been violated. Also, these guys might have been the one’s who kidnapped the Circle of Light. You remember those guys, right? The guys who were supposed to be in the 2012 Annual, but they weren’t, and Drift got really mad about it.
Rodimus wraps up the briefing with a “’Til all are one!” And we cut over to see what Swerve and Tailgate are up to. Tailgate seems to be a little nervous, not the type to enjoy waiting, but Swerve seems to be doing just fine. Why is that, exactly?
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Even if Rung’s still a steamed side dish of a vegetable, he’s still here, in a way. And good on Swerve for not assuming Tailgate can visualize in the same way he can. Aphantasia is more common than one might think.
Escapism is an interesting way of dealing with your problems, but I don’t know enough about wartime psychiatry to know if this is something that would actually be considered a viable solution or not.
Oh, now that I’ve said it, I’ve got the research itch.
Later, later.
Anyway, Tailgate gives it a spin, and his happy place is surprisingly domestic for such a seasoned professional.
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Pipes, it’s a clear glass, it’s not hiding anything from you.
Speaking of Pipes, he’s seated next to Hound, as they discuss what happened to Red Alert. Or, rather, the cover story that’s been fed to the rest of the crew by Rodimus, which is that the engine room pretty much attacked him. This is how ghost stories get started.
Trailcutter’s gotten some guns installed in his legs, because he’s a hypocrite.
Over with Chromedome and Rewind, there’s trouble in paradise, as they’re having a lovers’ spat. Chromedome’s giving Rewind the silent treatment, and Rewind’s having none of it. What exactly are they fighting about? We don’t get to know about that yet, but it’s digging up other issues, like Chromedome going back on his promise to stop injecting. The only thing keeping this from becoming a total meltdown is Whirl can-canning through the door to kidnap Rewind, so he can film Whirl getting in the zone before the fight. Whirl’s having a great time. This is probably the first time they’ve gotten to fight something since the Lost Light took off, and he’s all about it.
Rewind’s dragged away, and Chromedome just lets it happen, because he’s feeling cross. It’s good to take a moment to cool off, but I’m not quite sure this was the best time or way for it to happen.
Meanwhile, on the Temptorian surface, Blip the Decepticon, who is likely the dirtiest son of a gun we’ve run into so far, is asked to take a look at the monitor by a guy who sounds exactly like Megatron. It doesn’t particularly matter which Megatron, because comics are not an audio-based medium, so you can pick whichever one you like best. What’s on the monitor does not please Blip in the slightest.
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I feel like maybe having guys who don’t turn into flying machines jump out of the bottom of the shuttlecraft isn’t the greatest tactical thinking, but I’m sure everything will be okay. Brawn’s got a gun, maybe he’ll figure out how to rocket-jump before he hits terminal velocity.
Then the narrative jumps to after the fight, as the ship flies away from the scene, and Chromedome isn’t happy. It’s for a different reason than earlier, though.
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Man, Pipes just can’t win, can he?
Ambulon remembers that he is, in fact, a medical professional, and starts working on Rewind, while Chromedome tries to ask Swerve just what the hell happened. Swerve’s having his own issues, however.
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I’d nearly forgotten they had skeletons.
On the production side of this issue, we’ve got two artists: there’s our usual guy, Alex Milne on the “Before” sections, and Brandon Cahill on the “After”. Cahill’s other Transformers work includes The Transformers (2009) and the sister series to MTMTE, Robots in Disguise. Outside of the franchise, he’s worked on several Marvel pieces, including writing Sable & Fortune and Legion of Monsters. Unlike a lot of the alternate artists we’ve seen for the series, Cahill won’t be a one-and-done; we’ll see his art again in Dark Cybertron, Season 2 of MTMTE, and even Lost Light.
Getting back to the story, we’ve jumped back to the point in the battle where everyone’s hit the ground and are just wailing on each other. Tailgate and Swerve watch the chaos unfold, as Ultra Magnus more or less takes on a platoon of Decepticons.
Drift’s having a great time, as he Naruto runs through the enemy, slashing as he goes with a big ol’ smile on his face. He stabs a guy in the back of the head who was trying to grapple with Rodimus, thus interrupting the little dialogue they had going on. Rodimus is vaguely upset that his moment was cut short.
In the “After”, the shuttle’s landed back on the Lost Light, and Chromedome rushes out with Rewind in his arms to find First Aid with a motorized stretcher. He was hoping for Ratchet- he wants only the best for his shnookums. As they run Rewind down to the medibay, Chromedome starts listing off his allergies- which include ultraviolet light, something we know reveals mnemosurgery scars. This is a holdover from a dropped plot point I’ll cover at a later time; as it stands in the canon narrative, Rewind’s just got an allergy to the friggin’ sun.
Back at the shuttle, Tailgate starts dragging Cyclonus down the gangplank. Oh, hell. You know it’s a bad situation when the guy who literally couldn’t die for six million years is out of commission.
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Spoke and Lockstock are a bit of a gag- they always manage to get their asses kicked, but everyone on the ship really likes them. They will never be seen on-panel, and have no character designs.
Over in the medibay, history is being made.
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Esteemed members of the jury, I present to you: canon gay robots. The first in a long line of them. This is the starting point of the queer community being handed the Transformers franchise on a silver platter.
Up to this point, Roberts hadn’t gotten any further than implied attraction and affection between robots, in either his fanworks or professional credits. Pretty heavy-handed implication in some cases-
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-but implication nonetheless. Here is the first, honest-to-god direct confirmation of two male-coded robots in love.
In love and space-married and recognized by the authority in power, in a comic written in 2012, as a part of a major franchise owned by a massive American company, three years before same-sex marriage would be legalized on a federal level.
As part of the story, it’s great. Within the context of the time during which it was published, it’s a whole other level. This wasn’t just good writing, it was important.
Let me part the kimono a little here, with some personal backstory- I grew up in Buttfuck Nowhere, NC, and went to a high school that was so homogeneous, they were threatening to bus students in after I graduated. I didn’t know what a gay person even was until I was 12. “Lesbian” was used as an insult, and it was one I was subjected to because I had cut my hair short in middle school and wore cargo shorts on occasion. It was something I really pushed against, because that’s how a lot of people react to being forcibly given a label.
Not the best environment for a little queer kid, clearly.
It wasn’t until well after I’d gone to college that I really started understanding who I was. Hell, I’m still figuring some things out, but at least I’m getting somewhere.
I remember reading this for the first time in 2015- yes, I got into the comics sort of late- and then having to reread it. I needed a moment just to process what had happened. As a person who had only recently come to terms with their sexuality at the time, it was kind of mind-blowing to have that sort of representation, especially since I was also watching Transformers Prime at around the same time. Talk about the duality of man, am I right?
These days, there’s a lot more representation in many different forms of media. Things are getting better. Which, y’know, yay! I’m glad. I just can’t help but wonder if things would have been a little different if this sort of representation had been available earlier on.
Anyway, so yes, Chromedome’s got a difficult choice to make for Rewind- either let his body try to sort itself out, or let First Aid break out the clamps and try to jumpstart him. Rewind’s got a relatively rare spark type, but luckily Chromedome’s the same type. Looks like everything’s coming up roses for our boys!
Tailgate and Cyclonus aren’t getting nearly as good a break.
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My god, he’s filled with grape soda!
Back in the “Before”, things are getting a little silly.
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Chromedome, what POSSIBLE tactical advantage could you be gaining from riding the giant, fire-breathing robot dinosaur? This is why they threw you in Kimia, isn’t it? Because you’re a dumbass.
While this bullshit is happening, Rewind and Tailgate are stacked on top of each other to look through a window, because I guess that’s just how things turn out when the resident couple on the ship is upset with one another. Rewind’s found something, but it isn’t the Circle of Light. Rather, it seems the Decepticons are dabbling in Pink Alchemy- a rather inefficient process that allows organic creatures to be turned into energon for consumption.
The good guy thing to do would be to save all the organics, but there’s a bit of a problem- the door is wired to a massive bomb. Good thing Tailgate was in Bomb Disposal, and is just generally an impressive and well-established dude. He gets to work.
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Getting back to a point I made during Chaos Theory, Whirl can’t make a fist. Punching himself in the face is probably more akin to slashing it.
Tailgate’s got a weird approach to bombs, taking the time to teach Rewind how to do it, by way of student-led learning. They decide to poke a hole in the bottom of the bomb to drain all the explosive fluid out, which Tailgate does with little robot tears streaming down his face. Fear is a great motivator.
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Oof, not a “Domey” in sight. That’s how you know things are rough.
