#'you're terrible' 'you said it!'
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liloslittlethings · 1 month ago
liam enjoys rhyming things with direction
(via SugarScape)
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months ago
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Thinking about @stygiovictoria's Roleswap AU.
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jeeaark · 17 days ago
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lazylittledragon · 3 months ago
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forgot to post this the other day but i gave myself a little nameless ghoul :3
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gingermintpepper · 6 months ago
In my Zeus bag today so I'm just gonna put it out there that exactly none of the great Ancient Greek warrior-heroes stayed loyal and faithful and completely monogamous and yet none of them have their greatness questioned nor do we question why they had the cultural prominence that they did and still do.
Jason, the brilliant leader of the Argo, got cold feet when it came to Medea - already put off by some of her magic and then exiled from his birthland because of her political ploys, he took Creusa to bed and fully intended on marrying her despite not properly dissolving things with Medea.
Theseus was a fierce warrior and an incredibly talented king but he had a horrible temper and was almost fatally weak to women. This is the man who got imprisoned in the Underworld for trying to get a friend laid, the man who started the whole Attic War because he couldn't keep his legs closed.
And we cannot at all forget Heracles for whom a not inconsiderable amount of his joy in life was loving people then losing the people around him that he loved. Wives, children, serving boys, mentors, Heracles had a list of lovers - male and female - long enough to rival some gods and even after completing his labours and coming down to the end of his life, he did not have one wife but three.
And y'know what, just because he's a cultural darling, I'll put Achilles up here too because that man was a Theseus type where he was fantastic at the thing he was born to do (that is, fight whereas Theseus' was to rule) but that was not enough to eclipse his horrid temper and his weakness to young pretty things. This is the man that killed two of Apollo's sons because they wouldn't let him hit - Tenes because he refused to let Achilles have his sister and Troilus who refused Achilles so vehemently that he ran into Apollo's temple to avoid him and still couldn't escape.
All four of these men are still celebrated as great heroes and men. All four of these men are given the dignity of nuance, of having their flaws treated as just that, flaws which enrich their character and can be used to discuss the wider cultural point of what truly makes a hero heroic. All four of these men still have their legacies respected.
Why can that same mindset not be applied to Zeus? Zeus, who was a warrior-king raised in seclusion apart from his family. Zeus who must have learned to embrace the violence of thunder for every time he cried as a babe, the Corybantes would bang their shields to hide the sound. Zeus learned to be great because being good would not see the universe's affairs in its order.
The wonderful thing about sympathy is that we never run out of it. There's no rule stopping us from being sympathetic to multiple plights at once, there's no law that necessitate things always exist on the good-evil binary. Yes, Zeus sentenced Prometheus to sufferation in Tartarus for what (to us) seems like a cruel reason. Prometheus only wanted to help humans! But when you think about Prometheus' actions from a king's perspective, the narrative is completely different: Prometheus stole divine knowledge and gifted it to humans after Zeus explicitly told him not to. And this was after Prometheus cheated all the gods out of a huge portion of wealth by having humans keep the best part of a sacrifice's meat while the gods must delight themselves with bones, fat and skin. Yes, Zeus gave Persephone away to Hades without consulting Demeter but what king consults a woman who is not his wife about the arrangement of his daughter's marriage to another king? Yes, Zeus breaks the marriage vows he set with Hera despite his love of her but what is the Master of Fate if not its staunchest slave?
The nuance is there. Even in his most bizarre actions, the nuance and logic and reason is there. The Ancient Greeks weren't a daft people, they worshipped Zeus as their primary god for a reason and they did not associate him with half the vices modern audiences take issue with. Zeus was a father, a visitor, a protector, a fair judge of character, a guide for the lost, the arbiter of revenge for those that had been wronged, a pillar of strength for those who needed it and a shield to protect those who made their home among the biting snakes. His children were reflections of him, extensions of his will who acted both as his mercy and as his retribution, his brothers and sisters deferred to him because he was wise as well as powerful. Zeus didn't become king by accident and it is a damn shame he does not get more respect.
