#sunny baudelaire kin
neon-despair-boy · 6 years
Klaus Baudelaire: canon call
ok so i know that i’ve posted 1 canon call already but i really need to find some people
so hello i’m Klaus, this post will about everything one might need to know if you think you may be a canonmate
the people i’m looking for the most are as follows: Violet and Sunny, count olaf, the henchpeople and any and all of the Quagmires
i have already found my Lemony Snicket, you can find ‘em @lutarklampri
now if you do not have the time or can’t read long things here is my canon shorted
tldr: us baudelaire kids ended up getting raised by count olaf, he tried to kill us but we were saved by the henchpeople, then once i was like 18ish i ended up becoming a villain and started burning places down 
now the full thing of my memories, it will be under read more if you have a hrad time reading it due to my theme let me know and i’ll set you up with the google doc
So it started the same way anything to do with the baudelaire kids, the house burned down, i’m sure it happened the same way it did in canon (though i’ve only seen season 1 of the show so if some things seem like i don’t know what i’m talking about then that is why, because i don’t know)
Anyways things go wrong from this point on, so if you’re hoping to see anything like canon then turn back now (by the way, yes i am writing like they do in the books)
So when me, violet and sunny got to count olafs home, he acted kind and didn’t make us clean the house and give us enough beds, yes in this canon he acted somewhat kind til violet was old enough to get the family money
So as we grow up, he had us help with plays at first we were roadies but soon enough he let us act on stage, we learned about disguises and how to act and got close with his henchpeople, there were a few times people like jacque and uncle monty tried to get us away from count olaf but we didn’t want to leave him for we thought he cared about us and wanted us to safe and happy but we were wrong... i only wish now that we had listened to them when they said he was a evil man
So when it was violets birthday, olaf got her a cake and said that the play we were doing that day was just for her, she got to play the part unlike the other plays where we’d just play side roles, he also us some pre made cake but it was good, we didn’t see the henchpeople we were thinking they were most likely helping to get the play up and ready, we didn’t see them til the play, it was only later we knew that they had been all day trying to work out a way to keep us safe from count olaf
So it was then the play...count olaf tried to kill us by having something fall on me and my sisters on stage but the henchpeople saved us by making it look as we had died on that stage, count olaf didn’t know the death was fake and we didn’t know till we woke up in a car with the henchpeople trying to tell us about what had happened
After what had happened we didn’t really have any money, the henchpeople tried to give us the lifes that we wanted but they didn’t have much and they needed to stay away from count olaf or else he could find me and my sisters, it stayed like this til i was 18
I thought the only way people got what they needed and wanted was by taking it, so i started out by just stealing with the help of the henchpeople then i started to find out about the secret codes and got my spy glass fixed, i started intercepting what the group jacque was a part of was telling each other
Violet wasn’t happy about what i was doing, she told me to stop and we didn’t need money, that i didn’t need to take what we had lost, i wish i had listened and stopped while it could still be said that i hadn’t hurt anyone, but i didn’t me and her had a falling out, she took sunny and went to live with uncle monty, i know she joined the group he was in and sunny probably did as well when she was old enough
I know that After that i started to lose it, i didn’t care much anymore about hurting people
The next thing i know is me burning drown someone’s house… i don’t know whose but i know i did it and then i just watched as it burned...i think at that point i had join the group that burned my home down, i don’t think i knew that they were the ones that did it and if i did then i guess i didn’t care….
I know that i started to need to get rid of some people (get rid of here means kill) due to the group i had joined, so when i needed to do that i’d kidnap them and tie them to a chair and then have them watch as i would spin a wheel with ways of killing people....