Outside of this little scene, Whirl and Cyclonus are handling Decepticons. Whirl’s got a hold on that guy who’s voiced by Frank Welker, and we get a nice shot of his sad cat face before Whirl turns his head into a memory.
Swerve- who is also here- asks Whirl to loan him a gun.
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Not a single one of you bastards know proper gun safety! Between all the severe depression and reckless weapon-handling, I genuinely have no idea how the hell are any of you are still alive.
In the “After”, Chromedome’s just finished jumpstarting Rewind, and it’ll take a bit to see if it worked, so he’s left alone with his thoughts.
Just kidding, Tailgate’s come over to check in. Seems like Cyclonus is gonna pull through, something Chromedome’s not terribly thrilled about. Chromedome’s still miffed about the whole Kimia thing.
We finally learn why Chromedome and Rewind were fighting; it was because Rewind, as a walking historical database, has been deemed too important to die, and can opt out of any fight he choose to, but he doesn’t, thereby putting himself in harm’s way unnecessarily. Maybe he just worries about you when you go out there on the battlefield alone, Chromedome, you ever think of that? Maybe he doesn’t want to wonder when his husband will return home from the war.
Tailgate asks about all the little vials that are scattered around Rewind’s hospital bed, and we get a little Cybertronian tradition thrown at us.
The vials are filled with innermost energon, the stuff that surrounds the spark casing and never changes, no matter how much you modify or upgrade your body. Leaving a little of the stuff for someone in an offering signifies that you care very much for that person. Chromedome can’t give Rewind any, because he was “born dry”, but I think being space-married to the guy more than makes up for it.
Tailgate asks how the two of them met, and unlike in issue #6, Chromedome is feeling vulnerable enough to indulge the question this time.
But first we need to establish that Chromedome is insanely insecure.
So, Rewind is fucking old. He’s older than the Cybertronian civil war, he’s older than the calendar system, and he’s old enough to have been affected by Functionist society’s categorization system. Due to being a memory stick- something that there were millions of back in the day- Ratioism dictated that Rewind as an individual was worth very little, and made him and his like into slaves. Because he was a slave, he needed a master, and that master was none other than Dominus Ambus, also known as Cybertron’s Mech of the Year for 40,000 consecutive years.
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Even on Cybertron, there’s a weird stigma about breastfeeding.
Rewind and Dominus quickly became friends, because that’s just the sort of guy Rewind is, and it made Dominus realize that maybe these slaves Cybertron had been working to death were sentient creatures worthy of respect too. He even developed a test to prove that all the slave classes were on the same level of functionality as everyone else.
On their quest to find a cure for the horrible disease Cybercrosis, Rewind and Dominus fucked off into space, on a wild goose chase to try and find Luna 1, the Cybertronian moon that just disappeared one day. Weird, that. They didn’t find it, and by the time they’d come back home, the war was well underway. They immediately became Autobots, and that was it for a while.
Then we move on to how Chromedome and Rewind met, and boy is it a doozy.
Chromedome had decided he wanted to kill himself, so he moseyed on over to the nearest relinquishment clinic- they did assisted suicides instead of body-swaps at this point- to do the deed. He was sitting in the waiting room, when he heard someone screaming. He wandered into the back to find Rewind weeping over a coffin, and he thought to himself “Maybe I don’t need to die after all” as he offered his future conjunx a shoulder to cry on.
What a fucking dark start to a relationship.
Rewind wasn’t upset about anyone who was dead though, but rather missing- Dominus had disappeared into thin air months ago, and Rewind was getting desperate to find him, looking in more and more awful places in the hope of recovering what he’d lost.
As it turns out, he’s still doing that. The reason the two of them are on the Lost Light is because Rewind needs to find Dominus- alive or dead, it doesn’t seem to particularly matter at this point. That’s why he buys snuff films in dark alleys.
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See, Tailgate gets it.
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Guys, bad news.
Chromedome’s spark is too weak to jumpstart Rewind. Unless they find another compatible donor, Rewind’s gonna be in big trouble. There’s nothing to do but wait.
Later, in their room, Chromedome is sitting on the floor and very much not following doctor’s orders to get some sleep. Someone on the opposite side of the door he’s leaning up against starts talking to him. Chromedome doesn’t seem to want to hear any of it, until he does.
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Given who the basement dweller is, this probably won’t turn out so hot.
Chromedome gets a call from the medibay, and fortunately the universe has decided to play nice this go around, because someone came forward as a match.
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But it’s not like Whirl cares about anyone, right? Not in the slightest, nuh-uh, not him!
While Chromedome gives Whirl what is probably an uncomfortably long hug, and they both most likely ignore the fact that Chromedome would be actively suicidal without Rewind, Tailgate’s off in the corner, having taken his hand off and begun pouring cartoon toxic waste into a vial. It’s actually his innermost energon. Boy’s making an offering, but it isn’t to Rewind.
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It’s to this ungrateful fuck.
Cyclonus stalks away from Tailgate’s kindness, until he’s stopped by witnessing the power of love.
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Everyone likes Rewind, and these displays of affection seems to have reminded Cyclonus that he’s horrifically lonely. Feeling some remorse over his actions- not that he’ll ever admit it out loud- he goes back to help Tailgate pick up the pieces of the vial he broke.
Wrapping up our story, we go back to the “Before”, right before the bomb is set to go off. Whirl and Cyclonus have more or less taken care of the Decepticons, Whirl suggests they set aside their differences and agree to stop trying to murder each other, in a surprising show of reason and, perhaps, self-preservation. Cyclonus doesn’t seem to agree with the idea.
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I genuinely think that’s the most he’s said all series up to this point.
Rewind calls the two idiots over for help, because Tailgate’s about to pull a self-sacrifice to get this bomb emptied, and he just isn’t listening to reason. Cyclonus assists.
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Once Tailgate’s been fastball-specialed out of the room, Whirl decides to get back to being a bastard, and locks Cyclonus and Rewind in with the bomb with 10 seconds left on the clock. Ah, so the donation was out of guilt, I see. Still a form of caring, in its own way.
With no way to escape, all Cyclonus can do is attempt to shield Rewind with his body as the bomb goes off.
That’s the end of the issue but it’s the middle of the story, and despite what Cyclonus says, dynamics are changing. Slowly, but surely, things are shifting. He’s headed for a lot of character development, and he’ll be kicking and screaming the whole way.
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huntercftroy · 4 years
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Option 1: we’re looking to highlight the differences between your canon mythology character and the oc you’ve created and built around them. for side a, include songs that apply to the myth, for side b, songs about your own character
Rocket Man: A Hector Playlist  A little more melancholy. A few songs about him being a dad. Mostly related to him being a warrior, dying, and being put in tough positions. My dude.
Rocketman- Ninja Sex Party// Time in a Bottle- Jim Croce// Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door- Raign// Another One Bites the Dust- Queen// Hey Brother- Avicii// Stairway to Heaven- Led Zepplin// I’d Love to Change the World- Ten Years After// It’s the End of the World as We Know It- Islander// Mother Nature’s Son- The Beatles// Cat’s in the Cradle- Harry Chapin// Teach Your Children- Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young// The Boxer- Simon & Garfunkel// Black- Kari Kimmel// Lovely- Billie Eilish & Khalid// Sunday Bloody Sunday- U2// Gangsta’s Paradise- Coolio
Rock It Man: A Hunter Playlist Way more upbeat. A lot of songs related to being a musician. A lot of 90s. A chaotic child. My dude.
Better Days (And the Bottom Drops Out)- Citizen King// Glorious- Macklemore & Skylar Grey// Because- The Beatles// The Man- The Killers// Baba O’Riley- The Who// Clap For The Wolfman- The Guess Who// How Bizarre- OMC// Alright- Supergrass// Old Time Rock N’ Roll- Bob Seger// Soldier, Poet, King- The Oh Hellos// Point of Know Return- Kansas// Hazy Shade of Winter- The Bangles// The Passenger- Iggy Pop// Spirit in the Sky- Norman Greenbaum// Don’t Bring Me Down- ELO// Bang the Drum All Day- Todd Rundgren
Rocketman- Ninja Sex Party//  Till touch down brings me round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home
Time in A Bottle- Jim Croce//  If I could make days last forever If words could make wishes come true I'd save every day like a treasure and then Again, I would spend them with you
Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door- RAIGN// Mama put my guns in the ground I can't shoot them anymore That cold black cloud is comin' around And I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door
Another One Bites The Dust- Queen// There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man And bring him to the ground
Hey Brother-Avicci//  What if I'm far from home? Oh, brother, I will hear you call What if I lose it all? Oh, sister, I will help you out!  Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
Stairway to Heaven- Led Zepplin// There's a feeling I get when I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving.