#ginger rambles#ginger chats about greek myths#greek mythology#It's Zeus Apologist day actually#For the record Jason is my personal favourite of these guys#The argonauts are extremely underrated for literally no reason#And Jason's wit and sheer ability to adapt along with his piousness are traits that are so far away from what usually gets highlighted#with the typical Greek warrior-hero that I've just never stopped being captivated by him#Conversely I still do not understand what people see in Achilles#I respect him and his legacy I respect the importance of his tale and his cultural importance I promise I do#However I personally can't stand the guy LMAO#How do you get warned twice TWICE both by your mother and by Athena herself that going after Apollo's children is a bad idea#And still have the audacity to be mad and surprised when Apollo is gunning for Specifically You during the war you're bringing to His City#That You Specifically and Exclusively had a choice in avoiding#ACHILLES COULD'VE JUST SAID NO#I know that's not the point however so many other members of the Greek camp were simply casualties of Fate in every conceivable way man#Achilles looked at every terrible choice he could possibly make said “Well I'm gonna die anyway 🤷🏽” and proceeded to make the choice#so hard that he angered god#That's y'all's man right there#I left out Perseus because truthfully I don't actually know much about him#I haven't studied him even a fraction as much as I've studied some of the other big culture heroes and none of this is cited so i don't wan#to talk about stuff I don't know 100%#Anyway justice for Zeus fr#Gimme something give me literally anything other than the nonsense we usually get for him#This goes for Hera too btw#Both the king and queen of the skies are done TERRIBLY by wider greek myth audiences and it's genuinely disheartening to see#If y'all could make excuses for Achilles to forgive his flaws y'all can do it for them#They have a lot more to sympathise with I'll tell you that#(that is a completely biased statement; you are completely free and encouraged to enjoy whichever figures spark joy)#zeus
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ipusingularitae · 1 month ago
yeah we love fucked up characters and plots, the part I don't like is when we "forget" (or chose to ignore) a huge piece of information in order to pretend it's less than it is, and I'm talking ab Ellen calling for a guardian angel and being met with a centuries old dark magic fueled aristocrat who had no business answering the call for a fucking angel and then gaslights her and everyone into thinking she called for him specifically. LIKE if we're talking ab how twisted Eggers' Orlok is, let's talk about the details here
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dreaming-of-barbi · 6 months ago
That's so fucked up that people are romantizing Franco, because even Red Barrels are showing him as a total creep and disgusting person. In Outlast Tag I have a feeling that some artists are making him completly different character, making him charming/safe/lovely. I even have seen some people who were drawing him with normal face (without big forehead) and you couldn't tell them that it's the right character design! I feel like Franco enjoyers are more agressive than fans of other Outlast character. Even with Coyle/Eddie simps they seem to understand that they are evil and they murder others, but with Franco I feel like they can take it when someone tell them that he's grown up, murder people in very brutal way and his voice lines are just disgusting... it really seems that people are getting agressive only because someone tell some shit about 🎀✨️Franco🎀✨️. I know his fans isn't the only one that have stick in their ass (cause I seen a lot of shit bout Coyle/Big Grunts/Easterman etc.) but yall need to understand that FRANCO IS A GROWN ASS MAN and you would run for your life if you'd meet someone in irl as 1% fucked up as he is. Saying that he's just a Baby and he made nothing wrong is just 🤮 and problem is in yall if you justificate him and things he made.
idk how to tell you this ,,,, but this game is fictional. The characters are fictional. You're free to feel however you want about them, just like I and anyone else is.
I partially agree with the part about changing his appearance to make him look more "normal" or whatever, but at the same time people are allowed to interpret their favs however they want to. They can draw / write for him however they want to. I don't like "fixing" his face, just because it (personally) feels like saying "he's too ugly", but again, that's just me. As an artist, I know that people are going to have different interpretations of a character I like. It's just part of other people existing in the world. Not everyone thinks like you do, and that's okay.
