#'cause I wanna be creative someway
danganronpa96 · 1 year
Hold on I'll ask a few but not a lot since I don't wanna be annoying lol.
Idk I have a fangan with these characters but the show is sadly underrated but have you watched 101 Dalmatian Street? Really good show, really good characters, really cute art. Really scary finale.
There was a question asked in the Penguinronpa QnA, two actually, and I wanted to ask these questions. Since 96 isn't complete you can just do like the characters slash chapters you've done up til then or just do 69 only.
For each character, what would they have contributed if they lasted longer in the story. Like the role. Antag, development, support, that one character who does nothing but survives anyway, etc
What's one thing for each chapter you'd go back and redo, if there was one thing for each chapter?
Sorry for question count I'm a very questiony guy. Also yes, this is York the guy who gave Bojack-o-lattern a ton of nicknames. Also I've watched some of Breaking Bad and watched Saiki K almost all of Season 1 (dubbed). Both are really fucking good. There's an Ao Oni movie apparently but the demon design is apparently bad, wait shit I'm rambling. Let me stop now.
1. I haven’t watched it myself, but as long as you enjoy the show yourself and the characters you’re writing, then that’s great! As long as you’re passionate, you could even convince others to check it out
As these other answers are kinda long, I’m gonna put them under the cut ↓ ↓ ↓
2. I’ll answer this for DR69 as it’s easier as that story is already finished.
Mr. Krabs - probably would’ve taken on an arc of greed or teamwork that would’ve reflected into Luigi in some way
Mario - would’ve taken on a very tight-knit support role for Luigi, perhaps helping him come out of his shell and befriend anyone Luigi would
Dedede - as a comical character in the story, it would’ve been funny if he did get access to a hammer or something and tried to break down a wall, only for it to actually lead them to somewhere useful (or makes a hole that a killer could utilise for a murder case)
Ashley - like a mentioned in a very previous post, she would’ve had an arc of coming out of her comfort zone and making more friends, gaining some confidence on the side to confide in others. She would probably become a close friend to Luigi, who takes on a similar type of parental role he does with Parappa (as one single man can never have too many kids)
2D - I’d like to think we’d get to see him perform at some point. Either as a performance with Miku and Teto, or maybe on his own without the cosmetics and show lights, singing to someone who needs the motivation
Peter - I won’t lie, I don’t particularly want Peter to be an endgame character, even in an alternative timeline. I think he’d continue to just be a comic relief character tho, just not so loudly during the darker parts as we get later into the story
Sans - If Sans was alive longer, sansmaeda would be able to be explored more than just during the trial and some parts before. Perhaps the relationship would cause some problems with trust, or it would change the dynamic of the group in someway (as the first sort of relationship they’ve been accustomed to). On his own, I think he’d begin to actually care about investigating himself and find some pretty useful things
Fluttershy - for Fluttershy, she’d be able to spread her kindness a lot further from when she died. Since she had her own doubts herself, however (seen in her diary), it would’ve been a good opportunity for her to receive help from others rather than just being so selfless. Also, she would’ve been able to share her drawings herself, allowing her to explain her creative process and see the others' reactions to her art
Brian - if Brian was persuaded to keep going, he’d have no regrets, more easily able to accept certain strange things and focus on what’s most important: saving everyone else. I think he’d often try to be self-sacrificial, but others would convince him they all need to stay alive together
3. I’ll continue to answer this with just DR69.
Chap 1 - add more events to the daily life. It felt kinda short, even if it was my first ever dangan chapter, and it would’ve been nice to see more events with the whole cast before one bit the dust. I’d like to see them all do something together -- maybe find a way to escape even if it backfires.
Chap 2 - this is more of a technical thing, but I accidentally forgot to have one of the three practicing the play (either The Conductor, Miku or Teto) mention they were rehearing in Classroom 1-A and not the performance hall during the night of the 2nd murder. This led to some theories believing the latter, which made me feel a bit guilty as it led some theories the wrong way.
Chap 3 - I mentioned before I wanted to also add more events to the daily life of ch3. However, I’d probably remove that um. Luigi having to be a real plumber for Peter scene because it was just gross and I only did it because I thought some people would find it funny I guess?? Like it’s not the worst thing ever but I don’t like stooping to toilet level humour often.
Chap 4 - for this chapter, I think I’d want to justify why Sans killed Peter himself. While taking on a selfless act as he didn’t want Nagito to die is alright, just Peter making fun of Papyrus doesn’t really reflect why Sans would get so mad. However, this was actually because in a very old plan I had, Peter had actually killed Papyrus himself (idk how or why but he did) and that confession would be what had led Sans into killing him. I mean I guess it could’ve been possible in a prequel type thing but it would make things more messy (also impossible considering Papyrus is alive for the albeit dead sequel)
Chap 5 - I think I would add more moments of Luigi seeing Parappa hanging out with Brian and trying to make him happy again. We only really see him trying to talk to Nagito, and not with the other two often. It would be nice to have Luigi at least know one thing they did together, making the moment it all falls apart in the trial much more harder to bear.
