#( .psa )
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lunaetis · 4 months ago
just a little heads up that i'll be mobile bound for a week bc i'm going to be traveling to tokyo with my parents ! if anyone remember the last episodes of hina & eden in osaka, pls expect eden's live commentary ( and some pictures ) of my trip this time as well ! ( or you can blacklist the tag later so it wouldn't clog your dash hjlkhlk ) ofc, my ic activity would be minimal to non-existent. i'd be easier to reach on discord, however, so if anyone wanted to add me there just holla ! hope you all are doing great on your end ! have a wonderful week !
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erobret · 3 months ago
This is a reminder that I work to make my blog a safe space. I do not tolerate racism, transphobia, homophobia, ablism, incest, pedophilia or grooming.
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radiaking · 9 months ago
Polite reminder that if u want to break mutuals, pls hard block :) do whatever u need to do for ur comfort but I’m v forgetful and I would never wanna make someone uncomfy by refollowing by accident either bc I forgot I did or thought I maybe accidentally unfollowed. Best for us both!
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gvnpxwder · 1 year ago
Hello everyone! I apologise greatly for the sudden prolonged absence. There was a major medical emergency that required my full attention, and then we were forced to move with no planning or preparation almost immediately afterwards. I have only just got internet set up at our new place, and, as long as things stay calm, I am back for good! Apologies once again to everyone, and thank you to those that stuck around. Please message me if you wish to continue a thread or plot!
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lunaetis · 11 months ago
as you guys might probably notice, my activity had dropped drastically for the past month or so. i've been assigned a big chunk of responsibility at work due to a coworker quitting. that had caused me to become extremely stressed as of late. i've been exhausted and overwhelmed. my writing muse is almost non-existent because of this. with that said, i think it's warranted that i put this blog on an official semi-hiatus. i'm still not sure for how long ( it's mostly until my company can find a replacement to handle the work i had been handed last minute. ) for now, it'd be indefinite until further notice.
i'll still pop in and try to write from time to time ( as writing is one of my main sources of destressing ) but other than a few things here & there, i can't promise much ic content on my end. thank you for your patience & understanding.
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 7 months ago
With the exception of random starters being sent to my ask box or being tagged in them, the rest is a big yes, please!
Doesn’t matter if we’ve never interacted, if we’ve interacted once, or a BILLION times. Doesn’t matter if we have zero threads or FIVE BILLION. 
ALWAYS feel free to spam my ask box with in character asks, questions, or starters. 
ALWAYS feel free to spam my inbox with ask box memes!
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in memes.
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in quizzes. 
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in posts you want me to see!
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in posts that remind you of me/my muse.
ALWAYS feel free to tag/@mention me in stuff, period! 
ALWAYS feel free to start an interaction with my muse!
ALWAYS feel free to suggest a plot for our muses. 
ALWAYS feel free to send me an OOC message in DMs or in Asks.
I LOVE that stuff. YOU’RE NOT BEING ANNOYING. IT MAKES MY DAY. Talk to me! I love it! :D 
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radiaking · 5 months ago
Btw I’m really never gonna get mad if ppl follow w/o reading my rules first bc I get it. I follow blogs from the dash all the time! I see it. I like it. I follow it lmfao but pls def read them before reaching out, etc.
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nattousan · 4 months ago
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*doom music starts to play* I actually kindof like scheduling these kinds of appointments now...
but seriously Fellas, don't forget to schedule a pap smear every couple of years just in case. If you still have a cervix you can still get cervical cancer. ilu
this has been a psa
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xxscrabiesxx · 14 days ago
hey folks if you have an android phone: google shadow installed a "security app".
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I had to go and delete it myself this morning.
