all-the-tyler-talk · 1 year
So I know that Dylan for reasons unknown doesn't want anything to do with TW, but he wasn't even there for TP's wedding? Are they not friends anymore? What I remember from the 1-3rd seasons of TWs interviews that they were really good friends, pretty tight, what do you think must have happened between them? Also what do you think must be the reason/s for Dylan not wanting to do anything with TW, that he didn't even do the movie?
He and Posey probably grew apart as they got older and just stopped having anything in common and didn't hang out anymore because they were both living separate lives. Dylan seemed to grow up while Posey stayed being an immature idiot. He might be different now but he always wasn't very mature even a few years ago he was still acting like a teenager.
Anyone with any self respect wouldn't want to be associated with that show anymore, it's nothing to be proud of for serious actors. 🤣 Dylan probably had experiences we don't know anything about that he would rather forget and move on from. The only reason the rest of the cast, including Tyler, still go to cons and still talk about it is because it makes them money. Most of them probably would rather forget about it and move on too but it's paying their bills so they have to pretend they like it.
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moistvonlipwig · 3 years
Stiles Stilinski's ADHD and him taking & being prescribed Adderall to treat it very much canon, unlike Scott McCall's canonically nonexistent neurodivergence and Mexican heritage. Again: stop trying to strip a canonical neuroatypical character of his ADHD just because you want to avoid being called out on your ableism and because you want to transplant Stiles' ADHD onto ur bland neurotypical fav Scott. Just admit you hate Stiles and Derek because they eclipsed Scott without even trying and go 🙄
Me several posts ago: "Derek is one of my favorite characters!"
You now: "You hate Derek!"
??? Do you think I regularly lie about which characters I like? You must be new here. I assure you, I'm quite outspoken. If I hated Derek, I would simply say so. RIP to the imagined version of me you've conjured up in your head but I'm different!
Also: where I am supposed to go, exactly? You're the one in MY inbox. I'm just vibing!
Also, I never said Scott had ADHD. ADHD is not actually the only neurodivergence in existence. Nor did I say that Stiles was LESS neurodivergent than Scott. I said that their neurodivergence had the same canonicity, namely, that both were HEADCANONS. Now, if I'm wrong, and Stiles was actually diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Adderall in-show, I'll own up to my mistake and apologize. So, episode number and timestamp please! Or, you know what, even just the episode title, I'll look up the transcript myself.
As for Scott's Mexican heritage, Tyler Posey is Mexican, he and Jeff Davis have both stated that Scott is Mexican, and Melissa's maiden name is canonically "Delgado", a surname which is most commonly used in Mexico. I'm gonna be real with you, I'm not interested in entertaining arguments that he's not Mexican, so if you are super invested in him not being Mexican for SOME reason, feel free to keep it to yourself, because I don't care.
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thehollowprince · 3 years
Just admit you are pissed that everyone - including the whole cast and your obsessed fav Posey - loves and prefers Stiles and Derek to your shitty fav Scott and fucking go lol
Does anyone else just stop and think about this person? This absolute clown, so desperate for any kind of validation that they go on anon and harass people with the same six "arguments" worded differently each time (which we're always able to disprove with actual canon)? For example, I got this ask, and then not ten minutes later, the "anon" must have thought to themselves "Hey, I can make that sound even more sad and clingy" and then gifted me with this.
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That's practically word-for-word the same message, but with any added sentence on the end for some extra "oomph", I guess?
For the record, I don't care who anyone says is their favorite character. I freely admit that Scott McCall is an exception for me, because usually I can't stand the main characters of the shows I watch, which does make them hard to watch sometimes. That's why I enjoyed Teen Wolf so much, because here was a main character that didn't get on my nerves, and actually had realistic reactions to the horrible things happening to him. Here was a teenage boy who just wanted to play lacrosse and date the girl who liked him back, and instead he got dragged into a supernatural vendetta between werewolves and hunters. He was attacked by a man anywhere from six to ten years older than him (still an adult to his teenager) who broke into his house, threatened and manipulated him, and said what any sane person would: "Hell no!"
But true to what a great character Scott was, when said man, who had been nothing but antagonistic and even outright hostile to him, was dying because he got sloppy, Scott went out of his way - putting himself in danger! - to save him. Despite everything Derek had done to Scott, he still went out of his way to save him, despite the "smart one" asking him to let Derek die.
That's why I love Scott McCall. Despite everything thrown at him, he tried again and again to be the best version of himself. He didn't immediately resort to violence and murder, as so many others would have done in this same genre. Hell, in this same show!
So, yes, I love Scott Mccall. And ironically enough, no many how many times this anon floods my inbox, or how many people trying to replace Scott with Stiles hijack my posts, nothing any of them say is going to change that. The irony comes in when you consider they should understand how I feel. I (and others) point out the things that Derek or Stiles or Peter or whomever have done (things they claim to hate when they say Scott did them) and they say "well that's my favorite character!"
Good! Good for you! Enjoy your favorite character to your heart's content! That doesn't mean you have to try and smear the titular character for you to like them. Or, who knows, maybe it does. Maybe they can't like their "favorites" if someone else likes a different character. It's an interesting question, and if I were a psychologist I'm sure I'd have a field day with this. I enjoyed almost all of these characters. Yes, even Stiles and Derek, but not as much as I enjoyed Scott.
I don't care how many people prefer Stiles over Scott, the latter is still my favorite character. A lot of people I know are big fans of The Nazarene, doesn't mean I have to be as well. Actually, that's a bad analogy, because rather like Stiles, the canon version is better than the fanon.
Bottom line is that I love Scott McCall. I don't care if Tyler Posey himself called me to say that Stiles was his favorite character. That wouldn't change that Scott is mine. I don't know how to make that any easier to understand.
Anyway, have this gif of a smiling Scott.
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princeescaluswords · 4 years
We still have to hear years after the fact how "Scott violated Derek, an abuse victim, by making him bite Gerard" but not a peep about Peter impaling Derek with his claws and tossing him aside like old garbage.
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Look, there’s only so many ways I can say this: it’s the racism.
Beyond asshole anons, read any Teen Wolf fanfiction written even today.  Gerard forcing Scott to make Derek Bite him -- something Derek only survived because Scott had outwitted Gerard -- must simply be the worst thing that anyone did to anyone else in the entire show.
Worse than Peter planning and executing Laura’s murder.
Worse than Derek luring Scott out into the woods to manipulate him into helping him find Peter.
Worse than Peter dragging an unconscious Scott out of his bed in the middle of the night in an attempt to force him to kill Garrison Myers.
Worse than Peter stabbing Derek in the back at the high school and tossing him to the side like so much useless garbage.
Worse than Derek betraying Scott to Peter or lying to him about the cure.
Worse than Peter forcing memories of being burned alive into Scott’s head and Peter and Derek leaving Scott writing on the floor of a locker-room shower.
Worse than Peter beating the hell out of Derek because Derek tried to stop him from killing Stiles
Worse than Peter trying to mind control Scott into killing Stiles, Allison, Jackson and Lydia.  
And on and on ...
They know it’s not.  They know that the difference between all the things I’ve listed and that one particular scene is that Gerard literally promised to kill Allison if Scott didn’t do it.   
It’s because a minority character did it to a white person.  Period.  They won’t say that, but they don’t ever talk about how Peter manipulated Derek’s trust just like Kate did and more than once.  They won’t ever talk about how much the locker-room assault on Scott had sexual overtones.  Because those scenes aren’t about a minority character assaulting a white person.  
It’s the same reason they will write stories where Derek doesn’t trust or want to work with Scott because of his behavior, but dismiss Scott’s reluctance to work with Derek -- who behaved far worse -- as short-tempered stubbornness.  How they’ll ignore canon, where Scott was the person who had hope for Peter, and helped protect Peter, and healed Peter, while Derek and Stiles insulted him and took petty revenge upon him.   (Unless you think that Derek sewing Peter’s finger back on without anesthesia wasn’t petty and cruel.)  Instead, they’ll describe Scott’s behavior toward Peter in their fictions as dislike and a petty grudge, as if Peter had beat Scott out for homecoming king.
It’s the same way they treat Braeden as an interloper, or turn Boyd into a loyal servant, or make Mason their irrelevant cinnamon roll, or call Kira annoying, or despise Hayden.   
I guarantee you if Dylan O’Brien had played Scott with the exact same script and Tyler Posey had played Stiles with the exact same script, they would have treated Scott and Derek like they do Liam and Theo now.  Stiles would have been just as irrelevant and/or annoying and ‘taking up time’  as every other secondary minority character in the show.  
Here’s something to think about, if they try to say that it’s just Scott as played by Tyler Posey.  How many stories have their been written where Stiles believes that his and Scott’s friendship is ‘growing distant’ because Scott didn’t notice he had been taken by Gerard (which he did) and didn’t come for him?   Thousands.  How many stories are there where Boyd turns on Derek after Boyd and Erica were taken by the Argents and Derek didn’t notice and didn’t come for him?  None.  That’s how many.
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stilesxeveryone · 3 years
The Rewatch, pt2
Feel free to message me about any of my dot points! Ultimately this is just for me, so I can remember all my thoughts the next time I do a season or episode specific fics, but I greatly encourage discussion!! None of my friends watch teen wolf so I can’t discuss things with them :(
Season 1, episode 7
Stiles: I’m not scared of you!