I’d Love to Change the World- Ten Years After//  I'd love to change the world - but I don't know what to do So I'll leave it up to you... Oh yeah
It’s the End of the World as We Know It- Islander// Uh oh, overflow, population, Common Food But it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed
Mother Nature’s Son- The Beatles// Sit beside a mountain stream, see her waters rise Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies
Cat’s in the Cradle- Harry Chapin//  My child arrived just the other day He came to the world in the usual way But there were planes to catch and bills to pay He learned to walk while I was away
Teach You Children - Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young//  You, who are on the road, Must have a code That you can live by. And so become yourself Because the past is just a goodbye.
The Boxer- Simon & Garfunkel// In the clearing stands a boxer And a fighter by his trade And he carries the remainders Of every glove that laid him down And cut him till he cried out
Black- Kari Kimmel// Far off in the distance Somewhere you can't see Allegiances have formed your destiny Opposition all around Feeding off your soul Trying hard to swallow up you whole
Lovely- Billie Eilish & Khalid// Heart made of glass, my mind of stone Tear me to pieces, skin to bone Hello, welcome home
Sunday Bloody Sunday- U2// But I won't heed the battle call It puts my back up Puts my back up against the wall
Gangsta’s Paradise- Coolio// Death ain't nothing but a heartbeat away, I'm living life, do or die, what can I say I'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24 The way things are going I don't know
Rock It Man
Better Days (And the Bottom Drops Out)- Citizen King//  One foot in the hole One foot getting deeper With a broken mirror and a blown-out speaker I ain't got much else to lose
Glorious- Macklemore & Skylar Grey// I heard you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave And the second time is the last time that somebody mentions your name So when I leave here on this earth, did I take more than I gave? 
Because- The Beatles//  Because the wind is high it blows my mind Because the wind is high
The Man- The Killers// When it comes to Friday, I always earn Don't try to teach me, I got nothing to learn 'Cause baby I'm gifted You see what I mean? USDA certified lean
Baba O’Riley- The Who//  The exodus is here The happy ones are near Let's get together Before we get much older
Clap For The Wolfman- The Guess Who//  Clap for the Wolfman He gonna rate your record high Clap for the WolfmanYou gonna dig him 'til the day you die
How Bizarre- OMC//  Destination unknown, as we pull in for some gas A freshly pasted poster reveals a smile from the past
Alright- Supergrass//  We are young We run green Keep our teeth nice and clean See our friends, see the sights Feel alright
Old Time Rock N’ Roll- Bob Seger//  Still like that old-time rock 'n' roll That kind of music just soothes my soul I reminisce about the days of old With that old-time rock 'n' roll
Soldier, Poet, King- The Oh Hellos//  There will come a poet Whose weapon is his word He will slay you with his tongue, o lei o lai o lord
Point of Know Return- Kansas//  Your father, he said he needs you Your mother, she says she loves you Your brothers, they echo your words: "How far to the point of know return?" "Well, how long?"
Hazy Shade of Winter- The Bangles//  Time, time, time, see what's become of me While I looked around For my possibilities I was so hard to please But look around, leaves are brown And the sky is a hazy shade of winter
The Passenger- Iggy Pop//  I am the passenger and I ride and I ride I ride through the city's backsides I see the stars come out of the sky Yeah, the bright and hollow sky You know it looks so good tonight
Spirit in the Sky- Norman Greenbaum//  When I die and they lay me to rest Gonna go to the place that's the best When I lay me down to die Goin' up to the spirit in the sky
Don’t Bring Me Down- ELO//  You got me shakin' got me runnin' away You got me crawlin' up to you everyday, Don't bring me down, no no no no no,
Bang the Drum All Day- Todd Rundgren//  Every day when I get home from work I feel so frustrated The boss is a jerk And I get my sticks and go out to the shed And I pound on that drum like it was the boss's head
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[cracks knuckles]
favorite thing about them:
it’s hard to choose just one because i love a lot of things about him; but honestly, the fact that he gets more enthusiastic about Reading Lots of Things than actually digging into or being knowledgeable about them on more than a surface level delights me deeply because it’s a Big ADHD Mood that i never see represented, especially in a character i already really like who has an arrangement of other nonstereotypical ADHD traits.
least favorite thing about them:
the fact that he had what looked like a really interesting arc waiting to happen with brea and the gelfling in general, and his hesitance to destroy them all, and seems to have had the door pretty thoroughly slammed on it by the end of the season. unless they open it up again in S2, which i kind of doubt they will. :/
favorite line:
GOD another hard one to choose, he has some real winners. MOAR FLOWERS makes me laugh, ‘the all-maudra looks cross! not to worry, i will put in a good word for you’ makes me d’aww, and ‘oh, look… there you are. :)’ makes me sweaty (which i am mad about and will be til the day i die)
skeklach, depending on the au! i also really like him becoming grudging friends with skektek in aus where they’re both partners with brea.
breaok and breaoktek! (in the the latter, where they’re in a vee with her, usually.) brea and her big top energy out here gathering nerd bird partners left and right; on a more serious note they have not only a really interesting arc in canon, but their dynamic could go in so many more potential directions–ranging from him learning to stop being an asshole for her sake to things getting very, very twisted and dark–and there’s a lot of really lovely imagery i associate with them in my head, and i’d have given my left nut to see more of it in canon. 
breaoktek is also fun because it means i get to bounce not just his personality off of skektek, but both of theirs off their mutual relationship with her while initially (or not so initially) not liking each other much.
hm. i don’t really have a lot of notps for this fandom honestly! i guess maybe skekayuk, just because for some reason shipping him with people makes me really uncomfortable (not to knock anyone who does, y’all shine on).
random headcanon:
i’m torn between ‘he’s masc-leaning, la croix-flavored agender and uses he/they; someone dipped a gender in a glass of water in the next room over and he went ah yes, perfect,’ and ‘he feels hella guilty for what happened to skeklach in his library, and has various coping methods to various degrees of shitty/unhealthy depending on the au.’ 
unpopular opinion:
i really enjoy writing him as a deeply, deeply awful person who has a lot of hard, ugly work to do to grow out of it; has a lot of those ugly things mixed together in messy ways with the good; is legitimately petty and cruel to the people around him in the meantime in some really unlikable ways; who is still petty and cruel while he’s learning not to be; and who in spite of that is capable of getting better, which makes it even more tragic when–more often–even the motivation of doing it for others’ sake isn’t enough for him to follow through. sometimes he just doesn’t get it, or chickens out, or gives up. and it makes it that much more meaningful when he does manage it.
 song i associate with them:
A Narnia Lullaby has huge BreaOk with Bad Intentions vibes, it makes my hair stand on end to this day, and i love it. 
 favorite picture of them:
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this is still my favorite unedited reaction image from this show. what a god damn everyday mood
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agentdagonet · 5 years
For the Eggsy sees Ghosts series. Roxy and Merlin's deaths in Golden Circle.
So, you’ve created a monster. For now, have this version, where everyone lives. Cos, you know, the whole series is telling moments in both directions. I promise I’m working on the one that’s more canon-aligned, but figured you’d like this humble offering in the meantime.
Already up on AO3, feel free to subscribe for when I eventually get to finishing/posting the second version.
Eggsy wasn’t really sure if he should be thanking or cursing whatever strange powers-that-be gave him his ability to see ghosts, most days. For a few reasons, actually, starting with not everyone stayed behind, obviously, and often the people he wanted to see most were those who moved On without pause. Which meant that he didn’t always know if he was waiting for a ghost or should be looking for an injured friend, in the wake of tragedy.
And, unfortunately, tragedy was far too easy to come by in Kingsman; this made the concern a constant thought in the back of his mind.
He’d been at dinner with Tilde’s family, pretending to know a lot more than he did because that was the only way he could remain in her life, when James had simply appeared where he hadn’t been a moment before. His face was contorted in a way Eggsy knew spelt disaster, and a moment later Alistair was just beside him, shock in every line of his features.
Needless to say, Eggsy had made his excuses and practically ran from the room before locking himself in the first bathroom he stumbled across.
‘Fuck, Perce, I am so sorry-’
‘Save your apologies, Eggsy and get your arse back to Kingsman.’ James had never spoken to him so curtly, and that alone was enough for him to spring into action, sprinting out the door while sending an automated text Tilde’s way. Kingsman, sorry, got to run was definitely not the sort of text Tilde enjoyed receiving, but it was a common enough one to have been added to his automatic responses- and it was one of the thousand reasons they hadn’t succeeded romantically.
