#'I'm not repressed anymore!'
cartoonnerdygoat · 4 months
I'm so sorry to anyone following my blog. I got into a youtube series about personified political ideologies and there will be nothing else I'm capable of thinking about for the next few days.
I'm shipping political ideologies now. Send help.
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aidoriimu · 6 months
Listen, I view DL pretty critically because even in my FAVORITE ROUTE (Kou's More Blood one) <- not really story-based but character-wise and the fact that it feels like we have two good endings in this one.
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Like this super sweet cg? YEAH SHE DIED FIRST.
She came back as a vampire though, with Kou trading his sight (and the ability to gaze upon the sky) to simply keep her alive in a deal with Karlheinz.
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mulderscully · 1 year
someone saying ninerose is queercoded and tenrose isn't has to be the WORST take i have ever seen in my life
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crumbleclub · 1 year
They can talk, in death. Evan has questions. He wants to understand; he needs to know the whole story in order to process and heal. He needs to know why Mike was the way that he was to understand that it wasn't Evan's fault; and he wants to know what happened after he died, what it was like.
Michael wants to answer him. He wants to help; he's obligated to help, after everything he's done to Evan. He prepares his story, opens his mouth to speak...
And nothing comes out.
In which Michael threw himself to the wayside when he decided to save them, so much so that he isn't ready to talk about his own trauma after he dies.
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voskhozhdeniye · 8 months
The entire western liberal worldview is currently balanced on the ability to psychologically compartmentalize away from the mass atrocities in Gaza and what western governments are doing to perpetuate them.
Everything that mainstream liberals claim to oppose is on full display in Israel’s actions in Gaza. Racism. Fascism. Tyranny. Injustice. Genocide. Yet they must necessarily avoid throwing themselves into opposing these things there at all cost, because it would mean acknowledging that their own political allegiances are inseparably interwoven with them.
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It would mean turning against Biden during an election year. It would mean admitting that their entire political posture against Trump all these years has been a phony performance, because they’re tacitly endorsing all the things they claimed to hate about him. It would mean admitting their entire worldview is a lie, and that all their critics to their left have been correct.
The western liberal is therefore in the year 2024 engaged in an exhausting regimen of nonstop mental gymnastics to avoid having an authentic relationship with the reality of what’s happening Gaza. They squirm this way and that, twisting their gaze toward empty nonsense like Barbie movie Oscar snubs and Trump’s latest instance of verbal diarrhea to avoid looking at what’s happening. On those odd occasions when they are forced to confront the reality of Gaza they start spouting gibberish about how “complicated” and “heartbreaking” it is and how they hope there can be peace as soon as possible, while frenetically avoiding saying precisely how that “peace” should be brought about.
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Gaza exposes the mainstream western liberal ideology for the kayfabe performance it always has been. The job of the so-called liberal “moderate” has never been to oppose racism, fascism, tyranny, injustice or genocide, their job is to perpetually give the thumbs-up to one head of the two-headed monster that is the murderous western empire. Their job is to help put a positive spin on a globe-spanning power structure that is fueled by human blood. To help elect Bidens and Starmers and Trudeaus and Albaneses who will ensure that the gears of the empire keep on turning completely unhindered while paying lip service to human rights and social justice.
The one faint glimmer of brightness in this profoundly dark chapter in human history is that it might start opening some eyes to the fraudulence of the mainstream fake-left political faction that has been marketed to the western public as an alternative to far right depravity. That westerners might start awakening to the reality that everything they’ve been trained to believe about politics, their government and their world is a lie. Such an awakening would be the first step toward a mass-scale movement into health.
