#'The angel and the devil all in one place. How unsettling...isn't it?'
manynarrators · 2 months
So I'm reading Queen of the Damned for the first time, and the following bit stood out to be. Excerpt (pg. 139-141) under the cut because it's a bit long, but I want to talk about it!
This comes from the chapter about the Talamasca, and this particular passage is David Talbot (head of the organization) trying to prove to Jesse that vampires are real.
Imagine, there is so much of you on file as to be the example that vampires exist. You have been recreated in unsettling detail and kept in the archives. You and the painting both survive, but you are not the you in the painting.
Nor are you the most important part of this, you are a link to a story that isn't even yours. Your theatre isn't yours because the deed is in the name of Lestat de Lioncourt. There's a journal article with you smiling. You only maybe know about all of this.
Five-hundred years and you are a pretty thing on a shelf, still. That is what you will always be to them.
All of which is to say, that the show having just folders upon subfolders on Armand is both somehow more devastating reading the book, and also an accuracy! I want to read the files, what does the Talamasca know? How do they talk about Armand? How many people have seen this painting? Does Armand know about the extent of the archive, if so, how does he feel about that???
I'll take questions that will never be answered but that I desperately want to be for $500.
She saw an enormous painting against the far wall. She placed it at once as Renaissance, and probably Venetian. It was done in egg tempera on wood. And it had the marvelous sheen of such paintings, a gloss that no synthetic material can create. She read the Latin title along with the name of the artist, in small Roman-style letters painted in the lower right corner.
"The Temptation of Amadeo" by Marius
She stood back to study it.
A splendid choir of black-winged angels hovered around a single kneeling figure, that of a young auburn-haired boy. The cobalt sky behind them, seen through a series of arches, was splendidly done with masses of gilded clouds. And the marble floor before the figures had a photographic perfection to it. One could feel its coldness, see the veins in the stone.
But the figures were the true glory of the picture. The faces of the angels were exquisitely modeled, their pastel robes and black feathered wings extravagantly detailed. And the boy, the boy was very simply alive! His dark brown eyes veritably glistened as he stared forward out of the painting. His skin appeared moist. He was about to move or speak.
In fact, it was all too realistic to be Renaissance. The figures were particular rather than ideal. The angels wore expressions of faint amusement, almost bitterness. And the fabric of the boy's tunic and leggings, it was too exactly rendered. She could even see the mends in it, a tiny tear, the dust on his sleeve. There were other such details-- dried leaves here and there on the floor, and two paintbrushes lying to one side for no apparent reason.
"Who is this Marius?" she whispered. The name meant nothing. And never had she seen an Italian painting with so many disturbing elements. Black-winged angels…
David didn't answer. He pointed to the boy. "It's the boy I want you to observe," he said. "He's not the real subject of your investigation, merely a very important link."
Subject? Link... She was too engrossed in the picture. "And look, bones in the corner, human bones covered with dust, as if someone had merely swept them out of the way. But what on earth does it all mean?"
"Yes," David murmured. "When you see the word 'temptation,' usually there are devils surrounding a saint."
"Exactly," she answered. "And the craft is exceptional." The more she stared at the picture, the more disturbed she became. "Where did you get this?"
"The order acquired it centuries ago," David answered. "Our emissary in Venice retrieved it from a burnt-out villa on the Grand Canal. These vampires are endlessly associated with fires, by the way. It is the one weapon they can use effectively against one another. There are always fires. In Interview with the Vampire, there were several fires, if you recall. Louis set fire to a town house in New Orleans when he was trying to destroy his maker and mentor, Lestat. And later, Louis burned the Theater of the Vampires in Paris after Claudia's death." Claudia's death. It sent a shiver through Jesse, startling her slightly.
"But look at this boy carefully," David said. "It's the boy we're discussing now."
Amadeo. It meant "one who loves God." He was a handsome creature, all right. Sixteen, maybe seventeen, with a square, strongly proportioned face and a curiously imploring expression.
David had put something in her hand. Reluctantly she took her eyes off the painting. She found herself staring at a tintype, a late-nineteenth-century photograph. After a moment, she whispered: "This is the same boy!"
