#'dude i can handle everything shove off'
kcsplace · 2 years
Steve gets started attending Community College,but he doesn't tell anyone, embarrassed that he might fail, that they'll tease him, that they'll be embarrassed by him.  Nancy is going to go off and change the world, Jonathan's photography talent is gonna get him into art school somewhere, Robin is having colleges trip over themselves to offer her scholarships and Eddie's band is starting to draw crowds that aren't just about "checking out the maybe-possible-kinda-murderer-dude". 
Why would any of them want to hang out with a loser like Steve?
Steve, madly desperately and stupidly in love with Eddie even if he hasn’t said anything thinks that means he can't have kids now, but he knows he's good with them.  He also knows what its like to go from hero to zero and just how easy it is to be a shit in school and how important it is to change.  So he thinks he could be a good guidance counsellor.  He thinks he could help those kids out.  Kids like Max and Eddie that don’t have all the things he had growing up, kids like himself who didn’t have positive role models, kids like Will and Robin that are a little different.
His father shat all over that dream, told him he'd be shit at it, just like everything else he tried - he can’t even win a championship in four years of trying -, and so he's not paying for it.  As a result, sure in his decision, Steve's been working to pay for college (much easier in the 80s admittedly and at CC) but he's burning the candle at both ends, especially working for the credits to transfer as a junior into a four year college. 
Eddie finds him asleep in his car outside his latest job, all his textbooks on the seat next to him.  He lets himself into the car, wakes Steve up, all the textbooks in his lap, flipping through their pages in the dim illumination provided by the dome light.  Steve thinks Eddie's gonna mock him, tell him he's gonna be bad at it, he won’t be able to hack community college let alone a four-year, and even if he could, what school would hire a loser like him to help kids? He’s waiting to hear all about how stupid Steve is to think that just because he kept a couple kids alive, he thinks he can guide them during their most vulnerable times.  Steve tries to steer it off, starts blathering out that its nothing, just y'know, Robin tells him all thetime its good for the brain to learn and his dad’s been riding him to grow up and shit and that it was just an available course, but Eddie isn't actually dumb.
He starts dropping off notebooks to Steve's work, new stationery, he likes the feeling that his gifts help Steve get his grades, that Steve's working toward his future with the pens that Eddie gave him.  Its stupid little shit but seeing the pens that Eddie gave him shoved behind Steve's ear or him chewing on them while he studies...it gives Eddie the warm and fuzzies OKAY? he doesn't wanna talk about it
Seriously, Robin, he doesn’t wanna talk about spending a quarter of his legally obtained paycheck (fuck you so much, Sheriff) on shit from Ink Spot and he isn’t gonna.
after six months of keeping Steve’s secret, Eddie heads over to the Harrington house for some movies and weed - its not a school night after all - only to see Steve’s textbooks sticking out the trash.  He finds a dejected Steve sitting by the pool, and drops them all in his lap.  Turns out, after weeks of work and research, Steve had gotten a C on an important essay. 
“So you just quit?”
“Why not? I clearly can’t handle it.”
“Y’know, maye you should.”
“’Scuse you?”
“The kids deserve better than some iidiot that just quits the moment shit gets tough.”
“Glad you agree.”
“Or, you could let me help you.”
“You. the guy that took three goes to graduate?”
“Just proves I stick to shit until it’s done. And I’m gonna make sure yu do the same.”
One year, countless study sessions, one immense blowout fight over the Oxford comma, and a loyalty card to the Ink Spot later, Steve turns up on Eddie’s doorstep with an envelope that he thrusts at Eddie.  Tearing into the envelope like a gremlin, Eddie stares at the words in front of him.
“Dear Mister Harrington, we are delighted to inform hmpffff-”
Eddie might not have been prepared for Steve to kiss him, but he got on board real quick.  Literally.  Dropping the letter and its promise of a place at Purdue for Steve to transfer to complete his degree, Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck, hopped and wrapped his legs around the man’s hips.
“Never made out with a college boy, before.”
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seancekitsch · 1 year
Can I ask you a Question?: An Adrian Chase x Reader Kinktober fic
here it is! the first fic of kinktober :) all of these are gonna be shorties but smutty
warnings: sex pollen, dub con, rough sex, spitting, slightest degradation, 
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Heat spreads along your skin as you stare at the wall, a single focused point in the absolutely unremarkable plain wall of the ARGUS issued motel room, and still managing to fail completely at ignoring the other more than warm body in the room. Anger bubbles as you think about how you were shoved in here kicking and screaming in protest. It's not your fault and you should be allowed to sweat this out at home. Why does Chris even have a pheromone helmet to begin with? Why does that one just activate whenever it wants to like a malfunctioning furby? You wish you could have gotten a good punch in before Emilia shoved you in here claiming a needed quarantine, even though as Adrian pointed out, there are air ducts in the room which means nothing is airtight and if you and the air around you is the issue then the whole building is fucked.
Adrian sits beside you staring at the wall the same as you, but he walked in here willingly. He didn’t have to be in here; he doused himself in solidarity with women or some absolute bullshit that you barely heard over the near immediate effects it had on your body and the intense rush of heat towards your abdomen. You wonder if he’s feeling as hot and squirmy as you at this point, he has to be, unless he wasn't actually lying about being unnaturally fast at healing. If you were alone you’d be ripping your clothes off and hoping the sheets are cool, or maybe taking an ice bath and watching the most ick-inducing hallmark movie your can find. But instead you try to wait it out… however long it lasts. 
“Hey, can I ask you…?” Adrian trails off mid sentence, god, your scowl must be nastier than you think. 
“Ask,” you grit out, teeth bared as you try not to shiver under his gaze. Fuck, he’s so hot. Fucking annoying sometimes, but fucking hot. 
“Are you horny?”
What, like he’s going to do something about it? Heat bubbles and pools between your legs in embarrassment, even though the situation is already clear. How you’d like to just snap and ride his face, knocking those cute dorky glasses askew or— fucking shit dude. This is bad. You make the mistake of shifting how you sit. 
“I was dosed with pheromones,” you snap back, doing everything in your power to hide the the moan in your voice. 
“I know, but is it working?”
You feel yourself clench around nothing, the friction of your tight jeans a blessing and a curse right now. There’s no teasing in his tone, just genuine curiosity. You love that about him, but god does that make this harder.
“Is it working on you?” you sigh, trying to stay as still as possible, trying not to set your own body aflame. 
“Oh yeah!” he confirms, “I’ve been rock hard since before they threw us in here.”
“Please don’t give me that mental image,” you snap, and he immediately apologizes profusely, the hint of a frown on the corners of his lips. Shit, you’ve probably upset him and made him think you’re grossed out. He shifts farther away from you and groans at the movement. He’s got it just as bad as you. 
“I mean— with everything going on right now, I can’t handle that. Not you,” you try to reassure him. 
 “Oh! Well that makes perfect sense. I don’t know what I’d do if you said something like, ‘I’m so wet right now’ I’d probably—“
“You know what Adrian? I’ll answer your question. Yes, I’m horny… and you’re not helping the situation.”
“Should I leave?”
You look at him with pinched brows, incredulous.
“Emilia will probably kill you if you try.”
He grumbles something about being able to handle a stupid little bullet. 
Your eyes follow up and down his body, tracing and following the dips and bulges of his muscles to where they become obscured by armor, biting your lip to suppress a moan. You know he’s a good fighter, and it probably translates well in the bedroom. Christ, what those biceps could do, those arms wrapped around you and— head out of the gutter, you tell yourself, but it’s too damn hard, and you betray yourself and your mind flashes back to imagining his arms wrapped around you while he takes you from behind. An embarrassing little whimper escapes your lips as another wave of heat floods your core. Damn it. 
He flinches at the noise, because of course he heard it, that’s just your luck. His fists clench and unclench, gloves discarded so you can see the whites of his knuckles. He’s holding back, and he’s struggling with it. 
“Hey,” he starts, voice much more shaky than before, “What if we—“
“Yes,” you agree without thinking. Whatever it is. Yes. Whatever he wants. However he wants you. 
“Wait- Really?” he asks, voice rising in shock as he gets up, and then stumbles, clearly thrown off by his own arousal. Fuck. You lean back onto the bed, humming in pleasure as you do, trying to look as appealing as possible despite the sweat on your brow and the state of your dishevelment, even though judging by the bulge in his pants you don’t need to go through these extra steps. You lay against the sheets and throw your head back, showing off your neck and hoping he’ll sink those pearly whites into the side of your neck. 
But then he confuses you by heading towards the bathroom, walking awkwardly.
You pick your head back up, panic shooting through you. Did you get the wrong idea?
“Where are you going?” your voice does nothing to hide your desperation, and maybe you’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so turned on its starting to hurt. 
He has the nerve to look at you like you have three heads, that jerk. 
“I thought you said yes? I was gonna go jerk off in the bathroom while you do whatever you do best in here?” he hovers in the doorway with odd energy (well, odder than normal) and tilts his chin at you as if its a challenge. 
“Where are you going?” your voice does nothing to hide your desperation, and maybe you’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so turned on its starting to hurt. 
He has the nerve to look at you like you have three heads, that jerk. 
“I thought you said yes? I was gonna go jerk off in the bathroom while you do whatever you do best in here?” he hovers in the doorway with odd energy (well, odder than normal) and tilts his chin at you as if its a challenge. 
“Oh!” you exclaim a little too loudly, “Oh, I didn’t know thats what I was agreeing to.”
You smile sheepishly as he walks back into the room proper. 
“What, did you think I was suggesting we should tear each others clothes off and do things to each other?” he scoffs, and even though his face is flushed he still tries to joke as if he’s functioning like normal. Well, Adrian’s version of normal. Yeah, you totally did, and you misread this. But even his condescending tone has you pressing your thighs together and fills your head with the imagery of it all. 
“Well…” you trail off, not really sure where to go from here. You’ve reached an impasse of unbearable arousal, a work colleague, and the distance of about ten feet. Talk about shitting where you eat. 
Adrian blinks twice.
“Is what I just said an option?” he asks, his voice rising half an octave, “Because if it totally is, I change my suggestion. I was just trying not to be sexist because I remember you telling me to watch how I talk sometimes about women after I rated the team on how much I’d like to motorboat them and you were on the top of the list.”
Yeah, you remember that night. You slapped the hell out of Adrian right after that.
“Maybe you should come join me on the bed,” you suggest, and he crosses the room as if zapped with a cattle prod. 
The bed dips as his knees press into the mattress, and your hand involuntarily reaches out along the sheets closer to his heat to share it. 
He flops himself down next to you, grunting as he does so, leaning in close to you, but not touching you. God, you wish he was touching you right now.
“How do you want to do this?” you ask, your lips moving of their own desperate accord.
“Well, this isn’t how I thought I’d woo you,” Adrian admits. Woo you? Was he planning on making a move? Oh, shit. The pressures on now. You don’t exactly have a crush on Adrian but you’d never turn a body like that attached to a genuinely sweet dude like that down. 
“But?” you urge him on, placing your hand closest to him on his, making your move known. 
“But fuck it,” he shrugs and pulls you in for a rough kiss; a little too much teeth and a little too much tongue but you drink it in, pulling him in closer and gripping at his uniform.
He moans loudly into your mouth, only spurring you on to grab him more, pull him flush against you to soothe the heat inside you. It works, sort of. The heat quells for a moment when you feel his hardness press against you; but it’s only replaced by another heat, an arguably worse one. It’s the need to have him inside you, to let him wreck you, destroy you. He shifts his position to trap you beneath him, rolling you onto your back. He cages you in with his arms and legs, presses his hips into yours harshly, the fire is fed, growing stronger. You want out of these jeans and to pull him into you, want to cover him and yourself in bruises by the end of this. He moves from your lips to your mouth and you gasp, gulping at air as his lips and teeth move to your cheek and your chin and your jaw; he’s sloppy and rushed and feverish in his pace, trying to experience all of you as soon as possible.
“How do you want to do this?” Adrian asks, glasses knocked askew against the side of your face.
“Need you,” you pant, already lightheaded from making out like some novice. He rocks his hips up into your absentmindedly as he continues to press kisses into your jawline, himself desperate for friction. He chuckles.
“Need you too,” Adrian sighs, and picks his head up. You almost want to whine because he isn’t kissing you anymore.
“Do you want Adrian?” he asks, and for a moment you don’t understand, “Or do you want Vigilante?”
Fuck, how do you choose? Aren’t they both just him in some capacity? You don’t exactly know what either entails, but your brain is foggy and slow, needing and yearning and making your body writhe under him instead of thinking clearly.
“I want… fuck,” you interrupt yourself, and he pulls back to kneel on his knees above you. He looks like a god under the cheap fluorescents, the god of fumbling upwards.
“Use your words,” he demands, and you can tell he’s made the choice for you. Fuck yeah. 
“I- I want it rough,” you squirm under his gaze, your hands traveling from the sheets to the fly of your jeans, unbuttoning them preemptively. Adrian’s eyes flicker down to your hands and then back up to your face, and he smirks. 
“You think you can handle it?” he asks, newfound confidence as he moves one hand down to palm himself through his uniform pants. You nod weakly, licking your bottom lip. He tilts his head as if to shrug and uses his free hand to pull you up by your shoulder.
“Open?” he asks, as you get your arms under you to sit up. You obey immediately, opening your mouth for him and sticking your tongue out obediently. He smiles, before spitting directly into your open mouth. You swallow gladly, and the fire is stoked momentarily, as if having some of him quelled the hunger within. 
“Good girl,” he says, pushing you back down into the mattress before his hands begin roaming your body, he pushes up your shirt roughly, his warm hands splaying across bare skin, the expanse of your abdomen. His hips roll into yours again, rougher this time. When his lips capture your own, his teeth sink into your bottom lip. Your hands come up around his neck, fingers tangling themselves in his curls and pulling. He groans against your mouth, biting down. You gasp at the first copper taste of blood.
Adrian’s hands dip lower, finishing the job unzipping your jeans and hastily starting to push them down over the curve of your ass. You help him by pushing your hips up into his, giving him more wiggle room while you can rub yourself against him. He shoves the jeans down to your ankles and then stops. 
“Turnin’ you over,” he explains, and pulls your arms away from him. He removes himself from you, but only briefly. Just long enough to maneuver you onto your stomach for him and to pull your panties down to meet where your jeans confine you. 
He presses a hot hand to you, coating his fingers where you already soaked through your panties. He hums in appreciation. 
“Is this from the pheromones or from Vigilante at work?” he asks, and you groan, this time not from pleasure. 
“Ugh, shut the fuck up, Adrian,” you sigh. Of course, it’s a mix of both. The pheromones are actively probably killing you with hormones but Adrian himself is hot even if you haven’t admitted that to him. He responds with a sharp slap to your ass that makes you yelp, loud and actually embarrassing. 
“Call me Vigilante,” he tells you, and then you hear the zipper of his pants release. 
His full length enters you with no warning, but meets no resistance. You’re so slick and wet from everything, but you’ll let him stroke his ego if it means he keeps himself against you. Adrian wraps his arms around your middle, using it as leverage to slam into you harder; your body a tool to get off, but equally his body a tool to stoke the fires and make you feel real again. But fuck, if you don’t actually love this. This is the way you wish dates fucked you, the harshness and care rolled into one. Adrian’s hand wraps around you, shoved between your body and the mattress to your clit, rubbing in tight circles.  Fire ignites more, like a candle to a campfire. Adrian’s weight pushes you into the mattress, one hand pressed to the bare skin of your abdomen and the other between your legs.
“Fuck, Vigilante,” you moan, a particular movement of his middle finger making you buckle even more into the mattress below him. 
“That’s it, baby,” he praises, and presses harder. The fire stokes and spikes and calms and crescendos. Adrian’s hips don’t let up, thrusting hard and hateful, trying to break your frame with every move. Adrian will break you, and you’ll probably let him. You’ll probably let him do anything if he makes you come in the next ten seconds. 
“Are you only this slutty for me?” Adrian asks, and you nod into the pillow eagerly, whining and leaning harder into his thrusts. At this point, they hurt. It’s to the point he’s bruising your entire ass. Yeah, only for him. It’s not like your dating pool is huge here but it’s also not like you’d let anyone else on the team see you like this, but also Adrian has a certain charm to him. 
“I’m gonna- I—“ you pant, and he only speeds up the pace of his fingers and hips.
“That’s right, come for Vigilante,” he coos, and it’s like every fiber of your being releases it’s tension. 
You shout, pressing your face into the pillow as you do to avoid any embarrassing terms of endearment towards the man above you.  The shaking starts in your core, and the spreads outward. Heat spreads and explodes into almost cold in your toes afterwards. Your limbs go rigid under him. 
“That’s it, baby,” he hums, but he holds you through it, his arms holding you in place.
