#'do you have any next-gen kids?'
the-ninja-legacy-whip · 11 months
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Jaya Twins! *jazz hands*
(thank this ask cuz I haven't been able to get them out of my head since)
So, Quinn and Finn Smith-Walker, at your service!
Quinn (left, she/her) is the older twin by five minutes, and the Inheritor of Lightning. Finn (right, he/him, the name is a coincidence I swear—) is the next Inheritor of Water. Original, I know, I know, but I'd be breaking my own rules otherwise ;P
Quinn doesn't make as big a deal out of being the older twin, but Finn milks his "youth" for all its worth
Finn: But I'm too young to be doing my own dishes. Quinn should do mine instead like a good big sister 🥺 Quinn: Finn, so help me—
whatever was here before no it wasn't Might have to change up some things with Cam here, but they're born just a bit before The Merge (so they're about three years old when it happens), and upon the Great Separation of Everyone, Finn winds up with Nya and Quinn winds up with Amnesiac!Jay. Jay can figure out well enough that this must be his daughter (power of love GO) but raising her to be somebody without even knowing who he is? The drama.
Nya, meanwhile, has far less of a struggle raising Finn but hoo boy the torment of not knowing where her husband + other kid is. To be continued...
Their gis are very simple because I'm lazy they're training gis! No matter what they always wear complimenting colors because they like to represent both of their Elemental heritages, regardless of their inherited element. The twin thing is just a bonus.
(they also have mismatched eyebrows cuz I thought it'd be funny~)
Finn laments a little bit since Quinn was the one to inherit one of the ~Core Four~, buuut he's the one that gets his potential first
Jay: Wow, it took your mom AGES to get her True Potential!! Nya: e-e
And then Quinn gets hers and literally starts flying circles around him snksnk
Neither of them are remotely interested in mechanics or engineering or anything of the sort. Riding in a mech is cool (and Quinn aspires to be a pilot like her dad), but building one??? Bleh, too much effort. (Finn does like model building tho, so Jay at least has that going for him. But Quinn has an extremely "girly" phase at one point and Nya is bewildered)
Jay: ...are you sure they weren't swapped with some other twins at birth??? These can't be ours-! Nya: Jay, we were both there. Finn: Are you saying we were adopted?!?! Nya: No! The only one adopted around here was your father. Quinn & Finn: *gasp*
Finn is an insanely good swimmer. He wears googles on his head to be more like his dad, but his are strictly just for underwater-based purposes. Nya jokes that he's more fish than person (which at this rate, who knows!)
Quinn can't swim at all (like her Uncle Kai used to be) and will absolutely sink like a rock. Time at the beach is spent zapping sand and making glass sculptures while Finn's out there making friends with fish hgfdfds
But, as super-powered twins tend to be, they are stronger when they're fighting together. While they can't use each others powers, they can fuse their powers (like their parents did way back when) to form the Hydroelectric Dragon as needed, along with other deadly storm-worthy combinations.
Cam and Lucina attempt to babysit them once, but all four combined are just asking for off-the-walls disaster and chaos (and thus further emergency babysitting is left to Seven and/or Kai's oldest kid)
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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eosofspades · 8 months
next gen (2018) is the best movie ever for a lot of reasons but the biggest, most integral one that i've never seen anybody actually address before, is that it is fundamentally a story about being a very young child who is suffering so much emotional pain and the experience of that pain not being taken seriously by anyone around you. mai's anger issues and crushing loneliness are absolutely integral to any reading of the story's themes, and not only is her pain a driving force, but it is validated by the narrative. the story doesn't mock her for having "daddy issues," she's not just a whiny or dramatic little girl; she is ABSOLUTELY justified in feeling lonely and hopelessly angry, and the movie goes out of its way to show you things from HER perspective. and at the end, the "lesson" she had to learn wasn't that she was WRONG about how she viewed her mother and her situation - in fact, her MOM is the one who has to learn that she was mistreating her daughter and hurting her.
the movie also takes so much care to honestly and realistically show how that loneliness can manifest in the most destructive of ways - mai is ALLOWED to be angry, she is allowed to be rude and abrasive and destructive, and while it is portrayed as a problem and something that needs to be addressed, the narrative never BLAMES her for it - because she is a child reacting in a real, emotional, raw, human way to her trauma and pain.
what i'm trying to say is i have never seen a film before that takes a child's feelings of misery as something so valid. the narrative NEVER condescends to her character, it never comes across as patronizing. and the movie isn't about having to forgive the people who hurt you, but instead it's about the importance of not letting that pain stop you from making NEW memories and better relationships. it's so real and RAW and full of love and ultimately, it is about how even one person looking at you and saying "i see your pain, and i'm not going anywhere" and meaning it can be enough to save you.
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snobgoblin · 1 year
make your ocs something youtube would throw a fit about for being too woke and pandering its good for your health
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sieglinde-freud · 6 months
think this is the first time ever i have been disappointed to see an awakening banner
#ann cries about feh#I WAS SOOOO READY FOR BABY RAM VILLAGERS MAN#SO READY#BABY KLIFF… WHERE YOU?!????#cuz like. sorry i love the ram kids so much. and NONE OF THEM HAVE ALTS#ok well. thats not true. valentines faye and alm and celica have a few#but 1) v!faye was SO long ago and 2) alm and celica NEVER get seasonals#they got valentines and then??? AND THEN WHAT??#brave alts cuz they won and legends bc its mandatory for lords. ????!!?!!!!?!!!#THATS IT???!!!!#not that baby hell is the best outcome but i thought theyd be a shoe in eventually#also for an awakening baby banner i was. kinda hoping if it happened itd be like. the second gen???#bc. theyre the babies???#BABY LUCINA IS LITERALLY IN THE GAME#i mean i guess itd be weird to have a newborn out on her own like that#but idk i think baby lucina + a few others would be a much better idea than chrom and lissa im sorry#do we not have enough chrom alts.#+ consider if we got like. cousins duo baby lucina and owain. cMONN owain doesnt have enough alts considering hes. yk. OWAIN?!#itd be nice if emmeryn was there though. though again her being relegated to BABY BANNER is kinds insane#ugh idk. couldve had duo baby celica and faye and i think that wouldve been adorable#or not. actually high chance intsys would ruin that and turn them into only talking about alm…#instead we get to have lissa and emmeryn only talking about chrom! whoop de doo!#i think theres actually child chrom lissa emm art out there somewhere i forgot where but#thats probably why. but that doesnt make the missed opportunities hurt any less#whatever ram gang fs next year!!!#please#what if we got baby awakening tiki and its j y!tiki again lmfao
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt.4
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.8] [Pt.9] [Pt.10]
Danny was sitting in the back, his backpack obnoxiously taking up the seat next to him, when the door to the lecture hall creaked open near silently.
“What are you in here for?” Danny asked the guy who crept into class. He sympathetically took his backpack off the Seat of Shame and allowed the guy to sit down. Funnily enough, they had the same hair and eye color.
“Gen Ed. Undecided. You?” The guy grunted quietly back.
“Environmental studies. I’m Danny.”
With the implicit understanding of two people in a required class they could not give less than two fucks about, Tim and Danny tuned back into the lecture. When the class was assigned group work, Danny looked over to see Tim softly snoring, head slammed down on the table.
“Tim. Wake up, dude.” Danny poked his shoulder.
“Huh? Class over?”
“Nah, we got group work. Discussion board.”
“Oh shit, thanks for waking me up. Wanna team up?”
Danny shrugged. “Sure. We should aim to post it in the middle so the professor doesn’t read our answers to the class.”
“Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Any idea what we’re talking about?”
“Kind of?”
“Good enough for me.”
Tim Drake kept seeing Danny Fenton around on campus.
“Danny! Dude, what are you doing?”
Danny turned, gloved hands full of crumpled trash. “Picking up after the student population, apparently.”
“Didn’t think environmental studies was that serious.”
“Global warming is very serious, you jerk,” Danny smirked at him, crossing the grass to put the trash into the trash can. “Reduce, reuse, oil shouldn’t be spilled in water and all that.”
“Basic stuff,” Tim grinned. Nice, he basically had a friend past Bernard now!
They were friends, right?
“And yet humanity fails to comprehend it. Incredible. Incredibly stupid that is.”
“They get it. Major corporations just don’t care.”
Danny sighed. “True that. You on your way to your next class?” He took off his biodegradable gloves off (nitrile and nylon, baby!) and chucked them into the trash.
“I’ve got free time, actually. Prof cancelled for his daughter’s surgery.”
“Oh, shit, that’s rough! You wanna go downtown and join the strike?”
“A strike? What for?” Even as he asked, Tim hiked his bag higher onto his shoulder, ready to go. They fell into step as the two left campus.
“Apparently, Quillan Pharma was doing some shady shit at their manufacturing plants. I think it’s like killing kids, and pouring toxins into the ground.”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah. Oh! Poison Ivy’s gonna be there!”
Tim blinked. He casted a sideways look at Danny. Sure he’s been here long enough to know… but it couldn’t hurt to check. “You know she’s an eco-terrorist, right?”
“Okay, but like… people suck sometimes. And all she’s asking for is like don’t kill the planet. And she doesn’t do that whole mind control thing too much anymore! The Sirens are so cool. Plus, one of my best friends at home might actually kill me if I don’t try to get her autograph. Poison Ivy is like, Sam’s personal hero.”