"Yes. And something of an experiment," David said. "It I was most likely taken just after sunset in impossible lighting conditions which might not have worked with another subject. Notice not much is really visible but his face." True, yet she could see the style of the hair was of the period. I "You might look at this as well," David said. And this time he gave her an old magazine, a nineteenth-century journal, the I kind with narrow columns of tiny print and ink illustrations. There was the same boy again alighting from a barouche-- a hasty sketch, though the boy was smiling.
"The article's about him, and about his Theater of the Vampires. Here's an English journal from 1789. That's a full eighty years earlier, I believe. But you will find another very thorough description of the establishment and the same young man."
"The Theater of the Vampires…" She stared up at the auburn-haired boy kneeling in the painting. "Why, this is Armand, the character in the novel!"
"Precisely. He seems to like that name. It may have been Amadeo when he was in Italy, but it became Armand by the eighteenth century and he's used Armand ever since."
"Slow down, please," Jesse said. "You're telling me that the Theater of the Vampires has been documented? By our people?"
"Thoroughly. The file's enormous. Countless memoirs describe the theater. We have the deeds to the property as well. And here we come to another link with our files and this little novel, Interview with the Vampire. The name of the owner of the theater was Lestat de Lioncourt, who purchased it in 1789. And the property in modern Paris is in the hands of a man by the same name even now."
"This is verified?" Jesse said.
"It's all in the file," David said, "photostats of the old records and the recent ones. You can study the signature of Lestat if you like. Lestat does everything in a big way, covers half the page with his magnificent lettering. We have photostats of several examples. We want you to take those photostats to New Orleans with you. There's a newspaper account of the fire which destroyed the theater exactly as Louis described it. The date is consistent with the facts of the story. You must go over everything, of course. And the novel, do read it again carefully."
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Hi again! It's the anon that made the succubus au! I've come to bother you again with another idea! I hope you like this one, I plan on it being a tad darker with some BAMF Adam.
I went to see Longlegs a few weeks ago (dint worry, this isn't a Longlegs au (even tho now that o think about it, I would love to see that, but that'll be another day-)), and I love the design of the Devil. The stereotypical horns and goat silhouette that you can just make out- *chefs kiss*
So, I'll skip to my point. Adam dies during the extermination, comes back a sinner- in a way. He's basically become totally corrupt by Hell itself. I like to think that he's indulged in EVERY sin for around 10,000 years.
I like to think that Lucifer gets his power from hell, and now, so does Adam, he's on par in power with Luci in this.
Adam doesn't come back as a usual sinner, seeking redemption at the hotel, but instead, he can materialize out of no where, dissappear at will and if he wants, he can make himself untouchable. Completely. Not even Alastor or Lucifer could harm him. And his form? He looks like how we depict Satan, tall, half goat half man, multiple seats of horns, which a goats face.
But I love Adams face, he's a gorgeous man, so obviously he can switch between. He can make himself appear more monstrous (like real world Satan) or more human (with hooves and one set of horns).
He's bent on revenge. He terrorizes Lucifer, makes him see Adam some days, or some tall, horned monster standing on the corner (sometimes he goes completely unnoticed, other times he's everywhere).
Lucifer knows it's Adam, but he's dead? He thinks it's his guilt ridden mind playing tricks on him, till he wakes up and sees Adam standing over him, digging his hand into his side. Lucifer finds that he can't scream, move, or use his powers. He just stares at Adam, as he feels his rib be pulled out.
To add more injury, Adam just crushes his rib while laughing, then disappears. Lucifer heals of course but he notices that he now has a scar, the same shape as Adam's.
Lucifer isn't the only person he goes after, he also goes after Alastor. Mainly reopening his wound as soon as it shows any sign of healing. Alastor is fully aware it's Adam, he's terrified that the only person that was able to injure him is not only alive but even more power than he was as an angel (he wouldn't admit that he's scared, nor would he tell Charlie about Adam, he sees Luci acting off, as much as he likes seeing him out of sorts he doesn't engage (Adam doesnt interact with Alastor as mich as he does Luci- yet. He settles for humiliating Alastor (i remember you (I hope this is you lol) saying that you like one sided angelicradio, i think that would have such a good place in this au, Alastor cant help but find himslef even more interested in Adam, especially since he's alive and seemingly even more powerful)).