Peter: and I took that personally
To be honest I don’t think I’d ever take a werewolf fight to my high school, like everything is gonna be locked and oh god there are so many stairs and nowhere to hide
I will still never understand why Scott threw Derek under the bus in this episode? Like I feel like saying Derek is the murderer that’s behind everything just raises way more questions than answers and would cause more problems than solutions
Stiles punching Jackson? Valid and wonderful
Okay I’m gonna be honest here, there was a big old chunk of this episode that was just dramatic tension and no dialogue so I did not follow a single part of that because I’m also drawing dinosaurs at the moment
Also I find it interesting that Peter (the big bad alpha) seems to want Scott to kill his friends and join him as pack member. Why does he decide that one pack member is better than turning the others and forcing them to join as well? Maybe he believes it will create stronger loyalty, but in my opinion I feel like numbers are more important at this point in time
Season 1, episode 8
Oh no I hate this episode
Scott and Lydia kissing is actually one of the worst things I’ve ever seen (and why I hate this episode), and wow asshole move from both of them
Watching this episode makes me feel less bad about the fic I half-finished where Scott major attacks Stiles on a full moon because uhhh, it’s kinda accurate to the asshole ways of early Scott
Werewolf - now with added visual hallucinations? (Also I still hate their beta shift faces so much, especially Derek’s)
Okay but yes to a canon divergence AU where Chris and Kate Argent think that Stiles is the second beta werewolf instead of Jackson
Season 1, episode 9
I really wish they put in like any effort at all to make the photos that Scott sends to Allison actual photos? Instead of just screenshots from previous episodes? Like where are my cute couples selfies or sneaky candid photos during study dates and shit
Jackson dos a really good job at being absolutely creepy, like I hate it but also good shit
Stiles, at literally every interaction with Derek, saying he’s not afraid of him and being confident and then immediately being frightened by him (and the same happening with Peter in the high school) is character consistency and I appreciate that
I wish people wrote more Stiles and Danny friendships tbh (as well as relationships to be fair), I just really enjoy all their scenes together
“You must be Stiles” yes bitch!!! I always find it funny how fucking soft Peter says that line, like his voice is so gentle even though he’s meant to be the big bad wolf and all that
I’ve been meaning to say this since episode one but I love the music they use, as in the actual songs and such, but I literally hate the instrumental stuff they use. Very rarely does it build tension the right way and it almost never sounds nice
Season 1, episode 10
I still continue to not at all understand why Peter needs Scott
“You’re way too pretty to be out here all by yourself”
Okay but Allison/Lydia power couple (Lydia looks so good with red lipstick)
The whole scene of Stiles’ father being drunk and saying “I miss talking to you, and I miss your mum” is so soft and sad and personal and I love it
Oh my god I totally forgot about the part where Peter takes Scott’s mum on a date, that’s so weird
Also “you have incredible skin” is so serial killer-y, I can’t believe Melissa let him get away with that
Jackson really needs to listen to his gut more, like stop trusting the scary wolf men and go do some homework (also wow Derek really ripped into him about the fact that no one cares about him)
Season 1, episode 11
My god, Derek deserves to kill Kate. She’s so gross and he deserves a little revenge
Allison getting Lydia to go with Stiles to the dance! I forgot about that! As always, give me Allison/Stiles sibling/best friend relationship or give me death! Also Stiles/Lydia friendship is very good as well
Did Peter just say that Allison should go for a lighter dress? While she’s holding a black and white dress? Sir this makes no sense (also Allison looks great in dark outfits)
Also there’s no way teachers don’t immediately notice Jackson giving alcohol to some of the other kids, they’d be watching the drinks like hawks dude
Jackson goes through so much this season (and the next), it makes me feel so sorry for him
The CGI for Peter’s fangs extending is honestly so gross and I hate it
“Because you’re the clever one, aren’t you” if only more people understood this
Season 1, episode 12
Peter making a period joke is so,, absolutely unnecessary and weird and I hate it
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Allison’s mum is a snake and I hate her
Also Allison basically has to decide on whether her boyfriend is a monster or if her aunt (and family in general) are monsters and that is a tough decision, especially with how manipulative Kate is. I don’t remember what exactly she does in season 2 but idk how much I can blame her for it
Parking garage scene!! My favourite to read canon divergent scenes about
In defense of Scott, some of my passwords do in fact involve the name of my significant other, but in argument against Scott, I’m a little more creative than just his first name
I wish this show gave me the classic wolf howls instead of the weird, low, grumbly sound that makes no sense to me
I tried writing a parking garage AU once and it went horribly, but I think I’ll be coming back to it soon! Having some very fun ideas right now
Stiles and Chris scene! God bless Stiles just straight up not taking any of his shit and putting him in his place about the Hale fire
Also I don’t think it gets mentioned enough that Jackson witnesses this entire scene of Stiles standing up against the big bad hunter
I honestly really like that the code is “we hunt those who hunt us”, I think it’s valid and it’s more about self defense, even if Kate and the others don’t treat it like that
They really set Peter on fire again, huh, definitely not adding to his trauma and major pain or anything
Overall I do enjoy this season, I mean there’s a reason I continued watching it and am back here again for another rewatch. I think there are definitely some issues with the writing, of character morals and motivations not always aligning with their actions and that kind of thing. I really hope that as the show continues I see improvement in Tyler Posey’s acting, because until now I’ve never really paid too much attention to him honestly (which is a concern since he’s the main character).
I do really wish that they didn’t set Peter on fire, and I find it interesting that Stiles and Jackson were more involved with Peter’s death than Scott was. Although if Scott (or anyone other than Derek) killed Peter we would have avoided like all of season 2, but I do enjoy season 2.
I really enjoy seeing the characters interacting with each other honestly, especially Stiles interacting with any of the “bad guys” and the bad guys (Chris, Derek, Peter) and I really wish we got to see him talk with Kate, honestly.
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I’ve blocked a shit-ton of blogs in the time I’ve been on tumblr, and the main blogs I’ve blocked have been Scott fans who think that sending anonymous hate and death threats is going to change my mind about their toxic fav. Multiple blogs get blocked, which means that it’s either a small minority of Scott fans working together as a group, or one extremely rude, entitled, and very, VERY sick Scott fan who has multiple blogs so when they get blocked on one, they can go on another one. They usually started off slow. Like “You only dislike Scott McCall because he is a brown Mexican boy and the hero, lead, protagonist, eponymous character of Teen Wolf” or “Derek and Stiles are violent, abusive monsters and rapists, how can you prefer them to virtuous, compassionate hero Scott” or “If Scott McCall was played by Dylan O’Brien or Tyler Hoechlin you would love him and worship him like he deserves” or “Scott is smarter than Stiles and Lydia, Scott’s bad grades are all Stiles’ fault because Stiles routinely bullied and belittled him” or “People’s dislike of Scott as a character, the neglect of Scott as a character, and and the constant focusing on other Teen Wolf characters but Scott are all motivated by racism” following it up with repeated harassment, further abuse, and more delusional shit. I started getting hate the moment I joined the Teen Wolf fandom and said that I preferred Stiles, Derek, Peter, Lydia, Kira, Liam, Chris etc to Scott McCall. The fact that Scott fans are still harassing Stiles/Derek fans and Steter/Sterek shippers years after the show ended is an indication of a deep issue with the fandom itself and with the entitled, racist, ableist, and, frankly, ugly side of the Teen Wolf fandom. Teen Wolf has been over for four years now, but Scott fans are still throwing tantrums over not getting what they wanted. And that’s not just annoying: it’s fucking scary. If they were in my community, I would be really worried about their fixation. Someone in their corner of fandom, someone in the Scott/Posey fandom, must know who they are, or at least suspect them. But instead of calling their Scott McCall Defense Squad friends out on their recidive toxic behavior and telling them to stop stalking/harassing people over a badly written and portrayed fictional werewolf, they have chosen to stay silent and complicit. We can’t write stories about Stiles, Kira, or the Hale Pack/Family without getting harassed for not making them all about Scott; we can’t write Teen Wolf metas unless we acknowledge Scott’s canonically nonexistent superiority or that Scott is stronger, smarter, better, and more important than everyone else first; we can’t dislike Scott or criticize Scott’s canonical abusive actions and behavior without getting harassed by his rabid defense squad. And I’m not only talking about anon hate: I mean supposed adult ‘big name’ fans sea-lioning and pushing their way around. Scott/Posey fans think they own the Teen Wolf fandom, all of it. They have always felt this way and done their best to make everyone else feel unwelcome, and bullied them out. Scott/Posey fans have always felt entitled to dictate what people should or should not like – just like Tyler Posey felt entitled to dictate who Teen Wolf fans and viewers should watch a show for – and have thrown jealous fits and temper tantrums over it ever since the first season. And the Scott McCall Defense Squad have furthered their bad faith by refusing to work to silence the aggressive, entitled, ableist people in their corner. They have furthered it by spamming the Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Sterek and Steter tags on both tumblr and AO3 with hate, ableism, abuse apologism, victim blaming, canon erasure and character bashing. They have furthered it by faking victimhood when their victims, justifiably, refuse to take their shit. They have furthered it by allowing this very specific group of harassers (re: the Scott McCall Defense Squad) to spread hate and remain unabated in their midst. *sorry for the long ass rant, but I just needed to get this off my chest. I’m sick and tired of seeing people getting harassed just because they don’t like Scott and don’t cater to Posey’s jealous fits and temper tantrums. It needs to fucking STOP
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bhadpodcast · 5 years
You know how Scott/Posey Stans accuse anyone who dislikes their whiny, bland, boring fav Scott McCall of “only seeing things in terms of shipping” and of being “only interested as Self-Insert Stans with a Stiles Name Tag getting it on with Tyler Hoechlin’s hot body”? [https://princeescaluswords.tumblr.com/post/189665856650/i-really-really-loved-young-dereks-interactions#notes]
Now, take a look at the comment bitter troll and rl harasser extraordinaire @princeescaluswords left under one of his delusional squad buddies’s post https://poseyslegtattoo.tumblr.com/post/613836252814442496/tyler-posey-calling-for-a-teen-wolf-revival-under#notes
Lmfao! Turns out Pew’s the creepy, pathetic one who wants HIS Self-Insert Stan with a Scott (or Posey) Name Tag to ‘get it on’ with Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Hoechlin’s hot body 🤣🤣😂😂😂
Yup. ‘Nothing concerning about that’ indeed, antis
I’ve been on a small anti-sabbatical so I was going to ignore this, but it really is a glowing example of their rampant hypocrisy. 
On one hand we have PEW and Gecko saying “Funny that less people ship Stiles with young Derek than with a character who has been there since the first episode and over several years to that point. Must be because he’s a grownup and they’re all pedo!” just to turn it around and be like “WHEN IS SCOTT GOING TO GET BANGED BY AN ADULT?! LET’S TALK ABOUT THE ALL WAYS HE CAN TOP!”
And again, I don’t have a PROBLEM with that! They can head canon Scott and Papa McCall all they want. Just stop acting like it’s any different because you say Scott is Latino and you’re using that as a pass to be disgusting to people. 
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camelotpark · 5 years
Looking at this post and the first thing to notice is although it's directed at me the person they are talking about is not me.
For starters:
My not liking Scott McCall and refusing to be bullied into writing fics about him is not racism, and they can fuck right off with the idea that
My criticism of this poster's racism has never been about what fic they write.
Talks of their racial bias have always been squarely about their use of racist tropes in regards to a poc character. This is easily proven if anyone checks the tag.  
"Honestly, you couldn’t hang a hair on the logic that flimsy. Because I don’t write fics about Scott much, sure. I also don’t write fics about Lydia, but that can’t have anything to do with race, can it? I must be a misogynist. Oh wait, I also don’t write fics about Liam, and he’s a white boy. Wow, that throws a spanner in the works of the theory, doesn’t it? It’s almost as if I like characters for who they are, and not their gender or their race. I also don’t write a lot of fics about Theo, and I actually like him. I just don’t feel interested in writing fics about him."
They can pretend my claims of racial bias isn't real if they can divert it to "I don't have to like, or write, what you want me to"
I've never asked, nor do I trust, them to write Scott McCall in any genuine way so I have no interest in seeing them doing that.
When I talk of this poster's racism it's about the need to paint Scott McCall as less than in everything from intelligence to heroism to sacrifice. The need to whitewash his pain as not nearly as damaging or important as the white men they favor.
To excuse the violence and pain those white men do to Scott McCall as "growing pains" or joke that it's "bad communication"
They victim blame his trauma as always being his fault in some way, shape, or form when it’s done by the white men they like the most.
They can understand why after Stiles killed someone he didn't tell anybody.
That even when he knew his friends and family might be hurt because of his silence he still said nothing. He was being blackmailed. What choice did he have?
However, they have judged Scott for years for not immediately pushing his near-murder aside at the hands of his girlfriend's mother to tell said girlfriend what happened and stop her from seeking vengeance on the person she believed killed her.
I'll take this moment to reiterate that he tried to talk to her while also having no idea she was even after Derek (because she wouldn’t talk to him)
That doesn't matter though. To them, Scott was still in the wrong, but Stiles was not.
This poster has said this:
And no, Derek did not “prey” on vulnerable teenagers. We know from Scott’s talk with Boyd that Derek told them about the bite, and how it could be dangerous, and how it could open up a dangerous world for them. And they all agreed to the bite still.
This is a lie. Straight out, but it shows their absolute devotion to defending white men even when there is no defense.
When a grown man (Derek) entices vulnerable teenagers (Boyd, Erica, Isaac) with the promise of improving their lives in a significant way (such as no longer suffering from a debilitating condition) that is preying on them. It’s choosing teens who are more susceptible to saying yes.
They will defend a predator if he’s a white man but will condemn a moc for saying something cruel to that predator (because it hurt his feelings)
This double standard? This overwhelming desire to paint Scott as bad, evil, stupid, and unworthy is fandom racism. It's the same racism that poisons a lot of fandoms. They think just because they do it that it doesn't count.
See, nobody has ever said that racism doesn’t exist in fandom
So does it exist or not? Or is it not racism when it's dealing exclusively with Scott McCall or Tyler Posey, because I hate to tell you, but you look at other prominent poc in other fandoms and they get the exact same treatment.
Get undermined the exact same way by the same people who tell us "I don't have to like who you want me to like".