“Fuck!” you shout, and a particularly hard jolt of your nerves punches through you, and Adrian stills behind you. That’s all it took for Adrian to come, and he spills into you, holding you against him and moaning wantonly. 
You both breathe deeply as you try to calm down, not at all separating. You center yourself, trying to say some shit you remember from a college yoga course. You can’t see Adrian’s face, but he keeps kissing you business as usual. 
“Can we do this again?” Adrian asks, and you think for a moment. He’s a fucking psycho, maybe? but you’ve already fucked him.
“Sure,” you say, you voice still muffled by the pillow.
Why not.
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tartarusknight · 2 years
The Fallen King and the King of the Freaks | Part 1
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Steve didn't have the heart to tell the kids about how Billy didn't back off after Max's threat. Not when they seemed to look up to him for some reason. So, instead, he stayed out of Billy's way as much as he could. But it seemed like the man was hunting him down. It got to the point that Steve dropped basketball.
Steve got used to being slammed into lockers and taunts from the people he used to friends with. So what if he wasn't top dog anymore? So what if he didn't have any friends his own age? So what if Nancy dumped him (ripped his heart out and stomped on it with bullshit)? So what if Billy left bruises on his body with well time jabs and kicks? Steve was an adult he could handle this...
However, as he was shoved into the janitors closet and hearing the lock click behind him, he thought maybe it was getting worse. He slammed his shoulder to the door but it didn't budge and he heard Billy's stupid laughter outside. "Enjoy your alone time, princess," Billy taunted.
Steve slid to the ground and tried not to panic. He wasn't going to freak out just because it's dark and he doesn't have anything to protect himself. He really wasn't going to. He wasn't that much of a loser that he was scared of the dark.
Then he started to cry. He normally was a silent crier, but normally, he wasn't struggling to breathe. He curled around himself and tried not to think of creatures with mouths that took up their entire head and opened like flower petals. Really, he was trying. But Steve just couldn't focus.
There was a soft voice outside the door that shook him from his isolation. "Hey man, you alright?" A dude questioned, and Steve tried to focus so he could answer. "Imma pick the lock, just gimme a minute. I've got ya," the voice was smooth, and Steve squeezed his eyes shut. He didn't really want to be seen at the moment, but he wanted out more.
The door clicked, and Steve crawled back so it could open. Eddie Munson was crouched there, a few things in his hands that he probably used to pick the lock. The known drug dealer looked frozen in shock at the sight of Steve, and Steve basically plowed into him to get out of the room quickly.
His brain was fried, and he really wanted to cling to Munson and let the calm voice focus him. Instead, he backed off and pressed his back to the wall, hanging his head between his thighs. "Thanks," he mumbled and hid his tear stained face from the other.
"Uh, it's um, not a problem... Usually, I'm helping others after you pick on them, though," Eddie's voice wasn't as soft as it had been. It made Steve wince and curl up tighter on himself. Of course, Munson would hate him...
"Never shoved anyone in janitor closets before," he said instead.
"Ahh, lockers then."
Steve shook his head, "You could really hurt someone doing that. What if no one found them? Or if they passed out or something?" He pointed out and finally looked up at the other boy. Eddie was just staring at him like he's never seen Steve before. "I never wanted to hurt anyone," Steve breathed out, but it came out more snappish than he meant it to.
"Right... so how come King Steve was shoved into the closet?" Eddie questioned and Steve looked away from him. "Did you sleep with someone's girl-"
"Jesus man, I get it! You hate me but can you fucking stop? Not everything that happens to me is my fault, okay?" Steve snapped, and Eddie flinched back. "Fuck, stop acting like I'll hurt you, Jesus. Billy's just an asshole who needs a punching bag, okay? And he learned that he can take he down, okay?" He gestured to the slowly healing bruises on his face.
Eddie was staring at him, "why you?"
Steve scoffed, "cause he can't take it out on his sister anymore? Cause he's an asshole with mommy issues? Or maybe just because he knows I won't fight back! I don't know, I'm not in his brain! I don't know what he thinks when he trips me in the hallway or throws a ball at my head in the gym!"
Eddie blinks and gets up to his feet, but then he holds out his hand in offering. "Come on, man." Steve takes it and lets Eddie pull him to his feet. He's still a little shaky, but he manages to stay on his feet. "I've been known to adopt lost sheep," he's guided away towards the exit and he's so shocked he doesn't fight it.
"Thought you hated me," He points out.
Eddie laughs, "eh, you can just buy me dinner." Eddie pauses for a moment, but Steve is already nodding. It makes Eddie grin, and he throws an arm around his shoulder. "Welcome to the land of the outcasts. Here I'm the king." He gestures to the group of people smoking by one of the picnic benches outside.
"You'll lose a few cool-dude points if you're seen with us," Eddie smiles like it's funny but Steve just feels bad. These were the people he never stood up for. These were the people he never looked at, just ignored.
Steve smiles and looks at Eddie, "you inviting me into the Munson cult?"
Eddie's grin goes sharp, "You gotta earn that. I'm offering you a starting point."
Steve thinks about how lonely he's been and how kind Eddie's voice had been. "So, how do I climb up the ladder? My only skills are giving rides, basketball, and hair."
"Don't forget the Harrington charm," Eddie grins and it's kinder. "Show us yourself, and we'll see from there." He whispers before turning to the group of people.
"Gentlemen, we have a traveler from the halls of royalty! He's come to bless us with his presence!" Eddie's voice is filled with so much emotion. Steve almost misses the way the group tenses up.
Steve might have a while to go before they trust them. But he thinks maybe it could be worth it. Especially as Eddie looks back at him with a smile that makes Steve's stomach flip. "Uh, hey," he smiles awkwardly, wiggling his fingers in greeting.
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callsign-rogueone · 8 months
love at first fight - r.g.
Ridoc Gamlyn x marked!reader the first post of my Valentine’s Day celly! 💕 words: 668 🏷: no book spoilers this time! sparring and some blood. no mention of reader’s gender / pronouns. I just have a feeling that Ridoc would be super attracted to someone who's dangerous and can handle themself in combat. this will be part one of a mini-series I have planned, hehe update: sequel is out, read here!
Ridoc commits your entire being to memory the moment he sees you step out of the crowd.
How had he not noticed you before? Everything about you is stunning; the muscle packed onto your legs, the way the rider’s black looks on your skin, and your unruffled demeanor -- you’re looking Jack Barlowe straight in the eye, unflinching. You might be one of three people in the class who aren’t terrified of the guy, who is itching to fight with you.
You strip off your jacket, handing it to the tall blonde beside you whose name he can’t remember, and Ridoc’s heart nearly stops at the sight of the swirling tattoo trailing up your left arm: you’re marked.
If you’re as strong as the rest of your friends -- and you certainly look to be -- this is going to be a good matchup, but he’s still on edge. Barlowe has already garnered a reputation for fighting dirty; he’s tried to kill every one of his opponents thus far in the term, and judging by his visible disgust at your rebellion relic, you won’t be an exception.
Your friend says something to you quietly, advice or a soft reassurance, and you take your place on the mat, shaking out your limbs.
Barlowe lunges at you the second the professor says go, and you make no move to stop him. Do you have a death wish or something?
Evidently not. You kick out at the last second, catching him in the stomach, and he skids back a few feet. He quickly pushes forward again, and you land a punch directly to his jaw and another to his ribs. If he wasn’t mad already, he definitely is now. 
He tackles you to the floor, his fist catching the side of your mouth, and you hiss in pain. You grab the hilt of the dagger at his side and pull, yanking it from its sheath and pointing it at him in warning.
He wraps a hand around your wrist, twisting and pushing back at an awkward angle. Rather than struggle over the dagger, you let it fall and kick it aside, sending it spinning across the floor. If you can’t have it, he can’t either.
You kick out again, hitting him where it hurts and shoving him back onto the mat, rising onto your knees. You pull two more blades from the leather straps that circle your thighs, pressing one to his throat and the other to his side.
He yields, but everyone can tell he’s pissed, and that he won’t be letting this go anytime soon. He retreats to the other side of the gym, still smoldering.
Ridoc picks up the short blade that had landed at his feet, extending the hilt to you silently -- by the rules of the Codex, it’s yours to keep as a trophy.
You smile at him with a split lip, the only wound you’d sustained in the fight, taking it and tucking it at your thigh alongside the ones you’d threatened Jack with. “Thanks.”
He nearly falls over at the sound of your voice, soft and sweet in contrast to the hardened soldier persona you’d displayed on the mat.
You return to your squad, leaning against the wall to watch the next match. Blonde guy -- Liam? Lucas, maybe? No, definitely Liam. -- hands you your jacket, but you don’t put it back on, draping it over one arm instead.
Liam holds up five fingers, and you shake your head, holding up four: it had taken you four blows to bring Barlowe down. “New record,” you mouth, smug.
Ridoc’s eyes still don’t leave you even as two cadets start throwing punches directly in front of him. 
“I smell a crush,” Rhiannon says slyly. 
“We need to unpack why you’re only attracted to people who could kill you, dude,” Sawyer adds. “I’m legitimately concerned.”
His friends’ comments go in one ear and out the other. Deadly or not, he’d do anything to have you smile at him like that again.
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myung-jaes · 2 months
USED TO THIS ― lee anton
005. oh my god, the voices
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the minute you heard the two resounding knocks on your door, followed by three faster-paced knocks, you rushed to open it, feet dragging to the source of the sound— anton’s personalized knocks.
you placed your hand on the cool metal of the handle, opening the wooden door, sighing as your eyes caught sight of the boy towering in front of you, his brown hair sticking in all directions.
"anton, i told you just to text me, i can walk myself to your car," you mumbled.
however, anton completely ignored you, moving his hand to push your face, your feet staggering as your frame was shoved away from the doorway. "shut up, i didn't walk up here for you."
"my baby," he cooed, sitting on the floor, gently petting kiki, as she ran to anton, taking in his familiar scent.
"my cat is not your baby," you grumbled, closing the door as you begrudgingly joined the two. 
"yes, she is, we basically have shared custody over her," anton laughed, watching as kiki nuzzled her head all over your hand.
"no we do not," you emphasized. "you're just saying that because every time you come over, you choose to terrorize my cat."
"i think terrorize is the wrong word,” anton stood up, glancing down at you. “why, are you jealous?”
you scrunched your nose in disgust at the boy, sticking your tongue out at him which prompted him to take a step closer to you.
“aw, don’t be jealous, yn,” he fake cooed, hands reaching out in front of him as you side-stepped to avoid him. “dude, where are you going? this feels like rejection.”
“no thanks!” you yelled, rushing out the front door before he could reach you, anton only stopping for a brief moment before falling in step behind you, his keys in hand.
the minute you sat in the passenger seat of anton's car, the boy driving off once you were completely seated, you were hit with a sense of deja vu. the setting sun darkening the sky, beaming lights from oncoming traffic, and the soft hum of anton's playlist in the background— the playlist he made for you for your 20th birthday, his yearly tradition.
everything took you back to your time in new jersey, the end-of-the-day drives you and anton would have, his mom driving after a day of anton's swim meets, the same meets that you told him you were against going to due to the pungent smell of chlorine, but you could never bring yourself to miss a single one, being there for every single one of anton's achievements.
you snapped out of your flashback, turning to anton, his eyes meeting yours briefly before directing his gaze back to the road in front of him.
you hummed, signaling for him to speak what was on his mind. anton paused, gathering his thoughts, afraid he would shatter the comfortable silence you had into pieces.
"what was ricky talking about? you know, when he said you thought i was mad at you?" anton spoke gently, his voice above a whisper almost as if he didn't want you to hear, terrified that if you did, you would give him the answer he would never want to hear uttered from your lips.
you winced, screwing your eyes shut, silently cursing ricky in your head. “anton,” you dragged out, wanting to get away from the pressing conversation.
“yn,” anton mocked your tone, his lips quivered to a faint smile. “no, seriously why did you think i was mad at you?”
“it’s nothing, it’s stupid really,” you shrugged, choosing to turn your head to glance out at the cars moving beside you, hoping if you ignore the situation it’ll just disappear.
“yn,” anton said your name again, though this time it sounded different. you felt the car slow to a stop as you approached a red light. “this is going to sound so cliche, but you know you can talk to me, you know me. it’s not like i’ll judge you.”
at this you turned back to face anton, only to catch him already staring at you, his eyes twinkling as they darted across your face, trying to read your mind. 
you felt yourself wavering with the eye contact, slowly reaching your breaking point to cave into anton’s gaze prodding you to talk about it.
god, can this light take any longer to turn green. 
your fingers found their way to mess with the loose ends of your bracelet, one that mirrored the one on anton’s right wrist. “it’s just . . . god, i’m going to sound so stupid.”
“like that’s ever going to happen,” anton muttered, and you scoffed, the eye contact burdening you as you glanced down at the mismatched beads of your bracelet. anton, even with all his teasing, would always stress how smart you were in his eyes, even when you did the simplest things.
“okay, just know that i was definitely over-analyzing everything, and it just got to my head,” you took a brief pause, twisting the faded blue smiley face hanging on the string on your wrist. “i just noticed you seemed off, like you were bothered by something? i mean, i don’t know, you were just zoning out, and when i asked you, it just seemed like you were brushing me off. so, i thought i did something wrong.”
“but,” you quickly spoke before anton could even begin to protest your observation. “it’s not like we didn’t talk, plus you did give me the judgy anton side-eye just for breathing. so, i was just overthinking it, and making it about me— which, for one, i need to stop doing, because just because someone is quiet does not always mean they’re mad at you, yn, but, oh my god, the voices.”
anton, secretly thankful for the slow turning light that remained red, kept his gaze on you, his eyes crinkling up as his lips were upturned to a smile at the sight of your ongoing ramble. although you were reserved with other people outside of your friend group, you always had the tendency to let out all the talking you withheld yourself from around him.
“yn,” he whispered, inching his head closer as his elbow rested on the dashboard between you two. “why would you even think i’d be mad at something you did?”
you turned your head to him, looking at him as if he had horns growing from his head. “maybe because you get upset whenever eunseok makes fun of your voice or when sohee steals your clothes, and i literally always do both of those things, so what if i went too far with the teasing?”
“they’re not you.”
“eunseok and sohee,” he sighed, lowering his head to match your level, peering up at you slightly through his eyelashes, “are not you. hell, i don’t think it’s even possible for anyone to get mad at you.”
“i’m serious.”
“no, anton, the light.”
he immediately turns his head, hands flying to the wheel, gently stepping on the gas pedal, thankful for the absence of cars behind him. 
seriously, now it turns green. he complains slightly, second-guessing his luck, destiny, and everything in between.
the remainder of the car ride to the post office was silent, the two of you reeling in the comfort of it, pushing back your prior conversation to the back of your heads.
if you ignore it, maybe it'll be like it didn't happen.
as anton shifted his car in park, he switched off the ignition and turned his head to you. “do you want me to come with you?”
though he held a hint of amusement in his voice, you, nonetheless, knew he was serious, making you whip your head to him, giving him a look that only he could ever read. anton let out a breathy laugh, getting out of the car without needing to hear a single word from you.
the two of you walked into the post office, anton holding the door open before following behind you. “so what exactly did you order that it had to come from new jersey?”
“well,” you dragged out. “it’s not exactly an order, more so a package from someone.”
“then, why’d you say it was an order? i thought you were a spending addict again.”
“i like lying.” you shrugged as you approached the man at the front desk, giving him your name and id.
“so what is it?” anton prodded, peering over your shoulder at the package you had just been handed, to which you shoved his shoulder. he recognized the name and address of the sender— your home address.
“just some stuff that i never brought with me when i moved.”
“as in?”
“my journal,” you muttered, bowing your head from embarrassment.
anton gasped, “you mean the journal.”
“that’s a bit dramatic, it’s just a journal full of old pictures.”
“okay and? they’re memories,” anton stated the obvious, the two of you getting back into his car. “wait, we should look through them.”
“don’t you have better things to do?” you quirked an eyebrow at him, his excitement evident in the way he talked.
“um, no?” anton sassed. “wait, actually, put it on pause, we’re going to the convenience store first. you owe me food.”
you laughed, shaking your head at how quick he was to remember your half-assed promise to him.
the moment anton shut off his car, parked in the lot of the store, he ran out of the vehicle, rushing to your side to pull your door open. he then dragged you by the arm, trying to get you to walk faster.
“hurry up, you slow ass,” anton whined, pushing you by your shoulders towards the door, the bell ringing as you two entered. “you owe me for wasting my brain power on driving.”
“i miss when you were nice to me,” you sighed, smacking anton’s arm to get him away from you to which he stuck his tongue out at you, you following his actions.
“okay, here’s the mission,” at his words, you scrunched your face. mission? “we split up to save time, but we can only get things for the other person.”
before you could protest, he already began pushing you to one side of the store.