He didn’t really want to think about the source of James’ stress, but as Kingsman flickered in and out of his periphery he couldn’t help but keep note. Percival, Bors, Kay, Geraint, Lamorak, Bedivere, Pelleas, Dagonet-
‘Shit,’ Eggsy had already set the jet to make its way to the Manor as quick as possible, and had pulled a set of glasses from a cabinet with shaky hands, ‘come on, come on, come on.’ He flicked through channels at a frantic pace, not letting himself connect the static he kept running into with the ghosts surrounding him. At least that’s what he told himself.
He landed next to a crater, smoke and dust still billowing up from within, and scanned the rubble with disbelieving eyes. Kingsman (no, he corrected, the mansion) was gone. Nothing but dust and smoke and the taste of ash on the wind.
‘-ggsy… Eggsy! Get your arse over here.’ Eggsy shook himself to awareness and found himself bounding toward James without consciously deciding to do so. He followed his gesture with his eyes, and found himself looking at a handle and a mostly-covered door. There was a faint thudding, and for a moment Eggsy was convinced that he was hearing rubble fall like chunks of iceberg into the sea, before he connected the sound to the source.
‘Fuck,’  Eggsy breathed before leaping into the crater, heedless of the sharp debris, ‘hold on, hold on, I’m coming!’ He yelled the last, hoping beyond measure that the definitely-panicking person trapped within could hear him. Would know that someone was coming for them. He didn’t let himself guess as to who had survived the attack while he moved anything he could nudge away from the door, didn’t let himself listen to the murmering behind him even as it grew with more voices, more layers, more-
The door swung open, would have hit Eggsy full on had he not been able to jump out of the way. Well, more trip backward over something he hadn’t been paying attention to in his bid to remove himself from the trajectory but either way he was (mostly) unharmed as someone came out, coughing. 
‘Galahad, are you there?’ It sounds like it’s coming from far away despite the glasses still being on his face. It’s said with the kind of resignation Eggsy’s heard from telemarketers, from people passing flyers on the kerb. The one that says “I’ve been at this for a while, I know you won’t answer, but I have to keep trying.” Merlin’s voice was in his ear, Harry was supposed to be watching Daisy for the day at his mum’s place back at the Estates. He’d never been more thankful for his mum’s stubborn streak than he was at this moment, somehow certain that the manor was the least of Kingsman’s losses, going by his spectral entourage. He’d flown here straight from Sweden as the behest of James and Percival which now that he let himself think about it could only have meant that-
A small, solid, body knocked him right back off his feet and tears (and no small amount of sweat, and perhaps a bit of blood) soaked through his shirt at an alarming rate. He ran a hand from the top of the head pressed to his sternum to their neck, both to check for swelling and just to reassure himself that they were solid. Present. Real. Alive.
‘I’ve got you,’ Eggsy whispered, hiding his own tears in her hair, as the embers of Kingsman continued to die around them.
Eggsy stared at the laptop blankly, Harry sat beside him in a similar state, and Roxy in their ears trying fruitlessly to get their attention. The battle had been over for a handful of moments, but they hadn’t known what to do afterward. They’d thrown a man into a meat grinder (and who that person was had Eggsy’s stomach twisted into pretzels. He’d doubted Harry after everything and what kind of an agent, let alone friend, did that make him?) and saved the world and now that all was said and done they were able to… stop. 
To let themselves realise what had happened, what they had lost, from the bombing of the mansion to their breaking in to PoppyLand and-
‘The fuck are you mourning for, you daft prick,’ Eggsy steeled himself to turn and face a ghost he never wanted to meet. Just another in the seemingly endless list of people he’d lost in the last couple weeks. James and Percival were back with Roxy on the jet, the rest of Kingsman had thought better of following them into battle, correctly assuming that they would be a distraction far more than they could be a help. ‘I’m right here.’
‘You lucky bastard.’ Harry replied, and Eggsy forgot to breathe for a moment.
‘I was trying to tell you, Eggsy- Merlin’s vitals didn’t stop, though they did flicker for a bit. He’s stable, if a bit shorter than he was before his rousing performance.’ Roxy’s voice was shaky, tight, the way it got in the midst of crying and Eggsy felt no shame in adding his tears to the lot.
‘Galahad?’ Eggsy took a steadying breath before turning toward Harry, and thus Merlin. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t Harry on his stomach like a teenage girl at a slumber party, resting on his elbows next to Benny and Jet’s doggy doors and Merlin-
Merlin was a sight that Eggsy could have gone without seeing. His suit was torn and dirty, he had a multitude of cuts, his fingers were bloody (fresh blood, new blood, from dragging himself from the explosion) and his legs. Well. They weren’t. Eggsy wasn’t sure if he wanted to throw up or faint but neither was an option, and without conscious thought he had thrown himself from the stool and slid to the side not occupied by Harry. He lifted a shaking hand as if to touch him, to reassure himself that Merlin was alive, but it seemed that Eggsy’s arrival had been enough for Merlin to allow himself to lose consciousness.
‘Hamish!’ Eggsy and Harry reacted in sync, as they had been their entire time in PoppyLand, one hand each going to Merlin’s shoulders and the other to the small of his back, and moved as one to the counter. They unceremoniously knocked the briefcase-laptop over the edge, neither caring that the fall was broken by the madwoman’s body, and set Merlin down as gently as they could.
‘How are we getting him home?’ Harry didn’t answer, face pale and eyes wide, one hand resting not-so-casually over a pulse point. With how it was trembling it likely wasn’t very useful, but Eggsy was never one to tell others how to cope.
‘You need to fix his tourniquets, but I have medical assistance on the way.’ Roxy whispered in his glasses, and both men spring into action- Eggsy grabbed a couple aprons that were hanging nearby and tore the ties clean off as Harry checked the makeshift-triage while glaring at the dirty stumps as if they had mortally offended him. Which, honestly, it wasn’t that far off- the loss meant that they hadn’t imagined the explosion, but it also meant he was alive-
There was a flicker of blue, so quick Eggsy was convinced he imagined it, but then it happened again and Eggsy’s heart went into overtime.
‘How long ‘til help gets here, Rox?’ Eggsy cursed in his mind, not wanting to alert Harry to the precarious situation before them. Not wanting to make it any worse than it already was. This was his burden to bear.
‘Fifteen minutes out now, Galahad.’ Eggsy nodded to himself, and leant forward to pull the strips of cloth from Harry’s hands. Harry continued to look back and forth from Merlin’s face and the remains of his leg, watching for any signs of further distress, but Eggsy busied himself with pulling the cloth taut and steadily ignoring the rhythmic blue that he immediately knew matched the pulse Harry was desperately monitoring.
He’d never hated his ability more.
He’d been there for someone coming Back, he’d been there for someone moving On, had spoken to ghosts centuries old who had long since forgotten what they had come Back for, he’d been there for all the moments in between; but he had somehow managed not to be there as someone struggled to Stay. 
Eggsy looked around the room for something, anything, that would help more than the haphazard tourniquets they’d fashioned. There was a first aid kit in the corner, but knowing Poppy it would only have what the 50s considered necessary for a kit and as much fun as that could be it wouldn’t solve Merlin’s problem. It wouldn’t even vaguely help.
But that could. It was a stretch, it wasn’t made for this, but anything was worth a shot at this rate.
Eggsy ran to the first aid kit, and on the shelf next to it were packets of Statesman Alpha Gel. Three or four sets, wrapped in gaudy yellow fabric with fucking bows but they were there and Eggsy snatched up the lot before sprinting back to Merlin and Harry.
‘Harry. Oi, Harry,’ He looked up from where his finger had been running along the seam of the tourniquet, ‘think this’ll help?’ Eggsy dropped them to the counter before pressing one to Harry’s chest
‘Well,’ Harry began, throat obviously tight but trying to play it off, ‘I’m fairly certain that legs aren’t quite as complicated as brains so it should stabilise him at the least.’ 
Eggsy wanted desperately to be doing anything else, but pulled the elastic stuff firmly across the open wound before stabbing the plungers just below the tourniquet and Harry did the same. Eggsy let himself crumple gracefully back into a bar stool when it looked like everything would hold, and Roxy let them know that Merlin’s vitals were slowly stabilising. He watched with bated breath as the elements merged, as the gel seemed to do what it had when he’d used it on (traitorous) Whiskey only a short while ago. 
What was it about Kingsman that fucked with time passing?
‘You did good.’ Eggsy looked up and locked eyes with his dad, the man was on the other side, forearms resting on the counter top, and Eggsy gave him a shaky grin before he reached a hand out to Harry, and pulled a limp hand into his own and squeezed it tight.
‘We win. Shit’s fucked, but we’ll figure it out as we go. Together. Ain’t that humanity’s great superpower? Teamwork? We’ll get it done.’