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the-cookie-of-doom · 5 years
Lmfao look @ this embarrassing display of pathological jealousy & butthurt right here https://liliaeth.tumblr.com/post/185660274761/i-will-never-get-over-how-the-teen-wolf-fandom
DELUSIONAL #1: I will never get over how the Teen Wolf fandom treated Scott McCall. He is the literal protagonist of the show (he’s the teen wolf!!) but the fandom looked at him and went : “you know what would be even better? His boring white best friend. We’re gonna make him the main character”.
If you knew nothing about Teen Wolf except for what you would find on Tumblr, you would assume that Stiles is the protagonist. He gets the metas, the thousands of fics dedicated to him and his family and his angst. He gets the most popular ship, he gets all the people defending him and actions.
Meanwhile, Scott gets treated like dirt. He’s villainized, he’s dumbed down, he gets ignored.
Scott McCall deserves better 2kforever, and if any Stiles fans try to argue you’re getting blocked.
DELUSIONAL #2: I never knew how much I hated the color taupe (lbr, I didn’t even KNOW what the color taupe was) until every fucking where you turned in fandom was an ode to Stiles’ whiskey-taupe colored eyes.
DELUSIONAL #3: Let’s be completely fair here, Jeff Davis said multiple times both in interviews and in Dir. Commentary that he liked Stiles the most, identified with him the most, and poured the most into that character. The Fandom got bored with Scott because well, Jeff kind of wanted us to. /he/ was bored with Scott.
It’s only on my most recent re-watch that I’m falling in love with Scott. His heart I used to chalk up to “boring Lawful Good”, his loyalty as well. And to be fair, Tumblr was going through kind of a “Sherlock” phase where being super smart and talking fast and making doe eyes at another boy made you automatically the most likeable no matter how uninteresting you are.
None of this excuses treating Scott poorly. He’s the definition of “best boy”, he’s the soft gooey center that pulls this overly dramatic teen drama together! But it might at least explain it.
DELUSIONAL #2: Yeah, except that doesn’t track for a number of reasons. Firstly, the show itself WAS focused around Scott the first two and a half seasons. Sure, Stiles still had his ‘scene stealing moments’ or whatever, but the plot, the character arcs, the themes - they were very clearly focused around Scott and his story up through the end of 3A.
That never stopped fandom from being shitty as hell to Scott from like, the very first episodes. So Davis’ investment or lack thereof in Scott is not connected to how much or how little shit fandom shoveled Scott’s way.
Secondly, fandom is extremely vocal about hating Davis and his choices like….across the board. Even when he poured EVERYTHING into Stiles’ character and story to the exclusion and detriment of the main character, it still wasn’t enough for fandom as it wasn’t HOW they wanted everything focused on Stiles, he wasn’t with the right love interest, he wasn’t kicking ass in the right way, he wasn’t a spark, etc, etc. Fandom never ever took their lead from Davis and his story and character directions, and they were never shy about saying so.
I have a lot of criticisms for and of Davis, like a looooooooot, but there’s no spreading the blame around here.
Fandom’s treatment of Scott is on fandom and no one else. They never wanted the quiet kind-hearted Latino boy as the lead, they wanted him supporting their two white faves instead of ‘stealing focus’, and no amount of focus and nothing Scott actually did or didn’t do was ever going to change that!
Wow. Looks like Tyler Posey is not the only one who’s unhealthily obsessed with Dylan O’Brien (and with Stiles Stilinski, too, since TP feels the need to bring Stiles up in every single fucking interview and keeps whining about how Sciles should have been the most popular ship of Teen Wolf, or about how he wants to see more Scott/Stiles stuff like a whiny, entitled manchild) https://poseysprostate.tumblr.com/post/183385569523/i-think-the-stiles-and-scott-shippers-or-anyone
Also, nah. Scott McCall is a bland, boring, uninteresting, shitty excuse of a badly written and portrayed fictional character with no development whatsoever, therefore no one owes him nor Tyler ”shipping non canon ships is incredibly offensive and disrespectful towards the writers, producers, and everyone involved in *MY* show unless said non canon ships involve *MY* character Scott McCall” Posey anything.
No one’s fault even Peter Hale’s Shelby Cobras are canonically more complex, relevant and interesting than true petty dictator wannabe with delusions of grandeur Scoot McBelowAverageIdiot could ever hope to be, delusionals! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Cookie: Shit like this makes me very glad I was not involved with the fandom in its heyday. I remember when I joined tumblr in like 2013? 2014?? Everyone kept going off and ranting about how the fandom was so racist and horrible and abusive to main character and blah blah blah, so I wisely chose to just stay away from Teen Wolf. (Literally didn’t even watch it until the show ended two years ago and I started seeing promos for Maze Runner: TDC and realized I never saw Scorch Trials and was like ‘oh hey! I recognize that dude!) I was very pleasantly surprised to find that the fandom as a whole is actually pretty great. 
As for all of that mess up there, whoo, I hope they stretched before all that reaching! Literally the only people that concerned with race in this fandom are the delusionals. Sorry babes, but an ethnically ambiguous (and proud of it!) actor playing a character who alludes to being Latino one time like 3 seaons into the show does not representation make! What’s more, no one is required to like a character purely based on your head canon of their race, and disliking that character based on many factors (that don’t even touch what Scott McCall’s race may or may not be) does not make any of us racist. Funny enough, Most of us actually adored Boyd, and Danny, and Kira, and Mason, and everyone else on this show who’s race wasn’t ambiguous. Why? Because those characters were actually fun and interesting. Scott McCall? Not so much. 
And I have no idea what part of fandom they are in that Scott is the most poor abuse puppy ever and everyone hates him like, what? I love fanon Scott, and I mean that unironically. In fandom I often see him written exactly as the kind of character they wish he was; kind, empathetic, a good friend, and a good boyfriend. When they rant and rave about how Scott is portrayed as dumbed down or villainized, I can’t help but wonder... are they talking about, *gasp* canon Scott? Because I’m sorry, but canon does not support their idealized view of him. Which is okay! That’s what fandom is for! 
A few weeks ago i got a really shitty comment on a fic I wrote like a year ago, and this person complained (for an exhaustive amount of paragraphs) that I didn’t write the characters to their specific tastes, and that I had to be sympathetic with their predicament because you see, they cannot write. Therefore I must do it for them, or pay the consequences. 
That is the same time I am getting from this, about Stiles getting all the meta and such. Like, do they understand why Stiles gets the meta? Because people write it! No one is stopping the delusionals from writing meta about Scott, in fact I would encourage it. Be the change you want to see in the world. (Although fair warning, I have read their metas and they seem to somehow always end up revolving around Stiles in some way. Who is it that’s obsessed with him, again?) Instead of spending all their time complaining, they could be writing all they physically could about Scott, creating content that portrays him in the way they want to see him portrayed. But they don’t. Because then what would they complain about? 
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centineoah-blog · 6 years
I Hate Everything About You - Part 1 (Noah Centineo)
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She’s the daughter of Robert Downey Jr., struggling to find her own name in the industry, while he’s the internet’s collective crush, learning how to deal with his new-found fame. What happens when they get cast together in a TV adaptation of her favourite book series?
Word Count: 2.6 K
Pairings: Noah Centineo X Reader
Warnings: None as far as I’m aware, bit of love/hate if you're not into that, bit of drinking, spray tans, paparazzi
There is just something incredibly satisfying about kicking back, putting your feet up and lying in the sun, doing nothing at all. The sound of the waves crashing, little kids squealing all around and the sultry rays of the sun beating down on you, warming you up from within – it’s summer at its absolute best. Which is why, I’m sprawled out on a deck chair on Santa Monica Beach, California, sipping a Piña Colada – I’m only seventeen but here with my very lenient mother – With a pair of shades shielding my eyes and the rest of my bikini-clad body exposed, so as to work up a tan. Hard work, I know, since I’ve been at it for nearly four hours now and there isn’t even a toasty hint on my skin to show for it. My complexion is pasty and uneven, which I have no idea how because I’ve been in California all my life. The least I should have is beautiful, evenly bronzed skin.
Ugh, I think in frustration, I should’ve just gotten one of those terrible, orange, spray tans to match the president. At least they’re easy to get.
Correction to my earlier statement, then – There is just something incredibly satisfying about kicking back, putting your feet up and lying in the sun, doing nothing at all, when you’re capable of tanning! My back is stiff and I’m sweating like a pig, as there is hardly any wind today. The humidity has resulted in my hair going beyond frizzy and I’m completely unrecognizable, so at least there is no chance of any paparazzi getting candid shots of me and making them viral with headlines like- ‘Y/N Downey shows off sexy bikini bod!’ Or something equally ridiculous.
Now, I said ‘unrecognizable’ and ‘paparazzi’ so you must be wondering what the hell that’s about. No, no, I’m not some narcissistic bitch with an absurdly high opinion of herself. Although, you aren’t that far off. Let me explain.
My name is Y/N Downey. I’m an up-and-coming actress although people hardly refer to me as that. Generally, people know me as the only daughter of Robert Downey Jr., one of America’s most successful and famous movie actors, and I’m not just saying this cause he’s my father. You might also know him as Iron Man but to me, he’s just dad.
Obviously, since my father is ‘the great Robert Downey Jr.’ everyone just naturally expects me to be a stuck-up, spoilt brat who gets everything handed to her on a silver platter. They think it’s all a piece of cake for me, that I don’t have to work for making a name for myself since my father has so conveniently made it for me.
To this day, my father has never pulled any strings or called in favours to get me a part. In fact, that was his one and only condition when I expressed that I wanted to take up acting as a profession. He made me promise that I’d never use his name to get my way and work hard on my own to achieve something. Luckily, and not to be too full of myself or anything, but I’m a good actor. I suppose it has something to do with being in my dad’s company, since it can’t be genes. That’s because I’m adopted, and the Downeys are the only family I have ever known.
Anyway, every single role that I have done until now, I’ve got it through legit auditions in stinky and badly lit rooms. Mr. Downey has never influenced any aspect of my career. So, you see, I’m just another teenaged girl with a big dream. Okay, that might be an exaggeration. But except for the fact that my dad is a big movie star and I live in an unreasonably large house, and have more cars than I could possibly want to drive and I’ve never been to a public school – whaddup, homeschooling! – Really, I’m just the same as your typical teenaged girl.
So that’s my story. Now let’s get back to the present day. It was all my mother’s stupid idea.
“We never spend any quality time together.” She’d cooed the night before. “How about we head to the beach tomorrow? You could sunbathe.” She’d added temptingly and like the idiot that I am, I was sold by the allure of a tan. 
Hence, my discomfort now. Hell, last night I’d even thought I’d go for a nice little swim down here.
My brain wanders off on its own trail – Is this day ever going to end?! And what the heck is up with the sun? Move a bit dude, go shine your bright face in someplace they need it.
I groan in irritation.
My mother snaps her head to me. She pushes up her sunglasses to her head and glares at me. 
“If you’re so annoyed, you shouldn’t have come.” She growls.
“You made me.” I mutter quietly.
“I didn’t make you do anything.”
“Of course you did. You held up tanning like a bait and you knew I’ve always wanted to –” I’m cut off by the sound of my phone ringing. I fish it out of my bag.
“Ava!” I’m met with a shrill but pleasant greeting from my agent, Joanna.
“Hey Jo!”
“So guess the best thing that could’ve possibly happened?”
That’s how Joanna Preston always talked. Whatever you wanted to find out, you guessed. I think she’s incapable of forming non-interrogative sentences. It gets annoying a lot of the times.
“Um, everything in the world is made of chocolate?” I ask, unsure.
Joanna laughs. “No. Hint – it has something to do with Colors.”
My heart stops. There’s only one reason Joanna’s calling me about Colors.
“Someone’s making a movie about it?” I breathe in disbelief.“Better.”
What’s better than a movie?
“Someone’s making two movies about it?” I question dubiously.
“Someone’s making a TV Series about it.” She states firmly. Oh, non-interrogative! Perhaps there is hope for her yet.
A little gasp escapes my lips.
The Colors trilogy is my favourite book series in the world!