Tim snickered. “Yeah, okay. Mind if one of my friends join? His name’s Bernard.”
“The more the merrier,” Danny nodded. “Ooo! Hot chocolate. Want some?”
Danny bought three drinks as Tim trailed behind, texting Bernard.
“He said yes.”
“Cool! We should meet up somewhere before the drinks get cold.”
Well, Danny got the autograph. Tim got a new friend, and Bernard got a drink from his crush.
“Oh, you’re the glowing dude that Batman always talks about!”
Danny blinked, eyes scanning the wing-like cape and the yellow emblem on the hero’s suit. Danny was indeed glowing, stars and nebulas freckling across neon green skin, and glowing hair the color of a white dwarf star, tinged with the blue from his ice core.
“I… have absolutely no idea who you are,” Danny lied, like a liar. He’s found a surprising niche of entertainment in messing with the local vigilantes and he’ll be damned if he missed this opportunity.
He heard a snicker from the comm lines as Red Robin visibly brushes it off.
“I’m Red Robin. Why are you picking up trash?”
“Picking up after you humans, apparently.”
The both of them blink, feeling a weird sense of déjà vu. A moment of awkward silence passed before they both shook it off.
“Are you here to help? No offense, but the track record for you people is terrible.” Danny strode over and grabbed a bag. He opened it, and shook it at Red Robin’s face. “See? Batarangs, these odd bird looking ones, the R’s. Seriously, pick up after yourselves!”
“Oh, woah, can we have these back?”
Danny yanked the bag back before Red Robin could get close. “Pay me. These were incredibly tedious to pick up. Especially the batarangs. I mean, I even found a whole bunch of old rusted ones in the middle of the bay. What did you do, dump an entire bag in there from the air?”
Red Robin sighed and took out a wad of cash, with tracking fluid all over it. Danny grimaced, smelling the odd scent on the money. “That’s not real cash. It smells off. Are you trying to give me counterfeits because you’re broke?”
Red Robin gaped, oddly offended. “No! They’re real!”
“Doesn’t smell like it. It’s stinkier than the trash. Go get the one with the money, the litterer. Tell him I’ll be back the next full moon. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Danny grumbled, disappearing on the spot to watch Red Robin flounder with the stack of cash and the piles of dead bodies on the shore.
“What the fuck even is my life these days?” Red Robin wondered out loud, stuffing the cash back into his pocket. He looked over the plastic wrapped bodies and slumped, sighing.
Oddly enough, Danny felt a sense of sympathy. Well, he’s not getting paid for sympathy. He’s not getting paid at all tonight, actually. Danny flew off, plunging once more into the depths of the significantly cleaner waters, and used his ice to scoop out oil stains.
Danny glanced around and sighed. He had a lot of work to do.
“So you’re saying he’s like a werewolf mermaid fae child immortal god thing, right?”
Bruce grunted.
“B, what the hell are you smoking these days? You know drugs are bad, right? Do we need Superman to give you that PSA?” Jason snickered.
Tim, massaging his arms from having to haul an ungodly amount of dead bodies, grunted. He’s so similar to Bruce that it gave the people currently in the cave hives.
“He said full moon. I don’t think we can track him with regular stuff. The bugs kept shorting out.”
“Oh boy,” Dick sighed. “Don’t fall off the spiral cliff, Tim. You’ve got midterms to think about so no stalking the guy.”
“Yet,” Tim shot back, changing out of his suit.
Bruce grunted, setting aside a huge stack of cash.
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artbyblastweave · 5 months
A few years ago, there was a thread on r/asksciencefiction where someone was fishing for a superhero story with an inverted Omni-Man dynamic, or a setting where Homelander's initial presentation is played straight- a setting where the Superman figure actually is the paragon of morality he's initially presented as, but no other superhero is- a situation where you've got one really competent true-blue hero standing head-and-shoulders in power above what's otherwise a complete nest of vipers.
Someone in the thread floated My Hero Academia; while I haven't read it, my understanding is that that's not really an accurate read of what's going on with Stain's neurosis about All-Might being the only "real hero," that the point of that arc is that Stain's got an insane and unreasonable standard and that taking an endorsement deal, while bad, isn't actually grounds for execution. My own contribution to the thread was Gail Simone's Welcome to Tranquility, where a major part of the backstory involved the faux Justice-League's Superman analogue having a little accident because he's the only one who thought they were morally obligated to go public with the secret life-extending macguffin that the rest of the team is using to enforce comic-book time on themselves and their loved ones; while only a couple members of the team are directly in on it, the rest are conveniently incurious. And Jupiter's Legacy gets tantalizingly close to this- The Utopian, a well-meaning stick-in-the-mud, ultimately gets blindsided and couped by his scheming brother who creates a superhero junta staffed by a Kingdom-Come-style glut of third-gen superheroes, who are framed as fundamentally self-interested because only came onto the scene after most of the situations you legitimately need a superhero to handle have been neutralized. (The rub, of course, is that the comic is also highly critical of the Utopian's intellectually incurious self-righteously 'apolitical' approach to superheroism- if for no other reason than that it left him in a position to get blindsided by a coup!) While Jupiter's Legacy gets the closest, all three of these are only loosely orbiting around the spirit of the original idea, and there's something really interesting there- particularly if the Superman figure isn't hopelessly naive in the same way as Utopian. Because first of all, if you're Metaman or Amazingman or whatever brand-name alias the writer goes with, and you really earnestly mean it, and you put together a team of all the other most powerful heroes on earth in order to pool your resources, and then with dawning horror you gradually begin to realize that everyone in the room besides yourself is a fascist or a con artist or abuser or any other variant of a kid with a magnifying glass eyeing that anthill called Earth- What the hell is your next move?
Do you just call the whole thing off? Can you trust that they'll actually go home if you call the whole thing off? I mean you've put the idea in their heads, are you sure that they aren't going to, like, start the Crime Syndicate in your absence? Do you stick around to try and enact containment, see if getting all of these people on a team makes them easier to keep on a leash? But that's functionally going to make you their enabler pretty quickly, right? Overlooking "should you kill them-" can you kill them? You're stronger than any individual one of them- are you stronger than all of them? The first time one of them really crosses a line in a way you can't ignore- will that be a one-on-one fight? Are they the kind of people capable of putting two-and-two together and pre-emptively ganging up on you if you push back too hard? Do you just start trying to get them killed, or keep them at each other's throats so they can't coordinate anything really nasty? Can you squeeze any positive moral utility out of them, or is that just a way to justify not doing the hard work of taking them down? There've been works where the conceit is to question the default assumption that Superman in specific would be a good person, and there've been works where the conceit is to question the default assumption that superheroes in general would be good people. Something to be done, I think, with questioning the default assumption that everyone Superman becomes professionally close to would be good, and to explore how he'd handle it if they weren't.
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anundyingfidelity · 3 months
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Summary: Butcher gives orders for you to stay back from the fight. You hardly comply and prove differently; he starts thinking in a very improper manner about you.
Pairing: Billy Butcher x female!supe reader.
Word count: 2k.
Warnings: smut!! hate sex, unprotected sex, fingering, enemies to fuck buddies, reader can control blood and explode shit (like Victoria Neuman lol), the usual mentions of violence.
Notes: this is a request made by @thatcharmingmushroom for my 400 followers drabbles celebration. I'm sorry I took soooo damn long on this, but I hope you like it and thank you so much for the idea because I had so much fun with it! I picked the Herogasm episode for this tho hehe
☕ if you like my writing support me with a ko-fi !
taglist is here!
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On the hunt for Payback, you made your way to infiltrate Herogasm along with Butcher, Hughie and the new asshole, Soldier Boy, not caring that the British dick ordered you a thousand times to stay back.
For different reasons, you were kind of forced to stay with the team, and while you didn’t really get along with any of them, Butcher was by far the one you hated the most. And, in the end, when Soldier Boy burned the whole place to the ground with a blast and Homelander arrived, you couldn’t stand there doing nothing. While the three men tried to hold down Homelander, you used your blood to create strong whips around his limbs, trying to tie him to the ground as Soldier Boy prepared to blast, yet again.
But just in seconds, Homelander recharged himself and pushed them all aside, cutting your whips, and flashing you quickly with his heat vision before storming out. Your blood blades barely made it to the hole he left in the roof as the supe just disappeared, flying away like a scared bitch.
“Well,” you started after an instant of staying silent. “I guess we fucking failed.”
Butcher shot you a dark glare as he walked straight until he stopped in front of you. “You shouldn’t be here,” he whispered.
You held his eyes as he towered you with his broad figure. He looked even more intimidating now he started playing the supe, injecting himself with Compund V. “I don’t care.”
There was this smug smirk on his face as you talked back. You knew he hated you; you knew you hated him. But as fucking weird your powers were, controling blood and exploding people with their own, Butcher found you interesting and stupidly astonishing. But of course, he wasn’t going to admit it. They were just intrusive thoughts about you and how hot you were, defying his direct orders of strictly not coming to the supe-orgy. Yeah, Homelander was a fucking cunt, and he would take care of Soldier Boy soon too. Right now, he just needed something to take the stress out after another stupid failure. His hand would work later once back at the motel, he decided.
