#'que pasó con tu mano' -> 'what happened to your hand'
sissy-frydda · 2 years
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"Que fue lo que ocurrió con el tío Juan" , preguntó la Tía Sophie, las chicas están muy exitadas con todo el asunto.
El tío Juan me hizo sentar sobre el, tía. Mientras me tocaba sobre las bragas. Y solo me deje llevar tía (sob😔), siento mucha vergüenza.
"No te preocupes cariño. Y el que hizo, además de tocarte?"
Me hizo sentir su pene duro en su pantalón, hizo que quedara entre mis dos nalguitas y me hizo moverme de espaldas a él, y en un momento sentí que le daba como un calambre y se puso rígido. Fue ahí que sentí toda esa humedad caliente en mi culo, empapando mis braguitas.
"Y te gustó?"
Estoy muy apenado, tía 😔. Tuve miedo de que quisiera meterme aquello.
"Veo que tu linda bombachita está mojada adelante también, que pasó acá ?"
Me dijo que era una hermosa nenita y su mano caliente se apoyo en mi entrepierna, y explote tía (llanto)
"Mmmm ya veo, deberé hablar con el tío, para que sea más gentil la próxima vez"
"What happened to Uncle Juan" , asked Aunt Sophie, the girls are very excited about the whole thing.
Uncle Juan made me sit on it, aunt. While he touched me over my panties. And just let me go auntie (sob😔), I feel very ashamed.
"Do not worry honey. And what did he do, besides touching you?"
He made me feel his hard penis in his pants, he made it stay between my two little buttocks and he made me turn my back to him, and at one point I felt that he was getting a cramp and he stiffened. It was there that I felt all that hot moisture on my ass, soaking my panties.
"And did you like it?"
I'm very sorry, auntie 😔. I was afraid that he wanted to put that in me.
"I see that your pretty panties are wet in the front too, what happened here?"
He told me that I was a beautiful little girl and his warm hand rested on my crotch, and I exploded aunt (cry)
"Mmmm I see, I'll have to talk to uncle, so he'll be more gentle next time"
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daymel · 2 years
La tumba/The grave
Mk fue a visitar a su maestro pero se perdió y se encontró una tumba rodeada de unas bellas flores como caléndulas, hortensias, claveles y girasoles. Era un bello paisaje pero con un trasfondo trágico.
Supuso que era alguien a quien monkey king le tenía mucho aprecio por estar enterrado en la montaña donde vive el mismísimo Monkey King. Cuando se iba acercar siente que alguien le agarra la mano fuertemente 
“¿Qué haces aquí Mk? Hoy no hay entrenamiento” dijo con una mirada serie
“Bueno me perdí y tú me encontraste” dijo nervioso la atmósfera se había puesto tensa, Monkey king algunas veces se ponía aterrador para Mk
Se produjo un silencio incómodo mientras su maestro lo miraba, Mk no soportó la presión por lo que decidió romper él silencio
“¿De quién es la tumba?” le preguntó, la pregunta pareció desconcertar a Macaque quien soltó la mano del chico para concentrarse en la tumba de su amor
“Se podría decir que es de . . . un viejo amigo“ contestó sin mirar al chico
“¿Es de alguien que conociste en el viaje al oeste?”
Macaque casi arruga la cara ante la idea de estar rodeado de esos tipos 
“No, es alguien diferente” siguió sin mirarlo a la cara
“¿Qué le pasó?” preguntó curioso MK, Monkey king era alguien más misterioso de lo que él hubiera esperado
“Murió alguien. . . alguien lo asesinó hace ya muchos siglos” dijo mientras una lágrima traicionera se deslizaba
Lo siento tanto Wukong
“Monkey king” Mk se acercó
“Estoy bien chico, ya ha pasado tiempo”
No merezco tu consuelo,
Ni el de nadie
Caléndula simboliza la pena y el dolor que se siente con la pérdida de un ser querido.
Claveles rojo: amor apasionado
Claveles blanco signo de profundo dolor en el luto
Hortensias azules: para pedir perdón
Girasol amarillo: eres mi sol. Solo tengo ojos para ti, y como el girasol, yo me giraré siempre hacia ti.
Girasol naranja: fidelidad en el amor. Admiración.
Mk went to visit his teacher but got lost and found a grave surrounded by beautiful flowers such as marigolds, hydrangeas, carnations and sunflowers. It was a beautiful landscape but with a tragic background. He guessed it was someone the monkey king was very fond of because he was buried on the mountain where the monkey king himself lives. When he was going to get closer, he feels someone grab his hand strongly. "What are you doing here MK? No training today” he said with a serious look. "Well I got lost and you found me" he said nervously the atmosphere had become tense, Monkey king sometimes got scary for Mk There was an awkward silence while his teacher looked at him, Mk couldn't stand the pressure so he decided to break the silence “Whose grave is it?” he asked, the question seemed to disconcert Macaque who let go of the boy's hand to concentrate on the grave of his love “You could say it's from . . . an old friend "he answered without looking at the boy “Is it from someone you met on the journey west?” Macaque almost screwed up his face at the thought of being surrounded by those guys. "No, it's someone different" he continued without looking at his face "What happened?" asked curious MK, Monkey king was someone more mysterious than he would have expected “Somebody died. . . someone murdered him many centuries ago” he said as a treacherous tear slid down I´m so sorry wukong “Monkey king” Mk came closer "I'm fine boy, it's been a while" I don't deserve your consolation, nor anyone else's
Calendula symbolizes the sorrow and pain that is felt with the loss of a loved one. Red carnations: passionate love White carnations sign of deep pain in mourning Blue hydrangeas: to apologize Yellow sunflower: you are my sunshine. I only have eyes for you, and like the sunflower, I will always turn to you. Orange sunflower: fidelity in love. Admiration.
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migratingisaright · 8 months
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-¿Quién eres? ¿Desde dónde y hacia dónde migraste?
Un saludo a los lectores, soy AKA Scori, soy artista del dibujo, realizo ilustraciones que son inspiradas en lo que veo, siento y quiero. Emigre desde Venezuela en el 2019 a Chile, pasando por Colombia, Ecuador y Perú.
-Who are you? From where and where did you migrate?
Greetings to readers, I am AKA Scori, I am a drawing artist, I made illustrations that are inspired by what I see, feel and want. I emigrated from Venezuela in 2019 to Chile, passing through Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
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-¿Qué es la migración para ti?
La migración para mí es el movimiento que le di a mi vida tras dejar todo atrás, todo lo que conocía, sin pensar en lo que me esperaba, simplemente decidí migrar para un mejor mañana. Ese momento tras la migración para mí siempre será lo mejor que me pasó en la vida ya que al migrar pude conseguirme a mí mismo, saber lo que quería, proyectos y metas.
-What is migration for you?
Migration for me is the movement that I gave to my life after leaving everything behind, everything I knew, without thinking about what awaited me, I simply decided to migrate for a better tomorrow. That moment after migration for me will always be the best thing that happened to me in my life since by migrating I was able to achieve myself, know what I wanted, projects and goals.
-Relata la experiencia más difícil en tu vida migrante.
La experiencia más difícil que he tenido en mi vida como migrante es haber sido arrestado en Ecuador, no estaba consciente que mi documentación estaba con un fallo y las autoridades ecuatorianas dedujeron que mi documentación estaba falsificada. 
La noticia más fría fue cuando me dijeron que quedaba arrestado por falsificación de documento, ahí les comenté que no sabía de eso, les expliqué, hicieron una investigación y me dejaron en libertad, gracias a Dios que metió su mano.
-Relate the most difficult experience in your migrant life.
The most difficult experience I have had in my life as a migrant is being arrested in Ecuador. I was not aware that my documentation was defective and the Ecuadorian authorities deduced that my documentation was falsified.
The coldest news was when they told me that I was arrested for document falsification, there I told them that I didn't know about that, I explained to them, they did an investigation and they released me, thank God he put his hand in it.
Relata la experiencia más hermosa en tu vida migrante.
Mi experiencia más hermosa migrando ha sido conseguir un rubro que me apasiona, actualmente soy serigrafista, nunca pensé que iba a coincidir tanto con un trabajo, ha sido lo mejor que me ha pasado. Es un trabajo que requiere mucho arte y manos de artista, gracias a la serigrafía también pude conocer amistades que presentaron el mundo del graffiti.
-Tell about the most beautiful experience in your migrant life.
My most beautiful experience migrating has been getting a job that I am passionate about, I am currently a screen printer. I never thought it would coincide so much with a job, it has been the best thing that has happened to me. It is a job that requires a lot of art and the hands of an artist, thanks to screen printing I was also able to meet friends who introduced the world of graffiti.
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-¿Qué extrañas de tu lugar de origen?
Puedo decir que extraño todo, mi familia, mis amigos, las calles en las que crecí, los lugares que estuve, extraño la comida de mamá, son cosas muy insignificantes pero que hoy día llevo conmigo y me hacen trabajar más para poder volver a estar en mi tierra.
-What do you miss about your place of origin?
I can say that I miss everything, my family, my friends, the streets where I grew up, the places I was, I miss mom's food, they are very insignificant things but that I carry with me today and they make me work harder to be able to be back in my land.
- ¿Qué mensaje le dejarías a la gente que piensa en migrar o está en ello, y que hoy lee tus palabras?
El mejor consejo que puedo dar a una persona que quiera migrar es que lo haga sin miedo, no será nada fácil, estarás solo, los problemas te visitaran, llegarán tormentas pero no temas que todo será para hacerte más fuerte. El mundo es muy amplio y está hecho para explorarlo, nunca dejes que el miedo te detenga.
- What message would you leave for people who are thinking about migrating or are doing so, and who read your words today?
The best advice I can give to a person who wants to migrate is to do it without fear, it will not be easy at all, you will be alone, problems will visit you, storms will come but do not fear that everything will be to make you stronger. The world is very wide and made to explore, never let fear stop you.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 4 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 3 - Bodega
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, is it a date?, 2.7k
WARNINGS: cancer mention, lines in Spanish will have translations in the tags
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes me these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1, Part 2
Alex followed the gentle clack-clack-clack of the wheels eagerly, watching as Willie glided this way and that through the street. He shoved down the thought that his walk was only going to be a short one. After a few blocks, Willie slowed to a stop outside a bodega and waited for Alex to catch up before going inside.
“Hola, ese!” The guy behind the counter called as they entered.
Willie nodded and raised his eyebrows at him in greeting, lifting off his helmet and leaning his board against the wall of the counter. Immediately, an orange striped cat hopped up onto the surface with an excited little ‘prrrrp?’ and approached so Willie could pet him.
“Hey, Sheldon,” he said, massaging behind the cat’s ears as it rubbed its head aggressively against his shirt. Then, Sheldon sniffed Alex’s sleeve in curiosity as he stood timidly amid the unfamiliar.
“He’s friendly,” Willie assured. “Unless you’re allergic,” he added cautiously.
Alex smiled as he took the cat’s face in his hands, rubbing the sweet spots on his neck.
“No, good thing I’m not.” Sheldon was already purring, the sound soothing Alex’s slight shakiness. Willie smoothed the fur along his back.
“Have you been good today?” he asked in a baby voice.”You been treating Escobar right?” The cat meowed and rubbed against Willie’s chest.
“He caught two mice this morning,” The man, whom Alex assumed was Escobar, said. He was trying to wipe what looked like grease on his hands. “He’s happy because I gave him sardines.”
“Thanks, man,” Willie told him. “By the way, this is Alex.”
“Nice to meet you,” Alex said, realizing his hands had been gripping his fanny pack anxiously and loosening them.