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god how the fuck do i always ruin everything
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thethingything · 5 months
I keep noticing our brain being a little iffy about a couple of things today that I think we'd been repressing a lot lately and that's not ideal because it means we'll probably unrepress it more and be upset about it later, but at the same time it's like, oh hello there, I know this particular sadness. I've spent a lot of time with it and I recognise it whenever it comes back and I'm less surprised to see it again and more surprised it went away for this long. time to spend another evening with it and be gentle with ourselves and just let our brain feel whatever it needs to
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mishkakagehishka · 6 months
it's okay tho bc i know what i'm gonna write ab for my lit essay
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intertexts-moving · 1 year
my sister loves analyzing dreams it's like one of her things so sometimes if i remember any of mine that are notable and not Immediately Concerning i tell her ab them so she can do her armchair shrink thing! problem with this is she is in fact very insightful and i'm the most repressed incapable of out loud talking about things in my head guy ever. shrug
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poeticjackalope · 1 year
the crushing anxiety of being a bad person am I a bad person??? more than a crush its a dismemberment.
snapping sinew, and bone splintering into bone, and muscle, and flesh, blood parting and pooling between organs as I scoop through toxic sludge slicked body and brain, searching for the good in me. marrow seams between the grooves of my fingerprints, evidence that I was here destroying something again againagain
knawing on tendon, grinding teeth to chalk, animal with nothing worth saving in it. what am I? what am I? plunge cracked nails into the insular cortex and dig dig dig for what I'm looking for what I don't have what I'm missing.
stop thinking about thinking about thinking, maybe then I'll think through all of my thoughts before I let them gurgle up and spill out into this hazardous mess on my shirt. on the floor. on your shoes. I run round and round like a stupid fucking rat in a cage except I'm a me in a cage and there's no cage because I've made up the idea of it myself and honestly a rat would be so much smarter than this.
look at my eyes and find the truth sewn into the lines on my face and tell me what I really am. or hold my hand and embrace me slow and tender and lie to me so I can die like this and know you're lying for my sake.
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
Personally, I envisioned The Flash's series finale involving a scene with Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco all teaming up in the field again, with Iris on comms in the Cortex, Kamilla and Joe helping somehow from the S.T.A.R. Labs van, close to where the O.G.s are doing their thing, the JV Squad being Somewhere Else, idc where, just not in this scene, Mark being long gone past the point of anyone mentioning or thinking about him, and Starlight by Muse playing in the background.
#The Flash#O.G. Team Flash#Killblaine#and then the music changes eventually of course but Starlight would be GREAT for getting the action started#O.G. Team Flash can either all be fighting the villain(s) together or they can divide and conquer#maybe it starts out like the would-be season 6 finale and then transitions into something more like the season 4 finale#(next-to-last episode of season 4?)#(whenever they stormed A.R.G.U.S. idk)#or maybe they start out split up and then all come together for a fight scene#maybe Kamilla's job is directing Cisco through a large facility where he has to hack/take something#and Caitlin is either off freeing hostages or fighting off villain henchmen trying to get into the building#while Barry confronts the Big Bad head-on and fights them/keeps them monologuing long enough for Caitlin & Cisco to do what they need to do#Caitlin has ice powers in this btw#with the turn the show took a few seasons back it wouldn't have been doable anymore#but I'm still attached to the idea that Frost was just Caitlin's repressed side#and Caitlin would eventually figure herself out and come into her own#taking on Frost's powers and confidence and becoming a balanced combination of both sides#who likes dressing like a high school principal AND a badass club-going gal#(RIP Caitlin's versatile style)#also yes this goes along with the scenario(s) I imagined for the Reverse Flash's last stand#whether or not he's a part of the season-long plot he'd still be a vital part of the finale#and be taken down in a way that makes sense and is significant to his history with Team Flash (in particular Barry and Cisco)
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emometalhead · 2 years