Chap 6 - I can’t think of much I would change here. However, I would’ve liked to add a part during the trial where Luigi reminisces on the others who have passed away, and I would add a CG of a collage of all the final moments of each character like how they did in SDR2 and NDRV3. I just think it’d look cool but painful as a reminder of all the deaths in one big image. I’d also add a CG right at the end of all 5 survivors standing together after escaping the school. I was planning to, but I got quite burned out after basically working on that final chapter so intently after such a long hiatus.
4. Hello again! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed those shows so far since I really like ‘em too. It’s nice when people check out the medias I write in my fangans!
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agent-bash · 1 year
Who in the cast do you think is there for the long haul, who do think is more of a flight risk.
So I wouldn’t use the term flight risk, but I get what you’re asking. There are two special cases so I’m gonna mark them with an * if you wanna skip to. Otherwise here we go.
LaRoyce and Marina
I think these two would be safest bets for series start to finishers if PD does achieve L&O (especially SVU) status. They were based in Chicago before the show started. Their families are rooted, they have lives and careers of their own. That’s a factor. It’s not as easy for them to take a job in NY or LA, especially one with the commitment of a TV series without causing major life changes to their families, either by uprooting everyone, or just by being absent for a good chunk of the year. It happens I know but I can’t imagine it’s easy. And while Chicago is a growing market, I’d imagine they’d still be limited in someways to what’s available to them, especially long term, if they left PD but stayed in Chicago. So I think they’re pretty content to stick around for as long as the show  airs and TPTB will have them. 90/10 on staying I’d be floored if either left in a way that wasn’t a writing/creative choice.
While we know he likes to travel he’s also not as quick to leave Chicago during the hiatus as some of the others are. Like Tracy and Jesse. I think he’s put down some roots there that he’s pretty happy with. Idk maybe it’s just him, because he is a chill dude, but he seems very content playing Adam. I’d give 80/20 odds on staying. 
Now we’re really getting into my more likely to’s. Idk if it’s just me, I don’t think it is, but the dude is hard to get a read on. However the read I do have is that Benjamin does NOT like to sit still. So being locked into a character for longer than a season, maybe two, might not be for him. And that’s fine and fair. Some actors make amazing careers doing reoccurring roles, or short burst regular stints. And if that’s Benjamin then cool. But again he’s just hard to get a grasp on. So a part of me (and others I know as well) does wonder if the Torres absences this year, was the writers way of getting used, and getting us used to, what we know is coming in season 11, character absences in episodes. I’m gonna go 50/50 honestly. Would not be surprised if he left, but would not be surprised if he stayed either.
I think Tracy is always going to be one who is more than happy to stick out her contract, but I don’t necessarily see her re-upping after it’s done. At least not long term. And we know Dick Wolf like his multi-season contracts. But besides that I think Tracy craves new and challenging roles and the downside of playing a character for multiple years is it the challenge fades. And whatever twists and turns the writers try and throw at you really can be boiled down to the same core principles/emotions, the how of it all is just a little different. Some actors are fine with that and do find that different presentation a challenge, which again fine and fair. But others don’t. They still love the character and everything, and they’re cool to come back and play on occasion, but the challenge is gone and they’re ready for a new one. And I think Tracy falls into this later category. IMO 70/30 odds on leaving. I’d be more surprised if she stayed, especially long term, than if she left.
Now to our special cases
*Amy Morton and Jason Beghe 
I believe these two are totally content to stay. The way PD is now (though they have the time to change it up) it lives and dies with Jason/Voight. So factor that in. With Amy, similar to LaRoyce and Marina, her life outside of the show is based in Chicago. She’s taken a few guest and reoccurring roles elsewhere, but she likes to stick close to home. So even in the reduced capacity she’s in, which said she’s more than happy with, I can see her being around for as long as she can. Jason is, right now at least, the central figure in PD. He’s top billed, likely best paid, and is now an EP (probably just a figure head thing but still). However time is a factor here for both these two. Dick Wolf has certain rules he likes followed for his cop shows. Certain things that are accurate to real life. Mandatory retirement is one of those things. It’s lead to the departure of other character (on different shows) before. Now we don’t know either characters ages. But Amy and Jason, IRL, are at that age/beyond that age for the CPD. So while there is wiggle room, especially IMO for Voight, it is on the horizon and something that has to be addressed. Right now also 90/10 for these two staying, but it’s season by season.