Also i had a bit of a odd rivalry thing with duncan quagmire, he was with the group that Violet had joined so me and him would get in each others way a lot, i also know that i kissed him at some point and don’t know why
I ended up with the same kind of tattoo that count olaf had, it was on my right wrist (due to only seeing the 1st season of the show i don’t quite know what the tattoo means but i know it’s nothing good)
Also at some point i burned down count olafs house, he ended up living and having to go to Lemony Snicket for help, cause i was trying to kill him
I know that Quigley Quagmire somehow also ended up a fire starter or whatever they are called as well, i worked with him and i think i may had dated him though i’m not fully sure
At some me and Quigley ended up on a boat, Sunny and Violet were there as well (there may had other people from the v.f.d. There as well but i’m not sure) i had a argument with Violet, but once in this canon full of sadness and people that made more bad choices then good, something good happened
She talked me down...i realized that i had became like count olaf, the man i hated most and that i needed to stop well there was still some my old self left
But Quigley didn’t get talked down, he had a gun in his hand and could see that he was about to lose me as a allie and possibility more due to Violet and Sunny, so he then pointed that gun at them, looking back on all that now i know i should have slapped the gun out of his hand before he fired, but i didn’t, i did the most dramatic thing i could do, i got in the way of the bullet and my sisters
I got shot, at the time i’m sure everyone thought i was going to die, but i didn’t i ended up joining my sisters and the group they were a part of, i’m not right now sure what happened next, if Quigley ever joined the good guys like i did or if he stayed evil, if me and my sisters saw count olaf again, how the henchpeople felt about everything that had happened, and so on...but i do know one thing...i need to find everyone
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mx-mituna · 3 years
Hiiii *cutely drops the link to my brand new asoue server*
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
i miss my siblings terribly. i hope klaus & sunny are doing okay, wherever you are. & to any lemony snicket kins out there, i'd love to chat. i want to weep, to unbottle all of my emotions that i've held onto for so long. thank you for telling our story, mr. snicket. the world will always be quiet here.
— violet baudelaire (#☔⚖🎀)
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kin-squad-finder · 7 years
hello ! i’m kin w/ violet baudelaire ( asoue ) & i’m a minor. i’ll talk to anyone that is 16-24 y/o but no one younger or older. i’m mainly looking for klaus & sunny, but anyone else is fine. ( if you’re kin w/ olaf though, i would like to see your blog first & all before i consider interacting ) please like / rb / comment to let me know who you are & i’ll send a message ! no doubles though. nothing personal. thanks !
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findmykin · 7 years
i’m kin with violet baudelaire from a series of unfortunate events ! i’m a minor & i’m mainly looking for klaus & sunny. i hope you both are safe. please interact if you can, & i’ll send you a message ! anyone else is fine too . i need beatrice jr. & the quagmires especially too ...
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tumblingclockwork · 5 years
You may not be a Kanaya kinnie but you know who you're kin with? Sunny Baudelaire from asoue. You can Chomp Anything *and* you're bapy
You aren’t... wrong...
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paperfury · 8 years
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Look I’ve been tagged! By the fabulous Inge @ Of Wonderland who is a wonderfully kind soul.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Most likely Paris. Or Jupiter because I plan to rule it.
Who is your favourite villain? Kaz Brekker. Locke Lamora. Sebastian Morgernstern. Holland from ADSOM.
Name your five best reads of 2016. The Lies of Locke Lamora. Crooked Kingdom. The Emperor’s Blades. The Raven King. A Gathering of Shadows.
Which five characters would you invite to a tea party? The Baudelaire children...they would provide terribly interesting stories about their terrible lives and Sunny could cook for use. #winning
What is your Hogwarts house and why? It’s Slytherin AND IT’S BECAUSE THIS IS WHO I AM AS A PERSON.
Are you a coffee or tea person? I prefer coffee, but I drink more tea because coffee makes me want to sleep. There’s probably something wrong with me. Not sure tho.
Which fictional world would you like to live in? I would be 50000% okay living in Henrietta with my Raven Boys.
What was your last 5-star read? Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch, WHO COINCIDENTALLY BROKE MY HEART.
How is your track record for mental health reads? Any recommendations? There are 38 mental health books on my Goodreads shelf, but I feel like I’ve read more than that?? I particularly love History is All You Left me (OCD) and The Things I Didn’t Say (selective mutism) and The Lost and Found (anxiety) and All the Bright Places (OCD) and Made You Up (schizophrenia).
What’s your favourite animal? DRAGONS, MY KIN.
What is your favourite genre? Fantasy is my OTP. I tried making it work with contemporary but it kept being depressingly realistic. Where are my dragons. Where are my magical creatures. Where are my pirates. Where are my wizards.