“Good to meet you, Alex,” Escobar offered his wrist to shake, his hand being dirty. Alex shook it awkwardly and then Sheldon pushed his way in between and rubbed his head against his hand. Willie laughed.
“He seems to really like you,” he said.
“All I did was pet him,” Alex replied.
“Well, if Willie likes someone, the cat usually does, too,” Escobar informed him.
Alex smiled, unsure what to say to that.
“Que pasó con tu mano?” Escobar directed to Willie in concern, looking pointedly at his hand.
Willie only laughed and lifted the hand in question.
“Scrapes everyday,” was all he had to say.
The man only shook his head as he moved to put away the rag he’d been wiping his hands on.
“Te tienes que cuidarte mejor,” he said as he came back to the counter. “So what are we eating today?”
“We’ll see,” Willie said. He turned to Alex. “Do you want anything?”
He blinked, flustered.
“Are you - are you sure?” The words it’s not a date, it’s not a date, began repeating in his head incessantly. Right? A guy can buy another guy he just met food...after inviting him to follow him...on his way to get food….
“Yeah, I’ve got you covered,” Willie told him, moving over to a part of the counter where a sandwich menu was posted on top of it. Alex felt a bass drum going in his chest and tapped his toe to mimic it, hoping he could play it off as just taking time to decide.
“Take your time, amigos, I gotta wash my hands real quick,” Escobar said before disappearing.
“I don’t understand most of what he says,” Willie murmured so only Alex could hear. “But I get the general idea.”
He could only smirk in response. Perusing the menu, Alex quickly made a selection, still hesitant about accepting Willie’s offer. He stuck his hands in his pockets and looked around the bodega. He’d been to a few around L.A. but they all had their differences. This one was rather spacious, with some tables set up outside, and of course the sandwiches were an uncommon feature.
“So,” Willie started, grabbing his attention. “Do you often follow strangers through the city?”
Alex exhaled nervously, only then realizing what he’d just done.
“No,” he shook his head. Willie leaned on the counter, smirking. “No, this is kind of a first. Why, do you get followed a lot?”
Willie only bit his lip and shook his head. They chuckled together for a moment.
“I just come here every day during my lunch break,” Willie explained. “To check on Sheldon. Figured if you were game, you’d come.”
Alex looked at him in confusion.
“You explained none of that back there; you just nodded.”
“And yet….” Willie said, gesturing toward him. The unspoken truth hovered between them so potently Alex expected to receive a static shock.
“So...is Sheldon your cat?” he asked to diffuse the tension. Sheldon perked up at the sound of his name and pattered over to them.
“Yeah,” Willie responded as if he’d been distracted by his thoughts for a second. “I found him a few months ago and he was just really sick and weak and I couldn’t leave him like that, so Escobar was nice to let me keep him here since I can’t have him with me.”
“Why can’t you - ” Alex began before Escobar came back through, rubbing his newly cleaned hands.
“Okay, primos, we ready?” he asked.
“Yep!” Willie said, flashing a look to Alex that he’d answer him later. “Just the usual for me. You know what you want, Alex?”
“The, uh, chicken panini,” he said quickly. He glanced over at Willie again and got a tiny nod that yes, he was fine to get a sandwich. As Escobar got to work making them, they went over to the tables outside and sat down.
“I figured I could thank you a little bit, considering the generous tip I got this morning,” Willie said.
Alex swallowed, remembering how hard he had to convince the boys to leave a good deal of money so Willie could get into the show in the evening. It wasn’t until Bobby had made up something about getting more fans that got Luke and Reggie to agree. In retrospect, the count of bold decisions he was making that day was record-breaking.
“I wouldn’t have asked you to return a favor,” he said. “But I do appreciate the sandwich.” He felt Sheldon rub against his leg.and smiled as he looked down. “You weren’t kidding when you said he was friendly. This is the happiest cat I’ve ever met.”
Willie nodded. “He’s changed so much since we found him.”
He paused and just looked at Alex for a moment. 
“You don’t relax much, huh?” he wondered aloud in a soft manner.
Alex looked down at his hands once again keeping a death grip on the strap of his fanny pack, released them, and put them down in his lap.
“No better time to start than now, right?” he said, taking in a couple deep breaths. He couldn’t help it. One look at Willie made him feel like time fell from orbit - whatever that meant. His hands still needed something to do though, so he pulled out his drumsticks again and lightly tapped on the edge of the table. Willie bobbed his head to the rhythm, scrunching his nose.
After a few minutes, they heard Escobar call out and they went to collect their sandwiches. Willie glanced at the clock above them and grabbed his board.
“I don’t know how, but it’s already almost time to head back,” he said.
Alex hadn’t figured him to care about punctuality, but took his sandwich from Escobar, ready to follow Willie back toward the hotel. There was no chance he would find his way back alone. Escobar wagged a finger for him to come closer. Nervously, Alex leaned toward the counter.
“Tú tienes cara de fresa,” he said, to which Alex only blinked cluelessly. “Pero me caes bien.” The man simply nodded, smiling slightly. Alex looked between him and Willie, neither of them offering a translation.
“Th...thanks,” he stuttered. He leaned down and scratched Sheldon’s head to bid adieu.
“I’ll be back later for Sheldon,” Willie told Escobar as they exited.
Before Willie mounted his board, he got a few good bites into his sandwich. They had gotten about half a block away before Alex dared to ask.
“Do you have any clue what he said to me?”
“I think it was a compliment,” Willie said, mouth slightly full of food.
They continued back toward the hotel, eating their sandwiches as Alex simply ruminated over everything that had just transpired. Willie glanced over occasionally, always with a smile, and clearly travelling slower than he had before so he didn’t leave Alex too far behind. As they finally approached their destination, Willie dismounted his board for a moment.
“Hey,” he said, the soft tone Alex had heard earlier coming back. “Thanks for going with me. It was nice.”
Alex smiled, momentarily losing his entire working vocabulary to giddiness.
“No problem,” he said finally. “See you around?”
Willie nodded.
“See you around.”
Back at the Pearl, the band was set up for their sound check. Luke was an uncontained mass of energy at this point - kissing his rabbit’s foot countless times, swinging his arm tie around to see how far a distance he could hit people from, and his hands rarely leaving his guitar. Alex had a feeling it was only going to get worse the second he saw Julie. They all assembled on the stage and took up their instruments, waiting for the sound tech to instruct them.
“Okay, Reggie, give us a line,” was heard from the booth. Reggie improvised a bass lick on the spot for about thirty seconds, which was far more than the sound guys needed. It was a wicked line, though, and Alex couldn’t blame him for riding it out. He could see Luke and Bobby raising their eyebrows, hoping they could play with it later.
The techs guided them through the instruments one by one, then microphones, and then prepared for them to play together. This was the first time they were all playing with earpieces to hear everything properly and it was certainly an exciting change. Alex could hear them almost as if he were listening to their own demo and he couldn’t describe the feeling.
On cue, Luke played the opening riff to Now or Never and the energy immediately flowed as they all joined him.
“Take off, last stop, count down till we blast open the top…”
Nothing like getting to play to take the edge off of everything. He’d started the day early and thought there would be nothing more nerve-wracking than getting on this stage. Sure, he knew he could do it, but the pressure to somehow gain the support of hundreds more people in one go had been mounting on him the last few days. Fans who came to him after shows and told him that he made a difference to them? That he was something more than just an awkward teen who was bullied for being gay and having nut allergies? It was surreal. Alex wanted to keep reality close most of the time. Making music was the exception where he was happy to escape.
They finished the song, and as Alex swept his hair out of his eyes he saw a figure stand up from sitting in the middle of the empty venue, clapping their hands.
“You guys, that was phenomenal!” Julie Molina was saying, making her way onto the stage.
“Julie!” all of the guys cried out, nearly in unison. Luke was already bounding over as she made her way up to the stage. Reggie and Bobby lifted the straps off their guitars and followed suit as Alex casually brought up the rear.
“Hey guys,” Julie said, returning all of their high-fives and fist bumps. “I’m so excited for tonight, we’re going to have a good show.”
“I’m ready for us to blow everybody away,” Luke said enthusiastically. Alex, Reggie and Bobby exchanged knowing looks but refrained from commenting. Julie probably thought he was talking about the band. Luke probably thought the same, funnily enough.
“I have my own sound check to do, but it’ll be good to hang with you guys until the show opens,” she told them.
“Can we stick around and watch?” Luke asked.
Julie shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, go ahead!”
“Sweet!” Reggie said, already taking a seat. Bobby settled down next to him while Alex took the seat behind them.
He remembered when they met her it was at some battle of the bands out in Bakersfield. She’d been part of the duo Double Trouble, and her friend Flynn had gotten sick shortly before they were supposed to go on. She took the stage anyway and had the audience at her feet, and Alex had never seen Luke so entranced. At the end, they invited her to jam until they were forced to shut down at about one in the morning. Everything that had transpired in those few hours was unforgettable, and the guys agreed they would all gladly do it again.
That was a year ago. Now, with her first album out, the guys had all been stoked to get the call to open for her. Alex was pretty sure Luke had been keeping tabs on her the whole time, and he likely didn’t realize how obvious it was. There was something about the way he got very defensive when the guys occasionally suggested going back to the songs they’d gotten started with her, and how he refused to do it without her.
The four of them sat mesmerized as Julie’s fingers elicited the most heartfelt and energizing melodies from the piano. A soft, swelling joy came over Alex, and he wanted to give Julie the strongest hug when she finished. Her music was touching and he couldn’t help but need to express that to her. Peeking at the two below him, he saw Reggie clearly shedding some tears and Bobby clenching his fist because it wasn’t the right moment to wipe them away.
Suddenly one of the crew members walked onto the stage, making Julie stop playing. He muttered something to her that the boys couldn't hear. She sat straight with fear in her eyes and hurried backstage without a word. Luke turned around to look at the rest of his band and they all mirrored his concern. Slowly, they rose and headed toward the green room where they found Julie on the phone.
“Dad, what happened?” she was saying, audibly shaking.
Alex held out a hand and they all stopped in their tracks. He looked at Luke and shook his head. Whatever they were hearing, he figured she didn’t want them listening in on. Luke knit his eyebrows, and Alex could see the internal fight going on in his mind as he considered staying to comfort her or giving her space. After a moment he nodded to Alex and they pulled back into one of the dressing rooms.
None of them said a word as they waited. Alex pulled out his drumsticks and tapped them on his knees to fight off the rising anxiety in his chest. Nobody bothered looking at the clock and nobody made eye contact. Those three words they’d heard repeated on a loop in Alex’s brain, and he was sure they were in the minds of the others. That hug he had thought about giving felt both highly necessary and very inadequate, and he didn’t even know what the phone call was about.
After some time, Julie appeared in the doorway. She looked around at all of them and breathed deeply.
“My mom is in the hospital right now,” she said soberly. “She’s been in cancer treatment for a few months now and it was in remission, but it’s coming back."
Her eyes remained cast toward the floor, and each of the guys hesitated to move.
"I can't cancel tonight, but…" she began saying. Luke raised a hand to cover his face, clearly afraid of the rest of that sentence.
"I'm sorry guys, but I need some time to myself." She left, but Alex saw her face twist with pain before she was completely out of sight and he thought he felt his heart snap in two. Everyone looked at Luke as he sat at a loss for words.
Finally, Luke straightened up and a calm fierceness took over his countenance.
"We gotta make tonight the best, you guys, you hear me?"
Each of them nodded solemnly.
"Alright. We aren't legends for ourselves, tonight. We're legends for Julie."