Prompt me, send me random asks, let’s chat!
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neon-despair-boy · 6 years
Klaus Baudelaire: canon call
ok so i know that i’ve posted 1 canon call already but i really need to find some people
so hello i’m Klaus, this post will about everything one might need to know if you think you may be a canonmate
the people i’m looking for the most are as follows: Violet and Sunny, count olaf, the henchpeople and any and all of the Quagmires
i have already found my Lemony Snicket, you can find ‘em @lutarklampri
now if you do not have the time or can’t read long things here is my canon shorted
tldr: us baudelaire kids ended up getting raised by count olaf, he tried to kill us but we were saved by the henchpeople, then once i was like 18ish i ended up becoming a villain and started burning places down 
now the full thing of my memories, it will be under read more if you have a hrad time reading it due to my theme let me know and i’ll set you up with the google doc
So it started the same way anything to do with the baudelaire kids, the house burned down, i’m sure it happened the same way it did in canon (though i’ve only seen season 1 of the show so if some things seem like i don’t know what i’m talking about then that is why, because i don’t know)
Anyways things go wrong from this point on, so if you’re hoping to see anything like canon then turn back now (by the way, yes i am writing like they do in the books)
So when me, violet and sunny got to count olafs home, he acted kind and didn’t make us clean the house and give us enough beds, yes in this canon he acted somewhat kind til violet was old enough to get the family money
So as we grow up, he had us help with plays at first we were roadies but soon enough he let us act on stage, we learned about disguises and how to act and got close with his henchpeople, there were a few times people like jacque and uncle monty tried to get us away from count olaf but we didn’t want to leave him for we thought he cared about us and wanted us to safe and happy but we were wrong... i only wish now that we had listened to them when they said he was a evil man
So when it was violets birthday, olaf got her a cake and said that the play we were doing that day was just for her, she got to play the part unlike the other plays where we’d just play side roles, he also us some pre made cake but it was good, we didn’t see the henchpeople we were thinking they were most likely helping to get the play up and ready, we didn’t see them til the play, it was only later we knew that they had been all day trying to work out a way to keep us safe from count olaf
So it was then the play...count olaf tried to kill us by having something fall on me and my sisters on stage but the henchpeople saved us by making it look as we had died on that stage, count olaf didn’t know the death was fake and we didn’t know till we woke up in a car with the henchpeople trying to tell us about what had happened
After what had happened we didn’t really have any money, the henchpeople tried to give us the lifes that we wanted but they didn’t have much and they needed to stay away from count olaf or else he could find me and my sisters, it stayed like this til i was 18
I thought the only way people got what they needed and wanted was by taking it, so i started out by just stealing with the help of the henchpeople then i started to find out about the secret codes and got my spy glass fixed, i started intercepting what the group jacque was a part of was telling each other
Violet wasn’t happy about what i was doing, she told me to stop and we didn’t need money, that i didn’t need to take what we had lost, i wish i had listened and stopped while it could still be said that i hadn’t hurt anyone, but i didn’t me and her had a falling out, she took sunny and went to live with uncle monty, i know she joined the group he was in and sunny probably did as well when she was old enough
I know that After that i started to lose it, i didn’t care much anymore about hurting people
The next thing i know is me burning drown someone’s house… i don’t know whose but i know i did it and then i just watched as it burned...i think at that point i had join the group that burned my home down, i don’t think i knew that they were the ones that did it and if i did then i guess i didn’t care….
I know that i started to need to get rid of some people (get rid of here means kill) due to the group i had joined, so when i needed to do that i’d kidnap them and tie them to a chair and then have them watch as i would spin a wheel with ways of killing people....
Also i had a bit of a odd rivalry thing with duncan quagmire, he was with the group that Violet had joined so me and him would get in each others way a lot, i also know that i kissed him at some point and don’t know why
I ended up with the same kind of tattoo that count olaf had, it was on my right wrist (due to only seeing the 1st season of the show i don’t quite know what the tattoo means but i know it’s nothing good)
Also at some point i burned down count olafs house, he ended up living and having to go to Lemony Snicket for help, cause i was trying to kill him
I know that Quigley Quagmire somehow also ended up a fire starter or whatever they are called as well, i worked with him and i think i may had dated him though i’m not fully sure
At some me and Quigley ended up on a boat, Sunny and Violet were there as well (there may had other people from the v.f.d. There as well but i’m not sure) i had a argument with Violet, but once in this canon full of sadness and people that made more bad choices then good, something good happened
She talked me down...i realized that i had became like count olaf, the man i hated most and that i needed to stop well there was still some my old self left
But Quigley didn’t get talked down, he had a gun in his hand and could see that he was about to lose me as a allie and possibility more due to Violet and Sunny, so he then pointed that gun at them, looking back on all that now i know i should have slapped the gun out of his hand before he fired, but i didn’t, i did the most dramatic thing i could do, i got in the way of the bullet and my sisters
I got shot, at the time i’m sure everyone thought i was going to die, but i didn’t i ended up joining my sisters and the group they were a part of, i’m not right now sure what happened next, if Quigley ever joined the good guys like i did or if he stayed evil, if me and my sisters saw count olaf again, how the henchpeople felt about everything that had happened, and so on...but i do know one thing...i need to find everyone
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quadratic-shipping · 5 years
Kay, new icon is Vriska’s dice cause the gradient was lame, and every Vriska blog halfway to sunday has already had every photo of her face as their icon twice. It also works cause of yknow liking dnd and stuff. one thing I really liked about my last vriska pic one was the negative space made it feel like it popped and I feel like this one has sort of the same thing going for it. Wow, it can be that deep. I’m just rambling cause it’s 3am and yet again I have stayed up this long. I can;t wait til it’s winter again so I can force myself back into a normal sleep schedule. I stayed up all night a couple nights ago, and that gave me one decent night of sleep so I might just try that again tonight. Rest put under the readmore because it’s irrelevant and sleep deprived rambling I wouldn’t dare subject my beautiful followers and browsers to.
While I’m here, posting a late night thing no one will see or interact with; thank god; I was cleaning and I came across one of those neck warmer things that legit just a tube you pull up your face to keep your nose from freezing off because Canada Winters, I never can use them because I always fog up my glasses, and I just wanted to say that Niqabi gals with glasses are so brave? Legit if I had to deal with my glasses fogging up I’d die, I’d rather lose my nose to frostbite than fog them up (like I go outside enough loll) so for them to deal with that everyday is like, legendary. I mean, I guess if you were pretty antisocial you wouldn’t have to deal with it much but still, point totally stands. 
While we’re on the positivity train? Lesbians? y’all really like Vriska HUH? Thank you for interacting, I appreciate, yall are so valid. I’m torn between “You have good taste” jokes and “Yall will just like anything w/ vriska in it” and either way it takes too strong a stance on my own content to feel good about it. Obvs goes the same way for all the NB and Trans ppl interacting, yall are also Excellent and I appreciate yall. Obvs I’m cis so I don’t have any real godtier takes or anything abt. gender, but reading your guyss stuff is excellent please keep making it.
Uh sexuality update; Still labelling as bi, IDK if I really want to date men tho, before I actually and FINALLY get a taste of the other side; please; because I feel like the problem with my relationships re; dudes is just that I can’t just be myself, I’m just 900000% in my own head about it and not even like; trying to be idealized, idk whats going on I just have a hard time connecting w/ them and it’s defo my fault so idk bro. IDK it’s fun to have crushes but dating is BORING from my very limited experience with only guys which is why a gf would be excellent. Or girl aligned partner. I feel like maybe what I’m attracted to is like, femininity, not necessarily femmes or women. IDK bruh it’s weird. doesn’t help I can’t even figure out how to get and keep friends LOLLL it’s 3am. Sorry
Honestly before I started vrisrose posting I felt so useless yknow cause in the vriska circles there are a lot of intelligent people who understand canon better and are overall smarter and better spoken so I just felt like everything I had to say was just old hat and not very interesting. But the thing I like about VrisRose is no one else is talking about it as frequently ( I was searching the tag and my blog came up in the recco’s for blogs up top and I was very happy) so I feel like, hey, this is my niche. That one engineer of useless inventions quote: The best way to become top of your field is to specialize:, I jsut love rarepairs so much! I think it’s such a great way to approach character analysis because no one exists in a vaccum so seeing peoples interactions and what people like is so fun!!!! I say, invalidating all my personal issues lollll
CHARACTER ANALYSIS! FUCK TALKING ABOUT INTERACTIONS OR ACTIONS ON THEIR OWN OR THOUGHTS OR HC’S, I STAND BY MY ONE TAAKO ‘vriska did nothing wrong’ QUOTE; Trying to understand what characters morals, and their opinions on certain things by analyzing their opinions and interactions in canon is 500x more productive seeming to me than other things. Like, say taako’s thoughts about vriska, V and Lucretia are p similar actions wise, and he was pissed at her but that was mostly cause of the personal connections, when it doesn’t affect him Taako doesn’t seem to have any moral objections to any of the icky moral stuff; think robot planet or whatevs where they were gonna genocide the place and lup was like no and that was like the only reason he didn’t I’m pretty sure, I’m not too big brained on taako or adventurezone either so don’t take my word; So I think that Taak’s would be chill with Vriska. Another thing? The Lucretia thing was like, giving up which Taako is not ok with and Vriska thigns were about not giving up so I do legit think he would be totally coool with her, even if she were real, unless obvs she hurt one of the seven bird red robe people and their new friends.
