#'whouffaldi' was bad but this
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fashionable arc-nemesis (tn: ex-boyfriends)
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lastofgallifrey · 2 years ago
twelve spending 4.5 billion years punching through a 20ft thick wall of azbantium, a material apparently 400x harder than diamond, dying repeatedly in the process, all so he could get clara back... like whether you see them as platonic or romantic you cannot deny that he quite literally loved her to death
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miss-musings · 10 months ago
You would go to hell if she asked…
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…and she would.
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camellcat · 3 months ago
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during my s9 rewatch I was reminded of this project I made back when I was taking a photography class. while I never planned on sharing it bc it was never as good as I wanted it to be, I thought maybe someone might like it
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sadly I don't have the original project file anymore, but it's supposed to be like you can print it out and fold into a little booklet! so here's what it looks like normally
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fuckingparched · 3 months ago
pretty sure i kept my whouffaldi obsession to myself and never talked about it with anyone irl because i wanted to feel like a little freak curled in on my little freak self
or maybe it’s that thing of feeling like you’re exploring taboos and sacred things like love, lust, yearning, and intimacy and i just didn’t wanna talk about that
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warlenys · 5 months ago
thinking about macden cat in the wall metaphor but for twelveclara. the cat’s stuck in your wall but it wants to be there. we gotta put a second cat in there. they’ll become codependent then the first one will come out with the second. oh wait ok the second one’s not coming out. they’re both stuck now. they like it in the wall too much. they got too codependent. maybe we could get them out with a bird
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personinthepalace · 2 years ago
#there is so much SO MUCH in their body language here#the way they immediately fall back into their usual routine despite the very abnormal situation and the new tension/distance between them#the way this distance is clearly visible in how clara keeps her hands held close to her chest and the doctor's entire posture is kept rigid#the way that despite this distance between them they both still ever-so-slightly-almost-impreceptibly still lean towards each other#and that in that last gif the doctor still seems to be trying to reach out to her...his hand momentarily moving back...#it looks like he's intuitively reaching out for her hand...im not sure hes even aware that hes doing it#anyway i love these repressed bastards#nothing bad happened to them after this right?#they found the tardis and continued traveling together same old same old thats how i remember that episode ending via @bluerthanthetardis
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anotheruserwithnoname · 2 months ago
Bleeding Cool just gave Peter Capaldi's era a bit of love. It's not a perfect article, but there are some interesting takeaways:
The writer was definitely not pro-Whouffaldi.
The writer believes women stopped watching the show because of Capaldi and the fact (in their words) "he wasn't a sexy young actor for them to treat as their internet boyfriend." I know a few followers who will take exception to that! But also a surprising statement coming from a site that has otherwise been supportive of the direction the show took after 2017.
The writer, perhaps unintentionally, makes apparent their opinion of Steven Moffat's more recent contributions to the series. (I generally do not cover the series after Capaldi, but I found this of note. I'll leave it to you to research further if you wish).
The thing about Capaldi's era I have noticed is the "Enterprise Effect" has occurred.
The Enterprise Effect starts from the fact Star Trek: Enterprise was hated during its run. Trekkies engaged in online warfare over it. Fans were corralled into two camps: Gushers refused to accept any criticism towards the show; Bashers refused to acknowledge the show had any redeeming qualities. There was no in-between. And if that sounds familiar, such division exists within all the major fandoms today, only back in 2003 people who spoke out in favour or against Enterprise were generally just called idiots, morons and stupid by people holding opposing view. Today the names being called generally refer to demographics.
Fast forward to the mid-2010s. After an initial revival of interest, the Star Trek "alternate timeline" films lost favour with many in the Trek fandom. And Star Trek Discovery (and the franchise it spawned) has never been universally loved. (I say that as a huge fan of Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks and Prodigy, but I couldn't stand Discovery and I gave up on Picard after its first season). But what happened was people went back to Enterprise (primarily on streaming) and started to realize it was actually a good show. Sure it had some bad episodes (every show has, no exception), but positive appreciation of Enterprise has grown over the last 5 years, just as appreciation of the much-maligned George Lucas Star Wars prequel trilogy has grown in the post-Last Jedi era.
Will this same effect come to recent eras of Who? No one can predict. Enterprise was cancelled 12 years before Discovery; the last Lucas Star Wars film came out 12 years before Last Jedi; Capaldi's era began nearly 12 years ago (if you count from when he was announced). So I guess ask me again in 2037.
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the-immortal-redshirt · 4 months ago
Heart of Ice: Chapter 2: Desperate Measures
Answering a psychic call for help, The Doctor and Clara find themselves on an extinct planet where the only survivors are frozen from a last-ditch experiment gone wrong. When the minds of the survivors take over Clara's body, the Doctor is faced with a terrible decision- to sacrifice himself to save the person he loves. (Whouffaldi/TwelveClara, T for violence, minor horror)
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Read it on AO3
Read it on FF.net
Chapter 2: Desperate Measures
Opening their minds, the Doctor and Clara faced the ghosts. Their images became clearer, no longer transparent. The Ergellian closest to them extended a scaly yellow talon in their direction like a drowning man reaching for a lifeline. Despair was evident on his face. “Please,” he spoke in a trembling voice. “Doctor, save us. We were told you could help us.”