Do you know how many posts I saw (and STILL see) about Eddie Gluskin, doing essentially the same thing as what you said people do with Franco?? That man would cut you open to "make a baby in you" no hesitation and people still ""romanticize"" him (me fuckin included I LOVE YOU EDDIE). Its just part of liking fucked up characters, some people are going to want to make them more "normal".
Personally, I see the normalization as more like wanting to give him some normalcy in his life, because of his past / lore. I love the idea of letting Franco have a normal life, be a normal person. A life where he never had to deal with the stupid Mafia stuff, had a decent father and never ran into Murkoff, having a normal, happy life. But, I also seriously adore his original, fucked up character.
Honestly, who actually cares if people are "justifying" his actions??? None of them are real. He is not real. I have never understood the sentiment that you have to make sure people know you don't justify a fictional characters actions... they are not real. It's not a real person. None of the things he did happened.
Maybe it's just me, but I would not run from someone like him. That's not some edge lord "im so evil and dark" bs but because of my real life experiences. Been with and around people in my life / family who are quite like him and I didn't run.
I imagine some of us are using it as a sort of coping mechanism, because (at least for me) some of us dealt with people who treated us like he would. Though, that's getting into personal territory, and I won't try and speak for others.
All I can really say is either learn that not everybody's going to have the same ideas as you or block the tag. Sorry if that's too harsh a response, but life is too short to really give that much of a fuck about someone /something other people like.
And I've said this before but this is literally Outlast, all of the characters are this fucked up, it's not just him.
Like does no one remember Outlast 2??? Does no one remember the pile of dead burnt babies, or the hundreds of other fucked up things in that game?? I really feel like Franco does not compare.
So, can we please just be over with this now? I mean, drama is totally fun and I love it, but I can imagine others don't.
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bubblegum-gf · 2 months ago
there's been so much rpf on my dash lately I think the irish lads should come back this year so we can have a little fun. who said that
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sheena-isa-punkrocker · 10 months ago
i never participated in anything watcher fandom related. but after seeing yall's response to the streaming platform im glad i never did.
majority of you are so disgustingly awful to these three men it's shameful
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deoidesign · 9 months ago
#ok finally making a post about meds#I've not ever tried taking medication before. I was sorta raised with that classic 'dont rely on meds you have to learn to manage without'#I mean I was also raised with the idea that therapy is stupid unless you have 'real' trauma. and also like idk.#can't stay home from school unless your temp is over 100 or you're throwing up. etc. very suck it up mindset#so I was just really nervous to start. also of course worried about losing myself or whatever I know that's a silly fear but#it's also a common fear for a reason!!! anyways#so I finally was like 'I need to do something' when I realized I was so anxious I couldnt even get myself to go outside alone#like I just don't want to do ANYTHING alone to a detrimental effect. and it was butting into my ability to do my work...#for various reasons. but then ALSO adhd has been a constant issue with my work as well!#it is SO hard to write and draw on a weekly pace like I am without being able to focus#my whole life I've had these terrible nightmares constantly and I've always woken up constantly in the night#sleep has always been terrible so I've always dreaded going to bed.. ESPECIALLy because it didnt even make me less tired#it was more something that I just did because I had to.#but going to bed was always terrible. there have been times I was too scared to go to sleep for weeks on end...#I've been mitigating this for years of course. and recently I've been taking melatonin which has been helping too.#but I've also always struggled to get up. because I've always been EXTREMELY exhausted#but also anxious of what the day might bring... idk.#anyways it has all hit a point that I was like okay. I am doing as many coping mechanisms as I can. the psych said they were good too#but... it just has never been enough. it's never been enough to make me not tired it's never been enough to make me not scared#so I finally talked to the doc about it. and she was like youve def got smth wrong basically. which yah I know.. but yknow#anyways so I started taking wellbutrin. and I am so frustrated now. because it's WORKING#that constant looming sense of dread is gone. I'm excited to get up. I'm excited to go to bed BECAUSE I'm excited to get up#I feel like for years I've been holding on to the idea that I have to get up because I have to put something good out into the world#and I've been clinging to knowing that if nothing else. I am able to help other people feel better.#but now for the first time in my life I'm like. free of it. I didnt even know it was possible... and I'm so sad how much I've lost out on#and so frustrated how my whole life I've been told to put up with it and push through it. and treated like a failure for it being too much.#and just. It has only been 2 weeks. but the lack of anxiety is SO noticeable I'm so...#I'll never miss it. the adhd is still pretty present but like whatever. I can manage that better.#and I'm just crying because of all this combined.#I just. I hope I get to finally be the best I can be now. for myself but also for you guys!
