sophiabroblog · 4 years
I’m tired at this year. 
You’ve heard that right. I’m not tired BECAUSE of this year. I’m tired AT it. Meaning I am physically ~something~ at it. 
I have never been this mentally tired. Just absolutely drained and I feel like I haven’t been able to catch my breath or a break. Everything keeps happening and I’m thrown to the fray not knowing what to expect. I feel like I’m looking at 5…
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sophiabroblog · 4 years
It’s funny how certain messages seem to appear when you need them most. 
I was talking about this around a campfire the other day with my friends. We were discussing how some people have had God speak to them, or have seen or heard things that they’ve needed from another source. 
I believe that God has spoken to me – once after my grandpa and good friend passed away on the same day, and…
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sophiabroblog · 4 years
God sometimes takes us into troubled waters; not to down us, but to cleanse us
There are some things in life that I don’t understand. One – I don’t understand hate. There seems to be so much of it wreaking havoc on the world this year. I’m fairly certain that 2020 will have its own history book; it will be full of natural and human made disasters. Two – I don’t fully understand the inner workings of a human mind. My mind in particular I have been trying to figure out for 25…
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sophiabroblog · 4 years
Count Your Blessings
Have you ever had the thought to drive off into the distance without a plan of where you’ll end up or what you’re going to do? Because same. An escape sounds SO GOOD right now. To sit and look at something majestic – to remind us of the beauty that’s still in the world…
Right now, the world seems like the most depressing place. We have COVID, murder hornets, riots plaguing the U.S., and this…
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sophiabroblog · 5 years
Everything (Eventually) Will Be Okay
It seems as of late that I post blogs after my boyfriend does on his blog… I’m not copying… just inspired! 
“Anywhosit” – How is everyone doing?
This is such a weird time that we are living through. It’s a historical time. A time of big change and a time of big fears. 
Though this is a scary time, please know that it will all work out. There are people out there to help you, like me, and there…
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sophiabroblog · 5 years
The Show Must Go On
“The show must go on, for this too shall pass.” 
I have been saying this to myself over and over this week, and I can’t seem to get it out of my head. I feel as if 2020 has been a year in which God has wanted to test not only me, but everyone else in this world.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you…
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sophiabroblog · 5 years
Refocus on what is important in your life to find your purpose
When you lose focus it’s hard to regain control. Focus can be lost when stress is added on. It can keep you from seeing what is real and important around you. Stress is scary and can cause you to doubt certain things you’ve expressed confidence in before.
That being said, stress is an opportunity for growth. It can hurt you, but that pain is momentary. You will grow and place things into…
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sophiabroblog · 5 years
Look Up
There was something I read recently in a magazine has really stuck out to me. Life is busy. Often times people are going to be caught up in what they are doing. People need to look up the world around them. 
At this time of year, I think it’s important to reflect on all that you have gone through and consider what you can do for yourself in the next year. However, I think it is equally as…
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sophiabroblog · 6 years
23 and Me
This year has been one of the hardest years of my life.
It’s now been a little over a year since I’ve moved back to Michigan from New York City. A lot has happened since then and I’ve been thinking on it a lot over the past couple days.
Nothing about this year has been easy. I have had life throw it’s problems at me time after time again. I haven’t been able to catch my breath… so, either God…
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sophiabroblog · 6 years
The Big Picture
I’ve tended to make life pretty difficult for myself and I’d like to give you a reason, but I really don’t have one….other than it makes life more exciting?? I guess?
When I decided to move back home from New York, I was extremely excited, but, I knew that the path I was taking would be a difficult one. I just didn’t know how difficult it would actually end up being…
Well, moving out to New York…
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sophiabroblog · 6 years
Here's What I Think...
Here’s What I Think…
I think that people tend to get into rhythms and go through life on a beat without even thinking about what they’re doing. I’ve just now started to notice my own rhythm and decided to stop my beat because I wanna shake things up.
I think I need a new adventure.
I’m 23 years old and I sometimes feel that my life should have been figured out by now. I should have a great job that I love which…
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sophiabroblog · 7 years
Mind of Adventure
Adventure is on my mind all the time. Where will my next adventure take me?
I don’t think that I’ve ever had a boring moment because I can’t stand to be bored.
Being bored is a waste of the most valuable thing that we, humans, will never own: time. I’ve had a lot of times, both good and bad… but that time I spent doing something means everything to me. It makes me who I am, it shows me what I’ve done and that I can always do more.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what…
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sophiabroblog · 7 years
New Year, New Horizons
  There are many things and people in life to be thankful for, but you don’t truly know how thankful you are for them until you realize how much you’ve depended on them.
I’m thankful for my parents for letting me live my life the way I need to. I’m thankful for my siblings for always being there for me. I’m thankful to all of my friends for allowing me to have shoulders to cry on and people to…
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sophiabroblog · 7 years
It all depends on what you're looking at and how you're looking at it.
I have a lot of blogs that start out talking about life. There’s a reason. Always a reason. Life can be…well….a *insert bad word here.* But, I believe that things all depend on the way that you look at them. 
Is the glass half full, or half empty?
It’s a trick question. The glass is neither full nor empty. The same amount of water is in the glass either way. Thus…the problem is all in your head…
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sophiabroblog · 7 years
I'm Doing the Thing
I’m Doing the Thing
Honestly, life is hard. Unfair. Sometimes…it’s just downright mean.
I tend to be the type of person who likes to make my life harder than it should be. I think too much, I feel too much and I worry (way) too much about the unknowns.
On the other hand, I also tend to do things on a whim. I like adventure. I enjoy going where my heart takes me. I love meeting new people and learning new things. I’m…
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sophiabroblog · 7 years
Working Girl
Anything you do in life…be proud of it. Never let anyone talk you down or tell you what they think is better. Be true to yourself and live the life you want to live.
Life is a great adventure. You can live in as many places as you want, do as many things as you want, and meet as many people as you want. Please, for the love of humanity, do what you want. If you’re proud of yourself, great! Be…
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sophiabroblog · 7 years
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
A dream is a wish your heart makes. Have faith. Have trust. And soon your dreams come true.
I am a firm believer in chasing dreams. Dreams can change, new dreams can begin, and dreams can come true.
If you decide that you want something, you have the power to do it. Anything. It’s your decision; it’s your life…so live it. If that dream is something that you really, really want, then you should go for it. Trust yourself to make the best decisions for yourself. Your dream is for YOU and…
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