“And guess who the best agent in the whole wide world is?” She’s back, ugh, never mind.
“You, obviously.” I say rolling my eyes.
“That’s right!” She exclaims. “And guess who landed the lead?”
My jaw pops open.
“Me? They just gave it to me? No auditions or screen tests?” I ask, disbelieving.
“Yeah!” She squeals.
I furrow my brows, not quite understanding where this was all going. Joanna must’ve been able to sense my apprehension because she promptly launches into an explanation.
“Apparently they loved you on Teen Wolf and they wanted a new and fresh face, so they decided you’d be perfect. I’ve managed to find out that they’ve practically finalised you but of course, they’d still like you to show up and read some lines but that’s purely formal. The part is yours!”
I did a two-episode cameo in the third season of Teen Wolf and it was received very well. More importantly, it resulted in me becoming friends with Tyler Posey. He is pure perfection.
A dumbass grin spreads over my entire face.
“Do you know who’s playing Mason yet?”
Mason is my almost-character, Ali’s love interest in the books.
“Yeah, but he’s in the same condition as you. In fact, I suppose they’ll be asking both of you to go down there together.”
“Who is it, though?” I can’t contain my excitement.
“Noah Centineo.”
I almost fall out of my deck chair.
It’s been nearly two weeks since I found out I’m almost playing Alison in the TV Series adaptation of Colors and today, I’m going to be finalized. Or I’m hoping to be, since I’ve been called down today for my ‘audition’ and I’m absolutely thrilled and raring to just go down there and bag it. A couple of days ago, the producers contacted my agent, Joanna, and gave them the final dates for the trial. Also, just as Joanna had predicted, Noah Centineo, is being called in to audition for Mason and we’re auditioning together. I must say, that, I’m not thrilled about. 
I’m not exactly sure why I get hostile at just the thought of this guy and somewhere in my head, a rational voice answers that it’s because of how much I love this character. Mason Scott is my favourite fictional character and if some douchebag with cool hair messes it up, then as a loyal fan, I have every right to have a vendetta against him. It could be that he’s the biggest actor at the moment, answers the rational voice again but I ignore it. Of course it had to be him. I am sick of seeing him everywhere, and how everyone is obsessed with him. Honestly, how is it that someone who literally just blew up overnight, lands a role as big as Mason Freaking Scott?! He must have pulled in some serious favours. 
It suddenly dawns on me, then, that he would probably be thinking the same thing about Robert Downey Jr.’s daughter getting the lead – that it wasn’t my skill that got me this part. I quickly brush it off.
“Blue or beige?” I hold up two identical blouses, trying to decide which one to wear to the audition.
“Definitely the beige. Wear the brown skirt with it.” My mother comments from her spot on my bed.
My mother and I had a tiff about this role earlier, since it’s gonna have a fair bit of nudity in, but I’m happy to tell you that I was able to finally get through to her about how big this role is for my career.  Everybody’s excited to see a reboot.
My dad helped as well, explaining the whole situation to my earlier apprehensive mother and now she’s supporting me whole-heartedly. Or she’s pretending to, but either way, I’m glad she’s accepted that I’m going to do this and that she’s really cool about it. 
I, on the other hand, am a sack full of nerves right now. I might appear to be confident and, quoting my own self ‘raring to go’, but on the inside I’m. Freaking. Out. It’s like a dream role and I do not want to mess this up in any way. I don’t want the makers to have second thoughts about casting me; I don’t want to give them any reason to so much as even think about someone else. And obviously, that leaves zero room for error on my part. None. Nada.
So, clearly, there’s no pressure!
My head is pounding as I walk into the studio, script in hand. The audition is the part when Mason first takes Ali to his apartment and tells her about his lifestyle and what he does for a living, letting her know what she’s in for if she agrees to be with him. I know all my lines by heart and my dear friend, Tyler, and I have been through them almost a hundred times but it’s still a rather difficult scene if you consider the acting side of it because it really shows Ali’s innocence and her willingness to step into the dark with Mason.
Speaking of, where the hell is this overrated hero?! I’d really like it if I could just run through these lines with him at least once before the main audition.
I’m walking around the studio with an expression that says I own the place because people keep stepping out of my way, when, really, all I’m doing is being annoyed as I try to find my arrogant co-auditioner.
Yeah, yeah, I know it’s a bit premature calling him arrogant. Seriously though? Who on earth would just waltz in there and read their lines with an unknown person, for the first time, to audition for the role of a lifetime? An arrogant person, that’s who, because even I am willing to swallow my pride and look for this brat for a little practice.
I somehow end up walking to the kitchen, well not somehow because I could murder a coffee right now, and surprise, surprise, Mr. Centineo is sitting right there with his posse. I stop dead in my tracks as soon as our eyes meet and he stares at me for several seconds, not blinking. And then, slowly, he raises a brow as he gives me a relaxed, deliberate once-over.
And it pisses me off.
Like, I know I’m looking nice right now but seriously dude, I’m about to be your goddamned co-star! Show a little respect, for god’s sake!
To be honest though, I don’t even know why I’m so offended. Maybe it’s his gorgeous hair. I notice that there are three other guys sat next to him and I assume those are his ‘buddies’; they look the type – all dude bro-ish in their stupid hoodies and ripped, skinny jeans. Not that I have anything personal against hoodies or ripped, skinny jeans. Or dude-bros, for that matter. But I wasn’t told I could bring my friends.
Finally regaining my ability to walk, I make a bored face as if I audition for huge shows every day, and then head straight to the counter off the side of the room, ignoring him completely. Behind me, I hear snickers and hushed voices as I’m pouring my coffee in a paper cup. I roll my eyes.
Grow up, boys.
I dump two packets of sugar and stir it vigorously. Putting on the lid, I turn around and my coffee is knocked out of my hand.
“ARGH!! The fudge!” I growl.
I’m surprised at my ability to control myself. I had a whole variety of choice expletives I could’ve used in this situation. I look up and standing in front of me is the newest bane of my existence. And he’s smirking.
I reward him with the stoniest face I can manage.
“Hey, I’m Noah.” He says and okay, I’ll admit it, his voice is So. Hot. 
No! I’m furious right now, I can’t think about that. What the hell is he playing at? I need an apology.
“You spilled my coffee.” I mutter in quiet fury as I point out his first misdemeanour.
“Whoa woah, not the friendly type, are you?”
“I suppose I wouldn’t be either if my dad was Iron Man.” He adds with a snigger. My jaw pops open.
How dare he?!
Strike Two. I’m overwhelmed by how much I want to break his pretty little jaw.
“What the hell?! You have no right to say that.” I yell.
Further to my irritation, he grins – teeth and all. Perfectly straight, white teeth and all. But, anyway.
“What?” I snap.
“You’re fiery.” He remarks in amusement and the next thing I know is a sharp, stinging feeling in the palm of my hand and Centineo’s shocked expression.
Okay, so I might’ve slapped him.
Before I can react or try to apologise – not that I was going to, he clearly had three strikes, but it’s the thought that counts – I get a call from Joanna.
“Y/N, they’re calling you in now. Stage 36.” 
“I’m coming.”
“If you see Noah on the way, let him know they want him too.”
“I haven’t seen him.” I bark as I hang up.
I walk around Noah Centineo in a huff and he stares after me, dumbstruck, as I walk out the door, still holding the cheek that holds proof of my assault.
Now how’s that for ‘fiery’?
Part 2
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thehollowprince · 4 years
Exact same thing happens with Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale and Derek Hale (to a slightly lesser extent). Stans swear they love them but proceed to ignore their flaws and ignore 90% of canon. They even give Stiles Scott's personality in most fic, give Peter Deaton's role while saying Deaton is an evil bastard, froze Derek in his season 1-2 development and made him even *more* of a brooding caricature. Like, sis, at that point, just make OCs lol
Yeah. I never understood that whole phenomenon.
You go into a fandom and see characters like Stiles, or Tony Stark, or Kylo Ren, or Snape and Draco or Peter and Derek or virtually any conventionally attractive white man in a show/movie/book/comic/etc. and they're all presented as these uwu soft boys with horrible backstories, often times drastically exaggerated or even outright fabricated, that are usesld as an excuse for every bad thing, or even mildly inconvenient, they do so that we as the audience know that its "not their fault".
But then you go an actually engage with the canon source material and they're nothing like how the fandom portrays them.
I am so lucky that I had actually watched Teen Wolf before I ventured into the fandom, because if it had been the other way around, I'd have been confused as to why Scott seemsd to be the center of the show and not Stiles, or why the grumpy looking muscle man was constantly putting the moves on a teenager.
Hell, even having watched the show first I was thrown off because you go into fandom and the characters are nothing like their canon counterparts. The worst was the fandom literally stripping everything about Scott that made him Scott and just draping it over Stiles in a totally unsubtle attempt to let everyone know who they thought should be the real protagonist of the show.
The "Stiles in Scott's clothes" trope that permeated the fandom was particularly obnoxious to me because these are the same fans (usually Sterek shippers) who go out of their way to let you know they the reason they didn't like Scott was because he was "so boring". They don't like how he always has to be the good guy in every situation and he should be darker and blah blah blah. But then these very same people turn around and give all of the attributes they just claimed to hate about Scott and bedazzle Stiles with him before singing his praises. The Stiles of canon is this loud, brash, sarcastic smartass who has an inability to shut his mouth even in the the direst of situations, but the Stiles of fanon is this uwu soft boy who speaks five languages and cooks for his poor dad while struggling with his own eating disorder while being unable to sleep because of his ADHD and always having to do all the research for everyone and juggling all of his advanced classes and struggling with his attraction to an older guy while dealing with "Scott's homophobia" and.... it just goes on and on and on.
They go out of their way to create this fantastical character that doesn't at all resemble the canon Stiles in any capacity except for physical appearance, and even then that's suspect, because while Dylan O'Brien is six foot tall and decently built, the fanon version of Stiles is this perpetually smol child who wears skinny jeans and is dwarfed by Derek.
This just goes to further show that most of them view Stiles as some sort of self-insert character, which is made even weirder by the fact that so many of them are women (not all of them, but most of them). They twist canon so much to create these little scenarios for whatever fantasy they've concocted in their head that at some point the question has to be asked of not only whether or not they've actually watched the show, but if they don't enjoy anything about it that actually happens, then why are they so invested in it. It costs literally nothing to just create one's own original characters where they can say "hey, I picture this character as being played by Dylan O'Brien".
And this way, they can create their elaborate fantasies without going out of their way to twist canon and try to paint Stiles as a saint and Scott as a devil. The racist implications aside, this way they could stop erasing the character of Scott from his own narrative and maybe stop trying to smear Posey at every opportunity, or sending death threats, and all the other horrible stuff they've flung his way as if under the impression that if Tyler's doing well, then somehow that means Dylan isn't.
And that's just Teen Wolf!
How many shows or movies or comics have devolved into this giant fandom mess because of contradicting opinions regarding characters in canon and then the fanon versions that large parts of the fandom prefer? How many fandoms have devolved into a civil war because of a deliberate misappropriation of a character or characters?
I've watched as Tyler Lockwood was painted as a vicious animal in the TVD fandom so that they could prop up Klaus and make Klaroline more plausible. I've watched as Tony stans have bent over backwards to absolve Tony of every bad thing he's ever done, either intentionally or through negligence, while simultaneously condemning Steve as some kind of imperialist warlord because he wears a costume with the American flag on it. I've watched as Star Wars "fans" have stripped Finn of his entire identity - his backstory as a brainwashed child in the First Order, his exceptional Force-sensitivity, his relationships with Rey and Han - and give it all to Kylo Ren to create this Ben Solo persona.
This happens in every fandom in some form or another.
And I know someone must be reading this asking themselves what all this has to do with the original ask, and while I might have gotten a little sidetracked, the point is right there. So much of fandom discourse happens because there are those vocal members of said fandom that go out of their way to antagonize those who actually like the canon material, trying to push their fanon as what really happens, and it always devolves into this back and forth that generally ruins the enjoyment that most people get out of it.