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carry-the-sky · 1 month ago
#watching fandom drama play out when you're still mostly lurking in said fandom is a surreal experience#part of me is sort of relieved that i haven't been more active#would i have joined that server? would i have been one of the people they bullied?#i'm a mess of contradictions: i crave community but am terrible at all the things you need to cultivate it#i'm anxious and awkward and overthink every little interaction#but i've lucked out and found some really stellar fandom besties over the years who make me feel loved and accepted anyway#it takes a certain kind of bravery to put yourself out there online. a certain level of trust.#so for a group of people to actively choose to betray that trust in order to. what?#gain some imaginary amount of social clout? promote a fic? feed their own insecurities?#it's honestly beyond comprehension for me#i'm a relative nobody in this fandom so i'm not sure how much weight this will carry#but for what it's worth#having lurked here since last september#the broader community feels like it's a safe space. a space built on acceptance and love.#i've recently chatted with a few different people who have been nothing but lovely and i'm hoping that those conversations continue#and even though putting myself out there on discord feels like a nigh impossible ask atm#(did anyone else not know that secret channels were a thing? what in the supervillain hell!)#i'm gonna try my damnedest#fandom is bigger than one person. correction: one bully. bc that's what she is. a bully.#and i'm heartened that most everyone has rallied to show her and her cohort the door#to anyone affected by her bullshit. i love you and i'm so sorry and i hope you find a true safe space#ANYWAY#pass the what a year huh/lemon it's january meme#good omens
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thedreadvampy · 1 month ago
one thing I learnt recently is maybe my dad framing all his anger when I was a kid not as "you did a thing wrong" but "you did a thing wrong which PROVES you're incapable of being a Proper Adult and will never thrive in the Real World"
have had some effect on my self esteem
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jils-things · 10 days ago
Wait a While Longer
this fic is written by my friend, sarah! (@throughpatchesofviolet) it was for a trade we exchanged months back. i asked for a lovely stevaide fic and she delivered! she has given me her permission to repost this story and i'm more than happy to share it. also using this opportunity to read it easily hehehe 💚💜 thank you again!
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"Here we are …” Jaide mused, smiling as she crouched beside the oven, patting a small, reptilian Pokémon on the head as she pointed at the pie visible through the window. “See? It’s almost ready, Aron—just a few more minutes.”
The steel-type titled his head, studying the pastry before turning to his companion, blinking up at her with his large, blue eyes.
“In the meantime, how about we clean up?” Jaide suggested, standing up and lightly sidestepping Aron so she could reach the sink, where a mound of dirty dishes awaited her. “Can’t leave the house in disarray, after all.”
Aron huffed, but he trotted after her, sitting obediently at her feet as she turned on the faucet, humming softly to herself as she rinsed the first of many bowls.
As she squirted dish soap onto a cloth, beginning to scrub a large mixing bowl, her thoughts turned towards her husband, Steven. Early that morning, the jangling tone of a phone had roused them both—an urgent call from Steven’s father, who requested Steven make an appearance at an upcoming meeting.
Naturally, Steven had agreed, and had promptly dressed, pressed a soft kiss to his wife’s forehead, and departed, all in the span of a few minutes.