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Butcher leaned down, until his lips almost brushed the shell of your ear. “We’ll see about that.”
“Why do I have to keep listening to you?” you asked as Butcher followed back to the motel.
You stopped right out of your door, because of course you weren’t going to share a room with him and the old asshole. Hughie, who went inside their room, was the only decent human being between all of them, but still, you had to take care of yourself from those fuckers. Besides, the British idiot wouldn’t stop the verbal vomiting the whole fucking trip and you were growing sick of it.
“Because, for starters, you’re a fucking newbie here,” Butcher replied, smirking hatefully. “And second, your powers are fucking out of control. You need training and keep your mouth shut.”
You rolled your eyes, showing him your wrists. “I already healed myself from the cuts I made. Perhaps I should use your blood next time?”
“No, there’s no next time for you.”
“You don’t decide that, Butcher,” you crossed your arms over your chest, tired of being treated like a stupid kid. “I’m helping on this, I want him dead. And if any of you idiots don’t kill him, then I will.”
He curved an eyebrow, not showing any signs of being taken aback at your words, but inside, he was just in awe as before. You really hated Homelander as much as he did, however, you didn’t have a fucking plan. You would attack first, ask questions later. In any way, since when could he care about that? He had no idea.
“Hey,” Soldier Boy talked behind Butcher and stepped in closer between both of you. “You fucking stay back from this, you ain’t doing shit with your blood whips.”
Furious, you motioned your hand to draw fresh blood from a wound on his cheek and created a sharp blade, cutting his skin lightly. Soldier Boy clenched his jaw before smirking at you.
“Talk to me like that ever again and I’ll blow your dick, and not the way you like it,” you warned through your teeth.
Soldier Boy wiped the blood off the fresh wound, and smiled anew before patting Butcher on the shoulder. “She’s all yours, pal.”
With that, the old supe disappeared in the next room. You just wanted this to be over, so you turned around to get inside your room, but Butcher wouldn’t leave you alone just yet, putting his foot between the door and the frame, holding it with his super strength.
“What the fuck you want now?!” you yelled at him as he made his way inside, slamming the door closed.
“Imma have to call the fucking CIA if you don’t calm down your ass,” he threatened between his teeth.
“You wouldn’t-”
“I can, and I fucking will,” he insisted, taking slow strides, making you step back from him until your back met the wall.
His eyes were getting dangerously dark and you could smell the sweat and dry blood coming from him. You noticed his pulse was increasing, and you grinned. Your mind jumped to an unsafe place where you probably knew what Butcher was feeling right now. The heat and coming down the high of what could have been the end of both yours and his enemy was too much to burden. Little did he know that you were the kind of person that used to take out the stress with something, or someone. Just like him.
“From one to ten, how much do you hate me?” you asked all of the sudden, looking straight into his eyes.
Butcher’s fierceful gaze turned into confusion. “What?”
“How fucking much do you hate me?” you repeated yourself steadier.
Butcher rolled his eyes before answering in a whisper. “I’d choose a one thousand scale for that.”
“Good, I hate you too,” you replied with a smirk before pulling him for a kiss that turned heated too fast, but you didn’t care.
You needed release. Something quick, hard and hot to take it out of your system. He was perfect for the task, and by the way his tongue tasted your mouth, you found out that he wouldn’t step back. At least you hoped so. The tension between both of you was so damn sharp and it was just a matter of time for that bomb to explode, and you preferred it this way instead of fighting each other to death.
Gripping the neck of his shirt to get even closer as you kissed, Butcher’s hands roamed all over your hips, running on your sides until he met the flesh of your ass on your jeans, pressing you towards his chest. You gasped against his mouth when he started to unzip your pants, you worked immediately on the buttons of his shirt. Desperately, you discharged his shirt, the fabric being followed to his pants, and he undressed you with the same eagerness until you were only panties and bra.
Butcher lifted you up from the ground, hands on your thighs as he guided you to the mattress. He crawled on top of you, spreading your legs with his big, rough hands and leaning down to lick down at your chest and rip your bra off. His action made you gasp out loud at the same time he sucked on a nipple like a starved man.
“You're a fucking beast,” you whimpered, feeling his hands peeling off your panties and leaving you completely exposed at his mercy.
You tugged at his jeans and he pulled them down along with his boxers as quickly as he could, taking out his dick with that smug smile on his stupid face. He noticed your eyes taking the sight of his half nakedness, biting your lip slightly once you focused on his hard cock pressing on your crotch. It only made you wet.
“Well, I plan to fuck you like one,” he said, grabbing the back of your legs and rubbing the tip of his cock against your wet folds.
“Show me, don’t talk- fuck!”
You let out a rather loud moan when he rubbed your clit with his fingers, playing with your entrance until he inserted a single, thick digit in your pussy. Butcher stretched you out with a finger, then slid a second one, scissoring them to reach your deepest spots as your walls clenched around his digits. You kept whimpering and moaning as he increased the thrusts of his hand.
“Bloody fuck, these are the only sounds I like coming from your mouth, luv,” he hissed, sensing that you almost came on his fingers.
Right before you reached your high, he pulled out and you groaned in annoyance, feeling empty once again.
“Shit,” you breathed out.
He positioned between your legs anew, getting comfortable as he started to push his tip against your slit. The grip of his hands on your thighs became a little harsh once he entered you slowly, the thickness of his cock splitting you open.
“What a tight cunt I always knew you’d be,” he grunted, filling you up completely and leaning down to mark your neck with his teeth.
His mouth and thrusts earned him your sweet moans as he fucked you senseless. The burning soon turned into pleasure. Your nails scratched his back while moaning incoherent words. His hands on your thighs would leave marks on your skin, but it felt so damn good. You needed a little bit of pain to remind you that you were alive, rotting for that sweet bliss only sex could give you.
Moans escaped from your throat and mingled with his deep groans and the sound of your skin against his own, the headboard of the bed hitting the wall with every of his hard thrusts. You pulled him down for a wet kiss when you felt closer and closer to come undone.
“Fuck, I’m so close,” you gasped.
Butcher increased the rhythm of his thrusts, his cock throbbing as your walls started to clench around him.
“You’ll be the death of me,” he mumbled against your mouth.
“Do you still hate me?” you asked, trying to catch your breath. You reached down to rub your clit. You were so close, almost there.
“If I keep fucking you like this then I might change my mind- holy fuck!”
In that moment, you came hard with a string of curses and clenching your walls around his cock. The pound of his hips increased and he fucked you through your orgasm to reach his own. You continued rubbing your clit, fingers finding the place where you two connected, meeting his cock coated with your juices when he pulled out just slightly to slam back inside again.
Butcher emptied his cum inside you, mumbling dirty words against your ear. His rhythm slowing down eventually, fucking his seed in your pussy. Once he came down from his high, he pulled out and rolled by your side on the bed. Your body started to ache but in the best way possible. It was the best fuck you had in a long time. After a couple of minutes in complete silence you decided to talk, eyes fixed on the ceiling.
“I hope you keep hating on me…”
He turned slightly to see your blank face. “Why?”
“I love hate-fucking.”
He scoffed with a smile curving on his lips. “You bet I enjoyed this too.”
Within a second, you climbed on top of him. Thighs straddling his lap as you rubbed your cunt on his soft cock.
“Second round? You can eat me out and suck your cum out of me,” you gave him a wink, rolling your hips and leaning down for a quick kiss.
“Dirty girl,” Butcher whispered on your lips. “Perhaps put your mouth into good use.”
“I like how that sounds,” you smiled back at him.
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ghost-bxrd · 9 months
okay so this is an idea I’ve seen brought up maybe once before, but maybe Jason (before the Bats find out who he is) accidentally lets something slip that makes them realize that he’s literally, like, a child (seventeen, sixteen, I’m not sure how old he is at that point exactly, but either works)
and Bruce “adoption addiction” Wayne promptly looks at this obviously traumatized teenager and decides that he should adopt Red Hood.
I just think Jason would be so confused (maybe a little pissed too)
I’ve touched on that a little bit in What you’re longing for (you claim to abhor)!
I think this trope is wayyy underrated. Like, Jason is still so, so young. Basically a child. Even if he died at sixteen and then spent two years with the league (even if we’re counting the time he spent dead as aging). He’s barely even legal when he returns to Gotham. Or if we’re being generous let’s say he’s nineteen.
Doesn’t matter, he’s barely out of his teens (maybe he’s still IN his teens if you bend the timeline of your fic a little) and he’s experienced horrors that would have most people become utterly unable to function. But Jason? That boy takes his trauma and channels it into anger. Which, not exactly healthy, but well.
Anyway, getting off topic:
YES. Jason is still basically a kid when he debuts as the Red Hood, and you know what else he is? A good boy who’s not gonna touch any alcohol until he’s officially 21.
“But why would he do that? He grew up in Crime Alley! Ain’t nobody got time for age limitations!”
Hear me out! Let’s assume he grew up in a household where his father, Willis Todd, drank quite a lot on the regular in addition to his mom’s addiction. Jason experienced the aftermath of this (perhaps domestic violence?) every time his dad returned from a job/jail and he grew to loathe any and all substances, including alcohol. Knowing Jason and his convictions it wouldn’t be too far fetched to assume he’d never touch a single drop of alcohol at all.