ISN;T THAT SUCH A FUN METHOD OF CHARACTER ANALYSIS? I’m not drunk or in an altered state just tired enthusiastic and with a lot of pent up thoughts. Speaking of which, this song just came on it’s “Slowdance with you” by the Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra and it is SOOOOO good, it’s on a vrisrezi playlist I put on bc I’m rereading song of the pyre because it was vriska day and it’s super good soo so good. It’s on loop now, legit best
Quick detours before I lay out some more hs thoughts; 
-Ben “Captainplanet” came out w/ a new article and I LOVE IT so much and I want hhis job so bad I wanna get into stats so much ahhh  please so good it’s giving me a , this is crude but it’s the best way I can phrase it, a math erection. I love math so much <33333333
-The Shock, my faves, are doing well and I’m happy for them! I hope they go 7-0, I believe in them! I’m lying I am so fucking nervous for literally every match they have they’re gonna 2-5 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Why am I so INVESTED? They technically could take first spot but that’s require titan’s to lose every match left and the shock to 7-0, but the thing is I thought that I wanted that but 
-then I watched the titans london match today, and I HATED the thought of titans losing. And losing so hard to other teams too, and I didn’t realize this but I think I do actually kinda like the titans?The thought of them not being a great team makes me sad. I think it’s like I really like them and shock as rivals, yknow, stage one and two, then this upcoming map? If Titans aren’t still Good in this meta it just sorta makes their rivalry not fun. Kismesis vibes is what I’m gonna say cause I’m TRASSSHHHHH pls stop my terrible hands from typing also if I ever saw actual ship stuff I would kill whoever made it. Like I’m not gonna check their socials or anything but if they’ve got a match against most teams I’d probs root for them. The Wolf section today was so funny lollll
-I think I might hate the London Spitfire. I have literally no reason to? I think all the players are good and I like them as people and I would never actively hate on them? But I’m like. Really mean to them in my head. I was so satisfied seeing htem lose to Florida, and Titans like IDK? Also they’re hella overrated so anticlutch jfc. Hate the franchise, love the players if that makes sense. IDK WHYYYYYYYYYYY
-Also I’m gonna miss tomorrows shock match and I’m so scared rip.
-Tripped backwards and somehow upturned my moms glass scale and it fell on my foot, that shit hurted.
-Oh My God I’m Projecting a million different things right now because I feel like this will not have an audience if you see this I’m begging you please don’t interact I’d die of embarassment keep the fact you’ve seen this a secret from me
-JFC song of the pyre is an excellent fic, I wish it would ever get updated it’s so fucking good guys
-I need to read more vrisrezi long form
-Non-sgrub vrisrezi is best vrisrezi
-My ideal Vrisrezi au would be like HS canon, diverge into non-sgrub and they completely fall out of touch, Killing Eve season 1, then Song of the Pyre. THAT is what I want.
-Killing eve season one and two would be an even BETTER VRISROSE AU AHHHHHH
-I once read a very good trollstuck rose but it was an eri-rose ship so basically what I want is that persons troll rose but paired with vriska. For how much I blog about it I’ve read very little vrisrose fic but almost everything I know comes from this fic. . Oh uh this is not the erirose fic that I read w trollstuck although it does unfortunately have erirose but I can excuse it when the vrisrose is this Excellent
Alright I’ve run out of hyper juice, have a nice night, sorry for posting thisssss
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yenneferw · 7 years
For the character thing: Oswald (Gotham), Max, Anne, Jack, Thomas, John, James, and Billy (Black Sails), and the Doctor :D (il your blog)
tAww thank you! :-D And thank you for all the characters! Sorry for answering this so late lol
Also I didn’t even realize I wasn’t doing it in order I just saw James’s name and I fuckin went for it lol oops
Aaaalso sorry it’s so long I have a lot of feelings
Oswald Cobblepot:
Why I like them: Oswald’s such a cute little fuck and he’s very devious and the underdog so I latched onto him early on and he’s one of the only things left about Gotham that doesn’t make me sad after all the queerbaiting 
Why I don’t: I really didn’t care for when they always had his teeth dirty that was,,,,,,,,,,, too much. Also some of his hairstyles have been a bit more questionable than others. Also the fact that he was made canonically gay just to queerbait like yay a gay guy but,,,,,,, meh 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): It’s been a bit since I watched it but the episode where he was pining over Ed and trying to tell him he loved him was a good one for him he looked cute and I liked his plight 
Favorite season/movie: I really liked his rise to power in season 1 and if I remember correctly he finally ended up somewhere in the end after all the shit with the gangs so that was really cool 
Favorite line: I can’t think of one right now but I’ll make up for it with my favorite Look ™ which is how he’s always able to look like he’s kind of on the verge of tears
Favorite outfit: Idk anytime he’s wearing a suit is good
OTP: Os and Ed obvs 
Brotp: Mmmmmm idk him and Ivy seem cool as friends even tho I haven’t watched in a while
Head Canon: don’t ask me headcanons,,,,,, i’m so bad at headcanons a lot of the time
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know the fandom well enough lol i’m bad at his
A wish: Nygmobblepot,,,,,, alas,,,,, which isn’t to say it’s bad to hold out hope but i’m so cynical and bitter :-/
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Death, heterosexuality
5 words to best describe them: clever, manipulative, ambitious, cowardly (but shh it’s okay he’s not always cowardly), vengeful 
My nickname for them: Os I love when ppl call him Os lol
James Flint:
Why I like them: do you want me to write a book,,,,, I love him so goddamn much it hurts…….. He’s just so smart and he deserves so many hugs, he’s a gay icon, he tries so hard to do right even tho he’s a fuckin murderous pirate, he’s a murderous pirate that likes his books and his tea and gardening with his best friend, his eyes are the prettiest things on god’s green earth….. love him 
Why I don’t: not applicable I refuse to insult my boy lmao
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Probably the one where Miranda died or the one right after bc Toby Stephens is such a good actor and also he fuckin burned the town down for hurting his best friend and??? goals. Or the last couple of episodes bc that shit iwth John………… and then the reuniting with Thomas………… wow
Favorite season/movie: I really liked his rise back to the top from season 2 bc it makes me sad to see him failing and he starts going on a mad and grieving downward spiral after season 2
Favorite line: “This ends when I grant them my forgiveness, not the other way around” I’m sure there are more bc his speeches are all beautiful (like the “there be dragons one”……. kill me) 
Favorite outfit: Everything he wears is perfect 
OTP: flinthamilton is literally the only thing that waters my crops anymore, although silverflint gives them a nice solid rain every once in a while and is hella valid too
Brotp: James and Miranda is so beautiful that I regularly cry about them but I also liked when James and Madi were teaming up
Head Canon: He and Thomas break out of the plantation and become feared pirates again, also he was dating John and Gates lmao
Unpopular opinion: He’s gay and not bi like not for bi erasure or anything but like he just gives me such a gay feel you know what I mean. And also I don’t think what he had with Miranda was really anything 
A wish: for him and Thomas to be happy 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him and thomas to be sad lmao
5 words to best describe them: Intelligent, vengeful, loving, sad, amazing,,,,
My nickname for them: idk I don’t have nicknames I guess I always call him James and not Flint and it seems like a lot of people just call him Flint lol (also “lvoe of my life” does that count)
Why I like them: oh my god. oh dear i love her. When will your fave. She’s so brave and smart and loving??? like I called James loving but Max is on another level. She’s so protective of the people and the things she cares abotu and loves, and she’s so fucking smart. And she’s so brave to pursue everything she wants to pursue, like she’s a wlw of color in the 1700s and yet she still rules Nassau without giving any fucks about conventions and shit
Why I don’t: oh man is there a reason. I don’t like that she went to Woodes Rogers’s side for a while and betrayed Anne and Jack but I understand why she did so I’m not angry with her for it
Favorite episode (scene if movie): whenever she walks on screen,,,, but idk I can’t think of anything specifically but I liked it when she took over Nassau from Eleanor 
Favorite season/movie: I liked her arc in season 4 even if I really didn’t like all the decisions she made, and I really liked how she ended up in the end so probably season 4
Favorite line: she’s so smart and wise so like everything she says but also I really like her speech to Anne “I am so sorry for working so hard to protect the wrong things, for failing to see that there is nothing important that does not include you” 
Favorite outfit: that yellow dress oh my god! does anyone else remember that yellow dress! it was so pretty she looked so pretty! She has really good style in general but I love that yellow dress 
OTP: Maxanne
Brotp: Her friendship with Idelle is nice and also I like her friendship with Jack
Head Canon: again I’m so bad at headcanons
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think I do
A wish: For her to rule Nassau and continue dating the love of her life Anne Bonny and support her piracy and have her position in Nassau fully supported by everyone alive 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: death? sadness? she deserves literally the best all the time
5 words to best describe them: compassionate, perceptive, brave, honest, wonderfulbeautifulgorgeous i love her
My nickname for them:I don’t have one for her
Anne Bonny:
Why I like them: She’s amazing honestly I love her sailor’s mouth and I love her bravery and her principles and how logical she is. And I love how kickass she is and how she’ll do anything for the people she loves and I love when she stops being guarded around people and her face Softens, I’m gay for how she looks out from under the brim of her hat 
Why I don’t: I honestly can’t think of a reason……. ok I guess I don’t like that she got violent with Max in the beginning when she was having her gay crisis and like killed Idelle’s friend…….. but honestly reblog if you get murderously violent while having a gay crisis
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I can’t think of something specifically but like when she was with Max and they were just soft and dating that is my reason for waking up in the morning, AND when she saved the ship with the glass and all god wow i died
Favorite season/movie: Mmmm season 2 was prime maxanne season wasn’t it…….. good shit
Favorite line: I can’t think of any rn but wow every time she opens her mouth it’s a gift
Favorite outfit: idk generally her pirate outfit? and her hat is amazing
OTP: Maxanneeeee
Brotp: her friendship with Jack is something I would die for they make me so happy
Head Canon: I don’t know that I have any idk maybe that she and Max are still dating after the show ends?