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thetentaclecommander · 2 months
*Why do you seem to mostly write RE rarepairs?* Is a question I asked myself a lot. At first (and the number one main reason) it was that I like this pair, they speak to me and are interesting/hot to me together. Later it was 'oh, cause I just like monster/human ships'. Which woulda held true if I didn't end up doing other human ships so that punched that sole reason in the face. Many pairs I've ended up writing sure, came from fleshing out the AU and becoming ascended extras that I love writing about, too. I'd figure you kinda have to at least like a pair to write it imo (I don't believe in being miserable while you write). But they all tended to be just as rair as my crackship main. This was so unintended. And it's not like I don't like the more common fandom wide pairs (most RE pairs/polys/ect aren't canon so it's not canon avoidance either!) I literally will read any configuration as long as the story moves me. Heck, I've been asked to write more common ships (usually in this rude offtopic way: No, I probably won't write your Cleons or Chriskers unless you venmo me a 'I might think about it' fee - again, I only write for free what I enjoy writing about). Every time this happens, I search the pair requested in question up. I see the sheer hundreds if not thousands of fics for them and ask WHY? You are so well fed? My writing style might not even fit them >.> (thou, I'd be more flattered if that was the angle requests were coming from). This also made me realize I prefer writing pairs that barely have a page of works to their name.
I also think to me it's the 'difficulty spike' in writing a pair that draws me in. Like for example Valenfield*. It's baby's first gateway ship for a reason - they are always in someway together canonically with a pre build professional relationship, have extensive history together, they are simply comfy to pair. Thing is, they have to me so much canonical history it's like 'what could I personally even add that canon didn't already?' I'd feel boxed in cause as much as I'm team 'write whatever you want forever' I personally try to semi stay/dance around within the canon box before I diverge AU nasty style. And Jill and Chris have so many fics already that'd I'd be adding a drop in the available fic bucket; both in the permutation of character interpretations and odds are my added story wouldn't even bring anything new to the table. They are simply Too Easy for me and just don't bring anything new to mind that I could write about. But that also brings up that I simply like creative freedom. I like the generalized canon but not liking that a pair already has an established dynamic/story in canon. Yes, I know you could just...not consider it but I just don't want to rebuild over a thing that is serviceable, I want to build what wasn't there in the first place. Your Valendfields, your Aeons ect kinda has that set up already and I hate having things 'given' to me. If I wanna do a whatif then I will DO a WHATIF. And the fun in doing a whatif is the difficulty. The lack of setup. Like there is NOTHING supporting Nemmy and Jill together. Fucking nothing. Just big baddie mon and soldier fighting. That absolute nothing would scare people away; I see free real estate to get creative and build housing on. Because there is nothing I am able to go hog wild and *make* something. Something that other people are not likely to also come up with (or not in the same way). I can break with established norm and feel like I'm treading new ground. This extended to humans - why not have Ada interact with Carlos? They both operate 'under the table', with one affable with a bit of a scruffy boy outlook despite his history as a merc and the other being a cool and coy spy and not giving out info unless they have to with both being playfully flirty? Who despite both being in the same city never meet? Why not? The canon certainly didn't think they should meet on screen but I did! And sometimes, I break my own rules and think there *is* so much there in the canon imo and not many take it, like Creva. Like, now I'm just doing it cause they deserve more - I've no idea why they are so rare (and no, I don't buy into racism or anything like that as the why I think it's just lack of interest, sadly...and people mayhaps afraid to multiship for some reason?) cause they both are likeable and interesting together. I don't see them as a rare pair yet they are, hmm. *Not to say I don't have them on the future fic docket, shhh
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raksh-writes · 3 years
As you wish
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Nogitsune/Stiles Stilinski
Words: ~2,5k
This one I wanted to post for Stiles' Rarepair Week 2021, but since I had a lot going on (still do, since I got a job and I'm slowly getting used to it, but it's calming down), I didn't manage it then - and so here it is now ^^ A small, fluffy one-shot I wrote mooonths ago, like - somewhere in the beginning stages of LitA, but it's meant as post-LitA ‘s storyline. I wouldn't consider this a big spoiler, since there's like 1-1,5 chapters left there and we all know how it's gonna end, but if that bothers you, feel free to come back when LitA is finished ^^ And enjoy! All the love 💗
Warnings/Tags: pure Fluff here, no warnings!
Also on AO3 here!
Sometimes, when Stiles felt this bone-deep tired, his mind would whirr instead of going blank, finding a way to bring him down, down the memory lane — it never quieted, was the problem. And with no will to fight it, Stiles went along, wondered through exhaustion about what-ifs and reasons long in the past, not touched on a normal day. This wasn’t an ordinary day, though, after months of peace and quiet shit hit the fan and Stiles had to take care of it — it wasn’t too bad, but he’s used up too much of his magic not to feel the effect. Hence now he's sprawled over the couch, head tipped back on the cushions and looking up at the ceiling while his mind wanders — and, as many times before, follows a familiar pattern.
It starts with Scott being bitten, goes through the mess with Gerard and with the Alpha pack, with the Darach and Derek, to finally reach what his mind was always running towards — Void. And Stiles lets himself revisit those thoughts — how on one hand he’s been so terrified, and on the other couldn’t keep his intrigue at bay as the demon revealed glimpses of his mind — so similar, in a way, to Stiles’ own; a beautiful maze, a strategist like himself, a trickster in its full glory, always fighting with his mind first and winning in a play no one sees coming, but also so different, so unbound by anything remotely human — morals, ethics or other — a free spirit through and through, uncaring about anything but his freedom, his own sense of honor and now — Stiles. His mate.