“wait, but what if you poison me or, worse, feed me seaweed,” you shuddered, looking back at the boy, his back to you as he walked in the opposite direction.
he looked back at you, remembering how sick you’d gotten the last time you ate the store-bought packets of seaweed, “i won’t, i promise.”
you looked away, beginning to search the aisles for something, anything that you knew anton would like. yet, you were somehow prompted to turn back a second time, looking back at your best friend, rapidly scanning through the aisles.
you chuckled, beginning to turn back before you bumped into a firm chest, the heat rushing to your cheeks from embarrassment as the stranger’s items fell from their hands.
“oh my god, i’m so sorry!”
anton jumped, hearing the ruckus and he peeked up above the shelves, catching sight of you and the stranger, laughing at how you panicked to help out in retrieving the fallen items. he had made a mental note to pick on you about it later.
once he was satisfied with the items he was carrying, having a small array of your favorite snacks, he wandered to the front of the store, hoping to find you there. instead, he furrowed his brows at your absence, racking his brain to see if he forgot to tell you to meet back at the entrance so you could pay together— not that he would let you pay, despite your promise.
anton, driven by his rising worries, began walking in the direction where he had sent you, preparing to peer through each aisle for you. though he didn’t have to, only to find you at the exact place he last spotted you, where you had bumped into the stranger.
to anton’s surprise, you were long done with assisting the victim of your clumsiness, and the two of you were engaged in a conversation. anton smiled, noting the lack of usual nervousness on your face when being approached by strangers. however, as quick as the smile was to appear, it was even faster to fall once his brain recognized who the poor stranger was.
there in front of him, was you locked in a conversation, with no other care to your surroundings, with kim taeyoung.
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author’s note・❥・sorry for the long written part & my bad writing feel like i ruined the chapter LMAOOO this smau is becoming my baby and i rambled ALSO PLS I HOPE IM NOT RUSHING THE STORYLINE 😓
taglist (open!)・❥・ @yoursyuno @i03jae @started-with-f-ends-with-uck @kriize @pxnklover @reenfluffmarshmallow @1800-love-me @katarinaesqa @molensworld @misonade @100203shong @ffixtionista @soheendo @renjuneoo @ddieumi
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xrenjunniesx · 9 months
thank u for all ur hardwork, ur writing is great!! can u write where u get hurt in a fight and the dreamies are the ones taking care of u after please?
they take care of you after you got into a fight
bf!nct dream
a/n ; I feel like for some of them I went more into detail of how you tell them you got into a fight… but there is still the caring aspect! went off track but never the less i hope this is somewhat what you wanted <3
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you had promised mark you would meet him at the cafe, so despite everything, you did. you approached him with a bandaged hand and walking at a rather slow pace. he was confused by this, since you were perfectly fine last night when he saw you. he decided to meet you half way, bringing you to a stop in the middle of the cafe.
“hey, what’s wrong?”
“kinda… got hurt.” you say, figuring maybe it wasn’t a good idea to tell him that you got into a fight.
his eyebrows knitted together but he accepted that maybe you just fell or something.
but as you two sit in the corner of the cafe slowly sipping your drinks that mark had ordered prior to you arriving, you end up bringing up what happened.
“you know that… one boy who kept bothering me?” “yeah?” “yeah… I punched him.” “oka- wait what?!” man is shocked and all of the above.
“we got into a huge fight and I had to get pulled away because I was beating his ass up.” you smiled but mark just stared at you.
“are you okay?”
“yeah I think so, just a couple bad bruises and sore knuckles but I think that’s it. I’m okay.”
“dude… you should’ve called me. I know you can handle it by yourself and you did but when you got pulled away I would’ve jumped in and continued!”
you both leave the cafe after finishing your drinks and he takes you back to his place and makes you sit on the couch with an ice pack on your knuckles as he inspects every injury you gathered, cleaning any injuries that could be dirty / open wounds like cuts.
he was against physically fighting, but this time, he wasn’t. this one girl had been awful to you practically all year long. she shoved you around and spoke horribly about you.
so when you facetimed him out of nowhere, with a bloody lip and a bright smile, he knew what happened.
“did you get her ass?”
“I GOT HER SOOO GOOD! but I have a few cuts from falling over, can we meet up?”
he was instantly on his way, stopping by a store to get some bandaids.
once he was in your apartment he was looking around all over for you until he got to the bathroom where he saw you sitting on the counter, swinging your legs as you looked at him. he laughed and placed the bandaids down, grabbing a fresh cloth to clean your wounds for you.
you go into detail about the whole story, explaining how she started it and for once you didn’t back down. even though renjun told you not to get into fights, he was rather proud of you for this one.
this man had been bothering you all evening as you and jeno were just trying to enjoy an evening with friends at the bar. the man touched your arm so you threw your elbow back into his stomach. jeno was shocked at fast this turned into a physical fight. he grabbed your waist and pulled you away from the angry man once he saw security coming.
“you should’ve let me-“ “I don’t want you going to jail, let’s go!” you both leave the bar and sit on the sidewalk. you examine your hands as they hurt pretty bad. jeno took your hands into his and looked at them, seeing that they were definitely going to start slowly bruising up and were currently really red.
he pressed kisses onto your knuckles and held your hand gently in his as he kept walking, planning to take you back home to put an ice pack on your knuckles.
“I’m glad you’re okay, I never knew you could fight like that baby.”
“yeah, so don’t make me mad jeno.”
he laughed at you, leaning into to kiss your head, “you would never.”
he was the one filming actually. the fight was one of those fights where it was just building up over the course of a few days until it finally burst and someone throws a punch.
at first you were shocked, but instantly you started fighting back. haechan whips out his camera, wanting to film this so you can see it later.
though once the fight ended and you were back at home haechan completely switched on you and he picked you up and sit you down on the counter. “don’t get into unnecessary fights.” “haechan you literally were filming it.” “yes I was but still don’t get into fights like that, because now look! my baby is hurt.”
he takes a while to help you clean your wounds and bandage them because he keeps giving you kisses and ‘scolding’ you.
“I’m proud baby, you fight really well.” he says making you laugh at how quick his opinion is changing.
as you walked into the room, hiding your hands in your pockets and with your face down, he was immediately eyeing you. “what’s wrong?” he asks as he sits up straight and spins in his chair to face you completely. you’re at the closet, grabbing some clothes to change into.
“nothing, I’m going to shower.”
he gets up from his chair and approaches you, standing in front you. you didn’t look at him, still trying to avoid him seeing your face which had a bruise and a cut from the girls ring.
he placed his fingers on your chin and lifted it up, and at this point you figured you might as well just let him see it.
he gasped aloud, his eyes widening as he quickly grabbed your hand and took you to the bathroom.
“ow.. my hand jaemin.” he left go as soon as you said that and looked at your hand.
“oh my god…” he muttered under his breath as he looked at the red bruising knuckles. “what happened?”
“I got into a fight… she’s looking worse than me right now!”
“not something to be happy about.” he said, looking at you with a stern glare. you sat on the edge of the bathtub as he cleaned your wounds for you and out bandaids on them.
he holds your face in between his hands and presses a kiss to your forehead. “don’t get into fights, love.”
“I’ll try not too… but trust me she deserved it.” he could only roll his eyes with a scoff at that.
you walked into his apartment, dressed completely different to how you left his apartment earlier that morning.
“you changed? why?”
“oh… my pants got dirty so I went home before coming here.”
you catch his eyes briefly as you walk past and instantly knew he would pick up that something was wrong very quickly.
you came back over to his to watch a movie together since you had planned this last night and had no legit reason to cancel, you couldn’t just not show up.
you also didn’t want to tell him you got into a physical fight with someone and how your stomach hurt really bad and your knees still hurt from when you had fallen over.
“what’s wrong?” he asks about the minutes into the movie.
“you’re holding your stomach.. did you eat something bad?”
“oh- uh yeah.”
he glares his eyes at you, not believing a word coming from your mouth.
“don’t lie what happened?”
he is sitting next to you on the couch, the movie long forgotten as you eventually confess about the physical fight.
chenle insists on seeing all your wounds, he insists that he checks your whole body and helps apply any needed treatment onto them for you. he gives you panadol and pulls you into his arms when you’re back seated onto the couch. his hands playing with your hair, “just tell me next time, I’ll go help you immediately.”
you walked into his apartment fuming with anger. “park jisung you won’t BELIEVE!!! what happened!”
he is up on his feet rushing to where you were standing. he eyes you up and down, red and beaten up hand, knees dirty and bleeding from cuts grazes and tear stained cheeks from obvious crying.
“oh my god come with me.”
he is scared to touch you in any way incase you’re injured there, so he just gestures you to the bathroom as you stomp your way over. you sit on the edge of the bathtub as he pulls out his little kit of bandaids. he grabs a clean cloth and drenches it in water as he listens to your crazed rants.
“she said that to me! right to my face! I’m surprised I didn’t punch her right then and there honestly.” 
he is nodding and humming in agreement with your words as you gradually lose the anger and get more upset over the situation.
he finishes helping you clean up and puts bandaids on you where needed and looks up at your face. you’re just silently watching him, tears in your eyes.
he pulls you into a hug, still being extremely careful with your body since you haven’t told him where you got hurt except for the obvious visible injuries. he might cry a little with you if you break down crying. just seeing you upset upsets him! especially if you’re hurt.
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steddio · 2 years
Steve is used to pushing through pain. Sure, the adrenaline of a life or death moment is one thing but when that fades and all that’s left is stinging cuts and tender swelling and a full-body bone-deep ache there’s no excuse for letting weakness show. Or letting others see the lingering migraines, achey joints, and night terrors that continue to wound his body and psyche even once everything is “back to normal.” Ingrained in him since an unforgiving childhood, Steve’s grit-your-teeth-and-bear-it philosophy has served him perfectly well and he sees nothing wrong with it, thank you very much.
Until he meets Eddie. Eddie who curses, shouts, screams and cries his pain, broadcasting it to those around him with his typical dramatic flair. Eddie whose eyes betray every feeling and emotion, amplified tenfold by the flailing of too-long limbs and gesturing of ring-bedecked fingers. Eddie who sees right through Steve’s facade to the core of his pain.
It starts with Eddie giving Steve an obvious once-over each time he sees him, checking for visible injury, the lasting echo of shared trauma. Steve knows how to navigate this, having faked his way through countless minor sports injuries in order to stay off the bench and in the game. What Steve doesn’t know how to navigate is what comes after. Unlike Steve’s coaches, who accepted his apparent well-being without question, Eddie has an unnerving tendency to locate the exact source of Steve’s discomfort.
“Harrington, are you limping? Cut the shit and sit down over there, I told you not to overwork your bad knee.”
“Ok big boy, pull over. I’m driving and that’s final. Don’t argue with me, you can’t even see straight. Driving with a migraine is definitely worse than my driving, dude.”
“You look like shit, go home, I’ll help Robin close. Yes, yes, I got it, how hard can it be?”
Eventually, and even worse, Eddie moves beyond snarky well-meaning comments to saying nothing but doing everything. Like shooing the younger kids out of Steve’s house when he’s starting to squint against the bright lights and loud conversation. Or grabbing heavy bags from Steve’s hands before he’s even halfway from the car to the door. Or wordlessly turning up the stereo when Steve needs something, anything to drown out the ringing and echoing screaming in his ears.
At first, being seen hurts more than the actual pain. Stripped raw by the casual tenderness, the sheer humanity zinging at newly exposed nerves. Steve doesn’t know how to handle this breakdown of his primary defense mechanism. He tries to keep shrugging Eddie’s concern away, but Eddie is relentless. Eddie “willing to repeat senior year three times rather than drop out” Munson is entirely undeterred by Steve’s patented nonchalance. Despite it all, he keeps caring. And Steve has no choice but to accept the tidal wave that is Eddie’s concern.
It takes a while, for Steve to recalibrate his self-perception. So used to shoving it aside, he has to learn again how to really feel pain. How to acknowledge it, respond to it. How to attend to his own discomfort the way he attends to Robin’s, or Dustin’s, or Max’s.
The first time he cancels plans with the gang because of a migraine he’s overcome by guilt. He’s five seconds away from calling back to say just kidding he is totally fine and would love to drive everyone to the movies when he hears a knock at the door. Before he can even fully open the door, Eddie barges in.
“Harrington! Where are your towels, I brought you drugs, the legal ones don’t worry, go lay down, what are you doing standing there gawking, here swallow this and put this over your head.”
Before he can fully process what’s happening, Steve is manhandled onto his own couch, a cool damp towel over his eyes and forehead, and Eddie is back out the front door shouting that he’ll check in on Steve after the movie ends.
The second time he cancels plans, his bad knee too achey to make the trek out to Dustin’s radio to celebrate his and Suzie’s anniversary, Steve is still guilty, but almost unsurprised when Eddie turns up at his door, rented movie in hand, shouting at Steve to ice and elevate his damn knee already.
After a while, the guilt goes away, replaced by a bone deep security that’s brand new to Steve, a quiet reassurance that it’s okay to put himself first, it doesn’t make him selfish or bad or pathetic or weak or any of the things his dad used to shout at him before he learned to mask himself. Replaced by an overwhelming fondness for Eddie and his exuberant care, the way he wears his feelings like his tattoos, on his bare skin.
After a while, Steve realizes that not all of Eddie’s once overs are checking for pain, sometimes they’re simply for checking him out. And this, this he knows how to handle.
The tenth time Steve cancels plans, he’s waiting at the door for Eddie to arrive. Eddie is all blurred motion and Bambi-eyed concern, looking for Steve’s source of pain. Steve points to his cheek.
“One too many direct hits and my whole face gets achey when the weather changes.”
Eddie turns, no doubt intending to rummage through Steve’s kitchen until he can find ibuprofen, or ice, or anything. Before he can get far, Steve catches his arm and turns Eddie to face him.
“Maybe you can kiss it better?”
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didyoutrydynamite · 11 months
Renegades: First Sight
Jaune: *Wandering the Beacon hallways, guitar in hand, having just been rejected by Weiss, again.* I spent like five hours on that song… *Notices Cardin and Russel peering out into the courtyard* … huh?
Cardin: I mean she’s… she’s something else.
Russel: Man, she’s not even on the SCALE!
Cardin: Maybe on the Scoville Scale.
Russel: Ha! Nice.
Jaune: Uh… hey guys!
Russel/Cardin: *Jump up and yelp* AH!
Cardin: Oh, its just you. Sup?
Russel: *Immediately get’s up in Jaune’s face* Yeah, man! You got a problem-?
Cardin: *Shoves Russel’s shoulder* Hey. I told you we’re not doing that anymore. Jaune’s cool now.
Russel: Oh, right. My bad. *Smacks Jaune’s hand in greeting and brings him for a quick pat on the back* How’s it going, Big-J? You doing good? You in a band now or something?
Jaune: *Looks at his guitar* Oh this? It’s nothing really. What are you guys up to?
Russel: Just checking out the Haven-Hottie.
Jaune: Who?
Cardin: Oh you have to have seen her. Look! *Drags Jaune over to their spot and point* Right there.
Jaune: *Squints until he notices Cinder sitting on a bench in the courtyard, his eyes practically bulging out upon really getting a look at her* Whoa…
Cardin/Russel: RIGHT?!
Cardin: Dude, she’s like the eighth wonder of Remnant or something!
Russel: Nah, she's beyond that—she’s the ninth, tenth, and eleventh wonder combined! I heard when she walks by, even the statues stop and stare!
Cardin: *Chuckles* I heard that she was held back a few times because the headmaster didn’t want their favorite student to graduate.
Russel: *Leans towards Jaune* And Cardin thinks he has a shot with her.
Cardin: *Blushes* I could! I’ve got the charm and the muscles to back it!
Russel: So why don’t you go and do it then?
Cardin: I would, but I’m still sore from my morning workout.
Russel: It’s 4:30 P.M.
Cardin: It was a really intense workout! Besides I don’t see you going!
Russel: Are you kidding?! A woman like that is only made for heartbreak. I can’t handle that stress, man! You couldn’t pay me to talk to her!
Cardin: *Suddenly has an idea and then slyly looks to Jaune* Hey, Jaune. You feel like making a quick buck?
Jaune: What do you mean?
Cardin: Here’s the deal, Blondie. I’ll give you 50$ if you go over there, right now, and ask that hottie out to the Vytal Festival Dance. 200$ if she says yes.
Jaune: (50 bucks? I can make myself look like an idiot for 50 bucks! I practically do it for free all the time! I could use that to buy Weiss some really nice flowers, then she’d have to go!) Deal! *Claps Cardin on the shoulder, hands Russel the guitar, and walts right out into the open* Watch and learn boys!
Russel: No way…
Cardin: Oh this is gonna be amazing.