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Klaus Baudelaire here to wish all ASOUE kins a happy life and hope everyone is doing well. (and double that for any violet, sunny, kit, jacques, quigley, duncan, and isadora that reads this)
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harry-crane · 6 years
idk what stuff u like so im just gonna kin assign u from a ton of shit okay here goes some of these r less serious than others: dee frm always sunny, gwen frm total drama island, yasha from critical role, chuck from pushing daisies, that one goth dude from IT crowd, violet baudelaire
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
uhh since all the asoue kin are coming out of the wordworks, it's made me think about this one kintype of mine from an asoue au... i already kin klaus like. seperately but i also kin from an au with six baudelaires,,, and can i just say,,,,, violet, klaus, sunny, lilac, and soli, i miss you all so much, okay? and i hope if you're out there, as much as i doubt you are, that you're doing okay. you all deserve it. - nick baudelaire. (#🧪🕸💜)
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neon-despair-boy · 6 years
ok so last night i wrote down everything i know about my klaus baudelaire canon
for those that wish to know about my canon but have the time or will to read a long thing about it here
tldr: us baudelaire kids ended up getting raised by count olaf, he tried to kill us but we were saved by the henchpeople, then once i was like 18ish i ended up becoming a villain and started burning places down
now if you wish to read the full thing it’s under readmore and if that’s hard to read then there’s a link to the google doc at the top
So it started the same way anything to do with the baudelaire kids, the house burned down, i’m sure it happened the same way it did in canon (though i’ve only seen season 1 of the show so if some things seem like i don’t know what i’m talking about then that is why, because i don’t know)
Anyways things go wrong from this point on, so if you’re hoping to see anything like canon then turn back now (by the way, yes i am writing like they do in the books)
So when me, violet and sunny got to count olafs home, he acted kind and didn’t make us clean the house and give us enough beds, yes in this canon he acted somewhat kind til violet was old enough to get the family money
So as we grow up, he had us help with plays at first we were roadies but soon enough he let us act on stage, we learned about disguises and how to act and got close with his henchpeople, there were a few times people like jacque and uncle monty tried to get us away from count olaf but we didn’t want to leave him for we thought he cared about us and wanted us to safe and happy but we were wrong... i only wish now that we had listened to them when they said he was a evil man
So when violet was old enough to get the family money, count olaf tried to kill us by having something fall on me and my sisters on stage but the henchpeople saved us by making it look as we had died on that stage, count olaf didn’t know the death was fake and we didn’t know till we woke up in a car with the henchpeople trying to tell us about what had happened
After what had happened we didn’t really have any money, the henchpeople tried to give us the lifes that we wanted but they didn’t have much and they needed to stay away from count olaf or else he could find me and my sisters, it stayed like this til i was 18
I thought the only way people got what they needed and wanted was by taking it, so i started out by just stealing with the help of the henchpeople then i started to find out about the secret codes and got my spy glass fixed, i started intercepting what the group jacque was a part of was telling each other
Violet wasn’t happy about what i was doing, she told me to stop and we didn’t need money, that i didn’t need to take what we had lost, i wish i had listened and stopped while it could still be said that i hadn’t hurt anyone, but i didn’t me and her had a falling out, she took sunny and went to live with uncle monty, i know she joined the group he was in and sunny probably did as well when she was old enough
I know that After that i started to lose it, i didn’t care much anymore about hurting people
The next thing i know is me burning drown someone’s house… i don’t know whose but i know i did it and then i just watched as it burned...i think at that point i had join the group that burned my home down, i don’t think i knew that they were the ones that did it and if i did then i guess i didn’t care….
I know that i started to need to get rid of some people (get rid of here means kill) due to the group i had joined, so when i needed to do that i’d kidnap them and tie them to a chair and then have them watch as i would spin a wheel with ways of killing people....
Also i had a bit of a odd rivalry thing with duncan quagmire (i think? I’m not sure if it was him or someone that looked like him), he was with the group that Violet had joined so me and him would get in each others way a lot, i also know that i kissed him at some point and don’t know why
I ended up with the same kind of tattoo that count olaf had, it was on my right wrist (due to only seeing the 1st season of the show i don’t quite know what the tattoo means but i know it’s nothing good)
Also at some point i burned down count olafs house i don’t know if he died in the fire though
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