So that’s one way he could slip up while taking to his goons (and having the bats overhear) or even straight up talking to one of them where maybe Dick banters a bit and goes “Hey, perhaps you should chill out a bit. Have a drink maybe” and Jason just instinctively goes “Fuck you Dickwing, I’m seventeen/eighteen/nineteen! I’m not allowed to drink!”
And Dick just— bluescreens. And immediately goes to tell Bruce, obviously.
The Bats assume Jason is this old guy (Bruce’s or Drathstroke’s age maybe) and consequently they keep alluding to things that happened way before Jason was ever even born and at first he’s so? Confused??? But eventually it just gets really annoying and eventually he just— snaps.
“How the fuck would I know which Nokia gen hit the market that year? I was born in fuckin’ XXXX, I’m an iPhone kid!”
“Stop referencing the Cold War dipshit, I’m fucking seventeen! I’m glad I remember my own damn birthday!”
“I don’t know, I was like— two back then.”
Bruce, obviously, would take .1 seconds to realize:
“Omg. That’s- that’s a whole child. That’s a whole damn TRAUMATIZED child, killing people and sawing off heads. Omg someone must have hurt him so bad. Don’t worry tho, son, Batman’s got you. You won’t have to hurt anybody ever again. We’re here for you. Would you like the room next to Tim’s or Dick’s?”
Meanwhile Jason: “what the fuck”
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cheri-2047 · 4 months
a scenario where “they find out you’re pregnant after you break up” with alhaitham, ayato, alhaitham, diluc, wriothesley or just any of them?? 🙂‍↕️
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, I haven’t started the inazuma quest so I don’t know much about ayato, this is completely based off on his voicelines so my bad.
as for Alhaitham diluc and wriothesley
THERE WILL BE AN ATTEMPT ! (I had hyper fixations on alhaitham and a lil bit on wriothesley)
I added LYNEY to the mix cause I need to see his x reader tag filled after days (it’s been less than 24 hours) of it not being filled
this will be mostly headcanons cause I’ve been losing motivation to write full fics lately 😔 I’m gen sorry
”You’re…pregnant?” With Alhaitham, Wriothesley, Ayato, Diluc, Lyney
TAGS: is pregnancy a tag 😭 it’s just y’all talking abt it 😭 alcohol (diluc)
CHARACTERS: haitham wriothesley, ayato, diluc, lyney.
MENTIONS OF: kaveh, sigewinne, kaeya, ayaka, Thoma, Lynette, freminet
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you doorbell on his home, only to see…
”oh! It’s been awhile since you visited, uhh… he’s still at the akademya…would you like to wait or…”
kaveh lets you in and it’s up to you if you want to leave honestly. He’s aware you two broke up but decided not to pry into it anymore (to help both you and Alhaitham handle it on your own)
as you wait, you just watch him make his blueprints, he offers you drinks while you wait, but the moment the door opens kaveh packs up and leaves the room
you called out for Alhaitham, as he looks at you with wide eyes.
he nods his head to acknowledge your presence.
“it’s been awhile.”
he sat across from you.
“why the sudden visit?”
“look, remember that night when we…. Um…”
“….what about it…?”
when you told him about it, he was speechless for awhile
”come again?”
you two sit in silence for awhile, both of you PRAYING that the other says something
”…what do YOU want?” He asks, wanting to know if you’ll keep the baby or not.
”I was hoping I could keep it… I just wanted to tell you since you know…”
he nods, he stands up and sits next to you.
He smiles, “would you be okay with raising them together?”
he was actually pretty happy that you wanted to keep the baby, both of you before you broke up wanted to have a family with each other. So he was still happy that you were still up to it
you nod
”I want us to try again” he says, while holding both your hands.
”I want to try to fix this relationship…do you?”
of you say yes, he smiles and hugs you, if you say no, he nods and says he understands, but still asks if he can raise the kid with you
”do you want to move in?” He offers, “I have a spare room, you can stay there while we fix our relationship, no rush…”
he assures you,
you nod. “I guess kaveh’s getting another roommate huh? Ah- another two roommates” he smiles as he rubs your belly.
while you’re pregnant, he takes care of finances, everything really. He pampers you and stuff
kaveh is happy for the both of you just “as long as you don’t make me the babysitter…. Except for if you lessen my rent”
When the baby comes haitham was there to support you
you two took care of the child pretty well (Kaveh taking care of the kid VOLUNTARILY since he’s grown to get attached to them, he even teaches them how to draw as they grow up)
Alhaitham and you get your relationship fixed (yayyy)
Alhaitham comes home earlier to help with the baby, he plays with the kid and does everything in general
he reads the kid as many books as they want, every day even if he’s busy he WILL make time for the kid.
sometimes he takes the baby to work with him, and while he works he talks to the baby (he teaches things to them as well)
Alhaitham proudly introduces them to Cyno and nari and they call Collei the sister of your kid
make another request if u want them as parents headcanons cause I can fill thousands of these
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You and wriothesley ended your relationship on pretty good terms
you still visit him sometimes and that’s how this whole thing started
sigewinne started to notice how you constantly looked in pain, or how some days you come later than usual
she didn’t say much about it until she could have sworn she heard you throwing up in one of the bathrooms.
she asks you what’s wrong and when you say you don’t know, she brings you in for a checkup.
that’s when you found out. “you’re pregnant!”
she says happily while clapping her hands. “Congrats!”
you panicked, knowing EXACTLY who the father was.
“….whats wrong?”
she asks, noticing your silence
“…is it wriothesley?”
you nod, not even knowing how to tell him or how he will react.
“I’m sure he’ll be glad, ah speak of the devil!”
he entered the room, he heard you throwing up and he panicked. But when he entered the room, he had an unreadable expression.
he asked. And that’s when you realized he heard everything. As you nod he takes awhile to think
He sits down on one of the infirmary beds in front of you,
“….can we keep it? If you don’t want to I understa-“
you nod, he smiled and moved beds to sit next to you.
sigewinne went away to give you two some privacy
”I don’t want them growing up here though” he chuckled, he didn’t want the kid growing in the fortress of meropide
”wouldn’t let ‘em even if we had the option” you joked back, as wriothesley held your hand
”…you’re really okay with keeping the baby? Don’t wanna have regrets now”
as you reassure him, he pulls you into a hug
”how do we raise them?” He asks, squeezing your hand a bit
”what do you mean?”
”as…as best friends like we are now? Or… do.. do you want to try again? Being in a more… serious relationship I mean”
mid you say u wanan try, he’ll be happy and afterwards press a kiss to your cheek, and if you say no, he will nod but still be happy you two can have a family.
ge ends the talk with “I love you”
during pregnancy he makes sigewinne go to your home to help you when he’s busy
The moment you say ure in too much pain, he runs to your home, and cares for you the entire time.
eventually you move in to his mansion, and his maids take care of your cravings and all
He feels bad for being absent but every day when he comes home he has a gift for you <3
i feel wriothesley wouldnt want the kid to be scared with the criminals he handles so he doesn’t talk much about work at home
he enjoys being with you, he is more at home now as much as he can.
he’s in charge of diapers, he doesn’t care if he’s out he told you he will do it
in fact he’s like that with almost everything.
The moment you try to tell him “I can do it” he goes
“You’ve spent 9 months taking care of this kid on your own, no buts.”
he wants you to have a breeze with the kid
Every night, the kid cuddles with you two to sleep.
He makes an effort to go out with you two, on picnics or anthing, he wants to make sure this kid is loved due to his backstory
jes also very protective of the kid, he loves you two very much
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You and ayato ended your relationship pretty formally, he didn’t want you two to have bad blood between each other
you don’t keep in touch much, but occasionally he sends messages asking how you are and all.
Lately however, you’ve been getting more sick and feeling bad. You asked your friends about it and they didn’t really know what to do, they passed it off as “maybe you ate something bad?”
you couldn’t handle it anymore, so one day you went to the hospital with your friend ayaka. Ayaka was one of your closest friends, even before dating ayato you two were already close, she went with you to the hospital (since you didn’t want to go alone) and after awhile, you two found out you were pregnant.
“Congratulations!” She clapped, as the doctor left the room. “What’s with the long face?”
“….I need to talk to ayato…. Ayaka do you know if he’s busy today?”
she then realized what you meant, before nodding and helping you check out of the hospital
that same day, luckily when you dropped her off, ayato was right outside, just taking a stroll around. He waved when he saw you and ayaka.
ayaka asked him if he was busy and he shook his head. And that’s when she left the two of you.
“it’s been quite some time hasnt it? What’s so urgent?”
he asks as you two continue to walk outside the kamisato estate
As you explain to him the situation, he stops walking
”you’re sure? You double checked?”
its not that he doesn’t want the baby, it’s just he’s worried about the amount of pain you’ll go through
he brings you two to sit outside (on a chair ofc) and as you tell him you were sure, he was speechless for a bit
”…dear i think it’s up to you for what to do”
”if you’d like to keep it, I’d be more than happy to raise them with you, but if not…I’ll help you get things arranged”
if you say you keep it, he will smile and kiss you on the cheek.