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esuemmanuel · 2 years
No puedo evitarme la tristeza de saberme nada en lo que creí eran tus manos, porque me pensé tuyo… me sentí de ti… y supuse ibas a acompañarme hasta que el tiempo dejara de ser tiempo, pero, no estás aquí, y no porque no lo hayas querido, sino porque me hiciste ver que nada de lo pactado se fundamentó en el amor. Fuimos ilusiones, trazos de sueños, suspiros infantiles lanzados al aire, querencias mancilladas de un fervor con base en la locura, emociones coloreadas sobre papel carbón; un lápiz y un borrador… y, seguramente, crees que nada de eso me dolió, ni que, todavía ahora, me pregunto qué fue lo que pasó, en qué fallé, qué me faltó[…]
— Esu Emmanuel©, I can't avoid the sadness of knowing nothing in what I thought were your hands, because I thought I was yours... I felt I belonged to you... and I assumed you were going to accompany me until time ceased to be time, but you're not here, and not because you didn't want it, but because you made me see that nothing of what was agreed was founded in love. We were illusions, traces of dreams, infantile sighs thrown into the air, sullied desires of a fervour based on madness, emotions coloured on carbon paper; a pencil and an eraser... and, surely, you believe that none of that hurt me, nor that, even now, I wonder what happened, what I failed in, what I missed....
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belit0 · 4 years
Hola! Primero que nada no sabes lo emocionada que estoy por qué pueda escribirte las solicitudes en español 🥺🥺 segundo, me encanta como escribes a todos pero más que nada amo el realismo que le pones a shisui e itachi con su situación, entonces, si te interesa (obvio hahaha) puedas hacer un escenario o headcanons en alguna situación que su pareja (de shisui e itachi por separado) los calma o consola por una misión súper obscura?? Que los apapache les de un baño, lloren y los duerma con cariñitos 🥺
Espero que no haya roto ninguna regla! Te mando un abrazote! Y va de nuez, AMO TU TRABAJO!!!!
[AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HOLA HOLA HOLA REINA, obvio que tenía que pensar en mis compas hispanohablantes, a veces puede ser una paja navegar por estas redes y que todo sea ingles. Acá llego la Indra simp a tirarte una lluvia de Itachi/Shisui amor UWU (La primera versión la posteo en ingles, pero abajo te dejo la versión también en español :D) ]
Request Translation: can you make a scenario or headcanons where their s/o ( for Shisui and Itachi separately) calms them down or comforts them because of a super dark mission? Make the s/o cuddle them, give them a bath, cry and put them to sleep with love 🥺
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You were at home when he arrived from a mission, one that kept him away for about two weeks. There was no communication during that time, it was simply too dangerous. Shisui had to endure that suffering without your help.
Quietly, cooking like any other night, you heard the door open suddenly, startling you. When you checked the origin of that blow, you found your man kneeling on the floor, leaning on his hands, crying uncontrollably.
Without hesitation, you went down to his level, positioning yourself at his height on the floor, wrapping your arms around his shoulders in an iron grip. There is no need to ask him what happened, considering his work, it's imaginable.
"I-I... I... I COULDN'T SAVE THEM [Y/N]! T-T-T-T... THEY’RE..."
"Shhh, you're here, you're with me, the mission is over love."
You stayed with him, hugging him on the floor for as long as it took until his body stopped shaking and his wild crying turned into silent tears.
Abandoning any cooking plans, you helped him to get up and led him straight to bed. Tucking him in, you joined the man, holding him almost oppressively, letting him know he was not alone at a time as horrible as that. Caressing his hair, your chest stopped hurting when you saw that he had fallen asleep.
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With him, you are the one who is coming home, expecting to find yourself alone in his absence for work. ANBU are in high demand, but lately, Itachi was being cruelly pushed to your opinion.
Entering the house, you realize that you are not alone, that in fact there is someone there. The bathroom light is on, a room you remember leaving in the dark before you left.
Investigating, you find Itachi inside the bathtub, his uniform scattered on the floor without care, as if he had taken it off urgently. The water in which he is immersed is red, and different cuts adorn the visible skin of his body.
His expression is null, worse than the usual one. As if his feelings were sicklily buried inside him, slowly eating him up. He is not even aware of your presence, he is staring at nothing without moving or blinking.
On his cheeks there are traces of moisture, and by noticing his dry hair, you can deduce that those are tears, or at least they were.
Approaching carefully, as Itachi can be dangerous in that state, you speak to him in order to alert him of your apparition, and place a hand on his shoulder, caressing him gently.
He turns his head towards you, and on seeing you, he returns to himself, as if reality has hit him and the loop of traumatic memories has finely left him. You place your hand on his cheek, and he bends over your touch, while the tears are born again. He is not able to articulate words, but it is not necessary.
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Te encontrabas en tu casa cuando él llegó de una misión, una que lo mantuvo alejado unas dos semanas. No hubo comunicación durante ese tiempo, fue una situación demasiado peligrosa. Shisui tuvo que soportar aquel sufrimiento sin tu ayuda.
Tranquile, cocinando como cualquier otra noche, escuchaste la puerta abrirse súbitamente, sobresaltándote. Cuando fuiste a chequear el origen de aquel golpe, te encontraste a tu hombre arrodillado en el piso, apoyado sobre sus manos, llorando desconsoladamente.
Sin dudarlo, bajaste hasta su nivel, posicionándote a su altura en el suelo, y envolviendo sus hombros con tus brazos en un agarre férreo. No hay necesidad de preguntarle que pasó, con el trabajo que tiene, es imaginable.
“N-N… No… ¡NO PUDE SALVARLOS [Y/N]! T-T-To-odo-os… est-á-n…”
“Shhh, estás aquí, estás conmigo, la misión terminó amor.”
Te quedaste con él, abrazándolo en el suelo el tiempo necesario hasta que su cuerpo dejó de temblar y su llanto descontrolado se convirtió en lágrimas silenciosas.
Abandonando cualquier plan de cocinar, lo ayudaste a incorporarse, y lo condujiste directo a la cama. Arropándolo, te uniste a él sosteniéndolo de forma casi opresiva, para que sepa que no estaba solo en un momento tan horrible como ese. Acariciando su cabello, tu pecho dejo de dolor cuando comprobaste que se había quedado dormido.
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Con él, sos vos quien está llegando a casa, esperando encontrarte en soledad ante su ausencia por trabajo. Los ANBU son altamente demandados, pero últimamente Itachi estaba siendo cruelmente exigido para tu opinión.
Entrando en la vivienda, te das cuenta que no estás sole, que, de hecho, allí hay alguien. La luz del baño está encendida, una habitación que recuerdas haber dejado a oscuras antes de partir.
Investigando, encuentras a Itachi dentro de la bañera, su uniforme esparcido por el suelo sin cuidado, como si se lo hubiera quitado con urgencia. El agua en la que esta sumergido es roja, y distintos cortes adornan la piel visible de su cuerpo.
Su expresión es nula, peor que la habitual. Como si sus sentimientos estuvieran enterrados enfermizamente en su interior, carcomiéndolo lentamente. Ni siquiera se percató de su presencia, está observando la nada sin moverse o parpadear.
En sus mejillas hay rastros de agua, y al notar su cabello seco, puedes deducir que son lágrimas, o al menos lo fueron.
Acercándote con cuidado, dado que Itachi puede ser peligroso en ese estado, le hablas para alertarlo de tu aparición, y colocas una mano en su hombro, acariciándolo con suavidad.
Él gira la cabeza hacía a vos, y al verte, vuelve en si mismo, como si la realidad lo golpeara y el loop de memorias traumáticas finamente lo abandonara. Colocas la mano en su mejilla, y se inclina sobre tu toque, mientras que las lágrimas vuelven a nacer. No es capaz de articular palabras, pero no es necesario.
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dearestgojo · 3 years
Thanks @september-sunsets for the song recommendation. Going to add this to the playlist for 'BLCTKU'
Here's the lyrics translated:
I met you one day in April, an ordinary day, the day I least expected it Te conocí un día de abril, un día común, el día que menos lo esperaba I did not think about love, nor did I believe it, much less was I looking for it Yo no pensaba en el amor, ni lo creía y mucho menos lo buscaba And suddenly, you appeared Y de pronto, apareciste tú Smashing walls and ideas, you became my light Destrozando paredes e ideas, te volviste mi luz
And I did not know that with a kiss time could be stopped and I learned it from you Y yo no sabía que con un beso se podría parar el tiempo y lo aprendí de ti Nor that with just one look you will dominate every space that is inside me Ni que con solo una mirada dominaras cada espacio que hay dentro de mí Nor did I know that I could love you so much until I surrendered and fell prey to your lips Tampoco sabía que podía amarte tanto hasta entregarme y ser presa de tus labios I found out yes, because I learned it from you Descubrí que sí, porque lo aprendí de ti
Suddenly something happened and the passion was missing, our nights were lengthening De pronto algo pasó y la pasión faltaba, nuestras noches se alargaban I never thought I felt alone and cold and silly, even with someone Jamás pensé sentirme sola y fría y tonta, aún estando acompañada Then everything became monotonous Después, todo se volvió monotonía Then, so many lies that you didn't even believe them anymore Luego, tantas mentiras que ya ni tú te las creías
I did not know that without your kisses time would pass so slowly and I learned it from you Yo no sabía que sin tus besos pasaría tan lento el tiempo y lo aprendí de ti And that putting up with not calling you would take all the strength that is inside of me Y que aguantarme no llamarte tomaría toda la fuerza que hay dentro de mí I also did not know that I could miss you so much or fall apart and dry my lips Tampoco sabía que podría extrañarte tanto ni desbaratarme y que se secaran mis labios I found out yes, because I learned it from you Descubrí que sí, porque lo aprendí de ti
And now that I have finally managed to forget you Y ahora que por fin te he logrado olvidar Today you come to find me Hoy me vienes a buscar But it's too late now Pero es muy tarde ya I have fallen in love with someone else Me he enamorado de alguien más
I did not know that with his kisses I was going to replace yours, I learned it from you Yo no sabía que con sus besos iba a reemplazar los tuyos, lo aprendí de ti Nor that there were other hands that when touching me surpassed what I felt before Ni que existieran otras manos que al tocarme superaran lo que antes sentí I also did not know that I could love him so much after your deception that he hurt me so much Tampoco sabía que podía amarlo tanto después de tu engaño que me hizo tanto daño I found out that yes and I learned everything from you Lo descubrí que sí y todo lo aprendí de ti
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albaluna · 4 years
-Son tan débiles. - dijiste de forma soberbia, mientras estabas arriba de Ace y Deuce.
-¡Madición! Solo queremos que vuelvas a la normalidad.
Hace poco habías leído acerca de los tótems mágicos, aquellos que le brindaban cierta sabiduría a su portador, y en algunos casos, los transformaba en animal.
Decidiste hacer uno por tu falta de magia y para ayudar a tus amigos en futuras batallas, pero por un error al tallar, a causa de Grim, el tótem no funcionaba de manera correcta.
Ahora tenías las orejas y cola de una pantera, más las habilidades y fuerzas de la misma, pero con un carácter más explosivo y arrogante.
La única manera de volverte a la normalidad, era quitarte el tótem que tenías colgando del cuello.
-¡Ahí está! - Grim había traído compañía.
-¿Quieren jugar, cachorros? - preguntaste al verlos llegar.
-Tsk. De todos los animales, tuviste que escoger una pantera. - Leona estaba preocupado, aunque sonara molesto.
-¿Y eso qué? Tú eres un León.
-Es un animal solitario, así que enfrentarse contra ella va a ser difícil, y más al ser hembra. - Ruggie  le explicó a Grim.