Stiles has tightened the thread of their bond before his mind went on these wanderings, closed it up on his end, but something must have bled through. Or maybe it was exactly that damper of their connection that tipped Void off, because no sooner than Stiles is getting too tired with his own mind, a thrill rushes through his chest, heating up the rune above his heart, and hands slide down his chest.
„Thinking about that time again, darling?” the demon muses, voice light, just on the edge of teasing, as he leans into Stiles; noses at his neck with a deep inhale. It’s still, without a fault, even after months together, sending a small shiver down Stiles’ spine.
„I can’t help it,” he counters, arching his back just a little, head turned so Void can bury his face in his throat, drown Stiles’ senses in the feel of his cool skin, of his hot breath and spicy-sweet scent, heavy and intoxicating in the best ways, filling Stiles’ mind with comfort, with passion, with warm, steady, mine. It traps a small whine in his throat, makes Stiles tug on Void’s arms. „C’mere, I want to cuddle.”
„Really out of it, aren’t you?” Void chuckles but then complies easily, withdrawing his arms just to climb over the backrest and slide in place beside Stiles in one smooth motion, all cat-like grace and ease, before pulling Stiles into his side immediately after.
And he latches onto Void almost desperately, the absolute exhaustion weighing his limbs not enough to stop Stiles from shoving his face into Void’s neck in a much similar manner to what the demon just did a second ago, inhaling the scent with his whole being. Rich and layered, sweet and heavy like hot chocolate, like lilac — bez growing in his babcia’s garden — fresh and light like cherries, smoky and spicy like chili biting on his tongue and warm like the glow of a bonfire; all-encompassing in a way that finally quiets Stiles’ brain, fogs it up in reassurance, in heat and warmth and mate.
„Better?” Void asks in a low murmur, nose buried in Stiles’ hair and hands lazily petting over his back.
Something like an agreeing hum leaves Stiles’ throat, but he’s still occupied with enveloping himself in Void’s scent, with covering the demon in his, all of Stiles’ affectionate scenting mirrored by Void’s own easy petting. It’s only several moments later, as he finally feels they’re suitably smelling of each other, that Stiles can relax into a more comfortable position on Void’s lap and get his mind back online; somewhat, at least.
„It’d be easier if I could care less,” he mumbles after a while, a long-drawn breath slipping past his lips. It’s not really what Stiles would want, of course; he cares, a lot, and that’s why musings like these torture him on occasion — no point in any of them — coming back to invade his thoughts again and again.
Void hums into Stiles’ hair, low and lazy, while his fingers card through the wild strands in a perfect pattern of brushing, massaging, and nails scraping over Stiles’ scalp that just about melts his very bones.
„Maybe, but that’s who you are, little fox, nothing wrong in that.”
And Stiles sighs, nuzzling ever further into the demon; letting himself fully enjoy the way Void seems to be so attuned to how needy and clingy and purely affection-starved he always gets when this exhausted and knows exactly what to do to make Stiles total putty in his hands, plaint and mushy and soaking up all that attentive care. It’s not even as if Stiles isn’t all that on a normal basis too — he’s just mostly able to manage his cravings on a usual day, but on ones like this? Well... Stiles won’t deprive himself of what’s given so freely.
„How training went?” he asks instead, remembering just where Void was before he got back.
„With the thunder kit?” the demon muses, like it could be about anyone else.
And the way the moniker almost, almost seems like a nickname now, like how little fox will always be Stiles’, how Void sometimes slips and addresses Kira with little one that’s still mostly Stiles’ but slowly edging on the young kitsune — always blushing when Void uses it for her. If Stiles didn’t know better, he’d think Void started to see Kira as his own; the seeds are there, but it’s still too early.
„She’s getting better,” he adds, after a while, seemingly disinterested, „lasted almost whole five minutes this time.”
Stiles can’t help the snicker. It had been so abundantly clear that they were so very wrong in thinking that Kira just mastered her katana right away — not that she didn’t, but that it was enough.
The first thing Void did was prove how blindsided they were — knocked Kira off her feet in just a few seconds, without any weapon, just his mind and his body. Took her katana in the next as she tried to attack again. The same day — few very, very quick sparring sessions in, as her fox went out of control — the pack got a first glimpse at Void’s true form; the room plunged in darkness as shadows curled and writhed around the demon, all power and too many tails, bringing Kira’s fox to foot with just a look. It wasn’t even the first time Stiles saw it and it still chilled him to the bone — all the while his rune flared and flooded his gut with unbearable heat. It was hot, okay, sue him.
„She’s making progress, at least,” Stiles remarks, smiling into Void’s chest as it lifts in a small sigh.
„The kit’s still struggling with control — will be struggling for a long time, maybe forever even, but... the fox didn’t lash out today.”
And that — that makes Stiles blink, few times, before shifting to look up at the demon. It’s almost, almost like he’s proud.
„That’s... huge. That’s great! Actually, scrap that, it’s fantastic!”