It's a question that after all my years in fandom I still can't answer: if anyone dislikes a particular show or book or movie or whatever, to the point that they completely disregard canon, then what about it keeps them there? That's bordering on hate-watching and that sounds so sad.
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lapomerets · 5 years
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𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝒶𝓅𝓅 ( tyler posey. male, he/him, i see fire + ed sheeran. ) i heard ADAN CHAVARRIA singing the other night, though it didn’t sound like english… it’s so admirable that someone who’s only TWENTY THREE can sing latin so fluently! heard they hang out with those NOCTIS, that must be because they’re a STUDENT at NYU. i always see them going home to BROOKLYN by FOOT under the moonlit night. 
Adan and his twin brother Adrian were born to his mother and a man who stayed in their lives for one year. (surprise their dad was also simone’s dead beat dad but they don’t know that.)
They were raised with magic in their lives for as long as the both of them could remember. He was happy with them, he was proud to be a witch. He loved magic. 
But Adan always knew he was a little different, his uncles, auants, mother and brother all thought things interesting that he found boring and he was never happy doing the same things his brother did. 
Dark magic wasn’t for him, he didn’t enjoy any of the books he read made his skin crawl. His brother very early on took to performing magic but Adan never was able to do more then levitation, or wouldn’t, do it. 
When he finally was able to do things on his own he ended up finding his own books in shops. Defense magic was more interesting to him, he didn’t have to hurt anyone for it. He’d only ever protect them. He kept those books hidden from his mother and even his twin.
When the circles were reformed it was assumed that both twins would join the noctis circle but only Adrian did. Adan went to the lux circle and joined them. Because of that one choice his mother and the rest of his family refused to speak with him. The only one who didn’t was his twin brother. No matter what happened they were brothers, twins so they could stick together. 
While in the circle Adan started dating Judith, he adored her, thought he was in love with her. But she was a creature of darkness and he was in the circle of light. They wouldn’t work. His circle was starting to shun him for it and like weak people he crumbled. He broke up with her. 
Everything changed for Adan three months ago. Adrian was killed by a hunter, his best friend, his brother, his twin was gone because of what he was. He fell in on himself, he stopped doing anything. He stopped eating, he stopped trying to use magic he didn’t do anything but sit and ignore anyone and everyone. Then he got angry. 
Anger was better than sadness. Simone offered him something he wasn’t allowed in his own circle. Vengeance, a paid debt for his brothers murder. The noctis circle could help him learn to take that. The Lux circle shunned any idea that he would use dark magic. They spoke only of forgiveness and acceptance. But that wasn’t what he wanted. 
Adan joined the noctis circle two months ago, he’s still getting used to using dark magic, still learning. He’s still got high tensions with some of the lux circle members but he doesn’t care. He wants to hurt the person who took his brother.
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The Princess, pt. 2 (S.M.)
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Summary: Two months later, destiny finds a way to reconnect two young flames.
Warnings: angsty fluff
Word count: 2120
The Princess - Masterlist
It's been almost two months since the last time you've seen Shawn. You were a very busy person and during the day, you'd somehow fool yourself into believing you were okay, but at night, when the world fell asleep and everything got quiet, your mind seemed to be the loudest. Some nights you'd lay awake, thoughts of him overrunning your need to sleep. His almost ware-wolfish golden hues haunted you in real life just as much as they haunted your dreams.Yes, you managed to watch a whole season of Teen Wolf before you were discovered and your TV privileges got revoked. Shawn kind of reminded you of Tyler Posey with his perfect curls that were so soft to touch, lips so sweet and plush. Well, you saw Shawn in everything and everyone and it drove you mad at times.
„In our dreams“, you whispered softly as your eyes closed and the dream fairy cast her spell allowing you to drift away. Your dreams were always the same way; a fairy tale came to life and you'd find yourself starring opposite Shawn. Once you were Jasmin, a princess oppressed into letting go of her dreams until a handsome thief came along and stole her heart. It wasn't that far fetched at all, because no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't forget how your heart raced when you were with him. He made your heart skip a beat every time a simple though of him crossed your mind and dreaming about Beauty and the Beast this stormy night didn't help you one bit. It was ironic, you thought, how all you ever wanted was to run away from your life, but not even your dreams gave way to a different reality you so yearned for. Shawn Mendes was all you wanted to let go of and all you needed to hold on to. He gave you a taste of happiness and like an addict you craved more, constantly thinking about how to get your next hit.
„Philip, a word please.“ You called the older man into your room politely, keeping up your princess image before others that watched every move you made.
„Of course, Princess.“ He walked in and looked at you expectantly as you paces back and forth, your hands folded in one another and set behind your lower back. The man you trusted more than yourself cleared his throat and you stopped, a small smile gracing your lips.
„I need your phone.“ You opened your hand, waiting for him to comply. He squinted his eyes and raised his eyebrows at your request.
„May I ask what for, Princess?“ He questioned and you started tapping your foot as your patience dwindled slowly just like the quiet echo of your heels.
„Do you want to know the truth or the lie I came up with?“ You smirked and he sighed.
„The truth, please?“ He pursed his lips and waited for you to come clean. If it wasn't clear by now, your relationship with Philip wasn't exactly the same as it was with the rest of the staff. To you, he felt more like family than your own family, and from what you could tell, he felt the same way.
„I just want to listen to some music, I swear! I cannot handle another symphony, because if I have to hear Mozart once more I WILL RIP MY HAIR OUT.“ You entangled your hands into your hair dramatically pulling at it to make your point and Philip raised his left eyebrow.
„Aaaand?“ His questioning gaze pierced through you, knowing you had more on your mind.
„It's Shawn's music.“ You gulped nervously, watching the unmoving man before you, hoping he'd let this one pass. You didn't have any freedom with your outings, or your future, so why wouldn't your internet access be controlled too? You had a phone and a laptop, but every call was logged and watched by someone in the palace, everything you searched online would come up and you'd be lectured by the Queen an hour later. So, you found a way to cheat the system...Philip. At times, he'd let you take his phone to give you some sort of a normal life and you appreciated it greatly. He could see you were feeling down ever since the Queen’s birthday and his fatherly instinct took over. Philip just wanted you to be happy and he broke a lot of rules to give that to you whenever he could.
„Give it back by 5 pm.“ He placed his phone in your hand and watched in amusement as you did a happy dance. Without a warning, you jumped into his arms, colliding with him with a thud making Philip grunt, but hug you back nonetheless.
„Thank you, thank you, thank you!“ You repeated over and over. Philip left you to your task and with shaky fingers you typed his name in the YouTube search engine. You were left speechless once all the new songs came first in results, 'Nervous' being the first. You listened to the lyrics with a smile spread across your face, tears running down your face. It felt so good to hear his voice once more, to feel your heart beating faster whenever he smiled in the new video. He seemed happy..which made you feel happy for him, but a selfish part of you hoped to see at least a glimpse of sadness and longing in his eyes. You hoped he was still thinking of you, dreaming about the two of you, just like you did every night. It felt like you were haunted and he seemed to be released from the demons that plagued you daily. To say you missed him sounded crazy for two reasons: One – you barely know him; Two – missing him was an understatement as it felt like he was the oxygen and after a dash of fresh air filled your lungs, you've been suffocating ever since that day. It was ridiculous really, how this one boy became a beacon of light for you in a single day. For a person who didn’t care for emotions much, he caused a flood of those pesky little human feelings to flow through you and it was hard to understand why..Why him?
„It isn't in my blood...I need somebody now! I need somebody now...Help me..it's like the walls are caving in..“ The lyrics resonated with you on a deep level, leaving you a mess. You wished you could discuss his music with him, talk to him about the lyrics, about your feelings. Too often have you felt that way, trapped in a world you couldn’t get out. Without anyone to talk to about what was going on in your head, sometimes it felt like you were losing it. You opened up to Shawn, for what reason, again, you weren’t sure. It must have been those puppy eyes that drew you in and made you think you could trust him.
Closing this app, you found his Twitter and Instagram, scrolling through his pictures, stopping every now and then to admire his perfect lips. You could still remember how they moved against yours, fitting seemingly perfectly. He probably didn't realize it was your first kiss either.You remembered how his hands tangled themselves in your hair, how they found their way to your hips, pulling you closer ever so slightly, like any distance between you bothered him.
Seeing him plan a secret London pop up show made you jump up with a squeal.  You couldn't help but give in to your innermost desires and made an account 'The Princess', sending a message to his Instagram page in hopes of him seeing it. If anyone found out about it, you’d be in so much trouble, but something inside of you needed to take this risk. So you did.
I see you've come back to a country where the Queen ignores you and the princess snogs you which I can only interpret as a good thing! XO
You knew it was a long shot, millions of people probably sent him messages daily, but you hoped he'd be drawn by your account name to at least read the message.
„Princess, I'm going to need my phone back.“ Philip whisper-shouted from the other side of the door and you sighed sadly, disappointed you never got to interact with him. You deleted every trace of Shawn and 'The Princess' from Philip’s phone and gave it back. Batting your eyelashes at him you pleaded for more time after everyone went to sleep and reluctantly he agreed.
You waited patiently, and by patiently you mean you were a nightmare to everyone who came in contact with you. Being so close to Shawn, knowing he was in the same city had you on edge and all you wanted was to run from your home and search for him. He was like an annoying infection spreading through your body with every heartbeat and every breath you take.
The night couldn't come faster and you kissed Philip's cheek before grabbing the phone from his hands. Plopping down on your bed, laying on your stomach, you quickly download the Instagram app and log in. You gasp audibly, making an 'O' shaped face as you saw a new message came. You took a few deep breaths, reminding yourself not to hope for something that might not be there to ease your potential heartbreak. Swiping to see the message, seeing his name in bold on the screen made your heart stop beating for 5 seconds completely. He read it...he answered.
I couldn't quite forget the best kiss of my life..Does than make me sound desperate? :)
You muffled your excited screams with a pillow, legs flying in all directions as sparks of excitement filled you up and shook you to the core.
I wouldn't say desperate...maybe cute? I'm honored to be crowned your best kiss.
You sent in another message, feeling the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You knew how bad this could be if anyone found out, because no social media accounts was a major rule for the royal family and once again, you found yourself breaking a rule that your grandmother would have your head for....they may not do the actual beheading anymore, but she was a scary woman and her punishments were worse than death.
I'm honored you even remember me. A confession: I never stopped thinking about that day.
Shawn's response had you in shock as you read the message 20 times over, word by word.
You're not the only one.
You confessed and the thought of letting him in your private thoughts almost made you sick to your stomach. You rarely let people in or speak your mind anymore, scared of being judged and scorned for your modern way of thinking.
I want to see you again..outside of photos and my dreams.
Shawn wrote and your eyes welled up, your bottom lip quivering. Those words felt like a hand grabbed your heart and clenched it tightly, your brain screaming at you for putting yourself in this position. You wanted to see him..more than anything. However, you couldn't go anywhere without the royal guard and a horde of other people...your meet up wouldn't be private. Not for you, not for the public eye and grandmother would probably freak out over the whole thing. How would you tell her you had fallen for a famous Canadian when she still had issues with Meghan and Harry?
Unless you're secretly Tom Cruise, that might be mission impossible.
You waited for his answer as your chest started to ache and shake, soft sobs coming out of your plush lips. Would you be able to somehow make it work? Maybe somehow, things would go your way. If it was meant to be, destiny would work in your favor, right?
If that's what it takes, Tom Cruise I will be.
His response made you cry openly and you had to put a hand over your mouth to muffle the sobs that racked your entire body. He has no idea how the court works. Both of your brothers scraped by with girls that weren't blue bloods because they were men..They were also more likely to be kings one day so everyone had a different approach when it came to them. You on the other hand were forbidden to seek relationships on your own, probably because they planned an arranged marriage or something like that. When you told him your future was planned for you, it wasn't a figure of speech. That rebellious streak came back to life once more and before thinking it through, you sent Shawn another message.