-Pero nosotros venimos de manada, así que trabajar en equipo no será un problema. - Ruggie y Leona vieron a Jack y a sintieron.
-¡Jack, Vamos! - Leona y Jack, corrieron hacia ti, para pelear cuerpo a cuerpo, no querían usar magia al haber una posibilidad de lastimarte.
Jack fue el primero en atacar, mas, tú lo esquivaste con facilidad y le regresabas el golpe de manera acertada, Leona intento hacerlo por tu espalda, pero saltaste y terminó chocando con Jack.
-Son tan torpes, cachorros. - dijiste al verlos tirados en el suelo.
-¡Ahora! - Leona gritó y volteaste a ver detrás de ti, habías olvidado a Ruggie.
-Laugh With Me. - usó su magia única sobre ti, y te logró someter.
-Je, que astutos. - sonreíste, los habías subestimado, pero aún no era el fin.
Te liberaste en pocos segundos y golpeaste a Ruggie, luego te trepaste a un árbol sin dificultad.
-No podrán vencerme, jajaja.
-Unleashed Beast. - de la mano de Jack salieron unas garras y partió el árbol, aterrizaste sin problemas.
Aunque pasó algo que nadie esperaba.
-¡Tío Leona! - la voz del pequeño Cheka los sorprendió a todos, él acaba de llegar para estar con su tío, quién lo había dejado sólo cuando Grim pidió su ayuda, lo malo es que el árbol iba a caer sobre él.
Sin pensarlo, corriste y salvaste al niño, sin embargo, tu cabeza sangraba, te habías llevado un fuerte golpe.
-¡¡¡ONEE-SAN!!! - Cheka gritó preocupado al verte sangrar, tu solo le sonreíste de manera agradable, para intentar tranquilizarlo, mientras los demás se acercaban rápidamente.
-Ni se te ocurra ponerlo en peligro otra vez, o haré que te arrepientas por eso. - le susurraste a Leona antes de desmayarte.
-¿Qué fue eso? - preguntó desconcertado Grim, por tu extraño cambio de actitud.
-Las hembras son muy fuertes en nuestro territorio, porque ellas se encargan principalmente en proteger a los cachorros. - Ruggie le volvió a  dar una explicación.
-Olvidemos que esto paso, King's Roar. - Leona hizo arena el tótem defectuoso, cuando lo tuvo en sus manos. -Llévenla a la enfermería. -Le ordenó a Ace y Deuce, -Y no dejen que intente algo así de nuevo. - dijo antes de irse con sus compañeros de dormitorio y su sobrino.
La magia realmente era problemática.
Él se había sobrecargado, y a ti te había hecho comportar como una bestia, algo que lo preocupó bastante, ya que al no poseer magia, tu cuerpo no hubiera resistido bastante y al final hubieras muerto si seguías de esa forma.
Pero no lo permitió, eras alguien muy especial para él, como para dejar que eso pasara, y tenía la seguridad de que protegería de otros futuros peligros.
-They're so weak. - You said arrogantly, while you were above Ace and Deuce.
- Damn! We just want you to go back to normal.
You had recently read about magic totems, those that gave their bearer some wisdom, and in some cases, transformed them into animals.
You decided to make one because of your lack of magic and to help your friends in future battles, but due to a mistake when carving, because of Grim, the totem did not work correctly.
Now you had the ears and tail of a panther, plus its abilities and strength, but with a more explosive and arrogant character.
The only way to get back to normal was to remove the totem pole that was hanging from your neck.
-There is! - Grim had brought company.
-Do you want to play, puppies? - You asked to see them arrive.
-Tsk. Of all the animals, you had to choose a panther. -  Leona was worried, even though she sounded upset.
-So what? You are a lion.
-It is a solitary animal, so facing it is going to be difficult, and more so as a female. - Ruggie explained to Grim.
-But we come from herds, so working as a team will not be a problem. - Ruggie and Leona saw Jack and felt.
-Jack, come on! - Leona and Jack ran to you, to fight hand-to-hand, they didn't want to use magic because there was a possibility of hurting you.
Jack was the first to attack, but, you easily dodged him and you hit him back correctly, Leona tried to do it from your back, but you jumped and ended up colliding with Jack.
-They're so clumsy, puppies. - You said when you saw them lying on the ground.
-Now! - Leona screamed and you turned to see behind you, you had forgotten Ruggie.
-Laugh With Me. - He used his unique magic on you, and managed to subdue you.
-He, how clever. - You smiled, you had underestimated them, but it was not the end yet.
You broke free in a few seconds and hit Ruggie, then climbed up a tree without difficulty.
-They can't beat me, hahaha.
-Unleashed Beast. - From Jack's hand claws came out and split the tree, you landed without problems.
Although something happened that nobody expected.
-Uncle Leona! - Little Cheka's voice surprised them all, he just arrived to be with his uncle, who had left him only when Grim asked for his help, the bad thing is that the tree was going to fall on him.
Without thinking, you ran and saved the child, however, your head was bleeding, you had taken a heavy blow.
-ONEE-SAN!!! - Cheka screamed worried to see you bleed, you just smiled at him in a pleasant way, to try to reassure him, while the others quickly approached.
"Don't you ever think of putting him in danger again, or I'll make you regret it." you whispered to Leona before you passed out.
-What was that? - Grim asked puzzled, by your strange change of attitude.
-Females are very strong in our territory, because they are mainly responsible for protecting the cubs. Ruggie gave him an explanation again.
-Let's forget this happened, King's Roar. - Leona made sand the defective totem, when she had it in her hands. -Take her to the infirmary. -He ordered Ace and Deuce, -And don't let him try something like that again. - He said before leaving with his roommates and his nephew.
Magic really was troublesome.
He had been overloaded, and you had made him behave like a beast, something that worried him a lot, since not having magic, your body would not have resisted enough and in the end you would have died if you continued in that way.
But he didn't allow it, you were someone very special to him, to let that happen, and he was sure that he would protect from other future dangers.
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fanfalc-616 · 4 years
Hey, espera. Por lo que he visto, si ... te rompen la mano así como le pasó a Kai en tu capítulo de "Atrapado con las manos en la masa", Kai ya debería haber muerto por esos golpes ya que prácticamente le destrozaste el brazo. Y bueno, si sobrevive, si tendrían que empujarla. En la vida real, por supuesto, pero ¿por qué siento que llevarás la tortura de Kai al extremo?
Okay so maybe my translator sucks but what I got was\
“ Hey, wait. As far as I've seen, if ... they break your hand as it happened to Kai in your chapter of "trapped with hands in the mass", Kai should already have died from those blows as you practically smashed his arm. And well, if he survives, if they would have to push her. In real life, of course, but why do I feel you'll take Kai's torture to the extreme?”
And I guess I should’ve done some research on what the human body can survive, but too late now, I guess.
And yeah he gets more pain :)
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kimetsu-no-fanatics · 5 years
so.. your first language it's spanish huh? más facil será pedir un headcannon uwu de Giyuu por favor! gracias~
Sure! And to make everyone understand this request, I made this is both English and Spanish >:3
También, gracias por ser mi primer pedido! Lo hice extra largo como un pequeño obsequio uwu
Headcannons s/o de Giyuu Tomioka
• Sus abrazos son lo más torpe del mundo. Como no sabe cómo expresar su aprecio por ti, a veces sus abrazos son muy apretados, muy débiles, o simplemente algo que ni se parece a un abrazo (aunque la característica principal de éstos es que tienden a ser en los momentos más inadecuados, siempre con esa expresión de vacío interno en su rostro). Nunca sabes qué demonios esperar. Pero eso es exactamente lo que lo hace un hermoso hombre.
• Al parecer no besa tan mal? Le gusta darte besitos suaves en la mejilla o la frente, y cuando decide ir por los labios siempre lo hace de manera precavida y hasta tímida, ya que siempre le causan cierta vergüenza nunca antes vista.
• Ama escucharte aunque a veces no entiende nada.
• Si te casas con él será más husbando que nunca.
• Puede que a veces diga ciertas cosas rudas o salidas de tono, pero lo más probable es que sea producto de su desconocimiento por normas básicas de socialización. Al segundo se arrepentiría y probaría uno de sus espantosos abrazos.
• Tiende a sonreir cuando te ve dormir, feliz de verte tan relajado(a) y la suave respiración que agita tus costados. Si te despiertas durante estos instantes probablemente quedes con trauma (ya que no es muy lindo ver a un tipo sonriéndote con tanta alegría apenas despiertas) pero lo hace con la mejor intención, aprécienlo al pobre.
• Podría estar en una competencia de quién come más soba frío contigo 24/7
• Es MUY sobreprotector. Si salen a pasear puede estar todo el día sosteniéndote la mano como si en cualquier momento podría aparecer un demonio para matarte. Puede llegar a ser molesto pero probablemente ni se lo digas, él se siente muy bien haciéndolo, aunque sepa que eres lo suficientemente fuerte para protegerte solo(a).
• Le encanta malcriarte con una de tus cosas favoritas por la mañana. ¿Te gustan las flores? Despiertas y BUM, un florero rebosante frente a tu cara. ¿Desayunos a la cama? Despiertas con olor a huevo recién cocido por toda tu pieza. ¿Que tu gato te salude? Abres los ojos y ahí está el bendito gato sobre tu cabeza. Y seguirá haciendo lo mismo TODAS las mañanas hasta que le digas que no tiene por qué molestarse tanto.
• Cuando le dices que lo amas, él siempre se pone como…, REALMENTE TENSO y no responde por un tiempo. Él también te ama, por supuesto, pero no cree que merezca el amor de alguien tan genial y amable como tú. La mejor manera de calmarlo es dándole besos suaves en la mejilla y explicando en murmullos que es un hombre increíble y estar a su lado es una de las mejores cosas que te pasó en la vida. Si él logra ablandarse por tus palabras, lo más probable es que sonría un poco, y si tienes suerte, puede que hasta sus ojos se humedezcan por la alegría.
Headcannons generales de Giyuu
• Probablemente ni tenga mascotas, todos los animales lo odian, rip. Pero si llegase a tener uno, probablemente sería un canario o hámster. Hámster porque le gustaría mucho verlo caminar allí con sus diminutas patitas por toda la casa y sujetarlo con suavidad. Canario porque le gustan esos cantos incluso si el bendito pájaro se pone a cantar a las 4 am; es más, si llegase a suceder probablemente se sentaría sobre su cama y apreciaría profundamente la intención de la tierna criatura por complacerlo. Podría estar así 3 horas.
• No entiende los memes. Y en el caso extraordinariamente excepcional de que lo llegase a hacer, se reiría como maniático o ni le gustaría.
• No lo imagino como a un tipo al que le gusta el café. Probablemente prefiera bebidas frías, como té helado o jugos caseros (adora estos últimos).
Giyuu Tomioka Headcannons with s/o!
• His hugs are clumsy and awkward as hell. As he doesn't know how to express his feelings for you properly, sometimes his hugs are very tight, very weak, or just something that doesn't even seems like a hug (although the main characteristic of these is that they tend to be at the most inappropriate times, always with that expression of internal emptiness in his face). You never know what the hell to expect. But that is exactly what makes him a beautiful man.
• Apparently he does not kiss so badly? He likes to give you gentle kisses on the cheek or forehead, and when he decides to go for the lips he always does it cautiously and even with shyness, since they always make him feel a little too embarrassed.
• He loves to listen to you although sometimes he does not understand anything.
• If you make him your husband he will be more husbando tan ever.
• He may sometimes say some things in a harsh way or out of tune, but it's most likely the result of his ignorance of basic rules of socialization. The second after saying them, he would regret it and try one of his hideous hugs (or, in the best case, with a little kiss).