Cinder: *Seemingly lost in deep thought*
Jaune: *Saunters right up to Cinder* Well hello~ beau-
Cinder: *Snaps a horrid glare at him*
Jaune: AHHH! *Jumps back startled*
Cinder: *Quickly switches to her signature “Just a regular happy school girl smile” that she’s become so adept at using* Oh hi. Didn’t see you there.
Jaune: *Gulps* I… um… hi.
Cinder: *Continues forced smile*
Jaune: *Awkwardly scratches his cheek* …so- uh.
Cinder: Was there something you wanted?
Jaune: *Deciding now is not the best time to ask her to the dance*…Yeah. I wanted to know… is… uh… everything ok?
Cinder: *Tilts her head* Of course I am. Do I seem upset to you? *Gives her best smile*
Jaune: Yeah, a little….
Cinder: *Her smile fades, replaced by a faint grimace of irritation.* Am I that transparent? *Lets out an exasperated huff* I'm fine, honestly. Just some personal matters, nothing you need to worry about.
Jaune: *Expression softens empathetically* Oh… Do you want to talk about it anyways? 
Cinder: *Glances at him quizzically.* 
Jaune: You know. Just to get it off your chest? If you want?
Cinder: And share my problems with a complete stranger?
Jaune: Well, my mom always said, "Strangers are friends you just haven't met yet."
Cinder: *Stares blankly* That is... a horribly naive saying. Not only is that statistically false but it's also VERY dangerous advice to give to a child.
Jaune: *Scratches the back of his head* Yeah… I kinda used to wander off with a lot of random adults as a kid.
Cinder: *Hold’s back a sudden laugh.* Snrk!
Jaune: *Smiles* But I like to think I came out alright. 
Cinder: *Faintest hint of a smile* You at least seem harmless enough. *Looks Jaune up and down.* Have I seen you around before?
Jaune: *Suddenly more nervous* Y-Yeah, maybe! *Straightens his uniform out* I’m Jaune Arc. My friends call me… Jaune. *Cringes inside.*
Cinder: *Raises an eyebrow, the hint of a smirk forming.* Jaune, is it? Well, Jaune, I'm Cinder. Cinder Fall. Pleasure’s all yours I presume.
Jaune: *Nods and smiles* Yeah, it’s nice to meet you! See? Not strangers anymore, are we?
Cinder: *Gives a small chuckle.* I suppose not. *Glances around briefly* So, you really care to know?
Jaune: If I can be of any help, yeah.
Cinder: *Sighs* It’s about a… “colleague” of mine…
Jaune: *Sit’s down on the bench with her* Like, a teammate?
Cinder: That's it, precisely. A "teammate" who's proving rather insubordinate. Now, because of that, I find myself at a loss. She refuses to undertake a task that would suit her perfectly!
Jaune: Ohhhh I see. You’re having leadership troubles. Has your teammate told you why she won’t help?
Cinder: It’d be a miracle to get a single word out of her. *Grumbles quietly to herself* That mute insect. *Continues to talk normally* She won’t do a single thing I say unless it’s conveyed through her… “father.”
Jaune: Huh. I get you. I’m a leader too, and trust me, I’ve had my fair share of trouble reigning in a certain teammate of mine. She even has a “brother” that she tends to listen better to than me sometimes.
Cinder: *Listens intently* How do you command her obedience?
Jaune: *Looks at her confused* Her what?
Cinder: How do you get her to listen to you?
Jaune: Oh, well. Whenever talking doesn’t work, I go to Ren, her “brother”, well, not really brother, but- you know it’s this whole thing that I don’t really need to get into, but the point is I go to Ren and inform him that I’ll no longer be providing them part of the team budget for pancakes until she settles down.
Cinder: *Looks at Jaune incredulously*  Pancakes???
Jaune: *Nods* Mhmm, it’s her most favorite thing in the world. Literally seen her eat if for every breakfast I’ve had with her.
Cinder: *Digests the information* Withhold the budget so she can’t have her favorite luxuries… I can work with that. *Sighs* But the task is rather time sensitive, what if she doesn’t yield in time to get it done?
Jaune: Then it sounds like you may need to do it yourself.
Cinder: *Raises an eyebrow, almost insulted* Me?
Jaune: Well, if it’s crucial and she's not budging, sometimes it’s best to step in and handle it personally. I know it’s probably not ideal, but that comes with being a leader, they depend on you when no one else can do it.
Cinder: Hmph. They do depend on me, don’t they?
Jaune: *Nods encouragingly* Yeah! That’s why they put you in charge.
Cinder: *Gets pumped* I am in charge! They’d be completely lost without me!
Jaune: *Getting pumped too* Exactly! Sometimes we have to roll up our sleeves and lead by example. Show them how things really get done!
Cinder: *Jumps up out of her seat* You’re right! It’s time I take matters in my own hands, and show that little mute who is really the boss around here!
Jaune: *Gets up too* That's the spirit!
Cinder: *Nods determined* Thank you. I now know exactly what I must do.
Jaune: *Smiles warmly* Happy to help. Oh and hey, good luck, Cinder.
Cinder: *Smiles confidently* Luck is for the ill-prepared, Jaune. *Turns and saunters off* And I never need luck.
Jaune: *Watches her walk off, feeling proud* So. Cool. *Whistles and walks off*
Cardin/Russel: *Stop him immediately*
Cardin: What did she say?!
Jaune: Huh?
Russel: *Smacks Cardin’s arm* What do you think she said?! They both walked away all smiling and shit! Jaune, you are a GOD.
Jaune: What do you guys think happened?
Cardin: That’s what we want to know! What did she say when you asked her to the dance?!
Jaune: *A long moment of silence before he starts sputtering in disbelief and panic now realizing that he completely forgot to ask her out*
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Heaven is not fit to house a love (like you and I) | Part 2
Word Count: 4.8k
Genre: smut, angst
Summary: When you first met your boyfriend, it was love at first sight. No, more than that. It was love before you even met. It felt like you had known each other in another life and were meant to find each other again. 
But that's not actually true, is it? You and Beomgyu don't actually know each other from another life, and the dreams you've been having aren't memories of your past life either. That's ridiculous. 
But then why does Beomgyu get so defensive about them? And why does each dream feel more real than the one before? 
A/N: this is the sequel to my series YAMQN but I'm trying to write it in a way that it would be comprehensible to people who have never read YAMQN. The parts in italic are the dreams. 
Warnings: unhealthy relationships, jealousy, dom!reader, sub!beomgyu, riding, toys, orgasm denial.
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Now that Taehyun is working with you, Beomgyu is not content to just drive you to work as he always does. No, now he has to walk you inside, arm wrapped tightly around you to make sure everyone, especially Taehyun, knows you’re claimed.
“Oh, hey.” Taehyun greets when he sees you. “You look beautiful today.” 
You don’t get the chance to properly glare at him for purposefully annoying your boyfriend before Beomgyu twists you around and smashes your lips together, pulling you into a kiss that is far too indecent for public.  
Yet another co-worker snorts. "We get it dude. She's yours. Are you gonna pee on her to claim your territory too?"
Your cheeks flame up and you shove Beomgyu away, absolutely mortified by the spectacle he has made of you. “Beomgyu!”
“What? Don’t want him to see who you belong to?” He asks, daring to sound upset at you.  
“Everyone knows we’re dating. Get your head out of your ass.” You smack his hands completely off you, livid at his underhanded accusation. 
“Wouldn’t hurt to remind him.” He mutters, and you roll your eyes, ushering him out of the cafe before you get fired for an indecent act in the workplace. “Leave. You’ve done enough.” 
You don’t give him the chance to respond before you step back into the restaurant and slam the door in his face, trying your best to avoid everyone’s gaze. You quickly get dressed then step behind the counter, getting the orders ready for the customers streaming in, trying to shake off the strong sense of deja-vu you felt at the way Beomgyu behaved. Those dream are really messing you up. 
“Your boyfriend really doesn’t like me, huh?” Taehyun comments, working alongside you. 
“Don’t take it personally. He gets jealous easily.” You sigh, brushing it off. 
“It sure feels personal though. It’s like I killed his cat in the past or something.” 
“Funny you should say that.” You snort, but don’t elaborate, not wanting to deal with another guy ridiculing you for your dreams.
But Taehyun is intrigued, and he doesn’t drop it. “What do you mean?”
“Forget about it.” You brush him off, handing a customer their drink with a forced smile, but that makes him even more curious. As you go to make another drink, he takes the coffee pot from your hand, forcing you to look at him. “No, tell me.”
“Taehyun, there are customers waiting.” You snap but he just shrugs. “So? They can survive five minutes without their morning lattes.” 
You give him a pointed look. “Yeah? Have you met our clientele? They’re mean when they’re low on caffeine.” 
“I can handle it. Just tell me.” He reassures you, but conspicuously starts making a new drink. 
“Okay fine, but don’t laugh. You asked for it.” He nods, waiting patiently for you to explain. “So I keep having these dreams about me and Beomgyu in another life, a past life. He’s a prince and I’m a lady of the court and we want to be together but we can’t because he’s betrothed to someone else and so everything is all fucked up but we love each other so much and want to be with each other anyway. It’s all very fanciful and silly but then again the dreams are so vivid, it’s like I’m really there. It feels more real than my actual memories, you know?”
He nods, a small smirk on his face that tells you that he doesn’t really buy what you’re saying–you don’t really buy what you’re saying either–but he’s kind enough to hold his tongue and not make fun of you like Beomgyu does.
“Anyway, you’ve been appearing in the dreams lately too.” That catches his interest, and he listens even more intently. “You’re this powerful lord from another city and we start getting close which dream Beomgyu really hates. He tries so hard to keep us apart that he even ends up locking me in my room so I wouldn’t see you but you sneak in to see me anyway, and then… Well, I don’t know what. That’s all I know so far. He basically wants to kill you because you won’t stay away from me. Dream him, I mean… though, I’m not too sure real Beomgyu doesn’t want to kill you too.”
“Oh, please, I can take him.” He says confidently and you look him over. Sure, he looks like he’d be able to take Beomgyu. Physically he appears stronger than your boyfriend, but there is just something about Beomgyu you don’t like to think about that causes the hairs at the back of your neck to stand up.  
“Anyway, that is all very intense.” He finally says, “You have quite the imagination.” 
“I knew it. You think it’s stupid.” You flush, embarrassed that you revealed all of this to him. 
“No, no. It’s not stupid. It’s not real, but it’s not stupid.” He reassures you, or at least he tries to. “Maybe these dreams are your brain’s way of working through issues you’re having with your boyfriend? I mean, I didn’t show up in your dreams before you saw me, right? And it was only after seeing how Beomgyu got so aggressive with me that you had the dreams about him trying to keep us away from each other, right?”
“I guess…” What he’s saying makes sense. Maybe it’s just your brain trying to make sense of the whirlwind that is your romantic life with Beomgyu. 
“Well, there you go.” He proclaims, “Maybe the way to stop these dreams is to work out the issues you’re having with Beomgyu.” 
“Easier said than done.” You snort, and once again Taehyun is not letting your little passive-aggressive comments pass by. “What do you mean?”
You sigh. “He’s impossible to talk to about these things. He either gets so defensive you can never fault him for his behavior or he freaks out about us breaking up that I end up needing to comfort him for his own bad behavior.” 
Taehyun wears a frown on his face. “That doesn’t sound too healthy. If you can’t even talk things through then how can you expect your relationship to survive?” 
“Don’t say that. Beomgyu is a wonderful guy and a loving boyfriend. He just gets insecure and needs reassurance. It’s because his ex fucked him up or something.” You mutter the last part bitterly. If she hadn’t messed him up so much, Beomgyu would have literally been the perfect boyfriend. 
“But that’s not your fault. What she did to him has nothing to do with you. If he can’t separate the two then he doesn’t deserve to be with you.” 
You shake your head. “You’re being too harsh on him.” Yes, Beomgyu is acting like an ass right now but that doesn’t take away from all the wonderful things he is. 
“Am I? If you let this go then he’ll only get worse.” 
Maybe he’s right. Maybe you should stand up more to Beomgyu. Things can get really bad when he gets into his head, but when he’s good, he’s really good and that always brings you right back into his arms. 
As if he could read your thoughts, Beomgyu takes you out on a much needed date at the local arcade, seemingly aiming to make you forget about the erratic way he has been acting lately. 
You’re both video game fans, especially those old games you used to play growing up, and so this is like Disneyland for you. You have so much fun recalling all the good times you had playing these classic games, only you get to enjoy them with the person you love this time around, and damn does it feel ten times more fun with Beomgyu. 
“Oh my god, oh my god!” Beomgyu screams, trying to keep up with you but failing miserably, messing up his steps on the dance dance revolution game, and allowing you to take the lead. “No, this is too fast–ahhhh!”
You laugh at his exclamations, messing up a few steps of your own as you sneak glances at him, enjoying the way he makes such a show of it, always aiming to entertain and get a laugh out of you and everyone else. You know he doesn’t actually care about losing. He just wants to make it fun for you. 
The machine makes a noise that indicates the game is over and that you’ve won, and the small crowd that has gathered to watch you because of your boyfriend's antics cheers for you. 
“Thank you, thank you.” You give a gracious bow, before pulling your stupid boyfriend into a kiss that receives a couple of woohoos. 
“I know. I know. I can’t believe she’s dating me too.” He says and you smack his shoulder shyly. “Shut up. You’re such a simp.” 
 “No, I’m not. I’m just appreciating my beautiful, wonderful girlfriend who–”
“Get a room! Some of us actually want to play.” A teen shouts out at you, and his friends jeer in agreement, forcing you off the game with embarrassed giggles. 
“Wow, kids are mean.” Beomgyu exclaims and you laugh. “Kids? We’re barely a couple of years older than them.”
“Yeah. I guess so.” Beomgyu comments, not seeming to share your laughter. 
“Hey, are you okay? They were jerks but they’re just teens, you know?” You try to comfort him. You know how mean teens can be, but Beomgyu just shakes his head and gives you a big smile. “Oh no, I’m not thinking about that at all. I just remembered something… doesn’t matter. Let’s go play another game.” 
“Okay…” You trail off uncertainly, unsure if he’s really okay. But then you spot something that takes your attention away. “Oh, let’s go play that shooter game! There is a toy there that I really want!” 
You step towards it, but as soon as you do, you’re being pulled back by your boyfriend. “I don’t really like shooter games. Too violent, you know?”
“It’s an air gun.” You explain slowly as if he doesn’t grasp the concept, and he shrugs.  “Well, it still teaches violence to kids. Today an air gun, tomorrow a school shooting.” 
You roll your eyes at his silly dramatics. “Too bad we aren’t kids then. We’re a whole couple of years older than kids. Now come on.” You drag him behind you, sights already set on a teddy bear that reminds you of Beomgyu. 
“I wanna win that one! Add it to my beargyu collection at home.” You clap excitedly, and the man at the stand hands you a gun to use.
“She’s got a good eye. She picked the best prize.” The man tells Beomgyu then turns back to you. “You have to shoot all the cans down to be able to win that one.”
“Yeah. She has expensive taste, that one.” Beomgyu comments and you pout, playfully shoving him. “Gyu!” 
“Is it not true?” He cocks an eyebrow at you and you push your head up defiantly. “I just have high standards, that’s all.” 
“I know, baby. And you deserve the best.” He says, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it, making you blush. 
“Are you going to shoot?” The man asks impatiently, bored with you and Beomgyu’s public displays of affection. You don’t care though, sending Beomgyu a kiss and a wink.. 
Still, it’s gonna be challenging winning that bear, and you have to concentrate. 
“Okay…” You take a deep breath and get into position, turning towards again Beomgyu and squeaking a quick ‘pray for me’ before you look back and start shooting. 
And damn, you’re a lousy shot. 
At the start, the cans are all lined up next to each other so you manage to fell a lot of them just by generally shooting in their direction, but as their numbers dwindle, you start completely missing them. 
“Baby, you’re trying to shoot the cans, not the other patrons.” Beomgyu quips and you glare at him, almost shooting him too, and he raises his hands in surrender. “Just saying.” 
“Well, don’t say.” You grit, missing even more shots. 
“Damn it!” You exclaim in frustration, seeing your chances go down with each missed shot, and eventually running out of ammo. “Ughhhhh.” 
“Cheer up, baby. You tried your best.” Beomgyu tries to comfort you, “You just–”
“I wanna try again.” You proclaim, smacking more tickets down on the counter and gesturing for the worker to reload your gun before trying again. 
And again. And again. And again. Each time failing more miserably than the last, the frustration getting to you. 
“Baby, we’re running out of money here. Soon, I’m gonna have to sell my kidney to give you arcade money.” Beomgyu appeals to you once more, urging you to give up.
“Fine!” You give a huge sigh, finally handing over the gun sadly. “I just really wanted it.” 