It means she’s getting it, she’s getting a hold on her spirit, and Stiles couldn’t be happier for Kira, she’s such a sweetheart, but that also means... Well, she wouldn’t get there on her own. And Stiles knows Void’s pleased even if he hides it well — which Stiles won’t have. Nope, he’s not only taking in this relationship.
So Stiles pushes himself further into Void’s embrace, slotting his arms around the demon’s waist as he bumps their noses together, a wide smile on his lips.
„I knew you’d be a great teacher,” he coos, trying but failing to imitate the specific, smooth drawl that always makes him run a bit too hot. Still, his grin must have some effect, because the way Void looks at him, hooded, sparkling dark eyes, works just as well.
„I did teach you first, didn’t I?” His tone dips low, raspy and dark, trailing down Stiles’ spine with little shivers as the fingers in his hair tighten. „I’d say I did great, wouldn’t you, darling?”
And Stiles hums in full agreement. The many runes covering his skin, the steady buzz of magic in his veins, trickling lowly along their connection; both keeping Stiles sane and sating some of Void’s insatiable hunger — all of it a testament to just how well he did. The pleased pulse along the bond only fuels Stiles’ want to drown himself in it.
Void'shot breath fans over Stiles’ mouth, making him lick his lips, wanting to taste.
„Which reminds me — we haven’t sparred in a long time, little fox, would you like that?”
It’s almost tempting. He’s not doing any better than Kira, but Void’s been more than content to teach Stiles how to wield the Bo staff and it felt almost natural in the way the katana didn’t. Void never went easy on him, but was also patient and accommodating, always ready to adjust to what Stiles felt comfortable with. So Stiles enjoyed learning, even with deep bruises, aching knuckles and the frustration of how often he messed up; enjoyed, even more, when the spars ended up in the bedroom. More often than not.
Still, as he thinks about it now, the exhaustion brings his limbs down, heavy and sluggish, and the way he’s tucked into Void makes him too blissfully fuzzy in the brain; foggy and warm, the feel of it just plain too nice to move and ruin it.
„Nah, too tired,” he sighs, sneaking his arms from around Void’s waist to up to circle his neck; the tease of their lips almost brushing is possibly maddening, „jus’ want some cuddles now.”
Void bumps their noses together and Stiles can’t help himself anymore, stretching up, up, up, ever closer to tip his head just enough and—
Finally, finally, Void meets him in the middle, sealing the kiss Stiles craves so much it borders on obsession. But oh, how Void kisses him. Like there’s nothing else he wants to do, like he’s made to kiss Stiles, only Stiles, knowing so perfectly well what he needs. Slotting their mouths together, a smooth glide of lips, warm and wet, controlled in a way that makes Stiles’ head spin, slow and steady and deliberate with how Void licks into his mouth, over his tongue, nips and sucks at his lips until they feel raw and red and bruised and Stiles still wants more. It’s almost a problem, how much he craves, wants, needs Void’s kisses, any time, all the time; loves how breathless and hot and coiled with delicious tension it makes him, how the world —just— disappears for those few blissful moments. And Stiles melts into it even when he gives as much as he has, as Void takes everything he can and returns more, growling lowly in his throat in a sound that rattles in Stiles’ chest, draws a small whine out of his own lungs.
All too soon he has to take a breath; lets Void break the kiss when there’s nothing more Stiles wants than for it to last forever. But Void brushes his warm, wet lips all over Stiles’ jaw, his cheeks, his chin, in lazy, slow pecks that feel almost as good, melting the heated tension into something softer, fluffier. Just the way he needs, now, with the edge of exhaustion still lurking too close for comfort.
„Still want those cuddles, kitten?” Void rasps against Stiles’ jaw, a thrill down his body that gets caught at the base of his spine, and—
„Yeah, yeah, just cuddles,” Stiles nods, trying to calm his erratic breath, and licks away the leftover bitter-sweet taste that’s all Void, liquid hot, dark chocolate and spice, „for now.”
The chuckle Void paints against his flushed skin is warm, amused, and so overwhelmingly fond.
„As you wish.” Leaving one last nip just under Stiles’ jaw, Void straightens and looks down to meet his gaze. „Want to stay here?”
Few moments later they’re laying down on the couch, stretched over it lazily; Void all but draped over the whole length of it on his back, shoulders and head propped on some pillows, with Stiles sprawled basically on top of him, head shoved into his chest and tucked under Void’s chin. Some CSI’s or other similar pseudo-crime-solving show plays on the TV, enough to keep Stiles’ mushy brain occupied with ridiculing every bit they’ve got wrong and Void properly amused, half-paying attention, half-playing with Stiles’ hair tickling his jaw.
It’s peaceful and quiet and absolutely perfect, a blanket of comfort and bliss soon fogging up Stiles’ mind, cuddled up into Void as he is, one hand tucked into his side, the other intertwined with Void’s against his chest as the demon runs his fingers all over his back and neck, brushing out his hair — nonsensical patterns and bone-melting caress. It’s enough to lull Stiles into a light sleep, even while the TV drones on in the background, white noise to the brush of Void’s steady breath. And for as long as his mate rests, Void stays still, content to wait and keep watch.