Where are you doing your performance in London?
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dancingwithdylan21 · 7 years
Come Clean
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Summary: The reader catches Dylan snooping through her phone.
Pairing: Dylan x Reader  
Word Count: 5,082
A/N: Posey and Holland are dating in this fic.
“What in the actual hell?!” Dylan exclaims to himself as he snoops through your phone.  
The gorgeous, brown eyed man knows what he’s doing is wrong but he can’t help it. Not when it comes to you. You’re always the exception. Always.
“Dylan O’Brien!”
“Oh shit.” He grumbles before quickly spinning around.
“What’s up, Y/N?”
“Why are you looking through my phone, dude?” You’re watching your best friend carefully and he looks guilty as fuck.  
“I…well…um…” Dylan mumbles intelligently.  
“Give it!” You stalk towards him but the bastard holds it out of reach. You try jumping up to grab it from his hand but it’s useless. You’re too short and he’s too tall. Son of a bitch.
“I don’t go snooping through your phone, ass.” You scowl at him making him snicker.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I heard it make a noise and I was curious because I didn’t recognize it.”
Dylan tries to give you his signature million dollar smile but it doesn’t work on you and he knows it. You’re not a fan who thinks everything he does is adorable and you’re not a kiss ass who lets him do whatever he wants because he’s on TV.
“I swear, dude. Remember the picture I took at New Years? When you’re half naked passed out on Tyler’s kitchen floor? I’ll post that shit on Twitter.”
“Y/NNN.” He whines with an adorable pout.  
Dylan reluctantly hands it back to you looking annoyed. He knows better than to challenge you. The last thing he needs is that picture going viral. And he knows you’re just crazy enough to post it.
“Just for the record…this is my trailer. You left your phone here. So it’s pretty much my property.”  
“I went to get food at the crafts service table. I was gone 10 minutes!” You roll your eyes at the dumb ass then plop down on the couch.
“Why did’t you tell me?” He asks sitting down next to you.
“Tell you what?”
“The noise I heard…it’s from Plenty of Fish.”
“Really, Y/N? A dating site? Are you that hard up to get laid?” Dylan mocks looking aggravated.
“Shut up! It’s not a big deal. Everyone does it. I’ll take all the help I can get.” You counter shoving him playfully.
“Yeah ok.” Dylan scoffs loudly.
“I bet it’s really hard. You’re hot, awesome and you have a cool as shit job. I guess you’re right…online dating is the way to go. Otherwise you’ll die alone.”
“I never said I had trouble meeting guys. I have trouble finding good ones. A guy that isn’t an asshole. Those are fucking tough to find.” You sigh feeling pathetic as those words leave your mouth.
Dylan can see your mind working overtime and he hates it. For some reason, you think there are no quality guys out there and you’re fucking wrong. In fact, there’s one sitting right next to you and you’re oblivious.
“I looked at some of the guys messaging you and I hate to break it to ya…they’re losers. So I doubt you’ll find your prince charming, Y/N.”
“No offense but I don’t think you’re really one to give dating advice, Dyl.” You glare wanting to drop this conversation.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“That means…” You groan knowing this will turn into a fight. “You’re settling. You know it. I know it. Everyone who fucking knows you well…knows it. No one says anything because they feel like it’s not their place but I don’t give a fuck. This isn’t new. You’ve heard all of this from me before.”  
“No! If you want to stay with Britt then more power to ya but don’t think I’m gonna take your advice. At least not when it comes to relationships.” You huff wanting to smack him upside the head.
Dylan sighs dramatically but keeps his mouth shut because you’re right. You’re always fucking right and he hates it. The truth is that he’s been in love with you since you first met. Six years ago. But you were dating some douchebag at the time and he was with Britt, so he did whatever he could to keep you in his life. You became best friends and Dylan’s been secretively pining over you ever since.
“You know a lot of guys.” You realize turning towards your friend.
“And?” He quirks an eyebrow.  
“Hook me up! You must know at least one or two decent guys.” Feeling giddy about your sudden idea, you jump off the couch.
Dylan immediately feels nauseous but tries to cover it up with a goofy smile. He needs to figure a way out of this but his mind is fucking blank right now.
“Nope. Sorry. There’s no one I can think of.” He mutters looking extremely uncomfortable.
“No one? At all?” You challenge moving towards him.
“No one good enough! Now drop it.” Dylan practically growls catching you off guard.
“Pussy.” You mumble speed walking to the door, you need to get the fuck out of here.
“I said you’re a pussy.” You answer calmly.
“Um, why?”
“Let’s see…you’re in love with me but refuse to come clean and I’m in love with you but you’re too much of an idiot to notice.” You snap before exiting Dylan’s trailer.
“Well, fuck.” He mutters, frozen at the information just thrown at him.
Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit.
“This can not be happening.” You groan bolting towards Tyler’s trailer.
“Tyler! Tyler!” You’re pounding on his trailer door like a mad woman, getting concerned looks from a PA walking by.
“What?” He moans clearly just woken up by your tantrum.
“He knows.” You whisper on the verge of tears.
“Who? What are you talking about?” He asks adorably confused.
“Move! I don’t want him to see me.” You push past your best friend, tripping in the process as you make way to the couch. That does it. Tears are now flowing, clueing Tyler in to what’s happening.
“Just relax, Y/N.” He soothes rubbing your back but instead of calming you, it’s making you more anxious.
“Stop!” You jump away, moving to the other end of the couch.
Tyler drags his hand down his face, he’s seen you like this before. He knows you need to just get through it on your own. All of a sudden you start panicking, you throw your head down between your legs and try to fucking breathe.
“Ok! Enough! You need to fucking chill, Y/N. Here.” He says holding out a bottle of water.
“Drink it.” He commands sternly, making you whine in protest.
“Fine.” You mutter before taking a small sip just to shut him up.
“Clearly something happened with Dyl so just tell me and we will work through it.”
“OK.” Tyler watches you, waiting for an explanation but you’re just staring at the coffee table in front of you in a dazed state.
“Y/N…” He sighs now feeling anxious himself.
“I told you, Posey. He fucking knows. I ruined everything.” You choke out trying to stop the tears cascading like a fucking waterfall.
“He knows? Like…that you’re in love with him?” Tyler mentions carefully, afraid of your reaction.
“Yes! And he knows that I know! That he’s in love with me!” You exclaim now pacing around the trailer.
“Well I…”
“He has a fucking girlfriend!” You shout now getting overly worked up.
“I know but…”
“Damn you, Tyler! This is all your fault.” You accuse glaring at the giant in front of you.
“Me?! I was napping like five minutes ago. I’m not involved.”
“Not involved? You’re kidding, right?” You can’t decide if you wanna punch him or kick him.
“A year ago, your drunk ass told me about Dylan’s feelings for me. And you called me out for feeling the same way.” You snap with a tightness in your chest.
“I quit.” You barely mumble sliding down onto the floor with a thud.
“Knock it off, Y/N. We need you here. You’re not quitting.” Tyler replies sitting next to you on the ground.
“Fuck yeah, I am. I’m just a producer, dude. You don’t need me. Maybe I can move to Vancouver and join Arrow? I’ll have to send out my resume when I’m not having a breakdown.”
“What did Dylan say when you mentioned everything?” Tyler asks, ignoring your threats of leaving.
“He didn’t say anything…because I left. I just fucking left. He looked like a deer in headlights.” You’re about to whine some more when your phone beeps.
Where are you?! We need to talk, Y/N.
“Shit!” You drop your phone like it’s hot lava, making Tyler shake his head at your ridiculousness.
“Dyl wants to talk.” You say softly feeling scared as fuck.
“No. Not good. I can’t do this. I’m going home.”
“Do you really think that will stop this? O’Brien will just show up at your place. So why prolong the inevitable?”
“For my fucking sanity.” You growl, peeling yourself up off the floor.
What were you thinking coming to Tyler’s trailer? Dylan probably knows you’re in here. It’s the first place he would look. Fuck. You really hope he’s shooting right now. You can’t handle seeing him.
“Y/N.” You hear Dylan’s voice the second you move down the trailer stairs, it makes your stomach drop.
Just keep walking. Don’t acknowledge him. Act like he’s not there.
“You are not ignoring me!” Dyl snarls grabbing your arm, spinning you around.
“Fucking watch me.” You reply dangerously calm before turning away, heading towards your car.
“And I’m the pussy.” Dylan scoffs obnoxiously loud drawing attention from the crew close by.
“Keep your voice down.” You snap glancing around, feeling eyes on you both.
“You have two choices, Y/N. We go to my trailer and talk in private or we can do this right here. I have nothing to hide anymore. What the fuck do I care?” He challenges narrowing his eyes.
“This is so fucked up.” You mumble staring past Dylan but he’s too distracted to follow your movement.
“Y/N, I can’t just…”
“Shut up and walk away.” You deliver with a low growl making Dylan’s eyes widen.
This is just fucking perfect.
“Dyl! Hi baby!” Britt greets strolling towards you and her boyfriend.
Dylan inwardly groans, taking a deep breath before turning around. He gives her a pained smile but she doesn’t seem to notice or care.
“Hi Y/N. How are you?” She asks happily hooking her arm with Dylan’s.
“I’m just fucking dandy. Thanks for asking.” You deadpan barely glancing at her, you’re paying more attention to Dylan who’s clearly freaking out on the inside.
“You two kids have fun. I’m leaving.” You snap, spinning around so fast it makes you dizzy.
“Y/N wait…” Dylan tries to get your attention without being obvious but it’s useless, Britt is already noticing weird tension.
“Do you wanna hang out with us?” Britt calls out wanting to get to the bottom of whatever the fuck is happening.
“Oh no thanks.” You answer now walking backwards.
“I’ll let you guys have some alone time. Just make sure to use a condom.” You add with a devilish smile.
“The world doesn’t need you two procreating.” Britt and Dylan’s mouths both drop open and you can’t help but chuckle stomping to your car. “Idiots.” 
“What the hell was that, Dylan? Tell me now.” Britt demands angrily narrowing her blue eyes.
“Um…she…well…I’ll be right back, ok?”
“Just give me a minute! I have to talk to Tyler.” Dylan bolts to his costar’s trailer without waiting for a reply.
“What’s up?” Tyler asks when Dylan bursts through his door like a mad man.
“What did Y/N say?”
“About what?”
“Don’t fuck with me right now, Posey.” Dylan growls surprising them both.
“I really don’t wanna be in the middle of this, man.” Tyler sighs running a hand through his long black hair.
“That’s hilarious.” Dyan laughs humorlessly. “Considering this is all happened because of you!”
“What the…Y/N said the same thing. I didn’t do anything. You two are the idiots who have been hiding shit.” He huffs getting defensive.
“You’re right. You just told the love of my life how I feel about her. Yeah. You didn’t do anything.” Dylan spits with a glare.
“I’d do it again. Y/N thought I was drunk when I told her but I wasn’t. It’s too bad she didn’t spill the beans sooner but it’s better late then never.”
“Wait…you were pretending to be drunk?”
“I was tipsy but I knew what I was doing. So you’re welcome.” Tyler smirks leaning back in his chair.
“You’re welcome? Are you insane?!”
“Nope. I’m the only level headed one in this trailer.”
“Son of a bitch.” Dylan grumbles under his breath, he’s trying really hard not to flip his shit.
“I hate to say it…but maybe you shouldn’t end up with Y/N. She deserves a guy who has the balls to love her out in the open. Instead of someone hiding in the shadows for six fucking years.”
“Come on…”
“You’ve been a huge pussy, dude. So what are you gonna do about it?” Tyler challenges automatically pissing off his best friend. Dylan’s mouth drops, he snaps his eyes shut in an attempt to concentrate on why he’s here.
“You’re walking a fine line, my friend. Watch your mouth.” Dylan warns, his eyes now shooting daggers.