”sorry” he chuckles
”can I raise them with you?”
if you say no he says he will then just support you financially and if you say yes, he will clap in excitement
as you’re pregnant, he lets you stay in his house (in the comments please tell me if his home has a name so I’ll edit it) and he spends more nights working more to ensure you two have everything enough for the baby (even if he’s already rich)
He takes some more days off than usual, just caring and pampering you
ayaka is so happy that her best friend lives with her and she also helps u too, morning sickness? If Ayato’s busy, she’ll be right there to hold your hair back. cravings? She will immediately ask the chef to cook it for you.
Thoma also is more than delighted to help, he’s actually really happy for you two.
as for your relationship with ayato, things aren’t sure. But he would always be open to the idea of trying again with you
once the baby arrives, ayato drops what he’s doing and immediately runs to you, he takes you to the hospital (ayaka and thoma too) and stays by your side and holds your hand the entire time
once the baby is out, he would go “good job darling, I’m so proud of you” and kisses you on the forehead
he takes a LOT of days off more now, (ayaka volunteered to do his work for her even if it’s difficult) and he pampers you and the kid
its up to you if you want to raise your kid as the next heir, but ayato definitely wouldn’t force you (or the kid, he would ask the kid once he’s older if they want and gives him 2 years to change their mind is they say yes or no)
he asks thoma to help him learn how to cook, change diapers, etc, he genuinely just wants to make this kid feel as loved as possible.
if your baby cries in the middle of the night he tucks you in and handles it himself.
he’d honestly be a good dad even if he’s really busy at times.
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“immm pregnant….”
you said, completely out of your mind after you had a few drinks at the tavern.
“y/n you’re drunk.”
he thinks you’re joking, but suddenly you pull out a pregnancy test
he looks at you in shock
“where did you get this?”
“From me…?”
“It’s no time for jokes y/n where did you get this”
“i can take another one if you wanttt”
not only does he have to deal with this, but he also has to deal with you being drunk as hell.
“not now, oh god if you’re serious… you drank too much alcohol”
he panics, he immediately takes the drinks away from you and carries you to your home in mondstadt.
“please tell me you’re lying”
it’s not that he doesn’t want the baby, he’s just scared that you ARE pregnant and since you drank a lot that night, it would damage the baby
“woah there”
diluc bumps into kaeya, and kaeya looks at him weirdly to find you just muttering in his arms
“Kaeya, I need you to do me a favor”
“oh? Not even daring to speak to your brother for months only to come back for a favor hmm?”
“I’m serious this isn’t a game!”
Kaeya then nodded
“alright alright, what do you want”
Diluc explains to him what you announced and he asked for him to go to the pharmacy to ask if you did buy tests.
“alright, I’ll meet you in her home”
kaeya runs and diluc runs to your home, laying you down in your bedroom.
he runs to the bathroom and he does see a box of tests and 3 other positive tests.
“…so you were serious huh?” He sits next to you on your bed, seeing how you passed out from the drinks.
he watches over you the entire night, thinking things through
kaeya comes and confirms you bought them, and he thanks him.
”so you’re gonna be a dad?” kaeya asks, looking at his brother
”…I mean… y/n and I did want to be parents… it’s just yeah.. the falling out”
“what are you gonna do about it?”
”…if she keeps the baby, I’ll gladly help her. I’ll ask adelinde to stay in her home or she stays in the manor” (forgot what his home is called)
”so I’m gonna be an uncle huh?” Kaeya jokes
”I’d actually be really happy if you’d support this” diluc admits,
”of course I do, you’d be a good dad” kaeya reassures him
a few hours later kaeya leaves and in the morning you remember your conversation with diluc
he talks you over with it and once you two reach an agreement, he smiles.
he takes you to his manor and even if he has to work, he’s home earlier every day to help.
he starts building things, a crib, etc
once the baby is out, adelinde helps you two, and diluc overall though he’s strict, he’s really good
be plays with the kid, teaches them to attack, anything the kid wants, he supports
during arguments (if it’s between you and diluc) he makes sure the kid doesn’t hear, he doesn’t want to scare him.
”hey kiddo, let’s get you to your room okay? Ah and wear this” he hands him headphones “no taking off okay?”
You two however, sleep in different rooms.
if you Two get together, then in the same room.
diluc loves you two very much (kaeya and Adelinde as well)
Adelinde does usual chores and plays with the kid when you both are busy
and kaeya makes a bigger effort to visit more
actually what’s really nice is kaeya and diluc gets close again, when they both play with the kid, they themselves get reminded of their childhood and it’s really wholesome honestly
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(I love him so much)
when you two dated, you two were actually roommates. Up until now you two are roommates, and best friends
You didn’t even take any suspicion that you were pregnant, he just noticed more changes in your mood how you always looked in pain.
one morning, you suddenly had morning sickness, he was cooking breakfast and once he heard your retching, he closed the flame and ran, he pulled back your hair and rubbed your back
“there there,”
when you finished, he ran to get you some water and sat with you against the bathroom wall for a bit
“I think we need to talk”
“this- it can’t just be a coincidence Mon cher”
“what do you mean?”
“you’ve been having more pains yes? Your mood has been more down lately, and your morning sickness?”
“morning sickness? No Lyney I’m sure I just ate something bad-“
“I think you’re pregnant”
And that’s how this whole thing started
The entire morning he tries to convince you
”birth control isn’t… doesn’t always work” he mutters
if you’re in denial, he goes out later to buy a test.
once you try it, and it’s positive you try another
”I’m… I’m really….”
he nods
”…y/n? Do you want to keep them?”
If you nod, he smiled and hugs you tightly and if you say no, he says he will get arlecchino to help with the process.
you two remain roommates and you can tell he’s trying his best to pretend to still be in the actual relationship
one night, he talks to you talking about how he still wants to try again, with being lovers and all
if you say no, he respects that and if you say yes, he presses kisses all over your face
he’s overjoyed really, and he’s so excited to tell Lynette and freminet
as for father… he doesn’t know how she will react so he writes her a letter
and she’s happy, she supports, but comes the next question
”what do we do with the fatui?” Lyney explains that he doesn’t want the kid to even HEAR about the fatui, especially with the trauma he got from it but at the same time, he doesn’t want to lie
You two decide to hide it as best as you can from the kid and tell him when he’s older. It isn’t the best choice but LYNEY doesn’t want the kid to be haunted by the crimes and all
he pampers you, comes home earlier form missions and he genuinely loves you a lot, if you want something no matter how far, he WILL get it
once the babies come out, yes, babies, you gave birth to twins,
he was the happiest person ever, kissing you and thanking you and telling you that he’s so proud of you and all.
he raises the kids very well, he doesn’t want them to end up being sad at all.
magic tricks? Always there. Every time the kids say something magical lyney tríes his best to make it come true
je loves you all very much
anything the child wants, he will support.
he teaches them some magic tricks and buys them their own cards.
lynette and freminet visit often and they help you two take care of the kids, and arlecchino
shes really proud of lyney :)) and she won’t force the kids to join the fatui
lyney always does his all to make you all happy, and sometimes he even falls asleep while watching over the kids
he wants to make life as easy for you and sometimes he forgets about himself, but he appreciates it when you tell him you want the same for him
A/N: GOD THIS WAS SO FUN, sorry I didn’t add any periods or capitalization, it’s just headcanons and I don’t wanna be like EXTREMELY serious about this cause it’s just for fun. Anyways thanks for requesting !! I added LYNEY cause I love lyney so much like omfg. I didn’t color code it since I’m not using the tumblr app anymore (rip storage) and so that’s why I have to use the site. Anyways thank you for requesting and my bad again if I mischaracyerized them, just comment if I did and I’ll change it <3 comments on how I can improve are appreciated!
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mollyjimbly · 16 days
Hey everyone, some news update and a call to action :( Yes, KOSA is most likely going to be moving again possibly. Please read the entire message and take action.
1) Call House leadership everyday.
Steve Scalise (R), Mike Johnson (R), and Hakeem Jeffries (D). House leadership (GOP) sounds like they're somewhat in disapproval. Use their reasonings. There is a tailored call script SPECIFICALLY FOR REPUBLICANS in our call script here:
2) Call House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Click their names here:
and their phone numbers should be present. Split amongst yourselves which ones to call because there's a lot of members. If you have time, call all. If not, pick a few and call.
More noise = better.
⭐ See end for extra resources and tips.
1) Movement in the House. There will be a full committee markup next Wednesday at 10 am. The list of bills they will markup hasn't been finalized but KOSA is most likely to show up.
2) 42 State Attorney Generals signed a letter in support of action on social media harms, including passing KOSA
3) Schumer has been pushing for a vote on this all last week
⭐ Pretend you are a member of the GOP when calling them. Use their concerns. They are worried about pro-life, christian messages being censored off the internet. Pretend you are concerned about this as well. Say things like "this will give Biden a win and then they will use this bill to push their LGBT agenda on the rest of us!"
I am urging you to VOTE NO on KOSA, the Kid’s Online Safety Act. This is a dangerous bill that will harm children. Many news organizations have reported that this bill actively harms kids by exposing their private data to strangers under the guise of protecting them. We need to hold Big Tech accountable, but KOSA is not the solution.
The bill let any state attorney general and the FTC to sue any website for “harmful” content. Do we really want blue state lawyers deciding what can and can’t be allowed online? Big Tech is already censoring us. That’s why they support KOSA. This is massive government overreach. We need a bill that actually protects children by creating better security measures instead of bringing about more censorship.