I hope he’s doing alright, Jaide thought, frowning at a stain on the dish she was washing. He left so early … and after working so hard, the night before, too. He must be exhausted …
The buzzing of a timer snapped Jaide from her thoughts, and she dropped the rag and bowl into the sink, spinning around to find Aron had moved to stand in front of the oven. The Pokémon sniffed the air as she approached, drawing another smile from his companion.
“It smells pretty good, doesn’t it?” she asked, grabbing a pair of oven mitts before squatting down beside Aron and opening the oven door, a blast of hot, cinnamon-scented air rushing over them.
Leaning forward, Jaide carefully removed the pie, as Aron grunted in irritation, his eyes narrowing as he crouched behind her, trying to avoid the heat.
Jaide laughed as she rose to her feet, setting the pie on a cooling rack. “I tried to warn you, when we started—the oven gets hot!”
Aron snorted, glaring at her before turning away, visibly irritated.
“Aw, Aron … I’m sorry! I wasn’t laughing at you …” Jaide glanced at the pie, the golden crust shimmering beneath a cloud of steam, then back at Aron. “How about I give you the biggest piece to make up for it? Would you like that?”
The steel-type refused to look at her for a moment longer, then slowly sighed, and Jaide smiled as his large eyes drifted back towards her face.
“Alright—Aron gets the largest piece of pie, tonight. Promise.”
The Pokémon beamed up at her, then snapped to alertness, his gaze darting towards the living room: the soft jangling of keys had grabbed his attention—and Jaide’s, as well.
Aron bolted as the front door creaked open, eager to welcome Steven home, and Jaide sighed, smoothing her dress before stepping into the other room, where her husband was trying not to trip over the tiny Pokémon weaving between his legs.
“… I don’t have anything for you, this time, Aron, I’m sorry!” Steven held out his empty hands to the steel-type, who squinted up at him. “I was in a meeting all day, so I didn’t have time to grab any ore … next time, I promise!”
Aron huffed, then spun around and marched back into the kitchen.
“I don’t think he liked your excuse,” Jaide teased, smiling as she approached Steven, already reaching to help him take off his coat. “How was your meeting, dear? You’re not too tired, are you?”
“No, no … I’m perfectly fine. Not tired—” Steven broke off mid-sentence, yawning, but he quickly stifled it, gently waving Jaide aside. “Not tired at all …”
His wife raised an eyebrow, but she decided to play along. “Alright … how about we sit down? We both could use some rest, after today.”
“Oh?” he frowned as she took his arm, quietly guiding him towards the soda. “What did you get up to …?”
“Well,” Jaide began, patting her husband’s arm as they sank onto the couch cushions. “After you left, I managed to fall back asleep for a few more hours … then I was up to make breakfast for me and Ruby … we had pancakes—the ones where we use fruit to make them look like Pokémon. Ruby managed to make his look just like Fofo …”
“Mm … which form?” Steven mumbled, leaning his head against Jaide’s shoulder.
“It was her Sunny Form,” Jaide replied, smiling as she recalled how carefully Ruby had arranged slices of banana around his pancake that morning. “He took a photo, of course—it was quite cute.
“After that, Ruby told me he was going to hang out with some friends at a Secret Base—though, he wouldn’t tell me where it was … I suppose that’s to keep it a “secret” base, isn’t it?
“Then I was on my own, so I did some housework, ran to the store for groceries, and then Aron and I baked a pie … oh, you should have seen his face when I opened the oven—his eyes scrunched up and he huddled behind me … it was adorable! Although, he was upset about it, so now I owe him a huge slice of pie as an apology.
"And now you’re home, so I can start making …” Jaide trailed off as soft snoring tickled her ears, and she glanced over to see Steven dozing against her shoulder.
Smiling, Jaide gently lowered Steven’s head so it was resting in her lap, chuckling quietly as she brushed his hair from his face, admiring his features.
“You’re a terrible liar,” she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to Steven’s forehead.
I suppose dinner can wait a bit longer, Jaide thought, closing her eyes. Steven needs to rest, and Ruby’s not home, yet, either … besides, I can’t possibly move, now—it’d wake him!