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know that I have one about Anne
A wish: That she’s happy with Max and potentially Mark/Mary too if she wants to be
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Being unhappy,,, not being with Max or Jack,,
5 words to best describe them: strong, logical, angry, devoted, the world “fuck” 
My nickname for them: I don’t have one for her
Jack Rackham:
Why I like them: he’s so funny and I really like his goals and his arc like he starts out as this guy who just wants his name remembered and that’s still him in the end and I like that that goal doesn’t change, but he finally gets to be the single pirate captain in Nassau which is really cool for him, and he’s also super smart I love him
Why I don’t: I didn’t like his first reactions to Anne and Max, he was kind of a dick about it, but I’m glad that he eventually accepted them and got closer to Max and all
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I liked his scenes with Blackbeard and I also like his earlier scenes where he’s more comic relief-y and I really like when he gets to be a Pirate Captain Dude, that’s not an episode but I just like these particular moments with him. I really liked when that one girl at the Guthries’ was like “Do you know Captain Jack Rackham????” and he was like…………………….. i’ve made it guys
Favorite season/movie: Mmmmm honestly Jack is really consistently awesome throughout like so is everyone else but he’s really well-characterized and grows a lot throughout and I can’t really pick which season of him I like the best
Favorite line: there are so many “if you’re all going to act like children, then I will be your daddy” it’s not my favorite but it plagues me every waking moment of my life and I can’t ever escape it, to rogers: “you and I were neck and neck in this race til the end. But, jesus, did I make up a lot of ground to catch you,” and I really like his speech to Teach about Vane but I can’t find it for the life of me
Favorite outfit: man all of them, Jack Rackham is the most extra well-dressed man in Nassau
OTP: Jack and happiness…….. 
Brotp: if anyone answers this with anything other than Jack and Anne then I’m not sure they watched the same show like to each their own but I can’t imagine a life where their friendship isn’t my fuel
Head Canon: he had a major crush on Charles Vane. I don’t always love Charles Vane so I think he could’ve done better but he definitely had a crush on him
Unpopular opinion: again I don’t think I have one I”m not good at this
A wish: for him to be the most feared pirate around just like he wants to be i’m so proud of him
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him to be hanged or something especially if it was in front of anne or for him to have to watch anne die
5 words to best describe them: cunning, ambitious, sarcastic, idealist, stubborn
My nickname for them: i don’t have one but like….. another love of my life….. actually everyone that anon asked me about is one of the lvoes of my life anon must know me well
Thomas Hamilton:
Why I like them: oh my heck he’s beautiful. He has such a good heart and such a good vision of the world. He wants things to be so good and the world doesn’t deserve him at all. He’s so caring and loving and gentle and understanding and he just wants to see a world where people aren’t afraid of him and his sexuality and people aren’t afraid of pirates because he understands that a lot of them are just people who society has really hurt like James turned out to be, he’s such a good leader and if England didn’t suck he could’ve done so much
Why I don’t: the wig that’s all that wig killed me like I don’t even like regular wigs but that big ass brown wig haunts me
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the flashback scenes even tho it’s very short they kill me. His smile as he looks at James. I too would go to war with society over that smile 
Favorite season/movie: lol i mean he’s really only in season 2 unfortunately for us all. That little bit in season 4 is revolutionary but season 2
Favorite line: I feel like I’m not gay enough if I don’t say “Know no shame” bc god can you get a better gay line than that I’m in love
Favorite outfit: anything but the fucking brown wig I’m sickened by that wig
OTP: flinthamilton is unbury your gays, straightbait, and overall beautiful so like………. gay icons
Brotp: his and Miranda’s relationship was not as characterized as James and Miranda obviously so I’m not as undyingly in love with them but they were super good and I’m sure they were just as good as James and Miranda but for obvious reasons that wasn’t onscreen as much
Head Canon: he becomes a pirate dude with James after escaping the plantation no one can convicne me otherwise
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think so 
A wish: for him to just live in peace and for him in another universe to actually get everything he wants out of life
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: what if he had actually died. my heart hurts. why did i type those disgusting words
5 words to best describe them: visionary, optimistic, sympathetic, intelligent, twink extraordinaire. that’s six words you say? how can you counter twink extraordinaire 
My nickname for them: my boy james’s SOULMATE
John Silver:
Why I like them: He’s so…………. like I like his self preservation and I fucking LOVE his characterization and his journey from selfish coward to selfless leader, he might be the best characterized character in this show like the show is really really good at characterization but John Silver obviously had a long way to go to become Long John Silver and He Did That. He’s also so sweet and soft sometimes and I love his curly hair
Why I don’t: I just………. my heart is always with James so when he sort of went the opposite ways I couldn’t help but be on James’s side….. like I still love him and understand his view……. but i’m sad
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I really like the episode where he starts talking shit at dinner to the entire crew and outing that guy for fucking a goat and I also really like the episode where he loses his leg and I really liek the last couple of episodes. I just like a lot of him ok he’s great
Favorite season/movie: I like the beginning of his Long John Silver story when he redeems himself to the crew in season 2 but I also like his coming into Long John Silver in season 4
Favorite line: oh my god he says a lot of good things but I don’t know who I would be if I didn’t say “I will stand here with you, for an hour, a day, a year while you find a way to accept this outcome so we might leave here together” and then the parallel speech to Madi…….. I’m alive and living and this is going to kill me
Favorite outfit: anything but his beginning blue jacket that jacket is the worst lol
OTP: silverflint or him and Madi
Brotp: before Billy…… was cancelled, him and Billy were good buds and I liked it
Head Canon: that he dated that one guy who drowned with the goat Muldoon or something 
Unpopular opinion: do people like his blue jacket? I hate it
A wish: that he can at least be happy with Madi at the end and their relationship is eventually fixed which I think the thing on the cliff alludes to
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: death…… sadness…….
5 words to best describe them: manipulative, secretive, loving, enduring, perceptive as fuck
My nickname for them: none but what if everybody called him Johnny
Billy Bones:
Why I like them: ok have you seen him. he’s so handsome CHRIST. But also he’s always like the voice of reason which is really nice up until season 4. I think I latched onto him bc I already really liked Tom Hopper because of Merlin but he’s also pretty strong in the face of torture and everything he stands for being turned against on his ship, even if it’s not always what I stand for
Why I don’t: season 4? I don’t know her. Also he doesn’t like James and I. would die for James
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I liked it when he was quartermaster for a bit he was a p good quartermaster in season 1 and I also liked the episodes where he “made” Long John Silver and Captain Flint
Favorite season/movie: Idk probably season 1 bc that is when things are still gentle…… innocent…….. good…..