• He tends to smile when he sees you sleeping, happy to see you so relaxed and the gentle breathing that stirs your sides. If you wake up during these instants you will probably suffer from trauma (since it is not very nice to see a guy smiling at you with such joy as soon as you wake up) but he does it with the best intention, appreciate this poor boi.
• He could be in a contest of who eats more cold soba with you 24/7
• He is VERY overprotective. If you go for a walk with him, he will be holding your hand all day as if at any moment a demon could appear to kill you. It can be annoying, but you probably will not even tell him, he feels really good doing it, even though he knows you're strong enough to protect yourself.
• He loves to spoil you with one of your favorite things in the morning. Do you like flowers? Wake up and BUM, a vase overflowing with roses in front of your face. Breakfast to bed? You wake up with the smell of freshly cooked egg throughout your room. That your cat greets you? You open your eyes and there's the freaking cat over your head. And he will continue doing the same thing every morning until you tell him that he does not have to bother himself so much.
• When you tell him that you love him, he always gets like, REALLY TENSE and doesn't answer in a while. He loves you too, of course, but he doesn't believe he deserves love from someone as great as you. The best way to calm him is giving him soft kisses on the cheek and silently explaining that he is an awesome man and being with him is one of the most beautiful things that have ever happened on your life. If he gets you, he will most likely smile a little, and if you are lucky, his eyes will water from happiness.
Giyuu General Headcannons
• He probably doesn't have any pets, all animals hate him, rip. But if he had one, it would probably be a canary or a hamster. A hamster because he would really like to see it, walking everywhere with his tiny paws all over the house, and he would hold it gently. A canary because he likes it's songs even if the freaking bird starts singing at 4 am; Moreover, if it were to happen, he would probably sit on his bed and deeply appreciate the tender creature's intention to please him. He could be like this for 3 hours.
• He definitely doesn't understand memes. And in the exceptionally rare case that he did it, he would laugh like a maniac or would not like it.
• I do not imagine him as a guy who likes coffee. He probably prefers cold drinks, like ice tea or homemade juices (love these ones).
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• • •
That's all! Hope you like, and I apologize if the headcannons aren't totally right, I'm not totally up to date with the manga ;;
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kounfetti · 6 years
[Diabolik Lovers: Dark Fate] Subaru Sakamaki Manservant End Translation/Traducción
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Please no reposting onto other sites, just link back to this post-and ask me before translating this into other languages!—-Por favor no republiques y preguntame antés de traducir a otras idiomas.
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Karlhienz chased Subaru down. 
You could see the silver knife shake in his hand.
Monologue Ends
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Scene: Entrance Hall
Karlhienz: Hm.....
Karlhienz:....What happened, Subaru? Why didn’t you kill me?
Subaru:..Thats!...because..even though I dont want to admit it, I’m still your son. 
Subaru: Thats why...I...
Yui: (Subaru...ended up hesitating.)
Karheinz:..This kindness you’ve shown me must be thrown away. 
Subaru: S-Shut up! Orders one after another!
Subaru: I do what I want. What I do doesn’t have anything to do with you!
Subaru:---Yui. We’ve stayed here long enough. Let’s go. 
Yui: Ah...!
They leave
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Scene Change: Bloodmoon
Karlhienz: Aah...Is this how it’s going to be?
Karlhienz: The one to become Adam. 
Karlhienz: That kindness, is nothing short of sweet. 
Karlhienz: He will regret it soon...
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Scene Change: Outside of Eden 
Yui: (Subaru...hasn’t said a word since then.)
Yui: (But...)
Yui:...Hey, Subaru. 
Yui: I think...I’m glad. I know that you’re feeling many emotions right now, 
Yui: But it doesn’t matter what kind of person someone is, it’s not good to feel hurt.
Yui: On the other hand, that person is your father. You can't just kill him.
Subaru: Yui...
Yui: And... I honestly felt sort of relieved.
Yui: I think that even if you did kill your father, you would surely regret it.
Yui: So, this is--
Carla:----How sweet.
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Yui: (Eh...?)
Subaru:...! You!!
Shin: Hm...What fell?
Shin: The silver rose clip? Aah, wait, wasn't that from...
Shin: Heheh. Do they have their head on straight? They're crawling like insects getting away.
Shin: It's a cute thought, isn't it? Too bad you guys got a reality check. Isn't it...!
Yui: (...Subaru...I...what should I do...?)
Yui: (Its...so dark...)
Carla: That silver rose is broken now, huh?
Carla: Do you know, Shin? What a withered white rose means in the language of flowers? [TN: In reference to Subaru's Haunted Dark Bridal Brute End]
Shin: No? What do you mean?
Carla: "Losing your chasity, and wishing for death". It seemed that the White Rose went insane.
Shin: Heheh...There's no reason for her to die then.
Shin: We just need the heart, the blood is all we need...
Subaru's Monologue
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---What went wrong. 
That thought went through my head several times.
The flame engulfed the field ahead.
There used to be place where my father's power kept flowers alive for eternity.
But now, those flowers must be dead.
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Yui: Nooooo!!
Carla: Don't...cry out...
Shin: ...Hah...Do as my brother says.
Shin: Thats all, we have to hurry up your purification...
Yui: Ah...No....
Shin:....It looks like your useless prince woke up, huh?
Shin: Well, I have a solid way of doing this, so we’re not going anywhere.
Shin: So, show me more of that nice expression....!
Yui:...! A-Aah....
Subaru: Stop it....Stop it! Dont hurt her!!
Shin: “Dont hurt her”, huh?
Shin: Hey, you...Do you know what kind of expression you have on right now?
Shin: Aren’t you looking at my face while I hurt this woman and suck her blood?
Shin: Is that what a true hero would do?
Shin: Dont you want to hurt her too?
Subaru: (...N-No, that’s not...I...)
Shin: Let’s be honest here, Subaru. You’ll feel a whole lot better.
Shin: Well whatever...Other than that....
Yui: Noooo!!
Subaru: (...Aah...I...)
Yui: A-Aaah.... ...
Subaru: (I...)
Subaru: (The more I hear that voice, the more I can’t hold back...)
Subaru: (...I want it...)
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Subaru: (I want your blood.)
Subaru: (My throat...I can’t help this thirst!)
Subaru: (Right! I want your blood too!)
Subaru: (Those founders took your body away from me, I just want to drain you!!)
Subaru: (Stop it, stop it already! Aah..gh...I’ll...!!)
Subaru: (...Even in seeming to be a good person, this, is my true nature.)
Subaru: (
Subaru: I can’t help it, Yui...
Subaru: I’m---
Yui: A-Aaaaa...Subaru...no...!
Subaru: Ahahahaha...!!
Esctasy Epilogue ♥ Vampire End ♥ Brute End
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Karlhienz persigío a Subaru.
Vi el cuchillo de plata brillar en su mano.
Y entonces---
Monologó Termina
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Escenario: Entrada
Karlhienz: Hm.....
Karlhienz:....Que pasó, ¿Subaru? ¿Por que no me mataste?
Subaru:..Es...por que...no quiero admitirlo, pero todavía soy tu hijo.
Subaru: Por esa razón...yo...
Yui: (Subaru...no lo hizo.)
Karheinz:...Debes tirar esa nobleza.
Subaru: ¿C-Callate! ¡No puedes dicirme que hacer!
Subaru: Hago lo que quiero. ¡Lo que hago o no, no tiene nada de hacer contigo!
Subaru:---Yui. Ya he oído suficiente. Vamos.
Yui: ¡Ah...!
Se van
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Cambio de Escenario: Luna de Sangre
Karlhienz: Aah...¿A si será?
Karlhienz: El elegido.
Karlhienz: Esa nobleza, es dulce.
Karlhienz: Pero, se va a repentir pronto...
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Cambio de Escenario: Exterior de el Edén
Yui: (Subaru...no ha dicho nada.)
Yui: (Pero...)
Yui:...Oye, Subaru.
Yui: Creo que...estoy feliz. Se que estas sintiendo muchas cosas ahorita, pero,
Yui: El tipo de persona alguien es no importa. No es bueno doler.
Yui: Sin embargo, esa persona es tu padre. No puedes matarlo.
Subaru: Yui...
Yui: En serio...me sentí aliviada.
Yui: Si tu mataste a tu padre, creo que seguramente te arrepentiriás.
Yui: A si que,--
Carla:---Que dulce.
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Yui: (¿Eh...?)
Subaru:...! ¡¡Tu!!
Shin: Hm...Que es esto?
Shin: Un broche de una rosa de plata? Aah, espera, eso era de...
Shin: Jejeh. ¿En realidad esta usando sus cabezas? Parecen insectos en la manera que tratan de escapar.
Shin: Es un pensamiento adorable, ¿no? En realidad es tan triste que la realidad no es así. ¿¡No...!?
Yui: (...Subaru...¿Que...debería...hacer...?)
Yui: (Es...tan obscuro...)
Carla: La rosa de plata esta quebrada ahora, ¿no?
Carla: Shin, ¿Sabes? ¿Lo que significa una rosa blanca marchita? [TN: Se refiere al final Brute de Subaru en Haunted Dark Bridal.]
Shin: ¿No? ¿No entiendo?
Carla: "Perdiendo tu innocencía, y el deseo por la muerte". Parece que la Rosa Blanca perdio su cabeza.
Shin: Heheh...No hay razón por que morir.
Shin: Solo necesitamos su corazón, la sangre es todo...
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Monologó de Subaru
---No sé que pasó.
Ese pensamiento se quedó en mi cabeza varias veces.
El fuego quemó al prado en frente de mi.
Antes, había un lugar con flores eternas usando el poder de mi papa
Ahora, esas flores seguramente estan muertas.
En cambio---
Yui: ¡¡Nooooo!!
Carla:..No grites...
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Shin:....Haga lo que dice mi hermano. 
Shin: Todo, es para tu purificacion...
Yui: Ah...No....
Shin:....Parece que tu príncipe inútil desperto, ¿no?
Shin: Pues, Sé lo que hago y no me voy a rendir. 
Shin: Entonces, muestrame esa expression más....!
Yui:...! A-Aah....
Subaru: Basta….¡Ya basta! ¡¡No la lastimes!!
Shin: “No la lastimes”, ¿eh?
Shin: Oye, ¿entiendes la expression que tienes puesta ahora?
Shin: ¿Me miras mientras chupo su sangre?
Shin: ¿Que haría un héroe verdadero?
Shin: ¿No deseas lastimarla tambien?
Subaru: (…N-No, no es asi…yo…)
Shin: Vamos, dígame honestamente, Subaru. Sentiras mucho mejor.
Shin: Pues si no…De cual quier manera….
Yui: Noooo!!
Subaru: (…Aah…yo…)
Yui: A-Aaah…. …
Subaru: (Yo…)
Subaru: (Lo más que oigo su voz, lo más que no puede detenerme…)
Subaru: (…Lo quiero…)
Subaru: (Quiero a tu sangre.)
Subaru: (Mi garganta…¡No puedo aguantar esta sed!)
Subaru: (¡Si! ¡Tambien quiero tu sangre!)
Subaru: (Los fundadores robaron tu cuerpo de mi, solamente quiero chuparte seca!!)
Subaru: (Basta, ¡ya basta! Aah..gh…¡¡…Yo…!!)
Subaru: (…Mientras intente ser una persona buena, esto, es lo que soy.)
Subaru: (Como mis padres, o lo que sea, en el final quedaras muerta…)
Subaru: No lo puedo sorportar, Yui…
Subaru: Voy—
Yui: A-Aaaaa…Subaru…¡…no…!