It’s in that way the Sheriff finds them a few hours later, as the sun is slowly dipping under the horizon, long shadows stretched through the whole house. The sight is, as always, bitter-sweet. On one hand, Noah can’t really forget the past, the mess that it was and that still nags him at times, but on the other — he hasn’t seen his son so... at peace, so blissfully calm and asleep, in years.
Stiles seems happy, despite everything.
That’s why, when he catches the demon’s eyes, black and fathomless, so different from his son’s, Noah just nods, short and decisive. And the demon’s mouth quirks up, just a little, before his head tips back into the pillows, hand carding lazily through Stiles’ hair, and — just like that — Noah’s ignored again.
He looks over the pair once more and wonders, very briefly, how the Nogitsune looks so much like his son and yet so completely different that it’s hard to even consider them similar, then dismisses it altogether. Ultimately, it’s Stiles’ decision — his choice to make. And his son doesn’t seem to care, or it just doesn’t bother him, or some other reason Noah won’t even think about. One way or another, as he climbs the steps up to his own bedroom, Noah thinks that as long as Stiles is happy and content, protected by a being as powerful as the Nogitsune, he can leave it to rest. Everything else that might be happening — well, it’s not his damn business.
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 years
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Maybe share this as well with someone who needs a little care?🎀
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Pile 1 - Tortured Artist
4 of Cups, 2 of Pentacles (Rx)
Priestess of Intellect & Gold Magus (Johannes Faustus)
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There is still beauty even in chaos.
You are battling with a sense of lethargy. Some core things in your life are plain boring, stagnant, and you've been wanting to change this for quite a while. Some of you are in the phase of maladaptive daydreaming. You dream of very grand things that you want to have or happen in your life because you can't stand the current reality. Some others are in the active phase of creating excitement that has become borderline obsessive. In both cases, you are spending so much of your life force on creating/manifesting satisfactions that can't last. This has caused a burnout on your spiritual health.
Actually, you aren't doing everything exactly wrongly, you know. Actually, you could do so much better if only you would take the time to analyse your own thought patterns. For instance, you need to get extra clear about why you're daydreaming (or in the active pursuit of) the things you desire. See? Do you dare to admit to yourself that maybe you're trying to copy another person's life or success? And in doing so you become rather fake or shallow? Perhaps you're not being original and that's why your Soul has never been satisfied?
I'm seeing that this pile attracts people who are highly intelligent and creative. I'm sensing some of you could also be real geniuses who possess unique and wonderful ideas. But then, that uniqueness often makes you doubt yourself. You keep doubting yourself about whether or not you're doing it right if you're not doing it like everybody else does. Inside of your head, you're battling with clamorous glamour (or glamorous clamour, for that matter). You wanna go big but you're always battling with your own self-loathing.
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸(Special: post goes Public on the next New Moon in Virgo, 6 Sep 2021 at 09:06AM GMT+7!)
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Pile 2 - Good People Deserve Good Things
Queen of Cups, King of Wands
Priestess of Clarity & Red Astrologer (William Lilly)
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Why are you so determined to believe life is bad?
You need to calm down and breathe. The thing with you is, you're so used to receiving bad treatments from people that this has become a constant in your life. Eventually, this makes you feel on a more conscious level that a lot of things are just hurting your sensitive soul. But I think you're not realising that the reason you're capable of putting up with so much of other people's bullshit is that you are KIND. You're such a kind and gentle soul!
So, you always choose to see the best in people even when they're projecting absolutely shitty behaviours. You're a caring person and you have genuine compassion for humanity at large. You understand intuitively that when people are behaving badly or saying hurtful things, it's only because they're hurting somewhere someway. But LOOK, it's not your responsibility that people are shitty. Understand that everybody should learn to have respect and concern for another person's feelings. If they can't do that, you don't have to deal with them.
Being so caring, you probably also easily take in other people's problems/depression/frustrations/sadness, etc. You could be mistaking their sorrow as your own due to your inhuman scale of empathy. You know what? Immediately go inwards and decide for yourself, now, if you want to continue to allow your kindness to work against your own happiness. Just like everybody else is responsible for their sense of joy, you are also required to make that courageous decision to stay away, and even block, other people's bad influences in your life.
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸(Special: post goes Public on the next New Moon in Virgo, 6 Sep 2021 at 09:06AM GMT+7!)
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Pile 3 - Dung Beetle Steps
Queen of Wands (Rx), VII The Chariot
Priestess of Divination & Red Alchemist (John Dee)
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Sit down and gather your thoughts first.
You want glory and recognition, but the thing is, you lack confidence in your own skills. Thinking about this about you may have made you frustrated or scared a lot—making you constantly feel that you're worthless. Actually, you're not worthless, but you can definitely increase your worth to match whatever it is you want to achieve! Right? The key here is study and discipline.