Favorite line: the fuck tent line is iconic. “perhaps we can all agree to forgo, you know, just this once, a fuck tent” when will your fave
Favorite outfit: shirtless 
OTP: idk he definitely dated Ben Gunn js
Brotp: him and Gates
Head Canon: he is asexual as fuck have you ever met him? asexual biromantic. sorry i make the rules and I stick by them 
Unpopular opinion: this isn’t an unpopular opinion i’m sure but billy after s3 can choke. before s3 he’s fine. after…… don’t talk to me about that 
A wish:for him to come to his fucking senses and stop being a horrible idiot
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him to stay a fuck lik ehe was at the end fo s4
5 words to best describe them: headstrong, loyal, sentimental, ideological, determined
My nickname for them: i dont’ have one but can you imagine if ppl called him bilbo 
The Doctor:
Why I like them: I mean this really depends on which Doctor you know? this one’s probably going to be long bc I’m gonna do a bit about all the new whos. So 9 I like because he’s very brave and determined in the face of everything he just lost and because he has such a good heart when he easily could have been so cold. And when he is faced with how he has hardened some, he always works on getting better and being a better person. also idfk but like christopher eccleston is all of our uncles who brings us the cool like $20 iTunes cards. 10 I like because he’s so loving that it kind of ruins him. Like that kind of is the way of the Doctor but he just keeps on loving and loving and loving until he’s traveling alone desperately looking for some fun and some companionship so he doesn’t have to feel the hurt of Rose and Donna and doesn’t have to feel how badly he misses Martha. He’s like. He’s like the guy that goes and gives you a giant bag full of shit that would suck if you just got it alone but in bulk like deodorant and tissues and socks and shit. 11 I like because he’s very fierce and fiercely protective but also silly and fun like I like how he can be bouncy and stuff and then the next moment he’s been quiet and scary or loud and scary or gentle and wise. 11 forgot to get everyone anything but he’s the main source of laughter so everybody pretends they’re not disappointed bc his gifts are usually cool. 12 I like because. Eyebrows. But also because he’s a lot different than other Doctors like hte Doctor tends to do morally ambiguous things sometimes but it feels like 12 is so much more morally ambiguous than others. He’s angry about everything that’s been done to him and he feels grief from things he hasn’t thought about in a while and it’s an interesting and different twist on him. 12 intentionally got everyone nothing and ate all the vegetables and left. why am i relating them to christmas? i’m materialistic 
Why I don’t: I don’t feel like going that in depth again but I’ll just say I don’t like how Moffat’s Doctors become what the story is about. The story I feel like is supposed to be about not only the Doctor, but the story and the companions, but Moffat’s Doctors are so much the centerpoint of the story that it loses some of the really really cool things from RTD’s era and some of the spirit of the Doctor. moffat is why my farm animals have all run away 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): this is really hard lmao. I’m gonna pick an episode a Doctor. 9- The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. I like “Everybody lives!” that’s the best. 10- Midnight. That acting tho and really seeing 10 scared and helpless is something different and really cool. Also The End of Time bc it’s literally the best episode of anything in existence. 11- Idk I can’t really decide. Maybe “The Big Bang.” I love 11 but for the life of me I can’t ermember a fave ep. 12- I’ve onyl seen s8 and part of s9 but I like that one episode where the Doctor thinks he’s dying with Missy I can’t remember what it’s called
Favorite season/movie: 9 lol he only has one. 10- 2 or 3 I really can’t decide. 11- 5. 12- I’ve only seen 8 fully lol
Favorite line: that requires…… so much thought and so much work. They say a lot of cool things. The Doctor is all about speeches and one-liners lol
Favorite outfit: 11 has the best outfit ngl but 10′s is a close second
OTP: Rose and 10 obvs who doesn’t love them, I mean River and the Doctor have always been good, idk my otps for Doctor Who usually involve companions and their partners
Brotp: all the companions every single one of them I’m alive. have you ever met amy pond. have you ever met martha jones or donna noble. have you ever MET jack harkness 
Head Canon: I have……….. a lot I feel like i couldn’t type all of them up first of all the doctor is gay so jot that down
Unpopular opinion: mmmmmm I’m sure i have some but I can’tt think of them 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for 13 to be a straight white man or for Chibnall to be as bad as Moffat :-/
5 words to best describe them: genius, kind, hopeful, loving, vengeful
My nickname for them: I don’t know that I have any but I might that I’m not remembering
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awesomeatitsbest · 5 years
*scroll past this if u dnt wanna read me having a mental breakdown over a show*
i’ve been putting off watching the finale all week cuz i feel like im bouta get wrecked but im about to watch it rn and im literally so nervous omg here we go iM STRESSED
yall Rara in a choker hell yuh but also screw lex luthor step tf off man
yall she hesitated when she saw that pic of eliza right? cuZ SHES GOOD AND DESERVES BETTER
omg eve chill tf out
man, u can nvr trust white men as presidents
wow this is so dramatic w My Way fcking playing like this wow iM STRESSED
lex in the lexosuit....*intense eye roll*
hey yall think lex has a “take over the world” playlist playing in the suit
yall if Rara dont get some good that she deserves im FIGHTING yall she dont deserve this ;—; i know she fcking hates america and all buT IS SHE WRONG
theres so much happening wow im guessing a lot of things are gonna be left hanging by the end of this episode huh
omg Kara did basically die yall
wow someone throw Lex into the sun, he made Red Daughter cry but also someone teach her how to Google
dude can ben lockwood just disintegrate already.
omg my bby nia proTECT HER AT ALL COSTS
wait fcKING PAUSE because: Lena Luthor in a Blue Suit™️ (fuq me up)
oh lena always worried about kara 😢
brenda and katie are truly some stunning people
wow i rlly wanna see lena punch someone (lex)
he just fcking quoted Hitler
george washington in the background of this shot is SENDING me
how TF does jesse rath make wheezing onto glass hilarious
Nia done w his rebooted ass
hell yuh to that lena luthor death glare God bless you miss mcgrath
yall i forget that kara’s mother is literally alive along w Argo i wish they talked about it more somehow
at this point Ben Lockwood is the equivalent of a fcking pimple or whatever, a little annoying thing full of puss and i just wanna POP HIS LITTLE HEAD OFF
damn rebooted brainy rlly ticked nia off
papa j’onn omg pls dont die, sir ;—;
and then lillian casually pepper spraying the goons ugh we love the luthor women
(we already know lillan gonna manipulate lena tho at some point tho right? amirite? or is it gonna be a complete 180 turn)
oh my gosh yes supergirl’s boot on ben lockwood is my aesthetic
kara when lex asks how she’s still alive: im a bAD BITCH you cAnt kILL ME but also grass
omg bITCH the other suit is built into her other suit thats some bad bitch moves right there
“you can thank your sister for this” hell yea lets all thank lena luthor #appreciatelenaluthor2k19
omg cmon brainy, fcking rereboot so u can emotionally support your badass girlfriend
omg im so glad he got rerebooted i thought this was gonna last til the nxt season
wow brainy is so supportive protect this nerd at all costs ;—; his ass said astazing and i love you
oh fck yea rock music fighting scene montage this appeals SPECIFICALLY to me
oh. T—T
holy shit this dude just exploded
oh nvm ofc this dude wont die
oh sHIT
oh damn
omg omg wait no no omg wait
wait omg pause
its happenening jsnt it
omg wait qait wait i caNt im not ready
oh my FUCK
oh. my God.
we all saw this coming but. that was way worse than I could have ever imagined.
i need a drink
pour one out for supercorp
it was nice while she lasted
peace THE FUCK out
hahaaah kara happy now but we all know its a fcking illusion
was anyone happy at this point cuz all i am rn is full of DREAD
Dolsen (is that the ship name) fcking RISE
ok waiT Brainia rise too ;—;
im still stressed but theyre all cute af
omg lena’s at game night.
im sinking in my seat i CANT watch
so kara and lena as game night partners is canon
too bad its been TAINTED
someone pls help lena my GOD
all right george thats my boy
omg more of miss eve nxt season
omg this dude gon be in the crossover
oh no lena honey drinking her woes away someone get this woman a glass of one therapy session with a squeeze of the truth from kara
oh FUCK welp if that picture frame aint fcking foreshadowing the nxt season then idk what will
in conclusion: this finale stressed me tf out. goodbye. i’m sleeping for 30 years.
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