Multiple experts agree this bill pushes age verification, even with the new language. KOSA hands more private data of children to third party companies, which would put them in further danger. How is this protecting children’s privacy? What parent would want their child’s private data in the hands of strangers like this? KOSA is actively putting kids in danger. Do NOT support this bill. Thank you.
I am urging you to VOTE NO on KOSA. Nearly 200 human rights and LGBT organizations total came out in an open letter opposing it. The ACLU is against it. Hundreds of thousands of Gen Z, who actually live online, are against it. We know the harms of social media, and we know this is not the solution. The new language does NOT meet any concerns brought up, in fact many organizations were ignored. Major news have reported that this bill actively harms kids. We do not want this.
The rewritten bill would still allow any state attorney general, and now the FTC, to sue any website for “harmful” content. When you have Republicans calling anything LGBT “sexual exploitation” or anything about race “CRT” to successfully ban books and teachers, then they will use any justification to censor the internet. The Missouri attorney general used “mental health” successfully to ban gender-affirming care with backed up research. Suicide rates will skyrocket for marginalized youth with this bill restricting content.
Multiple experts agree this bill pushes age verification, even with the new language. KOSA hands more private data of children to third party companies. Furthermore, updated language threatens encryption the same way the Earn It Act does. How is this protecting children’s privacy? KOSA actively harms kids. Do NOT support this bill. Thank you.
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friendly reminder!! ⬆️
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redflagshipwriter · 8 months
Hot Ghouls in Your Area
Chapter 2
It was a very weird ride. Danny felt like he was an authority on uncomfortable and strange conversations, given his bizarre family and all the experiences he'd had: but it was exquisitely uncomfortable sitting next to his bride sacrifice and making conversation.
The guy didn't offer his name. He was- honestly, he was built. Danny tried not to get caught visually measuring how absurdly broad the guy's shoulders were. He was weirdly offended that the cultists had sent him someone who was more ripped than he was.
"What's that?" The guy prompted. Jason. This guy's name was Jason. It was a little hard to keep in mind given he didn't really look like a Jason. He looked like… The Red Biker 👻😱🩸 or some shit.
Danny mentally rewound his own babbling and brightened when he realized that there was at least some interest in NASA's newest telescope. He infodumped on rote. It genuinely was an interesting topic! But he'd told 3 people about it already so it didn't take all of his attention.
At one point, Jason pinched his middle finger and used the grip to pull off his glove. Danny swallowed. He tried not to stare at the first glimpse of skin. It was not super light or super dark– a little tanner than Danny, maybe. Not that that said much when he was living like a cave creature in a dorm room, trying to get the grades to be an astronaut.
'He's human,' Danny thought. Of course he was, he'd been sent from earth, but-
He just felt like a ghost.
The confusion put his hackles up. It was weird to perceive this guy as a possible threat. But he wasn't! He was just some hot dummy who got caught by friggin Jeremy Waters. Jeremy. Come on. It didn't get much sadder than that.
But overall? He could see why the Infinite Realms had gotten mixed up enough to accept this guy. Red was definitely weird enough to be a ghost, dressed up for the combination war front/biker bar/club. He hadn't made a move to take off his ugly motorcycle helmet the whole time they'd been talking. It was kind of creepy, to be honest.
The most disturbing part was that he smelled, like, really good. He smelled like sexy death and Danny kinda wanted to roll around in it like the world's most educated cat.
It was with some relief that Danny bounded away from his semi husband, up the stairs to Clockwork. "You know who it is and why I'm here!" He hollered, hands making a megaphone shape around his mouth. "Help me! I'm too young to be a child bride."
"Technically," Clockwork said, floating pleasantly into view, "you are too old to be a child bride. As you are not a child, Danny."
He waved that off. "I'm a kid on the inside," he dismissed. "And 19 is basically a high schooler."
"As you say." Clockwork drifted away. Danny followed. "How is your university coursework?"
"It's fine." Danny shrugged. "The Gen Eds are giving me war flashbacks to Mr. Lancer, though."
"You liked him," Clockwork said.
Danny bristled. "I did not!"
He kinda had. Mr. Lancer could have been a lot worse.
That was beside the point. Danny caught up to his ghost mentor. "I can't be distracted from this," he said, aiming for stern. "There's some human out there who wants to go home. I also want him to go home. How do we make that happen ?"
"Why Danny, have you forgotten about portals?"
Danny scowled. "You know what I mean," he groused. "I want to send him home single. Unattached. Not married to me at all."
Clockwork finally stopped moving and looked directly at him. His large eyes held only a kind of curiosity. "I suppose that you could banish him. That would have the effect of ending your relationship."
Danny hesitated. He'd learned that accepting suggestions on their face could go very badly. "That seems kinda harsh," he said. "Would there be any repercussions of that?"
Clockwork hummed from the back of his throat. "Yes, it would prevent young Jason from becoming a ghost when he passes again. Excuse me, I want that shelf behind you."
Danny moved out of the way on reflex before he processed those words. "That sounds bad."
The older ghost seemed to shrug. "The Ghost king can banish ghosts, and your paramour is ghostly enough to qualify. It would solve your current dilemma."
He deliberately chose not to respond to the word 'paramour.'
"I'm actually looking for a solution that doesn't interfere with the state of his soul and afterlife," Danny said dryly. Then he blinked. "You're really gonna call him Jason?"
Clockwork reached up and withdrew a metal object from the shelf. It clicked in his hand. "Indeed."
Danny waited for another divorce suggestion. When Clockwork didn't give one, he groaned. "How do I find another solution?" He asked, tired. This was another test, wasn't it? It was a chance for him to problem solve on his own.
That netted him a beaming smile. "You should take him to the royal library."
"And look for information about ghost divorces?" Danny asked. Clockwork gave him an enigmatic smile.
He chose to believe that was a yes. Danny patted his mentor's shoulder. "Thanks!" He shouted, already turning on his heel. "I'll do that. Have a good day!"
"Goodbye, Danny."
Jason hadn't moved at all, sitting weirdly tense and tall in the passenger seat. Danny gave him a nervous smile as he jumped in.
"Did you find out anything?" Jason asked. His voice was even enough to obscure whatever it was he thought, and the helmet made the words come out kinda flat and mechanical.
Danny winced. "Yes and no," he said, trying to find cheerful. "The first solution seems kinda bad, to be honest, so let's go to the library and look for another one!"
"...Ghosts have public libraries?" Jason said.
"No," Danny said. And then he frowned. "Maybe? I don't know. I haven't seen one but I haven't been here long. We're going to Pariah's creepy old castle to look at his library." He started up the Specter Speeder and took off. "It's big. And he was a real creep, so he probably had, uh." He cleared his throat. "Paramours." His face was getting hot and red. Maybe it wasn't obvious. He tried to look unaffected. "Probably why that ritual was out there," he babbled. Wow, the minutes separating their destinations felt very long when he was digging a verbal hole. "He probably had a lot of sacrifices he accepted, maybe that's where the skeleton army came from actually."
"Skeleton army?" Jason managed to sound incredulous through the world's ugliest motorcycle helmet. "How do ghosts and skeletons both exist in proximity?" He cleared his throat. "I mean, if you don't need the physical body to exist, why would anyone retain their corpse?"
Danny laughed nervously. "Yeah, that's weird," he agreed.
'Don't ask me afterlife questions,' he mentally begged. 'I just work here. I don't know the answers.'
"Do you like sports?" Danny interrupted in a high voice.
Jason paused. "No. Do you?"
"...Not really," Danny admitted, thinking of getting ganged up on in dodgeball and knocked down in basketball.
They existed in what felt like a confused silence for a few minutes. Danny parked the Speeder outside of the castle and I clicked his seatbelt with a rush of relief. "We're here," he said. He threw open the top.
Jason didn't move from where he was flat against the backrest, only lifting his head. "... Should I come too?"
Danny blinked down at him and waved a hand in invitation. "Yeah, let's go. This is kinda my place now so I can invite you in."
Jason moved forward abruptly, like he'd just gotten unstuck from the seat. Something about it looked wrong to his hindbrain. But Danny dismissed it and started off at a jog. It wasn't his business if Jason was a weird little guy. (Weird big guy? It didn't sound the same, but Jason wasn't petite.)
Jason paused on the battlements. Danny looked back and tried to see it from his perspective. The architecture was jagged, pitch black, and without any of the friendly colorful touches a castle should have. "It's kind of creepy," he said apologetically. "Pariah has just the worst vibe. Rancid energy."
"...Is it smart to say that?" Jason wondered. He started walking again.
Danny shrugged. "What's he gonna do to me?" He asked rhetorically. "Get his butt kicked again?"
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solarrsims · 8 months
greek mythology legacy challenge
hi loves. i’ve spent so much time trying to find a legacy challenge that interests me, and i stumbled upon this one on the forums. however, i decided to put my own spin on this theme, and create my own goals and rules. use the hashtag #greek mythology legacy so i can see your gameplays!!
also, feel free to bend the rules to your liking. if you don’t have a pack i mention, you can bend that rule, or you do have a pack that i don’t have that you think would fit, you can add that in however you’d like.
gens/rules down below or in this doc
edits because of @nom-de-plumbob her ideas were so much better than my og ones!
overall rules:
- you may only use free real estate cheats when you first start
- you can only move onto the next generation when you’ve completed all of the goals
- i recommend setting your life span to normal or long
- you can use any gender for any generation!