“Why? We have a million teddy bears at home.” 
“I know but I wanted that one.” You pout, moving a finger across his chest coyly. “Can you try to win it for me?”
“Pretty, please.” You turn on the puppy-dog eyes that you know have been very effective on him in the past.
He sighs, looking defeated. “You know I would do anything for you.” 
“Yes! Works every time.” You congratulate yourself, preparing to watch your pacifist boyfriend flounder just like you did, but planning to enjoy anyway. 
Except he doesn’t. To your absolute shock, Beomgyu clears the game on the first try. 
“Wow, you’re really good at this.” You clap, amazed, and give him a big hug. “When did you learn this?”
“Oh. I used to play this game a lot as a kid.” Funnily enough, you feel like you’ve watched him do this before. Maybe it was in one of your prince dreams…
“See? And you didn’t become a violent psychopath. You were worrying for nothing.” You tease him, holding your hard-earned teddy bear up and giddily spinning around with it. 
“Excuse me.” A small voice calls out, halting your merriment and you look down to see the most adorable child tugging at your skirt. Well, you see a blurry, double vision of an adorable child as your poor brain tries to recover from the celebratory spinning. 
“Oh, hello. Aren’t you just the cutest thing?” You gush. “What’s your name?” 
“Ben.” He says, and Beomgyu gasps, equally as dramatic as you. “Well, that is just the cutest name ever.” 
“Thank you.” Ben plays with his fingers and swings shyly from one foot to the other. 
“Are you lost, Ben?” Beomgyu asks, getting down to his knees in front of the child. “Where is your mommy?” 
The child points off somewhere.
“Do you want us to take you to her?” You ask, but he shakes his head. “No. I just wanted to say that… that I like your bear and and–can we trade? You can have my toy instead!” He presents you with a small bright orange and yellow toy truck.  
“Aw, you cheeky little thing.” Beomgyu tuts, “That is very generous, but I just won this for the pretty lady and I think she wants to keep itt.” 
You do. You really want to keep it. But Ben looks so disappointed at hearing that, that you don’t have the heart to refuse him for long. 
“That’s okay, Gyu. He can have it.” You intervene, and Beomgyu raises an eyebrow at you skeptically. “Are you sure? You made such a fuss about it.” 
You shoot him a glare. “I know but he’s a kid and he wants it.” 
“The way you were acting earlier, one could’ve easily mistaken you for a kid too.” He mumbles and you smack the back of his head in indignation. “Hey!” 
The sound of Ben’s purely ecstatic laughter at what you did grabs both your attention and prevents you from further squabbling. 
“You like seeing me smack the stupid man?” You raise your hand towards Beomgyu threateningly and he cowers dramatically. “I stand corrected. I shouldn’t have been worrying about kids learning violence from games when they can just learn it from people like you.” 
“Aw, you wound me, baby.” You let your hand down to smooth down his hair affectionately. “This is just a tried and true discipline technique. I’ll show you more when we get home.” You give him a wink and he blushes. 
“Alright, let’s take you to your mum.” You announce to the kid, handing him the toy bear and giggling at the way he struggles to walk while holding the giant thing. 
When you’re within sight of his mother, she calls out, relieved. “Ben! There you are!” She runs to hug him. Or tries to hug him but she can’t really with the stuffed animal in the way. “Where did you get that teddy bear from?”
“We gave it to him.” You explained happily and she gasps, turning to scold him. “Did you ask them to give it to you? You know I told you you to stop doing that. It’s not polite—He’s always asking strangers for things, pretending to be all cute and innocent to swindle people out of their belongings. It’s really not nice… or safe!” She explains to you, before turning back to her son. “Now give the bear back to the nice couple.” 
“But I don’t wanna!” He throws a tantrum, and you and Beomgyu exchange an amused look. 
So the little rascal was playing you. Well done. 
“That’s fine. He can keep it.” You tell his mum, but she won’t hear it. “Not, it’s not. You don’t have to–”
“We want to.” You reassure her, and Ben looks at his mother expectantly, his little face praying that she’d allow him to keep the bear and she sighs. “Fine. Though you’re only enforcing bad habits.” She gives you both a stern look and Beomgyu gives a small apologetic bow. “We’re sorry, ma’am.” 
You fight to contain your giggles as she turns to her son. “What do we say, Ben?”
“Thank you!” He chirps happily. 
“You’re welcome.” You both laugh. “Enjoy it.”
“I will!”  
“See you, Ben.” Beomgyu crouches down to say goodbye to him, raising his hand up so Ben can give him a high five, which he does enthusiastically.  
“Bye.” You wave goodbye to Ben and his mum, walking away with Beomgyu. 
Seeing how sweet Beomgyu was with Ben… how naturally he acted and how at ease the kid was with him… it made you yearn for things you can’t have. It made you want to have that–to have a child that is yours and Beomgyu’s. But you can’t ask him that of him, not after what he told you, not for a while, at least. 
Too preoccupied with the thoughts, you don’t think to hide them from Beomgyu, and he quickly notices the shift in your mood. 
“What?” Beomgyy asks, and you look at him in confusion, so he explains, “You’ve been quiet for a while.”
“Oh.” You blink away the tears from your eyes, not even having realized they had gathered there, silently fighting against the weird emptiness that seeing him interacting with the child has opened up in you. “Nothing. I'm just suddenly really tired. Let's go home."
You can tell he doesn’t buy your excuse. “Did you want the bear? You know you could’ve said–”
“No. No. It’s not that, really. I just…” You trail off and a look of realization comes over his face. You quickly add on, “Beomgyu, it’s really nothing. Let’s just go home, okay?” 
Still, he doesn’t believe it. But he gathers you in his arms anyway and gives you a sweet peck on the lips. “Okay.”
He’ll always give you what you want. 
“You can be so good to me. Why do you have to be such an ass sometimes?” You murmur against his lips.
“I just can’t afford to lose you–ah–” He trails off in a moan as you continue to ride him. 
"You really will do anything to keep me, huh?" You clench around him, making him automatically buck under you. “Ah-ah-ah, I said no moving, baby.” 
"Yes, darling.” His hands fist at the sheets in an effort to keep his body from reacting to the way you’re fucking him so tortuously. 
“Call me princess. I liked it when you did that.” 
“Baby…” He protests, and you move your hands up his torso to brush your thumbs across his nipples before you bend down and lick one. “Come on, my prince, you said you’ll do anything for me.” 
“Yes, princess.” You could practically feel his cock twitching inside you as you let go of his nipple with a pop to sit back and properly ride him, really quickening your pace to reward him for his compliance. 
It’s so easy to get Beomgyu to do what you want. He’ll bend over backwards to keep you happy. He just gets too in his head sometimes and starts getting paranoid so you need to shut his brain down. 
And shut down it is, right now. He’s entirely under your mercy, laying down for you to ravage him and loving every second of it. “Oh god. Close, princess. So close.” 
“Don’t cum yet.” 
“Please, I can’t.” He croaks. Oh, how you love to see him struggle. It’s like a drug to you, seeing how much he needs you. 
“Hold it.” You pant, bouncing on top of him, intent to push him right to the edge, and when you feel like he’s about to fall over it, you quickly get off him, his red cock smacking against his tummy, dribbling precum as it twitches from the denial. 
“Fuck… fuck…” Beomgyu curses, his body entirely wound up from the pent up frustration and lust. 
"Shhh." You hush him with a kiss that he hungrily reciprocates, the wet sounds of lips and tongues meeting echoing around the room. When you pull back his lips are shiny with spit and his eyes are drowning with need. But he never reaches out for you, never tries to take what he wants. Your pretty prince. 
You lean forward to open up the bedside table, taking out your vibrator. Beomgyu stares, wide-eyed, as you grab his cock and sink down on it once again. But this time instead of riding him, you swivel your hips around and turn on the vibrator, pressing it to your clit.
“Oh, you’re going to kill me.” He groans, squirming under you as the vibrations and the way your cunt is clenching around him build his high up once again..
"No cumming until I do." You order, and he’s unable to keep his hands to himself anymore, choosing instead to grab at your thighs, his body needing to latch onto yours–just holding onto you to keep him tethered, never forcing you to give him more no matter how much he wants it. 
"I don’t know if I can hold it.” 
"You will. Or do you need me to put a cock ring on you?" You threaten, but the small involuntary thrust of his hips surprise you. “Oh, you would like that, wouldn’t you?”
“I like anything you do to me.” He confesses, making your skin tingle. 
You grind on him faster, moving the vibrator up and down your slit, feeling your release looming near. 
“Oh my fucking god, princess, please.” 
"What is it, baby?” You gasp, thighs starting to spasm from the impending orgasm. “You wanna cum?"
"Uh-huh." He whimpers pitifully like a dog begging for his master to reward him. “You know, I do.” 
Of course, you do. It’s so obvious, he’s practically on the verge of crying, but it’s always so fun to tease him about it. 
"But I thought you said you'd let me do whatever I wanted to you, and I like keeping you on the edge. Love seeing you go all dumb for my pussy." You pout, acting like you’re upset and he eats it all up. 
"I’m sorry… I just need it." He cries, head thrown back and his nails digging into your skin. "Close–so close–please–oh god, please—"
“Cum for me, gyu. Fill me up.” You finally have mercy on him, taking the vibrator away as your pussy clenches around him, milking him of his seed as you hurl over the edge. 
“Yes—oh, princess–ahhh–” He holds your hips and ruts up into you, releasing his cum inside you and filling you up just like you wanted. 
It takes you both a while to come down from your orgasms, the delayed gratification bringing out a very intense high. But when you do, he pulls you down to him, wrapping you safely in his arms. 
“I’m sorry for being so crazy lately. I just love you so much.” He presses a kiss against your damp forehead. 
“I know, baby. I love you too.” You reciprocate fully, but as the high wears off, doubt starts to set back in. “But you can’t keep acting that way. I am not going to cheat on you with Taehyun and it hurts me that you would even doubt that.” 
“I’m sorry, it’s just… my ex. She–”
“Let me guess, cheated on you.” You roll your eyes, not meaning to diminish his pain but you just hate his ex so much. “But baby, I’m not her. I love you. Only you.” 
“I know, but… it would just make me feel better if you didn’t talk to him.” 
“He’s my co-worker, I have to talk to him.” 
“Plenty of people don’t talk to their co-workers. In fact plenty of people maintain a very healthy mutual animosity with their coworkers. I think you should try that.” 
“Beomgyu.” You deadpan, exasperation clear in your tone. 
“Fine. I’ll try to tone it down.” 
“Thank you. I really don’t want to… lose you.” 
He frowns, pushing you back so he can fully see your face. “You won’t. You will never lose me.” He says it with absolute certainty, and maybe his promise was meant to sound reassuring, but something about the way he said it makes you shiver. 
“Are you cold, baby?” He asks, concerned. 
“I… I guess.” 
“Come here.” He pulls you down into his arms, wrapping you up in that warm embrace that seems to always make you forget about all the wrong he’s done. When you’re in his arms, it’s like the world slips away and it’s just you and him and the love you have for each other. None of those troubling thoughts can reach you here, none of the doubts. 
Just you and him. Forever. 
“Don’t talk to her that way.” Beomgyu snarls at Taehyun, looking like he is going to spring forward and attack him but you hold onto him tightly.  
“Beomgyu, stay. Let me talk to him alone.” You whisper to him but he shakes his head. “No.” 
You lean closer to him so only he can hear you. “Come on, Beomgyu, we had a deal. Anything you want after, just let me talk to him.” 
He throws a hateful look towards Taehyun, obviously not happy with what’s happening, before he looks back at you and pulls you into a sudden kiss. Your hands shoot up to his chest, trying to push him away but his own hands hold onto you, one grabbing the back of your head and the other squeezing your ass. 
“My lord, this is not proper.” You hear someone reprimand, making you flush with humiliation and reminding you that you have more than one witness to Beomgyu’s mortifying display of ownership over you. 
“I can still taste my cock on your tongue, princess.” Beomgyu says loudly enough for Taehyun to hear before finally letting you pull away, ignoring your incensed look in favor of smirking at Taehyun. You follow his gaze to find that Taehyun looks to be seconds away from exploding. 
“Fucking stay here.” You grit out at Beomgyu, your outrage giving you the strength you need to make your way towards Taehyun without trembling anymore. 
“Is this what you left me for? Just to go back to being treated like a piece of meat?” Taehyun denounces in disgust once you’re standing in front of him. 
Left him for? What?
It is at that moment that you wake up from your dream, filled with feelings of shame, disgust and guilt. 
Now what could this mean? If Taehyun is right and your dreams are meant to express your discomfort with the way Beomgyu is treating you, then why are you dreaming that you and Taehyun were together? Are you completely overthinking this? Is it just weird dream happenstance? 
You mean, it did mirror what happened earlier with Beomgyu kissing you in front of everyone so maybe that’s what your mind was going for and it just started acting wonky the way brains on dreams do. 
But why, as always, does it feel so devastatingly real? Why do you still feel like you’ve betrayed Taehyun somehow? 
A/N: our dear old crazy possessive beomgyu ❤️😂
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sitkowski · 1 month
heaven's gate ( nick folio x jolly karlsson )
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pairing: nick folio x jolly karlsson cw: 18+ MDNI ⚠️ another healthy dose of fluff and very little angst, some violence, possessiveness, public sex, size kink, rough oral sex, rimming, anal fingering, barebacking, ring kink, choking, marking, praise kink, again with the daddy kink. word count: 4.1k author's note: a sequel to sunshine riptide, this one goes out to the fanclub for these two, they know who they are <3 title comes from, yet again, fall out boy. dividers by @saradika-graphics and @cafekitsune
⇉ masterpost || taglist signups || the riptide verse masterpost
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Nick wonders if Jolly can feel his eyes burning into his back while they’re on stage. It’s harder for him to turn around and look while they’re playing, and between songs it’s almost like he absolutely refuses to, looking everywhere but at the drum kit. It almost becomes a little game, and the second Jolly takes a look at him, he knows he’ll lose. But Nick, he’s got the best view in the house, and he’s allowed to look now.
It’s the second show back since they took a break, and they’re still riding the post stage high hours later after their set ends. They get everything broken down and packed up, hang out and enjoy the rest of the day. It still doesn’t offer a lot of alone time. Nick and Jolly have had months, it’s still not enough. It still feels like the first time, every time. And despite the fact that the only thing that has truly changed between the two of them is that they have sex now, it feels different in a way that Nick will never get enough of. 
Nick leaves Noah and Nicholas in Jesse’s capable hands and goes in search of his boyfriend in the afterparty crowd. The night air is sticky and oppressing, and he stops by a cooler to grab a cold bottle of beer before looking around. It can’t be that hard to find him, and eventually he does. Nick just kind of stops and stares at him for a minute. Jolly’s talking to someone he recognizes as a crew member from the festival, and the guy is very much in his personal space. It doesn’t seem like anything at first, until Nick realizes that Jolly’s taking a step back, and the guy still isn’t getting the message.
Jolly doesn’t need him to fight his battles, he’s a grown man fully capable of handling this. But he can’t help but feel an itch of jealousy beneath his skin when he sees the guy push up and lean in to whisper something in Jolly’s ear. He braces a hand on his chest, one that Jolly quickly shoves away. He shakes his head and Nick’s jealousy transforms into anger. Shoving his way through the press of bodies, he tosses his beer aside and full on tackles the guy to the ground, knocking the air out of him. It doesn’t matter that the dude has a few inches and about fifty pounds on him. He put his hands somewhere they didn’t belong. Jolly was his. Nick grabs the guy by the front of his shirt and slams his fist into his jaw, once, then again.
He’s vaguely aware that someone is yelling his name and someone else is dragging him off of the guy. Nick can feel Jolly’s fingers digging into his biceps as he pulls him back, his mouth against his ear telling him that was enough. It’s instinct to struggle even as Jolly leads him away from the crowd back towards their van. He moves Nick like he’s light as a feather, and for some reason that makes Nick’s temper flare up more instead of the usual effect it has on him..
Wrenching his arm free, he pushes Jolly away from him, almost feeling satisfied when his back connects with the side of the van. It’s not his fault, Nick knows that, and it makes him deflate just a little.
“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” he asks. Jolly chuckles and slumps against the side of the van. Nick frowns. “Why the fuck are you laughing?”
“You do realize that you just bulldozed into some guy—”
“He had his hands on you!”
“It wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle, and in case you didn’t notice, Bryan was right there. It was fine.”
Jolly’s attempts to reassure him aren’t going the way he wants them to at all, because Nick stalks over to him, planting a hand in the middle of his chest and pushing him back against the van again.
“I don’t give a fuck if Bryan was right there. You’re mine, Joakim, and no one else is allowed to touch you like that.”