“I’m trying to help you, O’Brien. I’ve kept my mouth shut long enough.” Tyler watches more anger flash on his friend’s face but it quickly disappears. They both know he’s right but Dylan doesn’t want to admit it.
“Fuck it. I’m not letting Y/N push me away. I’m going to her place right now.” Dylan decides anxiously.
“Uhh aren’t you forgetting something?” Tyler raises an eyebrow, clearly amused.
“There’s an angry brunette huffing and puffing on her phone right now.” He chuckles taking a peek out the window.
“Damn it. Can you distract Britt so I can sneak away?”
“Dude…no. Man up and break up with your girlfriend. Seriously. And if you want any chance with Y/N, do it before you show up at her house.”
“Wonderful.” Dylan groans throwing himself on to a recliner. He whips his iPhone out to text Britt, hoping to buy himself a little more time before shit hits the fan.
Almost done. Head over to my trailer. I’ll meet you there.
“What did Y/N say to you? She was in here a while.” Dylan asks quietly, praying he will be able to fix this.
“She was obviously upset. She thinks everything is ruined between you two especially since you’re with Britt. And…” Tyler pauses dreading his next sentence.
“She’s quitting the show.”
“Shit.” Dylan instantly feels the blood drain from his face and bile rise in his throat.
“I don’t think Y/N means it though. She’s just overreacting to everything right now.” Tyler shrugs taking a much needed sip of his beer.
“We both know that’s not true.” Dylan pinches the bridge of his nose.
“That’s what Y/N does. When shit gets hard…she bails. I wouldn’t be shocked if she already quit. She’s probably at the airport right now, heading to fucking Timbuktu.”
“That’s not fair and you know it.” Tyler replies feeling the need to stick up for you.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yes I fucking do. She’s my best friend too ya know.” Tyler snaps raising his voice.
“Y/N used to be like that. But she’s grown up a lot in the six years we’ve known her.”
Dylan rolls his eyes, silently commanding himself to relax. He’s two seconds away from punching the wall or his best friend, he needs to calm down.
“In her past relationships, whenever things got difficult…she would bounce. Plain and simple.” Dylan argues trying to keep his cool.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Tyler…but this is pretty fucking difficult!“
“Considering all the morons she’s dated in the past. I don’t blame her, Dyl.” Tyler laughs shaking his head.
“Things have always been different between the two of you. You’ve always had a special connection and it’s noticeable to most people. Not everyone realizes it’s because you’re friggin in love with each other but still.”
“Well. Let’s hope it’s not ruined after today.” Dylan mumbles in response on his way out, he reluctantly heads in the direction of his soon to be ex girlfriend.
It’s been one fucking hour. One hour since you revealed to your best friend that you’re in love him. One hour since you had a mini break down in Tyler’s trailer. And one hour since you stormed off, basically telling Dylan and Britt to both fuck off.
You’re driving around aimlessly, refusing to go home. You know for a fact that Dylan will show up there to find you. The first person that pops in your head is the one you call. If anyone can make you feel better about this, it’s her.
“Hey, babe. What’s up?” She asks in her usual cheery tone.
“I…um…I’m kinda freaking out.” You admit sniffling through the phone.
“Omg! What happened, Y/N? You sound really upset.”
“It’s a long story but I called Dylan out for having feelings for me and I told him about mine. And then the friggin ice queen showed up and it clearly didn’t get any better. The whole thing is a mess.” You sob pulling over, the amount of tears falling from your fucking eyes is too distracting.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie! Why don’t you come over so we can talk?”
“I can’t. Dlyan will know to look there. I’ll have to deal with him eventually but it can’t be today.” You sigh dramatically.
“Just being in the same fucking city as him is giving me heart palpitations.”
“Run home and pack a bag. I’ll pick you up in a half hour, ok?”
“But Dylan…”
“Dyl’s still on set. I called Tyler 20 minutes ago but he didn’t pickup. He sent a text saying he’s talking to Dylan and will call soon. So you’re good.”
“Fine.” You agree softly.
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise!”
“But Hol…”
“Do it! I’ll see you soon, hun.” Holland quickly ends the call before you can refuse. Damn it.
You speed to your house, stuff a chocolate cupcake into your mouth and then stare at your closet. What does one pack when they want to wallow in their awful life choices? Screw it. You throw a bunch of random shit in a bag and head towards the front door. Thankfully your ride shows up sooner than later, you really need to get the hell out of here.
“What’s up, sexy!” Holland grins pulling into your driveway.
“You’re not gonna be this happy the whole time are you?” You whine throwing your bag into the black SUV.
“We’re gonna go get pampered. So yes. And you’ll be happy too.” She says matter of factly.
“Pampered? Where?”
“The Ritz-Carlton...in Rancho Mirage.”
“That’s two hours away in Palm Springs.” You groan already plotting to jump out at the next red light.
“Exactly. You need to get out of Los Angeles. It’s far enough where you can breathe again but close enough where you don’t need a plane!”
“Whatever. As long as there’s alcohol.” You wave her off.
“You’re not getting crazy drunk, Y/N. Obviously we’ll drink but getting smashed will just make you feel worse.”
“Ok, mom.” You mumble staring out the passenger window.
“I think you meant…thank you so much, Hol. You’re such a great friend and I love you.”
“I suck. I’m sorry. You really are awesome. Thank God you’re not shooting today, otherwise I’d be so lost.”
“No problem, sweetie. We will figure it out, ok?” She winks with a genuine smile. You nod and give her a fake smile back that makes her chuckle. It’s gonna be a long car ride.
“I knew it, man!” Dylan growls into the phone, staring at your empty house with a pout.
“Are you really that surprised? She knows you well enough, she’s not there on purpose.” Tyler replies feeling tired.
“Is she at your place with Hol? She must be.”
“Uhhh no. Nope. Not at my place.”
“Wow. That didn’t sound convincing at all. It’s a good thing you’re not a professional actor or anything.” Dylan scoffs rolling his eyes.
“She’s not. I swear.”
“Ok. You definitely know where though. I can tell.”
“This is a very weird situation for me, man. You’re my best friend but Y/N is too. I’m not sure if I should tell you.” Tyler admits pinching the bridge of his nose.
“If this was the other way around, I would tell you. I’d want you to make things right with your girlfriend. I wouldn’t just leave you hanging.”
“Oh, that’s not a guilt trip or anything!” Tyler groans feeling his resolve melt away.
“Fine. She’s in Palm Springs.”
“Palm Springs! Doing what?!”
“Doing girly shit, dumb ass. There’s a lot of shops and…other shit. I don’t know. That’s what Hol told me.”
“Where are they staying?” Dylan asks hightailing it down your street.
“I can’t tell you…”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“Hol said that I ca…”
“Holy shit. You’re whipped. Just tell me, dude.” Dylan demands impatiently.
“It doesn’t matter. Holland wouldn’t tell me the room number.”
“That’s easy. I’ll flirt with the girl at the front desk to get the info.” Dylan says likes it’s obvious.
“What if it’s a guy?”
“Then I’ll make it work. I’m an actor. I can do it. Do you wanna come?”
“Jesus Christ.” Tyler mumbles already regretting his decision.
“Whatever, man. It’s nothing I can’t handle. Come or don’t come. I don’t care.”
“Yeah, you got this. You’re not making rash decisions at all.” Tyler rolls his eyes at his best friend.
“Alright, alright. Swing by and get me on the way.”
“I’m pretty sure all my problems would be solved if I just lived here.” You exhale feeling surprisingly at ease.
“You wanna live in Palm Springs?” Holland raises a confused eyebrow.
“No, silly. The spa! If I could get constantly pampered, I think I’d be ok.” You shrug lazily.
“Totally. Fuck everything else.” Holland snickers making you do the same.
“So how about we finish up here and then grab some food?” You suggest, already hearing your stomach grumble.
You and Holland finish up your pedicures then head up to your room. She thinks it’s a good idea to dress up and do something fun tonight. You’d rather drink yourself drunk and pass out watching cartoons. But she unfortunately shot down that idea.
You’re trying to distract yourself by putting on eyeliner but it’s futile. Dylan fucking O’Brien keeps popping in your head. You almost wish he was here, just so you could punch his lights out.
You hear a loud knock on the room door which is odd. Room service wasn’t ordered and no one knows you’re here. You assume it’s a maid but decide to check just in case.
“What the fuck…” You growl with wide eyes.
“Holland Marie Roden!”
“What?” You hear her muffled voice from around the corner. You stalk into the bathroom and see her mouth full of toothpaste and a toothbrush.
“I can’t believe you, Hol.” You whine stomping your foot on the ground. She rinses out her mouth and watches as you glare at her in the mirror reflection.
“I am so lost.”  She chuckles turning around, looking adorably confused.
“Dumb and dumber are at the door.”
“Your boyfriend and his stupid best friend!”
“No way!”
“I didn’t tell them to come I swear.”
“I told Tyler the name of the hotel just in case there’s an emergency. But I purposely left out our room number.”
“For the love of fuck.” You huff, whatever stress the spa got rid of now is back.
“Whoever’s working the front desk is clearly a fan.” Holland sighs looking through the peephole, Dlyan knocks on the door again making her jump.
“Damn it.” You groan, you’re possibly on your way to a panic attack.
“You tried.” Tyler shrugs hoping his friend won’t make a scene.
“What? You think I’m giving up? She has to come out of there sometime. I’ll just wait.” Dylan replies stubbornly glaring at your door.
“Dyl…let’s go grab a drink at the bar downstairs. Maybe she’ll come around.”
“I could always just find a way in.” Dylan mumbles to himself, completely ignoring Tyler.
“What are you talking about?”
“I’ll just find the key. It can’t be that hard.”
“This isn’t a TV show, O’Brien. A maid won’t magically appear then leave her cart unattended, it conveniently having the right key on it.” Tyler informs slowly.
“Maybe if I try a credit card?”
“Holy shit.” Tyler mutters running his hands through his hair.
“I’m actually starting to get worried about you. I hate to say it but maybe we should go home. Give Y/N some space and go from there.”
“No.” Dylan answers dangerously calm.
“So instead of approaching this rationally, you’d rather just stalk her.”
“I just need to see her. Even if it’s for five minutes.”
Tyler opens his mouth to respond but he’s interrupted when Holland sends him a text. He glances at it quickly but not quick enough, Dylan grabs it from his hand.
Y/N won’t come out. She’s pissed.
“Well, I’m fucking ecstatic!” The actor shouts in response at the locked door.
“It’s good to see you’re not losing it, dude.” Tyler cracks up ignoring his best friend’s dirty look.
“Let me text, Y/N. She might let me in.”
“What about me?” Dylan pouts pathetically.
“Baby steps.” Tyler assures patting him on the back before he presses send.
“Anything?” Dylan wonders trying to look at the phone.
“I literally just sent it two seconds ago.”
“She’s a fast typer.” Dylan mumbles now pacing up and down the hall. Without warning, you swing open the door making Tyler hesitate because of the angry look in your eye.
“No.” You hold out your hand stopping Tyler who’s trying to walk in.
“Not you. Send the other dumb ass in here.” You sigh giving Holland a weak smile as she leaves.
Dylan hears all of this but he has yet to enter the room. Now that he’s able to, he’s not sure if going in alone is a great idea.
“Good luck, man.” Tyler whispers before moving down the hall with Holland.
You watch Dylan slowly walk in and look around, it’s like he expects something to jump out at him. Weirdo.
“You couldn’t have just given me one day, huh? To deal with this.” You snap crossing your arms over your chest.
“I…I guess not?” He replies appearing extremely uncomfortable.
“Cool. Glad we cleared that up.” You roll your eyes.
“I feel like a total dipshit right now.” Dylan grumbles to himself but still loud enough for you to hear.
“You’re really mad I came, huh.”
“Hol brought me here to relax. It’s kinda hard to do that, when the person I want a break from is fucking standing in front of me!” You practically shout debating on what to do next.