She snuggled into the couch cushions, humming a quiet lullaby as she stroked Steven’s hair.
Yes … dinner can wait just a little longer …
“What a day …” Ruby muttered, sighing as he stepped into the living room.
The boy blinked, looking down to find his mother’s Aron gazing up at him. The Pokémon studied him for a moment, then turned his head, nodding towards the sofa.
Following Aron’s gaze, Ruby found his parents lounging on the couch—his father’s head rested in his mother’s lap. Thought she was sitting upright, he could tell Jaide was fast asleep, her fingers still tangled in Steven’s hair.
He glanced at Aron as he slid his backpack off, kneeling on the floor beside the Pokémon as he rummaged through its contents. “Shall we?” he asked, pulling out a camera.
“Aron!” the Pokémon chirped, beaming at him.
“I’ll take that as a yes!”
Powering the camera on, Ruby focused it on his parents, still snoozing on the sofa, and snapped a quick photo before settling down beside Aron, showing him the picture.
“What do you think? The lighting look okay?”
The steel-type stared at the photograph, then nodded
“Great! Then let’s leave them alone—we’ll have plenty of time to tease them with this, later.”
Ruby stood up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder as he marched into the kitchen, Aron trotting behind him. He paused when he saw the pie resting on the counter, and the Pokémon grunted, gently headbutting his leg.
“Aroooooon!” he hissed, glaring up at Ruby.
“Right, right—sorry. Let’s go.”
Aron snorted as he watched the boy run into the other room. Nobody was going to touch that pie—not until Jaide served him his portion, anyway. She’d promised him a huge piece, after all!
The Pokémon cast one more glance up at the counter, then nodded to himself, scampering after Ruby. After all … dinner could wait a while longer.
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naenaex0xx · 5 days ago
frustrated. .. .
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shikai-the-storyteller · 1 year ago
Aypierre just said his mods will ban any idiots in the chat being stupid about the QSMP situation, lmaooo. Absolutely based, get their asses.
#i talk#qsmp talk#I'll be honest. I do not understand the ''Boycott QSMP'' thing#like. if Quackity wasn't doing anything to resolve stuff I'd get it#but. he IS doing stuff#the ccs confirmed he's doing stuff#it feels very much like a:#''Hey we saw you did something wrong and instead of letting you remedy the situation we're going to punish you forever for this.''#''There is no absolution for your sin''#it's frickin weird dude#like don't get me wrong -- I was a freelancer for like... 5 - 7 years?#And I've seen my fair share of awful bosses and terrible power structures + people in power taking advantage of workers#but this just isn't comparable because like I said: Quackity is actually DOING things. He fired the idiots who did stupid stuff#and they're working on doing things for the admins + Egg admins#which once again: was confirmed by the CCs#idk man I just see the whole thing and I'm like ''???'' about it#I think it's just a matter of misinformation + strong emotions + language barriers#plus a side of what I said earlier- ''you made a mistake once which means I get to be an ass to you even if you're trying to fix things''#and in this specific situation that just seems so stupid#advocating for workers rights while getting mad about the owner of the project working on workers rights.#idk man it's mostly Twitter people being stupid but I genuinely almost want to sit down with folks and talk things out#which I will not do because I value my sanity. but I do think a lot of things can be solved with communication#I; however; simply do not have the energy for that#anyhoo that's my two cents and will probably be the last I say on this matter#goodnight y'all I'm EXHAUSTED#For the record even though Q didn't know about what was going on it does suck that it happened#but we can't change the past#not every mistake is fixable or forgivable but this one can be. in my eyes anyways#We'll see how things resolve in the end but it's going in the right direction and that's enough for me to be content for now
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abirdie · 1 year ago
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Gael García Bernal in Me estás matando, Susana (2016, dir. Roberto Sneider)
(these gifs also feature Verónica Echegui)
Gifs are all 540px wide so you can click to see larger.
[other gael filmography gifsets]
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