Subaru: ¡¡Ahahahaha…!!
Esctasy Epilogue ♥ Vampire End  ♥ Brute End
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tsukinolion · 4 years
[Matenrou] WELCOME U english/español
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[Si vas a usar mi traducción por favor da créditos/If you are going to use my translation please give credits]
(hey... u know what, I don't know where I  should go... ?)
Nanana-nana Where we are?
Nanana-nana Let´s go, it´s party night
Nanana-nana The city of Pandora, where common sense is useless
Shinjuku… tonight I also work overtime, in any case I stay cleaning the corners at midnight
Matenro remains! Address us properly! I'm sorry! The water flea's counterattack (lol)
What-what-what happened? Whats up? my friend, Doppo! Unforgivable, where is the one who hurt you ?! (cmon)
For all my lost kittens, the power of love… (yeah) I'll give it to you!
Yes, "one after another, the information overflows, an unnecessary fuss without foundation"
Tonight, the shadows of the neon lights allows ..the deceptions, violence ... "all vices"
An era was eradicated, it is "why" ... that it must disappear
We will still fight, you know
Very well! (Matenrou) we will show you who we are!
"The four seasons" Let's have party
"A challenge" Battle tonight!
"We will accept it" Jump around! Jump around! It's Matenrou, everybody
"The time has come" Burn your spirit
"It's black or white" All Shinjuku
"We will decide" Are you ready? The true leaders, We are Matenrou!
So Come on Verse 2
Shall we go? 3, 2, 1
Those who strayed from the path lost their lives, the end of those who crossed the line
Diagnosis → Treatment → Evil Spirit (yes)
We get rid of it, the dark mirage
Fill in the black space for a white othello! A request from the doctor? Leave it to me
It's so much better than not being able to do anything! Uh, if you're prepared, no problem!
(123) Hmm, let's go crazy from time to time! Let's drink!
Forget the nasty, come on give me those five
We are eternal immortal heroes
I'm (GIGOLO) (gigolo)! Beauties? Hmm they steal my heart
Shinjuku! The attitude of someone completely invincible ...
You say that and that, is it a war if you always like it?
I always hold the mic tight
Very well! (Matenrou) Now let's go!
"The four seasons" Let's have party
"A challenge" Battle tonight!
"We will accept it" Jump around! Jump around! It's Matenrou, everybody
"The time has come" Burn your spirit
"It's black or white" All Shinjuku
"We will decide" Are you ready? The true leaders, We are Matenrou!
Nanana-nana I beg your pardon ...
Nanana-nana now we will jump
Nanana-nana raise your hand and we'll fly around. Come on, jump, jump!
jump jump jump jump jump jump jump… (everybody) jump
jump jump jump jump jump jump jump… bring it down 
The suit unfolds with my emotion, a doped final line 
Those who dare to harm my pretty kittens will not be forgiven
This is M ・ A ・ T ・ E ・ N ・ R ・ O
"The strongest" is what we will give you
Yes! With the power of all we will win, Manterou!
Come on, let's get excited!
"The four seasons" Take a look
“A challenge” Let's get together!
"We will accept it" Jump around! Jump around! It's Matenrou, everybody
"The time has come" Haven't flown yet?
"It's black or white" All Shinjuku
"We will decide" Are you ready? The true leaders, We are Matenrou!
(Hey… sabes qué… No sé a dónde debo ir…)
Nanana-nana ¿Dónde estamos?
Nanana-nana Vamos, es noche de fiesta
Nanana-nana La ciudad de Pandora, donde el sentido común no sirve
Shinjuku… esta noche también trabajo horas extras, en todo caso me quedo limpiando las esquinas a media noche
¡Matenro se mantiene ¡Dirígete apropiadamente a nosotros! ¡Lo siento! El contraataque de la pulga de agua (lol)
¿Qu-que-qué pasó? ¿Qué pasa? ¡Mi amigo, Doppo! ¡Imperdonable, ¿dónde está el que te lastimó?! (vamos)
Por todas mis gatitas perdidas, el poder del amor… (sí) ¡te lo daré!
Sí, “una tras otra, la información se desborda, un alboroto innecesario sin fundamento”
Esta noche, a las sombras de las luces de neón se permiten... los engaños, violencia… “todos los vicios”
Una era fue erradicada, es “por eso”... que debe desaparecer 
Aun seguiremos luchando, lo sabes
¡Muy bien! (Matenrou) ¡te mostraremos quienes somos!
“Las cuatro estaciones” Tengamos una fiesta
“Un desafío” ¡Batalla esta noche!
“Lo aceptaremos” ¡Salta! ¡Salta! Es Matenrou, todos
“El tiempo ha llegado” Quema tu espíritu 
“Es blanco o negro” Todo Shinjuku
“Lo decidiremos” ¿Estás listo? Los verdaderos líderes, ¡Somos Matenrou!
Así que viene, Verso 2
¿Vamos? 3, 2, 1
Quienes se desviaron del camino perdieron la vida, el final de quienes cruzaron la línea
Diagnóstico→Tratamiento→Espíritu maligno (sí)
Nos desharemos de eso, el espejismo oscuro
¡Llena el espacio negro por un otelo blanco! ¿Una petición del doctor? Déjamelo a mí
¡Es mucho mejor que no poder hacer nada! Uh, ¡si estás preparado, no hay problema!
(123) Hmm, ¡vamos a volvernos locos de vez en cuando! ¡Bebamos!
Olvida lo desagradable, vamos dame esos cinco
Somos eternos héroes inmortales
Soy (GIGOLO) (gigolo)! ¿Bellezas? Hmm Me roban el corazón
¡Shinjuku! La actitud de alguien completamente invencible… 
Dices eso y aquello, ¿es una guerra si siempre te gusta?
Siempre sostengo con fuerza el micrófono 
¡Muy bien! (Matenrou) ¡Ahora, vamos!
“Las cuatro estaciones” Tengamos una fiesta
“Un desafío” ¡Batalla esta noche!
“Lo aceptaremos” ¡Salta! ¡Salta! Es Matenrou, todos
“El tiempo ha llegado” Quema tu espíritu 
“Es blanco o negro” Todo Shinjuku
“Lo decidiremos” ¿Estás listo? Los verdaderos líderes, ¡Somos Matenrou!
Nanana-nana pido perdón…
Nanana-nana ahora saltaremos
Nanana-nana levanta la mano y volaremos alrededor. Vamos ¡salta salta!
Salta salta salta Salta salta salta salta… (todos) salta
Salta salta salta Salta salta salta salta… derribalo 
El traje se desdobla con mi emoción, una línea final dopada
Quienes se atrevan a dañar a mis lindas gatitas no serán perdonados
Este es M・A・T・E・N・R・O
“Lo más fuerte” es lo que te daremos
¡Sí! Con el poder de todos ganaremos, Manterou!
¡Ven, vamos a emocionarnos!
“Las cuatro estaciones” Echa un vistazo
“Un desafío” ¡Vamos a reunirnos!
“Lo aceptaremos” ¡Salta! ¡Salta! Es Matenrou, todos
“El tiempo ha llegado” ¿Todavía no has volado? 
“Es blanco o negro” Todo Shinjuku
“Lo decidiremos” ¿Estás listo? Los verdaderos líderes, ¡Somos Matenrou!
0 notes
21 grams of soul [Alexader Hamilton AU]
    La muerte puede perdonar, pero no la vida, ella siempre te hará pagar cada decisión, cada pequeño atajo que intentes tomar, ella te lo refregará en la cara, haciéndote sufrir por la culpa que te carcomerá el alma hasta el día que su amante te reclame y guié tu alma hacía la paz.
Al menos eso creía Alexander Hamilton, al menos ese vago sentimiento se asomaba todos los días por su corazón, cuando no hallaba hermoso en aquella vida que aquella puesta de sol que adornaba el paisaje de su ventana. Esa única imagen que reflejaban sus pupilas, tan vivido como la sonrisa aún viva de su pequeño primogénito.
Cada día se preguntaba como él estaría, si su amada Eliza le alimentaba como era debido. Postrado en aquella cama, sin ninguna posibilidad de moverse, él cantaba con cariño la pequeña canción que solían tocar ellos en aquel hermoso piano de pie. Aún recuerda lo emocionada que estaba su amada el día que se hicieron con aquel bello instrumento, aún recuerda como sus manos paseaban con recelo por cada tecla, como si sus ojos reflejaran otro mundo que él desconocía.
Pero, así fueron desde el primer día que se conocieron. Ellos habían acordado en silencio unir sus vidas pero nunca desistir de su propio mundo, aquel que ocultaba sus sentimientos y sus culpas. Aquel que se llevaría a la tumba todas aquellas personas que habían lastimado y besado sus pieles. Aquel que los sostendrían cuando no les quedara más que un cuerpo deshecho por los años.
Los años. ¿Cuántos habían pasado?
Eliza le había prometido que le contaría sobre los progresos de su único hijo, pero no había oído nada al respecto desde hace algunos meses, tal vez, desde un año ¿Por qué su pequeño hijo no le visitaba?
Pasó su mano por el puente de su nariz, para luego llegar a aquella cicatriz que tenía desde hace algún tiempo en la nuca. Él realmente no recordaba el cómo se la había hecho, menos por qué no tenía presente semejante herida en sus memorias. No era propio de él omitir detalles. Pero por alguna razón, no poseía interés en esa pequeñez.
Sólo seguía tarareando aquella tonada de piano que había oído de su pequeño niño de 6 años.
--¿6 años?- Murmuró Alexander, levantándose de a poco de la cama, mirando alrededor aquella alcoba que se le hacía ajena a su realidad-. Él nació el 2 de enero del 1782…- Sus músculos se tensaron y estiró su mano hacia la mesada, donde se hallaban sus lentes. Se sentía indefenso-. Pero ¿No estamos en el 1784?- Entonces sus manos empezaron a temblar, llevando sus dedos a su pecho-. Y ¿Laurens? ¿Él… dónde está? ¿Por qué no vino a visitarme? ¿Todavía seguirá luchando por la libertad de los esclavos? Ese tonto…- Rio sínicamente mientras intentaba levantarse de aquella desconocida cama.
Sus piernas dolían demasiado, como si estuvieran entumecidas, como sí el tiempo hubiera afectado el movimiento de sus extremidades.
--Eliza…- Llamó, a punto de estallar en lágrimas, sin saber sí era por causa del dolor o por el sentimiento de vacío que se hallaba en su interior-. ¡Eliza!- Gritó esta vez, siendo sus ojos quienes dejaran escapar lágrimas gordas de una mezcla confusa de sentimientos.
Entonces sus piernas no pudieron resistir más y cayó al sólo salir de la alcoba, mirando el extraño panorama que lo envolvía, pasillos ajenos a su antigua casa, se sentía aprisionado y sus latidos causaban que el temor que albergaba en su interior aumentara.
¿Qué estaba pasando?
--¿Papá, estás bien?- Oyó una voz juvenil, que le llenó de fragancias familiares, dirigiendo sus ojos hacia el joven muchacho que yacía de pie al lado de él, de cabello rojo y mirada brillante, le recordaba en cierta forma a él, pero lo desconocía, acaso oyó bien ¿Papá?
--¿Quién eres tú?
Él no podía notarlo, pero sus ojos yacían si vida, su alma anhelaba escapar de aquel cuerpo, de aquella maldición que le había apagado, que le había extinguido sin haberlo matado.
--¡John!- Oyó otra voz, un tanto mayor, un muchacho con igual aire corrió hacia a él y lo alejó de la maltrecha figura de aquel hombre pelirrojo, reprendiendo a su hermano con una mirada poco cariñosa-. Ve con mamá y dile que papá se volvió a levantar.