#having a time so I'm here to rant about a couple things#I'd say I use Tumblr like a diary but I have an actual diary that I don't write this much info for#so like after being sick + concussed I'm doing much better now! no lingering symptoms of either anymore and I'm grateful#caught back up on my school work and I'm feeling in good standing for the rest of the semester#feeling fine thinking about the next couple semesters as well#basically this is just me establishing that I've been in a decent mental state lately. yay!#that's shifting a little. not entirely! I'm fine. just struggling with a couple things so I'm writing them out before they really affect me#I'm upset with my mom's opinions on gay people. she goes back and forth between really supportive and really homophobic comments so quickly#just the other day I was excited because she said something positive in response to seeing cars decked out in pride stuff#today she said lesbians can't have kids and expressed that she'd be disappointed if I 'chose' to be one bc 'there's expectations'#like what is that supposed to mean?????#I am gay and I want kids one day. those statements aren't contradictory to one another but I can't tell her that.#switching gears!#I have driving anxiety and hit and run OCD#basically driving makes me very anxious. I am constantly convinced that I've hit someone/something/caused an accident in some way#going over any bump or uneven road makes me feel certain I've ran someone over#I spend LOTS of time looking behind me in my mirrors to check for bodies/broken things/damaged vehicles or just to check for potholes#this causes further worry that I'll cause an accident by not paying attention to what is ahead of me#I also can't trust my memory. my brain tells me I've repressed memories of the accident I caused. this makes me confused to the point that#I no longer remember my route or even where I am. I'll assume I got off route and make panicked turns that actually get me lost#because of this I'm heavily reliant on visual markers to remind me I am on the right path. unfortunately it is fall now.#the nature on my route looks different than it did a couple weeks ago and it's throwing me off. plus there's new construction.#my usual environment has changed and now I'm back to being as nervous about my school commute as I was at the beginning of the semester#it's all just a lot#okay I'm done now. just needed to get that out before I went into a spiral#hope everyone is having a good night 🖤#ashley rambles
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Prompt: Ghosts
Pairing: YasMoon
“What happened to us?”
Yasmine leans against the car door. Arms crossed, more vulnerable than Moon’s ever seen her.
“We wanted different things.” Moon’s words are heavy. “You didn’t love me.”
“I did!”
Moon stiffens, shocked.
“I didn’t know how to say it back then.”
Yasmine shatters. Moon does the only thing she knows and takes Yasmine into her arms, giving her something solid to hold.
“I’m so sorry, Moon.”
Shame emanates from Yasmine—a quiet condemnation of everything they were. Of how wrong it all was.
Moon should feel anger, but there’s no emotion left. Yasmine took it all.
And you were tossing me the car keys “Fuck the Patriarchy” keychain on the ground We were always skipping town And I was thinking on the drive down “Any time now, she’s gonna say it’s love” You never called it what it was
‘Til we were dead and gone and buried Check the pulse and come back swearing it’s the same After three months in the grave And then you wondered where it went to as I reached for you But all I felt was shame And you held my lifeless frame
@robbykeeneslawyer I am back and ready to hurt you more this week >:3
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
Awfully kind of my hallucinations to take over for my stress response. Love it.
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lonelyplanetfag · 27 days
when is somebody gonna care abt me the same way i care abt them🤣🤣🤣🙏🔥icant do this shit anymore
#i shiuld call her probably#why isnt anything like it fucking used to be lmao#like yeah iwas fucking miserable but ive always been fucjing miserable#at least i had somebody#or felt like i had somebody#cuz i havent felt like thst in so long n ijust pushed it down n pushed it down n pushed it down n im never gonna get it back#but i cant just ignore it anymore but i cant not ignore it either#it just hurts either way n i dont know how to fix it#i wanna feel important again or like i matter or Somethjng#wanna feel like skmebody knows me#n im so fucking repressed n terrified n stupid that i dont know how to make it happen#i cant make friends at school or anywhere else n ive tried yk im always fucking trying#n i cant hardly go anywhere else anyway cuz i dont pass#n everybody says its cuz im not trying enough or i dont want it enough but i AM trying n i DO want it#i fucking tear myself apart about it every fucking night and people say im not fucking trying n im dont fucking want it#but they dont fucking know anything cuz why would they#im always trying so fucking hard#n lord knows i'm always fucking wanting#ijust don't hardly talk abt it to anybody cuz it makes them miserable n just cuz i'm miserable doesnt mean anybody else needs to be#im so tired man im so goddamn tired#idont wanna have to try so hard. nobody else has to try so fuckjn hard just to mess it up n get laughed every fuckin day#n people say to just ignore it but theyve never been there they dont know how it feels#n it's so tiring#i don't wanna do this shit anymore idont care how fuckin good it gets#i just wanna be done#n iwant somebody to love me so much it hurts#cuz m always loving people thst much n i never get it back#n im trying to jsut take what i can fucking get but it hurts all the time
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poppymadness · 2 months
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