The Doctor stood his ground, unsure if the spirits were friendly. “What happened?” he asked, pointing back into the direction of the cleanroom with his thumb.
“A virus escaped from a lab and wiped out our entire planet in a matter of days,” the Ergellian mulled solemnly. “All evacuations failed. There was just no time.”
“My comrades and I,” he motioned to the others behind him, “unable to find a cure, attempted to save our lives, and our race, by freezing ourselves in these experimental cryotubes. Extreme temperatures kill the virus.”
“It worked, the virus is extinct,” the shimmering apparition said with no joy in his voice. “But so is everyone else. We are the last of our species.”
“But something went wrong,” the Doctor held out his sonic screwdriver. “I scanned you. Your cells–”
“We know,” the Ergellian remorsed. “If we thaw, we die.” Reaching out to the side, he stroked the sealed pod where his body stood frozen. “We can never leave these tubes.”
“What's your name?” Clara asked softly. She felt bad for the feathered beings. They were so desperate to survive that they had accidentally doomed themselves to an eternity of icy imprisonment. Nobody deserved a fate like that.
“My name is Axious Kaj,” he placed a clawed hand over his plumaged chest, “lead scientist of this facility.”
He pointed back towards the lineup of chambers. “These cryotubes were never meant to house people, only to store frozen specimens. We tried to retrofit them, but obviously we were unsuccessful.” Meeting the Doctor’s gaze, the feathery man pleaded for his life. “Please help us. We are the last of our kind.”
The Doctor squeezed Clara’s hand, silently asking for guidance. He had no flashcards for this situation. There was no good way to tell them that they were doomed. He dropped his head in shame. He knew something about being the last of a species. He had never felt so helpless.
Raising his head with a long sigh, he looked the Ergellians in the eyes, the hopeful look on their faces cutting him to the core. “I'm sorry,” he shifted uncomfortably. “There's nothing I can do. The damage has already been done.”
“Legend says you can travel in time,” Axious pressed, undeterred. His voice took on an anguished note. “I beg you, go back in time. Prevent this from happening. Save my people.”
Every now and then, the Doctor could save somebody, so long as their death was not a fixed point in time, but an entire planet was out of the question. The ramifications of meddling with fate in such a major way could shatter the web of time itself. As much as he wanted to help, his hands were tied.
“I'm sorry,” he apologized, frowning sympathetically. “But I can’t.”
“Then you can help us in another way,” the scientist resolved. A dark look flashed across the psychic projection of his face.
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chaotic-pulsar · 11 months ago
ough. face the raven. oughhhhhhhhhh.
Twelve saying "stay with me" makes me want to sob for a million years
My second favourite doctor saying "run" to my second favourite companion in their very first moment together and my first favourite doctor saying "don't run" to my first favourite companion in their very last moment together, oh life certainly does feel poetic right now
(I am sobbing)
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miss-musings · 10 months ago
Crosshair and Omega as “Doctor Who” 12/Clara quotes
*Crosshair and Omega meeting up with Rex and his Clone Underground on Teth*
Crosshair: This is Omega. She’s not my assistant. She’s my — some other word…
Omega: I’m his carer.
Crosshair: Yeah. My carer. She cares so I don’t have to.
*Crosshair wearing some stinky-ass clothes he stole from an alleyway in Lau*
*Omega clearing her throat and trying not to cough from the absolute stank in the air*
Crosshair: What’s wrong?
Omega, sassy AF: I don’t know. Maybe the smell.
Crosshair, totally oblivious: I know. It’s everywhere.
*everyone is gathered around Shep’s table, holding hands*
Crosshair: I’m not very good with this holding hands thing.
*Omega takes his hand and brings him into the circle*
Crosshair: I will hold Omega’s hand, but that’s it.
*Omega visits Pabu after serving in the Rebellion for several months*
Crosshair, running out to her then stopping and giving her a thumbs up: I’m not a hugger.
*Crosshair runs the rest of the way and then picks her up and spins her around*
Crosshair: This is not a hug!!!
*Crosshair and Omega are pulling a Seven Samurai with a group of civilians on Pabu*
Crosshair: Who here has ever held a sword in battle?
*Crosshair raises his hand, but no one else does except Omega*
*Crosshair looks at her surprised but impressed*
Crosshair, reuniting with Omega on Pabu during the finale: I’ve missed you, Omega BadBatch.
Omega: Well, don’t worry, you daft, old man. I’m not going anywhere.
*Imperials catch Crosshair and Omega on Lau and ask them why they’re there*
Crosshair: Uh… We’re here to…
Omega: We’re here to … uh…
Crosshair and Omega, simultaneously: Assess…
Omega: … stress…
Crosshair: Stress.
*finding a scary cave on Pabu*
Crosshair: Hold my hand.
Omega: I’m OK.
Crosshair, probably having Tantiss flashbacks: I’m not.
*she takes his hand*
*Crosshair and Omega investigating some shenanigans on Pabu*
Omega: I’m good cop. You’re bad cop.