--Pero, hermano James…
--Ahora he dicho.- El pequeño obedeció entonces sin chistar y se alejó rápidamente de ambos hombres-. Padre, ven, necesitas volver a la cama.- Amagó a ayudarlo pero entonces Alexander retrocedió.
--¿Quién eres?
--Soy tu tercer hijo, James Alexander, papá.
--Yo no tengo más hijos que Philip…- Repuso, intentando escapar de aquel desconocido, pero al parecer su figura era más capaz que la de él, por lo que lo levantó pese a las quejas.
--Está bien, papá. Sólo hay que volver a la cama. Mamá pronto llegará.
--…- Entonces su mirada cayó en la perdida, cayó en el vacío y su voz se disipó en un pequeño quejido.
--¿Papá? ¿Qué ocurre?
--¿Ah?- Contestó totalmente ajeno a la situación-. ¿Quién eres?
A veces la muerte nos perdona, pero eso no significará que la vida lo haga. Ella siempre te hará pagar por los errores y los atajos que hayas elegido. Siempre que pueda te refregará en la cara tus culpas. Ella te maldecirá y no te dejará escapar, hasta el momento en que tu cuerpo desista de todo atisbo de vida, pero acaso ¿todavía hay vida en aquellos ojos cristalinos que parecen perdidos en el tiempo?
Acaso ¿aquellos 21 gramos de alma siguen estando ahí?
Death can forgive, but not life, she will always make you pay for every decision, every little shortcut you try to take, she will rub it in your face, making you suffer for the guilt that will eat your soul until the day your lover claim and guide your soul to peace.
At least that's what Alexander Hamilton believed, at least that vague feeling peeked every day through his heart, when he did not find it beautiful in that life that the sunset that adorned the landscape of his window. That only image that reflected his pupils, as vivid as the smile still alive of his little firstborn.
Every day he wondered how he would be, if his beloved Eliza fed him properly. Prostrate in that bed, without any possibility of moving, he sang with affection the little song that they used to play on that beautiful standing piano. He still remembers how excited his beloved was the day they took that beautiful instrument, he still remembers how his hands were walking with suspicion for each key, as if his eyes reflected another world that he did not know.
But, that's how they were from the first day they met. They had agreed in silence to unite their lives but never to give up their own world, the one that hid their feelings and their guilt. He who would take to the grave all those people who had hurt and kissed their skins. The one who would hold them when they had nothing left but a body undone for years.
The years. How many had passed?
Eliza had promised to tell him about the progress of her only son, but she had not heard anything about it for a few months, maybe, since a year. Why did not her little son visit him?
He ran his hand over the bridge of his nose, to then reach that scar that had for some time in the neck. He really did not remember how he had done it, except why he did not have such a present in his memories. It was not proper for him to omit details. But for some reason, he had no interest in that smallness.
He just kept humming that piano tune he had heard from his 6-year-old little boy.
"Six years?" Alexander murmured, getting up slowly from the bed, looking around that alcove that was alien to his reality. He was born on January 2, 1782 ... "His muscles tensed and he stretched his hand toward the counter, where his glasses were. He felt helpless. But are not we in 1784? - Then his hands began to tremble, bringing his fingers to his chest. And Laurens? He ... where is he? Why did not he come to visit me? Will he still fight for the freedom of the slaves? That fool ... - Rio sínicamente while trying to get up from that unknown bed.
His legs hurt too much, as if they were numb, as if time had affected the movement of his limbs.
--Eliza ... - He called, ready to burst into tears, not knowing if it was because of the pain or the feeling of emptiness that was inside. Eliza! "She shouted this time, her eyes letting out fat tears of mixed confused feelings.
Then his legs could not resist any more and he fell just out of the bedroom, looking at the strange panorama that surrounded him, corridors foreign to his old house, he felt imprisoned and his heartbeat caused the fear inside him to increase.
What was happening?
--Dad, are you okay?- He heard a youthful voice, which filled him with familiar fragrances, directing his eyes towards the young boy who was standing next to him, with red hair and bright eyes, reminded him in a certain way He, but he did not know, did he hear well. Dad?
--Who are you?
He could not notice it, but his eyes were still life, his soul longed to escape from that body, from that curse that had extinguished him, that had extinguished him without killing him.
--John!- He heard another voice, a little louder, a boy with equal air ran towards him and pulled him away from the battered figure of that red-haired man, berating his brother with an unloving look-. Go with mom and tell her dad got up again.
--But, brother James ...
--Now I said.- The little boy then obeyed without hesitation and quickly walked away from both men-. Father, come, you need to go back to bed.- He tried to help him but then Alexander stepped back.
--Who you are?
--I am your third son, James Alexander, dad.
--I have no more children than Philip...- He replied, trying to escape from that stranger, but apparently his figure was more capable than his, so he raised it despite the complaints.
--Ok dad. You just have to go back to bed. Mom will come soon.
- ...- Then his eyes fell on the lost, fell into the void and his voice dissipated in a small moan.
--Dad? What happen?
- Ah?- He answered totally oblivious to the situation-. Who you are?
Sometimes death forgives us, but that does not mean that life does. She will always make you pay for the errors and shortcuts that there are
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noespensaressentir · 4 years
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Y que se puede hacer un lunes por la tarde en Abidjan?
Esa es la pregunta que de repente, aparece en nuestra cabeza ,tras esa mañana ajetreada con un abogado preguntándole por el primer paso. Estamos seguros que a vosotros os hubiera pasado igual!! Después de una nueva comida (que afortunados somos de poder comer tres veces al día!!) decidimos que íbamos a disfrutar de otra forma, era un día un tanto especial, como para seguir acumulando más sensaciones de alta intensidad que nos dispersaran la atención y aprovechando la tormenta que cayó a primera hora de la tarde y la notificación de que no teníamos entrenamiento, pudimos quedarnos en el apartamento, compartiendo momentos mágicos con ese maestro de la vida, que había aparecido en nuestro camino. Todo se alineó para que pudiéramos disfrutar de una forma recíproca de nuestras energías y de todo lo que eso nos hacía sentir a los tres. Estábamos comenzando a crear un vínculo invisible, del cual nadie hablaba, pero los tres sentimos... comenzamos a comunicarnos con el auténtico lenguaje del ser humano, en el que  las palabras sobran y los malos entendidos no existen donde el abrazo y las miradas se escriben  con mayúscula, el lenguaje que te permite ver con tus ojos, el color real de las almas de las personas.
Porque claro!! Es complejo  intentar entender en inglés, francés y castellano, pero cuando se habla, con el lenguaje ancestral de la energía... no hay nada que se ponga por delante. Solo las cosas sin importancia, como chaqueta, pan, frío, coche, necesitan eso, convertirse en “palabra” para ser entendido. A nosotros nos sobraban todas! Jajaja!!! Eso fue lo que nos pasó a los tres, porque intentámos hablar todo el tiempo desde el corazón y ese lenguaje es universal, da igual el país, el color de la piel, las distancias…
Que gran rato compartir con alguien que no ha tenido nada y a la vez te lo da todo. Qué gran aprendizaje!! Esas horas de diálogo con miradas, dándonos las manos,  gestos nacidos desde lo más profundo del ser,con un agradecimiento intenso, que sientes que emerge desde lo más hondo y puro...La magia de ese pequeño...él no había tenido tiempo de olvidar lo auténtico del ser humano, lo que nos hace verdaderamente grandes... él conservaba intactas sus vibraciones primordiales y así se comunicó con nosotros... de verdad... pura magia!!Nos estremecimos compartiendo sensaciones y emociones... sencillamente inexplicable!!
Pero… la tarde era larga, la lluvia cesó tras una gran tormenta y nos encontramos con un ejemplo más de ilusión y pasión!!!
Cuando vamos a entrenar….? En cuanto terminó esa frase el pequeño, ya nos habíamos cambiado de ropa para emprender uno de esos días donde estás entre nervioso y con una sonrisa eterna, porque vas a vivir una experiencia más  de las inolvidables, que llevábamos acumuladas. Nunca podremos olvidar su cara de felicidad durante ese entrenamiento y esa satisfacción de compartir algo tan simple como una carrera o unos ejercicios. Que fácil es poder hacer feliz a las personas cuando realmente lo que se quiere es ser feliz.
Como todo entrenamiento, tiene su calentamiento, parte principal y su vuelta a la calma. Y este entrenamiento no fue menos en ese sentido. Nuestra carrera continua un ratito, nuestros ejercicios como parte principal y la vuelta a la calma en un medio no natural para un pequeño de Abidjan. Terminamos en la piscina? Si, podemos terminar en la piscina.
Os podéis imaginar nuestra cara de alegría cuando íbamos camino de la pequeña piscina que tenía el apartahotel. Pero lo mejor estaba por llegar. Ducha antes de entrar al agua, bajar por las escaleras para evitar el contraste por si acaso y esperar a que ese pequeño hiciera lo mismo. Evidentemente ese pequeño hizo lo mismo, pero nunca nos dijo que no sabía nadar!!😅😅Él, nos quería agradar en todo y su ilusión era mayor que su miedo, así que apartó el miedo a un lado y saltó como un león al agua!!
Lógicamente era la primera vez que se bañaba en una piscina, no sabía nadar!!! pero como un campeón terminó cruzando la piscina con nosotros para cumplir con su ilusión. Dónde está el limite? Que es el miedo?… Una nueva lección de ese pequeño que hizo que esa lluviosa tarde de lunes que nos suspenden el entrenamiento del equipo, fuese mágica.
Gracias pequeño.
Eli y Antonio.
And what can be done on a Monday afternoon in Abidjan?
That is the question that suddenly appears in our heads, after that busy morning with a lawyer asking about the first step. We are sure that the same would have happened to you !! After a new meal (how lucky we are to be able to eat three times a day !!) we decided that we were going to enjoy it in another way, it was a somewhat special day, so as to continue accumulating more high intensity sensations that would disperse our attention Taking advantage of the storm that fell in the early afternoon and the notification that we had no training, we were able to stay in the apartment, sharing magical moments with that master of life, who had appeared on our way. Everything was aligned so that we could reciprocally enjoy our energies and everything that made all three of us feel. We were beginning to create an invisible bond, of which no one spoke, but the three of us felt ... we began to communicate with the authentic language of the human being, in which words are not enough and misunderstandings do not exist where hug and gaze meet capitalized, the language that allows you to see with your eyes, the real color of people's souls.
Because of course! It is complex to try to understand in English, French and Spanish, but when you speak, with the ancient language of energy ... there is nothing that stands before you. Only unimportant things, like a jacket, bread, cold, car, need that, to become a "word" to be understood. We all had plenty! Hahaha!!! That was what happened to the three of us, because we tried to speak all the time from the heart and that language is universal, no matter the country, the color of the skin, the distances ...
What a great time to share with someone who has had nothing and at the same time gives you everything. What a great learning !! Those hours of dialogue with glances, giving us hands, gestures born from the depths of being, with intense gratitude, that you feel emerges from the depths and purest ... The magic of that little one ... he had not had time to forget the authenticity of the human being, which makes us truly great ... he kept his primordial vibrations intact and thus communicated with us ... really ... pure magic !! We shuddered sharing sensations and emotions .. simply inexplicable !!
But ... the afternoon was long, the rain stopped after a great storm and we found another example of enthusiasm and passion !!!