He’s never really thought of himself being so territorial, and it sounds a little caveman-like when he says it outloud, but it’s the truth.
Jolly reaches down to brush his thumb along Nick’s reddened knuckles, he doesn’t push him away. “Say that again.”
Nick blinks. “What?”
“Say that again, pretty. Say I’m yours.”
Narrowing his eyes, Nick fists his hand in the front of Jolly’s shirt, leaving very little space between the two of them. “You’re mine. What do I need to do, tattoo it on you? Hire a fucking skywriter, yell it on stage—”
“Get on your knees for me right now and prove I’m yours.”
The van itself is parked in the back of the lot, but if anyone were to walk in their direction, it would be hard to miss them. It’s dark out, and there’s very little light coming for the street light just up the lot. Nick knows all he has to do is say no, and Jolly will let it go until they’re home. He knows what this is, this push and pull they’ve had the past few months, ever since the cabin. And he knows when to push him, and when to give in.
Putting his hands on Jolly’s hips, Nick presses into him even more. “Give me a kiss first.”
 Jolly pulls his hand up, kissing his knuckles, and Nick glares at him. He only shrugs innocently. “You didn’t say where to kiss you.”
“Goddamn Swedish asshole,” Nick mutters in affectionate exasperation, before sinking to his knees right there in the parking lot.
He’s not trying to be nice about it when he yanks at Jolly’s belt, tugging his pants and boxers down impatiently. His cock slaps against his stomach and Nick gives him an amused look. He doesn’t bother to call him out on it, knowing he was probably hard from the minute Nick punched that guy in the face. He hears laughter off in the distance, too far away to be anything to worry about right now, but he knows they don’t have much time. He spits on the head, and then drops his mouth open and practically swallows him whole.
Jolly’s not trying really hard to be quiet above him, burying his hands in Nick’s hair. He pulls, not gently, and Nick makes an encouraging noise. He grabs onto his hips, pulling him forward urgently, trying to get the message across that this is going to happen fast and he needs to fuck his mouth immediately. Jolly’s thrusts are shallow at first, and Nick makes an impatient noise around his cock before digging his nails into thighs, leaving behind stinging red lines. He’ll leave his mark on him any way he can.
Louder voices off to the left make him feel like they’re going to get caught any second, even though they don’t sound close enough. Nick presses his tongue against the underside of Jolly’s cock, and he looks up at him through watery eyes. There’s not enough light to see anything, just the dark shape of his boyfriend looming over him, and it does something to Nick’s brain, makes him feel smaller down here on his knees. He squeezes his eyes shut, tears rolling down his cheeks to mix with the drool smeared along the bottom of his face.
Jolly hits the back of his throat, one of his palms wrapping around the back of Nick’s head to keep him still as he comes in his mouth, and Nick swallows as best he can. When he pulls off, he gasps for air, coughs and spits on the ground before he feels Jolly dragging him up to his feet. His mouth crashes into Nick’s, uncaring of the mess. He starts to reach for the waistband of Nick’s shorts, but the sound of footsteps close by makes them both freeze.
“Sorry,” Jolly murmurs, not sounding too sorry at all. He fixes his clothes and gives Nick a not so innocent smile before kissing the tip of his nose. “Looks like you’re gonna have to wait, pretty.”
Nick grabs onto Jolly’s shirt, using it to wipe off his face.
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Noah’s shout floats across the back yard, and Jolly peers out the open sliding door just in time to see Nicholas throw Noah into the pool with Davis’ help. Davis waits a good three seconds before giving Nicholas a shove in right alongside Noah.
The back yard is chaos, in the best way. When Nick suggested a barbeque the weekend after the last festival, everyone had been for it. It’s just close friends and crew, Boo and Zeus darting around vying for everyone’s attention. Bryan and Nick are working the grill, and Jolly’s supposed to be helping Matt with the outdoor speakers, but he gets a little distracted, laughing as Noah tries to crawl out of the pool and Nicholas drags him back, wrapping himself around him and kissing him on the cheek while he pretends to pout about being thrown in.
“Are you helping me with this or are you eye fucking your boyfriend again?” Matt asks from behind him. “I asked you for the remote like ten minutes ago.”
Jolly looks down, he does in fact have the sound system remote that Matt wanted. He hands it over and follows him. “They’re really happy, you know?”
Matt’s scowling as he sets things up and fiddles with the remote, trying to figure out why it isn’t working properly, and eventually music filters in from outside. When he looks over at Jolly, the look on his face softens. “Ruff and Noah are good for each other. They always have been. What about you? Are you making Folio happy?”
Jolly can’t help but smile, “Are you giving me the hurt my friend and I’ll hurt you speech? That’s cute.”
“I will throw this remote at your head, Joakim. You are like a lovesick puppy.”
It’s hard to deny it, the last few months with Nick have been perfect. Or whatever their version of perfect looked like. The break had been good for them, for all of them. The decision to move in together was an easy one, they already spent so much of their time together it was pointless for them to live separately. And the house was close to Nicholas and Noah, which had been one of the selling points.
“I do love him, Matt.” Jolly says.
“As if it isn’t obvious to everyone who’s around the two of you for more than three minutes,” Matt shakes his head fondly. “I’m glad the two of you figured your shit out.”
“You had money riding on us, didn’t you?”
“I did, yeah.”
Jolly hadn’t even suspected that there was some kind of bet going around the crew about him and Nick, not until Noah told them when they got back from the cabin. “Well, did you win?”
“No, because I thought you idiots were going to get your shit together sooner.” He gives him a smile and slaps the remote into Jolly’s waiting hand. “I guess the when doesn’t really matter though, does it?”
Jolly can’t argue with that. He’s never been more glad that he asked to go along on Nick’s week away all those months ago. Following Matt outside, it’s almost like a magnet immediately pulls him to Nick’s side over at the grill. He can’t help it. He keeps wondering when the honeymoon phase might end, worried that eventually they’re going to get sick of spending so much time together. But Nick looks up at him and gives him that smile meant only for him, and Jolly knows that’ll never happen. Reaching out, he tips up the bill of Nick’s hat to lean down and press his lips into his.
He knows eventually touring will become more frequent again. They’ll be back in the studio, they’ll get so exhausted that they don’t have as much time as they’d like to do things outside of the music. But they’re learning to take better care of themselves so they can actually enjoy the rewards that come from the touring and the music and the shows. Jolly can see it in how relaxed they all are after the two festivals, knowing that there are still months between before the next one. 
Everyone stays well into the late night hours, eating and talking and just hanging out in the pool. As much as he enjoyed his friend’s company tonight, Jolly’s kind of glad when they can start kicking everyone out. He finds Nick out in the backyard, tossing a few remaining beer cans into the trash. Jolly manages to intercept him before he starts trying to clean the grill. 
“Nope,” he wraps his arms around Nick’s waist and tugs him away, back into his chest. “We’re done for the night.”
Nick laughs, “Oh, are we?”
“No more cleaning, at least. It can wait.”
He doesn’t let Nick argue, walking them backwards until he gets the message and lets Jolly lead him into the house. Jolly traps him against the back of the sofa, pressing his face into the curve of Nick’s neck. His skin is still cool to the touch from being in the pool, and when he drags his mouth back and forth, he can taste the remnants of chlorine. Nick lets out a soft sound, laughing as Jolly grabs onto his wrists to stop him when he tries to push him towards the bedroom. He tightens his grip, just so Nick can feel the pressure of his rings digging into his skin. Ever since he found out that they were a thing for him, Jolly leaves them on more often.
“C’mon,” Nick whines, struggling feebly. “You were the one who was so insistent on getting me to bed. So let’s go.”
“Mouthy little shit tonight, aren’t you?” Jolly asks.
Nick gets a hand free and pulls his mouth down to his, biting at his bottom lip. Flicking his tongue over the mark he left behind, he smirks. “What are you gonna do about it, daddy?”
He knows exactly what button to push and how hard to push it. But if Jolly’s transparent, so is Nick. He uses their height difference to his advantage whenever he can. It doesn’t take much to get Nick in the bedroom where he’s so desperate to be. He grabs onto Nick’s shirt, giving him a not so gentle shove back onto the bed. Bouncing across the mattress, Nick lets out a little laugh, making grabby hands for Jolly to follow and join him. But he doesn’t, not right away. Instead he strips out of his clothes, enjoying the way that Nick eyes him hungrily from where he’s propped up against the pillows.
“Am I the only one getting naked here?” Jolly gives him a pointed look when he realizes that Nick isn’t even looking at his face. “Quit staring and get your clothes off.”
Nick moves obediently, quickly pulling off his shirt and throwing it aside, shoving down his swim trunks and tossing them in Jolly’s direction. He’s bare except for his ink and the chain perpetually around his neck, and Jolly’s never wanted anything more in his life. It’s his turn to stare, until Nick starts to squirm impatiently.
Jolly crooks a finger at him, pointing at the middle of the mattress. “Over here. On your stomach.”
He sees the way Nick’s eyes light up at the prospect of something finally happening, and he moves down on the bed, rolling over like he was told to. Jolly continues to stare, waiting a few moments before finally giving in and reaching out to touch him. Nick jumps a little when Jolly’s fingers graze his hip, stroking over the area where his skin goes from golden to a few shades lighter. It’s an inane thought but he wants to take him somewhere he can make that tan line of his disappear, spend hours out in the sun, but he also likes being the only one who gets to see him like this.
Leaning down, he braces a hand against the mattress and traces that line with his tongue. Nick chokes out a soft noise, rocking down against the mattress. Jolly gives him a quick slap to his thigh. “Stay fucking still, pretty.”
“Sorry,” Nick murmurs into the sheets, and when Jolly looks up, he sees that punk ass little grin on his face again. He’s not sorry at all. “I’ll be good.”
“Oh I’m seriously doubting that you’re gonna be good the entire time. But I’m sure I can find a way to make you.”
He taps Nick’s thigh again, lighter this time. But he gets the message nonetheless, shuffling up so that he’s on his knees with his chest pressed against the mattress and his ass in the air. Jolly hums in approval, fingers digging into his skin hard enough to leave bruises. And then he spreads him open and drags his tongue down over his hole. Nick jerks forward as if he’s been shocked, but Jolly yanks him back. He keeps him firmly in place, licking his way inside of him.
Jolly has become familiar with every trick he needs to turn Nick into nothing but a begging and babbling mess, and when he glances up, he can see Nick’s flushed face, his hands scrabbling at the sheets beneath him. Nothing he’s saying is really making sense, but that isn’t important. When Jolly pulls back to slide two fingers inside of Nick, he yelps.
Lifting up a little, Jolly sinks his teeth into the curve of Nick’s ass, not hard enough to break skin but enough to leave an imprint of his teeth behind.
“Fuck me,” Nick demands impatiently.
Jolly drags his mouth up Nick’s spine, still fingering him slowly. He reaches the curve of Nick’s shoulder and sinks his teeth in again, sucking hard. He fully intends to leave his mark behind every way that he can. He releases him only to move a little higher and bite down again. Over and over until the bare expanse of his neck is littered with marks that will be impressive looking hickeys by morning. Beneath him, Nick is panting hard, practically drooling into the sheets.
Reaching over him, Jolly opens the top drawer of their nightstand and grabs the bottle of lube. He leans back, finally pulling his fingers out only to slick them up with lube and press them back in, adding a third just to feel Nick sob and shudder.
“Still feel like demanding things, Nicky?” he asks casually.
Weakly, Nick lifts a hand and flips him off. He opens his mouth to speak, but Jolly chooses to press his fingers into his mouth, letting the edges of his rings press into Nick’s bottom lip. 
“Don’t worry, that was rhetorical,” he nuzzles Nick’s cheek, grinning a little when he sees his eyes are a little teary even as he sucks on the fingers in his mouth and rocks back against Jolly’s other hand. “I’ll always give you what you want, pretty.”
As simple as that, he pulls his fingers out completely, leaving Nick struggling for breath as he tries to keep himself up on his knees. Humming to himself, Jolly reaches down with his spit slicked fingers, wrapping them around Nick’s cock and giving him a few teasing strokes. He waits until Nick’s hips are twitching forward impatiently before he lets go, grabbing the lube again to slick up his cock.
“C’mon pretty, tell me what I want to hear. You do it better than anyone ever could. Give me those words.”
He’s barely said the words before Nick is talking over him, begging, “Please daddy, I’ll be good for you I promise. You said you’d give me what I want, I want you to fuck me, now—”
Jolly starts thumbing his cock into him, Nick’s words dying out as he moans and claws at the sheets. He curls himself over Nick’s back, one hand tangling with his and the other wrapping around the base of his throat. Nick’s head falls forward and he rocks back against him, until they’re flush together. Jolly gives him a few moments to adjust, murmuring praise in his ear. There are tears in Nick’s lashes as he squeezes his eyes shut and lets Jolly’s words sink in.
“You want more? Yes or no?”
“Yeah, Joakim, yes…” Nick trails off, pushing himself into Jolly’s touch, making his fingers tighten and gasping when he feels the little bit of pressure that those fingers offer.
Jolly’s hips snap forward hard, pushing Nick up the bed with each thrust. He gives Nick’s throat another squeeze before letting go completely, ignoring his whining protests as he leans back and grabs onto one of Nick’s shoulders, pulling him back into each forward motion. He spits into his free hand, reaching down beneath Nick to wrap his fingers around his cock again. His patience has worn thin and now all he wants is to get them both off as quickly as he can.
Nick is a mess beneath him, head hanging down between his shoulders as he struggles to keep himself up on his knees. He digs his fingers into the sheets so hard beneath him that he actually pulls one corner free of the mattress. Moaning desperately, he reaches up, twining his fingers between Jolly’s on his shoulder, trying to keep him as close as possible
He’s the one who comes first, and Jolly is quick to follow. The two of them collapse on the mattress, Jolly half on top of him and still inside of him. Neither of them bother to move at first, panting for air and covered in sweat. Eventually, Jolly moves enough to slip out of Nick, pressing a kiss to the back of his head.
Crawling out of the bed, he goes to get a washcloth to clean them both up. After, he tosses it in the direction of the bathroom before wrapping himself around Nick.
“One of these days, I’m gonna be the big spoon,” he murmurs sleepily.
Jolly laughs, pressing his face into Nick’s shoulder, tangling their legs together. “Keep telling yourself that. You know you love being my little spoon.”
Nick drives his elbow back into Jolly’s chest, laughing at him.
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It’s raining when Nick wakes up, alone in the bed.  When he checks his phone, he sees that it’s only just past five in the morning. He drags himself out of bed and pulls back on his swim trunks from earlier in the night, and one of Jolly’s favorite hoodies. He isn’t sure where his boyfriend is, the rest of the house is quiet with the exception of the rain pelting the windows. Nick doesn’t call out for him, instead padding down the hall out into the living room. The majority of the house is dark, early morning gloom just barely illuminating the room.
He realizes that the back door is partially open and he slips out onto the back porch to see Jolly sitting in one of the patio chairs. Not wanting to scare him, he clears his throat to get his attention.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Jolly asks, looking back over his shoulder.
Nick makes his way over, choosing to sit on his lap instead of in his own chair. The seat was big enough for him to pull his legs up, practically folding himself up into a ball. Jolly wraps his arms around him automatically and Nick tucks his head under his chin. “I would have, but the other side of the bed was empty.”
“I’m sorry, the rain woke me,” he hums as Nick reaches up to twist some of Jolly’s hair around his fingers. “We can go back to bed if you want.”
Nick shakes his head, “It’s nice out here. Quiet.”
One of Jolly’s hands slides up beneath the hoodie Nick’s wearing, rubbing his hand up and down his back. Nick closes his eyes in contentment.
“How’s your neck?” Jolly asks, the amusement clear in his voice.
Nick hadn’t even bothered to look at it before he came looking for him, but he knew that it probably looked like he’d been mauled. As it was, the feeling was very similar to waking up the morning after he’d gotten the opposite side of his neck tattooed.
“You’re an animal.” Nick mutters fondly and Jolly bursts out laughing.
“That’s rich, coming from you.”
Nick gives his hair a teasing yank, before burrowing further into his chest. The rain is starting to slacken and the sky is getting lighter, the sun just peeking over the horizon. He can’t even think of the last time he was awake to see the sun rise, but this, it feels like the perfect time.
⇉ taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @malice-ov-mercy @baddestomens @circle-with-me
@deathblacksmoke @blackveilomens @illmakeyousaywow @sorrowsofsilence
@th4t-em0-k1d @vinyardmauro @collapsedglasshouses @thatchickwiththecamera
34 notes · View notes
vampworks · 1 year
Starved of you
Pairing: Billy Loomis x Fem Reader x Stu Macher
word count 1.7k
No use of y/n
Summary: The reader is dragged to Stu's party by the girls to fix Sid's relationship but She is in a secret relationship with Billy and Stu. She is here to break it off but gets distracted by Billy while he becomes obsessed with her. He struggles with his feelings for her and how she affects the plan.