Crosshair: No, no, no. We don’t have — Wait. Why can’t I be the good cop?
Omega: Crosshair, we’ve discussed this.
*she points to his trademark scowl*
Omega: Your face.
Crosshair, like he legitimately forgot: Oh yeah…
*Hemlock holding Omega and Crosshair on Tantiss, but it’s really low-stakes bc they could escape at any time*
Crosshair to Hemlock: You’re out of your depth, sir. Never try to control a control-freak.
Omega, definitely upset: Ugh! I am not a control-freak!!!
Crosshair: Yes, ma’am.
*Crosshair and Omega are trying to get Batcher to behave*
Omega: Tell her she’s special.
Crosshair: Have you gone bananas?
*Omega teaching Crosshair how to meditate*
Crosshair: I used to have a teacher exactly like you.
Omega: You still do. Pay attention.
Hemlock, seeing Omega and Crosshair side-by-side for the first time: And he’s not a killer assassin. … He’s … your dad!! Your space dad!
*Omega and Crosshair are surprised he finally figured it out*
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camellcat · 1 year ago
hey guys. whouffaldi. what the fuck
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randomthunk · 10 months ago
As I sit munching my toast and drinking coffee, looking at my morning rounds of Tumblr tags, I have a moment of peace where I'm so glad Whouffaldi's heyday was 10 years ago, so that I didn't have to deal with some teeny bopper on TikTok trying to lecture me, a grown ass woman, about why my ship is """""toxic""""" and Bad, Actually.
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years ago
Re the fic asks
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Sorry, two of these are gonna be rnm but I did dig far enough back for a Doctor Who fic (which I think is our only fandom overlap?)
A fic that made you smile on a bad day
Literally! Was having the worst day, and saw this fic pop up and it was just so perfect and sweet and hilarious! What an I’m imbecile! What an ultramoron! by @maeglinthebold
A fic that makes you think #writergoals
Dealing with Knights by @ladynox and @beautifulcheat and honestly all of their co-written and individual fic! Like check out Surreal Estate, Rough Stock, and The Truth is Right Here (no need to be knowledgeable on the fandom tbh)
A fic that gives you warm fuzzy feelings
He’s Got a Theory About the Universe (It Exists in Her Smile) by midnightxgarden super sweet Whouffaldi but also like they are such dorks
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nehswritesstuffs · 1 year ago
The Time That We Love Best - RECAP - Part 3 of 13
So, you know how tumblr's dashboard has been made jankier and jankier with each passing update? I'm taking it into my own hands to make some masterposts of some of my long-form fics because even though they have a side-page on my blog, I don't know how long that will hold out, and this is easier to share anyhow.
The Time That We Love Best - 206k words - a slice-of life/WWII/1950s Whouffaldi AU
Broken into thirteen parts because tumblr is a very webbed site.
Part 1 - Part 2 - [Part 3] - Part 4 - Part 5
Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10
Prompt Fills: Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13
21. Saturday [FFN]/[AO3]
John asks his guests some simple questions, while Clara is worried he’s becoming attached.
22. 13 March 1941 [FFN]/[AO3]
John’s preparedness and great-great-grandfather’s cleverness prove to be invaluable.
23. 14 March 1941 [FFN]/[AO3]
No one comes out of war unscathed, even if they’re only civilians.
24. Late March 1941 [FFN]/[AO3]
Lying is a bad habit, but sometimes a lie itself isn’t that bad.
25. April 1941 [FFN]/[AO3]
One year can make a world of difference during wartime.
26. May 1941 [FFN]/[AO3]
A letter for assurance and an embrace for comfort.
27. October 1941 [FFN]/[AO3]
It may be a roof over their heads and a two-step commute for Clara, but living in a primary school office is not all it’s cracked up to be.
28. November 1941 [FFN]/[AO3]
It’s not every day your husband turns fifty, and it’s Clara’s students that plan to make the most of it.
29. December 1941 [FFN]/[AO3]
The Smiths have a chat after John comes home from a less-than-quiet night out.
30. May 1942 [FFN]/[AO3]
Sometimes a step forward isn’t as big as one would prefer it to be.
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anotheruserwithnoname · 6 months ago
I'm old enough to have lived through this cycle many times which is why it really doesn't bug me when something I loved as a child - and in many cases still do - gets flagged as problematic or offensive according to today's (or sometimes this week's) standards, because I know it will cycle around again and unless there is a concerted effort to ban/destroy said media (which never works), that last part of the cycle "rejected and falls into obscurity" rarely lasts very long. And if someone decides to think I'm a bad person because I like Whouffaldi or Elvis (we're not supposed to like him anymore), I don't really care unless you owe me money.
At some point in tumblr history, the tumblr cycle of hipster media consumption added a component of "mandatory moral value" to its justification for praising or hating anything, which has made it exhausting to come across countless displays of mental gymnastics to justify, morally and ethically, why liking or not liking whatever piece of media (or part of it) makes you essentially a good or a bad person.
The cycle was always there, but it went from this
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to this
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and sometimes I think we're past it and then I go to a tag and come across some manifesto that makes me feel like I'm in hell.
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