When are we going to train…? As soon as the little one finished that sentence, we had already changed our clothes to start one of those days where you are nervous and with an eternal smile, because you are going to live one more unforgettable experience, which we had accumulated. We can never forget his happy face during that training and that satisfaction of sharing something as simple as a race or some exercises. How easy it is to be able to make people happy when what you really want is to be happy.
Like all training, it has its warm-up, main part and its return to calm. And this training was no less in that sense. Our career continues for a little while, our exercises as the main part and the return to calm in an unnatural environment for a child from Abidjan. We ended up in the pool? Yes, we can end up in the pool.
You can imagine our happy face when we were on our way to the small pool that the aparthotel had. But the best was yet to come. Shower before entering the water, go down the stairs to avoid the contrast just in case and wait for that little one to do the same. Obviously that little boy did the same, but he never told us that he didn't know how to swim !! He wanted us to please us in everything and his illusion was greater than his fear, so he put fear aside and jumped like a lion into the water !!
Logically it was the first time that he bathed in a pool, he did not know how to swim !!! but like a champion he ended up crossing the pool with us to fulfill his illusion. Where is the limit? What is fear? ... A new lesson from that little one that made that rainy Monday afternoon that we suspended the team training, be magical.
Thank you little one.
Eli and Antonio.
Et que peut-on faire un lundi après-midi à Abidjan?
Telle est la question qui surgit soudainement dans nos têtes, après cette matinée bien remplie avec un avocat qui pose des questions sur la première étape. Nous sommes sûrs que la même chose vous serait arrivée !! Après un nouveau repas (quelle chance nous avons de pouvoir manger trois fois par jour !!) nous avons décidé que nous allions l'apprécier d'une autre manière, c'était une journée un peu spéciale, afin de continuer à accumuler des sensations plus intenses qui disperseraient notre attention et Profitant de la tempête qui est tombée en début d'après-midi et de la notification que nous n'avions pas de formation, nous avons pu rester dans l'appartement, partageant des moments magiques avec ce maître de la vie, apparu sur notre chemin. Tout était aligné pour que nous puissions profiter réciproquement de nos énergies et de tout ce qui nous faisait ressentir tous les trois. Nous commençons à créer un lien invisible, dont personne ne parle, mais que nous ressentons tous les trois ... nous avons commencé à communiquer avec le langage authentique de l'être humain, dans lequel les mots ne suffisent pas et les malentendus n'existent pas là où se rencontrent étreinte et regards. en majuscules, la langue qui vous permet de voir avec vos yeux, la vraie couleur de l'âme des gens.
Parce que bien sûr! C'est complexe d'essayer de comprendre en anglais, en français et en espagnol, mais quand on parle, avec l'ancienne langue de l'énergie ... il n'y a rien qui se tient devant vous. Seules des choses sans importance, comme une veste, du pain, du froid, une voiture, en ont besoin pour devenir un «mot» à comprendre. Nous en avons tous eu plein! Hahaha!!! C'est ce qui est arrivé à nous trois, car nous avons essayé de parler tout le temps avec le cœur et cette langue est universelle, peu importe le pays, la couleur de la peau, les distances ...
Quel bon moment à partager avec quelqu'un qui n'a rien eu et en même temps vous donne tout. Quel bel apprentissage !! Ces heures de dialogue avec des regards, nous donnant des mains, des gestes nés des profondeurs de l'être, avec une profonde gratitude, que l'on ressent émerge des profondeurs et des plus purs ... La magie de ce petit ... il n'avait pas eu le temps d'oublier l'authenticité de l'être humain, ce qui nous rend vraiment grands ... il a gardé intactes ses vibrations primordiales et ainsi il a communiqué avec nous ... vraiment ... de la magie pure !! Nous avons frissonné de partage de sensations et d'émotions .. tout simplement inexplicable !!
Mais ... l'après-midi a été long, la pluie s'est arrêtée après une grosse tempête et nous avons trouvé un autre exemple d'enthousiasme et de passion !!!
Quand allons-nous nous entraîner…? Dès que le petit a terminé cette phrase, nous avions déjà changé nos vêtements pour commencer un de ces jours où vous êtes nerveux et avec un sourire éternel, car vous allez vivre une expérience de plus des inoubliables, que nous avions accumulées. On n'oubliera jamais son visage joyeux lors de cet entraînement et cette satisfaction de partager quelque chose d'aussi simple qu'une course ou des exercices. Comme il est facile de rendre les gens heureux alors que vous voulez vraiment être heureux.
Comme tout entraînement, il a son échauffement, sa partie principale et son retour au calme. Et cette formation n'était pas moins dans ce sens. Notre carrière continue pendant un petit moment, nos exercices comme partie principale et le retour au calme dans un environnement contre nature pour un enfant d'Abidjan. Nous nous sommes retrouvés dans la piscine? Oui, on peut se retrouver dans la piscine.
Vous pouvez imaginer notre visage heureux lorsque nous étions sur le chemin de la petite piscine de l'appart'hôtel. Mais le meilleur reste à venir. Prenez une douche avant d'entrer dans l'eau, descendez les escaliers pour éviter le contraste au cas où et attendez que ce petit fasse de même. Évidemment, ce petit garçon a fait la même chose, mais il ne nous a jamais dit qu'il ne savait pas nager !! Il voulait que nous nous plaisions en tout et son illusion était plus grande que sa peur, alors il a mis la peur de côté et a sauté comme un lion dans l'eau !!
Logiquement c'était la première fois qu'il se baignait dans une piscine, il ne savait pas nager !!! mais comme un champion, il a fini par traverser la piscine avec nous pour réaliser son illusion. Où est la limite? Qu'est-ce que la peur? ... Une nouvelle leçon de ce petit qui a rendu ce lundi après-midi pluvieux où nous avons suspendu l'entraînement en équipe, soit magique.
Merci petit.
Eli et Antonio.
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ferfernen · 7 years
Playing Twister :D Black Hat/ Flug
I'm making an english version of these one so...don't use the translator xD
Flug: Dementia, language.
Black Hat: What is this Twister thing?
Dementia: Oh, it's a game where you put your left hand for example in one spot of color and all the players do the same. You get it?
Black Hat: Obviously, who do you think I am? A moron?
Flug: *whisper* Maybe...
Black Hat: WHAT?!
Dementia: LET'S PLAY!!!
*After putting everything in order*
Dementia: Flug, put your left hand on the red spot.
Flug: This hurts...
Black Hat: WEAK!!!!
Dementia: Ok boss, your right leg on the green spot.
*Obviously they continue playing until they end in a very compromising situation*
Flug: Ah...Sir...I think that you are tired...
Dementia: Flug, your right leg on the blue spot, between Black Hat legs.
Flug: Eh...it can be different? I-i mean, can I put my leg in other side?
Dementia: No. That will be against the rules >:v
Flug: Maybe ;-; ...Well yes.
Dementia: Black Hat put your right hand on the yellow spot, next to Flug's head.
Flug: *sweating a lot*
Black Hat: What is it, doctor? Maybe thinking in something "special"~
Flug: No sir, n-nothing...
Black Hat: Well...that's being unfortunate...
Suddenly all the lights are off. Flug can feel the touch of skin pulling away a piece of his bag, exactly where his mouth is...Then the softness of some lips on his owns. Moving in circles and asking for permission to enter.
He opens his mouth slightly...The lights return and Black Hat is not on top of him or even in the room.
Flug: What happened?
Dementia: I dunno...well yes but I don't want to tell you xD
Flug: Black Hat just kissed me?
He touches his lips, waiting for some signal there, saliva, a little bit of blood...nothing.
That night the scientist decided to pull of his bag to do a little check up in his face.
Like manually he check his lips. A smile is forming, there are sharp forms of tooth.
Flug: Boss...
Black Hat: You were calling?~
Flug: Demencia, esa boca.
Black Hat: ¿Qué es el twister?
Demencia: Oh, es un juego, donde por ejemplo, pones tu mano derecha en un color indicado y todos hacen lo mismo sólo que en diferentes colores y con otras partes del cuerpo ¿Entendiste?
Black Hat: Obviamente ¿Qué crees que soy? ¿Un idiota?
Flug: *susurro* tal vez...
Black Hat: QUÉ
Demencia: JUGUEMOS
*Después de poner todo en orden*
Demencia: Flug, pon tu mano izquierda en la mancha roja.
Flug: Esto duele...
Black Hat: DÉBIL
Demencia: Ok jefe, su pierna derecha en la mancha verde.
*Continúan jugando y obviamente todo termina en una situación comprometedora* (todos terminamos así en twister)
Flug: Ah, señor, creo que está cansado...
Demencia: Flug, tu pierna derecha en la mancha azul, entre las piernas de Black Hat.
Flug: Eh...¿Puede ser diferente? Q-quiero decir ¿Puedo poner mi pierna en otro lugar?
Demencia: No, eso va en contra de las reglas >:v
Black Hat: ¡¿TEMES PERDER?!
Flug: Tal vez...bueno, sí ;-;
Demencia: Black Hat, pon tu mano derecha en la mancha amarilla, al lado de la cabeza de Flug.
Flug: *suda bastante*
Black Hat: ¿Qué pasa doctor? ¿Pensando en algo especial~?
Flug: No señor...n-nada...
Black Hat: Bueno...eso es ser desafortunado~
Las luces se apagan de la nada. Flug puede sentir el tacto de la piel al levantar un pedazo de su bolsa, justo donde está su boca.
De ahí la suavidad de unos labios contra los suyos, moviéndose en círculos y pidiendo permiso para entrar en la boca ajena; Flug separa los labios ligeramente, sintiendo la humedad de la lengua contraria al rozar con la suya.
Las luces vuelven y Black Hat ya no está sobre él, ni en el cuarto.
Flug: ¿Q-qué pasó?
Demencia: No sé...bueno sí sé pero no te wua a decir :D
Flug: ¿Acaso Black Hat me besó?
Se toca los labios, esperando una señal, ya sea saliva o un poco de sangre...nada.
Esa noche, el científico decidió retirar la bolsa para una pequeña revisión al rostro.
Como algo manual, se revisa los labios, una sonrisa aparece, puede ver la marca de unos dientes afilados.
Flug: Jefe...
Black Hat: ¿Llamabas~?
Pos sí, ambas versiones, quería utilizar el tema del Twister porque cada quien lo juega termina en una situación/posición rara.
Además no me sentía muy bien por temas con mis amigos y la familia; y escribir me hace feliz... así que disfruten, supongo...
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esuemmanuel · 4 years
Dicen que nada se gana con arrepentirse, que el tiempo ya no vuelve, que lo que pasó se ha de aceptar, que ninguna lágrima borrará ese lugar en el que perdiste lo que juraste nunca iba a cambiar, porque te sentías seguro de lo que tenías para dar. Pero, una vez que te detienes y miras lo que traes en las manos, la tristeza te viene a decir que todo lo que hiciste no ha valido la pena, que has perdido el tiempo haciendo una tarea que no debiste ni empezar, que te has engañado creyendo que habías elegido tu destino, pues, todo lo que has recorrido ha sido sólo un círculo del que no has podido salir, y tú pensando que hacías algo que valía la pena sentir. Y si... te arrepientes de todo, hasta de vivir.
— Esu Emmanuel©️, They say that nothing is gained by repenting, that time does not come back, that what happened must be accepted, that no tear will erase that place where you lost what you swore would never change, because you felt sure of what you had to give. But, once you stop and look at what you have in your hands, sadness comes to tell you that everything you did was not worth it, that you have wasted time doing a task that you should not even begin, that you have fooled into believing that you had chosen your destiny, well, everything you have traveled has been only a circle from which you have not been able to get out, and you thinking that you were doing something worth feeling. And yeah... you regret everything, even living.
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