Warnings: mention of alcohol and drug use, cheating(not on the reader), mention of murder, toxic behavior, intimacy
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Music blares through the room threatening to shake the house itself. The air was stuffy and crowded her senses. She couldn't seem to care as Tatum dragged her by the arm through the door. The blonde soon disappeared into the crowd following Sid afterward. This was the night she set things right before the world as she knew would crumble. Dramatic, but what else equates to sneaking around with your best friends behind their girlfriends' backs? A masked serial killer fits into this somewhere, maybe it was karma for what got her here in the first place. The plan was simple, break it off with them both, leave early and everything would go back to normal. Getting Stu and Billy alone for something serious was always a difficult task. Pulling off your own arm seemed easier. She decided to settle it one at a time. Billy would be easier as the other would only tease her endlessly for it and she'd end up in his bed again.
Stu's eyes grew wide as he spotted her in the crowd of sweaty teens. He shoves his accomplice harshly in the arm. Subtlety be damned, he thought, Hell was about to raise for everyone. "Dude...Dude..we got a party crasher.'' Billy rolled his eyes still turning away from him. "Like you care, they'll run like everyone else. He scoffed. ''Yeah maybe but dumb and dumber will follow too" Stu whispered. Billy thinks for a moment before it clicks. "The hell you mean, man? She's not coming. Her parents....." It was Stu's turn to roll his eyes as he shoved Billy around to see the girl wandering through the crowd. She waves with a smile after spotting the two of them. "Shit" he hisses. " I'll handle it" He whispers as the two waves back. "You better, Princess over there is at the center of all this," Stu says through gritted teeth. "Just take care of the dumb blonde'' Billy retorts. He shoots a glare behind him as he pushes through the crowd to meet the only girl either of them wants. "Hey, you." Billy beamed almost comically in an attempt to recover the control he'd lost just by seeing her. His out-of-character enthusiasm was a bit offputting making her take a step back. He cringed at his own actions, She always had a way of destroying the persona he worked so hard to build. He loved but hated it at the same time.
"Can we talk please?" She said in a hushed tone already pulling him towards the stairs with a nervous expression. 'Shit, I'm screwed' He thought. Billy panics trying to rethink the entire night he spent a year planning for. "Yeah, yeah. Sure, Doll." His eyes darted across the hallway. They brightened as he made a sharp turn and pulled her into Stu's bedroom. The large room was dark except for a poorly hung string of lights across the ceiling. The gaze in his dark eyes was unforgiving as he loomed over her already shaking form. His pupils were blown wide as he searched over her features.
''Ay. What's wrong, Doll?" He fought back his usual smirk from showing as he spoke a concerned tone. "It's Sid, She dragged me out here so I could get you to talk to her. I can't keep lying to her and Tatum is bound to find out eventually. I mean, what if Stu slips up in a joke or something? You've seen him. He flirts so much. Tatum and Sid are still mad about the arrest but she really likes you, Billy. Neither of them would ever forgive me if they knew about us sneaking around behind their backs. What if..." Billy holds back a laugh as he listens to her ramble on.
"How do you feel about me though?" She stopped completely. "What?" The girl’s large eyes stared back into his own in the hope of finding falter in any sense of the word. ''Tell me how you feel about me 'cause I might starve if I can't have you." He struggles to speak plainly. She releases a squeak as she tries to contain herself. This was so far from how she wanted tonight to go. Her heart beats rapidly as silence fills the room. "I...I wanted you since we were little. I mean, funny story..." She begins to ramble again. "I was the one to start that rumor that we were already married in the fifth grade. I gave Stu a dollar and told him to be really loud about it" He laughs and his heart begins to beat like it'll burst. "Ooh, I really shouldn't have said that. Shit." The girl muttered bringing a hand to cover her mouth. Her eyes drift to the door for a moment only to return to meet his stare. His own narrows and his head tilts to the left in thought. "Explains a lot. My mom liked you a lot more after that."
Hundreds of thoughts both perverse and protective crossed his mind as his body acted on its own. This would counteract his plan, she wasn't supposed to come tonight. "God, you're something else, huh." She lets out a nervous laugh while trying to read his expression. Dark brown eyes traveled down the length of her tight dress hidden beneath a large jacket. That goddamn lettermen jacket she had borrowed from some nobody downstairs screamed for nothing but his downfall. He knew his schemes would all but crumble if he gave in to her touch tonight. He has to stay focused or the past year of his life would be wasted. He couldn't think of anyone who wanted to watch a movie about a killer being stopped just for love. The image of her wearing his own jacket flashed in his head. He needed her warmth so badly, it hurt at this point. "Billy, we really shouldn't be in here together" She grabs hold of his forearm in an attempt to keep him at a distance.
She silently begged for the strength to run back through the party never stopping till she made it home as she should. His hands slowly inch toward her. She shivers as his fingers brush against the fabric lining the jacket. His hand continues as it runs down to the small of her waist and rests there. The other cages her between himself and the wall. A small whimper escapes before she can bury it. "We'll be alright" He breathed as he bites his lip hard enough to draw blood to hold himself back. Everything about her was a drug. He could have sworn she was made to kill him from the inside out. He would just have to risk it. He'd be the one to win after all. Might as well, get the girl and get revenge all in one night, he thought. He couldn't understand but her voice is heard as she mutters a slur of curses. It sounds like a song to him at this point far overpowering the blaring music from downstairs in his head.
She watches a devilish smirk widen on his face, the very same that terrorized her so many times as they grew up together. His eyes were now scanning her every move as her hand traveled up and landed on his chest. Billy leans in to whisper in her ear. "Let it all go, princess. I got you." Something in her snaps and she kisses him harshly curling her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her height. Her fingers tangle in his short brown hair as he lifts her. The kisses grow heated quickly as they lose themselves in each other's touch. Their senses filled with nothing but the warmth of their embrace. He tightens his grip on her hip and begins to leave kisses in line from the curve of her jaw and down her neck.
He stops for a moment to smell her perfume. She had always smelled heavenly but tonight, she smelled of beer and whatever drug she's been laced with by god himself. "Billy.." She pleads into his ear. She only receives a hushed groan in response. Her nails graze against his skin as she continues to call his name. He hums against her as he comes back to his senses meeting her eyes once again. The vibration of his voice sends a shiver down her spine making her eyes flutter. His eyes were half-lidded and his breaths staggered and uneven. His lips appeared cherry red and glossy under the soft glow of the lights. She giggles after seeing the dazed look in his eyes. "Damn, I got you this high, Loomis?'' She teases brushing his hair out of his face with a newfound confidence. He gives a breathless laugh and drops his head to rest on her shoulder. "Fuck, I might just overdose on you, princess. Her smile falls as she remembers the world around them. "Maybe then, I'll have you all to myself."
A heavy knock on the door causes her to flinch and tighten her grip on his shoulders "Hey, lovebirds. This room's way past off-limits! Stu shouts from the other side. "Dammit, Stu. it's me" Billy shouts back before turning to the girl with a weak smile. "Well, why didn't you say so. Tell my bunny I love her!" Stu blurted in a singing tone.
She giggles and shakes his head at them both and breaks away from his hold. "'I'll go shut him up, I should get out of here soon. My parents want me back home." He only nods in response bringing up his other hand to rub the back of his neck. He swore he could still feel the touch of her fingers there. She grabbed his hand intertwining her fingers with his larger ones. She pulls his arm taunt toward the door before realizing he's not following her. She turns back to him with a confused look.
"Hey, mind doing me a favor, sweets?" She blushes at the name. "You mind calling Sid up here, I wanna get this over with. You won't have to lie anymore after tonight." The girl smiles at his words as she smooths down the fabric of her dress. "Ok but be gentle about it, alright. Today's been kinda rough for her." He pulls her in for another embrace resting his head on top of hers and speaks in a sickly sweet tone. "I promise, she won't be a problem after tonight." His eyes darken as he stares at the black robe sticking out of Stu's closet.
The rest of the Prescotts had to die tonight, And they would as he and Stu planned. Nothing could keep him from getting his sequel now since he finally had her.
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withacapitalp · 2 years
Because the girlies really loved my last post about Argyle (and I can't remember if I put this here or not) have some more unconditional jargyle love
“I got a job today,” 
All conversation halted as over a dozens pairs of eyes turned to stare at him. Argyle gave them all a half smile and shoving some more vegetables in his mouth. 
“A job?” Jonathan managed to sputter out, looking at Argyle like he was from another planet. He did that a lot, always had, so it didn't really bug him.
Argyle was fine with being weird.  
“Hawkins Pizza! Gino wants me to start on Thursday, earlier if I can. They reallllllly need the help,” Argyle said with a disappointed shake of his head, taking another bite of broccoli and telling them the whole story. 
He had gone in on an impulse while he was waiting to pick up Robin and Steve from work. He had just wanted a slice, maybe to pick some up for dinner tonight so Joyce didn’t have to cook, but he had walked into a waking nightmare. Half baked mushy dough, tomato sauce that tasted like it came right out of a jar, and a cheese blend that had zero stringiness. 
They didn’t even have pineapple. It was a complete travesty.
The owner hadn’t appreciated his observations at first, even threatened to kick him out, but he had managed to swing the man around by offering to make him a real pizza. 
Twenty five minutes later Argyle had a job offer and a super nice new boss. Turns out the dude was way chill, just overwhelmed by being one of three restaurants left standing after the earthquake. But good pizza made everyone feel better. It was one of the reasons Argyle had loved being at Surfer Boy so much. 
“Y’all won’t be able to handle the sick ass pies I’m about to be slinging,” He said with a lazy shaka and a chuckle. 
Everyone was still looking at him, but not with as much confusion. They all congratulated him,  lowly going back to the conversations they had been having before. 
Well everyone except Jonathan, but that guy was always zonked out. 
“You’re staying?” Jonathan finally asked. 
“As long as its still cool for me to crash on your couch, my guy,” Argyle answered. Shoot. He probably should have asked that first before taking the job, but he had just been excited to get to start making pizzas again. Being in Hawkins wasn’t anything like Cali, and he had jumped at the chance for something just a little bit familiar. 
“Of course it is. Stay as long as you want,” Jonathan answered automatically, not missing a beat, “I just- I-“
Jonathan cut himself off with an irritated sigh, turning to stare down at his plate. Argyle let him have the moment, bopping his head along to the music playing in his head and happily spacing out. 
Jonny needed things like this, moments where he could debate whatever was going on inside. His best friend was ‘cerebral’ as his abuela would put it- he needed time in his head to find the right thing to say. 
Or he needed time to find the courage to say he wanted to say without fear. Either way, Argyle didn’t mind waiting. 
“I guess I just didn’t expect you to want to stay,” Jonathan mumbled out, still keeping his eyes on his plate and not his best friend, “I mean given how insane everything is,” 
It was insane. It was all insane.
Two weeks ago they had been hitting golfballs into old cars and talking about how Jonathan needed to get his shit together, and now they were sitting in the living room of an abandoned cabin halfway across the country, surrounded by people who had only taken ten days to feel like family to him. 
It was insane that Jonathan’s little sister could move stuff with her mind, and there was apparently an alternate dimension full of hell beasts that were determined to break into their world and destroy everything. It was insane that he had known nothing about the guy he swore was his best friend, and it was insane that Argyle still managed to find a way to love him through all of it. 
But sometimes insane was a good thing.
“Where else would I wanna be?” Argyle said instead with an easy grin, slinging an arm around Jonathan’s shoulder and leaning into his best friend’s space. 
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wilbiegxlibi · 2 months
My cccc doods [VCR] story summed up :3
Its called vcr because im silly and I like it :3
In their little narrative Remus [mind] was made first and has been in charge the longest with Vinny (heart) and Cynical {soul} giving their opinions at the council. It's not working out the best because Remus is too anxious to handle that much by themselves and never asks for help but they're coping and pretending enough that the other two don't really notice or care.
Vinny and Remus are constantly arguing, Cynical just wants a "normal fucking family" for once, no one listens to Cynical because he's the sucky bastard middle child. He gets really depressed, they all hate each other but they're living considerably all right.
That is until external stimuli (quarantine) sends all of them into panic mode. shits goin insane, everyone's going insane. Vinny and Remus are arguing about EVERYTHING and Cynical and Vinny shit talk him and Cynical convinces Vinny that Remus is a bitch and needs to be knocked out of power because he's not good for Whole etc etc. Vinny agrees cause Remus is an asshole, but when they go to make him step down Cynical takes out alllll of his insecurities and lack of power or control on Remus and tries to KILL him. ((NOT PART OF THE PLAN!!!)) so Cynical beats the shit out of Remus and stabs him and shit [Dubbed the viewfinder incident because he's cutting him out of view.] and ends up bleeding and shit cause no duh he's injured. But Vinny and Cynical have never seen him injured before, because they thought he was invincible and all high and mighty! and because Vinny gets scared and doesn't help Cynical he's only able to wound Remus super bad and as extra measure he throws him into the PIT. Cynical is a bit pissed that Vinny didn't help him MURDER HIS OLDER BROTHER but whatever. Vinny's like holy shit dude you just fucking holy shit holy shit Cynical's in charge now. He parties and has a great fucking time while Vinny's freaking out because he just wanted to shift the dynamics a little bit and now Remus is GONE and "(oh gee whilickers this is bad)" Cynical tells him to lighten the fuck up, and whole starts getting REALLLLLLY UNHEALTHY. Cynical is not good at running the show, he's incompetent, and refuses to acknowledge any of it/doesn't realize how bad he is at it and genuinely thinks he's the best for them. he overindulges, and even though Vinny's supposed to be assisting him he just shoves him off and does everything himself. Vinny realizes there is a problem, and goes to find Remus for advice/assistance since Remus is his older brother and he looks up to him for what to do since he's always been in charge. he gets to the PIT and Remus is still FUCKKKKKEDDD UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. Vinny is freaking the fuck out again because he's never seen Remus injured like this before and is losing his shit that he hasn't somehow healed super quickly or something because he literally views him as superhuman. Remus finally fucking admits that he's not okay and that he's not perfect and that he needs help, and Vinny helps him. They get Remus all patched up, and taken care of and Vinny sits with Remus for a bit and comforts him and they talk until-
UNTIL Cynical notices he's gone. *ominous drone* oh shit moment CYNICAL IS FREAKKKING THE FUCKKKK OUT he looks for Vinny everywhere and he's been neglecting him this whole time and oh shit little brother gone little brother gone. he checks the pit and Vinny's there with Remus. Now he's not worried anymore, he's PISSSEDDDD. He views this as a betrayal, and as Vinny not being there when HE needed him, and {{WHY ARE YOU EVEN HELPING HIM, HE DOESNT WANT/NEED YOUR HELP. HE'S ALWAYS BEEN BETTER THAN US AND HE CAN TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF. I NEEDED YOU MORE THAN HE DID AND YOU WEREN'T THERE}} yada yada yada
Vinny's like "woa dude I care about both of you" cynical tries to make him CHOOSE. Remus steps in he's like "hey dude it's not that big of a deal he was just helping me-". Cynical tells him to shut the fuck up, and starts trying to beat him up again cause he's mad, Vinny protects Remus. cynical turns on Vinny instead. This is when the thing dubbed the PURBLIND occurs.
Cynical goes into a fit of rage and ends up gouging Vinny's eye out, and throws him down and leaves him in the PIT as well. He feels slightly bad after it but he's honestly too caught up into his bs now to do anything about it. Remus fucking hates him now because he doesn't care too much about himself but Cynical hurt Vinny and that was the last straw for him.
While they're in the PIT together Remus takes care of Vinny cause holy shit Cynical just poked his eye out. They're getting along after a long time and finally bridge the older younger brother gap and form a tight bond with one another. Vinny's too scared to go back and they sit in the pit together for a while and comfort one another.
Vinny and Remus form a plan, and decide that they need to get cynical away from whole and talk him down, they decide to go for him together and with a combined effort they end up restraining him, locking him up in a cage, and they give him HIS turn in the pit.
Cynical has a whole "oh damn" arc while he watches Vinny and Remus recover, and whole start to heal. He's no longer under the pressure of being in charge and realizes that maybe it isn't good for him to have that much power.
At the same time Remus asks for help from Vinny and even those two can't seem to handle all of it by themselves, and they start to really miss cynical and get really sad about it.
So after like a year of all of them sitting and Cynical cooling down, they go and get him, everyone apologizes, everyone makes up, Vinny makes tea, Remus draws drawings, and they start trying to get along again and it works!!
:D they have more of an inside out control method now and it's a good system and they check and balance each other and woohoo!
They all sing welcome to tally hall (can I get a c) and hold hands and dance around in a circle or square or triangle or whatever.