I like to think Adam would go After Nifty to, but I don't think he'd kill her. He'd want her to suffer but he doesn't know much about her so he can't start his revenge just yet. Plus he's having too much fun with Lucifer and Alastor.
Him and Lucifer talk. Adam usually only speaks when Luci is having sleep paralysis. He doesn't want to have a conversation. He wants Lucifer to hear what he has to say. No interpretations. Lucifer of course yells and says horrible shit whenever he sees Adam, it frustrates him that Adam doesn't engage at all, just stares. Which unsettled Lucifer.
If you've seen Longlegs, he acts a lot like Satan, standing in the background, making himself known on his terms.
He mainly shows himself to Lucifer, and of course, he does this while Lucifer is doing business around the hotel. He mainly uses his more beast-like form while doing this. Lucifer eventually confides in Charlie, who's concerned about her dad, she thinks it's some form of hidden grief that's making him see Adam. Vaggie is a little indifferent. She can tell something is bothering Lucifer (and that Alastor is acting off but she doesn't really care about that). But the Adam Lucifer is describing sounds nothing like the Adam she knew before and after her fall, sure he was a monster, a devil even but he didn't LOOK like one.
I've been commenting on some of your posts (shhhh) and if there's one thing I make very obvious is that in any form, I love a gorgeous Adam, chub or no chub, man's hot, pretty, definitely sexy. And that comes through both forms. His eyes are still gold, and shine when the sun (or whatever Hell has) hits them, they basically glow at night, which adds a new hostility to them.
Man was a giant when he was alive, he's a giant when he's a "sinner". His normal form wouldn't have changed heights too much but his more beast-like form DEFINITELY has (I know in the show he's like 10" but I think that's a bit much, I like to this he's 6"-7"), his beast form would be more on parr with his canon height.
So basically this au is Adam being possibly even stronger than Lucifer (ww don't know how much stronger because he's new to hell), he wants to cause the man as much pain as he's caused him, and make him feel like he's nothing. Exactly the way Adam felt when he got abandoned in Eden.
I hope this is somewhat interesting to you, and I got through my idea semi well. I wish I could add pictures to asks so I could actually make sense, lol
Anyway, I'll leave that here.
Again, I love your work! I have to say that eveytime, I want to drive it home lol
(I'm sorry I'm referencing Longlegs a lot. I swear this isn't an au based off that movie, it's just the best Satan I've seen lol)
I haven't seen or even heard of this movie but it Sounds interesting!!
Adam deserves a little revenge let's be real. My boy has been through Hell before he even got there.
The angst potential is so *chefs kiss*
Thank you!! You are so sweet! Here have a cupcake 🧁
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rsmrymnt-tea · 3 years
Hey!! Yeah I'm in your ask box fairly often, I really like talking to you agksks. I guess I could have 🐝 as an ID? (as long as I remember to use it akdjsfjs)
I wish I could be more help with sending longer asks um. I know there's still a limit on desktop, but on mobile I don't seem to have a character limit? Or if there is one I haven't hit it yet.
Oh!! Solomon advocating for MC's health and safety in the Devildom!! Thinking about it, it feels weird to me that he'd be okay with a regular non-magical human having an extended stay in the Devildom? Doesn't he consider himself to be a sort of protector for humanity? (or did I make that up uhh)
Either way I can see him working with Diavolo to human-proof things as much as possible, because even if he can't stop Dia from bringing MC in he can try to make it as safe as possible for them.
Though he's not necessarily the best marker for what is edible and what isn't. He does eat his own cooking, and his favourite surprise guest food appear to be Unidentified Matter? (is he alright?) I do like to think that half of the time the names for Devildom food is aesthetic and half the time it is Literal.
(imagine finding out halfway through the year that the majority of things put in place for your safety were insisted on by Solomon! You hardly see him but he's been quietly ensuring your safety to the best of his ability this entire time)
(actually on that note, I know he was only meant to be a side-character, but it seems strange that we hardly see him in s1? You're not interested in the only other human around MC? In my head he checks in on them regularly throughout the first year)
I have seen Simeon's room and it's easily explained! The devs made it like that to match the rest of the Devildom aesthetic, and also canon just introducing aspects of world-building without expanding on it. I can't see a species made for eternal daylight not feeling unsettled by the dark. And vice versa for not-fallen-angel demons!