- you don’t have to actually name them the god’s name if you don’t want to. be creative!
- try to use their assigned colors in some way (clothes, hair, skin, house, etc!)
god of the sky, king of the gods - white
you have had a rough childhood. your father was abusive towards you and your mother, which resulted in your mother taking you and fleeing town. the two of you settled down the snowy mountains in mt. komebri. she became very over protective of you, rarely letting you out and about in case your father ever found you.
traits: non-committal, ambitious, charismatic
aspiration: successful lineage
career: politician (politician branch)
have a weather machine
max out career
marry and have two biological kids with partner
have many affairs
have 3 other kids with different partners
live in mt. komebri
god of water, the ocean - blue
you grew up in a very competitive household. your father was a well-known and very competitive politician whom had many different affairs. you eventually grew restless of the competitive life and decided to move for a simpler life—sulani.
traits: child of the ocean, loves outdoors, erratic
aspiration: beach life
career: marine biologist
move to sulani when turn young adult
become a mermaid
discover rare underwater treasures
try to keep sulani clean
advocate for marine conservation
marry someone you meet on the island
have at least one kid with partner
goddess of marriage, women - purple
this sim grew up living a very calm and collected life by the beach. as a child, they loved watching movies and love, which grew into a passion for acting. so, you fled the beachy town and went to del sol valley to achieve your dreams.
traits: ambitious, romantic, jealous
aspiration: world-renowned actor
career: actor
become a famous actor
marry a celebrity
get jealous and become a controlling spouse
live in del sol valley
have more than one kid
you should favor your other children over the youngest, whom will be the next heir
god of the underworld - black
you’ve always despised their mother as a child. your mother favored your sibling(s) your whole life, and always saw you as a disappointment and not being able to live up to your older siblings. because of this, you decided to go on your own, and live up to being a criminal.
traits: loner, materialistic, gloomy
aspiration: criminal mastermind
career: criminal
max out aspiration
reach level 10 in mischief skill
become enemies with 5 people
have only one child, and don’t be close with them
god of war - red
this sim grew up in a rocky household. you’ve always had a strong sense of patriotism and bravery, and you’ve always dreamt of going into the military. despite not wanting to follow in your father’s footsteps, you still have.
traits: athletic, hot-headed, ambitious
aspirations: athlete
career: military (officer branch)
achieve level 10 in the fitness skill.
start at least 5 fights with different sims
reach level 10 in the officer branch
have at least 2 children
the goddess of wisdom - silver
you grew up in a very competitive household. you were definitely the outcast child, as you prefer to read books or play chess instead of working out. you move out when you become a young adult with little funds.
traits: genius, bookworm, perfectionist
aspiration: nerd brain
career: scientist
achieve level 10 in three different skills.
complete the nerd brain aspiration.
reach level 10 of scientist career
eventually travel to alien world with wormhole generator
if you have discover university: get physics degree
the god of sun, light - orange
you grew up in a very close and loving family. growing up in an environment that fostered creativity and intellect, your mother always encouraged you with your talent: music. your mother’s guidance not only nurtured your musical talent but also instilled a thrust of knowledge and an understanding of music.
traits: art lover, outgoing, music lover
aspiration: musical genius
career: entertainer (singer or musician)
start playing instruments as a kid
listen to music often as a toddler
achieve level 10 in the singing/one instrument, and level 5 in the other instruments
complete musical genius aspiration
play on the street or at bars for money
if you have discover university: get the fine arts degree
become a famous singer or musician by writing songs and licensing them
marry someone who has the music lover or art lover trait
the goddess of beauty, love - pink
from a young age, you found yourself entangled in the intricate dance of romance, captivated by the myriad emotions that love invoked. however, your journey was not without heartbreak. you, in pursuit of love’s beauty, experienced the shattering pain of a broken heart multiple times. yet, with each fracture, you discovered an unparalleled strength to mend.
traits: romantic, high maintenance, party animal
aspiration: serial romantic
career: fashion influencer (stylist branch) or social media influencer (internet personality)
have at least 10 romantic relationships in your life, starting as a teen
reach level 10 in charisma
as a teen, get the party animal trait
go to parties often as a teen/university student
reach level 10 in either career branch
achieve serial romantic aspiration
have children only from one night stands or blind dates
god of trade, travel - brown
your mother never really paid much attention to you and your siblings growing up. you lacked the guidance you needed, leaving you and your siblings to fend for themselves. your nasty habit of kleptomania started as a teen, from stealing your mom’s stuff to stealing items from public places.
traits: active, kleptomaniac, you pick
aspiration: friend of the world
career: astronaut (interstellar smuggler branch)
live in at least 5 different worlds throughout your life once you become a young adult
reach level 10 of astronaut career (interstellar smuggler branch)
attempt to swipe at least one item per day (or every other day)
befriend at least 15 sims from various ages
marry a co-worker
have only one child
goddess of hunt - yellow
your days as a child were spent in the outdoors whilst your parents worked, and you have lived in multiple different towns. once you moved out, you decided to built a house on an empty lot with a small farm. your farm began to flourish, and you hound solace in the tranquil landscapes, surrounded by your family and your animal companions.
traits: loner, family-oriented, animal enthusiast
aspiration: friend of the animals
career: veterinarian
own your own vet clinic
as a child, befriend at least 5 animal
have at least 3 pets!
achieve level 10 in the dog training
you may never marry. either adopt or have a science baby only once.
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pinkzier · 4 months
Girlfriend privileges
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Lottie Matthews x F!reader
Summary: After Jackie passes the lead to Lottie for a few weeks, the rest of the team isn't so happy
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It felt more like a nightmare to be honest
while the girls were spending the last of their energy every day training all day and arriving at their respective homes only in the early hours of the morning, some getting scolded by their parents but in the end it would pay off, it probably couldn't get any worse
Jackie Taylor was in charge of being the leader this year, but she didn't have the golden patience to be the leader, you and Shauna had a little fight a while ago for a silly reason, and in training you had to train together forcibly, and Jackie didn't know deal with that
" Don't you look where you are, you idiot?" Shauna shouts from the other side of the lawn, attracting the attention of Laura Lee and Natalie who sighs "Fuck you shauna" you retaliate rolling your eyes" Are you too busy looking at your girlfriend or some shit?" "Stop!" Jackie screams when she sees how close you and Shauna are, her screams making no difference
"Maybe you should go and have sex with the boys your best friend looks for you, that way your mouth will be too busy for you to talk shit" you retort "Randy, his name isn't he?" You step back when you see Jackie running to at least try to alleviate the situation that seemed like it couldn't get any worse
Shauna approaches you and for a second it looks like she's going to hit you, then dramatically Jackie jumps in front of you and lands embarrassingly on the ground before Shauna can take it out on you, a loud scream echoing out and making everyone on the lawn look at Jackie, damn it. she looked destroyed there
"You are an idiot Jackie?" natalie screams
and this caused a lot of problems, since the beginning of the year, the team wouldn't stop fighting, every time they got together and it became a law, not to put you or taissa with shauna, or it could turn into a murder, and jackie was the only person who put order there
Jackie's leg seemed to be twisted, it was a real horror, on one side Laura Lee was praying, on the other Misty was trying to touch Jackie's leg and the coach was roughly pushing her away, the rest of the girls looked like statues as they looked at you and Shauna
Jackie made all the girls gather at her hospital bed, receiving sighs and low curses over her, it looked like a wake and no one even knew what they were doing there
And it was worse than some thought, she started giving a speech about you and shauna having to be friends and some shit like that, and started saying that she would probably never walk again that it showed she cared about the team "That doesn't even make sense" Taissa says and is interrupted "Please let me finish"
"I'm going to choose someone to be the leader" "For just a while of course, no one can replace me" Mari closes her eyes and rubs her temples when she sees laura lee raise her hand
"And the chosen person is the most trustworthy here, I would choose Laura Lee but...I think she is too good for that?" Jackie gives Laura Lee a smile when she sees her frown with a disappointed expression
" You have got to be kidding"
"Mari, you're not catching the ball, try again now with Gen"
That was the phrase that Lottie kept repeating over and over for the last 2 hours of training that seemed to turn into 10 hours, the team formation being extremely confused without Jackie, which was to be expected.
"I swear if I hear that word again I'll have wished I was Jackie" Van says, leaning on the goal rail
"We can't go on like this, I know Jackie was too important to lead us, but nationals are coming up" Lottie murmurs breathlessly "I'm going to have to be tough with you guys"
"What the fuck is this lottie?" nat starts to protest running over to lottie and rolling her eyes " You think you're fucking Tommy Shelby?" Natalie says raising an eyebrow
"Who is this" "It doesn't matter"
" The next person who loses the ball will have to walk the length of the pitch 3 times" Lottie says firmly
All the girls sigh but Lottie is unfazed by the curses, insults and even things almost being thrown in her face directly by Van "Are you kidding me?" Taissa snorts and looks at you "Your girlfriend is crazy! We should do some ritual to get Jackie back"
"Nothing to complain about, let's see if Mari doesn't lose the ball now" lottie and mari exchange looks and mari gives an arrogant smile and rolls her eyes, positioning herself while lottie returns to her seat
Training continues and the ball passes from Natalie to Mari, for the first time in the game, and Lottie raises an eyebrow, analyzing
You run to the other side and try to pull the ball from mari, who was already close to your goal, putting strength in your legs that you swear are going to roll over. Now you get closer to mari's legs and are about to turn the ball over when mari gives you One final push and the ball lands in the goal easily, damn it.