All good things in the world come with a hefty price. Most of the time, that price is just study and the mastering of the skills required to achieve glory. Who can't do that? YouTube is free! You need to believe more in yourself. Get out of your head and start making the necessary steps towards becoming the master of your Art. Even dung beetle steps are still steps, you know. Those still get you something and you will get to where you want to be. If you're worried about limitations like social expectations or financial restrictions, again, get out of your head and just walk whatever little steps you can take right now.
The thing about the process of learning is that the path is never a straight line. You will be met with various options along the way that adds to the reservoir of your knowledge and wisdom. Who knows? Maybe along the way you find a treasure chest or a miracle that changes your entire life overnight. Or maybe, along the way you find a better option that you want to embrace as a life goal. Whichever it could be, it all begins with you taking those dung beetle steps. Have more faith in yourself.
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bad-jujus · 6 years
oof I know it’s already November 6th but im gonna do NaNoWriMo! i’ve been wanting to start writing some of my stories anyways so my tentative goal is to write a 50k word novel by the end of the month but I won’t be upset if it doesn’t happen cause im not Officially doing NaNoWriMo if that makes sense dkfjhg
Uhm i do wanna ask you guys which story sounds more interesting to you tho!! i have a few in mind and they’re all for my universe I’ve been calling “Stepping Stones”, which is gonna be a series of written and visual stories exploring mental illness, queer relationships, and general diversity using paranormal creatures and themes in more modern settings! Cause that’s all stuff I’m interested and passionate about ahahah
brief story synopses under the cut, please reply which you’d probably like to read most!! I do plan on doing these in someway over the course of my creative life, but I’m just kind of figuring out where I want to start. Thanks guys !! :>
(a quick note: all of the titles are working titles or placeholders if you have any title ideas thatd be cool too lMAo)
“Earth Death": Due to a near death experience as a young adult, Rowan has inadvertently been corrupted by the influence of a Necromancer. She isn’t fully aware of what’s happened until the people she’s lost in her life start coming back to her. Key themes of reluctance, probably lots of exploring loss of loved ones and relationships and break-ups in general. 
"Evocation / Conjuration”: Both Arthur and Kaelib are witches going to the same college, excited to find each other since they didn’t expect to meet any other magic users. Quickly, though, they find out that their practices are a little more different than they first thought. The pair have a slew of problems and although their relationship could be the answer to a lot of their issues it gives birth to more things they need to work together to fix and get through.
“Werewolf Story” (no name ideas rip): After being exiled from the only pack he’s ever known, Daniel has to figure out how to live as a lone Werewolf or form a pack of his own. More about familial and queer-platonic relationships with a few romantic things mixed in. Lots of self-doubting and figuring out trust, especially when you feel you’ve been betrayed in the past.
"Currents”: Shumway, a merperson who’s all on his own due to a past he’s running away from, and Scooter, a studying marine biologist who can’t swim and struggles with forming friendships, meet when Scooter nearly drowns and Shumway saves him. The pair are fascinated with the each other’s worlds but when the mer’s past begins to catch up with him, he has to finally stop running and stand his ground if he’s going to stay with the human he’s fallen in love with. Kind of a cheesy romance story mixed with abusive relationships, cultural differences, and unhealthy avoidance issues.
“Of A Feather”: A lighter, slow-burn romance with angst and touching quite a bit on disability. Glenn has been punished for his curiosity and growing love for humanity by being exiled from his pantheon and having his sight taken away. It’s not too long before Alastor quite literally picks Glenn up off the pavement and starts taking care of him while he tries to figure out how to live his new life in this very different world.
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1040 ampersand Amanda Palmer—
Lying in my bed
I remember what you said
There's no such thing as accidents— this was something I wrote about when I was in the psych ward. That was the first time that I started creatively writing again; they thought it might help me find my way out of what I was in. I wrote a piece that was based on how my niece wanted me to write her a play. My brother said to me “I’ll kill you if you let my daughter down”, and I remember my stubborn insistence that I wouldn’t.
But.. fate intervened. “Fate.”
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(Speaking of , she played her papa song again today. Gave me chills.)
So I started writing for her on a legal pad, I seen about an aunt on her bed and the ghost niece hanging in the doorway casually saying
“You know, there’s no such thing as accidents”
But you've got the headstones all ready
All carved up and pretty
Your sick satisfaction
Those his and hers matching—Reference to the Jack and tinka dolls
I'm not the girl you think I am—the tarot reader
It’s worth mentioning that the first time i really sang this song I was in my apartment,
And fully immersed in a story line where the Tarot Reader and I were twins. That was the first thing I was told when she came to me through the pendulum in the beginning of May 2017. I have a bunch of tapes from those first conversations. Whether the person I was actually communicating with was The Tarot Reader or whether it was blonde, I’m not sure.
Cause I'm not the one that's crazy
And nobody deserves to die—When I sang this today I was in the park, and this was the line I came across the strongest
But you were awful adamant
That if I didn't love you
Then you have just one alternative— there has been a very strong narrative about suicide being the only option if your lover left you. I never felt that way about Jack, I knew I wasn’t gonna kill myself. But when I kept being told that he was coming to be with me, I was always shown blond being on the edge.