And that is the end for now :3
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sleepyboywrites · 9 months
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I genuinely hope you see this, it says your blog doesn't exist in the search thing so here's hoping for the best that you get notified. But not only may you ask I am happy to deliver. :)
Denial is not a river in Egypt it's spelled differently
Masky is convinced that he hates you, ever since you joined the proxies he's been in nothing but constant annoyance and misery. The more he dwells on it the more he realizes it's all your fault.
You with your stupid hair that looks so soft, and eyes and laugh and smile. You and your infuriating pout and frown and tears. It's making his own job incredibly difficult, not to mention as the one who recruited you, you came to him for everything, he regrets it, he should've killed you. But somehow, some way, the thought of you dead was worse.
What was even worse than all of that was you were avoiding him, he used to have to beg you to leave him to his work, beg you to stop following him. But now it's been two weeks and he hasn't even seen you once and now you're hanging out with Toby? Toby, of all people, that's who you preferred over him. Hoodie he gets, Hoodie, if you warm him up to you enough is surprisingly sweet, but Toby? You were his recruit not Rodgers and that mood swinging maniac should be literally anywhere else than with you. You were annoying enough without Rodgers grubby hands on you and his annoying traits rubbing off on you.
He had given you a glare so intense and menacing hoping to deter you from Toby and back to him. Unfortunately for him the opposite occurred and soon you were sent on your first solo mission meaning he couldn't even keep an eye on you anymore. The entire house felt his rage. As he made sure it was filled with the screams of several unlucky contestants of torture playthings and anyone who brought him any form of paperwork would be horribly berated.
Eventually Toby approached him. "What's your fucking deal dick?"
Anger boils in his gut until he simply swung at Toby hitting him square in and breaking his nose.
"Feel better now? Why the fuck are you tormenting the entire house? We didn't even do anything to you." Toby didn't flinch, he figured his inability to feel pain is why he was sent to deal with him.
Masky shoved Toby aggressively away from him. "Why can't you keep your grubby little hands off of things that aren't yours. He's mine, was mine, is mine, and he isn't ready for a solo mission!" Masky hissed out through his gritted teeth. "Get to the fucking paramedic station."
"All this because you're worried about y/n? Dude c'mon. He's a big boy he can handle himself and doesn't need us looking over his shoulder all the time. Plus I taught him half of what he knows and you taught him the rest, he's fine." Toby rolled his eyes at Masky's tantrum over something so small.
"You shouldn't have taught him anything, you are reckless and careless and the reason he's going to come home hurt or not at all. I can't lose him okay I--" Masky cut himself off. "Go to the paramedic center now, before I take you there myself and throw you through their door."
Toby wiped more blood from his nose and shoved Masky away from towering over him. "Fine I'll go but maybe if you got over yourself and realized how you felt instead of making him feel inadequate and a burden he wouldn't have asked me for help to begin with." Toby said firmly staring at the masked man in front of him.
"Ex-fucking-cuse me, but what exactly are you implying?" Masky exclaimed infuriated as he picks Toby up by his collar.
"Jesus H Christ... Denial is more than a river in Egypt." Toby freed himself from Masky's grasp shooing his hands away as he left Masky's office. "Work yourself out man, stop taking it out on us cause your lover boy's out of town."
You returned a week later and were immediately requested to Masky's office, where surprisingly he hugged you, clinged to you practically. "You're safe, good." He'd then usher you behind closed doors and make you sit down offering you a meal. "We need to talk." Masky slid you a big stack of papers the second you sat down. "Sign these."
"What... Are these?" You'd ask thumbing through the pages absentmindedly. A look of disdain as you look at them.
"Consent forms, nothing too important. Sign." Masky said this the same way someone would talk about spam mail or permission slips.
"Oh, Consent forms." You almost signed absentmindedly before the words registered. "Consent forms for fucking what???"
"To be my assistant, permanently, meaning we do missions together and you are an extension of my authority as right hand to slender blah blah blah promotion, sign." Masky taps the stack of papers with his index. "...please."
"But you hate me? I don't want to bother you and I--" You began rambling and attempting to hand back the papers to Masky in refusal and you saw the other man's eyebrows furrow exasperatedly under his mask.
Masky took off his mask, his head in his hands, fingers entangled in his own hair as he looks up at you pleadingly. "Shut up, I don't hate you, quite the opposite sign. Please."
"THAT'S CODE FOR HE LOVES YOU AND WAS A MAJOR DICK WHEN YOU WENT SOLO CAUSE HE WAS WORRIED SO SIGN THE PAPERS" Toby's words were muffled from right outside the door but that didn't stop you from hearing and flushing red in a weird combination of confusion and awe.
"Shut it and scram Rodgers! These are private matters!" Masky hollers, sighing as he heard several scrambling footsteps before muttering lowly, "He wasn't wrong. I love you, I worry about you, so please. Please sign the paperwork."
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku Season: Fall/Halloween 2023
AO3 Fic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked are mine!
Check ratings & tags!
Art credit to @silverynightart (was given permission)!
Autumn Metamorphosis by s_the_queen
Summary: Every idiot on the planet thought that Summer was Deku's best season. He'd traipse around in clingy tank tops and shorts and his skin would glisten. Katsuki had to admit, it was appealing.
But it had nothing on Deku in Autumn.
- or -
Katsuki is a premium Deku simp, especially in Autumn. Watch him simp his way into Deku's heart!
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Sweet Like Candy Apples by s_the_queen
Summary: Katsuki is the best at everything, even pumpkin carving. Teaching Eri *would* be Deku's job but Deku *sucks* at it. So Katsuki takes over.
Deku catches him being soft. Heart eyes ensue.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Scaredy Cat by MJBunnyLuv
Summary: Halloween Season has come to UA and Class 3-A is ready to do all the activities! Pumpkin carving, baking cookies, and a scary movie marathon. Bring on the ghosts, the ghouls, the monsters and slashers because it's not Halloween unless you're pissing yourself from fright. And while the majority of the class is excited for a night filled with horror, Katsuki has a secret...he's terrified of scary movies.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
That's What You Get by Daiako
Summary: Part of their third year grade involves community activity and this month that means taking kids to a pumpkin patch. Bakugou is...well, himself. Izuku knows how to handle it.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Great UA Pumpkin Carve Off by @amarisllis
Summary: “What are you doing?” Izuku spots an additional untouched pumpkin on the side of the counter that seemingly hasn’t been cut open and disemboweled yet.
“The hell does it look like?” He pulls out another handful of pumpkin guts, dropping them unceremoniously into the bowl next to him.
“Um. I know, but why?”
Kacchan looks at him like he sprouted a second head. “So we can carve them, dumbass, why the fuck do you think?”
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
(Not so) scary movies by @amarisllis
Summary: “Dumbass fraidy-cat,” he mumbles, flicking Izuku’s forehead.
Izuku pouts at him, but a moment later it turns into an expression of confusion when he sees Kacchan blushing again. He’s about to ask what’s wrong, when he feels something flex underneath his hands, and… oh.
Apparently the thing he happened to grab onto was Kacchan’s arm.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
First times by kide_writes
Summary: “You came! What are you, dudes?” Sero grinned widely at them.
“Boyfriends,” Katsuki answered, deadpan.
“What? I mean your costumes! What are you?”
Izuku and Sero tried not to laugh too hard while Katsuki barked how people should form their questions better.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Simply Earresistable by Fawn_Eyed_Girl, kalcia
Summary: For years, Katsuki has been telling Izuku that he will only wear a Halloween costume if it's badass, and this year, Izuku thinks he's found the right one. But what will Katsuki think when he finally sees it?
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Mature
Pumpkin Cupcakes and Detergent by just_a_reader_of_things
Summary: Bakugo Katsuki finally works up the courage to ask out Izuku Midoriya after a boost of confidence from his best friends. Will he accept, or will he have to do what he can to salvage their friendship?
{One Shot}
Rated- Teen & Up
Kacchan, Save Me! by just_a_reader_of_things
Summary: Bakugo makes Midoriya take a ride through a haunted house, knowing he gets scared and jumps into Bakugo's lap every time. Why would he do that?
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Just Act Supernatural by SecretKiwi
Summary: Katsuki meets a cute boy in a cemetery...but is he really what he seems?
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
dimwits and pumpkin tits by popcornpearl
Summary: He snatched the pumpkin up and quickly shoved it under his shirt. The cold rind on his stomach sent a shiver down his spine, but he was determined to power through. He ran a hand along his belly, feeling the bumpy rind through his shirt. It felt foreign, nothing at all like the soft, smooth skin of his abdomen. Still, when he looked down, he couldn't help but imagine his future. In several months, his own belly would be just as massive. He couldn't wait.
Katsuki tried his best to make his pregnancy announcement cute and unique. But his husband's obliviousness just had to get in the way. Fucking typical.
{One Shot}
Rated- Teen & Up
Halloween`s Last nights by hungry_kitten
Summary: A week before Halloween ends, 3A hold a Bravery test amongst themselves and Bakugo is the winner. He gets separated from them last minute before having a spooky, horrifying encounter with some sort of an entity. Puzzled yet trying to hold his shit together, he brushes it off, but the very next day, he realizes what happened
— — —
or AU where Katsuki meets with Ghost Deku on Halloween
{One Shot}
Rated - n/a
All That Go Bump in the Night by MaliBMillie
Summary: -eku! Deku! Why are you crying!? Piercing red eyes grazed over Izuku in worry, the voice distant and echoey.
“K-Kacchan? Wha-What are you doing here?” Murmurs Izuku in a half dream state.
Y-you can talk to me? Fuck! You are! FINALLY! You’re ready, now! Come home, Stupid Deku! I’ve waited long enough for you!
Izuku jolted upright in his bed. 3:17AM. It’s too damn early to hallucinate old flames, isn’t it? Well…if old flames count as a super cute imaginary friend you made up when you were little. That’s not weird. Right? Right. Still, Izuku felt uneasy.
That dream felt a little too recent and direct…There’s no way Kacchan is real or contacting me. That can’t be possible…
One Shot | Supernatural au
Rated - Mature
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Back to School
Summary: No One Knows AU Part 28, Danny goes back to school and talks with Tucker.
Danny doesn’t have the first clue how to act when he walks in school for the first time since everything happened.  He doesn’t see Sam and Tucker in the hallway, thankfully, because he doesn’t think he’d be able to handle talking to them first thing in the morning, and Jazz is right next to him, and he doesn’t know how she’d react either.  He does see Valerie, and he waves at her.  She gives him a wave and a smile back.  It seems a lot more genuine and normal for her.  He’s glad.
Jazz nudges him in the side and gives him a look, and Danny rolls his eyes.
“I didn’t realize you being good with Valerie would result in sisterly teasing,” he says, starting towards his locker.
“You didn’t?  Wow, did you guess that one wrong,” Jazz says.
Danny gives her a playful shove, and she laughs, then turns to start heading towards her own locker.
“Uh, hey, Jazz,” he calls out before she can leave, and she turns back around.  “I know a lot’s happened, but is that library invitation still open for lunch?  I uh, don’t know if I’d feel comfortable just jumping right back into… what I normally do.”  He’s not sure if he means Sam and Tucker or Valerie, but either way he means it.
Jazz gives him a little smile.  “Of course it is,” she says.  “I’ll see you there.”
“Thanks,” Danny says with a smile back.
“Oh and hey, just so you know, if you want a ride home from school you’re gonna have to hang out for a bit,” Jazz says as Danny starts to turn away, this time prompting him to turn back around.  “I’m starting a ghost psychology club.”
Danny blinks.  “You’re starting a ghost psychology club?”
“Yeah,” Jazz says with a bright smile.  “Wednesdays and Saturdays.  A lot of people are interested.  I’m really looking forward to it.”
Danny grins at her.  “That’s awesome, Jazz,” he says.  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll fly home.”
Jazz nods.  “See you at lunch,” she says, and she walks off in an obvious good mood.
Danny’s own good mood lasts long enough for him to turn around and put his bag in his locker.  Then, when he closes it and turns around again, he sees Tucker standing on the other side of the hall, staring at him like he has no idea how to approach him.
Danny only lets that drag out for a couple seconds before he motions to Tucker to come over.
Tucker walks hesitantly across the hall, and stops next to him.
“I’m assuming you don’t want to talk out here?” Danny says, glancing around at the other students starting to show up.
“I don’t need to talk if you don’t want to,” Tucker says quietly.
“Don’t be stupid,” Danny says plainly.  He holds a hand out to Tucker.  “Come on.  I can get us somewhere private.”
He leads them both down a side hallway, then transforms after making sure no one can see.  He doesn’t know if Tucker has a place in mind for where to have this talk, but he grabs Tucker’s hand and pulls them down to the basement through the floor, mostly as a place he knows people won’t come this time of day.
“Woah,” Tucker says, turning back and forth.  “That’s… a lot of meat.”
Danny snorts.  “I fought a ghost made of meatloaf down here once, you know,” he says, putting his best attempt at a joking tone into his voice.
Tucker smiles a little, but doesn’t make any jokes about that fight sounding delicious, or eating his way through the ghost, which doesn’t feel like a great sign.
“Hey,” Danny starts, only for Tucker to cut him off by turning suddenly to face him.
“Danny,” he says.  “I know it’s not enough.  But I am really, really sorry.”
“I know,” Danny says.  “I forgive you.”
“You don’t have to,” Tucker says, seeming like he’s forcing himself to meet Danny’s gaze.
Danny narrows his eyes in concern.  “I know that too,” he says.
Tucker takes a shaky breath in and looks away, but seems to realize a second after he does it, and forces himself to look back at Danny again.
“Hey,” Danny says gently.  “Dude.  It’s okay.”
Tucker shakes his head.  “No it’s not,” he says.  “Of course it’s not.”
“Yes it is,” Danny insists.  “I mean okay, in a lot of ways it’s not.  But we are okay, Tuck.”
Tucker shakes his head again.  “No we’re not.”
“Okay, look,” Danny says.  “I know a lot’s happened.  And of course we’re not gonna jump right back to where things were.  But that is okay.  And I don’t… I don’t think I’d want to anyway.  I mean, do you know how much I wanted to tell you guys?”
Tucker looks away again, then quickly forces his gaze back again.
“Okay, seriously,” Danny says, reaching and putting his hands on Tucker’s shoulders.  “Would you stop looking at me like you think I’m going to hit you?”
Tucker looks down at his feet, like he’s been given permission.  “We really hurt you,” he whispers.
“Yeah,” Danny agrees.  “You did.  But that’s not entirely on you.  Vlad’s a piece of shit.  Trust me, I get it.”
Tucker doesn’t say anything for a moment, just fidgets with his hands.
“Do you want to try telling me what happened?” Danny asks.  “Sam told me some of it.  What Vlad said about me and the general stuff that you guys did with him and with Valerie.  But she wasn’t doing so great then.”
“Since when has she been doing great,” Tucker mutters.
“I don’t know,” Danny says plainly.  “Do you?”
Tucker looks up at him, less intentionally, more hesitant.  Which feels better, somehow.
“She… she scratches her wrist, when she’s nervous,” Tucker says quietly.
A nod, and Tucker hesitates for a moment.  Then he speaks again.
“When we first met Vlad, she scratched her wrist so much it started bleeding.  And I didn’t know what to think about any of what Vlad said.  So I went with her.  Over you.  Because… because she looked so scared.  And she wasn’t saying it to me or to herself.  And I didn’t know what to do.”  He shakes his head and looks down at the ground again.  “I didn’t know what to do.  I just knew something didn’t feel right and I didn’t want to leave Sam alone with Vlad.  Because… I don’t know.  Instinct, I guess.  I don’t want to know what would have happened to her if she was with him alone.  So I just… went along with all of it.  Everything.  The training and the dummies and Valerie and hunting you and the upgrades and all of it.  Because I didn’t want to leave her alone.”  Tucker sniffs, and wipes at his eyes, and keeps his gaze on the floor.
“But I just left you alone,” he whispers.  “I just… I chose Sam over you.  That’s what I did.”  He buries his head in his hands, and says just loud enough for Danny to hear, “I don’t like knowing who I’d choose.”
Danny doesn’t know what to say to that.  He can’t think of much he can do to make that better, aside from going to find Vlad and pummeling him again, which he might do later anyway.  For now, though, all he can think to do is step across the space between them and wrap his arms around Tucker in a hug.
Tucker hugs him tightly back, shaking a little as he does.  Danny lets him.
“I really love you,” Tucker says into Danny’s shoulder.  “I do.”
“I believe you,” Danny murmurs.
“I’m sorry,” Tucker says.
Danny squeezes him tighter.  “It’s okay.”
Tucker shakes his head but doesn’t say anything.  Danny doesn’t know what else either of them can say, so for a long time after that, they both just stand there.
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