The whistle blows and you whimper looking at the girls running to the water fountain, you run to Lottie "I don't want to do this shit" you mumble, shaking your head in denial repeatedly "You are not going" Your eyes widen in genuine surprise and you raise an eyebrow
While the rest of the girls enter, some talking and others panting drinking water, Laura Lee is the first to arrive and sits on the floor "Why isn't she running yet" Shauna's voice resonates "She doesn't need to run" silence
"What!" Mari shouts entering "But would I have to run?" she snorts, crossing her arms "I changed my mind, let's start with who lost the ball for the first time" Lottie says firmly
"If that's so then, she should start in the last training she let Laura Lee fall" they all nod and look at you "It's been a long time, just accept it, besides, Laura Lee is always in the front getting in the way"
Laura Lee widens her eyes and looks away "No offense" she looks at Laura Lee and raises her thumb which is ignored
" That was 4 days ago" Taisa argues to Lottie and she just denies it "That doesn't justify it"
"You're only doing this because she's your girlfriend"
"No, she has this privilege because she's my girlfriend, it's different" Lottie says bluntly
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
enjoy the butterflies - dr3
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x genz!driver, max verstappen x genz!driver
summary: daniel explaining a young female driver that winning isn't always the most important thing
word count: 1.1k
warnings: crying and fluff
note: omg, i love the gen-z driver, i know that there are multiple stories already with that trope, but i hope it‘s okay for me to write some more gen-z driver stories
masterlist / taglist
Daniel Ricciardo, the reserve driver for RedBull Racing, has seen pretty much all about F1 in his time as a racing driver. But a female driver racing? This was news to him. He sees you struggling a lot of times, coming back up to your feet too, but struggling most of the time. He felt bad for you, having been in this exact situation at McLaren a year before.
He once again saw you storming away from your garage, tears stained your eyes. You were disappointed with your performance during FP1. The car was okay, you were in a mediocre car, which was okay, because it was running good. But your performance was not good, at least you thought that. Because when you entered the garage, your engineer was standing there, happy about your performance. It was just you who gave you a hard time. You were the first women in a long time racing in Formula 1, you had to show those misogynist assholes that you were capable of the same things as all the male driver on the grid.
Daniel felt sympathy for you, you were a rookie and female too. With Seb not in the grid anymore, he felt like he had to take over the role as grid dad. So, the next time he saw you, he jogged towards you and stopped you.
„Hey Danny, what’s up?“, you tried not to show him your disappointment in your voice. „Hi y/n, the sky, that’s what’s up“, he laughed his significant laugh and smiled at you. You only shook your head, already forgetting why you were angry. Daniel had a way of letting people forget all their negative emotions by just being him. „Jokes aside, do you think I could talk to you for a second?“ You nodded your head, agreeing to spend some time with the reserve driver.
He led you to the RedBull hospitality, you were unsure of being there, not racing for any RedBull team. Daniel noticed your uncertainty and insured that it was okay that you were there. He took you to Max‘s drivers room, never having been inside. The wall had a big flag of The Netherlands on it and pictures of him and Kelly, occasionally one of him and P. As you looked around, Daniel observed you. You were thin, thinner then usual, shoulders were up to your chin, indicating a tense posture. You were stressed and it showed. Even if you didn’t let anyone know how you felt, your body betrayed you.
„Listen“, Daniel sighed, unsure how to actually tell you what he had prepared in his mind. „With Seb gone I feel the responsibility of taking over the grid dad.“ You met Seb once or twice, he was there when you were still karting. But you were never on the same grid as him. Your admired Seb, posters graced your childhood bedroom with his face on them.
You only nodded, not sure what Daniel was trying to tell you. „What I’m saying is, look kid, you’re good or else you wouldn’t have made it to Formula 1. You’re not here because you sucked anyone off, despite what the Media always says. You’re here because you are good!“, his voice loud and decisive. You looked at him, eyes starting to water. You thought you hid your disappointment well, not really anyone noticing it and no one ever spoke to you about it, not even your engineer.
„I see you, always dissatisfied and angry with yourself, y/n you’re a brilliant driver, always in the points in your first season! How can you be disappointed in yourself?“
You started to cry, not believing a word Daniel has said to you. You were not great with compliments, not believing them and always reflecting them negatively on yourself.
„Enjoy the butterflies. Enjoy being naïve. Enjoy the nerves. The pressure. People not knowing your name. All that stuff. You don’t know when it’ll be the last time. Enjoy being a kid.“
He hugged you, seeing you so upset made him feel bad, he didn’t want you to cry, he wanted to take some of the pressure off. He wanted to help you, not make it worse. You hugged him back, tight. With travelling so much and your family not coming to all of the races, human touch was a rarity. You enjoyed being held in his arms, feeling the warmth of another body and not your heating pad for once.
„Thank you“, you whispered, barely noticeable. He only nodded. He held you for a bit longer, letting you break off the hug. When you did, he looked at your tear stained face, he wiped some of the falling ones away. You laughed, overwhelmed with the whole situation. If the media would walk in at this second, the next headline would probably be; ‚RedBulls reserve driver with Rookie?‘ But he was just like an older brother, or as he said; a grid dad. But more an older brother, because with his jokes and his lightnesses he would never be a dad.
You were thankful of him, you were thankful he told you that and you were thankful that he was there for you. And that’s what you told him. He was happy to hear that. Knowing what if felt like being alone on the grid. Your tears threatened to fall once again, when Daniel took of his ‚Let’s Fuck’ ring and gave it to you. „It’s a reminder to just let all the stupid things fuck themselves“, he looked at you and laughed when the first tear slipped from your eyes.
With a loud thump, the door to the drivers room opened and a visibly confused Max was standing in the doorway. „What did you do to the poor kid, look at her, she’s crying!“, Max exclaimed. His face twisted to a confused look. „Nothing, those are happy tears, right y/n“, Daniel asked you and looked at you with hopeful eyes, awaiting your backup. „Don’t worry Max, Danny couldn’t ever do anything to make anyone cry sad tears“, you insured Max. Him now letting out a breath of air, relieved his teammate didn’t make a teenager cry. „But thank you for your concern Max“, you hugged the older man. He didn’t like hugs in particular, but he knew you were a big hugger, that’s why he always let you.
You were grateful for all the people on the grid, from your engineer to every driver. They made you feel welcome and worthy of your seat. And in FP2 you placed your best placement ever. Without all the pressure coming from you, driving felt like your passion again and not just a proof of what you were capable of doing.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313
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imissylou · 11 months
Herbs and Spices Legacy Challenge
By Sunny & Missy
Hello! This is the first challenge my friend and I created. I had lots of fun making this challenge and I hope you enjoy it as well. I created this in only a day so there may be things that need to be added or taken away once I go through the challenge myself. Happy Simming!
This is an 8 generation Legacy Challenge. The gender and style is completely up to you (except generation 2). Complete all goals before moving onto the next generation. Make sure you look ahead each generation because some may overlap with each other (start as a teen or teen goals). I will create a base game version in the future, but for right now just skip or make up a new rule if you don't have a pack. We will be adding colour's (yes we’re Canadian), no they don't make sense with the herbs and spices, but it's fun so that's what we're going to do!! I'm playing this for the first time so things may change, please let me know if there's any mistakes or if you think of anything to add to this challenge.
You can either start off with 0 money like the original legacy challenge or start out with starting funds, whichever is more fun for you!
You don't have to level up skills to level 10, unless the job states otherwise.
Complete job career, unless stated otherwise
Complete the aspiration each generation, unless stated otherwise
Cheats are fine if it makes the challenge more fun for you, otherwise try not to make yourself have an advantage over others, cc is fine
Must complete each goal for each gen, then you can go to the next generation, You can choose to do the optional goals
I suggest life span on normal or long, short if you want stress and a challenge!
This doesn't need to be a berry challenge, but if you want to you can make everything their fav colour!! 
if you play this challenge please use #herbsandspiceslegacy
Have Fun!!
The link for the full challenge can be found below!! The first Gen will be below the cut, just to see if you like it!
Here's a google doc
Generation 1 - Paprika
You always loved kids, your job as a teacher fulfilled your needs as wanting to be a Parent, you fell in love with a noncommittle person, you thought you could change them, but one day they were gone, you still had something to remind you of them. you were pregnant! Now you're going to be the best parent ever, who needs two parents anyways.
*Aspiration: Super Parent
*Traits: Family Oriented (choose others)
*Skills: Research and debate, logic, and Charisma 
*Job: Teacher (Any Branch)
*Fav Colour: Red
*complete the teacher career
*Complete Aspiration
*Must have a male Child (you can cheat this or have a trans sim)
*Have 1 child, be super involved in their life
*Have your kid have high confidence
*Achieve either the close or supportive family dynamic with your child
*Never date or marry
Optional goals
*Master all your skills
*Get the single and loving it lifestyle
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