Hm the thing about MC applying for RAD is that the can't really consent to attending RAD? Either the application states that it's a demon school or it doesn't, but as far as MC is concerned demons don't exist? So they fill it out as a joke or they fill it out not knowing that it's a demon school and either way they're not consenting. Personally though, I enjoy the insanity of Diavolo just kidnapping them and holding them hostage.
Aaaah Making Living In The Devildom Work is so good. I love love thinking about world-building!
🐝 you shall be! Asdkfahd gosh I’m flattered you like talking to me sdfdf And the secret to sending longer asks is to do it on mobile?? Omfg alright Tumblr this isn’t the first time you make no fucking sense at all
Him being a (the?) self-appointed protector of humanity is a canon thing, yeah! Perhaps he decided to reluctantly agree for the sake of the bigger picture? If the three realms are united then there maybe the human world in general would be more safe? Since both the Celestial Realm and the Devildom would have to give a shit about human safety and well-being.
Also yeah… Solomon might not have really had a choice if Diavolo really wanted an ordinary human in the Devildom? We know how he doesn’t really take no for an answer, especially in the beginning before Belphie calls him out to his face in S3… So helping him figure out how to make Hell less hellish for ordinary humans was probably the only choice he had either way.
I like to think they just went off of what Solomon knows from research when it came to the food? Maybe when he’s reminded that he’s the exception to surviving some of the food he’ll be able to remember what’s safe for regular human consumption and what’s not? And gosh I’d like to think that at least half the names are for aesthetic reasons, so many have ‘Devil,’ ‘Demon,’ and ‘Hell’ that those better just be the locals giving that ~quirky local flavor~ for the exchange students and visiting magical humans. Same with how they named their businesses and brands >.>
Somewhat related, the fact that they went back on Solomon being able to make his food look incredibly appetizing with good plating yet taste absolutely atrocious is a detail that makes me a little sad because I love the unexpectedness of it
ALSO YES AFGHAFDHJS Solomon as your Ultimate Protector From Behind The Scenes??? I’m in love with the concept especially since there’s a way to read his involvement in S1 story that goes wonderfully well with that~ <3
Also yes on him checking on MC throughout the year… Though now that I think about it, they probably see him pretty much every day since he also goes to RAD? And in my head, Devildom History and Law are all mandatory classes for the exchange students so you’re also classmates (just a hc tho ahaha) and going by chats, it looks like he invites you out from time to time too?
Like imo it’s a little easy to forget that we barely see much of the entire year that MC is in the Devildom, and since the main story of S1 focuses primarily on the brothers, we don’t see MC’s actual day to day schedule aside from going to RAD. I’ve gone back to reread S1 a few times to check things for rewrite reasons and if you count and estimate all the days we get to see… It’s like less than a month? Everything goes by suuuuper fast if you don’t imagine time between arcs and chapters. Doesn’t help that there’s often an explicit or implied ‘the next day’ kind of deal… Like the Lesson 16 incident -> Lesson 17 Belphie bonding thing
Hmm makes sense! I remember the brothers taking some time getting used to the daylight during the times they were there, and I think Satan commented on it the most? Which makes sense since he’s the only pure demon among them.
That’s true, especially if you stick with the canon of them just being so surprised that hell is real and so are demons and knowing absolutely nothing, not even what a pact is despite all the media about it… I’ve personally gone with the idea that someone else who knows the MC well who’s acquainted with Diavolo sent in their profile as an exchange student candidates after deciding that they’d be able to handle it? Alongside the profiles of several others. It just so happened that MC was the one chosen.
Super fun! There’s so little actual world building in the game that, while frustrating if you want to work exclusively off of canon, it leaves sooooo much up to imagination! And no one can really tell you you’re wrong, even less so if there’s literally nothing on the subject from canon.
(Actually, even if there is, no one can really blame each other for not knowing/caring because so much content is locked behind either a paywall or time, and sometimes canon’s just straight up stupid lmao)
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