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lunaetis · 1 year ago
PSA. i am a slow writer, and not a social creature.
i just want to make a post addressing this in the light of things that had been brought to my attention recently. i rarely if ever initiate a conversation especially in chats or DMs. 90% of the time the ones who still talk to me on regular basis are the ones who poke me regardless of how dead i have been since our last conversation, and i want to say how much i appreciate you guys for being understanding with me on that front. for tolerating me dropping off the conversation or unable to keep it going for long. or rarely messaging you guys first or sending unprompted asks whether ic or ooc. i know i am bad at it. and i'm sorry if i ever made anyone feel neglected by that.
i wake up at 5:40AM daily, spent 1-2 hours driving to work, work from 9-6, then another 1-2 hours drive back home. i usually have about 2-4 hours daily for leisure. i work a relatively stressful job with strict deadlines and responsibilities, so often enough my social battery is drained by the time i get home. if i don't respond to your messages, it's nothing personal, i promise. i'm just exhausted from work and irl things.
if you see me prioritizing some threads / muses / writing, again, it's nothing personal. with limited time that i could write, i tend to let my muses decide what they want to do and write what comes to me the easiest. sometimes they cooperate with me on things, sometimes they don't. i am just human, i do have partners who my muses and i tend to gravitate towards for various reasons. they're either my long-term mutuals, good friends of mine, or our muses and/or muns chemistry click really well that writing comes easy. however, that doesn't mean i don't want to write with you. i'm just slow, that's all. i do want to write with new people, and i try to do so. but i'm easily overwhelmed and take on more things than i could. that's on me, as well.
sorry if this comes out of the blue, but it needs to be said. i'm incredibly sorry if i have disappointed any of you by not meeting your expectations or have kept any of you waiting long for content from me. i do want to write with as many people as i could, but even i know it's impossible to write with everyone. i do try to reach out whenever time and energy permits, and i'm sorry if i let any of you down with promises or plots that didn't get to be explored.
for those who read up to this point, thank you for taking the time to read this. and thank you for those who still choose to stick with me even though i take forever to get to things. thank you everyone who had been so understanding and patient with me all these years. i wouldn't have still been here if it weren't for you. so thank you. i love you.
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radiaking · 9 months ago
Anyway, re: any howard family dynamics discussions, divorce babies, step siblings, new partners etc. are all hypothetical and generalized headcanons that will not need to apply to any person who writes barb or Janey now or in the future without like actually plotting and discussing it. I may discuss them as headcanons but no one is beholden to my beliefs lol.
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allthatispeculiar · 4 months ago
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kazoosandfannypacks · 1 month ago
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The company budsies, which specializes in making custom stuffed animals and making duplicates of old or lost plushies, is currently offering to recreate the beloved stuffed animal of any kid who lost theirs in the LA wildfire, free of charge.
Their instagram post said to share this, so please spread this around so that families who've lost everything can receive just a little bit more hope in their lives 🥺
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meluiloth · 6 months ago
Since the whole thing with NaNoWriMo has gone down, I've noticed that one of their former sponsors, Ellipsus, has cut contact with NaNoWriMo because they do not support their stance on AI; I didn't know what Ellipsus was, but upon further research I've found that they are a writing platform that works a lot like Google Docs and Microsoft Word, only with a heavier leaning on the story-writing aspect and connecting with other writers - and they also completely denounce any use of AI, both in the writing process itself and in the use of their platform. I really appreciate that.
Since this is the case (and since I've noticed Google has begun implementing more AI into their software), I've decided to give Ellipsus a try to see if it's a good alternative to Google Docs (my main writing platform). It's completely free and so far, I've found it simple to use (although it is pretty minimal in its features), and I really like the look of it.
I figured I'd spread the word about this platform in case any of you writers would want to give it a try, and if you do, let me know how you like it!
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aurinn-n · 2 years ago
ok as funny as the rq is, please don't pester non-english-speaking people with shit like this bc chances are they don't understand ironic meme culture
i saw people jokingly tell a japanese artist to delete something, and then they did because they didn't understand that it was a joke (there was absolutely zero indication but even if there was something like a tone tag, it's not a good idea bc those aren't universal)
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