“I get it. I do. I mean…if I knew you’d be back at work then maybe I wouldn’t be so freaked out but…”
“You told Tyler that you’re quitting. Maybe you already did.” He shrugs sadly.
“Please.” You scoff loudly.
“I was just upset when I said that. I’ve worked hard to get the type of job I have and I’m fucking good at it. I’m not ruining my career over a stupid guy.” You reply refusing to make eye contact.
“Thank god.” Dylan lets out a sigh of relief dragging a hand down his face.You need to shut this down. He needs to leave now. There is not enough alcohol in your system to deal with this man.
You’re dreading his next words because you know what they’re going to be. There’s no way he’s going to throw away a six year relationship for you. It doesn’t matter if Dylan has feelings, he would have broken up with Britt a long time ago if it mattered.
“I broke up with Britt.” Dylan blurts out catching you off guard.
“Yeah. Soon after you left. Well, I talked to Tyler first then I did it. Of course it didn’t go over well but I didn’t expect it to.” He rambles on barely glancing at you.
“Whatever. The point is that we’re officially over.” Dylan bites his bottom lip nervously waiting for a reaction.
“Congrats.” You deadpan trying to stay in control.
“I’m trying here, Y/N. I really am. Please just drop the attitude and talk to me.”
“I have nothing to say.” You answer quietly.
“Fine. Then just listen.” Dylan pleads grabbing your hand, pulling you to sit down next to him on the couch.
“I love you. Always have and always will.” You wait for Dylan to continue on but instead he just gives you a panty dropping smile.
“Is there more?” You quirk an eyebrow.
“Nope. That’s it.” He smirks knowingly.
“Oh? That’s all you have to say?” Dylan teases you.
“Well…when you said to listen, I assumed you had more to say.”
“I do, Y/N. But none of it is important right now. I love you and you love me. We’ve wasted too much time as it is…don’t you think?” He asks searching your face.
“So you want to just forget all the drama and be together?” You say skeptically.
“Yes! Why the hell not? We can do whatever we want, beautiful.”
“It’s really over with what’s her face?” You scrunch up your nose dramatically just thinking of her.
“Completely and totally fucking done. From now on, it’s just you and me…unless we decide to procreate.” Dylan starts cracking up.
“You think that’s funny?!” You laugh slapping his chest.
“I think the look on Britt’s face when you said that was hilarious. She was so offended. It was great.” He chuckles pulling you on to his lap.
“I’m glad I amused you, dork.” You giggle shaking your head.
"I’m waiting ya know.” You stare into his eyes confused until it dawns on you. You really are a dope sometimes.
“I love you, Dyl.” You sigh happily before crashing your lips into his. He pulls away too soon, resting his forehead on yours.
“I love you too, baby. Always and forever.”
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jotem · 2 years
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Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now ...
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Middle Of The Road - Soley soley...
Middle of the Road - Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep ...
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Barry White - Never never gonna give you up..
Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love ..
Chicago - Hard To Say I'm Sorry...
Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) ...
Cliff Richard -Lessons In Love...
Ritchie Valens - We Belong Together...
Procol Harum...A Whiter Shade Of Pale...
Perry Como - And I Love You So...
Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over ...
Gérard Lenorman - Michèle...
Daniel Popovic - Julie...
Johnny Logan - Whats another year ...
Mina - Mi Mandi Rose...
Chicago - You're The Inspiration...
Pat Boone - Love Letters In The Sand...
Marino Marini - Marina..
Desireless - Voyage Voyage...
The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun...
George Harrison - My Sweet Lord...
Bee Gees - Saved By The Bell...
Bee Gees - Massachusetts ...
Barbra Streisand -The Way We Were...
Kenny Loggins - Meet Me Half Way...
Esther Ofarim & Abi - Morning of my life ...
Esther Ofarim - El Condor Pasa ...
Gigliola Cinquetti -El Condor Pasa...
Sandie Shaw - Puppet On A String and Those Were The Days..
Lynn Anderson - Rose Garden...
Frankie Valli - Can't Take My Eyes Off You...
Casablanca - As Time Goes By - Dooley Wilson...
Lulu - To Sir, With Love...
Donovan - Catch The Wind ...
Haddaway - What Is Love...
Helldorado - The Ballad Of Nora Lee..
Bobby Darin - Dream Lover...
Pat Boone -Speedy Gonzales...
Alain Barriere - Emporte Moi..
Alain Barrière - Tu...
Umberto Tozzi - Tu...
Michel Delpech - Pour un flirt...
Jeanette -Por qué te vas...
RIO BRAVO(1959) - John Wayne, Dean Martin, Ricky Nelson ve Walter Brennan...
Bee Gees - Massachusetts..
Kenny Rogers...LUCILLE...
Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now...
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bigskydreaming · 7 years
1/6 You realize Teen Wolf is an ensemble show and not The Scott Mccall/Tyler Posey show, right? You are just bitter 'cause every single character is their own person and their life does not revolve around coddling and worshipping your personal fave Scott 24/7 like you so desperately wanted to.
2/6 As for the pack reacting to Theo for what they did to them individually instead of making poor little toddler Scott their priority and putting him first… Malia got literally shot by Theo, and yet you claim not only that Malia shouldn’t have been affected by what Theo did to her personally, but that Malia should have been affected only because Theo murdered SCOTT 
3/6 and should have reacted only because Theo murdered SCOTT - because ofc according to you Malia’s feelings either doesn’t matter or are less important and valid than Scott’s. Same for Lydia’s, Stiles’, Liam’s and everyone else’s feelings and traumas. Lydia got literally put in a comatose state thanks to Scott’s canon incompetence, hypocrisy and stupidity,
4/6 but somehow hating Theo for murdering SCOTT should have been Lydia’s priority, right?? Scott’s canon incompetence, hypocrisy and stupidity almost costed the Sheriff’s life, but somehow hating Theo for murdering SCOTT should have been Stiles’ priority, right?? Because ofc according to you the only character that matters is your personal fav Scott Mccall and everyone else’s feelings are either invalid or unimportant
5/6 because all their lives/actions/motivations etc. should always revolve around poor little toddler Scott only, lol! As for everyone abandoning Scott after he failed rather spectacularly at being a decent leader by the end of season 5a: they may be Scott’s pack and friends but they are still their own persons with a life and other affects and interests outside of coddling and supporting Scott 24/7,
Like, are you done? Is it over? You kept saying (x)/6 with each one making me think there’s supposed to be one more ask coming, but idk maybe you’re just as bad at counting as you are at reading?
Cuz LMAO wow did you go off about something I did not actually say ever. I mean, kinda predictable given that not even two hours ago I JUST made a joke about how the only thing that pisses anti-Scott fandom off even more than the characters acknowledging his good traits is saying that the characters didn’t acknowledge/appreciate all that he’d been through. Thanks for proving me right!
ME: *cites multiple canon examples of times other characters received comfort, support and reassurances from the others, INCLUDING from Scott, and then compares that to multiple canon examples of times where NO other character offered Scott any comfort, support or reassurance as should be expected from even an ENSEMBLE show, because see, relationships are supposed to be a two way street? Meaning if a character is constantly shown caring about his friends, being concerned and worried about them, kissing their boo-boos all better or apologizing to them when they hold completely unwarranted grudges for things that weren’t actually his fault no matter how much other characters (and you) want to blame him…well, its only reasonable to expect the same to be shown in return, with like…him being murdered being a fairly logical place to demonstrate these other characters giving a shit*
That’s you. That’s what you sound like. Just FYI.
LOL, nowhere anywhere did I say or even imply that Malia shouldn’t feel however she damn well wants to feel for any of the things Theo did to HER, personally, like shooting her with a shotgun. What I SAID was that when she, like the other characters, brought up SCOTT’S death specifically, it was always in the context of what THAT specific event had to do with Theo, the rest of the pack, how they interacted with Theo or viewed him as a result of it, instead of it ever being about ‘hey, so Scott being murdered is kinda a weird rallying cry to express just how much we all hate Theo given that none of us has really bothered to talk to Scott about y’know….how he was murdered and that must have sucked and all that’. 
Which is where you get me saying something like its a problem that Scott’s trauma from being murdered became almost an afterthought whenever the event was mentioned, like it had nothing to do with anything.
Like, did I break that down far enough for you? I don’t mean to sound condescending except that actually I totally do, because when people insist on shouting at me over shit I’ve never actually said haha guess what, I totally get to be a patronizing prick about it, so……let’s do basic math here:
Theo shooting Malia with a shotgun = Malia’s trauma = its about Malia, any discussion of it should be about Malia and center how Malia feels about it and how she was affected by it.
Theo murdering Scott SHOULD = SCOTT’S trauma = its about Scott, any discussion of it should be about Scott and center how Scott feels about it and how he was affected by it.
Now, point me to all the scenes where Scott’s death was brought up and HIS feelings and reactions to it centered instead of everyone else just mentioning it to make a dig at Theo and then going back to pretending like it never happened and shouldn’t affect him in any way.
Because y’know, like you pointed out, they all have their own issues and concerns! Like Malia, who had all that stuff going on with her mom…..which Scott repeatedly asked her about, told her he understood whatever she wanted to do because of it, literally found time while trying to stop the Beast to come up with a plan using the Garuda talons to give Malia an edge so she could beat her mom.
Or like Stiles, who had all that stuff going on with his dad….which Scott repeatedly asked him about, tried to help with, even after Stiles physically and verbally attacked him, locked him out of the car when Scott tried to go with him to find the chimera who attacked his dad, went ahead and while still wounded and hurting from being murdered less than a day before, found the chimera so he could save Stiles’ dad anyway DESPITE Stiles petulantly refusing his help even when it was his dad’s life on the line because holding a grudge apparently takes precedence over his dad’s health which is what takes precedence over Scott’s murder which is…what he’s holding a grudge about, that Scott was off busy being a corpse while his dad was getting attacked by a chimera none of them had any idea even existed before that day.
Or like Lydia, who was comatose in Eichen House because of what Theo did….which is why Scott went and got Kira back from the Skinwalkers, begged Stiles and Malia to put aside their issues with him and help, put aside his own issues with Liam who’d just been trying to help murder him a few days before, all so he could rescue Lydia from Eichen House, a process which got him severely electrocuted and hurt on top of the sucking chest wound he still had from you know, being murdered, and which Stiles got all the credit for despite Scott having to plead with him to even get him involved at all.
I mean, you really got me. I had completely failed to consider that all these characters had their own issues and drama going on and preoccupying them while Scott was selfishly neglecting them and not caring at all, so why SHOULD they have been able to find a spare moment or ounce of compassion to show their friend who’d just been MURDERED, its not like Scott was willing or able to multitask and care about their issues and help with those even while dealing with like, say, still being wounded and hurt from that time he was murdered a few days ago without any emotional trauma resulting that whatsoever.
I bow to your superior interpretation of canon AND my own thoughts on the matter! I see now that the points you raised AREN’T completely off topic and not at all relevant to the issue I thought I was demonstrating, and in fact, your completely ignoring the actual content of my post and substituting  your own version of what I said is really the best thing that ever could have happened to my post! And its actually not at all the totally predictable and often-relied upon method anti-Scott fandom loves trotting out to derail any and every discussion about him they don’t like because they can’t actually refute on its own merits. Aka just about every discussion ever had in this fandom about Scott.
Anyway, now that I have seen the light, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to share these insights with me so I can stop being the clearly bitter and resentful one here, and have the peace and happiness that eluded me for so long while I labored under dumb ideas like OMG WHAT IF SCOTT’S FRIENDS CARED THAT HE WAS MURDERED.
I don’t want to take up any more of your time or energy, and I really don’t think there’s anything you could possibly add at this point that would shed further light or clarity on this matter, so please don’t feel you have to send any followup asks on this matter, I’ll just delete them so as to save us both time and trouble, alrighty?
Thanks again and have a nice day! You’ve been SWELL.
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