#'lanne's ramble chatter
bookworm-faolanne · 3 months
Demonic vs Ghostly in MXTX
from what i've read in the majority of fanfics (especially MDZS) I have headcanoned this about the two paths in comparison to each other-
Modao (the demonic path), when practiced by humans, is a parasitic practice that preys on the living. (especially likely in MDZS, SVSSS, & PDIW (TGCF not relevant at this time for this as much as I love it))
Guidao (the ghostly path) is a more cathartic-revenge-for-the-dead/persuasive route that is almost symbiotic with the already (restless) dead. yes, it uses resentment/resentful energy, WWX does not seem like a person who'd wake up the dead who have no resentment and are at peace.
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bookworm-faolanne · 1 year
Cloud upturned the soil like his mama showed him the other day. She had been teaching him about his family history!
“Cloudy!” Claudia calls entreatingly. Cloud perked up, wondering why his momma was calling for him. He knew that most times when she used that tone, she had something new to show or tell him. Last time, it was an old bloodstained behemoth horn that dated at least 310 years before the arrival of the Calamity. She held up a curious pale blue blossom for him to see, which caused Cloud to scarper over curiously. 
The delicate flower had an overall layered conical shape, and when looked at from directly above it looked similar to a rose. “This flower is one of the only plants that don’t rely on the ‘stream, for the species predates well before the lifestream was introduced in its first form over four millennia ago. While there used to be fields of the blossoms, now there are only the ones we Strifes grow personally and have managed to preserve.” she informs him quietly, sadly.
“Wha’ they’re called, Momma?” Cloud inquires curiously, staring enraptured. The blossom was very familiar to the golden-haired child, but exactly why playfully avoided his mind. He knew not to push it, because last time he tried (last time was the stained behemoth horn), his head hurt bad, and he didn’t like his head hurting like that. 
Claudia Strauss smiled at her little boy somberly. “We call them a multitude of names, among them Shiva’s tears and Cursed One’s blood-blossom, for they have long been a flower of mourning and death and sadness and healing.”
“The flowers however, especially around 2.3 millennia ago, had started disappearing while the land was in turmoil and the nations that existed during that time had both been falling apart further and could only just start healing from a bad event. But that was not what you were asking, were you?” His mother continued, a little sadly.
“Well, they were known as sylleblossoms.”
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bookworm-faolanne · 1 year
No one but the First Cetra remembers what the lifestream was exactly before it was drawn into the soil and became what it is. But those who know his story know that the appearance of it was a scalding, viscous, bubbling ooze the color of cloudy obsidian, and glints of ruby or amethyst on the darker nights.
The Strifes know though that the Lifestream as it is not more than 2,300 years old at the most. And certainly that it wasn’t a boon or good for their planet-star when it was first introduced.
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bookworm-faolanne · 1 year
She sang to her little stormcloud as she rocked him to sleep whilst the thunderstorm raged outside. Claudia had worried about her little streamspark, who had been sickly when he was born, most likely due to the mako reactor that was further up the mountain and his grandmother’s sensitivity to the toxic warpedness of half-twisted Lifestream. She hoped that her son inherited a large bulk of her father’s half-hidden capabilities that denote his near dormant Cetra blood. She wasn’t entirely sure about her child’s sire, but she knew that she didn’t want her son to inherit his philandering ways. It was such a pity that he is dead- he would have been such a great example to her kit as to what to try to avoid being. 
Cloud gave a cry, and she picked up the pace of her rocking in hopes of soothing him- but she knew, alas, that this would be a long night.
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bookworm-faolanne · 8 months
Woe to be for those who try to restrain the Sea and her children.
It will not end well for those who try.
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bookworm-faolanne · 8 months
They stare at the idiot bemusedly.
"The only reason the shackles you placed even took in the first place is because I let them. Even then, they would have fallen off on their own given time. I am not one to be chained to things by others. These shackles," they tap their neck where said chains once were, "only have lasted as long as they had because I tolerated it."
They lean closer, a predatory grin overtaking their features.
"The only chains that stay indefinitely are the ones I chose myself. Even then, I am a child of the Seas. Those chains can break."
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bookworm-faolanne · 8 months
Here is the thing that most people don't realize about him- when he loves, he tends to do so with a quiet ferocity and and enough of himself that that love?
It sears itself into his soul and marks him for the rest of his soul's existence.
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bookworm-faolanne · 1 year
i don't wanna loose it all (not again) had been an idea that has been poking me for a while now. There are fics that cross over Final Fantasy 7 & Final Fantasy 15, but they either set the chocobros in the same time as Cloud or Eos is a future version of Gaia.
It was the latter that planted the idea. I had not yet seen a version where Eos is a past version of Gaia/the planet. And that? that has some potential.
This also meant I had to ask myself, How did they get the Lifestream then? Where did the Cetra/the ancients come from? I have already hinted on where the lifestream came from in an earlier post- It was originally the Star-scourge.
the cetras' origins have not yet been set in stone though. I was thinking of making them descendants of those who had access to the crystal's magic or something close.
The lifestreams origins in this au can also explain why mako mutates a person if not applied in certain ways.
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bookworm-faolanne · 1 year
The first Cetran weapon that later became traditional was the wooden staff, which was wielded by the First Cetra whom had used it to help cast the first Holy Great Gospel that healed the land’s hurts from the Decade’s Sleep
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bookworm-faolanne · 1 year
So I have had this idea ever since I've been reading the HZD fics and have been made aware of the other subroutines that GAIA has. And an Idea started brewing- what if the facility that Aloy fell into (the one where she got her focus) was one of ARTEMIS's (who took care of the fauna)?
and that falling into it had reignited the power systems? and the animal biomatter was still viable?
I'd be thinking that a good chunk of the plot would be Aloy finding critters and taking care of them. With minimal knowledge about the Old ones. The plots start would probably be set a few months after she fell into the facility.
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bookworm-faolanne · 1 year
why cant I just translate my thoughts?!?!
The thing is is that I have so many goddamn ideas and I can think of them just fine. it is just I cannot get them onto paper. My mind sorta blanks when I try to put it down on any medium and it is frustrating.
I want feedback! I want to get them out there & hopefully inspire others in their stories and roll around as a spikey ball that pokes damn near every muse that it bumps into!
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bookworm-faolanne · 8 months
Sometimes they take a lifetime or two to just step back, forcibly removing themself to bask and practice extreme levels of self care.
It has become important enough that he does so as best as he can for what remains of his sanity and mental health.
It is wonderful in helping him keep his mental equilibrium. They half delight in the self care lives that intersect with worlds that are more highly developed. They like getting therapy when they can.
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