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Right now the drugs don’t work by the verve are playing and I just heard the lyric “you leave my life, I’m better off dead”
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Billie Eilish 1046 getting older—It's so weird
That we care so much until we don't—In 2019 I kept insisting to my analyst & my teachers that it was my responsibility to make sure to work this out with both Blond and Jack. Let’s leave it out I was told I would not be fulfilling my life‘s purpose if I made that my MO. Strangely enough even though Jack was the one I was in love with, I felt that the ties between me and Blond were just as strong and since we both were women, that connection was in someways just as important. When the truth of it was, it was just an addiction to being treated like shit. It seems worth mentioning that anti-pleasure dissertation by bikini kill just started to play. But the next part of the song was :
“I'm gettin' older, I've got more on my shoulders
But I'm gettin' better at admitting when I'm wrong
I'm happier than ever, at least, that's my endeavor
To keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure
'Cause, to be honest, I just wish that what I promise
Would depend on what I'm given, mmm (Not on his permission)
(Wasn't my decision) To be abused, mmm”
I've had some trauma, did things I didn't wanna
Was too afraid to tell ya, but now, I think it's time—the scary part of this lyric is I haven’t even really started talking about the really Fucked
Up things that happened. It’s the reason I do 90 minutes of protection and clearing work every day.
And why at this point I don’t even masturbate.
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1050 tonight tonight smashing pumpkins —this played this morning.
From January through May ‘17, I sang this song at the tree every night. I used to go to physical therapy three times a week for the damage in my spine from my accident, but by the end of that spring all the damage was gone. That was how I learned how trees can heal you.
singing that song was my
first ritual.( The palace by father John Misty was just playing at 5555, and” I am in over my head “was the line that lit up my back.)
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I would have a small paper photograph of Jakk in a hospital bed clutched in my right hand, and a small pendulum on a diaper pin in my left that represented my niece, & I’d have my back against the tree; it’s worth mentioning that the very place where I would stand is where the roots bark has been torn away at bit by bit for the last 3 weeks. So I can’t really stand there without feeling like I’m gonna throw up.
I was told I needed to sing it to heal Jakk, and so he would finally have the strength to come to me. At one point I was told he needed me to do it three times a day, but I only did that for a few weeks I think.
I was told a storyline that involved the singer of this song. Once when I was told Blond was pregnant, before the supposed miscarriage in prison happened (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s written about in one of the transcribed tapes under the tapes hashtag) , while talking to special k/the tarot reader (or her imitator) psychically, I was told that the singer & the TR were going to do a spell on Blond to make her lose the baby.
Because, you know, special k was my twin sister for many many lifetimes she said. She would do anything for her twin sister.
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This just started to play, which is funny because the TR met my cat Starla. But that’s another story for another time.
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And yet another stalking song, lovely
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dunphare · 8 years
I got a lot of shit on my mind...so fuck it, Ima let it out.
I’m always having a existential crisis. Shits been happening since i turned 18. It’s been progressively worse since then. Constantly worrying about not being shit. Constantly worrying about being forgotten. Always stressing about not leaving some sort mark. I don’t want to waste my life doing absolutely, or mediocre. I got outside forces pulling at me and trying to go a certain way. I just wanna find my fucking calling before it’s too late. I feel suppressed by my mama and my sister. The city I live in is the most emotionally and creatively draining place.so much hate here.Nothing to do. But some of the people I have encountered are the best I have ever met. However, I feel like outside forces have a hold on my mind. I can’t even tap into the originality and uber creativity of my younger self. I am my biggest critic. I hate many of my ideas because some of them can be linked to an existing idea. I hate myself for many reasons. I know my soul does not belong to Beaumont. That’s why I love traveling. Anywhere else interests me. Houston. Austin (haven’t been here yet). Atlanta (HBHY). Los Angeles. These are places my soul belongs. Creative spaces where I can explore. I remember after I threw my cap in the air at graduation I thoughts in my head whispering for me to run away and get out of Beaumont. It’s toxic here. I am thankful for the internet for connecting me to the outside world cause i get inspired seeing kids younger than me do BIG things. I have also befriend some of them. I love that they’re doing their thing yet I feel like shit ‘cause I realize I haven’t did shit with myself. My friends with talents inspire me so much. I wish one of them would mentor me. For example my friend Ein is a whole percussionist. My homie Gavin, who is a Junior, is so talented. He plays like 4 instruments, and he swims and is like going to NASA. I played the saxophone for a year and stopped and never picked it up. I can’t even read notes anymore. I used to take photos but I don’t anymore. I wanna improve my skills in the arts. I wanna have a talent that I can show people. I feel like a waste of space. I’m tired of hoping I get on someway. I’m over feeling surpassed. I’m tryna be a fucking polymath. Submerging my focus on becoming as big as possible. Its my last year being a teen and I'ma make it memorable.
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